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Motivation in the workplace – Equity Theory
Prepared by Group 3: Kip Walker, Kyle Gummere, Sean Hall
Equity Theory
Interview Questions
Interview Answers
Results of the Data
Supportive Answers
Divergent Answers
Conclusion and Recommendations
Equity Theory
Equity Theory: What motivates people to work?
Developed in 1960’s by John S. Adams
Focus: Input and outcome
Employees compare their job’s inputs with an outcome ratio
Inequality causes employees to act to correct inequality
Human motivation of fairness between inputs and outputs
Developed by John Adams in the 1960s to explain the main
motivation factor for employees. Equity Theory Hinges on what
input an employee gives vs what they receive as an output
(Guerrero, Anderson, Walid, 263). According to the Hashemite
University employees compare their input to an output ratio.
These inputs can include education, intelligence, experience
training, skills, seniority, age, time background etc. and outputs
include pay, intrinsic rewards supervisor satisfaction, benefits
job status etc. (Al-Zawahreh, Al-Madi 158-170). As long as the
inputs and outputs stay in balance in the mind of the employee
the employee stays motivated. When there is an imbalance the
theory states that the employee will attempt to re-create
balance. When an imbalance exists will seek to reduce it by
distorting inputs and/or outcomes in their own minds
(“cognitive distortion”), directly altering inputs and or
outcomes, or leaving the organization (Carrell, Dittrich 202-
Interview Questions
Synopsis: Utilize survey questions to draw conclusions and
evaluate the validity of Equity Theory
Survey Questions:
Question 1: Have you ever experienced a situation in the work
place where you felt that you were being treated unfairly
compared to a coworker? In the situation, how did you react?
Did your work ethic or output suffer?
Question 2: What do you consider to be the number one factor
that motivates you in your current position?
Question 3: If you received a pay cut, and your coworkers did
not, how would this effect your output?
Question 4: If I were to increase your salary by 150%, do you
believe that you would be 150% more productive?
Question 5: Do you agree with the statement that the
individuals who get paid more than you are more productive and
contribute more to the company than you do? Why or why not?
The synopsis for our research project is as follows: Question 1
was designed to test if people have felt an imbalance in the
workplace which correlates directly to the equity theory.
Question 2 was designed to ascertain which outputs (factor) is
the most important to the individual (intrinsic vs extrinsic
Question 3 was meant to determine what action an individual
would be willing to take if the perceived imbalance was deemed
too great.
Question 4 examines the opposite reaction once might take.
question 5 is meant to determine whether there is a direct
correlation between pay (outcome) and motivation. The
objective of the interview questions was to determine if an
individual will actively seek to correct a perceived imbalance in
the workplace and how they may go about correcting it. We
believe, generally speaking, that the majority of respondents
will validate the equity theory. Limitations on our case study
are the sample size taken and non-numerical responses because
that leaves the conclusion to our perception of the data. The
methodology that we utilized to evaluate the validity of the
equity theory was to ask a series of predetermined interview
questions to a small sample of people.
*The Results, Discussion, and conclusion will be discussed
later on.
RESULTS OF DATA: Interviewee
DescriptionsIntervieweeBackgroundCaleb F.Over 19 years
experience as a construction project manager for a $47 billion-
dollar companyBrittany G.Licensed Clinical Social Worker
(LCSW) in Las Vegas, NV. Avid volunteer for numerous
organizationsCpt. Harry SalconePolice watch commander. Firm
believer in a fair and friendly work environment.Sarah
HallAccount manager for a Hospital with 56 employees
underneath herSam WalkerBenefit coordinator for Whole Foods.
Responsible for over 22K teammatesDaniel MillerHead manager
and ophthalmic tech at Austin Eye. Manages over 20 people
The respondents to our survey questions were: Caleb F. who has
Over 19 years’ experience as a construction project manager for
a $47 billion-dollar company. Manages 200-300 individual jobs
a year that require line extension work from an existing
underground communications backbone.
Brittany G. Holds a Master’s degree in social work and is a
licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) in Las Vegas. She’s a
current volunteer and passionate fundraiser for Desert Grey
Matters after losing her father to brain cancer in 2016.
Cpt. Harry Salcone is a Police Watch Commander. He is a firm
believer in a fair and friendly work environment based on trust,
support and encouragement, self-respect and the respect of
Sarah Hall- is a patient accounting manager for a local hospital
and has around 56 employees who work for her. She recognizes
that motivated employees benefit the company by working with
passion, coming up with new innovative ideas, and helping
move the company forward by being offered the opportunity for
personal fulfilment, like learning new skills and working
towards personal goals.
Samantha Walker - Samantha is a benefit coordinator that
supports the benefit enrollment and management of over 22,000
“teammates” with Whole Foods. She is a dedicated employee
that works overtime to make sure each one of her assigned
“teammates” are taken care of. Recently Whole Foods has been
purchased by Amazon, which has brought some changes to her
organizational structure.
Daniel Miller - Daniel is the head manager and ophthalmic
technician at Austin Eye. He manages over 20 people and is
directly responsible for the care and treatment of Austin Eye
RESULTS OF DATA: Supportive responsesQuestionResponse
themes 1: Imbalance situationsMost have experienced an
imbalance with coworkers. All but 1 sought other employment.
Only a few lowered their performance. 2: Motivations
factorsDiverse answers. Ranging from career advancement,
retirement, current employment, verbal confirmation, and
meeting deadlines. 3: Pay cut imbalanceA few would lower
output, majority would seek other employment, most would seek
understand why the pay cut happened. 4: Pay increase
motivatorIncrease pay does not correlate to increase
productivity. A few would attempt to take on more projects or
change output. 5: Peer pay perceptionMajority believe those
who get paid more do not contribute more. A few have seen it
both ways.
The results were slightly inconclusive. As a whole the answers
were as a expected, supporting equity theory, but with a few
caveats. Here we will discuss the responses that directly
supported equity theory.
Question 1: : Which was Have you ever experienced a situation
in the work place where you felt that you were being treated
unfairly compared to a coworker? In the situation, how did you
react? Did your work ethic or output suffer? All but 2
respondents had experienced this situation, and all but 1 sought
other employment. Most of the interviewees would not change
their performance. Only a few lowered their performance and 1
attempted to become a better employee.
Question 2: Which was What do you consider to be the number
one factor that motivates you in your current position? Since
this question is based on perception and the people we
interviewed were diverse in sex, education level, type of
position, and age it comes at no surprise that the answers were
also diverse. Their were a few commonalities 2 respondents said
they are motivated by the company they work for. A few
mentioned reaching the next state of their career like retirement,
completing a cert, or advancement. Others responded with
solving problems, performing at a high level, and meeting a
Question 3: which read If you received a pay cut, and your
coworkers did not, how would this effect your output? Most
responses were directly in line with equity theory. A majority
would attempt to change their view by distorting the input. If
the company was experiencing a down turn, or if they were not
contributing enough understanding this helps them to accept the
pay cut. Also, as the theory states, some would change their
output, however the majority would keep working just as hard.
Also, the majority o the respondents said they would seek other
Question 4: Which read If I were to increase your salary by
150%, do you believe that you would be 150% more productive?
This answer was unanimous, no. However, a few did say they
would attempt to take on more projects or change the quality of
their outputs.
Question 5: Do you agree with the statement that the individuals
who get paid more than you are more productive and contribute
more to the company than you do? Why or why not? Majority of
respondents believe those who make more do not contribute
more. 3 of the respondents have seen positions both ways either
at one company they would agree with the statement but another
they would not or at their current company there exist both
employees that get paid more an contribute more and those who
do not.
RESULTS OF DATA: divergent responsesQuestionResponse
themes 1: Imbalance situationsDespite being treated unfairly
compared to coworkers, some interviewees didn’t alter seek to
correct imbalance through reduced output3: Pay cut
imbalanceWhen receiving a pay cut, while their coworkers did
not, some interviewees wouldn’t change output as a result5:
Peer pay perceptionSome respondents didn’t believe there is a
direct correlation between pay and output
Here we will discuss the responses that diverted from the equity
1. Imbalance Situations: A couple of respondents noted that
despite the perception of being treated unfairly, they would not
seek to recreate a balance between their input and outputs;
contrary to equity theory. These respondents noted that their
outputs would remain unchanged; unless the problem was long-
term (then they would seek action). The equity theory, by
contrast, would suggest that an individual would seek to correct
this mistreatment by reducing output proportionally.
3.. Pay cut Imbalance: Despite a reduction in a respondents pay,
some interviewees wouldn’t change the output of their work.
Some respondents gave the organization the “benefit of the
doubt” and would continue working at a high level despite the
perceived slight.
5.Peer Pay Perception The equity theory centers on input =
output and recreating that balance when necessary. One
respondent believes that input doesn’t always equal output.
Meaning that the output of one person could be greater than
input (effort) of another despite receiving equal pay. So the two
are independent of each other.
