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Leader in continuing Dental
Contents of this seminar
1. Introduction
2. Definitions
3. Phases of Development
4. Early orofacial development
5. Formation of face
6. Development of maxilla
7. Branchial arches
8. Bone development and growth
9. Growth factors
10. Differential growth
11. The mandible
12. Temporomandibular
13. Tongue
14. Palate
15. Anomalies of
Over the structure of the cell rises the structure
of plants and animals, which exhibit the yet more
complicated, elaborate combinations of millions and
billions of cells coordinated and differentiated in the
most extremely different ways.
- Hertwig
Human development is a continuous process
that begins when an oocyte(ovum) from a female is
fertilized by a sperm(spermatozoon) from a male.
Development involves many changes that transform a
single cell, the zygote(fertilized ovum), into a
multicellular human being. Most development
changes occur before birth, but important changes
also occur during the later periods of development;
infancy childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.
The mating of male and female gametes in the
maternal uterine tube initiates the development of a
zygote-the first identification of an individual. The
union of the haploid number of chromosomes (23) of
each gamete confers the hereditary material of each
parent upon the newly established diploid number of
chromosomes (46) of the zygote. All the inherited
characteristics of an individual and its sex are thereby
established at the time of union of the gametes. The
single totipotential cell of approximately 140 µ m
diameter resulting from the union very soon
commences mitotic division to produce a rapidly
increasing number of smaller cells, so that the 16-cell
stage, known as the morula, is not much larger than
the initial zygote.
These cells of the early zygote reveal no
significant outward differences of form.
However, the chromosomes of these cells must
necessarily contain the potential for
differentiation of subsequent cell generations
into the variety of cell forms that later
constitute the different tissues of the body. The
differentiation of the these early pluripotential
cells into specialized forms is dependent upon
genetic, cytoplasmic and environmental factors
that act at critical times during their
proliferation and
A compendium of manifold biochemical
reactions leads to cytodifferentiation and
histodifferentiation, resulting in the formation of
epithelial and mesenchymal tissues that acquire
specialized structure and function. Epithelial
mesenchymal interaction that provide for reciprocal
cell differentiation are essential to organogenesis, i.e.
the production of organs and systems.
Growth is a fundamental attribute of
developing organisms. The dramatic increase in size
that characterizes the living embryo is a consequence
of :
1) Increased number of cells resulting from mitotic
divisions (hyperplasia)
2) Increased size of individual cells (hypertrophy)
3) Increased amount of non-cellular material
(accretion). Hyperplasia tends to predominate in the
early embryo, whereas hypertrophy largely prevails
later. Once differentiation of the tissue has been
established, further development is predominantly
that of growth .The rate of growth of the tissue is
inherently determined, but is, of course is also
dependent upon environmental conditions. The
health, diet, race and sex of an individual influence
the rate and extent of growth.
Growth may be interstitial, where increase in bulk
occurs within a tissue or organ, or appositional, where
surface deposition of tissue enlarges its size. Interstitial
growth characterizes soft tissues, whereas hard tissues
(bone, dental tissues) necessarily increase by apposition.
The growth and development sequence is
genetically determined and operates through the
mechanism of inductors, metabolic modulators,
neurotrophic and hormonal substances and interacting
systems of contact stimulation and inhibition of
contiguous tissues. Should these differential, but
integrated, rates of development fail to maintain their
normal determined ‘pace’, aberrations of overall
development will manifest themselves as malformations
that may require clinical interception for correction.
Maturation is a counterpart of growth;
it indicates not only the attainment of adult
size and proportions but also the full adult
constituents of tissues (e.g. mineralization)
and the complete capability for performance
of each organ’s destined functions.
The British Medical Dictionary defines growth “As the
progressive development of a living being or part of an
organism from its earliest stage to maturity including
the resultant increase in size”.
o J.S. Huxley – Growth is defined as the self-
multiplication of a living substance.
o Krogman – Increase in size, proportion and
progressive complexities.
o Mevedith – Entire series of sequential anatomic and
physiologic changes taking place from the beginning of
parental life to senility.
o Todd - Growth is an increase in size.
o Moyers – Quantitative aspect of biologic
development per unit of time.
o Moss – change in any morphologic parameter that
is measurable.
Growth can result in an:
Increase in size, Decrease in size, change in form,
change in proportion, change in complexity, change
in texture.
Decrease in size, e.g. Thymus Gland.
- The term connotes an increasing degree of organization.
- It is series of changes by which the individual embryo
becomes a mature organization.
- Development is a progress towards maturity – Todd
- It is the sequences of changes from cell fertilization to
maturity. It relates to cell division, growth, differentiation
and maturation – J.H. Salsamann.
- Development refers to all the changes that are natural and
unidirectional in life of an individual from its existence as a
single cell to its elaboration as a multifunctional unity
terminating in death. – Moyers.
Growth and development though closely related are not
According to W.R.Proffit, Growth is largely an anatomic
phenomenon, whereas development is physiologic and
Development = Growth and differentiation &
Phases of Growth and Development –Pre Natal Life:
Period of the ovum – The period from fertilization to the
end of the 14th
Embryonal period – From the 14th
day to about 56th
The fertilized ovum differentiates rapidly into an organism
that has most of the gross anatomic features of human.
week : Active cell division
week : Tissue differentiation into ectoderm
and endoderm
Week : The 3rd
layer Mesoderm is added
to 8th
week : Active & Rapid differentiation.
Fetal Period – the second trimester of
pregnancy ending by about the 28th
week is
characterized by rapid fetal growth especially
The 3rd
trimester shows further increase
in size of the new viable fetus involving
primarily subcutaneous tissue and muscle
Formation of
organ systems-
primary palate
Days 28-38 Cleft lip &
palate, facial
Secondary palate Days 42-55 Cleft of palate
differentiation of
Days 50- birth Achondroplasia,
Crouzon’s disease
Apert’s syndrome
Post Natal Life:
1. Infancy: Refers to first year after birth and
the first four weeks are designated as the new born
or neonatal period.
2. Childhood: this is a period from 15 months to
12-13 years. During early childhood, there is active
ossification, but this rate goes down, as the child
grows older.
3. Puberty: This is the period between the ages
of 12-15 years in girls and 13-16 years in boys, now
is the time when secondary sexual characteristics
develop and are expressed.
4 Adolescence: Period of 3 to 4 years after
puberty extending from the earliest signs of
sexual maturity until, the attainment of
physical, mental and emotional maturity.
5 Adulthood: Ossification and growth are
virtually completed during early adulthood,
18-25 years thereafter development changes
occur slowly.
Phases of development:
Embryogenesis is divided into three distinct
phases during the 280 days of gestation (ten 28-day
menstrual cycles). The phases are the
preimplantation period (the first 7 days), the
embryonic period (the next 7 weeks), and the fetal
period (the next 7 calendar months)
The preimplantation period(1-7 days)
During the first 2-3 days post conception the zygote
progresses from a single cell to a 16 cell cluster, the morula,
no larger than the original ovum . The early totipotential
blastomeres can develop into any tissue, but later
differentiation creates an approximately 100-cell fluid-filled
blastocyst. The outer sphere of cells forms the trophoblast,
and the inner cell mass will form the embryo. During this
period, the conceptus passes along the uterine tube to enter
the uterus, where it implants into the uterine endometrium on
the 7th
postconception day. The trophoblast converts into the
chorion by sprouting villi. Chorionic implantation
establishes the placenta, the organ of fetomaternal exchange
of nutrition and waste
The embryonic period(2-8 weeks)
This phase, from the end of the 1st
week until the 8th
week, can be subdivided into three periods: presomite (8-
21 days postconception), somite (21-31 days) and
postsomite (32-56 days postconception). During the
presomite period, the primary germ layers of the embryo
and the embryonic adnexa (fetal membranes) are formed in
the inner cell mass. In the somite period, characterized by
the appearance of prominent dorsal metameric segments,
the basic patterns of the main body systems and organs are
established. The postsomite period is characterized by
formation of body’s external features.
The fetal period
The beginning of this long phase, from the 8th
week until
term, is identified by the first appearance of ossification centers
and the earliest movements by the fetus. There is little new tissue
differentiation or organogenesis, but there is rapid growth and
expansion of the basic structures already formed.
Embryonic adnexa form membranes surrounding cavities
in which the embryo (and subsequently the fetus) develops. These
fluid filled cavities, membranes, and organs protect the fetus
physically and save its nutritional and waste disposal
requirements, casting off at birth. The main cavities and their
membranes are the chorion and amnion, surrounding the fetus.
Lesser cavities and their membranes are the yolk sac and a
transient diverticulum, the allantois, that become incorporated
into the umbilical cord, connected to the placenta, the chief organ
of fetal sustenance.
The chorion arises from the trophoblast as
an all encompassing membrane that, with the
maternal endometrium, forms the placenta. The
amnion and yolk sac, which form and fluid filled
sacs in the inner cell mass within the chorion, are
separated by a bilaminar plate; this plate forms
the embryonic disk that later gives rise to the
definitive embryo. The attachment of the inner
cell mass to the chorion constitutes the
connecting (body) stalk that contains the yolk sac
and allantois. The stalk converts into the
umbilical cord.
The presomite period
(8-21 days)
The primordial
embryonic germ disk is
composed of two
primary germ layers; the
ectoderm, which forms
the floor or the amniotic
cavity, and the
endoderm, which forms
the roof of the yolk sac.
Early embryogenesis: Embryonic period
(8-56 days)
There is early
demarcation, at the 14th
day, of the anterior pole
of the initially oval disk;
an endodermal
thickening, the
prechordal plate appears
in the future
midcephalic region. The
prechordal plate preface
the development of the
orofacial region, giving
rise later to the
endodermal layer of the
The third primary germ layer, the mesoderm, makes its
appearance at the beginning of the 3rd
week as a result of ectodermal
cell proliferation and differentiation in the caudal region of the
embryonic disk. The resultant bulge in the disk is grooved
cranicaudally, by which characteristic it is termed primitive streak.
From the primitive streak the rapidly proliferating tissue known as
mesenchyme forms the intraembryonic mesoderm which migrates in
all direction between the ectoderm and endoderm except the sites of
the oropharyngeal membrane anteriorly and the cloacal membrane
The appearance of the mesoderm coverts the bilaminar
disk into a trilaminar structure. The midline axis becomes
defined by the formation of the notochord from the
proliferation and differentiation of the cranial end of the
primitive streak. The notochord terminates anteriorly at the
prechordal plate at the future site of the pituitary gland. The
notochord serves as an axial skeleton of the embryo, and
induces formation of the neural plate in the overlying ectoderm
(neural ectoderm), and the lateral mesoderm induces
epidermal development (cutaneous ectoderm).
The three primary germ layers serve as a basis for
differentiating the tissues and organs that are largely
derived from each of the layers. The cutaneous and neural
systems develop from the ectoderm. The cutaneous
structures include the skin and its appendages, the oral
mucous membrane, and the enamel of teeth. The neural
structures include the central and peripheral nervous
systems. The mesoderm gives rise to the cardiovascular
system (heart and blood vessels), the locomotor system
(bones and muscles), connective tissues and dental pulp.
The endoderm develops into the lining epithelium of the
respiratory system and of the alimentary canal between the
pharynx and the anus as well as the secretory cells of the
liver and pancreas.
Development of
the ectoderm into its
cutaneous and neural
portions occurs at 20
days, by infolding of the
neural plate ectoderm
along the midline
forming the neural
folds; this creates a
neural groove. Neural
folds and neural groove
give rise to neural crest
cells, which are
pleuripotential and give
rise to following
Derivatives of neural crest cells
Connective tissues:Ectomesenchyme of facial prominences and
branchial arches
Bones and cartilages of facial and visceral skeleton (basicranial
and brachial arch cartilages)
- Dermis of face and ventral aspects of neck
- Stroma of salivary, thymus, thyroid, parathyroid and pituitary
- Corneal mesenchyme
- Sclera and choroids optic coats
-Blood vessel walls (excepting endothelium); aortic arch arteries
- Dental papilla (dentine); portion of periodontal ligament;
Muscle tissues:
- Ciliary muscles
- Covering connective tissue of branchial arch
muscles (masticatory, facial, laryngeal) combined
with mesodermal components
Nervous tissues
 Supporting tissues:Leptomeninges of prosencephalon and
part of mesencephalon, Glia
 Schwann sheath cells
 Sensory ganglia:
 Autonomic ganglia
 Spinal dorsal root ganglia
 Sensory ganglia (in part) of trigeminal, facial
(geniculate), glosspharyngeal (otic and superior) and vagal
(jugular) nerves
 Autonomic nervous system:
 Sympathetic ganglia and plexuse
 Parasympathetic ganglia (cilliary, ethmoid,
sphenopalatine, submandibular ganglions)
Endocrine tissues
- Adrenomedullary cells and adrengergic paragangilia
- Calcitonin ‘C’ cells –thyroid gland (ultimobranchial
- Carotid body
Pigment cells
- Melanocytes in all tissues; melanophores of iris.
- Neural crest cells migrating ventrally and caudally
encounter the pharyngeal endoderm that induces formation
of branchial arches. Many brachial derivatives, including
facial bone are of neural crest
The somite period (21 days- 31 days)
During this period i.e. for next 10 days, development is
characterized by foldings and structuring, as well as by
differentiation of the basic tissues that convert the flat
embryonic disk into a tubular body.
 The folding of neural plate gives rise to brain and
spinal cord.
 The mesoderm develops into three aggregations.
(a) Lateral plate mesoderm
(b) Intermediate mesoderm
(c) Paraxial mesoderm
• Lateral plate mesoderm
 Pleural cavity
 Pericardial cavity
 Peritoneal cavity
 Peripharyngeal connective tissue
• Intermediate mesoderm
 Gonads
 Kidneys
 Adrenal cortex
• Paraxial mesoderm
 Somatomeres, which gives, rise to somites.
The postsomite period (36-56 days)
The predominance of the segmental somites as an
external feature of the early embryo fades during the 6th
week i.u. (Intrauterine). The head dominates much of the
development of this period. Facial features become
recognizable, when the ears, eyes and nose assume a
‘human’ form, and the neck becomes defined by it
elongation and the sheathing of the branchial arches. The
paddle shaped limb buds of the early part of the period
expand and differentiate into their divisions to the first
demarcation of their digits; the earliest muscular movements
are first manifest at this time.
The thoracic region
swells enormously, as the
heart, which becomes
very prominent in the
somite period, is joined
by the rapidly growing
liver, whose size
dominates the early
abdominal organs. The
long tail of the beginning
of the embryonic period
regresses as the growing buttocks aid in its
concealment. The embryo at the end of this period
is now termed a
The fetal period
The main organs and systems having developed
during the embryonic, period, the last 7 months of fetal
life are devoted to very rapid growth and reproportioning
of body components, with little further organogenesis or
tissue differentiation. The precocious growth and
development of the head in the embryonic period is not
maintained in the fetal period, with the result that the body
develops relatively more rapidly. The proportions of the
head are thereby reduced from about half the overall body
length at the beginning of the fetal period to about one-
third at the 5th
month and about one fourth at birth.
At 4 months i.u. the face assumes a human
appearance as the laterally directed eyes move to the
front of the face and the ears rise from their original
mandibulocervical site to eye level.
