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Harvard University
Summer Extension School
Academic Writing Classes
- 1996 -
Brazil’s Melting Pot,
Culture and Values
Once, there was just a land full of Brazil wood, huge forests cut by
abundant rivers, many waterfalls, birds flying and singing, mineral
richness and other natural resources such as fertility and bright sun
shining all year long.
In 1500, there were only native Indians inhabiting the country, which
was called Brazil due to the great amount of wood of the same name
found there. However, the Indians were alone no longer when
Portuguese colonizers arrived in the land.
Today, Brazil is a spectacular country with almost five hundred years
of history and culture. Moreover, the Brazilian people have a life full
of warmth, spice, color, charm, and delight living in Brazil.
Not only native Indians, but also Portuguese colonizers and Africans
who arrived as slaves since the year 1532, built an important
civilization there.
There are several reasons for defining Brazil as a spectacular country,
and to consider its civilization significant. Among them are historical
characteristics concerned with how the country was settled.
The most important of these characteristics is race. A mixture of
three races, Indian, Portuguese, and African has created a singular
people with peculiar customs whose cultural values express the
diversity of these three people’s cultures.
The Indian’s Contribution
The Indians contributed to Brazil’s melting pot spontaneously by
giving the Brazilian people the best of their soul. They gave us the
devotion of their simplicity and a preference for natural things. To
rest in a hammock or in a mat and let the winds refresh our faces and
bodies is a gift from Indian’s nature. They created the techniques
used to cultivate the land, such as manuring the land for crops, and
introduced the customs of hunting and fishing. Fish and seafood
continue to be a major source of nourishment in the daily Brazilian
menu. Other Indian eating habits contributed to Brazilian people’s
health, such as eating fruits, vegetables, yam, flour, that is a product
of the edible root of various plants common in the tropics, “beiju”, a
derived from cassava plant, which is the starchy tuberous edible root
similar to yam from which we have also the tapioca flour, and many
other delicious items.
In addition, the Indians introduced sensuality and an appreciation of
life’s pleasures, for example, touching and being touched, which
contributed to our approach in love of warm human relationships.
Among their other gifts, the Indians gave us their racial element to
establish the beauty of the Brazilian skin color. Many other Indian
contributions came from their arts and craft skills such as cunning for
making women’s fashion accessories and domestic utensils.
Indians also introduced the use of alcoholic drinks, taking the alcohol
out of sugar cane and infusing it with branches or roots. They also
gave us musical instruments such as flutes and drums and the dance
steps that led to the legendary samba. Superstitions also came to our
culture through the Indians. This ingredient contributes to the
mystical environment surrounding Brazilian people, strengthening
ours beliefs and faith. By using faith, the Indians supplied the
Brazilian people with courageous spirit to wage war against the
French invaders in ensuing centuries.
When the Indians were in the land maintaining their values, the
Portuguese people arrived. The Portuguese colonized Brazil and for
this reason gave us a great legacy.
The Portuguese’s Contribution
Firstly, they gave us the Portuguese language. Then, with the tool for
communication, an incalculable contribution came to the civilization.
They introduced social and educational systems as well as the
commercial possibility of connecting Brazil with other countries that
arose concerning the markets for fish and seafood. Later came Dutch,
Spanish, French and other invader’s immigrants to Brazilian history.
Thus, ships full of all sorts of goods and supplies came to the land.
There were treasures containing food, spices and condiments, rugs
from India, silk and other fabrics. Mainly the Portuguese brought
literature, theater, classical music, books and knowledge as well as
everything from the European civilized continent.
They enriched the culture bringing civilized concepts and establishing
new categories of work, including bureaucratic jobs. Their
sophisticated preferences and tastes came to catch Brazilian people in
many fields, for example, to dress up with elegance and the taste for
graceful details that later contributed to Brazilian fashion.
