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Absence of the Palmaris Longus Tendon in Mid Eastern Population 
Frcih Odeh Abu Hassanr FRCS(Eng), FRCS (Tr & Orth) Samir Khaled Jabaitir, FRCS 
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Objectivet Determine the incidence ofthe absence ofthe palmaris longus tendon in the middle eastern population with 
relation to gender, hand dominance. 
Setting: Orthopaedic department, Plastia and reconstructive surgery department Jordan University Hospital -Amman 
Methods: Between September 2004 and August 2007, we exam ined 1,020 Jordanian subjects, (5 l0 men, 5 10 women) 
aged between six and 77 years (Mean 29.35 years) for the absence of Palmaris longus tendon. The examination was 
done using the usual method of detection by firm opposition ofthe thumb to little.finger with slight wrist flexion. All 
statistical analyses werc canied out using the statistical software programme SPSS (Version l4). 
Results: In right-handed subjects bilateral absence was more common than unilateral absence, (p = 0.0002).Bilateral 
absence in females and males was more common than unilateral absence, (p = 0.0013, and 0.0029), respectively.Overall 
absence in females was more common than for males, (2 = 0.0069). 
Conclusions: Ourfigures form another variability as the reported literatufe regarding the unilateral and bilateral absence, 
furthermore this put middle eastern population comes second to the Turkish population in term ofthe overall prevalence 
ofabsence and higher than the Cauoasian population. There is no statistical significance between the dominant hand and 
the absent palmaris longus, (p - 0.632l. 
Palmaris longus tendon is an essential tendon graft for different surgical specialities. lt is advisable forclinicians working 
in the middle east region to be aware ofthese findings. 
Key words: Palmaris longus tendon, Tendon graft, Middle East, Caucasian 
i Dcpanment of Orlhopcdics and Plastic Surgery, Jordan University Hospital. Anman - Jordan. 
Ernail: frcih(O 
70 JBMS Joumal ofthe Bahrain Medical Society,April 2008 Vol20,No.2
Absence oflhe Palmaris Lon8us Tendon ir Mid Eastern Populntion 
The palmaris longus tendon is one of the accessory 
tendons in the body and having a limired function, its 
absence produces no disability r':. 
It is well-known that unilateral or bilateral absence is 
commonrr, and subjectto racial variations and anomaliest 
6. There is peNistent conflict in the literature with regard 
to the incidence in relation to gender and body side r'', 
ln this study, we have tied to find a significalt difference 
between palmaris longus tendon absence, g€nder and 
hand dominance in a sample group of middle eastern 
population .We lhen reviewed the literature regarding the 
surgical uses ofthe palmaris longus tendon. 
Patients and Methods 
Anound, 1,020 Jordanian subjects (510 males, 510 
females) aged between six and 77 yearc were studied 
prospectively by the authors oyer a three-year period. 
Individuals with a history of old trauma or abnormality 
of the upper limbs were excluded. The standard method 
ofexamination for palmaris longus was used and entailed 
inspection of both volar aspects of distal forearms and 
wrists at rest, looking for the palmaris longus tendon jusl 
ulnar to the flexor carpi radialis tendon, then the subject 
was asked to do firm opposition of the thumb to the little 
finger, followed by gradual flexion of the wrist joints to 
about twenty degrees. Ifthe tendon was not visualized or 
palpable, it was considered absent.Patient gender, age, the 
presence or absence ofthe tendon for both sides and hand 
dominance was recorded on the check list 
Statistical analysis 
All statistical alalysesw€re carriedout using the statistical 
software programme SPSS (Version l4).We analysed the 
relationship between tendon absence, gender and hand 
dominance.The Pearson chi-square test a I value < 0.05 
was considered significant. The z-test for differences of 
proponions was used (c = 0.05) 
Out of the total subjects, palmaris longus tendon was 
present bilaterally in 61.37 /', absent bilaterally in 
23.13%, and unilaterally in 15.49 % with an overall total 
absence of38.62 % in one and both hands. 
l- Right-handed subjects (Table-l ) 
ln males it is present in 66.5 o/. bilaterally, absent 
unilaterally in l3o/. (6.13 % on the right side, 6.3 % on 
the left side) and 20.42 o/. bilaterclly absent with overall 
absence 33.47 %o.While in females it is present in 57.05 
% bilaterally, absent unilaterally in 17.6E% ( 9.68 % on 
the right side, 8yo on the left side) and 25.26 o/o bilaterally 
absent with overall absence 42.94 o/o. ln right-handed 
subjects bilateral absence more common tlran unilateml 
absence. (p = 0.0002). 