What we learned
Equity Theory proved true
Communication is imperative
Output (pay) doesn’t always correlate to input (effort)
Leadership is important
Overall, the Equity theory proved true. As long as the inputs
and outputs stay in balance in the mind of the employee, he/she
stays motivated. When there is an imbalance the respondents
agreed they would attempt to re-create, albeit not explicitly
stated, a balance. Respondents also wouldn’t seek a rebalance
immediately, giving the employer/manager a “chance”. If the
perceived imbalance persisted, respondents noted they would
seek to reduce it by distorting their inputs and/ or outcomes in
different ways. Commonly, respondents noted “searching for
new employment” would be the last resort if other methods of
recreating a balance were unsuccessful. Another common theme
was communication. Over and over interviewees stated that
they would want to know why. Why would a co-worker make
more? Why would their pay be cut? If there is a reasonable
explanation, this may even motive employees to work harder
and learn new skills. Notice and reward accomplishments. Even
if the reward is not monetary, just acknowledging good work
can be a positive motivator. Finally hire the right leadership. It
seems that the interviewees that saw their leadership as worthy
for a larger salary were more satisfied with their position and
the company.
Conclusion and recommendations
For our interviewees equity theory remains mostly in tact. The
answers were widely based on perception of imbalances and
finding a way through perception, inputs and outputs to re-
balance circumstance.
Treat employees fairly!
Communicate effectively and be transparent.
Hire managers that deserve the job.
In conclusions for the most part equity theory could be easily
applied to our interviewees. Consistently our respondents
experienced imbalance and either modified their perception,
input, or outputs to remain in balance. Also, almost every
individual remarked they would seek other employment if the
imbalance remained which is directly in line with equity theory.
Based on our data we have 3 recommendations for employers.
First – Treat employees fairly. It is apparent that if an employee
is being treated unfairly when compared to a co-worker they
will seek to fix the issue. This may result in the company losing
a good employee, and it costs way more to hire and train a new
employee rather than keeping the original.
Second – Communicate effectively and be transparent.
Consistently or interviews noted that if an employer was open
and honest, and if there was a good reason for a pay cut, they
would be able to accept this imbalance.
Finally - Hire managers that deserve the job. The most
important aspect of a mangers position is to manage people. It
is vital that when an imbalance occurs that a manager is able to
step in and fix the issue. If the imbalance remains this will
affect job satisfaction, performance, and even attrition.
Carrell, M.R., and Dittrich, J.E. (1978). Equity Theory: The
Recent Literature, Methodological Considerations, and New
Directions. The Academy of Management Review. 3;2: 202-210.
Al-Zawahreh, A., & Al-Madi, F. (2012). The Utility of Equity
Theory in Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness . European
Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative
Sciences, (46), 158-170. Retrieved March 4, 2018, from
What is Equity Theory? (2014, April 28). Retrieved March 04,
2018, from
Guerrero, Laura K; Peter A. Andersen & Walid A. Afifi. (2014).
Close Encounters: Communication in Relationships, 4th Edition.
Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications Inc. p. 263
Raw Data: Question 1Question 1Kyle GummereCaleb F. Yes, I
have experienced that situation more than once in my career and
with more than one employer. I can definitely say my work
ethic or output did not suffer because of my strong work
ethic. I did note the injustice however. It caused me to
lose respect for my employer and on more than one occasion led
to me find another job. Brittany G.I have been in a situation in
which I felt that I was being treated unfairly compared to my
coworkers. At the beginning of my clinical internship I did not
feel comfortable going to client’s homes in really rough areas of
town. Since I turned down a couple of clients, my boss decided
to not give me any more clients. Instead my newer colleagues
were being offered clients, despite the area of town, whereas I
was not offered any clients at all. I asked for clients but was
passed up due to saying no in the past. I was upset and
frustrated with the lack of clients I had on my caseload. My
paychecks suffered and it took me longer to complete my
clinical internship due to having a low caseload. I tried to
communicate with my boss via text messages but that was not
helping so I made a face-to-face appointment with her in order
to express my feelings. My work ethic did suffer as I felt not
valued as part of the team. I also did not know what to do as I
felt trapped in my clinical internship. My output did not suffer
as I continued to uphold high standards as a clinician. Kyle
GummereYes, I have experienced situations in the work place
where I felt I was being treated unfairly compared to a
coworker. My best friend and I enlisted into the Marine Corps
on the same day. My buddy went back and forth about whether
he really wanted to join or not, while I signed up without
hesitation. The recruiter (we each had different recruiters)
offered my friend a “shipping” bonus if he signed the
paperwork, but I wasn’t offered a bonus for enlisting. I had no
idea he received a bonus until we got to boot camp and it came
up in a casual conversation. He just assumed that I was offered
the same thing for enlisting as him, but because I didn’t hesitate
they didn’t feel the need to “bribe” me to enlist. I was
extremely upset and confronted my recruiter once I graduated
boot camp, but he had zero remorse and told me “such is life.” I
pressed further and was told they not only offer bonuses for
those “on the fence”, but the amount varies too. They had a cap
on the bonus, but had the freedom to give anywhere from
nothing to X amount of money. No, my work ethic and output
didn’t suffer as a result. Naturally I was upset, but I was raised
in a great family and I didn’t let that determine the quality of
my work. That would’ve been a direct reflection of my
character had I let my work suffer, so it wasn’t even an option.
Raw Data: Question 1Question 1Sean HallCapt Harry
SalconeYes. My reaction was to immediately conduct a self-
analysis of my own job performance and output. During this
self-analysis, I asked myself difficult questions i.e. am I
upholding the organizational core values, am I committed to
those core values and what can I do to improve. Often, the
perception of feeling that I was being treated unfairly can be
traced back to my own issues. I continued to seek feedback,
education and mentoring. The journey is to become the best
version of myself. This means I must learn to serve other before
myself.Sarah HallAt this time, I cannot recall a situation in the
work place where I was being treated unfairly. However, I have
seen it happen to others within other departments. I have had
other employees come to me about how their manager has been
treating them compared to others. I spoke with the employee
and basically stated that everyone is annoyed by something, and
when the pressures of work begin to mount, the irritations can
start to interfere with teamwork and productivity. Working with
others is challenging. People who are easily irritated are
difficult to work with, and people who don’t deal with their
concerns with others create more issues down the road. For me,
I try to always make sure goals are clearly communicated to
everyone on the team. If it happens anyway, I try to find out
what I can do differently, so the problem doesn’t repeat itself.
Sean Hall
I have not experienced a situation in the work place. However,
no matter how much you love your job, navigating workplace
politics in any line of work can lead to a lot of awkward
situations. Throughout your career or even life, others are going
to lie about you, stab you in the back, confuse your motives,
and misinterpret your intentions. They are going to over react,
blame you, say mean things about you to everyone around you.
They're going to shout, point fingers, lie, scream, and accuse
you of things that are just not true. In the situation, how did you
react? I try my best not to get caught up in all the drama at
work. However, sometimes a person can get caught up in it and
not even realize. Did your work ethic or output suffer? My work
ethic or job output did not suffer. If I let small and simple
things get to me within my line of work, there is a possibility
that I could miss something, and the result could end up with
someone getting hurt or possibly worse.
Raw Data: Question 1Question 1Kip WalkerSamantha
WalkerYes, it's never a good feeling when this has happened. It
motivated me to work harder in hopes the situation would
remedy itself. If that did not work and I continued to be treated
unfairly I would seek other employment opportunities. Daniel
MillerI have experienced this in the past. In most cases, it was
simply an instance of favoritism. In both situations, the other
employee was a close/personal friend of management. In each
situation, I didn’t let it affect my work ethic, but I was much
more motivated to seek other employment opportunities.Kip
Yes, I have experienced this working for a very large bank. At
the time I had the highest sales in the North Texas region and
2nd in Texas. I was also offered a promotion by corporate to
another group. However, my manager took the bonus I earned
and gave it to a son of a friend that she hired. She could do this
because 6 months earlier I was robbed as a teller the day before
moving to be a banker. Based on corporate policy I was put on a
notice which gave my manger the right to withdraw my bonus.
She also refused to sign for my promotion, because, and she
admitted this to my face, that the branch would lose the extra
budget since my sales would now be under a different
department. I completely stopped putting in effort and did the
bare minimum. I also took another job 4 weeks later. My former
manager was later fired, because the other manager that offered
me the promotion complained to HR about the incident.
Raw Data: Question 2Question 1Kyle GummereCaleb F.
Reaching my retirement goals. I currently work for a failing
company with extremely poor ethical values towards their
customers and employees alike. I would never have tolerated
this situation previously but given my time horizon for
retirement I'm hanging in and riding it out.Brittany G.I am
currently at a crossroad where I recently finished my 3000-hour
clinical internship to become a fully Licensed Clinical Social
Worker (LCSW). Therefore, the number one factor that had
been motivating me during my internship was completing my
required hours to reach my ultimate goal. Time was also a
factor as I needed to complete my hours as quickly as possible
so I could start my professional career and be at the pay raise I
had been working towards for the past several years. Kyle
GummerePride in being part of an organization whose mission
is to help ‘the little guy’ succeed. I take great pride in helping
‘small businesses’ disrupt the industry and take market share
away from the competition. My company truly believes in their
mission and it resonates down to the lowest levels in my
organization. I love going to work and making a difference in
the lives of others across the country.