A refined taste in food was introduced by the Portuguese who brought
wines and scotch whisky, candies and jellies, cereals and teas, many
kinds of breads such as homemade breads, slice loaf, toast sponge
cake, cheesecake. Ham and butter and many delicious dishes like
that one called “cozido” (stew), which is made by fixing together a
range of vegetables plus meat in flesh and blood, fresh and smoked,
sausage and bacon fat to be seasoned with tomatoes, parsley, green
peppers, small bulbs of onion and hot pepper. This is another
traditional tasty food in Brazil today. It is considered a light
alternative requested in Brazilian restaurants as well as at home.
The Roman Catholic Religion also came with the arrival of Portuguese
colonizers. Consequently, Brazil boasts countless artistic churches,
and includes majestic temples, museums, palaces, forts, convents,
headquarters, ancient houses, and many other monuments of civilian,
military and religious architecture. Because the colonization of Brazil
started in Salvador, today the capital of Bahia state, which also was
the first national capital, there are several examples of Portuguese
architecture in Bahia. For example, they have “ Our Father of
“Bonfim” Church”, which was built in the eighteenth century on the
top of a hill. It’s a site for peregrinations dedicated to the most
popular “saint” of Bahia. There is a chamber of miracles and
thanksgiving as a live room full of objects representing people’s
devotion. This special church has an altar and decorations all made of
gold. Another is “Saint Francis Church”, also a “golden church”, with
its central body in sandstone and the interior in golden drawings. It is
taken as the most beautiful manifestation of the baroque style in the
American Continent. A convent with beautiful many series of panels
at the cloister adjoins. Other example is the Basilica Cathedral, built
in 1657, with lioz stone brought from Portugal, and contains 13 altars
from Renaissance to Rococo styles. The historical Center in Bahia can
show you much more: the Archiepiscopal palace in a square similar to
the both famous “ Pelourinho” and “Sé”, many churches as the “Saint
house of Mercy”, “Saint Peter of Clergyman”, “Third Order of Saint
Domingo”, “Our Lady of Mercy”, “Our Lady of Black” and many
others. Colonizers through slave’s hands built all of them. However,
who were the slaves? Moreover, why did they work so hard?
The slaves are another important element in Brazilian Civilization.
The Portuguese colonizers who built a strong architectural legacy in
Brazil ordered slaves, who came from Africa. African slaves
contributed diligently to the melting pot.
The African’s Contribution
The African people represent the black element in Brazilian culture.
They gave the character, which makes up for a half-cast or mixed
race. When they came into the culture, with a spicy taste or rhythm
and “jingles”, the African people fortified the spirit of dancing,
singing, and enjoying parties already established through the Indian
element. Africans gave Brazil delight and amusement. They brought
some musical instruments like the “agogô” (a type of percussion),
“atabaque” (a kind of drums), “berinbau”, (a stringed gourd
instrument) and different kinds of dances namely meringue, swing,
“maculelê”, hencoop, “ciranda", and “samba de roda”.
In addition, Africans provided Brazilian people with mystery and
“Orixás”. Brazilians are used to commemorating some of the Orixás’
days with parties full of ritual beliefs. One example is February 2,
when yemanjá’s day is commemorated. Yemanjá represents the
archetype of the mother and perfect wife. It has been said that she is
able to admit that she has not satisfied just keeping the marriage and
the family structure. She is also considered as the ocean’s mother,
and the ocean is the place from which originated all life’s types. She
is the protector of sailors and navigators. Other Orixás include
“Oxosi”, (S. Jorge); “Yansã” (S. Bárbara); “Xangô” (S. Gerônimo),
“Nanã & Eres” (Cosme and Damião), “Oxalá” (Our Father of “Bonfim”)
and, “Ogun” (S.Anthony).
All “Orixás” have special colors, duties and receiving specific offering
gifts and greetings. In Yemanjá’s case for example, her greeting is
“Odoiá!”(To salute the water, or ocean), her favorite colors are white,
crystal, and blue, and her gifts are white corns with oil, salt, and
onion, and white flowers plus female objects thrown in the ocean
waters. The “Orixás” express the mysticism of the Brazilian people
who created a syncretism correspondence between the saints of the
Catholic religion and the African spiritual entities. On the Orixás’days,
people commemorate their traditional values according to the
meanings attributed to each spiritual entity or Orixá. They honor it in
churches, squares, ocean, or on street parties. There are a lot of
outdoors shacks and tents along the beaches, or even in front of the
church at which the saint’s day is commemorated. All of them sell
traditional food and diverse drinks; music makes a nice and glad
environment being supported by the bahian big invention called “trio
eletrico” (electric-trio) – which is a horizontal flat surface higher than
on adjoining truck area where its flooring is raised creating a
decorated platform for various dance forms and musical
performances. Electric trios liven and cheer the crowd after people
have participated in a procession and have watched a mercy mass.
