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Radiographic Aids In Diagnosis of
Periodontal Diseases – Part B
1. Interpretation of an OPG
2. Interpretation in relation to periodontal diseases.
3. Advances in radiographs.
4. Implant imaging (Briefly).
5. Limitations of radiographs.
6. Limiting radiation exposures.
7. Conclusion.
8. References.
Prichards Criteria (1972)
Adequate angulation
1. The radiograph should show the tips of the molar cusps
with little or none of the occlusal surface showing.
2. Enamel caps and pulp chambers should be distinct.
3. Interproximal spaces should be open.
4. Proximal caps should not overlap unless teeth are out of
line anatomically.
Interpretation of an OPG4
Panoramic perspective
 Commonly used imaging modality in dental practice.
 Complex projection of the jaws.
 Depicts numerous anatomic structures outside of the jaws.
 Right and left posterior parts of the image represent lateral
 Anterior part of the image represents an
anterior-posterior view.
Osseous Structures
a. Pterygoid plate
c. Zygomatic
process of
d.Zygomatic arch
e. Temporal
component of
f. Mastoid process
of temporal bone
(not imaged)
g.Lateral and
inferior orbital
h.Infraorbital canal
i. Inferior concha ⁄
j. Hyoid bone.
Osseous Structures
1. Maxillary sinus
2. Pterygomaxillary
3. Pterygoid plates
4. Hamulus
8. Zygomatic process
11.Middle cranial fossa
15.Infraorbital canal
16.Nasal fossa
20.Incisive foramen
24.Coronoid process
26.Medial sigmoid
30.Mandibular canal
31.Mandibular foramen
34.Submandibular gland
36.Mental fossa
38.Genial tubercles
Osseous Structures
5. zygomatic arch
6. articular eminence
7. zygomaticotemporal
9. external auditory
12. lateral border of the
13. infraorbital ridge
14. infraorbital foramen
17. nasal septum
18. anterior nasal spine
19. inferior concha
22. maxillary tuberosity
25. sigmoid notch
28. cervical vertebrae
33. mental foramen
39. hyoid bone
Air/Soft tissue shadows
Ghost images
TMJ Evaluation
 Bony ankyloses –
 Overall obliteration of the joint space.
 Antegonial notching anterior to the angle of mandible.
 Elongation of coronoid process.
 Bruxism –
 Loss of cartilage & erosion of bone over the condylar head.
 Flattening & widening of the articular eminence
 Elongation of coronoid process.
OPG Interpretation
1. Assess the periphery and corners of the image –
 Orbits.
 Articular processes of the temporal bones (at theTMJ).
 Cervical spine.
 Styloid processes.
 Pharynx.
 Hyoid bone.
2. Examine the outer cortices of the mandible –
 Anterior and posterior rami.
 Coronoid processes.
 Condyles and condylar necks.
 Inferior border.
3. Examine the cortices of the maxilla –
 Zygomatic process of the maxilla.
 Pterygomaxillary fissure.
OPG Interpretation
4. Examine the zygomatic bones and arches –
5. Assess the internal density of the maxillary sinuses –
 Compare left and right sides.
6. Assess the structures of the nasal cavity and the palates –
 The nasal floor ⁄ hard palate and conchae.
 The nasal septum in the midline.
 The soft palate seen bilaterally.
7. Examine bone the pattern of the maxilla and mandible–
 Assess the density and pattern of the trabeculae for
 In the mandible examine the size, position, cortication and
symmetry of the:
– inferior alveolar nerve canals.
– mandibular foramina.
– mental foramina.
OPG Interpretation
8. Alveolar processes and teeth–
 Assess the crestal bone position of the alveolar processes
to identify any periodontal bone loss.
 Examine the periodontal ligament space and lamina dura
around each tooth for signs of inflammatory disease.
 Examine the follicles and papillae of developing teeth for
anything affecting their size, position or cortical
 Evaluate the teeth for presence⁄ absence ⁄ eruptive or
positional abnormalities, caries, inadequate restorations,
calculus, developmental or acquired abnormalities.
Interpretation in relation to
periodontal diseases.
Periodontal Diseases
Severity of periodontal bone loss
 Early bone loss
ranges from slight blunting,
loss of cortex, decreased
density or a less defined or
irregular appearance of the
alveolar crests, to bone loss
of up to 1 mm.
 Moderate bone loss
ranges from 1 mm of
periodontal bone loss up to
the mid-root point.
 Severe bone loss
Extends beyond the mid-
root or the bony defect
involves a furcation.
Periodontal Diseases
Goodson et al. 1984
 Should be recognized that radiologically detectable periodontal bone
loss is preceded by clinically detectable inflammatory periodontal
Mann et al. 1985; Khocht et al. 1996
 The limitations of the radiographic examination of periodontal bone
loss, especially intraoral and panoramic radiography, must be
recognized and correlation with clinical findings is important
Morphology of Periodontal Bone Loss
Horizontal bone loss
 Bone loss is parallel with the cementoenamel junction (CEJ), usually
involving multiple teeth.