Thble-l; The incidence of palmajis tendon absence in relation to gender and dominant hand 
Dominant hand Gcnder "l,j]j::"t Blateralabsenr 
uYCrAll atrs€nt present 
Right M 
(I'7 .68Ea 
(t | .4Eo) 
(ti .r4Eo) 
(27 .t+a/o) 
(33.4'7 ak) 
3 L6 
2't 1 
(5'7 .05sc) 
(s5;7 ta/o) 
( 1007o) 
Right + Lefl 
JBMS Joumal ofthc Bahrain Medical Society,April 2008 Vol 20,No.2 7I
Freih Odeh Abu Hassrn, Samir Khaled Jabaili 
2- Left-handed subjects (Table- l) 
In males it is present in 51.4 %o bilaterally, absent 
unilaterally in 22.97o (8.6 % on the right side. 14.3 7o on 
the left side) and 25.7 0/6 bilaterdly absent, while overall 
absence in 48,6'/o. ln females it is present bilaterally in 
60%, absent unilaterally in ll.4'/o ( 5.7 % on the right 
side, 5.7 % on the left side), and 28.6 % bilaterally absent, 
with ovenll absence beir.g 40o/o. Bilateral absence in the 
left-handed is more common than unilateral absence, 
but statistically not significant, (p:0.1542). The overall 
absence in left-handed subjects is nore common than 
in the right-handed but this is statistically insignificant. 
(p = 0.3139). Bilateral absence in females and males is 
more common than unilateral absence, (p = 0.0013, and 
0.0029), respectively Bilateral absence in femalcs is 
more commorl than in males, but this was not statistically 
significant, (p = 0.0747); while an overall absence in 
females is more than in males and this is statistically 
significant. (.ir = 0.0069). 
The palmaris longus tendon is a slender, fusiform muscle, 
lying on the volar aspect of the forearm medial to the 
flexor carpi radialis']. lt is considered a phylogenetically 
degenerating muscle with a short belly and long tendon {. 
Its superficial location in the forearm, adequate length 
and qidth, make it easily harvested without producing 
any disability and a suitable choice in various surgical 
proceduresr 7. lt is the ideal tendon graft for second-stage 
replacement of the flexor terdons of the handl 
3, in reconstructive tendon transfer for peripheral nerve 
palsies in the upper limb'-rr, as a replacement in €xcision 
arthroplastyr? 13, and pulley reconstruction in fingersr{. It 
is used in ptosis corectionrs, lip reconstruction, p€rioral 
and che€k reconstructionr6. and reconstruction for chronic 
ankle joint, and elbow instability'1r3. 
One ofthe essential land marks for injection in carpal tunnel 
syndromere, and forthe insertion of acupuncture needles:0. 
In humans the absence of the palmaris longus tendon 
appearc to be hereditary with dominant transmission, 
inoomplete penetrance and lateral variabilitya. From the 
results of nunerous previous shldies investigating the 
incidence of palmaris longus tendon absence there were 
wide variations, the bilateral absence occurring in 4.6 
o/o to 43.2 o/o of individuals, while the unilateral absence 
occurring in 3.3 o/o to 20,7 7or l.Absent Palmaris longus 
has been discussed before in many ethnic groups, 
however, in the region of middle east this subject has not 
been raised before.The highest reported total prevalence 
of absence ofthe palmaris longus tendon is seen in the 
Turkish population, beirg 640/0 !t 
Caucasian populations have a 22.4 7o overall prevalence 
ofthe abs€nce ofthe palmaris longus tendon which form 
the second group'r' 'zr. While Asians have a 4.8 7o overall 
prevalence of absence of the palmaris longus tendon 
which forms the lowest group j. 
