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- Articulación del tobillo = Ankle Joint
- Exploración = Physical Examination
- Diagnóstico = Diagnosis
- Terapia manipulativa = Musculoskeletal Manipulations
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(“Physycal Examination” OR Diagnosis
OR “Musclesketal Manipulations”) AND
“Ankle Joint”
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1. Switaj PJ, Mendoza M, Kadakia AR. Acute and Chronic Injuries
to the Syndesmosis. Clin Sports Med. 2015 Oct;34(4):643–77.
2. Davenport TE, Reischl SF, Sungkarat S, Cozby J, Meyer L,
Fisher BE. Alteration in corticospinal excitability, talocrural joint range of
motion, and lower extremity function following manipulation in non-
disabled individuals. Orthop Phys Ther Pract . 2013 Jun;25(2):97–102
3. Jedynak T. An introduction to the principles of Foot Mobilisation
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4. Kim J-W, Kwon Y, Kim Y-M, Chung H-Y, Eom G-M, Jun J-H, et
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5. Baumbach S, Braunstein M, Seeliger F, Borgmann L, Böcker W,
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decision pathway for diagnosing impaired ankle dorsiflexion and M.
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6. Croy T, Koppenhaver S, Saliba S, Hertel J. Anterior Talocrural
Joint Laxity: Diagnostic Accuracy of the Anterior Drawer Test of the Ankle.
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7. Bitterman A, Alland J, Lin J, Lee S. Assessment steps and
treatment tips for ankle arthritis. J Fam Pract. 2017 May;66(5):288–92.
8. Elbaz A, Magram-Flohr I, Segal G, Mor A, Debi R, Kalichman L.
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9. TM A, HY L. Atypical presentations of common peroneal
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10. Beumer A. Chronic instability of the anterior syndesmosis of the
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11. Fraser JJ, Feger MA, Hertel J. CLINICAL COMMENTARY ON
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14. Senécal I, Richer N. Conservative management of posterior
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16. Hoch MC, Mullineaux DR, Andreatta RD, English RA, Medina-
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With Chronic Ankle Instability. J Sport Rehabil. 2014 Feb;23(1):18–26.
17. Schaefer JL, Sandrey MA. Effects of a 4-Week Dynamic-
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18. Silva RD, Teixeira LM, Moreira TS, Teixeira-Salmela LF, de
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19. Messerli B, Harrast M. Evaluation and treatment of anterolateral
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20. Houston MN, McKeon PO, Hoch MC. Foot and Ankle Ability
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22. MV de S, Venturini C, LM T, MH C, MA de R. Force-
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23. Kirby KA. Forum. Equinus Deformity: Too Many Questions, Not
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24. Leeuw P, Golanó P, Blankevoort L, Sierevelt I, Dijk C, de Leeuw
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study with surgical implications. Knee Surgery, Sport Traumatol Arthrosc.
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25. Pertille A, Macedo AB, Dibai Filho AV, Rêgo EM, Arrais LD de F,
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Talocrural Joint on the Balance of Elderly Women. J Manip Physiol Ther.
2012 Sep;35(7):549–55.
26. Passmore E, Sangeux M. Improving repeatability of setting
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27. Winter T, Beck H, Walther A, Zwipp H, Rein S. Influence of a
proprioceptive training on functional ankle stability in young speed
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28. Ruhlen RL, Snider EJ, Sargentini NJ, Worthington BD, Singh
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mobility after joint injury in a rat model. JAOA J Am Osteopath Assoc.
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29. Smith DH, Hoch JM, Facchini SJ, Hoch MC. Intra-rater and
Inter-rater Reliability and Responsiveness of the Posterior Talar Glide
Test. Athl Train Sport Heal Care J Pract Clin. 2015 Jan;7(1):23–8.
30. Jayaseelan DJ, Post AA, Mischke JJ, Sault JD. JOINT
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31. Bouché RT, Richie D, Garrick JG. Lateral ankle instability. Foot
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32. Shore BJ, Kramer DE. Management of Syndesmotic Ankle
Injuries in Children and Adolescents. J Pediatr Orthop. 2016 Jun
35. Berkowitz Y, Mushtaq N, Amiras D. MRI of the tibioastragalus
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36. Houseworth JD. New Method of Diagnosis for Chronic Ankle
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Radiography, and Stress Ultrasound... [including commentary by Jon D.
