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Definition Essay On Friendship
Friendship is important for us to grow and become who we want to become in life. Every human
needs friendship as a necessity for us to thrive as we are not all self–sufficient in ourselves. Just
think if no one talked to each other and we never made friends, this world would be a ticking time
bomb. My personal definition of a friend is someone who is always there, helps me with the simple
or complex decision, always looks out for what is best for me, and being able to have trust between
each other.
There is no accurate definition of friendship; it can mean different things depending on the person.
Some friendships can be absolutely awful. There are certain people in the world that are just evil
enough to go against you and your friendship.
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Reflective Essay About Friendship
Having a friendship with someone since you were little is amazing, the bond you form with that
person like a never–ending comforter and someone to always trust and confide in. The day I
moved into the new house and went to see the neighborhood, I knew we would always be close.
Owen and I grew closer every day, quickly becoming the best of friends, and at the time, nothing
was better than having a best friend. Through our awkward years, multiple friend groups coming
and going, the harsh words and the hate from other people, we were always there for each other; he
had my back and I his. Living in the moment and cherishing the things you have while you have
them is one of the most important things in life because you never know when it can all be taken
It was during the eleventh–grade summer that everything changed. The daily talks, sleepovers, and
coming to each other about everything all hindered. Eye contact and smiles were turned to scowling,
pointing, and laughing with the hierarchy of all groups. Being friends with him for so long and
eventually developing feelings that exceeded a friendship, and then just being dropped with no
warning and not having a clue why was heart–wrenching and confusing. The day of the pep–rally I
finally thought that this one–sided feud would be stopped and that we could rekindle our lost
friendship, but I could never be more wrong. Many side glances, smirks, and winks were made, but
none with the loving intent that they used to hold.
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Persuasive Essay About Friendship
Trying to find a good friend is like finding a four–leaf clover; it's hard to find, but lucky to have. The
term friendship is a unique bond between two individuals–whether it's a charming boy and a geeky
girl, an elder woman and a young adult, or even between a cat and a dog. Friendship takes no form,
instead it is the individual trust toward others. Dating back to the creation of the human species,
people were familiar with the idea of companionship, in addition of being a companion, it relies on a
sense of comfort and protection. Presently, people still share that bond of comfort and protection
toward others, but the term companionship has changed into what is now known today as friendship.
The world is currently evolving into a digital era, a generation where everyone and everything are
connected by the power of computers, including meeting new people across the world where it's
impossible to meet in person. However, even though it's easily accessible to make friends online, it
can never favor those who live locally. The reason why is because in the digital world, people are
highly deceptive and are limited in communication while in comparison to those who lives locally.
However, it isn't wrong to make friends online, even though, some of them are misleading. It's more
suitable to have friends locally as they have better communication efficiency, living proof of actual
identity, and as well of physically spending quality time together.
Friends who live locally often have
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Definition Essay: What Is A Friendship?
Friendship Friendship... what is that? Surely you have a friend and with that friend you share a
friendship. Your friendship is different is probably may be a little different from one of mine,
because we we may not look for the same things in a friendship. I believe that in a friendship you
are suppose to trust and comfortable and be loyal with your friend. In a friendship you need to have
trust; without true it would be a difficult and messy friendship. " With friendship all bonds are built
with trust. Without it, you would have nothing." When you have trust with your friend you are
showing them that you are comfortable with them. My friend Kassandra and I have always been so
close, and we trust each other so much that it's crazy. I
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Get The Full Value Of Life By Mark Twain
The human survival is based on friendship. From the highest authority to the lowest bums living
on the streets all of them have experienced in some way or the other one of these different kinds
of friendships. We take this friendship for granted because it is something that exists naturally in
society and most of us never really have to actually go out into the world looking for a friend.
Those of us who have had to live in a foreign country or in new surroundings have learned how
important this is in life. My personal realization came when I had to start college in a new country, in
different surroundings. The feeling of loneliness is enough to drive a person to near madness. So in
conclusion what I'm trying to say is that we more content...
Life goes on to the next level and we now make friends with people of our own sex because girls are
'weird'. Then comes the next stage in life, a sheer fascination with this 'weird' species that will rule
us until a perfectly weird individual comes along. So life can be summarized in these three
statements. It was a great man, Mark Twain, who once said, "Grief can take care of itself, but to get
the full value of joy you must have somebody to divide it with."
There is a freedom from both people to express their opinions to each other in order to strengthen
the friendship. It does not matter whether the marriage or friendship is by choice or by force. Any
form of friendship is based on the simple rules of honesty and trust. These are understood even
before it starts. It is this that makes us human.
They do not want to know about it or they do not understand it enough. This is not how friendship
works. It is a system like any other, and whether it is between spouses or parents and children or
friends, the same rules will apply. These rules can be summarized by one word– trustworthiness. If
you take your friends for granted then the same happens to you, and you don't realize the true
essence of friendship because this friendship is superficial, and is not based on the rules. Another
fact to consider is time. Time brings maturity to the relationship, and a better understanding between
the members. It may heal wounds or make them more
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Friendship As A Small Group Of Friends
Friendship in Life Since I can remember I have always been a girl with a small group of friends. In
my school years I would usually hang out with only 2–3 girls in my classroom, and it has always
been that way ever since. I'm a very shy and quiet person; for that reason I've always preferred a
small group of friends. Throughout the years, I've lost some friends on the way but I have also kept
some good friends, and refer them more as best friends. Friendship has become a big part of my life,
and it has taught me what friendship really is and who has been my real friends. Once I
graduated from high school, I moved to Racine WI, to attend college and continue working as a
waitress in a Mexican restaurant. Thanks to that job, I met a girl that till this day has been a
great friend; I can honestly say she's like a sister to me. At first, we would just work together a
couple times a week, but later on we began hanging out together outside of work. When that
started, I just began to trust her more and learned a lot from her in how she is. Since I met her,
she's the type of girl who can easily be talked to, she would get you comfortable talking to her and
she would always make you laugh at the moment you meet her. She's very outgoing girls who even
though we have been through a lot together we have managed to still continue being great friends.
After knowing her for a couple years we became closer and closer, we have our differences, but we
have learned a lot from each other.
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Descriptive Essay About Friendship
Friendship is a bond between two or more people. I can choose who I desire to be friends with.
