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University of East Anglia
Norwich Business School
Brand and Leadership
7 May 2021
Dr. Fahri Karakas
Dr. Fahri
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 Born and grew up in Turkey – BA and MBA in Istanbul
 PhD at McGill University, Montreal, Canada (2010)
 Research Fellow at the Open University (2010)
 Senior Lecturer in Business and Leadership at
University of East Anglia
 Visiting Lecturer at Mountbatten Institute, London
 Visiting Lecturer at University of Cambridge
(Pembroke-King’s Programme)
 Expert on spirituality in management, published 30+
articles in leading journals
 Interested in creativity, OB, design thinking,
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 Hackathon: Paradigm Shifts
◦ Artificial Intelligence
◦ Metaverse
◦ Crypto, Bitcoin, Blockchain & NFTs
 Exponential Thinking
 Disruption
 Connecting Things Together
 Learning from Inspirational Careers
 Celebrating Weirdness and Failures
 Thinking like an Entrepreneur
 5 Seconds Rule
Puzzles on the
Rate of Change
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 I have 3 small puzzles
for you now.
 Please provide your
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We do live in interesting times. Forget
traditional jobs, job security, upward mobility
 Fortune 500
companies from 1955
vs. 2014.
 What % of them are
still on the list? Any
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We do live in interesting times. Forget
traditional jobs, job security, upward mobility
 89% of Fortune 500
companies from 1955
are not on the list in
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We do live in interesting times. Forget
traditional jobs, job security, upward mobility
 Guess the average
age of a company
listed on the S&P 500
 During 1920s?
 Right now?
Slide 1.12
We do live in interesting times. Forget
traditional jobs, job security, upward mobility
 The average age of a
company listed on the
S&P 500 was:
 67 years old in the 1920s
 Right, now this age is 15
years only and it keeps
Slide 1.13
We do live in interesting times. Forget
traditional jobs, job security, upward mobility
 In 2028, what % of S&P
500 companies will stay
on the current list?
 Any guesses?
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We do live in interesting times. Forget
traditional jobs, job security, upward mobility
 In 2028, 40% of all S&P
500 companies will
disappear from this list.
 60% are expected to
survive the list – although
this figure might fall even
more radically.
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We lived a decade of events in 2020
For many, 2020 felt like five years packed into one…
• Historic pandemic
• Historic social movement (Black Lives Matter)
• Historic stimulus
• Historic wildfires
• Historic election
• Historic stock market high
• Historic technology breakthroughs (Alphafold / GPT-3 /
Quantum Supremacy, etc)
We saw once-in-a-generation events in nearly every sphere of life. Each of these events
rippled throughout society leading to unpredictable second-order effects which upended our
long-held beliefs about media, democracy, business, and citizenship.
We had to fundamentally rethink our lives, relationships, and work.
Here's the thing though… 2020 isn't a temporary blip before things go back to normal. It is
the kickoff to an unprecedented acceleration that few have considered, let alone prepared
If time is like a treadmill, 2020 was running. The near-future will be an all out sprint. How do
we keep up?
Because human biology evolves so slowly we don't notice, ideas (cultures, strategies,
technologies, etc.) evolve so quickly, we can't keep up.
Idea evolution is like biological evolution on steroids.
In other words, in a moment when many are already feeling overwhelmed by change, things
are about to take off even faster.
20 years from now, the rate of change will be 4x what it is now.
Things will keep accelerating from there, and in 40 years, it will be 16x
• 20 years from now, the rate of change will be 4x what is now.
• For someone who is about 40 today, when they're 60 in 2040, the rate of
paradigm change will be 4x what it is now.
• For someone who is 10 today, when they're 60, they'll experience a year of
change in 11 days.
• "We won't experience 100 years of technological advance in the 21st century;
we will witness on the order of 20,000 years of progress or about 1000 times
greater than what was achieved in the twentieth century.” Kurzweil
What We Can Do About Time Acceleration In Our Careers
• "In order to keep up with the world of 2050, you will need not merely to invent
new ideas and products but above all to reinvent yourself again and again."-
Yuval Noah Harari
• We are on the precipice of an era of extreme competition - which means that
the amount and pace of competition will accelerate 4x in the next 20 years.
• If you don't prepare now, you will be progressively outcompeted and
Freaky New World: The World’s First Female AI News
AR Will Spark the Next Big Tech
Platform— Call It Mirrorworld
We are building a 1-to-1 map of almost unimaginable scope. When it's complete, our
physical reality will merge with the digital universe.
Biomedical Advancements & Ever-Smarter Machines
• More and more of the things that used to be science fiction are quickly becoming
science fact. We may soon live in a total nerd utopia. The full list of potential
scientific and technological breakthroughs that could revolutionize how we work (or
if we work at all) is impossibly long. Here are just a few of the possible drivers of
major change that could transform the job markets of the future:
• Human-like robots
• Artificial intelligence (AI)
• Nanotechnology
• Biomedical "miracles"
• Advanced genomics
• 3D printing
• Augmented reality
• The fusion of man and machine
•Choose your top 3 jobs that you would choose
in the future
•Imagine how you will change and transform
and position yourself in the future
Jobs of the Future
Jobs of the Future
• Digital Rehab Counselor: Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the incredible amount of digital information you consume in a
day? Many people do. As more and more of our lives revolve around social media and other online activities, there's a
growing awareness that a lot of us are actually addicted to the technology we use. So one of the top jobs of the future may
involve helping people "detox" from their over-consumption of digital inputs. People with counseling training will likely be
the best-equipped to pursue this type of job.
• Personal Brand Advisor: Even among large, established organizations, hiring freelance professionals for short-term projects
is becoming a pretty big trend that may expand well into the future. In fact, many futurists foresee a time when most jobs
will be done on a temporary contract basis. If that holds true, workers will need to develop great personal brands and put a
lot of effort into constant self-promotion. Personal brand advisors will help their clients establish and maintain public
personas and professional reputations that make them stand apart from the competition.
• Virtual Reality Designer: Most people like to travel and explore places they've never been. However, you don't necessarily
have to physically travel anywhere in order to see and experience new places. Whole virtual worlds are being created, and
the supporting technology will increasingly allow you to interact with it using all of your senses. A lot of VR users might even
form deep relationships with other people's virtual avatars while having adventures that they would never experience in the
real world. As this technology matures, what's real and what's fantasy will start to blur together. Talented VR designers may
become highly sought-after as VR developers race to fill a growing demand for more sophisticated, realistic, and imaginative
virtual experiences.
Jobs of the Future
• Organizational Disrupter: As established companies and other organizations expand, they often lose some of their ability to
innovate. That makes them vulnerable to competition from more nimble startups that frequently aren't so set in their ways.
Since many futurists foresee a coming trend toward smaller, more adaptable organizations, a lot of large companies and non-
profits may want to figure out how to make themselves more like their smaller competitors. The role of a disrupter would be
to introduce a few seemingly chaotic changes in an organization that promote more creativity, risk-taking, collaboration, and
• Personal Education Guide: Education will become much more personalized and even more convenient than today's
programs. Personal education guides may act as coaches and counselors in helping people choose on-demand courses or
designing customized training plans that utilize freelance instructors. And they may provide confirmation that their clients
have successfully completed those courses and earned alternative credentials that more and more employers will recognize
as being valid.
• Brain Implant Specialist: The human brain is incredibly complex, but mankind's understanding of how it works is growing
faster than most of us probably realize. As we combine the rapid advances in neuroscience with the advances in computer
technology, we'll end up with some truly amazing possibilities. Special computer chips may one day be implanted into
people's brains for benefits such as virtual telepathy, memory enhancements, disease management, mood regulation,
paralysis treatments etc.
• Personal Microbiome Manager: As scientists learn more about the many kinds of bacteria that live inside us and on our skin,
they're discovering that these microorganisms may play essential roles in our health and well-being. Having the right
balance of bacteria might be crucial for things like preventing obesity, heart disease, chronic fatigue, and mental health
• Pharmaceutical Artisan: The pharmacy careers of today will probably be around for a long time. But as 3D printing grows
more widespread, it may become possible to quickly produce customized medications for people on an on-demand basis
(rather than giving out mass-produced meds). Artisanal drugs could be developed based on a person's unique genetics,
habits, and medical history. Some pharmaceutical artisans may even create targeted treatments based on a person's own
stem cells.