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37. Lee KT, Park YU, Jegal H, Park JW, Choi JP, Kim JS. New
method of diagnosis for chronic ankle instability: comparison of manual
anterior drawer test, stress radiography and stress ultrasound. Knee
Surgery, Sport Traumatol Arthrosc. 2014 Jul;22(7):1701–7.
38. Schneider W, Jurenitsch S. Normative data for the American
Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society ankle-hindfoot, midfoot, hallux and
lesser toes clinical rating system. Int Orthop. 2016 Feb;40(2):301–6.
39. Wright CJ, Linens SW. Patient-Reported Efficacy 6 Months After
a 4-Week Rehabilitation Intervention in Individuals With Chronic Ankle
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40. Wikstrom EA, McKeon PO. Predicting Manual Therapy
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Self-Reported Function. J Athl Train (Allen Press. 2017 Apr;52(4):325–31.
41. Lin C-Y, Shau Y-W, Wang C-L, Chai H-M, Kang J-H. Quantitative
evaluation of the viscoelastic properties of the ankle joint complex in
patients suffering from ankle sprain by the anterior drawer test. Knee
Surgery, Sport Traumatol Arthrosc. 2013 Jun;21(6):1396–403.
42. Powden CJ, Hoch JM, Hoch MC. Rehabilitation and
Improvement of Health-Related Quality-of-Life Detriments in Individuals
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43. Venturini C, MM P, GH P, MH C, ML F, MA DR. Study of the
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44. TG R, Blumke R, Richardson B, Truter P. Telerehabilitation
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45. Powden CJ, Hogan KK, Wikstrom EA, Hoch MC. The Effect of 2
Forms of Talocrural Joint Traction on Dorsiflexion Range of Motion and
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46. Papaliodis DN, Vanushkina MA, Richardson NG, DiPreta JA.
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47. Ryan LTCP, Hills MAJC, Chang J, Wilson CPTD. The Lambda
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48. Dunlap BJ, Ferkel RD, Applegate GR. The “LIFT” lesion: lateral
inverted osteochondral fracture of the talus. Arthrosc J Arthrosc Relat
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49. Terada M, Pietrosimone BG, Gribble PA. Therapeutic
Interventions for Increasing Ankle Dorsiflexion After Ankle Sprain: A
Systematic Review. J Athl Train (Allen Press. 2013 Sep;48(5):696–709.
50. Cho J, Lee D, Song H, Bang J, Lee K, Park Y, et al. Value of
stress ultrasound for the diagnosis of chronic ankle instability compared
to manual anterior drawer test, stress radiography, magnetic resonance
imaging, and arthroscopy. Knee Surgery, Sport Traumatol Arthrosc. 2016
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CINAHL search on ankle joint examination, diagnosis and manipulation

  • 1. TAREA V. Búsqueda en CINAHL Competencias Informacionales en Ciencias de la Salud. Máster Universitario Nuevas Tendencias Asistenciales en Ciencias de la salud. UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA. CARMEN JIMÉNEZ CARRIÓN
  • 2. Tarea 1. Busca esa información en la base de datos CINAHL tanto en la búsqueda libre como en los descriptores. “Busca información sobre la Exploración, diagnóstico y terapia manipulativa en la articulación del tobillo 2. Limita la búsqueda a publicaciones arbitradas publicadas a partir de 2010 3. De la búsqueda por descriptores, exporta dichas referencias a Mendeley y realiza la bibliografía en formato Vancouver 4. Crea una alerta semanal para ir recibiendo las novedades sobre el tema. 5. Publica el resultado y todo el proceso de realización de la tarea en tu blog.
  • 4. Accedeos a la Biblioteca de la US para entrar a CINAHL, buscando la base de datos mediante el Catálogo FAMA.
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  • 6. Buscamos en DeCS los descriptores necesarios para crear la búsqueda en inglés. Vamos a usar los siguientes términos: - Articulación del tobillo = Ankle Joint - Exploración = Physical Examination - Diagnóstico = Diagnosis - Terapia manipulativa = Musculoskeletal Manipulations
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9. Estrategia de búsqueda utilizada: (“Physycal Examination” OR Diagnosis OR “Musclesketal Manipulations”) AND “Ankle Joint”
  • 10.