Raw Data: Question 2Question 1Sean HallCapt Harry
SalconeThis is a great question and it reminds me of a story I
shared with a gentleman while riding on an escalator during a
corporate meeting at a large convention center in the mid-west.
At these events, the corporation brings all the leadership and
director together and talks strategy and earnings and business
acumen. As you check into the convention center you receive a
lanyard with your title and area of the country you are from. I
was a Regional Director at the time and this individual standing
one step next to me on the escalator saw my name badge. He
politely introduced himself to me and said that he was new to
the company and was excited to be attending this convention.
He read my name badge and said, “Regional Director, what is it
that you actually do for the company”. Sarah HallI have always
been motivated by the desire to meet a deadline. Setting and
reaching deadlines gives me such a sense of accomplishment. I
love creating an organized schedule for completing a task and
achieving my deadlines. For example, when I ran a fundraising
event last year, I set multiple deadlines for a variety of tasks
leading up to the event. Achieving each milestone motivated me
to keep working, as well as ensuring that the event ran
smoothly. I'm very deadline-driven and enjoy having the
opportunity to figure out a new organizational system that will
help keep me on track to meet the deadline. When employees
are not recognized or given credit for a job very well done or
immense effort they have put in towards a project, they become
demotivated. They lose interest and may not even want to try
thinking innovatively, get some extra work done or even just
perform their role with feelings of obligation and energy
because their boss doesn’t seem to care or notice their hard
work and dedication.Sean Hall
My main motivation comes from providing excellent service to
every individual with whom I come into contact. I look for
opportunities to improve my policing skills so that each person
I interact with will have a positive experience. My
responsibilities include not only preserving the peace,
preventing criminal acts, enforcing the law, investigating
crimes, and arresting those who violate the law but also anti-
terrorism and
Raw Data: Question 2Question 1Kip WalkerSamantha
WalkerMy top motivator is my current work environment. I love
where I work and truly feel fortunate every single day. Because
of my work environment I feel a deep connection and purpose to
my coworkers and to my daily tasks. I strive for excellence so
others feel the same joy of working where we do. . Daniel
MillerAcknowledgement of accomplishments. Raises are nice
too, but you don’t always get one after putting a lot of
time/effort into a project. A verbal acknowledgement of a job
well done is easy to convey, free, and typically motivational
enough for them to continue putting forth the effort.Kip Walker
I am motivated when creating something new to solve a
problem. I put the most effort into things I find interesting.
However, this may because when I have successfully done
something new and solved an issue the company was having, I
have received acknowledgment and praise. Secondarily, I work
hard to get the next promotion. I never want to be complacent.
Raw Data: Question 3Question 1Kyle GummereCaleb F. At this
point in my career I would reduce my output
proportionally. Brittany G.I would be extremely frustrated if I
received a pay-cut and my co-workers did not. That would not
affect my output as I would still need to be ethical when
working with my therapy clients. However, if the pay cut would
be permanent I would apply to different agencies or really
consider opening my own private practice. Kyle
GummereSimple answer, it wouldn’t. Not one bit. I take pride
in always giving my best and anything worth doing, is worth
doing right the first time. If I felt I had been ‘slighted’ or taken
advantage of, I would “retaliate” by looking for another job. I
wouldn’t damage my reputation or character by letting my work
suffer as a result.
Raw Data: Question 3Question 1Sean HallCapt Harry SalconeI
would seek to understand why this occurred. For example;
working for the government, I was furloughed. Because of the
furlough, I received a pay decrease or pay reduction for a
specific period. Now the work still needed to be done and on the
operational side of the department, they were receiving their
pay without any reduction. My output didn’t change as a matter
of fact, my output had to increase because I needed to
accomplish more in a shorter period. Subsequently, I understood
why, and this helped me process the entire situation better.Sarah
HallThis may be a difficult question to answer, especially if the
reduction is the result of a general downturn in the organization.
It may be in your best interest to accept the decrease, but you
can be proactive at the same time. While nobody wants a pay
cut, it does happen. But as with any bump on your career path,
it's how you react to it that matters most. Make a list of
questions to ask your manager like: How Long Will the
Reduction in Compensation Last? Will the Decrease Adversely
Affect Any of Your Benefits? When Will the Reduction Take
Effect? You need to know this, so you can plan in managing
your finances.Sean Hall
I would want to know the reason for the pay cut. If you dislike
your supervisor, you can still do your job; the job will not be as
pleasant, but there is no reason why you cannot do it at the
same level you would achieve if you liked and respected your
supervisor. If I were to receive a pay cut, this to me is you are
taking money from my family. I would continue to do my job as
if nothing had happened. Having some income is better than no
income. If all else fails I would get a part-time job and work on
my days off.
Raw Data: Question 3Question 1Kip WalkerSamantha WalkerIt
would make me work harder and if that did not get me a pay
increase I would leave the company.Daniel MillerLuckily, this
has not happened. However, I would like to think it wouldn’t
affect my output. In fact, it may cause me to look at my overall
work performance and re-evaluate on what I could do better. I
would expect management to provide an explanation. If they
couldn’t provide one and I felt my work ethic was strong with
little to no room for improvement, I would seriously begin to
look elsewhere for employment.Kip Walker
I have not experienced this before, but, If I had worked just as
hard and contributed just as much, I believe my output would
suffer, and I may seek other employment. If it was because my
skill was not on par, I believe, I would work harder and try to
grow more.
Raw Data: Question 4Question 1Kyle GummereCaleb F. No, I
do not. That question assumes there is a 1:1 ratio between one's
salary and output. Salary is a different pay treatment than unit-
based compensation where an individual is paid X amount for
every unit they produce. ( ie: If I produce 2X as many units I
would be paid twice as much). Brittany G.No, I do not believe
an increase in my salary would equal the same amount of
increased productivity. I am currently about to be receiving an
increase in my salary based on receiving my final licensure.
However, I do believe my productivity would increase by that
value as I still uphold the same ethical guidelines of practice
regardless of salary. However, I will be more responsible with
my pay raise since I will no longer be in intern. Kyle
GummereNo. Again, Anything worth doing is worth doing right
the first time. If I was able to give 150% more just because I
got a raise, that would mean that I wasn’t giving my all to begin
with. I was raised with an extremely strong work ethic and firm
beliefs on how others should be treated. If I needed help, would
I want somebody who only gave me 75% or someone who
always tried to give me their best?
Raw Data: Question 4Question 4Sean HallCapt Harry SalconeIn
my opinion, No. Although there may be studies that show there
is a correlation between increased wages and increased
productivity. Sarah HallIf you are asking for a raise, be honest
with yourself about what this is about. Do you like your job,
team, manager, and company? Or is your frustration over pay
simply a lightning rod for your broader dissatisfaction? If you
genuinely like your job, make sure you discuss with your
manager specifically what you like about it and why. As the
manager, I want to know that this is the place you want to be, so
that fighting for the extra raise is going to be worth my
time.Sean Hall
No, because I believe that if I am giving you my all or already
giving my employer 100%, one would not want to push the level
of reaching the stage of burnout.
Raw Data: Question 4Question 1Kip WalkerSamantha WalkerI
would try my best to work harder and take on additional
projects to make myself worthy of additional pay. I'd like to
think I would try my best to be 150% more productive but
couldn't guarantee it on a daily basis. Daniel MillerBottom
line…no. Staff do tend to work a little harder and increase
productivity after receiving a raise (not by 150%). The spurts of
productivity and improvement tend to be short lived. The days
go on, the stress of the job pile back on. Kip Walker
No, it might incentivize me to be more productive and product
better outcome, but I don’t believe my work ethic is dependent
on how much money I make.
Raw Data: Question 5Question 1Kyle GummereCaleb F.
The question is a general one. For instance: A CEO is paid more
than a front-line worker. Even if both equally productive in
their own specific roles at the company they do not add the
same value to the company. A CEO should add a lot more value
than any other employee and is therefore paid more. If the
question refers to workers having the same job title then the
answer is different. There can be situations where two people
having the same job title are paid differently. That can be due to
many reasons. For instance, if I have a heavier work load and
greater responsibilities than someone who simply has the same
job title as me then it's not unreasonable for me to be
considered more productive and therefore paid more than the
other person. Even if all things are equal there can still be
differences. Seniority and education can be two "positive"
reasons for disparities and then there is the favoritism reason
that falls in the negative category. So there are many reasons I
could agree with or disagree with the statement. Brittany G.In
my line of work I do not agree with that statement. Regardless
of the salary amount, all clinicians are required to follow the
same code of ethics. I do think that being a licensed clinician
holds more liability than being an intern or being a lower
ranking service provider but that does not equal more
contribution to the company. My answer might be different than
others as I work as a 1099 independent contractor and not as a
salary employee at a typical W2 company.Kyle
GummereAbsolutely NOT. In every job I’ve had or will ever
have, there will be those who make more than me, but work a
fraction as hard as I do. I understand there are very few willing
to work as hard as me, but get paid more and understand that to
move up the ladder I must “put in my time” and eventually I
will be recognized and make more money.
