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One of my family’s legends (unverified) was that my great-
invented the coin-operated newspaper-vending machine. He
never pat-
ented it, however, so watching the gradual disappearance of this
useful invention—first from my apartment building’s lobby, and
then from
the sidewalks outside my office—leaves me with no sense of
grand, de-
spairing loss. Today, I can read whatever I want digitally,
without ever
having to bash a frequently failing machine that eats my
For me, the saddest loss from my youth is the soda fountain,
that coun-
tertop fixture in just about every drugstore in the United States
a half a
century ago. Folks could have a quick meal of grilled cheese
and cherry Cokes, and then buy sundries on the way out. As the
nation spread our lifestyles out into suburbs, it became easier
and faster to
order food at drive-through windows. Cars with cup holders
reigned su-
preme, and the soda fountain disappeared.
So, what else might disappear in the next 15–20 years? And will
we miss
these things much? The loss of newspaper vending machines
hasn’t af-
fected our access to news, for instance. Soda fountains were
replaced by al-
ternative methods of meal dissemination. But in some cases,
things have
disappeared irrevocably and irreplaceably, some for better
(smallpox) and
some for worse (passenger pigeons).
One thing we might not see disappear: predictions. Though
many futur-
ists believe we would be better off learning to make “robust”
that enable us to adapt and succeed in a variety of potential
future scenar-
ios—without benefit of definitive forecasts—humans have
always felt a
compulsion to know the future with as much certainty as
And that is why we have gone to members and friends of the
Future Society, once again, to seek out their informed and eye-
opening in-
sights about the future—in this case, the future we may not see.
—Cynthia G. Wagner, editor
1. Intolerance and Misunderstanding .... 23
John M. Smart, Daniel Egger, John F.
Copper, Alan Nordstrom, Jed Diamond
2. Educational Processes ................... 24
Jason Siko, Jason Swanson, Dan Tuuri
3. Europe (Maybe, Maybe Not) ............ 26
Manuel Au-Yong Oliveira, Neill Perry
4. Jobs and Workplace Processes ........ 27
Thomas Frey, Paul Rux, Carrie Anne Zapka,
Lawrence Loh
5. Stores ...................................... 28
Barry Minkin, John P. Sagi
6. Doctors ..................................... 29
Joe Thomae, Benjamin C. Yablon, Morton
7. Paper—and the Places It Goes ......... 30
David Pearce Snyder, Lane Jennings, Karl
8. Human Experiences ...................... 32
Brenda Cooper, Lisa Gualtieri, Apala Lahiri
Chavan, Richard Yonck, Elizabeth D. Leone
and Jean Georges Perrin, Josh Lindenger,
Michael Rees
9. Smartphones .............................. 34
Paul Saffo, Harish Shah, E. Scott Denison,
Alexandre Pupo and William E. Halal, Rob
Bencini, Jim Breaux
10. Insecurity ................................. 36
Tom Schaffnit, Clayton Rawlings, Thomas
Frey, Frank McDonough
More Missing Futures ....................... 37
Dave Allman, Douglas Cornish, Peter Eder,
LuAnne Feik, Virginia Holbert, Lester Kuhl,
Jonathan C. Lippe, Werner Mittelstaedt,
Gregory Pashke, Garry Schulz, Alexandru
Tugui, and Ruth Wise
About the Authors ............................ 38
Top 10
A special report by members and friends of
the World Future Society
22 THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 •
© 2013 World Future Society • 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite
450, Bethesda, MD 20814, U.S.A. • All rights reserved.
world population reaches a new un-
derstanding of social connectivity.
But in this hyperconnected sce-
nario with its streamlined “global”
communication, fewer people will
be willing to invest time in learning
new languages and cultural immer-
sion. This unwillingness may then
reduce people’s capacity to observe,
reflect, understand, and respect
other opinions, leading to new cul-
tural misinterpretation and conflicts.
We may thus see the rise of new
conflicts as cultural understanding
disappears. Rather than resolve con-
flicts, we will merely shift attention
away. Rather than improve collabo-
ration, it will change how we judge,
evaluate, and create trust in our rela-
In 2030, we will navigate our so-
cial web and filter, judge, ignore, and
classify at high velocity; the risk is
that we will also transform our inter-
pretation into social realities that ig-
nore cultural contexts.
Vanishing Languages and the
Rise of English and Chinese
By John F. Copper
By 2030, more than a third of the
world’s estimated 6,000 languages
will have disappeared. First to go
will be those spoken by only a small
number of people. Unwritten lan-
guages will also pass early. Other
languages, except for two, will expe-
rience gradual or rapid disuse.
Most people are increasingly learn-
nies everywhere, vastly accel-
erating innovation and entre-
Those who learn English or
a n o t h e r l e a d i n g l a n g u a g e
from birth, rather than relying
on automatic language trans-
lation, will gain the greatest
new economic opportunities
and cognitive fluencies. Lead-
ing languages have by far the
largest semantic vocabularies,
and they allow the learner to
deeply understand foreign cultures.
Now for perhaps the most contro-
versial prediction: As long as global
science, technology, free trade, resil-
iency, and wealth continue to accel-
erate, as I expect they will, all the
major religions and ideologies will
continue to grow more ecumenical
and secular. Mass fundamentalist re-
ligious intolerance will disappear.
Political and religious fundamental-
ist backlashes will always be with
us, but they’ll be increasingly small,
weak, and short-lived, driven as al-
ways by short-term catastrophes.
Counterpoint: Why Cultural
Understanding May Disappear
By Daniel Egger
In shared social environments, we
create a single cognitive and percep-
tive understanding of complexity
through language, words, stories,
music, and other cultural elements.
But this could change. Globalization
with a “world language” can drive
cultural distinctions—and sensitivity
for them—to extinction.
In the mid-2020s, technical barriers
in speech recognition, translation,
and speech synthesis will not exist
anymore. Real-time mobile lan-
guage-translation devices are going
to be available to the mass market.
By 2030, their world market penetra-
tion will surpass 80%. In this era of
social connectivity, it will be possible
to access everyone and any informa-
tion. Without language barriers,
Disappearance of Endangered
Languages, Economic
Immigration Barriers, and
Mass Religious Intolerance
By John M. Smart
The advent of wearable smartphones
could accelerate the disappearance of
endangered languages, but also lowering
of economic barriers and of fundamental-
ist intolerance.
By 2020, the ubiquity of wearable
smartphones and the power of the
conversational interface will give
youth everywhere “teacherless edu-
cation”; that is, conversation, both
with remote peers and with the Web
For kids in developing nations, the
killer app of teacherless education
will be learning a more developed
nation’s language at the same time
they learn their own. Their wearable
will “listen in” as they learn their na-
tive language and deliver the same
words in the foreign language of
choice, along with images, learning
aids, and games that test proficiency.
Of the roughly 6,000 languages
spoken today, perhaps 3,000 endan-
gered languages will no longer be
spoken by children in 2030. Most
other languages will have lost users
as well, as the languages of devel-
oped nations with the most open
cultures increasingly take their place.
We’ll also see many more scientific,
technical, business, social, and artis-
tic “languages” (knowledge systems)
taught from birth.
English, the global language of
business today, will benefit the most,
bringing English-speaking nations as
many as a billion new “virtual immi-
grants” by 2030.
In the high-bandwidth 2020s,
many economic barriers to partici-
pating in the global economy will
disappear. Eager underemployed
youth anywhere, speaking the same
language and understanding the
same global culture, will be able to
work with large and small compa-
1. Intolerance and Misunderstanding
ALLEX MAX / BIGSTOCK • THE FUTURIST September-October 2013
ingly destructive methods of vio-
lence, macho man rose to the top.
Cut off from his own feelings, he
could more easily control nature,
other men, women, and children.
But this I-It relationship to the
world is not only destructive to the
life spirit, it is also unsustainable.
When macho man lives as though he
cal, social, and spiritual) that make
t h e w o r l d o f 2 0 1 3 s e e m n e o -
We will have stabilized our popu-
lation sustainably. Our former pen-
chant for exploitation and domina-
tion will have been sanitized by
education, informed by humane val-
ues promoting cooperation and col-
laboration on common
i n t e re s t s a n d m u t u a l
benefits. Aggressive, ac-
quisitive, exploitative
behaviors are deemed
pathological and regres-
sive, even primitive.
M o s t d i s t i n c t i v e i n
2030 is the pervasive
kindness and civility of
human behavior. Only a
g e n e r a t i o n e a r l i e r i t
would have been ludi-
crous to suppose that the
outrageous violence of
the 9/11 era could ever
be transcended: ethnic
cleansing, terrorism, fi-
nancial exploitation, plu-
tocracy. But the “Big
One” finally brought in-
humane humanity to its
knees and its senses,
waking us collectively to
our radical sense of kin-
ship and kindness.
Goodbye, Macho Man
By Jed Diamond
For millions of years,
humankind lived in bal-
ance with nature, one
voice among many in
the chorus of life. But
gradually we became
disconnected from the
earth and dominant over
it: All other life on the
planet must serve the
needs of humans or die.
In the words of the
philosopher Martin Bu-
ber, our relationships
c h a n g e d f ro m I - T h o u
(sustained connections
to the external) to I-It
(separated from the ex-
ternal). Using increas-
ing and using a “dominant” language
such as English and/or Chinese, both
of which are growing fast in terms of
their number of speakers and their
usage in business and science.
English is the language of science
and technology, education, business,
the media, movies, and the global
culture. It is the language of democ-
racy. The English vocabulary is vast
compared to other languages. Some
call it the necessary or indispensable
Chinese is the language of more
people than any other and is becom-
ing an important business language.
China is also excelling in science and
technology, registering more patents
than any country in the world and
publishing more scientific articles.
Many predict that China will be the
world’s dominant economic power
and military power in two or three
The ability to speak both Chinese
and English would allow one to
communicate with half of the people
on the planet. This figure will grow
to 60% or more in 15 years. At that
time, the dream of a universal lan-
guage may be upon us.
In the future, linguists and histori-
ans will be able to study the extinct
languages, as they will be recorded
and preserved. Bilingualism and
multilingualism will keep the ones
falling into disuse from becoming ir-
relevant, while most of the planet’s
population will regularly use En-
glish or Chinese, or both.
The End of Religion,
The Rise of Spirituality
By Alan Nordstrom
The most revolutionary change
underlying the transformative era in
the next half century is the demise of
religion and the rise of spirituality.
Society will outgrow doctrinaire be-
lief systems accepted on traditional
“faith” and inculcated by authoritar-
ian intimidation.
By 2030, the pervasive power of
communication systems will enable
human beings collectively to achieve
a higher level of common sense, in-
formed by advanced sciences (physi-
2. Educational Processes
Disappearing Public Education
By Jason Siko
Public schools are privatizing, and new
ways of mastering and assessing the
attainment of knowledge and skills are
replacing the factory model of education.
Public education in the United
States will have all but disappeared
by 2030, beginning with the primary
and secondary systems that have
been in place since the end of the
nineteenth century. The decline of
the public tertiary educational sys-
tem will take longer, but will be due
to the same factors.
Technology will help to destroy the
long-held traditions of grouping stu-
dents by age. Smart systems will al-
low us to solve educational psycholo-
gist Benjamin Bloom’s “Two-Sigma
Dilemma,” where education pro-
gresses through mastery learning and
individualized instruction based on
quality data analytics. As students
progress, they are allowed to special-
ize earlier and earlier (much like ath-
letics today)—so much so that no one
has a generalized diploma, only cer-
tificates of competencies in skills that
the workforce demands.
While this sounds desirable, the
process was handed over to a select
few companies that were directed to
maintain the status quo by the elite.
This change was facilitated by the
United States’ inability to fund pub-
lic education, as state budgets con-
24 THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 •
were separate from nature, thinking
he could rule the world, it is like the
brain thinking it could rule the body,
demanding all the life-giving blood.
“To hell with the kidneys, the lungs,
or the spleen,” the head says. “I’m
the most important organ in the
body and I want more, more, more.”
Macho man is on his way out. The
tinued to fail to generate the neces-
sary revenue for all public services.
Like current U.S. telecommunica-
tions and postal delivery systems,
what the government initially set up
will be handed over to three or four
major companies. They will provide
instruction and training online based
on regional demand trends and fore-
casts from corporations in a particu-
lar geographic region. In addition,
they will provide site-based techni-
cal and pedagogical support; the lo-
cal companies will purchase the old
school buildings to generate revenue
for the state and convert them to tu-
toring stations and early childhood
daycare facilities.
While students could specialize
and obtain employment (which low-
ers unemployment numbers signifi-
cantly), their choices are limited;
thus, upward mobility becomes
nearly impossible.
Education Abandons the
Factory Model
By Jason Swanson
In the list of things that may po-
tentially disappear by 2030, we
might also include ways of doing
things, or processes. And one pro-
cess that could potentially disappear
is the factory model of education, or
the idea of “one size fits all.”
There is already a strong case for
this process to disappear in the
future. Ideas such as an Individual-
ized Education Plan (IEP) for every
student have garnered a lot of atten-
tion. Advances in
t e c h n o l o g y l i k e
learning analytics
will allow educators
t o p r o c e s s l a r g e
amounts of data on
students in order to
g e t i n s i g h t s i n t o
how students learn
T h e s e a re s i g n -
posts that point to a
shift away from the
m a s s - p r o d u c t i o n
e d u c a t i o n m o d e l
and toward a future
in which each stu-
dent’s educational
experience is truly
individualized and
tailored to how he
or she learns best.
The End of Grade
Point Averages
By Dan Tuuri
In 2030, the grade point average
(GPA) will no longer be the primary
instrument to validate academic
The GPA is based upon the value
that an instructor has provided a stu-
dent. In many institutions, instruc-
tors define their own valuation of
how points are distributed, in some
instances with certain categories
having little to do with the actual
learning achieved. Furthermore,
some instructors face pressures to in-
flate grades.
In recent years, even the U.S. gov-
ernment began to call for independent
third-party testing of some program-
ming. The inclusion of this data pro-
vided reference points of independent
data that instructional staff could uti-
lize for course and program improve-
ment and could further develop com-
parative data between institutions.
Recently, the concept of badges
has also taken off. I believe we will
continue to see these developed.
Noted endorsements of specific
skills that a person would need for
success are much more valuable than
a single identified reference.
I-Thou man is replacing him, and
there is a chance for humanity to re-
turn to a way of life that has sus-
tained us for millions of years. Lo-
cally sustainable earth communities
are emerging throughout the world,
and men are learning to be kind to
themselves, each other, and the won-
derful planet we all share.
ernment, United Europe, emerges.
The old national borders serve as a
way to maintain their history, cul-
tural roots, and social distinction.
Over the years, the differences be-
tween individual nations have dissi-
pated. Merged into one larger cen-
tral government, the former nations
are now independent provinces with
democratically elected officials who
represent them in the central govern-
ment of United Europe. With the
elimination of the former borders
and a common language, United Eu-
ropeans have more freedom and
The combined resources increase
United Europe’s economic and polit-
ical clout, allowing it to compete
against technological and industrial
giants like the United States and
China. The nations that meld into
one larger country of United Europe
strengthen their ability to provide
products and services, raise their
standard of living, and gain com-
m e rc i a l a n d p o l i t i c a l i n f l u e n c e
more socially oriented values, while
southern European countries con-
v e rg e t o t a k e a m o re a s s e r t i v e
As Nobel Prize–winning econo-
mist Douglass C. North has said,
structural and institutional change
cannot be disassociated from long-
term culture change. This is where
Europe needs to focus its attention,
before it is too late for the dream of a
prosperous, long-lasting, unified
Counterpoint: Europe,
Tear Down Your Borders
By Neill Perry
By 2030, with the advent of the
euro as a multinational currency, the
economic and commercial relation-
ship among the nations of Europe
will have changed. Restrictions on
trade are eliminated, helping raise
the economic condition of the poorer
countries. This eliminates the need
for formal borders between them,
and as a result, a new central gov-
3. Europe (Maybe,
Maybe Not)
A World without a
Unified Europe
By Manuel Au-Yong Oliveira
Long-term culture change will be
needed to hold Europe together
till 2030.