Ossification centers make their appearance in most
of the bones during this a period. The sex of the fetus
can be observed externally by the 3rd
month, and the
wrinkled skin acquires a covering of downy hairs
(lanugo) by the 5th
month. During this month, fetal
movements are first felt by the mother.
The 42-44 paired somites appear sequentially
craniocaudally and are identified as:
4 - occipital
8 - cervical
12 – Thoracic
5 – lumbar
6 – sacral
8-10 – coccygeal somites
Each somite has got 1) Sclerotome – vertebral column
2) Dermatome – Skin
3)Myotome – muscles
4 6 7 8
24 30 32
Early orofacial development:
Development of Head depends upon the inductive
activities of the
1. Prosencephalic organizing center gives rise to
a) Visual and inner ear apparatus
b) Upper third of face
2. Rhombencephalic organizing center gives rise
to – Middle & lower thirds of face
Oral development in the embryo is demarcated
extremely early in life by the appearance of the
prechordal plate in the bilaminar germ disk on the
day of development, even before the
mesodermal germ layer appears. The endodermal
thickening of the prechordal plate designates the
cranial pole of the oval embryonic disk, and later
contributes to the oropharyngeal membrane. This
temporary bilaminar membrane is the site of junction
of the ectoderm that forms the mucosa of the mouth
and the endoderm that forms the mucosa of the
pharynx, which is the most cranial part of the
. The oropharyngeal membrane is one of two
sites of contiguity between ectoderm and
endoderm, where mesoderm fails to intervene
between the two primary germ layers; the other
site is the cloacal membrane at the terminal end
of the hindgut. The oropharyngeal membrane
also demarcates the site of a shallow depression,
the stomodeum, the primitive mouth that forms
the topographical center of the developing face.
Formation of face
The face derives from five prominences that surround
a central depression, the stomodium, which constitutes the
future mouth
The prominences are:
 Frontonasal prominence
 Paired maxillary prominences
 Paired mandibular prominences
The maxillary and mandibular prominences are
derivatives of the first pair of six branchial arches. All these
prominences and arches arise from neural crest
ectomesenchyme, which migrates into facial and neck
Now we see that the floor of the stomatodoeum is
formed by the buccopharyngeal membrane, which
separates it from the foregut. Soon the mesoderm
covering the developing forebrain proliferates and forms a
down ward projection that overlaps the upper part of the
stomatodoeum. This downward projection is called
frontonasal process.
At this stage, each
mandibular arch forms the lateral
wall of the stomatodeoum. This
arch gives off a bud from its
dorsal end. This bud is called
maxillary process. It grows
cranial to the main part of the
arch, which is now called the
mandibular process.
These placodes soon sink below the surface to
form nasal pits. The pits are continuous below with
stomatodaeum. The edges of the pit are raised above
the surface and are called
1. Medial nasal process
2. Lateral nasal process
The ectoderm overlying
the frontonasal process soon
shows bilateral localized
thickening that are situated a
little above the stomatodaeum.
These are called nasal placodes.
We are now in a position to study the formation
of the various parts of the face.
Lower lip and lower jaw: the mandibular process
of the two sides grove toward each other and fuse in
the midline. They now form the lower margin of the
stomatodaeum. This fused mandibular process give
rise to lower jaw and lower lip.
The lateral merging of the maxillary and
mandibular prominences creates the commeasures of
the mouth.
There is marked acceleration of mandibular
growth between the 8th
and 12th
week of fetal life. The
development of Meckel’s cartilage during the second
month serves as a precursor of mandibular mesenchyme
which forms around and responsible for mandibular
growth activity.
Bone begins to develop lateral to meckel’s
cartilage during the seventh week and continues until
the posterior aspect is covered with bone.
Ossification stops at the point that will later become
the mandibular lingula and the remaining part of the
cartilage continues on its own to form sphenomandibular
ligament and the spinous part of the sphenoid. The part of
the meckel’s cartilage that has been encapsulated with
bone appears to have served its purpose as a splint for
intramembranous ossification and it largely deteriorates.
The early development and ossification of the bones
of stomatognathic system are quite evident at 14 weeks.
I.U ossification in the downwardly proliferating condylar
cartilage does not appear until 4th
or 5th
month of life. This
center shows signs of activity almost till the 20th
year of
Development of Maxilla:
All the facial processes or prominences in the developing
embryo unite by either of the two developmental events at a
different location.
- By merging the frontonasal, maxillary and mandibular
process or
- By fusion of the central maxillonasal components.
Merging occurs when the incompletely separated
prominences migrate into the intervening grooves or by
proliferation of the underlying mesenchyme into the grooves.
Fusion occurs when the contacting surface epithelia of
the process disintegrate allowing intermingling of the
underlying mesenchymal cells. The medial nasal process joins
with the maxillary and lateral nasal process by
Each maxillary
process grows medially,
fuses first with the
lateral nasal process,
and then with the
medial nasal process.
The medial and lateral
nasal processes also
fuse with each other. In
this way the nasal pits
(now called anterior
nares) are cut off from
the stomatodaeum.
The maxillary process undergo
considerable growth. At the same time the
frontonasal process becomes much narrower
from side to side, so that the two anterior nares
come closer.
The stomatodaeum is now bounded above by the
upper lip, which is derived as follows.
a) The mesodermal basis of the lateral part of the lip
is formed from the maxillary process. The overlying
skin is derived from ectoderm covering this process
b) The mesodermal basis of the median part of the lip
(called philtrum) is formed from the frontonasal process.
The ectoderm of the maxillary process however
overgrows this mesoderm to meet that of the opposite
maxillary process in the midline. As a result, the skin of
the entire upper lip is innervated by the maxillary nerve.
The muscles of the face (including the lips are
derived from mesoderm of the second brachial arch and
are therefore supplied by the facial
During the late
somite period (4th
IU) the mesoderm
lateral plate of the
ventral foregut region
becomes segmented to
form a series of five
distinct bilateral
mesenchyme swellings,
the BRANCHIAL (Pharyngeal) ARCHES. These
brachial arches are separated by branchial groves on the
external aspect of the embryo, which correspond internally
with five out pouching of the elongated pharynx of the
foregut known as the five pharyngeal pouches or
endodermal pouches.
The Branchial arches:
Each of the five pairs of arches contains a
basic set of structures.
1. A central cartilage rod which forms
skeleton of the arch
2. A muscular component
3. A vascular component, an aortic arch
4. A nervous element
l arch
Muscles Nerves Skeleton
tube and
Muscles of
masseter, and
mylohyoid, ant
diagastric, tensor
velipalatini, tensor
(Originate from
somitomere 4)
l nerve,
r division
Facial bones,
ligament of
ligament and
core of
Muscles Nerves Skeleton
artery (in
on to
Muscles of
motor to
to ant.
horn and
upper part
of hyoid
arch arteries
Muscles Nerves Skeleton
arch Inferior
III Thymus
Proximal 1/3
of internal
possibly small
to common
geus? Upper
al plexus)
motor to
to post.
horn and
lower part
of hyoid
arch arteries
Muscles Nerves Skeleton
arch Superior
IV lateral
Arch of
aorta (left)
part of right
and laryngeal
geus Levator
veli palatini
X Vegas
al pouch
Muscles Nerves Skeleton
arch Ultimobran
chial body
or cyst
‘C’ cells
rarely seen
Same as 4th
Lower part
of thyroid
arch None Proximal
part of both
arteries and
of ductus
d, striated
muscles of
X vagus
Bone development and growth
Bone is formed by two methods of differentiation of
mesenchymal tissue that may be of either
mesodermal or ectomesenchymal (neural crest)
origin. The two varieties of ossification are
described as intramembranous and endochondral. In
both, however, the fundamental laying down of
osteoid matrix by osteoblasts and its calcification by
amorphous and crystalline appetite deposition is
Intramembranous ossification occurs in sheet like
osteogenic membranes, whereas endochondral ossification
occurs in hyaline cartilage prototype models of the future
bone. The adult structure of osseous tissue formed by the
two methods is indistinguishable; furthermore, both
methods can participate in forming what may eventually
become a single bone, with the distinctions of its different
origins effaced. In the main, the long bones of the limbs
and the bones of the thoracic cage and cranial base are of
endochondral origin, whereas those of the vault of the skull,
the mandible and clavicle are predominantly of
intramembranous origin. Membrane bones appear to be off
neural crest origin, and arise after the ectomesenchyme
interacts with an epithelium.
Endochondral bone formation:
- Growth of soft tissues occurs by combination of
hypertrophy and hyperplasia
- Secretion of extra cellular material accompanies with
hyperplasia primarily and hypertrophy secondarily in
certain condition.
- Interstitial growth is characteristic of certain soft tissues
and uncalcified surface.
- This way a cartilaginous model and scaffold is formed.
The height of cartilaginous development occurs during the
third month of intrauterine life. But the cartilaginous
model is a vascular and nutrients are supplied to internal
cells by diffusion through the outer layers – so of course
the cartilage must be
- During the fourth month in utero there is an in
growth of blood vascular elements into various parts
of chondro cranium
- These areas are the centers of ossification at
which cartilage is transformed into bone and islands of
bone appear in the sea of surrounding cartilage.
To summarize
a.Mesenchymal cells become condensed
b.Some cells differentiate into chodroblasts and lays hyaline
c.Cartilage is surrounded by a membrane perichondrium, which
is highly vascular
d.The inter cellular substance surrounding the cartilage cells
become calcified due to influence of enzyme alkaline
phosphatase secreted by the cartilage cells.
e.Therefore, the nutrient supply to the cells is cut off leading to
their death, which results in empty cells “Primary Areola”.
f.The blood vessels and osteogenic cells from the perichondrium
invade the calcified cartilaginous matrix, which is now reduced
to bars or walls due to eating away of calcified matrix. This
forms large spaces called secondary
Intra Membranous Bone Growth:
Bone is formed by direct secretion of bone matrix and
it is calcified.
a. Mesenchymal cells becomes aggregated at the site
b. Some cells lay down bundles of collagen.
c. Some cells enlarge to form basophilic osteoblasts
d. Osteoblast secretes oseoid – a gelatinous matrix around
the collagen fibres.
e. Mineralization of osteoid takes place.
f. Some of osteoblasts get entrapped to form osteocytes.
 Direct addition of new bone to the
surface of existing bone does occurs through
the activity of cells in the periosteum, the
extra cellular materials secreted is
mineralized and becomes new bone -surface
apposition of bone.
Theories of Growth and Development:
1. Genetic Theory- By Raye Stewart- the theory
states that all growth is controlled by genetic influence
and is preplanned.
2. Sutural Dominance Theory – By Weinmann
and Sicher in 1955: the theory supports the fact that
genetic control is expressed directly at the level of
bone. Particularly the sutures between the
membranous bones especially of cranium and jaws
were considered as growth centers, along with the
sites of Endochondral ossification in the cranial base
and mandibular condyle.
But certain factors had strongly let down the theory:
1. When an area of the suture between the facial bones is
transplanted to another location the tissue fails to continue
to develop.
2. Growth takes place in cleft palate patients.
3. Growth at sutures responds to outside influences under a
number of circumstances.
4. Microcephaly and hydrocephaly raised doubts about the
intrinsic genetic stimulus at sutures.
3.     Cartilage Dominance Theory – By James scott,
1953, 1954, 1967 – according to the theory the genetic 
control  is  expressed  at  cartilage.    Scott  said  that  the 
cartilaginous  sites  through  out  the  skull  are  primary 
growth centers.
-        The  nasal  septal  cartilage  is  the  pacemaker  for 
growth of the entire nasomaxillary complex.
-         The mandible is considered as a long bone bent 
into a horseshoe shape with the epiphysis removed, so 
that  the  cartilage  constitutes  epiphyseal  palate  at  the 
ends, which are represented by condyles.
4. Functional Matrix Theory  – By Melvin Moss,
1960,62,97 –
-          Moss’s  idea  of  growth  control  is  that  the  growth 
control lies in adjacent soft tissues and cartilage – bones are 
just sites.
-        The  growth  of  the  face  occurs  as  a  response  to 
functional  needs  and  is  mediated  by  the  soft  tissues 
conceptually – the soft tissues grow and bone and cartilage 
reacts to it.
-            A  number  of  relatively  independent  functions  are 
carried out in the craniofacial regions or the human body 
like,  respiration,  olfaction,  vision  hearing,  balance, 
chewing  digestion,  swallowing  speech  and  neural 
Functional cranial components:
Skeletal Unit - Micro skeletal, Macro skeletal Unit
Functional  Matrices  -  Capsular  Matrices,  Periosteal 
Skeletal Unit:
All skeletal tissues associated with a single function 
are called “the skeletal unit”.  It is compromised of bone, 
cartilage and tendinous tissues.
The functional matrix:
The  functional  matrix  consists  of  muscles,  glands, 
nerves, vessels, fat, teeth and the functional
Periosteal Matrix:
Their action is directly and actively upon 
the related skeletal units.  Alternations in their 
functional  demands  produce  a  secondary 
compensatory  transformation  of  the  size  or 
shape of their skeletal units.  Such process are 
brought  about  by  the  inter  related  process  of 
bone  deposition  and  resorption  E.g.  Muscles, 
blood vessels, nerves glands etc.
Capsular Matrix:
They  act  indirectly  and  passively  on  their 
related  skeletal  units  producing  secondary 
compensatory translation in space.  These alterations 
in  spatial  position  of  skeletal  units  are  bought  by 
expansion of the orofacial capsule within which the 
facial  bones  arise,  grow  and  are  maintained.    The 
facial  skeletal  units  are  passively  and  secondarily 
moved  in  space  as  their  enveloping  capsule  is 
expanded.  Deposition and resorption do not bring 
about this kind of translative growth.
The  Neuro-crainial  capsule  and  the  oro-facial 
capsule  are  examples  of  capsular  matrices.    Each  of  the 
capsules  is  an  envelope,  which  contains  a  series  of 
functional cranial components (skeletal units), which as a 
whole are sandwiched in between two covering layers.  In 
Neuro-cranial  capsule,  the  cover  is  skin  and  duramater 
and in oro-facial capsule, the skin and mucosa forms the 
The neurocranial capsule surrounds and protects the 
neurocranial  capsular  functional  matrix,  which  is  the 
brain,leptomeninges and CSF.  The neuro cranial capsule 
is  made  up  of  skin,  connective  tissue  aponeurotic  layer, 
loose  connective  tissue  layer,  periosteum,  base  of  skull 
and layers of dura
The  orofacial  capsule  surrounds  and  protects  the 
oro-naso-pharyngeal spaces, which constitute the matrix.  
The  growth  of  the  facial  skull  is  influenced  by  the 
volume and potency of the spaces.
 5.  Van Limborgh’s Theory, 1970
Limborgh  explains  the  process  of  growth  and 
development  in  the  view  that  combines  all  the  major 
- He supports the Moss’s functional Matrix     Theory
- Acknowledges certain concepts of Sicher’s Theory
- Never did he rule out the genetic theory.
6. Unloaded Nerve Theory – by Melvin Moss
The  skeletal  units  and  growth  field  fulfills  the 
demands  for  protection  of  the  mandibular  nerve  by 
formation of bone around.