  • 12. Búsqueda con descriptores en CINAHL. La búsqueda tnen que empezar con los buscadores que vayan relacionados con el operador booleano OR.
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  • 15. Realizamos la primera búsqueda, combinando la selección de los descriptores con O (OR) y clicamos en “Bases de datos de investigación”. Esa primera búsqueda quedará guardada en el historial de búsqueda.
  • 16. Realizamos la búsqueda anterior, esta vez con el término “Ankle Joint”.
  • 17. Accedemos al Historial de búsqueda. Seleccionamos las 2 que nos interesan y clicamos “Buscar con AND” para relacionarlas y obtener una tercera búsqueda. (S7 AND S6).
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  • 19. Una vez aplicados los filtros, exportamos los resultados y creamos una bibliografía clicando en “compartir”,
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  • 21. Seleccionamos el formato RIS y clicamos en “Guardar”. Importamos a Mendeley para crear nuestra bibliografía.
  • 22. En Mendeley, clicamos en “Add – Add files” y seleccionamos el documento RIS. Luego clicamos en “View - Citation style – Vancouver”, para cambiar en formato de citación.
  • 23. Bibliografía 1. Switaj PJ, Mendoza M, Kadakia AR. Acute and Chronic Injuries to the Syndesmosis. Clin Sports Med. 2015 Oct;34(4):643–77. 2. Davenport TE, Reischl SF, Sungkarat S, Cozby J, Meyer L, Fisher BE. Alteration in corticospinal excitability, talocrural joint range of motion, and lower extremity function following manipulation in non- disabled individuals. Orthop Phys Ther Pract . 2013 Jun;25(2):97–102 3. Jedynak T. An introduction to the principles of Foot Mobilisation Techniques. Pod Now. 2012 Jan;15(1):10–3. 4. Kim J-W, Kwon Y, Kim Y-M, Chung H-Y, Eom G-M, Jun J-H, et al. Analysis of lower limb bradykinesia in Parkinson’s disease patients. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2012 Apr;12(2):257–64. 5. Baumbach S, Braunstein M, Seeliger F, Borgmann L, Böcker W, Polzer H, et al. Ankle dorsiflexion: what is normal? Development of a decision pathway for diagnosing impaired ankle dorsiflexion and M. gastrocnemius tightness. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2016 Sep;136(9):1203–11. 6. Croy T, Koppenhaver S, Saliba S, Hertel J. Anterior Talocrural Joint Laxity: Diagnostic Accuracy of the Anterior Drawer Test of the Ankle. J Orthop Sport Phys Ther. 2013 Dec;43(12):911–9. 7. Bitterman A, Alland J, Lin J, Lee S. Assessment steps and treatment tips for ankle arthritis. J Fam Pract. 2017 May;66(5):288–92.
  • 24. Bibliografía 8. Elbaz A, Magram-Flohr I, Segal G, Mor A, Debi R, Kalichman L. Association Between Knee Osteoarthritis and Functional Changes in Ankle Joint and Achilles Tendon. J Foot Ankle Surg . 2017 Mar;56(2):238–41. 9. TM A, HY L. Atypical presentations of common peroneal neuropathy. PM R J Inj Funct Rehabil . 2012 Jun;4(6):462–5. 10. Beumer A. Chronic instability of the anterior syndesmosis of the ankle: biomechanical, kinematical, radiological and clinical aspects. Acta Orthop. 2007 Oct;78:1–36. 11. Fraser JJ, Feger MA, Hertel J. CLINICAL COMMENTARY ON MIDFOOT AND FOREFOOT INVOLVEMENT IN LATERAL ANKLE SPRAINS AND CHRONIC ANKLE INSTABILITY. PART 2: CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2016 Dec 15;11(7):1191– 203. 12. Parasher RK, Nagy DR, Em AL, Phillips HJ, Mc Donough AL. Clinical measurement of mechanical ankle instability. Man Ther [Internet]. 2012 Oct;17(5):470–3. 13. Westhoff B, Martiny F, Reith A, Willers R, Krauspe R. Computerized gait analysis in Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease-Analysis of the sagittal plane. Gait Posture. 2012 Apr;35(4):541–6. 14. Senécal I, Richer N. Conservative management of posterior