However, some friends are brought by fate. Sherry and I, are like magnets. Our personality and
social status is different. Yet down the road, we became really close friends. Sherry have a similar
background as me. She can be careless but, sometimes she can be really sensitive. No matter in
school or outside of school, I always spot her in a T–shirt with blue jeans and sneakers. We have
several conflicts because of our different point of view. We have discussed the reason why we are
friends when we are completely opposite of each other. We agreed we wouldn't become friends if
we actually met in China. She is energetic and rebellious. While, I' more content...
There is a fairly light red across her wrist, my heart just dropped to the stomach. I think I know
what that is, but I don't understand the reason why. "What are you doing?" I texted her, hoping
everything is alright. " you saw it, I cut myself." she texted me back. I'm so confused. She was so
cheerful in the morning and now she cut herself. I shut off the computer and send a video chat
request, a few seconds later she picked up. "What's going on?" I asked with great concern. "I'm
just tired, I tried that before. It doesn't hurt, don't worry." she answered giggling. "So you are
doing it again? Why?" I asked trying to keep calm. "She hated me, want me to go die." She stated
and waving her arm. She is starting to freak me out, it's the first time I have ever met a situation
like this. We talked for hours and hours, she told me about her life, her parents, her siblings, and
school. All of her problems, thoughts, and concerns. She is on the edge; she is so stressed out
about everything. I tried the best to comfort her, discussing about her career, all the places we want
to go together, talking about our favorite shows and getting celebrities' autograph. Then, around
three o'clock in the morning she calmed down. We promised if anything significant happened in
our lives, we will tell each other and not do dumb things. Sherry and I are friends, what is friends?
I believe friends are the folks that stands by my side no matter what
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Friendship : A Great Deal Of Similarities Essay
Long lasting friendships are those of friends with similarities. People who are well–established
friends exhibit a great deal of similarities in behaviors and attitudes.
How important is similarity in friendship
Long lasting friendships are those of friends with similarities. People who are well–established
friends exhibit a great deal of similarities in behaviors and attitudes. According to Aristotle's classic
formulation, perfect friendship is of those who are similar and good in their goodness. This is so
because everyone is gratified by his or her conduct and pleased with conduct that resembles it.
Aristotle further explains that friendship between unequal's is rather hard to sustain. Typical of this
kind of friendship is giving less importance to equality of right conduct, and more importance to
equality of social and wealth status. In this case, Aristotle suggests that if there is a wide gap
between friends regarding affluence, conduct, social status or anything else, such friendship is not
bound to last long (Richardson 264).
Individuals can be similar in apparent features like appearance, education, gender and age, or in less
observable characteristics such as interests, attitudes, skills or personality. Similarity can be
determined either subjectively – by asking the individuals how similar they think their characteristics
are, or objectively – comparing the value of the two persons and measuring their similar
characteristics (Klepper et al 121). Two people cannot
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The Importance of Friendship Essay
Do you remember your very first friend? Do you remember his or her name? Do you remember
how you became friends? Perhaps it was a neighborhood friend, or the kid sitting next to you in
school. Maybe it was your cousin, or your cousin's neighbor. Maybe it was someone you met at
church, or scouts, or camp, or daycare. Perhaps it was babysitter, a nanny, or a teacher. Or maybe
it was your brother, your sister, your half brother or your half sister. Regardless of how you met
your very first friend, you'll never forget him or her. My first friend?s name was Danny, and he was
a neighborhood friend. Danny lived down the street, and we used to hang out after school. On
Saturdays, we played at each others houses, we played outside, more content...
Trust, loyalty, truthfulness, protection and integrity, all of these things stem fromfriendship. Without
it, a friendship can be destroyed. Friends help us all, friends are there for us. A good friend is there
for you, he understands you, and you understand him. It?s a mutual relationship.
Where in life would you be without your best friends? I know that I would be pretty lost, fairly
confused, and I would have a very difficult time communicating with others. Trust would be an
issue, how could I trust another human being if I had never done it before? Aside from parents and
loved ones, friends teach us that strangers can turn unto trustworthy individuals. Friendship is very
important in life. If I didn?t have my friends that I had growing up, I would be a very different
person today.
Friendship often derives from a common sharing of an interest, usually this sharing is done by two
individuals participating in these common activities together. This bond often enhances the activity,
and can create joy for both of the participants. What?s that entirely mean? Well, basically it says that
doing something fun alone is fun, but doing something fun with someone else, who is having fun, is
much much better. And that is my point, friends make life better. Friends make activities in life
more enjoyable. Most of all, friends make life?life.
Protection, do you ever wonder why animals travel in herds? Or why
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Persuasive Essay About Friendship
When I was in pre–school, I formed a conspiracy in order to become the friend of this one girl in
my class. From that point on, friendship had always been this equation–esque problem to solve. It
always was highly difficult to find someone to connect with on a platonic level. I was extremely
socially anxious and had no idea of how to actually make friends. All of my healthiest and most
successful friendships were not made through my previous methods, but were all rather happy
accidents. However, luck combined with mutual characteristics are not the only aspects of
friendships with which one concerns his or herself. When making a friend, one is bound to lose a
part of themselves in that other person. This happens when a person makes any sort of devotion to
the other, whether miniscule of utmost importance. Whether or not this predicament is negative or
positive depends on the part they lose. A negative predicament may include the loss of good habits
and demeanors replaced by destructive or unhealthy behavior. A positive situation may include one
person being a sort of foil to the other's personality. For example, one friend may lack social skills,
but has confidence in his or herself while the other friend might be highly gregarious but has deep
sated insecurities. While in a good, healthy friendship, they start to lose the parts that may be lacking
and pick up those that better show the other facets of their personality. The friendship is not based on
mutual benefits, but
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Definition Essay Friendship
The word friendship is determined in many different ways. Webster's Dictionary defines friendship
as a friendly relation, or attachment, to a person, or between persons. In order to have a friendship,
a friend is needed. A friend is described as a person who has a strong liking for and trust in another.
As there are many definitions for the word friendship, everyone has their own personal definition of
what a real friendship is. My personal definition of friendship is someone who will be there no
matter what the circumstances are. Also, a real friendship should have no judgment, trust, and
equal effort. I would define a friend as someone who is loyal, dependable, and always there in a
time of need. However, friendship differs between people. For example, the friendship between
someone and their parents would be different with someone their own age. A friendship can exist
between best friends, friends, acquaintances, lovers, children, parents, siblings, and much more.
However, all of these types of friendships are different. One type of friendship is an acquaintance.
This is the beginning of most more content...
