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PICOT format for testing an intervention with research
(P) – Population refers to the sample of participants you wish to
recruit for your study. Define in terms of gender, age,
socioeconomic, medical diagnosis/ or problem you want to
study, etc.
(I) – Intervention refers to the treatment you plan to exam or
test that will be provided to subjects enrolled in your study.
(C) – Comparison identifies an existing intervention (control) to
compare with the intervention you are testing (experimental).
(O) – Outcome represents what result you plan on measuring to
examine the effectiveness of both the existing (control) and
treatment (experimental) intervention.
(T) – Time describes the duration for your data collection.
P-Family Nurse Practitioners working in states with restrictive
scope of practice laws
I-Political activity and actions to influence state legislators
C-Present level of political activity
O-Increased level of political activity
T-6 weeks
Statement of the Problem and Purpose of the Study
The problem this research will address is the restrictive state
laws that affect Family Nurse Practitioners (FNP) scope of
practice and FNPs lack of political activity towards members of
state legislative committees, which limits FNPs influence on
legislators to pass less restrictive nursing scope of practice
The purpose of this research is to gain a more complete
understanding why Family Nurse Practitioners (FNP) are not
politically active to influence members of state legislators with
intent to help legislators make or change laws to increase FNP
scope of practice. If it is known why nurse practitioners are not
politically active in trying to influence state legislators, then it
may be to initiate programs to encourage FNPs increased
participation in the political process.
Research Questions, Hypothesis and Variables
The following research question will guide this research: What
do Family Nurse Practitioners working in states with restrictive
scope of practice laws classify as their level of activity to
influence state legislators related to scope of NP practice and
what do they identify as the reasons for this level of
Darrien DeLeon
Week 2 Discussion
Top of Form
Part I:
The art of the Paleolithic Period are the oldest forms of ancient
artworks, dating back to as early as 30,000 BCE, focusing more
on the concepts of basic human functions and survivability. For
example, paintings found in the Lascaux caves are almost all of
animals, possibly highlighting the early civilizations’ need to
hunt and provide for themselves. Another example is the female
statuettes found near Willendorf, Austria of possibly pregnant
female figures that represent and encourage pregnancy and
childbirth (Getlein, 2010, p. 322).
Closely following the Paleolithic period is the Neolithic period,
carrying with it works of art that exemplify the gradually
advancing development of human life with the introduction of
new tools and new practices/approaches toward survival. For
example, the rock painting found in Algeria, Women and Cattle,
communicates the domestication of animals, a practice not
developed until around 5000 BCE (Getlein, p. 323).
There are four main reasons given in the text as to why these
ancient artworks have survived over the course of time. First,
they were worked in durable materials such as stone and fired
clay. Second, the environments were not destructive to the
artworks. Third, the cultures were organized enough to house
most of their art in cities or places of high population to create
rich troves of artwork. Lastly, most cultures cached their
artwork in places of limited/no accessibility, such as caves or
tombs (Getlein, p. 324).
Part II:
The main shift in the Roman Empire that created
Byzantium is the adoption of Christianity as the official state
religion, which evolved its art style to represent the grandeur of
a powerful earthly kingdom. Most Byzantium artworks
primarily focus its images on divine icons of power with the use
of silver, gold, and jewels, such as the mosaic of Christ in the
Cathedral of Monreale (Getlein, p. 353, 354).
Animal style was prevalent in the art of northwestern
Europe, depicting images of abstracted animals accompanied by
ribbons and bands, as shown in a purse cover found in the
Sutton Hoo ship burial (Getlein, p. 356, Fig. 15.11). The
Carolingian art style, named after Emperor Charlemagne, took
root after Charles the Great took control of Western Europe.
This art style introduced marble mosaics to the architectural
style of Rome, as seen in the palace chapel of Charlemagne
(p.357, Fig. 15.13). During the later High Middle ages, two
periods of art known as the Romanesque (1050-1200) and the
Gothic (1200-1400) are born and spread from northern France.