• End-of-Life Manager or Memorializer: Many people, well in advance of their deaths, will want to plan elaborate memorial
services and celebrations that are more extravagant than the kind offered by most funeral directors today. In addition, laws may
change to give more people the choice to end their lives through voluntary euthanasia, something that itself could become a
specially planned event on the scale of a wedding. That might sound macabre or morally questionable right now, but it could
become a big part of the event planning industry in the future. If so, professionals will be needed who can help coordinate
major end-of-life celebrations and craft engaging tributes about dying individuals' lives and legacies.
• Hyper-Intelligent Transportation Engineer: We're quickly moving toward a future in which humans will no longer be the
operators of transport vehicles. Self-driving cars are only the beginning. A future of fully automated transportation networks
will become reality. A new paradigm of smart roads, vacuum-tube tunnels, maglev trains, and many other advanced
transportation systems could replace our current one.
• Cyborg Designer: By combining the best aspects of a natural organism with those of an advanced robot, it may be possible to
create a new entity that is superior to the sum of its parts. So, in the future, highly creative cyborg designers might be in
demand as humans try to merge themselves with machines in order to transcend their natural limitations. Other non-human
cybernetic organisms may also be developed for use in health care, entertainment, sports, space exploration, and many other
• Robotic or Holographic Avatar Designer: With people spending more of their time in virtual worlds, they might come to be a
little disappointed with the real world. They might want to interact with their virtual friends or significant others without
having to wear their VR gear. Thus, technology may eventually allow those virtual friends to emerge as real-life avatars in
robotic bodies or 3D holograms. In the real world, they could become nearly as common as flesh-and-blood people. But they
will take many different forms, including animals and strange alien-like creatures. Special designers will be needed to help
create custom avatars that are just as appealing or imaginative in the real world as they are in the virtual ones they inhabit.
Jobs of the Future
• Space Tourism Guide: Companies like SpaceX and Virgin Galactic already have plans well underway to commercialize space
travel for the public. In the relatively near future, space tourists may be going into orbit for family holidays, a little adventure, or
even to conduct business. If bases are established on the moon, they may be going there too. Of course, most of us aren't
astronauts. That's why special guides will be needed to help people prepare for space travel and get adjusted to the new
environment once they're in orbit.
• Space Nurse or Physician: Going into outer space presents all kinds of distinct medical challenges. The human body simply isn't
designed for a zero-gravity environment. And it will probably be a long time until we have the practical technology to create
artificial gravity. So space tourists will need to be monitored and, in some cases, treated for conditions such as muscle wasting
or exposure to space radiation. Specialized doctors and nurses will likely be needed for extended stays in space in order to look
after the many ordinary people who will take trips beyond Earth's atmosphere.
• Android Relationship Counselor: We're still a long way off from being able to date robots that have human intelligence. But
some scientists believe that artificial intelligence will eventually advance enough to make that possible. If it happens, the social
ramifications could be enormous. The people who decide to pursue romantic relationships with artificially intelligent robots
will likely need plenty of expert advice in order to navigate complex cultural expectations and steer clear of potential dangers.
That will be especially true if we ever reach the Singularity—the theoretical point in the future when autonomous machines
become more intelligent than humans.
• Mind-Transfer Specialist: Yeah, this occupation sounds far-fetched. But some experts think it could become a reality. Before the
end of this century, it may be possible to upload a human mind to a computer and store it for later transfer back into the same
or different human brain. Some people might even have their minds transferred into clones of themselves, synthetic organisms
with artificial brains, or special cybernetic robots designed to extend their consciousness.
Jobs of the Future
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“Creativity is no longer a luxury. It is
a critical survival skill that we need to
adapt to rapid changes, solve complex
problems, imagine new possibilities,
and navigate uncharted waters ahead
of us.”
Dr. Fahri Karakas
Understanding Exponential Change:
The Wealth of Jeff Bezos
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* Halloween
A blockchain is a
continuously growing list
of records, called blocks,
which are linked and secured
using cryptography. Each
block typically contains
a hash pointer as a link to a
previous block,
a timestamp and transaction
data. By design, a blockchain
is inherently resistant to
modification of the data.”)
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Who is Satoshi Nakamato?
We simply do not know.
Had his/her identity been known, (s)he could be in
Governments, central banks, CIA, and big banks
are after Satoshi Nakamato.
No one owns the Bitcoin network, which means
there’s no way to regulate it.
Blockchain is the tech genie and it is outside
the lamp. No way to prevent it. It will
dominate the world in the upcoming
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A $1,000 dogecoin purchase on Jan. 1,
2021 — at a price of less than a cent
per coin — would be worth $121,052
I have joined BitClout today
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Four Stories of Your Life
Exercise @
Four Stories of
Your Life
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Become A Polymath
Mental Models
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I have recently read:
Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth, and Impact the World–
Peter H Diamandis
• A radical, how-to guide for using exponential technologies,
moonshot thinking, and crowd-powered tools to create
extraordinary wealth while also positively impacting the
lives of billions.
• Part 1: exponential technologies: 3D printing, artificial
intelligence, robotics, networks and sensors, and synthetic
• Part 2: Psychology of Bold: Larry Page, Elon Musk, Richard
Branson, Jeff Bezos, Singularity University, XPRIZE,
Planetary Resources, & Human Longevity, Inc.
• Part 3: incentive competitions, crowdfunding campaigns,
crowd-powered tools.
Spend time every day for your learning and
Share what you learned with friends each
Go out of your comfort zone
Develop new skills – stretch yourself
Solve a challenging issue/problem
Take online courses (MOOCs)
20-30 minutes
Write non-stop about 3 pages
This will be your stream of consciousness
No censor – free writing
You delve into deeper and be more focused
2-3 Hours Every Week
It has to be alone: To be receptive
Be involved in creative activities or arts
Have fun, pursue an interest, get inspired
Record your thoughts, ideas, reflections
Keep a diary about your learning every day
Record and capture ideas as they emerge
Reflect on your learning and how you change
Create new ideas based on what you have read,
researched, and learned
Reflect and seek deeper meaning
Iterate ideas, projects, and solutions
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as a
designer, entrepreneur &
innovator of your own
career, life and
world 83
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Michelangelo finished painting Sistine
Chapel work in 4 years
What will you accomplish in 4 years?
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 A Renaissance PERSON uses both left-brain and right-
brain type of thinking.
 1) curious
 2) risk-taker
 3) creative
 4) has perseverance and self-discipline
 5) has a thirst for knowledge and new experiences
 6) excellence in physical, intellectual, artistic and
social fields, which includes deep expertise in at least
one field and is exceptional in other fields
 7) and most importantly, is always learning
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ALPHAGO Documentary Trailer (on Netflix)
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FAATMAN dominates
every landscape in our
lives — not just tech
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up-46d9ce8523dd (please read this article).
Life Advice:
A Poster Guide
Why You Need To
Create Your Own
He was a lawyer. He started staying up late
between 22.00-02.00 every night and
started writing mystery novels. He
finished writing a book every 6 months. He
is one of the best selling mystery novelists
now and published more than 40 books.
David Baldacci
David Baldacci on Mystery & Thrillers
Super-successful people take a long term view, develop smart
systems of creative work, and they carve out time to create
assets that will make everything enjoyable and profitable.
The strugglers, on the other hand, live from project to project, gig
to gig. They are always too busy or too skint to do the work they
really want to do. It is exhausting and demoralising. They are
• Creating your own assets is a marathon
• You need to create your own game:
Navigate blue oceans, carve out your
own niche, create your own category,
and master& own that category.
• Compound yourself (your skills,
knowledge, networks, and assets) over
the long term.
Focus on Creative Assets, not Career Ladder
• If you are a creator, you can create your own assets. Out of thin air. (Plus imagination and
hard work.)
• Some of these assets generate money directly – like a book, an artwork sold on Etsy, an
app, or an album that can be sold.
• Others create non-financial rewards, and/or generate money indirectly – like a YouTube
channel, a podcast, a networking event or a blog.
• If you look at your effort and the time you devote to it, your podcast or YouTube channel
may look like a net loss on your accounts. But looking back over the past few years, you
realise how many clients and projects, not to mention how much fun and friendship, have
come to you because of the podcast or YouTube channel.
• Your avant-garde novel may not sell a million copies, but it may win you the respect of the
discerning audience you are writing for, and connections, opportunities and money may
flow from that.
