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Civil War Battle at Vicksburg
Sadly the Civil War divided our young nation, this time we weren 't fighting another country for our
freedom. We were fighting now fighting amongst ourselves––all Americans!!!! The potential to ruin
our own nation from within was a distinct possibility. This was brother against brother–families
divided. The Civil War lasted four years, 1861 to 1865.
"Vicksburg is the key. The war can never be brought to a close until the key is in our pocket,"
President Abraham Lincoln said. Southerners agreed. "Vicksburg is the nail head that holds the
South 's two halves together," said Confederate President Jefferson Davis.
As you can tell from these quotes, the battle and control of Vicksburg was very important to the
winning of the civil war. The ... Show more content on ...
However the Confederate forces did not fall for the diversion and launched an attack on Grant.
During the winter of 1862–1863, Grant conducted the Bayou Expeditions, or amphibious
operations, all to try to reduce Vicksburg. Needless to say–they all failed. After months of frustration
and failure, Grant had reached a crossroads in his military career. There was a lot of taking in the
northern press to remove him from command. Even members of the U.S. cabinet urged President
Lincoln to replace Grant as commander of the western army. The President could not spare this man
because he fought. He decided to try him a little longer.
At this point, Grant was where he had started 2 months ago. He traveled down the west side of the
river stopping northwest of Vicksburg. Unsuccessfully, Grant tried to reach Vicksburg: two attempts
to bypass the city to the south and another two attempts to cross the Yazoo Delta to the north. The
date was March 1863 and Grant was still at square one.
On March 29, 1863, Grant opted to march south. Grant ordered Major General John A. McClernand
of the thirteenth corps to open a road from Milliken 's Bend to New Carthange on the Mississippi
River below Vicksburg. The movement didn 't actually begin until March 31.
Grant 's infantrymen made their way south through Louisiana, building roads and bridges each step
of the way. On diversion, brought on by Major General Frederick Steele, was to move a division
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Essay On The Matewan Massacre
The Matewan Massacre, an armed confrontation between miners, police and the Baldwin Felts,
caused civil unrest in West Virginia for many years. By 1919, the largest nonunionized coal region
in the United States was Mingo and Logan counties in West Virginia. In September 1919, rumors of
miners being harassed and beaten for attending labor meetings reached Charleston. Around 5,000
miners met at Marmet, near Lens Creek, they prepared to go to Logan County. Since Governor John
Cornwell was aware of the danger, he went to Marmet to convince the miners to go home. Almost
all of the miners went home. In January of 1920, John L. Lewis, the president of the UMWA
announced a campaign to unionize the Appalachian coalfields. In southern West Virginia, ... Show
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The mine owners began evicting coal miners who would not leave the UMWA. The mine owners
contacted the Baldwin–Felts Agency to send guards out to protect the mines and intimidate the
union miners. On May 19, 1920, Thomas Felts, the president of the Baldwin–Felts agency, Albert
and Lee Felts, which were his two younger brothers and ten other guards, arrived in Matewan to
evict miners and their families. Chief of Police Sid Hatfield and a group of miners tried to stop them
from carrying out their objective. When the guards returned to Matewan from Stone Mountain
Camp after they finished evicting miners, some union members tried to prevent them from boarding
the train to Bluefield. Sid Hatfield tried to arrest Albert Felts outside the railroad depot for
conducting the evictions illegally. The confrontation that followed is known at the Matewan
Massacre. Nobody knows who fired first, but Sid Hatfield claimed Albert Felts fired first. In the
massacre, seven guards, including Albert and Lee Felts, Mayor Testerman and two miners were
killed. Sid Hatfield, a hero in the eyes of the miners was charged with the shootings. Hatfield and 17
strikers were
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COMM292 Case Studies
1. University of British Columbia Principles of Organizational Behaviour Girish Ananthanarayana
COMM 329 – Section 202 – Winter Term 2 2014–15 Principles of Organizational Behaviour
Girish Ananthanarayana COMM 329 – Section 202 – Winter Term 2 2014–15 University of British
Columbia Table of Contents Teamwork
Turmoil............................................................................................................................5 Campbell
and Bailyn's Boston Office: Managing the Reorganization.............................................13 The Rise
of President Barack Hussein Obama..............................................................................23 2.
TEAMWORK TURMOIL Tony Marshall, a second–year learning ... Show more content on ...
UVA–OB–0897 UVA–OB–0897 received a dual undergraduate degree in finance and information
systems. Prior to business school, she worked as an analyst for a private foundation. Martin planned
to focus her career on private wealth. Despite the great amount of networking that her chosen career
path required, Martin was very involved in the school community. She spent a lot of time working
on projects for the Black Business Student Forum and the National Association of Women MBAs.
Daren Onyealisi was originally from Nigeria and had been living in the United States for more than
10 years. He graduated from the University of Maryland with a degree in government. Following his
undergraduate degree, Onyealisi worked as a policy research analyst for the District of Columbia,
then changed career paths and worked as a real estate analyst for three years before attending
business school. Onyealisi was a first–generation college graduate and awarded the Robert Toigo
Foundation Fellowship upon entering the MBA program.1 While Onyealisi was not very involved in
the graduate school community, through the Big Brothers Big Sisters of America organization he
was a Big Brother for local youths. Onyealisi planned to target the consulting industry for his
summer internship. Rob Delery was the only scientist in the group and earned a BS in chemical
engineering from Penn State. During his undergraduate years, Delery was a member of the Penn
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Prison Reform Topic Paper : Prisons
Prison Reform Topic Paper
Submitted By: Toni Nielson – CSU, Fullerton
Unique Educational Opportunities
"Prisons are closed institutions. They are established and funded by governments to hold people
against their will", but why punish (Zyl Smit, 2010)? What is the purpose of prison? This
fundamental question stirs up a significant amount of debate. The government, citizens, educators,
and even prisoners are divided about the right answers. There is disagreement in the US about the
purpose of the prison system. On the one hand, the regulations of the prison system may seek
deterrence, incapacitation, or retribution to avoid appearing too soft on criminals (Zyl Smit, 2010;
Rossum, 2003). On the other hand, the regulations of the prison system may seek to opportunities to
resocialize prisoners or to effect changes in the character, attitudes, or behavior of the convicted
offender (Zyl Smit, 2010; Harvard Law Review, 2010). Which approach is the most effective for a
society that decides to punish?
What do we do about those who commit crimes? This questions seems to have a more definitive
answer in the US. The last four decades of American criminal justice have been shaped by the public
appeal to get tough on crime (Colgan, 2006). "Since the mid–1970s, the United States has engaged
in a "race to incarcerate" that has resulted in a prison population expanded to a level previously
unknown in any democratic society" (Burt, 2010). The US has over 2 million of its citizens
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Abraham Lincoln Major Accomplishments
Trinity Anderson
Michael Petersen
Political Science 1100
February 17, 2017
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in Hardin County, Kentucky. Abraham's
presidential term was from March 4, 1861 till he was assassinated on April 15, 1865. Abraham
Lincoln was six foot four inches and lived until the age of 56. He was the sixteenth president.
Abraham Lincoln was born to his parents Nancy Hanks and Tom Lincoln. Lincoln had a sister
named Sarah but was known as Sally, and a brother named Thomas. Thomas died in infancy.
Abraham Lincoln's family had land in Hardin County, Kentucky, but as more people moved in
around them Tom Lincoln learned that laws didn't protect him from people trying to take his land, so
he moved his ... Show more content on ...
Abraham Lincoln is the reason why we don't have the problem of slavery in the country anymore.
Abraham Lincoln came from almost nothing and still had the drive and ambition to make this
country great. He came from a family who moved a lot and had a hard time with money. With this
hard life style Abraham still had the desire to learn how to read and write and accomplished that
also. Plus when he was younger his mother died and while his dad was away for six months looking
for a new wife he survived. When his new mother arrived he greeted her with open arms and just let
her into his life when he could've rejected her. Abraham Lincoln grew up with an uneducated family
with no money and still managed to teach himself how to read, became a lawyer, became an Illinois
state legislature, became a U.S. senator, and then finally a president. While he was president he
brought back the states that had seceded from the union and abolished slavery. Lincoln
accomplished a lot as the president, and before he became the president and he showed us all that
everyone deserved to be treated
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9/11 Cause Effect
"The planes were hijacked, the buildings fell, and thousands of lives were lost nearly a thousand
miles from here. But the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were an attack on the
heart of America" (Newman). For every cause there is an effect, and unfortunately the effects of
9/11 are disturbing. I like to say that everything happens for a reason, and the reasons of 9/11 still
continue to puzzle the people today. The attacks on world trade center and pentagon on September
11 2001 were tragic and devastating not only for the victims, but all the people of United States of
America. The tragic losses will forever haunt the mind of who ever lived to witness this
heartbreaking event. On the Tuesday morning of September 11th, ... Show more content on ...
Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church. At least 200 people fell or jumped to their deaths from the
burning towers landing on the streets and rooftops of adjacent buildings hundreds of feet below.