7.  Servo System Theory – By Petrovic and Stutzmann
1980 The  theory  states  that  the  influence  of 
somatotropic  complex  is  STH  –  Somatomedin 
hormones, sexual hormones and thyroniel harmones on 
the  primary  cartilages  (epiphyseal  cartilages  of  long 
bones,  cartilages  of  the  nasal  septum  and  spheno 
occipital synchondrosis, lateral cartilaginous masses of 
the  ethmoid,  cartilage  between  the  body  of  greater 
wings  of  sphenoid  etc.)  has  the  “Cybernetic”  form  of 
Growth Spurts
Growth  does  not  take  place  uniformly  at  all  times.   
There  seems  to  be  periods  when  a  sudden  acceleration  of 
growth  occurs.    This  sudden  increase  in  growth  is  termed 
“growth spurt”.
The physiological alteration in hormonal secretion is 
believed to be the cause for such accentuated growth.  The 
timing of the growth spurts differs in boys and girls.
The following are timing of growth spurts.
a. Just before birth
b. One year after birth
c. Pre pubertal Growth spurt
Boys: 8-11 years
Girls: 7-9 years
d. Pubertal growth spurt
Boys: 14-16 years
Girls : 11-13years
Differential Growth:
The human body does not grow at the same rate 
throughout life.  Different organs grow at different rates 
to  a  different  amount  and  at  different  times.    This  is 
termed differential growth.  
Here it would be best to mention two important 
aspects of growth, both of which help us understand the 
concepts of differential growth more clearly.  These are:
1. Scammon’s curve of growth
2. Cephalo caudal gradient of growth.
Scammon’s curve of growth
The body tissues can be broadly classified into four 
types.    They  are  lymphoid  tissue,  neural  tissue,  general 
tissue and genital tissue.  Each of these tissues grows at 
different  times  and  rate  lymphoid  tissue  proliferates 
rapidly  in  late  childhood  and  reaches  almost  200%  of 
adult size.  This is an adaptation to protect children from 
infection, as they are more prone to them.  By about 18 
years  of  age,  lymphoid  tissue  undergoes  involution  to 
reach adult size.
Neural tissue grows very rapidly and almost
reaches adult size by 6-7 years of age. Very little growth
of neural tissue occurs after 6-7 years. This facilitates
intake of further knowledge. General tissue or visceral
tissue consists of the muscles, bones and other organs.
These tissues exhibit an “S” shaped curve with rapid
growth upto 2-3 years of age followed by a slow phase of
growth between 3-10years. After the tenth year, a rapid
phase of growth occurs terminating by the 18-20th
Genital tissue consists
of the reproductive organs.
They show negligible growth
until puberty. However, they
grow rapidly at puberty
reaching adult size after
which growth
Cephalocaudal Gradient of Growth
Cephalocaudal gradient of growth simply means that
there is an axis of increased growth extending from head
towards the feet. A comparison of the body proportion
between prenatal and postnatal life reveals that post natal
growth of regions of the body that are away from the
hypophysis is more.
This growth concept can be illustrated as follows:
a. The head takes up about 50% of the total body length
around the third month of intra uterine life. At the time of
birth, the trunk and the limbs have grown more than the
head, thereby reducing the head to about 30% of body
length. The overall pattern of growth continues with a
progressive reduction in the relative size of the head to
about 12% in the adult.
     b)     The lower limbs are rudimentary around the 
  month  of  intrauterine  life.    They  later  grow  and 
represent almost 50% of the body length at adulthood.
Growth factors
The  mitogenic  factors  include  polypeptide  growth 
factors, cytokines, and many other substances named based 
on their cellular origin, target cells and effects (Cantley et 
al 1991; Nathan and Sporn 1991; Sporn and Robert 1990)
Following  gene  expression,  cell  differentiation  and 
organ  development  continue  to  be  controlled  by  locally 
secreted  molecules  that  provide  a  specific  instructional 
signal to target cells.  Among these signals, growth factors, 
cell surface, glycoprotiens and components of extra cellular 
matrix  appear  to  be  prime  candidates  for  governing 
developmental processes.
Growth factors are soluble polypeptides secreted
by cells that will act within the local environment. They
include platelet derived growth factors (PDGF),
Epidermal growth factor (EGF), Fibroblast growth
factors (FGF), Insulin like growth factors I and II (IGF-I
and IGF –II), transforming growth factors α and β and
(TGF - α and β), Nerve growth factors (NGF), Bone
morphogenic proteins (BMP) insulin and other hormones.
Target for these molecules are mescnchymal,
epithelia and endothelial cells.
- The growth factors act on the target cells by means
of specific receptors present on the cell surface
- The action of some of the important mitogenic
factors i.e., growth factors, cytokines and lymphokines an
given below.
Molecule Target cell Major effect on Cell
PDGF Mesenchymal cell Growth promotion
FGF 1-9 Mesenchymal cells Growth
EGF Epithelial cells Proliferation
Epidermal cells Differentiation
TGF α Epidermal cells Proliferation
Epidermal cells Differentiation
Molecule Target cell Major effects on cells
TGF β Epithelial cells Growth inhibition
Mesenchymal cells Matrix synthesis
BMP 2-8 Osteoblasts Bone formation
Molecules Target Cell Major effects on cells
IL –1 Many cells Growth promotion
Matrix degradation
TNF -α Many cells Growth promotion
Matrix degradation
IL – 8 PMN Chemotaxis
IFN –8 Fibroblasts Growth inhibition
Monocytes Matrix inhibition
The Mandible
The cartilages and bones of the mandibular skeleton 
form  from  embryonic neural  crest cells that  originated in 
mid and hindbrain regions of the neural folds.  These cells 
migrate  ventrally  to  form  the  mandibular  (and  maxillary) 
facial prominences, where they differentiate into bones and 
connective tissues.
The  first  structure  to  develop  in  the  region  of  the 
lower  jaw  is  the  mandibular  division  of  the  trigeminal 
nerve  that  precedes  the  ectomesenchymal  condensation 
forming  the  first  (mandibular)  branchial  arch.    The  prior 
presence of the nerve has been postulated as requisite for 
inducing  osteogenesis  by  the  production  of  neurotrophic 
The mandible is derived from ossification of an
osteogenic membrane formed from ectomesenchymal
condensation at 36-38 days of development. This
mandibular ectomesenchyme must interact initially with
the epithelium of the mandibular arch, before primary
ossification can occur; the resulting intramembranous bone
lies lateral to Meckel’s cartilage of the first (mandibular)
branchial arch.
A single ossification center for each half of the mandible
arises in the 6th
week, in the region of the bifurcation of the
inferior alveolar nerve and artery into mental and incisive
branches. The ossifying membrane is lateral to Meckel’s
cartilage and its accompanying neurovascular bundle.
Ossification spreads from the primary center below and
around the inferior alveolar nerve and its incisive branch, and
upwards to form a trough for the developing teeth. Spread of
the intramembranous ossification dorsally and ventrally forms
the body and ramus of the mandible. Meckel’s cartilage
becomes surrounded and invaded by bone. Ossification stops
dorsally at the site that will become the mandibular lingula,
from where Meckel’s cartilage continues into the middle ear.
The prior presence of the neurovascular bundle ensures
formation of the mandibular foramen and canal and mental
Secondary accessory cartilages appear between the
and 14th
weeks i.u. to form the head of the condyle, part
of the coronoid process, and the mental protuberance.
The coronoid accessory cartilage becomes
incorporated into the expanding intramembranous bone of
the ramus and disappears before birth. In the mental region,
on either side of the symphysis, one or two small cartilages
appear and ossify in the 7th
month i.u. to form a variable
number of mental ossicles in the fibrous tissue of the
symphysis. The ossicles become incorporated into the
intramembranous bone when the symphysis menti is
converted from a syndesmosis into a synostosis during the
first postnatal year.
The  condylar  secondary  cartilage  appears 
during the 10the week i.u. as a cone-shaped structure 
in  the  ramal  region.    This  condylar  cartilage  is  the 
primordium  of  the  future  condyle.    Cartilage  cells 
differentiate  from  its  center,  and  the  cartilage  of 
condylar head increases by intestinal and oppositional 
growth.    By  the  14th
  week,  the  first  evidence  of 
endochondral bone appears in the  condylar region.  
The condylar cartilage serves as an important center 
of growth for ramus and body of the mandible.
The ascending ramus of the neonatal mandible is 
low  and  wide,  the  coronoid  process  is  relatively  large 
and projects well above the condyle, the body is merely 
an open shell containing the buds and partial crowns of 
the  deciduous  teeth,  the  mandibular  canal  runs  low  in 
the  body.    The  initial  separation  of  the  right  and  left 
bodies of the mandible at the midline symphysis menti 
is gradually eliminated between the 4th
 and 12 months 
postnatally, when ossification converts the syndesmosis 
into synostosis uniting the two halves.
Although  the  mandible  appears  in  the  adult  as  a 
single  bone,  it  is  developmentally  and  functionally 
divisible into several skeletal subunits.  The ‘basal bone’ 
of  the  body  forms  one  unit,  to  which  are  attached  the 
alveolar, coronoid, angular and condylar processes and 
the chin.
Each of these skeletal subunits is influenced in its growth
pattern by a functional matrix that acts upon the bone: the teeth
act as a functional matrix for the alveolar unit; the action of the
temporalis muscle influences the coronoid process; the masseter
and medial pterygoid muscles act upon the angle and ramus of
the mandible; and the lateral pterygoid has some influence on the
condylar process.
The main sites of postnatal
mandibular growth are at the
condylar cartilages, the posterior
borders of the rami and the
alveolar ridges. These areas of
bone deposition account grossly for
increases in the height, length and
width of the mandible.
It was long considered that the condylar cartilage 
was the primary growth center of the mandible.  Lately 
however  proponents  of  the  functional  matrix  theory 
contradicts  this  saying  that  the  mandibles  where  the 
condyles are absent also shows adequate growth and are 
positioned  near  normally.    Thus,  they  say  that  the 
condyle  does  not  play  the  role  of  the  master  growth 
center or cause mandibular displacement.  According to 
them  it  is  the  soft  tissue  growth  that  displaces  the 
mandible downward and forward and that the condylar 
growth fills the resultant space to maintain the contact 
with the basicranium.
Cartilage is present because variable degrees of
pressure are present at the articular contacts. An
endochondral mechanism of growth is necessary for
this because the condyle grows in the direction of
articulation in the face of pressure, which the pure
intramembranous growth mechanism could not
tolerate. The condylar cartilage is quite different from
primary cartilage in that the primary cartilage is
capable of intrinsic growth. Whereas the condylar
cartilage is said to be having no such growth potential.
(Petrovic states that there is a role of hormones in
condylar cartilage growth). Koski states that periosteal
tension in the condylar neck provides a built in control
for growth of the ramus by way of the cartilage and
other local factors, such as the lateral pterygoid may
induce outside
He indicates that periosteal integrity is important for
normal proliferative activity of the connective tissue cells of the
condyle apart from the role of lateral pterygoid muscle.
The growth of cartilage may act as a ‘functional matrix’
to stretch the periosteum, inducing the lengthened periosteum
to form intramembranous bone beneath it. The formation of
bone within the condylar heads causes the mandibular rami to
grow upward and backward, displacing the entire mandible in
an opposite downward, forward direction.
Any damage to the condylar cartilages restricts the
growth potential and normal downward and forward
displacement of the mandible, unilaterally or bilaterally,
according to the sides(s) damaged. Lateral deviations of the
mandible, and varying degrees of micrognathia and
accompanying malocclusion result.
In the infant, the condyles
of the mandible are inclined
almost horizontally, so that
condylar growth leads to an
increase in the length of the
mandible, rather than increase
in height. Due to the posterior
divergence of the two halves of
the body of the mandible (in a V
shape), growth at the condylar
heads of the increasingly more
widely displaced rami results in
overall widening of the
mandibular body, which with
remodeling keeps pace with the
widening cranial
The forward shift of the growing mandibular body
changes the direction of the mental foramen during infancy
and childhood. The mental neurovascular bundle emanates
from the mandible at right angles or even a slightly forward
direction at birth. In adulthood, the mental foramen (and
its neurovascular content) is characteristically directed
backward. This change may be ascribed to forward growth
in the body of the mandible, while the neurovascular bundle
drags along. The changing direction of the foramen has
clinical implications in the administration of local anesthetic
to the mental nerve: in infancy and childhood, the syringe
needle may be applied at right angles to the body of the
mandible to enter the mental foramen, whereas in the adult
the needle has to be applied obliquely from behind to
achieve entry.
Growth of Nasomaxillary Complex:
A primary intramembranous ossification center 
appears  for  each  maxilla  in  the  7th
  week,  at  the 
termination  of  the  infraorbital  nerve  just  above  the 
canine  tooth  dental  lamina.    Secondary  zygomatic, 
orbitonasal,  nasopalatine  and  intermaxillary 
ossification centers appear and fuse rapidly with the 
primary centers.
The two intermaxillary ossification centers generate 
the  alveolar  ridge  and  primary  palate  region  that  is 
homologous  with  the  premaxilla  in  other  mammals.    In 
humans, this area encloses the four maxillary incisor teeth.
The nasal cavity, and in particular the nasal septum, 
have considerable influence in determining facial form.  In 
the fetus, a septomaxillary ligament arising from the sides 
and anteroinferior border of the nasal septum, and inserting 
into  the  anterior  nasal  spine, transmits  septal  growth  pull 
upon the maxilla.  Facial growth is directed downwards and 
forwards  by  the  septal  cartilage  which,  between  the  10th
and 40th
  weeks i.u., expands its vertical length sevenfold.
The  ‘thrust’  and  ‘pull’  created  by  nasal  septal 
growth  separate  to  varying  degrees  the  frontomaxillary 
frontonasal,  frontozygomatic  and  zygomaticomaxillary 
Growth of the maxilla depends upon the influence 
of several functional matrices that act upon different areas 
of  the  bone,  thus  theoretically  allowing  its  subdivision 
into  ‘skeletal  units’.    The  basal  body’  develops  beneath 
the  infraorbital  nerve,  later  surrounding  it  to  form  the 
infraorbital  canal.    The  ‘orbital  unit’  responds  to  the 
growth of the eyeball; the ‘nasal unit’ depends upon the 
septal cartilage for  its growth; and the teeth  provide the 
functional matrix for the ‘alveolar unit’.  The ‘pneumatic 
unit’ reflects maxillary sinus expansion.
Postnatal development of the maxilla:
The growth of the maxilla should adapt to the 
basicranium  to  which  it  is  attached  and  also  to  the 
mandible  with  which  it  functions  (in  mastication, 
speech, facial expression, respiration etc).
       The mechanism for growth of the maxilla is the 
sutures,  nasal  septum,  the  periosteal,  endosteal 
surfaces, and the alveolar process.  Mills pointed out 
that  the  maxilla  increases  in  size  by  subperiosteal 
activity  during  postnatal  growth  even  though  the 
periosteum has different names at different sites.
Over the majority of areas it is called simply,
periosteum and over some areas, it is called mucoperiosteum.
Where the periosteum of one bone meets that of another
bone, it is called a suture. Periosteum is also called
periodontal membrane where the alveolar bone meets the
modified bone of tooth’s root (cementum). Periosteum
though called differently at different sites carry out the role
of remodeling. The maxilla is attached to the cranial vault
and the cranial base by the following sutures.
a) Zygomatico-maxillary suture
b) Fronto-maxillary suture
c) Zygomatico-temporal suture
d) Pterygo platine
This suture system is the most complicated found in the
human body.Endochondral mechanism for bone growth is not
very prevalent in the mid face. Only growth by endochondral
mechanism is the midfacial extensions of the ethmoid.