Raw Data: Question 5Question 4Sean HallCapt Harry
SalconeNo not necessarily. Responsibility and Burden of Risk
must be taken into consideration. Sarah HallNo, I do not agree
and here is why. Great managers tend to empower their
employees to be successful through strong coaching. They
understand how to manage relationships - this is commonly
referred to emotional intelligence. They must be able to handle
both client and staff situations that require them to be calm
under pressure to clearly think of solutions to complex
problems. Most importantly they must be able to articulate the
vision to the team and inspire them to work together to
collectively achieve that goal.Sean Hall
It’s the factors which stir our intrinsic ambitions which truly
motivate us, such as increased autonomy, acquiring new skills,
being able to express ourselves. There have been many
discussions into this question over the years, and one
conclusion we all have reached is that, for most of us, money’s
more of a sub-motivator than a prime motivator. It’s like a
question my son asked me just the other day. Why did you join
the military dad, was it because of the money? My answer to
him was it was not because of the money, but the love of my
country and doing the job.
Raw Data: Question 5Question 1Kip WalkerSamantha WalkerI
do not agree with that statement. I can think of at least 4 people
that are getting paid more than me and are not more productive.
These particular individuals have been in their role for several
years and have become complacent. I'm passionate about my
role and do not feel they share that same passion. Daniel
MillerNot necessarily. There are individuals at the top that get
paid more, and they have put in the work to earn their
position/compensation. On the other hand, there are some that
live up to the saying “It’s not what you know, but who you
know”.Kip Walker
In my current position, yes. The company I work for is highly
competitive and employees the best candidates they possibly
can. They also believe in fair pay for the work, so I would agree
that the individuals that make more are contributing more.
However, in other companies, this was not the case. I have
experienced working conditions where pay was dependent on
seniority and not merit.
Student Name:
Student ID:
Assignment upload in Week 4 (Sunday)
Starbucks’ Growth Destroyed Brand Value
Leadership & Managing People Case
Starbucks announcement that it will close few stores in Saudi
Arabia admission of limits to growth.
The founder Howard Schultz recognized the problem that his
own growth strategy had created: “Stores no longer have the
soul of the past and reflect a chain of stores vs. the warm
feeling of a neighborhood store.” Starbucks tried to add value
through innovation, offering wi-fi service, creating and selling
its own music. More recently, Starbucks attempted to put the
focus back on coffee, revitalizing the quality of its standard
beverages. But none of these moves addressed the fundamental
problem: Starbucks is a mass brand attempting to command a
premium price for an experience that is no longer special.
How will you help company to recover and expand its operation
in Saudi Arabia. The Company hired you as CEO of Starbucks
coffee in Saudi ArabiaAssignment Objectives & Requirements:
1. To sustain and expand the Starbucks Stores in Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia, you have to write the: (400 – 500 words)
a. Identify the competitive advantage (s) in business for growth
b. What are the different Products and type of services that can
be offered.
c. Business objective/goals/vision
2. Identify and describe the four managerial functions that can
be applied in Starbucks business in Saudi Arabia. (200 – 300
3. Explain the different types of planning for the different
levels of management in Starbucks in KSA. Include the typical
time frame for which each plan is created. (200 – 300 words)
4. Discuss different theoretical perspectives about management
in context of Starbucks. Give at least three reasons. (100 - 200
5. Conclude your report. (100 – 200 words)
Learning outcomes (On completion of this Project)1. Necessary
functions of a manager.2. Essential skills and roles good
managers need.3. Challenges managers face in today's business
environment.4. Planning function of management.5. Planning
and strategic management processes for a business.6.
Organization's vision and mission statement in planning.7.
Internal and external environments of a company to determine
its competitive advantage.8. Organizing function of a
manager.Assignment Workload:
· This assignment is an individual assignment.
· The word count for this assignment must be between 2000 to
2500 words max.
· Student is allowed to cite 10% from the word limit (2500 word
limit means 250 words can be cited).
Assignment Submission:
· The submission method will be through blackboard.
· Assignment submission deadline is End of week 7
Due Date
Points covered
Sunday Week 4
End of Week 7
1,2 &3
4 & 5
Total Marks for Assignment 1
Assignment Regulations:
· All students are encouraged to use their own words.
· A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes
copying from other resource without referencing it
A Gentle Reminder:
Writing a case study/project report involves following a few
rules. These are as follows:
A case study report is not an essay: it is a call for action, to be
read by the company’s
managers and executives. Thus, it is of the utmost importance to
state immediately, in the
introduction, the report’s conclusion (the action to be
considered). This will avoid lengthy
argument and digression.
The report should then set out the reasons for this
rather than being written in an “investigative” mode which only
identifies the solution at
its conclusion.
A written report is a means of communication: to facilitate this,
it should include a table
of contents, page numbering, and all the other basic
requirements of a properly formatted document.
Finally, some pitfalls to avoid:
A case study report should not simply paraphrase the text
provided. Avoid at all costs
rewriting the case word-for-word, or copying figures, tables or
graphs already included in
the case study.
Recommendations should be clear and unambiguous, and
supported by as much
corroborative data as possible.
The presentation style of a document is as important as its
content: both elements affect
the reader’s perception of the analysis proposed. The report
should be written in a simple,
direct and concise style.
Finally, subjective phrases such as “it seems”, “I (we) believe”,
“in my (our) opinion”, should be avoided.
Page 4 | 4
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Doesn’t Meet Expectations
(130 pts.)
All components of the assignment have been explicitly
The content reflects graduate-level execution with clear
evidence of critical thinking, synthesis of relevant information
from credible sources, and clear mastery of the concepts
necessary to successfully execute each component of the
The content is logically organized and contains only that
information necessary meet the expectations of the assignment
and does not contain content that could be considered
superfluous or distracting.
All arguments, recommendation, and positions are logically
presented and properly supported with credible or scholarly
130 to 117 points
Most of the components of the assignment have been explicitly
addressed. There are some aspects of the assignment that appear
to have been implicitly addressed.
The content mostly reflects a graduate-level effort in the
execution. While there is evidence of critical thinking,
synthesis of information from credible sources it isn’t
consistent throughout the submission.
It appears that the student was somewhat comfortable with
many of the concepts necessary to successfully complete each
component of the assignment.
The content is mostly organized in a logical manner; however, it
contains some content which could be considered superfluous
and mildly distracting.
Most of the arguments, recommendations, and positions are
logically present and supported with credible and scholarly
116.9 to 104 points
Few of the components of the assignment have been explicitly
addressed. Most of the components were either implicitly
addressed or not covered.
The content is not consistent with what would typically
associate with a graduate leaner. There is little evidence of
critical thinking or synthesis of credible sources to support the
completion of the assignment.
It appears that the student has little to not understanding of the
concepts necessary to successfully address the components of
the assignment.
The content isn’t well organized and difficult to follow. It
contains a large amount of content which considered
superfluous and distracting.
Few of the arguments, recommendations, or positions are
logically presented and supported with appropriate sources.
103.9 to 0 points
(20 pts.)
Narrative submissions are prepared consistent with the APA
Manual (6th edition) and include a title and reference page
Note: The instructor may adherence to certain APA form and
style guidelines and not others based on the nature and scope of
the project
Submissions that are required to be presented in a table,
PowerPoint, or Excel format and whose content requires
appropriate support from credible or scholarly sources, these
sources are properly in-text cited and listed in a reference page
consistent with the APA Manual (6th edition).
The submission contains very few or no grammatical,
punctuation, syntax, and verb-tense agreement errors.
20 to 18 points
Narrative submissions are mostly consistent with the APA
Manual (6th edition) and include a title and reference page.
Note: The instructor may adherence to certain APA form and
style guidelines and not others based on the nature and scope of
the project.
Submissions that are required to be presented in a table,
PowerPoint, or Excel format and whose content requires
appropriate support form credible or scholarly sources, these
sources are mostly in-text cited and properly listed in the
reference page consistent with the APA Manual (6th edition).
The submission contains some grammatical, punctuation,
syntax, and verb-tense agreement errors.
17.9 to 16 points
Narrative submissions contain a large number of inconsistencies
with the APA Manual (6th edition).
Note: The instructor may adherence to certain APA form and
style guidelines and not others based on the nature and scope of
the project.
Submissions that are required to be presented in a table,
PowerPoint, or Excel format and whose content requires
appropriate support from credible or scholarly courses, these
sources aren’t properly in-text cited and listed in the reference
page consistent with the APA Manual (6th edition).
The submission is poorly written and contains a large number of
grammatical, punctuation, syntax, and verb-tense agreement
15.9 to 0 points
(10 pts.)
