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Work From No Home Free Report
Learn How I Made $12,614 In 29 Days
When it comes to affiliate marketing, there are no million dollar ideas.

There are just $100 ideas that can be replicated rapidly. And what I want to show you
today is one of those ideas, fleshed out and detailed to the point that you can use it in a
number of niches for rapid, easy income that can be put on autopilot and that is immune
to the changing whims of Google and their array of zoological algorithm updates.

Here’s the thing.

The whole purpose of online marketing is to create a passive income - the kind that will
run on autopilot for weeks or even months at a time. The kind that will continue to grow
as long as you invest wisely. The kind that you can forget about for a few weeks while
you lounge on a beach somewhere absorbing the sun’s glorious rays.

Yet, right now there is a very real and completely founded fear out there that Google
has destroyed this lifestyle.

That Panda and Penguin have made it impossible to build small, rapid-fire websites that
can generate massive amounts of money in a short period of time through organic
search rankings.

Whoever is feeding this BS to the masses is dead wrong, because it IS possible and I’m
going to show you how.

The system I’m about to show you is the exact one I use in my own business to build
small, extremely targeted websites that generate $100 or more in profit every month
and can be put on autopilot with less than an hour of work from you.

This is the exact business model that will allow you to start making money on the
Internet by selling top rated products from vendors that you trust - the stuff that is
already selling, but now you’re getting the credit for it.

This is Launch Leverage Magic and I’m about to show you all of the basic tips you need
right now to start profiting from it, immediately.

The best part is that it’s so simple, anyone can do it - whether you’ve been making
money online for 20 years or just picked up a keyboard for the first time and have no
idea what you’re doing - this is the system you need.

There are three major steps.

Step 1 - Identify a Hot Niche
Step 2 - Build a Powerful, Google-Friendly Website
Step 3 - Leverage!

I’m going to show you how to streamline this process down to a few minutes of rapid
research so that you can make as many as 5-6 of these per week and start profiting
within a few days. No more waiting weeks or months for profits to roll in - just rapid,
targeted income based on a few minutes of simple research.

The goal is simple - make money from someone else’s hard work, quickly and efficiently
before anyone else knows what’s happening.

Let’s get started.
Step 1 - Identify a Hot Niche
The first step, before you do anything is to find a hot niche and a product in that niche
that is going to blow up the charts before anyone else can act on it.

I have created a powerful system that allows me to identify hot niches in a matter of
minutes - within 5 minutes I can find a hot new product that is blowing up the search
rankings and hasn’t even been released yet.

Here’s how you can do the same.

First, you need to determine what type of product you want to promote. The idea here is
to find a product that has NOT yet been released. This gives you a tremendous amount
of leverage.

When that product is released, the product vendor or manufacturer is going to pour
countless hours of man power into marketing it. You can peel off a fair share of the
traffic generated by that marketing by choosing the right domain name and standing in
front of the torrent of traffic that results.

So, to do this, here is the plan.

We need to find a hot niche with a number of products being released rapidly. In my
case, my hottest niche has always been gaming.

Here’s why.

Every year there are 4-5 major gaming releases - new MMORPGs, expansions for
existing MMORPGs and new PC games with highly competitive factors.

The key to selecting a good game is to look for one that has a highly social aspect, is
very competitive and offers an opportunity for players to excel by finding rare, hard to
acquire items. Normal, everyday video games like Mario won’t cut it because they are
relatively straightforward.

We need something for which there can be insider strategies and people are willing to
spend money to get better.

So, I look for games that already include an element of pay-for-play. Online RPGs like
World of Warcraft, games with real money auction houses like Diablo 3 and games with
competitive rankings like Starcraft II are perfect.

Last year, when Diablo 3’s beta was announced, I took action and started developing
my sites for that game.

Here is what one looks like:
This is a simple site that includes original content about one aspect of the game - in this
case the Barbarian class - and links to guides that will provide more useful information
about that character.

The idea being that the game was so new that I could get some really killer domain
names by acting now instead of waiting for X months until the game was released.

As it turned out, the game was not released until May, 15, 2012 so I did good by
jumping on them early - it gave me a solid 8 month head start over the competition.

Let’s go back a couple steps though because you want to know how I found this topic
and how I knew it would be profitable.

I look for a few things when choosing a new topic for a website.

   1.1.   Does it have buzz?
   1.2.   Who is creating it?
   1.3.   What type of launch will it have?
I want a product that everyone will have already heard of before it launches, then I want
a product that is created by someone with a strong track record for success and big
sales. Finally, I want a product that will have a MASSIVE launch with a lot of people
searching for information about that product.