Our figures form variability (bilateral absence- 23.13%; 
unilateral absence - 15.49 % like most of the previous 
studies of palmaris longus tendon absence in various 
ethnic individualsr { 
'?r. Our middle eastern population has 
the 2"d highest prevalence of absence, 38.62%. Previous 
studies have conflicted with regards to the absence in 
relation to gender and body side3 d )r':r. In our sludy right 
handed females have a higher incidence of absence than 
males (p - 0.0069). (Figure -l) 
Palmaris longu3 in.igh hand€d suti6cts 
Unil.l€ralB:hlllal Ovoldll Elhtorrl€ a!$nc. * pr.sent 
Po3anc6'Ablcnc. olpalmais longut 
Figure.l: Prevalence of palmaris longus absence in relation 
to gender in right halded subjects 
These figures vary from the published reports where in 
males it is more common than in femalesr. Furthermore 
although the overall absence in left-handed subjects was 
more oomnon than in the righGhanded subjects, but 
statistically not significant: (p = 0.3139); (Figure -2). 
perc€nlage olowall ,bsenc. in ralation lo hand domlnrnce 
Abl.ncr !10.00!. 
Sighihaided Leff handed 
Figure-2: Overall prevalence of palmaris longus 
abscnce and hand dominance 
Absent Palmaris longus has been discussed before in 
many ethnic groups, however, in the region of Middle 
East this subject has not been raised before. Affound 
17 JBMS Journal ofrhe Bahrain Medical Society,April 2008 vol 20,No.2
Absence of the Palmaris Longus lbndon in Mid Eastcm Population 
-18.62% of rniddle eastem population had absent palmaris 
longus tendon, which put our population second to the 
Turkish population in tenn of the oyenll prevalence 
of absence of the muscle tendon and higher than the 
Caucasian population. As palmaris longus tendon is an 
essential tendon graft for different surgical specialities , 
it is advisable for clinicians working in the middle east 
region to be aware ofthese findings, which form another 
variations that is different from other ethnic groups. 
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11. Taylor NL, Raj AD. Dick HM, Solomon S. The 
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12. Davis TR, Brady O, Dias JJ. Excision ofthe trapezium 
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13. Minami A, KimuraT, Suzuki K. Long-temr r€sults of 
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14. Kaufmann RA. Pacek CA. Pulley reconstruotion using 
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15. Lam DS, Ng JS, Cheng CP, Li RT. Autogenous 
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material for ptosis correction in children. Am J 
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17. Okuda R, Kinoshita M, Morikawa J, Yasuda T, Abe 
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19. Racasan O, Dubert T. The safest location for steroid 
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20. Li, Z, Wang C. Mak. AT, Chow DK. Effects of 
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21. Ceyhan O, Mavt A .Distribution of agenesis of the 
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JBMS Jounal ofthe Bahrain Medical Sociery,April 2008 Vol20,No.2

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البتر عند الاطفال - الجزء1 - Amputation in children -1 - البروفيسور فريح ابوح...
مستوى البتر في الاطراف - Amputation level - البروفيسور فريح ابوحسان - استشا...
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مستوى البتر في الاطراف - Amputation level - البروفيسور فريح ابوحسان - استشا...
تطويل العظام في الاردن
تطويل العظام في الاردنتطويل العظام في الاردن
تطويل العظام في الاردن
مشاكل البتر- Problems with Amputation - البروفيسور فريح ابوحسان - استشاري جر...