The submission meets the length requirements as specified
within the assignment expectations.
10 to 9 points
The submission is slightly outside page length requirements as
specified within the assignment expectations. As a result, the
student may have struggled to fully meet all of the assignment
8.99 to 8 points
The submission is not consistent with the page length
requirement as specified within the assignment expectations. As
a result, the student was largely unsuccessful in meeting the
assignment expectations.
7.99 to o points
Total Points
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Motivation in the workplace – Equity TheoryPrepared by Group.docx

  • 1. Motivation in the workplace – Equity Theory Prepared by Group 3: Kip Walker, Kyle Gummere, Sean Hall Agenda Equity Theory Interview Questions Interview Answers Results of the Data Supportive Answers Divergent Answers Conclusion and Recommendations Reference Appendix 2 Equity Theory Equity Theory: What motivates people to work? Developed in 1960’s by John S. Adams Focus: Input and outcome Employees compare their job’s inputs with an outcome ratio Inequality causes employees to act to correct inequality Human motivation of fairness between inputs and outputs
  • 2. Developed by John Adams in the 1960s to explain the main motivation factor for employees. Equity Theory Hinges on what input an employee gives vs what they receive as an output (Guerrero, Anderson, Walid, 263). According to the Hashemite University employees compare their input to an output ratio. These inputs can include education, intelligence, experience training, skills, seniority, age, time background etc. and outputs include pay, intrinsic rewards supervisor satisfaction, benefits job status etc. (Al-Zawahreh, Al-Madi 158-170). As long as the inputs and outputs stay in balance in the mind of the employee the employee stays motivated. When there is an imbalance the theory states that the employee will attempt to re-create balance. When an imbalance exists will seek to reduce it by distorting inputs and/or outcomes in their own minds (“cognitive distortion”), directly altering inputs and or outcomes, or leaving the organization (Carrell, Dittrich 202- 210). 3 Interview Questions Synopsis: Utilize survey questions to draw conclusions and evaluate the validity of Equity Theory Survey Questions: Question 1: Have you ever experienced a situation in the work place where you felt that you were being treated unfairly compared to a coworker? In the situation, how did you react? Did your work ethic or output suffer? Question 2: What do you consider to be the number one factor that motivates you in your current position? Question 3: If you received a pay cut, and your coworkers did not, how would this effect your output? Question 4: If I were to increase your salary by 150%, do you believe that you would be 150% more productive? Question 5: Do you agree with the statement that the
  • 3. individuals who get paid more than you are more productive and contribute more to the company than you do? Why or why not? The synopsis for our research project is as follows: Question 1 was designed to test if people have felt an imbalance in the workplace which correlates directly to the equity theory. Question 2 was designed to ascertain which outputs (factor) is the most important to the individual (intrinsic vs extrinsic motivators). Question 3 was meant to determine what action an individual would be willing to take if the perceived imbalance was deemed too great. Question 4 examines the opposite reaction once might take. Finally, question 5 is meant to determine whether there is a direct correlation between pay (outcome) and motivation. The objective of the interview questions was to determine if an individual will actively seek to correct a perceived imbalance in the workplace and how they may go about correcting it. We believe, generally speaking, that the majority of respondents will validate the equity theory. Limitations on our case study are the sample size taken and non-numerical responses because that leaves the conclusion to our perception of the data. The methodology that we utilized to evaluate the validity of the equity theory was to ask a series of predetermined interview questions to a small sample of people. *The Results, Discussion, and conclusion will be discussed later on.
  • 4. 4 RESULTS OF DATA: Interviewee DescriptionsIntervieweeBackgroundCaleb F.Over 19 years experience as a construction project manager for a $47 billion- dollar companyBrittany G.Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in Las Vegas, NV. Avid volunteer for numerous organizationsCpt. Harry SalconePolice watch commander. Firm believer in a fair and friendly work environment.Sarah HallAccount manager for a Hospital with 56 employees underneath herSam WalkerBenefit coordinator for Whole Foods. Responsible for over 22K teammatesDaniel MillerHead manager and ophthalmic tech at Austin Eye. Manages over 20 people The respondents to our survey questions were: Caleb F. who has Over 19 years’ experience as a construction project manager for a $47 billion-dollar company. Manages 200-300 individual jobs a year that require line extension work from an existing underground communications backbone. Brittany G. Holds a Master’s degree in social work and is a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) in Las Vegas. She’s a current volunteer and passionate fundraiser for Desert Grey Matters after losing her father to brain cancer in 2016. Cpt. Harry Salcone is a Police Watch Commander. He is a firm believer in a fair and friendly work environment based on trust, support and encouragement, self-respect and the respect of others. Sarah Hall- is a patient accounting manager for a local hospital and has around 56 employees who work for her. She recognizes that motivated employees benefit the company by working with passion, coming up with new innovative ideas, and helping move the company forward by being offered the opportunity for
  • 5. personal fulfilment, like learning new skills and working towards personal goals. Samantha Walker - Samantha is a benefit coordinator that supports the benefit enrollment and management of over 22,000 “teammates” with Whole Foods. She is a dedicated employee that works overtime to make sure each one of her assigned “teammates” are taken care of. Recently Whole Foods has been purchased by Amazon, which has brought some changes to her organizational structure. Daniel Miller - Daniel is the head manager and ophthalmic technician at Austin Eye. He manages over 20 people and is directly responsible for the care and treatment of Austin Eye patients. 5 RESULTS OF DATA: Supportive responsesQuestionResponse themes 1: Imbalance situationsMost have experienced an imbalance with coworkers. All but 1 sought other employment. Only a few lowered their performance. 2: Motivations factorsDiverse answers. Ranging from career advancement, retirement, current employment, verbal confirmation, and meeting deadlines. 3: Pay cut imbalanceA few would lower output, majority would seek other employment, most would seek understand why the pay cut happened. 4: Pay increase motivatorIncrease pay does not correlate to increase productivity. A few would attempt to take on more projects or change output. 5: Peer pay perceptionMajority believe those who get paid more do not contribute more. A few have seen it both ways. The results were slightly inconclusive. As a whole the answers were as a expected, supporting equity theory, but with a few
  • 6. caveats. Here we will discuss the responses that directly supported equity theory. Question 1: : Which was Have you ever experienced a situation in the work place where you felt that you were being treated unfairly compared to a coworker? In the situation, how did you react? Did your work ethic or output suffer? All but 2 respondents had experienced this situation, and all but 1 sought other employment. Most of the interviewees would not change their performance. Only a few lowered their performance and 1 attempted to become a better employee. Question 2: Which was What do you consider to be the number one factor that motivates you in your current position? Since this question is based on perception and the people we interviewed were diverse in sex, education level, type of position, and age it comes at no surprise that the answers were also diverse. Their were a few commonalities 2 respondents said they are motivated by the company they work for. A few mentioned reaching the next state of their career like retirement, completing a cert, or advancement. Others responded with solving problems, performing at a high level, and meeting a deadline. Question 3: which read If you received a pay cut, and your coworkers did not, how would this effect your output? Most responses were directly in line with equity theory. A majority would attempt to change their view by distorting the input. If the company was experiencing a down turn, or if they were not contributing enough understanding this helps them to accept the pay cut. Also, as the theory states, some would change their output, however the majority would keep working just as hard. Also, the majority o the respondents said they would seek other employment. Question 4: Which read If I were to increase your salary by
  • 7. 150%, do you believe that you would be 150% more productive? This answer was unanimous, no. However, a few did say they would attempt to take on more projects or change the quality of their outputs. Question 5: Do you agree with the statement that the individuals who get paid more than you are more productive and contribute more to the company than you do? Why or why not? Majority of respondents believe those who make more do not contribute more. 3 of the respondents have seen positions both ways either at one company they would agree with the statement but another they would not or at their current company there exist both employees that get paid more an contribute more and those who do not. 6 RESULTS OF DATA: divergent responsesQuestionResponse themes 1: Imbalance situationsDespite being treated unfairly compared to coworkers, some interviewees didn’t alter seek to correct imbalance through reduced output3: Pay cut imbalanceWhen receiving a pay cut, while their coworkers did not, some interviewees wouldn’t change output as a result5: Peer pay perceptionSome respondents didn’t believe there is a direct correlation between pay and output Here we will discuss the responses that diverted from the equity theory. 1. Imbalance Situations: A couple of respondents noted that
  • 8. despite the perception of being treated unfairly, they would not seek to recreate a balance between their input and outputs; contrary to equity theory. These respondents noted that their outputs would remain unchanged; unless the problem was long- term (then they would seek action). The equity theory, by contrast, would suggest that an individual would seek to correct this mistreatment by reducing output proportionally. 3.. Pay cut Imbalance: Despite a reduction in a respondents pay, some interviewees wouldn’t change the output of their work. Some respondents gave the organization the “benefit of the doubt” and would continue working at a high level despite the perceived slight. 5.Peer Pay Perception The equity theory centers on input = output and recreating that balance when necessary. One respondent believes that input doesn’t always equal output. Meaning that the output of one person could be greater than input (effort) of another despite receiving equal pay. So the two are independent of each other. 7 What we learned Equity Theory proved true Communication is imperative Output (pay) doesn’t always correlate to input (effort) Leadership is important
  • 9. Overall, the Equity theory proved true. As long as the inputs and outputs stay in balance in the mind of the employee, he/she stays motivated. When there is an imbalance the respondents agreed they would attempt to re-create, albeit not explicitly stated, a balance. Respondents also wouldn’t seek a rebalance immediately, giving the employer/manager a “chance”. If the perceived imbalance persisted, respondents noted they would seek to reduce it by distorting their inputs and/ or outcomes in different ways. Commonly, respondents noted “searching for new employment” would be the last resort if other methods of recreating a balance were unsuccessful. Another common theme was communication. Over and over interviewees stated that they would want to know why. Why would a co-worker make more? Why would their pay be cut? If there is a reasonable explanation, this may even motive employees to work harder and learn new skills. Notice and reward accomplishments. Even if the reward is not monetary, just acknowledging good work can be a positive motivator. Finally hire the right leadership. It seems that the interviewees that saw their leadership as worthy for a larger salary were more satisfied with their position and the company. 8 Conclusion and recommendations For our interviewees equity theory remains mostly in tact. The answers were widely based on perception of imbalances and finding a way through perception, inputs and outputs to re- balance circumstance.