Some occupants of each tower above the point of impact made their way toward the roof in hope of
helicopter rescue, but the roof access doors were locked. 2,606 people died from the Towers
collapsing ( At 9:37 a.m., the hijackers crashed American Airlines Flight 77
into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon's western facade,
killing the 59 on board the plane and 125 military and civilian personnel inside the building ("9/11
Memorial timeline"). A hundred and six are severely injured in the ensuing fire. Within 30 minutes
of two planes hitting the World Trade Center twin towers, American Airlines Flight 77 departed
Dulles International Airport bound for Los Angeles. The Boeing 757 was hijacked and crashed,
loaded with 10,000 gallons of fuel, at 345 mph into the west side of the Pentagon. The five–story
Pentagon is made up of five pentagonal structures arranged in rings. The plane took out light poles
in the parking lot, hit the ground just outside the outermost ring of the Pentagon, turned up on its
wing, and penetrated the E ring midway between corridors 4 and 5
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Burtston Disaster
After it was over, the flood had destroyed 507 homes, damaged 936 homes, left over 4,000 people
homeless, swept away 30 trailers and 600 automobiles, destroyed 30 businesses, washed out
sections of the railroad and 10 bridges, and knocked out telephone, sewage, water and power
services (Nugent 146). Over 1,000 residents sustained injuries and 125 people were killed, 7 bodies
were never found (Nugent 146). "Victims lay crushed against bridges, wedged between railroad
cars, swinging grotesquely from tree branches" (Nugent 151). In the days following the disaster, as
the extent of the devastation unfolded, Pittston "remained silent, without even a word of condolence
for the victims" (Nugent 156). When an official finally made a statement, he ... Show more content
on ...
First, the "un–engineered" dam violated two laws; second, Pittston knew the dam was not safe;
third, Pittston did not have a warning system in place to alert residents in case of disaster; fourth, by
convincing the deputies to discontinue their warning efforts, Pittston negated the last–ditch effort
that could have saved 125 people (Nugent 183). The most tragic finding from the multiple
investigations and studies is that Pittston could have built a safe dam for less than 200,000 thousand
dollars, an amount that was a mere "one–half of one percent of its 1971 profits" (Nugent 184), a
small sacrifice that could have saved many lives. Pittston's culpability lies in its reckless greed. One
of saddest reminders of the horror of Pittston's wanton disregard is a tombstone that reads: "This
Tiny Trio / Boy–Girl–Boy / Who were the Victims of the Feb. 26, 1972 Buffalo Creek Disaster are
unknown to us by name but to Our Heavenly Father they are known as three little angels" (Stern
47). The article Remembering Buffalo Creek, 40 Years Later commemorates the tragedy saying:
"We have a responsibility to teach each future generation what happened and why, so that they
cannot only reverently remember but make certain that history does not repeat itself" (1). One can
hope all companies have this etched in their minds and hearts and souls when they think of
sacrificing safety for a
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Environmental Sanctions And Safety Standards
Coal is king. The coal industry controls the economy of states, and states rely on it for electricity.
However, many families involved in the industry of coal are experiencing profound economic
difficulty. This must be resolved to improve the economic disparity in West Virginia, a state known
for a large coal mining industry. Many mining families experience this economic difficulty,
particularly due to health risks and job situations.
Much research has been done into the effects of a large coal industry. "In just the past twenty years,
air pollution from coal plants have shortened the lives of more than half a million Americans." (Jeff
Goodell, 2006). Mining kills; and it even affects those uninvolved in the production of it. There are
a vast amount of environmental sanctions and safety standards in mines. These are laws and
regulations meant to protect the population, yet most do not follow them correctly. Companies must
pay for all of this, however paying for regulations cuts into profit margins. These companies manage
to still make profit by shutting down deficit mines, but mainly make up costs by laying off
employees. This process results in a never–ending cycle of downtrodden individuals trying to make
ends meet. Mining is a neutral party, it has negatives and positives, both of which impact the
Appalachia community significantly.
Mining has a vast assortment of negatives that are constantly being discussed. Mining can damage
the environment and
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Buffalo Creek Flood Research Paper
The Buffalo Creek flood of West Virginia is believed to be the most devastating coal relate disaster
in West Virginia history. The flood occurred in the Buffalo Creek area of Logan County on February
26, 1972 when three dams broke and released 132 million gallons of water and coal waste known by
miners as "gob," and is a thick sludge–like material. The gob contains many toxic chemicals and
pollutants such as mercury and arsenic that are left behind from the coal mining process. The
wastewater would lie in settling ponds and dams until it could be properly disposed of. The water
that was left over from processing coal would be disposed of in two different ways. Some of the
water would be pumped from the dam back to the "tipple", otherwise
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The Mountains Of Central Appalachia
Trent Brown
Professor Lautenshlager
English 2614
30 November 2014
The mountains of central Appalachia have always been known for, almost exclusively, the booming
coal deposits that inhabit it, as well as the controversy that comes with the industry. The controversy
that involves the wildlife, ecosystems, and residents of the area is one with fine lines, gray areas,
and more than simply a good and evil side. The mountains of Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, and
Tennessee are also home to some of the most extensive biodiversity in our country, as well as rich
cultural heritage that extends to the earliest years of our nation. Everything that makes central
Appalachia unique and identifiable is exactly what they might be in jeopardy of losing. Surface
mining began to replace traditional underground mining around WWII (Bozzi 116). Rather than
digging into the mountain to extract the coal, strip mining involves removing the overlying soil and
rock that covers the coal deposits (Lutz 1). It seemed appealing at first because the previous known
dangers of black–lung disease and cave–ins were now limited with the surface mining method
(Bozzi 116). However, surface mining came with it's own problems, a lot of them being more
serious and irreversible than underground mining (Allen 182). This method of surface mining was
the spark that created the trend of mountaintop removal (Bozzi 117). Mountaintop removal is the
complete destruction of the mountain peak in order to reach coal
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9/11 Attack Research Papers
The Attacks In the early morning of 2001, Muslim extremists hijacked four passenger airplanes
departing from the East Coast heading for California. Two of these planes hit the North and South
towers of The World Trade Center in New York City. One plane hit the Pentagon in near Washington
D.C., and another was a failed hijack attempt resulting in the plane being crashed into a field in
Pennsylvania. The failed attempt is speculated to have been heading for The White House. In all the
attacks on September 11, 2001 caused a total loss of 2,977 lives including the 19 hijackers (CNN,
2015). American Airlines Flight 77 At about 8:20 a.m. American Airlines flight 77 left Dulles
Virginia for Los Angeles, California, but was hijacked by 5 men affiliated ... Show more content on ...
The Creation of the Transportation Security Administration In November 2001, when the Aviation
and Transportation Security Act was passed by Congress a new agency, Transportation Security
Administration, was created as a result. This new administration was responsible for protecting
American transportation from any other future terrorist attacks. From 2001–2003 the TSA was part
of the Department of Transportation, but in 2003 it was placed under the new Department of
Homeland Security (Gale, 2015). TSA's main focus is on air travel, it employs nearly 45,000
employees working as passenger screeners in over 400 airports across America. As well as x–ray
screenings of luggage and metal detector screenings for passengers, TSA is allowed to preform "pat
down" searches of people, and baggage searches of anyone under their discretion. Any luggage that
is locked can be opened by any means, even breaking the lock, if the owner of the luggage is
unwilling to open it (Gale,
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Pro Slavery Research Paper
Shortly after the creation of the colonies, slavery was introduced and the dependence upon it grew
exponentially. Southern states prospered with slavery, establishing plantations of hundreds of acres
with just as many slaves to work. Virginia, the largest slave state, had a population of 747,610 in
1790, of which 292,627 were slaves. With Kentucky being carved out of Virginia and first settlers
originating from Virginia, many expected the new state to follow Virginia's harsh slave laws seen
throughout the southern pro slavery states. But would the settlers of Kentucky, many former
Virginians, keep things the same or would the influence of northerners also moving west force
compromise to create, in the eyes of the south, a more lenient slave ... Show more content on ...
That decision, caused economic hardship for the settlers at the beginning, and caused them to look
for new opportunities, developing a hiring–out system along with teaching slaves different skills. In
addition, the planting of small crops, such as corn and grains, made small farming the majority in
Kentucky and saw owners working closely with what few slaves were owned per person. The more
personal relationship between slave owner and slave allowed for Kentucky to become a more lenient
slave state, especially compared to southern states, seen in the laws enacted and the what little force
the slave codes borrowed from Virginia were
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Fundamental Financial Accounting Concepts
Eighth Edition
Fundamental Financial Accounting Concepts
Thomas P. Edmonds
University of Alabama–Birmingham
Frances M. McNair
Mississippi State University
Philip R. Olds
Virginia Commonwealth University
Edward E. Milam
Mississippi State University (Contributing Author)
a business unit of The McGraw–Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY,
10020. Copyright © 2013, 2011, 2008, 2006, 2003, 2000, 1998, 1996 by The McGraw–Hill
Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this
publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or
retrieval ... Show more content on ...
While the Statement of Cash Flows is discussed at the end of the text, the concepts that are needed
to understand that information were introduced in Chapter 1."
Typically, we show the statements model immediately after each journal entry. For example, the
settlement of a liability for interest would be shown as follows:
Account Title Interest Payable Cash Debit 8,400 8,400 Credit
Assets (8,400)
Liab. (8,400)
Equity NA
Rev. NA
Exp. NA
Net Inc. NA
Cash Flow (8,400) OA
"The number one strength of the text is the financial statement model approach and delaying
introducing debits and credits for several chapters."
This approach provides a direct visual connection between journal entries and financial statements.
It enables students to see how each individual accounting event affects decision making. Executives
make few decisions without considering how those decisions affect "bottom line" financial
performance measures. The statements model approach encourages students to develop real–world
thinking patterns.
We not only cover the income statement, statement of stockholders' equity, and the balance sheet,
but we also provide comprehensive coverage of the statement of cash flows. Coverage of the
statement of cash flows starts in Chapter 1 and is discussed
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Battle of Blair Mountain
Terry M. Deener
West Virginia History HIST225
March 10, 2013
In the early 20th Century, West Virginia was a place where coal barons held immense power. Coal
companies owned towns, mayors and governors. Miners were forced to live on coal camps and rent
houses from them, as well as purchase all of their coal and other items required to survive from the
companies. With this control, mining families where forced to live and work in brutal conditions. In
1921, after a generation of violent suppression, miners erupted in the largest class war in US history.