• So forget the career ladder. Instead, create the kind of assets that will bring you more
creativity, connections, and emotional and financial power in the years ahead.
Creative Assets
• A creative asset is something you create yourself that (a) is worthwhile and satisfying in
itself, and (b) will make life easier, more rewarding, more profitable and/or more fun in
• Most creative assets are intangible; the obvious exceptions are physical artworks and
artisanal works.
Types of creative asset:
• Creative work – your signature asset; your portfolio of the work you are most proud of.
• Social assets – your network; your audience
• Reputation assets – your brand; association with prestigious brands (publishers,
galleries, record labels etc); prizes and awards
• Online assets – a website; a blog; a podcast; a mailing list; a social media profile
• Intellectual property assets – the trademark associated with your brand; the copyright
in your works
• Systemic assets – a productivity system; a business model that generates value for your
customers and your business.
• Business assets – your product range; your company
Keep Doing (Creating)
• Create at least 300 pieces of content
• The people who operate most efficiently, most effectively and with
greatest consistency win.
• Consistency and repetition are the sharpest tools in the toolkit of
winners. Keep doing. Keep creating and producing.
• Keep producing and churning out the best work you can. That may
not be viewed as the best work by others. But it’s a heck of a lot
better than doing nothing.
Joe Rogan created more than 4000 podcast episodes. He
signed a deal of $100m with Spotify
Treat 2021 as the year of ASSET CREATION
In your individual project in the summer semester, you will be
creating assets for your future.
SEVEN I PROJECT (Kickstarter type project)
• Think about the assets you want to
create for your future
• Do not think like a student. Do not
treat this as assignment.
• Do this for your own future.
• Do something real – create something
real and fresh.
Lessons From
My Own Journey of
Slide 1.120
What I Learned from Publishing 222 Articles on Medium (January 2020)
What I Learned from Publishing 200 Articles on Medium (December 2020)
What I Learned from Publishing 150 Articles on Medium (September 2020)
What I Learned from Publishing 100 Articles on Medium (July 2020)
Invest in Your Medium Content Shop
If you write consistently and grow it for a decade, you will be like Walmart.
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My Promise to You: I will also create alongside you
I will work very hard to kick-start my second book project.
My goal is to start writing/drawing/creating my second book (after
Self-Making Studio).
I will also write a new Medium article every day or every 2
• I will be accountable to you.
• Please ask me to report to you:
• What did you do for your book, Fahri?
• Please keep me accountable – be
harsh and question me.
He quit his job and decided to travel the
world. Every day, he created 1-minute
travel/inspiration videos on Facebook. He
did this for 1000 days non-stop. Who is he?
Hint: His videos end with
“That’s one minute, see you soon"
Nas Daily (Nuseir Yassin)
Nas Daily: 1000 Days of Video Creation!
Don’t Bother Waiting For Inspiration.
It’s Not Coming.
• You need grit, struggle and urgency.
• The cold reality is that sometimes, it’s a real struggle to get your best work into the
• That’s why so many of us admire great creators, artists and thinkers but so few of
us will ever become one.
• If you wait to be inspired to do your best work, you’ll be waiting a long time.
Possibly forever.
• Waiting for inspiration is an amateur move. It’s not coming today. It may never. It’s
not coming to you. But you can seek it out.
• The solution: start the work now.
• Do it on the sunny days and the rainy days. Stop giving yourself a “pass” to leave
your gifts on the table unopened. Stop allowing yourself the excuse not to create.
• Push through the uncomfortable stage
• Struggle actually leads to more inspiration
• You don’t get inspired, then do great work. You do great work, then get
Seek out small victories. Small victories build new receptors
in the areas of the brain responsible for reward and
motivation. This increase in receptors enhances confidence
and eagerness to tackle challenges. When you achieve a
series of small victories, the boost in your confidence can last
for months.
Small and consistent actions/habits every day is key.
• Be consistent and disciplined – create
every day – do not break the chain.
• If you establish smart habits every
day, you will achieve a lot in the long
• Compound yourself (your skills,
knowledge, networks, and assets) over
the long term.
Failures of
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He loved playing games. He turned it into a
passion. He is a legend on Fortnite.
He now makes $500,000 a month by playing
His wife is his manager.
He is the world’s most famous gamer.
His net worth is more than $20 million.
He was chosen to Time 100. Who is he?
NINJA (Tyler Blevins)
How Ninja makes $500,000 per month playing Fortnite
The Story of Ninja
Ninja Success Story
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 A) Please write a story using the following words:
◦ Pepper
◦ Fashion
◦ Journey
◦ Chaos
◦ Lawyer
◦ Bird
◦ Disgust
◦ Dancing
 B) Please illustrate this story. You can doodle or
draw in any way that you like. You can create a
storyboard or a comic story. Do as you wish!
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 Imagine that you are given an 8th day every week. This day
will be your secret gift. However, this cannot be just another
day. You have to do something unusual or remarkable on
this day.
 A) Please design this day as your ideal day. How would you
make these 8th days memorable, creative, and full of
adventure? You can write or draw or doodle on this as you
 B) This will also be a day where you have an artist's date with
yourself (See Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way" to learn more
about this method). Fill your day with lots of inspiration. Get
inspiration from lots of sources. What could be some of
these sources? Brainstorm below. You can consider places,
people, films, books, artwork, travel, hobbies, theatre,
museums, cafes, nature, and more.
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 A) Walk around the city of Norwich. You need your cell phone and
an attentive eye for this project. Pay attention to the doors of
Norwich. This project is all about doors:) Please find at least 12
different doors (of different styles, periods, colours etc.). Take
their photographs. Tag each or give each a creative title. Did you
learn new things that you have not realised before? What are they?
 B) Imagine that one of these doors open to your childhood. Go
down on your memory lane and find a sweet memory from your
childhood. Where were you? How old were you? What were you doing?
Were you alone or accompanied by others? Describe your memory with
all the details - make it vivid and rich. Write it down as a story.
Why did you choose this memory? Reflect on its significance for
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 A) Please go on a treasure hunt for 8 of the images below and
capture them with your phone or camera.
An animal in a cloud
A UEA bunny
Spirals in nature
Your reflection on a glass or window
A plate of food that you have organized to make a portrait (such as human face)
Colourful flower patterns on clothing
A dinosaur in a human-made object
A person who looks like s/he belongs to another century
Two inanimate objects that appear to be in love
The ugliest image you have seen this week
A close-up of a paper sculpture or an origami object
The most interesting sidewalk or walkway patterns you come across this week
The funniest advertisement image (or message or poster) you have come across this week
The above are only suggestions. You can also photograph other interesting images that come up. The pictures don’t
have to be literal representations. They also don’t have to look good—as a matter of fact, the less perfect, the better.
Close up blurs are welcome. Work quickly without thinking too much. You don’t need to spend more than 20-25
minutes on this unless, of course, you just can’t help yourself. Feel free to take friends on your treasure hunt. Chances
are they will see things that you don’t.
 B) Create a collage work or a mood board or an artwork using these photographs. Feel
free to add photos from your own collection. Feel free to digitally alter or manipulate
photos or create mashups. Give a title to your artwork. Please write an artist's
description of your work.
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 Imagine that you come across yourself in a cafe in London. You
are shocked at first, but then you realize that this is YOU living in
an alternative universe. The other version of yourself invites you
for coffee. You will catch up and have a conversation about your
lives. You are intrigued.
 A) Please write a long and detailed description of the other you
living an alternative life.
◦ Where does s/he live? Imagine all the details - family, career, house,
friends, projects, travel etc. If you want to retain some (indispensible)
elements from your current life, that is fine. However, this must be a
different life. An alternative life that is exciting and full of more adventure
 B) Draw or doodle about your alternative life. You can design it
visually or come up with a concept map.
 C) Imagine the conversation you are having with your alternative
self. Write down that conversation.
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 Please respond to the following questions:
1. When did you last feel curious, playful, and excited?
2. How can you increase these ‘magical moments’ in your daily
3. If money was not a factor, how would you spend your life?
4. If you were able to take one year out to learn a new skill, what
would you learn? Why?
5. If your life were 120 years long and you would choose four
different careers, what would you like to do? Imagine four scenarios
(think of lives or jobs that would be fun and exciting to have).
6. If you do not worry about failure or self-image, what might
you try doing?
7. If you could only work 1 hour for your creative project on one
day; what would you do during that hour?
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 Please respond to the following questions (you will find 10
different answers each time).