The European Union will
have to change a great deal if
it is still to be around in 2030,
but no one is currently focus-
ing on the changes necessary
to make the EU a success. In
business mergers, attention
to the differences in the orga-
nizational cultures of the
merging companies is at the
forefront of managerial con-
cerns. But this has not been
the case in the European
The European Union is basically a
merger of very diverse nations and
faces the same kinds of issues as
companies do: How can we get dif-
ferent countries—where people with
very different values, attitudes, and
beliefs live—to pool together their
unique knowledge capital to make
the merger a success?
For instance, is it fair to say that
highly assertive “Type A” Germans
think and act differently from the
“Type B” French, Italians, Irish,
Finns, and Portuguese (to use the
classification by Deanne N. Den
Hartog)? Ideally, these countries
would have similar economic as well
as social behaviors.
To lead Europe out of its predica-
ment, a new vision is called for. Only
with a far-reaching common culture
will different governments and the
people they represent share the view
that, for the union to prosper and to
have a sustainable future, they have
to put in at least as much as they
want to take out.
What should a European culture,
common across its borders, look and
feel like? Will northern European
countries need to soften toward
26 THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 •
compensation will be correlated to
Dynamic pay-per-task networks
will replace fixed annual salaries and
hourly pay rates. Work will be nego-
tiated between temporal workers
and “workees”—those for whom
work is performed. Compensation
will be volatile. Real-time supply
and demand, crowd reputation rat-
ings, experience points, and recom-
mendation networks will replace
résumés and job titles.
Whither the Board of Directors?
By Lawrence Loh
Gone will be the days when a seat on
a company’s board of directors carries
a sense of prestige, a sign of arrival,
and a sure way to make big bucks.
Over recent decades, a spate of
corporate governance disasters has
triggered fast and furious regulatory
reforms, such as the U.K. Cadbury
R e p o r t i n 1 9 9 2 a n d t h e U . S .
Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002. Both of
these have resulted in a significant
tightening up of requirements, espe-
cially for being a company director.
Many qualified and experienced
personnel will thus no longer want
to be directors, as the risks and lia-
bilities are getting just too high and
not worth the time and effort for the
returns. And that is the hollowing
out of the supply of directors.
The corporate sector should go
back to the basics. Stakeholders, es-
pecially investors, must take the
company back from the directors,
who are at present not necessarily
selected by or even serving the inter-
est of investors.
Instead of the board, companies
will experience investor activism in
the form of direct corporate democ-
racy. Investors will themselves elect
representative, council-like mecha-
nisms to take charge of corporate
Companies will be too important
to be left to boards of directors,
which will disappear by 2030.
will eliminate the need for contrac-
tors and building materials. Pill print-
ers will replace entire pharmacies.
• Automated manufacturing is al-
ready eliminating tons of jobs. Bots
and drones will begin disrupting
many other industries along with
their base of employment.
At the same time that billions of
jobs are disappearing, we will be cre-
ating billions more. But to do so, we
will need to streamline our systems
and prepare for the skill sets and job
demands of tomorrow.
The Coming Demise of
By Paul Rux
In his classic 2001 study Free Agent
Nation, Daniel Pink observed a
growing trend toward solo practi-
tioners instead of teams. He foresaw
how relentless changes in technol-
ogy and corporate greed would
combine to reduce workers en masse
to the level of office temps. It is hard
to build teamwork around workers
who constantly come and go. De-
spite a pop culture that lauds team-
work in sports, this is not the emerg-
ing workplace reality.
S o f o rg e t t e a m w o r k . I n s t e a d ,
coach creative “stars.” The powerful
trend toward freelance workplaces
signals the coming demise of team-
work. Get ready to move, re-skill,
and coach innovative individuals as
Obsolescence of Fixed
Pay-Per-Time Compensation
By Carrie Anne Zapka
O n l y m u s e u m s w i l l d i s p l a y
punch-in time clocks. Future histori-
ans will view this artifact as a failed
attempt to mechanize human behav-
ior—an unfortunate result of the In-
dustrial Revolution. Without punch-
clocks, neither performance nor
Two Billion Jobs to
Disappear by 2030
By Thomas Frey
As technologies disrupt economies, jobs
will disappear. But learning new skills will
keep people in business.
By 2030, more than 2 billion jobs
will disappear, roughly 50% of all
the jobs on the planet. This is not in-
tended as a doom and gloom sce-
nario, but rather as a wakeup call for
the new skillsets we’ll need in the
According to McKinsey’s Global
Institute, 12 disruptive technologies
are at the heart of this disruption:
m o b i l e I n t e r n e t , a u t o m a t i o n o f
knowledge and work, Internet of
things, cloud technology, advanced
robotics, autonomous and near-
autonomous vehicles, next-genera-
tion genomics, energy storage, 3-D
printing, advanced materials, ad-
vanced oil and gas exploration and
recovery, and renewable energy.
Pay very close attention to these 12
technologies. They will be both the
job destroyers and the job creators in
our future. Here are a few examples
of how this will occur:
• Driverless cars will be on the
verge of eliminating millions of
driver positions. Buses, taxis, trucks,
limos, UPS, FedEx, and more will be
transitioning into driverless forms of
themselves. At the same time, we’ll
see a dwindling of parking lots, gas
stations, traffic cops, and traffic
courts, and fewer doctors and nurses
will be needed to treat injuries.
• Education will see a mass transi-
tion from teaching to coaching, as
90% of all traditional classes will
take place online by 2030, even in
• 3 - D p r i n t e r s w i l l d i s r u p t
everything from manufacturing, to
health care, to retail, to art, to con-
struction and building materials.
Printed clothing and shoes produced
at the store you’re shopping in will
replace garment districts around the
world. Printed buildings and houses
4. Jobs and Workplace Processes • THE FUTURIST September-October 2013
store to make the purchase.
In the future, these toys will be re-
placed, but even bigger change is
coming to the process of shopping.
For example, my spouse recently
went shopping for an iPhone. The
Verizon store in the local mall had
the very version of the phone she de-
sired. The clerk then explained that
her new phone was “being config-
ured and on its way from the Mid-
west.” We couldn’t take our pur-
chase home with us—it wasn’t even
available in the store.
Stores are gradually becoming
mere demonstration places, due to
several forces: 3-D printing allows
localized and instant manufacturing;
radio frequency identification (RFID)
tracks products at every stage; rapid
transport and augmented reality
promise overnight delivery (soon
perhaps via drones). Our central-
Locations, Locations, Locations
By Barry Minkin
All the prime retail spots will be taken,
but new distribution opportunities will
By 2030, the best locations for re-
tailers around the world will have
been found and occupied.
You can already find a Big Mac or
Starbucks coffee even in the most re-
mote corners of the world. By 2030,
companies will be looking for inno-
vative low-cost distribution opportu-
nities. For example, since Starbucks
controls the retail locations, are there
profitable opportunities to control
the many beverage cart locations?
Innovative marketing channels
will be the key to success. For in-
stance, there are not a lot of candy
stores in Russia, so Mars put kiosks
in places like Red Square to sell its
products. Gillette uses suppliers
with trays around their necks to sell
its blades in India.
There are also opportunities to sell
many other products once you have
developed distribution channels.
Colgate distributes more than 173
products in more than 50 countries,
and some of these products are man-
ufactured by other companies.
Of course, the Internet will con-
tinue to help put “going out of busi-
ness” signs in the store windows of
retailers in marginal locations.
“Mommy, What’s a Store?”
Consumerism in the Connected
By John P. Sagi
For Christmas shoppers at big
stores, the most popular toys fly off
the shelves—Furby, Monster High
Dolls, Angry Birds, Legos. Parents
frantically use their iPhones to check
other stores and eBay for availability
(and better prices), then leave the
5. Stores
ized, connected cities keep us ever
local, and e-commerce connects us.
By 2030, shoppers will not use
“stores” as we know them, but may
visit membership-accessed “Demo
Docks.” Beginning with items such
as electronics and clothing, you’ll
browse online for specifications, ca-
pability, and pricing; you’ll then visit
a local dock to “play” with the prod-
uct using augmented-reality tools.
These demo docks will market our
favorite brands, and robots will
show the items or clothes, very accu-
rately responding to our questions.
No expensive stock is on site, saving
space and insurance costs. Complet-
ing the purchase online, the cus-
tomer returns home, and the item ar-
r i v e s o n t h e d o o r s t e p t h e n e x t
morning. No backorders, and no
f i g h t s f o r t h e l a s t “ F u r b y ” :
Everything is available.
28 THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 •
tures as possible will be built into
these new medical service models,
but it may always be better to have
surgeons and patients in close prox-
imity, robotic assistant or not.
The doctor shortage is largely due
to the fact that talented people who
could be doctors are moving into
fields in which their skills can be
more richly rewarded. By 2030, only
the privileged will actually have
their surgeons in the operating
rooms with them; the rest of us had
better hope for highly stable commu-
nication grids.
The End of the Art of
Medical Diagnosis
By Morton Chalfy
For centuries, medical diagnosis
has been an art more than a science.
In the hands of its finest practition-
ers, the art has saved lives and
averted disasters; in the hands of the
less than great, it has caused unnec-
essary procedures, intense discom-
fort, and sometimes death.
Art will succumb to science as the
massive power of machines like
IBM’s Watson enable computers to
learn from repetition. Over the next
decades, medical records will be fed
into “Doctor” Watson’s memory
banks, and diagnosis will become
scientific and statistical.
Physicians will be able to do away
with guesswork and prescriptions of
“Let’s try this and see if it works,”
and go right to “This is the likeliest
diagnosis and this is the likeliest
treatment for best effect.”
mation; if that question-
ing cannot resolve the
issue, the computer will
schedule an examination
with an appropriate spe-
This system will not
likely be used for early
childhood pediatric ex-
ams, but parents will use
the same daily monitor-
ing hardware and soft-
ware on children. This allows us to
catch childhood maladies early and
will allow new parents to gain valu-
able insights related to child care.
Operating without Surgeons
By Benjamin C. Yablon
By 2030, America will be 150,000
doctors short, just as the median age
of the country’s baby boomers hits
72. A voracious consumption of
health care will far eclipse what can
reasonably be provided by the cur-
rent distribution model, but techno-
logical solutions are ready to fill the
Today, there are more than 200
robot-assisted da Vinci Surgical Sys-
tems deployed across the United
States. Also in use are products such
as the Socrates Robotic Telecollabo-
ration System, which allows shared
control of robotic surgical assistants
operating from different locations.
These machines dramatically de-
crease the invasiveness of many pro-
cedures, greatly improving recovery
times. By 2030, this technology will
be ubiquitous, allowing sought-after
surgeons to perform procedures all
over the world without having to
leave their offices.
There are some obvious draw-
backs to having your surgeon work-
ing in a distant location. For in-
stance, what if the cardiologist
performing your heart transplant
lives in California and an earthquake
hits, interrupting her connection
with the robotic assistant whose me-
chanical fingers are in your chest? As
many safety and redundancy fea-
Disappearing Doctors
By Joe Thomae
Adults will no longer need to visit a doc-
tor’s office for routine checkups.
By 2030, adult visits to a doctor for
an annual physical, blood cholesterol
screening, exams for prostate or
breast cancer, and many other im-
portant but nonemergency consulta-
tions will be a thing of the past.
Several trends will drive this
1. Technology will enable an accu-
rate and personalized diagnosis in
your own home. The ubiquity of
smartphones and sensors tied to
cloud computing will allow screen-
ing for chemical indicators for can-
cer, blood glucose and oxygenation
levels, EKG, respiration rate, heart
attack and stroke precursors, and
more. The information will upload
into a personal medical database,
and no human will ever see it until
your database alerts your doctor that
something is amiss.
2. Patients will, after initial privacy
concerns abate, begin to understand
that regular, consistent monitoring of
many health indicators will act in
their favor, preserving good health
and indicating potential catastrophic
3. Insurers will price policies and
make coverage conditional on the
use of this system of monitoring and
4. The efficient economics of this
system address the cost implications
of socialized medicine and the loom-
ing doctor deficit.
The public-health benefits begin to
become evident as daily, real-time
reporting of conditions like typical
flu symptoms will aid in the delivery
of medicines and enable people to
avoid interactions where they might
either become ill or spread their own
Users will be alerted to issues via
algorithms that scan daily test re-
sults. Computers may send simple
text questions to obtain more infor-
6. Doctors, Surgeons, and “Diagnostic Arts”
base, I know exactly—and feel kines-
thetically—where all my facts are. To
be equally certain of finding that
same information in cyberspace
would require me to master an en-
tirely new set of skills. It would also
require a level of confidence in infor-
mation technology that I do not yet
Information and communication
are dematerializing. Paper money
will also disappear by 2030, and I’m
perfectly prepared to live in a cash-
less future. Commerce will be cash-
less, phones will be wireless, and
print will be paperless.
I am prepared to live with the first
two of those future realities. But I
still find it hard to accept that I will
no longer be surrounded by my
which relevant material was clipped
or copied and filed.
The long-term consequence of our
paper-based operation is immedi-
ately apparent to anyone entering
m y o ff i c e . T h e c o u n t e r t o p s a re
stacked with file folders in piles two
to three feet high, over which rise
bookcases filled with more files. On
my desk, a dozen more piles of pa-
per cover most of the surface.
Most futurists I’ve met have of-
fices that look very much like mine.
But all of us also understand that, by
2030, all that paper will be gone.
I’m having trouble dealing with
that reality. Having all my informa-
tion literally within arm’s reach has
been the mainstay of my profes-
sional practice. With my paper data-
Paperless, Cashless, and
Wireless by 2030
By David Pearce Snyder
A futurist ponders the fate of his data
when the world is finally paperless.
I am a data-based forecaster, and
for over half a century all of that
data has been on paper. My col-
leagues and I learned about futures
methodologies by reading print-on-
paper books and professional jour-
nals, and we kept up with future-
shaping trends and developments by
reading magazines and newspapers,
think tank reports, and tomes by
policy wonks—all on paper, from
7. Paper—and the Places It Goes
Futurist David Pearce Snyder in his office.
30 THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 •
the general public may be approach-
ing a saturation point for informa-
tion. Dynamic packaging of content
will probably become the primary
model for magazines as well as
• The Book. The physical book
may not go extinct completely, be-
cause it offers certain subjective ex-
periences not replicated exactly by
electronic media. However, as pub-
lishers offer e-books at lower prices,
and e-readers become cheaper and
more available, e-books will almost
certainly outnumber physical books.
The two will probably co-exist. Self-
publishing will probably continue to
grow rapidly. Video books, or “v-
books,” with chaptered video con-
tent presented in digital format, may
also become popular, especially for
educational purposes. Some physical
book publishers, however, will prob-
ably go extinct because they fail to
make the wrenching transition to a
new and more risky publishing and
distribution model.
• The Greeting Card. Ounce for
ounce, the traditional printed greet-
ing card is one of the most ecologi-
cally wasteful products that people
buy. The average useful life of a
greeting card is about 15 seconds—
perhaps a few minutes if it gets
passed around at a party. Then it
usually goes into the waste stream,
or a bottomless drawer. As with
books, cards might survive if they
can be “repurposed,” or used to pro-
vide some additional value. Reus-
able greeting cards, for example,
might become popular. Perhaps the
card can be made edible, or even
biodegradable, with seeds attached
so it can give birth to a garden plant.
like the fax machine and then e-mail
radically reduced the mailing of
business letters. Most residential
mail now consists of junk mail and
bills; both are being steadily re-
placed by electronic options.
• The Personal Check. Businesses
spend billions of dollars annually to
bill their customers and process the
checks they mail. Electronic billing
and online payments are slashing
costs for both. The few customers who
hold out will probably have to pay
penalty fees for printed documents.
• The Newspaper. Two forces will
probably make the newspaper as we
know it extinct. One is the informa-
tion glut that is changing the reading
habits of consumers; the other is the
flight of advertising revenues to In-
ternet monopoly sites like Google,
Facebook, Yahoo, and others. Atten-
tion spans are shrinking, information
bites are getting smaller, and people
seeking information expect it to be
i n s t a n t a n e o u s . A s c o n v e n t i o n a l
newspapers die or migrate to online
platforms, publishers will try to de-
velop pay-per-view models that re-
claim their revenue streams. We may
see the emergence of dynamically
packaged online newspapers that
compile stories, articles, and adver-
tisements to suit the viewer’s unique
preference profile.