Morphology of Periodontal Bone Loss
Angular/Vertical defects
 The bone loss is uneven and oblique, centered upon one tooth more
than the adjacent tooth
Morphology of Periodontal Bone Loss
Interdental crater defects
 It is often not appreciated on plain 2D imaging, but may appear as a
focal hypodense region at the superior aspect of the interdental bone.
Morphology of Periodontal Bone Loss
Infrabony defects
 These refer to focal bone loss which
extends along a root surface apically.
These defects can be:
 Three‐walled, where both buccal and
lingual cortices are preserved.
 Two‐walled, where a buccal or lingual
cortex is effaced.
 Single‐walled, where both buccal and
lingual cortices are effaced.
 A Single‐walled defect appears lucent and
well defined, whereas a Three‐walled
defect appears hypodense rather than
completely lucent with borders that can
appear less well defined. 21
Morphology of Periodontal Bone Loss
Infrabony defects
Morphology of Periodontal Bone Loss
Infrabony defects
 Presence & appreciation of periodontal defects morphology, including
vertical defects, is best appreciated with volumetric imaging
techniques, including MCT and CBCT (Langen et al. 1995; Fuhrmann
et al. 1995, 1997; Mengel et al. 2005; Misch et al. 2006; Mol &
Balasundaram 2008;Vandenberghe et al. 2008)
Morphology of Periodontal Bone Loss
Furcation defects
 Early inflammatory disease involvement of a furcation usually presents
radiologically as a widened periodontal ligament space at the
 On plain 2D imaging, lucent and relatively welldefined mandibular
molar furcations are usually only seen when there is destruction of
either the buccal or lingual cortical plates, or both.
 If both or one of cortices are preserved, the mandibular molar furcation
defect appears as a focal region of varying hypodensity and definition.
Morphology of Periodontal Bone Loss
Furcation defects
 2D radiographic examination for furcation defects is limited, especially
of the maxillary molars, largely because of the presence of the palatal
 Classically described “J‐shaped” lucent appearance is sometimes seen.
Morphology of Periodontal Bone Loss
Morphology of Periodontal Bone Loss
Furcation defects
 It should also be noted that an inflammatory furcation lesion may also
be of pulpal origin, related to accessory pulpal canals, root resorption
or iatrogenic perforation.
Morphology of Periodontal Bone Loss
Perio-endo defects
 These are lucent lesions extending
from the crestal bone to the apex of
a tooth root, but are not always
clearly apparent on plain 2D
 Radiologically, it can be difficult to
distinguish between the various
causes, although the morphology of
the lesion may provide useful clues
which can be correlated with the
clinical findings.
Morphology of Periodontal Bone Loss
Trauma from occlusion
 Injury phase of TFO produces
loss of the lamina dura that may
be noted in apices, furcations &
marginal areas – resulting in
widening of the PDL space.
 Repair phase of trauma from
occlusion results in an attempt
to strengthen the periodontal
structures to better support the
increased loads – generalised or
localised widening of the PDL,
Advances in Radiographs31
Computer Assisted Densitometric Image Analysis
System (CADIA)
Urs Brägger et al 1988
 A video camera mesaures the light transmitted through the a
 Signal are converted to grey scale images
 Camera is interfaced with computer and image processor for
storage and mathematic manipulation of image
 Offers an objective method for studying alveolar bone changes
 High degree of sensitivity ,accuracy and reproducibility .
 More sensitive than subtraction radiography. 32
Computer-BasedThermal Imaging
ProbeyeThermal Imaging Systems
 Compare the rewarming rates of normal
and inflamed human gingiva.
 Gingival temperature measurement.
 Infra-red thermography provides a non-
invasive method.
 Technique is no more in use.
Computer-BasedThermal Imaging
ProbeyeThermal Imaging Systems
Computer Software programmes
Denta Scan, i CatVision, Carestream 3D Imaging, Simplant
 Provides computed tomographic (CT) imaging of the mandible and
maxilla in three planes of reference: axial, panoramic, and oblique
 Assessment of bone volume, bone height & quality.
 Proper length of implant can be selected.
 Clear visualization of inferior alveolar canal.
Digital tomosynthesis (DTS)
 Digital tomosynthesis (DTS)
is a limited-angle
tomographic technique.
 Only small rotation angles (a
few tens of degrees) with a
small number of discrete
exposures are used.
 Provides some of the
tomographic benefits of
computed tomography (CT).
 At reduced dose and cost.