  • 10. Recommendations Treat employees fairly! Communicate effectively and be transparent. Hire managers that deserve the job. In conclusions for the most part equity theory could be easily applied to our interviewees. Consistently our respondents experienced imbalance and either modified their perception, input, or outputs to remain in balance. Also, almost every individual remarked they would seek other employment if the imbalance remained which is directly in line with equity theory. Based on our data we have 3 recommendations for employers. First – Treat employees fairly. It is apparent that if an employee is being treated unfairly when compared to a co-worker they will seek to fix the issue. This may result in the company losing a good employee, and it costs way more to hire and train a new employee rather than keeping the original. Second – Communicate effectively and be transparent. Consistently or interviews noted that if an employer was open and honest, and if there was a good reason for a pay cut, they would be able to accept this imbalance. Finally - Hire managers that deserve the job. The most important aspect of a mangers position is to manage people. It is vital that when an imbalance occurs that a manager is able to step in and fix the issue. If the imbalance remains this will affect job satisfaction, performance, and even attrition. 9
  • 11. references Carrell, M.R., and Dittrich, J.E. (1978). Equity Theory: The Recent Literature, Methodological Considerations, and New Directions. The Academy of Management Review. 3;2: 202-210. Al-Zawahreh, A., & Al-Madi, F. (2012). The Utility of Equity Theory in Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness . European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, (46), 158-170. Retrieved March 4, 2018, from What is Equity Theory? (2014, April 28). Retrieved March 04, 2018, from theory Guerrero, Laura K; Peter A. Andersen & Walid A. Afifi. (2014). Close Encounters: Communication in Relationships, 4th Edition. Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications Inc. p. 263 10 Appendix Raw Data: Question 1Question 1Kyle GummereCaleb F. Yes, I have experienced that situation more than once in my career and with more than one employer. I can definitely say my work ethic or output did not suffer because of my strong work ethic. I did note the injustice however. It caused me to lose respect for my employer and on more than one occasion led to me find another job. Brittany G.I have been in a situation in which I felt that I was being treated unfairly compared to my coworkers. At the beginning of my clinical internship I did not feel comfortable going to client’s homes in really rough areas of town. Since I turned down a couple of clients, my boss decided
  • 12. to not give me any more clients. Instead my newer colleagues were being offered clients, despite the area of town, whereas I was not offered any clients at all. I asked for clients but was passed up due to saying no in the past. I was upset and frustrated with the lack of clients I had on my caseload. My paychecks suffered and it took me longer to complete my clinical internship due to having a low caseload. I tried to communicate with my boss via text messages but that was not helping so I made a face-to-face appointment with her in order to express my feelings. My work ethic did suffer as I felt not valued as part of the team. I also did not know what to do as I felt trapped in my clinical internship. My output did not suffer as I continued to uphold high standards as a clinician. Kyle GummereYes, I have experienced situations in the work place where I felt I was being treated unfairly compared to a coworker. My best friend and I enlisted into the Marine Corps on the same day. My buddy went back and forth about whether he really wanted to join or not, while I signed up without hesitation. The recruiter (we each had different recruiters) offered my friend a “shipping” bonus if he signed the paperwork, but I wasn’t offered a bonus for enlisting. I had no idea he received a bonus until we got to boot camp and it came up in a casual conversation. He just assumed that I was offered the same thing for enlisting as him, but because I didn’t hesitate they didn’t feel the need to “bribe” me to enlist. I was extremely upset and confronted my recruiter once I graduated boot camp, but he had zero remorse and told me “such is life.” I pressed further and was told they not only offer bonuses for those “on the fence”, but the amount varies too. They had a cap on the bonus, but had the freedom to give anywhere from nothing to X amount of money. No, my work ethic and output didn’t suffer as a result. Naturally I was upset, but I was raised in a great family and I didn’t let that determine the quality of my work. That would’ve been a direct reflection of my character had I let my work suffer, so it wasn’t even an option.
  • 13. 12 Raw Data: Question 1Question 1Sean HallCapt Harry SalconeYes. My reaction was to immediately conduct a self- analysis of my own job performance and output. During this self-analysis, I asked myself difficult questions i.e. am I upholding the organizational core values, am I committed to those core values and what can I do to improve. Often, the perception of feeling that I was being treated unfairly can be traced back to my own issues. I continued to seek feedback, education and mentoring. The journey is to become the best version of myself. This means I must learn to serve other before myself.Sarah HallAt this time, I cannot recall a situation in the work place where I was being treated unfairly. However, I have seen it happen to others within other departments. I have had other employees come to me about how their manager has been treating them compared to others. I spoke with the employee and basically stated that everyone is annoyed by something, and when the pressures of work begin to mount, the irritations can start to interfere with teamwork and productivity. Working with others is challenging. People who are easily irritated are difficult to work with, and people who don’t deal with their concerns with others create more issues down the road. For me, I try to always make sure goals are clearly communicated to everyone on the team. If it happens anyway, I try to find out what I can do differently, so the problem doesn’t repeat itself. Sean Hall I have not experienced a situation in the work place. However,
  • 14. no matter how much you love your job, navigating workplace politics in any line of work can lead to a lot of awkward situations. Throughout your career or even life, others are going to lie about you, stab you in the back, confuse your motives, and misinterpret your intentions. They are going to over react, blame you, say mean things about you to everyone around you. They're going to shout, point fingers, lie, scream, and accuse you of things that are just not true. In the situation, how did you react? I try my best not to get caught up in all the drama at work. However, sometimes a person can get caught up in it and not even realize. Did your work ethic or output suffer? My work ethic or job output did not suffer. If I let small and simple things get to me within my line of work, there is a possibility that I could miss something, and the result could end up with someone getting hurt or possibly worse. 13 Raw Data: Question 1Question 1Kip WalkerSamantha WalkerYes, it's never a good feeling when this has happened. It motivated me to work harder in hopes the situation would remedy itself. If that did not work and I continued to be treated unfairly I would seek other employment opportunities. Daniel MillerI have experienced this in the past. In most cases, it was simply an instance of favoritism. In both situations, the other employee was a close/personal friend of management. In each situation, I didn’t let it affect my work ethic, but I was much more motivated to seek other employment opportunities.Kip
  • 15. Walker Yes, I have experienced this working for a very large bank. At the time I had the highest sales in the North Texas region and 2nd in Texas. I was also offered a promotion by corporate to another group. However, my manager took the bonus I earned and gave it to a son of a friend that she hired. She could do this because 6 months earlier I was robbed as a teller the day before moving to be a banker. Based on corporate policy I was put on a notice which gave my manger the right to withdraw my bonus. She also refused to sign for my promotion, because, and she admitted this to my face, that the branch would lose the extra budget since my sales would now be under a different department. I completely stopped putting in effort and did the bare minimum. I also took another job 4 weeks later. My former manager was later fired, because the other manager that offered me the promotion complained to HR about the incident. 14 Raw Data: Question 2Question 1Kyle GummereCaleb F. Reaching my retirement goals. I currently work for a failing company with extremely poor ethical values towards their customers and employees alike. I would never have tolerated this situation previously but given my time horizon for retirement I'm hanging in and riding it out.Brittany G.I am currently at a crossroad where I recently finished my 3000-hour clinical internship to become a fully Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). Therefore, the number one factor that had
  • 16. been motivating me during my internship was completing my required hours to reach my ultimate goal. Time was also a factor as I needed to complete my hours as quickly as possible so I could start my professional career and be at the pay raise I had been working towards for the past several years. Kyle GummerePride in being part of an organization whose mission is to help ‘the little guy’ succeed. I take great pride in helping ‘small businesses’ disrupt the industry and take market share away from the competition. My company truly believes in their mission and it resonates down to the lowest levels in my organization. I love going to work and making a difference in the lives of others across the country. 15 Raw Data: Question 2Question 1Sean HallCapt Harry SalconeThis is a great question and it reminds me of a story I shared with a gentleman while riding on an escalator during a corporate meeting at a large convention center in the mid-west. At these events, the corporation brings all the leadership and director together and talks strategy and earnings and business acumen. As you check into the convention center you receive a lanyard with your title and area of the country you are from. I was a Regional Director at the time and this individual standing one step next to me on the escalator saw my name badge. He politely introduced himself to me and said that he was new to the company and was excited to be attending this convention. He read my name badge and said, “Regional Director, what is it that you actually do for the company”. Sarah HallI have always
  • 17. been motivated by the desire to meet a deadline. Setting and reaching deadlines gives me such a sense of accomplishment. I love creating an organized schedule for completing a task and achieving my deadlines. For example, when I ran a fundraising event last year, I set multiple deadlines for a variety of tasks leading up to the event. Achieving each milestone motivated me to keep working, as well as ensuring that the event ran smoothly. I'm very deadline-driven and enjoy having the opportunity to figure out a new organizational system that will help keep me on track to meet the deadline. When employees are not recognized or given credit for a job very well done or immense effort they have put in towards a project, they become demotivated. They lose interest and may not even want to try thinking innovatively, get some extra work done or even just perform their role with feelings of obligation and energy because their boss doesn’t seem to care or notice their hard work and dedication.Sean Hall My main motivation comes from providing excellent service to every individual with whom I come into contact. I look for opportunities to improve my policing skills so that each person I interact with will have a positive experience. My responsibilities include not only preserving the peace, preventing criminal acts, enforcing the law, investigating crimes, and arresting those who violate the law but also anti- terrorism and 16 Raw Data: Question 2Question 1Kip WalkerSamantha
