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‫الجنس‬ ‫إله‬
‫الجنس؟‬ ‫يأتي‬ ‫أين‬ ‫من‬ ‫الجنس؟‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫خلق‬ ‫ما‬
‫هو‬ ‫الحب‬ ، ‫أقل‬ ‫وال‬ ‫أكثر‬ ‫ال‬، ‫األفضل‬ ‫هو‬ ‫الحب‬ ‫ألن‬
‫سيفر‬ ‫البي‬
‫الكثير‬ ‫مررت‬ ‫لقد‬
‫في‬ ‫الحياة‬ ‫من‬
، ‫وأضيع‬ ، ‫عروقي‬
‫إلى‬ ‫وأحتاج‬
‫بالحب‬ ‫الشعور‬
‫والحب‬ ‫الحقيقي‬
‫ال‬ ‫أنا‬
‫اإلكتفاء‬ ‫أستطيع‬
‫ويليامز‬ ‫روبي‬ ‫بواسطة‬
‫هوالقوة‬ ‫الحب‬
‫التييتواف‬ ‫الدافعة‬
‫اإلرادة‬ ‫مع‬
‫الجسد‬ ‫ويشمل‬
‫ووفرة‬ ‫ذروة‬ ‫إنها‬
‫الخبرة‬ ‫من‬
‫تجربة‬ ‫هو‬ ‫الحب‬
‫هو‬ ‫للكثيرين‬ ‫بالنسبة‬ ‫الحب‬
‫العليا‬ ‫القيمة‬ ‫أو‬ ‫األقصى‬ ‫الحد‬
‫كل‬ ‫يشمل‬ ‫الحب‬
‫أحبك‬ ‫ًا‬‫ع‬‫جمي‬ ‫شخصألنني‬
‫أحب‬ ‫ًا‬‫ع‬‫جمي‬
‫عيوبك‬ ‫منحنياتكوجميع‬
‫ما‬ ‫كل‬ ‫أعطني‬
‫ما‬ ‫كل‬ ‫وسأعطي‬ ‫لي‬ ‫لديكم‬
‫لك‬ ‫عندي‬
‫نهايتي‬ ‫أنت‬
‫عندما‬ ‫حتى‬ ‫وبدايتي‬
‫ألنني‬ ‫أفوز‬ ‫أنا‬ ‫أخسر‬
‫وأنتم‬ ‫ًا‬‫ع‬‫جمي‬ ‫أعطيكم‬
‫ًا‬‫ع‬‫جمي‬ ‫تعطيني‬
‫ليجند‬ ‫جون‬
‫والروح‬ ‫والنفسية‬ ‫الجسد‬، ‫كاملة‬ ‫تجربة‬
‫خالل‬ ‫من‬ ‫الجري‬
‫قلبك‬ ‫في‬ ‫به‬ ‫عظامكاشعر‬ ‫في‬ ‫به‬ ‫الجسداشعر‬ ‫في‬ ‫به‬ ‫جسمكيشعر‬
‫قوة‬ ‫هو‬ ‫الحب‬
‫الحب‬ ‫الحياةيبدو‬
‫يبدو‬، ً‫ال‬‫وسه‬ ‫ًا‬‫ي‬‫طبيع‬
‫النشوةنشوة‬ ‫الفائقة‬
‫اكتمال‬، ‫التعاطف‬
‫زادت‬ ، ‫اقتربنا‬ ‫كلما‬، ‫مغناطيسين‬ ‫مثل‬ ، ‫يجذب‬
‫الحب‬ ‫في‬ ‫الوقوع‬ ‫ا‬ً‫د‬‫ج‬ ‫السهل‬ ‫شدتهمن‬
- - - -
‫روندستات‬ ‫ليندا‬ ‫أغنية‬
‫ق‬ ‫يلغي‬ ‫الحب‬ ‫أن‬ ‫الصعوباتيبدو‬ ‫جميع‬ ‫على‬ ‫يتغلب‬ ‫الحب‬
‫والقدر‬ ‫القدر‬ ‫مثل‬
‫صفارات‬ ‫مثل‬
‫جدا‬ ‫جذاب‬،
‫تعويذة‬ ‫يلقي‬
‫ال‬ ‫حتى‬
‫الطبيعة‬ ‫ستنتصر‬
‫طريق‬ ‫وجوليتعن‬ ‫روميو‬
‫األولىزوج‬ ‫التقىللوهلة‬ ‫مصير‬
‫النجوم‬ ‫عشاق‬ ‫من‬
‫وحواءيأخذون‬ ‫آدم‬ ‫مثل‬
‫المحرمة‬ ‫منالفاكهة‬
‫تذهب‬ ‫نفسك‬ ‫تدع‬ ‫أن‬ ‫ا‬ً‫د‬‫ج‬ ‫السهل‬ ‫من‬
‫وانظر‬ ‫تذوق‬،
‫الحلو‬ ‫اإلكسير‬
‫ال‬، ‫يقول‬ ‫أنه‬ ‫يبدو‬
‫مانيلو‬ ‫باري‬ ‫أغنية‬
‫هذه‬ ‫مصدر‬ ‫النجوم‬ ‫أم‬ ‫القدر‬ ‫هل‬
‫الكون‬ ‫في‬ ‫لطاقة‬ ‫نمتثل‬ ‫القوة؟هل‬
‫يتحد‬، ‫بحرية‬ ‫أنفسنا‬ ‫ندع‬ ‫لكننا‬
‫الحرة‬ ‫الردهة‬ ‫في‬ ‫الزوجان‬
‫القاتلة‬ ‫سهامه‬ ‫كيوبيد‬ ‫الحبأطلق‬ ‫إله‬ ‫على‬ ‫باللوم‬ ‫القدماء‬ ‫ألقى‬
‫الجوهر‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫الوصول‬، ‫المقاومة‬ ‫كل‬ ‫المرمىاختراق‬ ‫على‬
‫هذا‬ ‫قدر‬ ‫قد‬ ‫جيل‬ ‫كل‬
‫األعمار‬ ‫جميع‬ ‫في‬
‫والثقافات‬ ‫واألماكن‬
‫في‬ ‫كانمجيد‬ ‫قد‬
‫من‬ ‫العديد‬
‫الجنس‬ ‫تؤله‬ ‫الثقافات‬
‫فإن‬ ‫اللهلذا‬ ‫من‬ ‫تأتي‬ ‫الخليقة‬ ‫كل‬ ‫ألن‬
‫هللا‬ ‫في‬ ‫وسببه‬ ‫أصله‬ ‫له‬ ‫ا‬ً‫ض‬‫أي‬ ‫الجنس‬
‫السبب‬ ، ‫واحد‬ ‫خالق‬ ‫باآللهةلكن‬ ‫نؤمن‬ ‫ال‬ ‫نحن‬ ‫اليوم‬
‫الكون‬ ‫في‬ ‫االنسجام‬ ‫يغرس‬ ‫الذي‬، ‫للجميع‬ ‫األول‬