The growth of the cartilaginous part of the nasal septum
has long been regarded as a source of the force that displaces
the maxilla downward and forward (antero-inferiorly). This
theory does not hold good in its entirety at present. Most of the
bone formation occurs at the mid face by intra membranous
process. All the endosteal and periosteal surfaces are
blanketed by localized growth fields, which operate essentially
independently but in harmony with each other. Thus, surface
growth remodeling is very active providing much regional
increase and remodeling which accompany and adapt to the
additions taking place in sutures, synchondroses, condyles and
so forth.
Maxilla is joined to the cranial base and the
position of the maxilla is dependent on the growth at the
sphenooccipital and spheno-ethmoidal synchondrosis.
Maxillary postnatal growth can be divided into –
1. Shift in position of maxillary complex- secondary
displacement or translocation or passive displacement.
2. Enlargement of the complex itself – Primary
displacement or transposition or active displacement
Most of the bone of the cranial base is formed by
the cartilaginous process. Later the cartilage is replaced
by bone but certain bands of cartilage remain at junction
of various bone. These areas are called synchondrosis.
These are important growth sites. These are the
synchondrosis between the sphenoid and occipital bones,
or spheno-occipital synchondrosis, the intersphenoid
synchondrosis, between two parts of the sphenoid bone
and the spheno-ethmoidal synchondrosis between the
sphenoid and ethmoid bones.
Bone gets deposited on the posterior facing
cortical plate surface of maxillary tuberosity. The
endosteal surface within the tuberosity is having a
resorptive field. The amount of anterior maxillary shift
is equal to the amount of bone deposited on the posterior
surface of the tuberosity.
The bone resorption on nasal (superior) side of the
palate and bone deposition on the inferior oral side
produces a downward growth of the whole palate. In
maxilla, the palate grows downward by periosteal
resorption on the nasal side and periosteal deposition on
the oral side.
The maxillary height increases because of
sutural growth towards the frontal and zygomatic bone
and oppositional growth in the alveolar process.
Apposition also occurs on the floor of the orbits with
resorptive remodeling of the lower surfaces. The nasal
floor is lowered by resorption while apposition occurs
on the hard palate. The growth at the median suture
produces more millimeters of width increase than
appositional remodeling but surface remodeling must
everywhere accompany sutural additions.
Alveolar remodeling contributing to
significant early vertical growth is also important in
the attainment of width because of divergence of
alveolar processes. As they grow vertically, their
divergence increases the width. Upto the time that
the mandibular condyles have deceased their most
active growth, maxillary alveolar process increase
constitutes nearly 40% of the total maxillary height
The Temporomandibular Joint
The temporomandibular joint is a secondary
development, both in its evolutionally (phylogenetic) and
embryological (ontogenetic) history. The joint between
malleus and incus that develops at the dorsal end of
Meckel’s cartilage is phylogenetically the primary jaw joint,
and is homologous with the jaw point of reptiles. With the
development, both in evolution and embryologically, of the
middle-ear chamber, this primary Meckel’s joint loses its
association with the mandible, reflecting adaptation of the
bones of the primitive jaw joint to sound conduction. The
mammalian temporomandibular joint develops an entirely
new and separate jaw joint mechanism.
In the human fetus, the primitive joint within
Meckel’s cartilage, before the malleus and incus form,
functions briefly as a jaw joint, mouth opening movements
having started at 8 weeks i.u – well before development of
the definitive temporomandibular joint. When the
temporomandibular joint forms at 10 weeks i.u. both the
malleo-incudal and definitive jaw joints move in
synchrony for about 8 weeks in fetal life. They are both
moved by muscles supplied by the same mandibular
division of the trigeminal nerve i.e. the tensor tympani to
the malleus, and the masticatory muscles to the mandible
The temporomandibular joint develops from
initially widely separated temporal and condylar
blastemata that grow towards each other. The temporal
blastema arises from the otic capsule, a component of
the basicranium that forms the petrous temporal bone.
The condylar blastema arises from the secondary
condylar cartilage of mandible. In contrast to other
Synovial joints, fibrous cartilage, rather than hyaline
cartilage, forms on the articular facets of the temporal
mandibular fossa and mandibular condyle. In the latter
site, the underlying secondary cartilage acts as a growth
bone forming lateral
to Meckel’s cartilage,
first appearing at 6
weeks i.u., forms the
initial mandibular
body and ramus.
condylar area and
initiates movement of
Meckel’s cartilage by
its contractions at 8
weeks i.u., functioning
through the primary
meckelian joint.
Between the 10th
and 12th
weeks i.u., the
accessory mandibular condylar cartilage develops as
the first blastema, growing towards the later
developing temporal blastema. The temporal articular
fossa is initial convex, but progressively assumes its
definitive concave shape. The initially wide
intervening mesenchyme is narrowed by condylar
growth and differentiates into layers of fibrous tissue.
During the 10the week i.u., two clefts develop in the
interposed vascular fibrous connective tissue, forming
the two joint cavities and thereby defining the
intervening articular disk.
The inferior compartment forms first (at 10 weeks),
separating the future disk from the developing condyle,
and the upper compartment starts to appear at about 11/ ½
weeks. Cavitation occurs by degradation rather than by
enzymic liquefaction or cell death. Synovial membrane
invasion may be necessary for cavitation. Synovial fluid
production by this method lubricates movements in the
Muscle movement is requisite to joint cavitation:
the connective tissues separating the initially discrete,
small spaces, have to be ruptured for the spaces to
coalesce into functional cavities.
The joint capsule composed of fibrous tissue,
recognizable by the 11th
week i.u., forms lateral ligaments.
The temporomandibular joint of the newborn child
is a comparatively lax structure with stability solely
dependent upon the capsule surrounding the joint; it is
more mobile than at any time later. At birth, the
mandibular fossa is almost flat and bears no articular
tubercle: only after eruption of the permanent dentition, at
7 years, does the articular tubercle begin to become
prominent; its development accelerates until the 12th
of life.
The joint structures grow laterally, concomitant
with widening of the
The temporal element, rather than the condyles,
is critical in establishing this lateral growth. The
articular surface of the fossa and tubercle becomes
more fibrous and less vascular with age. In postnatal
life, as the articular tubercle grows the disk changes
shape and becomes more compact, less cellular and
more collagenous. The mature disk is avascular and
aneural in its central portion, but is filled with vessels,
nerves and elastic fibres posteriorly, attaching it to the
squamotympanic suture.
The tongue develops in relation to the
pharyngeal arches in the floor of the developing
mouth. We have seen that each pharyngeal arch
arises as a mesodermal thickening in the lateral
wall of the foregut and that it grows ventrally to
become continuous with the corresponding arch of
the opposite side. The medial most parts of the
mandibular arches proliferate to form two lingual
The lingual swellings are partially separated
from each other by another swelling that appears in
the midline. This median swelling is called the
tuberculum impar. Immediately behind the
tuberculum impar, the epithelium proliferates to form
a down growth from which the thyroid gland
develops. The site of this down growth is
subsequently marked by a depression called the
foramen caecum.
Another midline swelling is seen in relation to the
medial ends of the second, third and fourth arches. This
swelling is called the hypobranchial eminence. The
eminence soon shows a subdivision into a cranial part
related to the second and third arches and a caudal part
related to the 4th
arches. The caudal part forms the
The anterior two third of the tongue is formed by fusion
(a) The tuberculum impar, and
(b) The two lingual swellings
It is thus derived from the mandibular arch;
according to some, the tuberculum impar does not make
any significant contribution to the tongue.
The posterior one third of the tongue is formed
from the cranial part of the hypobranchial eminence. In
this situation, the second arch mesoderm becomes buried
below the surface. The third arch mesoderm grows over
it to fuse with the mesoderm of the first arch. The
posterior one third of the tongue is thus formed by third
arch mesoderm. The posterior most part of the tongue is
derived from the fourth arch.
In keeping with its embryological origin, the
anterior two third of the tongue is supplied by the
lingual branch of the mandibular nerve, which is the
post trematic nerve of the first arch, and by chorda
tympani which is the pretrematic nerve of this arch.
The posterior one third of the tongue is supplied by
the glossopharyngeal nerve, which is the nerve of the
third arch. The posterior most part of the tongue is
supplied by the superior laryngeal nerve, which is
the nerve of the fourth arch.
The musculature of the tongue is derived from
the occipital mytomes. This explains its nerve supply
by the hypoglossal nerve, which is the nerve of these
The epithelium of the tongue is at first made
up of a single layer of cells. Later it becomes
stratified and papillae become evident. Taste buds
are formed in relation to the terminal braches of the
innervating nerve fibres.
Muscles of stomatomasticatory system:
Craniofacial voluntary muscles develop from
paraxial mesoderm that condenses rostrally as
incompletely segmented somitomeres and segmented
somites of the occipital and rostral cervical regions. The
myomeres of the somitomeres and the myotomes of the
somites form primitive muscle cells, termed myoblasts;
these divide and fuse to form multinucleated myotubes,
that cease further mitosis and thus become myocytes
(muscle fibres). Most muscle fibres develop before birth,
but increase in number and size in early infancy. Motor
nerves establish contact with the myocytes, stimulating
their activity and further growth by hypertrophy; failure of
nerve contact or activity result in muscle
The fourth somitomere myomere invades the first
branchial arch to provide the four muscles of mastication
(masseter, temporalis, medial and lateral pterygoids)
innervated by the trigeminal (Vth cranial) nerve.
Somitomeres (1-7) and somites (1-7) give rise to all
other muscles of craniomandibular system.
The masticatory muscles differentiate as individual
entities from first arch mesenchyme, migrate, and gain
attachment to their respective sites of origin on the
cranium and of insertion on the mandible. The masseter
and medial pterygoid have little distance to migrate, but
their growth and attachments are closely associated with
the mandibular ramus, which undergoes remodeling
throughout the early active growth period.
The insertion of the lateral pterygoid into the head
and neck of the rapidly remodeling mandibular condyle
requires its constant reattachment, together with
elongation concomitant with sphenooccipital
synchondrosal growth. The temporalis muscle’s
attachment to the temporal fossa stretches a considerable
distance from its site of mandibular coronoid insertion as
the muscle becomes employed in
The insertion of the lateral pterygoid into the head
and neck of the rapidly remodeling mandibular condyle
requires its constant reattachment, together with
elongation concomitant with sphenooccipital
synchondrosal growth. The temporalis muscle’s
attachment to the temporal fossa stretches a considerable
distance from its site of mandibular coronoid insertion as
the muscle becomes employed in mastication.
Anomalies of development
Defects of facial development are the result of
multiple etiological factors, some genetic, most
unknown. The study these anomalies constitute
The range of facial anomalies is enormous, but
all produce some degree of disfigurement and result in
impairment of function or even incompatibility with
life. The mechanisms of facial maldevelopment are ill
understood, but inductive phenomena arising from the
cerebral prosencephalic and rhombencephalic
organizing centers are essential to normal facial
development. Defective brain development almost
inevitably causes cranial or facial
Acephaly, absence of the head is the most extreme
defect. Post cranial structures can continue developing in
utero however; the condition is lethal upon birth
Absence of the brain anencephaly results in acrania
(absent skull) acalvaria (roofless skull), or cranioschisis
(fissured cranium), with variable effects upon the face.
These fetuses have minimal survival.
Defects of the rhombencephalic-organizing center,
which is responsible for induction of the viscerofacial
skeleton, account for dysmorphology of the middle and
lower thirds of the face (otomandibular syndromes).
Defective mandibular development may range
from agnathia (absent mandible) associated with
ventrally placed cervically located ears synotia to
varying degrees of micrognathia and
mandibulofacial dysostosis. The rare failure of
merging of the mandibular prominence results in
mandibular midline cleft.
Mild development defects of the face are comparatively
common. Failure of the facial prominence to merge or fuse
result in abnormal developmental clefts. These clefts are due
to disruption of the many intergrated processes of induction,
cell migration, local growth and mesenchymal merging.
Unilateral clefting of the upper lip (cheiloschisis) is the result
of the medial nasal prominence’s failure to merge with the
maxillary prominence on either side of the midline. Unilateral
cleft lip, more usual on the left side, is a relatively common
congenital defect ( 1 in 800 births) that has a strong familial
tendency, suggesting a genetic background. The rare bilateral
cleft lip results in a wide midline defect of the upper lip and
may produce a protuberant proboscis. The exceedingly rare
median cleft lip ( ‘hare-lip’) is due to incomplete merging of
the two medial nasal prominences and, therefore in most cases
with deep midline grooving of the nose leading to various
forms of bifid nose
Merging of the maxillary and mandibular
prominences beyond or short of the site for normal
mouth size results in mouth that is too small
(microstomia) or too wide (macrostomia). Rarely, the
maxillary and mandibular prominences fuse producing
closed mouth (ostomia)
An oblique facial cleft results from persistence of
the groove between the maxillary prominence and the
lateral nasal prominence running from the medial
canthus of the eye to the ala of the nose. Persistence of
the furrow between the two mandibular prominences
produces the rare midline mandibular cleft.
Retardation of mandibular development gives
rise to micrognathia of varying degrees with
accompanying dental malocclusion. Total failure of
development of the mandible, agnathia, is associated
with abnormal ventral placement of the external ears
Defective development of the joint results in
ankylosis, resulting in impaired mandibular
formation. Absence of all elements of the joint is
exceedingly rare. Failure of cavitation of one or both
joint compartments results in ankylosis that may be
uni or bilateral. The functionless joint results in
mandibular maldevelopment together with
masticatory distress of varying severity. Whereas
absence of the articular disk is exceedingly rare, its
perforation resulting in intercompartmental
communication is fairly common, and not debilitating
Retention of an abnormally short lingual
frenum results in ankyloglossia (tongue tie), a
common developmental abnormally. Persistence
of the thyroglossal duct may give rise to islands of
aberrant thyroid tissue, cysts, fistulae or sinuses in
the midline. A lingual thyroid gland at the site of
the foramen caecum, at the junction of the body
and root of the tongue, is not uncommon. Because
the tongue influences the paths of eruption of the
teeth, the state of its development is of
considerable interest to the orthodontist.
The tongue may fail to achieve normal
growth rate, resulting in an abnormally small
tongue (microglossia) or conversely, over
development (macroglossia). Rarely, the tongue
fails to develop (aglossia) or, because of failure
of fusion of its components, it becomes forked,
bifid or trifid.
1. Craniofacial embryology - IVth Edition – G.H Sperber
2. Human embryology – William J. Larse
3. Before we are born – Essentials of embrology and birth
defects – Vth Edition – Moore and Persaud
4. Human embryology – Vth Edition – Inderbir Singh
5. Facial growth – IIIrd Edition – Enlow
6. Handbook of Orthodontics – IVth Edition – Robert E.

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Growth and development of stomatognathic system/ dental crown & bridge courses

  • 2. Contents of this seminar 1. Introduction 2. Definitions 3. Phases of Development 4. Early orofacial development 5. Formation of face 6. Development of maxilla 7. Branchial arches 8. Bone development and growth 9. Growth factors 10. Differential growth 11. The mandible 12. Temporomandibular joint 13. Tongue 14. Palate 15. Anomalies of development
  • 3. Over the structure of the cell rises the structure of plants and animals, which exhibit the yet more complicated, elaborate combinations of millions and billions of cells coordinated and differentiated in the most extremely different ways. - Hertwig
  • 4. Introduction: Human development is a continuous process that begins when an oocyte(ovum) from a female is fertilized by a sperm(spermatozoon) from a male. Development involves many changes that transform a single cell, the zygote(fertilized ovum), into a multicellular human being. Most development changes occur before birth, but important changes also occur during the later periods of development; infancy childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.