• The Magazine. Ditto what’s hap-
pening to newspapers. All popular
magazines now have online ver-
sions, many for free. Most are strug-
gling to maintain readership and
subscription revenues, and online
advertising has stolen a large part of
traditional ad revenue. With a vast
range of blogs, online news pages,
streaming video, and online games,
easy-to-access, user-friendly paper
The Private Library
By Lane Jennings
Even 10 years ago it would have
been inconceivable, but the evidence
is growing and the trend seems
clear: Instead of owning works that
bring us knowledge, delight our
senses, and stimulate our dreaming,
we will soon become mere “borrow-
ers” sucking on an electronic straw.
My father collected books. Most of
these simply interested him, a few di-
rectly helped in his profession, and
the rest were useful reference vol-
umes—dictionaries, encyclopedias,
and bibliographies. But then encyclo-
pedias and dictionaries were reduced
from print to floppy disks; ultimately,
they were rendered redundant by on-
line sources more complete and cur-
rent than any book could be.
Without a multivolume set of The
Great Books, a well-thumbed copy of
Webster’s International Dictionary, or
the Encyclopaedia Britannica in my
living room, how will anyone know
that I am still a scholar and a gentle-
man? Or will those terms themselves
have become obsolete?
O tempora, o mores, oh bother!
Paper Here Today,
Gone Tomorrow
By Karl Albrecht
Communication has been digitiz-
ing inexorably, but not completely,
for the past four decades. By 2030,
we may finally see the disappear-
ance of:
• The U.S. Postal Service and Lo-
cal Post Offices. The USPS is a clas-
sic example of a long-term “sitting
d u c k ” e x t i n c t i o n . D e c a d e s a g o ,
Sears, Roebuck & Co. left the mail-
order catalog business, and “COD”
(cash on delivery) service by the lo-
cal post offices went with it. Private
firms like Mailboxes Etc., FedEx,
UPS, DHL, and others began steal-
ing the business. Then technologies
To n a v i g a t e t h i s f u t u re , w e ’ l l
n e e d t o a s s u re t h a t s i n g l e m i s -
takes don’t haunt people forever.
We’ll need to find a way for finan-
c i a l d e t a i l s , h e a l t h i s s u e s , a n d
b e d r o o m c h o i c e s t o r e m a i n
cloaked. We need to become pre-
with multifac-
t o r l o g o n s t o
everything and
biometric data
that every pub-
l i c c a m e r a i n
the world can
access. The loss
o f a n o n y m i t y
will hopefully
cause increased
decreased rates
of many crimes,
a n d a c u l t u re
t h a t i s m o r e
We will know
m o r e a b o u t
each other, and
it will be up to
us as a society
to choose how
personal data is treated or mis-
treated. Not long from now, the diffi-
cult job of staying off the grid will be
close to impos sible for all but the ul-
tra-rich (who may still be able to use
personal assistants and shadow
companies to stay partly invisible).
The End of Anonymity
By Brenda Cooper
Living off society’s “grid” is getting
harder. We may give up trying to live our
quiet, anonymous lives.
Today, our paychecks generally
s h o w u p i n o u r b a n k s w i t h o u t
touching our hands. We leave credit-
c a rd t r a i l s b e h i n d u s , a n d o u r
phones constantly beam our location
to nearby cell towers so we can be
helped in an emergency. But the av-
erage person we pass on the street
may know nothing about us; to learn
more, they need only obtain partial
information and pay some money.
Anonymity is tough, but it’s still
possible to live off of the grid, even
in developed countries—as long as
you use cash for housing and food
and don’t fly on a commercial air-
line. An anonymous lifestyle is cer-
tainly not for the faint of heart, but
it’s possible.
It will be far harder to remain
anonymous in a cashless society
I awaken in a bad mood. The
bed is empty next to me and I sus-
pect Liz is working again. She
works too much. Without opening
my eyes, I know it’s time to get up.
Every morning, at 7 o’clock, the
windows change from light-block-
ing to transparent. The late autumn
sun fills the room. I peruse some
wardrobe choices, my virtual mirror
reflecting my image in each selec-
tion. I wait for my choice to rotate
toward the front of the rack and
proceed with my morning ablutions.
As I head downstairs, our garden
appears through the walls. The fall
colors warm me. The walls appear
completely transparent with the
thin layer of LED. I open the win-
dow and the curtains billow in the
fall breeze. It took some time to get
used to seeing the curtains sus-
pended in midair, like some do-
mestic apparition. Now, I barely no-
tice. I breathe in the fresh morning
As I move into the kitchen, news
begins to flow on the walls. CNN
knows my bad mood and sticks to
light news. Madonna and Mick Jag-
ger are going to have a baby. At
past 70, Madonna says she feels
vital and invigorated to be pregnant
at the same time as her grand-
daughter. With a life expectancy of
110 and the support of her record
label, she is thrilled to bring a new
pop sensation into the world.
My thoughts of children have
prompted the walls to display im-
ages of my sons as babies, tod-
dlers, and eventually young men.
Emotions flow. The warmth begins
to repel this bad mood.
With freshly brewed tea (my cus-
tom blend) in hand, I find my way
to the office. Liz is indeed working.
She smiles as I walk to her. We
kiss tenderly. This is going to be
another great day.
—Liz Leone and Jean Georges Perrin
8. Human Experiences
Bad Mood Is History: A Scenario
32 THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 •
have. As our technological world be-
comes increasingly intelligent, we
find ourselves at a threshold. The In-
ternet of Things, smart dust, embed-
ded intelligence—everything that
contributes to our increasingly smart
environment—combined with data
mining and statistical analysis, her-
ald a new era that may challenge our
notions about free will and deter-
As ever more information about
our actions becomes available from
our environment, the ability to
antici pate the statistical likelihood of
our movements, our decisions, even
our thoughts becomes possible.
Which brings us to the question: Did
we choose this path? Or were we
destined to take it?
Losing the Ability to Get Lost
By Josh Lindenger
Humans are inherently curious.
We have to explore. We are driven to
figure out who we are and how we
relate to everything around us.
Over the last two decades, we’ve
h a d a r e v o l u t i o n i n m a p p i n g
through the growth of localization
technologies. Global navigation sat-
ellites, Wi-Fi based positioning, algo-
rithms that map us around traffic—
in the developed world, at least,
location has become a given.
By 2030, with the continual expan-
sion of these technologies, getting
lost will have all but disappeared.
Whatever the interface ends up be-
ing at the time, we’ll be technologi-
cally tied to physical space at all
times. Want to go somewhere? Paths
present themselves to you.
But what if we want to get lost?
Will we miss the serendipity of new
experiences? We humans have a
need to explore, to fuel our curiosity
and understand more about our-
selves by experiencing new things.
In losing our ability to get lost, we
may rediscover in ourselves a new
wanderlust: that, in the end, we not
only want to get lost sometimes, but
need to because it’s part of what
makes us human.
ping area, or even to a specific coun-
try/city to buy particular items.
Or we waited in queues till we got
to the front of the queue. We waited
at airports till it was time to board
the flight. And then waited in court
for the next step in the process to
happen, whether a property dispute
or a divorce proceeding.
There is no waiting anymore, re-
ally. The 24/7 access to the Internet
via different devices means that we
can do our money transfers at any
time of the day or night, can shop for
that specific item of clothing online
whenever we want to. So whether
we are at the airport or in the court-
house, we are not really waiting. We
are immersed in a digital world do-
ing other things, like e-mailing, read-
ing news, watching a show, or shop-
Very soon, the “intelligent cloud”
that always knows us will constantly
serve suggestions based on our pro-
file and location. And 3-D printers
will help enable instant wish fulfill-
ment. What will we need to wait for?
Whatever Happened to
Free Will?
By Richard Yonck
Is free will disappearing? Are you
reading this sentence because a
chain of events going all the way
back to the Big Bang set in motion
everything that led up to this mo-
ment? Whether you agree with this
premise or not, were you destined to
do so?
The concepts of free will and de-
terminism have long been debated
by philosophers. Logically, if the uni-
verse is governed by a great chain of
cause and effect events, then it seems
p l a u s i b l e t h a t , g i v e n s u ff i c i e n t
knowledge and computing power,
we would be able to state every sub-
sequent event at any point in time.
Of course, this runs counter to our
i n t u i t i o n a n d e x p e r i e n c e . T h e
world—not to mention the uni -
verse—is so vast in its scale, com-
plexity, and randomness that such
notions seem naïve.
It may be that we’ll soon discover
just how much free will we actually
p a re d f o r o u r l i v e s t o b e o p e n
electronic books.
The Death of Reflection
By Lisa Gualtieri
I love my smartphone as much as
the next person and rely upon the
immediacy of information access in
my busy life. Is there a downside to
this for me and for our society? Yes:
the death of reflection.
B e i n g a l m o s t c o n s t a n t l y c o n -
nected—and agitated when not con-
nected—means losing those mo-
ments when disparate ideas come
together, when pleasant memories
lead to inspiration, or when ponder-
ing a problem leads to innovation.
Accessing and using too much infor-
mation all the time stifles reflection
and all of its benefits.
Fitness, I believe, offers the solu-
tion of listening to one’s body, which
is the antithesis of the quantified-self
movement in which everything is
tracked. When I run, I can feel last
night’s overindulgence or, equally,
last night’s eight hours of sleep. But
all the devices to track where I am—
my pace, the comparison to other
women my age or my last run—dis-
tract me from the reflective process
that often leads to great work after
my run.
Letting one’s mind wander and re-
f l e c t i n g o n b o t h o n e ’ s i n t e r n a l
thoughts and feelings and the exter-
nal world leads to great ideas—and
by that I don’t mean just new and
better devices.
No More Waiting
By Apala Lahiri Chavan
Waiting will disappear by 2030.
The concept of having to wait for
something or someone is increas-
i n g l y s h i f t i n g t o a n o t h e r v e r b ,
We once waited for the bank to
open in the morning to be able to
transfer money; waited for answers
to our letters that arrived by post/
courier; waited to travel to a shop- • THE FUTURIST September-October 2013
aids, and their functionality melted
into everything from eyeglasses,
watches, and jewelry to vehicles and
appliances. New functions such as
breathtakingly accurate real-time
language translation appeared (think
Babel fish in Doug Adams’s Hitchhik-
er’s Guide), making these tiny devices
essential and constant companions.
Screens remained, but only as mar-
velous peripherals, not the center of
communications activity.
We entered the age of conversa-
tional interaction, and our relation-
ship with digital technology moved
from personal to intimate. Couples
who couldn’t speak a common lan-
guage fell in love and married. Soci-
ologists cautioned users against
over-attachment to voice-AIs to the
exclusion of human contact. And at
those rare moments when we hap-
pen to think back, we marvel that
anyone could have ever communi-
cated anything of consequence on a
device as clunky and old-fashioned
as an iPhone.
Computing’s Future Is Wearable
By Harish Shah
Thanks to Google, the world will
soon see the commercialization of
the first wearable computer for the
I r o n i c a l l y, i t w a s
voice that killed the
s m a r t p h o n e . R o b u s t
AI-based voice recogni-
tion started to arrive in
the mid-teens, and us-
ers discovered what
they knew all along:
We would much rather
talk than tap. Driving
d i r e c t i o n s w e r e s o
much safer when spo-
ken, allowing drivers
to keep their eyes on
the road. Tweet-sized
q u i p s w e re n o w u t -
tered by AIs mimicking
the voices of the celeb-
rity dead. Even com-
merce became voice-
Robust voice eliminated the need
to design around screens, just as
t o u c h - s c r e e n t e c h n o l o g y o n c e
pushed out keypads. Communica-
tors shrank to the size of hearing
Farewell, Smartphone.
We Hardly Knew Thee
By Paul Saffo
Devices will be superfluous in the more-
intimate age of conversational interac-
Looking back from 2030, it is hard
to imagine just how central smart-
phones were to life in 2013—and
h o w q u i c k l y t h e y d i s a p p e a re d .
Smartphones followed a trajectory
similar to that other techno-antique,
the PC, but the smartphone arc was
even shorter.
The first smartphones appeared in
the mid-1990s, but it was Android
and iPhone that changed the commu-
nications landscape. By 2010, any-
thing with a physical keypad seemed
as obsolete as a rotary-dial Princess
phone, and voice took a back seat to
apps, Angry Birds, and tweets.
Most Americans migrated to cable television from broadcast
sion; now, many are cutting the television cord altogether. We
what we want, when we want, using Hulu or Netflix or other
delivery media. And we watch wherever we happen to be, using
tops, tablets, and smartphones.
And advertising dollars that used to go to the networks are now
ing to social media delivered over mobile devices.
The major networks will likely survive, probably becoming
ies of one of the social network juggernauts (Google, Facebook,
much like ABC network is part of Disney-ABC Television
Group. What
is becoming expendable—and will likely disappear—is the
strings of local affiliates.
These outlets are largely repeater stations of their larger
Except for their morning and evening newscasts, they provide
that is substantially different from the network’s product.
The 6 o’clock local news once had the advantage of timing over
newspaper delivery; now, it is behind virtually every other
means of
communication. The nearly 900 local TV affiliates just aren’t
needed in
the new mass communication marketplace. And despite how
they seemed for all these decades, when they finally go away
collective presence will hardly be missed. —Rob Bencini
9. Smartphones
Say Goodbye to News at 6:00
34 THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 •
next wave of computerization will
drive far more intelligent and conve-
nient interfaces into mainstream use,
relegating today’s dumb interfaces,
keyboards, and the mouse obso-
lete—like the old slide rules and
typewriters. Here is a summary of
our forecasts in this area:
Humans may soon rely on these
technologies to serve as virtual assis-
tants and to automate routine mental
work. Artificial intelligence, speech
and emotion recognition and transla-
Advanced IT Technologies
Entering Mainstream Use
Most Likely
2019 4 years
2017 3 years
Virtual Reality 2019 4 years
2024 7 years
AI 2024 8 years
Source: (2013)
bedded interface and, though true
telepathy will still be a couple of
decades away, gloves, rings, or
bracelets could become the access
point for manipulating the user in-
terface. It may someday give way to
subdermal implants that directly ac-
cess brain imagery and transmis-
sions to the microchips that are em-
bedded in our bodies.
As our computers become more
invisible and hardware design be-
comes more bio-design, we will also
see our privacy nearly completely
disappear. Each surface will become
“aware” of our presence and our ac-
tivities. Our bodies will carry an in-
ternal GPS tracking capability. Watch
out for intrusive messaging, hacking,
and surveillance that may come ever
so much closer to our thoughts, ac-
tions, preferences, and individuality.
Passing of the Dumb Interface,
Keyboard, and Mouse
By Alexandre Pupo and
William Halal
Ongoing trend analysis at the
TechCast Project suggests that the
masses, with a head-mounted dis-
play to be worn like a pair of glasses
by its users. Apple is also likely to
soon release a wearable computer in
the form of a smart watch, which has
already been dubbed by many as the
The same Internet-based commu-
nication currently used on smart-
phones or computers will likely also
be utilized on the wearable comput-
ers. The need for smartphones will
thus simply start diminishing, espe-
cially as prices for wearables begin
to decline. That the wearable will
primarily be a computer, beyond be-
ing just a communication device,
will be its most attractive feature.
The first few years that wearable
computers are on the market will
likely be a phase of trial and error,
when makers will be perfecting their
technology, adjusting to the market,
and meeting consumer needs and
wants. Once this phase passes, we
can expect history then to repeat it-
self, and our beloved smartphones
will simply fade away, like pagers
and other devices did before them.
The Concurrent Evaporation of
Hardware and Privacy
By E. Scott Denison
Hold in your hand for a moment
the sleek minimalist design that is
your smartphone. Note the thin
metal case, and touch the glossy,
glass interface.
If you like that sort of thing, then
you should keep it around as an
heirloom. By 2030, we will have dis-
pensed with much of the hardware
that we carry with us, including
phones and laptops, car keys or key
fobs, possibly even digital cameras.
All these devices will move from
silicon chips encased in industrial
designs to smart surfaces, smart
clothing, or biomechanically engi-
neered microcomputers that have
been implanted in or attached to the
body. Retinal implants or contact
lenses will carry the visual interface
to the individual, or the user will
transfer it to a variety of other “ac-
tive surfaces” such as tables or walls.