1. If I did not have to do it perfectly ……..
2. If I did not have to do it perfectly ……..
3. If I did not have to do it perfectly ……..
4. If I did not have to do it perfectly ……..
5. If I did not have to do it perfectly ……..
6. If I did not have to do it perfectly ……..
7. If I did not have to do it perfectly ……..
8. If I did not have to do it perfectly ……
9. If I did not have to do it perfectly ……..
10. If I did not have to do it perfectly …….
Slide 1.148
 Fill in the Blanks (10 times, each will be a different answer):
1. A risk that I would like to take is……
2. A risk that I would like to take is……
3. A risk that I would like to take is……
4. A risk that I would like to take is……
5. A risk that I would like to take is……
6. A risk that I would like to take is……
7. A risk that I would like to take is……
8. A risk that I would like to take is……
9. A risk that I would like to take is……
10. A risk that I would like to take is……
Slide 1.149
 You will revisit your failures in various aspects of your life. You need to be
very honest with yourself about failures. If you want to lead an interesting
life, you will be taking risks and face failure all the time. Failures can be
viewed as stepping stones - they can be turned into learning.
 Find and revisit these failures or U TURNS in your life: Something happened
or it did not work. You changed approach, pivoted, or dropped it entirely
perhaps? What happened?
A) Entrepreneurship or Professional Work
or Career
 What were the challenges?
 How did you resolve (or fail to resolve) the challenges?
 What did or did not work?
 How would you do it differently next time?
Going Forward: Identify one small action in each domain that you can
implement in your life. How will you go forward? Identify your action plan
and write down an action for each domain above.
Slide 1.150
 You will revisit your failures in various aspects of your life. You need to be very
honest with yourself about failures. If you want to lead an interesting life, you will be
taking risks and face failure all the time. Failures can be viewed as stepping stones -
they can be turned into learning.
 Find and revisit these failures or U TURNS in your life: Something happened or it did
not work. You changed approach, pivoted, or dropped it entirely perhaps? What
B) Creativity and Arts (music, visual arts, film,
theatre, crafts, dance, writing, and design)
 Please re-visit each area above - one by one.
 What were the challenges?
 How did you resolve (or fail to resolve) the challenges?
 What did or did not work?
 How would you do it differently next time?
 Share your reflections.
Going Forward: Identify one small action in each domain that you can
implement in your life. How will you go forward? Identify your action plan and
write down an action for each domain above.
Slide 1.151
You will write yourself two letters. You will imagine that you are 80
in the first letter. You will imagine that you are 8 in the second
A) The first letter: From your 80-year old self to your current self.
What words of advice and encouragement would this 80 year old,
wise, loving, content version of you, with the benefit of hindsight,
send to the you of today – what guidance would you offer yourself?
B) The second letter: From your 8-year old self to your current self.
•What would your child self tell your current self? Reminders?
Advice? Wisdom? Principles? What is important?
Slide 1.152
 There are 36 fantasy challenges below (6*6). You can choose 6 of the 36 mini fantasy
challenges below and implement them. You can also choose any mix you prefer. For example, you
can go on 1 fantasy adventure from each link below. In total, you will go on 6 adventures/fantasies.
 1. Create six fantastic adventures set in virtual reality
 2. Create six epic adventures set in outer space
 3. Imagine you can be part of any fantasy universe
 4. Imagine you can travel back to any period in world history
 5. Imagine you can travel to the future (any future period and location)
 6. Imagine you will go on six adventures in six countries
Slide 1.154
Slide 1.155
Slide 1.156
Cow + sofa =
Slide 1.157
Bike + toilet =
Slide 1.158
Giraffe + Shoe =
Slide 1.159
Dog + Shoe =
Slide 1.160
Bikini + Shoe =
Slide 1.161
Pie + Shoe =
Slide 1.162
Umbrella +
Shoe =
Slide 1.163
Origami +
Shoe =
Slide 1.164
Feet + Shoe =
Combining Ideas
Learning Adventure
Slide 1.166
Slide 1.167
Combining Ideas
Learning Adventure
Slide 1.169
 On one piece of paper, write down a thing (e.g. aeroplane / USB
stick / lamp / table / mug etc etc) - fold note
 On a second piece of paper, write a service (e.g hairdressing /
cooking / filing taxes / collecting garbage etc etc) – fold note
 Notes go in two piles: a ‘thing pile’ and a ‘service pile’
 Every team picks two notes from each pile: two things and two
 Open your notes!
 You have 2 MINUTES to come up a minimum of 5 different Business
Ideas – combining two or more of the things and/or services
 You have 3 MINUTES to choose the best one and prepare a
convincing elevator pitch in your team – cool name + visuals help
sell your idea!
Learning from Inspirational Careers
 You can analyze TED Talks and BBC 4’s Desert Island Discs as
goldmines of wisdom on self-making and creativity:
 TED Talks
 BBC 4 Desert Island Discs
Slide 1.172
Wonders of the Universe
The power of passion:
Professor Brian Cox
Slide 1.173
El Bulli: Cooking in Progress
The power of passion:
Ferran Adria
Slide 1.174
Bloomberg Risk Takers
The power of passion:
Elon Musk
Slide 1.175
The Artist is Present
The power of passion:
Marina Abramovic
Imaginary Lives
Having watched videos of
Ferran Adria, Brian Cox, Elon Musk, and Marina Abramovic,
Think of 4 imaginary lives that would
be fun and interesting to have:
Slide 1.178
Slide 1.179
 Write the title of the Movie:
 Your success story/impact/legacy (briefly)
 Who would play you?
 3 Skills your Cinema Self has (but you do not yet have):
 3 Places you need to travel as your cinema self
 Feel free to offer ‘pop corn’
Slide 1.181
Michael Goldhaber, Wired
Slide 1.182
Slide 1.183
Landed about 10
interviews with creative
Slide 1.184
Instead of just
mirroring the style
of the magazine,
Sumukh turned his
CV into an actual
20-page magazine
complete with
features about his
life and education.
Slide 1.185
Slide 1.186
Slide 1.187
Your Career as a Wicked Problem
Slide 1.188
Your Career is a Wicked Problem
1. Do not settle with
easiest and most
convenient option
available to you.
2. Cultivate a lot of
diverse seeds,
experiment, and see
which options have more
potential (i.e. grow)
3. Be prepared for
uncertainty through
developing more
entrepreneurship, and
Slide 1.189
Slide 1.190
Slide 1.191
Slide 1.192
Slide 1.193
CNBC Disruptor
Slide 1.194
 These forward-thinking start-ups have not only identified unexploited
niches in the market that have the potential to become billion-dollar
businesses, a majority of them already are billion-dollar businesses.
◦ A startling 36 disruptors this year are unicorns that have
already reached or passed the billion-dollar mark.
 These 50 companies have raised nearly $74
billion in venture capital at an implied market
valuation of more than $277 billion.
◦ Many already are part of our daily lives, whether or not
we know it.
◦ Biotech and machine learning to transportation and retail and even exploring outer
◦ Drones and genes to the battles for control in the rapidly growing ridesharing, lodging
and cryptocurrency industries
— these innovations are changing the world.
Name a real-life person you know that
embodies a science fiction character.
Who might that person be?
•ELON MUSK, of course
Embodiment of imagination and science fiction
TESLA Cybertruck Launch
Slide 1.198
 The reason we love Elon Musk is his
Elon Musk created 4 companies worth more than $1
billion each: PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX and SolarCity. He
disrupted 8 industries!!
Elon Musk:
How the Billionaire CEO of SpaceX and Tesla is Shaping our Future
• South African born Elon Musk is the renowned entrepreneur and
innovator behind PayPal, SpaceX, Tesla, and SolarCity. Musk wants to
save our planet; he wants to send citizens into space, to form a colony
on Mars; he wants to make money while doing these things; and he
wants us all to know about it. He is the real-life inspiration for the
Iron Man series of films starring Robert Downey Junior.
• The personal tale of Musk’s life comes with all the trappings one
associates with a great, drama-filled story. He was a freakishly bright
kid who was bullied brutally at school, and abused by his father. In
the midst of these rough conditions, and the violence of apartheid
South Africa, Musk still thrived academically and attended the
University of Pennsylvania, where he paid his own way through
school by turning his house into a club and throwing massive parties.