They hope the requests in dreams will come true by dint of their
“axé” or spiritual guide. Tourists come from many parts of the world
to participate in those parties in the city of Salvador where pride and
tradition run strong. On the day of the Orixá, almost everybody wears
clothes with the orixá ’ favorite colors, believing that positive energy
will change their lives. In general, to use this kind of clothing is a
tradition from some of the African customs. The African people
introduced the preference for casual, fresh and colorful clothes, and
adornments like rings, necklaces and bracelets, which has been
adopted from Brazilian people to dress up or to adorn themselves.
African people also contributed their culinary specialties. Many
creative and practical dishes come from Brazil’s cuisine by Africans
such as “feijoada”, which is prepared of beans plus many left over
ingredients of the household derived from despicable parts of pork
and ox. Of course, these parts were transformed using smoke and
good meat creating a sophisticated dish. Today, “feijoada” is a
nourishing option requested on weekends in many Brazilian homes
and restaurants. Many other traditional Brazilian foods are also heavy
and as strong as slave’s duties. Some examples are: “dobradinha”
(ox stomach plus white beans), “mocotó” (ox organ meats plus bony
meat). All of these dishes require specific spices and ingredients to be
fixed in skillful ways to make everyone’s mouth water.
The African slaves hard working contributed to Brazilian cultural
values as correction-perception to “human beings”. But, they could
not be kept in slavery forever, therefore, after some attempts had
been made, like the “free belly law”, which set free all sons of slaves
by age sixty, finally a Portuguese princess, called Isabel, put them
out of sanctioning the “Golden Law”. – Later, on September 7, 1822,
Brazil became completely independent of Portuguese reign. Brazil
could not be a country living with racial differences among people
who were blended together as just one race, now well known as
Brazilian people.
The Brazilian People
Then, Brazilian people created their civilization surrendered by all
shots of choices to be themselves. They decided to screen some
values and kept others apart to arrange their preferences and set up
their style. The Brazilian people liked the simplicity of the Indian
nature; they enjoy having a good time in a natural environment,
alone or with good friends. Brazilians like to touch and be touched
gently. To kiss and hug their friends and relatives, to express their
closeness to family members, Brazilian people love to snuggle. Most
Brazilians enjoy going to the beautiful beaches spread along the
entire coast of the country. To eat a fried fish on the beach listening
to good music and drinking a cold beer or a “caipirinha” (a kind of
white rum with lemon, sugar and ice) is a favorite outing. Hunting,
fishing, dancing, swimming, playing, all in all makes them glad and
Socializing came into Brazilian culture from the Portuguese size. Many
Brazilians, in capital cities, like to enjoy the movies or good
performances in the theater; they may pay double price of tickets to
get in if the display is from someone famous. Among other
preferences, they appreciate the art in general and the social culture
values. Further, most of them also like the diversity in sports, music,
and visiting their friends is amusement.
When Brazilian people invite a good friend to go to their house, be
sure that the guest will always be welcomed. They like to receive
someone with politeness. They will offer their guest the best they can
afford that means the best room, the best sheets and towels, and the
best food disregarding social classes. In any case, Brazilian people
will be proud in receiving their guests. That is the meaning for what
we call hospitality -- to be a nice host or hostess with everybody.
If the opportunity calls for dressing up, they make all efforts to be
trim, some people who can afford for example, silk, “taffeta”, will
certainly use them and be adorned with jewels or simulations. Those
who cannot be so fine will probably try on the best cotton they have;
some even will spend money on shopping that they could save, just
in order to feel suitable to the place they are expected to go.