The Romanesque art style is best represented through the
churches/chapels being rapidly built during that time, boasting
the massive, thick stone walls with round arches and barrel-
vaulted stone ceilings that are reminiscent of ancient Roman
architecture. A French abbot named Suger wanted to further
develop the grandeur of these churches, believing that an ideal
church should reach up to the heavens, and carry harmonious
characteristics. This introduced the new Gothic art style, which
is represented in the cathedrals in France through their stained-
glass windows, pointed arches, and flying buttresses (Getlein,
Getlein, M. Living with Art. [BryteWave]. Retrieved from
Bottom of Form
9 hours ago
Kyle Graham
Week Two
Top of Form
Part One:
There are many cultural and developmental changes that
occured between the Neolithic and Paleolithic period. As life
and living conditions evolved from struggling to survive, to a
more built up city area more focus was able to be put into art
and design and other things. One of these changes is the
development of more durable materials in art media and tools.
According to Getlein in 'Living With Art 2011' there are four
different ways that art survives through time. New and more
durable tools and art material helped to prevent art from
depreciating. Another example he gives is the climate in places
like egypt, this hot dry climate helps works made of clay and
stone to remain in tact for longer. The more developed area with
structures housed the most valuable pieces protecting them from
the elements, or the pieces were stored in areas with little to no
access to them such as tombs or caves. A piece that struck me
as a large change was the statue of 'Constantine the Great' (Fig.
15.5, Pg. 352). This was made of Marble, a much more durable
than piece from the paleolithic era which were made
predominantly of limestone. One of the biggest differences that
I noticed in the readings was that the artworks shifted from
items such as statues and artifacts, to pieces that were created in
association with buildings or larger works. By creating murals
as a part of a larger structure they could not be transported or
handled wrongly and possibly damaged.
Part Two:
The roman empire in its vast amount of land, like all large
entities had to be divided. Constantinople, the main hub of the
empire became Byzantium. This capital city became, according
to the roman empire much more important than the rest of their
land. Perhaps this is why the culture and history thrived more
than other cities which eventually fell. Art from this era, and
region surpasses most other art due to its intricacy and value.
Pieces were made of very rare materials like gold and ivory,
such as ‘Plaque with enthroned virgin and child’ (Fig. 15.10,
Pg. 355). There is other evidence to point specific works
towards certain regions. Works such as ‘Purse over from the
Sutton Hoo Ship burial’ (Fig. 15.11, Pg. 356). This represents a
term called animal style, coined from the ancestors of
Northwestern Europeans which were migratory herders. A style
called Carolingian, named after the emperor Charlemagne.
These arts are very intricate pieces similar to the piece stated
above, ‘Plaque with enthroned virgin and child’. Other than
pieces of art two styles arose, these were Romanesque and
Gothic. These two styles of architecture are similar in
appearance, but have small details that make them distinct.
Romanesque designs are very ornate and detailed. The church of
ST. Foy (Pg. 358) is one of the earliest examples of romanesque
design. Notice the tall spire and how the roof moves in
horizontally and then proceeds upwards, this keeps your focus
around the horizontal ring of the spire. Compare this to the
gothic style is defined by tall, cascading designs, drawing the
eye upwards when viewing it, such as the south tower of
Chartres Cathedral, France. This tower goes almost straight up
towards the sky.
Jennifer Steinhauer
DB 2, week 2
Top of Form
Part 1:
The Paleolithic (Paleo, meaning old. Lithic, meaning stone)
period took place between 2.6 million years ago to 10,000 years
ago. The Paleolithic period was also known as the Old Stone
Age. The New Stone Age, or the Neolithic (Neo, meaning New)
period took place starting around 10,000 B.C. and ending
between 4,500 B.C. and 2,000 B.C.
It was the people of the Paleolithic period that created rough
stone tools and discovered fire. These people survived by being
hunters and gatherers. They lived in caves and huts. The art of
this time consisted of cave paintings.
The people of the Neolithic period created farm equipment, such
as plows, which were much needed since their discovery of
agriculture. The Neolithic people also used tools with polished
stones. They lived in homes made of mud bricks that were
supported by wood, therefore, the art of this time period were
wall paintings.
Art preservation depends on a few things according to
Getlein. First, the material used must be somewhat resilient,
like stone or metal. Second, the environment must be non-
destructive. Also, the culture must be highly organized and
affluent. Lastly, the artwork must be securely stored with little,
to no access to ensure preservation. The wall paintings and the
cave paintings of these periods were preserved since they were
in a dry environment, had limited access, and the paintings were
created on stone. Had these paintings been created on the
outside of the cave walls, or on a rock/stone that was
unprotected from the elements, it would not have
survived. Without these paintings, we would not be allowed a
glimpse into the past, and develop ideas about the people and
traditions that once were.