• He started a pair of huge dot-com successes, including PayPal, which
eBay acquired for $1.5 billion in 2002. Musk was forced out as CEO
and so began his lost years in which he decided to go it alone and
baffled friends by investing his fortune in rockets and electric cars.
Meanwhile Musk’s marriage disintegrated as his technological
obsessions took over his life ...
• Elon Musk is the Steve Jobs of the present and the future, and for the
past twelve months, he has been shadowed by tech reporter, Ashlee
Vance. Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of Spacex and Tesla is
Shaping our Future is an important, exciting and intelligent account
of the real-life Iron Man.
Elon Musk: The Man, The Myth, and The Meme
Embracing ‘WEIRD’
Celebrating What
Makes You Weird
Slide 1.204
Slide 1.205
 Write down your obsessions
◦ Hobbies
◦ Curiosities
◦ Passion
 What can you do about these to bring
something new and fresh to the world?
◦ Please think about this question at home.
Slide 1.206
Make a list of 6 things that
make you “weird”.
Do you nourish or restrict
these in your daily life?
Slide 1.207
Share your weird lists quickly.
Who is the most weird among you?
Celebrate that person!
Try to find a film or fiction character that
would resemble your friend.
Write pop corns for one another.
Slide 1.208
your unique
Slide 1.209
Failure Workshop
Failures and
Turning them into
Slide 1.211
Jack Ma – founder of Alibaba - is a legend in business.
 My current academic CV is about 10 pages.
 It only lists my accomplishments.
 Nobody sees my failures.
A small sample of my failures include:
• I was rejected by all PhD programmes after my undergraduate.
• I applied for more than 100 academic jobs when I finished PhD and it was the
time of economic crises – got rejected by all.
• I have got at least 120 rejections from academic journals
(I have around 30 publications i.e. successes)
• I do have many spectacular fails. I have even put a kettle on the oven and it
melted down
Slide 1.214
who got
lost and
their way
Slide 1.215
Slide 1.216
Thinking like an
Your Career as a
Slide 1.218
Slide 1.219
Slide 1.220
Slide 1.221
Slide 1.222
Slide 1.223
Slide 1.224
Slide 1.225
Slide 1.226
Business Idea:
a concept which
delivers value -
because it meets
a need
Slide 1.227
A one-minute description of the Business Idea:
 What is the idea?
 What need does it solve for whom?
 Why is the idea unique?
Slide 1.229
A one-minute description of
the Business Idea:
 What is the idea?
 What need does it solve for
 Why is the idea unique?
He was a homeless man, but he is now a
millionaire. He made it happen through
entrepreneurship and edutainment. He
makes raw inspirational songs for
Hint: His songs include: Shopify Rap, Bitcoin
Rap, Life of an Entrepreneur, Self-Made
Chris Record
Entrepreneurs Got Choices (Rap)
Slide 1.233
Slide 1.234
“The 5 Second Rule” by Mel Robbins
The moment you have an instinct to act
on a goal you must count 5–4–3–2–1
and physically move or your brain will
stop you.
Mel Robbins: Five Second Rule
Don’t Bother Waiting For Inspiration. It’s Not Coming.
• You need grit, struggle and urgency.
• The cold reality is that sometimes, it’s a real struggle to get your best work into the
• That’s why so many of us admire great creators, artists and thinkers but so few of us will
ever become one.
• If you wait to be inspired to do your best work, you’ll be waiting a long time. Possibly
• Waiting for inspiration is an amateur move. It’s not coming today. It may never. It’s not
coming to you. But you can seek it out.
• The solution: start the work now.
• Do it on the sunny days and the rainy days. Stop giving yourself a “pass” to leave your
gifts on the table unopened. Stop allowing yourself the excuse not to create.
• Push through the uncomfortable stage
• Struggle actually leads to more inspiration
• You don’t get inspired, then do great work. You do great work, then get inspired.
Slide 1.239
 Your career is a wicked problem. You need to imagine
fresh possibilities and act as a designer and
entrepreneur of your life.
 Robots and AI are not going anywhere – be open,
learn, adapt, and develop advanced skills to work with
 Be yourself, be weird and be proud of it. Celebrate
what makes you weird. Do not conform to
expectations of others. Invest into your unique
strengths, passions, and obsessions.
Slide 1.240
 Imagine and design new projects for the company that
you are applying for. How can you contribute to the
 Start writing up your customised cover letter. In your
letter, clearly match and exceed the job requirements
one by one.
 Failures are valuable – celebrate your failures. Fail
sooner rather than later. Fail early and fail often.
Learn from your failures, develop resilience, and go
Slide 1.241
 Your brain loves humour and surprises. Try to engineer
humour and surprise.
 Discover inspiring innovative ideas around you. These
might come from all walks of life. Be alert and open to
 Creativity, at its core, is connecting unrelated things
Slide 1.242
 Be greedy about your learning. Read widely and diversely
beyond disciplines.
 Imagination and asset creation are linked very closely.
Imagine and create your own game.
 Establish a system of productivity and creativity to create
your own assets.
Consistent Small Actions + Smart Moves + Hard Work + Play Your Game
 Establish a system of productivity and creativity to create
your own assets.
 Develop effective meta-habits:
Slide 1.243
 Search for novelty and variation in life.
 Your brain loves surprises, twists, and unexpected things.
 Move, dance, run, bike, spend time in nature.
 Read 41 creativity lessons article and apply these lessons
in your life.
 Your imagination has no boundaries. Use it more often.
Your most crucial task is: Create
your own creative assets. Start
Use your Seven I or Entrep. project
as an opportunity to create your
own intellectual and creative
Do not take yourself seriously. Take
your work seriously.
Do not be trapped by your ego –
this will make you mediocre.
You cannot learn and grow if you
try to be clever all the time. It is
much better to be naïve, hungry,
foolish, playful, and curious.
Review of Takeaways
Slide 1.245
Slide 1.246
Slide 1.247
Slide 1.248
 Peter Jones, of Dragons' Den, meets Britain's top
entrepreneurs, finding out how they made their millions
and investigating whether there is a blueprint for success.
◦ Richard Reed – Innocent smoothies
◦ Michelle Mone - Ultimo lingerie
◦ Chris Dawson – The Range
◦ Constantines – Lush Cosmetics
Slide 1.249
Slide 1.250
 Bolles, R.N. (2018). What Color is Your
Parachute? A Practical Manual for Job
Hunters and Career Changers. Berkeley, CA:
Ten Speed Press.
 Cameron, J. (2016). The Artist’s Way: A
Course in Discovering and Recovering Your
Creative Self. London: Pan Macmillan.
 Burnett, B. and Evans, D. (2016). Designing
Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful
Life. Knopf Publishing.
 Harvard Business Review
 Fast Company
 Wired
 Forbes
Phantom of the Opera
Selfridges and Story of Mr.
Slide 1.252
Who are the biggest Global East Asian act
in history?
Hint: They generate 3.6 billion for South
Korea’s economy.
•BTS, of course
Can you tell the names of all members of
BTS from your memory?
BTS Case/Success Story
How BTS Became a Major Moneymaker
for South Korea
What can we learn
from BTS?
K-Pop Infrastructure: Rigorous
training for more than a decade
Bang Si-Hyuk – CEO of Big Hit
“Love Yourself” narrative, work with
the U.N. and openness on topics like
mental health.
Mental health and the desire to
belong in society.
Their aesthetic and music allow both
surface enjoyment and deeply
cultural examinations.
BTS Success Story
• RM (the leader), J-Hope, Suga, Jin, Jimin, Jungkook and V.
• They are the biggest Global East Asian act in history.
• BTS generates $3.6bn – not a typo – a year for the South Korean economy.
• In 2017 1 in 13 tourists to South Korea cited BTS as the motive for their
• The band has topped the US Billboard album charts three times in a single
year, a feat equalled only by the Beatles.
• BTS have taken artist-admirer intimacy to Himalayan heights: The Army
• An entire industry: Producers and songwriters, choreographers, set and
costume designers, video directors, social-media handlers comprise a
formidable world-class creative and business organism.
BTS at the United Nations
BTS at the United Nations
Mattel’s ARMY
• Barbie and BTS
BTS Bonus
Slide 1.266
 It is not easy to scare yourself and set yourself new
challenges and adventures. But if you do it, you will be
rewarded. You will be happier.
 What kind of a super-hero are you? How will you help
other people?
 The world needs interesting, unique, weird people –
like you!
 You can get inspiration from 100 different people and 100
different fields.