Everyone will use perfume, perhaps, not a French brand but at least a
flower lotion. Women must not forget to go to the beauty saloon to
have their nails ready and their hair arranged and tangling. Men are
conceited about to taking care of their whole appearance as well.
However, men and women are able to leave the place they were
invited to without saying good-bye to the host or hostess. In addition,
on the day after, someone might hear them saying joyfully and
uneasily, that they left “in a French way” because they needed to
Fine Brazilian people have some values, which might be considered
unimportant in other cultures. To define good behavior for example,
Brazilians will probably ask for a cup or glass instead of drinking
something from a bottle because they think that is a hygiene
question. They will avoid being seen burping even feeling bad. To spit
on the floor is never good manners. To lean on doors, furniture, or
walls is a signal of no elegance as well as to make a public negative
commentary about others; to gesticulate when talking makes others
escape from someone; to eat on the streets, bus stops, or anywhere
other than home or a restaurant is just allowed on picnics, or street
parties like “Carnival”.
To Brazilian people the concepts of time, individualism and future
came through awareness. Time is money, but also is to be lived, and
a smart individual has to reserve time for himself wisely. As to
individualism, children grow up in an environment full of choices
learning how to respect boundaries, including privacy and ethical
codes. The eldest and upbeat people teach them that their limits end
up at the start of the other person’s limits. Children learn and are
concerned that their parents take care of their futures and therefore,
parents have not to be refrained from many things in their lives.
Therefore, when children become adults they are grateful because
they have received life, care, food, home, education and orientation
from their parents. As a basic concept, parents never have to pay
sons for anything unless they borrow or make a deal. Sometimes
teenagers are happy if they have the means to give good gifts to
their parents besides love and recognition. As to the general concept
of future, it is supported by the will, hope, and strength of everyone.
They will be successful in life anyway, if they make something for
themselves, moreover, God and beliefs keep their expectation alive,
while they wait quietly.
Brazilians appreciate resting, a fact which qualifies them as indolent,
but opposing that myth, they inherited from slaves the capacity and
will of working hard. They just can count on their country subsidies
still in development, so that unemployment is yet a great problem in
Brazil, but Brazilian people almost never give up whenever they
unfortunately cannot find the job they are looking for. Nevertheless,
they are helpful and, since they will take any job, they try to do their
best, keeping the expectations to be arise, a trading or may find it
anytime anywhere.
To be working is the most important for them. If it is not possible to
give a comfortable life and a good education to their children, at least
to ensure subsistence is a goal for the majority of Brazilian society.
Those who do not have to support their families also like to work to
be financially independent, to invest in themselves, and to enjoy life’s
The majority of Brazilian people are motivated for jobs by their own
nature. In general they are tolerant in terms of relationships between
employer - employee, because they know how difficult it is to get a
place in the work force in Brazil. Many Brazilian are even able to flow
to other places, such as the metropolis or even other countries
searching for jobs. The Brazilian people industrials by tradition,
therefore they can work hard wherever they go.
There are many notable names in the Brazilian culture universally
admired in the most diverse fields such as, Tom Jobim, João Gilberto,
Caetano Veloso, (Pop-music); Pelé, Zico, Romário (Soccer); Ayrton
Senna (Auto Industry); Jorge Amado (Literature); Hortência (Basket
Ball); Marcelo Negrão, Tandy (Male-Volleyball); Maguilla (Boxing);
Hermeto Pascoal (classical-music); and many, many others.
Living in Brazil, Brazilian people usually work all year round, but
when February arrives, they say “That’s enough!” and then, they go
to play “Carnival”, which is the most popular party in Brazil. In
addition, in the “Carnival” party, the Brazilian people forget their
social behaviors and feel themselves free to enjoy beautiful beaches
or commemorate their roots. “Carnival” troupes pass by an official
circuit on crowded streets on the Brazilian cities showing the Brazilian
culture and folklore of the Indian, African, Portuguese people. They
recall their roots by using fancy dresses and many other inspirations
of the Brazilian people’s creativity based on the three-dimensional
culture, and all together over the sound of sounds and tones of
electric-trios, sweat and beer, makes up the revelry, which lasts for a
week. Brazilian people are glad to receive thousands of guests from
all over the world, and happy to share all that life full of warm, spice,
color, charm and delight with everybody.