‫الذي‬ ‫خالقنا‬
‫بعد‬، ‫ينبض‬
‫اإلنسانلتتخطى‬ ‫روح‬ ‫تسعى‬
‫بالمرور‬ ‫فقط‬ ‫ليس‬، ‫أيضا‬
‫الحيوان‬ ‫غريزة‬
، ‫عش‬
‫مت‬ ، ‫تكاثر‬
‫الجسد‬ ‫ذلك‬ ‫في‬ ‫بما‬ ‫شيء‬ ‫كل‬ ‫سبب‬ ‫لمعرفة‬ ‫ولكن‬
‫الحياة‬ ‫في‬ ‫الحب‬ ‫منطق‬ ‫إليجاد‬ ‫وتكافح‬ ، ‫الروح‬،
‫والنساء‬ ‫الرجال‬ ‫لكن‬ ، ‫تتزاوج‬ ‫أن‬ ‫للحيوانات‬ ‫يمكن‬
‫الحب‬ ‫يتعلمون‬
‫يبحث‬ ‫لماذا؟رجل‬ ‫تتساءل‬ ‫الرجل‬ ‫روح‬
‫المعنى‬ ‫عن‬
‫فرانكل‬ ‫فيكتور‬
‫اسئلة‬ ‫اسال‬
‫واسأ‬ ‫الفئران‬ ‫سباق‬ ‫فوق‬ ‫رأسك‬ ‫هذا؟ارفع‬ ‫كل‬ ‫ما‬
‫للهواء‬ ‫السطح‬
‫األفق‬ ‫وتفحص‬
‫المعنى؟أرقص‬ ‫من‬ ‫المزيد‬ ‫يوجد‬ ‫أين‬ ‫منه؟‬ ‫التأكد‬ ‫يمكننا‬ ‫الذي‬ ‫ما‬
‫إدراك؟‬ ‫طريق‬ ، ‫دعوة‬ ‫أنها‬ ‫أم‬ ، ‫الحياة‬ ‫إيقاع‬ ‫على‬ ‫فقط‬
‫في‬ ‫إيقاع‬ ، ‫قدميك‬ ‫في‬ ‫ووخز‬ ‫وخزبأصابعك‬ ‫يضع‬ ، ‫قوي‬ ‫إيقاع‬ ‫هو‬ ‫الحياة‬ ‫وإيقاع‬
‫الشارع‬ ‫في‬ ‫إيقاع‬ ، ‫نومك‬ ‫غرفة‬
‫مسرحية‬ ‫من‬ ، Sweet Charity ‫الموسيقية‬
‫الكون‬ ‫في‬ ‫الحياة‬ ‫إيقاع‬
‫تقود؟‬ ‫أين‬ ‫من؟إلى‬ ‫هذا‬ ‫جاء‬ ‫أين؟أين‬ ‫من‬ ‫بعد‬
‫الدعوة‬ ‫هذه‬
‫إيقاع‬ ‫للفوزمع‬
‫في‬ ‫الحياةللمشاركة‬
‫الخلق‬ ‫وئامبإيقاع‬
‫ا؟‬ ‫لماذا‬
‫األعمال‬ ‫في‬ ‫الغموضتنفق‬ ‫عمق‬ ‫طول‬ ‫على‬ ‫نسير‬
‫أعمال‬ ‫في‬
‫اآلخرين‬ ‫حياة‬ ‫في‬ ‫والتأثير‬ ‫المحبة‬ ‫الحبفي‬
‫أخرى‬ ‫حياة‬ ‫صنع‬ ‫في‬
‫في‬ ‫للمشاركة‬، ‫الحياة‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫يقود‬ ‫الحب‬
، ‫هوالجديد‬ ‫ما‬ ، ‫شيء‬ ‫ال‬ ‫من‬ ‫صنع‬، ‫إنشاء‬
‫ي‬ ‫في‬ ‫إال‬ ‫بقي‬ ‫ما‬، ‫فقط‬ ‫المستقبل‬ ‫عرفه‬ ‫ما‬
‫المستقبل‬ ‫في‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫به‬ ‫يطالب‬ ‫سوف‬ ‫ما‬، ‫هللا‬
‫لنفسه‬ ‫سبب‬ ‫هو‬ ‫الحب‬
‫االفضل‬ ‫هو‬ ‫الحب‬،‫أقل‬ ‫وال‬
GOD OF SEX - guide
Love is the best
Nothing more, nothing less, love is the best
These are the words of the song by Labi Siffre
“I got too much life
Running through my veins
Going to waste
And I need to feel
Real love and the love ever after
I cannot get enough”
Lyrics of “feel” by Robbie Williams
To love is a “total” experience
Love for many is the máximum or Supreme value
Love is a driving force that conforms will, and interest and tenderness and caress
And passion
It includes body, heart, mind and will
It’s a zenit and plenitude of human experience
Love includes all of the person
'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you,
Song by John Legend
All combined, a total experience, body, psyche, spirit.
Running thru your body
Feel it in the flesh
Feel it in your bones
Feel it in your heart
Love is a life force
Love seems so natural and easy
The body so beautiful, attractive