The idea is that when someone sees a promotion for the product, they will search for
reviews of the product and I will in turn get a boat load of free traffic by creating a site
that shows up for those keywords.

Buying keywords for a product during its launch period are pure gold and will convert at
rates normally unheard of on an affiliate marketing site.

The ONLY barrier of entry for this is getting out ahead of everyone else, which is what I
want you to do in this step.

So, back to my main example.

In this case, the products I am promoting are actually game guides sold on Clickbank -
membership sites and standalone guides that are designed to help people excel at
Diablo 3.

I chose a hot game that I knew would have a massive following because I knew that
there would be a massive number of game guides released for a game like this. So, the
buzz is there.

Second, I knew that this game was being released by Blizzard, the world’s biggest
gaming company. They publish World of Warcraft, for which there are dozens of guides.
Not only that, but the people who will be receiving emails about the new Diablo 3 guides
are the same ones who already bought World of Warcraft guides.

Third, but certainly not least, I wanted guarantee of a big launch. Diablo 3 was
expecting a launch of between 5 and 10 million units (I believe it did 8 million). The
guides for hot new online games that do more than a million units tend to reach gravities
of between 50 and 100 on Clickbank in the first week.

Diablo 3 guides could reasonably expect to see gravity approaching 200 based on
these measurements. They did.

So, this was a perfect launch target.

It has massive buzz, a trusted name that will market it heavily, multiple options on the
market to promote, and a guaranteed major launch.

So, when someone sees an advertisement for a new game guide for Diablo 3 and
thinks to themselves “I wonder if this is any good”, then searches for it, they will find my
sites, which of course tell them it is good and passes them along to the vendor site to
make a purchase.

The process from start to finish takes no more than a few minutes - especially now that I
have so many resources in place - but it results in a major profit from simple, easy to
build sites.

Okay, so how do you go about finding these hot niches for yourself? Not everyone
reading this will be interested in the gaming guide niche, nor do you need to be.

Consider some of these hot niches and the relatively easy methods you can use to find
new releases in each of them:

   • TVs - This works for many forms of electronics but TVs are great because new
     models are released all of the time. Look for hot new models from major
     manufacturers that are scheduled to be released soon. These are the ones that will
     perform best for you.
   • Gaming Consoles - Game consoles are only released by three major
     manufacturers and usually have a life cycle of 4-8 years, so launches are rare
     which means there is a LOT of buzz. I guarantee people who bought review sites
     for the Nintendo Wii or Playstation 3 did well.
   • Smart Phones and Tablets - Smart phones are updated once a year, as are
     tablets. Watch trade shows like CES in January or any Apple event and hop on
     new announcements before they launch.
   • Make Money Online Guides - The MMO niche is huge and has a number of
     heavy hitters with massive launches. Work From No Home, for example, would
     have been a fantastic launch leverage target.
   • Dating and Relationship Products - The niche has evolved a lot and new
     products tend to be extremely well planned out and highly promoted. These are 6
     figure launches and you can tap into it if you catch one early.
   • Self Help Guides - People buy lots of these products and are always looking for
     the next “legit” option. Hit up the niche at the right time and you can make a decent
     profit from it.
   • Weight Loss and Fitness Programs - Weight loss, dieting or fitness are all very
     effective ways to tap into a launch - new programs are always being released, and
     whether they work well or not, the traffic is huge.
   • General Fads - Any general fad is going to have a lot of search traffic. Whether it
     is a new form of sneakers or a hot new book that is selling for no discernible
     reason, look for fads before they blow up to take advantage of the buzz.

The goal here is simple. Find something that is about to blow up and jump on it. Buy a
targeted keyword domain and start building a site that will capture and funnel traffic for
buying keywords into your content-rich website. Do that and you’re on your way to a big
Step 2 - Build a Powerful Website
Okay, so you have a website and a good idea of how much traffic is going to come your
way, but you need to get into Google’s rankings first. Just having a keyword matched
domain isn’t enough anymore.

Penguin and Panda made sure of that. You need a site with rich content that provides
clear value to your readers. There are three things you need to consider in this step.

   1.1.   The Content
   1.2.   The Keywords
   1.3.   The Links

When it comes to assigning value to the three above, content comes out way on top.
You need to make sure that your site will rank well in Google, well before you worry
about things like which keywords you target and how many backlinks you point at your

Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be that hard.

