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1 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
2 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
3 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
4 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@
6 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@
7 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
8 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
9 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@
10 '@@@@ AUTHOR: Ales VYMYSLICKY @@@@@@@@@@@
11 '@@@@ This entire code was written by the author and is an intellectual property of its author.
12 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@
13 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
14 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
15 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@
16 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ COPYRIGHT - ALES VYMYSLICKY @@@@@@@@@@@
17 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@
18 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
19 '@@@@@@ USER: SKU SET-UP Team in Accenture at Microsoft Vermont Team, Prague, Czech Republic @
20 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
21 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ Language: Visual Basic For Application 2007 @@@@@@@@@@@
22 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
23 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ FILE NAME: SKU_set-up_Best Buy PC.xlsm @@@@@@@@@@@
24 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ FILE FORMAT: MS EXCEL 2007 @@@@@@@@@@@
25 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ DATE LAST MODIFIED: 2nd of April 2009 @@@@@@@@@@@
26 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
27 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ DESCRIPTION: This is a workflow application SW With a holistic approach and thus
28 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ no user interaction is required. The MSFT SKU Set-Up process chore
29 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ carried out For Best Buy is abolished. The Former 45 minutes pensum of various
30 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ tasks is being replaced by this code, however an interaction With some
31 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ other applications and macros is required to achieve this level of automation.
32 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
33 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@
34 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ ASSOCIATED VB SCRIPTS: autoRAS.vbs @@@@@@@@@@@
35 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ ASSOCIATED BATCH FILE: autoPING.bat @@@@@@@@@@@
36 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ ASSOCIATED OUTLOOK MACRO: Project1_SKUSetUP.RunAScriptRuleRoutine @@@@@@@@@@@
37 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ INPUT FILE: SKU_Set-Up_Tracking_Tool.xls @@@@@@@@@@@
38 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ INPUT FILES: SKUsBEPC.txt, SKUsBEXB.txt, market_tech_DATA.xlsm @@@@@@@@@@@
39 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ INPUT DIRECTORY: mslifsuBIZACNHEDHBIOAMS @@@@@@@@@@@
40 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ INPUT FILE: MMDDYY_MS_PC_Best Buy.xls @@@@@@@@@@@
41 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ INPUT DIRECTORY: C:Usersv-alvymyDesktopAutomationSKU set-upMarketing_data
42 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ INPUT DATABASE: Data Source=Homedepot @@@@@@@@@@@
43 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ INPUT CATALOG: Initial Catalog=AdHocReporting @@@@@@@@@@@
44 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ OUTPUT WEB SITE: @@@@@@@@@@@
45 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ OUTPUT E-MAIL: Outlook Mail @@@@@@@@@@@
46 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ OUTPUT FILE: SKU_Set-Up_Tracking_Tool.xls @@@@@@@@@@@
47 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@
48 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
49 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
50 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
52 Option Explicit 'VBA will not even execute a procedure
53 'If it contains an undeclared variable name
54 Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" _
55 (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
56 Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32.dll" _
57 Alias "FindWindowA" _
58 (ByVal lpClassName As String, _
59 ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
60 Private Declare Function SetFocusAPI Lib "user32.dll" _
61 Alias "SetFocus" _
62 (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
63 Private Declare Function PostMessage Lib "user32.dll" _
64 Alias "PostMessageA" _
65 (ByVal hwnd As Long, _
66 ByVal wMsg As Long, _
67 ByVal wParam As Long, _
68 lParam As Any) As Long
69 Public filePL, zprava, MarketDataHeader, ArrMarketDataHeaders(), MarketingMatrix() As String
70 Public get_mailArrOfRQSku() As String ' mailArrOfRQSku je defacto ArrOfRQSku nize - dobre rozlisit
71 'pro event. pozdejsi rekognoskacni algr a verifikacni algr na kompatibilitu s PL nebo pvtus
72 Public get_subjSKUtoBeSetUpQuant, SetUpQuant, MarketDataColQuant As Byte
73 Public get_arr_of_set_up_SKU(), PIMId(), get_arr_of_UPC(), street_date As String
74 Public PL_OPEN, done_1, done_2 As Boolean
76 Public Const C_myMacroFile As String = "SKU_set-up_Best Buy PC.xlsm" '*****************************
77 Public Const C_myMarketData As String = "market_tech_DATA.xlsm" '**********************************
78 Public Const plocha As String = "C:Usersv-alvymyDesktopAutomationSKU set-upSKUattributes" '**
79 Public Const plocha2 As String = "C:Usersv-alvymyDesktopAutomationSKU set-upemailSKUinput" '*
80 Public Const soubor_na_plose As String = "SKUsBEPC.txt" '******************************************
82 Public Const WM_KEYDOWN As Long = &H100
83 Public Const WM_KEYUP As Long = &H101
84 Public Const VK_TAB As Long = &H9
86 Public Sub Auto_Open()
87 With Application
88 .ExecuteExcel4Macro "SHOW.TOOLBAR(""Ribbon"",False)"
89 .CommandBars("Status Bar").Visible = False
90 '.CommandBars("Formating").Visible = False - not in this version
91 .DisplayFormulaBar = False
92 .DisplayScrollBars = False
93 '.Caption = " "
94 '.ActiveWindow.Caption = ""
95 .ActiveWindow.DisplayHeadings = False
96 '.ActiveWindow.DisplayWorkbookTabs = False
97 '.ActiveWindow.DisplayVerticalScrollBar = False - also possible
98 '.ActiveWindow.DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = False - also possible
99 .WindowState = xlNormal
100 End With
101 'dale zneviditelnime pripadne dalsi listy;
102 'jako: Security Warning - Automatic update of links has been disabled
103 Dim theBar As CommandBar
104 For Each theBar In Application.CommandBars
105 On Error Resume Next
106 theBar.Enabled = False
107 Next
109 Call readMailTXT(get_mailArrOfRQSku, get_subjSKUtoBeSetUpQuant)
110 Call SetupBestBuy
111 Call Notification_Email(get_arr_of_set_up_SKU, PIMId, get_arr_of_UPC, ArrMarketDataHeaders,
112 Call Save_Exit
113 End Sub
114 Public Sub Auto_Close()
115 With Application
116 .ExecuteExcel4Macro "SHOW.TOOLBAR(""Ribbon"",True)"
117 .CommandBars("Status Bar").Visible = True
118 '.CommandBars("Formating").Visible = True - not in this version
119 .DisplayFormulaBar = True
120 .DisplayScrollBars = True
121 .ActiveWindow.DisplayHeadings = True
122 .ActiveWindow.DisplayWorkbookTabs = True
123 '.ActiveWindow.DisplayVerticalScrollBar = True - also possible
124 '.ActiveWindow.DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = True - also possible
125 '.Caption = Empty
126 '.ActiveWindow.Caption = False
127 .WindowState = xlNormal
128 End With
129 'opet zviditelnime pripadne dalsi listy;
130 'jako: Security Warning - Automatic update of links has been disabled
131 Dim theBar As CommandBar
132 For Each theBar In Application.CommandBars
133 On Error Resume Next
134 theBar.Enabled = True
135 Next
136 End Sub
137 Public Sub Save_Exit()
138 Application.DisplayAlerts = False
139 If PL_OPEN = True Then
140 Application.Workbooks(filePL).Close SaveChanges:=False
141 End If
142 Application.Workbooks(C_myMacroFile).Activate
143 Application.Workbooks(C_myMacroFile).Save
144 Application.Quit
145 End Sub
148 'Function uses the SHDocVw.ShellWindows object to iterate the running IE instances
149 Public Function GetOpenIEByURL(ByVal pop_up_URL As String) As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
150 Dim objShellWindows As New SHDocVw.ShellWindows
151 'ignore errors when accessing the document property
152 On Error Resume Next
153 'Loop over all Shell-Windows
154 For Each GetOpenIEByURL In objShellWindows
155 'If the document is of type HTMLDocument, it is an IE window
156 If TypeName(GetOpenIEByURL.Document) = "HTMLDocument" Then
157 'check the URL
158 If GetOpenIEByURL.Document.URL = pop_up_URL Then
159 'leave, we found the right window
160 Exit Function
161 End If
162 End If
163 Debug.Print TypeName(GetOpenIEByURL.Document)
164 Next
165 End Function
166 Private Function GetXLCol(ByVal Col As Integer) As String
167 ' Col is the present column, not the number of cols
168 Const A = 65 'ASCII value For capital A
169 Dim iMults As Integer
170 Dim sCol As String
171 Dim iRemain As Integer
173 If Col > 701 Then
174 GetXLCol = ""
175 Exit Function
176 End If
177 If Col <= 25 Then
178 sCol = Chr(A + Col)
179 Else
180 iRemain = Int((Col / 26)) - 1
181 sCol = Chr(A + iRemain) & GetXLCol(Col Mod 26)
182 End If
183 GetXLCol = sCol
184 End Function
185 Sub readMailTXT(mailArrOfRQSku, subjSKUtoBeSetUpQuant)
186 Dim mailSubject, t As String
187 Dim subjCharNo As Long ', subjSKUtoBeSetUpQuant As Byte
188 Dim subjLength As Long
189 Dim krok As Byte
190 Dim is_num, not_num, std_chr, not_std As Boolean
192 Open plocha2 & "" & soubor_na_plose For Input Access Read As #1
193 Do While Not EOF(1)
194 Input #1, mailSubject
195 Loop
196 subjLength = LOF(1)
197 Close #1
198 subjSKUtoBeSetUpQuant = 0
199 For subjCharNo = 4 To (subjLength - 5) '----00000 until the 4th position,
200 'the dash is not relevant
201 is_num = False
202 not_num = False
203 std_chr = False
204 not_std = False
205 If Mid(mailSubject, subjCharNo, 1) = "-" Then
206 For krok = 1 To 5 Step 1 'musi nasledovat ASCII code pro numericke znaky
207 t = Asc(Mid(mailSubject, subjCharNo + krok, 1))
208 If (48 <= t And t <= 57) Then
209 is_num = True
210 Else
211 not_num = True
212 End If
213 Next krok
214 For krok = 1 To 3 Step 1 'SKU vlevo musi byt znak z alfanumericke sady, male kapitalizuji
215 t = Asc(UCase(Mid(mailSubject, subjCharNo - 4 + krok, 1)))
216 If (48 <= t And t <= 57) Or (65 <= t And t <= 90) Then
217 std_chr = True
218 Else
219 not_std = True
220 End If
221 Next krok
222 If not_num = False And Not_std = False Then
223 ReDim Preserve mailArrOfRQSku(subjSKUtoBeSetUpQuant)
224 mailArrOfRQSku(subjSKUtoBeSetUpQuant) = UCase(Mid(mailSubject, (subjCharNo - 3), 9)) 'SKU je
225 subjSKUtoBeSetUpQuant = subjSKUtoBeSetUpQuant + 1
226 Debug.Print Mid(mailSubject, (subjCharNo - 3), 9)
227 Debug.Print mailArrOfRQSku(subjSKUtoBeSetUpQuant - 1)
228 End If
229 End If
230 Next subjCharNo
231 End Sub
232 Sub Notification_Email(ByVal get_arr_of_set_up_SKU, ByVal PIMId, ByVal get_arr_of_UPC, ByVal
ArrMarketDataHeaders, ByVal MarketingMatrix)
233 ' Is working in Office 2000-2007
234 Dim OL_App As Object
235 Dim OL_Mail As Object
236 Dim mailSubject, mailBody_part1, mailBody_part2, mailBody_part3, mailBody_partX, signature As String
237 Dim m, n, p As Byte
238 Dim message As Boolean
239 Dim photographs() As String
241 p = 0
242 Application.DisplayAlerts = False
243 On Error GoTo Chyby2: 'chyba subscript out of range u pole get_arr_of_set_up_SKU nastane,
244 ' kdyz nejsme narasovani. Otevirani PL vrati chybu pak se spusti tato proced.
245 ' s nenaDimenzovanymi poli, ktera vraci dalsi chybu -> ukoncime makro a -> RAS
246 Set OL_App = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
247 OL_App.Session.Logon
248 Set OL_Mail = OL_App.CreateItem(0)
250 message = False
251 If SetUpQuant <> 0 And done_1 = True Then
252 mailBody_part1 = "Hello everyone," & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
253 "Please be inFormed that the "
255 If UBound(get_arr_of_set_up_SKU) < 1 Then
256 mailBody_part2 = "item below has been set up on the PIM portal:" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
257 Else
258 mailBody_part2 = "items below have been set up on the PIM portal:" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
259 End If
260 mailSubject = ""
261 mailBody_part3 = ""
262 For m = 0 To UBound(get_arr_of_set_up_SKU)
263 mailSubject = mailSubject & get_arr_of_set_up_SKU(m) & " ; "
264 mailBody_partX = "This is the PIM Id# " & PIMId(m) & vbNewLine & _
265 "This is the UPC# " & get_arr_of_UPC(m) & vbNewLine & _
266 "This is the SKU# " & get_arr_of_set_up_SKU(m) & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
267 mailBody_part3 = mailBody_part3 & mailBody_partX
268 For n = 0 To UBound(ArrMarketDataHeaders)
269 If ArrMarketDataHeaders(n) = "1st Image" Or ArrMarketDataHeaders(n) = "2nd Image" Then
270 ReDim Preserve photographs(p)
271 photographs(p) = MarketingMatrix(m, n)
272 p = p + 1
273 End If
274 Next n
275 Next m
276 message = True
277 ElseIf done_2 = True Then
278 mailBody_part1 = zprava & vbNewLine & vbNewLine 'nic z toho nemohlo byt naset-upovano
279 '(neni na PL), mohou nastat pripady: vse bylo udelano, nic nebylo udelano, neco z toho
280 'bylo udelano, neco bylo udelano a zbytek neni na PL, do budoucna pripad bylo udelano drive
281 message = True
282 End If
283 signature = "Regards," & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
284 "Ales Vymyslicky (Accenture)" & vbNewLine & _
285 "E&D NAOC Transaction Team" & vbNewLine & _
286 "tel: + 420 225 042 496" & vbNewLine & _
287 "e-mail:"
288 On Error Resume Next
289 If message = True Then
290 With OL_Mail
291 .SentOnBehalfOfName = "" '""
292 .To = ";"
293 .CC = ""
294 .BCC = ""
295 .Subject = "SKU set-up notification for the " & mailSubject
296 .Body = mailBody_part1 & mailBody_part2 & mailBody_part3 & signature
297 For p = 0 To UBound(photographs)
298 .Attachments.Add (photographs(p))
299 Next p
300 .Display 'or use .Send straight away
301 End With
302 End If
303 On Error GoTo 0
305 Set OL_Mail = Nothing
306 Set OL_App = Nothing
307 Exit Sub
308 Chyby2:
309 Application.DisplayAlerts = False
310 Application.Quit
311 End Sub
312 Private Sub is_busy(ByVal internet)
313 With internet
314 Do While .Busy: DoEvents: Loop
315 Do While .ReadyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
316 End With
317 Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:3"))
318 End Sub
319 Sub pvtus_SQL_dotaz(tier, layer, ByVal current_SKU)
320 Dim objConnection As Object
321 Dim objRecordset As Object
322 Dim PartN, strSQL As String
323 Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
324 Set objRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
325 PartN = "'" & current_SKU & "'"
326 objConnection.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=True;Initial
Catalog=AdHocReporting;Data Source=Homedepot;Use Procedure For Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet
Size=4096;Workstation ID=OM761600;Use Encryption For Data=False;Tag With column collation when possible=False"
327 strSQL = "SELECT EndItemPallet.EndItemPalletID, EndItemPallet.EndItemOperationsViewID,
EndItemPallet.PalletSizeCodeID, EndItemPallet.PalletQuantity, EndItemPallet.PalletTie,
EndItemPallet.PalletLayers, EndItemOperationsView.EndItemOperationsViewID, EndItemOperationsView.MaterialID,
Material.MaterialID, Material.PartNumber FROM AdHocReporting.dbo.EndItemOperationsView EndItemOperationsView,
AdHocReporting.dbo.EndItemPallet EndItemPallet, AdHocReporting.dbo.Material Material WHERE (Material.MaterialID
= EndItemOperationsView.MaterialID) AND (EndItemPallet.EndItemOperationsViewID =
EndItemOperationsView.EndItemOperationsViewID) AND (EndItemPallet.PalletSizeCodeID=1204) AND
(Material.PartNumber=" & PartN & ")"
328 objRecordset.Open strSQL, objConnection
329 tier = objRecordset.Fields.Item("PalletTie").Value
330 layer = objRecordset.Fields.Item("PalletLayers").Value
331 'pom = objRecordset.Fields.Item("PartNumber").Value
332 End Sub
333 Sub SetupBestBuy()
334 Dim pathPL, pathTmplt, fileTmplt, SKUSetUpFileName, Qfile, typeselection As String
335 Dim PLtab, SKUColLetter, ColLetter, uv, Duv, ID As String
336 Dim ColNoSku, ColNo, ColQuant, SKUtoBeSetUpQuant, notSetUpQuant, pozice, vlookupPAR3 As Byte
337 Dim myCellAdd As String: Dim myCellContent As Variant
338 'SetUpQuant udava SKUtoBeSetUpQuant - notSetUpQuant(realna-co je na PL)
339 'SetUpQuant udava pri Dimenzovani MatrixPLfltrd index radku vcetne zahlavi
340 Dim R, w, y, z As Integer
341 Dim MyDate As Date
342 Dim MyTime As String
343 Dim MyDay As Byte
344 Dim MyMonth As Byte
345 Dim MyYear As Integer
346 Dim MM, DD, YY As String
347 Dim filePLSubstringIND, increment, i, iii, k, u, v, SetUpRowFltrd, TI, HI As Byte
348 Dim j, jj As Integer
349 Dim Header, cellTEXT, RQSkuCELL, SKUtoBeSetUp, SKU, SkuColRange1, incstring As String
350 Dim Response As VbMsgBoxResult
351 Dim ArrHeaders() As String
352 Dim MatrixPLfltrd() As Variant 'bude nacitat ruzne cis Formaty, aby se pak dodrzely
353 Dim ArrOfRQSku(), ArrOfRQSkuCELL(), current_SKU As String
354 Dim ArrOfPLind() As Boolean
355 Dim ArrVirtualColumnLetters() As String
356 Dim IE, pop_up As Object: Dim pop_up_URL, super_html_kategorie, html_kategorie As String
357 Dim kategorie, pole_kategorii_L1(3), pole_kategorii_L2(3), pole_kategorii_L3(2) As String
358 Dim ColNoItemName, ColNoLegalName, ColNoBusUnit, ColNoDivName, ColNoProType As Byte
359 Dim Index, slashQ As Byte
360 Dim done, done_3 As Boolean
361 Dim BBuy_win As Long
362 '******************************************************************************************
363 Const pathPL_C1 = "mslifsuBIZACNHEDHBIOAMS"
364 Const pathPL_C2 = " PC Price Lists"
365 Const FDQuote = "_MS_PC_Best Buy.xls" 'pro ucely Formula row, kde pridava Excel
366 've slove Fry's jeste jeden quote na vic
367 '******************************************************************************************
368 Const C_LegalName = "ItemLegalName"
369 Const C_ItemName = "ItemName": Const C_PartNumber = "PartNumber": Const C_MSSKU = "PartNumber"
370 Const C_SubString = "Best": Const C_myMacroSheet = "SKU to be set up"
371 Const C_MSD = "MicrosoftShipDate"
372 Const C_DateDiscontinued = "DateDiscontinued"
373 Const C_StartEffectiveDate = "StartEffectiveDate"
374 Const C_EndEffectiveDate = "EndEffectiveDate"
375 Const C_UPC = "UPC": Const C_MPQ = "MasterPakQuantity": Const C_PalletQuantity = "PalletQuantity"
376 Const C_NetPrice = "NetPrice": Const C_MSRP = "RecommendedRetailPrice"
377 Const C_Un_Weight = "EstUnitWeight_lbs"
378 Const C_Un_Length = "UnitLength_in":
379 Const C_Un_Width = "UnitWidth_in"
380 Const C_Un_Depth = "UnitDepth_in"
381 Const C_MP_Weight = "EstMasterPakWeight_lbs"
382 Const C_MP_Length = "MasterPakLength_in"
383 Const C_MP_Width = "MasterPakWidth_in"
384 Const C_MP_Depth = "MasterPakDepth_in"
385 Const C_BusUnit = "BusinessUnit"
386 Const C_DivName = "DivisionName"
387 Const C_ProType = "ProductType"
388 '*************************************
389 Const C_PIMPORTAL_LOGIN = ""
390 Const C_element_userID = "userID" 'input field
391 Const C_element_password = "password" 'input field
392 Const C_element_PC_7_0_64__login = "PC_7_0_64__login" 'login button
393 Const C_myID = "v000348": Const C_myPW = "Abcde007"
395 PLtab = "Price List Report"
397 'Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:30:00"), "Save_Exit" 'autotermination
398 'If error and no response in 30 mins Then autotermination, however problem With
399 'multiple set-ups - how long period? For 6 SKUs, maybe 3 hours. For 1 Sku, 30 min
400 'Saving to Best Buy database via portal is extremely slow -> 1 set-up takes 25 min
401 'reseni: cas, za ktery nastane autoterminace by se mohl menit = SetUpQuant * 30 min
403 MyDate = Date ' MyDate contains the current system date.
404 MyDay = Day(MyDate)
405 MyMonth = Month(MyDate)
406 MyYear = Year(MyDate)
407 YY = MyYear Mod 100
408 YY = "0" & YY
409 If MyMonth < 10 Then
410 MM = "0" & MyMonth
411 Else
412 MM = MyMonth
413 End If
415 If MyDay >= 15 Then
416 DD = "15"
417 Else
418 DD = "01"
419 End If
420 '**********************************************************************************
421 '***** Tracking down the latest pathPL and actual filePL name *** (or the 2nd latest)**
422 '***** IT Connection Manager must be connected via RAS Card !!! *******************
423 On Error GoTo Chyby
424 pathPL = pathPL_C1 & MM & DD & YY & pathPL_C2
425 typeselection = "*.xls"
426 filePL = Dir(pathPL & typeselection, vbReadOnly) 'the first listed filePL will be loaded into the filePL
string variable otherwise an Empty string
427 filePLSubstringIND = InStr(1, filePL, C_SubString) 'searching For the substring, returns 0 If not found
428 If filePLSubstringIND <> 0 Then 'alternatively, to be more specific: If filePLSubstringIND = 14 Then
429 Workbooks.Open Filename:=pathPL & "" & filePL, ReadOnly:=True
430 PL_OPEN = True
431 Else
433 On Error GoTo PLnotReady
435 Do While filePLSubstringIND = 0 'account name starts always on the 14th character so it could be: Do
While filePLSubstringIND <> 14
436 filePL = Dir() ' read the Next filePL in the directory If there is none Then an Empty string will
be assigned
437 filePLSubstringIND = InStr(1, filePL, C_SubString)
438 If filePLSubstringIND <> 0 Then
439 Workbooks.Open Filename:=pathPL & "" & filePL, ReadOnly:=True
440 PL_OPEN = True
441 End If
442 Loop
443 '***** Tracking down the 2nd latest PL pathPL and its name If filePLSubstringIND = 0 ***************
444 '***** from now on it will continue With opening the PL belonging to the previous period
445 PLnotReady:
446 If filePLSubstringIND = 0 Then
447 Response = MsgBox("The pathPL " & pathPL & " does not exist, has been changed, or the latest PL
has not been issued yet. Would you like to try to open the older one?", vbYesNo + vbCritical)
448 If Response = vbYes Then 'If NO - GOTO chyby, PL neni dostupny, see Else na radku 106
450 If MyDay >= 15 Then '***** start reading the PL from the preceding period *****
451 DD = "01"
452 pathPL = pathPL_C1 & MM & DD & YY & pathPL_C2
453 typeselection = "*.xls"
454 filePL = Dir(pathPL & typeselection, vbReadOnly) 'the first listed filePL will be loaded
into the filePL string variable otherwise an Empty string
455 filePLSubstringIND = InStr(1, filePL, C_SubString)
457 If filePLSubstringIND <> 0 Then
458 Workbooks.Open Filename:=pathPL & "" & filePL, ReadOnly:=True
459 PL_OPEN = True
460 Else
462 On Error GoTo Chyby
464 Do While filePLSubstringIND = 0
465 filePL = Dir()
466 filePLSubstringIND = InStr(1, filePL, C_SubString)
467 If filePLSubstringIND <> 0 Then
468 Workbooks.Open Filename:=pathPL & "" & filePL, ReadOnly:=True
469 PL_OPEN = True
470 End If
471 Loop
472 End If
474 Else
475 DD = "15"
476 If MyMonth <= 10 Then
477 If MyMonth = 1 Then
478 MM = "12"
479 YY = (MyYear Mod 100) - 1
480 YY = "0" & YY
481 Else
482 MyMonth = MyMonth - 1
483 MM = "0" & MyMonth
484 End If
485 Else
486 MyMonth = MyMonth - 1
487 MM = MyMonth
488 End If
489 pathPL = pathPL_C1 & MM & DD & YY & pathPL_C2
490 typeselection = "*.xls"
491 filePL = Dir(pathPL & typeselection, vbReadOnly) 'the first listed filePL will be loaded
into the filePL string variable otherwise an Empty string
492 filePLSubstringIND = InStr(1, filePL, C_SubString)
493 If filePLSubstringIND <> 0 Then
494 Workbooks.Open Filename:=pathPL & "" & filePL, ReadOnly:=True
495 PL_OPEN = True
496 Else
498 On Error GoTo Chyby
500 Do While filePLSubstringIND = 0 'account name starts always on the 14th character
501 filePL = Dir() ' read the Next filePL in the directory If there is none Then an Empty
string will be assigned
502 filePLSubstringIND = InStr(1, filePL, C_SubString)
503 If filePLSubstringIND <> 0 Then
504 Workbooks.Open Filename:=pathPL & "" & filePL, ReadOnly:=True
505 PL_OPEN = True
506 End If
507 Loop
508 End If
509 End If
510 Else: GoTo Chyby '***** Else response is vbNo
511 End If
512 End If 'If PL is not Ready
513 End If
514 '*********************************************************************************
515 '***** How many arrays are there on the PL? + Loading the headers into an array + Searching For the PartNumber