Each app will carry its own em-
Highway Signs
In 2030, the ubiquitous fixed roadway sign will have all but
peared. This scenario begins in the late 2010s, as attention turns
decaying infrastructure. Thanks to increasing federal tax
driven by the shale oil boom, state departments of
transportation will
begin funding projects to replace bridges, repave highways, and
an unexpected consequence) replace and update fixed-message
Cars are becoming increasingly connected to their surroundings
GPS. The Internet of Place—connecting vehicles to traffic and
way condition reporting systems—will emerge first in the more
urban areas. Better information means there could even be fewer
hicles involved.
The old signs could be replaced by active media signs equipped
with two-way communications that interact with the vehicles
than the drivers). These active-media posts might be updated
via fi-
ber-optic links. Some of their graphics could be sponsored by
enterprises, thus putting an end to billboards as well as roadway
signs. —Jim Breaux • THE FUTURIST September-October 2013
Car Crashes Will
Disappear by 2030
By Tom Schaffnit
The convergence of technologies that
connect and automate vehicles will keep
us all safer on the road.
Two technologies related to vehicle
safety are converging to significantly
reduce or even eliminate accidents.
1. Connected vehicle technology
uses specific wireless connections to
allow cars to “talk” with each other
and provide a warning when a con-
flict situation exists that is likely to
result in a crash. The vehicles each
broadcast a short message a number
of times every second. Other ve-
hicles receive these broadcasts and
compute a dynamic state map in or-
der to identify potential conflict situ-
ations, such as hard-braking events
up ahead in their lane of travel.
2. Automated vehicle technology.
Google’s self-driving vehicle project
has been able to demonstrate the
convenience aspect of this advanced
form of automated vehicle technol-
ogy. Automobile manufacturers,
meanwhile, have been conducting
their own research programs and in-
troducing automation features that
assist with lane-keeping and help to
maintain a safe distance from the car
ahead, for example. These auto-
mated vehicle tech-
n o l o g y d e p l o y -
ments have mainly
been based upon
autonomous sen-
sors located on the
individual vehicles.
A convergence of
the two technolo-
g i e s , a l o n g w i t h
sensory fusion to
allow the best use
o f b o t h a u t o n o -
mous sensors and
w i re l e s s c o m m u n i c a t i o n s f ro m
nearby vehicles, could lower costs
and enhance consumer enthusiasm,
ushering in connected, fully auto-
mated vehicles by the end of this
decade. The disappearance of car
crashes by 2030 could be a realistic
Nothing Left to Try?
The End of Jury Trials
By Clayton Rawlings
In theory, a jury trial is a search for
the truth in a way that ensures both
sides can be heard. The jury itself is
the fact finder. They determine what
the truth is based on the evidence
admitted before them.
But the types of cases that juries
are asked to consider will decline.
Consider that there are now 35,000
fatalities and 400,000 catastrophic in-
juries in the United States every year
from vehicle collisions. By 2030, ro-
botic transportation will reduce
these numbers dramatically. Robotic
labor will reduce the number of
workplace injuries on a similar scale.
We will not have thousands of jury
trials rendering personal injury ver-
dicts, because we will no longer
have the huge number of injury
cases to be decided.
Most drug crimes will no longer
be enforced in criminal courts, as ge-
netic manipulation and vaccinations
to cure addiction will do away with
these crimes. Sixty-five percent of all
criminal prosecutions are drug re-
lated, so removing drugs from the
equation medically will eliminate
the need for juries to convict and
sentence those involved in the drug
10. Insecurity
tion, touch controls, and other inter-
f a c e s a re a l re a d y e n t e r i n g t h e
In some cases, we can extend the
power of sheer thought to communi-
cate at a distance. Experiments are
finding ways that allow individuals
to direct their thoughts into electrical
signals that communicate silently
with computers, robots, and other
G r a p h i c a l i n t e r f a c e s , d i g i t a l
games, and augmented reality are
converging to immerse us in artifi-
cial environments that simulate sen-
sory experiences. Other trends show
that the Web is evolving into an in-
telligent system that understands
spoken inquiries, gathers relevant
information, and forms meaningful
Today’s dumb interfaces will soon
give way to touch, voice, avatars,
language translation, augmented re-
ality, and thought. An earlier Tech-
Cast study dubbed this virtual life-
style “TeleLiving.”
36 THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 •
Brain-scanning lie-detector tests al-
ready exist, but their results are still in-
admissible, having failed to gain scien-
tific acceptance as being reliable.
Moore’s law suggests that we’ll see a
scanner that will pass this last eviden-
tiary hurdle in the next 10 to 15 years.
When a reliable scanner can detect de-
ception in the human mind, the need
for a fact finder will be greatly re-
duced in all litigation. The fact finder
(jury) will not be needed to know the
This new reality will do away with
the swearing match that goes on to-
day. When the end is no longer in
doubt, litigants will settle cases rather
than incur the expense of a jury trial
that is doomed to fail.
I predict that jury trials will all but
disappear except for some special
circumstances by 2030. They will be
replaced by judicial intervention and
summary judgment. When the facts
are no longer in dispute, agreed set-
tlements through mediation by both
parties will become the norm, rather
than the traditional jury trial.
More Missing Futures
Here is a selection of other things our
readers suggested may disappear by 2030:
• Accountants. Traditional accountants
will be replaced by “Meta-digital Account-
ing (MdA).… Analysis of, and transactions
involving, economic and financial data will
be automated; no human presence is re-
quired.” —Alexandru Tugui
• The American Dream. “Seventeen
years from now the ‘Dream’ may not have
totally disappeared, but expectations of
achieving it will be smaller and may re-
quire two or three salaries for a family to
have the American Dream that we had in
the 1970s.” —Lester Kuhl
• Artificial scarcity. “With the advent of
3-D printing and nanotechnology, the illu-
sion of artificial scarcity should break down
once … awareness of these technologies
spreads and the implications of the capacity
for global abundance becomes realized.”
—Jonathan C. Lippe
• Circus animals. “By 2030, elephants
won’t be balancing on balls, tigers won’t be
jumping through hoops of fire, and bears
won’t be tightrope walkers.... Animals are gaining support
from a wide variety of organizations intent on protecting
them by legislation and legal action.” —LuAnne Feik
• Fire Trucks. “City managers recognizing the waste of
sending 50,000-pound fire engines hurtling to a non-fire-
related emergency will replace them with a modern communi-
cations system that provides rapid intelligence as to whether
nature of the emergency. Instead, the more frugal option of
SUV rescue sedans will be at the ready.” —Frank McDonough
• Forest Fires. “Within the next few years, flying drone
technology will advance to the point where solar powered
micro-drones will be able to achieve month-long flights with-
out interruption. Once accomplished, we will begin equip-
ping drones with infrared sensors to monitor any fires activ-
ity inside a forest.
“With proper fleet management, swarms of flying drones
will be capable of detecting any fire before it reaches 100
square feet in size. Once a fire is detected, the drone network
will instantly signal for fire extinguisher drones to fly over
and extinguish it.
“Within 10 years, virtually all forest fires will be elimi-
nated. However, not all fires are bad fires, and society
will begin to debate the much larger philosophical ques-
tion of who will get to decide.” —Thomas Frey
• Genders “will be nonexistent in civil law, in fashion, fra-
grance, and everyday life.” —Peter Eder
The End of Theft
In the country of India, a car is stolen every 6 minutes, but
in the state of Texas, a car is stolen every 5.5 minutes. As
every business knows, theft is a major problem, with most
viewing some percentage loss as unavoidable. However,
that attitude is about to change.
With improved security systems, vehicle theft has been
dropping since 1998, and will be all but eliminated by 2030
with the Internet of Things.
By 2020, more than 50 billion devices will be connected to
the Internet, and by 2030, virtually every item of value will
become traceable because of smart dust sensors.
Next-generation manufacturing will automatically embed
smart dust particles with sensors and transmitters into
everything we own. Whenever a purchase occurs, items
over a certain dollar value will be assigned to a personal
ownership network that we control.
Sensors in our clothing, cars, jewelry, shoes, and homes
will be primarily used to detect everything from air quality to
health irregularities, but they will also alert an “owner” when
a theft has occurred.
Whenever there is a “disturbance in the force,” officials
will be notified. —Thomas Frey • THE FUTURIST September-October 2013
• Human service. Advertisements promoting the benefits of talk-
ing to a real person (rather than an AI entity) will disappear.
because ‘real people’ aren’t as fabulous as we often make them
out to
be. They can be inconsistent, moody, and make mistakes. They
from a long list of cognitive biases and prejudices. … In
contrast, the
automated, intelligent systems being developed by Google,
IBM, and
others won’t suffer from any of those drawbacks.” —Garry
• Intelligence “will be extinct by 2030—that is, the ability to
for oneself, to reason things out independently of a
preponderance of
false data coming in.” —Ruth Wise
• Musical composers. “The music created by … algorithms can
saved to a computer/iPad with sheet music software.
will present millions of pages to the public at a minimal cost.
vals of spontaneously written music will flood the stadiums.
Sheet Music Pie.” —Douglas Cornish
• Pennies and other coins are “becoming less useful, as parking
meters, tolls, and public transit use smartcards and RFID
gies to streamline payment. Presumably by 2030 we will also
widespread acceptance of virtual currencies such as Bitcoin.”
—Virginia Holbert
• Plastic “for packaging material will be replaced by sustainable
packaging material and strategies for the reduction of packaging
worldwide in 2030.” —Werner Mittelstaedt
• Quiet in public places “will have disappeared, thanks to
tous and intrusive electronic gadgets, visual and audio
everywhere, and ego-driven social manners.” —Peter Eder
• Republicans and Democrats. “Both parties will be gone. They
will have morphed into two new parties representing even more
treme ideals, and a viable third party will exist.”
—Dave Allman, Elliott Wave International
• Sex. “New technologies … will provide safe, sanitary, ubiqui-
tous, consequence-free sexual pleasure. In-the-flesh interaction
with other humans will be purely optional and increasingly
in fact it may come to be seen as a fetish rather than ‘normal’
behavior.” —Virginia Holbert
• Shame. “We are losing our collective belief in what is right
wrong. Our shared ethos is giving way to a situational morality
dependent on who commits the infraction rather than the act
—Gregory Pashke
• Wilderness. “We are losing wilderness around the earth as the
human population grows. More and more wilderness is being
verted to farmland, mines, roads, towns and cities, and other
uses. Climate change is also significantly altering wilderness,
even in
protected areas. Aside from Antarctica, Greenland, deserts,
parts of
the United States (particularly Alaska), the Amazon, Canada,
and Si-
beria, there likely will only be a few protected wilderness areas
for people to experience wild, primeval, undeveloped, and
meled areas—and those areas will all show varying signs of
imprints.” —Michael Rees
About the Authors
Karl Albrecht is an executive management
consultant, business futurist, lecturer, and
author of more than 20 books on profes-
sional achievement, organizational perfor-
mance, and business strategy. E-mail
[email protected]
Rob Bencini, MBA, is a Certified Economic
Developer (CEcD) and economic futurist
from North Carolina. He provides trend im-
pact analysis for businesses and local gov-
ernments. Web site;
E-mail [email protected]
Jim Breaux is a futures studies graduate
student in the Foresight Master’s Program,
University of Houston, College of Technol-
ogy. He received the APF 2013 Student
Recognition Award, Individual Graduate
Student, for his paper, “Weather-Related
Disaster Recovery.” He is an engineer by
training and works with a major infrastruc-
ture engineering firm in Texas. E-mail
[email protected]
Morton Chalfy is a poet and novelist living
in California. E-mail [email protected]
Apala Lahiri Chavan is chief oracle and
innovator at Human Factors International
(HFI). She is an award-winning designer
(International Audi Design Award), and has
recently been made CEO of the Institute of
Customer Experience (,
a nonprofit initiative by HFI to explore the
future of global user experience. E-mail
[email protected]
Brenda Cooper is a technology profes-
sional, a science-fiction writer, and a public
speaker who lives in the Pacific Northwest.
She is associated with E-mail
[email protected]
John F. Copper is the Stanley J. Buckman
Professor (emeritus) of International Stud-
ies at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennes-
see. He is the author of more than thirty
books. E-mail [email protected]
E. Scott Denison is a design lecturer at
Ohio State University. His article “When De-
signers Ask, ‘What If?’” was published in
World Future Review’s Summer 2012 con-
ference edition. E-mail [email protected]
Jed Diamond is founder and director of
MenAlive, a health program that helps men,
and the women who love them, to live well
throughout their lives. Visit
38 THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 •
Daniel Egger is a business futurist, entre-
preneur, and strategist, helping clients cre-
ate a more comprehensive understanding
of what could drive the future and how to
influence the present. E-mail [email protected]
Thomas Frey is executive director of the
Da Vinci Institute and the Innovation editor
of THE FUTURIST magazine. His Web site
Lisa Gualtieri, PhD, ScM, is an assistant
professor in the Department of Public
Health and Community Medicine at Tufts
University School of Medicine. E-mail
[email protected]
William E. Halal is professor emeritus of
management, technology, and innovation at
George Washington University, and presi-
dent of TechCast LLC, a virtual think tank
tracking the technology revolution. Visit
Lane Jennings is managing editor of World
Future Review as well as a poet. E-mail
[email protected]
Liz Leone is an editor for Rodale and a
medical editor for GSK. E-mail [email protected]
Josh Lindenger is a futurist hailing from
Baltimore, Maryland, with a not-so-secret
desire to re-explore what it means to “get
lost” in cities using the techniques of psy-
chogeography. You can find him at or as
@jlindenger on Twitter. E-mail [email protected]
Lawrence Loh is a faculty member at NUS
Business School, National University of
Singapore, where he teaches strategic
management, global strategy, and corpo-
rate governance. He is also leading the
Governance & Transparency Index (GTI)
project, which ranks and publishes the cor-
porate governance performance of listed
firms in Singapore. E-mail [email protected]
Frank McDonough enjoyed more than 40
years of federal service, holding senior ex-
ecutive positions in four U.S. government
organizations. He is currently working on a
book titled Advice to Fernando, with 50
chapters discussing how to succeed in
high-level government jobs. Visit
Barry Minkin, author of The Great Unravel-
ing (2012), 2020 Future Vision (forthcom-
ing, 2014), and other books, is a futurist,
speaker, and global management consul-
tant. Visit
Alan Nordstrom is a professor of English
at Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida.
E-mail [email protected]
Manuel Au-Yong Oliveira is an invited lec-
turer at the University of Porto and at the
University of Aveiro (Portugal), Department
of Economics, Management and Industrial
Engineering, University of Aveiro, Campus
Universitário de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro,
Portugal, and Researcher at INESC TEC
(coordinated by INESC Porto), Faculty of
Engineering, University of Porto, Rua Dr.
Roberto Frias, 378, 4200-465 Porto, Portu-
gal. E-mail [email protected]
Jean Georges Perrin runs a software com-
pany, focusing on content analysis and lo-
gistics. E-mail [email protected]
Neill Perry has many years of experience
in the field of marketing and sales as an in-
dependent manufacturer’s rep. He writes on
a variety of nonfiction topics, short stories,
and how he envisions the future. E-mail
[email protected]
Alexandre Pupo is an information technol-
ogy professional and editor for the Tech-
Cast Project.
Clayton Rawlings is a licensed attorney in
the state of Texas who has tried over 150
jury trials. He attended the Strategic Fore-
sight program at the University of Houston
under Peter Bishop. Web site Hamptonan-; e-mail [email protected]
Michael Rees is a natural resource planner
with the National Park Service and has
worked for the NPS for over 21 years. His
views are his own and do not reflect the
views of the agency.
Paul Rux, PhD, is a lifelong professional
educator. E-mail [email protected]
Paul Saffo is a forecaster with more than
two decades of experience exploring the
dynamics of large-scale, long-term change.
He is managing director of foresight at Dis-
cern Analytics,, and a
member of the World Future Society’s
Global Advisory Council.
John Sagi is a professor of business at
Anne Arundel Community College, Arnold,
Maryland. He is on the board of AACC’s In-
stitute for the Future. E-mail [email protected]
Tom Schaffnit is an internationally recog-
nized expert in wireless telecommunications
technology and co-author of The Compre-
hensive Guide to Wireless Technologies
(first edition 1999, APDG Publishing).
E-mail [email protected]
Harish Shah is an entrepreneur, consul-
tant, coach, trainer, futurist, and sole propri-
etor at Stratserv Consultancy, Singapore.