Here’s a secret.

Your site is extremely targeted. By choosing a buying keyword like “diablo 3 rmah
guide” or “sony X53C LED tv” you winnow out thousands of potential competitors. Most
sites will only ever have one or at most two pages about this topic - so to out do them
you only need to create a handful more pages and make sure the content on them is
top notch.

So, instead of creating a broad topic site like “new sony tvs” and having to create 50+
pages for it, you can create just 3-5 pages for your model-specific site.

Remember, the goal here is to have this site online BEFORE the product launches. In
this way you can tap into the existing traffic for buying keywords like “sony X53C led tv
review” and not have to do very much work.

So, we have a hot topic, a hot niche, a hot keyword and no competition.

Now, we just need to make the readers happy and in turn Google.

To do this, I recommend between 3 and 6 pages of high quality, highly targeted content.
My formula looks something like this:

   • Landing Page
   • 2-3 Supporting Pages
   • 1-2 Video Pages
That’s it. That’s my entire website and it works quite well in almost any major niche as
long as I target the product directly enough.

Here’s my Diablo 3 site again:

This site has 15 pages. I did a lot of content for this page because I assumed it would
be a fairly competitive keyword. That was true and it paid off that I was prepared for it.

However, for a similar keyword that had a lot less competition “diablo 3 blacksmith
guide” I only created 5 pages, because let’s face it, I didn’t need any more than that:
Both sites did equally well, but the more targeted site with less competition required less
content to be successful.

The same will be true of your leveraged launch sites because, frankly, you won’t need
to do much to stand out in such a sparse crowd.

Before moving on to the final section about how to leverage all of this content into a
passive income stream, here are some tips for how I create content and what you
should do when creating yours.

   1.1.   Page 1 Matters - The landing page is the core of your site and where you
          want everyone to arrive. So, it needs to be the page most capable of driving
          traffic to the vendor site you are promoting. There are several ways to do this.
          You can provide a bonus for those who buy that product through your link (in
          the case of Clickbank products, which allow this), or you can simply provide a
          really big, in-depth review that covers everything you need to know about this
          particular product. We’re talking about 1,500 words or more for a review of this
          caliber but it works REALLY well.
   1.2.   Create with Conversions in Mind - You need to create content with
          conversions in mind. By that I mean focus on your headlines and calls to
          action. You could show up at number one in Google for all your keywords and
it wouldn’t matter if no one stuck around on your site or clicked through to the
          vendor site.
   1.3.   Images and Multimedia - Make your site feel like a real, helpful site. That
          means include images where possible on every page, injecting multimedia like
          videos into the site design and creating a streamlined process for people to
          read all of your content by linking between articles.

These three things will create a user friendly website that Google will LOVE.

Now, how do you get people to find this site? This is the big question and the one that
will likely have the biggest impact on your site development process and budget.

It’s all about SEO. Your on-site SEO will be determined by things like keyword
placement, the exact layout of your site, links between pages and tags used on images
and textual content.

Your off-site SEO however is even more important and will need to be targeted to the
exact type of person you want to find your site.

Now, we’re dealing with a post-Panda, post-Penguin world, so you need to do a lot
more than just create backlinks to your site. 5,000 Xrumer and SEOnuke backlinks are
not going to cut it. They’ll probably just get you removed from the listings altogether.

Instead, you want quality backlinks based on content and contextual links from major
PR sites. Here’s how I do that.

   1.1.   Article Marketing - Using a number of powerful marketing tools, I rapidly
          generate high quality articles and distribute them to major directories
          throughout the Internet. The key here is quality and not oversaturating. If you
          send out too many articles, don’t manage your content development effectively
          or simply cheat and use auto-spun pages, you’re not going to succeed with
          this. You need a good system in place.
   1.2.   Contextual Linking - Contextual linking is done through blog comments,
          forum signatures and guest posts on major websites that are related to yours.
          To key is to find ones that offer easy approval, but also to create comments
          and signatures that are high quality.
   1.3.   Anchor Text Diversity - Panda and Penguin have taught us a lot, namely that
          we can’t stuff our keywords into whatever links we create and expect it to
          work. Use diversity when setting your anchor text. That means not only in the
          keywords within anchor text but whether the site on which you are placing
          those links are follow or no follow.

Creating a content rich site that has the right backlinks when using hyper-targeted long-
tail keywords is a great way to generate a lot of traffic very quickly when those keywords
rise in the rankings. Be ready for it and you can make a lot of money doing this.
Step 3 - Leverage!
Here’s the icing. The sundae topping that will make all the hard work that goes into
creating your first two or three websites so worth it.