Header *******
516 Application.ScreenUpdating = False
517 Workbooks(filePL).Sheets(PLtab).Activate '!!! nutno aktivovat spravny tab !!!
518 Range("A1").Select
519 Header = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1
520 ColQuant = 0
521 Do While Header <> Empty
522 ColQuant = ColQuant + 1
523 ColNo = ActiveCell.Column
524 ReDim Preserve ArrHeaders(ColQuant - 1)
525 ArrHeaders(ColQuant - 1) = Header
526 ReDim Preserve ArrVirtualColumnLetters(ColQuant - 1)
528 If ColNo < 27 Then
529 ColLetter = Mid(ActiveCell.Address, 2, 1)
530 If Header = C_MSSKU Then
531 SKUColLetter = Mid(ActiveCell.Address, 2, 1)
532 ColNoSku = ColNo
533 End If
534 Else
535 ColLetter = Mid(ActiveCell.Address, 2, 2) 'teoreticky pro $AA$1
536 If Header = C_MSSKU Then
537 SKUColLetter = Mid(ActiveCell.Address, 2, 1)
538 ColNoSku = ColNo
539 End If
540 End If
542 ArrVirtualColumnLetters(ColQuant - 1) = ColLetter
543 ' virtual - slupec nemusi existovat, pocet se muze menit
544 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
545 Header = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1
546 Loop
547 'MID is a text Function and it returns a specific number of characters from a text
548 'string, starting at the position you specify, based on the number of characters you specify
549 'ActiveCell.Address returns the address in $F$1 Format, so we need the position 2
550 '*****
551 '*********************************************************************************
552 '***** Refreshing the "Is the SKU on the PL? " CELLS - Column B ******************
553 '***** according to the latest MM DD YY Tiger's PL *********************************
554 Windows(C_myMacroFile).Activate
555 Sheets(C_myMacroSheet).Range("A2:B12").Select
556 Selection.ClearContents
557 Qfile = MM & DD & YY & FDQuote
558 'Const FDQuote = "_MS_PC_Fry''s.xls" 'pro ucely Formula row - specifikum FRYS
559 'obsahujici apostrof
560 PLtab = "Price List Report"
561 uv = "'" 'prirazeni quote
562 Range("A1").Select
563 For increment = 0 To get_subjSKUtoBeSetUpQuant - 1
564 'zapsani vstupnich SKU z emailSKUinputSKUsBEPC.txt do worksheetu
565 ActiveCell.Offset(increment + 1, 0).Value = get_mailArrOfRQSku(increment)
566 Next increment
567 Range("A2").Select
568 increment = 2
569 incstring = increment 'konvertuje byte na string automatickym prirazenim
570 RQSkuCELL = "A" & incstring
571 SKUtoBeSetUp = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1
572 'osetreni chyb lze vynechat, v pripade chyby vraci vlookup do bunky #N/A , t.j. nenalezl
573 'On Error Resume Next
574 'Err.Clear
575 SKUtoBeSetUpQuant = 0
576 Do While SKUtoBeSetUp <> Empty
577 ReDim Preserve ArrOfRQSkuCELL(SKUtoBeSetUpQuant) '?je tam o jednu hodnotu navic v poli, nebudeme ji
potrebovat, je to adresa posledni (prazdne) bunky
578 ArrOfRQSkuCELL(SKUtoBeSetUpQuant) = RQSkuCELL
579 ReDim Preserve ArrOfRQSku(SKUtoBeSetUpQuant)
580 ArrOfRQSku(SKUtoBeSetUpQuant) = SKUtoBeSetUp
581 increment = increment + 1
582 cellTEXT = "=If(iserror(vlookup(" & RQSkuCELL & "," & uv & "[" & Qfile & "]" & PLtab & uv & "!$" &
SKUColLetter & ":$" & SKUColLetter & ", 1, False)), 0, 1)"
583 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = cellTEXT
584 ReDim Preserve ArrOfPLind(SKUtoBeSetUpQuant)
585 If ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = 1 Then
586 ArrOfPLind(SKUtoBeSetUpQuant) = True
587 Else
588 ArrOfPLind(SKUtoBeSetUpQuant) = False
589 End If
590 SKUtoBeSetUpQuant = SKUtoBeSetUpQuant + 1
591 incstring = increment
592 RQSkuCELL = "A" & incstring
593 'If Err.Number = 0 Then
594 'MsgBox "The SKU has been found on the current Fry's PL"
595 'Else
596 'MsgBox "The SKU is not on the current Fry's PL"
597 ' (jinak pro vsechny ostatni chyby by mohl zobrazit tento MsgBox)
598 'End If
599 ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
600 SKUtoBeSetUp = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1
601 Loop
602 '***** End of refreshing *********************************************************
603 '*********************************************************************************
604 '***** Records refreshing in line With the inputted SKUs *************************
605 '***** Printing headers **********************************************************
606 For i = 1 To ColQuant Step 1
607 Range("A15").Select
608 ActiveCell.Offset(0, i - 1).Value = ArrHeaders(i - 1)
609 Next i
610 '*********************************************************************************
611 '***** Clearing cells ************************************************************
612 Sheets(C_myMacroSheet).Range("A16:AC26").Select
613 Selection.ClearContents
614 '***** Loading SKUtoBeSetup one by one: Do While SKUtoBeSetUp <> Empty ***********
615 Range("A2").Select
616 SKUtoBeSetUp = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1
617 SkuColRange1 = SKUColLetter & "2" 'zajistime filtrovani az od druheho radku SKU sloupce
618 w = 0
619 y = 0
620 notSetUpQuant = 0
621 'rowVirtual = 1
622 Do While SKUtoBeSetUp <> Empty 'nacita z input array dokud nenarazi na Empty cell
623 Workbooks(filePL).Sheets(PLtab).Activate
624 Range(SkuColRange1).Select 'vybere napriklad bunku F2
625 SKU = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1
627 Do While (SKU <> SKUtoBeSetUp) And (SKU <> Empty)
628 ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
629 SKU = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1
630 Loop
632 'pokud nalezne tak vyfiltruje cely radek z PL do makro workbooku
633 'ale ne pomoci copy paste, nybrz jako odkaz z workbooku na PL,
634 'tim ze vlozi nejaky dynamicky utvareny string zacinajici rovnitkem
635 If SKU = SKUtoBeSetUp Then
636 R = ActiveCell.Row
637 'nebudeme kopirovat cely aktivni radek najednou z PL do workbooku
638 'Range(R & ":" & R).Copy
639 'ale zaplnime workbook postupne odkazy na PL bunky
640 Windows(C_myMacroFile).Activate
641 w = w + 1
642 Sheets(C_myMacroSheet).Range("A15").Select
643 ActiveCell.Offset(w, 0).Select
644 myCellAdd = ArrOfRQSkuCELL(w - 1)
645 For pozice = 1 To ColQuant Step 1
646 ColNo = ActiveCell.Column
647 Header = ArrHeaders(pozice - 1)
648 If InStr(1, Header, "Date") <> 0 Then 'jestlize je "Date" v headeru pak Format bude datum
649 Selection.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yy"
650 ElseIf InStr(1, Header, C_UPC) <> 0 Then
651 Selection.NumberFormat = "0"
652 Else
653 Selection.NumberFormat = "GENERAL" 'need to be Formated as general (not specified), otherwise
Formulae End up as text
654 End If
655 If pozice < 27 Then
656 ColLetter = Mid(ActiveCell.Address, 2, 1)
657 'pro pripad $F$1 a nize budeme operovat s promennou SKUColLetter, tj pismeno sloupce
658 Else
659 ColLetter = Mid(ActiveCell.Address, 2, 2) 'teoreticky pro $AA$1
660 End If
661 If ColNo >= ColNoSku Then
662 If ColNo = ColNoSku Then
663 SKUColLetter = ColLetter
664 End If
665 'myCellAdd = SKUColLetter & "$" & R
666 vlookupPAR3 = ColNo - ColNoSku + 1
667 cellTEXT = "=vlookup(" & myCellAdd & "," & uv & "[" & Qfile & "]" & PLtab & uv & "!" &
SKUColLetter & ":" & ColLetter & "," & vlookupPAR3 & ",0)"
668 ActiveCell.Value = cellTEXT
669 Else
670 Duv = Chr$(34)
671 cellTEXT = "=INDIRECT(CONCATENATE(" & Duv & uv & "[" & Qfile & "]" & PLtab & uv & "!" & Duv &
", ADDRESS(MATCH(" & myCellAdd & "," & uv & "[" & Qfile & "]" & PLtab & uv & "!" & SKUColLetter & ":" &
SKUColLetter & ",0), MATCH(" & Duv & Header & Duv & "," & uv & "[" & Qfile & "]" & PLtab & uv & "!$A$1:$" &
ArrVirtualColumnLetters(ColQuant - 1) & "$1,0))))"
672 ActiveCell.Value = cellTEXT
673 End If
674 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
675 Next pozice
676 Range("A2").Select
677 y = y + 1
678 ActiveCell.Offset(y, 0).Select
679 SKUtoBeSetUp = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1
680 Else
681 Windows(C_myMacroFile).Activate
682 Range("A2").Select
683 y = y + 1
684 ActiveCell.Offset(y, 0).Select
685 SKUtoBeSetUp = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1
686 w = w + 1 '!!!
687 notSetUpQuant = notSetUpQuant + 1
688 End If
689 Loop
690 '***** loading cells that might be used into a matrix a zkouska tisku **************
691 SetUpQuant = SKUtoBeSetUpQuant - notSetUpQuant
692 SetUpRowFltrd = 0
693 Windows(C_myMacroFile).Activate
694 Sheets(C_myMacroSheet).Select
695 Range("a15").Select
696 ReDim MatrixPLfltrd(SetUpQuant, ColQuant - 1) 'napr 0 az SetUpQuant, 0 az 28 = 29 sloupcu
697 For i = 0 To w
698 If ActiveCell <> Empty Then
699 For j = 0 To ColQuant - 1
700 MatrixPLfltrd(SetUpRowFltrd, j) = ActiveCell.Value '!!! value!!!
701 'vezme vyslednou hodnotu vzorce a ne vzorec v dane bunce a ulozi hodnotu do
702 'MatrixPLfltrd, to je rozdil od ActiveCell.Formula[R1C1]
703 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
704 Next j
705 SetUpRowFltrd = SetUpRowFltrd + 1
706 ActiveCell.Offset(1, -ColQuant).Select
707 Else
708 ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
709 End If
710 ' Do While ActiveCell = Empty 'preskoci prazdne bunky
711 ' ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
712 ' Loop
713 Next i
714 'from now on we shall only print the matrix just to test values and Formates
715 Range("a29").Select
716 For i = 1 To SetUpQuant 'tisk bez zahlavi -> od 1 ne od 0
717 For j = 0 To ColQuant - 1
718 Select Case MatrixPLfltrd(0, j)
719 Case C_MSD
720 Selection.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yy"
721 Case C_DateDiscontinued
722 Selection.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yy"
723 Case C_StartEffectiveDate
724 Selection.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yy"
725 Case C_EndEffectiveDate
726 Selection.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yy"
727 Case C_UPC
728 Selection.NumberFormat = "0"
729 Case C_MPQ
730 Selection.NumberFormat = "0"
731 Case C_PalletQuantity
732 Selection.NumberFormat = "0"
733 Case C_NetPrice
734 Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00"
735 Case C_MSRP
736 Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00"
737 Case C_Un_Weight
738 Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00"
739 Case C_Un_Length
740 Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00"
741 Case C_Un_Width
742 Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00"
743 Case C_Un_Depth
744 Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00"
745 Case C_MP_Weight
746 Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00"
747 Case C_MP_Length
748 Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00"
749 Case C_MP_Width
750 Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00"
751 Case C_MP_Depth
752 Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00"
753 Case Else
754 Selection.NumberFormat = "GENERAL"
755 End Select
756 ActiveCell.Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)
757 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
758 Next j
759 ActiveCell.Offset(1, -ColQuant).Select
760 Next i
761 'Workbooks(filePL).Close False - pokud zavru PL tak indirect bude ukazovat ihned REF
762 '***********************************************************************************
763 'OPEN MARKETING & TECHNICAL DATA SHEET *********************************************
764 '***********************************************************************************
765 On Error GoTo Chyby
766 'vyhledame z marketingove databaze jen ta SKU, ktera jsou na PL
767 Workbooks.Open Filename:=plocha & "" & C_myMarketData, ReadOnly:=True
768 Workbooks(C_myMarketData).Sheets("Sheet1").Activate '!!! nutno aktivovat spravny tab !!!
769 Range("A1").Select
770 MarketDataHeader = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1
771 MarketDataColQuant = 0
772 Do While MarketDataHeader <> Empty
773 MarketDataColQuant = MarketDataColQuant + 1
774 ReDim Preserve ArrMarketDataHeaders(MarketDataColQuant - 1)
775 ArrMarketDataHeaders(MarketDataColQuant - 1) = MarketDataHeader
776 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
777 MarketDataHeader = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1
778 Loop
779 ReDim MarketingMatrix(SetUpQuant - 1, MarketDataColQuant - 1)
780 For i = 1 To SetUpQuant
781 current_SKU = MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoSku - 1)
782 k = 0
783 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> C_PartNumber
784 k = k + 1
785 Loop
786 If ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) = C_PartNumber Then
787 SKUColLetter = GetXLCol(ByVal k)
788 End If
789 Range(SKUColLetter & "1").Activate
790 'ted vyhledame to current_SKU jestli v te databazi je (melo by byt, kdyz je na PL),
791 'a jestli vsechny atributy jsou vyplnene to nebudeme zjistovat - databazi je nutno
792 'aktualizovat kazdych 14 dni - Pokud databaze nebude aktualni (SKU nenalezeno), pak
793 'cyklus pobezi do posledniho radku Excelu a nastane chyba -> makro se ukonci, coz je
794 'dobre, aby nesetupoval pak v kategoriich nesmysly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
795 'Muzem vypsat hlaseni, ze databaze atributu neni aktualni. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!dodelat
796 done = False
797 Do While current_SKU <> ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 And done = False
798 ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
799 If current_SKU = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 Then
800 R = ActiveCell.Row
801 Range("A" & R).Activate
802 For jj = 0 To MarketDataColQuant - 1
803 MarketingMatrix(i - 1, jj) = ActiveCell.Offset(0, jj).Value
804 Next jj
805 done = True
806 End If
807 Loop
808 Next i
809 Application.DisplayAlerts = False
810 Application.Workbooks(C_myMarketData).Close SaveChanges:=False
811 '*********************************************************************************
812 '*********************** CYKLUS - SKU SETUP **************************************
813 '*********************************************************************************
814 '*** pro vsechna SKU -> i = 1 To SetUpQuant **************************************
815 done_1 = False 'kontrolni bajt, ze minimalne 1 SKU bylo nasetupovano
816 done_2 = False 'kontrolni bajt rika, ze alespon 1 SKU bylo submitovano
817 done_3 = False 'kontrolni bajt rika, ze jsme se presvedcili o pravdivosti If SetUpQuant <> 0 Then
818 'a ze nenastala chyba On Error GoTo nelzeulozit
819 Set IE = Nothing
820 On Error GoTo nelzeulozit
821 If SetUpQuant <> 0 Then
822 For i = 1 To SetUpQuant 'nebereme v uvahu prvni radek MatrixPLfltrd - zahlavi; vyuzijeme pro prehlednost
823 'If ArrOfPLind(i - 1) = True Then
824 If IE Is Nothing Then
825 Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
826 With IE
827 .Left = 50
828 .Top = 50
829 .Height = 800
830 .Width = 1000
831 .MenuBar = 0
832 .Toolbar = 1
833 .StatusBar = 0
834 .navigate C_PIMPORTAL_LOGIN
835 'wait a while until IE has finished to load
836 Call is_busy(IE)
837 'OR eq:
838 'Do While IE.busy And Not IE.readystate = 4 : DoEvents : Loop
839 .Visible = 1
840 End With
841 'login - enter ID, pass and click OK
842 With IE.Document
843 .getElementById(C_element_userID).Value = C_myID
844 .getElementById(C_element_password).Value = C_myPW
845 .getElementById(C_element_PC_7_0_64__login).Click
846 End With
847 Call is_busy(IE)
848 End If
849 Do While IE.Busy And Not IE.ReadyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop
850 'click on Item induction
851 'RUN the JAVASCRIPT Function from Within VBA (Function PC_7_0_IS_openURL in the HTML)
852 IE.Document.all.Item
853 Call IE.Document.parentWindow.execScript("javascript:PC_7_0_IS_openURL('Item Induction')",
854 Call is_busy(IE)
855 'Excell VBA Calls the Javascript Function openItemNew
856 'Complete Non Data Pool Item - should be New - an mistake in HTML - does not effect anything
857 IE.Document.all.Item
858 Call IE.Document.parentWindow.execScript("javascript:openItemNew('Complete Non Data Pool Item')",
859 Call is_busy(IE)
860 'Wait and fill in the Form
861 '******** SELECT CATEGORY AND GENERAL TAB *******************************
862 IE.Document.all.Item("PC_7_0_J3_Category").Click: Call is_busy(IE)
864 pop_up_URL =
866 Set pop_up = GetOpenIEByURL(pop_up_URL) 'funkce v deklaracni casti vraci
867 ' objekt ze sbirky oken shellu
869 '* V matici musim zjistit cisla sloupcu tech poli podle kterych budu zarazovat do kategorii
871 'v kazdem pripade je mandatorni ColNoItemName a ColNoBusUnit,
872 'v pripade ColNoDivName, ColNoProType, ColNoLegalName je potreba tyto
873 'promenne take inicializovat, protoze nebudou soucasti pole Headeru
874 'ArrHeaders na Xbox ceniku, jinak by byla chyba pri testovani.
875 'I kdyz nebudeme napr. ColNoDivName potrebovat pri otevrenem Xbox ceniku,
876 'musime nastavit tuto promennou napr. na 1 a bude pak odkazovat na
877 'PriceListName = "UNITED STATES BEST BUY USD FPP" sloupec, takze vysledek
878 'jakehokoliv testovani na nejaky substring bude stejne 0.
879 ColNoDivName = 1
880 ColNoProType = 1
881 ColNoLegalName = 1
883 For j = 0 To (ColQuant - 1)
884 Select Case ArrHeaders(j)
885 Case C_ItemName
886 ColNoItemName = j + 1
887 Case C_LegalName
888 ColNoLegalName = j + 1
889 Case C_BusUnit
890 ColNoBusUnit = j + 1
891 Case C_DivName
892 ColNoDivName = j + 1
893 Case C_ProType
894 ColNoProType = j + 1
895 End Select
896 Next j
898 '* determinace kategorie na bazi ItemName, BusUnit, DivName, ProType
899 'Predpoklad, ze kategorie je PC_SW_non_VG
900 kategorie = "PC_SW_non-VG"
902 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoItemName - 1)), "ZUNE") <> 0 Then
903 kategorie = "Zune"
904 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoBusUnit - 1)), "ACCESSORIES") <> 0 Then
905 kategorie = "Zune_Accessories" 'sluzi jen k upresneni buyera
906 End If
907 End If
909 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoItemName - 1)), "XBOX") <> 0 Then
910 kategorie = "Accessories"
911 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoBusUnit - 1)), "CONSOLE") <> 0 Then
912 kategorie = "XBOX_Console"
913 End If
914 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoBusUnit - 1)), "PARTY") <> 0 Then
915 kategorie = "XBOX_SW"
916 End If
917 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoBusUnit - 1)), "XNA 360") <> 0 Then
918 kategorie = "XBOX_SW"
919 End If
920 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoBusUnit - 1)), "LIVE") <> 0 Then
921 kategorie = "Accessories"
922 End If
923 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoItemName - 1)), "CNTRL") <> 0 Or InStr(1,
UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoItemName - 1)), "CONTROLLER") <> 0 Or InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoItemName
- 1)), "CONTROLLR") <> 0 Or InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoItemName - 1)), "CNTRLR") <> 0 Or InStr(1,
UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoItemName - 1)), "WHEEL") <> 0 Or InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoBusUnit - 1)),
924 kategorie = "Input_Devices-Game_Controller"
925 End If
926 End If
928 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoBusUnit - 1)), "WINDOWS GAMING") <> 0 Then
929 kategorie = "VG_PC_SW"
930 End If
932 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoDivName - 1)), "SDA HARDWARE") <> 0 Then
933 'kategorie = "PC_Hardware"
934 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoBusUnit - 1)), "MOUSE") <> 0 Then
935 kategorie = "Input_Devices-Mice"
936 End If
937 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoBusUnit - 1)), "KEYBOARD") <> 0 Then
938 kategorie = "Input_Devices-Keyboards"
939 End If
940 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoBusUnit - 1)), "ICE") <> 0 Then
941 kategorie = "Web Cams"
942 End If
943 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoLegalName - 1)), "MOUSE") <> 0 Then
944 kategorie = "Input_Devices-Mice"
945 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoLegalName - 1)), "NOTEBOOK") <> 0 Then
946 kategorie = "Input_Devices-Notebook_Mice" 'kategorie slouzi jen k upresneni buyera
947 End If
948 End If
949 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoLegalName - 1)), "KEYBOARD") <> 0 Then
950 kategorie = "Input_Devices-Keyboards"
951 End If
952 End If
954 Select Case kategorie
955 Case "Input_Devices-Game_Controller"
956 super_html_kategorie = " Computer and Video Game Control and Input Devices"
957 html_kategorie = " Game Controllers"
958 Case "Input_Devices-Keyboards"
959 super_html_kategorie = " Computer and Video Game Control and Input Devices"
960 html_kategorie = " Keyboards"
961 Case "Input_Devices-Mice"
962 super_html_kategorie = " Computer and Video Game Control and Input Devices"
963 html_kategorie = " Mice and Trackballs"
964 Case "Input_Devices-Notebook_Mice"
965 super_html_kategorie = " Computer and Video Game Control and Input Devices"
966 html_kategorie = " Mice and Trackballs"
967 Case "Accessories"
968 super_html_kategorie = " Computer and Video Game Peripherals"
969 html_kategorie = " Video Game Accessory"
970 Case "Web Cams"
971 super_html_kategorie = " Computer and Video Game Peripherals"
972 html_kategorie = " Web Cameras"
973 Case "PC_SW_non-VG"
974 super_html_kategorie = " Computer and Video Game Software"
975 html_kategorie = " Software Non-Games"
976 Case "VG_PC_SW"
977 super_html_kategorie = " Computer and Video Game Software"
978 html_kategorie = " Video Game Computer Software"
979 Case "XBOX_SW"
980 super_html_kategorie = " Computer and Video Game Software"
981 html_kategorie = " Video Game Software"
982 Case "XBOX_Console"
983 super_html_kategorie = " Video Game Consoles"
984 html_kategorie = " Video Game Hardware - Non Portable"
985 Case "Zune"
986 super_html_kategorie = " Video Game Consoles"
987 html_kategorie = " Video Game Hardware - Portable"
988 Case "Zune_Accessories"
989 super_html_kategorie = " Video Game Consoles"
990 html_kategorie = " Video Game Hardware - Portable"
991 End Select
993 j = 0
994 'Call is_busy(pop_up)
995 pop_up.Document.getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("a")(2).Click
996 Call is_busy(pop_up)
997 pop_up.Document.getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("a")(4).Click
998 Call is_busy(pop_up)
999 pop_up.Document.getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("a")(2).Click
1000 Call is_busy(pop_up)
1001 Do While pop_up.Document.all.tags("a")(j).innerTEXT <> super_html_kategorie
1002 j = j + 1
1003 Loop
1004 pop_up.Document.getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("a")(j - 1).Click
1005 Call is_busy(pop_up)
1006 jj = 0
1007 Do While pop_up.Document.all.tags("a")(jj).innerTEXT <> html_kategorie
1008 jj = jj + 1
1009 Loop
1010 pop_up.Document.getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("a")(jj).Click
1011 Call is_busy(pop_up)
1012 pop_up.Document.getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("a")(j - 1).Click
1013 '*** EXIT POP-UP With saving: ****
1014 Call is_busy(pop_up)
1015 'pop_up.Document.all.Item("600000017///800000079").Click 'item name differs depending on how the
category tree is expanded
1016 pop_up.Document.getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("input")(9).Click
1017 Call is_busy(IE)
1018 Set pop_up = Nothing
1019 'Call pop_up.Document.Window.execScript("treenode_onclick('PC_7_0_LU_itemForm')", "JavaScript")
1020 '*** EXIT POP-UP Without saving: ****
1021 'pop_up.Document.all.Item("cancel").Click
1023 'the following was the Former Select Case kategorie logical structure, later replaced by
1024 'the above block where j, jj indices are calculated For a current html_kategorie variable
1026 'elementy jsou indexovany od nuly, TAG A nas zajima, EXPAND NODE
1027 'Select Case kategorie
1028 '[1.]