Part 2:
The Byzantine Empire was the eastern continuation of the
Roman Empire after the Western Roman Empire's fall in the
fifth century CE. It lasted from the fall of the Roman Empire
until the Ottoman conquest in 1453. The Byzantine Empire
shifted its capital from Rome to Constantinople, changed the
official religion to Christianity, and changed the official
language from Latin to Greek. The Byzantine Empire was a
society that was dominated by its military and used this to
expand its territory.
The art from the Byzantine Empire was very impressive. The
interior of the Palace Chapel of Charlemagne, Aachen, 792-805
(Getlein, Fig. 1 5.13, P. 357). This style is considered to
be Carolingian. Named so after a member of the Carolingian
dynasty. Relating to the Frankish dynasty, founded by
Charlemagne’s father (Pepin III) that ruled in western Europe
from 750to 987.
Romanesque is a style of architecture which prevailed in
Europe c. 900–1200, although sometimes dated back to the end
of the Roman Empire (5th century). A beautiful representation
of this style can be seen in a still standing church, The Church
of Saint-Foy, in France (Getlein, Fig 15.14, P.358).
During the 12thcentury, or what is known as the High Middle
Ages, the Gothic style emerged. Gothic isthe style of
architecture prevalent in western Europe in the 12th–16th
centuries, characterized by pointed arches, rib vaults, and flying
buttresses, together with large windows and elaborate
tracery. An impressive representation of Gothic style can be
seen in the beautiful pointed arches in Cathedrals, like the
Nave, Cathedral of Notre Dame de Reims, France. 1211-c.1290.
(Getlein. Fig. 13.11, P. 292) and in the stained glass in
Cathedrals, such as the Rose window and lancets, north
transept, Charles Cathedral, (Getlein. Fig. 15.23, P. 362).
Animal motifs were also seen in art, a great example is Page
with lion, from The Gospel Book of Durrow, Scotland, (Getlein.
Fig 15.12. P. 357). This is known as Animal Style, which is an
approach to decoration found from China to Northern Europe in
the early Iron Age, and the barbarian art of the Migration
Period, characterized by its emphasis on animal motifs.
Getlein, M. (2016). Living with art. New York, NY: McGraw-
Hill Education.
Bottom of Form
Bottom of Form
Institutional Affiliation
Student’s Name
Course Code
Date of submission
Over the last couple of decades, life expectancy among African
American women has been reducing relatively. The life
expectancy among the African American women reduction has
been blamed on the cardiovascular diseases that face the general
African Americans but affects the Black women in America
more than the general Blacks population in America. The
prevalence of cardiovascular diseases on the Black women in
United States of America has been a concern to the American
government and the society in general since it is a trend that is
worrying everyone in the United States of America society.
Various research conducted has clearly indicated the African
American women are more prevalent to cardiovascular diseases
as compared to the African American Men. (Carnethon et al.,
According to the American Heart Centre and Williams, the
black American women are more exposed to death by the heart
diseases in comparison to the white or Caucasian women. Both
William and the American heart center acknowledge the fact
that African American women are not aware of the
cardiovascular diseases which is a major origin of demise
among their peers. ("Heart Disease in African-American
Women," n.d.)
Statement of the Problem and Purpose of the Study
According to the centre for disease control and prevention,
division for heart diseases and stroke prevention about 7.6% of
the Black women have cardiovascular diseases and the majority
of them don't know that. Therefore, this call for the analysis as
the cardiovascular diseases are so prevented among the black
women and not any other social group in America. The purpose
of this proposal is to focus on why the African women in
America are more likely to have to suffer from cardiovascular
diseases and not the African Americans in general.
Research Question
The research question for this study is on the cardiovascular
disease for African American women rather than African
Americans in general. The research question aims at looking at
the possible causes that lead to the majority of black women in
America to suffer from heart diseases compared to African
American men. The research will ultimately provide reasons for
the widespread of heart diseases among American black women.
Hypothesis: Research and Null
The widespread of heart diseases among American black women
has been blamed on the lack of necessary education on heart
disease. According to Poulina Uddin, who is a cardiologist at
the Scripps Clinic, "a majority of the African women are not
aware that they may be suffering from cardiovascular diseases".
This, therefore, necessitates the need for mass education about
cardiovascular disease to American Black women. Comparing
with other women, the African women in America are more
likely to die due to lack of education on the risk factors that are
associated with cardiovascular diseases. Even though African
Americans have been affected by cardiovascular diseases more
than other social groups in America, African American women
are ones who are affected in this social group.