We take what we’ve just done and streamline it, creating a system through which we
can generate massive volumes of content and new websites in a manner of minutes
each day, then leverage those sites to create even more sites and build a passive
income stream that lasts.

Here’s how it works.

Step 1 - Choose a Niche and Create a System

Choose one specific niche for now and then create a system by which you can rapidly
gather new products and launches to write about. I have a calendar and I use a virtual
assistant to check on emails sent out by top vendors in the gaming and make money
online niches. Whenever a new product is announced to prospective JVs, I get an email
and can start generating sites for that product.

Tweak your system to work with your style of site creation. You might opt to generate
content based on the needs of your own products. You might really like one specific
niche. You might know someone already who can go out and find hot new niches.
Maybe you track new announcements in electronics.

Whatever you do, create a system that will make this process faster and start creating a
list (or a calendar) of new launches before they happen.

Step 2 - Create a Template

To build your sites faster, you need a template in place. You can generate sites very
quickly using Wordpress and a number of specific plugins for SEO, backlinking and
content display. You should also have templates written out for content creation.

For example, how will your typical review site look? Will it have four pages? Five? Six?
Videos? No videos?

Know in advance so you can quickly put a new site into production without having to
think about what will be on it.

Step 3 - Reinvest

Your first site will likely be made by hand and will probably take you about 5-10 hours to
build. You’re going to need to write all the content, record the videos, build the website
and find the topics, not necessarily in that order. Plus there’s the backlinking to think
But, once you’ve done it one or two times, you can take the next step and start
leveraging all your hard work into faster, more efficient site development.

We do this by reinvesting. Take WHATEVER you make from the first site and dump it
into the second site - 100% of that money. Don’t spend it. Don’t buy a new server or
upgrade your computer. Reinvest it into the process of building more sites.

Remember what I said at the beginning - there are no million dollar ideas, just $100
ideas that can be replicated.

The faster you can replicate your idea, the more likely you will be to make a tremendous
amount of money with this strategy. The process is more about finding ways to leverage
your time and speed it up than anything else.

What do you invest in?

First, hire an SEO. You can find people who do backlinks in the Philippines or India for
less than $5 an hour. It’s the easiest and least expensive thing to outsource and it takes
you the most time. So start there.

Next, outsource your writing. It needs to be decent quality, so start with at least
$0.02/word (unless you get lucky). Check out sites like Text Broker and MediaPiston too
- they work great for this if you have a bit of money to budget for the writing.

If you can find a dedicated writer through a site like Odesk or Elance, all the better.

Finally, if you still make a profit after outsourcing both the backlinking and the writing,
outsource the rest. The site building, graphic design and oversight of all the
development tasks.

By the end of one month, I bet you can be at the point of only doing the keyword
research and outsourcing everything else. That’s how well this process works.

The Bottom Line

You can leverage everything you do in this process to build large volumes of highly
targeted long-tail specific keyworded sites at top speed in a matter of days. I’m not
kidding you.

For Diablo 3, I built close to 50 websites to promote various guides (including some of
my own). The sites were all built in less than a month and all I had to do was have my
business manager gather keywords which I then approved.

There was a large cash investment, but it more than paid off when the game guides
went live and we started making money.
It’s tough to do, but if you spend a little and just keep doing what works in this process,
you will be able to leverage moderate success from a $100 website into massive
success through one hundred $100 websites.

Tell me that doesn’t sound addictive.
I have been an Internet marketer for close to six years and in that time, I’ve created a lot
of websites. My fair share of vendor sites, and a boat load of leveraged launch sites.

By far, the sites with the greatest ROI and lowest bar to entry are the ones described by
the process above. In less than a day I can have an entire website online and ready to
start making money.

Imagine how many of these sites you could build in a week. Two weeks. A month.

Now imagine what you can do when you outsource the entire process to a team of

The income potential is phenomenal.

The key here is to NOT expect miracles. You’re not going to make $10,000 from your
first leveraged site. You’re not going to build a massive empire in a month.

You’ll probably break even for a few weeks and then make a few bucks on a couple
launches and go from there.

But, I guarantee you if you follow this plan and build your sites repeatedly, following the
same steps and tweaking them for the successes and failures you see, you will
generate a passive income stream that more than takes care of itself over time.