1029 '/Computer and Video Game Control and Input Devices/Game Controllers
1030 '/Computer and Video Game Control and Input Devices/Keyboards
1031 '/Computer and Video Game Control and Input Devices/Mice and Trackballs
1032 '[2.]
1033 '/Computer and Video Game Peripherals/Video Game Accessory"
1034 '/Computer and Video Game Peripherals/Web Cameras"
1035 '[3.]
1036 '/Computer and Video Game Software/Software Non-Games"
1037 '/Computer and Video Game Software/Video Game Computer Software"
1038 '/Computer and Video Game Software/Video Game Software"
1039 'EXAMPLE *** expand computer and video game SW ***
1040 ' Case "PC_SW_non-VG"
1041 ' pop_up.Document.getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("a")(j - 1).Click
1042 ' Call is_busy(pop_up)
1043 ' jj = 0
1044 ' Do While pop_up.Document.all.tags("a")(jj).innerTEXT <> html_kategorie
1045 ' jj = jj + 1
1046 ' Loop
1047 ' pop_up.Document.getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("a")(jj).Click
1048 ' Call is_busy(pop_up)
1049 '*** collapse:
1050 ' pop_up.Document.getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("a")(j - 1).Click
1051 '[4.] - We shall not use this group - too many info required - We shall include Zune under [5]
1052 '/Portable Audio and Video/Portable MP3"
1053 '/Portable Audio and Video/Portable DVD Players"
1054 '/Portable Audio and Video/Video Accessory"
1055 'pop_up.Document.getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("a")(70).Click
1056 '[5.]
1057 '/Video Game Consoles/Video Game Hardware - Non Portable" - napr XBOX Console
1058 '/Video Game Consoles/Video Game Hardware - Portable"
1059 'End Select
1061 With IE.Document
1063 For j = 0 To ColQuant - 1
1064 Select Case ArrHeaders(j)
1065 Case C_ItemName
1066 'Best Buy Description
1067 .getElementById("_215127057_0_1352413751_0_1366209486_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)
1068 'Description sign
1069 .getElementById("_215127057_0_1352413751_0_334658439_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)
1070 Case C_PartNumber
1071 'Model or Selection
1072 .getElementById("_215127057_0_1742083922_0_233841037_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)
1073 current_SKU = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)
1074 ReDim Preserve get_arr_of_set_up_SKU(i - 1)
1075 get_arr_of_set_up_SKU(i - 1) = current_SKU
1076 'Item comments
1077 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_1141097592_0").Value = "New Item Setup For " &
MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)
1078 Case C_UPC
1079 'UPC type
1080 .all.Item("_215127057_0_1742083922_0_27072232_0_2126757239_0").selectedIndex = 3
1081 'UPC
1082 .getElementById("_215127057_0_1742083922_0_27072232_0_768654447_0").Value =
MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)
1083 ReDim Preserve get_arr_of_UPC(i - 1)
1084 get_arr_of_UPC(i - 1) = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)
1085 Case C_MSRP
1086 'Suggested retail
1087 .getElementById("_215127057_0_249243837_0_2086194608_0_1833282399_0").Value =
MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)
1088 Case Else
1089 End Select
1090 Next j
1092 ' Send notification to ************************
1093 ' PC Games Ed Hewitt (Dawn Vierow is on mat. Leave)
1094 ' PC SW (non-game) Huan Nguyen
1095 ' PC HW (Keyboards, LifeCams,LifeChat, non-Notebook Mice) - Kristi Baso
1096 ' PC HW (Notebook Mice) - Katie Penza
1097 ' Xbox SW - Jenna Susko
1098 ' Xbox HW & Accessories - David Arndt
1099 ' Zune HW - Tom Kluis
1100 ' Zune Accessories - Charles Murray
1101 Select Case kategorie
1102 Case "Input_Devices-Game_Controller"
1103 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_351613033_0").Value = "Kristi Baso"
1104 Case "Input_Devices-Keyboards"
1105 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_351613033_0").Value = "Kristi Baso"
1106 Case "Input_Devices-Mice"
1107 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_351613033_0").Value = "Kristi Baso"
1108 Case "Web Cams"
1109 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_351613033_0").Value = "Kristi Baso"
1110 Case "Input_Devices-Notebook_Mice"
1111 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_351613033_0").Value = "Katie Penza"
1112 Case "Accessories"
1113 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_351613033_0").Value = "David Arndt"
1114 Case "XBOX_Console"
1115 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_351613033_0").Value = "David Arndt"
1116 Case "PC_SW_non-VG"
1117 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_351613033_0").Value = "Huan Nguyen"
1118 Case "VG_PC_SW"
1119 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_351613033_0").Value = "Ed Hewitt"
1120 Case "XBOX_SW"
1121 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_351613033_0").Value = "Jenna Susko"
1122 Case "Zune"
1123 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_351613033_0").Value = "Tom Kluis"
1124 Case "Zune_Accessories"
1125 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_351613033_0").Value = "Charles Murray"
1126 End Select
1128 ' Warranty decision block ***********************
1129 ' Warranty indicator
1130 .getElementById("_215127057_0_263500921_0_318388927_0").selectedIndex = 2
1132 If InStr(1, kategorie, "SW") <> 0 Then
1133 ' Warranty Labour Days/Years
1134 .getElementById("_215127057_0_263500921_0_1935191691_0").Value = 90 'days
1135 ' Warranty Parts Days/Years
1136 .getElementById("_215127057_0_263500921_0_434903867_0").Value = 90 'days
1137 Else
1138 .getElementById("_215127057_0_263500921_0_158089848_0").Value = 3 'years
1139 .getElementById("_215127057_0_263500921_0_577627864_0").Value = 3 'years
1140 End If
1141 '** Sample Sent
1142 .all.Item("_215127057_0_224502806_0_1599375785_0").selectedIndex = 1
1143 '******* SAVE GENERAL **********************
1144 .all.Item("PC_7_0_J3_SAVE").Click: Call is_busy(IE)
1145 '********* SUPPLIER TAB *************************************************
1146 .getElementById("tab2").Click: Call is_busy(IE)
1147 '** determining MSFT Xbox or Microsoft algorithm (from the file name)
1148 If InStr(1, C_myMacroFile, "XBox") <> 0 Then
1149 .all.Item("_1552681051_0_1865545603_0_326364010_0").Value = "Microsoft Xbox Corporation"
1150 Else
1151 .all.Item("_1552681051_0_1865545603_0_326364010_0").Value = "Microsoft"
1152 End If
1153 'Private Label Indicator = No
1154 .all.Item("_1552681051_0_2143843476_0_198836717_0").selectedIndex = 1
1155 'Primary Origin Country Indicator = Yes --- BY DEFAULT
1156 'IE.document.all.Item("_1552681051_0_1053610938_0_259351390_0").selectedIndex = 2
1157 'Country of Origin for BBY Purchase = United States --- BY DEFAULT
1158 'IE.document.all.Item("_1552681051_0_1053610938_0_190972293_0").value = United States
1159 For j = 0 To ColQuant - 1
1160 If ArrHeaders(j) = C_NetPrice Then
1161 'Unit Cost
1162 .getElementById("_1552681051_0_1053610938_0_1408138848_0_1499822074_0").Value =
MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)
1163 End If
1164 Next j
1165 '******* SAVE SUPPLIER TAB ****************
1166 .all.Item("PC_7_0_J3_SAVE").Click: Call is_busy(IE)
1167 '********* LOGISTICS TAB *************************************************
1168 .getElementById("tab3").Click: Call is_busy(IE)
1169 '** Unit Dimensions and Weight *******************
1170 'a. Length or Depth = MS Unit Width
1171 'b. Width = MS Unit Depth
1172 'c. Height = MS Unit Length
1173 'd. Dimensions UOM = IN (choose from the drop down)
1174 'e. Weight = MS Unit Weight
1175 'f. Weight UOM = LB (choose from the drop down)
1177 For j = 0 To ColQuant - 1
1178 Select Case ArrHeaders(j)
1179 Case C_Un_Width
1180 For iii = 0 To 2
1181 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_553772606_" & iii & "_1269885005_0").Value =
MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)
1182 Next iii
1183 Case C_Un_Depth
1184 For iii = 0 To 2
1185 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_553772606_" & iii & "_267338521_0").Value =
MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)
1186 Next iii
1187 Case C_Un_Length
1188 For iii = 0 To 2
1189 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_553772606_" & iii & "_735435212_0").Value =
MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)
1190 Next iii
1191 Case C_Un_Weight
1192 For iii = 0 To 2
1193 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_553772606_" & iii & "_305997947_0").Value =
MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)
1194 Next iii
1195 Case Else
1196 End Select
1197 Next j
1198 'UOM - IN or LB For unit and MP
1199 For iii = 0 To 3
1200 .all.Item("_1715640154_0_553772606_" & iii & "_354836947_0").selectedIndex = 3
1201 .all.Item("_1715640154_0_553772606_" & iii & "_434201048_0").selectedIndex = 3
1202 Next iii
1204 '** Master Pak Dimensions and Weight ***********
1205 For j = 0 To ColQuant - 1
1206 Select Case ArrHeaders(j)
1207 Case C_MP_Length
1208 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_553772606_3_1269885005_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)
1209 Case C_MP_Depth
1210 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_553772606_3_267338521_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)
1211 Case C_MP_Width
1212 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_553772606_3_735435212_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)
1213 Case C_MP_Weight
1214 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_553772606_3_305997947_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)
1215 End Select
1216 Next j
1217 '****** Inner, MPQ, TI, HI, IND ****************************
1218 'Inner Pack - Number of Eaches = Always 1
1219 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_662665405_0_1898596981_0").Value = 1
1221 For j = 0 To ColQuant - 1
1222 'Case Pack - Number of Eaches = Masterpack Qty
1223 If ArrHeaders(j) = C_MPQ Then
1224 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_662665405_0_1429791177_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)
1225 End If
1226 'Pallet - Number of Eaches
1227 If ArrHeaders(j) = C_PalletQuantity Then
1228 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_662665405_0_400926649_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)
1229 End If
1230 Next j
1232 Call pvtus_SQL_dotaz(TI, HI, current_SKU)
1234 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_662665405_0_1795435815_0").Value = TI
1235 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_662665405_0_1163388972_0").Value = HI
1237 'One Way Ind = NO --- BY DEFAULT in HTML
1239 'BBY Direct Import Ind = No
1240 .all.Item("_1715640154_0_81096678_0_552511319_0").selectedIndex = 1
1241 '******* SAVE Logistics Tab ***************
1242 .all.Item("PC_7_0_J3_SAVE").Click: Call is_busy(IE)
1243 '********* DATES TAB *************************************************
1244 .getElementById("tab4").Click: Call is_busy(IE)
1245 'the VBA code cannot see the ID in HTML, so we will use getElementsByTagName("input")
1246 'the indexed order of the input element is 108, starting from 0
1247 slashQ = 0
1248 MM = ""
1249 DD = ""
1250 YY = ""
1251 MyTime = Format(Time, "hh:mm:ss") ' nechceme Format(Time, "hh:mm:ss AMPM")
1252 'MyTime = Mid(MyTime, 1, 8) v pripade, ze by to bylo deklarovano: Dim MyTime As Date, pak
1253 'implicitne pridava AM/PM nezavisle na Formatu, proto je to Dimenzovano MyTime As String
1254 For j = 0 To ColQuant - 1
1255 If ArrHeaders(j) = C_MSD Then
1256 If Len(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)) <> 0 Then
1257 For iii = 1 To Len(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j))
1258 If Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) <> "/" And slashQ = 0 Then
1259 MM = MM + Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1)
1260 End If
1261 If Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) <> "/" And slashQ = 1 Then
1262 DD = DD + Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1)
1263 End If
1264 If Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) <> "/" And slashQ = 2 Then
1265 YY = YY + Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1)
1266 End If
1267 If Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) = "/" Then
1268 slashQ = slashQ + 1
1269 End If
1270 Next iii
1271 If Len(MM) = 1 Then
1272 MM = "0" + MM
1273 End If
1274 If Len(DD) = 1 Then
1275 DD = "0" + DD
1276 End If
1277 .getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("input")(108).Value = YY & "-" & MM &
"-" & DD & " " & MyTime
1278 End If
1279 End If
1280 Next j
1281 BBuy_win = FindWindow(ByVal vbNullString, ByVal "Best Buy PIM Portal - Windows Internet Explorer")
1282 Call SetFocusAPI(ByVal BBuy_win)
1283 For j = 1 To 300
1284 Call PostMessage(ByVal BBuy_win, ByVal WM_KEYDOWN, ByVal VK_TAB, ByVal 0&)
1285 Call PostMessage(ByVal BBuy_win, ByVal WM_KEYUP, ByVal VK_TAB, ByVal 0&)
1286 Sleep 100 'ms
1287 Next j
1288 '******* SAVE Dates Tab *******************
1289 .all.Item("PC_7_0_J3_SAVE").Click: Call is_busy(IE)
1290 '********* Category TAB *************************************************
1291 .getElementById("tab5").Click: Call is_busy(IE)
1292 'Hodnoty atributu kategorii jsou ulozeny v MarketingMatrix - bez headeru
1293 'muzeme projit pole ArrMarketDataHeaders a najit header a jeho pozici - index
1294 'pak se pomoci indexu odkazat na odpovidajici index sloupce MarketingMatrix
1295 'k = 0
1296 'Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Operating system"
1297 ' k = k + 1
1298 'Loop
1299 'IE.document.all.Item("_1562711832_0").selectedIndex = MarketingMatrix(0, k)
1301 'Select Case kategorie
1302 'Case "PC_SW_non-VG"
1303 'Case "VG_PC_SW"
1304 'Case "Zune"
1305 'Case "Accessories" 'XBOX
1306 'Case "XBOX_Console"
1307 'Case "XBOX_SW"
1308 'Case "Input_Devices-Game_Controller"
1309 'Case "Input_Devices-Mice"
1310 'Case "Input_Devices-Keyboards"
1311 'Case "Web Cams"
1312 'End Select
1315 Dim vista(3) As String
1316 vista(0) = "Bus": vista(1) = "Basic": vista(2) = "Prem": vista(3) = "Ultim"
1317 Dim indx_vista, index_OS As Byte
1318 indx_vista = 0
1321 k = 0
1322 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Operating system"
1323 k = k + 1
1324 Loop
1326 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)
1327 Case "" 'Not Applicable
1328 index_OS = 6
1329 Case "Vista" 'jen pripad pro rozrazeni verzi Visty
1330 For j = 7 To 13 Step 2
1331 If InStr(1, MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k), vista(indx_vista)) Then
1332 index_OS = j
1333 If InStr(1, MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k), "64") Then
1334 index_OS = j + 1
1335 End If
1336 End If
1337 indx_vista = indx_vista + 1
1338 Next j
1339 Case Else 'zbytek je kombinace Vista/XP -> uprednostnim XP (nizsi verzi) a na 95, 98 atp.
1340 'neberu v bunce ohled.
1341 If InStr(1, MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k), "XP") Then
1342 index_OS = 16
1343 Else 'jestlize neni XP na vyber, pak volim obecne Windows
1344 index_OS = 15
1345 End If
1346 End Select
1348 Dim CPU_min(16), CPU_rcmd(13) As Integer
1349 Dim index_CPU_min, index_UOM_min, index_CPU_rcm, index_UOM_rcm, index_genre, index_rating As Byte
1350 CPU_min(0) = 0#: CPU_min(1) = 1#: CPU_min(2) = 1.5: CPU_min(3) = 1.8
1351 CPU_min(4) = 1.9: CPU_min(5) = 2#: CPU_min(6) = 2.5: CPU_min(7) = 3#
1352 CPU_min(8) = 300#: CPU_min(9) = 400#: CPU_min(10) = 500#: CPU_min(11) = 600#
1353 CPU_min(12) = 700#: CPU_min(13) = 800#: CPU_min(14) = 900#: CPU_min(15) = 1200#
1354 CPU_min(16) = 1800#
1356 CPU_rcmd(0) = 0#: CPU_rcmd(1) = 1#: CPU_rcmd(2) = 1.5: CPU_rcmd(3) = 2#
1357 CPU_rcmd(4) = 2.5: CPU_rcmd(5) = 3#: CPU_rcmd(6) = 300#: CPU_rcmd(7) = 400#
1358 CPU_rcmd(8) = 500#: CPU_rcmd(9) = 600#: CPU_rcmd(10) = 700#: CPU_rcmd(11) = 800#
1359 CPU_rcmd(12) = 900#: CPU_rcmd(13) = 2500#
1362 k = 0
1363 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Min Required CPU Speed"
1364 k = k + 1
1365 Loop
1366 For j = 0 To 15
1367 If Val(MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)) > CPU_min(j) And Val(MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)) <= CPU_min(j +
1) Then
1368 index_CPU_min = j + 2
1369 End If
1370 Next j
1371 If Val(MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)) > CPU_min(UBound(CPU_min)) Then
1372 index_CPU_min = UBound(CPU_min) + 1
1373 End If
1375 k = 0
1376 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "CPU Speed UOM"
1377 k = k + 1
1378 Loop
1379 If MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) = "GHz" Then
1380 index_UOM_min = 1
1381 Else
1382 index_UOM_min = 2
1383 End If
1385 k = 0
1386 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Rcmded CPU Speed"
1387 k = k + 1
1388 Loop
1389 For j = 0 To 12
1390 If Val(MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)) > CPU_rcmd(j) And Val(MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)) <= CPU_rcmd(j
+ 1) Then
1391 index_CPU_rcm = j + 2
1392 End If
1393 Next j
1394 If Val(MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)) > CPU_rcmd(UBound(CPU_rcmd)) Then
1395 index_CPU_rcm = UBound(CPU_rcmd) + 1
1396 End If
1398 k = 0
1399 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Rcmded CPU Speed UOM"
1400 k = k + 1
1401 Loop
1402 If MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) = "GHz" Then
1403 index_UOM_rcm = 1
1404 Else
1405 index_UOM_rcm = 2
1406 End If
1408 k = 0
1409 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Genre"
1410 k = k + 1
1411 Loop
1412 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)
1413 Case "Action": index_genre = 1: Case "Adult": index_genre = 2
1414 Case "Adventure": index_genre = 3: Case "DEVELOPMENT TOOLS": index_genre = 4
1415 Case "Educational": index_genre = 5: Case "Emulators": index_genre = 6
1416 Case "Family Entertainment": index_genre = 7: Case "Fighting": index_genre = 8
1417 Case "Home": index_genre = 9: Case "Music": index_genre = 10
1418 Case "Other": index_genre = 11: Case "Puzzle": index_genre = 12
1419 Case "Racing": index_genre = 13: Case "Reference": index_genre = 14
1420 Case "RPG": index_genre = 15: Case "action RPG": index_genre = 15
1421 Case "tactical action games, shooter": index_genre = 16
1422 Case "shooter": index_genre = 16: Case "Simulation": index_genre = 17
1423 Case "Sports": index_genre = 18: Case "Strategy": index_genre = 19
1424 Case "Real Time Strategy": index_genre = 19: Case "Traditional": index_genre = 20
1425 Case "Utility": index_genre = 21: Case "Variety": index_genre = 22
1426 Case "WRESTLING": index_genre = 23
1427 End Select
1429 k = 0
1430 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Rating"
1431 k = k + 1
1432 Loop
1433 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)
1434 Case "AO": index_rating = 1: Case "E": index_rating = 2
1435 Case "Everyone 10+": index_rating = 3: Case "EC": index_rating = 4
1436 Case "Mature M17+": index_rating = 7: Case "NOT_RATED": index_rating = 9
1437 Case "RATING_PENDING": index_rating = 13: Case "Teen": index_rating = 15
1438 Case "UN_RATED": index_rating = 16: Case "X_RATED": index_rating = 17
1439 End Select
1441 Dim index_prim, index_sec As Byte
1443 k = 0
1444 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Primary Color"
1445 k = k + 1
1446 Loop
1447 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)
1448 Case "Assorted": index_prim = 1: Case "Bisque": index_prim = 2
1449 Case "Black": index_prim = 3: Case "Blue": index_prim = 4
1450 Case "Bronze": index_prim = 5: Case "Brown": index_prim = 6
1451 Case "Burgundy": index_prim = 7: Case "Camel": index_prim = 8
1452 Case "Carbon Fiber": index_prim = 9: Case "Champagne": index_prim = 10
1453 Case "Charcoal Grey": index_prim = 11: Case "Cherry": index_prim = 12
1454 Case "Clear": index_prim = 13: Case "Cosmopolitan": index_prim = 14
1455 Case "Cream": index_prim = 15: Case "Cyan": index_prim = 16
1456 Case "Dove": index_prim = 17: Case "Espresso": index_prim = 18
1457 Case "Gold": index_prim = 19: Case "Granite": index_prim = 20
1458 Case "Green": index_prim = 21: Case "Grey": index_prim = 22
1459 Case "Indigo": index_prim = 23: Case "Ivory": index_prim = 24
1460 Case "Khaki": index_prim = 25: Case "Lavender": index_prim = 26
1461 Case "Light Blue": index_prim = 27: Case "Light Green": index_prim = 28
1462 Case "Light Purple": index_prim = 29: Case "Magenta": index_prim = 30
1463 Case "Maple": index_prim = 31: Case "Mossy Oak Camo": index_prim = 32
1464 Case "Natural Silver": index_prim = 33: Case "Navy": index_prim = 34
1465 Case "Not Applicable": index_prim = 35: Case "Oak": index_prim = 36
1466 Case "Off White": index_prim = 37: Case "Olive": index_prim = 38
1467 Case "Orange": index_prim = 39: Case "Piano Black": index_prim = 40
1468 Case "Pink": index_prim = 41: Case "Platinum": index_prim = 42
1469 Case "Purple": index_prim = 43: Case "Red": index_prim = 44
1470 Case "Rose": index_prim = 45: Case "Sangria": index_prim = 46
1471 Case "Sapphire": index_prim = 47: Case "Silver": index_prim = 48
1472 Case "Spice": index_prim = 49: Case "Stainless": index_prim = 50
1473 Case "Titanium": index_prim = 51: Case "White": index_prim = 52
1474 Case "Yellow": index_prim = 53
1475 End Select
1477 k = 0
1478 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Secondary Color"
1479 k = k + 1
1480 Loop
1481 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)
1482 Case "Bisque": index_sec = 1: Case "Black": index_sec = 2
1483 Case "Blue": index_sec = 3: Case "Brown": index_sec = 4
1484 Case "Cherry": index_sec = 5: Case "Clear": index_sec = 6
1485 Case "Cream": index_sec = 7: Case "Cyan": index_sec = 8
1486 Case "Espresso": index_sec = 9: Case "Gold": index_sec = 10
1487 Case "Green": index_sec = 11: Case "Grey": index_sec = 12
1488 Case "Ivory": index_sec = 13: Case "Khaki": index_sec = 14
1489 Case "Light Blue": index_sec = 15: Case "Light Green": index_sec = 16
1490 Case "Light Purple": index_sec = 17: Case "Magenta": index_sec = 18
1491 Case "Maple": index_sec = 19: Case "Mossy Oak Camo": index_sec = 20