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عيوب لوحة الكتف الخلقيه- Sprengel's deformity - البروفيسور فريح ابوحسان

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Absence of the Palmaris Longus tendon in mid eastern population - البروفيسور فريح ابوحسان – استشاري جراحة العظام في الاردن

  • 1. Absence of the Palmaris Longus Tendon in Mid Eastern Population Frcih Odeh Abu Hassanr FRCS(Eng), FRCS (Tr & Orth) Samir Khaled Jabaitir, FRCS ,,aiL qF ulsJl lrr tLL! # -rill i$!-J dar+! .^.d', r.lrtlt q-t-jt aL:Jl rj's'j ,+lriJ e-l-.,pll o:a -i.t6i ;r-ilrall . t-r!t jJ,,ill pj-er J*!^: 4)- 6-77.* C.rl-.:l *r"' (,aul 510 .-r-61 510) LFii 1020 L'^i i : a!-Flr rlvll & .crl1j- iX.9.r..r.le 4JjrJYl a..-.lJl ;,ii*. # dJ"+ill e--l-+ fi-l oi eLbJi i--l-,;+ e-J # Zg.:S o,l r' LPI .1 rJ o"l) gu-)r p1r- f .C-il J.L. ri e" 4+qJl &Yl 4'iJli" a:-rlJt 4iiJtl., 'Jii &:6 c.rp !F-nl .crttl- t--aryt .J*J ( 14.0 eLJl :j'-j p.rc # .% 38.62 "L- d$l Jl ors.lJ + # rlrUt 4rsljl 4L'll J-51 :5j p.rc e*S :6.t:jlt d,*l (0.0002 :6) .0.$L ,.rtJl 'J!1 fai' cils JrJl rFlr '1)l -ic o:.rl3ll '111 .J. JKI ,rl+ll q/ 4l3tll 41-1-,11 (0.0069 :O) .J,6!l o" Jisl ,iuil $" 4rUl e5ljl aI;,Jl .rj;.e zro otc-r^+ LF o-)..j$JlJrjiill j tl-!J)l dD++J.'JJ lisi, Jtll*JYl 6-.;,dl uls-.ljc iJl:Jl pt5-.1!t: 6Eii..!l !^ ,jllJill r! 4:nlll 4Jj!l # 4;jl.!Cl !-+l u+lj !-r)l ,j>:Jt Ots- *JL dJf *b .r)-c' 4.ifnJl dlJpYl ai5'ljl .{.!.a,Jl rFJ ee dt efolJ -.):!i1j drli 4.'j- L-sl dr)Y: 51) .n'!j'ut r5tjt 4l;Jl :js3 p:c Jt"+l c+- +&lf j..1'rr'Y <1"+ ue" d*:tll 45ljl 41,-bJl t:; (0.632:rrr) oslJl (l; !.tJl rl Ji'rll ':lt ,,/ aJUt .rrjJill or+i llJr slo ;js'l gl Ja-";!l ill d OJtr.'r Jril ol-'t)l e*-.iJr .4.ilji.Jl drrrlJ+ll o. . rrjl5J|3 ,e!-.rl ,jr ,>r e+*I; .alrtll a5ljl 4-LJlJir scruJsll 61,:L Abstract Objectivet Determine the incidence ofthe absence ofthe palmaris longus tendon in the middle eastern population with relation to gender, hand dominance. Setting: Orthopaedic department, Plastia and reconstructive surgery department Jordan University Hospital -Amman Methods: Between September 2004 and August 2007, we exam ined 1,020 Jordanian subjects, (5 l0 men, 5 10 women) aged between six and 77 years (Mean 29.35 years) for the absence of Palmaris longus tendon. The examination was done using the usual method of detection by firm opposition ofthe thumb to little.finger with slight wrist flexion. All statistical analyses werc canied out using the statistical software programme SPSS (Version l4). Results: In right-handed subjects bilateral absence was more common than unilateral absence, (p = 0.0002).Bilateral absence in females and males was more common than unilateral absence, (p = 0.0013, and 0.0029), respectively.Overall absence in females was more common than for males, (2 = 0.0069). Conclusions: Ourfigures form another variability as the reported literatufe regarding the unilateral and bilateral absence, furthermore this put middle eastern population comes second to the Turkish population in term ofthe overall prevalence ofabsence and higher than the Cauoasian population. There is no statistical significance between the dominant hand and the absent palmaris longus, (p - 0.632l. Palmaris longus tendon is an essential tendon graft for different surgical specialities. lt is advisable forclinicians working in the middle east region to be aware ofthese findings. Key words: Palmaris longus tendon, Tendon graft, Middle East, Caucasian i Dcpanment of Orlhopcdics and Plastic Surgery, Jordan University Hospital. Anman - Jordan. Ernail: frcih(O 70 JBMS Joumal ofthe Bahrain Medical Society,April 2008 Vol20,No.2