  • 18. WalkerMy top motivator is my current work environment. I love where I work and truly feel fortunate every single day. Because of my work environment I feel a deep connection and purpose to my coworkers and to my daily tasks. I strive for excellence so others feel the same joy of working where we do. . Daniel MillerAcknowledgement of accomplishments. Raises are nice too, but you don’t always get one after putting a lot of time/effort into a project. A verbal acknowledgement of a job well done is easy to convey, free, and typically motivational enough for them to continue putting forth the effort.Kip Walker I am motivated when creating something new to solve a problem. I put the most effort into things I find interesting. However, this may because when I have successfully done something new and solved an issue the company was having, I have received acknowledgment and praise. Secondarily, I work hard to get the next promotion. I never want to be complacent. 17 Raw Data: Question 3Question 1Kyle GummereCaleb F. At this point in my career I would reduce my output proportionally. Brittany G.I would be extremely frustrated if I received a pay-cut and my co-workers did not. That would not affect my output as I would still need to be ethical when working with my therapy clients. However, if the pay cut would be permanent I would apply to different agencies or really consider opening my own private practice. Kyle GummereSimple answer, it wouldn’t. Not one bit. I take pride in always giving my best and anything worth doing, is worth
  • 19. doing right the first time. If I felt I had been ‘slighted’ or taken advantage of, I would “retaliate” by looking for another job. I wouldn’t damage my reputation or character by letting my work suffer as a result. 18 Raw Data: Question 3Question 1Sean HallCapt Harry SalconeI would seek to understand why this occurred. For example; working for the government, I was furloughed. Because of the furlough, I received a pay decrease or pay reduction for a specific period. Now the work still needed to be done and on the operational side of the department, they were receiving their pay without any reduction. My output didn’t change as a matter of fact, my output had to increase because I needed to accomplish more in a shorter period. Subsequently, I understood why, and this helped me process the entire situation better.Sarah HallThis may be a difficult question to answer, especially if the reduction is the result of a general downturn in the organization. It may be in your best interest to accept the decrease, but you can be proactive at the same time. While nobody wants a pay cut, it does happen. But as with any bump on your career path, it's how you react to it that matters most. Make a list of questions to ask your manager like: How Long Will the Reduction in Compensation Last? Will the Decrease Adversely Affect Any of Your Benefits? When Will the Reduction Take Effect? You need to know this, so you can plan in managing your finances.Sean Hall I would want to know the reason for the pay cut. If you dislike
  • 20. your supervisor, you can still do your job; the job will not be as pleasant, but there is no reason why you cannot do it at the same level you would achieve if you liked and respected your supervisor. If I were to receive a pay cut, this to me is you are taking money from my family. I would continue to do my job as if nothing had happened. Having some income is better than no income. If all else fails I would get a part-time job and work on my days off. 19 Raw Data: Question 3Question 1Kip WalkerSamantha WalkerIt would make me work harder and if that did not get me a pay increase I would leave the company.Daniel MillerLuckily, this has not happened. However, I would like to think it wouldn’t affect my output. In fact, it may cause me to look at my overall work performance and re-evaluate on what I could do better. I would expect management to provide an explanation. If they couldn’t provide one and I felt my work ethic was strong with little to no room for improvement, I would seriously begin to look elsewhere for employment.Kip Walker I have not experienced this before, but, If I had worked just as hard and contributed just as much, I believe my output would suffer, and I may seek other employment. If it was because my skill was not on par, I believe, I would work harder and try to grow more.
  • 21. 20 Raw Data: Question 4Question 1Kyle GummereCaleb F. No, I do not. That question assumes there is a 1:1 ratio between one's salary and output. Salary is a different pay treatment than unit- based compensation where an individual is paid X amount for every unit they produce. ( ie: If I produce 2X as many units I would be paid twice as much). Brittany G.No, I do not believe an increase in my salary would equal the same amount of increased productivity. I am currently about to be receiving an increase in my salary based on receiving my final licensure. However, I do believe my productivity would increase by that value as I still uphold the same ethical guidelines of practice regardless of salary. However, I will be more responsible with my pay raise since I will no longer be in intern. Kyle GummereNo. Again, Anything worth doing is worth doing right the first time. If I was able to give 150% more just because I got a raise, that would mean that I wasn’t giving my all to begin with. I was raised with an extremely strong work ethic and firm beliefs on how others should be treated. If I needed help, would I want somebody who only gave me 75% or someone who always tried to give me their best? 21
  • 22. Raw Data: Question 4Question 4Sean HallCapt Harry SalconeIn my opinion, No. Although there may be studies that show there is a correlation between increased wages and increased productivity. Sarah HallIf you are asking for a raise, be honest with yourself about what this is about. Do you like your job, team, manager, and company? Or is your frustration over pay simply a lightning rod for your broader dissatisfaction? If you genuinely like your job, make sure you discuss with your manager specifically what you like about it and why. As the manager, I want to know that this is the place you want to be, so that fighting for the extra raise is going to be worth my time.Sean Hall No, because I believe that if I am giving you my all or already giving my employer 100%, one would not want to push the level of reaching the stage of burnout. 22 Raw Data: Question 4Question 1Kip WalkerSamantha WalkerI would try my best to work harder and take on additional projects to make myself worthy of additional pay. I'd like to think I would try my best to be 150% more productive but couldn't guarantee it on a daily basis. Daniel MillerBottom line…no. Staff do tend to work a little harder and increase productivity after receiving a raise (not by 150%). The spurts of productivity and improvement tend to be short lived. The days go on, the stress of the job pile back on. Kip Walker No, it might incentivize me to be more productive and product
  • 23. better outcome, but I don’t believe my work ethic is dependent on how much money I make. 23 Raw Data: Question 5Question 1Kyle GummereCaleb F. The question is a general one. For instance: A CEO is paid more than a front-line worker. Even if both equally productive in their own specific roles at the company they do not add the same value to the company. A CEO should add a lot more value than any other employee and is therefore paid more. If the question refers to workers having the same job title then the answer is different. There can be situations where two people having the same job title are paid differently. That can be due to many reasons. For instance, if I have a heavier work load and greater responsibilities than someone who simply has the same job title as me then it's not unreasonable for me to be considered more productive and therefore paid more than the other person. Even if all things are equal there can still be differences. Seniority and education can be two "positive" reasons for disparities and then there is the favoritism reason that falls in the negative category. So there are many reasons I could agree with or disagree with the statement. Brittany G.In my line of work I do not agree with that statement. Regardless of the salary amount, all clinicians are required to follow the same code of ethics. I do think that being a licensed clinician holds more liability than being an intern or being a lower ranking service provider but that does not equal more contribution to the company. My answer might be different than
  • 24. others as I work as a 1099 independent contractor and not as a salary employee at a typical W2 company.Kyle GummereAbsolutely NOT. In every job I’ve had or will ever have, there will be those who make more than me, but work a fraction as hard as I do. I understand there are very few willing to work as hard as me, but get paid more and understand that to move up the ladder I must “put in my time” and eventually I will be recognized and make more money. 24 Raw Data: Question 5Question 4Sean HallCapt Harry SalconeNo not necessarily. Responsibility and Burden of Risk must be taken into consideration. Sarah HallNo, I do not agree and here is why. Great managers tend to empower their employees to be successful through strong coaching. They understand how to manage relationships - this is commonly referred to emotional intelligence. They must be able to handle both client and staff situations that require them to be calm under pressure to clearly think of solutions to complex problems. Most importantly they must be able to articulate the vision to the team and inspire them to work together to collectively achieve that goal.Sean Hall It’s the factors which stir our intrinsic ambitions which truly motivate us, such as increased autonomy, acquiring new skills, being able to express ourselves. There have been many discussions into this question over the years, and one conclusion we all have reached is that, for most of us, money’s more of a sub-motivator than a prime motivator. It’s like a
  • 25. question my son asked me just the other day. Why did you join the military dad, was it because of the money? My answer to him was it was not because of the money, but the love of my country and doing the job. 25 Raw Data: Question 5Question 1Kip WalkerSamantha WalkerI do not agree with that statement. I can think of at least 4 people that are getting paid more than me and are not more productive. These particular individuals have been in their role for several years and have become complacent. I'm passionate about my role and do not feel they share that same passion. Daniel MillerNot necessarily. There are individuals at the top that get paid more, and they have put in the work to earn their position/compensation. On the other hand, there are some that live up to the saying “It’s not what you know, but who you know”.Kip Walker In my current position, yes. The company I work for is highly competitive and employees the best candidates they possibly can. They also believe in fair pay for the work, so I would agree that the individuals that make more are contributing more. However, in other companies, this was not the case. I have experienced working conditions where pay was dependent on seniority and not merit.