1492 Case "Natural Silver": index_sec = 21: Case "Navy": index_sec = 22
1493 Case "Not Applicable": index_sec = 23: Case "Oak": index_sec = 24
1494 Case "Off White": index_sec = 25: Case "Orange": index_sec = 26
1495 Case "Pink": index_sec = 27: Case "Platinum": index_sec = 28
1496 Case "Purple": index_sec = 29: Case "Red": index_sec = 30
1497 Case "Silver": index_sec = 31: Case "Stainless": index_sec = 32
1498 Case "Titanium": index_sec = 33: Case "White": index_sec = 34
1499 Case "Yellow": index_sec = 35
1500 End Select
1502 Dim index_cntrl As Byte
1504 k = 0
1505 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Controller Type"
1506 k = k + 1
1507 Loop
1508 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)
1509 Case "Dance Pad": index_cntrl = 1: Case "Not Applicable": index_cntrl = 2
1510 Case "Remote": index_cntrl = 3: Case "Wheel": index_cntrl = 4
1511 Case "Wired": index_cntrl = 5: Case "Wireless": index_cntrl = 6
1512 End Select
1514 Dim index_peri As Byte
1516 k = 0
1517 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Gaming Peripheral Type"
1518 k = k + 1
1519 Loop
1520 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)
1521 Case "Bundle": index_peri = 1: Case "Cable": index_peri = 2
1522 Case "Care": index_peri = 3: Case "Case": index_peri = 4
1523 Case "Cheat": index_peri = 5: Case "Control": index_peri = 6
1524 Case "Customization": index_peri = 7: Case "Memory": index_peri = 8
1525 Case "Multimedia": index_peri = 9: Case "Networking": index_peri = 10
1526 Case "Not Applicable": index_peri = 11: Case "Power": index_peri = 12
1527 Case "Sound": index_peri = 13
1528 End Select
1530 Select Case kategorie
1531 '*******************************
1532 Case "PC_SW_non-VG"
1533 '*******************************
1534 'Operating system: Not Applicable, Vista Business, Vista Business 64-Bit, Vista Home Basic,
1535 ' Vista Home Basic 64-Bit, Vista Home Premium, Vista Home Premium 64-Bit,
1536 ' Vista Ultimate, Vista Ultimate 64-Bit, Windows, XP
1537 .all.Item("_1562711832_0").selectedIndex = index_OS
1538 'Minimum Required Processor Speed: 0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 300.0, 400.0
1539 ' 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 900.0, 1200.0, 1800.0
1540 .all.Item("_181242228_0").selectedIndex = index_CPU_min
1541 'Minimum Required Processor Speed UOM: GHz, MHz
1542 .all.Item("_1834189895_0").selectedIndex = index_UOM_min
1543 'Recommended Processor Speed: 0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0,
800.0, 900.0, 2500.0
1544 .all.Item("_1315705878_0").selectedIndex = index_CPU_rcm
1545 'Recommended Processor Speed UOM: GHz, MHz
1546 .all.Item("_1399342147_0").selectedIndex = index_UOM_rcm
1547 '*******************************
1548 Case "VG_PC_SW"
1549 '***************************
1550 'Game PlatForm: XBOX_360, (Xbox was discontinued in late 2006)
1551 .all.Item("_366871758_0").selectedIndex = 13 'always
1555 .all.Item("_127407284_0").selectedIndex = index_genre
1556 'Rating: AO, E, E10+, EC, G, INHALANT, M, NC_17, NOT_RATED, PG, PG_13, R, RATING_PENDING,
1558 .all.Item("_33944436_0").selectedIndex = index_rating
1559 'Street Date:
1560 k = 0
1561 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "street date"
1562 k = k + 1
1563 Loop
1564 street_date = MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) 'street date musi byt ve Formatu YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
1565 If street_date = "" Then 'If not street dated Then fill in MSD
1566 slashQ = 0
1567 MM = ""
1568 DD = ""
1569 YY = ""
1570 MyTime = Format(Time, "hh:mm:ss")
1571 For j = 0 To ColQuant - 1
1572 If ArrHeaders(j) = C_MSD Then
1573 If Len(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)) <> 0 Then
1574 For iii = 1 To Len(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j))
1575 If Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) <> "/" And slashQ = 0 Then
1576 MM = MM + Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1)
1577 End If
1578 If Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) <> "/" And slashQ = 1 Then
1579 DD = DD + Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1)
1580 End If
1581 If Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) <> "/" And slashQ = 2 Then
1582 YY = YY + Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1)
1583 End If
1584 If Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) = "/" Then
1585 slashQ = slashQ + 1
1586 End If
1587 Next iii
1588 If Len(MM) = 1 Then
1589 MM = "0" + MM
1590 End If
1591 If Len(DD) = 1 Then
1592 DD = "0" + DD
1593 End If
1594 .getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("input")(116).Value = YY & "-"
& MM & "-" & DD & " " & MyTime
1595 End If
1596 End If
1597 Next j
1598 Else
1599 .getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("input")(116).Value = street_date & " "
& MyTime
1600 End If
1601 BBuy_win = FindWindow(ByVal vbNullString, ByVal "Best Buy PIM Portal - Windows Internet
1602 Call SetFocusAPI(ByVal BBuy_win)
1603 For j = 1 To 300
1604 Call PostMessage(ByVal BBuy_win, ByVal WM_KEYDOWN, ByVal VK_TAB, ByVal 0&)
1605 Call PostMessage(ByVal BBuy_win, ByVal WM_KEYUP, ByVal VK_TAB, ByVal 0&)
1606 Sleep 100 'ms
1607 Next j
1608 'Minimum Required Processor Speed: 0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 300.0, 400.0
1609 ' 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 900.0, 1200.0, 1800.0
1610 .all.Item("_1395721575_0").selectedIndex = index_CPU_min
1611 'Minimum Required Processor Speed UOM: GHz, MHz
1612 .all.Item("_1631443692_0").selectedIndex = index_UOM_min
1613 'Recommended Processor Speed: 0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0,
1614 ' 700.0, 800.0, 900.0, 2500.0
1615 .all.Item("_1312790437_0").selectedIndex = index_CPU_rcm
1616 'Recommended Processor Speed UOM: GHz, MHz
1617 .all.Item("_1874924024_0").selectedIndex = index_UOM_rcm
1618 'Number of Discs: 1
1619 .getElementById("_876150083_0").Value = 1
1620 '*******************************
1621 Case "Zune"
1622 '*******************************
1623 'CE and Accessory Primary Color
1624 .all.Item("_268021381_0").selectedIndex = index_prim
1625 'CE and Accessory Secondary Color
1626 .all.Item("_951516279_0").selectedIndex = index_sec
1627 '*******************************
1628 Case "Accessories" 'XBOX
1629 '*******************************
1630 'Accessory Ind: None = 0, No = 1, Yes = 2
1631 .all.Item("_1642772424_0").selectedIndex = 2
1632 'Controller Type: None, Dance Pad, Not Applicable, Remote, Wheel, Wired, Wireless
1633 .all.Item("_1690754485_0").selectedIndex = index_cntrl
1634 'Gaming Peripheral Type: None, Bundle, Cable, Care, Case, Cheat, Control, Customization,
1635 ' Memory, Multimedia, Networking, Not Applicable, Power, Sound
1636 .all.Item("_569820874_0").selectedIndex = index_peri
1637 '*******************************
1638 Case "XBOX_Console"
1639 '*******************************
1640 'CE and Accessory Primary Color
1641 .all.Item("_400508731_0").selectedIndex = index_prim
1642 'CE and Accessory Secondary Color
1643 .all.Item("_1555794249_0").selectedIndex = index_sec
1644 '*******************************
1645 Case "XBOX_SW"
1646 '*******************************
1647 'Game PlatForm: XBOX_360, event. XBOX
1648 .all.Item("_67462387_0").selectedIndex = 20
1652 .all.Item("_373149557_0").selectedIndex = index_genre
1653 'Rating: AO, E, E10+, EC, G, INHALANT, M, NC_17, NOT_RATED, PG, PG_13, R, RATING_PENDING,
1655 .all.Item("_1005868565_0").selectedIndex = index_rating
1656 'Street Date:
1657 k = 0
1658 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "street date"
1659 k = k + 1
1660 Loop
1661 street_date = MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) 'street date musi byt ve Formatu YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
1662 If street_date = "" Then 'If not street dated Then fill in MSD
1663 slashQ = 0
1664 MM = ""
1665 DD = ""
1666 YY = ""
1667 MyTime = Format(Time, "hh:mm:ss")
1668 For j = 0 To ColQuant - 1
1669 If ArrHeaders(j) = C_MSD Then
1670 If Len(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)) <> 0 Then
1671 For iii = 1 To Len(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j))
1672 If Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) <> "/" And slashQ = 0 Then
1673 MM = MM + Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1)
1674 End If
1675 If Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) <> "/" And slashQ = 1 Then
1676 DD = DD + Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1)
1677 End If
1678 If Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) <> "/" And slashQ = 2 Then
1679 YY = YY + Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1)
1680 End If
1681 If Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) = "/" Then
1682 slashQ = slashQ + 1
1683 End If
1684 Next iii
1685 If Len(MM) = 1 Then
1686 MM = "0" + MM
1687 End If
1688 If Len(DD) = 1 Then
1689 DD = "0" + DD
1690 End If
1691 .getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("input")(116).Value = YY & "-"
& MM & "-" & DD & " " & MyTime
1692 End If
1693 End If
1694 Next j
1695 Else
1696 .getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("input")(116).Value = street_date & " "
& MyTime
1697 End If
1698 BBuy_win = FindWindow(ByVal vbNullString, ByVal "Best Buy PIM Portal - Windows Internet
1699 Call SetFocusAPI(ByVal BBuy_win)
1700 For j = 1 To 300
1701 Call PostMessage(ByVal BBuy_win, ByVal WM_KEYDOWN, ByVal VK_TAB, ByVal 0&)
1702 Call PostMessage(ByVal BBuy_win, ByVal WM_KEYUP, ByVal VK_TAB, ByVal 0&)
1703 Sleep 100 'ms
1704 Next j
1705 'Number of Discs: 1
1706 .getElementById("_92864450_0").Value = 1
1707 '*******************************
1708 Case "Input_Devices-Game_Controller"
1709 '*******************************
1710 'Accessory Ind: None, No, Yes
1711 .all.Item("_648190504_0").selectedIndex = 2
1712 'CE and Accessory Primary Color
1713 .all.Item("_456433945_0").selectedIndex = index_prim
1714 'CE and Accessory Secondary Color
1715 .all.Item("_1627363851_0").selectedIndex = index_sec
1716 'Number of Buttons: None, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
1717 k = 0
1718 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Number of Buttons"
1719 k = k + 1
1720 Loop
1721 Index = Val(MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)) + 2
1722 .all.Item("_187851846_0").selectedIndex = Index
1723 '*******************************
1724 Case "Input_Devices-Mice"
1725 '*******************************
1726 'CE and Accessory Primary Color
1727 .all.Item("_480222994_0").selectedIndex = index_prim
1728 'CE and Accessory Secondary Color
1729 .all.Item("_851789664_0").selectedIndex = index_sec
1730 'Number of Buttons: None, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
1731 k = 0
1732 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Number of Buttons"
1733 k = k + 1
1734 Loop
1735 Index = Val(MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)) + 2
1736 .all.Item("_1331524015_0").selectedIndex = Index
1737 'Number of Programmable Buttons: None, 0, 1, 2, .... 12
1738 k = 0
1739 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Number of Programmable Buttons"
1740 k = k + 1
1741 Loop
1742 Index = Val(MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)) + 2
1743 .all.Item("_222122316_0").selectedIndex = Index
1744 'Tilt Wheel: None, No, Yes
1745 k = 0
1746 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Tilt Wheel"
1747 k = k + 1
1748 Loop
1749 If MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) = "Yes" Then
1750 .all.Item("_1057497258_0").selectedIndex = 2
1751 Else
1752 .all.Item("_1057497258_0").selectedIndex = 1
1753 End If
1754 'Type of Pointing Device: None, Ball, Laser, Not Applicable, Optical, Presenter Mouse
1755 k = 0
1756 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Type of Pointing Device"
1757 k = k + 1
1758 Loop
1759 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)
1760 Case "Ball": Index = 1
1761 Case "Bluetrack": Index = 2
1762 Case "Laser": Index = 3
1763 Case "Not Applicable": Index = 4
1764 Case "Optical": Index = 5
1765 Case "Presenter Mouse": Index = 6
1766 End Select
1767 .all.Item("_1914843709_0").selectedIndex = Index
1768 '*******************************
1769 Case "Input_Devices-Keyboards"
1770 '*******************************
1771 'Backlit Keys: None, No, Yes
1772 k = 0
1773 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Backlit Keys"
1774 k = k + 1
1775 Loop
1776 If MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) = "Yes" Then
1777 .all.Item("_1840074102_0").selectedIndex = 2
1778 Else
1779 .all.Item("_1840074102_0").selectedIndex = 1
1780 End If
1781 'Battery Size: None, 9V, AA, AAA, C, D, Not Applicable, Photo, Specialty
1782 k = 0
1783 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Battery Size"
1784 k = k + 1
1785 Loop
1786 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)
1787 Case "9V": Index = 1
1788 Case "AA": Index = 2
1789 Case "AAA": Index = 3
1790 Case "C": Index = 4
1791 Case "D": Index = 5
1792 Case "Not Applicable": Index = 6
1793 Case "Photo": Index = 7
1794 Case "Specialty": Index = 8
1795 End Select
1796 .all.Item("_253158650_0").selectedIndex = Index
1797 'CE and Accessory Primary Color
1798 .all.Item("_834572842_0").selectedIndex = index_prim
1799 'CE and Accessory Secondary Color
1800 .all.Item("_2079577208_0").selectedIndex = index_sec
1801 'Mouse Included: None, Ball, Built Into Keyboard, Laser, No, Optical, Scroller,
1802 ' Wireless, Wireless Laser, Wireless Optical, Wireless Scroller
1803 k = 0
1804 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Mouse Included"
1805 k = k + 1
1806 Loop
1807 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)
1808 Case "Ball": Index = 1
1809 Case "Built Into Keyboard": Index = 2
1810 Case "Laser": Index = 3
1811 Case "No": Index = 4
1812 Case "Optical": Index = 5
1813 Case "Scroller": Index = 6
1814 Case "Wireless": Index = 7
1815 Case "Wireless Laser": Index = 8
1816 Case "Wireless Optical": Index = 9
1817 Case "Wireless Scroller": Index = 10
1818 End Select
1819 .all.Item("_417869597_0").selectedIndex = Index
1820 'Multimedia Keys: None, No, Yes
1821 k = 0
1822 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Multimedia Keys"
1823 k = k + 1
1824 Loop
1825 If MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) = "Yes" Then
1826 .all.Item("_279444067_0").selectedIndex = 2
1827 Else
1828 .all.Item("_279444067_0").selectedIndex = 1
1829 End If
1830 'Number of Keys:
1831 k = 0
1832 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Number of Keys"
1833 k = k + 1
1834 Loop
1835 .getElementById("_2118570484_0").Value = MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)
1836 'Number of USB Ports: None, 0, .. 10
1837 k = 0
1838 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Number of USB Ports"
1839 k = k + 1
1840 Loop
1841 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)
1842 Case "0": Index = 1
1843 Case "1": Index = 2
1844 Case "2": Index = 3
1845 Case "3": Index = 4
1846 Case "4": Index = 5
1847 Case "5": Index = 6
1848 Case "6": Index = 7
1849 Case "7": Index = 8
1850 Case "8": Index = 9
1851 Case "9": Index = 10
1852 Case "10": Index = 11
1853 End Select
1854 .all.Item("_743999170_0").selectedIndex = Index
1855 '*******************************
1856 Case "Web Cams"
1857 '*******************************
1858 'Built In Microphone: None, No, Yes
1859 k = 0
1860 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Built In Microphone"
1861 k = k + 1
1862 Loop
1863 If MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) = "Yes" Then
1864 .all.Item("_947613075_0").selectedIndex = 2
1865 Else
1866 .all.Item("_947613075_0").selectedIndex = 1
1867 End If
1868 'CE and Accessory Primary Color
1869 .all.Item("_1731412480_0").selectedIndex = index_prim
1870 'CE and Accessory Secondary Color
1871 .all.Item("_654042830_0").selectedIndex = index_sec
1872 'Headphone Connection: None, Mini Stereo, Not Applicable, RCA, Wireless
1873 k = 0
1874 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Headphone Connection"
1875 k = k + 1
1876 Loop
1877 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)
1878 Case "Mini Stereo": Index = 1
1879 Case "Not Applicable": Index = 2
1880 Case "RCA": Index = 3
1881 Case "Wireless": Index = 4
1882 End Select
1883 .all.Item("_1239705568_0").selectedIndex = Index
1884 'Headset Included: None, No, Yes
1885 k = 0
1886 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Headset Included"
1887 k = k + 1
1888 Loop
1889 If MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) = "Yes" Then
1890 .all.Item("_1627316746_0").selectedIndex = 2
1891 Else
1892 .all.Item("_1627316746_0").selectedIndex = 1
1893 End If
1894 'Software Included: None, Data Recovery Software, Educational Software,
1895 ' Facial Recognition Software, Music Management Software,
1896 ' Navigation Software, Not Applicable, Photo Editing Software,
1897 ' Video Effects Software
1898 k = 0
1899 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Software Included"
1900 k = k + 1
1901 Loop
1902 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)
1903 Case "Data Recovery Software": Index = 1
1904 Case "Educational Software": Index = 2
1905 Case "Facial Recognition Software": Index = 3
1906 Case "Music Management Software": Index = 4
1907 Case "Navigation Software": Index = 5
1908 Case "Not Applicable": Index = 6
1909 Case "Photo Editing Software": Index = 7
1910 Case "Video Effects Software": Index = 8
1911 End Select
1912 .all.Item("_1579521051_0").selectedIndex = Index
1913 'Webcam Design: None, Desktop, Laptop, Not Applicable
1914 k = 0
1915 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Webcam Design"
1916 k = k + 1
1917 Loop
1918 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)
1919 Case "Desktop": Index = 1
1920 Case "Laptop": Index = 2
1921 Case "Not Applicable": Index = 3
1922 End Select
1923 .all.Item("_1402083757_0").selectedIndex = Index
1924 '*******************************
1925 End Select 'kategorie
1926 Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:3"))
1927 '******* SAVE Category Tab ****************
1928 .all.Item("PC_7_0_J3_SAVE").Click: Call is_busy(IE)
1929 End With
1931 'searching For PIM Id's and loading them into an array variable:
1932 j = 0
1933 ReDim Preserve PIMId(i - 1)
1934 Do While IE.Document.all.tags("td")(j).innerTEXT <> "PIM Id"
1935 PIMId(i - 1) = IE.Document.all.tags("td")(j + 1).innerTEXT
1936 j = j + 1
1937 If PIMId(i - 1) = "PIM Id" Then
1938 PIMId(i - 1) = IE.Document.all.tags("td")(j + 1).innerTEXT
1939 PIMId(i - 1) = Mid(PIMId(i - 1), 2, 10) 'PIM Id ma 10 cifer, zacina mezerou
1940 End If
1941 Loop
1943 '*** HOME ***
1945 IE.navigate
1946 Call is_busy(IE)
1947 'End If {ArrOfPLind(i - 1) = True Then}
1948 done_1 = True
1949 Next i 'setup the Next SKU
1950 Do While IE.Busy And Not IE.ReadyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop 'or Call is_busy(IE)
1951 'click on Item Induction
1952 'RUN the JAVASCRIPT Function from Within VBA (Function PC_7_0_IS_openURL in the HTML)
1953 Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:3"))
1954 IE.Document.all.Item
1955 Call IE.Document.parentWindow.execScript("javascript:PC_7_0_IS_openURL('Item Induction')", "JavaScript")
1956 Call is_busy(IE)
1957 'UPDATE ***************
1958 IE.Document.all.Item("PC_7_0_J1_WORKFLOW_SELECT").Click: Call is_busy(IE)
1959 'Complete Non Data Pool Item ********************
1960 IE.navigate
1961 Call is_busy(IE)
1962 'Zaskrtnout jen ty checkbox s danou value PIM Id - muzou tam byt neodeslane SKU
1963 'Potreba nacist PIM ID na zacatku do pole a vyuzit zde i pak v mailu
1964 Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:3"))
1965 For i = 0 To SetUpQuant - 1
1966 j = 0
1967 Do While IE.Document.all.tags("td")(j).innerTEXT <> PIMId(i)
1968 'getElementsByValue("Google Search").Item(0).submit - VBA nepozna getelementsbyvalue???
1969 j = j + 1
1970 If IE.Document.all.tags("td")(j).innerTEXT = PIMId(i) Then
1971 IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("td")(j - 1).getElementsByTagName("input")(0).Checked = True
1972 End If
1973 Loop
1974 Do While IE.Busy And Not IE.ReadyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop
1975 Next i
1976 Do While IE.Busy And Not IE.ReadyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop 'Call is_busy(IE) equival
1978 'SUBMIT at once or in a cycle and wait 3 min for each? - at once possible
1979 'IE.Document.all.Item("NEXT_STEP_LIST_BUTTON_0").Click: Call is_busy(IE)
1980 done_2 = True
1981 'LOG OUT
1982 IE.navigate
1983 IE.Quit 'zavrit browser
1984 Set IE = Nothing 'znicit objekt
1986 Else 'je-li SetUpQuant = 0 nevytvori se ani instance internet exploreru
1987 zprava = "The requested SKU/SKUs is/are not on the BestBuy PC PL" 'none of them
1988 done_3 = True 'kontrola, ze nenastala chyba logovani do IE, ale SetUpQuant je opravdu 0
1989 End If
1990 Application.ScreenUpdating = True
1992 'I have included the DisplayAlerts statement because Excel
1993 'could ask whether to save Workbook changes first
1994 '*********************************************************************************
1995 Exit Sub 'pri cteni souboru muze teoreticky nastat nasledujici
1996 Chyby:
1997 'If Err.Number = 68 Then
1998 ' MsgBox "The device is not accessible."
1999 'Else
2000 ' MsgBox "Sorry, an unexpected error has occurred: " & Error()
2001 'End If
2002 'Application.DisplayAlerts = False
2003 'Application.Quit
2004 nelzeulozit:
2005 'If Err.Number <> 0 Then
2006 ' MsgBox "The Form has not been saved."
2007 'End If
2008 'Application.DisplayAlerts = False
2009 'Application.Quit
2010 End Sub
2012 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
2013 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@
2014 '@@@@ AUTHOR: Ales VYMYSLICKY @@@@@@@@@@@
2015 '@@@@ The entire code was written by the author and is an intellectual property of its author.