Cardiovascular diseases are many types, but there are specific
diseases which are affected the African American women.
(Carnethon et al., 2017)
Many of the of the obvious risks among the Black American
women for heart diseases and stroke occurrence are smoking,
high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol; overweight,
history of and lack of physical exercises are prevalent among
the African women in America. Cardiologist Poulin Udin
suggests that the risk factors can be avoided if the African
Women in America would have much knowledge of what is
likely to bring them the cardiovascular diseases and avoid them
strictly. According to the Scripps Women's Heart Centre,
African Women in the United States of America are advised to
avoid all the risk factors that may lead them to cardiovascular
diseases. Accordingly, having a background of heart diseases
does not lead to the conclusion that the African American
woman will suffer from cardiovascular diseases at one time of
their life. What they need to do is to eat the right kind of food
and avoid smoking at all costs. ("African-American Women and
Heart Disease," 2019)
Identifying and Defining Study Variables
The variables for this study research will involve the factors
that make African women in the United States of America to be
vulnerable to cardiovascular diseases compared to African
America men. The variable study factors will include smoking
habits, eating habits, physical exercise rate of activeness among
women and women knowledge on cardiovascular diseases.
Operationalize Variable
The African American women knowledge on cardiovascular
diseases is operationalized by conducting an interview through
questionnaires that involved questions that targeted to
understand the level which the African America women knew
about cardiovascular diseases. Also, smoking and eating habits
were operationalized by conducting a study on two hundred
African American women during their day to day activities.
African Americans and Heart Disease, Stroke. (n.d.). Retrieved
African-American Women and Heart Disease. (2019, February
15). Retrieved from
Carnethon, M. R., Pu, J., Howard, G., Albert, M. A.,
Anderson, C. A., Bertoni, A. G., Yancy, C. W. (2017).
Cardiovascular Health in African Americans: A Scientific
Statement From the American Heart
Association. Circulation, 136(21).
Heart Disease in African-American Women. (n.d.). Retrieved
PICOT format for testing an intervention with research(P) – Popu.docx

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Please answer the following three questions in one to two paragraphs.docx
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Please answer the following1.  Transformational leadership and .docx
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PICOT format for testing an intervention with research(P) – Popu.docx

  • 1. PICOT format for testing an intervention with research (P) – Population refers to the sample of participants you wish to recruit for your study. Define in terms of gender, age, socioeconomic, medical diagnosis/ or problem you want to study, etc. (I) – Intervention refers to the treatment you plan to exam or test that will be provided to subjects enrolled in your study. (C) – Comparison identifies an existing intervention (control) to compare with the intervention you are testing (experimental). (O) – Outcome represents what result you plan on measuring to examine the effectiveness of both the existing (control) and treatment (experimental) intervention. (T) – Time describes the duration for your data collection. EXAMPLE PICOT Tool P-Family Nurse Practitioners working in states with restrictive scope of practice laws I-Political activity and actions to influence state legislators C-Present level of political activity O-Increased level of political activity T-6 weeks Statement of the Problem and Purpose of the Study The problem this research will address is the restrictive state laws that affect Family Nurse Practitioners (FNP) scope of practice and FNPs lack of political activity towards members of state legislative committees, which limits FNPs influence on legislators to pass less restrictive nursing scope of practice laws. The purpose of this research is to gain a more complete understanding why Family Nurse Practitioners (FNP) are not politically active to influence members of state legislators with intent to help legislators make or change laws to increase FNP
  • 2. scope of practice. If it is known why nurse practitioners are not politically active in trying to influence state legislators, then it may be to initiate programs to encourage FNPs increased participation in the political process. Research Questions, Hypothesis and Variables The following research question will guide this research: What do Family Nurse Practitioners working in states with restrictive scope of practice laws classify as their level of activity to influence state legislators related to scope of NP practice and what do they identify as the reasons for this level of participation? PLEASE RESPOND TO EACH DISCUSSION POST WITH SUBSTANTIVE INFORMATION TO SUPPORT YOU RESPONSE. EACH RESPONSE SHOULD BE A MINIMUM OF 1-2 PARAGRAPH WORDS. PLEASE USE PROPER CITATIONS AND REFERENCES. Darrien DeLeon Week 2 Discussion Top of Form Part I: The art of the Paleolithic Period are the oldest forms of ancient artworks, dating back to as early as 30,000 BCE, focusing more on the concepts of basic human functions and survivability. For example, paintings found in the Lascaux caves are almost all of animals, possibly highlighting the early civilizations’ need to hunt and provide for themselves. Another example is the female statuettes found near Willendorf, Austria of possibly pregnant female figures that represent and encourage pregnancy and childbirth (Getlein, 2010, p. 322). Closely following the Paleolithic period is the Neolithic period, carrying with it works of art that exemplify the gradually advancing development of human life with the introduction of new tools and new practices/approaches toward survival. For