E-mail [email protected]
Jason Siko is an assistant professor of ed-
ucational technology at Grand Valley State
University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He is
a graduate of the Futures Studies program
at the University of Houston, whose inter-
ests include online learning, the gamifica-
tion of learning, and the future of K-12 edu-
cation. E-mail [email protected]
John M. Smart is a technology foresight
scholar, educator, speaker, and consultant.
He is president of the Acceleration Studies
Foundation. Blog:
David Pearce Snyder is a consulting
futurist and the Lifestyles editor for THE
FUTURIST. E-mail [email protected]
Jason Swanson is a futurist living in Pitts-
burgh, Pennsylvania. You can follow Jason
at and
Joe Thomae is a real estate asset man-
ager. E-mail [email protected]
Dan Tuuri is a faculty member in the Col-
lege of Business and a student in the Doc-
toral of Community College Leadership at
Ferris State University in Big Rapids, Michi-
gan. E-mail [email protected]
Cynthia G. Wagner is editor of THE
FUTURIST. E-mail cwagner[email protected]
Benjamin C. Yablon is a prominent attor-
ney in Denver, Colorado, and author of two
novels: Pure Life and its forthcoming sequel,
The Chinese Dam. Visit www.PureLifeNovel
.com. E-mail [email protected]
Richard Yonck is a foresight analyst for
Intelligent Future LLC in Seattle. E-mail
[email protected]
Carrie Anne Zapka is a microbiologist in
R&D at GOJO Industries by day and an in-
dustrial and organizational psychology stu-
dent by night. E-mail [email protected] • THE FUTURIST September-October 2013
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further
reproduction prohibited without

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  • 1. Introduction One of my family’s legends (unverified) was that my great- grandfather invented the coin-operated newspaper-vending machine. He never pat- ented it, however, so watching the gradual disappearance of this sturdy, useful invention—first from my apartment building’s lobby, and then from the sidewalks outside my office—leaves me with no sense of grand, de- spairing loss. Today, I can read whatever I want digitally, without ever having to bash a frequently failing machine that eats my quarters. For me, the saddest loss from my youth is the soda fountain, that coun- tertop fixture in just about every drugstore in the United States a half a century ago. Folks could have a quick meal of grilled cheese sandwiches and cherry Cokes, and then buy sundries on the way out. As the car-crazy nation spread our lifestyles out into suburbs, it became easier and faster to order food at drive-through windows. Cars with cup holders reigned su- preme, and the soda fountain disappeared. So, what else might disappear in the next 15–20 years? And will
  • 2. we miss these things much? The loss of newspaper vending machines hasn’t af- fected our access to news, for instance. Soda fountains were replaced by al- ternative methods of meal dissemination. But in some cases, things have disappeared irrevocably and irreplaceably, some for better (smallpox) and some for worse (passenger pigeons). One thing we might not see disappear: predictions. Though many futur- ists believe we would be better off learning to make “robust” decisions that enable us to adapt and succeed in a variety of potential future scenar- ios—without benefit of definitive forecasts—humans have always felt a compulsion to know the future with as much certainty as possible. And that is why we have gone to members and friends of the World Future Society, once again, to seek out their informed and eye- opening in- sights about the future—in this case, the future we may not see. —Cynthia G. Wagner, editor Contents 1. Intolerance and Misunderstanding .... 23 John M. Smart, Daniel Egger, John F. Copper, Alan Nordstrom, Jed Diamond
  • 3. 2. Educational Processes ................... 24 Jason Siko, Jason Swanson, Dan Tuuri 3. Europe (Maybe, Maybe Not) ............ 26 Manuel Au-Yong Oliveira, Neill Perry 4. Jobs and Workplace Processes ........ 27 Thomas Frey, Paul Rux, Carrie Anne Zapka, Lawrence Loh 5. Stores ...................................... 28 Barry Minkin, John P. Sagi 6. Doctors ..................................... 29 Joe Thomae, Benjamin C. Yablon, Morton Chalfy 7. Paper—and the Places It Goes ......... 30 David Pearce Snyder, Lane Jennings, Karl Albrecht 8. Human Experiences ...................... 32 Brenda Cooper, Lisa Gualtieri, Apala Lahiri Chavan, Richard Yonck, Elizabeth D. Leone and Jean Georges Perrin, Josh Lindenger, Michael Rees 9. Smartphones .............................. 34 Paul Saffo, Harish Shah, E. Scott Denison, Alexandre Pupo and William E. Halal, Rob Bencini, Jim Breaux 10. Insecurity ................................. 36 Tom Schaffnit, Clayton Rawlings, Thomas Frey, Frank McDonough
  • 4. More Missing Futures ....................... 37 Dave Allman, Douglas Cornish, Peter Eder, LuAnne Feik, Virginia Holbert, Lester Kuhl, Jonathan C. Lippe, Werner Mittelstaedt, Gregory Pashke, Garry Schulz, Alexandru Tugui, and Ruth Wise About the Authors ............................ 38 Top 10 Disappearing Futures A special report by members and friends of the World Future Society 22 THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 • © 2013 World Future Society • 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 450, Bethesda, MD 20814, U.S.A. • All rights reserved. world population reaches a new un- derstanding of social connectivity. But in this hyperconnected sce- nario with its streamlined “global” communication, fewer people will be willing to invest time in learning new languages and cultural immer- sion. This unwillingness may then reduce people’s capacity to observe, reflect, understand, and respect other opinions, leading to new cul-
  • 5. tural misinterpretation and conflicts. We may thus see the rise of new conflicts as cultural understanding disappears. Rather than resolve con- flicts, we will merely shift attention away. Rather than improve collabo- ration, it will change how we judge, evaluate, and create trust in our rela- tionships. In 2030, we will navigate our so- cial web and filter, judge, ignore, and classify at high velocity; the risk is that we will also transform our inter- pretation into social realities that ig- nore cultural contexts. Vanishing Languages and the Rise of English and Chinese By John F. Copper By 2030, more than a third of the world’s estimated 6,000 languages will have disappeared. First to go will be those spoken by only a small number of people. Unwritten lan- guages will also pass early. Other languages, except for two, will expe- rience gradual or rapid disuse. Most people are increasingly learn- nies everywhere, vastly accel- erating innovation and entre-
  • 6. preneurship. Those who learn English or a n o t h e r l e a d i n g l a n g u a g e from birth, rather than relying on automatic language trans- lation, will gain the greatest new economic opportunities and cognitive fluencies. Lead- ing languages have by far the largest semantic vocabularies, and they allow the learner to deeply understand foreign cultures. Now for perhaps the most contro- versial prediction: As long as global science, technology, free trade, resil- iency, and wealth continue to accel- erate, as I expect they will, all the major religions and ideologies will continue to grow more ecumenical and secular. Mass fundamentalist re- ligious intolerance will disappear. Political and religious fundamental- ist backlashes will always be with us, but they’ll be increasingly small, weak, and short-lived, driven as al- ways by short-term catastrophes. Amen! Counterpoint: Why Cultural Understanding May Disappear By Daniel Egger In shared social environments, we
  • 7. create a single cognitive and percep- tive understanding of complexity through language, words, stories, music, and other cultural elements. But this could change. Globalization with a “world language” can drive cultural distinctions—and sensitivity for them—to extinction. In the mid-2020s, technical barriers in speech recognition, translation, and speech synthesis will not exist anymore. Real-time mobile lan- guage-translation devices are going to be available to the mass market. By 2030, their world market penetra- tion will surpass 80%. In this era of social connectivity, it will be possible to access everyone and any informa- tion. Without language barriers, Disappearance of Endangered Languages, Economic Immigration Barriers, and Mass Religious Intolerance By John M. Smart The advent of wearable smartphones could accelerate the disappearance of endangered languages, but also lowering of economic barriers and of fundamental- ist intolerance. By 2020, the ubiquity of wearable smartphones and the power of the
  • 8. conversational interface will give youth everywhere “teacherless edu- cation”; that is, conversation, both with remote peers and with the Web itself. For kids in developing nations, the killer app of teacherless education will be learning a more developed nation’s language at the same time they learn their own. Their wearable will “listen in” as they learn their na- tive language and deliver the same words in the foreign language of choice, along with images, learning aids, and games that test proficiency. Of the roughly 6,000 languages spoken today, perhaps 3,000 endan- gered languages will no longer be spoken by children in 2030. Most other languages will have lost users as well, as the languages of devel- oped nations with the most open cultures increasingly take their place. We’ll also see many more scientific, technical, business, social, and artis- tic “languages” (knowledge systems) taught from birth. English, the global language of business today, will benefit the most, bringing English-speaking nations as many as a billion new “virtual immi- grants” by 2030.
  • 9. In the high-bandwidth 2020s, many economic barriers to partici- pating in the global economy will disappear. Eager underemployed youth anywhere, speaking the same language and understanding the same global culture, will be able to work with large and small compa- 1. Intolerance and Misunderstanding ALLEX MAX / BIGSTOCK • THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 23 ingly destructive methods of vio- lence, macho man rose to the top. Cut off from his own feelings, he could more easily control nature, other men, women, and children. But this I-It relationship to the world is not only destructive to the life spirit, it is also unsustainable. When macho man lives as though he cal, social, and spiritual) that make t h e w o r l d o f 2 0 1 3 s e e m n e o - Medieval. We will have stabilized our popu- lation sustainably. Our former pen- chant for exploitation and domina-
  • 10. tion will have been sanitized by education, informed by humane val- ues promoting cooperation and col- laboration on common i n t e re s t s a n d m u t u a l benefits. Aggressive, ac- quisitive, exploitative behaviors are deemed pathological and regres- sive, even primitive. M o s t d i s t i n c t i v e i n 2030 is the pervasive kindness and civility of human behavior. Only a g e n e r a t i o n e a r l i e r i t would have been ludi- crous to suppose that the outrageous violence of the 9/11 era could ever be transcended: ethnic cleansing, terrorism, fi- nancial exploitation, plu- tocracy. But the “Big One” finally brought in- humane humanity to its knees and its senses, waking us collectively to our radical sense of kin- ship and kindness. Goodbye, Macho Man By Jed Diamond For millions of years,
  • 11. humankind lived in bal- ance with nature, one voice among many in the chorus of life. But gradually we became disconnected from the earth and dominant over it: All other life on the planet must serve the needs of humans or die. In the words of the philosopher Martin Bu- ber, our relationships c h a n g e d f ro m I - T h o u (sustained connections to the external) to I-It (separated from the ex- ternal). Using increas- ing and using a “dominant” language such as English and/or Chinese, both of which are growing fast in terms of their number of speakers and their usage in business and science. English is the language of science and technology, education, business, the media, movies, and the global culture. It is the language of democ- racy. The English vocabulary is vast compared to other languages. Some call it the necessary or indispensable language. Chinese is the language of more
  • 12. people than any other and is becom- ing an important business language. China is also excelling in science and technology, registering more patents than any country in the world and publishing more scientific articles. Many predict that China will be the world’s dominant economic power and military power in two or three decades. The ability to speak both Chinese and English would allow one to communicate with half of the people on the planet. This figure will grow to 60% or more in 15 years. At that time, the dream of a universal lan- guage may be upon us. In the future, linguists and histori- ans will be able to study the extinct languages, as they will be recorded and preserved. Bilingualism and multilingualism will keep the ones falling into disuse from becoming ir- relevant, while most of the planet’s population will regularly use En- glish or Chinese, or both. The End of Religion, The Rise of Spirituality By Alan Nordstrom The most revolutionary change underlying the transformative era in
  • 13. the next half century is the demise of religion and the rise of spirituality. Society will outgrow doctrinaire be- lief systems accepted on traditional “faith” and inculcated by authoritar- ian intimidation. By 2030, the pervasive power of communication systems will enable human beings collectively to achieve a higher level of common sense, in- formed by advanced sciences (physi- 2. Educational Processes Disappearing Public Education By Jason Siko Public schools are privatizing, and new ways of mastering and assessing the attainment of knowledge and skills are replacing the factory model of education. Public education in the United States will have all but disappeared by 2030, beginning with the primary and secondary systems that have been in place since the end of the nineteenth century. The decline of the public tertiary educational sys- tem will take longer, but will be due to the same factors. Technology will help to destroy the long-held traditions of grouping stu-
  • 14. dents by age. Smart systems will al- low us to solve educational psycholo- gist Benjamin Bloom’s “Two-Sigma Dilemma,” where education pro- gresses through mastery learning and individualized instruction based on quality data analytics. As students progress, they are allowed to special- ize earlier and earlier (much like ath- letics today)—so much so that no one has a generalized diploma, only cer- tificates of competencies in skills that the workforce demands. While this sounds desirable, the process was handed over to a select few companies that were directed to maintain the status quo by the elite. This change was facilitated by the United States’ inability to fund pub- lic education, as state budgets con- 24 THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 • were separate from nature, thinking he could rule the world, it is like the brain thinking it could rule the body, demanding all the life-giving blood. “To hell with the kidneys, the lungs, or the spleen,” the head says. “I’m the most important organ in the body and I want more, more, more.”
  • 15. Macho man is on his way out. The tinued to fail to generate the neces- sary revenue for all public services. Like current U.S. telecommunica- tions and postal delivery systems, what the government initially set up will be handed over to three or four major companies. They will provide instruction and training online based on regional demand trends and fore- casts from corporations in a particu- lar geographic region. In addition, they will provide site-based techni- cal and pedagogical support; the lo- cal companies will purchase the old school buildings to generate revenue for the state and convert them to tu- toring stations and early childhood daycare facilities. While students could specialize and obtain employment (which low- ers unemployment numbers signifi- cantly), their choices are limited; thus, upward mobility becomes nearly impossible. Education Abandons the Factory Model By Jason Swanson In the list of things that may po- tentially disappear by 2030, we
  • 16. might also include ways of doing things, or processes. And one pro- cess that could potentially disappear is the factory model of education, or the idea of “one size fits all.” There is already a strong case for this process to disappear in the future. Ideas such as an Individual- ized Education Plan (IEP) for every student have garnered a lot of atten- tion. Advances in t e c h n o l o g y l i k e learning analytics will allow educators t o p r o c e s s l a r g e amounts of data on students in order to g e t i n s i g h t s i n t o how students learn best. T h e s e a re s i g n - posts that point to a shift away from the m a s s - p r o d u c t i o n e d u c a t i o n m o d e l and toward a future in which each stu- dent’s educational experience is truly individualized and tailored to how he or she learns best.
  • 17. The End of Grade Point Averages By Dan Tuuri In 2030, the grade point average (GPA) will no longer be the primary instrument to validate academic achievement. The GPA is based upon the value that an instructor has provided a stu- dent. In many institutions, instruc- tors define their own valuation of how points are distributed, in some instances with certain categories having little to do with the actual learning achieved. Furthermore, some instructors face pressures to in- flate grades. In recent years, even the U.S. gov- ernment began to call for independent third-party testing of some program- ming. The inclusion of this data pro- vided reference points of independent data that instructional staff could uti- lize for course and program improve- ment and could further develop com- parative data between institutions. Recently, the concept of badges has also taken off. I believe we will continue to see these developed. Noted endorsements of specific skills that a person would need for
  • 18. success are much more valuable than a single identified reference. I-Thou man is replacing him, and there is a chance for humanity to re- turn to a way of life that has sus- tained us for millions of years. Lo- cally sustainable earth communities are emerging throughout the world, and men are learning to be kind to themselves, each other, and the won- derful planet we all share. FRANCESCO SANTALUCIA / BIGSTOCK • THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 25 ernment, United Europe, emerges. The old national borders serve as a way to maintain their history, cul- tural roots, and social distinction. Over the years, the differences be- tween individual nations have dissi- pated. Merged into one larger cen- tral government, the former nations are now independent provinces with democratically elected officials who represent them in the central govern- ment of United Europe. With the elimination of the former borders and a common language, United Eu- ropeans have more freedom and
  • 19. independence. The combined resources increase United Europe’s economic and polit- ical clout, allowing it to compete against technological and industrial giants like the United States and China. The nations that meld into one larger country of United Europe strengthen their ability to provide products and services, raise their standard of living, and gain com- m e rc i a l a n d p o l i t i c a l i n f l u e n c e globally. more socially oriented values, while southern European countries con- v e rg e t o t a k e a m o re a s s e r t i v e stance? As Nobel Prize–winning econo- mist Douglass C. North has said, structural and institutional change cannot be disassociated from long- term culture change. This is where Europe needs to focus its attention, before it is too late for the dream of a prosperous, long-lasting, unified Europe. Counterpoint: Europe, Tear Down Your Borders By Neill Perry By 2030, with the advent of the
  • 20. euro as a multinational currency, the economic and commercial relation- ship among the nations of Europe will have changed. Restrictions on trade are eliminated, helping raise the economic condition of the poorer countries. This eliminates the need for formal borders between them, and as a result, a new central gov- 3. Europe (Maybe, Maybe Not) A World without a Unified Europe By Manuel Au-Yong Oliveira Long-term culture change will be needed to hold Europe together till 2030. The European Union will have to change a great deal if it is still to be around in 2030, but no one is currently focus- ing on the changes necessary to make the EU a success. In business mergers, attention to the differences in the orga- nizational cultures of the merging companies is at the forefront of managerial con- cerns. But this has not been the case in the European merger.