2016 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@
2017 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
2018 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
2019 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@
2020 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ COPYRIGHT - ALES VYMYSLICKY @@@@@@@@@@@
2021 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@
2022 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

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  • 1. 1 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 3 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 4 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ 5 '@@@@@ TITLE: SKU SET-UP APPLICATION FOR MICROSOFT SKU SET-UP PROCESS AT BEST BUY @@@@@@@@@@@ 6 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ 7 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 8 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 9 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ 10 '@@@@ AUTHOR: Ales VYMYSLICKY @@@@@@@@@@@ 11 '@@@@ This entire code was written by the author and is an intellectual property of its author. 12 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ 13 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 14 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 15 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ 16 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ COPYRIGHT - ALES VYMYSLICKY @@@@@@@@@@@ 17 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ 18 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 19 '@@@@@@ USER: SKU SET-UP Team in Accenture at Microsoft Vermont Team, Prague, Czech Republic @ 20 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 21 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ Language: Visual Basic For Application 2007 @@@@@@@@@@@ 22 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 23 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ FILE NAME: SKU_set-up_Best Buy PC.xlsm @@@@@@@@@@@ 24 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ FILE FORMAT: MS EXCEL 2007 @@@@@@@@@@@ 25 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ DATE LAST MODIFIED: 2nd of April 2009 @@@@@@@@@@@ 26 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 27 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ DESCRIPTION: This is a workflow application SW With a holistic approach and thus 28 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ no user interaction is required. The MSFT SKU Set-Up process chore 29 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ carried out For Best Buy is abolished. The Former 45 minutes pensum of various 30 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ tasks is being replaced by this code, however an interaction With some 31 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ other applications and macros is required to achieve this level of automation. 32 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 33 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ 34 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ ASSOCIATED VB SCRIPTS: autoRAS.vbs @@@@@@@@@@@ 35 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ ASSOCIATED BATCH FILE: autoPING.bat @@@@@@@@@@@ 36 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ ASSOCIATED OUTLOOK MACRO: Project1_SKUSetUP.RunAScriptRuleRoutine @@@@@@@@@@@ 37 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ INPUT FILE: SKU_Set-Up_Tracking_Tool.xls @@@@@@@@@@@ 38 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ INPUT FILES: SKUsBEPC.txt, SKUsBEXB.txt, market_tech_DATA.xlsm @@@@@@@@@@@ 39 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ INPUT DIRECTORY: mslifsuBIZACNHEDHBIOAMS @@@@@@@@@@@ 40 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ INPUT FILE: MMDDYY_MS_PC_Best Buy.xls @@@@@@@@@@@ 41 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ INPUT DIRECTORY: C:Usersv-alvymyDesktopAutomationSKU set-upMarketing_data 42 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ INPUT DATABASE: Data Source=Homedepot @@@@@@@@@@@ 43 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ INPUT CATALOG: Initial Catalog=AdHocReporting @@@@@@@@@@@ 44 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ OUTPUT WEB SITE: @@@@@@@@@@@ 45 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ OUTPUT E-MAIL: Outlook Mail @@@@@@@@@@@ 46 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ OUTPUT FILE: SKU_Set-Up_Tracking_Tool.xls @@@@@@@@@@@ 47 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ 48 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 49 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 50 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 51 52 Option Explicit 'VBA will not even execute a procedure 53 'If it contains an undeclared variable name 54 Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" _ 55 (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) 56 Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32.dll" _ 57 Alias "FindWindowA" _ 58 (ByVal lpClassName As String, _ 59 ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long 60 Private Declare Function SetFocusAPI Lib "user32.dll" _ 61 Alias "SetFocus" _ 62 (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long 63 Private Declare Function PostMessage Lib "user32.dll" _ 64 Alias "PostMessageA" _ 65 (ByVal hwnd As Long, _ 66 ByVal wMsg As Long, _ 67 ByVal wParam As Long, _ 68 lParam As Any) As Long 69 Public filePL, zprava, MarketDataHeader, ArrMarketDataHeaders(), MarketingMatrix() As String 70 Public get_mailArrOfRQSku() As String ' mailArrOfRQSku je defacto ArrOfRQSku nize - dobre rozlisit 71 'pro event. pozdejsi rekognoskacni algr a verifikacni algr na kompatibilitu s PL nebo pvtus 72 Public get_subjSKUtoBeSetUpQuant, SetUpQuant, MarketDataColQuant As Byte 73 Public get_arr_of_set_up_SKU(), PIMId(), get_arr_of_UPC(), street_date As String 74 Public PL_OPEN, done_1, done_2 As Boolean 75 76 Public Const C_myMacroFile As String = "SKU_set-up_Best Buy PC.xlsm" '***************************** 77 Public Const C_myMarketData As String = "market_tech_DATA.xlsm" '********************************** 78 Public Const plocha As String = "C:Usersv-alvymyDesktopAutomationSKU set-upSKUattributes" '** 79 Public Const plocha2 As String = "C:Usersv-alvymyDesktopAutomationSKU set-upemailSKUinput" '* 80 Public Const soubor_na_plose As String = "SKUsBEPC.txt" '****************************************** 81 82 Public Const WM_KEYDOWN As Long = &H100 83 Public Const WM_KEYUP As Long = &H101 84 Public Const VK_TAB As Long = &H9
  • 2. 85 86 Public Sub Auto_Open() 87 With Application 88 .ExecuteExcel4Macro "SHOW.TOOLBAR(""Ribbon"",False)" 89 .CommandBars("Status Bar").Visible = False 90 '.CommandBars("Formating").Visible = False - not in this version 91 .DisplayFormulaBar = False 92 .DisplayScrollBars = False 93 '.Caption = " " 94 '.ActiveWindow.Caption = "" 95 .ActiveWindow.DisplayHeadings = False 96 '.ActiveWindow.DisplayWorkbookTabs = False 97 '.ActiveWindow.DisplayVerticalScrollBar = False - also possible 98 '.ActiveWindow.DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = False - also possible 99 .WindowState = xlNormal 100 End With 101 'dale zneviditelnime pripadne dalsi listy; 102 'jako: Security Warning - Automatic update of links has been disabled 103 Dim theBar As CommandBar 104 For Each theBar In Application.CommandBars 105 On Error Resume Next 106 theBar.Enabled = False 107 Next 108 109 Call readMailTXT(get_mailArrOfRQSku, get_subjSKUtoBeSetUpQuant) 110 Call SetupBestBuy 111 Call Notification_Email(get_arr_of_set_up_SKU, PIMId, get_arr_of_UPC, ArrMarketDataHeaders, MarketingMatrix) 112 Call Save_Exit 113 End Sub 114 Public Sub Auto_Close() 115 With Application 116 .ExecuteExcel4Macro "SHOW.TOOLBAR(""Ribbon"",True)" 117 .CommandBars("Status Bar").Visible = True 118 '.CommandBars("Formating").Visible = True - not in this version 119 .DisplayFormulaBar = True 120 .DisplayScrollBars = True 121 .ActiveWindow.DisplayHeadings = True 122 .ActiveWindow.DisplayWorkbookTabs = True 123 '.ActiveWindow.DisplayVerticalScrollBar = True - also possible 124 '.ActiveWindow.DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = True - also possible 125 '.Caption = Empty 126 '.ActiveWindow.Caption = False 127 .WindowState = xlNormal 128 End With 129 'opet zviditelnime pripadne dalsi listy; 130 'jako: Security Warning - Automatic update of links has been disabled 131 Dim theBar As CommandBar 132 For Each theBar In Application.CommandBars 133 On Error Resume Next 134 theBar.Enabled = True 135 Next 136 End Sub 137 Public Sub Save_Exit() 138 Application.DisplayAlerts = False 139 If PL_OPEN = True Then 140 Application.Workbooks(filePL).Close SaveChanges:=False 141 End If 142 Application.Workbooks(C_myMacroFile).Activate 143 Application.Workbooks(C_myMacroFile).Save 144 Application.Quit 145 End Sub 146 'VBA MACRO - TOOLS - REFERENCES - BROWSE - go to WINDOWSSYSTEM32shdocvw.dll 147 '(will add MICROSOFT INTERNET CONTROL - TICK THIS OPTION) 148 'Function uses the SHDocVw.ShellWindows object to iterate the running IE instances 149 Public Function GetOpenIEByURL(ByVal pop_up_URL As String) As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer 150 Dim objShellWindows As New SHDocVw.ShellWindows 151 'ignore errors when accessing the document property 152 On Error Resume Next 153 'Loop over all Shell-Windows 154 For Each GetOpenIEByURL In objShellWindows 155 'If the document is of type HTMLDocument, it is an IE window 156 If TypeName(GetOpenIEByURL.Document) = "HTMLDocument" Then 157 'check the URL 158 If GetOpenIEByURL.Document.URL = pop_up_URL Then 159 'leave, we found the right window 160 Exit Function 161 End If 162 End If 163 Debug.Print TypeName(GetOpenIEByURL.Document) 164 Next 165 End Function 166 Private Function GetXLCol(ByVal Col As Integer) As String 167 ' Col is the present column, not the number of cols
  • 3. 168 Const A = 65 'ASCII value For capital A 169 Dim iMults As Integer 170 Dim sCol As String 171 Dim iRemain As Integer 172 ' THIS ALGORITHM ONLY WORKS UP TO ZZ. It fails on AAA 173 If Col > 701 Then 174 GetXLCol = "" 175 Exit Function 176 End If 177 If Col <= 25 Then 178 sCol = Chr(A + Col) 179 Else 180 iRemain = Int((Col / 26)) - 1 181 sCol = Chr(A + iRemain) & GetXLCol(Col Mod 26) 182 End If 183 GetXLCol = sCol 184 End Function 185 Sub readMailTXT(mailArrOfRQSku, subjSKUtoBeSetUpQuant) 186 Dim mailSubject, t As String 187 Dim subjCharNo As Long ', subjSKUtoBeSetUpQuant As Byte 188 Dim subjLength As Long 189 Dim krok As Byte 190 Dim is_num, not_num, std_chr, not_std As Boolean 191 192 Open plocha2 & "" & soubor_na_plose For Input Access Read As #1 193 Do While Not EOF(1) 194 Input #1, mailSubject 195 Loop 196 subjLength = LOF(1) 197 Close #1 198 subjSKUtoBeSetUpQuant = 0 199 For subjCharNo = 4 To (subjLength - 5) '----00000 until the 4th position, 200 'the dash is not relevant 201 is_num = False 202 not_num = False 203 std_chr = False 204 not_std = False 205 If Mid(mailSubject, subjCharNo, 1) = "-" Then 206 For krok = 1 To 5 Step 1 'musi nasledovat ASCII code pro numericke znaky 207 t = Asc(Mid(mailSubject, subjCharNo + krok, 1)) 208 If (48 <= t And t <= 57) Then 209 is_num = True 210 Else 211 not_num = True 212 End If 213 Next krok 214 For krok = 1 To 3 Step 1 'SKU vlevo musi byt znak z alfanumericke sady, male kapitalizuji 215 t = Asc(UCase(Mid(mailSubject, subjCharNo - 4 + krok, 1))) 216 If (48 <= t And t <= 57) Or (65 <= t And t <= 90) Then 217 std_chr = True 218 Else 219 not_std = True 220 End If 221 Next krok 222 If not_num = False And Not_std = False Then 223 ReDim Preserve mailArrOfRQSku(subjSKUtoBeSetUpQuant) 224 mailArrOfRQSku(subjSKUtoBeSetUpQuant) = UCase(Mid(mailSubject, (subjCharNo - 3), 9)) 'SKU je devitimistne 225 subjSKUtoBeSetUpQuant = subjSKUtoBeSetUpQuant + 1 226 Debug.Print Mid(mailSubject, (subjCharNo - 3), 9) 227 Debug.Print mailArrOfRQSku(subjSKUtoBeSetUpQuant - 1) 228 End If 229 End If 230 Next subjCharNo 231 End Sub 232 Sub Notification_Email(ByVal get_arr_of_set_up_SKU, ByVal PIMId, ByVal get_arr_of_UPC, ByVal ArrMarketDataHeaders, ByVal MarketingMatrix) 233 ' Is working in Office 2000-2007 234 Dim OL_App As Object 235 Dim OL_Mail As Object 236 Dim mailSubject, mailBody_part1, mailBody_part2, mailBody_part3, mailBody_partX, signature As String 237 Dim m, n, p As Byte 238 Dim message As Boolean 239 Dim photographs() As String 240 241 p = 0 242 Application.DisplayAlerts = False 243 On Error GoTo Chyby2: 'chyba subscript out of range u pole get_arr_of_set_up_SKU nastane, 244 ' kdyz nejsme narasovani. Otevirani PL vrati chybu pak se spusti tato proced. 245 ' s nenaDimenzovanymi poli, ktera vraci dalsi chybu -> ukoncime makro a -> RAS 246 Set OL_App = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 247 OL_App.Session.Logon 248 Set OL_Mail = OL_App.CreateItem(0) 249
  • 4. 250 message = False 251 If SetUpQuant <> 0 And done_1 = True Then 252 mailBody_part1 = "Hello everyone," & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _ 253 "Please be inFormed that the " 254 255 If UBound(get_arr_of_set_up_SKU) < 1 Then 256 mailBody_part2 = "item below has been set up on the PIM portal:" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine 257 Else 258 mailBody_part2 = "items below have been set up on the PIM portal:" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine 259 End If 260 mailSubject = "" 261 mailBody_part3 = "" 262 For m = 0 To UBound(get_arr_of_set_up_SKU) 263 mailSubject = mailSubject & get_arr_of_set_up_SKU(m) & " ; " 264 mailBody_partX = "This is the PIM Id# " & PIMId(m) & vbNewLine & _ 265 "This is the UPC# " & get_arr_of_UPC(m) & vbNewLine & _ 266 "This is the SKU# " & get_arr_of_set_up_SKU(m) & vbNewLine & vbNewLine 267 mailBody_part3 = mailBody_part3 & mailBody_partX 268 For n = 0 To UBound(ArrMarketDataHeaders) 269 If ArrMarketDataHeaders(n) = "1st Image" Or ArrMarketDataHeaders(n) = "2nd Image" Then 270 ReDim Preserve photographs(p) 271 photographs(p) = MarketingMatrix(m, n) 272 p = p + 1 273 End If 274 Next n 275 Next m 276 message = True 277 ElseIf done_2 = True Then 278 mailBody_part1 = zprava & vbNewLine & vbNewLine 'nic z toho nemohlo byt naset-upovano 279 '(neni na PL), mohou nastat pripady: vse bylo udelano, nic nebylo udelano, neco z toho 280 'bylo udelano, neco bylo udelano a zbytek neni na PL, do budoucna pripad bylo udelano drive 281 message = True 282 End If 283 signature = "Regards," & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _ 284 "Ales Vymyslicky (Accenture)" & vbNewLine & _ 285 "E&D NAOC Transaction Team" & vbNewLine & _ 286 "tel: + 420 225 042 496" & vbNewLine & _ 287 "e-mail:" 288 On Error Resume Next 289 If message = True Then 290 With OL_Mail 291 .SentOnBehalfOfName = "" '"" 292 .To = ";" 293 .CC = "" 294 .BCC = "" 295 .Subject = "SKU set-up notification for the " & mailSubject 296 .Body = mailBody_part1 & mailBody_part2 & mailBody_part3 & signature 297 For p = 0 To UBound(photographs) 298 .Attachments.Add (photographs(p)) 299 Next p 300 .Display 'or use .Send straight away 301 End With 302 End If 303 On Error GoTo 0 304 305 Set OL_Mail = Nothing 306 Set OL_App = Nothing 307 Exit Sub 308 Chyby2: 309 Application.DisplayAlerts = False 310 Application.Quit 311 End Sub 312 Private Sub is_busy(ByVal internet) 313 With internet 314 Do While .Busy: DoEvents: Loop 315 Do While .ReadyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop 316 End With 317 Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:3")) 318 End Sub 319 Sub pvtus_SQL_dotaz(tier, layer, ByVal current_SKU) 320 Dim objConnection As Object 321 Dim objRecordset As Object 322 Dim PartN, strSQL As String 323 Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 324 Set objRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 325 PartN = "'" & current_SKU & "'" 326 objConnection.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=True;Initial Catalog=AdHocReporting;Data Source=Homedepot;Use Procedure For Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=OM761600;Use Encryption For Data=False;Tag With column collation when possible=False" 327 strSQL = "SELECT EndItemPallet.EndItemPalletID, EndItemPallet.EndItemOperationsViewID, EndItemPallet.PalletSizeCodeID, EndItemPallet.PalletQuantity, EndItemPallet.PalletTie, EndItemPallet.PalletLayers, EndItemOperationsView.EndItemOperationsViewID, EndItemOperationsView.MaterialID, Material.MaterialID, Material.PartNumber FROM AdHocReporting.dbo.EndItemOperationsView EndItemOperationsView, AdHocReporting.dbo.EndItemPallet EndItemPallet, AdHocReporting.dbo.Material Material WHERE (Material.MaterialID
  • 5. = EndItemOperationsView.MaterialID) AND (EndItemPallet.EndItemOperationsViewID = EndItemOperationsView.EndItemOperationsViewID) AND (EndItemPallet.PalletSizeCodeID=1204) AND (Material.PartNumber=" & PartN & ")" 328 objRecordset.Open strSQL, objConnection 329 tier = objRecordset.Fields.Item("PalletTie").Value 330 layer = objRecordset.Fields.Item("PalletLayers").Value 331 'pom = objRecordset.Fields.Item("PartNumber").Value 332 End Sub 333 Sub SetupBestBuy() 334 Dim pathPL, pathTmplt, fileTmplt, SKUSetUpFileName, Qfile, typeselection As String 335 Dim PLtab, SKUColLetter, ColLetter, uv, Duv, ID As String 336 Dim ColNoSku, ColNo, ColQuant, SKUtoBeSetUpQuant, notSetUpQuant, pozice, vlookupPAR3 As Byte 337 Dim myCellAdd As String: Dim myCellContent As Variant 338 'SetUpQuant udava SKUtoBeSetUpQuant - notSetUpQuant(realna-co je na PL) 339 'SetUpQuant udava pri Dimenzovani MatrixPLfltrd index radku vcetne zahlavi 340 Dim R, w, y, z As Integer 341 Dim MyDate As Date 342 Dim MyTime As String 343 Dim MyDay As Byte 344 Dim MyMonth As Byte 345 Dim MyYear As Integer 346 Dim MM, DD, YY As String 347 Dim filePLSubstringIND, increment, i, iii, k, u, v, SetUpRowFltrd, TI, HI As Byte 348 Dim j, jj As Integer 349 Dim Header, cellTEXT, RQSkuCELL, SKUtoBeSetUp, SKU, SkuColRange1, incstring As String 350 Dim Response As VbMsgBoxResult 351 Dim ArrHeaders() As String 352 Dim MatrixPLfltrd() As Variant 'bude nacitat ruzne cis Formaty, aby se pak dodrzely 353 Dim ArrOfRQSku(), ArrOfRQSkuCELL(), current_SKU As String 354 Dim ArrOfPLind() As Boolean 355 Dim ArrVirtualColumnLetters() As String 356 Dim IE, pop_up As Object: Dim pop_up_URL, super_html_kategorie, html_kategorie As String 357 Dim kategorie, pole_kategorii_L1(3), pole_kategorii_L2(3), pole_kategorii_L3(2) As String 358 Dim ColNoItemName, ColNoLegalName, ColNoBusUnit, ColNoDivName, ColNoProType As Byte 359 Dim Index, slashQ As Byte 360 Dim done, done_3 As Boolean 361 Dim BBuy_win As Long 362 '****************************************************************************************** 363 Const pathPL_C1 = "mslifsuBIZACNHEDHBIOAMS" 364 Const pathPL_C2 = " PC Price Lists" 365 Const FDQuote = "_MS_PC_Best Buy.xls" 'pro ucely Formula row, kde pridava Excel 366 've slove Fry's jeste jeden quote na vic 367 '****************************************************************************************** 368 Const C_LegalName = "ItemLegalName" 369 Const C_ItemName = "ItemName": Const C_PartNumber = "PartNumber": Const C_MSSKU = "PartNumber" 370 Const C_SubString = "Best": Const C_myMacroSheet = "SKU to be set up" 371 Const C_MSD = "MicrosoftShipDate" 372 Const C_DateDiscontinued = "DateDiscontinued" 373 Const C_StartEffectiveDate = "StartEffectiveDate" 374 Const C_EndEffectiveDate = "EndEffectiveDate" 375 Const C_UPC = "UPC": Const C_MPQ = "MasterPakQuantity": Const C_PalletQuantity = "PalletQuantity" 376 Const C_NetPrice = "NetPrice": Const C_MSRP = "RecommendedRetailPrice" 377 Const C_Un_Weight = "EstUnitWeight_lbs" 378 Const C_Un_Length = "UnitLength_in": 379 Const C_Un_Width = "UnitWidth_in" 380 Const C_Un_Depth = "UnitDepth_in" 381 Const C_MP_Weight = "EstMasterPakWeight_lbs" 382 Const C_MP_Length = "MasterPakLength_in" 383 Const C_MP_Width = "MasterPakWidth_in" 384 Const C_MP_Depth = "MasterPakDepth_in" 385 Const C_BusUnit = "BusinessUnit" 386 Const C_DivName = "DivisionName" 387 Const C_ProType = "ProductType" 388 '************************************* 389 Const C_PIMPORTAL_LOGIN = "" 390 Const C_element_userID = "userID" 'input field 391 Const C_element_password = "password" 'input field 392 Const C_element_PC_7_0_64__login = "PC_7_0_64__login" 'login button 393 Const C_myID = "v000348": Const C_myPW = "Abcde007" 394 395 PLtab = "Price List Report" 396 397 'Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:30:00"), "Save_Exit" 'autotermination 398 'If error and no response in 30 mins Then autotermination, however problem With 399 'multiple set-ups - how long period? For 6 SKUs, maybe 3 hours. For 1 Sku, 30 min 400 'Saving to Best Buy database via portal is extremely slow -> 1 set-up takes 25 min 401 'reseni: cas, za ktery nastane autoterminace by se mohl menit = SetUpQuant * 30 min 402 403 MyDate = Date ' MyDate contains the current system date. 404 MyDay = Day(MyDate) 405 MyMonth = Month(MyDate) 406 MyYear = Year(MyDate) 407 YY = MyYear Mod 100 408 YY = "0" & YY
  • 6. 409 If MyMonth < 10 Then 410 MM = "0" & MyMonth 411 Else 412 MM = MyMonth 413 End If 414 415 If MyDay >= 15 Then 416 DD = "15" 417 Else 418 DD = "01" 419 End If 420 '********************************************************************************** 421 '***** Tracking down the latest pathPL and actual filePL name *** (or the 2nd latest)** 422 '***** IT Connection Manager must be connected via RAS Card !!! ******************* 423 On Error GoTo Chyby 424 pathPL = pathPL_C1 & MM & DD & YY & pathPL_C2 425 typeselection = "*.xls" 426 filePL = Dir(pathPL & typeselection, vbReadOnly) 'the first listed filePL will be loaded into the filePL string variable otherwise an Empty string 427 filePLSubstringIND = InStr(1, filePL, C_SubString) 'searching For the substring, returns 0 If not found 428 If filePLSubstringIND <> 0 Then 'alternatively, to be more specific: If filePLSubstringIND = 14 Then 429 Workbooks.Open Filename:=pathPL & "" & filePL, ReadOnly:=True 430 PL_OPEN = True 431 Else 432 433 On Error GoTo PLnotReady 434 435 Do While filePLSubstringIND = 0 'account name starts always on the 14th character so it could be: Do While filePLSubstringIND <> 14 436 filePL = Dir() ' read the Next filePL in the directory If there is none Then an Empty string will be assigned 437 filePLSubstringIND = InStr(1, filePL, C_SubString) 438 If filePLSubstringIND <> 0 Then 439 Workbooks.Open Filename:=pathPL & "" & filePL, ReadOnly:=True 440 PL_OPEN = True 441 End If 442 Loop 443 '***** Tracking down the 2nd latest PL pathPL and its name If filePLSubstringIND = 0 *************** 444 '***** from now on it will continue With opening the PL belonging to the previous period 445 PLnotReady: 446 If filePLSubstringIND = 0 Then 447 Response = MsgBox("The pathPL " & pathPL & " does not exist, has been changed, or the latest PL has not been issued yet. Would you like to try to open the older one?", vbYesNo + vbCritical) 448 If Response = vbYes Then 'If NO - GOTO chyby, PL neni dostupny, see Else na radku 106 449 450 If MyDay >= 15 Then '***** start reading the PL from the preceding period ***** 451 DD = "01" 452 pathPL = pathPL_C1 & MM & DD & YY & pathPL_C2 453 typeselection = "*.xls" 454 filePL = Dir(pathPL & typeselection, vbReadOnly) 'the first listed filePL will be loaded into the filePL string variable otherwise an Empty string 455 filePLSubstringIND = InStr(1, filePL, C_SubString) 456 457 If filePLSubstringIND <> 0 Then 458 Workbooks.Open Filename:=pathPL & "" & filePL, ReadOnly:=True 459 PL_OPEN = True 460 Else 461 462 On Error GoTo Chyby 463 464 Do While filePLSubstringIND = 0 465 filePL = Dir() 466 filePLSubstringIND = InStr(1, filePL, C_SubString) 467 If filePLSubstringIND <> 0 Then 468 Workbooks.Open Filename:=pathPL & "" & filePL, ReadOnly:=True 469 PL_OPEN = True 470 End If 471 Loop 472 End If 473 474 Else 475 DD = "15" 476 If MyMonth <= 10 Then 477 If MyMonth = 1 Then 478 MM = "12" 479 YY = (MyYear Mod 100) - 1 480 YY = "0" & YY 481 Else 482 MyMonth = MyMonth - 1 483 MM = "0" & MyMonth 484 End If 485 Else 486 MyMonth = MyMonth - 1 487 MM = MyMonth