Kadja Saldanha
Essay Theme: To express formation and cross-cultural values of your country.
Professor: Maris Nichols
Server: 302

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Harvard University (Summer School) - Brazil´s Melting Pot (Essay)

  • 1. Harvard University Summer Extension School Academic Writing Classes - 1996 - Brazil’s Melting Pot, Culture and Values Once, there was just a land full of Brazil wood, huge forests cut by abundant rivers, many waterfalls, birds flying and singing, mineral richness and other natural resources such as fertility and bright sun shining all year long. In 1500, there were only native Indians inhabiting the country, which was called Brazil due to the great amount of wood of the same name found there. However, the Indians were alone no longer when Portuguese colonizers arrived in the land. Today, Brazil is a spectacular country with almost five hundred years of history and culture. Moreover, the Brazilian people have a life full of warmth, spice, color, charm, and delight living in Brazil. Not only native Indians, but also Portuguese colonizers and Africans who arrived as slaves since the year 1532, built an important civilization there. There are several reasons for defining Brazil as a spectacular country, and to consider its civilization significant. Among them are historical characteristics concerned with how the country was settled.
  • 2. The most important of these characteristics is race. A mixture of three races, Indian, Portuguese, and African has created a singular people with peculiar customs whose cultural values express the diversity of these three people’s cultures. The Indian’s Contribution The Indians contributed to Brazil’s melting pot spontaneously by giving the Brazilian people the best of their soul. They gave us the devotion of their simplicity and a preference for natural things. To rest in a hammock or in a mat and let the winds refresh our faces and bodies is a gift from Indian’s nature. They created the techniques used to cultivate the land, such as manuring the land for crops, and introduced the customs of hunting and fishing. Fish and seafood continue to be a major source of nourishment in the daily Brazilian menu. Other Indian eating habits contributed to Brazilian people’s health, such as eating fruits, vegetables, yam, flour, that is a product of the edible root of various plants common in the tropics, “beiju”, a snack derived from cassava plant, which is the starchy tuberous edible root similar to yam from which we have also the tapioca flour, and many other delicious items. In addition, the Indians introduced sensuality and an appreciation of life’s pleasures, for example, touching and being touched, which contributed to our approach in love of warm human relationships. Among their other gifts, the Indians gave us their racial element to establish the beauty of the Brazilian skin color. Many other Indian contributions came from their arts and craft skills such as cunning for making women’s fashion accessories and domestic utensils. Indians also introduced the use of alcoholic drinks, taking the alcohol out of sugar cane and infusing it with branches or roots. They also gave us musical instruments such as flutes and drums and the dance steps that led to the legendary samba. Superstitions also came to our culture through the Indians. This ingredient contributes to the mystical environment surrounding Brazilian people, strengthening
  • 3. ours beliefs and faith. By using faith, the Indians supplied the Brazilian people with courageous spirit to wage war against the French invaders in ensuing centuries. When the Indians were in the land maintaining their values, the Portuguese people arrived. The Portuguese colonized Brazil and for this reason gave us a great legacy. The Portuguese’s Contribution Firstly, they gave us the Portuguese language. Then, with the tool for communication, an incalculable contribution came to the civilization. They introduced social and educational systems as well as the commercial possibility of connecting Brazil with other countries that arose concerning the markets for fish and seafood. Later came Dutch, Spanish, French and other invader’s immigrants to Brazilian history. Thus, ships full of all sorts of goods and supplies came to the land. There were treasures containing food, spices and condiments, rugs from India, silk and other fabrics. Mainly the Portuguese brought literature, theater, classical music, books and knowledge as well as everything from the European civilized continent. They enriched the culture bringing civilized concepts and establishing new categories of work, including bureaucratic jobs. Their sophisticated preferences and tastes came to catch Brazilian people in many fields, for example, to dress up with elegance and the taste for graceful details that later contributed to Brazilian fashion. A refined taste in food was introduced by the Portuguese who brought wines and scotch whisky, candies and jellies, cereals and teas, many kinds of breads such as homemade breads, slice loaf, toast sponge cake, cheesecake. Ham and butter and many delicious dishes like that one called “cozido” (stew), which is made by fixing together a range of vegetables plus meat in flesh and blood, fresh and smoked, sausage and bacon fat to be seasoned with tomatoes, parsley, green