K Ogawa et al 2010
Digital tomosynthesis (DTS)
 Proposed the use of both DTS and CBCT reconstruction methods
as an integrated solution for providing tomographic data in dental
C Beda in 2010
Optical CoherenceTomography
 Optical coherence tomography
(OCT) is an optical signal acquisition
and processing method
 An interferometric technique,
employing near-infrared light.
 OCT is well-suited for periodontal
 Pocket morphology, and attachment
level are digitally recorded.
K Ogawa et al 2010
Optical CoherenceTomography
 Demonstrate the capacity of OCT to determine gingival thickness
and the shape and contour of the alveolar crest.
Otis L.L et. al. 2004
 OCT imaging can offer three-dimensional imaging of periodontal
soft tissues and bone at a very high resolution .
 Identify active periodontitis before significant alveolar bone loss
 Reliable method for determining attachment level
Xiang et al. 2009
TACT-tuned aperture CT
 Based on the principles of tomosynthesis.
 Low cost,low dose ,3D Imaging stystem.
 Series of radiographs taken
from different angles
 Soft ware (work bench) stacks
the basic images and
reconstruct in to multi planar
TACT-tuned aperture CT
 Compared the potentials of conventional and TACT DSR detecting
simulated bone-gain in periodontal defects, in vitro
 TACT-DSR provide greater sensitivity and technique flexibility in
detecting periodontal bone-gain than standard DSR.
Onanong Chai-U-Dom 2002
 Compared the diagnostic efficacy of tuned-aperture computed
tomography (TACT) and conventional two-dimensional direct
digital radiography (DDR) in an in vitro environment for detecting
bone loss in mid-buccal and lingual crests.
 TACT performed significantly better than DDR
Nair M K et al. 2002
SmallVolume CT
 Form of CBCT.
 Utilizes small field high resolution detector to generate high
resolution 3D volume.
 Generally comparable to size of intraoral radiographs.
 Based on comparison made
between a full CT geometry and a
local CT geometry.
 “local CT of dental structures
appears to be a promising
diagnostic instrument.”
van Daatselaar 2003
Implant Imaging43
Implant Imaging
 Images should have appropriate diagnostic quality and not contain
artefacts that compromise anatomic-structure assessments.
 Images should extend beyond the immediate area of interest to
include areas that could be affected by implant placements.
 Practitioners should have appropriate training in operating
radiographic equipment and competence in interpreting images
from the modality used.
Principles of imaging for dental implant assessment
Implant Imaging
• Panoramic radiography should be
used as an imaging modality.
• Use IOPAs to supplement
panoramic radiography.
• Do not use cross sectional
imaging as an initial diagnostic
Implant Imaging
1. Initial Examination
Implant Imaging
Goal 1
• Establish characteristics of residual alveolar bone.
Goal 2
• Determining orientation of RAR.
Goal 3
• Identifying local conditions restricting implant placement.
Goal 4
• Match imaging findings to the prosthetic plan.
2. Preoperative site specific imaging
2. Preoperative site specific imaging
• CBCT imaging should be
considered if bone reconstruction
and augmentation procedures
(e.g., ridge preservation or bone
grafting) have been performed to
treat bone volume deficiencies
before implant placement.
Implant Imaging
3. Post-operative imaging
• In the absence of clinical signs or symptoms
• Patient has mobility or altered sensation use
cross sectional imaging/CBCT.RECOMMENDATION 9
• Do not use CBCT imaging for periodic review
of clinically asymptomatic implants.
• Implant retrieval - CBCT.RECOMMENDATION
Implant Imaging
Limitations of Radiographs50
Limitations of Radiographs
 More than 30% of bone mass at alveolar crest must be lost to be
recognized on radiographs
 Radiographs provide a 2-dimensional view of a 3-dimensional
situation, provides only information about inter proximal bone
 Radiographs do not demonstrate soft tissue - to - hard tissue
relationship hence no information about depth of soft tissue
 Due to superimposition, the details of the bony architecture may
be lost.
Limitations of Radiographs
 Do not record soft tissue contours (Gingivitis is no seen on
radiograph, pockets can not be seen on radiographs).
 Measurement of bone level from CEJ is not valid in supra eruptions
& passive eruptions.
 Interdental craters cannot be identified by radiographs.
 Widening of periodontal ligament does not necessarily mean tooth
Limitations of Radiographs
 They cannot successfully distinguish between treated & untreated
 Furcations cannot be seen properly (e.g. furcation in maxillary
molars are masked by the palatal roots, & it becomes difficult to
evaluate radiographically only ).
 Resorption of lingual or buccal cortical plates cannot be
differentiated by radiographs alone.
Limiting Radiation Exposure54
Limiting radiation exposure
 use of the fastest image receptor compatible with the diagnostic
task (F-speed film or digital).
 Collimation of the beam to the size of the receptor whenever
 Proper film exposure and processing techniques.