 And then imagine you are a farmer and you are growing
100 creative projects: Let 100 flowers bloom!
Slide 1.267
 You need to live exponentially and avoid mediocrity.
 Life is short and you are the hero. Make a difference.
 Being part of something large feels good. We are a
community of learners & experimenters.
 Create your own category and be the owner of that
 Develop your personal brand. Build it on your authentic
self. Turn your weaknesses into strengths by being open.
Slide 1.268
 Do not take yourself seriously. Take your work seriously.
 You cannot learn and grow if you try to be clever all the
time. It is much better to be naïve, hungry, foolish,
playful, and curious.
 Do not be trapped by your ego – this will make you
 Use your semester project as an opportunity to create
your own intellectual and creative assets.
 Your most crucial task is: Create your own creative
assets. Start now!
Slide 1.269
 Remember the Squash.
 What did you learn from the Squash?
 You need a bit more chaos, randomness, dance, singing,
independent learning, writing, and creating in your life.
 Improvisation is magic – it improves your life instantly.
 Surprises, adventures, puzzles, exciting ventures, new
projects, artistic pursuits are good for your health.
Slide 1.270
 Your diary is your best friend.
 Your diary is a seed catalogue of all your ideas. Write, draw,
reflect, capture your ideas every day.
 We live in an imagination economy. Ideas are the new
currency. Your attention (i.e. your time) is the most
precious thing in the world.
 Life is not only about the next goal to be captured. There
is more to life than that. We are not machines. We need
adventures. Sometimes, you need to relax, breathe, loosen
up – just be.
 What if you had quadruple lives – wouldn’t this enrich you
as a person?
Slide 1.271
Thank you

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I Was A Guest Lecturer at Yeditepe University MBA Program in Turkey

  • 1. University of East Anglia Norwich Business School Brand and Leadership CREATIVITY, IMAGINATION, & INNOVATION 7 May 2021 Dr. Fahri Karakas
  • 4. Slide 1.4  Born and grew up in Turkey – BA and MBA in Istanbul  PhD at McGill University, Montreal, Canada (2010)  Research Fellow at the Open University (2010)  Senior Lecturer in Business and Leadership at University of East Anglia  Visiting Lecturer at Mountbatten Institute, London  Visiting Lecturer at University of Cambridge (Pembroke-King’s Programme)  Expert on spirituality in management, published 30+ articles in leading journals  Interested in creativity, OB, design thinking, entrepreneurship
  • 5. Slide 1.5  Hackathon: Paradigm Shifts ◦ Artificial Intelligence ◦ Metaverse ◦ Crypto, Bitcoin, Blockchain & NFTs  Exponential Thinking  Disruption  Connecting Things Together  Learning from Inspirational Careers  Celebrating Weirdness and Failures  Thinking like an Entrepreneur  5 Seconds Rule
  • 6.
  • 8. Slide 1.8  I have 3 small puzzles for you now.  Please provide your estimates. 8
  • 9. Slide 1.9 We do live in interesting times. Forget traditional jobs, job security, upward mobility  Fortune 500 companies from 1955 vs. 2014.  What % of them are still on the list? Any guesses? 9
  • 10. Slide 1.10 We do live in interesting times. Forget traditional jobs, job security, upward mobility  89% of Fortune 500 companies from 1955 are not on the list in 2014. 10
  • 11. Slide 1.11 We do live in interesting times. Forget traditional jobs, job security, upward mobility  Guess the average age of a company listed on the S&P 500  During 1920s?  Right now? 11
  • 12. Slide 1.12 We do live in interesting times. Forget traditional jobs, job security, upward mobility  The average age of a company listed on the S&P 500 was:  67 years old in the 1920s  Right, now this age is 15 years only and it keeps dropping. 12
  • 13. Slide 1.13 We do live in interesting times. Forget traditional jobs, job security, upward mobility  In 2028, what % of S&P 500 companies will stay on the current list?  Any guesses? Estimates? 13
  • 14. Slide 1.14 We do live in interesting times. Forget traditional jobs, job security, upward mobility  In 2028, 40% of all S&P 500 companies will disappear from this list.  60% are expected to survive the list – although this figure might fall even more radically. 14
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  • 18. We lived a decade of events in 2020 For many, 2020 felt like five years packed into one… • Historic pandemic • Historic social movement (Black Lives Matter) • Historic stimulus • Historic wildfires • Historic election • Historic stock market high • Historic technology breakthroughs (Alphafold / GPT-3 / Quantum Supremacy, etc)
  • 19. We saw once-in-a-generation events in nearly every sphere of life. Each of these events rippled throughout society leading to unpredictable second-order effects which upended our long-held beliefs about media, democracy, business, and citizenship. We had to fundamentally rethink our lives, relationships, and work. Here's the thing though… 2020 isn't a temporary blip before things go back to normal. It is the kickoff to an unprecedented acceleration that few have considered, let alone prepared for. If time is like a treadmill, 2020 was running. The near-future will be an all out sprint. How do we keep up? Because human biology evolves so slowly we don't notice, ideas (cultures, strategies, technologies, etc.) evolve so quickly, we can't keep up. Idea evolution is like biological evolution on steroids. In other words, in a moment when many are already feeling overwhelmed by change, things are about to take off even faster. 20 years from now, the rate of change will be 4x what it is now. Things will keep accelerating from there, and in 40 years, it will be 16x
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  • 25. EXPONENTIAL TIMES • 20 years from now, the rate of change will be 4x what is now. • For someone who is about 40 today, when they're 60 in 2040, the rate of paradigm change will be 4x what it is now. • For someone who is 10 today, when they're 60, they'll experience a year of change in 11 days. • "We won't experience 100 years of technological advance in the 21st century; we will witness on the order of 20,000 years of progress or about 1000 times greater than what was achieved in the twentieth century.” Kurzweil What We Can Do About Time Acceleration In Our Careers • "In order to keep up with the world of 2050, you will need not merely to invent new ideas and products but above all to reinvent yourself again and again."- Yuval Noah Harari • We are on the precipice of an era of extreme competition - which means that the amount and pace of competition will accelerate 4x in the next 20 years. • If you don't prepare now, you will be progressively outcompeted and overwhelmed.
  • 26.
  • 27. Freaky New World: The World’s First Female AI News Anchor
  • 29. AR Will Spark the Next Big Tech Platform— Call It Mirrorworld We are building a 1-to-1 map of almost unimaginable scope. When it's complete, our physical reality will merge with the digital universe.
  • 30. Biomedical Advancements & Ever-Smarter Machines • More and more of the things that used to be science fiction are quickly becoming science fact. We may soon live in a total nerd utopia. The full list of potential scientific and technological breakthroughs that could revolutionize how we work (or if we work at all) is impossibly long. Here are just a few of the possible drivers of major change that could transform the job markets of the future: • Human-like robots • Artificial intelligence (AI) • Nanotechnology • Biomedical "miracles" • Advanced genomics • 3D printing • Augmented reality • The fusion of man and machine
  • 31. •Choose your top 3 jobs that you would choose in the future •Imagine how you will change and transform and position yourself in the future EXERCISE Jobs of the Future
  • 32. Jobs of the Future • Digital Rehab Counselor: Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the incredible amount of digital information you consume in a day? Many people do. As more and more of our lives revolve around social media and other online activities, there's a growing awareness that a lot of us are actually addicted to the technology we use. So one of the top jobs of the future may involve helping people "detox" from their over-consumption of digital inputs. People with counseling training will likely be the best-equipped to pursue this type of job. • Personal Brand Advisor: Even among large, established organizations, hiring freelance professionals for short-term projects is becoming a pretty big trend that may expand well into the future. In fact, many futurists foresee a time when most jobs will be done on a temporary contract basis. If that holds true, workers will need to develop great personal brands and put a lot of effort into constant self-promotion. Personal brand advisors will help their clients establish and maintain public personas and professional reputations that make them stand apart from the competition. • Virtual Reality Designer: Most people like to travel and explore places they've never been. However, you don't necessarily have to physically travel anywhere in order to see and experience new places. Whole virtual worlds are being created, and the supporting technology will increasingly allow you to interact with it using all of your senses. A lot of VR users might even form deep relationships with other people's virtual avatars while having adventures that they would never experience in the real world. As this technology matures, what's real and what's fantasy will start to blur together. Talented VR designers may become highly sought-after as VR developers race to fill a growing demand for more sophisticated, realistic, and imaginative virtual experiences.