  • 7. 488 End If 489 pathPL = pathPL_C1 & MM & DD & YY & pathPL_C2 490 typeselection = "*.xls" 491 filePL = Dir(pathPL & typeselection, vbReadOnly) 'the first listed filePL will be loaded into the filePL string variable otherwise an Empty string 492 filePLSubstringIND = InStr(1, filePL, C_SubString) 493 If filePLSubstringIND <> 0 Then 494 Workbooks.Open Filename:=pathPL & "" & filePL, ReadOnly:=True 495 PL_OPEN = True 496 Else 497 498 On Error GoTo Chyby 499 500 Do While filePLSubstringIND = 0 'account name starts always on the 14th character 501 filePL = Dir() ' read the Next filePL in the directory If there is none Then an Empty string will be assigned 502 filePLSubstringIND = InStr(1, filePL, C_SubString) 503 If filePLSubstringIND <> 0 Then 504 Workbooks.Open Filename:=pathPL & "" & filePL, ReadOnly:=True 505 PL_OPEN = True 506 End If 507 Loop 508 End If 509 End If 510 Else: GoTo Chyby '***** Else response is vbNo 511 End If 512 End If 'If PL is not Ready 513 End If 514 '********************************************************************************* 515 '***** How many arrays are there on the PL? + Loading the headers into an array + Searching For the PartNumber Header ******* 516 Application.ScreenUpdating = False 517 Workbooks(filePL).Sheets(PLtab).Activate '!!! nutno aktivovat spravny tab !!! 518 Range("A1").Select 519 Header = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 520 ColQuant = 0 521 Do While Header <> Empty 522 ColQuant = ColQuant + 1 523 ColNo = ActiveCell.Column 524 ReDim Preserve ArrHeaders(ColQuant - 1) 525 ArrHeaders(ColQuant - 1) = Header 526 ReDim Preserve ArrVirtualColumnLetters(ColQuant - 1) 527 528 If ColNo < 27 Then 529 ColLetter = Mid(ActiveCell.Address, 2, 1) 530 If Header = C_MSSKU Then 531 SKUColLetter = Mid(ActiveCell.Address, 2, 1) 532 ColNoSku = ColNo 533 End If 534 Else 535 ColLetter = Mid(ActiveCell.Address, 2, 2) 'teoreticky pro $AA$1 536 If Header = C_MSSKU Then 537 SKUColLetter = Mid(ActiveCell.Address, 2, 1) 538 ColNoSku = ColNo 539 End If 540 End If 541 542 ArrVirtualColumnLetters(ColQuant - 1) = ColLetter 543 ' virtual - slupec nemusi existovat, pocet se muze menit 544 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select 545 Header = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 546 Loop 547 'MID is a text Function and it returns a specific number of characters from a text 548 'string, starting at the position you specify, based on the number of characters you specify 549 'ActiveCell.Address returns the address in $F$1 Format, so we need the position 2 550 '***** 551 '********************************************************************************* 552 '***** Refreshing the "Is the SKU on the PL? " CELLS - Column B ****************** 553 '***** according to the latest MM DD YY Tiger's PL ********************************* 554 Windows(C_myMacroFile).Activate 555 Sheets(C_myMacroSheet).Range("A2:B12").Select 556 Selection.ClearContents 557 Qfile = MM & DD & YY & FDQuote 558 'Const FDQuote = "_MS_PC_Fry''s.xls" 'pro ucely Formula row - specifikum FRYS 559 'obsahujici apostrof 560 PLtab = "Price List Report" 561 uv = "'" 'prirazeni quote 562 Range("A1").Select 563 For increment = 0 To get_subjSKUtoBeSetUpQuant - 1 564 'zapsani vstupnich SKU z emailSKUinputSKUsBEPC.txt do worksheetu 565 ActiveCell.Offset(increment + 1, 0).Value = get_mailArrOfRQSku(increment) 566 Next increment 567 Range("A2").Select 568 increment = 2
  • 8. 569 incstring = increment 'konvertuje byte na string automatickym prirazenim 570 RQSkuCELL = "A" & incstring 571 SKUtoBeSetUp = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 572 'osetreni chyb lze vynechat, v pripade chyby vraci vlookup do bunky #N/A , t.j. nenalezl 573 'On Error Resume Next 574 'Err.Clear 575 SKUtoBeSetUpQuant = 0 576 Do While SKUtoBeSetUp <> Empty 577 ReDim Preserve ArrOfRQSkuCELL(SKUtoBeSetUpQuant) '?je tam o jednu hodnotu navic v poli, nebudeme ji potrebovat, je to adresa posledni (prazdne) bunky 578 ArrOfRQSkuCELL(SKUtoBeSetUpQuant) = RQSkuCELL 579 ReDim Preserve ArrOfRQSku(SKUtoBeSetUpQuant) 580 ArrOfRQSku(SKUtoBeSetUpQuant) = SKUtoBeSetUp 581 increment = increment + 1 582 cellTEXT = "=If(iserror(vlookup(" & RQSkuCELL & "," & uv & "[" & Qfile & "]" & PLtab & uv & "!$" & SKUColLetter & ":$" & SKUColLetter & ", 1, False)), 0, 1)" 583 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = cellTEXT 584 ReDim Preserve ArrOfPLind(SKUtoBeSetUpQuant) 585 If ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = 1 Then 586 ArrOfPLind(SKUtoBeSetUpQuant) = True 587 Else 588 ArrOfPLind(SKUtoBeSetUpQuant) = False 589 End If 590 SKUtoBeSetUpQuant = SKUtoBeSetUpQuant + 1 591 incstring = increment 592 RQSkuCELL = "A" & incstring 593 'If Err.Number = 0 Then 594 'MsgBox "The SKU has been found on the current Fry's PL" 595 'Else 596 'MsgBox "The SKU is not on the current Fry's PL" 597 ' (jinak pro vsechny ostatni chyby by mohl zobrazit tento MsgBox) 598 'End If 599 ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select 600 SKUtoBeSetUp = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 601 Loop 602 '***** End of refreshing ********************************************************* 603 '********************************************************************************* 604 '***** Records refreshing in line With the inputted SKUs ************************* 605 '***** Printing headers ********************************************************** 606 For i = 1 To ColQuant Step 1 607 Range("A15").Select 608 ActiveCell.Offset(0, i - 1).Value = ArrHeaders(i - 1) 609 Next i 610 '********************************************************************************* 611 '***** Clearing cells ************************************************************ 612 Sheets(C_myMacroSheet).Range("A16:AC26").Select 613 Selection.ClearContents 614 '***** Loading SKUtoBeSetup one by one: Do While SKUtoBeSetUp <> Empty *********** 615 Range("A2").Select 616 SKUtoBeSetUp = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 617 SkuColRange1 = SKUColLetter & "2" 'zajistime filtrovani az od druheho radku SKU sloupce 618 w = 0 619 y = 0 620 notSetUpQuant = 0 621 'rowVirtual = 1 622 Do While SKUtoBeSetUp <> Empty 'nacita z input array dokud nenarazi na Empty cell 623 Workbooks(filePL).Sheets(PLtab).Activate 624 Range(SkuColRange1).Select 'vybere napriklad bunku F2 625 SKU = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 626 627 Do While (SKU <> SKUtoBeSetUp) And (SKU <> Empty) 628 ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select 629 SKU = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 630 Loop 631 632 'pokud nalezne tak vyfiltruje cely radek z PL do makro workbooku 633 'ale ne pomoci copy paste, nybrz jako odkaz z workbooku na PL, 634 'tim ze vlozi nejaky dynamicky utvareny string zacinajici rovnitkem 635 If SKU = SKUtoBeSetUp Then 636 R = ActiveCell.Row 637 'nebudeme kopirovat cely aktivni radek najednou z PL do workbooku 638 'Range(R & ":" & R).Copy 639 'ale zaplnime workbook postupne odkazy na PL bunky 640 Windows(C_myMacroFile).Activate 641 w = w + 1 642 Sheets(C_myMacroSheet).Range("A15").Select 643 ActiveCell.Offset(w, 0).Select 644 myCellAdd = ArrOfRQSkuCELL(w - 1) 645 For pozice = 1 To ColQuant Step 1 646 ColNo = ActiveCell.Column 647 Header = ArrHeaders(pozice - 1) 648 If InStr(1, Header, "Date") <> 0 Then 'jestlize je "Date" v headeru pak Format bude datum 649 Selection.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yy" 650 ElseIf InStr(1, Header, C_UPC) <> 0 Then
  • 9. 651 Selection.NumberFormat = "0" 652 Else 653 Selection.NumberFormat = "GENERAL" 'need to be Formated as general (not specified), otherwise Formulae End up as text 654 End If 655 If pozice < 27 Then 656 ColLetter = Mid(ActiveCell.Address, 2, 1) 657 'pro pripad $F$1 a nize budeme operovat s promennou SKUColLetter, tj pismeno sloupce 658 Else 659 ColLetter = Mid(ActiveCell.Address, 2, 2) 'teoreticky pro $AA$1 660 End If 661 If ColNo >= ColNoSku Then 662 If ColNo = ColNoSku Then 663 SKUColLetter = ColLetter 664 End If 665 'myCellAdd = SKUColLetter & "$" & R 666 vlookupPAR3 = ColNo - ColNoSku + 1 667 cellTEXT = "=vlookup(" & myCellAdd & "," & uv & "[" & Qfile & "]" & PLtab & uv & "!" & SKUColLetter & ":" & ColLetter & "," & vlookupPAR3 & ",0)" 668 ActiveCell.Value = cellTEXT 669 Else 670 Duv = Chr$(34) 671 cellTEXT = "=INDIRECT(CONCATENATE(" & Duv & uv & "[" & Qfile & "]" & PLtab & uv & "!" & Duv & ", ADDRESS(MATCH(" & myCellAdd & "," & uv & "[" & Qfile & "]" & PLtab & uv & "!" & SKUColLetter & ":" & SKUColLetter & ",0), MATCH(" & Duv & Header & Duv & "," & uv & "[" & Qfile & "]" & PLtab & uv & "!$A$1:$" & ArrVirtualColumnLetters(ColQuant - 1) & "$1,0))))" 672 ActiveCell.Value = cellTEXT 673 End If 674 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select 675 Next pozice 676 Range("A2").Select 677 y = y + 1 678 ActiveCell.Offset(y, 0).Select 679 SKUtoBeSetUp = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 680 Else 681 Windows(C_myMacroFile).Activate 682 Range("A2").Select 683 y = y + 1 684 ActiveCell.Offset(y, 0).Select 685 SKUtoBeSetUp = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 686 w = w + 1 '!!! 687 notSetUpQuant = notSetUpQuant + 1 688 End If 689 Loop 690 '***** loading cells that might be used into a matrix a zkouska tisku ************** 691 SetUpQuant = SKUtoBeSetUpQuant - notSetUpQuant 692 SetUpRowFltrd = 0 693 Windows(C_myMacroFile).Activate 694 Sheets(C_myMacroSheet).Select 695 Range("a15").Select 696 ReDim MatrixPLfltrd(SetUpQuant, ColQuant - 1) 'napr 0 az SetUpQuant, 0 az 28 = 29 sloupcu 697 For i = 0 To w 698 If ActiveCell <> Empty Then 699 For j = 0 To ColQuant - 1 700 MatrixPLfltrd(SetUpRowFltrd, j) = ActiveCell.Value '!!! value!!! 701 'vezme vyslednou hodnotu vzorce a ne vzorec v dane bunce a ulozi hodnotu do 702 'MatrixPLfltrd, to je rozdil od ActiveCell.Formula[R1C1] 703 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select 704 Next j 705 SetUpRowFltrd = SetUpRowFltrd + 1 706 ActiveCell.Offset(1, -ColQuant).Select 707 Else 708 ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select 709 End If 710 ' Do While ActiveCell = Empty 'preskoci prazdne bunky 711 ' ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select 712 ' Loop 713 Next i 714 'from now on we shall only print the matrix just to test values and Formates 715 Range("a29").Select 716 For i = 1 To SetUpQuant 'tisk bez zahlavi -> od 1 ne od 0 717 For j = 0 To ColQuant - 1 718 Select Case MatrixPLfltrd(0, j) 719 Case C_MSD 720 Selection.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yy" 721 Case C_DateDiscontinued 722 Selection.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yy" 723 Case C_StartEffectiveDate 724 Selection.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yy" 725 Case C_EndEffectiveDate 726 Selection.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yy" 727 Case C_UPC 728 Selection.NumberFormat = "0" 729 Case C_MPQ
  • 10. 730 Selection.NumberFormat = "0" 731 Case C_PalletQuantity 732 Selection.NumberFormat = "0" 733 Case C_NetPrice 734 Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00" 735 Case C_MSRP 736 Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00" 737 Case C_Un_Weight 738 Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00" 739 Case C_Un_Length 740 Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00" 741 Case C_Un_Width 742 Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00" 743 Case C_Un_Depth 744 Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00" 745 Case C_MP_Weight 746 Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00" 747 Case C_MP_Length 748 Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00" 749 Case C_MP_Width 750 Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00" 751 Case C_MP_Depth 752 Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00" 753 Case Else 754 Selection.NumberFormat = "GENERAL" 755 End Select 756 ActiveCell.Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j) 757 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select 758 Next j 759 ActiveCell.Offset(1, -ColQuant).Select 760 Next i 761 'Workbooks(filePL).Close False - pokud zavru PL tak indirect bude ukazovat ihned REF 762 '*********************************************************************************** 763 'OPEN MARKETING & TECHNICAL DATA SHEET ********************************************* 764 '*********************************************************************************** 765 On Error GoTo Chyby 766 'vyhledame z marketingove databaze jen ta SKU, ktera jsou na PL 767 Workbooks.Open Filename:=plocha & "" & C_myMarketData, ReadOnly:=True 768 Workbooks(C_myMarketData).Sheets("Sheet1").Activate '!!! nutno aktivovat spravny tab !!! 769 Range("A1").Select 770 MarketDataHeader = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 771 MarketDataColQuant = 0 772 Do While MarketDataHeader <> Empty 773 MarketDataColQuant = MarketDataColQuant + 1 774 ReDim Preserve ArrMarketDataHeaders(MarketDataColQuant - 1) 775 ArrMarketDataHeaders(MarketDataColQuant - 1) = MarketDataHeader 776 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select 777 MarketDataHeader = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 778 Loop 779 ReDim MarketingMatrix(SetUpQuant - 1, MarketDataColQuant - 1) 780 For i = 1 To SetUpQuant 781 current_SKU = MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoSku - 1) 782 k = 0 783 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> C_PartNumber 784 k = k + 1 785 Loop 786 If ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) = C_PartNumber Then 787 SKUColLetter = GetXLCol(ByVal k) 788 End If 789 Range(SKUColLetter & "1").Activate 790 'ted vyhledame to current_SKU jestli v te databazi je (melo by byt, kdyz je na PL), 791 'a jestli vsechny atributy jsou vyplnene to nebudeme zjistovat - databazi je nutno 792 'aktualizovat kazdych 14 dni - Pokud databaze nebude aktualni (SKU nenalezeno), pak 793 'cyklus pobezi do posledniho radku Excelu a nastane chyba -> makro se ukonci, coz je 794 'dobre, aby nesetupoval pak v kategoriich nesmysly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 795 'Muzem vypsat hlaseni, ze databaze atributu neni aktualni. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!dodelat 796 done = False 797 Do While current_SKU <> ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 And done = False 798 ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select 799 If current_SKU = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 Then 800 R = ActiveCell.Row 801 Range("A" & R).Activate 802 For jj = 0 To MarketDataColQuant - 1 803 MarketingMatrix(i - 1, jj) = ActiveCell.Offset(0, jj).Value 804 Next jj 805 done = True 806 End If 807 Loop 808 Next i 809 Application.DisplayAlerts = False 810 Application.Workbooks(C_myMarketData).Close SaveChanges:=False 811 '********************************************************************************* 812 '*********************** CYKLUS - SKU SETUP ************************************** 813 '*********************************************************************************
  • 11. 814 '*** pro vsechna SKU -> i = 1 To SetUpQuant ************************************** 815 done_1 = False 'kontrolni bajt, ze minimalne 1 SKU bylo nasetupovano 816 done_2 = False 'kontrolni bajt rika, ze alespon 1 SKU bylo submitovano 817 done_3 = False 'kontrolni bajt rika, ze jsme se presvedcili o pravdivosti If SetUpQuant <> 0 Then 818 'a ze nenastala chyba On Error GoTo nelzeulozit 819 Set IE = Nothing 820 On Error GoTo nelzeulozit 821 If SetUpQuant <> 0 Then 822 For i = 1 To SetUpQuant 'nebereme v uvahu prvni radek MatrixPLfltrd - zahlavi; vyuzijeme pro prehlednost ArrHeaders 823 'If ArrOfPLind(i - 1) = True Then 824 If IE Is Nothing Then 825 Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") 826 With IE 827 .Left = 50 828 .Top = 50 829 .Height = 800 830 .Width = 1000 831 .MenuBar = 0 832 .Toolbar = 1 833 .StatusBar = 0 834 .navigate C_PIMPORTAL_LOGIN 835 'wait a while until IE has finished to load 836 Call is_busy(IE) 837 'OR eq: 838 'Do While IE.busy And Not IE.readystate = 4 : DoEvents : Loop 839 .Visible = 1 840 End With 841 'login - enter ID, pass and click OK 842 With IE.Document 843 .getElementById(C_element_userID).Value = C_myID 844 .getElementById(C_element_password).Value = C_myPW 845 .getElementById(C_element_PC_7_0_64__login).Click 846 End With 847 Call is_busy(IE) 848 End If 849 Do While IE.Busy And Not IE.ReadyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop 850 'click on Item induction 851 'RUN the JAVASCRIPT Function from Within VBA (Function PC_7_0_IS_openURL in the HTML) 852 IE.Document.all.Item 853 Call IE.Document.parentWindow.execScript("javascript:PC_7_0_IS_openURL('Item Induction')", "JavaScript") 854 Call is_busy(IE) 855 'Excell VBA Calls the Javascript Function openItemNew 856 'Complete Non Data Pool Item - should be New - an mistake in HTML - does not effect anything 857 IE.Document.all.Item 858 Call IE.Document.parentWindow.execScript("javascript:openItemNew('Complete Non Data Pool Item')", "JavaScript") 859 Call is_busy(IE) 860 'Wait and fill in the Form 861 '******** SELECT CATEGORY AND GENERAL TAB ******************************* 862 IE.Document.all.Item("PC_7_0_J3_Category").Click: Call is_busy(IE) 863 864 pop_up_URL = "!ut/p/kcxml/04_Sj9SPykssy0xPLMnMz0vM0Y_QjzKLN4h3DgDJgFjGpvqRqCKOcAFf j_zcVP0gfW_9AP2C3NCIckdHRQDCtOS9/delta/base64xml/L0lJWWtpQ1NZL0lGakFBQVRBQUNKQUFNekNxcUEhLzRJVUdSWVFxTkhwQ0d3ZyE vNl8wX0NULzdfMF9MVS82XzBfQ1A!?CATALOG_NAME=Trade Item Catalog&ATTR_NAME=&KEY_CATEGORY_SELECTION=YES&KEY_ITEM_ID=null&KEY_GPC_CATEGORY=&KEY_COLLAB_ID=Item Induction&WF_ITEM=True" 865 866 Set pop_up = GetOpenIEByURL(pop_up_URL) 'funkce v deklaracni casti vraci 867 ' objekt ze sbirky oken shellu 868 869 '* V matici musim zjistit cisla sloupcu tech poli podle kterych budu zarazovat do kategorii 870 871 'v kazdem pripade je mandatorni ColNoItemName a ColNoBusUnit, 872 'v pripade ColNoDivName, ColNoProType, ColNoLegalName je potreba tyto 873 'promenne take inicializovat, protoze nebudou soucasti pole Headeru 874 'ArrHeaders na Xbox ceniku, jinak by byla chyba pri testovani. 875 'I kdyz nebudeme napr. ColNoDivName potrebovat pri otevrenem Xbox ceniku, 876 'musime nastavit tuto promennou napr. na 1 a bude pak odkazovat na 877 'PriceListName = "UNITED STATES BEST BUY USD FPP" sloupec, takze vysledek 878 'jakehokoliv testovani na nejaky substring bude stejne 0. 879 ColNoDivName = 1 880 ColNoProType = 1 881 ColNoLegalName = 1 882 883 For j = 0 To (ColQuant - 1) 884 Select Case ArrHeaders(j) 885 Case C_ItemName 886 ColNoItemName = j + 1 887 Case C_LegalName 888 ColNoLegalName = j + 1 889 Case C_BusUnit
  • 12. 890 ColNoBusUnit = j + 1 891 Case C_DivName 892 ColNoDivName = j + 1 893 Case C_ProType 894 ColNoProType = j + 1 895 End Select 896 Next j 897 898 '* determinace kategorie na bazi ItemName, BusUnit, DivName, ProType 899 'Predpoklad, ze kategorie je PC_SW_non_VG 900 kategorie = "PC_SW_non-VG" 901 902 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoItemName - 1)), "ZUNE") <> 0 Then 903 kategorie = "Zune" 904 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoBusUnit - 1)), "ACCESSORIES") <> 0 Then 905 kategorie = "Zune_Accessories" 'sluzi jen k upresneni buyera 906 End If 907 End If 908 909 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoItemName - 1)), "XBOX") <> 0 Then 910 kategorie = "Accessories" 911 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoBusUnit - 1)), "CONSOLE") <> 0 Then 912 kategorie = "XBOX_Console" 913 End If 914 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoBusUnit - 1)), "PARTY") <> 0 Then 915 kategorie = "XBOX_SW" 916 End If 917 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoBusUnit - 1)), "XNA 360") <> 0 Then 918 kategorie = "XBOX_SW" 919 End If 920 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoBusUnit - 1)), "LIVE") <> 0 Then 921 kategorie = "Accessories" 922 End If 923 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoItemName - 1)), "CNTRL") <> 0 Or InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoItemName - 1)), "CONTROLLER") <> 0 Or InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoItemName - 1)), "CONTROLLR") <> 0 Or InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoItemName - 1)), "CNTRLR") <> 0 Or InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoItemName - 1)), "WHEEL") <> 0 Or InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoBusUnit - 1)), "GAMING DEVICES") <> 0 Then 924 kategorie = "Input_Devices-Game_Controller" 925 End If 926 End If 927 928 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoBusUnit - 1)), "WINDOWS GAMING") <> 0 Then 929 kategorie = "VG_PC_SW" 930 End If 931 932 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoDivName - 1)), "SDA HARDWARE") <> 0 Then 933 'kategorie = "PC_Hardware" 934 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoBusUnit - 1)), "MOUSE") <> 0 Then 935 kategorie = "Input_Devices-Mice" 936 End If 937 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoBusUnit - 1)), "KEYBOARD") <> 0 Then 938 kategorie = "Input_Devices-Keyboards" 939 End If 940 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoBusUnit - 1)), "ICE") <> 0 Then 941 kategorie = "Web Cams" 942 End If 943 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoLegalName - 1)), "MOUSE") <> 0 Then 944 kategorie = "Input_Devices-Mice" 945 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoLegalName - 1)), "NOTEBOOK") <> 0 Then 946 kategorie = "Input_Devices-Notebook_Mice" 'kategorie slouzi jen k upresneni buyera 947 End If 948 End If 949 If InStr(1, UCase(MatrixPLfltrd(i, ColNoLegalName - 1)), "KEYBOARD") <> 0 Then 950 kategorie = "Input_Devices-Keyboards" 951 End If 952 End If 953 954 Select Case kategorie 955 Case "Input_Devices-Game_Controller" 956 super_html_kategorie = " Computer and Video Game Control and Input Devices" 957 html_kategorie = " Game Controllers" 958 Case "Input_Devices-Keyboards" 959 super_html_kategorie = " Computer and Video Game Control and Input Devices" 960 html_kategorie = " Keyboards" 961 Case "Input_Devices-Mice" 962 super_html_kategorie = " Computer and Video Game Control and Input Devices" 963 html_kategorie = " Mice and Trackballs" 964 Case "Input_Devices-Notebook_Mice" 965 super_html_kategorie = " Computer and Video Game Control and Input Devices" 966 html_kategorie = " Mice and Trackballs" 967 Case "Accessories" 968 super_html_kategorie = " Computer and Video Game Peripherals" 969 html_kategorie = " Video Game Accessory"