The feelings so supreme, extasy
The sympathy euphoric, complete
All attracts like two magnets
The closer, the more intense
Its so easy to fall in love –
Song by Linda Rondstat
Love conquers all
Love seems to cancel will power – Destiny and Fate
Her sirens - so attractive for Ulysses
bewitching it casts a spell until we can’t look back - So nature conquers will
Romeo and juliet by fate met
At first glance
A pair of star-crossed lovers
Like Adam and Eve they take of forbidden fruit
So let yourself go,
Taste and see the sweet elixir
May as well fall in love in NYC
Barry Manilow dont fight it…
Is destiny or stars the source of this force?
Are we complices with an energy in the universe?
Yet freely we let ourselves fall,
Yet the couple unite in free concourse
You decide which course to follow with whom you choose
The Ancients blamed it on the God of Love
Diana shot her arrows
Lethal, on target, Penetrating all resistence
Reaching the core
Every generation has appreciated this
In all ages and places-cultures
Culture praises its glories
It has been glorified, deified in history
So many cultures deified sex
Since all creation comes from God
So also sex has its origin and cause in God
Today we don’t believe in deities
But one Creator, first cause of all
In harmony with the universo
In the universo since he keeps it beating
Yet beyond it, evasive, independent, transcendent
Man’s spirit seeks to trascend also
Not just be another animal –
live, reproduce, die
But to know the reason for everything
Including the body, the soul, and wrestles to find the logic of love in life
Animals can pair off, but men and women - more,
They learn to love
Man’s spirit wonders why?
Man searches for reason – Victor Frankl
Ask questions
What’s it all about?
Lift up your head and ask.
Surface for air and scan the horizon
Where is safe ground,
Where is there more meaning?
A vocation, a path of realization
To jive with the rhythm of life
Yet from where?
Where did this come from?
Where does it lead?
this invitation to beat with the rhythm of life
to partake in harmony with the rhythm of creation.
We march along the deep of mystery
Expend yourself in deeds - In acts of love
In loving and making an impression in others lives - In making other lives
Love leads to life
To Participate in creating
Making out of nothing, what is new
What only the future knew
What only the future will re-claim
Love is reason to itself.