For 5 days miners fought the coal barons, over 1 million rounds of ammunition were fired, this is
known as the Battle of Blair Mountain.
The Battle of Blair ... Show more content on ...
This enraged the miners and they began to exit the mines and take arms.
Miners along the Little Coal River were among the first to militarize, and began to patrol and the
guard the area. Sheriff Don Chafin sent his troopers from Logan County to Little Coal River area.
The troopers were quickly overthrown, apprehended, disarmed, and sent back running from the
miners. Frank Keeney and Fred Mooney, the leaders of the UMWA District 17, called a rally at the
state capitol in Charleston. The two met with Governor Ephraim Morgan, and presented him with a
petition spelling out the miners' demands. Governor Morgan rejected the miners demands which
caused the miners to become more restless. Miners began to talk about organizing a march on
Mingo to free the confined miners, end martial law, and organize the county; unfortunately, the only
things standing in their way were Blair Mountain, Logan County, and Sheriff Don Chafin.
The first altercations occurred on August 25, 1921. The majority of miners were still 15 miles away.
President Warren Harding threatened to send in federal troops and Army Martin MB–1 bombers.
After a long discussion in the town of Madison, agreements were made and miners were convinced
to go home. Chafin although did not expect to sit quietly after assembling his private army, he
wanted a battle to end union attempts at organizing Logan County
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Langston Hughes Research Paper
In 1919, when Langston Hughes was seventeen years old, he spent the summer with his father, Jim
Hughes, in Toluca, Mexico. Langston had not seen his father since he was a small child, and he was
excited about making the trip. However, during this visit, no affectionate bond would develop
between Langston and Jim. Jim Hughes was a cold, difficult man, who was driven by ambition to
make money and achieve respect. He had moved to Mexico to avoid segregation and racial injustice
in the United States. As the manager of an electric company and owner of a ranch and mines, Jim
expressed contempt for black Americans who continued to submit to segregation and live in poverty.
Langston Hughes, 1933 (Library of Congress)
Langston was not ashamed ... Show more content on ...
Langston had no playmates because Mary Langston lived in a run–down, white neighborhood. He
was afraid to leave his yard, where he was safe from rowdy white boys who chased and teased him
about the second hand clothes and cast–off women's shoes that he wore.
Langston spent many hours sitting on a stool beside his grandmother, who read him stories from the
Bible or from his favorite book, Grimm's Fairy Tales. Her long wavy hair had very little gray in it,
and in her ears she wore the small gold earrings Langston's grandfather left her. Her lips were thin,
and her skin, "wrinkled like an Indian squaw's," was a lighter shade of brown than Langston's.
Carrie Hughes worked in Topeka as a stenographer for a black attorney and as a clerk for a
newspaper. Occasionally, on weekends, she would take Langston to Kansas City. His Uncle
Dessalines owned a barbershop in a black neighborhood, where people's lifestyles were far different
from that of his strict grandmother in Lawrence. Langston roamed the streets near the barbershop.
He played the nickelodeon and listened to street musicians playing the "blues."
Mary Langston was a devoted grandmother to her grandson. (Yale Collection of American
Literature, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library)
In 1908, six–year–old Langston moved to Topeka to live with his mother in an apartment over a
plumbing shop. Jim Hughes
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Causes Of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome is caused by the intake and abuse of drugs during pregnancy,
leading to several serious problems for the baby. At birth, neonates with NAS have an increased
chance of being born with birth defects or a low birthweight, causing problems in overall health or
development and functionality of the body. "As a withdrawal syndrome, NAS is characterized by
dysregulation in central, autonomic, and gastrointestinal system functioning" causing an array of
problems for the baby (Logan, Brown, & Hayes, 2014, p.2). Signs and symptoms of NAS typically
appear within three days of birth and include sleep ability and quality issues, tremors, seizures, and
excessive high–pitched cry (March of Dimes, 2015, p.2). Accompanying aforesaid ... Show more
content on ...
As found in the study executed by the Journal of Rural Health, the highest rate of NAS and
additional complications caused by substance abuse occurred in the southeastern part of the state
(Stabler et al., 2017, p.11). Even though the southeastern area of the state is troubled, additional
regions also undergo harsh conditions due to the drug epidemic. Harrison County hospitals are also
encountering staggering increases in the rate of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. In the year 2014,
approximately fifty percent of babies born in Harrison County required treatment for some type of
withdrawal symptoms (Swiger, 2015, p.2). Since that period of time, it is highly likely that piece of
data has continued to increase, paralleling the continuous increase of drugs. Discussing the issue, Dr.
Alicia Maddix of Premier Pediatric Center in Bridgeport reports, "[This area's] numbers are
approaching, is not surpassing, those in the southern part of the state" (Swiger, 2015, p.2). If a
solution is not implemented, the rate of drug use, and consequently Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome,
will continue to accelerate, creating a greater issue for the
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Persuasive Essay On Pedometers
Have you ever counted the number of steps you take during the course of a day? If you wore a
pedometer, you could. A pedometer is a device that determines the distance you've walked. It does
this by counting your steps. Now, a nonprofit group called America On the Move is urging people to
increase their stepping. The group also encourages healthful eating and exercise. It says that this
improves health. The group recently began a new program to see if wearing pedometers would
encourage people to increase their walking.
In August, the West Virginia chapter of America On the Move gave out 902 pedometers. The group
gave the pedometers to people in five counties in the state. It also handed out step–counting charts.
Participants were asked to
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The Buffalo Creek Disaster Essay
|the Buffalo Creek Disaster |
| |
A book by Gerald Stern
| |
|Prologue |
| |
|On the morning of the 26th February 1972 a coal company's massive coal–waste refuse pile which
dammed a stream in middle fork hollow |
|collapsed in the Buffalo Creek Valley. Over 130 million gallons of water and waste material
devastated Buffalo Creek's sixteen |
|communities. Over 125 people perished almost immediately, mostly women and children. There
were over 4000 survivors but their 1000 |
|homes as well as most of their ... Show more content on ...
Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969 : it established federal standards in the
construction of refuse piles and dams by coal companies but these standards only protected the coal
miners (and not the public who lived around the coal mines) while he was working.
This act could not have been used since there were not employees on duty lost in the flood.
There was some basis for holding the State of WV responsible for the Buffalo Creek Disaster (BCD)
since a WV statute prohibits the construction of any dam or other obstruction over 15 feet in height
across any stream or watercourse without a prior determination by the State that it is safe. The State
of WV had never agreed that Dam 3 (which was 60 feet high) was safe. The State was at fault for
not enforcing its own laws. But Arch Moore, the Governor of WV blamed the trouble on the media,
the "irresponsible" media that publicized these attacks. Governor Moore qualified the mediatization
"an even greater tragedy than the accident itself".
|Chapter three : "When in doubt, do the right thing" |
| |
A few days later, the BMC publicly announced that they would open claims offices in the valley to
receive and process claims ("assess claims and evaluate losses") but refused to admit responsibility
for the disaster. WV statute law makes the maximum amount payable in wrongful
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The Violent Myth Of Appalachia Essay
Brooks 3
Appalachian Literature
Julie A. Brooks
November 17, 2016
the violent myth of appalachia
Appalachia may be the most misconceived region in the United States. To many Americans,
Appalachia has been thought of as a poverty stricken, backwards, violent region, and to some it still
is perceived as such. Often it has been labeled with titles such as hillbilly, redneck, moonshiner, and
feudists. Appalachia?s residents are seen as lazy, non–trusting, drunk, illiterate, and in need of a
savior to pull them out of the darkness into the light. This research paper will seek to challenge the
myth of a violent Appalachia by describing documented proof that violence in Appalachia is not, as
most thought, a product of its geographical location, or because its people are isolated. Violence in
Appalachia was, just as in other areas of America, a result of tensions and frustration that was deep
seeded in the fabric of all American society.
To understand the concepts of violence in Appalachia, it is imperative to explain how Appalachia is
defined. The Appalachian Region, as defined in ARC 's authorizing legislation, is a 205,000–square–
mile region that follows the spine of the Appalachian Mountains from southern New York to
northern Mississippi. It includes all West Virginia and parts of 12 other states: Alabama, Georgia,
Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina,
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Denise Giardina's Storming Heaven
"Over 12,000 people were living in the tent colonies. Many Kentucky miners signed up at an
organizing meeting in Justice. By the end of the week, Pond Creek was shut down, and a tent city
grew up between Chieftan and Vulcan. Even Davidson miners signed..." as told by the character
Carrie, in Storming Heaven. Scenes like this become common place in the character narrated book
Storming Heaven by Denise Giardina. Within it, she tells us several compelling and emotional
stories of how the land stripped coal miners and the unlawful cruel coal company came to a war–
like battle in 1921, on Blair Mountain. This brutal and hard fought conflict lasted almost a week and
resulted in the loss of dozens of lives on each side of the battlefield. The battle ... Show more
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A second reporter from the New York Journal interviews an officer of a mining camp that says, "If
you were to go from one to another and inquire into their condition at noon, I give you my word that
fully half of them will tell you that they do not know where their supper is to come from." Miners all
over the country are being forced into poverty by the mining companies that they are making money
for. Also what little a miner is making in paid income is subjected to outrageous charges that may
range anywhere from housing, store credit, and medical fees. Most of the time all three of this pay
cutting fees are applied and are taken out leaving a dirty coal covered miner with no money what so
ever and starving family in a dank cold hovel and dirty blackened water unsafe to drink. It's
regrettable to think that in the end of all this, it would appear to be that the coal companies
themselves make more money of the miners than they do of the coal they have them dig out of the
ground. The miners and their families in Storming Heaven are just like this in real life since they are
facing the same set of obstacles. Giardina's novel moves us into the time of the early 1900's and tells
of how they "...freeze and starve" Storming Heaven, when the try and fight back. "Nine or ten
people died each week" Storming Heaven, and die when they are left with nothing. All throughout
the book it only worsens for them as time passes onwards. "What they needed was food and warmth,
and I could give them neither. Nor could the miners give these things to their families". Poverty is
not something that should be taken lightly and Giardina openly places the reader into a first–hand
experience of what it means to be truly impoverished and out of options. All of those frontier men
and substance farms that ounce lived as the chose now must follow in line
... Get more on ...