If you’re serious about putting the launch leverage magic to the test, check out Work
from No Home - this is the complete, multi-module course I’ve created to help affiliate
marketers leverage the hard work of product creators to make money quickly and
efficiently over and over again, regardless of what Google is doing.

Check it out.

Best of luck in all your endeavors and I hope to see you on the inside!

~Peng Joon

     Click Here To Get The Work From No Home System Today

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The Work From No Home System extra bonus

  • 1. Work From No Home Free Report Learn How I Made $12,614 In 29 Days
  • 2. When it comes to affiliate marketing, there are no million dollar ideas. There are just $100 ideas that can be replicated rapidly. And what I want to show you today is one of those ideas, fleshed out and detailed to the point that you can use it in a number of niches for rapid, easy income that can be put on autopilot and that is immune to the changing whims of Google and their array of zoological algorithm updates. Here’s the thing. The whole purpose of online marketing is to create a passive income - the kind that will run on autopilot for weeks or even months at a time. The kind that will continue to grow as long as you invest wisely. The kind that you can forget about for a few weeks while you lounge on a beach somewhere absorbing the sun’s glorious rays. Yet, right now there is a very real and completely founded fear out there that Google has destroyed this lifestyle. That Panda and Penguin have made it impossible to build small, rapid-fire websites that can generate massive amounts of money in a short period of time through organic search rankings. Whoever is feeding this BS to the masses is dead wrong, because it IS possible and I’m going to show you how. The system I’m about to show you is the exact one I use in my own business to build small, extremely targeted websites that generate $100 or more in profit every month and can be put on autopilot with less than an hour of work from you. This is the exact business model that will allow you to start making money on the Internet by selling top rated products from vendors that you trust - the stuff that is already selling, but now you’re getting the credit for it. This is Launch Leverage Magic and I’m about to show you all of the basic tips you need right now to start profiting from it, immediately. The best part is that it’s so simple, anyone can do it - whether you’ve been making money online for 20 years or just picked up a keyboard for the first time and have no idea what you’re doing - this is the system you need. There are three major steps. Step 1 - Identify a Hot Niche Step 2 - Build a Powerful, Google-Friendly Website
  • 3. Step 3 - Leverage! I’m going to show you how to streamline this process down to a few minutes of rapid research so that you can make as many as 5-6 of these per week and start profiting within a few days. No more waiting weeks or months for profits to roll in - just rapid, targeted income based on a few minutes of simple research. The goal is simple - make money from someone else’s hard work, quickly and efficiently before anyone else knows what’s happening. Let’s get started.
  • 4. Step 1 - Identify a Hot Niche The first step, before you do anything is to find a hot niche and a product in that niche that is going to blow up the charts before anyone else can act on it. I have created a powerful system that allows me to identify hot niches in a matter of minutes - within 5 minutes I can find a hot new product that is blowing up the search rankings and hasn’t even been released yet. Here’s how you can do the same. First, you need to determine what type of product you want to promote. The idea here is to find a product that has NOT yet been released. This gives you a tremendous amount of leverage. When that product is released, the product vendor or manufacturer is going to pour countless hours of man power into marketing it. You can peel off a fair share of the traffic generated by that marketing by choosing the right domain name and standing in front of the torrent of traffic that results. So, to do this, here is the plan. We need to find a hot niche with a number of products being released rapidly. In my case, my hottest niche has always been gaming. Here’s why. Every year there are 4-5 major gaming releases - new MMORPGs, expansions for existing MMORPGs and new PC games with highly competitive factors. The key to selecting a good game is to look for one that has a highly social aspect, is very competitive and offers an opportunity for players to excel by finding rare, hard to acquire items. Normal, everyday video games like Mario won’t cut it because they are relatively straightforward. We need something for which there can be insider strategies and people are willing to spend money to get better. So, I look for games that already include an element of pay-for-play. Online RPGs like World of Warcraft, games with real money auction houses like Diablo 3 and games with competitive rankings like Starcraft II are perfect. Last year, when Diablo 3’s beta was announced, I took action and started developing my sites for that game. Here is what one looks like:
  • 5. This is a simple site that includes original content about one aspect of the game - in this case the Barbarian class - and links to guides that will provide more useful information about that character. The idea being that the game was so new that I could get some really killer domain names by acting now instead of waiting for X months until the game was released. As it turned out, the game was not released until May, 15, 2012 so I did good by jumping on them early - it gave me a solid 8 month head start over the competition. Let’s go back a couple steps though because you want to know how I found this topic and how I knew it would be profitable. I look for a few things when choosing a new topic for a website. 1.1. Does it have buzz? 1.2. Who is creating it? 1.3. What type of launch will it have?