They do not necessarily have a best friend or an acquaintance, they just have a friend. A friend
should accept all flaws, faults, and mistakes. A friend is someone who understands our past. Also,
they are someone who has a positive impact in our life. A friendship is a faithful and loyal
relationship between two or more people. Friends have an intimate relationship that can last
forever. Friendship is not limited by sex, age, or where a person lives. Friendship can develop
between people that have the same interests and passions. No one of us has completed and
satisfied life if we lack a good friendship. Everyone needs a friend to share good and bad events
with. Friends are there to enjoy happy moments and share unbearable times. Friendship is one of the
most valuable relationships a person can have in
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Definition Essay About Friendship
Friendship is something that many people have experienced in our lives we either had a good
experience with friendship or we had a bad experience with friendship. So what is friendship? Well defines friendship as" 1.the state of being friends;2.the relationship between
friends;3. a friendly feeling or attitude;4. kindness or help given to someone"(merriam webster) So
theoretically the definition of friendship is being a company of someone that you share some
intimacy with. I think that this definition is right on point but it is a little more because to be
called a friend of someone you have to be able to be trusted by the person that is calling you their
friend. Being a friend to someone to me is being able to share more content...
For me to make friends is very hard because i am not very open with people i don't put myself out
there as much in fear of rejection. I think to prove that you are friends with someone they have to
be able to trust you with something that they can't tell someone. They have to have the same
aspirations as you this might be something small like you both feel that you guys have potential
and that someday you will do something great. The last thing of being able to prove that you are
the friend of someone is that you have to be able to help that person when they are down and be
able to have fun with them when it is time. Yes it might seem like it shouldn't be this complicated to
make a friend but just claiming to be friends with random people can make you seem vulnerable to
be take advantage of. A friend is theoretically someone that is not yourfamily member that you have
met and feel a connection with them enough to claim them as your
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Definition Essay About Friendship
What is a "friend?" Merriam Webster's dictionary definition of a friend says, "A person whom one
knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection." says, "a person attached
to another by feelings of affection or personal regard." In other words, "one that is not hostile."
Many people say that friendship is a blessing. I agree with them. I know that friends are always
there to endure the mountains and the valleys. They are always there for a person, and I believe
everyone should have someone like my good friend Sam, an amazing and influential friend.
Samantha Savelkoul, a quiet freshman at Cambridge–Isanti High School, is one of my best friends.
Sam and I, had met earlier, but we really got to know each other in seventh
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Kant On Friendship
Kant presented his philosophy of friendship against the background of the conflict between self–love
as part of our human nature, and love for others where we promote others' wellbeing. In his late
lectures on ethics, he then presented such a condition of friendship as an ideal friendship, where we
devote our interests towards our friends in sacrifice of self–love. (LE, Collins, p. 184) This ideal
friendship is only approachable but not attainable in reality. However, towards his later lectures on
friendship, especially of that recorded in Metaphysics of Morals, Kant identified moral friendship,
which is based on respect between friends, as the only possible form of friendship to actually exist
and that we can aim to attain. In this essay, more content...
In his early lectures on ethics, Kant established 3 types of friendship, namely friendship in need,
taste or disposition. Friendship of disposition is said to be the highest form of friendship,
characterised by the openhearted sharing of sentiments and judgments. (LE Collins p. 187) To
have a friend of disposition is for one to have a person to pour out all feelings and thoughts to,
with no restraints in their disclosure. Kant also acknowledged that more often than not, we tend
to only disclose a portion of our feelings and thoughts to our friends, and are never truly willing to
share everything at once. (LE Collins p. 187) This then makes the friendship of disposition the
rarest form of friendship, since it is very difficult for one to have a friend who one is willing to
fully communicate one's feelings and thoughts to and not find the need to hide any parts of
oneself. However in Kant's later lectures in the Metaphysics of Morals, he further establishes that
one's openhearted sharing with a friend, though, should be limited. We cannot disclose all of our
weaknesses to a friend, and we should even regard a friend as someone who might become our
enemy. (MM Vigilantius, p. 410) Knowing an enemy's weaknesses gives us access to hurt our
enemy more easily. Hence, we should be cautious in revealing our weaknesses to anyone, in view
that we might become their enemy one day. Kant also emphasises the importance of respect in a
moral friendship. Revelation of our weaknesses to a friend lessens the respect our friend would
have for us. (MM Vigilantius, p. 410) While openhearted sharing is important in a moral friendship
towards the union of both parties, it is a constrained exercise for self–protection in each individual in
order to have respect for each
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Persuasive Essay Friendship
Friendship is very important. With friends in life, rough situations may become bearable and false
decisions may turn back into the right decision. Yet sadly, the world is not perfect and it is
corrupted by sin. Human used friendship in a selfish manner. Instead of helping each other, some
used friendship to obtain their own goal or mislead their so called friend. This is not how friendship
supposed to be. In the book Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi, readers could see
how important friendship is and how it should be. In Nabeel Qureshi's life, his friendship with
David helped him started his Christian conversion and aided him along the way. Before Qureshi met
David, he thought that Christianity is wrong and Allah is the only god. After Qureshi saw David
read the Bible on his free time, the author asked David if he knew that the Bible was not reliable.
For a devout Christian, hearing others blatantly said that the Bible is completely corrupted is a big
shock. Instead of getting angry at Qureshi, David just smiled and calmly handled the conversation.
Qureshi mentioned that it was rather surprising how calm David was because "people were usually
caught more off guard" (126).
Instead of lashing out on Qureshi for his disagreement, David calmly showed him the errors in his
thinking in a respectful way. This is how friends should help each other. After Qureshi did multiple
researches to prove that the Bible and the whole belief of Christianity is wrong, David did
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Definition Essay: What Is A Friend?