  • 3. example, the rock painting found in Algeria, Women and Cattle, communicates the domestication of animals, a practice not developed until around 5000 BCE (Getlein, p. 323). There are four main reasons given in the text as to why these ancient artworks have survived over the course of time. First, they were worked in durable materials such as stone and fired clay. Second, the environments were not destructive to the artworks. Third, the cultures were organized enough to house most of their art in cities or places of high population to create rich troves of artwork. Lastly, most cultures cached their artwork in places of limited/no accessibility, such as caves or tombs (Getlein, p. 324). Part II: The main shift in the Roman Empire that created Byzantium is the adoption of Christianity as the official state religion, which evolved its art style to represent the grandeur of a powerful earthly kingdom. Most Byzantium artworks primarily focus its images on divine icons of power with the use of silver, gold, and jewels, such as the mosaic of Christ in the Cathedral of Monreale (Getlein, p. 353, 354). Animal style was prevalent in the art of northwestern Europe, depicting images of abstracted animals accompanied by ribbons and bands, as shown in a purse cover found in the Sutton Hoo ship burial (Getlein, p. 356, Fig. 15.11). The Carolingian art style, named after Emperor Charlemagne, took root after Charles the Great took control of Western Europe. This art style introduced marble mosaics to the architectural style of Rome, as seen in the palace chapel of Charlemagne (p.357, Fig. 15.13). During the later High Middle ages, two periods of art known as the Romanesque (1050-1200) and the Gothic (1200-1400) are born and spread from northern France. The Romanesque art style is best represented through the churches/chapels being rapidly built during that time, boasting the massive, thick stone walls with round arches and barrel- vaulted stone ceilings that are reminiscent of ancient Roman
  • 4. architecture. A French abbot named Suger wanted to further develop the grandeur of these churches, believing that an ideal church should reach up to the heavens, and carry harmonious characteristics. This introduced the new Gothic art style, which is represented in the cathedrals in France through their stained- glass windows, pointed arches, and flying buttresses (Getlein, p.359). References Getlein, M. Living with Art. [BryteWave]. Retrieved from Bottom of Form 9 hours ago Kyle Graham Week Two COLLAPSE Top of Form Part One: There are many cultural and developmental changes that occured between the Neolithic and Paleolithic period. As life
  • 5. and living conditions evolved from struggling to survive, to a more built up city area more focus was able to be put into art and design and other things. One of these changes is the development of more durable materials in art media and tools. According to Getlein in 'Living With Art 2011' there are four different ways that art survives through time. New and more durable tools and art material helped to prevent art from depreciating. Another example he gives is the climate in places like egypt, this hot dry climate helps works made of clay and stone to remain in tact for longer. The more developed area with structures housed the most valuable pieces protecting them from the elements, or the pieces were stored in areas with little to no access to them such as tombs or caves. A piece that struck me as a large change was the statue of 'Constantine the Great' (Fig. 15.5, Pg. 352). This was made of Marble, a much more durable than piece from the paleolithic era which were made predominantly of limestone. One of the biggest differences that I noticed in the readings was that the artworks shifted from items such as statues and artifacts, to pieces that were created in association with buildings or larger works. By creating murals as a part of a larger structure they could not be transported or handled wrongly and possibly damaged. Part Two: The roman empire in its vast amount of land, like all large entities had to be divided. Constantinople, the main hub of the empire became Byzantium. This capital city became, according to the roman empire much more important than the rest of their land. Perhaps this is why the culture and history thrived more than other cities which eventually fell. Art from this era, and region surpasses most other art due to its intricacy and value. Pieces were made of very rare materials like gold and ivory, such as ‘Plaque with enthroned virgin and child’ (Fig. 15.10, Pg. 355). There is other evidence to point specific works towards certain regions. Works such as ‘Purse over from the Sutton Hoo Ship burial’ (Fig. 15.11, Pg. 356). This represents a term called animal style, coined from the ancestors of