  • 13. 970 Case "Web Cams" 971 super_html_kategorie = " Computer and Video Game Peripherals" 972 html_kategorie = " Web Cameras" 973 Case "PC_SW_non-VG" 974 super_html_kategorie = " Computer and Video Game Software" 975 html_kategorie = " Software Non-Games" 976 Case "VG_PC_SW" 977 super_html_kategorie = " Computer and Video Game Software" 978 html_kategorie = " Video Game Computer Software" 979 Case "XBOX_SW" 980 super_html_kategorie = " Computer and Video Game Software" 981 html_kategorie = " Video Game Software" 982 Case "XBOX_Console" 983 super_html_kategorie = " Video Game Consoles" 984 html_kategorie = " Video Game Hardware - Non Portable" 985 Case "Zune" 986 super_html_kategorie = " Video Game Consoles" 987 html_kategorie = " Video Game Hardware - Portable" 988 Case "Zune_Accessories" 989 super_html_kategorie = " Video Game Consoles" 990 html_kategorie = " Video Game Hardware - Portable" 991 End Select 992 993 j = 0 994 'Call is_busy(pop_up) 995 pop_up.Document.getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("a")(2).Click 996 Call is_busy(pop_up) 997 pop_up.Document.getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("a")(4).Click 998 Call is_busy(pop_up) 999 pop_up.Document.getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("a")(2).Click 1000 Call is_busy(pop_up) 1001 Do While pop_up.Document.all.tags("a")(j).innerTEXT <> super_html_kategorie 1002 j = j + 1 1003 Loop 1004 pop_up.Document.getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("a")(j - 1).Click 1005 Call is_busy(pop_up) 1006 jj = 0 1007 Do While pop_up.Document.all.tags("a")(jj).innerTEXT <> html_kategorie 1008 jj = jj + 1 1009 Loop 1010 pop_up.Document.getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("a")(jj).Click 1011 Call is_busy(pop_up) 1012 pop_up.Document.getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("a")(j - 1).Click 1013 '*** EXIT POP-UP With saving: **** 1014 Call is_busy(pop_up) 1015 'pop_up.Document.all.Item("600000017///800000079").Click 'item name differs depending on how the category tree is expanded 1016 pop_up.Document.getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("input")(9).Click 1017 Call is_busy(IE) 1018 Set pop_up = Nothing 1019 'Call pop_up.Document.Window.execScript("treenode_onclick('PC_7_0_LU_itemForm')", "JavaScript") 1020 '*** EXIT POP-UP Without saving: **** 1021 'pop_up.Document.all.Item("cancel").Click 1022 1023 'the following was the Former Select Case kategorie logical structure, later replaced by 1024 'the above block where j, jj indices are calculated For a current html_kategorie variable 1025 1026 'elementy jsou indexovany od nuly, TAG A nas zajima, EXPAND NODE 1027 'Select Case kategorie 1028 '[1.] 1029 '/Computer and Video Game Control and Input Devices/Game Controllers 1030 '/Computer and Video Game Control and Input Devices/Keyboards 1031 '/Computer and Video Game Control and Input Devices/Mice and Trackballs 1032 '[2.] 1033 '/Computer and Video Game Peripherals/Video Game Accessory" 1034 '/Computer and Video Game Peripherals/Web Cameras" 1035 '[3.] 1036 '/Computer and Video Game Software/Software Non-Games" 1037 '/Computer and Video Game Software/Video Game Computer Software" 1038 '/Computer and Video Game Software/Video Game Software" 1039 'EXAMPLE *** expand computer and video game SW *** 1040 ' Case "PC_SW_non-VG" 1041 ' pop_up.Document.getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("a")(j - 1).Click 1042 ' Call is_busy(pop_up) 1043 ' jj = 0 1044 ' Do While pop_up.Document.all.tags("a")(jj).innerTEXT <> html_kategorie 1045 ' jj = jj + 1 1046 ' Loop 1047 ' pop_up.Document.getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("a")(jj).Click 1048 ' Call is_busy(pop_up) 1049 '*** collapse: 1050 ' pop_up.Document.getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("a")(j - 1).Click 1051 '[4.] - We shall not use this group - too many info required - We shall include Zune under [5] 1052 '/Portable Audio and Video/Portable MP3"
  • 14. 1053 '/Portable Audio and Video/Portable DVD Players" 1054 '/Portable Audio and Video/Video Accessory" 1055 'pop_up.Document.getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("a")(70).Click 1056 '[5.] 1057 '/Video Game Consoles/Video Game Hardware - Non Portable" - napr XBOX Console 1058 '/Video Game Consoles/Video Game Hardware - Portable" 1059 'End Select 1060 1061 With IE.Document 1062 1063 For j = 0 To ColQuant - 1 1064 Select Case ArrHeaders(j) 1065 Case C_ItemName 1066 'Best Buy Description 1067 .getElementById("_215127057_0_1352413751_0_1366209486_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j) 1068 'Description sign 1069 .getElementById("_215127057_0_1352413751_0_334658439_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j) 1070 Case C_PartNumber 1071 'Model or Selection 1072 .getElementById("_215127057_0_1742083922_0_233841037_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j) 1073 current_SKU = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j) 1074 ReDim Preserve get_arr_of_set_up_SKU(i - 1) 1075 get_arr_of_set_up_SKU(i - 1) = current_SKU 1076 'Item comments 1077 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_1141097592_0").Value = "New Item Setup For " & MatrixPLfltrd(i, j) 1078 Case C_UPC 1079 'UPC type 1080 .all.Item("_215127057_0_1742083922_0_27072232_0_2126757239_0").selectedIndex = 3 1081 'UPC 1082 .getElementById("_215127057_0_1742083922_0_27072232_0_768654447_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j) 1083 ReDim Preserve get_arr_of_UPC(i - 1) 1084 get_arr_of_UPC(i - 1) = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j) 1085 Case C_MSRP 1086 'Suggested retail 1087 .getElementById("_215127057_0_249243837_0_2086194608_0_1833282399_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j) 1088 Case Else 1089 End Select 1090 Next j 1091 1092 ' Send notification to ************************ 1093 ' PC Games Ed Hewitt (Dawn Vierow is on mat. Leave) 1094 ' PC SW (non-game) Huan Nguyen 1095 ' PC HW (Keyboards, LifeCams,LifeChat, non-Notebook Mice) - Kristi Baso 1096 ' PC HW (Notebook Mice) - Katie Penza 1097 ' Xbox SW - Jenna Susko 1098 ' Xbox HW & Accessories - David Arndt 1099 ' Zune HW - Tom Kluis 1100 ' Zune Accessories - Charles Murray 1101 Select Case kategorie 1102 Case "Input_Devices-Game_Controller" 1103 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_351613033_0").Value = "Kristi Baso" 1104 Case "Input_Devices-Keyboards" 1105 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_351613033_0").Value = "Kristi Baso" 1106 Case "Input_Devices-Mice" 1107 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_351613033_0").Value = "Kristi Baso" 1108 Case "Web Cams" 1109 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_351613033_0").Value = "Kristi Baso" 1110 Case "Input_Devices-Notebook_Mice" 1111 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_351613033_0").Value = "Katie Penza" 1112 Case "Accessories" 1113 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_351613033_0").Value = "David Arndt" 1114 Case "XBOX_Console" 1115 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_351613033_0").Value = "David Arndt" 1116 Case "PC_SW_non-VG" 1117 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_351613033_0").Value = "Huan Nguyen" 1118 Case "VG_PC_SW" 1119 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_351613033_0").Value = "Ed Hewitt" 1120 Case "XBOX_SW" 1121 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_351613033_0").Value = "Jenna Susko" 1122 Case "Zune" 1123 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_351613033_0").Value = "Tom Kluis" 1124 Case "Zune_Accessories" 1125 .getElementById("_215127057_0_426000597_0_351613033_0").Value = "Charles Murray" 1126 End Select 1127 1128 ' Warranty decision block *********************** 1129 ' Warranty indicator 1130 .getElementById("_215127057_0_263500921_0_318388927_0").selectedIndex = 2 1131 1132 If InStr(1, kategorie, "SW") <> 0 Then 1133 ' Warranty Labour Days/Years
  • 15. 1134 .getElementById("_215127057_0_263500921_0_1935191691_0").Value = 90 'days 1135 ' Warranty Parts Days/Years 1136 .getElementById("_215127057_0_263500921_0_434903867_0").Value = 90 'days 1137 Else 1138 .getElementById("_215127057_0_263500921_0_158089848_0").Value = 3 'years 1139 .getElementById("_215127057_0_263500921_0_577627864_0").Value = 3 'years 1140 End If 1141 '** Sample Sent 1142 .all.Item("_215127057_0_224502806_0_1599375785_0").selectedIndex = 1 1143 '******* SAVE GENERAL ********************** 1144 .all.Item("PC_7_0_J3_SAVE").Click: Call is_busy(IE) 1145 '********* SUPPLIER TAB ************************************************* 1146 .getElementById("tab2").Click: Call is_busy(IE) 1147 '** determining MSFT Xbox or Microsoft algorithm (from the file name) 1148 If InStr(1, C_myMacroFile, "XBox") <> 0 Then 1149 .all.Item("_1552681051_0_1865545603_0_326364010_0").Value = "Microsoft Xbox Corporation" 1150 Else 1151 .all.Item("_1552681051_0_1865545603_0_326364010_0").Value = "Microsoft" 1152 End If 1153 'Private Label Indicator = No 1154 .all.Item("_1552681051_0_2143843476_0_198836717_0").selectedIndex = 1 1155 'Primary Origin Country Indicator = Yes --- BY DEFAULT 1156 'IE.document.all.Item("_1552681051_0_1053610938_0_259351390_0").selectedIndex = 2 1157 'Country of Origin for BBY Purchase = United States --- BY DEFAULT 1158 'IE.document.all.Item("_1552681051_0_1053610938_0_190972293_0").value = United States 1159 For j = 0 To ColQuant - 1 1160 If ArrHeaders(j) = C_NetPrice Then 1161 'Unit Cost 1162 .getElementById("_1552681051_0_1053610938_0_1408138848_0_1499822074_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j) 1163 End If 1164 Next j 1165 '******* SAVE SUPPLIER TAB **************** 1166 .all.Item("PC_7_0_J3_SAVE").Click: Call is_busy(IE) 1167 '********* LOGISTICS TAB ************************************************* 1168 .getElementById("tab3").Click: Call is_busy(IE) 1169 '** Unit Dimensions and Weight ******************* 1170 'a. Length or Depth = MS Unit Width 1171 'b. Width = MS Unit Depth 1172 'c. Height = MS Unit Length 1173 'd. Dimensions UOM = IN (choose from the drop down) 1174 'e. Weight = MS Unit Weight 1175 'f. Weight UOM = LB (choose from the drop down) 1176 1177 For j = 0 To ColQuant - 1 1178 Select Case ArrHeaders(j) 1179 Case C_Un_Width 1180 For iii = 0 To 2 1181 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_553772606_" & iii & "_1269885005_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j) 1182 Next iii 1183 Case C_Un_Depth 1184 For iii = 0 To 2 1185 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_553772606_" & iii & "_267338521_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j) 1186 Next iii 1187 Case C_Un_Length 1188 For iii = 0 To 2 1189 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_553772606_" & iii & "_735435212_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j) 1190 Next iii 1191 Case C_Un_Weight 1192 For iii = 0 To 2 1193 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_553772606_" & iii & "_305997947_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j) 1194 Next iii 1195 Case Else 1196 End Select 1197 Next j 1198 'UOM - IN or LB For unit and MP 1199 For iii = 0 To 3 1200 .all.Item("_1715640154_0_553772606_" & iii & "_354836947_0").selectedIndex = 3 1201 .all.Item("_1715640154_0_553772606_" & iii & "_434201048_0").selectedIndex = 3 1202 Next iii 1203 1204 '** Master Pak Dimensions and Weight *********** 1205 For j = 0 To ColQuant - 1 1206 Select Case ArrHeaders(j) 1207 Case C_MP_Length 1208 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_553772606_3_1269885005_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j) 1209 Case C_MP_Depth 1210 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_553772606_3_267338521_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j) 1211 Case C_MP_Width 1212 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_553772606_3_735435212_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)
  • 16. 1213 Case C_MP_Weight 1214 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_553772606_3_305997947_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j) 1215 End Select 1216 Next j 1217 '****** Inner, MPQ, TI, HI, IND **************************** 1218 'Inner Pack - Number of Eaches = Always 1 1219 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_662665405_0_1898596981_0").Value = 1 1220 1221 For j = 0 To ColQuant - 1 1222 'Case Pack - Number of Eaches = Masterpack Qty 1223 If ArrHeaders(j) = C_MPQ Then 1224 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_662665405_0_1429791177_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j) 1225 End If 1226 'Pallet - Number of Eaches 1227 If ArrHeaders(j) = C_PalletQuantity Then 1228 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_662665405_0_400926649_0").Value = MatrixPLfltrd(i, j) 1229 End If 1230 Next j 1231 1232 Call pvtus_SQL_dotaz(TI, HI, current_SKU) 1233 1234 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_662665405_0_1795435815_0").Value = TI 1235 .getElementById("_1715640154_0_662665405_0_1163388972_0").Value = HI 1236 1237 'One Way Ind = NO --- BY DEFAULT in HTML 1238 1239 'BBY Direct Import Ind = No 1240 .all.Item("_1715640154_0_81096678_0_552511319_0").selectedIndex = 1 1241 '******* SAVE Logistics Tab *************** 1242 .all.Item("PC_7_0_J3_SAVE").Click: Call is_busy(IE) 1243 '********* DATES TAB ************************************************* 1244 .getElementById("tab4").Click: Call is_busy(IE) 1245 'the VBA code cannot see the ID in HTML, so we will use getElementsByTagName("input") 1246 'the indexed order of the input element is 108, starting from 0 1247 slashQ = 0 1248 MM = "" 1249 DD = "" 1250 YY = "" 1251 MyTime = Format(Time, "hh:mm:ss") ' nechceme Format(Time, "hh:mm:ss AMPM") 1252 'MyTime = Mid(MyTime, 1, 8) v pripade, ze by to bylo deklarovano: Dim MyTime As Date, pak 1253 'implicitne pridava AM/PM nezavisle na Formatu, proto je to Dimenzovano MyTime As String 1254 For j = 0 To ColQuant - 1 1255 If ArrHeaders(j) = C_MSD Then 1256 If Len(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)) <> 0 Then 1257 For iii = 1 To Len(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)) 1258 If Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) <> "/" And slashQ = 0 Then 1259 MM = MM + Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) 1260 End If 1261 If Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) <> "/" And slashQ = 1 Then 1262 DD = DD + Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) 1263 End If 1264 If Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) <> "/" And slashQ = 2 Then 1265 YY = YY + Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) 1266 End If 1267 If Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) = "/" Then 1268 slashQ = slashQ + 1 1269 End If 1270 Next iii 1271 If Len(MM) = 1 Then 1272 MM = "0" + MM 1273 End If 1274 If Len(DD) = 1 Then 1275 DD = "0" + DD 1276 End If 1277 .getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("input")(108).Value = YY & "-" & MM & "-" & DD & " " & MyTime 1278 End If 1279 End If 1280 Next j 1281 BBuy_win = FindWindow(ByVal vbNullString, ByVal "Best Buy PIM Portal - Windows Internet Explorer") 1282 Call SetFocusAPI(ByVal BBuy_win) 1283 For j = 1 To 300 1284 Call PostMessage(ByVal BBuy_win, ByVal WM_KEYDOWN, ByVal VK_TAB, ByVal 0&) 1285 Call PostMessage(ByVal BBuy_win, ByVal WM_KEYUP, ByVal VK_TAB, ByVal 0&) 1286 Sleep 100 'ms 1287 Next j 1288 '******* SAVE Dates Tab ******************* 1289 .all.Item("PC_7_0_J3_SAVE").Click: Call is_busy(IE) 1290 '********* Category TAB ************************************************* 1291 .getElementById("tab5").Click: Call is_busy(IE) 1292 'Hodnoty atributu kategorii jsou ulozeny v MarketingMatrix - bez headeru 1293 'muzeme projit pole ArrMarketDataHeaders a najit header a jeho pozici - index 1294 'pak se pomoci indexu odkazat na odpovidajici index sloupce MarketingMatrix 1295 'k = 0
  • 17. 1296 'Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Operating system" 1297 ' k = k + 1 1298 'Loop 1299 'IE.document.all.Item("_1562711832_0").selectedIndex = MarketingMatrix(0, k) 1300 1301 'Select Case kategorie 1302 'Case "PC_SW_non-VG" 1303 'Case "VG_PC_SW" 1304 'Case "Zune" 1305 'Case "Accessories" 'XBOX 1306 'Case "XBOX_Console" 1307 'Case "XBOX_SW" 1308 'Case "Input_Devices-Game_Controller" 1309 'Case "Input_Devices-Mice" 1310 'Case "Input_Devices-Keyboards" 1311 'Case "Web Cams" 1312 'End Select 1313 1314 'PREDEM SI STANOVIME INDEXY URCITYCH ATRIBUTU, KTERE SE OPAKUJI, ABY SE KOD ZKRATIL 1315 Dim vista(3) As String 1316 vista(0) = "Bus": vista(1) = "Basic": vista(2) = "Prem": vista(3) = "Ultim" 1317 Dim indx_vista, index_OS As Byte 1318 indx_vista = 0 1319 1320 'DETERMINACE OPERACNIHO SYSTEMU 1321 k = 0 1322 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Operating system" 1323 k = k + 1 1324 Loop 1325 1326 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) 1327 Case "" 'Not Applicable 1328 index_OS = 6 1329 Case "Vista" 'jen pripad pro rozrazeni verzi Visty 1330 For j = 7 To 13 Step 2 1331 If InStr(1, MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k), vista(indx_vista)) Then 1332 index_OS = j 1333 If InStr(1, MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k), "64") Then 1334 index_OS = j + 1 1335 End If 1336 End If 1337 indx_vista = indx_vista + 1 1338 Next j 1339 Case Else 'zbytek je kombinace Vista/XP -> uprednostnim XP (nizsi verzi) a na 95, 98 atp. 1340 'neberu v bunce ohled. 1341 If InStr(1, MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k), "XP") Then 1342 index_OS = 16 1343 Else 'jestlize neni XP na vyber, pak volim obecne Windows 1344 index_OS = 15 1345 End If 1346 End Select 1347 1348 Dim CPU_min(16), CPU_rcmd(13) As Integer 1349 Dim index_CPU_min, index_UOM_min, index_CPU_rcm, index_UOM_rcm, index_genre, index_rating As Byte 1350 CPU_min(0) = 0#: CPU_min(1) = 1#: CPU_min(2) = 1.5: CPU_min(3) = 1.8 1351 CPU_min(4) = 1.9: CPU_min(5) = 2#: CPU_min(6) = 2.5: CPU_min(7) = 3# 1352 CPU_min(8) = 300#: CPU_min(9) = 400#: CPU_min(10) = 500#: CPU_min(11) = 600# 1353 CPU_min(12) = 700#: CPU_min(13) = 800#: CPU_min(14) = 900#: CPU_min(15) = 1200# 1354 CPU_min(16) = 1800# 1355 1356 CPU_rcmd(0) = 0#: CPU_rcmd(1) = 1#: CPU_rcmd(2) = 1.5: CPU_rcmd(3) = 2# 1357 CPU_rcmd(4) = 2.5: CPU_rcmd(5) = 3#: CPU_rcmd(6) = 300#: CPU_rcmd(7) = 400# 1358 CPU_rcmd(8) = 500#: CPU_rcmd(9) = 600#: CPU_rcmd(10) = 700#: CPU_rcmd(11) = 800# 1359 CPU_rcmd(12) = 900#: CPU_rcmd(13) = 2500# 1360 1361 'DETERMINACE MINIMALNI FREKVENCE 1362 k = 0 1363 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Min Required CPU Speed" 1364 k = k + 1 1365 Loop 1366 For j = 0 To 15 1367 If Val(MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)) > CPU_min(j) And Val(MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)) <= CPU_min(j + 1) Then 1368 index_CPU_min = j + 2 1369 End If 1370 Next j 1371 If Val(MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)) > CPU_min(UBound(CPU_min)) Then 1372 index_CPU_min = UBound(CPU_min) + 1 1373 End If 1374 'DETERMINACE UOM - UNIT OF MEASURE 1375 k = 0 1376 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "CPU Speed UOM" 1377 k = k + 1 1378 Loop
  • 18. 1379 If MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) = "GHz" Then 1380 index_UOM_min = 1 1381 Else 1382 index_UOM_min = 2 1383 End If 1384 'DETERMINACE DOPORUCENE FREKVENCE 1385 k = 0 1386 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Rcmded CPU Speed" 1387 k = k + 1 1388 Loop 1389 For j = 0 To 12 1390 If Val(MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)) > CPU_rcmd(j) And Val(MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)) <= CPU_rcmd(j + 1) Then 1391 index_CPU_rcm = j + 2 1392 End If 1393 Next j 1394 If Val(MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)) > CPU_rcmd(UBound(CPU_rcmd)) Then 1395 index_CPU_rcm = UBound(CPU_rcmd) + 1 1396 End If 1397 'DETERMINACE UOM PRO RCMDED CPU SPEED 1398 k = 0 1399 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Rcmded CPU Speed UOM" 1400 k = k + 1 1401 Loop 1402 If MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) = "GHz" Then 1403 index_UOM_rcm = 1 1404 Else 1405 index_UOM_rcm = 2 1406 End If 1407 'DETERMINACE GENRE 1408 k = 0 1409 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Genre" 1410 k = k + 1 1411 Loop 1412 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) 1413 Case "Action": index_genre = 1: Case "Adult": index_genre = 2 1414 Case "Adventure": index_genre = 3: Case "DEVELOPMENT TOOLS": index_genre = 4 1415 Case "Educational": index_genre = 5: Case "Emulators": index_genre = 6 1416 Case "Family Entertainment": index_genre = 7: Case "Fighting": index_genre = 8 1417 Case "Home": index_genre = 9: Case "Music": index_genre = 10 1418 Case "Other": index_genre = 11: Case "Puzzle": index_genre = 12 1419 Case "Racing": index_genre = 13: Case "Reference": index_genre = 14 1420 Case "RPG": index_genre = 15: Case "action RPG": index_genre = 15 1421 Case "tactical action games, shooter": index_genre = 16 1422 Case "shooter": index_genre = 16: Case "Simulation": index_genre = 17 1423 Case "Sports": index_genre = 18: Case "Strategy": index_genre = 19 1424 Case "Real Time Strategy": index_genre = 19: Case "Traditional": index_genre = 20 1425 Case "Utility": index_genre = 21: Case "Variety": index_genre = 22 1426 Case "WRESTLING": index_genre = 23 1427 End Select 1428 'DETERMINACE RATING 1429 k = 0 1430 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Rating" 1431 k = k + 1 1432 Loop 1433 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) 1434 Case "AO": index_rating = 1: Case "E": index_rating = 2 1435 Case "Everyone 10+": index_rating = 3: Case "EC": index_rating = 4 1436 Case "Mature M17+": index_rating = 7: Case "NOT_RATED": index_rating = 9 1437 Case "RATING_PENDING": index_rating = 13: Case "Teen": index_rating = 15 1438 Case "UN_RATED": index_rating = 16: Case "X_RATED": index_rating = 17 1439 End Select 1440 1441 Dim index_prim, index_sec As Byte 1442 'DETERMINACE PRIMARY COLOR 1443 k = 0 1444 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Primary Color" 1445 k = k + 1 1446 Loop 1447 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) 1448 Case "Assorted": index_prim = 1: Case "Bisque": index_prim = 2 1449 Case "Black": index_prim = 3: Case "Blue": index_prim = 4 1450 Case "Bronze": index_prim = 5: Case "Brown": index_prim = 6 1451 Case "Burgundy": index_prim = 7: Case "Camel": index_prim = 8 1452 Case "Carbon Fiber": index_prim = 9: Case "Champagne": index_prim = 10 1453 Case "Charcoal Grey": index_prim = 11: Case "Cherry": index_prim = 12 1454 Case "Clear": index_prim = 13: Case "Cosmopolitan": index_prim = 14 1455 Case "Cream": index_prim = 15: Case "Cyan": index_prim = 16 1456 Case "Dove": index_prim = 17: Case "Espresso": index_prim = 18 1457 Case "Gold": index_prim = 19: Case "Granite": index_prim = 20 1458 Case "Green": index_prim = 21: Case "Grey": index_prim = 22 1459 Case "Indigo": index_prim = 23: Case "Ivory": index_prim = 24 1460 Case "Khaki": index_prim = 25: Case "Lavender": index_prim = 26 1461 Case "Light Blue": index_prim = 27: Case "Light Green": index_prim = 28