What is a Friend? Who do you consider your friends? For me, a friend is someone who makes you
laugh, they're nice, you can joke around with this person, and it's very easy to tell them anything
because you trust them. If I talk to someone occasionally, and we're nice to each other but we
never get into weird and funny conversations that later on leads to inside jokes, I wouldn't
consider them a friend. All of the people I consider my friends are people who just bring joy to
me. One common experience I have had with all my friends is laughing for a very long time
non–stop until our stomachs hurt. For example, once I was skyping with two of my friends, Kim
and Cortes. Cortes saw a post on Twitter that said "I hate it when teachers coffin more
For me, I unfortunately do not excel in anything and I blend in with the crowd. Being great at
something brings you praise and attention which is a good thing because people will look up to
you. In addition, it could also help you stick out when it's time to apply to a college. They'll look
at your classes and see you were a top student for one of them, or look at one of the extracurricular
activities you were a part of and see you contributed a lot and were very important and praised by
the other members. For example, if you're into sports and you're the star athlete of your team, not
only will you win awards from your school and be well–known by nearly every student, you might
also get recruited by a college. What this means is the college will ask for you to join, since they
want you on their team. If you're a part of a school organization that's also very beneficial. You
gain skills that will be very important in the future. You'll build leadership skills and confidence. If
you stick with this organization for a very long time during school, that's also a good thing colleges
look for and it increases your chances of being
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Friendship Essay
A friend is defined as a person whom one knows, likes, and trusts. This type of a relation is
friendship. In every society in the world people have and follow this relationship and support it. In
some societies this relationship is given more importance than others. In our society friends are
given almost the same attention as ones family member. Family is the closest relationship a person
has, and if that is disturbed a friend can be very helpful.
For me my friends are a part of my family. I trust my true friends as much as I just my closet family
member. Atrue friend would do anything to save your life. I have experienced this fact when I was
13 years old. My family and more content...
Since we were kids we loved to challenge one another in sports, so as soon as he came up with this
idea I got up and ran to the Jet Ski. We both put on our life jackets and off we went.
As our Jet Ski's sliced the cold water, my left foot slipped and within seconds I was under the Jet
Ski. I kept on yelling "I need help.." but no one cared to listen. As soon as Hassan turn around and
looked, he saw that I was asking for help. He had a problem in his hands. He did not know how to
swim properly. Still he being a good friend that he was he jumped in and did not care about him
not knowing how to swim. He had his life jacket tightly strapped around his waist and was really
shocked to see me fainted.
He took me to the shore and called the lifeguard immediately. The lifeguard told Hassan that there
was nothing to worry about and all was fine. Later on when I was all right, Hassan took he home
and told me to rest for the rest of the day.
With keeping this incident in mind I realize the importance of friendship. Every time I think of
the situation I remember Hassan and thank him for saving my life. It was so grateful of him to
jump into the water when he did not even know how to swim. But he thought as a friend it was his
duty to save me. Friendship is a duty that you dedicate to a person whom you know, like, and trust.
Today I am here just because of Hassan who has served his duty of helping his friend at the time he
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Friendship Essay: What Makes A Good Friend?
A friend is someone difficult to find. A friend is someone you can always count on when times
are tough. The dictionary's definition of a good friend is a person attached to another by feelings
of affection or personal regard. A good friend is there when you are struggling. For example,
when a boy breaks your heart a good friend walks you through it and offers a shoulder to cry on.
According to Bree Neff, a good friend is someone who is trustworthy, doesn't talk behind your
back, listens to your problems, gives good advice and tries to lend humor along with his or her
support. There are also bad friends, those who pretend to care and then turn around gossiping and
starting drama. Good and bad friends are all around you, involved more content...
You want friends that show they care and do not resent your achievements. A good friend sees
good in your accomplishments; because of this they will not want you to do poorly and will
always be looking out for you, hoping you do your best. A trustworthy friend is someone you can
count on no matter what. They are someone you can call in the middle of the night and vent to, or
just talk. They are someone who, if they say they are going to do something, they do it and don't
bail out. Good friends are people with whom you can talk to and trust with your secrets. You can
tell a friend anything and know they won't open their mouth just for the fun of it because they
like and respect you too much to hurt you. If you have something you feel like you can't tell
anyone about, they are the friends you can tell. A good friend is someone who when you tell
them personal stuff you don't have to worry, you know your secret is safe. Trusted friends are
those you can tell your flaws to and know your revelations are safe. Sometimes after you tell
people certain information you think: "What in the world was I thinking?" but a trustworthy person
won't ever make you feel like that. What is a loyal friend? A loyal friend is someone who never lets
you down. They are someone who does things with you even though these things maybe totally
boring, but they still do them. Loyal friends won't back out at the last second. They stick with
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What is a Friend? Essay
What is a friend? A friend is someone who supports you, sympathizes with you, or patronizes a
group. An easily definition of that would be a person you know, like and trust.
In these tough times we count on friend to help us get through. I like to think of friendship as
everlasting, but is friendship truly forever? Can miles drive you away from friends you made
after graduating from places like high school or college? Just imagine walking across the stage
and never seeing the people you graduated with. Well for those instances you can always join
networking places like Facebook. Facebook helps you connect with the people in your life. In those
ways you would never be without your friends. On these sites you can write to each other
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A friendship can be everlasting depending on the personalities in that relationship. Sometimes
personalities can change for the good the bad in many friendships. You can never change a
person through a friendship. Differences can set you apart. The definition of a friend has
changed over the years therefore that could be a contributing factor to why we can count our
friend on one hand. Think about it! When separating from friends for a while physically values
and beliefs start to change. Many may argue that is not true, but I will say I have lost many
friends do to personality changes and belief. Some reasons maybe be because everyone in college
likes to smoke and drink. I am not a fan of either which I believe is gross so I drop many friends
due to that reason. I have also lost a lot of friends due to the ways they act towards me or others
when different people are around. In the urban world we call that being "fake." Fake is another
way of saying you aren't what you claim to be. You don't stay true to yourself and totally honest.