  • 4. peppers, small bulbs of onion and hot pepper. This is another traditional tasty food in Brazil today. It is considered a light alternative requested in Brazilian restaurants as well as at home. The Roman Catholic Religion also came with the arrival of Portuguese colonizers. Consequently, Brazil boasts countless artistic churches, and includes majestic temples, museums, palaces, forts, convents, headquarters, ancient houses, and many other monuments of civilian, military and religious architecture. Because the colonization of Brazil started in Salvador, today the capital of Bahia state, which also was the first national capital, there are several examples of Portuguese architecture in Bahia. For example, they have “ Our Father of “Bonfim” Church”, which was built in the eighteenth century on the top of a hill. It’s a site for peregrinations dedicated to the most popular “saint” of Bahia. There is a chamber of miracles and thanksgiving as a live room full of objects representing people’s devotion. This special church has an altar and decorations all made of gold. Another is “Saint Francis Church”, also a “golden church”, with its central body in sandstone and the interior in golden drawings. It is taken as the most beautiful manifestation of the baroque style in the American Continent. A convent with beautiful many series of panels at the cloister adjoins. Other example is the Basilica Cathedral, built in 1657, with lioz stone brought from Portugal, and contains 13 altars from Renaissance to Rococo styles. The historical Center in Bahia can show you much more: the Archiepiscopal palace in a square similar to the both famous “ Pelourinho” and “Sé”, many churches as the “Saint house of Mercy”, “Saint Peter of Clergyman”, “Third Order of Saint Domingo”, “Our Lady of Mercy”, “Our Lady of Black” and many others. Colonizers through slave’s hands built all of them. However, who were the slaves? Moreover, why did they work so hard? The slaves are another important element in Brazilian Civilization. The Portuguese colonizers who built a strong architectural legacy in Brazil ordered slaves, who came from Africa. African slaves contributed diligently to the melting pot. The African’s Contribution The African people represent the black element in Brazilian culture. They gave the character, which makes up for a half-cast or mixed
  • 5. race. When they came into the culture, with a spicy taste or rhythm and “jingles”, the African people fortified the spirit of dancing, singing, and enjoying parties already established through the Indian element. Africans gave Brazil delight and amusement. They brought some musical instruments like the “agogô” (a type of percussion), “atabaque” (a kind of drums), “berinbau”, (a stringed gourd instrument) and different kinds of dances namely meringue, swing, “maculelê”, hencoop, “ciranda", and “samba de roda”. In addition, Africans provided Brazilian people with mystery and “Orixás”. Brazilians are used to commemorating some of the Orixás’ days with parties full of ritual beliefs. One example is February 2, when yemanjá’s day is commemorated. Yemanjá represents the archetype of the mother and perfect wife. It has been said that she is able to admit that she has not satisfied just keeping the marriage and the family structure. She is also considered as the ocean’s mother, and the ocean is the place from which originated all life’s types. She is the protector of sailors and navigators. Other Orixás include “Oxosi”, (S. Jorge); “Yansã” (S. Bárbara); “Xangô” (S. Gerônimo), “Nanã & Eres” (Cosme and Damião), “Oxalá” (Our Father of “Bonfim”) and, “Ogun” (S.Anthony). All “Orixás” have special colors, duties and receiving specific offering gifts and greetings. In Yemanjá’s case for example, her greeting is “Odoiá!”(To salute the water, or ocean), her favorite colors are white, crystal, and blue, and her gifts are white corns with oil, salt, and onion, and white flowers plus female objects thrown in the ocean waters. The “Orixás” express the mysticism of the Brazilian people who created a syncretism correspondence between the saints of the Catholic religion and the African spiritual entities. On the Orixás’days, people commemorate their traditional values according to the meanings attributed to each spiritual entity or Orixá. They honor it in churches, squares, ocean, or on street parties. There are a lot of outdoors shacks and tents along the beaches, or even in front of the church at which the saint’s day is commemorated. All of them sell traditional food and diverse drinks; music makes a nice and glad environment being supported by the bahian big invention called “trio eletrico” (electric-trio) – which is a horizontal flat surface higher than on adjoining truck area where its flooring is raised creating a decorated platform for various dance forms and musical performances. Electric trios liven and cheer the crowd after people have participated in a procession and have watched a mercy mass. They hope the requests in dreams will come true by dint of their “axé” or spiritual guide. Tourists come from many parts of the world