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: A Case Study
In order to properly treat Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, if first must be established the severity to
determine what type of treatment would be most effective. The most common scoring system for
NAS is known as the Finnegan Neonatal Abstinence Severity Score; "positive symptoms are given a
weighted score and summed every four hours; decisions regarding treatment onset and rate are made
based on a cumulative threshold score" (Logan et al., 2014, p.3). Depending on the neonate's
Finnegan score, the baby may qualify for both or either types of treatment: nonpharmacological or
pharmacological. Nonpharmacological treatment is always the first option, including gentle
handling, swaddling, frequent feeding, music therapy, active maternal participation with the infant,
and more. Alternatively, pharmacological treatment involves medical intervention, such as the use of
morphine to wean neonates from the in–utero exposure to drugs ... Show more content on ...
One organization, FMRS Health Systems stationed in Beckley, West Virginia, specifically provides
options for addicted women who are pregnant. FMRS allows women to take Subutex to decrease the
impact on the baby or slowly cease opiate intake. In addition, the West Virginia Department of
Health and Human Resources administers Home Visiting Programs to increase mother–child
bondage, and advocate healthy and positive living (Holdren, 2017, p.2). Programs and organizations
such as these are essential in improving the quality of life for both the mother and child. Hospitals
throughout the state also provide unique treatment for patients suffering from withdrawal. In
Harrison County, United Hospital Center accepts volunteers through the Cuddler's Program to
comfort babies struggling with withdrawal (Kendall, 2015, p.1). Dozens of additional programs
exist around West Virginia in attempt to provide care and peacefulness during troublesome
... Get more on ...
Essay On Injustice In America
Many laws that made up America are broken just for the way people treat each other. The
Depression was a time when many laws were broken. The 14th amendment was violated when
blacks were treated unequally. Black people were the main target during the depression because
most people thought that people who were black could not have a better job than they had or even a
job at all. In today's world there is definitely feelings of unequalness but it has gotten worse. There
is no doubt that people are treating other people unfairly but it is all kinds of different people. For
example there are unfair treatments people of different race, religion, and many other things. The
treatment that people give to others is based only upon opinions that are ... Show more content on ...
The 8th amendment which states that no cruel and unusual punishment will be inflicted on anyone
was also violated during the Depression as people were being accused of crimes that were never
committed. A well known unfair trial that happened was the trial of the Scottsboro Boys who were
convicted of raping two white women and sentenced to death. In our society there are still
circumstances that have been unreasonable when it has come to punishment. That can be included in
harsh and unusual punishment which would be any kind of abuse. There is victims of abuse all the
time and it is mostly because a person has been in a bad situation with a violent person. There are
also people who have been convicted of crimes that they were not guilty of and was sentenced to the
death penalty. Also the people who have been guilty of crimes and sentenced to the death penalty
have suffered before they are put to death. An article on writes about a man's execution
and it reads, "Dennis McGuire was put to death using a combination of intravenous drugs that had
never before been used in a lethal injection execution. John Paul Rion, the attorney representing
McGuire's children in their lawsuit, said at a press conference that the execution violated McGuire's
constitutional protection against cruel and unusual
... Get more on ...
Coal Industry : Need For Coal Produces Environmental Damage
Cassidy Selep
AP Language
1 May 2015
Coal Craze: Need for Coal Produces Environmental Damage I sat quietly in the large van. Everyone
was quiet. We were swaying back and forth as the car rounded each bend, moving with the
mountain. The car slowly climbed up, revealing more peaks. I took in the atmosphere with every
breath. The mountain rose and fell like sand dunes. Fog blanketed the mountaintop illuminating the
green tree tops and emphasizing the dark leaves of others. The van continued in peace. As we swung
around one last corner, the silence was broken and a unified gasp filled the vehicle. Our sight was
stolen. The utopian mountaintop was replaced with flat, gray, barren land. The passengers were
shocked and the murmurs bubbled ... Show more content on ...
It is clearly stated in the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA) that
surface mining operations cause environmental and social damage "by impairing natural beauty, by
damaging the property of citizens, by creating hazards dangerous to life and property by degrading
the quality of life in local communities..." (#6). Surface mining causes more damage to the
environment than other methods. Everything ranging from air and water pollution to degrading land
and loss of biodiversity has been caused by surface mining. The Appalachian mountain region is the
most diverse forest in the world. There are a large number of salamanders and migratory birds,
along with waterways, the first link in the food chain that supports the entire forest. Valley fills,
where overburden from surface mining is dumped, can cover up streams, thus breaking the food
chain. In an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) study, it was found that a large number of
mayflies have disappeared. This may seem like a small loss, but it will affect other creatures in the
future. As more and more chains break in the food chain, the less diverse the forest is. It was also
found that the cerulean warblers, a migratory bird, has been decreasing in population. In fact, over
40 years, the cerulean warbler has decreased by 82% (McQuaid). These small creatures are vital to
the diverse ecosystem of the Appalachian mountains.
... Get more on ...
Civil War
The Civil War split our nation, Americans fighting Americans, brother against brother. The war
lasted four long years, a key battle fought westward was the turning point in the war: the Battle of
Between Cairo, Illinois, and the Gulf of Mexico, the Mississippi River twists and winds for nearly
1,000 miles. Commonly referred to as ‘the trunk of the American tree '. The river was vital to both
the American Government and to the Confederate forces in the west.
The city of Vicksburg, Mississippi, 250 feet high, overlooks the Mississippi River on the Louisiana–
Mississippi state border. Confederate forces mounted artillery batteries ready to challenge the
passage of Union ships. Receiving control of Vicksburg and the ... Show more content on ...
So long as the Confederacy controlled the great river, it could prevent the Union from bringing its
full weight to bear against Lee in Virginia. Viclesburg 's situation on a bend of the river made it
extremely hard to attack. Navel assaults were fruitless, as shown by the fate of the U.S.S. Cairo 's,
which was sunk in just a few moments.
During the winter of 1862–1863, Grant conducted the Bayou Expeditions, or amphibious
operations, all to try to reduce Vicksburg. Needless to say–they all failed. After months of frustration
and failure, Grant had reached crossroads in his military career. There was a lot of talking in the
northern press to remove him from command. Even members of the U.S. Cabinet urged President
Lincoln to replace Grant as commander of the western army. The President could not spare this man
because he fought. He decided to try him a little longer.
At this point, Grant was where he had started 2 months ago. He traveled down the west side of the
river stopping northwest of Vicksburg. Unsuccessfully, Grant tried to reach Vicksburg: two attempts
to bypass the city to the south and another two attempts to cross the Yazoo Delta to the north. The
date was Mach 1863 and Grant was still at square one.
On March 29, 1863, Grant opted to march south. Grant ordered Major General John A. McClernand
of the thirteenth
... Get more on ...
Mountaintop Mining : The Natural Beauty And Biodiversity...
With its rolling hills and breathtaking foliage, Central Appalachia is home to some of America 's
most beautiful views, attracting thousands of tourists to the region each year. However, Central
Appalachia is also home to vast deposits of energy resources, mainly coal. In order to extract this
supply of cheap energy, mining companies have turned to a practice called mountaintop removal
mining, or simply mountaintop mining. Mountaintop mining is a form of surface mining that
involves removing the tops and sides of a summit in order to more quickly and efficiently remove
underlying coal deposits. Although this kind of mining is cheaper than traditional subsurface
methods, its social and environmental costs are steep, making it a major source of contention in both
the Central Appalachian region and America as a whole. Elements of mountaintop removal mining
that have contributed to its controversial nature are how it affects the economies of surrounding
communities, leads to poor bodily health, and warps the natural beauty and biodiversity of the
Appalachian environment.
Mountaintop removal mining, otherwise known as mountaintop mining, began in Appalachia in the
1960s as an extension of conventional strip mining techniques. In this form of mining, the top and
sides of a summit are altered or removed in order to extract underlying coal deposits. This method
allows coal mining companies to reach coal that would normally be too difficult or dangerous to
... Get more on ...
Brand Building Blocks
Building Strong Brands: Why Is It Hard?
It is not easy to build brands in today 's environment. The brand builder who attempts to develop a
strong brand is like a golfer playing on a course with heavy roughs, deep sand traps, sharp doglegs,
and vast water barriers. It is difficult to score well in such conditions. Substantial pressures and
barriers, both internal and external, can inhibit the brand builder. To be able to develop effective
brand strategies, it is useful to understand these pressures and barriers
Different factors that make it difficult to build brands are shown in the figure above. The first,
pressure to compete on price, directly affects the motivation to build brands. The second reason, the
... Show more content on ...
What, then, happens to the people who support the brand with market research or other brand–
building activities? They are vulnerable to the organizations new cost culture.
2. Proliferation Of Competitors
New, vigorous competitors come from a variety of sources. A host of food categories have watched
Weight Watchers and Healthy Choice enter their markets through brand extension strategies. In the
snack category, Frito–Lay has seen regional brands expand and Budweiser 's Eagle brand break out
of its niche to become a major competitor. New product forms that provide real alternatives for the
customer have encroached the soft drink market, bottled water, carbonated water, fruit–based drinks,
and "new age" drinks, among others.