Nothing more, nothing less,
love is the best
Advent and Christmas – time of hope and peace
Amoris Laetitia – ch 1
Amoris Laetitia – ch 2
Amoris Laetitia – ch 3
Amoris Laetitia – ch 4
Amoris Laetitia – ch 5
Amoris Laetitia – ch 6
Amoris Laetitia – ch 7
Amoris Laetitia – ch 8
Amoris Laetitia – ch 9
Amoris Laetitia – general introduction
Christ is Alive
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 1 – Church and Family today
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 2 - God’s plan for the family
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 1 – family as a Community
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 2 – serving life and education
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 3 – mission of the family in society
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 4 - Family in the Church
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 4 Pastoral familiar
Football in Spain
Haurietis aquas – devotion to the Sacred Heart by Pius XII
Holidays and Holy Days
Holy Spirit
Holy Week – drawings for children
Holy Week – glmjpses of the last hours of JC
Inauguration of President Donald Trump
Juno explores Jupiter
Laudato si 1 – care for the common home
Laudato si 2 – Gospel of creation
Laudato si 3 – Human roots of the ecological crisis
Laudato si 4 – integral ecology
Laudato si 5 – lines of approach and action
Laudato si 6 – Education y Ecological Spirituality
Love and Marriage 1- phenomenon of sex
Love and Marriage 2 – growing up to sexual maturity
Love and Marriage 3 – psychological differences and complimentarity
Love and Marriage 4- causes of sexual attraction
Love and Marriage 5- freedom and intimacy
Love and Marriage 6 - human love
Love and Marriage 7 - destiny of human love
Love and Marriage 8- marriage between Christian believers
Love and Marriage 9 – sacrament of marriage
Lumen Fidei – ch 1,2,3,4
Medjugore Pilgrimage
Misericordiae Vultus in English
Mother Teresa of Calcuta – Saint
Pope Franciss in Thailand
Pope Francis in Japan
Pope Francis in Sweden
Pope Francis in America
Pope Francis in the WYD in Poland 2016
Resurrection of Jesus Christ –according to the Gospels
Russian Revolution and Communismo 3 civil war 1918.1921
Russian Revolution and Communism 1
Russian Revolution and Communismo 2
Saint Joseph
Saint Patrick and Ireland
Sunday – day of the Lord
Thanksgiving – History and Customs
The Body, the cult – (Eucharist)
Vocation –
Way of the Cross – drawings for children
For commentaries – email –
Fb – Martin M Flynn
Donations to - Congregación Legionarios de Cristo
IBAN: ES3700491749852910000635
Dirección banco: Plaza de Parma, 8, Montequinto. CP 41700 Dos Hermanas,
Sevilla. España.
Adviento y Navidad, tiempo de esperanza
Amor y Matrimonio 1 fenomenon del sexo
Amor y Matrimonio 2 creciendo hacia el amor
Amor y Matrimonio 3 diferencias sicologicas
Amor y Matrimonio 4 causa de la atraccion sexual
Amor y Matrimonio 5 liberta e intimidad
Amor y Matrimonio 6 amor humano
Amor y Matrimonio 7 destino del amor humano
Amor y Matrimonio 8 matrimonio entre hombre y mujer
Amor y Matrimonio 9 teologia del matrimonio
Amoris Laetitia – cap 1
Amoris Laetitia – cap 2
Amoris Laetitia – cap 3
Amoris Laetitia – cap 4
Amoris Laetitia – cap 5
Amoris Laetitia – cap 6
Amoris Laetitia – cap 7
Amoris Laetitia – cap 8
Amoris Laetitia – cap 9
Amoris Laetitia – introducción general
Cristo Vive
Domingo – día del Señor
El camino de la cruz de JC en dibujos para niños
El Cuerpo, el culto – (eucaristía)
El Dios del sexo
Espíritu Santo
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 1 – iglesia y familia hoy
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 2 - el plan de Dios para la familia
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 1 – familia como comunidad
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 2 – servicio a la vida y educación
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 3 – misión de la familia en la sociedad
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 4 - participación de la familia en la iglesia
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 4 Pastoral familiar
Fátima – Historia de las Apariciones de la Virgen
Feria de Sevilla
Haurietis aquas – el culto al Sagrado Corazón
Hermandades y cofradías
Lumen Fidei – cap 1,2,3,4
Madre Teresa de Calcuta – Santa
María y la Biblia
Medjugore peregrinación
Misericordiae Vultus en Español
Papa Francisco en Bulgaria
Papa Francisco en Rumania
Papa Francisco en Marruecos
Papa Francisco en México
Papa Francisco – mensaje para la Jornada Mundial Juventud 2016
Papa Francisco – visita a Chile
Papa Francisco – visita a Perú
Papa Francisco en Colombia 1 + 2
Papa Francisco en Cuba
Papa Francisco en Fátima
Papa Francisco en la JMJ 2016 – Polonia
Resurrección de Jesucristo – según los Evangelios
Revolución Rusa y Comunismo 1
Revolución Rusa y comunismo 2
Revolución Rusa y Comunismo 3
San José
Santiago Apóstol
Semana santa – Vistas de las últimas horas de JC
Vacaciones Cristianas
Vocación – www.vocació
Para comentarios – email –
fb – martin m. flynn
Donativos a - Congregación Legionarios de Cristo
IBAN: ES3700491749852910000635
Dirección banco: Plaza de Parma, 8, Montequinto. CP 41700 Dos
Hermanas, Sevilla. España.