  • 6. to participate in those parties in the city of Salvador where pride and tradition run strong. On the day of the Orixá, almost everybody wears clothes with the orixá ’ favorite colors, believing that positive energy will change their lives. In general, to use this kind of clothing is a tradition from some of the African customs. The African people introduced the preference for casual, fresh and colorful clothes, and adornments like rings, necklaces and bracelets, which has been adopted from Brazilian people to dress up or to adorn themselves. African people also contributed their culinary specialties. Many creative and practical dishes come from Brazil’s cuisine by Africans such as “feijoada”, which is prepared of beans plus many left over ingredients of the household derived from despicable parts of pork and ox. Of course, these parts were transformed using smoke and good meat creating a sophisticated dish. Today, “feijoada” is a nourishing option requested on weekends in many Brazilian homes and restaurants. Many other traditional Brazilian foods are also heavy and as strong as slave’s duties. Some examples are: “dobradinha” (ox stomach plus white beans), “mocotó” (ox organ meats plus bony meat). All of these dishes require specific spices and ingredients to be fixed in skillful ways to make everyone’s mouth water. The African slaves hard working contributed to Brazilian cultural values as correction-perception to “human beings”. But, they could not be kept in slavery forever, therefore, after some attempts had been made, like the “free belly law”, which set free all sons of slaves by age sixty, finally a Portuguese princess, called Isabel, put them out of sanctioning the “Golden Law”. – Later, on September 7, 1822, Brazil became completely independent of Portuguese reign. Brazil could not be a country living with racial differences among people who were blended together as just one race, now well known as Brazilian people. The Brazilian People Then, Brazilian people created their civilization surrendered by all shots of choices to be themselves. They decided to screen some values and kept others apart to arrange their preferences and set up their style. The Brazilian people liked the simplicity of the Indian nature; they enjoy having a good time in a natural environment,
  • 7. alone or with good friends. Brazilians like to touch and be touched gently. To kiss and hug their friends and relatives, to express their closeness to family members, Brazilian people love to snuggle. Most Brazilians enjoy going to the beautiful beaches spread along the entire coast of the country. To eat a fried fish on the beach listening to good music and drinking a cold beer or a “caipirinha” (a kind of white rum with lemon, sugar and ice) is a favorite outing. Hunting, fishing, dancing, swimming, playing, all in all makes them glad and happy. Socializing came into Brazilian culture from the Portuguese size. Many Brazilians, in capital cities, like to enjoy the movies or good performances in the theater; they may pay double price of tickets to get in if the display is from someone famous. Among other preferences, they appreciate the art in general and the social culture values. Further, most of them also like the diversity in sports, music, and visiting their friends is amusement. When Brazilian people invite a good friend to go to their house, be sure that the guest will always be welcomed. They like to receive someone with politeness. They will offer their guest the best they can afford that means the best room, the best sheets and towels, and the best food disregarding social classes. In any case, Brazilian people will be proud in receiving their guests. That is the meaning for what we call hospitality -- to be a nice host or hostess with everybody. If the opportunity calls for dressing up, they make all efforts to be trim, some people who can afford for example, silk, “taffeta”, will certainly use them and be adorned with jewels or simulations. Those who cannot be so fine will probably try on the best cotton they have; some even will spend money on shopping that they could save, just in order to feel suitable to the place they are expected to go. Everyone will use perfume, perhaps, not a French brand but at least a flower lotion. Women must not forget to go to the beauty saloon to have their nails ready and their hair arranged and tangling. Men are conceited about to taking care of their whole appearance as well. However, men and women are able to leave the place they were invited to without saying good-bye to the host or hostess. In addition, on the day after, someone might hear them saying joyfully and uneasily, that they left “in a French way” because they needed to rest.