  • 19. 1462 Case "Light Purple": index_prim = 29: Case "Magenta": index_prim = 30 1463 Case "Maple": index_prim = 31: Case "Mossy Oak Camo": index_prim = 32 1464 Case "Natural Silver": index_prim = 33: Case "Navy": index_prim = 34 1465 Case "Not Applicable": index_prim = 35: Case "Oak": index_prim = 36 1466 Case "Off White": index_prim = 37: Case "Olive": index_prim = 38 1467 Case "Orange": index_prim = 39: Case "Piano Black": index_prim = 40 1468 Case "Pink": index_prim = 41: Case "Platinum": index_prim = 42 1469 Case "Purple": index_prim = 43: Case "Red": index_prim = 44 1470 Case "Rose": index_prim = 45: Case "Sangria": index_prim = 46 1471 Case "Sapphire": index_prim = 47: Case "Silver": index_prim = 48 1472 Case "Spice": index_prim = 49: Case "Stainless": index_prim = 50 1473 Case "Titanium": index_prim = 51: Case "White": index_prim = 52 1474 Case "Yellow": index_prim = 53 1475 End Select 1476 'DETERMINACE SECONDARY COLOR 1477 k = 0 1478 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Secondary Color" 1479 k = k + 1 1480 Loop 1481 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) 1482 Case "Bisque": index_sec = 1: Case "Black": index_sec = 2 1483 Case "Blue": index_sec = 3: Case "Brown": index_sec = 4 1484 Case "Cherry": index_sec = 5: Case "Clear": index_sec = 6 1485 Case "Cream": index_sec = 7: Case "Cyan": index_sec = 8 1486 Case "Espresso": index_sec = 9: Case "Gold": index_sec = 10 1487 Case "Green": index_sec = 11: Case "Grey": index_sec = 12 1488 Case "Ivory": index_sec = 13: Case "Khaki": index_sec = 14 1489 Case "Light Blue": index_sec = 15: Case "Light Green": index_sec = 16 1490 Case "Light Purple": index_sec = 17: Case "Magenta": index_sec = 18 1491 Case "Maple": index_sec = 19: Case "Mossy Oak Camo": index_sec = 20 1492 Case "Natural Silver": index_sec = 21: Case "Navy": index_sec = 22 1493 Case "Not Applicable": index_sec = 23: Case "Oak": index_sec = 24 1494 Case "Off White": index_sec = 25: Case "Orange": index_sec = 26 1495 Case "Pink": index_sec = 27: Case "Platinum": index_sec = 28 1496 Case "Purple": index_sec = 29: Case "Red": index_sec = 30 1497 Case "Silver": index_sec = 31: Case "Stainless": index_sec = 32 1498 Case "Titanium": index_sec = 33: Case "White": index_sec = 34 1499 Case "Yellow": index_sec = 35 1500 End Select 1501 1502 Dim index_cntrl As Byte 1503 'DETERMINACE TYPU OVLADACE 1504 k = 0 1505 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Controller Type" 1506 k = k + 1 1507 Loop 1508 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) 1509 Case "Dance Pad": index_cntrl = 1: Case "Not Applicable": index_cntrl = 2 1510 Case "Remote": index_cntrl = 3: Case "Wheel": index_cntrl = 4 1511 Case "Wired": index_cntrl = 5: Case "Wireless": index_cntrl = 6 1512 End Select 1513 1514 Dim index_peri As Byte 1515 'DETERMINACE TYPU PERIFERNIHO HERNIHO ZARIZENI 1516 k = 0 1517 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Gaming Peripheral Type" 1518 k = k + 1 1519 Loop 1520 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) 1521 Case "Bundle": index_peri = 1: Case "Cable": index_peri = 2 1522 Case "Care": index_peri = 3: Case "Case": index_peri = 4 1523 Case "Cheat": index_peri = 5: Case "Control": index_peri = 6 1524 Case "Customization": index_peri = 7: Case "Memory": index_peri = 8 1525 Case "Multimedia": index_peri = 9: Case "Networking": index_peri = 10 1526 Case "Not Applicable": index_peri = 11: Case "Power": index_peri = 12 1527 Case "Sound": index_peri = 13 1528 End Select 1529 1530 Select Case kategorie 1531 '******************************* 1532 Case "PC_SW_non-VG" 1533 '******************************* 1534 'Operating system: Not Applicable, Vista Business, Vista Business 64-Bit, Vista Home Basic, 1535 ' Vista Home Basic 64-Bit, Vista Home Premium, Vista Home Premium 64-Bit, 1536 ' Vista Ultimate, Vista Ultimate 64-Bit, Windows, XP 1537 .all.Item("_1562711832_0").selectedIndex = index_OS 1538 'Minimum Required Processor Speed: 0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 300.0, 400.0 1539 ' 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 900.0, 1200.0, 1800.0 1540 .all.Item("_181242228_0").selectedIndex = index_CPU_min 1541 'Minimum Required Processor Speed UOM: GHz, MHz 1542 .all.Item("_1834189895_0").selectedIndex = index_UOM_min 1543 'Recommended Processor Speed: 0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 900.0, 2500.0 1544 .all.Item("_1315705878_0").selectedIndex = index_CPU_rcm
  • 20. 1545 'Recommended Processor Speed UOM: GHz, MHz 1546 .all.Item("_1399342147_0").selectedIndex = index_UOM_rcm 1547 '******************************* 1548 Case "VG_PC_SW" 1549 '*************************** 1550 'Game PlatForm: XBOX_360, (Xbox was discontinued in late 2006) 1551 .all.Item("_366871758_0").selectedIndex = 13 'always 1552 'Genre: ACTION, ADULT, ADVENTURE, EDUCATIONAL, EMULATORS, FAMILY, ENTERTAINMENT, FIGHTING, 1553 ' MUSIC, HOME, OTHER, PUZZLE, RACING, REFERENCE, ROLE_PLAYING, SHOOTER, SIMULATION, 1554 ' SPORTS, STRATEGY, TRADITIONAL, UTILITY, VARIETY, WRESTLING, DEVELOPMENT TOOLS 1555 .all.Item("_127407284_0").selectedIndex = index_genre 1556 'Rating: AO, E, E10+, EC, G, INHALANT, M, NC_17, NOT_RATED, PG, PG_13, R, RATING_PENDING, 1557 ' RP, T, UN_RATED, X_RATED 1558 .all.Item("_33944436_0").selectedIndex = index_rating 1559 'Street Date: 1560 k = 0 1561 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "street date" 1562 k = k + 1 1563 Loop 1564 street_date = MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) 'street date musi byt ve Formatu YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss 1565 If street_date = "" Then 'If not street dated Then fill in MSD 1566 slashQ = 0 1567 MM = "" 1568 DD = "" 1569 YY = "" 1570 MyTime = Format(Time, "hh:mm:ss") 1571 For j = 0 To ColQuant - 1 1572 If ArrHeaders(j) = C_MSD Then 1573 If Len(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)) <> 0 Then 1574 For iii = 1 To Len(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)) 1575 If Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) <> "/" And slashQ = 0 Then 1576 MM = MM + Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) 1577 End If 1578 If Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) <> "/" And slashQ = 1 Then 1579 DD = DD + Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) 1580 End If 1581 If Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) <> "/" And slashQ = 2 Then 1582 YY = YY + Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) 1583 End If 1584 If Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) = "/" Then 1585 slashQ = slashQ + 1 1586 End If 1587 Next iii 1588 If Len(MM) = 1 Then 1589 MM = "0" + MM 1590 End If 1591 If Len(DD) = 1 Then 1592 DD = "0" + DD 1593 End If 1594 .getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("input")(116).Value = YY & "-" & MM & "-" & DD & " " & MyTime 1595 End If 1596 End If 1597 Next j 1598 Else 1599 .getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("input")(116).Value = street_date & " " & MyTime 1600 End If 1601 BBuy_win = FindWindow(ByVal vbNullString, ByVal "Best Buy PIM Portal - Windows Internet Explorer") 1602 Call SetFocusAPI(ByVal BBuy_win) 1603 For j = 1 To 300 1604 Call PostMessage(ByVal BBuy_win, ByVal WM_KEYDOWN, ByVal VK_TAB, ByVal 0&) 1605 Call PostMessage(ByVal BBuy_win, ByVal WM_KEYUP, ByVal VK_TAB, ByVal 0&) 1606 Sleep 100 'ms 1607 Next j 1608 'Minimum Required Processor Speed: 0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 300.0, 400.0 1609 ' 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 900.0, 1200.0, 1800.0 1610 .all.Item("_1395721575_0").selectedIndex = index_CPU_min 1611 'Minimum Required Processor Speed UOM: GHz, MHz 1612 .all.Item("_1631443692_0").selectedIndex = index_UOM_min 1613 'Recommended Processor Speed: 0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 1614 ' 700.0, 800.0, 900.0, 2500.0 1615 .all.Item("_1312790437_0").selectedIndex = index_CPU_rcm 1616 'Recommended Processor Speed UOM: GHz, MHz 1617 .all.Item("_1874924024_0").selectedIndex = index_UOM_rcm 1618 'Number of Discs: 1 1619 .getElementById("_876150083_0").Value = 1 1620 '******************************* 1621 Case "Zune" 1622 '******************************* 1623 'CE and Accessory Primary Color 1624 .all.Item("_268021381_0").selectedIndex = index_prim 1625 'CE and Accessory Secondary Color
  • 21. 1626 .all.Item("_951516279_0").selectedIndex = index_sec 1627 '******************************* 1628 Case "Accessories" 'XBOX 1629 '******************************* 1630 'Accessory Ind: None = 0, No = 1, Yes = 2 1631 .all.Item("_1642772424_0").selectedIndex = 2 1632 'Controller Type: None, Dance Pad, Not Applicable, Remote, Wheel, Wired, Wireless 1633 .all.Item("_1690754485_0").selectedIndex = index_cntrl 1634 'Gaming Peripheral Type: None, Bundle, Cable, Care, Case, Cheat, Control, Customization, 1635 ' Memory, Multimedia, Networking, Not Applicable, Power, Sound 1636 .all.Item("_569820874_0").selectedIndex = index_peri 1637 '******************************* 1638 Case "XBOX_Console" 1639 '******************************* 1640 'CE and Accessory Primary Color 1641 .all.Item("_400508731_0").selectedIndex = index_prim 1642 'CE and Accessory Secondary Color 1643 .all.Item("_1555794249_0").selectedIndex = index_sec 1644 '******************************* 1645 Case "XBOX_SW" 1646 '******************************* 1647 'Game PlatForm: XBOX_360, event. XBOX 1648 .all.Item("_67462387_0").selectedIndex = 20 1649 'Genre: ACTION, ADULT, ADVENTURE, EDUCATIONAL, EMULATORS, FAMILY, ENTERTAINMENT, FIGHTING, 1650 ' MUSIC, HOME, OTHER, PUZZLE, RACING, REFERENCE, ROLE_PLAYING, SHOOTER, SIMULATION, 1651 ' SPORTS, STRATEGY, TRADITIONAL, UTILITY, VARIETY, WRESTLING, DEVELOPMENT TOOLS 1652 .all.Item("_373149557_0").selectedIndex = index_genre 1653 'Rating: AO, E, E10+, EC, G, INHALANT, M, NC_17, NOT_RATED, PG, PG_13, R, RATING_PENDING, 1654 ' RP, T, UN_RATED, X_RATED 1655 .all.Item("_1005868565_0").selectedIndex = index_rating 1656 'Street Date: 1657 k = 0 1658 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "street date" 1659 k = k + 1 1660 Loop 1661 street_date = MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) 'street date musi byt ve Formatu YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss 1662 If street_date = "" Then 'If not street dated Then fill in MSD 1663 slashQ = 0 1664 MM = "" 1665 DD = "" 1666 YY = "" 1667 MyTime = Format(Time, "hh:mm:ss") 1668 For j = 0 To ColQuant - 1 1669 If ArrHeaders(j) = C_MSD Then 1670 If Len(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)) <> 0 Then 1671 For iii = 1 To Len(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j)) 1672 If Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) <> "/" And slashQ = 0 Then 1673 MM = MM + Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) 1674 End If 1675 If Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) <> "/" And slashQ = 1 Then 1676 DD = DD + Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) 1677 End If 1678 If Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) <> "/" And slashQ = 2 Then 1679 YY = YY + Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) 1680 End If 1681 If Mid(MatrixPLfltrd(i, j), iii, 1) = "/" Then 1682 slashQ = slashQ + 1 1683 End If 1684 Next iii 1685 If Len(MM) = 1 Then 1686 MM = "0" + MM 1687 End If 1688 If Len(DD) = 1 Then 1689 DD = "0" + DD 1690 End If 1691 .getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("input")(116).Value = YY & "-" & MM & "-" & DD & " " & MyTime 1692 End If 1693 End If 1694 Next j 1695 Else 1696 .getElementsByTagName("Form")(0).getElementsByTagName("input")(116).Value = street_date & " " & MyTime 1697 End If 1698 BBuy_win = FindWindow(ByVal vbNullString, ByVal "Best Buy PIM Portal - Windows Internet Explorer") 1699 Call SetFocusAPI(ByVal BBuy_win) 1700 For j = 1 To 300 1701 Call PostMessage(ByVal BBuy_win, ByVal WM_KEYDOWN, ByVal VK_TAB, ByVal 0&) 1702 Call PostMessage(ByVal BBuy_win, ByVal WM_KEYUP, ByVal VK_TAB, ByVal 0&) 1703 Sleep 100 'ms 1704 Next j 1705 'Number of Discs: 1 1706 .getElementById("_92864450_0").Value = 1
  • 22. 1707 '******************************* 1708 Case "Input_Devices-Game_Controller" 1709 '******************************* 1710 'Accessory Ind: None, No, Yes 1711 .all.Item("_648190504_0").selectedIndex = 2 1712 'CE and Accessory Primary Color 1713 .all.Item("_456433945_0").selectedIndex = index_prim 1714 'CE and Accessory Secondary Color 1715 .all.Item("_1627363851_0").selectedIndex = index_sec 1716 'Number of Buttons: None, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1717 k = 0 1718 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Number of Buttons" 1719 k = k + 1 1720 Loop 1721 Index = Val(MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)) + 2 1722 .all.Item("_187851846_0").selectedIndex = Index 1723 '******************************* 1724 Case "Input_Devices-Mice" 1725 '******************************* 1726 'CE and Accessory Primary Color 1727 .all.Item("_480222994_0").selectedIndex = index_prim 1728 'CE and Accessory Secondary Color 1729 .all.Item("_851789664_0").selectedIndex = index_sec 1730 'Number of Buttons: None, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1731 k = 0 1732 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Number of Buttons" 1733 k = k + 1 1734 Loop 1735 Index = Val(MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)) + 2 1736 .all.Item("_1331524015_0").selectedIndex = Index 1737 'Number of Programmable Buttons: None, 0, 1, 2, .... 12 1738 k = 0 1739 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Number of Programmable Buttons" 1740 k = k + 1 1741 Loop 1742 Index = Val(MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k)) + 2 1743 .all.Item("_222122316_0").selectedIndex = Index 1744 'Tilt Wheel: None, No, Yes 1745 k = 0 1746 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Tilt Wheel" 1747 k = k + 1 1748 Loop 1749 If MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) = "Yes" Then 1750 .all.Item("_1057497258_0").selectedIndex = 2 1751 Else 1752 .all.Item("_1057497258_0").selectedIndex = 1 1753 End If 1754 'Type of Pointing Device: None, Ball, Laser, Not Applicable, Optical, Presenter Mouse 1755 k = 0 1756 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Type of Pointing Device" 1757 k = k + 1 1758 Loop 1759 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) 1760 Case "Ball": Index = 1 1761 Case "Bluetrack": Index = 2 1762 Case "Laser": Index = 3 1763 Case "Not Applicable": Index = 4 1764 Case "Optical": Index = 5 1765 Case "Presenter Mouse": Index = 6 1766 End Select 1767 .all.Item("_1914843709_0").selectedIndex = Index 1768 '******************************* 1769 Case "Input_Devices-Keyboards" 1770 '******************************* 1771 'Backlit Keys: None, No, Yes 1772 k = 0 1773 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Backlit Keys" 1774 k = k + 1 1775 Loop 1776 If MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) = "Yes" Then 1777 .all.Item("_1840074102_0").selectedIndex = 2 1778 Else 1779 .all.Item("_1840074102_0").selectedIndex = 1 1780 End If 1781 'Battery Size: None, 9V, AA, AAA, C, D, Not Applicable, Photo, Specialty 1782 k = 0 1783 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Battery Size" 1784 k = k + 1 1785 Loop 1786 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) 1787 Case "9V": Index = 1 1788 Case "AA": Index = 2 1789 Case "AAA": Index = 3 1790 Case "C": Index = 4
  • 23. 1791 Case "D": Index = 5 1792 Case "Not Applicable": Index = 6 1793 Case "Photo": Index = 7 1794 Case "Specialty": Index = 8 1795 End Select 1796 .all.Item("_253158650_0").selectedIndex = Index 1797 'CE and Accessory Primary Color 1798 .all.Item("_834572842_0").selectedIndex = index_prim 1799 'CE and Accessory Secondary Color 1800 .all.Item("_2079577208_0").selectedIndex = index_sec 1801 'Mouse Included: None, Ball, Built Into Keyboard, Laser, No, Optical, Scroller, 1802 ' Wireless, Wireless Laser, Wireless Optical, Wireless Scroller 1803 k = 0 1804 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Mouse Included" 1805 k = k + 1 1806 Loop 1807 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) 1808 Case "Ball": Index = 1 1809 Case "Built Into Keyboard": Index = 2 1810 Case "Laser": Index = 3 1811 Case "No": Index = 4 1812 Case "Optical": Index = 5 1813 Case "Scroller": Index = 6 1814 Case "Wireless": Index = 7 1815 Case "Wireless Laser": Index = 8 1816 Case "Wireless Optical": Index = 9 1817 Case "Wireless Scroller": Index = 10 1818 End Select 1819 .all.Item("_417869597_0").selectedIndex = Index 1820 'Multimedia Keys: None, No, Yes 1821 k = 0 1822 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Multimedia Keys" 1823 k = k + 1 1824 Loop 1825 If MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) = "Yes" Then 1826 .all.Item("_279444067_0").selectedIndex = 2 1827 Else 1828 .all.Item("_279444067_0").selectedIndex = 1 1829 End If 1830 'Number of Keys: 1831 k = 0 1832 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Number of Keys" 1833 k = k + 1 1834 Loop 1835 .getElementById("_2118570484_0").Value = MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) 1836 'Number of USB Ports: None, 0, .. 10 1837 k = 0 1838 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Number of USB Ports" 1839 k = k + 1 1840 Loop 1841 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) 1842 Case "0": Index = 1 1843 Case "1": Index = 2 1844 Case "2": Index = 3 1845 Case "3": Index = 4 1846 Case "4": Index = 5 1847 Case "5": Index = 6 1848 Case "6": Index = 7 1849 Case "7": Index = 8 1850 Case "8": Index = 9 1851 Case "9": Index = 10 1852 Case "10": Index = 11 1853 End Select 1854 .all.Item("_743999170_0").selectedIndex = Index 1855 '******************************* 1856 Case "Web Cams" 1857 '******************************* 1858 'Built In Microphone: None, No, Yes 1859 k = 0 1860 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Built In Microphone" 1861 k = k + 1 1862 Loop 1863 If MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) = "Yes" Then 1864 .all.Item("_947613075_0").selectedIndex = 2 1865 Else 1866 .all.Item("_947613075_0").selectedIndex = 1 1867 End If 1868 'CE and Accessory Primary Color 1869 .all.Item("_1731412480_0").selectedIndex = index_prim 1870 'CE and Accessory Secondary Color 1871 .all.Item("_654042830_0").selectedIndex = index_sec 1872 'Headphone Connection: None, Mini Stereo, Not Applicable, RCA, Wireless 1873 k = 0 1874 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Headphone Connection"
  • 24. 1875 k = k + 1 1876 Loop 1877 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) 1878 Case "Mini Stereo": Index = 1 1879 Case "Not Applicable": Index = 2 1880 Case "RCA": Index = 3 1881 Case "Wireless": Index = 4 1882 End Select 1883 .all.Item("_1239705568_0").selectedIndex = Index 1884 'Headset Included: None, No, Yes 1885 k = 0 1886 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Headset Included" 1887 k = k + 1 1888 Loop 1889 If MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) = "Yes" Then 1890 .all.Item("_1627316746_0").selectedIndex = 2 1891 Else 1892 .all.Item("_1627316746_0").selectedIndex = 1 1893 End If 1894 'Software Included: None, Data Recovery Software, Educational Software, 1895 ' Facial Recognition Software, Music Management Software, 1896 ' Navigation Software, Not Applicable, Photo Editing Software, 1897 ' Video Effects Software 1898 k = 0 1899 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Software Included" 1900 k = k + 1 1901 Loop 1902 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) 1903 Case "Data Recovery Software": Index = 1 1904 Case "Educational Software": Index = 2 1905 Case "Facial Recognition Software": Index = 3 1906 Case "Music Management Software": Index = 4 1907 Case "Navigation Software": Index = 5 1908 Case "Not Applicable": Index = 6 1909 Case "Photo Editing Software": Index = 7 1910 Case "Video Effects Software": Index = 8 1911 End Select 1912 .all.Item("_1579521051_0").selectedIndex = Index 1913 'Webcam Design: None, Desktop, Laptop, Not Applicable 1914 k = 0 1915 Do While ArrMarketDataHeaders(k) <> "Webcam Design" 1916 k = k + 1 1917 Loop 1918 Select Case MarketingMatrix(i - 1, k) 1919 Case "Desktop": Index = 1 1920 Case "Laptop": Index = 2 1921 Case "Not Applicable": Index = 3 1922 End Select 1923 .all.Item("_1402083757_0").selectedIndex = Index 1924 '******************************* 1925 End Select 'kategorie 1926 Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:3")) 1927 '******* SAVE Category Tab **************** 1928 .all.Item("PC_7_0_J3_SAVE").Click: Call is_busy(IE) 1929 End With 1930 1931 'searching For PIM Id's and loading them into an array variable: 1932 j = 0 1933 ReDim Preserve PIMId(i - 1) 1934 Do While IE.Document.all.tags("td")(j).innerTEXT <> "PIM Id" 1935 PIMId(i - 1) = IE.Document.all.tags("td")(j + 1).innerTEXT 1936 j = j + 1 1937 If PIMId(i - 1) = "PIM Id" Then 1938 PIMId(i - 1) = IE.Document.all.tags("td")(j + 1).innerTEXT 1939 PIMId(i - 1) = Mid(PIMId(i - 1), 2, 10) 'PIM Id ma 10 cifer, zacina mezerou 1940 End If 1941 Loop 1942 1943 '*** HOME *** 1944 1945 IE.navigate "!ut/p/kcxml/04_Sj9SPykssy0xPLMnMz0vM0Y_QjzKLN4h39gDJgFjGpvqRqCKOcIEg fW99X4_83FT9AP2C3NCIckdHRQBrdSb8/delta/base64xml/L3dJdyEvd0ZNQUFzQUMvNElVRS82XzBfQ0g!" 1946 Call is_busy(IE) 1947 'End If {ArrOfPLind(i - 1) = True Then} 1948 done_1 = True 1949 Next i 'setup the Next SKU 1950 Do While IE.Busy And Not IE.ReadyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop 'or Call is_busy(IE) 1951 'click on Item Induction 1952 'RUN the JAVASCRIPT Function from Within VBA (Function PC_7_0_IS_openURL in the HTML) 1953 Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:3")) 1954 IE.Document.all.Item 1955 Call IE.Document.parentWindow.execScript("javascript:PC_7_0_IS_openURL('Item Induction')", "JavaScript") 1956 Call is_busy(IE)
  • 25. 1957 'UPDATE *************** 1958 IE.Document.all.Item("PC_7_0_J1_WORKFLOW_SELECT").Click: Call is_busy(IE) 1959 'Complete Non Data Pool Item ******************** 1960 IE.navigate "!ut/p/kcxml/04_Sj9SPykssy0xPLMnMz0vM0Y_QjzKLN4h39gLJgFjGpvqRqCKOcAFf j_zcVP0gfW_9AP2C3NCIckdHRQAl6aCR/delta/base64xml/L0lDU0lKQ1RPN29na21DU1Evb0tvUUFBSVFnakZJQUFRaENFSVFqR0VKemdBIS8 0SkZpQ28wZWgxaWNvblFWR2hkLXNJZDJFQSEhLzdfMF9KMS8yNzIvc2EuU1RFUE5BTUU!?PC_7_0_J1_STEPNAME=Complete%20Non%20Data%2 0Pool%20Item&PC_7_0_J1_COLLABAREA_ID=Item%20Induction&PC_7_0_J1_WORKFLOW_ID=Item%20Induction%20Workflow%20v1#7_0 _J1" 1961 Call is_busy(IE) 1962 'Zaskrtnout jen ty checkbox s danou value PIM Id - muzou tam byt neodeslane SKU 1963 'Potreba nacist PIM ID na zacatku do pole a vyuzit zde i pak v mailu 1964 Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:3")) 1965 For i = 0 To SetUpQuant - 1 1966 j = 0 1967 Do While IE.Document.all.tags("td")(j).innerTEXT <> PIMId(i) 1968 'getElementsByValue("Google Search").Item(0).submit - VBA nepozna getelementsbyvalue??? 1969 j = j + 1 1970 If IE.Document.all.tags("td")(j).innerTEXT = PIMId(i) Then 1971 IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("td")(j - 1).getElementsByTagName("input")(0).Checked = True 1972 End If 1973 Loop 1974 Do While IE.Busy And Not IE.ReadyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop 1975 Next i 1976 Do While IE.Busy And Not IE.ReadyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop 'Call is_busy(IE) equival 1977 1978 'SUBMIT at once or in a cycle and wait 3 min for each? - at once possible 1979 'IE.Document.all.Item("NEXT_STEP_LIST_BUTTON_0").Click: Call is_busy(IE) 1980 done_2 = True 1981 'LOG OUT 1982 IE.navigate "!ut/p/kcxml/04_Sj9SPykssy0xPLMnMz0vM0Y_QjzKLN4h39gLJgFjGpvqRqCKOcAFf j_zcVP0goESkOVDEy1A_Kic1PTG5Uj9Y31s_QL8gNzSi3NvREQD-ps- S/delta/base64xml/L0lKSklKSWchL0lCakFBR3lBQkVRaUlBISEvNElENnhCX1dFTkRDLzEwOTUvMTM3NzIvbG8!" 1983 IE.Quit 'zavrit browser 1984 Set IE = Nothing 'znicit objekt 1985 1986 Else 'je-li SetUpQuant = 0 nevytvori se ani instance internet exploreru 1987 zprava = "The requested SKU/SKUs is/are not on the BestBuy PC PL" 'none of them 1988 done_3 = True 'kontrola, ze nenastala chyba logovani do IE, ale SetUpQuant je opravdu 0 1989 End If 1990 Application.ScreenUpdating = True 1991 1992 'I have included the DisplayAlerts statement because Excel 1993 'could ask whether to save Workbook changes first 1994 '********************************************************************************* 1995 Exit Sub 'pri cteni souboru muze teoreticky nastat nasledujici 1996 Chyby: 1997 'If Err.Number = 68 Then 1998 ' MsgBox "The device is not accessible." 1999 'Else 2000 ' MsgBox "Sorry, an unexpected error has occurred: " & Error() 2001 'End If 2002 'Application.DisplayAlerts = False 2003 'Application.Quit 2004 nelzeulozit: 2005 'If Err.Number <> 0 Then 2006 ' MsgBox "The Form has not been saved." 2007 'End If 2008 'Application.DisplayAlerts = False 2009 'Application.Quit 2010 End Sub 2011 2012 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2013 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ 2014 '@@@@ AUTHOR: Ales VYMYSLICKY @@@@@@@@@@@ 2015 '@@@@ The entire code was written by the author and is an intellectual property of its author. 2016 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ 2017 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2018 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2019 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ 2020 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ COPYRIGHT - ALES VYMYSLICKY @@@@@@@@@@@ 2021 '@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ 2022 '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@