God of Sex (Arabic)

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  • 3. " ‫هو‬ ‫الحب‬ ، ‫أقل‬ ‫وال‬ ‫أكثر‬ ‫ال‬، ‫األفضل‬ ‫هو‬ ‫الحب‬ ‫ألن‬ ‫األفضل‬ " - ‫سيفر‬ ‫البي‬
  • 4. " ‫الكثير‬ ‫مررت‬ ‫لقد‬ ‫في‬ ‫الحياة‬ ‫من‬ ، ‫وأضيع‬ ، ‫عروقي‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫وأحتاج‬ ‫بالحب‬ ‫الشعور‬ ‫والحب‬ ‫الحقيقي‬ ‫األبدي‬ . ‫ال‬ ‫أنا‬ ‫اإلكتفاء‬ ‫أستطيع‬ " ‫كلمات‬ " ‫يشعر‬ " ‫ويليامز‬ ‫روبي‬ ‫بواسطة‬
  • 5. ‫هوالقوة‬ ‫الحب‬ ‫التييتواف‬ ‫الدافعة‬ ‫ق‬ ‫اإلرادة‬ ‫مع‬ ‫والفائدةوالحنان‬، ‫والمداعبة‬ ... ‫والعاطفة‬ . ‫الجسد‬ ‫ويشمل‬ ‫والقلب‬ ‫والعقلوسوف‬ . ‫ووفرة‬ ‫ذروة‬ ‫إنها‬ ‫الخبرة‬ ‫من‬ ‫اإلنسانية‬ . ‫تجربة‬ ‫هو‬ ‫الحب‬ " ‫كاملة‬ " - ‫هو‬ ‫للكثيرين‬ ‫بالنسبة‬ ‫الحب‬ ‫العليا‬ ‫القيمة‬ ‫أو‬ ‫األقصى‬ ‫الحد‬
  • 6. ‫كل‬ ‫يشمل‬ ‫الحب‬ ‫أحبك‬ ‫ًا‬‫ع‬‫جمي‬ ‫شخصألنني‬ ‫أحب‬ ‫ًا‬‫ع‬‫جمي‬ ‫عيوبك‬ ‫منحنياتكوجميع‬ ‫المثالية‬ . ‫ما‬ ‫كل‬ ‫أعطني‬ ‫ما‬ ‫كل‬ ‫وسأعطي‬ ‫لي‬ ‫لديكم‬ ‫لك‬ ‫عندي‬ " ‫نهايتي‬ ‫أنت‬ ‫عندما‬ ‫حتى‬ ‫وبدايتي‬ ‫ألنني‬ ‫أفوز‬ ‫أنا‬ ‫أخسر‬ ‫وأنتم‬ ‫ًا‬‫ع‬‫جمي‬ ‫أعطيكم‬ ‫ًا‬‫ع‬‫جمي‬ ‫تعطيني‬ " ‫أغنية‬ ‫ليجند‬ ‫جون‬
  • 7. " ‫والروح‬ ‫والنفسية‬ ‫الجسد‬، ‫كاملة‬ ‫تجربة‬ . ‫خالل‬ ‫من‬ ‫الجري‬ ‫قلبك‬ ‫في‬ ‫به‬ ‫عظامكاشعر‬ ‫في‬ ‫به‬ ‫الجسداشعر‬ ‫في‬ ‫به‬ ‫جسمكيشعر‬ "
  • 8. ‫قوة‬ ‫هو‬ ‫الحب‬ ‫الحب‬ ‫الحياةيبدو‬ ‫يبدو‬، ً‫ال‬‫وسه‬ ‫ًا‬‫ي‬‫طبيع‬ ‫الجسدجميل‬ ‫ملفت‬،‫جدا‬ ‫لالنتباهالمشاعر‬ ‫النشوةنشوة‬ ‫الفائقة‬ ‫اكتمال‬، ‫التعاطف‬ .
  • 9. ‫زادت‬ ، ‫اقتربنا‬ ‫كلما‬، ‫مغناطيسين‬ ‫مثل‬ ، ‫يجذب‬ ‫الحب‬ ‫في‬ ‫الوقوع‬ ‫ا‬ً‫د‬‫ج‬ ‫السهل‬ ‫شدتهمن‬ - - - - ‫روندستات‬ ‫ليندا‬ ‫أغنية‬
  • 10. ‫ق‬ ‫يلغي‬ ‫الحب‬ ‫أن‬ ‫الصعوباتيبدو‬ ‫جميع‬ ‫على‬ ‫يتغلب‬ ‫الحب‬ ‫وة‬ ‫اإلرادة‬ - ‫والقدر‬ ‫القدر‬ ‫مثل‬
  • 11. ‫صفارات‬ ‫مثل‬ ‫االنذارألوليسيس‬ ‫جدا‬ ‫جذاب‬، - ‫خالب‬ . ‫تعويذة‬ ‫يلقي‬ ‫ال‬ ‫حتى‬ ‫يستطيعانظر‬ ‫للخلف‬ - ‫لذلك‬ ‫الطبيعة‬ ‫ستنتصر‬
  • 12. ‫طريق‬ ‫وجوليتعن‬ ‫روميو‬ ‫األولىزوج‬ ‫التقىللوهلة‬ ‫مصير‬ ‫النجوم‬ ‫عشاق‬ ‫من‬
  • 14. ‫تذهب‬ ‫نفسك‬ ‫تدع‬ ‫أن‬ ‫ا‬ً‫د‬‫ج‬ ‫السهل‬ ‫من‬ ‫وانظر‬ ‫تذوق‬، - ‫الحلو‬ ‫اإلكسير‬
  • 15. ‫ال‬، ‫يقول‬ ‫أنه‬ ‫يبدو‬ ‫تقاومها‬ ... ‫مانيلو‬ ‫باري‬ ‫أغنية‬
  • 16. ‫هذه‬ ‫مصدر‬ ‫النجوم‬ ‫أم‬ ‫القدر‬ ‫هل‬ ‫الكون‬ ‫في‬ ‫لطاقة‬ ‫نمتثل‬ ‫القوة؟هل‬ ‫؟‬
  • 17. ‫يتحد‬، ‫بحرية‬ ‫أنفسنا‬ ‫ندع‬ ‫لكننا‬ ‫الحرة‬ ‫الردهة‬ ‫في‬ ‫الزوجان‬
  • 18. ‫القاتلة‬ ‫سهامه‬ ‫كيوبيد‬ ‫الحبأطلق‬ ‫إله‬ ‫على‬ ‫باللوم‬ ‫القدماء‬ ‫ألقى‬ ‫الجوهر‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫الوصول‬، ‫المقاومة‬ ‫كل‬ ‫المرمىاختراق‬ ‫على‬ .