  • 5. The mating of male and female gametes in the maternal uterine tube initiates the development of a zygote-the first identification of an individual. The union of the haploid number of chromosomes (23) of each gamete confers the hereditary material of each parent upon the newly established diploid number of chromosomes (46) of the zygote. All the inherited characteristics of an individual and its sex are thereby established at the time of union of the gametes. The single totipotential cell of approximately 140 µ m diameter resulting from the union very soon commences mitotic division to produce a rapidly increasing number of smaller cells, so that the 16-cell stage, known as the morula, is not much larger than the initial zygote.
  • 6. These cells of the early zygote reveal no significant outward differences of form. However, the chromosomes of these cells must necessarily contain the potential for differentiation of subsequent cell generations into the variety of cell forms that later constitute the different tissues of the body. The differentiation of the these early pluripotential cells into specialized forms is dependent upon genetic, cytoplasmic and environmental factors that act at critical times during their proliferation and
  • 7. A compendium of manifold biochemical reactions leads to cytodifferentiation and histodifferentiation, resulting in the formation of epithelial and mesenchymal tissues that acquire specialized structure and function. Epithelial mesenchymal interaction that provide for reciprocal cell differentiation are essential to organogenesis, i.e. the production of organs and systems. Growth is a fundamental attribute of developing organisms. The dramatic increase in size that characterizes the living embryo is a consequence of :
  • 8. 1) Increased number of cells resulting from mitotic divisions (hyperplasia) 2) Increased size of individual cells (hypertrophy) 3) Increased amount of non-cellular material (accretion). Hyperplasia tends to predominate in the early embryo, whereas hypertrophy largely prevails later. Once differentiation of the tissue has been established, further development is predominantly that of growth .The rate of growth of the tissue is inherently determined, but is, of course is also dependent upon environmental conditions. The health, diet, race and sex of an individual influence the rate and extent of growth.
  • 9. Growth may be interstitial, where increase in bulk occurs within a tissue or organ, or appositional, where surface deposition of tissue enlarges its size. Interstitial growth characterizes soft tissues, whereas hard tissues (bone, dental tissues) necessarily increase by apposition. The growth and development sequence is genetically determined and operates through the mechanism of inductors, metabolic modulators, neurotrophic and hormonal substances and interacting systems of contact stimulation and inhibition of contiguous tissues. Should these differential, but integrated, rates of development fail to maintain their normal determined ‘pace’, aberrations of overall development will manifest themselves as malformations that may require clinical interception for correction.
  • 10. Maturation is a counterpart of growth; it indicates not only the attainment of adult size and proportions but also the full adult constituents of tissues (e.g. mineralization) and the complete capability for performance of each organ’s destined functions.
  • 11. Definitions: The British Medical Dictionary defines growth “As the progressive development of a living being or part of an organism from its earliest stage to maturity including the resultant increase in size”. o J.S. Huxley – Growth is defined as the self- multiplication of a living substance. o Krogman – Increase in size, proportion and progressive complexities. o Mevedith – Entire series of sequential anatomic and physiologic changes taking place from the beginning of parental life to senility. o Todd - Growth is an increase in size.
  • 12. o Moyers – Quantitative aspect of biologic development per unit of time. o Moss – change in any morphologic parameter that is measurable. Growth can result in an: Increase in size, Decrease in size, change in form, change in proportion, change in complexity, change in texture. Decrease in size, e.g. Thymus Gland.
  • 13. Development: - The term connotes an increasing degree of organization. - It is series of changes by which the individual embryo becomes a mature organization. - Development is a progress towards maturity – Todd - It is the sequences of changes from cell fertilization to maturity. It relates to cell division, growth, differentiation and maturation – J.H. Salsamann. - Development refers to all the changes that are natural and unidirectional in life of an individual from its existence as a single cell to its elaboration as a multifunctional unity terminating in death. – Moyers.
  • 14. Growth and development though closely related are not synonymous. According to W.R.Proffit, Growth is largely an anatomic phenomenon, whereas development is physiologic and behavioral. Development = Growth and differentiation & Translocation
  • 15. Phases of Growth and Development –Pre Natal Life: Period of the ovum – The period from fertilization to the end of the 14th day. Embryonal period – From the 14th day to about 56th day. The fertilized ovum differentiates rapidly into an organism that has most of the gross anatomic features of human. 1st week : Active cell division 2nd week : Tissue differentiation into ectoderm and endoderm 3rd Week : The 3rd layer Mesoderm is added 4th to 8th week : Active & Rapid differentiation.
  • 16. Fetal Period – the second trimester of pregnancy ending by about the 28th week is characterized by rapid fetal growth especially primarily. The 3rd trimester shows further increase in size of the new viable fetus involving primarily subcutaneous tissue and muscle mass.
  • 18. STAGE TIME RELATED SYNDROMES Formation of organ systems- primary palate Days 28-38 Cleft lip & palate, facial clefts Secondary palate Days 42-55 Cleft of palate Final differentiation of tissues Days 50- birth Achondroplasia, Crouzon’s disease Apert’s syndrome
  • 19. Post Natal Life: 1. Infancy: Refers to first year after birth and the first four weeks are designated as the new born or neonatal period. 2. Childhood: this is a period from 15 months to 12-13 years. During early childhood, there is active ossification, but this rate goes down, as the child grows older. 3. Puberty: This is the period between the ages of 12-15 years in girls and 13-16 years in boys, now is the time when secondary sexual characteristics develop and are expressed.
  • 20. 4 Adolescence: Period of 3 to 4 years after puberty extending from the earliest signs of sexual maturity until, the attainment of physical, mental and emotional maturity. 5 Adulthood: Ossification and growth are virtually completed during early adulthood, 18-25 years thereafter development changes occur slowly.
  • 21. Phases of development: Embryogenesis is divided into three distinct phases during the 280 days of gestation (ten 28-day menstrual cycles). The phases are the preimplantation period (the first 7 days), the embryonic period (the next 7 weeks), and the fetal period (the next 7 calendar months)
  • 22. The preimplantation period(1-7 days) During the first 2-3 days post conception the zygote progresses from a single cell to a 16 cell cluster, the morula, no larger than the original ovum . The early totipotential blastomeres can develop into any tissue, but later differentiation creates an approximately 100-cell fluid-filled blastocyst. The outer sphere of cells forms the trophoblast, and the inner cell mass will form the embryo. During this period, the conceptus passes along the uterine tube to enter the uterus, where it implants into the uterine endometrium on the 7th postconception day. The trophoblast converts into the chorion by sprouting villi. Chorionic implantation establishes the placenta, the organ of fetomaternal exchange of nutrition and waste
  • 27. The embryonic period(2-8 weeks) This phase, from the end of the 1st week until the 8th week, can be subdivided into three periods: presomite (8- 21 days postconception), somite (21-31 days) and postsomite (32-56 days postconception). During the presomite period, the primary germ layers of the embryo and the embryonic adnexa (fetal membranes) are formed in the inner cell mass. In the somite period, characterized by the appearance of prominent dorsal metameric segments, the basic patterns of the main body systems and organs are established. The postsomite period is characterized by formation of body’s external features.
  • 28. The fetal period The beginning of this long phase, from the 8th week until term, is identified by the first appearance of ossification centers and the earliest movements by the fetus. There is little new tissue differentiation or organogenesis, but there is rapid growth and expansion of the basic structures already formed. Embryonic adnexa form membranes surrounding cavities in which the embryo (and subsequently the fetus) develops. These fluid filled cavities, membranes, and organs protect the fetus physically and save its nutritional and waste disposal requirements, casting off at birth. The main cavities and their membranes are the chorion and amnion, surrounding the fetus. Lesser cavities and their membranes are the yolk sac and a transient diverticulum, the allantois, that become incorporated into the umbilical cord, connected to the placenta, the chief organ of fetal sustenance.
  • 29. The chorion arises from the trophoblast as an all encompassing membrane that, with the maternal endometrium, forms the placenta. The amnion and yolk sac, which form and fluid filled sacs in the inner cell mass within the chorion, are separated by a bilaminar plate; this plate forms the embryonic disk that later gives rise to the definitive embryo. The attachment of the inner cell mass to the chorion constitutes the connecting (body) stalk that contains the yolk sac and allantois. The stalk converts into the umbilical cord.
  • 30. The presomite period (8-21 days) The primordial embryonic germ disk is composed of two primary germ layers; the ectoderm, which forms the floor or the amniotic cavity, and the endoderm, which forms the roof of the yolk sac. Early embryogenesis: Embryonic period (8-56 days)
  • 31. There is early demarcation, at the 14th day, of the anterior pole of the initially oval disk; an endodermal thickening, the prechordal plate appears in the future midcephalic region. The prechordal plate preface the development of the orofacial region, giving rise later to the endodermal layer of the orpharyngeal
  • 32. The third primary germ layer, the mesoderm, makes its appearance at the beginning of the 3rd week as a result of ectodermal cell proliferation and differentiation in the caudal region of the embryonic disk. The resultant bulge in the disk is grooved cranicaudally, by which characteristic it is termed primitive streak. From the primitive streak the rapidly proliferating tissue known as mesenchyme forms the intraembryonic mesoderm which migrates in all direction between the ectoderm and endoderm except the sites of the oropharyngeal membrane anteriorly and the cloacal membrane posteriorly.
  • 33. The appearance of the mesoderm coverts the bilaminar disk into a trilaminar structure. The midline axis becomes defined by the formation of the notochord from the proliferation and differentiation of the cranial end of the primitive streak. The notochord terminates anteriorly at the prechordal plate at the future site of the pituitary gland. The notochord serves as an axial skeleton of the embryo, and induces formation of the neural plate in the overlying ectoderm (neural ectoderm), and the lateral mesoderm induces epidermal development (cutaneous ectoderm).
  • 34. The three primary germ layers serve as a basis for differentiating the tissues and organs that are largely derived from each of the layers. The cutaneous and neural systems develop from the ectoderm. The cutaneous structures include the skin and its appendages, the oral mucous membrane, and the enamel of teeth. The neural structures include the central and peripheral nervous systems. The mesoderm gives rise to the cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels), the locomotor system (bones and muscles), connective tissues and dental pulp. The endoderm develops into the lining epithelium of the respiratory system and of the alimentary canal between the pharynx and the anus as well as the secretory cells of the liver and pancreas.
  • 35. Development of the ectoderm into its cutaneous and neural portions occurs at 20 days, by infolding of the neural plate ectoderm along the midline forming the neural folds; this creates a neural groove. Neural folds and neural groove give rise to neural crest cells, which are pleuripotential and give rise to following structures.
  • 36. Derivatives of neural crest cells Connective tissues:Ectomesenchyme of facial prominences and branchial arches Bones and cartilages of facial and visceral skeleton (basicranial and brachial arch cartilages) - Dermis of face and ventral aspects of neck - Stroma of salivary, thymus, thyroid, parathyroid and pituitary glands - Corneal mesenchyme - Sclera and choroids optic coats -Blood vessel walls (excepting endothelium); aortic arch arteries - Dental papilla (dentine); portion of periodontal ligament; cementum
  • 37. Muscle tissues: - Ciliary muscles - Covering connective tissue of branchial arch muscles (masticatory, facial, laryngeal) combined with mesodermal components
  • 38. Nervous tissues  Supporting tissues:Leptomeninges of prosencephalon and part of mesencephalon, Glia  Schwann sheath cells  Sensory ganglia:  Autonomic ganglia  Spinal dorsal root ganglia  Sensory ganglia (in part) of trigeminal, facial (geniculate), glosspharyngeal (otic and superior) and vagal (jugular) nerves  Autonomic nervous system:  Sympathetic ganglia and plexuse  Parasympathetic ganglia (cilliary, ethmoid, sphenopalatine, submandibular ganglions)
  • 39. Endocrine tissues - Adrenomedullary cells and adrengergic paragangilia - Calcitonin ‘C’ cells –thyroid gland (ultimobranchial body) - Carotid body Pigment cells - Melanocytes in all tissues; melanophores of iris. - Neural crest cells migrating ventrally and caudally encounter the pharyngeal endoderm that induces formation of branchial arches. Many brachial derivatives, including facial bone are of neural crest
  • 40. The somite period (21 days- 31 days) During this period i.e. for next 10 days, development is characterized by foldings and structuring, as well as by differentiation of the basic tissues that convert the flat embryonic disk into a tubular body.  The folding of neural plate gives rise to brain and spinal cord.  The mesoderm develops into three aggregations. (a) Lateral plate mesoderm (b) Intermediate mesoderm (c) Paraxial mesoderm
  • 41. • Lateral plate mesoderm  Pleural cavity  Pericardial cavity  Peritoneal cavity  Peripharyngeal connective tissue • Intermediate mesoderm  Gonads  Kidneys  Adrenal cortex • Paraxial mesoderm  Somatomeres, which gives, rise to somites.
  • 42. The postsomite period (36-56 days) The predominance of the segmental somites as an external feature of the early embryo fades during the 6th week i.u. (Intrauterine). The head dominates much of the development of this period. Facial features become recognizable, when the ears, eyes and nose assume a ‘human’ form, and the neck becomes defined by it elongation and the sheathing of the branchial arches. The paddle shaped limb buds of the early part of the period expand and differentiate into their divisions to the first demarcation of their digits; the earliest muscular movements are first manifest at this time.
  • 43. The thoracic region swells enormously, as the heart, which becomes very prominent in the somite period, is joined by the rapidly growing liver, whose size dominates the early abdominal organs. The long tail of the beginning of the embryonic period regresses as the growing buttocks aid in its concealment. The embryo at the end of this period is now termed a
  • 44. The fetal period The main organs and systems having developed during the embryonic, period, the last 7 months of fetal life are devoted to very rapid growth and reproportioning of body components, with little further organogenesis or tissue differentiation. The precocious growth and development of the head in the embryonic period is not maintained in the fetal period, with the result that the body develops relatively more rapidly. The proportions of the head are thereby reduced from about half the overall body length at the beginning of the fetal period to about one- third at the 5th month and about one fourth at birth.
  • 45. At 4 months i.u. the face assumes a human appearance as the laterally directed eyes move to the front of the face and the ears rise from their original mandibulocervical site to eye level. Ossification centers make their appearance in most of the bones during this a period. The sex of the fetus can be observed externally by the 3rd month, and the wrinkled skin acquires a covering of downy hairs (lanugo) by the 5th month. During this month, fetal movements are first felt by the mother.