  • 26. 26 Student Name: Student ID: CRN: ASSIGNMENT 1- PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT (MGT101) SEU
  • 27. Assignment upload in Week 4 (Sunday) CASE STUDY/PROJECT REPORT ASSIGNMENT Starbucks’ Growth Destroyed Brand Value Leadership & Managing People Case Starbucks announcement that it will close few stores in Saudi Arabia admission of limits to growth. The founder Howard Schultz recognized the problem that his own growth strategy had created: “Stores no longer have the soul of the past and reflect a chain of stores vs. the warm feeling of a neighborhood store.” Starbucks tried to add value through innovation, offering wi-fi service, creating and selling its own music. More recently, Starbucks attempted to put the focus back on coffee, revitalizing the quality of its standard beverages. But none of these moves addressed the fundamental problem: Starbucks is a mass brand attempting to command a premium price for an experience that is no longer special. How will you help company to recover and expand its operation in Saudi Arabia. The Company hired you as CEO of Starbucks coffee in Saudi ArabiaAssignment Objectives & Requirements: 1. To sustain and expand the Starbucks Stores in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, you have to write the: (400 – 500 words) a. Identify the competitive advantage (s) in business for growth b. What are the different Products and type of services that can be offered. c. Business objective/goals/vision 2. Identify and describe the four managerial functions that can be applied in Starbucks business in Saudi Arabia. (200 – 300 words) 3. Explain the different types of planning for the different levels of management in Starbucks in KSA. Include the typical time frame for which each plan is created. (200 – 300 words) 4. Discuss different theoretical perspectives about management in context of Starbucks. Give at least three reasons. (100 - 200 words) 5. Conclude your report. (100 – 200 words)
  • 28. Learning outcomes (On completion of this Project)1. Necessary functions of a manager.2. Essential skills and roles good managers need.3. Challenges managers face in today's business environment.4. Planning function of management.5. Planning and strategic management processes for a business.6. Organization's vision and mission statement in planning.7. Internal and external environments of a company to determine its competitive advantage.8. Organizing function of a manager.Assignment Workload: · This assignment is an individual assignment. · The word count for this assignment must be between 2000 to 2500 words max. · Student is allowed to cite 10% from the word limit (2500 word limit means 250 words can be cited). Assignment Submission: · The submission method will be through blackboard. · Assignment submission deadline is End of week 7 Upload Due Date Points covered Marks Sunday Week 4 End of Week 7 1,2 &3 4 4 & 5 3 Total Marks for Assignment 1 7 Assignment Regulations: · All students are encouraged to use their own words. · A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes
  • 29. copying from other resource without referencing it A Gentle Reminder: Writing a case study/project report involves following a few rules. These are as follows: A case study report is not an essay: it is a call for action, to be read by the company’s managers and executives. Thus, it is of the utmost importance to state immediately, in the introduction, the report’s conclusion (the action to be considered). This will avoid lengthy argument and digression. The report should then set out the reasons for this recommendation, rather than being written in an “investigative” mode which only identifies the solution at its conclusion. A written report is a means of communication: to facilitate this, it should include a table of contents, page numbering, and all the other basic requirements of a properly formatted document. Finally, some pitfalls to avoid: A case study report should not simply paraphrase the text provided. Avoid at all costs rewriting the case word-for-word, or copying figures, tables or graphs already included in the case study. Recommendations should be clear and unambiguous, and supported by as much corroborative data as possible.
  • 30. The presentation style of a document is as important as its content: both elements affect the reader’s perception of the analysis proposed. The report should be written in a simple, direct and concise style. Finally, subjective phrases such as “it seems”, “I (we) believe”, “in my (our) opinion”, should be avoided. Page 4 | 4 Rubric Criteria Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Doesn’t Meet Expectations Points Content (130 pts.) All components of the assignment have been explicitly addressed. The content reflects graduate-level execution with clear evidence of critical thinking, synthesis of relevant information from credible sources, and clear mastery of the concepts
  • 31. necessary to successfully execute each component of the assignment. The content is logically organized and contains only that information necessary meet the expectations of the assignment and does not contain content that could be considered superfluous or distracting. All arguments, recommendation, and positions are logically presented and properly supported with credible or scholarly sources. 130 to 117 points Most of the components of the assignment have been explicitly addressed. There are some aspects of the assignment that appear to have been implicitly addressed. The content mostly reflects a graduate-level effort in the execution. While there is evidence of critical thinking, synthesis of information from credible sources it isn’t consistent throughout the submission. It appears that the student was somewhat comfortable with many of the concepts necessary to successfully complete each component of the assignment. The content is mostly organized in a logical manner; however, it contains some content which could be considered superfluous and mildly distracting. Most of the arguments, recommendations, and positions are logically present and supported with credible and scholarly sources. 116.9 to 104 points Few of the components of the assignment have been explicitly addressed. Most of the components were either implicitly addressed or not covered. The content is not consistent with what would typically associate with a graduate leaner. There is little evidence of critical thinking or synthesis of credible sources to support the completion of the assignment. It appears that the student has little to not understanding of the concepts necessary to successfully address the components of
  • 32. the assignment. The content isn’t well organized and difficult to follow. It contains a large amount of content which considered superfluous and distracting. Few of the arguments, recommendations, or positions are logically presented and supported with appropriate sources. 103.9 to 0 points 130 APA (20 pts.) Narrative submissions are prepared consistent with the APA Manual (6th edition) and include a title and reference page Note: The instructor may adherence to certain APA form and style guidelines and not others based on the nature and scope of the project Submissions that are required to be presented in a table, PowerPoint, or Excel format and whose content requires appropriate support from credible or scholarly sources, these sources are properly in-text cited and listed in a reference page consistent with the APA Manual (6th edition). The submission contains very few or no grammatical, punctuation, syntax, and verb-tense agreement errors. 20 to 18 points Narrative submissions are mostly consistent with the APA Manual (6th edition) and include a title and reference page. Note: The instructor may adherence to certain APA form and style guidelines and not others based on the nature and scope of the project. Submissions that are required to be presented in a table, PowerPoint, or Excel format and whose content requires appropriate support form credible or scholarly sources, these sources are mostly in-text cited and properly listed in the reference page consistent with the APA Manual (6th edition). The submission contains some grammatical, punctuation, syntax, and verb-tense agreement errors. 17.9 to 16 points
  • 33. Narrative submissions contain a large number of inconsistencies with the APA Manual (6th edition). Note: The instructor may adherence to certain APA form and style guidelines and not others based on the nature and scope of the project. Submissions that are required to be presented in a table, PowerPoint, or Excel format and whose content requires appropriate support from credible or scholarly courses, these sources aren’t properly in-text cited and listed in the reference page consistent with the APA Manual (6th edition). The submission is poorly written and contains a large number of grammatical, punctuation, syntax, and verb-tense agreement errors. 15.9 to 0 points 20 Length (10 pts.) The submission meets the length requirements as specified within the assignment expectations. 10 to 9 points The submission is slightly outside page length requirements as specified within the assignment expectations. As a result, the student may have struggled to fully meet all of the assignment expectations. 8.99 to 8 points The submission is not consistent with the page length requirement as specified within the assignment expectations. As a result, the student was largely unsuccessful in meeting the assignment expectations. 7.99 to o points 10 Total Points 160