  • 21. The European Union is basically a merger of very diverse nations and faces the same kinds of issues as companies do: How can we get dif- ferent countries—where people with very different values, attitudes, and beliefs live—to pool together their unique knowledge capital to make the merger a success? For instance, is it fair to say that highly assertive “Type A” Germans think and act differently from the “Type B” French, Italians, Irish, Finns, and Portuguese (to use the classification by Deanne N. Den Hartog)? Ideally, these countries would have similar economic as well as social behaviors. To lead Europe out of its predica- ment, a new vision is called for. Only with a far-reaching common culture will different governments and the people they represent share the view that, for the union to prosper and to have a sustainable future, they have to put in at least as much as they want to take out. What should a European culture, common across its borders, look and feel like? Will northern European countries need to soften toward
  • 22. JAM-DESIGN.CZ / BIGSTOCK 26 THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 • compensation will be correlated to time. Dynamic pay-per-task networks will replace fixed annual salaries and hourly pay rates. Work will be nego- tiated between temporal workers and “workees”—those for whom work is performed. Compensation will be volatile. Real-time supply and demand, crowd reputation rat- ings, experience points, and recom- mendation networks will replace résumés and job titles. Whither the Board of Directors? By Lawrence Loh Gone will be the days when a seat on a company’s board of directors carries a sense of prestige, a sign of arrival, and a sure way to make big bucks. Over recent decades, a spate of corporate governance disasters has triggered fast and furious regulatory reforms, such as the U.K. Cadbury R e p o r t i n 1 9 9 2 a n d t h e U . S .
  • 23. Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002. Both of these have resulted in a significant tightening up of requirements, espe- cially for being a company director. Many qualified and experienced personnel will thus no longer want to be directors, as the risks and lia- bilities are getting just too high and not worth the time and effort for the returns. And that is the hollowing out of the supply of directors. The corporate sector should go back to the basics. Stakeholders, es- pecially investors, must take the company back from the directors, who are at present not necessarily selected by or even serving the inter- est of investors. Instead of the board, companies will experience investor activism in the form of direct corporate democ- racy. Investors will themselves elect representative, council-like mecha- nisms to take charge of corporate governance. Companies will be too important to be left to boards of directors, which will disappear by 2030. will eliminate the need for contrac- tors and building materials. Pill print- ers will replace entire pharmacies.
  • 24. • Automated manufacturing is al- ready eliminating tons of jobs. Bots and drones will begin disrupting many other industries along with their base of employment. At the same time that billions of jobs are disappearing, we will be cre- ating billions more. But to do so, we will need to streamline our systems and prepare for the skill sets and job demands of tomorrow. The Coming Demise of Teamwork By Paul Rux In his classic 2001 study Free Agent Nation, Daniel Pink observed a growing trend toward solo practi- tioners instead of teams. He foresaw how relentless changes in technol- ogy and corporate greed would combine to reduce workers en masse to the level of office temps. It is hard to build teamwork around workers who constantly come and go. De- spite a pop culture that lauds team- work in sports, this is not the emerg- ing workplace reality. S o f o rg e t t e a m w o r k . I n s t e a d , coach creative “stars.” The powerful trend toward freelance workplaces
  • 25. signals the coming demise of team- work. Get ready to move, re-skill, and coach innovative individuals as leaders. Obsolescence of Fixed Pay-Per-Time Compensation By Carrie Anne Zapka O n l y m u s e u m s w i l l d i s p l a y punch-in time clocks. Future histori- ans will view this artifact as a failed attempt to mechanize human behav- ior—an unfortunate result of the In- dustrial Revolution. Without punch- clocks, neither performance nor Two Billion Jobs to Disappear by 2030 By Thomas Frey As technologies disrupt economies, jobs will disappear. But learning new skills will keep people in business. By 2030, more than 2 billion jobs will disappear, roughly 50% of all the jobs on the planet. This is not in- tended as a doom and gloom sce- nario, but rather as a wakeup call for the new skillsets we’ll need in the future. According to McKinsey’s Global
  • 26. Institute, 12 disruptive technologies are at the heart of this disruption: m o b i l e I n t e r n e t , a u t o m a t i o n o f knowledge and work, Internet of things, cloud technology, advanced robotics, autonomous and near- autonomous vehicles, next-genera- tion genomics, energy storage, 3-D printing, advanced materials, ad- vanced oil and gas exploration and recovery, and renewable energy. Pay very close attention to these 12 technologies. They will be both the job destroyers and the job creators in our future. Here are a few examples of how this will occur: • Driverless cars will be on the verge of eliminating millions of driver positions. Buses, taxis, trucks, limos, UPS, FedEx, and more will be transitioning into driverless forms of themselves. At the same time, we’ll see a dwindling of parking lots, gas stations, traffic cops, and traffic courts, and fewer doctors and nurses will be needed to treat injuries. • Education will see a mass transi- tion from teaching to coaching, as 90% of all traditional classes will take place online by 2030, even in K-12. • 3 - D p r i n t e r s w i l l d i s r u p t
  • 27. everything from manufacturing, to health care, to retail, to art, to con- struction and building materials. Printed clothing and shoes produced at the store you’re shopping in will replace garment districts around the world. Printed buildings and houses 4. Jobs and Workplace Processes • THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 27 store to make the purchase. In the future, these toys will be re- placed, but even bigger change is coming to the process of shopping. For example, my spouse recently went shopping for an iPhone. The Verizon store in the local mall had the very version of the phone she de- sired. The clerk then explained that her new phone was “being config- ured and on its way from the Mid- west.” We couldn’t take our pur- chase home with us—it wasn’t even available in the store. Stores are gradually becoming mere demonstration places, due to several forces: 3-D printing allows localized and instant manufacturing;
  • 28. radio frequency identification (RFID) tracks products at every stage; rapid transport and augmented reality promise overnight delivery (soon perhaps via drones). Our central- Locations, Locations, Locations By Barry Minkin All the prime retail spots will be taken, but new distribution opportunities will emerge. By 2030, the best locations for re- tailers around the world will have been found and occupied. You can already find a Big Mac or Starbucks coffee even in the most re- mote corners of the world. By 2030, companies will be looking for inno- vative low-cost distribution opportu- nities. For example, since Starbucks controls the retail locations, are there profitable opportunities to control the many beverage cart locations? Innovative marketing channels will be the key to success. For in- stance, there are not a lot of candy stores in Russia, so Mars put kiosks in places like Red Square to sell its products. Gillette uses suppliers with trays around their necks to sell its blades in India.
  • 29. There are also opportunities to sell many other products once you have developed distribution channels. Colgate distributes more than 173 products in more than 50 countries, and some of these products are man- ufactured by other companies. Of course, the Internet will con- tinue to help put “going out of busi- ness” signs in the store windows of retailers in marginal locations. “Mommy, What’s a Store?” Consumerism in the Connected Age By John P. Sagi For Christmas shoppers at big stores, the most popular toys fly off the shelves—Furby, Monster High Dolls, Angry Birds, Legos. Parents frantically use their iPhones to check other stores and eBay for availability (and better prices), then leave the 5. Stores ized, connected cities keep us ever local, and e-commerce connects us. By 2030, shoppers will not use “stores” as we know them, but may visit membership-accessed “Demo
  • 30. Docks.” Beginning with items such as electronics and clothing, you’ll browse online for specifications, ca- pability, and pricing; you’ll then visit a local dock to “play” with the prod- uct using augmented-reality tools. These demo docks will market our favorite brands, and robots will show the items or clothes, very accu- rately responding to our questions. No expensive stock is on site, saving space and insurance costs. Complet- ing the purchase online, the cus- tomer returns home, and the item ar- r i v e s o n t h e d o o r s t e p t h e n e x t morning. No backorders, and no f i g h t s f o r t h e l a s t “ F u r b y ” : Everything is available. NMEDIA / BIGSTOCK 28 THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 • tures as possible will be built into these new medical service models, but it may always be better to have surgeons and patients in close prox- imity, robotic assistant or not. The doctor shortage is largely due to the fact that talented people who could be doctors are moving into
  • 31. fields in which their skills can be more richly rewarded. By 2030, only the privileged will actually have their surgeons in the operating rooms with them; the rest of us had better hope for highly stable commu- nication grids. The End of the Art of Medical Diagnosis By Morton Chalfy For centuries, medical diagnosis has been an art more than a science. In the hands of its finest practition- ers, the art has saved lives and averted disasters; in the hands of the less than great, it has caused unnec- essary procedures, intense discom- fort, and sometimes death. Art will succumb to science as the massive power of machines like IBM’s Watson enable computers to learn from repetition. Over the next decades, medical records will be fed into “Doctor” Watson’s memory banks, and diagnosis will become scientific and statistical. Physicians will be able to do away with guesswork and prescriptions of “Let’s try this and see if it works,” and go right to “This is the likeliest diagnosis and this is the likeliest
  • 32. treatment for best effect.” mation; if that question- ing cannot resolve the issue, the computer will schedule an examination with an appropriate spe- cialist. This system will not likely be used for early childhood pediatric ex- ams, but parents will use the same daily monitor- ing hardware and soft- ware on children. This allows us to catch childhood maladies early and will allow new parents to gain valu- able insights related to child care. Operating without Surgeons By Benjamin C. Yablon By 2030, America will be 150,000 doctors short, just as the median age of the country’s baby boomers hits 72. A voracious consumption of health care will far eclipse what can reasonably be provided by the cur- rent distribution model, but techno- logical solutions are ready to fill the void. Today, there are more than 200 robot-assisted da Vinci Surgical Sys-
  • 33. tems deployed across the United States. Also in use are products such as the Socrates Robotic Telecollabo- ration System, which allows shared control of robotic surgical assistants operating from different locations. These machines dramatically de- crease the invasiveness of many pro- cedures, greatly improving recovery times. By 2030, this technology will be ubiquitous, allowing sought-after surgeons to perform procedures all over the world without having to leave their offices. There are some obvious draw- backs to having your surgeon work- ing in a distant location. For in- stance, what if the cardiologist performing your heart transplant lives in California and an earthquake hits, interrupting her connection with the robotic assistant whose me- chanical fingers are in your chest? As many safety and redundancy fea- Disappearing Doctors By Joe Thomae Adults will no longer need to visit a doc- tor’s office for routine checkups. By 2030, adult visits to a doctor for an annual physical, blood cholesterol screening, exams for prostate or
  • 34. breast cancer, and many other im- portant but nonemergency consulta- tions will be a thing of the past. Several trends will drive this change: 1. Technology will enable an accu- rate and personalized diagnosis in your own home. The ubiquity of smartphones and sensors tied to cloud computing will allow screen- ing for chemical indicators for can- cer, blood glucose and oxygenation levels, EKG, respiration rate, heart attack and stroke precursors, and more. The information will upload into a personal medical database, and no human will ever see it until your database alerts your doctor that something is amiss. 2. Patients will, after initial privacy concerns abate, begin to understand that regular, consistent monitoring of many health indicators will act in their favor, preserving good health and indicating potential catastrophic conditions. 3. Insurers will price policies and make coverage conditional on the use of this system of monitoring and detection. 4. The efficient economics of this
  • 35. system address the cost implications of socialized medicine and the loom- ing doctor deficit. The public-health benefits begin to become evident as daily, real-time reporting of conditions like typical flu symptoms will aid in the delivery of medicines and enable people to avoid interactions where they might either become ill or spread their own illnesses. Users will be alerted to issues via algorithms that scan daily test re- sults. Computers may send simple text questions to obtain more infor- 6. Doctors, Surgeons, and “Diagnostic Arts” DMITRIY SHIRONOSOV / BIGSTOCK • THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 29 base, I know exactly—and feel kines- thetically—where all my facts are. To be equally certain of finding that same information in cyberspace would require me to master an en- tirely new set of skills. It would also require a level of confidence in infor- mation technology that I do not yet possess.