On the other side people can change for the good to help each other in a friendship. Friendships
can gain trust through one another in due to the people you are around. In a relationship trust is
being able tell a secret under confidence to other people hoping they wont tell. If you gain some
ones trust when you come to a problem you are likely to come to that person
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My Experience With My Friends
Growing up I could identify my friends whom I found to be more sensitive, friendly and
imaginative. These were the friends that I could turn to when I had a problem I needed to talk
through or someone who was sincere and honest in their advice while being mindful of my
feelings. I could also identify with these friends because I have always been one to make sure
everyone else is taken care of before myself. These "blues" are the most genuine people I have met
throughout life, but I have also found in my classroom. Just three days ago, one of my students
answered a question that normally does not volunteer to participate. He answered correctly and his
fellow peer whom he is not within the same social circle could not be more proud of him. She was
astonished and proud of his answer and continued to whisper (loudly) across the room good job with
her thumbs up until he realized her recognition and smiled back with a thank you. I was so proud to
have this student in my classroom showing such compassion for another student. This generation is
criticized for only thinking of themselves and although not untrue, it is moments like that, that
remind me of how lucky I am to have blues in the classroom. As blues strengths including caring for
others and sharing their emotions are compromised by them feeling hurt or treated unjustly, they
take it personally. It's important to reassure and validate their feelings. Lastly are the students who
carefully analyze my words, actions,
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Essay On Friendship

  • 1. Definition Essay On Friendship Friendship is important for us to grow and become who we want to become in life. Every human needs friendship as a necessity for us to thrive as we are not all self–sufficient in ourselves. Just think if no one talked to each other and we never made friends, this world would be a ticking time bomb. My personal definition of a friend is someone who is always there, helps me with the simple or complex decision, always looks out for what is best for me, and being able to have trust between each other. There is no accurate definition of friendship; it can mean different things depending on the person. Some friendships can be absolutely awful. There are certain people in the world that are just evil enough to go against you and your friendship. Get more content on
  • 2. Reflective Essay About Friendship Having a friendship with someone since you were little is amazing, the bond you form with that person like a never–ending comforter and someone to always trust and confide in. The day I moved into the new house and went to see the neighborhood, I knew we would always be close. Owen and I grew closer every day, quickly becoming the best of friends, and at the time, nothing was better than having a best friend. Through our awkward years, multiple friend groups coming and going, the harsh words and the hate from other people, we were always there for each other; he had my back and I his. Living in the moment and cherishing the things you have while you have them is one of the most important things in life because you never know when it can all be taken away... It was during the eleventh–grade summer that everything changed. The daily talks, sleepovers, and coming to each other about everything all hindered. Eye contact and smiles were turned to scowling, pointing, and laughing with the hierarchy of all groups. Being friends with him for so long and eventually developing feelings that exceeded a friendship, and then just being dropped with no warning and not having a clue why was heart–wrenching and confusing. The day of the pep–rally I finally thought that this one–sided feud would be stopped and that we could rekindle our lost friendship, but I could never be more wrong. Many side glances, smirks, and winks were made, but none with the loving intent that they used to hold. Get more content on
  • 3. Persuasive Essay About Friendship Trying to find a good friend is like finding a four–leaf clover; it's hard to find, but lucky to have. The term friendship is a unique bond between two individuals–whether it's a charming boy and a geeky girl, an elder woman and a young adult, or even between a cat and a dog. Friendship takes no form, instead it is the individual trust toward others. Dating back to the creation of the human species, people were familiar with the idea of companionship, in addition of being a companion, it relies on a sense of comfort and protection. Presently, people still share that bond of comfort and protection toward others, but the term companionship has changed into what is now known today as friendship. The world is currently evolving into a digital era, a generation where everyone and everything are connected by the power of computers, including meeting new people across the world where it's impossible to meet in person. However, even though it's easily accessible to make friends online, it can never favor those who live locally. The reason why is because in the digital world, people are highly deceptive and are limited in communication while in comparison to those who lives locally. However, it isn't wrong to make friends online, even though, some of them are misleading. It's more suitable to have friends locally as they have better communication efficiency, living proof of actual identity, and as well of physically spending quality time together. Friends who live locally often have Get more content on
  • 4. Definition Essay: What Is A Friendship? Friendship Friendship... what is that? Surely you have a friend and with that friend you share a friendship. Your friendship is different is probably may be a little different from one of mine, because we we may not look for the same things in a friendship. I believe that in a friendship you are suppose to trust and comfortable and be loyal with your friend. In a friendship you need to have trust; without true it would be a difficult and messy friendship. " With friendship all bonds are built with trust. Without it, you would have nothing." When you have trust with your friend you are showing them that you are comfortable with them. My friend Kassandra and I have always been so close, and we trust each other so much that it's crazy. I Get more content on
  • 5. Get The Full Value Of Life By Mark Twain The human survival is based on friendship. From the highest authority to the lowest bums living on the streets all of them have experienced in some way or the other one of these different kinds of friendships. We take this friendship for granted because it is something that exists naturally in society and most of us never really have to actually go out into the world looking for a friend. Those of us who have had to live in a foreign country or in new surroundings have learned how important this is in life. My personal realization came when I had to start college in a new country, in different surroundings. The feeling of loneliness is enough to drive a person to near madness. So in conclusion what I'm trying to say is that we more content... Life goes on to the next level and we now make friends with people of our own sex because girls are 'weird'. Then comes the next stage in life, a sheer fascination with this 'weird' species that will rule us until a perfectly weird individual comes along. So life can be summarized in these three statements. It was a great man, Mark Twain, who once said, "Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of joy you must have somebody to divide it with." There is a freedom from both people to express their opinions to each other in order to strengthen the friendship. It does not matter whether the marriage or friendship is by choice or by force. Any form of friendship is based on the simple rules of honesty and trust. These are understood even before it starts. It is this that makes us human. They do not want to know about it or they do not understand it enough. This is not how friendship works. It is a system like any other, and whether it is between spouses or parents and children or friends, the same rules will apply. These rules can be summarized by one word– trustworthiness. If you take your friends for granted then the same happens to you, and you don't realize the true essence of friendship because this friendship is superficial, and is not based on the rules. Another fact to consider is time. Time brings maturity to the relationship, and a better understanding between the members. It may heal wounds or make them more Get more content on