  • 33. Jobs of the Future • Organizational Disrupter: As established companies and other organizations expand, they often lose some of their ability to innovate. That makes them vulnerable to competition from more nimble startups that frequently aren't so set in their ways. Since many futurists foresee a coming trend toward smaller, more adaptable organizations, a lot of large companies and non- profits may want to figure out how to make themselves more like their smaller competitors. The role of a disrupter would be to introduce a few seemingly chaotic changes in an organization that promote more creativity, risk-taking, collaboration, and innovation. • Personal Education Guide: Education will become much more personalized and even more convenient than today's programs. Personal education guides may act as coaches and counselors in helping people choose on-demand courses or designing customized training plans that utilize freelance instructors. And they may provide confirmation that their clients have successfully completed those courses and earned alternative credentials that more and more employers will recognize as being valid. • Brain Implant Specialist: The human brain is incredibly complex, but mankind's understanding of how it works is growing faster than most of us probably realize. As we combine the rapid advances in neuroscience with the advances in computer technology, we'll end up with some truly amazing possibilities. Special computer chips may one day be implanted into people's brains for benefits such as virtual telepathy, memory enhancements, disease management, mood regulation, paralysis treatments etc. • Personal Microbiome Manager: As scientists learn more about the many kinds of bacteria that live inside us and on our skin, they're discovering that these microorganisms may play essential roles in our health and well-being. Having the right balance of bacteria might be crucial for things like preventing obesity, heart disease, chronic fatigue, and mental health problems. • Pharmaceutical Artisan: The pharmacy careers of today will probably be around for a long time. But as 3D printing grows more widespread, it may become possible to quickly produce customized medications for people on an on-demand basis (rather than giving out mass-produced meds). Artisanal drugs could be developed based on a person's unique genetics, habits, and medical history. Some pharmaceutical artisans may even create targeted treatments based on a person's own stem cells.
  • 34. • End-of-Life Manager or Memorializer: Many people, well in advance of their deaths, will want to plan elaborate memorial services and celebrations that are more extravagant than the kind offered by most funeral directors today. In addition, laws may change to give more people the choice to end their lives through voluntary euthanasia, something that itself could become a specially planned event on the scale of a wedding. That might sound macabre or morally questionable right now, but it could become a big part of the event planning industry in the future. If so, professionals will be needed who can help coordinate major end-of-life celebrations and craft engaging tributes about dying individuals' lives and legacies. • Hyper-Intelligent Transportation Engineer: We're quickly moving toward a future in which humans will no longer be the operators of transport vehicles. Self-driving cars are only the beginning. A future of fully automated transportation networks will become reality. A new paradigm of smart roads, vacuum-tube tunnels, maglev trains, and many other advanced transportation systems could replace our current one. • Cyborg Designer: By combining the best aspects of a natural organism with those of an advanced robot, it may be possible to create a new entity that is superior to the sum of its parts. So, in the future, highly creative cyborg designers might be in demand as humans try to merge themselves with machines in order to transcend their natural limitations. Other non-human cybernetic organisms may also be developed for use in health care, entertainment, sports, space exploration, and many other industries. • Robotic or Holographic Avatar Designer: With people spending more of their time in virtual worlds, they might come to be a little disappointed with the real world. They might want to interact with their virtual friends or significant others without having to wear their VR gear. Thus, technology may eventually allow those virtual friends to emerge as real-life avatars in robotic bodies or 3D holograms. In the real world, they could become nearly as common as flesh-and-blood people. But they will take many different forms, including animals and strange alien-like creatures. Special designers will be needed to help create custom avatars that are just as appealing or imaginative in the real world as they are in the virtual ones they inhabit. Jobs of the Future
  • 35. • Space Tourism Guide: Companies like SpaceX and Virgin Galactic already have plans well underway to commercialize space travel for the public. In the relatively near future, space tourists may be going into orbit for family holidays, a little adventure, or even to conduct business. If bases are established on the moon, they may be going there too. Of course, most of us aren't astronauts. That's why special guides will be needed to help people prepare for space travel and get adjusted to the new environment once they're in orbit. • Space Nurse or Physician: Going into outer space presents all kinds of distinct medical challenges. The human body simply isn't designed for a zero-gravity environment. And it will probably be a long time until we have the practical technology to create artificial gravity. So space tourists will need to be monitored and, in some cases, treated for conditions such as muscle wasting or exposure to space radiation. Specialized doctors and nurses will likely be needed for extended stays in space in order to look after the many ordinary people who will take trips beyond Earth's atmosphere. • Android Relationship Counselor: We're still a long way off from being able to date robots that have human intelligence. But some scientists believe that artificial intelligence will eventually advance enough to make that possible. If it happens, the social ramifications could be enormous. The people who decide to pursue romantic relationships with artificially intelligent robots will likely need plenty of expert advice in order to navigate complex cultural expectations and steer clear of potential dangers. That will be especially true if we ever reach the Singularity—the theoretical point in the future when autonomous machines become more intelligent than humans. • Mind-Transfer Specialist: Yeah, this occupation sounds far-fetched. But some experts think it could become a reality. Before the end of this century, it may be possible to upload a human mind to a computer and store it for later transfer back into the same or different human brain. Some people might even have their minds transferred into clones of themselves, synthetic organisms with artificial brains, or special cybernetic robots designed to extend their consciousness. Jobs of the Future
  • 36. Slide 1.36 “Creativity is no longer a luxury. It is a critical survival skill that we need to adapt to rapid changes, solve complex problems, imagine new possibilities, and navigate uncharted waters ahead of us.” Dr. Fahri Karakas
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  • 44. Slide 1.44 * Halloween 44 A blockchain is a continuously growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography. Each block typically contains a hash pointer as a link to a previous block, a timestamp and transaction data. By design, a blockchain is inherently resistant to modification of the data.”)
  • 45. Slide 1.45 Who is Satoshi Nakamato? We simply do not know. Had his/her identity been known, (s)he could be in danger. Governments, central banks, CIA, and big banks are after Satoshi Nakamato. No one owns the Bitcoin network, which means there’s no way to regulate it. Blockchain is the tech genie and it is outside the lamp. No way to prevent it. It will dominate the world in the upcoming decades.
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  • 50. A $1,000 dogecoin purchase on Jan. 1, 2021 — at a price of less than a cent per coin — would be worth $121,052
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  • 57. I have joined BitClout today
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  • 67. Four Stories of Your Life Learning Adventure
  • 68. Exercise @ Home: Four Stories of Your Life curiosity-imagination-and- inspiration/good-storytelling-is- at-the-heart-of-your-life- 577d7378f575?sk=af7d98b3956 490a01ba40a2bf5e748e8
  • 78. I have recently read: Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth, and Impact the World– Peter H Diamandis • A radical, how-to guide for using exponential technologies, moonshot thinking, and crowd-powered tools to create extraordinary wealth while also positively impacting the lives of billions. • Part 1: exponential technologies: 3D printing, artificial intelligence, robotics, networks and sensors, and synthetic biology. • Part 2: Psychology of Bold: Larry Page, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos, Singularity University, XPRIZE, Planetary Resources, & Human Longevity, Inc. • Part 3: incentive competitions, crowdfunding campaigns, crowd-powered tools.