  • 19. ‫هذا‬ ‫قدر‬ ‫قد‬ ‫جيل‬ ‫كل‬ . ‫األعمار‬ ‫جميع‬ ‫في‬ ‫والثقافات‬ ‫واألماكن‬ .
  • 20. ‫في‬ ‫كانمجيد‬ ‫قد‬ ‫التاريخ‬ . ‫من‬ ‫العديد‬ ‫الجنس‬ ‫تؤله‬ ‫الثقافات‬
  • 21. ‫فإن‬ ‫اللهلذا‬ ‫من‬ ‫تأتي‬ ‫الخليقة‬ ‫كل‬ ‫ألن‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫في‬ ‫وسببه‬ ‫أصله‬ ‫له‬ ‫ا‬ً‫ض‬‫أي‬ ‫الجنس‬
  • 22. ‫السبب‬ ، ‫واحد‬ ‫خالق‬ ‫باآللهةلكن‬ ‫نؤمن‬ ‫ال‬ ‫نحن‬ ‫اليوم‬ ‫الكون‬ ‫في‬ ‫االنسجام‬ ‫يغرس‬ ‫الذي‬، ‫للجميع‬ ‫األول‬ .
  • 24. ‫اإلنسانلتتخطى‬ ‫روح‬ ‫تسعى‬ ‫بالمرور‬ ‫فقط‬ ‫ليس‬، ‫أيضا‬ ‫الحيوان‬ ‫غريزة‬ - ، ‫عش‬ ‫مت‬ ، ‫تكاثر‬
  • 25. ‫الجسد‬ ‫ذلك‬ ‫في‬ ‫بما‬ ‫شيء‬ ‫كل‬ ‫سبب‬ ‫لمعرفة‬ ‫ولكن‬ ‫الحياة‬ ‫في‬ ‫الحب‬ ‫منطق‬ ‫إليجاد‬ ‫وتكافح‬ ، ‫الروح‬،
  • 26. ‫والنساء‬ ‫الرجال‬ ‫لكن‬ ، ‫تتزاوج‬ ‫أن‬ ‫للحيوانات‬ ‫يمكن‬ - ‫الحب‬ ‫يتعلمون‬
  • 27. ‫يبحث‬ ‫لماذا؟رجل‬ ‫تتساءل‬ ‫الرجل‬ ‫روح‬ ‫المعنى‬ ‫عن‬ - ‫فرانكل‬ ‫فيكتور‬
  • 28. ‫اسئلة‬ ‫اسال‬ . ‫واسأ‬ ‫الفئران‬ ‫سباق‬ ‫فوق‬ ‫رأسك‬ ‫هذا؟ارفع‬ ‫كل‬ ‫ما‬ ..
  • 30. ‫المعنى؟أرقص‬ ‫من‬ ‫المزيد‬ ‫يوجد‬ ‫أين‬ ‫منه؟‬ ‫التأكد‬ ‫يمكننا‬ ‫الذي‬ ‫ما‬ ‫إدراك؟‬ ‫طريق‬ ، ‫دعوة‬ ‫أنها‬ ‫أم‬ ، ‫الحياة‬ ‫إيقاع‬ ‫على‬ ‫فقط‬
  • 31. " ‫في‬ ‫إيقاع‬ ، ‫قدميك‬ ‫في‬ ‫ووخز‬ ‫وخزبأصابعك‬ ‫يضع‬ ، ‫قوي‬ ‫إيقاع‬ ‫هو‬ ‫الحياة‬ ‫وإيقاع‬ ‫الشارع‬ ‫في‬ ‫إيقاع‬ ، ‫نومك‬ ‫غرفة‬ " ‫مسرحية‬ ‫من‬ ، Sweet Charity ‫الموسيقية‬
  • 33. ‫تقود؟‬ ‫أين‬ ‫من؟إلى‬ ‫هذا‬ ‫جاء‬ ‫أين؟أين‬ ‫من‬ ‫بعد‬ ‫الدعوة‬ ‫هذه‬ ‫إيقاع‬ ‫للفوزمع‬ ‫في‬ ‫الحياةللمشاركة‬ ‫الخلق‬ ‫وئامبإيقاع‬ .