Additional competitors not only contribute to price pressure and brand complexity, but also make it
much harder to gain and hold a position. They leave fewer holes in the market to exploit and fewer
implementation vehicles to own. Each brand tends to be positioned more narrowly, the target
markets become smaller, and the non–target market becomes larger. Efforts to market to a broad
segment thus become more difficult in the face of the complex 'brandscape' Further, some new or
desperate competitors may be motivated to take risks or attempt unusual approaches. The result can
be destabilization of the competitive dynamics. There is also an enhanced motivation to copy
anything that is successful, in part because the risks of
... Get more on ...

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Civil War Battle At Vicksburg

  • 1. Civil War Battle at Vicksburg Sadly the Civil War divided our young nation, this time we weren 't fighting another country for our freedom. We were fighting now fighting amongst ourselves––all Americans!!!! The potential to ruin our own nation from within was a distinct possibility. This was brother against brother–families divided. The Civil War lasted four years, 1861 to 1865. "Vicksburg is the key. The war can never be brought to a close until the key is in our pocket," President Abraham Lincoln said. Southerners agreed. "Vicksburg is the nail head that holds the South 's two halves together," said Confederate President Jefferson Davis. As you can tell from these quotes, the battle and control of Vicksburg was very important to the winning of the civil war. The ... Show more content on ... However the Confederate forces did not fall for the diversion and launched an attack on Grant. During the winter of 1862–1863, Grant conducted the Bayou Expeditions, or amphibious operations, all to try to reduce Vicksburg. Needless to say–they all failed. After months of frustration and failure, Grant had reached a crossroads in his military career. There was a lot of taking in the northern press to remove him from command. Even members of the U.S. cabinet urged President Lincoln to replace Grant as commander of the western army. The President could not spare this man because he fought. He decided to try him a little longer. At this point, Grant was where he had started 2 months ago. He traveled down the west side of the river stopping northwest of Vicksburg. Unsuccessfully, Grant tried to reach Vicksburg: two attempts to bypass the city to the south and another two attempts to cross the Yazoo Delta to the north. The date was March 1863 and Grant was still at square one. On March 29, 1863, Grant opted to march south. Grant ordered Major General John A. McClernand of the thirteenth corps to open a road from Milliken 's Bend to New Carthange on the Mississippi River below Vicksburg. The movement didn 't actually begin until March 31. Grant 's infantrymen made their way south through Louisiana, building roads and bridges each step of the way. On diversion, brought on by Major General Frederick Steele, was to move a division ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Essay On The Matewan Massacre The Matewan Massacre, an armed confrontation between miners, police and the Baldwin Felts, caused civil unrest in West Virginia for many years. By 1919, the largest nonunionized coal region in the United States was Mingo and Logan counties in West Virginia. In September 1919, rumors of miners being harassed and beaten for attending labor meetings reached Charleston. Around 5,000 miners met at Marmet, near Lens Creek, they prepared to go to Logan County. Since Governor John Cornwell was aware of the danger, he went to Marmet to convince the miners to go home. Almost all of the miners went home. In January of 1920, John L. Lewis, the president of the UMWA announced a campaign to unionize the Appalachian coalfields. In southern West Virginia, ... Show more content on ... The mine owners began evicting coal miners who would not leave the UMWA. The mine owners contacted the Baldwin–Felts Agency to send guards out to protect the mines and intimidate the union miners. On May 19, 1920, Thomas Felts, the president of the Baldwin–Felts agency, Albert and Lee Felts, which were his two younger brothers and ten other guards, arrived in Matewan to evict miners and their families. Chief of Police Sid Hatfield and a group of miners tried to stop them from carrying out their objective. When the guards returned to Matewan from Stone Mountain Camp after they finished evicting miners, some union members tried to prevent them from boarding the train to Bluefield. Sid Hatfield tried to arrest Albert Felts outside the railroad depot for conducting the evictions illegally. The confrontation that followed is known at the Matewan Massacre. Nobody knows who fired first, but Sid Hatfield claimed Albert Felts fired first. In the massacre, seven guards, including Albert and Lee Felts, Mayor Testerman and two miners were killed. Sid Hatfield, a hero in the eyes of the miners was charged with the shootings. Hatfield and 17 strikers were ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. COMM292 Case Studies 1. University of British Columbia Principles of Organizational Behaviour Girish Ananthanarayana COMM 329 – Section 202 – Winter Term 2 2014–15 Principles of Organizational Behaviour Girish Ananthanarayana COMM 329 – Section 202 – Winter Term 2 2014–15 University of British Columbia Table of Contents Teamwork Turmoil............................................................................................................................5 Campbell and Bailyn's Boston Office: Managing the Reorganization.............................................13 The Rise of President Barack Hussein Obama..............................................................................23 2. TEAMWORK TURMOIL Tony Marshall, a second–year learning ... Show more content on ... UVA–OB–0897 UVA–OB–0897 received a dual undergraduate degree in finance and information systems. Prior to business school, she worked as an analyst for a private foundation. Martin planned to focus her career on private wealth. Despite the great amount of networking that her chosen career path required, Martin was very involved in the school community. She spent a lot of time working on projects for the Black Business Student Forum and the National Association of Women MBAs. Daren Onyealisi was originally from Nigeria and had been living in the United States for more than 10 years. He graduated from the University of Maryland with a degree in government. Following his undergraduate degree, Onyealisi worked as a policy research analyst for the District of Columbia, then changed career paths and worked as a real estate analyst for three years before attending business school. Onyealisi was a first–generation college graduate and awarded the Robert Toigo Foundation Fellowship upon entering the MBA program.1 While Onyealisi was not very involved in the graduate school community, through the Big Brothers Big Sisters of America organization he was a Big Brother for local youths. Onyealisi planned to target the consulting industry for his summer internship. Rob Delery was the only scientist in the group and earned a BS in chemical engineering from Penn State. During his undergraduate years, Delery was a member of the Penn ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Prison Reform Topic Paper : Prisons Prison Reform Topic Paper Submitted By: Toni Nielson – CSU, Fullerton Unique Educational Opportunities "Prisons are closed institutions. They are established and funded by governments to hold people against their will", but why punish (Zyl Smit, 2010)? What is the purpose of prison? This fundamental question stirs up a significant amount of debate. The government, citizens, educators, and even prisoners are divided about the right answers. There is disagreement in the US about the purpose of the prison system. On the one hand, the regulations of the prison system may seek deterrence, incapacitation, or retribution to avoid appearing too soft on criminals (Zyl Smit, 2010; Rossum, 2003). On the other hand, the regulations of the prison system may seek to opportunities to resocialize prisoners or to effect changes in the character, attitudes, or behavior of the convicted offender (Zyl Smit, 2010; Harvard Law Review, 2010). Which approach is the most effective for a society that decides to punish? What do we do about those who commit crimes? This questions seems to have a more definitive answer in the US. The last four decades of American criminal justice have been shaped by the public appeal to get tough on crime (Colgan, 2006). "Since the mid–1970s, the United States has engaged in a "race to incarcerate" that has resulted in a prison population expanded to a level previously unknown in any democratic society" (Burt, 2010). The US has over 2 million of its citizens ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Abraham Lincoln Major Accomplishments Trinity Anderson Michael Petersen Political Science 1100 February 17, 2017 Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in Hardin County, Kentucky. Abraham's presidential term was from March 4, 1861 till he was assassinated on April 15, 1865. Abraham Lincoln was six foot four inches and lived until the age of 56. He was the sixteenth president. Abraham Lincoln was born to his parents Nancy Hanks and Tom Lincoln. Lincoln had a sister named Sarah but was known as Sally, and a brother named Thomas. Thomas died in infancy. Abraham Lincoln's family had land in Hardin County, Kentucky, but as more people moved in around them Tom Lincoln learned that laws didn't protect him from people trying to take his land, so he moved his ... Show more content on ... Abraham Lincoln is the reason why we don't have the problem of slavery in the country anymore. Abraham Lincoln came from almost nothing and still had the drive and ambition to make this country great. He came from a family who moved a lot and had a hard time with money. With this hard life style Abraham still had the desire to learn how to read and write and accomplished that also. Plus when he was younger his mother died and while his dad was away for six months looking for a new wife he survived. When his new mother arrived he greeted her with open arms and just let her into his life when he could've rejected her. Abraham Lincoln grew up with an uneducated family with no money and still managed to teach himself how to read, became a lawyer, became an Illinois state legislature, became a U.S. senator, and then finally a president. While he was president he brought back the states that had seceded from the union and abolished slavery. Lincoln accomplished a lot as the president, and before he became the president and he showed us all that everyone deserved to be treated ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. 9/11 Cause Effect "The planes were hijacked, the buildings fell, and thousands of lives were lost nearly a thousand miles from here. But the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were an attack on the heart of America" (Newman). For every cause there is an effect, and unfortunately the effects of 9/11 are disturbing. I like to say that everything happens for a reason, and the reasons of 9/11 still continue to puzzle the people today. The attacks on world trade center and pentagon on September 11 2001 were tragic and devastating not only for the victims, but all the people of United States of America. The tragic losses will forever haunt the mind of who ever lived to witness this heartbreaking event. On the Tuesday morning of September 11th, ... Show more content on ... Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church. At least 200 people fell or jumped to their deaths from the burning towers landing on the streets and rooftops of adjacent buildings hundreds of feet below. Some occupants of each tower above the point of impact made their way toward the roof in hope of helicopter rescue, but the roof access doors were locked. 