  • 36. Information and communication are dematerializing. Paper money will also disappear by 2030, and I’m perfectly prepared to live in a cash- less future. Commerce will be cash- less, phones will be wireless, and print will be paperless. I am prepared to live with the first two of those future realities. But I still find it hard to accept that I will no longer be surrounded by my which relevant material was clipped or copied and filed. The long-term consequence of our paper-based operation is immedi- ately apparent to anyone entering m y o ff i c e . T h e c o u n t e r t o p s a re stacked with file folders in piles two to three feet high, over which rise bookcases filled with more files. On my desk, a dozen more piles of pa- per cover most of the surface. Most futurists I’ve met have of- fices that look very much like mine. But all of us also understand that, by 2030, all that paper will be gone. I’m having trouble dealing with that reality. Having all my informa- tion literally within arm’s reach has been the mainstay of my profes-
  • 37. sional practice. With my paper data- Paperless, Cashless, and Wireless by 2030 By David Pearce Snyder A futurist ponders the fate of his data when the world is finally paperless. I am a data-based forecaster, and for over half a century all of that data has been on paper. My col- leagues and I learned about futures methodologies by reading print-on- paper books and professional jour- nals, and we kept up with future- shaping trends and developments by reading magazines and newspapers, think tank reports, and tomes by policy wonks—all on paper, from 7. Paper—and the Places It Goes © MICHAEL VENTURA Futurist David Pearce Snyder in his office. 30 THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 • the general public may be approach- ing a saturation point for informa- tion. Dynamic packaging of content
  • 38. will probably become the primary model for magazines as well as newspapers. • The Book. The physical book may not go extinct completely, be- cause it offers certain subjective ex- periences not replicated exactly by electronic media. However, as pub- lishers offer e-books at lower prices, and e-readers become cheaper and more available, e-books will almost certainly outnumber physical books. The two will probably co-exist. Self- publishing will probably continue to grow rapidly. Video books, or “v- books,” with chaptered video con- tent presented in digital format, may also become popular, especially for educational purposes. Some physical book publishers, however, will prob- ably go extinct because they fail to make the wrenching transition to a new and more risky publishing and distribution model. • The Greeting Card. Ounce for ounce, the traditional printed greet- ing card is one of the most ecologi- cally wasteful products that people buy. The average useful life of a greeting card is about 15 seconds— perhaps a few minutes if it gets passed around at a party. Then it usually goes into the waste stream, or a bottomless drawer. As with
  • 39. books, cards might survive if they can be “repurposed,” or used to pro- vide some additional value. Reus- able greeting cards, for example, might become popular. Perhaps the card can be made edible, or even biodegradable, with seeds attached so it can give birth to a garden plant. like the fax machine and then e-mail radically reduced the mailing of business letters. Most residential mail now consists of junk mail and bills; both are being steadily re- placed by electronic options. • The Personal Check. Businesses spend billions of dollars annually to bill their customers and process the checks they mail. Electronic billing and online payments are slashing costs for both. The few customers who hold out will probably have to pay penalty fees for printed documents. • The Newspaper. Two forces will probably make the newspaper as we know it extinct. One is the informa- tion glut that is changing the reading habits of consumers; the other is the flight of advertising revenues to In- ternet monopoly sites like Google, Facebook, Yahoo, and others. Atten- tion spans are shrinking, information bites are getting smaller, and people seeking information expect it to be
  • 40. i n s t a n t a n e o u s . A s c o n v e n t i o n a l newspapers die or migrate to online platforms, publishers will try to de- velop pay-per-view models that re- claim their revenue streams. We may see the emergence of dynamically packaged online newspapers that compile stories, articles, and adver- tisements to suit the viewer’s unique preference profile. • The Magazine. Ditto what’s hap- pening to newspapers. All popular magazines now have online ver- sions, many for free. Most are strug- gling to maintain readership and subscription revenues, and online advertising has stolen a large part of traditional ad revenue. With a vast range of blogs, online news pages, streaming video, and online games, easy-to-access, user-friendly paper database. The Private Library By Lane Jennings Even 10 years ago it would have been inconceivable, but the evidence is growing and the trend seems clear: Instead of owning works that bring us knowledge, delight our senses, and stimulate our dreaming, we will soon become mere “borrow-
  • 41. ers” sucking on an electronic straw. My father collected books. Most of these simply interested him, a few di- rectly helped in his profession, and the rest were useful reference vol- umes—dictionaries, encyclopedias, and bibliographies. But then encyclo- pedias and dictionaries were reduced from print to floppy disks; ultimately, they were rendered redundant by on- line sources more complete and cur- rent than any book could be. Without a multivolume set of The Great Books, a well-thumbed copy of Webster’s International Dictionary, or the Encyclopaedia Britannica in my living room, how will anyone know that I am still a scholar and a gentle- man? Or will those terms themselves have become obsolete? O tempora, o mores, oh bother! Paper Here Today, Gone Tomorrow By Karl Albrecht Communication has been digitiz- ing inexorably, but not completely, for the past four decades. By 2030, we may finally see the disappear- ance of:
  • 42. • The U.S. Postal Service and Lo- cal Post Offices. The USPS is a clas- sic example of a long-term “sitting d u c k ” e x t i n c t i o n . D e c a d e s a g o , Sears, Roebuck & Co. left the mail- order catalog business, and “COD” (cash on delivery) service by the lo- cal post offices went with it. Private firms like Mailboxes Etc., FedEx, UPS, DHL, and others began steal- ing the business. Then technologies LARRY MALVIN / BIGSTOCK • THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 31 To n a v i g a t e t h i s f u t u re , w e ’ l l n e e d t o a s s u re t h a t s i n g l e m i s - takes don’t haunt people forever. We’ll need to find a way for finan- c i a l d e t a i l s , h e a l t h i s s u e s , a n d b e d r o o m c h o i c e s t o r e m a i n cloaked. We need to become pre- with multifac- t o r l o g o n s t o everything and biometric data that every pub- l i c c a m e r a i n the world can access. The loss o f a n o n y m i t y
  • 43. will hopefully cause increased accountability, decreased rates of many crimes, a n d a c u l t u re t h a t i s m o r e careful. We will know m o r e a b o u t each other, and it will be up to us as a society to choose how personal data is treated or mis- treated. Not long from now, the diffi- cult job of staying off the grid will be close to impos sible for all but the ul- tra-rich (who may still be able to use personal assistants and shadow companies to stay partly invisible). The End of Anonymity By Brenda Cooper Living off society’s “grid” is getting harder. We may give up trying to live our quiet, anonymous lives. Today, our paychecks generally s h o w u p i n o u r b a n k s w i t h o u t touching our hands. We leave credit- c a rd t r a i l s b e h i n d u s , a n d o u r phones constantly beam our location
  • 44. to nearby cell towers so we can be helped in an emergency. But the av- erage person we pass on the street may know nothing about us; to learn more, they need only obtain partial information and pay some money. Anonymity is tough, but it’s still possible to live off of the grid, even in developed countries—as long as you use cash for housing and food and don’t fly on a commercial air- line. An anonymous lifestyle is cer- tainly not for the faint of heart, but it’s possible. It will be far harder to remain anonymous in a cashless society I awaken in a bad mood. The bed is empty next to me and I sus- pect Liz is working again. She works too much. Without opening my eyes, I know it’s time to get up. Every morning, at 7 o’clock, the windows change from light-block- ing to transparent. The late autumn sun fills the room. I peruse some wardrobe choices, my virtual mirror reflecting my image in each selec- tion. I wait for my choice to rotate toward the front of the rack and proceed with my morning ablutions. As I head downstairs, our garden appears through the walls. The fall
  • 45. colors warm me. The walls appear completely transparent with the thin layer of LED. I open the win- dow and the curtains billow in the fall breeze. It took some time to get used to seeing the curtains sus- pended in midair, like some do- mestic apparition. Now, I barely no- tice. I breathe in the fresh morning scent. As I move into the kitchen, news begins to flow on the walls. CNN knows my bad mood and sticks to light news. Madonna and Mick Jag- ger are going to have a baby. At past 70, Madonna says she feels vital and invigorated to be pregnant at the same time as her grand- daughter. With a life expectancy of 110 and the support of her record label, she is thrilled to bring a new pop sensation into the world. My thoughts of children have prompted the walls to display im- ages of my sons as babies, tod- dlers, and eventually young men. Emotions flow. The warmth begins to repel this bad mood. With freshly brewed tea (my cus- tom blend) in hand, I find my way to the office. Liz is indeed working.
  • 46. She smiles as I walk to her. We kiss tenderly. This is going to be another great day. —Liz Leone and Jean Georges Perrin 8. Human Experiences Bad Mood Is History: A Scenario TATIANA GLADSKIKH / BIGSTOCK 32 THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 • have. As our technological world be- comes increasingly intelligent, we find ourselves at a threshold. The In- ternet of Things, smart dust, embed- ded intelligence—everything that contributes to our increasingly smart environment—combined with data mining and statistical analysis, her- ald a new era that may challenge our notions about free will and deter- minism. As ever more information about our actions becomes available from our environment, the ability to antici pate the statistical likelihood of our movements, our decisions, even our thoughts becomes possible. Which brings us to the question: Did
  • 47. we choose this path? Or were we destined to take it? Losing the Ability to Get Lost By Josh Lindenger Humans are inherently curious. We have to explore. We are driven to figure out who we are and how we relate to everything around us. Over the last two decades, we’ve h a d a r e v o l u t i o n i n m a p p i n g through the growth of localization technologies. Global navigation sat- ellites, Wi-Fi based positioning, algo- rithms that map us around traffic— in the developed world, at least, location has become a given. By 2030, with the continual expan- sion of these technologies, getting lost will have all but disappeared. Whatever the interface ends up be- ing at the time, we’ll be technologi- cally tied to physical space at all times. Want to go somewhere? Paths present themselves to you. But what if we want to get lost? Will we miss the serendipity of new experiences? We humans have a need to explore, to fuel our curiosity and understand more about our- selves by experiencing new things.
  • 48. In losing our ability to get lost, we may rediscover in ourselves a new wanderlust: that, in the end, we not only want to get lost sometimes, but need to because it’s part of what makes us human. ping area, or even to a specific coun- try/city to buy particular items. Or we waited in queues till we got to the front of the queue. We waited at airports till it was time to board the flight. And then waited in court for the next step in the process to happen, whether a property dispute or a divorce proceeding. There is no waiting anymore, re- ally. The 24/7 access to the Internet via different devices means that we can do our money transfers at any time of the day or night, can shop for that specific item of clothing online whenever we want to. So whether we are at the airport or in the court- house, we are not really waiting. We are immersed in a digital world do- ing other things, like e-mailing, read- ing news, watching a show, or shop- ping. Very soon, the “intelligent cloud” that always knows us will constantly serve suggestions based on our pro-
  • 49. file and location. And 3-D printers will help enable instant wish fulfill- ment. What will we need to wait for? Whatever Happened to Free Will? By Richard Yonck Is free will disappearing? Are you reading this sentence because a chain of events going all the way back to the Big Bang set in motion everything that led up to this mo- ment? Whether you agree with this premise or not, were you destined to do so? The concepts of free will and de- terminism have long been debated by philosophers. Logically, if the uni- verse is governed by a great chain of cause and effect events, then it seems p l a u s i b l e t h a t , g i v e n s u ff i c i e n t knowledge and computing power, we would be able to state every sub- sequent event at any point in time. Of course, this runs counter to our i n t u i t i o n a n d e x p e r i e n c e . T h e world—not to mention the uni - verse—is so vast in its scale, com- plexity, and randomness that such notions seem naïve. It may be that we’ll soon discover just how much free will we actually
  • 50. p a re d f o r o u r l i v e s t o b e o p e n electronic books. The Death of Reflection By Lisa Gualtieri I love my smartphone as much as the next person and rely upon the immediacy of information access in my busy life. Is there a downside to this for me and for our society? Yes: the death of reflection. B e i n g a l m o s t c o n s t a n t l y c o n - nected—and agitated when not con- nected—means losing those mo- ments when disparate ideas come together, when pleasant memories lead to inspiration, or when ponder- ing a problem leads to innovation. Accessing and using too much infor- mation all the time stifles reflection and all of its benefits. Fitness, I believe, offers the solu- tion of listening to one’s body, which is the antithesis of the quantified-self movement in which everything is tracked. When I run, I can feel last night’s overindulgence or, equally, last night’s eight hours of sleep. But all the devices to track where I am— my pace, the comparison to other women my age or my last run—dis-
  • 51. tract me from the reflective process that often leads to great work after my run. Letting one’s mind wander and re- f l e c t i n g o n b o t h o n e ’ s i n t e r n a l thoughts and feelings and the exter- nal world leads to great ideas—and by that I don’t mean just new and better devices. No More Waiting By Apala Lahiri Chavan Waiting will disappear by 2030. The concept of having to wait for something or someone is increas- i n g l y s h i f t i n g t o a n o t h e r v e r b , unwaiting. We once waited for the bank to open in the morning to be able to transfer money; waited for answers to our letters that arrived by post/ courier; waited to travel to a shop- • THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 33 aids, and their functionality melted into everything from eyeglasses, watches, and jewelry to vehicles and appliances. New functions such as
  • 52. breathtakingly accurate real-time language translation appeared (think Babel fish in Doug Adams’s Hitchhik- er’s Guide), making these tiny devices essential and constant companions. Screens remained, but only as mar- velous peripherals, not the center of communications activity. We entered the age of conversa- tional interaction, and our relation- ship with digital technology moved from personal to intimate. Couples who couldn’t speak a common lan- guage fell in love and married. Soci- ologists cautioned users against over-attachment to voice-AIs to the exclusion of human contact. And at those rare moments when we hap- pen to think back, we marvel that anyone could have ever communi- cated anything of consequence on a device as clunky and old-fashioned as an iPhone. Computing’s Future Is Wearable By Harish Shah Thanks to Google, the world will soon see the commercialization of the first wearable computer for the I r o n i c a l l y, i t w a s voice that killed the s m a r t p h o n e . R o b u s t
  • 53. AI-based voice recogni- tion started to arrive in the mid-teens, and us- ers discovered what they knew all along: We would much rather talk than tap. Driving d i r e c t i o n s w e r e s o much safer when spo- ken, allowing drivers to keep their eyes on the road. Tweet-sized q u i p s w e re n o w u t - tered by AIs mimicking the voices of the celeb- rity dead. Even com- merce became voice- based. Robust voice eliminated the need to design around screens, just as t o u c h - s c r e e n t e c h n o l o g y o n c e pushed out keypads. Communica- tors shrank to the size of hearing Farewell, Smartphone. We Hardly Knew Thee By Paul Saffo Devices will be superfluous in the more- intimate age of conversational interac- tion. Looking back from 2030, it is hard to imagine just how central smart-
  • 54. phones were to life in 2013—and h o w q u i c k l y t h e y d i s a p p e a re d . Smartphones followed a trajectory similar to that other techno-antique, the PC, but the smartphone arc was even shorter. The first smartphones appeared in the mid-1990s, but it was Android and iPhone that changed the commu- nications landscape. By 2010, any- thing with a physical keypad seemed as obsolete as a rotary-dial Princess phone, and voice took a back seat to apps, Angry Birds, and tweets. Most Americans migrated to cable television from broadcast televi- sion; now, many are cutting the television cord altogether. We watch what we want, when we want, using Hulu or Netflix or other content delivery media. And we watch wherever we happen to be, using lap- tops, tablets, and smartphones. And advertising dollars that used to go to the networks are now go- ing to social media delivered over mobile devices. The major networks will likely survive, probably becoming subsidiar- ies of one of the social network juggernauts (Google, Facebook, etc.), much like ABC network is part of Disney-ABC Television Group. What
  • 55. is becoming expendable—and will likely disappear—is the networks’ strings of local affiliates. These outlets are largely repeater stations of their larger networks. Except for their morning and evening newscasts, they provide little that is substantially different from the network’s product. The 6 o’clock local news once had the advantage of timing over newspaper delivery; now, it is behind virtually every other means of communication. The nearly 900 local TV affiliates just aren’t needed in the new mass communication marketplace. And despite how essential they seemed for all these decades, when they finally go away their collective presence will hardly be missed. —Rob Bencini 9. Smartphones Say Goodbye to News at 6:00 SCOTT GRIESSEL / BIGSTOCK 34 THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 • next wave of computerization will drive far more intelligent and conve- nient interfaces into mainstream use, relegating today’s dumb interfaces,
  • 56. keyboards, and the mouse obso- lete—like the old slide rules and typewriters. Here is a summary of our forecasts in this area: Humans may soon rely on these technologies to serve as virtual assis- tants and to automate routine mental work. Artificial intelligence, speech and emotion recognition and transla- Advanced IT Technologies Entering Mainstream Use Technology Most Likely Year Std. Dev. Intelligent Interface 2019 4 years Intelligent Web 2017 3 years Virtual Reality 2019 4 years Thought Power
  • 57. 2024 7 years AI 2024 8 years Source: (2013) bedded interface and, though true telepathy will still be a couple of decades away, gloves, rings, or bracelets could become the access point for manipulating the user in- terface. It may someday give way to subdermal implants that directly ac- cess brain imagery and transmis- sions to the microchips that are em- bedded in our bodies. As our computers become more invisible and hardware design be- comes more bio-design, we will also see our privacy nearly completely disappear. Each surface will become “aware” of our presence and our ac- tivities. Our bodies will carry an in- ternal GPS tracking capability. Watch out for intrusive messaging, hacking, and surveillance that may come ever so much closer to our thoughts, ac- tions, preferences, and individuality. Passing of the Dumb Interface, Keyboard, and Mouse By Alexandre Pupo and William Halal
  • 58. Ongoing trend analysis at the TechCast Project suggests that the masses, with a head-mounted dis- play to be worn like a pair of glasses by its users. Apple is also likely to soon release a wearable computer in the form of a smart watch, which has already been dubbed by many as the “iWatch.” The same Internet-based commu- nication currently used on smart- phones or computers will likely also be utilized on the wearable comput- ers. The need for smartphones will thus simply start diminishing, espe- cially as prices for wearables begin to decline. That the wearable will primarily be a computer, beyond be- ing just a communication device, will be its most attractive feature. The first few years that wearable computers are on the market will likely be a phase of trial and error, when makers will be perfecting their technology, adjusting to the market, and meeting consumer needs and wants. Once this phase passes, we can expect history then to repeat it- self, and our beloved smartphones will simply fade away, like pagers and other devices did before them. The Concurrent Evaporation of