  • 34. ‫ا؟‬ ‫لماذا‬ - ‫األعمال‬ ‫في‬ ‫الغموضتنفق‬ ‫عمق‬ ‫طول‬ ‫على‬ ‫نسير‬ - ‫أعمال‬ ‫في‬ ‫اآلخرين‬ ‫حياة‬ ‫في‬ ‫والتأثير‬ ‫المحبة‬ ‫الحبفي‬ - ‫أخرى‬ ‫حياة‬ ‫صنع‬ ‫في‬ ...
  • 35. ‫في‬ ‫للمشاركة‬، ‫الحياة‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫يقود‬ ‫الحب‬ ، ‫هوالجديد‬ ‫ما‬ ، ‫شيء‬ ‫ال‬ ‫من‬ ‫صنع‬، ‫إنشاء‬ ‫ي‬ ‫في‬ ‫إال‬ ‫بقي‬ ‫ما‬، ‫فقط‬ ‫المستقبل‬ ‫عرفه‬ ‫ما‬ ‫د‬ ‫المستقبل‬ ‫في‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫به‬ ‫يطالب‬ ‫سوف‬ ‫ما‬، ‫هللا‬
  • 36. ‫لنفسه‬ ‫سبب‬ ‫هو‬ ‫الحب‬ . ‫الأكثر‬ ‫االفضل‬ ‫هو‬ ‫الحب‬،‫أقل‬ ‫وال‬
  • 37. GOD OF SEX - guide Love is the best Nothing more, nothing less, love is the best These are the words of the song by Labi Siffre “I got too much life Running through my veins Going to waste And I need to feel Real love and the love ever after I cannot get enough” Lyrics of “feel” by Robbie Williams To love is a “total” experience Love for many is the máximum or Supreme value Love is a driving force that conforms will, and interest and tenderness and caress And passion It includes body, heart, mind and will It’s a zenit and plenitude of human experience Love includes all of the person 'Cause all of me Loves all of you Love your curves and all your edges All your perfect imperfections Give your all to me I'll give my all to you You're my end and my beginning Even when I lose I'm winning 'Cause I give you all of me And you give me all of you, Song by John Legend All combined, a total experience, body, psyche, spirit. Running thru your body Feel it in the flesh Feel it in your bones Feel it in your heart
  • 38. Love is a life force Love seems so natural and easy The body so beautiful, attractive The feelings so supreme, extasy The sympathy euphoric, complete All attracts like two magnets The closer, the more intense Its so easy to fall in love – Song by Linda Rondstat Love conquers all Love seems to cancel will power – Destiny and Fate Her sirens - so attractive for Ulysses bewitching it casts a spell until we can’t look back - So nature conquers will Romeo and juliet by fate met At first glance A pair of star-crossed lovers Like Adam and Eve they take of forbidden fruit So let yourself go, Taste and see the sweet elixir May as well fall in love in NYC Barry Manilow dont fight it… Is destiny or stars the source of this force? Are we complices with an energy in the universe? Yet freely we let ourselves fall, Yet the couple unite in free concourse You decide which course to follow with whom you choose
  • 39. The Ancients blamed it on the God of Love Diana shot her arrows Lethal, on target, Penetrating all resistence Reaching the core Every generation has appreciated this In all ages and places-cultures Culture praises its glories It has been glorified, deified in history So many cultures deified sex Since all creation comes from God So also sex has its origin and cause in God Today we don’t believe in deities But one Creator, first cause of all In harmony with the universo In the universo since he keeps it beating Yet beyond it, evasive, independent, transcendent Man’s spirit seeks to trascend also Not just be another animal – live, reproduce, die But to know the reason for everything Including the body, the soul, and wrestles to find the logic of love in life Animals can pair off, but men and women - more, They learn to love Man’s spirit wonders why? Man searches for reason – Victor Frankl
  • 40. Ask questions What’s it all about? Lift up your head and ask. Surface for air and scan the horizon Where is safe ground, Where is there more meaning? A vocation, a path of realization To jive with the rhythm of life Yet from where? Where did this come from? Where does it lead? this invitation to beat with the rhythm of life to partake in harmony with the rhythm of creation. Why? We march along the deep of mystery Expend yourself in deeds - In acts of love In loving and making an impression in others lives - In making other lives Love leads to life To Participate in creating Making out of nothing, what is new What only the future knew What only the future will re-claim Love is reason to itself. Nothing more, nothing less, love is the best