  • 46. The 42-44 paired somites appear sequentially craniocaudally and are identified as: 4 - occipital 8 - cervical 12 – Thoracic 5 – lumbar 6 – sacral 8-10 – coccygeal somites Each somite has got 1) Sclerotome – vertebral column 2) Dermatome – Skin 3)Myotome – muscles
  • 47. 4 6 7 8 121420 24 30 32
  • 49. Early orofacial development: Development of Head depends upon the inductive activities of the 1. Prosencephalic organizing center gives rise to a) Visual and inner ear apparatus b) Upper third of face 2. Rhombencephalic organizing center gives rise to – Middle & lower thirds of face
  • 50. Oral development in the embryo is demarcated extremely early in life by the appearance of the prechordal plate in the bilaminar germ disk on the 14th day of development, even before the mesodermal germ layer appears. The endodermal thickening of the prechordal plate designates the cranial pole of the oval embryonic disk, and later contributes to the oropharyngeal membrane. This temporary bilaminar membrane is the site of junction of the ectoderm that forms the mucosa of the mouth and the endoderm that forms the mucosa of the pharynx, which is the most cranial part of the foregut.
  • 51. . The oropharyngeal membrane is one of two sites of contiguity between ectoderm and endoderm, where mesoderm fails to intervene between the two primary germ layers; the other site is the cloacal membrane at the terminal end of the hindgut. The oropharyngeal membrane also demarcates the site of a shallow depression, the stomodeum, the primitive mouth that forms the topographical center of the developing face.
  • 52. Formation of face The face derives from five prominences that surround a central depression, the stomodium, which constitutes the future mouth The prominences are:  Frontonasal prominence  Paired maxillary prominences  Paired mandibular prominences The maxillary and mandibular prominences are derivatives of the first pair of six branchial arches. All these prominences and arches arise from neural crest ectomesenchyme, which migrates into facial and neck regions.
  • 53. Now we see that the floor of the stomatodoeum is formed by the buccopharyngeal membrane, which separates it from the foregut. Soon the mesoderm covering the developing forebrain proliferates and forms a down ward projection that overlaps the upper part of the stomatodoeum. This downward projection is called frontonasal process. At this stage, each mandibular arch forms the lateral wall of the stomatodeoum. This arch gives off a bud from its dorsal end. This bud is called maxillary process. It grows cranial to the main part of the arch, which is now called the mandibular process.
  • 54. These placodes soon sink below the surface to form nasal pits. The pits are continuous below with stomatodaeum. The edges of the pit are raised above the surface and are called 1. Medial nasal process 2. Lateral nasal process The ectoderm overlying the frontonasal process soon shows bilateral localized thickening that are situated a little above the stomatodaeum. These are called nasal placodes.
  • 55. We are now in a position to study the formation of the various parts of the face. Lower lip and lower jaw: the mandibular process of the two sides grove toward each other and fuse in the midline. They now form the lower margin of the stomatodaeum. This fused mandibular process give rise to lower jaw and lower lip.
  • 56. The lateral merging of the maxillary and mandibular prominences creates the commeasures of the mouth. There is marked acceleration of mandibular growth between the 8th and 12th week of fetal life. The development of Meckel’s cartilage during the second month serves as a precursor of mandibular mesenchyme which forms around and responsible for mandibular growth activity. Bone begins to develop lateral to meckel’s cartilage during the seventh week and continues until the posterior aspect is covered with bone.
  • 57. Ossification stops at the point that will later become the mandibular lingula and the remaining part of the cartilage continues on its own to form sphenomandibular ligament and the spinous part of the sphenoid. The part of the meckel’s cartilage that has been encapsulated with bone appears to have served its purpose as a splint for intramembranous ossification and it largely deteriorates. The early development and ossification of the bones of stomatognathic system are quite evident at 14 weeks. I.U ossification in the downwardly proliferating condylar cartilage does not appear until 4th or 5th month of life. This center shows signs of activity almost till the 20th year of life.
  • 58. Development of Maxilla: All the facial processes or prominences in the developing embryo unite by either of the two developmental events at a different location. - By merging the frontonasal, maxillary and mandibular process or - By fusion of the central maxillonasal components. Merging occurs when the incompletely separated prominences migrate into the intervening grooves or by proliferation of the underlying mesenchyme into the grooves. Fusion occurs when the contacting surface epithelia of the process disintegrate allowing intermingling of the underlying mesenchymal cells. The medial nasal process joins with the maxillary and lateral nasal process by
  • 59. Each maxillary process grows medially, fuses first with the lateral nasal process, and then with the medial nasal process. The medial and lateral nasal processes also fuse with each other. In this way the nasal pits (now called anterior nares) are cut off from the stomatodaeum.
  • 60. The maxillary process undergo considerable growth. At the same time the frontonasal process becomes much narrower from side to side, so that the two anterior nares come closer.
  • 61. The stomatodaeum is now bounded above by the upper lip, which is derived as follows. a) The mesodermal basis of the lateral part of the lip is formed from the maxillary process. The overlying skin is derived from ectoderm covering this process b) The mesodermal basis of the median part of the lip (called philtrum) is formed from the frontonasal process. The ectoderm of the maxillary process however overgrows this mesoderm to meet that of the opposite maxillary process in the midline. As a result, the skin of the entire upper lip is innervated by the maxillary nerve. The muscles of the face (including the lips are derived from mesoderm of the second brachial arch and are therefore supplied by the facial
  • 63. During the late somite period (4th week IU) the mesoderm lateral plate of the ventral foregut region becomes segmented to form a series of five distinct bilateral mesenchyme swellings, the BRANCHIAL (Pharyngeal) ARCHES. These brachial arches are separated by branchial groves on the external aspect of the embryo, which correspond internally with five out pouching of the elongated pharynx of the foregut known as the five pharyngeal pouches or endodermal pouches. The Branchial arches:
  • 64. Each of the five pairs of arches contains a basic set of structures. 1. A central cartilage rod which forms skeleton of the arch 2. A muscular component 3. A vascular component, an aortic arch artery 4. A nervous element
  • 65. Branchial arch Endoder mal pouch Branchia l arch arteries Muscles Nerves Skeleton (viscerocran ium) 1st arch mandibular Auditory tube and middle ear cavity External carotid and maxillary arteries Muscles of mastication (temporal, masseter, and pterygoids) mylohyoid, ant diagastric, tensor velipalatini, tensor tympani (Originate from somitomere 4) Trigemina l nerve, three divisions; sensory mandibula r division motor Facial bones, incus, malleus, anterior ligament of malleus, sphenomandi bular ligament and core of mandible from Meckel’s cartilage.
  • 66. Branchial arch Endodermal pouch Branchial arch arteries Muscles Nerves Skeleton (viscerocra nium) 2nd arch hyoid Palatine tonsillar fossa Stapedial artery (in part), possibly small contributi on to facial artery Muscles of facial expression, posterior digastric, stylohyoid stapedius (originate from somitomere 6) VII facial nerve motor to facial muscles; sensory to ant. 2/3 tongue Stapes, styloid process, stylohyoid ligament, lesser horn and upper part of hyoid body (Reichert” s cartilage)
  • 67. Branchial arch Endodermal pouch Branchial arch arteries Muscles Nerves Skeleton (viscerocr anium) 3rd arch Inferior Parathyroid III Thymus Proximal 1/3 of internal carotid, possibly small contribution to common carotid Stylopharyn geus? Upper pharyngeal muscle IX Glossoph aryngeal nerve (pharynge al plexus) motor to pharynx. Muscles sensory; to post. 1/3 tongue Greater horn and lower part of hyoid body.
  • 68. Branchial arch Endodermal pouch Branchial arch arteries Muscles Nerves Skeleton (viscerocra nium) 4th arch Superior parathyroid IV lateral thyroid vestigial thymus Arch of aorta (left) Proximal part of right subclavian Pharyngeal constrictor’s cricothyroid and laryngeal muscles palatoglossus palatopharyn geus Levator veli palatini X Vegas nerve superior laryngeal nerve (pharyngeal nerve plexus) Thyroid and laryngeal cartilages.
  • 69. Branchial arch Endoderm al pouch Branchial arch arteries Muscles Nerves Skeleton (viscerocra nium) 5th arch Ultimobran chial body or cyst calcitonin ‘C’ cells Nothing rarely seen Same as 4th branchial arch Lower part of thyroid cartilage and laryngeal cartilages 6th arch None Proximal part of both pulmonary arteries and of ductus arteriosus (left) Laryngeal muscles except cricothyroi d, striated muscles of esophagus X vagus nerve Inferior laryngeal nerve Cricoid cartilage
  • 70. Bone development and growth Bone is formed by two methods of differentiation of mesenchymal tissue that may be of either mesodermal or ectomesenchymal (neural crest) origin. The two varieties of ossification are described as intramembranous and endochondral. In both, however, the fundamental laying down of osteoid matrix by osteoblasts and its calcification by amorphous and crystalline appetite deposition is similar.
  • 71. Intramembranous ossification occurs in sheet like osteogenic membranes, whereas endochondral ossification occurs in hyaline cartilage prototype models of the future bone. The adult structure of osseous tissue formed by the two methods is indistinguishable; furthermore, both methods can participate in forming what may eventually become a single bone, with the distinctions of its different origins effaced. In the main, the long bones of the limbs and the bones of the thoracic cage and cranial base are of endochondral origin, whereas those of the vault of the skull, the mandible and clavicle are predominantly of intramembranous origin. Membrane bones appear to be off neural crest origin, and arise after the ectomesenchyme interacts with an epithelium.
  • 72. Endochondral bone formation: - Growth of soft tissues occurs by combination of hypertrophy and hyperplasia - Secretion of extra cellular material accompanies with hyperplasia primarily and hypertrophy secondarily in certain condition. - Interstitial growth is characteristic of certain soft tissues and uncalcified surface. - This way a cartilaginous model and scaffold is formed. The height of cartilaginous development occurs during the third month of intrauterine life. But the cartilaginous model is a vascular and nutrients are supplied to internal cells by diffusion through the outer layers – so of course the cartilage must be
  • 73. - During the fourth month in utero there is an in growth of blood vascular elements into various parts of chondro cranium - These areas are the centers of ossification at which cartilage is transformed into bone and islands of bone appear in the sea of surrounding cartilage.
  • 74. To summarize a.Mesenchymal cells become condensed b.Some cells differentiate into chodroblasts and lays hyaline c.Cartilage is surrounded by a membrane perichondrium, which is highly vascular d.The inter cellular substance surrounding the cartilage cells become calcified due to influence of enzyme alkaline phosphatase secreted by the cartilage cells. e.Therefore, the nutrient supply to the cells is cut off leading to their death, which results in empty cells “Primary Areola”. f.The blood vessels and osteogenic cells from the perichondrium invade the calcified cartilaginous matrix, which is now reduced to bars or walls due to eating away of calcified matrix. This forms large spaces called secondary
  • 75. Intra Membranous Bone Growth: Bone is formed by direct secretion of bone matrix and it is calcified. a. Mesenchymal cells becomes aggregated at the site b. Some cells lay down bundles of collagen. c. Some cells enlarge to form basophilic osteoblasts d. Osteoblast secretes oseoid – a gelatinous matrix around the collagen fibres. e. Mineralization of osteoid takes place. f. Some of osteoblasts get entrapped to form osteocytes.
  • 76.  Direct addition of new bone to the surface of existing bone does occurs through the activity of cells in the periosteum, the extra cellular materials secreted is mineralized and becomes new bone -surface apposition of bone.
  • 77. Theories of Growth and Development: 1. Genetic Theory- By Raye Stewart- the theory states that all growth is controlled by genetic influence and is preplanned. 2. Sutural Dominance Theory – By Weinmann and Sicher in 1955: the theory supports the fact that genetic control is expressed directly at the level of bone. Particularly the sutures between the membranous bones especially of cranium and jaws were considered as growth centers, along with the sites of Endochondral ossification in the cranial base and mandibular condyle.
  • 78. But certain factors had strongly let down the theory: 1. When an area of the suture between the facial bones is transplanted to another location the tissue fails to continue to develop. 2. Growth takes place in cleft palate patients. 3. Growth at sutures responds to outside influences under a number of circumstances. 4. Microcephaly and hydrocephaly raised doubts about the intrinsic genetic stimulus at sutures.
  • 79. 3.     Cartilage Dominance Theory – By James scott, 1953, 1954, 1967 – according to the theory the genetic  control  is  expressed  at  cartilage.    Scott  said  that  the  cartilaginous  sites  through  out  the  skull  are  primary  growth centers. -        The  nasal  septal  cartilage  is  the  pacemaker  for  growth of the entire nasomaxillary complex. -         The mandible is considered as a long bone bent  into a horseshoe shape with the epiphysis removed, so  that  the  cartilage  constitutes  epiphyseal  palate  at  the  ends, which are represented by condyles.
  • 80. 4. Functional Matrix Theory  – By Melvin Moss, 1960,62,97 – -          Moss’s  idea  of  growth  control  is  that  the  growth  control lies in adjacent soft tissues and cartilage – bones are  just sites. -        The  growth  of  the  face  occurs  as  a  response  to  functional  needs  and  is  mediated  by  the  soft  tissues  conceptually – the soft tissues grow and bone and cartilage  reacts to it. -            A  number  of  relatively  independent  functions  are  carried out in the craniofacial regions or the human body  like,  respiration,  olfaction,  vision  hearing,  balance,  chewing  digestion,  swallowing  speech  and  neural  integration.
  • 81. Functional cranial components: Skeletal Unit - Micro skeletal, Macro skeletal Unit Functional  Matrices  -  Capsular  Matrices,  Periosteal  Matrices Skeletal Unit: All skeletal tissues associated with a single function  are called “the skeletal unit”.  It is compromised of bone,  cartilage and tendinous tissues. The functional matrix: The  functional  matrix  consists  of  muscles,  glands,  nerves, vessels, fat, teeth and the functional
  • 82. Periosteal Matrix: Their action is directly and actively upon  the related skeletal units.  Alternations in their  functional  demands  produce  a  secondary  compensatory  transformation  of  the  size  or  shape of their skeletal units.  Such process are  brought  about  by  the  inter  related  process  of  bone  deposition  and  resorption  E.g.  Muscles,  blood vessels, nerves glands etc.
  • 83. Capsular Matrix: They  act  indirectly  and  passively  on  their  related  skeletal  units  producing  secondary  compensatory translation in space.  These alterations  in  spatial  position  of  skeletal  units  are  bought  by  expansion of the orofacial capsule within which the  facial  bones  arise,  grow  and  are  maintained.    The  facial  skeletal  units  are  passively  and  secondarily  moved  in  space  as  their  enveloping  capsule  is  expanded.  Deposition and resorption do not bring  about this kind of translative growth.
  • 84. The  Neuro-crainial  capsule  and  the  oro-facial  capsule  are  examples  of  capsular  matrices.    Each  of  the  capsules  is  an  envelope,  which  contains  a  series  of  functional cranial components (skeletal units), which as a  whole are sandwiched in between two covering layers.  In  Neuro-cranial  capsule,  the  cover  is  skin  and  duramater  and in oro-facial capsule, the skin and mucosa forms the  covering. The neurocranial capsule surrounds and protects the  neurocranial  capsular  functional  matrix,  which  is  the  brain,leptomeninges and CSF.  The neuro cranial capsule  is  made  up  of  skin,  connective  tissue  aponeurotic  layer,  loose  connective  tissue  layer,  periosteum,  base  of  skull  and layers of dura
  • 85. The  orofacial  capsule  surrounds  and  protects  the  oro-naso-pharyngeal spaces, which constitute the matrix.   The  growth  of  the  facial  skull  is  influenced  by  the  volume and potency of the spaces.  5.  Van Limborgh’s Theory, 1970 Limborgh  explains  the  process  of  growth  and  development  in  the  view  that  combines  all  the  major  theories. - He supports the Moss’s functional Matrix     Theory - Acknowledges certain concepts of Sicher’s Theory - Never did he rule out the genetic theory.