  • 6. Friendship As A Small Group Of Friends Friendship in Life Since I can remember I have always been a girl with a small group of friends. In my school years I would usually hang out with only 2–3 girls in my classroom, and it has always been that way ever since. I'm a very shy and quiet person; for that reason I've always preferred a small group of friends. Throughout the years, I've lost some friends on the way but I have also kept some good friends, and refer them more as best friends. Friendship has become a big part of my life, and it has taught me what friendship really is and who has been my real friends. Once I graduated from high school, I moved to Racine WI, to attend college and continue working as a waitress in a Mexican restaurant. Thanks to that job, I met a girl that till this day has been a great friend; I can honestly say she's like a sister to me. At first, we would just work together a couple times a week, but later on we began hanging out together outside of work. When that started, I just began to trust her more and learned a lot from her in how she is. Since I met her, she's the type of girl who can easily be talked to, she would get you comfortable talking to her and she would always make you laugh at the moment you meet her. She's very outgoing girls who even though we have been through a lot together we have managed to still continue being great friends. After knowing her for a couple years we became closer and closer, we have our differences, but we have learned a lot from each other. Get more content on
  • 7. Descriptive Essay About Friendship Friendship is a bond between two or more people. I can choose who I desire to be friends with. However, some friends are brought by fate. Sherry and I, are like magnets. Our personality and social status is different. Yet down the road, we became really close friends. Sherry have a similar background as me. She can be careless but, sometimes she can be really sensitive. No matter in school or outside of school, I always spot her in a T–shirt with blue jeans and sneakers. We have several conflicts because of our different point of view. We have discussed the reason why we are friends when we are completely opposite of each other. We agreed we wouldn't become friends if we actually met in China. She is energetic and rebellious. While, I' more content... There is a fairly light red across her wrist, my heart just dropped to the stomach. I think I know what that is, but I don't understand the reason why. "What are you doing?" I texted her, hoping everything is alright. " you saw it, I cut myself." she texted me back. I'm so confused. She was so cheerful in the morning and now she cut herself. I shut off the computer and send a video chat request, a few seconds later she picked up. "What's going on?" I asked with great concern. "I'm just tired, I tried that before. It doesn't hurt, don't worry." she answered giggling. "So you are doing it again? Why?" I asked trying to keep calm. "She hated me, want me to go die." She stated and waving her arm. She is starting to freak me out, it's the first time I have ever met a situation like this. We talked for hours and hours, she told me about her life, her parents, her siblings, and school. All of her problems, thoughts, and concerns. She is on the edge; she is so stressed out about everything. I tried the best to comfort her, discussing about her career, all the places we want to go together, talking about our favorite shows and getting celebrities' autograph. Then, around three o'clock in the morning she calmed down. We promised if anything significant happened in our lives, we will tell each other and not do dumb things. Sherry and I are friends, what is friends? I believe friends are the folks that stands by my side no matter what Get more content on
  • 8. Friendship : A Great Deal Of Similarities Essay Long lasting friendships are those of friends with similarities. People who are well–established friends exhibit a great deal of similarities in behaviors and attitudes. How important is similarity in friendship Long lasting friendships are those of friends with similarities. People who are well–established friends exhibit a great deal of similarities in behaviors and attitudes. According to Aristotle's classic formulation, perfect friendship is of those who are similar and good in their goodness. This is so because everyone is gratified by his or her conduct and pleased with conduct that resembles it. Aristotle further explains that friendship between unequal's is rather hard to sustain. Typical of this kind of friendship is giving less importance to equality of right conduct, and more importance to equality of social and wealth status. In this case, Aristotle suggests that if there is a wide gap between friends regarding affluence, conduct, social status or anything else, such friendship is not bound to last long (Richardson 264). Individuals can be similar in apparent features like appearance, education, gender and age, or in less observable characteristics such as interests, attitudes, skills or personality. Similarity can be determined either subjectively – by asking the individuals how similar they think their characteristics are, or objectively – comparing the value of the two persons and measuring their similar characteristics (Klepper et al 121). Two people cannot Get more content on
  • 9. The Importance of Friendship Essay Do you remember your very first friend? Do you remember his or her name? Do you remember how you became friends? Perhaps it was a neighborhood friend, or the kid sitting next to you in school. Maybe it was your cousin, or your cousin's neighbor. Maybe it was someone you met at church, or scouts, or camp, or daycare. Perhaps it was babysitter, a nanny, or a teacher. Or maybe it was your brother, your sister, your half brother or your half sister. Regardless of how you met your very first friend, you'll never forget him or her. My first friend?s name was Danny, and he was a neighborhood friend. Danny lived down the street, and we used to hang out after school. On Saturdays, we played at each others houses, we played outside, more content... Trust, loyalty, truthfulness, protection and integrity, all of these things stem fromfriendship. Without it, a friendship can be destroyed. Friends help us all, friends are there for us. A good friend is there for you, he understands you, and you understand him. It?s a mutual relationship. Where in life would you be without your best friends? I know that I would be pretty lost, fairly confused, and I would have a very difficult time communicating with others. Trust would be an issue, how could I trust another human being if I had never done it before? Aside from parents and loved ones, friends teach us that strangers can turn unto trustworthy individuals. Friendship is very important in life. If I didn?t have my friends that I had growing up, I would be a very different person today. Friendship often derives from a common sharing of an interest, usually this sharing is done by two individuals participating in these common activities together. This bond often enhances the activity, and can create joy for both of the participants. What?s that entirely mean? Well, basically it says that doing something fun alone is fun, but doing something fun with someone else, who is having fun, is much much better. And that is my point, friends make life better. Friends make activities in life more enjoyable. Most of all, friends make life?life. Protection, do you ever wonder why animals travel in herds? Or why Get more content on
  • 10. Persuasive Essay About Friendship When I was in pre–school, I formed a conspiracy in order to become the friend of this one girl in my class. From that point on, friendship had always been this equation–esque problem to solve. It always was highly difficult to find someone to connect with on a platonic level. I was extremely socially anxious and had no idea of how to actually make friends. All of my healthiest and most successful friendships were not made through my previous methods, but were all rather happy accidents. However, luck combined with mutual characteristics are not the only aspects of friendships with which one concerns his or herself. When making a friend, one is bound to lose a part of themselves in that other person. This happens when a person makes any sort of devotion to the other, whether miniscule of utmost importance. Whether or not this predicament is negative or positive depends on the part they lose. A negative predicament may include the loss of good habits and demeanors replaced by destructive or unhealthy behavior. A positive situation may include one person being a sort of foil to the other's personality. For example, one friend may lack social skills, but has confidence in his or herself while the other friend might be highly gregarious but has deep sated insecurities. While in a good, healthy friendship, they start to lose the parts that may be lacking and pick up those that better show the other facets of their personality. The friendship is not based on mutual benefits, but Get more content on