  • 25. Bibliografía 15. Sman AD, Hiller CE, Refshauge KM. Diagnostic accuracy of clinical tests for diagnosis of ankle syndesmosis injury: a systematic review. Br J Sports. 2013 Jul;47(10):620–8. 16. Hoch MC, Mullineaux DR, Andreatta RD, English RA, Medina- McKeon JM, Mattacola CG, et al. Effect of a 2-Week Joint-Mobilization Intervention on Single-Limb Balance and Ankle Arthrokinematics in Those With Chronic Ankle Instability. J Sport Rehabil. 2014 Feb;23(1):18–26. 17. Schaefer JL, Sandrey MA. Effects of a 4-Week Dynamic- Balance-Training Program Supplemented With Graston Instrument- Assisted Soft-Tissue Mobilization for Chronic Ankle Instability. J Sport Rehabil. 2012 Nov;21(4):313–26. 18. Silva RD, Teixeira LM, Moreira TS, Teixeira-Salmela LF, de Resende MA. Effects of Anteroposterior Talus Mobilization on Range of Motion, Pain, and Functional Capacity in Participants With Subacute and Chronic Ankle Injuries: A Controlled Trial. J Manip Physiol Ther. 2017 May;40(4):273–83. 19. Messerli B, Harrast M. Evaluation and treatment of anterolateral ankle impingement syndrome. PM R J Inj Funct Rehabil. 2011 Aug;3(8):776–80. 20. Houston MN, McKeon PO, Hoch MC. Foot and Ankle Ability Measure Scores in Patients With Chronic Ankle Instability Following Joint
  • 26. Bibliografía 21. OA A, AH M, Gans I, JJ S, LS L, KL W. Foot and ankle infections: diagnosis and management. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2012 Nov;20(11):684–93. 22. MV de S, Venturini C, LM T, MH C, MA de R. Force- displacement relationship during anteroposterior mobilization of the ankle joint. J Manip Physiol Ther. 2008 May;31(4):285–92. 23. Kirby KA. Forum. Equinus Deformity: Too Many Questions, Not Enough Answers. Pod Today. 2017 Dec;30(12):58. 24. Leeuw P, Golanó P, Blankevoort L, Sierevelt I, Dijk C, de Leeuw PAJ, et al. Identification of the superficial peroneal nerve: Anatomical study with surgical implications. Knee Surgery, Sport Traumatol Arthrosc. 2016 Apr;24(4):1381–5. 25. Pertille A, Macedo AB, Dibai Filho AV, Rêgo EM, Arrais LD de F, Negri JR, et al. Immediate Effects of Bilateral Grade III Mobilization of the Talocrural Joint on the Balance of Elderly Women. J Manip Physiol Ther. 2012 Sep;35(7):549–55. 26. Passmore E, Sangeux M. Improving repeatability of setting volume origin and coordinate system for 3D gait analysis. Gait Posture. 2014 Feb;39(2):831–3.
  • 27. Bibliografía 27. Winter T, Beck H, Walther A, Zwipp H, Rein S. Influence of a proprioceptive training on functional ankle stability in young speed skaters – a prospective randomised study. J Sports Sci. 2015 Apr 15;33(8):831–40. 28. Ruhlen RL, Snider EJ, Sargentini NJ, Worthington BD, Singh VK, Pazdernik VK, et al. Influence of manual therapy on functional mobility after joint injury in a rat model. JAOA J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2013 Oct;113(10):738–52. 29. Smith DH, Hoch JM, Facchini SJ, Hoch MC. Intra-rater and Inter-rater Reliability and Responsiveness of the Posterior Talar Glide Test. Athl Train Sport Heal Care J Pract Clin. 2015 Jan;7(1):23–8. 30. Jayaseelan DJ, Post AA, Mischke JJ, Sault JD. JOINT MOBILIZATION IN THE MANAGEMENT OF PERSISTENT INSERTIONAL ACHILLES TENDINOPATHY: A CASE REPORT. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2017 Feb;12(1):133–43. 31. Bouché RT, Richie D, Garrick JG. Lateral ankle instability. Foot Ankle Spec. 2013 Jun;6(3):206–13. 32. Shore BJ, Kramer DE. Management of Syndesmotic Ankle Injuries in Children and Adolescents. J Pediatr Orthop. 2016 Jun 2;36:S11–4. 33. CASHLEY D. MANIPULATION OF THE FOOT AND ANKLE.