  • 86. 6. Unloaded Nerve Theory – by Melvin Moss The  skeletal  units  and  growth  field  fulfills  the  demands  for  protection  of  the  mandibular  nerve  by  formation of bone around. 7.  Servo System Theory – By Petrovic and Stutzmann 1980 The  theory  states  that  the  influence  of  somatotropic  complex  is  STH  –  Somatomedin  hormones, sexual hormones and thyroniel harmones on  the  primary  cartilages  (epiphyseal  cartilages  of  long  bones,  cartilages  of  the  nasal  septum  and  spheno  occipital synchondrosis, lateral cartilaginous masses of  the  ethmoid,  cartilage  between  the  body  of  greater  wings  of  sphenoid  etc.)  has  the  “Cybernetic”  form  of  command
  • 87. Growth Spurts Growth  does  not  take  place  uniformly  at  all  times.    There  seems  to  be  periods  when  a  sudden  acceleration  of  growth  occurs.    This  sudden  increase  in  growth  is  termed  “growth spurt”. The physiological alteration in hormonal secretion is  believed to be the cause for such accentuated growth.  The  timing of the growth spurts differs in boys and girls.
  • 88. The following are timing of growth spurts. a. Just before birth b. One year after birth c. Pre pubertal Growth spurt Boys: 8-11 years Girls: 7-9 years d. Pubertal growth spurt Boys: 14-16 years Girls : 11-13years
  • 89. Differential Growth: The human body does not grow at the same rate  throughout life.  Different organs grow at different rates  to  a  different  amount  and  at  different  times.    This  is  termed differential growth.   Here it would be best to mention two important  aspects of growth, both of which help us understand the  concepts of differential growth more clearly.  These are: 1. Scammon’s curve of growth 2. Cephalo caudal gradient of growth.
  • 90. Scammon’s curve of growth The body tissues can be broadly classified into four  types.    They  are  lymphoid  tissue,  neural  tissue,  general  tissue and genital tissue.  Each of these tissues grows at  different  times  and  rate  lymphoid  tissue  proliferates  rapidly  in  late  childhood  and  reaches  almost  200%  of  adult size.  This is an adaptation to protect children from  infection, as they are more prone to them.  By about 18  years  of  age,  lymphoid  tissue  undergoes  involution  to  reach adult size.
  • 91. Neural tissue grows very rapidly and almost reaches adult size by 6-7 years of age. Very little growth of neural tissue occurs after 6-7 years. This facilitates intake of further knowledge. General tissue or visceral tissue consists of the muscles, bones and other organs. These tissues exhibit an “S” shaped curve with rapid growth upto 2-3 years of age followed by a slow phase of growth between 3-10years. After the tenth year, a rapid phase of growth occurs terminating by the 18-20th year. Genital tissue consists of the reproductive organs. They show negligible growth until puberty. However, they grow rapidly at puberty reaching adult size after which growth
  • 92. Cephalocaudal Gradient of Growth Cephalocaudal gradient of growth simply means that there is an axis of increased growth extending from head towards the feet. A comparison of the body proportion between prenatal and postnatal life reveals that post natal growth of regions of the body that are away from the hypophysis is more. This growth concept can be illustrated as follows: a. The head takes up about 50% of the total body length around the third month of intra uterine life. At the time of birth, the trunk and the limbs have grown more than the head, thereby reducing the head to about 30% of body length. The overall pattern of growth continues with a progressive reduction in the relative size of the head to about 12% in the adult.
  • 93.      b)     The lower limbs are rudimentary around the  2nd   month  of  intrauterine  life.    They  later  grow  and  represent almost 50% of the body length at adulthood.
  • 94. Growth factors The  mitogenic  factors  include  polypeptide  growth  factors, cytokines, and many other substances named based  on their cellular origin, target cells and effects (Cantley et  al 1991; Nathan and Sporn 1991; Sporn and Robert 1990) Following  gene  expression,  cell  differentiation  and  organ  development  continue  to  be  controlled  by  locally  secreted  molecules  that  provide  a  specific  instructional  signal to target cells.  Among these signals, growth factors,  cell surface, glycoprotiens and components of extra cellular  matrix  appear  to  be  prime  candidates  for  governing  developmental processes.
  • 95. Growth factors are soluble polypeptides secreted by cells that will act within the local environment. They include platelet derived growth factors (PDGF), Epidermal growth factor (EGF), Fibroblast growth factors (FGF), Insulin like growth factors I and II (IGF-I and IGF –II), transforming growth factors α and β and (TGF - α and β), Nerve growth factors (NGF), Bone morphogenic proteins (BMP) insulin and other hormones. Target for these molecules are mescnchymal, epithelia and endothelial cells. - The growth factors act on the target cells by means of specific receptors present on the cell surface - The action of some of the important mitogenic factors i.e., growth factors, cytokines and lymphokines an given below.
  • 96. GROWTH FACTORS Molecule Target cell Major effect on Cell PDGF Mesenchymal cell Growth promotion FGF 1-9 Mesenchymal cells Growth promotion Angiogenesis EGF Epithelial cells Proliferation Epidermal cells Differentiation TGF α Epidermal cells Proliferation Epidermal cells Differentiation
  • 97. Molecule Target cell Major effects on cells TGF β Epithelial cells Growth inhibition Mesenchymal cells Matrix synthesis Angiogenesis BMP 2-8 Osteoblasts Bone formation
  • 98. CYTOKINES AND LYMPHOKINES Molecules Target Cell Major effects on cells IL –1 Many cells Growth promotion Matrix degradation TNF -α Many cells Growth promotion Matrix degradation IL – 8 PMN Chemotaxis IFN –8 Fibroblasts Growth inhibition Monocytes Matrix inhibition
  • 99. The Mandible The cartilages and bones of the mandibular skeleton  form  from  embryonic neural  crest cells that  originated in  mid and hindbrain regions of the neural folds.  These cells  migrate  ventrally  to  form  the  mandibular  (and  maxillary)  facial prominences, where they differentiate into bones and  connective tissues. The  first  structure  to  develop  in  the  region  of  the  lower  jaw  is  the  mandibular  division  of  the  trigeminal  nerve  that  precedes  the  ectomesenchymal  condensation  forming  the  first  (mandibular)  branchial  arch.    The  prior  presence of the nerve has been postulated as requisite for  inducing  osteogenesis  by  the  production  of  neurotrophic  factors.
  • 100. The mandible is derived from ossification of an osteogenic membrane formed from ectomesenchymal condensation at 36-38 days of development. This mandibular ectomesenchyme must interact initially with the epithelium of the mandibular arch, before primary ossification can occur; the resulting intramembranous bone lies lateral to Meckel’s cartilage of the first (mandibular) branchial arch.
  • 101. A single ossification center for each half of the mandible arises in the 6th week, in the region of the bifurcation of the inferior alveolar nerve and artery into mental and incisive branches. The ossifying membrane is lateral to Meckel’s cartilage and its accompanying neurovascular bundle. Ossification spreads from the primary center below and around the inferior alveolar nerve and its incisive branch, and upwards to form a trough for the developing teeth. Spread of the intramembranous ossification dorsally and ventrally forms the body and ramus of the mandible. Meckel’s cartilage becomes surrounded and invaded by bone. Ossification stops dorsally at the site that will become the mandibular lingula, from where Meckel’s cartilage continues into the middle ear. The prior presence of the neurovascular bundle ensures formation of the mandibular foramen and canal and mental foramen.
  • 102. Secondary accessory cartilages appear between the 10th and 14th weeks i.u. to form the head of the condyle, part of the coronoid process, and the mental protuberance. The coronoid accessory cartilage becomes incorporated into the expanding intramembranous bone of the ramus and disappears before birth. In the mental region, on either side of the symphysis, one or two small cartilages appear and ossify in the 7th month i.u. to form a variable number of mental ossicles in the fibrous tissue of the symphysis. The ossicles become incorporated into the intramembranous bone when the symphysis menti is converted from a syndesmosis into a synostosis during the first postnatal year.
  • 103. The  condylar  secondary  cartilage  appears  during the 10the week i.u. as a cone-shaped structure  in  the  ramal  region.    This  condylar  cartilage  is  the  primordium  of  the  future  condyle.    Cartilage  cells  differentiate  from  its  center,  and  the  cartilage  of  condylar head increases by intestinal and oppositional  growth.    By  the  14th   week,  the  first  evidence  of  endochondral bone appears in the  condylar region.   The condylar cartilage serves as an important center  of growth for ramus and body of the mandible.
  • 104. The ascending ramus of the neonatal mandible is  low  and  wide,  the  coronoid  process  is  relatively  large  and projects well above the condyle, the body is merely  an open shell containing the buds and partial crowns of  the  deciduous  teeth,  the  mandibular  canal  runs  low  in  the  body.    The  initial  separation  of  the  right  and  left  bodies of the mandible at the midline symphysis menti  is gradually eliminated between the 4th  and 12 months  postnatally, when ossification converts the syndesmosis  into synostosis uniting the two halves.
  • 105. Although  the  mandible  appears  in  the  adult  as  a  single  bone,  it  is  developmentally  and  functionally  divisible into several skeletal subunits.  The ‘basal bone’  of  the  body  forms  one  unit,  to  which  are  attached  the  alveolar, coronoid, angular and condylar processes and  the chin.
  • 106. Each of these skeletal subunits is influenced in its growth pattern by a functional matrix that acts upon the bone: the teeth act as a functional matrix for the alveolar unit; the action of the temporalis muscle influences the coronoid process; the masseter and medial pterygoid muscles act upon the angle and ramus of the mandible; and the lateral pterygoid has some influence on the condylar process. The main sites of postnatal mandibular growth are at the condylar cartilages, the posterior borders of the rami and the alveolar ridges. These areas of bone deposition account grossly for increases in the height, length and width of the mandible.
  • 107. It was long considered that the condylar cartilage  was the primary growth center of the mandible.  Lately  however  proponents  of  the  functional  matrix  theory  contradicts  this  saying  that  the  mandibles  where  the  condyles are absent also shows adequate growth and are  positioned  near  normally.    Thus,  they  say  that  the  condyle  does  not  play  the  role  of  the  master  growth  center or cause mandibular displacement.  According to  them  it  is  the  soft  tissue  growth  that  displaces  the  mandible downward and forward and that the condylar  growth fills the resultant space to maintain the contact  with the basicranium.
  • 108. Cartilage is present because variable degrees of pressure are present at the articular contacts. An endochondral mechanism of growth is necessary for this because the condyle grows in the direction of articulation in the face of pressure, which the pure intramembranous growth mechanism could not tolerate. The condylar cartilage is quite different from primary cartilage in that the primary cartilage is capable of intrinsic growth. Whereas the condylar cartilage is said to be having no such growth potential. (Petrovic states that there is a role of hormones in condylar cartilage growth). Koski states that periosteal tension in the condylar neck provides a built in control for growth of the ramus by way of the cartilage and other local factors, such as the lateral pterygoid may induce outside
  • 109. He indicates that periosteal integrity is important for normal proliferative activity of the connective tissue cells of the condyle apart from the role of lateral pterygoid muscle. The growth of cartilage may act as a ‘functional matrix’ to stretch the periosteum, inducing the lengthened periosteum to form intramembranous bone beneath it. The formation of bone within the condylar heads causes the mandibular rami to grow upward and backward, displacing the entire mandible in an opposite downward, forward direction. Any damage to the condylar cartilages restricts the growth potential and normal downward and forward displacement of the mandible, unilaterally or bilaterally, according to the sides(s) damaged. Lateral deviations of the mandible, and varying degrees of micrognathia and accompanying malocclusion result.
  • 110. In the infant, the condyles of the mandible are inclined almost horizontally, so that condylar growth leads to an increase in the length of the mandible, rather than increase in height. Due to the posterior divergence of the two halves of the body of the mandible (in a V shape), growth at the condylar heads of the increasingly more widely displaced rami results in overall widening of the mandibular body, which with remodeling keeps pace with the widening cranial
  • 111. The forward shift of the growing mandibular body changes the direction of the mental foramen during infancy and childhood. The mental neurovascular bundle emanates from the mandible at right angles or even a slightly forward direction at birth. In adulthood, the mental foramen (and its neurovascular content) is characteristically directed backward. This change may be ascribed to forward growth in the body of the mandible, while the neurovascular bundle drags along. The changing direction of the foramen has clinical implications in the administration of local anesthetic to the mental nerve: in infancy and childhood, the syringe needle may be applied at right angles to the body of the mandible to enter the mental foramen, whereas in the adult the needle has to be applied obliquely from behind to achieve entry.
  • 112. Growth of Nasomaxillary Complex: A primary intramembranous ossification center  appears  for  each  maxilla  in  the  7th   week,  at  the  termination  of  the  infraorbital  nerve  just  above  the  canine  tooth  dental  lamina.    Secondary  zygomatic,  orbitonasal,  nasopalatine  and  intermaxillary  ossification centers appear and fuse rapidly with the  primary centers.
  • 113. The two intermaxillary ossification centers generate  the  alveolar  ridge  and  primary  palate  region  that  is  homologous  with  the  premaxilla  in  other  mammals.    In  humans, this area encloses the four maxillary incisor teeth. The nasal cavity, and in particular the nasal septum,  have considerable influence in determining facial form.  In  the fetus, a septomaxillary ligament arising from the sides  and anteroinferior border of the nasal septum, and inserting  into  the  anterior  nasal  spine, transmits  septal  growth  pull  upon the maxilla.  Facial growth is directed downwards and  forwards  by  the  septal  cartilage  which,  between  the  10th   and 40th   weeks i.u., expands its vertical length sevenfold.
  • 114. The  ‘thrust’  and  ‘pull’  created  by  nasal  septal  growth  separate  to  varying  degrees  the  frontomaxillary  frontonasal,  frontozygomatic  and  zygomaticomaxillary  sutures. Growth of the maxilla depends upon the influence  of several functional matrices that act upon different areas  of  the  bone,  thus  theoretically  allowing  its  subdivision  into  ‘skeletal  units’.    The  basal  body’  develops  beneath  the  infraorbital  nerve,  later  surrounding  it  to  form  the  infraorbital  canal.    The  ‘orbital  unit’  responds  to  the  growth of the eyeball; the ‘nasal unit’ depends upon the  septal cartilage for  its growth; and the teeth  provide the  functional matrix for the ‘alveolar unit’.  The ‘pneumatic  unit’ reflects maxillary sinus expansion.
  • 115. Postnatal development of the maxilla: The growth of the maxilla should adapt to the  basicranium  to  which  it  is  attached  and  also  to  the  mandible  with  which  it  functions  (in  mastication,  speech, facial expression, respiration etc).        The mechanism for growth of the maxilla is the  sutures,  nasal  septum,  the  periosteal,  endosteal  surfaces, and the alveolar process.  Mills pointed out  that  the  maxilla  increases  in  size  by  subperiosteal  activity  during  postnatal  growth  even  though  the  periosteum has different names at different sites.