 Use of protective aprons and thyroid collars, when appropriate.
 Limiting the number of images obtained to the minimum
necessary to obtain essential diagnostic information.
ADA recommendations 2012
 Radiography must not be a substitute for clinical investigation
 X-rays should be used as a component of periodic examinations.
 Advanced imaging systems like CTs, CBCTs, have enabled better
visualization of periodontal structures and pathologies in 3D thus
helping in better diagnosis and treatment planning.
 The cost factor and other technical difficulties have limited their
clinical utility but their utility as a research tool is unquestionable.
 And in near future these imaging techniques will become routine
diagnostic tools.
1. Clinical PeriodontologyAnd Implant Dentistry; Jan Lindhe; 6th Edn
2. Oral Radiology-principles And Interpretation; Stuart C. White; 5th
3. Clinical Periodontology; Newman, Takei, Klokkevold, Carranza; 10th
4. Radiology In Periodontics – A Review ; J. IndianAcademy Of Oral
Medicine & Radiology; 2013; 25 (1); 24-29.
5. P.F.Van Der Stelt; Modern Radiographic Methods InThe Diagnosis
Of Periodontal Disease;Adv Dent Res 7(2):158-162,August, 1993
6. Bragger U: Digital Imaging In Periodontal Radiography-A Review; J
Clin Periodontol 1988: 15: 551-557
Next Presentation – OnThursday
Journal Club Presentation By–
1. Dr. Ibrahim Shaikh
2. Dr. Jyotsna Singh

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Radiographic Diagnosis of Periodontal Diseases

  • 1. - Radiographic Aids In Diagnosis of Periodontal Diseases – Part B
  • 2. CONTENTS 1. Interpretation of an OPG 2. Interpretation in relation to periodontal diseases. 3. Advances in radiographs. 4. Implant imaging (Briefly). 5. Limitations of radiographs. 6. Limiting radiation exposures. 7. Conclusion. 8. References. 2
  • 3. Prichards Criteria (1972) Adequate angulation 1. The radiograph should show the tips of the molar cusps with little or none of the occlusal surface showing. 2. Enamel caps and pulp chambers should be distinct. 3. Interproximal spaces should be open. 4. Proximal caps should not overlap unless teeth are out of line anatomically. 3
  • 5. Orthopantomograph Panoramic perspective  Commonly used imaging modality in dental practice.  Complex projection of the jaws.  Depicts numerous anatomic structures outside of the jaws.  Right and left posterior parts of the image represent lateral views.  Anterior part of the image represents an anterior-posterior view. 5
  • 6. Orthopantomograph Osseous Structures 6 a. Pterygoid plate b.Pterygomaxillary fissure c. Zygomatic process of maxilla d.Zygomatic arch e. Temporal component of tmj f. Mastoid process of temporal bone (not imaged) g.Lateral and inferior orbital rim h.Infraorbital canal i. Inferior concha ⁄ turbinate; j. Hyoid bone.
  • 7. Orthopantomograph Osseous Structures 7 1. Maxillary sinus 2. Pterygomaxillary fissure 3. Pterygoid plates 4. Hamulus 8. Zygomatic process 11.Middle cranial fossa 15.Infraorbital canal 16.Nasal fossa 20.Incisive foramen 23.Condyle 24.Coronoid process 26.Medial sigmoid depression 30.Mandibular canal 31.Mandibular foramen 32.Lingula 34.Submandibular gland fossa 36.Mental fossa 38.Genial tubercles
  • 8. Orthopantomograph Osseous Structures 8 5. zygomatic arch 6. articular eminence 7. zygomaticotemporal suture 9. external auditory meatus 12. lateral border of the orbit 13. infraorbital ridge 14. infraorbital foramen 17. nasal septum 18. anterior nasal spine 19. inferior concha 22. maxillary tuberosity 25. sigmoid notch 28. cervical vertebrae 33. mental foramen 39. hyoid bone
  • 11. Orthopantomograph TMJ Evaluation  Bony ankyloses –  Overall obliteration of the joint space.  Antegonial notching anterior to the angle of mandible.  Elongation of coronoid process. 11  Bruxism –  Loss of cartilage & erosion of bone over the condylar head.  Flattening & widening of the articular eminence  Elongation of coronoid process.