  • 6. I want a product that everyone will have already heard of before it launches, then I want a product that is created by someone with a strong track record for success and big sales. Finally, I want a product that will have a MASSIVE launch with a lot of people searching for information about that product. The idea is that when someone sees a promotion for the product, they will search for reviews of the product and I will in turn get a boat load of free traffic by creating a site that shows up for those keywords. Buying keywords for a product during its launch period are pure gold and will convert at rates normally unheard of on an affiliate marketing site. The ONLY barrier of entry for this is getting out ahead of everyone else, which is what I want you to do in this step. So, back to my main example. In this case, the products I am promoting are actually game guides sold on Clickbank - membership sites and standalone guides that are designed to help people excel at Diablo 3. I chose a hot game that I knew would have a massive following because I knew that there would be a massive number of game guides released for a game like this. So, the buzz is there. Second, I knew that this game was being released by Blizzard, the world’s biggest gaming company. They publish World of Warcraft, for which there are dozens of guides. Not only that, but the people who will be receiving emails about the new Diablo 3 guides are the same ones who already bought World of Warcraft guides. Third, but certainly not least, I wanted guarantee of a big launch. Diablo 3 was expecting a launch of between 5 and 10 million units (I believe it did 8 million). The guides for hot new online games that do more than a million units tend to reach gravities of between 50 and 100 on Clickbank in the first week. Diablo 3 guides could reasonably expect to see gravity approaching 200 based on these measurements. They did. So, this was a perfect launch target. It has massive buzz, a trusted name that will market it heavily, multiple options on the market to promote, and a guaranteed major launch. So, when someone sees an advertisement for a new game guide for Diablo 3 and thinks to themselves “I wonder if this is any good”, then searches for it, they will find my
  • 7. sites, which of course tell them it is good and passes them along to the vendor site to make a purchase. The process from start to finish takes no more than a few minutes - especially now that I have so many resources in place - but it results in a major profit from simple, easy to build sites. Okay, so how do you go about finding these hot niches for yourself? Not everyone reading this will be interested in the gaming guide niche, nor do you need to be. Consider some of these hot niches and the relatively easy methods you can use to find new releases in each of them: • TVs - This works for many forms of electronics but TVs are great because new models are released all of the time. Look for hot new models from major manufacturers that are scheduled to be released soon. These are the ones that will perform best for you. • Gaming Consoles - Game consoles are only released by three major manufacturers and usually have a life cycle of 4-8 years, so launches are rare which means there is a LOT of buzz. I guarantee people who bought review sites for the Nintendo Wii or Playstation 3 did well. • Smart Phones and Tablets - Smart phones are updated once a year, as are tablets. Watch trade shows like CES in January or any Apple event and hop on new announcements before they launch. • Make Money Online Guides - The MMO niche is huge and has a number of heavy hitters with massive launches. Work From No Home, for example, would have been a fantastic launch leverage target. • Dating and Relationship Products - The niche has evolved a lot and new products tend to be extremely well planned out and highly promoted. These are 6 figure launches and you can tap into it if you catch one early. • Self Help Guides - People buy lots of these products and are always looking for the next “legit” option. Hit up the niche at the right time and you can make a decent profit from it. • Weight Loss and Fitness Programs - Weight loss, dieting or fitness are all very effective ways to tap into a launch - new programs are always being released, and whether they work well or not, the traffic is huge. • General Fads - Any general fad is going to have a lot of search traffic. Whether it is a new form of sneakers or a hot new book that is selling for no discernible reason, look for fads before they blow up to take advantage of the buzz. The goal here is simple. Find something that is about to blow up and jump on it. Buy a targeted keyword domain and start building a site that will capture and funnel traffic for buying keywords into your content-rich website. Do that and you’re on your way to a big profit.