  • 116. Over the majority of areas it is called simply, periosteum and over some areas, it is called mucoperiosteum. Where the periosteum of one bone meets that of another bone, it is called a suture. Periosteum is also called periodontal membrane where the alveolar bone meets the modified bone of tooth’s root (cementum). Periosteum though called differently at different sites carry out the role of remodeling. The maxilla is attached to the cranial vault and the cranial base by the following sutures. a) Zygomatico-maxillary suture b) Fronto-maxillary suture c) Zygomatico-temporal suture d) Pterygo platine
  • 117. This suture system is the most complicated found in the human body.Endochondral mechanism for bone growth is not very prevalent in the mid face. Only growth by endochondral mechanism is the midfacial extensions of the ethmoid. The growth of the cartilaginous part of the nasal septum has long been regarded as a source of the force that displaces the maxilla downward and forward (antero-inferiorly). This theory does not hold good in its entirety at present. Most of the bone formation occurs at the mid face by intra membranous process. All the endosteal and periosteal surfaces are blanketed by localized growth fields, which operate essentially independently but in harmony with each other. Thus, surface growth remodeling is very active providing much regional increase and remodeling which accompany and adapt to the additions taking place in sutures, synchondroses, condyles and so forth.
  • 118. Maxilla is joined to the cranial base and the position of the maxilla is dependent on the growth at the sphenooccipital and spheno-ethmoidal synchondrosis. Maxillary postnatal growth can be divided into – 1. Shift in position of maxillary complex- secondary displacement or translocation or passive displacement. 2. Enlargement of the complex itself – Primary displacement or transposition or active displacement
  • 119. Most of the bone of the cranial base is formed by the cartilaginous process. Later the cartilage is replaced by bone but certain bands of cartilage remain at junction of various bone. These areas are called synchondrosis. These are important growth sites. These are the synchondrosis between the sphenoid and occipital bones, or spheno-occipital synchondrosis, the intersphenoid synchondrosis, between two parts of the sphenoid bone and the spheno-ethmoidal synchondrosis between the sphenoid and ethmoid bones.
  • 120. Bone gets deposited on the posterior facing cortical plate surface of maxillary tuberosity. The endosteal surface within the tuberosity is having a resorptive field. The amount of anterior maxillary shift is equal to the amount of bone deposited on the posterior surface of the tuberosity. The bone resorption on nasal (superior) side of the palate and bone deposition on the inferior oral side produces a downward growth of the whole palate. In maxilla, the palate grows downward by periosteal resorption on the nasal side and periosteal deposition on the oral side.
  • 121. The maxillary height increases because of sutural growth towards the frontal and zygomatic bone and oppositional growth in the alveolar process. Apposition also occurs on the floor of the orbits with resorptive remodeling of the lower surfaces. The nasal floor is lowered by resorption while apposition occurs on the hard palate. The growth at the median suture produces more millimeters of width increase than appositional remodeling but surface remodeling must everywhere accompany sutural additions.
  • 122. Alveolar remodeling contributing to significant early vertical growth is also important in the attainment of width because of divergence of alveolar processes. As they grow vertically, their divergence increases the width. Upto the time that the mandibular condyles have deceased their most active growth, maxillary alveolar process increase constitutes nearly 40% of the total maxillary height increases.
  • 123. The Temporomandibular Joint The temporomandibular joint is a secondary development, both in its evolutionally (phylogenetic) and embryological (ontogenetic) history. The joint between malleus and incus that develops at the dorsal end of Meckel’s cartilage is phylogenetically the primary jaw joint, and is homologous with the jaw point of reptiles. With the development, both in evolution and embryologically, of the middle-ear chamber, this primary Meckel’s joint loses its association with the mandible, reflecting adaptation of the bones of the primitive jaw joint to sound conduction. The mammalian temporomandibular joint develops an entirely new and separate jaw joint mechanism.
  • 124. In the human fetus, the primitive joint within Meckel’s cartilage, before the malleus and incus form, functions briefly as a jaw joint, mouth opening movements having started at 8 weeks i.u – well before development of the definitive temporomandibular joint. When the temporomandibular joint forms at 10 weeks i.u. both the malleo-incudal and definitive jaw joints move in synchrony for about 8 weeks in fetal life. They are both moved by muscles supplied by the same mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve i.e. the tensor tympani to the malleus, and the masticatory muscles to the mandible
  • 125. The temporomandibular joint develops from initially widely separated temporal and condylar blastemata that grow towards each other. The temporal blastema arises from the otic capsule, a component of the basicranium that forms the petrous temporal bone. The condylar blastema arises from the secondary condylar cartilage of mandible. In contrast to other Synovial joints, fibrous cartilage, rather than hyaline cartilage, forms on the articular facets of the temporal mandibular fossa and mandibular condyle. In the latter site, the underlying secondary cartilage acts as a growth center.
  • 126. Membranous bone forming lateral to Meckel’s cartilage, first appearing at 6 weeks i.u., forms the initial mandibular body and ramus. Concomitantly condylar area and initiates movement of Meckel’s cartilage by its contractions at 8 weeks i.u., functioning through the primary meckelian joint.
  • 127. Between the 10th and 12th weeks i.u., the accessory mandibular condylar cartilage develops as the first blastema, growing towards the later developing temporal blastema. The temporal articular fossa is initial convex, but progressively assumes its definitive concave shape. The initially wide intervening mesenchyme is narrowed by condylar growth and differentiates into layers of fibrous tissue. During the 10the week i.u., two clefts develop in the interposed vascular fibrous connective tissue, forming the two joint cavities and thereby defining the intervening articular disk.
  • 128. The inferior compartment forms first (at 10 weeks), separating the future disk from the developing condyle, and the upper compartment starts to appear at about 11/ ½ weeks. Cavitation occurs by degradation rather than by enzymic liquefaction or cell death. Synovial membrane invasion may be necessary for cavitation. Synovial fluid production by this method lubricates movements in the joint. Muscle movement is requisite to joint cavitation: the connective tissues separating the initially discrete, small spaces, have to be ruptured for the spaces to coalesce into functional cavities.
  • 129. The joint capsule composed of fibrous tissue, recognizable by the 11th week i.u., forms lateral ligaments. The temporomandibular joint of the newborn child is a comparatively lax structure with stability solely dependent upon the capsule surrounding the joint; it is more mobile than at any time later. At birth, the mandibular fossa is almost flat and bears no articular tubercle: only after eruption of the permanent dentition, at 7 years, does the articular tubercle begin to become prominent; its development accelerates until the 12th year of life. The joint structures grow laterally, concomitant with widening of the
  • 130. The temporal element, rather than the condyles, is critical in establishing this lateral growth. The articular surface of the fossa and tubercle becomes more fibrous and less vascular with age. In postnatal life, as the articular tubercle grows the disk changes shape and becomes more compact, less cellular and more collagenous. The mature disk is avascular and aneural in its central portion, but is filled with vessels, nerves and elastic fibres posteriorly, attaching it to the squamotympanic suture.
  • 131. Tongue The tongue develops in relation to the pharyngeal arches in the floor of the developing mouth. We have seen that each pharyngeal arch arises as a mesodermal thickening in the lateral wall of the foregut and that it grows ventrally to become continuous with the corresponding arch of the opposite side. The medial most parts of the mandibular arches proliferate to form two lingual swellings.
  • 132. The lingual swellings are partially separated from each other by another swelling that appears in the midline. This median swelling is called the tuberculum impar. Immediately behind the tuberculum impar, the epithelium proliferates to form a down growth from which the thyroid gland develops. The site of this down growth is subsequently marked by a depression called the foramen caecum.
  • 133. Another midline swelling is seen in relation to the medial ends of the second, third and fourth arches. This swelling is called the hypobranchial eminence. The eminence soon shows a subdivision into a cranial part related to the second and third arches and a caudal part related to the 4th arches. The caudal part forms the epiglottis. The anterior two third of the tongue is formed by fusion of (a) The tuberculum impar, and (b) The two lingual swellings
  • 135. It is thus derived from the mandibular arch; according to some, the tuberculum impar does not make any significant contribution to the tongue. The posterior one third of the tongue is formed from the cranial part of the hypobranchial eminence. In this situation, the second arch mesoderm becomes buried below the surface. The third arch mesoderm grows over it to fuse with the mesoderm of the first arch. The posterior one third of the tongue is thus formed by third arch mesoderm. The posterior most part of the tongue is derived from the fourth arch.
  • 136. In keeping with its embryological origin, the anterior two third of the tongue is supplied by the lingual branch of the mandibular nerve, which is the post trematic nerve of the first arch, and by chorda tympani which is the pretrematic nerve of this arch. The posterior one third of the tongue is supplied by the glossopharyngeal nerve, which is the nerve of the third arch. The posterior most part of the tongue is supplied by the superior laryngeal nerve, which is the nerve of the fourth arch.
  • 137. The musculature of the tongue is derived from the occipital mytomes. This explains its nerve supply by the hypoglossal nerve, which is the nerve of these mytomes. The epithelium of the tongue is at first made up of a single layer of cells. Later it becomes stratified and papillae become evident. Taste buds are formed in relation to the terminal braches of the innervating nerve fibres.
  • 140. Muscles of stomatomasticatory system: Craniofacial voluntary muscles develop from paraxial mesoderm that condenses rostrally as incompletely segmented somitomeres and segmented somites of the occipital and rostral cervical regions. The myomeres of the somitomeres and the myotomes of the somites form primitive muscle cells, termed myoblasts; these divide and fuse to form multinucleated myotubes, that cease further mitosis and thus become myocytes (muscle fibres). Most muscle fibres develop before birth, but increase in number and size in early infancy. Motor nerves establish contact with the myocytes, stimulating their activity and further growth by hypertrophy; failure of nerve contact or activity result in muscle
  • 141. The fourth somitomere myomere invades the first branchial arch to provide the four muscles of mastication (masseter, temporalis, medial and lateral pterygoids) innervated by the trigeminal (Vth cranial) nerve. Somitomeres (1-7) and somites (1-7) give rise to all other muscles of craniomandibular system.
  • 142. The masticatory muscles differentiate as individual entities from first arch mesenchyme, migrate, and gain attachment to their respective sites of origin on the cranium and of insertion on the mandible. The masseter and medial pterygoid have little distance to migrate, but their growth and attachments are closely associated with the mandibular ramus, which undergoes remodeling throughout the early active growth period. The insertion of the lateral pterygoid into the head and neck of the rapidly remodeling mandibular condyle requires its constant reattachment, together with elongation concomitant with sphenooccipital synchondrosal growth. The temporalis muscle’s attachment to the temporal fossa stretches a considerable distance from its site of mandibular coronoid insertion as the muscle becomes employed in
  • 143. The insertion of the lateral pterygoid into the head and neck of the rapidly remodeling mandibular condyle requires its constant reattachment, together with elongation concomitant with sphenooccipital synchondrosal growth. The temporalis muscle’s attachment to the temporal fossa stretches a considerable distance from its site of mandibular coronoid insertion as the muscle becomes employed in mastication.
  • 144. Anomalies of development Defects of facial development are the result of multiple etiological factors, some genetic, most unknown. The study these anomalies constitute teratology. The range of facial anomalies is enormous, but all produce some degree of disfigurement and result in impairment of function or even incompatibility with life. The mechanisms of facial maldevelopment are ill understood, but inductive phenomena arising from the cerebral prosencephalic and rhombencephalic organizing centers are essential to normal facial development. Defective brain development almost inevitably causes cranial or facial
  • 145. Acephaly, absence of the head is the most extreme defect. Post cranial structures can continue developing in utero however; the condition is lethal upon birth Absence of the brain anencephaly results in acrania (absent skull) acalvaria (roofless skull), or cranioschisis (fissured cranium), with variable effects upon the face. These fetuses have minimal survival. Defects of the rhombencephalic-organizing center, which is responsible for induction of the viscerofacial skeleton, account for dysmorphology of the middle and lower thirds of the face (otomandibular syndromes).
  • 146. Defective mandibular development may range from agnathia (absent mandible) associated with ventrally placed cervically located ears synotia to varying degrees of micrognathia and mandibulofacial dysostosis. The rare failure of merging of the mandibular prominence results in mandibular midline cleft.
  • 147. Mild development defects of the face are comparatively common. Failure of the facial prominence to merge or fuse result in abnormal developmental clefts. These clefts are due to disruption of the many intergrated processes of induction, cell migration, local growth and mesenchymal merging. Unilateral clefting of the upper lip (cheiloschisis) is the result of the medial nasal prominence’s failure to merge with the maxillary prominence on either side of the midline. Unilateral cleft lip, more usual on the left side, is a relatively common congenital defect ( 1 in 800 births) that has a strong familial tendency, suggesting a genetic background. The rare bilateral cleft lip results in a wide midline defect of the upper lip and may produce a protuberant proboscis. The exceedingly rare median cleft lip ( ‘hare-lip’) is due to incomplete merging of the two medial nasal prominences and, therefore in most cases with deep midline grooving of the nose leading to various forms of bifid nose
  • 148. Merging of the maxillary and mandibular prominences beyond or short of the site for normal mouth size results in mouth that is too small (microstomia) or too wide (macrostomia). Rarely, the maxillary and mandibular prominences fuse producing closed mouth (ostomia) An oblique facial cleft results from persistence of the groove between the maxillary prominence and the lateral nasal prominence running from the medial canthus of the eye to the ala of the nose. Persistence of the furrow between the two mandibular prominences produces the rare midline mandibular cleft.
  • 149. Retardation of mandibular development gives rise to micrognathia of varying degrees with accompanying dental malocclusion. Total failure of development of the mandible, agnathia, is associated with abnormal ventral placement of the external ears (synotia)
  • 150. Defective development of the joint results in ankylosis, resulting in impaired mandibular formation. Absence of all elements of the joint is exceedingly rare. Failure of cavitation of one or both joint compartments results in ankylosis that may be uni or bilateral. The functionless joint results in mandibular maldevelopment together with masticatory distress of varying severity. Whereas absence of the articular disk is exceedingly rare, its perforation resulting in intercompartmental communication is fairly common, and not debilitating
  • 151. Retention of an abnormally short lingual frenum results in ankyloglossia (tongue tie), a common developmental abnormally. Persistence of the thyroglossal duct may give rise to islands of aberrant thyroid tissue, cysts, fistulae or sinuses in the midline. A lingual thyroid gland at the site of the foramen caecum, at the junction of the body and root of the tongue, is not uncommon. Because the tongue influences the paths of eruption of the teeth, the state of its development is of considerable interest to the orthodontist.
  • 152. The tongue may fail to achieve normal growth rate, resulting in an abnormally small tongue (microglossia) or conversely, over development (macroglossia). Rarely, the tongue fails to develop (aglossia) or, because of failure of fusion of its components, it becomes forked, bifid or trifid.
  • 153. References 1. Craniofacial embryology - IVth Edition – G.H Sperber 2. Human embryology – William J. Larse 3. Before we are born – Essentials of embrology and birth defects – Vth Edition – Moore and Persaud 4. Human embryology – Vth Edition – Inderbir Singh 5. Facial growth – IIIrd Edition – Enlow 6. Handbook of Orthodontics – IVth Edition – Robert E. Moyers