  • 12. Orthopantomograph OPG Interpretation 1. Assess the periphery and corners of the image –  Orbits.  Articular processes of the temporal bones (at theTMJ).  Cervical spine.  Styloid processes.  Pharynx.  Hyoid bone. 2. Examine the outer cortices of the mandible –  Anterior and posterior rami.  Coronoid processes.  Condyles and condylar necks.  Inferior border. 3. Examine the cortices of the maxilla –  Zygomatic process of the maxilla.  Pterygomaxillary fissure. 12
  • 13. Orthopantomograph OPG Interpretation 4. Examine the zygomatic bones and arches – 5. Assess the internal density of the maxillary sinuses –  Compare left and right sides. 6. Assess the structures of the nasal cavity and the palates –  The nasal floor ⁄ hard palate and conchae.  The nasal septum in the midline.  The soft palate seen bilaterally. 7. Examine bone the pattern of the maxilla and mandible–  Assess the density and pattern of the trabeculae for abnormalities.  In the mandible examine the size, position, cortication and symmetry of the: – inferior alveolar nerve canals. – mandibular foramina. – mental foramina. 13
  • 14. Orthopantomograph OPG Interpretation 8. Alveolar processes and teeth–  Assess the crestal bone position of the alveolar processes to identify any periodontal bone loss.  Examine the periodontal ligament space and lamina dura around each tooth for signs of inflammatory disease.  Examine the follicles and papillae of developing teeth for anything affecting their size, position or cortical boundaries.  Evaluate the teeth for presence⁄ absence ⁄ eruptive or positional abnormalities, caries, inadequate restorations, calculus, developmental or acquired abnormalities. 14
  • 15. Interpretation in relation to periodontal diseases.
  • 16. Periodontal Diseases Severity of periodontal bone loss  Early bone loss ranges from slight blunting, loss of cortex, decreased density or a less defined or irregular appearance of the alveolar crests, to bone loss of up to 1 mm.  Moderate bone loss ranges from 1 mm of periodontal bone loss up to the mid-root point.  Severe bone loss Extends beyond the mid- root or the bony defect involves a furcation. 16
  • 17. Periodontal Diseases Goodson et al. 1984  Should be recognized that radiologically detectable periodontal bone loss is preceded by clinically detectable inflammatory periodontal disease. 17 Mann et al. 1985; Khocht et al. 1996  The limitations of the radiographic examination of periodontal bone loss, especially intraoral and panoramic radiography, must be recognized and correlation with clinical findings is important
  • 18. Morphology of Periodontal Bone Loss Horizontal bone loss  Bone loss is parallel with the cementoenamel junction (CEJ), usually involving multiple teeth. 18
  • 19. Morphology of Periodontal Bone Loss Angular/Vertical defects  The bone loss is uneven and oblique, centered upon one tooth more than the adjacent tooth 19
  • 20. Morphology of Periodontal Bone Loss Interdental crater defects  It is often not appreciated on plain 2D imaging, but may appear as a focal hypodense region at the superior aspect of the interdental bone. 20
  • 21. Morphology of Periodontal Bone Loss Infrabony defects  These refer to focal bone loss which extends along a root surface apically. These defects can be:  Three‐walled, where both buccal and lingual cortices are preserved.  Two‐walled, where a buccal or lingual cortex is effaced.  Single‐walled, where both buccal and lingual cortices are effaced.  A Single‐walled defect appears lucent and well defined, whereas a Three‐walled defect appears hypodense rather than completely lucent with borders that can appear less well defined. 21 Single-Walled
  • 22. Morphology of Periodontal Bone Loss Infrabony defects 22 Two-Walled Three-Walled
  • 24. Morphology of Periodontal Bone Loss Infrabony defects  Presence & appreciation of periodontal defects morphology, including vertical defects, is best appreciated with volumetric imaging techniques, including MCT and CBCT (Langen et al. 1995; Fuhrmann et al. 1995, 1997; Mengel et al. 2005; Misch et al. 2006; Mol & Balasundaram 2008;Vandenberghe et al. 2008) 24
  • 25. Morphology of Periodontal Bone Loss Furcation defects  Early inflammatory disease involvement of a furcation usually presents radiologically as a widened periodontal ligament space at the furcation.  On plain 2D imaging, lucent and relatively welldefined mandibular molar furcations are usually only seen when there is destruction of either the buccal or lingual cortical plates, or both.  If both or one of cortices are preserved, the mandibular molar furcation defect appears as a focal region of varying hypodensity and definition. 25
  • 26. Morphology of Periodontal Bone Loss Furcation defects  2D radiographic examination for furcation defects is limited, especially of the maxillary molars, largely because of the presence of the palatal root.  Classically described “J‐shaped” lucent appearance is sometimes seen. 26
  • 28. Morphology of Periodontal Bone Loss Furcation defects  It should also be noted that an inflammatory furcation lesion may also be of pulpal origin, related to accessory pulpal canals, root resorption or iatrogenic perforation. 28