  • 6. Northwestern Europeans which were migratory herders. A style called Carolingian, named after the emperor Charlemagne. These arts are very intricate pieces similar to the piece stated above, ‘Plaque with enthroned virgin and child’. Other than pieces of art two styles arose, these were Romanesque and Gothic. These two styles of architecture are similar in appearance, but have small details that make them distinct. Romanesque designs are very ornate and detailed. The church of ST. Foy (Pg. 358) is one of the earliest examples of romanesque design. Notice the tall spire and how the roof moves in horizontally and then proceeds upwards, this keeps your focus around the horizontal ring of the spire. Compare this to the gothic style is defined by tall, cascading designs, drawing the eye upwards when viewing it, such as the south tower of Chartres Cathedral, France. This tower goes almost straight up towards the sky. Jennifer Steinhauer DB 2, week 2 Top of Form Part 1: The Paleolithic (Paleo, meaning old. Lithic, meaning stone) period took place between 2.6 million years ago to 10,000 years ago. The Paleolithic period was also known as the Old Stone Age. The New Stone Age, or the Neolithic (Neo, meaning New) period took place starting around 10,000 B.C. and ending between 4,500 B.C. and 2,000 B.C. It was the people of the Paleolithic period that created rough stone tools and discovered fire. These people survived by being
  • 7. hunters and gatherers. They lived in caves and huts. The art of this time consisted of cave paintings. The people of the Neolithic period created farm equipment, such as plows, which were much needed since their discovery of agriculture. The Neolithic people also used tools with polished stones. They lived in homes made of mud bricks that were supported by wood, therefore, the art of this time period were wall paintings. Art preservation depends on a few things according to Getlein. First, the material used must be somewhat resilient, like stone or metal. Second, the environment must be non- destructive. Also, the culture must be highly organized and affluent. Lastly, the artwork must be securely stored with little, to no access to ensure preservation. The wall paintings and the cave paintings of these periods were preserved since they were in a dry environment, had limited access, and the paintings were created on stone. Had these paintings been created on the outside of the cave walls, or on a rock/stone that was unprotected from the elements, it would not have survived. Without these paintings, we would not be allowed a glimpse into the past, and develop ideas about the people and traditions that once were. Part 2: The Byzantine Empire was the eastern continuation of the Roman Empire after the Western Roman Empire's fall in the fifth century CE. It lasted from the fall of the Roman Empire until the Ottoman conquest in 1453. The Byzantine Empire shifted its capital from Rome to Constantinople, changed the official religion to Christianity, and changed the official language from Latin to Greek. The Byzantine Empire was a society that was dominated by its military and used this to expand its territory. The art from the Byzantine Empire was very impressive. The interior of the Palace Chapel of Charlemagne, Aachen, 792-805 (Getlein, Fig. 1 5.13, P. 357). This style is considered to
  • 8. be Carolingian. Named so after a member of the Carolingian dynasty. Relating to the Frankish dynasty, founded by Charlemagne’s father (Pepin III) that ruled in western Europe from 750to 987. Romanesque is a style of architecture which prevailed in Europe c. 900–1200, although sometimes dated back to the end of the Roman Empire (5th century). A beautiful representation of this style can be seen in a still standing church, The Church of Saint-Foy, in France (Getlein, Fig 15.14, P.358). During the 12thcentury, or what is known as the High Middle Ages, the Gothic style emerged. Gothic isthe style of architecture prevalent in western Europe in the 12th–16th centuries, characterized by pointed arches, rib vaults, and flying buttresses, together with large windows and elaborate tracery. An impressive representation of Gothic style can be seen in the beautiful pointed arches in Cathedrals, like the Nave, Cathedral of Notre Dame de Reims, France. 1211-c.1290. (Getlein. Fig. 13.11, P. 292) and in the stained glass in Cathedrals, such as the Rose window and lancets, north transept, Charles Cathedral, (Getlein. Fig. 15.23, P. 362). Animal motifs were also seen in art, a great example is Page with lion, from The Gospel Book of Durrow, Scotland, (Getlein. Fig 15.12. P. 357). This is known as Animal Style, which is an approach to decoration found from China to Northern Europe in the early Iron Age, and the barbarian art of the Migration Period, characterized by its emphasis on animal motifs. References: Getlein, M. (2016). Living with art. New York, NY: McGraw- Hill Education. Bottom of Form Bottom of Form
  • 9. Running Head: RESEARCH PROPOSAL 1 RESEARCH PROPOSAL 5 CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES FOR AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN RATHER AFRICAN AMERICANS IN GENERAL RESEARCH PROPOSAL Institutional Affiliation Student’s Name Tutor Course Code Date of submission Introduction Over the last couple of decades, life expectancy among African American women has been reducing relatively. The life expectancy among the African American women reduction has been blamed on the cardiovascular diseases that face the general African Americans but affects the Black women in America more than the general Blacks population in America. The prevalence of cardiovascular diseases on the Black women in United States of America has been a concern to the American government and the society in general since it is a trend that is worrying everyone in the United States of America society. Various research conducted has clearly indicated the African American women are more prevalent to cardiovascular diseases