2,606 people died from the Towers collapsing ( At 9:37 a.m., the hijackers crashed American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon's western facade, killing the 59 on board the plane and 125 military and civilian personnel inside the building ("9/11 Memorial timeline"). A hundred and six are severely injured in the ensuing fire. Within 30 minutes of two planes hitting the World Trade Center twin towers, American Airlines Flight 77 departed Dulles International Airport bound for Los Angeles. The Boeing 757 was hijacked and crashed, loaded with 10,000 gallons of fuel, at 345 mph into the west side of the Pentagon. The five–story Pentagon is made up of five pentagonal structures arranged in rings. The plane took out light poles in the parking lot, hit the ground just outside the outermost ring of the Pentagon, turned up on its wing, and penetrated the E ring midway between corridors 4 and 5 ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Burtston Disaster After it was over, the flood had destroyed 507 homes, damaged 936 homes, left over 4,000 people homeless, swept away 30 trailers and 600 automobiles, destroyed 30 businesses, washed out sections of the railroad and 10 bridges, and knocked out telephone, sewage, water and power services (Nugent 146). Over 1,000 residents sustained injuries and 125 people were killed, 7 bodies were never found (Nugent 146). "Victims lay crushed against bridges, wedged between railroad cars, swinging grotesquely from tree branches" (Nugent 151). In the days following the disaster, as the extent of the devastation unfolded, Pittston "remained silent, without even a word of condolence for the victims" (Nugent 156). When an official finally made a statement, he ... Show more content on ... First, the "un–engineered" dam violated two laws; second, Pittston knew the dam was not safe; third, Pittston did not have a warning system in place to alert residents in case of disaster; fourth, by convincing the deputies to discontinue their warning efforts, Pittston negated the last–ditch effort that could have saved 125 people (Nugent 183). The most tragic finding from the multiple investigations and studies is that Pittston could have built a safe dam for less than 200,000 thousand dollars, an amount that was a mere "one–half of one percent of its 1971 profits" (Nugent 184), a small sacrifice that could have saved many lives. Pittston's culpability lies in its reckless greed. One of saddest reminders of the horror of Pittston's wanton disregard is a tombstone that reads: "This Tiny Trio / Boy–Girl–Boy / Who were the Victims of the Feb. 26, 1972 Buffalo Creek Disaster are unknown to us by name but to Our Heavenly Father they are known as three little angels" (Stern 47). The article Remembering Buffalo Creek, 40 Years Later commemorates the tragedy saying: "We have a responsibility to teach each future generation what happened and why, so that they cannot only reverently remember but make certain that history does not repeat itself" (1). One can hope all companies have this etched in their minds and hearts and souls when they think of sacrificing safety for a ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Environmental Sanctions And Safety Standards Introduction Coal is king. The coal industry controls the economy of states, and states rely on it for electricity. However, many families involved in the industry of coal are experiencing profound economic difficulty. This must be resolved to improve the economic disparity in West Virginia, a state known for a large coal mining industry. Many mining families experience this economic difficulty, particularly due to health risks and job situations. Much research has been done into the effects of a large coal industry. "In just the past twenty years, air pollution from coal plants have shortened the lives of more than half a million Americans." (Jeff Goodell, 2006). Mining kills; and it even affects those uninvolved in the production of it. There are a vast amount of environmental sanctions and safety standards in mines. These are laws and regulations meant to protect the population, yet most do not follow them correctly. Companies must pay for all of this, however paying for regulations cuts into profit margins. These companies manage to still make profit by shutting down deficit mines, but mainly make up costs by laying off employees. This process results in a never–ending cycle of downtrodden individuals trying to make ends meet. Mining is a neutral party, it has negatives and positives, both of which impact the Appalachia community significantly. Mining has a vast assortment of negatives that are constantly being discussed. Mining can damage the environment and ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Buffalo Creek Flood Research Paper The Buffalo Creek flood of West Virginia is believed to be the most devastating coal relate disaster in West Virginia history. The flood occurred in the Buffalo Creek area of Logan County on February 26, 1972 when three dams broke and released 132 million gallons of water and coal waste known by miners as "gob," and is a thick sludge–like material. The gob contains many toxic chemicals and pollutants such as mercury and arsenic that are left behind from the coal mining process. The wastewater would lie in settling ponds and dams until it could be properly disposed of. The water that was left over from processing coal would be disposed of in two different ways. Some of the water would be pumped from the dam back to the "tipple", otherwise ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. The Mountains Of Central Appalachia Trent Brown Professor Lautenshlager English 2614 30 November 2014 The mountains of central Appalachia have always been known for, almost exclusively, the booming coal deposits that inhabit it, as well as the controversy that comes with the industry. The controversy that involves the wildlife, ecosystems, and residents of the area is one with fine lines, gray areas, and more than simply a good and evil side. The mountains of Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, and Tennessee are also home to some of the most extensive biodiversity in our country, as well as rich cultural heritage that extends to the earliest years of our nation. Everything that makes central Appalachia unique and identifiable is exactly what they might be in jeopardy of losing. Surface mining began to replace traditional underground mining around WWII (Bozzi 116). Rather than digging into the mountain to extract the coal, strip mining involves removing the overlying soil and rock that covers the coal deposits (Lutz 1). It seemed appealing at first because the previous known dangers of black–lung disease and cave–ins were now limited with the surface mining method (Bozzi 116). However, surface mining came with it's own problems, a lot of them being more serious and irreversible than underground mining (Allen 182). This method of surface mining was the spark that created the trend of mountaintop removal (Bozzi 117). Mountaintop removal is the complete destruction of the mountain peak in order to reach coal ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. 9/11 Attack Research Papers The Attacks In the early morning of 2001, Muslim extremists hijacked four passenger airplanes departing from the East Coast heading for California. Two of these planes hit the North and South towers of The World Trade Center in New York City. One plane hit the Pentagon in near Washington D.C., and another was a failed hijack attempt resulting in the plane being crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. The failed attempt is speculated to have been heading for The White House. In all the attacks on September 11, 2001 caused a total loss of 2,977 lives including the 19 hijackers (CNN, 2015). American Airlines Flight 77 At about 8:20 a.m. American Airlines flight 77 left Dulles Virginia for Los Angeles, California, but was hijacked by 5 men affiliated ... Show more content on ... The Creation of the Transportation Security Administration In November 2001, when the Aviation and Transportation Security Act was passed by Congress a new agency, Transportation Security Administration, was created as a result. This new administration was responsible for protecting American transportation from any other future terrorist attacks. From 2001–2003 the TSA was part of the Department of Transportation, but in 2003 it was placed under the new Department of Homeland Security (Gale, 2015). TSA's main focus is on air travel, it employs nearly 45,000 employees working as passenger screeners in over 400 airports across America. As well as x–ray screenings of luggage and metal detector screenings for passengers, TSA is allowed to preform "pat down" searches of people, and baggage searches of anyone under their discretion. Any luggage that is locked can be opened by any means, even breaking the lock, if the owner of the luggage is unwilling to open it (Gale, ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Pro Slavery Research Paper Shortly after the creation of the colonies, slavery was introduced and the dependence upon it grew exponentially. Southern states prospered with slavery, establishing plantations of hundreds of acres with just as many slaves to work. Virginia, the largest slave state, had a population of 747,610 in 1790, of which 292,627 were slaves. With Kentucky being carved out of Virginia and first settlers originating from Virginia, many expected the new state to follow Virginia's harsh slave laws seen throughout the southern pro slavery states. But would the settlers of Kentucky, many former Virginians, keep things the same or would the influence of northerners also moving west force compromise to create, in the eyes of the south, a more lenient slave ... Show more content on ... That decision, caused economic hardship for the settlers at the beginning, and caused them to look for new opportunities, developing a hiring–out system along with teaching slaves different skills. In addition, the planting of small crops, such as corn and grains, made small farming the majority in Kentucky and saw owners working closely with what few slaves were owned per person. The more personal relationship between slave owner and slave allowed for Kentucky to become a more lenient slave state, especially compared to southern states, seen in the laws enacted and the what little force the slave codes borrowed from Virginia were ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Fundamental Financial Accounting Concepts Eighth Edition Fundamental Financial Accounting Concepts Thomas P. Edmonds University of Alabama–Birmingham Frances M. McNair Mississippi State University Philip R. Olds Virginia Commonwealth University Edward E. Milam Mississippi State University (Contributing Author) FUNDAMENTAL FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING CONCEPTS Published by McGraw–Hill/Irwin, a business unit of The McGraw–Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY, 10020. Copyright © 2013, 2011, 2008, 2006, 2003, 2000, 1998, 1996 by The McGraw–Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval ... Show more content on ... While the Statement of Cash Flows is discussed at the end of the text, the concepts that are needed to understand that information were introduced in Chapter 1." DEBBIE BENSON, KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY Typically, we show the statements model immediately after each journal entry. For example, the settlement of a liability for interest would be shown as follows: Account Title Interest Payable Cash Debit 8,400 8,400 Credit Assets (8,400) 5 Liab. (8,400)