  • 29. Morphology of Periodontal Bone Loss Perio-endo defects  These are lucent lesions extending from the crestal bone to the apex of a tooth root, but are not always clearly apparent on plain 2D imaging.  Radiologically, it can be difficult to distinguish between the various causes, although the morphology of the lesion may provide useful clues which can be correlated with the clinical findings. 29
  • 30. Morphology of Periodontal Bone Loss Trauma from occlusion  Injury phase of TFO produces loss of the lamina dura that may be noted in apices, furcations & marginal areas – resulting in widening of the PDL space.  Repair phase of trauma from occlusion results in an attempt to strengthen the periodontal structures to better support the increased loads – generalised or localised widening of the PDL, space. 30
  • 32. Computer Assisted Densitometric Image Analysis System (CADIA) Urs Brägger et al 1988  A video camera mesaures the light transmitted through the a radiograph  Signal are converted to grey scale images  Camera is interfaced with computer and image processor for storage and mathematic manipulation of image  Offers an objective method for studying alveolar bone changes quantitatively  High degree of sensitivity ,accuracy and reproducibility .  More sensitive than subtraction radiography. 32
  • 33. Computer-BasedThermal Imaging ProbeyeThermal Imaging Systems  Compare the rewarming rates of normal and inflamed human gingiva.  Gingival temperature measurement.  Infra-red thermography provides a non- invasive method.  Technique is no more in use. 33
  • 35. Computer Software programmes Denta Scan, i CatVision, Carestream 3D Imaging, Simplant  Provides computed tomographic (CT) imaging of the mandible and maxilla in three planes of reference: axial, panoramic, and oblique sagittal.  Assessment of bone volume, bone height & quality.  Proper length of implant can be selected.  Clear visualization of inferior alveolar canal. 35
  • 36. Digital tomosynthesis (DTS)  Digital tomosynthesis (DTS) is a limited-angle tomographic technique.  Only small rotation angles (a few tens of degrees) with a small number of discrete exposures are used.  Provides some of the tomographic benefits of computed tomography (CT).  At reduced dose and cost. 36 K Ogawa et al 2010
  • 37. Digital tomosynthesis (DTS)  Proposed the use of both DTS and CBCT reconstruction methods as an integrated solution for providing tomographic data in dental application. 37 C Beda in 2010
  • 38. Optical CoherenceTomography  Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an optical signal acquisition and processing method  An interferometric technique, employing near-infrared light.  OCT is well-suited for periodontal diagnosis.  Pocket morphology, and attachment level are digitally recorded. 38 K Ogawa et al 2010
  • 39. Optical CoherenceTomography  Demonstrate the capacity of OCT to determine gingival thickness and the shape and contour of the alveolar crest. 39 Otis L.L et. al. 2004  OCT imaging can offer three-dimensional imaging of periodontal soft tissues and bone at a very high resolution .  Identify active periodontitis before significant alveolar bone loss occurs.  Reliable method for determining attachment level Xiang et al. 2009
  • 40. TACT-tuned aperture CT  Based on the principles of tomosynthesis.  Low cost,low dose ,3D Imaging stystem. 40  Series of radiographs taken from different angles  Soft ware (work bench) stacks the basic images and reconstruct in to multi planar images
  • 41. TACT-tuned aperture CT  Compared the potentials of conventional and TACT DSR detecting simulated bone-gain in periodontal defects, in vitro  TACT-DSR provide greater sensitivity and technique flexibility in detecting periodontal bone-gain than standard DSR. 41 Onanong Chai-U-Dom 2002  Compared the diagnostic efficacy of tuned-aperture computed tomography (TACT) and conventional two-dimensional direct digital radiography (DDR) in an in vitro environment for detecting bone loss in mid-buccal and lingual crests.  TACT performed significantly better than DDR Nair M K et al. 2002
  • 42. SmallVolume CT  Form of CBCT.  Utilizes small field high resolution detector to generate high resolution 3D volume.  Generally comparable to size of intraoral radiographs. 42  Based on comparison made between a full CT geometry and a local CT geometry.  “local CT of dental structures appears to be a promising diagnostic instrument.” van Daatselaar 2003
  • 44. Implant Imaging  Images should have appropriate diagnostic quality and not contain artefacts that compromise anatomic-structure assessments.  Images should extend beyond the immediate area of interest to include areas that could be affected by implant placements.  Practitioners should have appropriate training in operating radiographic equipment and competence in interpreting images from the modality used. 44 Principles of imaging for dental implant assessment
  • 46. • Panoramic radiography should be used as an imaging modality. RECOMMENDATION 1 • Use IOPAs to supplement panoramic radiography. RECOMMENDATION 2 • Do not use cross sectional imaging as an initial diagnostic aid. RECOMMENDATION 3 Implant Imaging 1. Initial Examination