  • 8. Step 2 - Build a Powerful Website Okay, so you have a website and a good idea of how much traffic is going to come your way, but you need to get into Google’s rankings first. Just having a keyword matched domain isn’t enough anymore. Penguin and Panda made sure of that. You need a site with rich content that provides clear value to your readers. There are three things you need to consider in this step. 1.1. The Content 1.2. The Keywords 1.3. The Links When it comes to assigning value to the three above, content comes out way on top. You need to make sure that your site will rank well in Google, well before you worry about things like which keywords you target and how many backlinks you point at your site. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be that hard. Here’s a secret. Your site is extremely targeted. By choosing a buying keyword like “diablo 3 rmah guide” or “sony X53C LED tv” you winnow out thousands of potential competitors. Most sites will only ever have one or at most two pages about this topic - so to out do them you only need to create a handful more pages and make sure the content on them is top notch. So, instead of creating a broad topic site like “new sony tvs” and having to create 50+ pages for it, you can create just 3-5 pages for your model-specific site. Remember, the goal here is to have this site online BEFORE the product launches. In this way you can tap into the existing traffic for buying keywords like “sony X53C led tv review” and not have to do very much work. So, we have a hot topic, a hot niche, a hot keyword and no competition. Now, we just need to make the readers happy and in turn Google. To do this, I recommend between 3 and 6 pages of high quality, highly targeted content. My formula looks something like this: • Landing Page • 2-3 Supporting Pages • 1-2 Video Pages
  • 9. That’s it. That’s my entire website and it works quite well in almost any major niche as long as I target the product directly enough. Here’s my Diablo 3 site again: This site has 15 pages. I did a lot of content for this page because I assumed it would be a fairly competitive keyword. That was true and it paid off that I was prepared for it. However, for a similar keyword that had a lot less competition “diablo 3 blacksmith guide” I only created 5 pages, because let’s face it, I didn’t need any more than that:
  • 10. Both sites did equally well, but the more targeted site with less competition required less content to be successful. The same will be true of your leveraged launch sites because, frankly, you won’t need to do much to stand out in such a sparse crowd. Before moving on to the final section about how to leverage all of this content into a passive income stream, here are some tips for how I create content and what you should do when creating yours. 1.1. Page 1 Matters - The landing page is the core of your site and where you want everyone to arrive. So, it needs to be the page most capable of driving traffic to the vendor site you are promoting. There are several ways to do this. You can provide a bonus for those who buy that product through your link (in the case of Clickbank products, which allow this), or you can simply provide a really big, in-depth review that covers everything you need to know about this particular product. We’re talking about 1,500 words or more for a review of this caliber but it works REALLY well. 1.2. Create with Conversions in Mind - You need to create content with conversions in mind. By that I mean focus on your headlines and calls to action. You could show up at number one in Google for all your keywords and
  • 11. it wouldn’t matter if no one stuck around on your site or clicked through to the vendor site. 1.3. Images and Multimedia - Make your site feel like a real, helpful site. That means include images where possible on every page, injecting multimedia like videos into the site design and creating a streamlined process for people to read all of your content by linking between articles. These three things will create a user friendly website that Google will LOVE. Now, how do you get people to find this site? This is the big question and the one that will likely have the biggest impact on your site development process and budget. It’s all about SEO. Your on-site SEO will be determined by things like keyword placement, the exact layout of your site, links between pages and tags used on images and textual content. Your off-site SEO however is even more important and will need to be targeted to the exact type of person you want to find your site. Now, we’re dealing with a post-Panda, post-Penguin world, so you need to do a lot more than just create backlinks to your site. 5,000 Xrumer and SEOnuke backlinks are not going to cut it. They’ll probably just get you removed from the listings altogether. Instead, you want quality backlinks based on content and contextual links from major PR sites. Here’s how I do that. 1.1. Article Marketing - Using a number of powerful marketing tools, I rapidly generate high quality articles and distribute them to major directories throughout the Internet. The key here is quality and not oversaturating. If you send out too many articles, don’t manage your content development effectively or simply cheat and use auto-spun pages, you’re not going to succeed with this. You need a good system in place. 1.2. Contextual Linking - Contextual linking is done through blog comments, forum signatures and guest posts on major websites that are related to yours. To key is to find ones that offer easy approval, but also to create comments and signatures that are high quality. 1.3. Anchor Text Diversity - Panda and Penguin have taught us a lot, namely that we can’t stuff our keywords into whatever links we create and expect it to work. Use diversity when setting your anchor text. That means not only in the keywords within anchor text but whether the site on which you are placing those links are follow or no follow. Creating a content rich site that has the right backlinks when using hyper-targeted long- tail keywords is a great way to generate a lot of traffic very quickly when those keywords rise in the rankings. Be ready for it and you can make a lot of money doing this.