  • 11. Definition Essay Friendship The word friendship is determined in many different ways. Webster's Dictionary defines friendship as a friendly relation, or attachment, to a person, or between persons. In order to have a friendship, a friend is needed. A friend is described as a person who has a strong liking for and trust in another. As there are many definitions for the word friendship, everyone has their own personal definition of what a real friendship is. My personal definition of friendship is someone who will be there no matter what the circumstances are. Also, a real friendship should have no judgment, trust, and equal effort. I would define a friend as someone who is loyal, dependable, and always there in a time of need. However, friendship differs between people. For example, the friendship between someone and their parents would be different with someone their own age. A friendship can exist between best friends, friends, acquaintances, lovers, children, parents, siblings, and much more. However, all of these types of friendships are different. One type of friendship is an acquaintance. This is the beginning of most more content... They do not necessarily have a best friend or an acquaintance, they just have a friend. A friend should accept all flaws, faults, and mistakes. A friend is someone who understands our past. Also, they are someone who has a positive impact in our life. A friendship is a faithful and loyal relationship between two or more people. Friends have an intimate relationship that can last forever. Friendship is not limited by sex, age, or where a person lives. Friendship can develop between people that have the same interests and passions. No one of us has completed and satisfied life if we lack a good friendship. Everyone needs a friend to share good and bad events with. Friends are there to enjoy happy moments and share unbearable times. Friendship is one of the most valuable relationships a person can have in Get more content on
  • 12. Definition Essay About Friendship Friendship is something that many people have experienced in our lives we either had a good experience with friendship or we had a bad experience with friendship. So what is friendship? Well defines friendship as" 1.the state of being friends;2.the relationship between friends;3. a friendly feeling or attitude;4. kindness or help given to someone"(merriam webster) So theoretically the definition of friendship is being a company of someone that you share some intimacy with. I think that this definition is right on point but it is a little more because to be called a friend of someone you have to be able to be trusted by the person that is calling you their friend. Being a friend to someone to me is being able to share more content... For me to make friends is very hard because i am not very open with people i don't put myself out there as much in fear of rejection. I think to prove that you are friends with someone they have to be able to trust you with something that they can't tell someone. They have to have the same aspirations as you this might be something small like you both feel that you guys have potential and that someday you will do something great. The last thing of being able to prove that you are the friend of someone is that you have to be able to help that person when they are down and be able to have fun with them when it is time. Yes it might seem like it shouldn't be this complicated to make a friend but just claiming to be friends with random people can make you seem vulnerable to be take advantage of. A friend is theoretically someone that is not yourfamily member that you have met and feel a connection with them enough to claim them as your Get more content on
  • 13. Definition Essay About Friendship What is a "friend?" Merriam Webster's dictionary definition of a friend says, "A person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection." says, "a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard." In other words, "one that is not hostile." Many people say that friendship is a blessing. I agree with them. I know that friends are always there to endure the mountains and the valleys. They are always there for a person, and I believe everyone should have someone like my good friend Sam, an amazing and influential friend. Samantha Savelkoul, a quiet freshman at Cambridge–Isanti High School, is one of my best friends. Sam and I, had met earlier, but we really got to know each other in seventh Get more content on
  • 14. Kant On Friendship Kant presented his philosophy of friendship against the background of the conflict between self–love as part of our human nature, and love for others where we promote others' wellbeing. In his late lectures on ethics, he then presented such a condition of friendship as an ideal friendship, where we devote our interests towards our friends in sacrifice of self–love. (LE, Collins, p. 184) This ideal friendship is only approachable but not attainable in reality. However, towards his later lectures on friendship, especially of that recorded in Metaphysics of Morals, Kant identified moral friendship, which is based on respect between friends, as the only possible form of friendship to actually exist and that we can aim to attain. In this essay, more content... In his early lectures on ethics, Kant established 3 types of friendship, namely friendship in need, taste or disposition. Friendship of disposition is said to be the highest form of friendship, characterised by the openhearted sharing of sentiments and judgments. (LE Collins p. 187) To have a friend of disposition is for one to have a person to pour out all feelings and thoughts to, with no restraints in their disclosure. Kant also acknowledged that more often than not, we tend to only disclose a portion of our feelings and thoughts to our friends, and are never truly willing to share everything at once. (LE Collins p. 187) This then makes the friendship of disposition the rarest form of friendship, since it is very difficult for one to have a friend who one is willing to fully communicate one's feelings and thoughts to and not find the need to hide any parts of oneself. However in Kant's later lectures in the Metaphysics of Morals, he further establishes that one's openhearted sharing with a friend, though, should be limited. We cannot disclose all of our weaknesses to a friend, and we should even regard a friend as someone who might become our enemy. (MM Vigilantius, p. 410) Knowing an enemy's weaknesses gives us access to hurt our enemy more easily. Hence, we should be cautious in revealing our weaknesses to anyone, in view that we might become their enemy one day. Kant also emphasises the importance of respect in a moral friendship. Revelation of our weaknesses to a friend lessens the respect our friend would have for us. (MM Vigilantius, p. 410) While openhearted sharing is important in a moral friendship towards the union of both parties, it is a constrained exercise for self–protection in each individual in order to have respect for each Get more content on
  • 15. Persuasive Essay Friendship Friendship is very important. With friends in life, rough situations may become bearable and false decisions may turn back into the right decision. Yet sadly, the world is not perfect and it is corrupted by sin. Human used friendship in a selfish manner. Instead of helping each other, some used friendship to obtain their own goal or mislead their so called friend. This is not how friendship supposed to be. In the book Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi, readers could see how important friendship is and how it should be. In Nabeel Qureshi's life, his friendship with David helped him started his Christian conversion and aided him along the way. Before Qureshi met David, he thought that Christianity is wrong and Allah is the only god. After Qureshi saw David read the Bible on his free time, the author asked David if he knew that the Bible was not reliable. For a devout Christian, hearing others blatantly said that the Bible is completely corrupted is a big shock. Instead of getting angry at Qureshi, David just smiled and calmly handled the conversation. Qureshi mentioned that it was rather surprising how calm David was because "people were usually caught more off guard" (126). Instead of lashing out on Qureshi for his disagreement, David calmly showed him the errors in his thinking in a respectful way. This is how friends should help each other. After Qureshi did multiple researches to prove that the Bible and the whole belief of Christianity is wrong, David did Get more content on