  • 47. Implant Imaging Goal 1 • Establish characteristics of residual alveolar bone. Goal 2 • Determining orientation of RAR. Goal 3 • Identifying local conditions restricting implant placement. Goal 4 • Match imaging findings to the prosthetic plan. 2. Preoperative site specific imaging
  • 48. 2. Preoperative site specific imaging • CBCT imaging should be considered if bone reconstruction and augmentation procedures (e.g., ridge preservation or bone grafting) have been performed to treat bone volume deficiencies before implant placement. RECOMMENDATION 7 Implant Imaging
  • 49. 3. Post-operative imaging • In the absence of clinical signs or symptoms use IOPAs or OPGs.RECOMMENDATION 8 • Patient has mobility or altered sensation use cross sectional imaging/CBCT.RECOMMENDATION 9 • Do not use CBCT imaging for periodic review of clinically asymptomatic implants. RECOMMENDATION 10 • Implant retrieval - CBCT.RECOMMENDATION 11 Implant Imaging
  • 51. Limitations of Radiographs  More than 30% of bone mass at alveolar crest must be lost to be recognized on radiographs  Radiographs provide a 2-dimensional view of a 3-dimensional situation, provides only information about inter proximal bone level.  Radiographs do not demonstrate soft tissue - to - hard tissue relationship hence no information about depth of soft tissue pocket.  Due to superimposition, the details of the bony architecture may be lost. 51
  • 52. Limitations of Radiographs  Do not record soft tissue contours (Gingivitis is no seen on radiograph, pockets can not be seen on radiographs).  Measurement of bone level from CEJ is not valid in supra eruptions & passive eruptions.  Interdental craters cannot be identified by radiographs.  Widening of periodontal ligament does not necessarily mean tooth mobility. 52
  • 53. Limitations of Radiographs  They cannot successfully distinguish between treated & untreated cases.  Furcations cannot be seen properly (e.g. furcation in maxillary molars are masked by the palatal roots, & it becomes difficult to evaluate radiographically only ).  Resorption of lingual or buccal cortical plates cannot be differentiated by radiographs alone. 53
  • 55. Limiting radiation exposure  use of the fastest image receptor compatible with the diagnostic task (F-speed film or digital).  Collimation of the beam to the size of the receptor whenever feasible.  Proper film exposure and processing techniques.  Use of protective aprons and thyroid collars, when appropriate.  Limiting the number of images obtained to the minimum necessary to obtain essential diagnostic information. 55 ADA recommendations 2012
  • 58. Conclusion  Radiography must not be a substitute for clinical investigation  X-rays should be used as a component of periodic examinations.  Advanced imaging systems like CTs, CBCTs, have enabled better visualization of periodontal structures and pathologies in 3D thus helping in better diagnosis and treatment planning.  The cost factor and other technical difficulties have limited their clinical utility but their utility as a research tool is unquestionable.  And in near future these imaging techniques will become routine diagnostic tools. 58
  • 59. References 1. Clinical PeriodontologyAnd Implant Dentistry; Jan Lindhe; 6th Edn 2. Oral Radiology-principles And Interpretation; Stuart C. White; 5th Edn 3. Clinical Periodontology; Newman, Takei, Klokkevold, Carranza; 10th Edn 4. Radiology In Periodontics – A Review ; J. IndianAcademy Of Oral Medicine & Radiology; 2013; 25 (1); 24-29. 5. P.F.Van Der Stelt; Modern Radiographic Methods InThe Diagnosis Of Periodontal Disease;Adv Dent Res 7(2):158-162,August, 1993 6. Bragger U: Digital Imaging In Periodontal Radiography-A Review; J Clin Periodontol 1988: 15: 551-557 59
  • 60. Next Presentation – OnThursday 26/05/2016 Journal Club Presentation By– 1. Dr. Ibrahim Shaikh 2. Dr. Jyotsna Singh THANK 60

Editor's Notes

  1. Panoramic radiography has become a commonly used imaging modality in dental practice and can be a valuable diagnostic tool in the dentist’s armamentarium. However, the panoramic image is a complex projection of the jaws with multiple superimpositions and distortions which may be exacerbated by technical errors in image acquisition. Furthermore, the panoramic radiograph depicts numerous anatomic structures outside of the jaws which may create additional interpretation challenges. Successful interpretation of panoramic radiographs begins with an understanding of the normal anatomy of the head and neck and how it is depicted in this image type. The first step in understanding panoramic anatomy is to appreciate the perspective from which each part of the image is presented. the image is captured by an X-ray tube which rotates around the patient’s head, rather than from a stationary source, this perspective changes from the posterior regions of the jaws to the anterior area. The right and left posterior parts of the image represent lateral views, looking at the patient from the side; the anterior part of the image represents an anterior-posterior view, looking at the patient from the front.
  2. Pterygoid plate Pterygomaxillary fissure Zygomatic process of maxilla Zygomatic arch Temporal component of tmj Mastoid process of temporal bone (not imaged) Lateral and inferior orbital rim Infraorbital canal Inferior concha ⁄ turbinate; Hyoid bone.