  • 12. Step 3 - Leverage! Here’s the icing. The sundae topping that will make all the hard work that goes into creating your first two or three websites so worth it. We take what we’ve just done and streamline it, creating a system through which we can generate massive volumes of content and new websites in a manner of minutes each day, then leverage those sites to create even more sites and build a passive income stream that lasts. Here’s how it works. Step 1 - Choose a Niche and Create a System Choose one specific niche for now and then create a system by which you can rapidly gather new products and launches to write about. I have a calendar and I use a virtual assistant to check on emails sent out by top vendors in the gaming and make money online niches. Whenever a new product is announced to prospective JVs, I get an email and can start generating sites for that product. Tweak your system to work with your style of site creation. You might opt to generate content based on the needs of your own products. You might really like one specific niche. You might know someone already who can go out and find hot new niches. Maybe you track new announcements in electronics. Whatever you do, create a system that will make this process faster and start creating a list (or a calendar) of new launches before they happen. Step 2 - Create a Template To build your sites faster, you need a template in place. You can generate sites very quickly using Wordpress and a number of specific plugins for SEO, backlinking and content display. You should also have templates written out for content creation. For example, how will your typical review site look? Will it have four pages? Five? Six? Videos? No videos? Know in advance so you can quickly put a new site into production without having to think about what will be on it. Step 3 - Reinvest Your first site will likely be made by hand and will probably take you about 5-10 hours to build. You’re going to need to write all the content, record the videos, build the website and find the topics, not necessarily in that order. Plus there’s the backlinking to think about.
  • 13. But, once you’ve done it one or two times, you can take the next step and start leveraging all your hard work into faster, more efficient site development. We do this by reinvesting. Take WHATEVER you make from the first site and dump it into the second site - 100% of that money. Don’t spend it. Don’t buy a new server or upgrade your computer. Reinvest it into the process of building more sites. Remember what I said at the beginning - there are no million dollar ideas, just $100 ideas that can be replicated. The faster you can replicate your idea, the more likely you will be to make a tremendous amount of money with this strategy. The process is more about finding ways to leverage your time and speed it up than anything else. What do you invest in? First, hire an SEO. You can find people who do backlinks in the Philippines or India for less than $5 an hour. It’s the easiest and least expensive thing to outsource and it takes you the most time. So start there. Next, outsource your writing. It needs to be decent quality, so start with at least $0.02/word (unless you get lucky). Check out sites like Text Broker and MediaPiston too - they work great for this if you have a bit of money to budget for the writing. If you can find a dedicated writer through a site like Odesk or Elance, all the better. Finally, if you still make a profit after outsourcing both the backlinking and the writing, outsource the rest. The site building, graphic design and oversight of all the development tasks. By the end of one month, I bet you can be at the point of only doing the keyword research and outsourcing everything else. That’s how well this process works. The Bottom Line You can leverage everything you do in this process to build large volumes of highly targeted long-tail specific keyworded sites at top speed in a matter of days. I’m not kidding you. For Diablo 3, I built close to 50 websites to promote various guides (including some of my own). The sites were all built in less than a month and all I had to do was have my business manager gather keywords which I then approved. There was a large cash investment, but it more than paid off when the game guides went live and we started making money.
  • 14. It’s tough to do, but if you spend a little and just keep doing what works in this process, you will be able to leverage moderate success from a $100 website into massive success through one hundred $100 websites. Tell me that doesn’t sound addictive.
  • 15. Conclusion I have been an Internet marketer for close to six years and in that time, I’ve created a lot of websites. My fair share of vendor sites, and a boat load of leveraged launch sites. By far, the sites with the greatest ROI and lowest bar to entry are the ones described by the process above. In less than a day I can have an entire website online and ready to start making money. Imagine how many of these sites you could build in a week. Two weeks. A month. Now imagine what you can do when you outsource the entire process to a team of professionals. The income potential is phenomenal. The key here is to NOT expect miracles. You’re not going to make $10,000 from your first leveraged site. You’re not going to build a massive empire in a month. You’ll probably break even for a few weeks and then make a few bucks on a couple launches and go from there. But, I guarantee you if you follow this plan and build your sites repeatedly, following the same steps and tweaking them for the successes and failures you see, you will generate a passive income stream that more than takes care of itself over time. If you’re serious about putting the launch leverage magic to the test, check out Work from No Home - this is the complete, multi-module course I’ve created to help affiliate marketers leverage the hard work of product creators to make money quickly and efficiently over and over again, regardless of what Google is doing. Check it out. Best of luck in all your endeavors and I hope to see you on the inside! Cheers! ~Peng Joon Click Here To Get The Work From No Home System Today