  • 26. 1 Equity NA Rev. NA 2 Exp. NA 5 Net Inc. NA Cash Flow (8,400) OA "The number one strength of the text is the financial statement model approach and delaying introducing debits and credits for several chapters." LEAH KRATZ, EASTERN MENNONITE UNIVERSITY This approach provides a direct visual connection between journal entries and financial statements. It enables students to see how each individual accounting event affects decision making. Executives make few decisions without considering how those decisions affect "bottom line" financial performance measures. The statements model approach encourages students to develop real–world thinking patterns. ● A UNIQUE APPROACH TO THE STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS We not only cover the income statement, statement of stockholders' equity, and the balance sheet, but we also provide comprehensive coverage of the statement of cash flows. Coverage of the statement of cash flows starts in Chapter 1 and is discussed ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Battle of Blair Mountain BATTLE OF BLAIR MOUNTAIN Terry M. Deener West Virginia History HIST225 March 10, 2013 In the early 20th Century, West Virginia was a place where coal barons held immense power. Coal companies owned towns, mayors and governors. Miners were forced to live on coal camps and rent houses from them, as well as purchase all of their coal and other items required to survive from the companies. With this control, mining families where forced to live and work in brutal conditions. In 1921, after a generation of violent suppression, miners erupted in the largest class war in US history. For 5 days miners fought the coal barons, over 1 million rounds of ammunition were fired, this is known as the Battle of Blair Mountain. The Battle of Blair ... Show more content on ... This enraged the miners and they began to exit the mines and take arms. Miners along the Little Coal River were among the first to militarize, and began to patrol and the guard the area. Sheriff Don Chafin sent his troopers from Logan County to Little Coal River area. The troopers were quickly overthrown, apprehended, disarmed, and sent back running from the miners. Frank Keeney and Fred Mooney, the leaders of the UMWA District 17, called a rally at the state capitol in Charleston. The two met with Governor Ephraim Morgan, and presented him with a petition spelling out the miners' demands. Governor Morgan rejected the miners demands which caused the miners to become more restless. Miners began to talk about organizing a march on Mingo to free the confined miners, end martial law, and organize the county; unfortunately, the only things standing in their way were Blair Mountain, Logan County, and Sheriff Don Chafin. The first altercations occurred on August 25, 1921. The majority of miners were still 15 miles away. President Warren Harding threatened to send in federal troops and Army Martin MB–1 bombers. After a long discussion in the town of Madison, agreements were made and miners were convinced to go home. Chafin although did not expect to sit quietly after assembling his private army, he wanted a battle to end union attempts at organizing Logan County ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Langston Hughes Research Paper In 1919, when Langston Hughes was seventeen years old, he spent the summer with his father, Jim Hughes, in Toluca, Mexico. Langston had not seen his father since he was a small child, and he was excited about making the trip. However, during this visit, no affectionate bond would develop between Langston and Jim. Jim Hughes was a cold, difficult man, who was driven by ambition to make money and achieve respect. He had moved to Mexico to avoid segregation and racial injustice in the United States. As the manager of an electric company and owner of a ranch and mines, Jim expressed contempt for black Americans who continued to submit to segregation and live in poverty. Langston Hughes, 1933 (Library of Congress) Langston was not ashamed ... Show more content on ... Langston had no playmates because Mary Langston lived in a run–down, white neighborhood. He was afraid to leave his yard, where he was safe from rowdy white boys who chased and teased him about the second hand clothes and cast–off women's shoes that he wore. Langston spent many hours sitting on a stool beside his grandmother, who read him stories from the Bible or from his favorite book, Grimm's Fairy Tales. Her long wavy hair had very little gray in it, and in her ears she wore the small gold earrings Langston's grandfather left her. Her lips were thin, and her skin, "wrinkled like an Indian squaw's," was a lighter shade of brown than Langston's. Carrie Hughes worked in Topeka as a stenographer for a black attorney and as a clerk for a newspaper. Occasionally, on weekends, she would take Langston to Kansas City. His Uncle Dessalines owned a barbershop in a black neighborhood, where people's lifestyles were far different from that of his strict grandmother in Lawrence. Langston roamed the streets near the barbershop. He played the nickelodeon and listened to street musicians playing the "blues." Mary Langston was a devoted grandmother to her grandson. (Yale Collection of American Literature, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library) In 1908, six–year–old Langston moved to Topeka to live with his mother in an apartment over a plumbing shop. Jim Hughes ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Causes Of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome is caused by the intake and abuse of drugs during pregnancy, leading to several serious problems for the baby. At birth, neonates with NAS have an increased chance of being born with birth defects or a low birthweight, causing problems in overall health or development and functionality of the body. "As a withdrawal syndrome, NAS is characterized by dysregulation in central, autonomic, and gastrointestinal system functioning" causing an array of problems for the baby (Logan, Brown, & Hayes, 2014, p.2). Signs and symptoms of NAS typically appear within three days of birth and include sleep ability and quality issues, tremors, seizures, and excessive high–pitched cry (March of Dimes, 2015, p.2). Accompanying aforesaid ... Show more content on ... As found in the study executed by the Journal of Rural Health, the highest rate of NAS and additional complications caused by substance abuse occurred in the southeastern part of the state (Stabler et al., 2017, p.11). Even though the southeastern area of the state is troubled, additional regions also undergo harsh conditions due to the drug epidemic. Harrison County hospitals are also encountering staggering increases in the rate of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. In the year 2014, approximately fifty percent of babies born in Harrison County required treatment for some type of withdrawal symptoms (Swiger, 2015, p.2). Since that period of time, it is highly likely that piece of data has continued to increase, paralleling the continuous increase of drugs. Discussing the issue, Dr. Alicia Maddix of Premier Pediatric Center in Bridgeport reports, "[This area's] numbers are approaching, is not surpassing, those in the southern part of the state" (Swiger, 2015, p.2). If a solution is not implemented, the rate of drug use, and consequently Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, will continue to accelerate, creating a greater issue for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Persuasive Essay On Pedometers Have you ever counted the number of steps you take during the course of a day? If you wore a pedometer, you could. A pedometer is a device that determines the distance you've walked. It does this by counting your steps. Now, a nonprofit group called America On the Move is urging people to increase their stepping. The group also encourages healthful eating and exercise. It says that this improves health. The group recently began a new program to see if wearing pedometers would encourage people to increase their walking. In August, the West Virginia chapter of America On the Move gave out 902 pedometers. The group gave the pedometers to people in five counties in the state. It also handed out step–counting charts. Participants were asked to ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. The Buffalo Creek Disaster Essay |the Buffalo Creek Disaster | | | A book by Gerald Stern |PART ONE | | | |Prologue | | | |On the morning of the 26th February 1972 a coal company's massive coal–waste refuse pile which dammed a stream in middle fork hollow | |collapsed in the Buffalo Creek Valley. Over 130 million gallons of water and waste material devastated Buffalo Creek's sixteen | |communities. Over 125 people perished almost immediately, mostly women and children. There were over 4000 survivors but their 1000 | |homes as well as most of their ... Show more content on ... Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969 : it established federal standards in the construction of refuse piles and dams by coal companies but these standards only protected the coal miners (and not the public who lived around the coal mines) while he was working. This act could not have been used since there were not employees on duty lost in the flood. There was some basis for holding the State of WV responsible for the Buffalo Creek Disaster (BCD) since a WV statute prohibits the construction of any dam or other obstruction over 15 feet in height across any stream or watercourse without a prior determination by the State that it is safe. The State of WV had never agreed that Dam 3 (which was 60 feet high) was safe. The State was at fault for not enforcing its own laws. But Arch Moore, the Governor of WV blamed the trouble on the media, the "irresponsible" media that publicized these attacks. Governor Moore qualified the mediatization "an even greater tragedy than the accident itself". |Chapter three : "When in doubt, do the right thing" | | | A few days later, the BMC publicly announced that they would open claims offices in the valley to
  • 37. receive and process claims ("assess claims and evaluate losses") but refused to admit responsibility for the disaster. WV statute law makes the maximum amount payable in wrongful ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. The Violent Myth Of Appalachia Essay Brooks 3 THE VIOILENT MYTH OF APPALACHIA ENGL–330 Appalachian Literature By Julie A. Brooks November 17, 2016 the violent myth of appalachia Appalachia may be the most misconceived region in the United States. To many Americans, Appalachia has been thought of as a poverty stricken, backwards, violent region, and to some it still is perceived as such. Often it has been labeled with titles such as hillbilly, redneck, moonshiner, and feudists. Appalachia?s residents are seen as lazy, non–trusting, drunk, illiterate, and in need of a savior to pull them out of the darkness into the light. This research paper will seek to challenge the myth of a violent Appalachia by describing documented proof that violence in Appalachia is not, as most thought, a product of its geographical location, or because its people are isolated. Violence in Appalachia was, just as in other areas of America, a result of tensions and frustration that was deep seeded in the fabric of all American society. To understand the concepts of violence in Appalachia, it is imperative to explain how Appalachia is defined. The Appalachian Region, as defined in ARC 's authorizing legislation, is a 205,000–square– mile region that follows the spine of the Appalachian Mountains from southern New York to northern Mississippi. It includes all West Virginia and parts of 12 other states: Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Denise Giardina's Storming Heaven "Over 12,000 people were living in the tent colonies. Many Kentucky miners signed up at an organizing meeting in Justice. By the end of the week, Pond Creek was shut down, and a tent city grew up between Chieftan and Vulcan. Even Davidson miners signed..." as told by the character Carrie, in Storming Heaven. Scenes like this become common place in the character narrated book Storming Heaven by Denise Giardina. Within it, she tells us several compelling and emotional stories of how the land stripped coal miners and the unlawful cruel coal company came to a war– like battle in 1921, on Blair Mountain. This brutal and hard fought conflict lasted almost a week and resulted in the loss of dozens of lives on each side of the battlefield. The battle ... Show more content on ... A second reporter from the New York Journal interviews an officer of a mining camp that says, "If you were to go from one to another and inquire into their condition at noon, I give you my word that fully half of them will tell you that they do not know where their supper is to come from." Miners all over the country are being forced into poverty by the mining companies that they are making money for. Also what little a miner is making in paid income is subjected to outrageous charges that may range anywhere from housing, store credit, and medical fees. Most of the time all three of this pay cutting fees are applied and are taken out leaving a dirty coal covered miner with no money what so ever and starving family in a dank cold hovel and dirty blackened water unsafe to drink. It's regrettable to think that in the end of all this, it would appear to be that the coal companies themselves make more money of the miners than they do of the coal they have them dig out of the ground. The miners and their families in Storming Heaven are just like this in real life since they are facing the same set of obstacles. Giardina's novel moves us into the time of the early 1900's and tells of how they "...freeze and starve" Storming Heaven, when the try and fight back. "Nine or ten people died each week" Storming Heaven, and die when they are left with nothing. All throughout the book it only worsens for them as time passes onwards. "What they needed was food and warmth, and I could give them neither. Nor could the miners give these things to their families". Poverty is not something that should be taken lightly and Giardina openly places the reader into a first–hand experience of