  • 2. Absence oflhe Palmaris Lon8us Tendon ir Mid Eastern Populntion lntroduction The palmaris longus tendon is one of the accessory tendons in the body and having a limired function, its absence produces no disability r':. It is well-known that unilateral or bilateral absence is commonrr, and subjectto racial variations and anomaliest 6. There is peNistent conflict in the literature with regard to the incidence in relation to gender and body side r'', ln this study, we have tied to find a significalt difference between palmaris longus tendon absence, g€nder and hand dominance in a sample group of middle eastern population .We lhen reviewed the literature regarding the surgical uses ofthe palmaris longus tendon. Patients and Methods Anound, 1,020 Jordanian subjects (510 males, 510 females) aged between six and 77 yearc were studied prospectively by the authors oyer a three-year period. Individuals with a history of old trauma or abnormality of the upper limbs were excluded. The standard method ofexamination for palmaris longus was used and entailed inspection of both volar aspects of distal forearms and wrists at rest, looking for the palmaris longus tendon jusl ulnar to the flexor carpi radialis tendon, then the subject was asked to do firm opposition of the thumb to the little finger, followed by gradual flexion of the wrist joints to about twenty degrees. Ifthe tendon was not visualized or palpable, it was considered absent.Patient gender, age, the presence or absence ofthe tendon for both sides and hand dominance was recorded on the check list Statistical analysis All statistical alalysesw€re carriedout using the statistical software programme SPSS (Version l4).We analysed the relationship between tendon absence, gender and hand dominance.The Pearson chi-square test a I value < 0.05 was considered significant. The z-test for differences of proponions was used (c = 0.05) Results Out of the total subjects, palmaris longus tendon was present bilaterally in 61.37 /', absent bilaterally in 23.13%, and unilaterally in 15.49 % with an overall total absence of38.62 % in one and both hands. l- Right-handed subjects (Table-l ) ln males it is present in 66.5 o/. bilaterally, absent unilaterally in l3o/. (6.13 % on the right side, 6.3 % on the left side) and 20.42 o/. bilaterclly absent with overall absence 33.47 %o.While in females it is present in 57.05 % bilaterally, absent unilaterally in 17.6E% ( 9.68 % on the right side, 8yo on the left side) and 25.26 o/o bilaterally absent with overall absence 42.94 o/o. ln right-handed subjects bilateral absence more common tlran unilateml absence. (p = 0.0002). Thble-l; The incidence of palmajis tendon absence in relation to gender and dominant hand Dominant hand Gcnder "l,j]j::"t Blateralabsenr Bilatcral uYCrAll atrs€nt present Right M Left F Totat M F Total Totol 62 (t3.Osqa 84 (I'7 .68Ea t46 (ts.36c/o) 8 (22.9sa) (t | .4Eo) 12 (ti .r4Eo) 158 (r5.49c/o) 9-1 (20.a2so) 120 (2s.26ca) 217 (22.84Co) 9 (25.1Eo l0 (28.6Eo l9 (27 .t+a/o) 236 (23.r3o/o) t59 (33.4'7 ak) 204 (42.94Vo) 363 G8.2ta/. l'l (a8.6/o T4 (4O.Oca) 31 (44.28c/a) 394 (38.62q") 3 L6 (66.s2o/o) 2't 1 (5'7 .05sc) 58? 6t.tah 18 (51.4o/o) 2l 60.0Ea 39 (s5;7 ta/o) 626 (61.31o/o) 4'15 (tooo/a) 4',75 (1ooEc) 950 (to0a/a) t) (IooEc) J) (to0Ea) '70 (t00Ea 1020 ( 1007o) Right + Lefl JBMS Joumal ofthc Bahrain Medical Society,April 2008 Vol 20,No.2 7I
  • 3. Freih Odeh Abu Hassrn, Samir Khaled Jabaili 2- Left-handed subjects (Table- l) In males it is present in 51.4 %o bilaterally, absent unilaterally in 22.97o (8.6 % on the right side. 14.3 7o on the left side) and 25.7 0/6 bilaterdly absent, while overall absence in 48,6'/o. ln females it is present bilaterally in 60%, absent unilaterally in ll.4'/o ( 5.7 % on the right side, 5.7 % on the left side), and 28.6 % bilaterally absent, with ovenll absence beir.g 40o/o. Bilateral absence in the left-handed is more common than unilateral absence, but statistically not significant, (p:0.1542). The overall absence in left-handed subjects is nore common than in the right-handed but this is statistically insignificant. (p = 0.3139). Bilateral absence in females and males is more common than unilateral absence, (p = 0.0013, and 0.0029), respectively Bilateral absence in femalcs is more commorl than in males, but this was not statistically significant, (p = 0.0747); while