  • 16. Definition Essay: What Is A Friend? What is a Friend? Who do you consider your friends? For me, a friend is someone who makes you laugh, they're nice, you can joke around with this person, and it's very easy to tell them anything because you trust them. If I talk to someone occasionally, and we're nice to each other but we never get into weird and funny conversations that later on leads to inside jokes, I wouldn't consider them a friend. All of the people I consider my friends are people who just bring joy to me. One common experience I have had with all my friends is laughing for a very long time non–stop until our stomachs hurt. For example, once I was skyping with two of my friends, Kim and Cortes. Cortes saw a post on Twitter that said "I hate it when teachers coffin more content... For me, I unfortunately do not excel in anything and I blend in with the crowd. Being great at something brings you praise and attention which is a good thing because people will look up to you. In addition, it could also help you stick out when it's time to apply to a college. They'll look at your classes and see you were a top student for one of them, or look at one of the extracurricular activities you were a part of and see you contributed a lot and were very important and praised by the other members. For example, if you're into sports and you're the star athlete of your team, not only will you win awards from your school and be well–known by nearly every student, you might also get recruited by a college. What this means is the college will ask for you to join, since they want you on their team. If you're a part of a school organization that's also very beneficial. You gain skills that will be very important in the future. You'll build leadership skills and confidence. If you stick with this organization for a very long time during school, that's also a good thing colleges look for and it increases your chances of being Get more content on
  • 17. Friendship Essay A friend is defined as a person whom one knows, likes, and trusts. This type of a relation is friendship. In every society in the world people have and follow this relationship and support it. In some societies this relationship is given more importance than others. In our society friends are given almost the same attention as ones family member. Family is the closest relationship a person has, and if that is disturbed a friend can be very helpful. For me my friends are a part of my family. I trust my true friends as much as I just my closet family member. Atrue friend would do anything to save your life. I have experienced this fact when I was 13 years old. My family and more content... Since we were kids we loved to challenge one another in sports, so as soon as he came up with this idea I got up and ran to the Jet Ski. We both put on our life jackets and off we went. As our Jet Ski's sliced the cold water, my left foot slipped and within seconds I was under the Jet Ski. I kept on yelling "I need help.." but no one cared to listen. As soon as Hassan turn around and looked, he saw that I was asking for help. He had a problem in his hands. He did not know how to swim properly. Still he being a good friend that he was he jumped in and did not care about him not knowing how to swim. He had his life jacket tightly strapped around his waist and was really shocked to see me fainted. He took me to the shore and called the lifeguard immediately. The lifeguard told Hassan that there was nothing to worry about and all was fine. Later on when I was all right, Hassan took he home and told me to rest for the rest of the day. With keeping this incident in mind I realize the importance of friendship. Every time I think of the situation I remember Hassan and thank him for saving my life. It was so grateful of him to jump into the water when he did not even know how to swim. But he thought as a friend it was his duty to save me. Friendship is a duty that you dedicate to a person whom you know, like, and trust. Today I am here just because of Hassan who has served his duty of helping his friend at the time he Get more content on
  • 18. Friendship Essay: What Makes A Good Friend? A friend is someone difficult to find. A friend is someone you can always count on when times are tough. The dictionary's definition of a good friend is a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. A good friend is there when you are struggling. For example, when a boy breaks your heart a good friend walks you through it and offers a shoulder to cry on. According to Bree Neff, a good friend is someone who is trustworthy, doesn't talk behind your back, listens to your problems, gives good advice and tries to lend humor along with his or her support. There are also bad friends, those who pretend to care and then turn around gossiping and starting drama. Good and bad friends are all around you, involved more content... You want friends that show they care and do not resent your achievements. A good friend sees good in your accomplishments; because of this they will not want you to do poorly and will always be looking out for you, hoping you do your best. A trustworthy friend is someone you can count on no matter what. They are someone you can call in the middle of the night and vent to, or just talk. They are someone who, if they say they are going to do something, they do it and don't bail out. Good friends are people with whom you can talk to and trust with your secrets. You can tell a friend anything and know they won't open their mouth just for the fun of it because they like and respect you too much to hurt you. If you have something you feel like you can't tell anyone about, they are the friends you can tell. A good friend is someone who when you tell them personal stuff you don't have to worry, you know your secret is safe. Trusted friends are those you can tell your flaws to and know your revelations are safe. Sometimes after you tell people certain information you think: "What in the world was I thinking?" but a trustworthy person won't ever make you feel like that. What is a loyal friend? A loyal friend is someone who never lets you down. They are someone who does things with you even though these things maybe totally boring, but they still do them. Loyal friends won't back out at the last second. They stick with Get more content on
  • 19. What is a Friend? Essay What is a friend? A friend is someone who supports you, sympathizes with you, or patronizes a group. An easily definition of that would be a person you know, like and trust. In these tough times we count on friend to help us get through. I like to think of friendship as everlasting, but is friendship truly forever? Can miles drive you away from friends you made after graduating from places like high school or college? Just imagine walking across the stage and never seeing the people you graduated with. Well for those instances you can always join networking places like Facebook. Facebook helps you connect with the people in your life. In those ways you would never be without your friends. On these sites you can write to each other more content... A friendship can be everlasting depending on the personalities in that relationship. Sometimes personalities can change for the good the bad in many friendships. You can never change a person through a friendship. Differences can set you apart. The definition of a friend has changed over the years therefore that could be a contributing factor to why we can count our friend on one hand. Think about it! When separating from friends for a while physically values and beliefs start to change. Many may argue that is not true, but I will say I have lost many friends do to personality changes and belief. Some reasons maybe be because everyone in college likes to smoke and drink. I am not a fan of either which I believe is gross so I drop many friends due to that reason. I have also lost a lot of friends due to the ways they act towards me or others when different people are around. In the urban world we call that being "fake." Fake is another way of saying you aren't what you claim to be. You don't stay true to yourself and totally honest. On the other side people can change for the good to help each other in a friendship. Friendships can gain trust through one another in due to the people you are around. In a relationship trust is being able tell a secret under confidence to other people hoping they wont tell. If you gain some ones trust when you come to a problem you are likely to come to that person Get more content on
  • 20. My Experience With My Friends Growing up I could identify my friends whom I found to be more sensitive, friendly and imaginative. These were the friends that I could turn to when I had a problem I needed to talk through or someone who was sincere and honest in their advice while being mindful of my feelings. I could also identify with these friends because I have always been one to make sure everyone else is taken care of before myself. These "blues" are the most genuine people I have met throughout life, but I have also found in my classroom. Just three days ago, one of my students answered a question that normally does not volunteer to participate. He answered correctly and his fellow peer whom he is not within the same social circle could not be more proud of him. She was astonished and proud of his answer and continued to whisper (loudly) across the room good job with her thumbs up until he realized her recognition and smiled back with a thank you. I was so proud to have this student in my classroom showing such compassion for another student. This generation is criticized for only thinking of themselves and although not untrue, it is moments like that, that remind me of how lucky I am to have blues in the classroom. As blues strengths including caring for others and sharing their emotions are compromised by them feeling hurt or treated unjustly, they take it personally. It's important to reassure and validate their feelings. Lastly are the students who carefully analyze my words, actions, Get more content on