what it means to be truly impoverished and out of options. All of those frontier men and substance farms that ounce lived as the chose now must follow in line ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: A Case Study In order to properly treat Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, if first must be established the severity to determine what type of treatment would be most effective. The most common scoring system for NAS is known as the Finnegan Neonatal Abstinence Severity Score; "positive symptoms are given a weighted score and summed every four hours; decisions regarding treatment onset and rate are made based on a cumulative threshold score" (Logan et al., 2014, p.3). Depending on the neonate's Finnegan score, the baby may qualify for both or either types of treatment: nonpharmacological or pharmacological. Nonpharmacological treatment is always the first option, including gentle handling, swaddling, frequent feeding, music therapy, active maternal participation with the infant, and more. Alternatively, pharmacological treatment involves medical intervention, such as the use of morphine to wean neonates from the in–utero exposure to drugs ... Show more content on ... One organization, FMRS Health Systems stationed in Beckley, West Virginia, specifically provides options for addicted women who are pregnant. FMRS allows women to take Subutex to decrease the impact on the baby or slowly cease opiate intake. In addition, the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources administers Home Visiting Programs to increase mother–child bondage, and advocate healthy and positive living (Holdren, 2017, p.2). Programs and organizations such as these are essential in improving the quality of life for both the mother and child. Hospitals throughout the state also provide unique treatment for patients suffering from withdrawal. In Harrison County, United Hospital Center accepts volunteers through the Cuddler's Program to comfort babies struggling with withdrawal (Kendall, 2015, p.1). Dozens of additional programs exist around West Virginia in attempt to provide care and peacefulness during troublesome ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Essay On Injustice In America Many laws that made up America are broken just for the way people treat each other. The Depression was a time when many laws were broken. The 14th amendment was violated when blacks were treated unequally. Black people were the main target during the depression because most people thought that people who were black could not have a better job than they had or even a job at all. In today's world there is definitely feelings of unequalness but it has gotten worse. There is no doubt that people are treating other people unfairly but it is all kinds of different people. For example there are unfair treatments people of different race, religion, and many other things. The treatment that people give to others is based only upon opinions that are ... Show more content on ... The 8th amendment which states that no cruel and unusual punishment will be inflicted on anyone was also violated during the Depression as people were being accused of crimes that were never committed. A well known unfair trial that happened was the trial of the Scottsboro Boys who were convicted of raping two white women and sentenced to death. In our society there are still circumstances that have been unreasonable when it has come to punishment. That can be included in harsh and unusual punishment which would be any kind of abuse. There is victims of abuse all the time and it is mostly because a person has been in a bad situation with a violent person. There are also people who have been convicted of crimes that they were not guilty of and was sentenced to the death penalty. Also the people who have been guilty of crimes and sentenced to the death penalty have suffered before they are put to death. An article on writes about a man's execution and it reads, "Dennis McGuire was put to death using a combination of intravenous drugs that had never before been used in a lethal injection execution. John Paul Rion, the attorney representing McGuire's children in their lawsuit, said at a press conference that the execution violated McGuire's constitutional protection against cruel and unusual ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Coal Industry : Need For Coal Produces Environmental Damage Cassidy Selep Love AP Language 1 May 2015 Coal Craze: Need for Coal Produces Environmental Damage I sat quietly in the large van. Everyone was quiet. We were swaying back and forth as the car rounded each bend, moving with the mountain. The car slowly climbed up, revealing more peaks. I took in the atmosphere with every breath. The mountain rose and fell like sand dunes. Fog blanketed the mountaintop illuminating the green tree tops and emphasizing the dark leaves of others. The van continued in peace. As we swung around one last corner, the silence was broken and a unified gasp filled the vehicle. Our sight was stolen. The utopian mountaintop was replaced with flat, gray, barren land. The passengers were shocked and the murmurs bubbled ... Show more content on ... It is clearly stated in the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA) that surface mining operations cause environmental and social damage "by impairing natural beauty, by damaging the property of citizens, by creating hazards dangerous to life and property by degrading the quality of life in local communities..." (#6). Surface mining causes more damage to the environment than other methods. Everything ranging from air and water pollution to degrading land and loss of biodiversity has been caused by surface mining. The Appalachian mountain region is the most diverse forest in the world. There are a large number of salamanders and migratory birds, along with waterways, the first link in the food chain that supports the entire forest. Valley fills, where overburden from surface mining is dumped, can cover up streams, thus breaking the food chain. In an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) study, it was found that a large number of mayflies have disappeared. This may seem like a small loss, but it will affect other creatures in the future. As more and more chains break in the food chain, the less diverse the forest is. It was also found that the cerulean warblers, a migratory bird, has been decreasing in population. In fact, over 40 years, the cerulean warbler has decreased by 82% (McQuaid). These small creatures are vital to the diverse ecosystem of the Appalachian mountains. ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Civil War The Civil War split our nation, Americans fighting Americans, brother against brother. The war lasted four long years, a key battle fought westward was the turning point in the war: the Battle of Vicksburg. Between Cairo, Illinois, and the Gulf of Mexico, the Mississippi River twists and winds for nearly 1,000 miles. Commonly referred to as ‘the trunk of the American tree '. The river was vital to both the American Government and to the Confederate forces in the west. The city of Vicksburg, Mississippi, 250 feet high, overlooks the Mississippi River on the Louisiana– Mississippi state border. Confederate forces mounted artillery batteries ready to challenge the passage of Union ships. Receiving control of Vicksburg and the ... Show more content on ... So long as the Confederacy controlled the great river, it could prevent the Union from bringing its full weight to bear against Lee in Virginia. Viclesburg 's situation on a bend of the river made it extremely hard to attack. Navel assaults were fruitless, as shown by the fate of the U.S.S. Cairo 's, which was sunk in just a few moments. During the winter of 1862–1863, Grant conducted the Bayou Expeditions, or amphibious operations, all to try to reduce Vicksburg. Needless to say–they all failed. After months of frustration and failure, Grant had reached crossroads in his military career. There was a lot of talking in the northern press to remove him from command. Even members of the U.S. Cabinet urged President Lincoln to replace Grant as commander of the western army. The President could not spare this man because he fought. He decided to try him a little longer. At this point, Grant was where he had started 2 months ago. He traveled down the west side of the river stopping northwest of Vicksburg. Unsuccessfully, Grant tried to reach Vicksburg: two attempts to bypass the city to the south and another two attempts to cross the Yazoo Delta to the north. The date was Mach 1863 and Grant was still at square one. On March 29, 1863, Grant opted to march south. Grant ordered Major General John A. McClernand of the thirteenth ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Mountaintop Mining : The Natural Beauty And Biodiversity... Introduction With its rolling hills and breathtaking foliage, Central Appalachia is home to some of America 's most beautiful views, attracting thousands of tourists to the region each year. However, Central Appalachia is also home to vast deposits of energy resources, mainly coal. In order to extract this supply of cheap energy, mining companies have turned to a practice called mountaintop removal mining, or simply mountaintop mining. Mountaintop mining is a form of surface mining that involves removing the tops and sides of a summit in order to more quickly and efficiently remove underlying coal deposits. Although this kind of mining is cheaper than traditional subsurface methods, its social and environmental costs are steep, making it a major source of contention in both the Central Appalachian region and America as a whole. Elements of mountaintop removal mining that have contributed to its controversial nature are how it affects the economies of surrounding communities, leads to poor bodily health, and warps the natural beauty and biodiversity of the Appalachian environment. Background Mountaintop removal mining, otherwise known as mountaintop mining, began in Appalachia in the 1960s as an extension of conventional strip mining techniques. In this form of mining, the top and sides of a summit are altered or removed in order to extract underlying coal deposits. This method allows coal mining companies to reach coal that would normally be too difficult or dangerous to ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Brand Building Blocks BRAND BUILDING BLOCKS Building Strong Brands: Why Is It Hard? It is not easy to build brands in today 's environment. The brand builder who attempts to develop a strong brand is like a golfer playing on a course with heavy roughs, deep sand traps, sharp doglegs, and vast water barriers. It is difficult to score well in such conditions. Substantial pressures and barriers, both internal and external, can inhibit the brand builder. To be able to develop effective brand strategies, it is useful to understand these pressures and barriers Different factors that make it difficult to build brands are shown in the figure above. The first, pressure to compete on price, directly affects the motivation to build brands. The second reason, the ... Show more content on ... What, then, happens to the people who support the brand with market research or other brand– building activities? They are vulnerable to the organizations new cost culture. 2. Proliferation Of Competitors New, vigorous competitors come from a variety of sources. A host of food categories have watched Weight Watchers and Healthy Choice enter their markets through brand extension strategies. In the snack category, Frito–Lay has seen regional brands expand and Budweiser 's Eagle brand break out of its niche to become a major competitor. New product forms that provide real alternatives for the customer have encroached the soft drink market, bottled water, carbonated water, fruit–based drinks, and "new age" drinks, among others. Additional competitors not only contribute to price pressure and brand complexity, but also make it much harder to gain and hold a position. They leave fewer holes in the market to exploit and fewer implementation vehicles to own. Each brand tends to be positioned more narrowly, the target markets become smaller, and the non–target market becomes larger. Efforts to market to a broad segment thus become more difficult in the face of the complex 'brandscape' Further, some new or desperate competitors may be motivated to take risks or attempt unusual approaches. The result can be destabilization of the competitive dynamics. There is also an enhanced motivation to copy anything that is successful, in part because the risks of ... Get more on ...