  • 59. Hardware and Privacy By E. Scott Denison Hold in your hand for a moment the sleek minimalist design that is your smartphone. Note the thin metal case, and touch the glossy, glass interface. If you like that sort of thing, then you should keep it around as an heirloom. By 2030, we will have dis- pensed with much of the hardware that we carry with us, including phones and laptops, car keys or key fobs, possibly even digital cameras. All these devices will move from silicon chips encased in industrial designs to smart surfaces, smart clothing, or biomechanically engi- neered microcomputers that have been implanted in or attached to the body. Retinal implants or contact lenses will carry the visual interface to the individual, or the user will transfer it to a variety of other “ac- tive surfaces” such as tables or walls. Each app will carry its own em- Highway Signs In 2030, the ubiquitous fixed roadway sign will have all but disap-
  • 60. peared. This scenario begins in the late 2010s, as attention turns to decaying infrastructure. Thanks to increasing federal tax revenues driven by the shale oil boom, state departments of transportation will begin funding projects to replace bridges, repave highways, and (as an unexpected consequence) replace and update fixed-message signs. Cars are becoming increasingly connected to their surroundings via GPS. The Internet of Place—connecting vehicles to traffic and road- way condition reporting systems—will emerge first in the more dense urban areas. Better information means there could even be fewer ve- hicles involved. The old signs could be replaced by active media signs equipped with two-way communications that interact with the vehicles (rather than the drivers). These active-media posts might be updated via fi- ber-optic links. Some of their graphics could be sponsored by local enterprises, thus putting an end to billboards as well as roadway signs. —Jim Breaux • THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 35
  • 61. Car Crashes Will Disappear by 2030 By Tom Schaffnit The convergence of technologies that connect and automate vehicles will keep us all safer on the road. Two technologies related to vehicle safety are converging to significantly reduce or even eliminate accidents. 1. Connected vehicle technology uses specific wireless connections to allow cars to “talk” with each other and provide a warning when a con- flict situation exists that is likely to result in a crash. The vehicles each broadcast a short message a number of times every second. Other ve- hicles receive these broadcasts and compute a dynamic state map in or- der to identify potential conflict situ- ations, such as hard-braking events up ahead in their lane of travel. 2. Automated vehicle technology. Google’s self-driving vehicle project has been able to demonstrate the convenience aspect of this advanced form of automated vehicle technol- ogy. Automobile manufacturers, meanwhile, have been conducting their own research programs and in- troducing automation features that
  • 62. assist with lane-keeping and help to maintain a safe distance from the car ahead, for example. These auto- mated vehicle tech- n o l o g y d e p l o y - ments have mainly been based upon autonomous sen- sors located on the individual vehicles. A convergence of the two technolo- g i e s , a l o n g w i t h sensory fusion to allow the best use o f b o t h a u t o n o - mous sensors and w i re l e s s c o m m u n i c a t i o n s f ro m nearby vehicles, could lower costs and enhance consumer enthusiasm, ushering in connected, fully auto- mated vehicles by the end of this decade. The disappearance of car crashes by 2030 could be a realistic possibility. Nothing Left to Try? The End of Jury Trials By Clayton Rawlings In theory, a jury trial is a search for the truth in a way that ensures both sides can be heard. The jury itself is
  • 63. the fact finder. They determine what the truth is based on the evidence admitted before them. But the types of cases that juries are asked to consider will decline. Consider that there are now 35,000 fatalities and 400,000 catastrophic in- juries in the United States every year from vehicle collisions. By 2030, ro- botic transportation will reduce these numbers dramatically. Robotic labor will reduce the number of workplace injuries on a similar scale. We will not have thousands of jury trials rendering personal injury ver- dicts, because we will no longer have the huge number of injury cases to be decided. Most drug crimes will no longer be enforced in criminal courts, as ge- netic manipulation and vaccinations to cure addiction will do away with these crimes. Sixty-five percent of all criminal prosecutions are drug re- lated, so removing drugs from the equation medically will eliminate the need for juries to convict and sentence those involved in the drug trade. 10. Insecurity tion, touch controls, and other inter-
  • 64. f a c e s a re a l re a d y e n t e r i n g t h e market. In some cases, we can extend the power of sheer thought to communi- cate at a distance. Experiments are finding ways that allow individuals to direct their thoughts into electrical signals that communicate silently with computers, robots, and other people. G r a p h i c a l i n t e r f a c e s , d i g i t a l games, and augmented reality are converging to immerse us in artifi- cial environments that simulate sen- sory experiences. Other trends show that the Web is evolving into an in- telligent system that understands spoken inquiries, gathers relevant information, and forms meaningful answers. Today’s dumb interfaces will soon give way to touch, voice, avatars, language translation, augmented re- ality, and thought. An earlier Tech- Cast study dubbed this virtual life- style “TeleLiving.” OLEG GOLOVNEV / BIGSTOCK 36 THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 •
  • 65. Brain-scanning lie-detector tests al- ready exist, but their results are still in- admissible, having failed to gain scien- tific acceptance as being reliable. Moore’s law suggests that we’ll see a scanner that will pass this last eviden- tiary hurdle in the next 10 to 15 years. When a reliable scanner can detect de- ception in the human mind, the need for a fact finder will be greatly re- duced in all litigation. The fact finder (jury) will not be needed to know the truth. This new reality will do away with the swearing match that goes on to- day. When the end is no longer in doubt, litigants will settle cases rather than incur the expense of a jury trial that is doomed to fail. I predict that jury trials will all but disappear except for some special circumstances by 2030. They will be replaced by judicial intervention and summary judgment. When the facts are no longer in dispute, agreed set- tlements through mediation by both parties will become the norm, rather than the traditional jury trial. More Missing Futures
  • 66. Here is a selection of other things our readers suggested may disappear by 2030: • Accountants. Traditional accountants will be replaced by “Meta-digital Account- ing (MdA).… Analysis of, and transactions involving, economic and financial data will be automated; no human presence is re- quired.” —Alexandru Tugui • The American Dream. “Seventeen years from now the ‘Dream’ may not have totally disappeared, but expectations of achieving it will be smaller and may re- quire two or three salaries for a family to have the American Dream that we had in the 1970s.” —Lester Kuhl • Artificial scarcity. “With the advent of 3-D printing and nanotechnology, the illu- sion of artificial scarcity should break down once … awareness of these technologies spreads and the implications of the capacity for global abundance becomes realized.” —Jonathan C. Lippe • Circus animals. “By 2030, elephants won’t be balancing on balls, tigers won’t be jumping through hoops of fire, and bears won’t be tightrope walkers.... Animals are gaining support from a wide variety of organizations intent on protecting them by legislation and legal action.” —LuAnne Feik • Fire Trucks. “City managers recognizing the waste of
  • 67. sending 50,000-pound fire engines hurtling to a non-fire- related emergency will replace them with a modern communi- cations system that provides rapid intelligence as to whether nature of the emergency. Instead, the more frugal option of SUV rescue sedans will be at the ready.” —Frank McDonough • Forest Fires. “Within the next few years, flying drone technology will advance to the point where solar powered micro-drones will be able to achieve month-long flights with- out interruption. Once accomplished, we will begin equip- ping drones with infrared sensors to monitor any fires activ- ity inside a forest. “With proper fleet management, swarms of flying drones will be capable of detecting any fire before it reaches 100 square feet in size. Once a fire is detected, the drone network will instantly signal for fire extinguisher drones to fly over and extinguish it. “Within 10 years, virtually all forest fires will be elimi- nated. However, not all fires are bad fires, and society will begin to debate the much larger philosophical ques- tion of who will get to decide.” —Thomas Frey • Genders “will be nonexistent in civil law, in fashion, fra- grance, and everyday life.” —Peter Eder The End of Theft In the country of India, a car is stolen every 6 minutes, but in the state of Texas, a car is stolen every 5.5 minutes. As every business knows, theft is a major problem, with most viewing some percentage loss as unavoidable. However, that attitude is about to change. With improved security systems, vehicle theft has been
  • 68. dropping since 1998, and will be all but eliminated by 2030 with the Internet of Things. By 2020, more than 50 billion devices will be connected to the Internet, and by 2030, virtually every item of value will become traceable because of smart dust sensors. Next-generation manufacturing will automatically embed smart dust particles with sensors and transmitters into everything we own. Whenever a purchase occurs, items over a certain dollar value will be assigned to a personal ownership network that we control. Sensors in our clothing, cars, jewelry, shoes, and homes will be primarily used to detect everything from air quality to health irregularities, but they will also alert an “owner” when a theft has occurred. Whenever there is a “disturbance in the force,” officials will be notified. —Thomas Frey • THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 37 • Human service. Advertisements promoting the benefits of talk- ing to a real person (rather than an AI entity) will disappear. “That’s because ‘real people’ aren’t as fabulous as we often make them out to be. They can be inconsistent, moody, and make mistakes. They suffer from a long list of cognitive biases and prejudices. … In contrast, the automated, intelligent systems being developed by Google,
  • 69. IBM, and others won’t suffer from any of those drawbacks.” —Garry Schulz • Intelligence “will be extinct by 2030—that is, the ability to think for oneself, to reason things out independently of a preponderance of false data coming in.” —Ruth Wise • Musical composers. “The music created by … algorithms can be saved to a computer/iPad with sheet music software. Entrepreneurs will present millions of pages to the public at a minimal cost. Festi- vals of spontaneously written music will flood the stadiums. Bye-Bye Sheet Music Pie.” —Douglas Cornish • Pennies and other coins are “becoming less useful, as parking meters, tolls, and public transit use smartcards and RFID technolo- gies to streamline payment. Presumably by 2030 we will also see widespread acceptance of virtual currencies such as Bitcoin.” —Virginia Holbert • Plastic “for packaging material will be replaced by sustainable packaging material and strategies for the reduction of packaging worldwide in 2030.” —Werner Mittelstaedt • Quiet in public places “will have disappeared, thanks to ubiqui- tous and intrusive electronic gadgets, visual and audio
  • 70. advertising everywhere, and ego-driven social manners.” —Peter Eder • Republicans and Democrats. “Both parties will be gone. They will have morphed into two new parties representing even more ex- treme ideals, and a viable third party will exist.” —Dave Allman, Elliott Wave International • Sex. “New technologies … will provide safe, sanitary, ubiqui- tous, consequence-free sexual pleasure. In-the-flesh interaction with other humans will be purely optional and increasingly rare— in fact it may come to be seen as a fetish rather than ‘normal’ sexual behavior.” —Virginia Holbert • Shame. “We are losing our collective belief in what is right and wrong. Our shared ethos is giving way to a situational morality more dependent on who commits the infraction rather than the act itself.” —Gregory Pashke • Wilderness. “We are losing wilderness around the earth as the human population grows. More and more wilderness is being con- verted to farmland, mines, roads, towns and cities, and other human uses. Climate change is also significantly altering wilderness, even in protected areas. Aside from Antarctica, Greenland, deserts, parts of
  • 71. the United States (particularly Alaska), the Amazon, Canada, and Si- beria, there likely will only be a few protected wilderness areas left for people to experience wild, primeval, undeveloped, and untram- meled areas—and those areas will all show varying signs of human imprints.” —Michael Rees About the Authors Karl Albrecht is an executive management consultant, business futurist, lecturer, and author of more than 20 books on profes- sional achievement, organizational perfor- mance, and business strategy. E-mail [email protected] Rob Bencini, MBA, is a Certified Economic Developer (CEcD) and economic futurist from North Carolina. He provides trend im- pact analysis for businesses and local gov- ernments. Web site; E-mail [email protected] Jim Breaux is a futures studies graduate student in the Foresight Master’s Program, University of Houston, College of Technol- ogy. He received the APF 2013 Student Recognition Award, Individual Graduate Student, for his paper, “Weather-Related Disaster Recovery.” He is an engineer by training and works with a major infrastruc- ture engineering firm in Texas. E-mail [email protected] Morton Chalfy is a poet and novelist living in California. E-mail [email protected] Apala Lahiri Chavan is chief oracle and
  • 72. innovator at Human Factors International (HFI). She is an award-winning designer (International Audi Design Award), and has recently been made CEO of the Institute of Customer Experience (, a nonprofit initiative by HFI to explore the future of global user experience. E-mail [email protected] Brenda Cooper is a technology profes- sional, a science-fiction writer, and a public speaker who lives in the Pacific Northwest. She is associated with E-mail [email protected] John F. Copper is the Stanley J. Buckman Professor (emeritus) of International Stud- ies at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennes- see. He is the author of more than thirty books. E-mail [email protected] E. Scott Denison is a design lecturer at Ohio State University. His article “When De- signers Ask, ‘What If?’” was published in World Future Review’s Summer 2012 con- ference edition. E-mail [email protected] .com. Jed Diamond is founder and director of MenAlive, a health program that helps men, and the women who love them, to live well throughout their lives. Visit 38 THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 • Daniel Egger is a business futurist, entre-
  • 73. preneur, and strategist, helping clients cre- ate a more comprehensive understanding of what could drive the future and how to influence the present. E-mail [email protected] Thomas Frey is executive director of the Da Vinci Institute and the Innovation editor of THE FUTURIST magazine. His Web site is Lisa Gualtieri, PhD, ScM, is an assistant professor in the Department of Public Health and Community Medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine. E-mail [email protected] William E. Halal is professor emeritus of management, technology, and innovation at George Washington University, and presi- dent of TechCast LLC, a virtual think tank tracking the technology revolution. Visit Lane Jennings is managing editor of World Future Review as well as a poet. E-mail [email protected] Liz Leone is an editor for Rodale and a medical editor for GSK. E-mail [email protected] .com. Josh Lindenger is a futurist hailing from Baltimore, Maryland, with a not-so-secret desire to re-explore what it means to “get lost” in cities using the techniques of psy- chogeography. You can find him at or as
  • 74. @jlindenger on Twitter. E-mail [email protected] Lawrence Loh is a faculty member at NUS Business School, National University of Singapore, where he teaches strategic management, global strategy, and corpo- rate governance. He is also leading the Governance & Transparency Index (GTI) project, which ranks and publishes the cor- porate governance performance of listed firms in Singapore. E-mail [email protected] Frank McDonough enjoyed more than 40 years of federal service, holding senior ex- ecutive positions in four U.S. government organizations. He is currently working on a book titled Advice to Fernando, with 50 chapters discussing how to succeed in high-level government jobs. Visit Barry Minkin, author of The Great Unravel- ing (2012), 2020 Future Vision (forthcom- ing, 2014), and other books, is a futurist, speaker, and global management consul- tant. Visit Alan Nordstrom is a professor of English at Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida. E-mail [email protected] Manuel Au-Yong Oliveira is an invited lec- turer at the University of Porto and at the University of Aveiro (Portugal), Department of Economics, Management and Industrial
  • 75. Engineering, University of Aveiro, Campus Universitário de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal, and Researcher at INESC TEC (coordinated by INESC Porto), Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 378, 4200-465 Porto, Portu- gal. E-mail [email protected] Jean Georges Perrin runs a software com- pany, focusing on content analysis and lo- gistics. E-mail [email protected] Neill Perry has many years of experience in the field of marketing and sales as an in- dependent manufacturer’s rep. He writes on a variety of nonfiction topics, short stories, and how he envisions the future. E-mail [email protected] Alexandre Pupo is an information technol- ogy professional and editor for the Tech- Cast Project. Clayton Rawlings is a licensed attorney in the state of Texas who has tried over 150 jury trials. He attended the Strategic Fore- sight program at the University of Houston under Peter Bishop. Web site Hamptonan-; e-mail [email protected] Michael Rees is a natural resource planner with the National Park Service and has worked for the NPS for over 21 years. His views are his own and do not reflect the views of the agency. Paul Rux, PhD, is a lifelong professional educator. E-mail [email protected]
  • 76. Paul Saffo is a forecaster with more than two decades of experience exploring the dynamics of large-scale, long-term change. He is managing director of foresight at Dis- cern Analytics,, and a member of the World Future Society’s Global Advisory Council. John Sagi is a professor of business at Anne Arundel Community College, Arnold, Maryland. He is on the board of AACC’s In- stitute for the Future. E-mail [email protected] Tom Schaffnit is an internationally recog- nized expert in wireless telecommunications technology and co-author of The Compre- hensive Guide to Wireless Technologies (first edition 1999, APDG Publishing). E-mail [email protected] Harish Shah is an entrepreneur, consul- tant, coach, trainer, futurist, and sole propri- etor at Stratserv Consultancy, Singapore. E-mail [email protected] .com. Jason Siko is an assistant professor of ed- ucational technology at Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He is a graduate of the Futures Studies program at the University of Houston, whose inter- ests include online learning, the gamifica- tion of learning, and the future of K-12 edu- cation. E-mail [email protected] John M. Smart is a technology foresight scholar, educator, speaker, and consultant. He is president of the Acceleration Studies Foundation. Blog:
  • 77. David Pearce Snyder is a consulting futurist and the Lifestyles editor for THE FUTURIST. E-mail [email protected] .net. Jason Swanson is a futurist living in Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania. You can follow Jason at and Joe Thomae is a real estate asset man- ager. E-mail [email protected] Dan Tuuri is a faculty member in the Col- lege of Business and a student in the Doc- toral of Community College Leadership at Ferris State University in Big Rapids, Michi- gan. E-mail [email protected] Cynthia G. Wagner is editor of THE FUTURIST. E-mail cwagner[email protected] Benjamin C. Yablon is a prominent attor- ney in Denver, Colorado, and author of two novels: Pure Life and its forthcoming sequel, The Chinese Dam. Visit www.PureLifeNovel .com. E-mail [email protected] Richard Yonck is a foresight analyst for Intelligent Future LLC in Seattle. E-mail [email protected] Carrie Anne Zapka is a microbiologist in R&D at GOJO Industries by day and an in- dustrial and organizational psychology stu- dent by night. E-mail [email protected] • THE FUTURIST September-October 2013 39
  • 78. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.