  3. Maxillary sinus Pterygomaxillary fissure                  Pterygoid plates Hamulus Zygomatic arch Articular eminence Zygomaticotemporal suture Zygomatic process External auditory meatus Mastoid process Middle cranial fossa Lateral border of the orbit Infraorbital ridge Infraorbital foramen Infraorbital canal Nasal fossa Nasal septum Anterior nasal spine Inferior concha Incisive foramen Hard palate Maxillary tuberosity Condyle Coronoid process  Sigmoid notch Medial sigmoid depression Styloid process Cervical vertebrae External oblique ridge Mandibular canal Mandibular foramen Lingula Mental foramen Submandibular gland fossa Internal oblique ridge Mental fossa Mental ridges Genial tubercles Hyoid bone Tongue Soft palate Uvula Posterior pharyngeal wall Ear lobe Glossopharyngeal air space Nasopharyngeal air space Palatoglossal air space
  4. Maxillary sinus Pterygomaxillary fissure                  Pterygoid plates Hamulus Zygomatic arch Articular eminence Zygomaticotemporal suture Zygomatic process External auditory meatus Mastoid process Middle cranial fossa Lateral border of the orbit Infraorbital ridge Infraorbital foramen Infraorbital canal Nasal fossa Nasal septum Anterior nasal spine Inferior concha Incisive foramen Hard palate Maxillary tuberosity Condyle Coronoid process  Sigmoid notch Medial sigmoid depression Styloid process Cervical vertebrae External oblique ridge Mandibular canal Mandibular foramen Lingula Mental foramen Submandibular gland fossa Internal oblique ridge Mental fossa Mental ridges Genial tubercles Hyoid bone Tongue Soft palate Uvula Posterior pharyngeal wall Ear lobe Glossopharyngeal air space Nasopharyngeal air space Palatoglossal air space
  5. A systematic and repeated process is used to ensure that all significant findings are identified. one must be vigilant in assessing all anatomic structures to ensure they are present and normal. The osseous structures and surrounding soft tissues are assessed first. Second, the alveolar processes are examined. Finally, the teeth are evaluated. 1. Start here to avoid zoning in on the teeth and neglecting important findings in the tissues surrounding the jaws. 2. Trace the periphery of the bone starting at one spot and completing a circuit which includes Look for continuity and evenness of the cortices 3. This includes the posterior and medial walls and floor of each maxillary sinus. While examining the posterior wall of the sinus also look for The thin radiopaque lines produced by these structures run roughly parallel to the posterior wall of the maxillary sinus, and may be confused with it. Destructive disease affecting the maxillary sinus may erode the posterior wall, which can be easily missed if all three lines are not identified
  6. 4. Follow where they extend posteriorly from the zygomatic processes of the maxilla to the temporal bones. 5. Opacification is most commonly a sign of inflammatory disease but could be a sign of more serious pathology.
  7. resolution of a panoramic image is much lower than intraoral radiographs, making detailed assessment of the alveolar processes and teeth more difficult. Nonetheless, full evaluation is required to avoid missing disease. A sequence from the posterior of the first quadrant to the posterior of the fourth quadrant in a clockwise direction, repeated for each finding to be evaluated, is recommended
  8. The radiologic examination of the patient with periodontal disease is primarily employed to provide information on the supporting bony structures of teeth.
  9. It must also be noted that the presence of periodontal bone loss, or indeed the severity in itself, does not indicate the presence of disease activity; in other words, the bone loss may be related to previous disease activity that has been controlled by appropriate therapy.
  10. These occur at the crest where it is usually a two walled defect, with relative preservation of the buccal and lingual cortex. The Figures demonstrate the difficulty in identifying these defects with intraoral radiography.
  11. As the disease progresses, a lucent bony defect is visualized at the furcation.
  12. Clinical & radiographic relation of grade 2, 3 & 4 furcation.
  13. As the disease progresses, a lucent bony defect is visualized at the furcation
  14. Trauma from occlusion can produce radiographically detectable changes in the lamina dura, morphology of the alveolar crest, width of the PDL space, and density of the surrounding cancellous bone.
  15. “a technique for obtaining sub-surface images of translucent or opaque materials at a resolution equivalent to a low-power microscope.”
  16. The purpose of the initial radiographic examination is to assess the overall status of the remaining dentition, to identify and characterize the location and nature of the edentulous regions, and to detect regional anatomic abnormalities and pathologies.
  17. Imaging for presurgical, dental-implant planning must provide information supportive of the following goals.
  18. Dental radiographs account for approximately 2.5 percent of the effective dose received from medical radiographs and fluoroscopies.75 Even though radiation exposure from dental radiographs is low, once a decision to obtain radiographs is made it is the dentist's responsibility to follow the ALARA Principle (As Low as Reasonably Achievable) to minimize the patient's exposure.