an overall absence in females is more than in males and this is statistically significant. (.ir = 0.0069). Discussion The palmaris longus tendon is a slender, fusiform muscle, lying on the volar aspect of the forearm medial to the flexor carpi radialis']. lt is considered a phylogenetically degenerating muscle with a short belly and long tendon {. Its superficial location in the forearm, adequate length and qidth, make it easily harvested without producing any disability and a suitable choice in various surgical proceduresr 7. lt is the ideal tendon graft for second-stage replacement of the flexor terdons of the handl 3, in reconstructive tendon transfer for peripheral nerve palsies in the upper limb'-rr, as a replacement in €xcision arthroplastyr? 13, and pulley reconstruction in fingersr{. It is used in ptosis corectionrs, lip reconstruction, p€rioral and che€k reconstructionr6. and reconstruction for chronic ankle joint, and elbow instability'1r3. One ofthe essential land marks for injection in carpal tunnel syndromere, and forthe insertion of acupuncture needles:0. In humans the absence of the palmaris longus tendon appearc to be hereditary with dominant transmission, inoomplete penetrance and lateral variabilitya. From the results of nunerous previous shldies investigating the incidence of palmaris longus tendon absence there were wide variations, the bilateral absence occurring in 4.6 o/o to 43.2 o/o of individuals, while the unilateral absence occurring in 3.3 o/o to 20,7 7or l.Absent Palmaris longus has been discussed before in many ethnic groups, however, in the region of middle east this subject has not been raised before.The highest reported total prevalence of absence ofthe palmaris longus tendon is seen in the Turkish population, beirg 640/0 !t . Caucasian populations have a 22.4 7o overall prevalence ofthe abs€nce ofthe palmaris longus tendon which form the second group'r' 'zr. While Asians have a 4.8 7o overall prevalence of absence of the palmaris longus tendon which forms the lowest group j. Our figures form variability (bilateral absence- 23.13%; unilateral absence - 15.49 % like most of the previous studies of palmaris longus tendon absence in various ethnic individualsr { '?r. Our middle eastern population has the 2"d highest prevalence of absence, 38.62%. Previous studies have conflicted with regards to the absence in relation to gender and body side3 d )r':r. In our sludy right handed females have a higher incidence of absence than males (p - 0.0069). (Figure -l) Palmaris longu3 in.igh hand€d suti6cts Unil.l€ralB:hlllal Ovoldll Elhtorrl€ a!$nc. * pr.sent Po3anc6'Ablcnc. olpalmais longut Figure.l: Prevalence of palmaris longus absence in relation to gender in right halded subjects These figures vary from the published reports where in males it is more common than in femalesr. Furthermore although the overall absence in left-handed subjects was more oomnon than in the righGhanded subjects, but statistically not significant: (p = 0.3139); (Figure -2). perc€nlage olowall ,bsenc. in ralation lo hand domlnrnce d 16.00% 11.00s 42.NX Abl.ncr !10.00!. 38.00% 30.00$ 34.009{ Sighihaided Leff handed Domlndilh&d Figure-2: Overall prevalence of palmaris longus abscnce and hand dominance Conclusion Absent Palmaris longus has been discussed before in many ethnic groups, however, in the region of Middle East this subject has not been raised before. Affound 17 JBMS Journal ofrhe Bahrain Medical Society,April 2008 vol 20,No.2