  • 10. as compared to the African American Men. (Carnethon et al., 2017) According to the American Heart Centre and Williams, the black American women are more exposed to death by the heart diseases in comparison to the white or Caucasian women. Both William and the American heart center acknowledge the fact that African American women are not aware of the cardiovascular diseases which is a major origin of demise among their peers. ("Heart Disease in African-American Women," n.d.) Statement of the Problem and Purpose of the Study According to the centre for disease control and prevention, division for heart diseases and stroke prevention about 7.6% of the Black women have cardiovascular diseases and the majority of them don't know that. Therefore, this call for the analysis as the cardiovascular diseases are so prevented among the black women and not any other social group in America. The purpose of this proposal is to focus on why the African women in America are more likely to have to suffer from cardiovascular diseases and not the African Americans in general. Research Question The research question for this study is on the cardiovascular disease for African American women rather than African Americans in general. The research question aims at looking at the possible causes that lead to the majority of black women in America to suffer from heart diseases compared to African American men. The research will ultimately provide reasons for the widespread of heart diseases among American black women. Hypothesis: Research and Null The widespread of heart diseases among American black women has been blamed on the lack of necessary education on heart disease. According to Poulina Uddin, who is a cardiologist at the Scripps Clinic, "a majority of the African women are not aware that they may be suffering from cardiovascular diseases". This, therefore, necessitates the need for mass education about
  • 11. cardiovascular disease to American Black women. Comparing with other women, the African women in America are more likely to die due to lack of education on the risk factors that are associated with cardiovascular diseases. Even though African Americans have been affected by cardiovascular diseases more than other social groups in America, African American women are ones who are affected in this social group. Cardiovascular diseases are many types, but there are specific diseases which are affected the African American women. (Carnethon et al., 2017) Many of the of the obvious risks among the Black American women for heart diseases and stroke occurrence are smoking, high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol; overweight, history of and lack of physical exercises are prevalent among the African women in America. Cardiologist Poulin Udin suggests that the risk factors can be avoided if the African Women in America would have much knowledge of what is likely to bring them the cardiovascular diseases and avoid them strictly. According to the Scripps Women's Heart Centre, African Women in the United States of America are advised to avoid all the risk factors that may lead them to cardiovascular diseases. Accordingly, having a background of heart diseases does not lead to the conclusion that the African American woman will suffer from cardiovascular diseases at one time of their life. What they need to do is to eat the right kind of food and avoid smoking at all costs. ("African-American Women and Heart Disease," 2019) Identifying and Defining Study Variables The variables for this study research will involve the factors that make African women in the United States of America to be vulnerable to cardiovascular diseases compared to African America men. The variable study factors will include smoking habits, eating habits, physical exercise rate of activeness among women and women knowledge on cardiovascular diseases. Operationalize Variable The African American women knowledge on cardiovascular
  • 12. diseases is operationalized by conducting an interview through questionnaires that involved questions that targeted to understand the level which the African America women knew about cardiovascular diseases. Also, smoking and eating habits were operationalized by conducting a study on two hundred African American women during their day to day activities. References African Americans and Heart Disease, Stroke. (n.d.). Retrieved from healthcare/what-is-cardiovascular-disease/african-americans- and-heart-disease-stroke African-American Women and Heart Disease. (2019, February 15). Retrieved from african-american-women-and-heart-disease Carnethon, M. R., Pu, J., Howard, G., Albert, M. A., Anderson, C. A., Bertoni, A. G., Yancy, C. W. (2017). Cardiovascular Health in African Americans: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Circulation, 136(21). doi:10.1161/cir.0000000000000534 Heart Disease in African-American Women. (n.d.). Retrieved from in-women/facts/heart-disease-in-african-american-women