  • 8. Fine Brazilian people have some values, which might be considered unimportant in other cultures. To define good behavior for example, Brazilians will probably ask for a cup or glass instead of drinking something from a bottle because they think that is a hygiene question. They will avoid being seen burping even feeling bad. To spit on the floor is never good manners. To lean on doors, furniture, or walls is a signal of no elegance as well as to make a public negative commentary about others; to gesticulate when talking makes others escape from someone; to eat on the streets, bus stops, or anywhere other than home or a restaurant is just allowed on picnics, or street parties like “Carnival”. To Brazilian people the concepts of time, individualism and future came through awareness. Time is money, but also is to be lived, and a smart individual has to reserve time for himself wisely. As to individualism, children grow up in an environment full of choices learning how to respect boundaries, including privacy and ethical codes. The eldest and upbeat people teach them that their limits end up at the start of the other person’s limits. Children learn and are concerned that their parents take care of their futures and therefore, parents have not to be refrained from many things in their lives. Therefore, when children become adults they are grateful because they have received life, care, food, home, education and orientation from their parents. As a basic concept, parents never have to pay sons for anything unless they borrow or make a deal. Sometimes teenagers are happy if they have the means to give good gifts to their parents besides love and recognition. As to the general concept of future, it is supported by the will, hope, and strength of everyone. They will be successful in life anyway, if they make something for themselves, moreover, God and beliefs keep their expectation alive, while they wait quietly. Brazilians appreciate resting, a fact which qualifies them as indolent, but opposing that myth, they inherited from slaves the capacity and will of working hard. They just can count on their country subsidies still in development, so that unemployment is yet a great problem in Brazil, but Brazilian people almost never give up whenever they unfortunately cannot find the job they are looking for. Nevertheless, they are helpful and, since they will take any job, they try to do their best, keeping the expectations to be arise, a trading or may find it anytime anywhere.
  • 9. To be working is the most important for them. If it is not possible to give a comfortable life and a good education to their children, at least to ensure subsistence is a goal for the majority of Brazilian society. Those who do not have to support their families also like to work to be financially independent, to invest in themselves, and to enjoy life’s pleasures. The majority of Brazilian people are motivated for jobs by their own nature. In general they are tolerant in terms of relationships between employer - employee, because they know how difficult it is to get a place in the work force in Brazil. Many Brazilian are even able to flow to other places, such as the metropolis or even other countries searching for jobs. The Brazilian people industrials by tradition, therefore they can work hard wherever they go. There are many notable names in the Brazilian culture universally admired in the most diverse fields such as, Tom Jobim, João Gilberto, Caetano Veloso, (Pop-music); Pelé, Zico, Romário (Soccer); Ayrton Senna (Auto Industry); Jorge Amado (Literature); Hortência (Basket Ball); Marcelo Negrão, Tandy (Male-Volleyball); Maguilla (Boxing); Hermeto Pascoal (classical-music); and many, many others. Living in Brazil, Brazilian people usually work all year round, but when February arrives, they say “That’s enough!” and then, they go to play “Carnival”, which is the most popular party in Brazil. In addition, in the “Carnival” party, the Brazilian people forget their social behaviors and feel themselves free to enjoy beautiful beaches or commemorate their roots. “Carnival” troupes pass by an official circuit on crowded streets on the Brazilian cities showing the Brazilian culture and folklore of the Indian, African, Portuguese people. They recall their roots by using fancy dresses and many other inspirations of the Brazilian people’s creativity based on the three-dimensional culture, and all together over the sound of sounds and tones of electric-trios, sweat and beer, makes up the revelry, which lasts for a week. Brazilian people are glad to receive thousands of guests from all over the world, and happy to share all that life full of warm, spice, color, charm and delight with everybody.
  • 10. Kadja Saldanha Essay Theme: To express formation and cross-cultural values of your country. Professor: Maris Nichols Server: 302