  • 41. LIST OF PRESENTATIONS IN ENGLISH Advent and Christmas – time of hope and peace Amoris Laetitia – ch 1 Amoris Laetitia – ch 2 Amoris Laetitia – ch 3 Amoris Laetitia – ch 4 Amoris Laetitia – ch 5 Amoris Laetitia – ch 6 Amoris Laetitia – ch 7 Amoris Laetitia – ch 8 Amoris Laetitia – ch 9 Amoris Laetitia – general introduction Carnival Christ is Alive Familiaris Consortio (FC) 1 – Church and Family today Familiaris Consortio (FC) 2 - God’s plan for the family Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 1 – family as a Community Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 2 – serving life and education Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 3 – mission of the family in society Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 4 - Family in the Church Familiaris Consortio (FC) 4 Pastoral familiar Football in Spain Haurietis aquas – devotion to the Sacred Heart by Pius XII Holidays and Holy Days Holy Spirit Holy Week – drawings for children Holy Week – glmjpses of the last hours of JC Inauguration of President Donald Trump Juno explores Jupiter Laudato si 1 – care for the common home Laudato si 2 – Gospel of creation Laudato si 3 – Human roots of the ecological crisis Laudato si 4 – integral ecology Laudato si 5 – lines of approach and action Laudato si 6 – Education y Ecological Spirituality Love and Marriage 1- phenomenon of sex Love and Marriage 2 – growing up to sexual maturity Love and Marriage 3 – psychological differences and complimentarity Love and Marriage 4- causes of sexual attraction Love and Marriage 5- freedom and intimacy Love and Marriage 6 - human love Love and Marriage 7 - destiny of human love Love and Marriage 8- marriage between Christian believers Love and Marriage 9 – sacrament of marriage Lumen Fidei – ch 1,2,3,4 Medjugore Pilgrimage Misericordiae Vultus in English Mother Teresa of Calcuta – Saint Pope Franciss in Thailand Pope Francis in Japan Pope Francis in Sweden Pope Francis in America Pope Francis in the WYD in Poland 2016 Resurrection of Jesus Christ –according to the Gospels Russian Revolution and Communismo 3 civil war 1918.1921 Russian Revolution and Communism 1 Russian Revolution and Communismo 2 Saint Joseph Saint Patrick and Ireland Sunday – day of the Lord Thanksgiving – History and Customs The Body, the cult – (Eucharist) Valentine Vocation – Way of the Cross – drawings for children For commentaries – email – Fb – Martin M Flynn Donations to - Congregación Legionarios de Cristo IBAN: ES3700491749852910000635 Swift Code (BIC): BSCHESMMXXX Dirección banco: Plaza de Parma, 8, Montequinto. CP 41700 Dos Hermanas, Sevilla. España.
  • 42. LISTA DE PRESENTACIONES EN ESPAÑOL Abuelos Adviento y Navidad, tiempo de esperanza Amor y Matrimonio 1 fenomenon del sexo Amor y Matrimonio 2 creciendo hacia el amor Amor y Matrimonio 3 diferencias sicologicas Amor y Matrimonio 4 causa de la atraccion sexual Amor y Matrimonio 5 liberta e intimidad Amor y Matrimonio 6 amor humano Amor y Matrimonio 7 destino del amor humano Amor y Matrimonio 8 matrimonio entre hombre y mujer Amor y Matrimonio 9 teologia del matrimonio Amoris Laetitia – cap 1 Amoris Laetitia – cap 2 Amoris Laetitia – cap 3 Amoris Laetitia – cap 4 Amoris Laetitia – cap 5 Amoris Laetitia – cap 6 Amoris Laetitia – cap 7 Amoris Laetitia – cap 8 Amoris Laetitia – cap 9 Amoris Laetitia – introducción general Carnaval Cristo Vive Domingo – día del Señor El camino de la cruz de JC en dibujos para niños El Cuerpo, el culto – (eucaristía) El Dios del sexo Espíritu Santo Familiaris Consortio (FC) 1 – iglesia y familia hoy Familiaris Consortio (FC) 2 - el plan de Dios para la familia Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 1 – familia como comunidad Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 2 – servicio a la vida y educación Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 3 – misión de la familia en la sociedad Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 4 - participación de la familia en la iglesia Familiaris Consortio (FC) 4 Pastoral familiar Fátima – Historia de las Apariciones de la Virgen Feria de Sevilla Haurietis aquas – el culto al Sagrado Corazón Hermandades y cofradías Hispanidad Lumen Fidei – cap 1,2,3,4 Madre Teresa de Calcuta – Santa María y la Biblia Medjugore peregrinación Misericordiae Vultus en Español Papa Francisco en Bulgaria Papa Francisco en Rumania Papa Francisco en Marruecos Papa Francisco en México Papa Francisco – mensaje para la Jornada Mundial Juventud 2016 Papa Francisco – visita a Chile Papa Francisco – visita a Perú Papa Francisco en Colombia 1 + 2 Papa Francisco en Cuba Papa Francisco en Fátima Papa Francisco en la JMJ 2016 – Polonia Resurrección de Jesucristo – según los Evangelios Revolución Rusa y Comunismo 1 Revolución Rusa y comunismo 2 Revolución Rusa y Comunismo 3 San José Santiago Apóstol Semana santa – Vistas de las últimas horas de JC Vacaciones Cristianas Valentín Vocación – www.vocació Para comentarios – email – fb – martin m. flynn Donativos a - Congregación Legionarios de Cristo IBAN: ES3700491749852910000635 Swift Code (BIC): BSCHESMMXXX Dirección banco: Plaza de Parma, 8, Montequinto. CP 41700 Dos Hermanas, Sevilla. España.