  • 28. Bibliografía 35. Berkowitz Y, Mushtaq N, Amiras D. MRI of the tibioastragalus anticus of Gruber muscle: a rare accessory muscle and normal anatomical variant. Skeletal Radiol . 2016 Jun;45(6):847–9. 36. Houseworth JD. New Method of Diagnosis for Chronic Ankle Instability Comparison of Manual Anterior Drawer Test, Stress Radiography, and Stress Ultrasound... [including commentary by Jon D. Houseworth]. Foot Ankle Quarterly--The Semin J. 2016;27(2):86–8. 37. Lee KT, Park YU, Jegal H, Park JW, Choi JP, Kim JS. New method of diagnosis for chronic ankle instability: comparison of manual anterior drawer test, stress radiography and stress ultrasound. Knee Surgery, Sport Traumatol Arthrosc. 2014 Jul;22(7):1701–7. 38. Schneider W, Jurenitsch S. Normative data for the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society ankle-hindfoot, midfoot, hallux and lesser toes clinical rating system. Int Orthop. 2016 Feb;40(2):301–6. 39. Wright CJ, Linens SW. Patient-Reported Efficacy 6 Months After a 4-Week Rehabilitation Intervention in Individuals With Chronic Ankle Instability. J Sport Rehabil . 2017 Jul;26(4):250–6. 40. Wikstrom EA, McKeon PO. Predicting Manual Therapy Treatment Success in Patients With Chronic Ankle Instability: Improving Self-Reported Function. J Athl Train (Allen Press. 2017 Apr;52(4):325–31.
  • 29. Bibliografía 41. Lin C-Y, Shau Y-W, Wang C-L, Chai H-M, Kang J-H. Quantitative evaluation of the viscoelastic properties of the ankle joint complex in patients suffering from ankle sprain by the anterior drawer test. Knee Surgery, Sport Traumatol Arthrosc. 2013 Jun;21(6):1396–403. 42. Powden CJ, Hoch JM, Hoch MC. Rehabilitation and Improvement of Health-Related Quality-of-Life Detriments in Individuals With Chronic Ankle Instability: A Meta-Analysis. J Athl Train (Allen Press. 2017 Aug;52(8):753–65. 43. Venturini C, MM P, GH P, MH C, ML F, MA DR. Study of the force applied during anteroposterior articular mobilization of the talus and its effect on the dorsiflexion range of motion. J Manip Physiol Ther. 2007 Oct;30(8):593–7. 44. TG R, Blumke R, Richardson B, Truter P. Telerehabilitation mediated physiotherapy assessment of ankle disorders. Physiother Res Int. 2010 Sep;15(3):167–75. 45. Powden CJ, Hogan KK, Wikstrom EA, Hoch MC. The Effect of 2 Forms of Talocrural Joint Traction on Dorsiflexion Range of Motion and Postural Control in Those With Chronic Ankle Instability. J Sport Rehabil. 2017 May;26(3):239–44. 46. Papaliodis DN, Vanushkina MA, Richardson NG, DiPreta JA. The foot and ankle examination. Med Clin North Am. 2014
  • 30. Bibliografía 47. Ryan LTCP, Hills MAJC, Chang J, Wilson CPTD. The Lambda Sign: A New Radiographic Indicator of Latent Syndesmosis Instability. Foot Ankle Int. 2014 Sep;35(9):903–8 48. Dunlap BJ, Ferkel RD, Applegate GR. The “LIFT” lesion: lateral inverted osteochondral fracture of the talus. Arthrosc J Arthrosc Relat Surg. 2013 Nov;29(11):1826–33. 49. Terada M, Pietrosimone BG, Gribble PA. Therapeutic Interventions for Increasing Ankle Dorsiflexion After Ankle Sprain: A Systematic Review. J Athl Train (Allen Press. 2013 Sep;48(5):696–709. 50. Cho J, Lee D, Song H, Bang J, Lee K, Park Y, et al. Value of stress ultrasound for the diagnosis of chronic ankle instability compared to manual anterior drawer test, stress radiography, magnetic resonance imaging, and arthroscopy. Knee Surgery, Sport Traumatol Arthrosc. 2016 Apr;24(4):1022–8.
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