  • 4. Absence of the Palmaris Longus lbndon in Mid Eastcm Population -18.62% of rniddle eastem population had absent palmaris longus tendon, which put our population second to the Turkish population in tenn of the oyenll prevalence of absence of the muscle tendon and higher than the Caucasian population. As palmaris longus tendon is an essential tendon graft for different surgical specialities , it is advisable for clinicians working in the middle east region to be aware ofthese findings, which form another variations that is different from other ethnic groups. References l. Sebastin SJ. Lim AT, Lim lJ, Bee wH, Wong TM, Methil BV Does the absence of the palmaris longus affect grip and pinch strenglh. J Hand Surg. 2005; 30: 406-408. 2. Snell R S Clinical anatomy, 7th edn. Lippincon Williams and Wilkins Churchill Livingstone. 2004; pp 522. 3. Sebastin SJ, Puhaindran ME, Lim AT, Lim IJ, Bee WH. The prevalence of absence of the palmaris Iongus - a study in Chinese population and reyiew of the literature. J Hand S,$9.2005;30:.525 27. 4. Thompson NW Mockford BJ, Cran GW. Absence ofthe palmaris longus muscle: a population sludy. Ulster Medicaf Journal 2001; 7 0: 22-24. 5. Koo CC, Roberts AH. The palmaris longus tendon. Another variation in its anatomy. J Hand Srg. 1997, 22:138-39. 6. Schuurman A H, Ciles AP Revened palmaris longus muscle on MRI: report of four cases Eur Radiol. 2000, l0: 1242- 44. 7. Pulvertaft RG Tendon graft for flexor tendon injuries in the fingers and thumb . J Bone Joint Surg 1956; 38: 175-94. 8. Unglaub F.. Bultmann C, ReiterA. Hahn P Two staged reconstruction for flexor pollicis longus tendon . J Hand Surg. 2006; 3l:432 35. 9. Foucher G, Malizos C, Sammut D, Braun FM, Michon J. Primarl. palmaris longus transfer as an opponensplasty in carpal tunnel release. A series of 73 cases. J Hand Surg. l99l; 16:56-60. 10. Ropars M, Dreano T, Siret B Belot N, Langlais n Long term results of tendon transfers in radial and poslenor interosseous nerve paralysis J Hand Surg. 2006; 3l: 502-506 11. Taylor NL, Raj AD. Dick HM, Solomon S. The correction of ulnar claw fingers: a follow-up study comparing the extensor-to-flexor with the palmaris longus 4-tailed tendon transfer in patients with leprosy. J Hand Surg . 2004; 29'.595-604. 12. Davis TR, Brady O, Dias JJ. Excision ofthe trapezium for osteoarthritis of the fapeziometacarpal joint: A study of the benent of ligament reconstruction or tendon intc.position. J Hand Surg. 2004: 29:1069-?7. 13. Minami A, KimuraT, Suzuki K. Long-temr r€sults of Kienbock's disease treated by triscaphe arthrodesis and excisional arthroplasty with a coiled palmaris longus tendon J Hand Surg. 1994i I9t219-28. 14. Kaufmann RA. Pacek CA. Pulley reconstruotion using palmaris longus autograft after repeat trigger release. J Hand Surg.2006; ll:285 87. 15. Lam DS, Ng JS, Cheng CP, Li RT. Autogenous palmaris longus tendon as frontalis suspension material for ptosis correction in children. Am J Ophthalmol. 1998;126 :109- 15. 16. Jeng SF, Kuo YR, Wei FC, Su Cl Chien CY Total lower lip reconstruction with a composite ndial forearm-palmaris longus tendon flap: a clinical series. Plast Reconstr Suf. 2004: ll3:19-23. 17. Okuda R, Kinoshita M, Morikawa J, Yasuda T, Abe M. Arthroscopic findings in chronic lateral ankle instability. Do focal chondral lesions influence the results ofligament reaonstruction? Am J Sports M€d. 2005:33: 35-42. 18. Nestor BJ, O'Driscoll SW Marrey BF. Liganentous reconstruction for posterolateral rotatory instability of the elbow J Bone Joint Surg. 1992:, 74:1235-41- 19. Racasan O, Dubert T. The safest location for steroid injection in the treatment ofcarpal tunnel sytrdrome. J Hand Surg. 2005; 301412-14. 20. Li, Z, Wang C. Mak. AT, Chow DK. Effects of acupuncture on heart rate variability in normal subjects under fatigue and non fatigue state. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2005; 94163340. 21. Ceyhan O, Mavt A .Distribution of agenesis of the palmaris longus muscle in l2-18 year old age groups. lndian J ofMed Sciences. 1997;51: 156 60. 22. Vanderhooft E. The frequency of and relatiomhip between the palmaris longus and plantaris tendons. Am J ofOrthopaedics. 1996 25:38-41. 23. Wehbe MA.TeDdon graft donor sites. J Hand Surg 1992]'17 : | 130-32. 24. ReimannAF, Daseler EH, Anson BJ, Beaton LE . The palmaris longus muscle and tcndon; a study of 1600 extremities. Anatomica Record, 1944; 89: 495-505. JBMS Jounal ofthe Bahrain Medical Sociery,April 2008 Vol20,No.2