  • 79. Spend time every day for your learning and interests Share what you learned with friends each week Go out of your comfort zone Develop new skills – stretch yourself Solve a challenging issue/problem Take online courses (MOOCs)
  • 80. 20-30 minutes Write non-stop about 3 pages This will be your stream of consciousness No censor – free writing You delve into deeper and be more focused
  • 81. 2-3 Hours Every Week It has to be alone: To be receptive Be involved in creative activities or arts Have fun, pursue an interest, get inspired Record your thoughts, ideas, reflections
  • 82. Keep a diary about your learning every day Record and capture ideas as they emerge Reflect on your learning and how you change Create new ideas based on what you have read, researched, and learned Reflect and seek deeper meaning Iterate ideas, projects, and solutions
  • 83. Slide 1.83 YOU as a designer, entrepreneur & innovator of your own career, life and world 83
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  • 87. Slide 1.87 Michelangelo finished painting Sistine Chapel work in 4 years What will you accomplish in 4 years?  pelle/sistina_vr/index.html  pelle/index_sistina_en.htm
  • 88. Slide 1.88  A Renaissance PERSON uses both left-brain and right- brain type of thinking.  1) curious  2) risk-taker  3) creative  4) has perseverance and self-discipline  5) has a thirst for knowledge and new experiences  6) excellence in physical, intellectual, artistic and social fields, which includes deep expertise in at least one field and is exceptional in other fields  7) and most importantly, is always learning
  • 91. Slide 1.91 91 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS ALREADY HERE ALPHAGO Documentary Trailer (on Netflix)
  • 94. FAATMAN dominates every landscape in our lives — not just tech every-landscape-in-our-lives-not-just-tech- 4201b572ffec?source=friends_link&sk=6c1f678a93 a93d5d4ecbfa8b584e3cf8
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  • 109. Life Advice: A Poster Guide Why You Need To Create Your Own Assets
  • 110. HERE IS A PUZZLE: He was a lawyer. He started staying up late between 22.00-02.00 every night and started writing mystery novels. He finished writing a book every 6 months. He is one of the best selling mystery novelists now and published more than 40 books. David Baldacci
  • 111. David Baldacci on Mystery & Thrillers
  • 112. HERE IS THE LESSON: Super-successful people take a long term view, develop smart systems of creative work, and they carve out time to create assets that will make everything enjoyable and profitable. The strugglers, on the other hand, live from project to project, gig to gig. They are always too busy or too skint to do the work they really want to do. It is exhausting and demoralising. They are depleted. • Creating your own assets is a marathon game. • You need to create your own game: Navigate blue oceans, carve out your own niche, create your own category, and master& own that category. • Compound yourself (your skills, knowledge, networks, and assets) over the long term.
  • 113. Focus on Creative Assets, not Career Ladder • If you are a creator, you can create your own assets. Out of thin air. (Plus imagination and hard work.) • Some of these assets generate money directly – like a book, an artwork sold on Etsy, an app, or an album that can be sold. • Others create non-financial rewards, and/or generate money indirectly – like a YouTube channel, a podcast, a networking event or a blog. • If you look at your effort and the time you devote to it, your podcast or YouTube channel may look like a net loss on your accounts. But looking back over the past few years, you realise how many clients and projects, not to mention how much fun and friendship, have come to you because of the podcast or YouTube channel. • Your avant-garde novel may not sell a million copies, but it may win you the respect of the discerning audience you are writing for, and connections, opportunities and money may flow from that. • So forget the career ladder. Instead, create the kind of assets that will bring you more creativity, connections, and emotional and financial power in the years ahead.
  • 114. Creative Assets • A creative asset is something you create yourself that (a) is worthwhile and satisfying in itself, and (b) will make life easier, more rewarding, more profitable and/or more fun in future. • Most creative assets are intangible; the obvious exceptions are physical artworks and artisanal works. Types of creative asset: • Creative work – your signature asset; your portfolio of the work you are most proud of. • Social assets – your network; your audience • Reputation assets – your brand; association with prestigious brands (publishers, galleries, record labels etc); prizes and awards • Online assets – a website; a blog; a podcast; a mailing list; a social media profile • Intellectual property assets – the trademark associated with your brand; the copyright in your works • Systemic assets – a productivity system; a business model that generates value for your customers and your business. • Business assets – your product range; your company
  • 115. Keep Doing (Creating) • Create at least 300 pieces of content • The people who operate most efficiently, most effectively and with greatest consistency win. • Consistency and repetition are the sharpest tools in the toolkit of winners. Keep doing. Keep creating and producing. • Keep producing and churning out the best work you can. That may not be viewed as the best work by others. But it’s a heck of a lot better than doing nothing.
  • 116. Joe Rogan created more than 4000 podcast episodes. He signed a deal of $100m with Spotify
  • 117.
  • 118. Treat 2021 as the year of ASSET CREATION In your individual project in the summer semester, you will be creating assets for your future. SEVEN I PROJECT (Kickstarter type project) ENTREPRENEURIAL BUSINESS PROPOSAL (Shark Tank type project) • Think about the assets you want to create for your future • Do not think like a student. Do not treat this as assignment. • Do this for your own future. • Do something real – create something real and fresh.
  • 119. Lessons From My Own Journey of ASSET CREATION
  • 120. Slide 1.120 What I Learned from Publishing 222 Articles on Medium (January 2020) 42f3ec6129af?sk=285f371e5406582815e08227b48da070 What I Learned from Publishing 200 Articles on Medium (December 2020)  78ce8e2153d3?sk=a8df96c6cd0e1dbad10918a115c363fd What I Learned from Publishing 150 Articles on Medium (September 2020)  d9520326160e?sk=f2a25d84f6a01d4d8895dd536a157d37 What I Learned from Publishing 100 Articles on Medium (July 2020)  c9b914c48c6e?sk=577e3a9eac25b350777e2a595db8dd2b Invest in Your Medium Content Shop If you write consistently and grow it for a decade, you will be like Walmart.  fef0cc64a393?sk=b6dc357aa52e7ff99f0b866daf5ea05b
  • 129. My Promise to You: I will also create alongside you I will work very hard to kick-start my second book project. My goal is to start writing/drawing/creating my second book (after Self-Making Studio). I will also write a new Medium article every day or every 2 days. • I will be accountable to you. • Please ask me to report to you: • What did you do for your book, Fahri? • Please keep me accountable – be harsh and question me.
  • 130. HERE IS A PUZZLE: He quit his job and decided to travel the world. Every day, he created 1-minute travel/inspiration videos on Facebook. He did this for 1000 days non-stop. Who is he? Hint: His videos end with “That’s one minute, see you soon" Nas Daily (Nuseir Yassin)
  • 131. Nas Daily: 1000 Days of Video Creation!
  • 132. Don’t Bother Waiting For Inspiration. It’s Not Coming. • You need grit, struggle and urgency. • The cold reality is that sometimes, it’s a real struggle to get your best work into the world. • That’s why so many of us admire great creators, artists and thinkers but so few of us will ever become one. • If you wait to be inspired to do your best work, you’ll be waiting a long time. Possibly forever. • Waiting for inspiration is an amateur move. It’s not coming today. It may never. It’s not coming to you. But you can seek it out. • The solution: start the work now. • Do it on the sunny days and the rainy days. Stop giving yourself a “pass” to leave your gifts on the table unopened. Stop allowing yourself the excuse not to create. • Push through the uncomfortable stage • Struggle actually leads to more inspiration • You don’t get inspired, then do great work. You do great work, then get inspired.
  • 133. HERE IS THE LESSON: Seek out small victories. Small victories build new receptors in the areas of the brain responsible for reward and motivation. This increase in receptors enhances confidence and eagerness to tackle challenges. When you achieve a series of small victories, the boost in your confidence can last for months. Small and consistent actions/habits every day is key. • Be consistent and disciplined – create every day – do not break the chain. • If you establish smart habits every day, you will achieve a lot in the long run. • Compound yourself (your skills, knowledge, networks, and assets) over the long term.
  • 136. HERE IS A PUZZLE: He loved playing games. He turned it into a passion. He is a legend on Fortnite. He now makes $500,000 a month by playing games. His wife is his manager. He is the world’s most famous gamer. His net worth is more than $20 million. He was chosen to Time 100. Who is he? NINJA (Tyler Blevins)
  • 137. How Ninja makes $500,000 per month playing Fortnite
  • 138. The Story of Ninja
  • 141. Slide 1.141  A) Please write a story using the following words: ◦ Pepper ◦ Fashion ◦ Journey ◦ Chaos ◦ Lawyer ◦ Bird ◦ Disgust ◦ Dancing  B) Please illustrate this story. You can doodle or draw in any way that you like. You can create a storyboard or a comic story. Do as you wish!
  • 142. Slide 1.142  Imagine that you are given an 8th day every week. This day will be your secret gift. However, this cannot be just another day. You have to do something unusual or remarkable on this day.  A) Please design this day as your ideal day. How would you make these 8th days memorable, creative, and full of adventure? You can write or draw or doodle on this as you wish.  B) This will also be a day where you have an artist's date with yourself (See Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way" to learn more about this method). Fill your day with lots of inspiration. Get inspiration from lots of sources. What could be some of these sources? Brainstorm below. You can consider places, people, films, books, artwork, travel, hobbies, theatre, museums, cafes, nature, and more.
  • 143. Slide 1.143  A) Walk around the city of Norwich. You need your cell phone and an attentive eye for this project. Pay attention to the doors of Norwich. This project is all about doors:) Please find at least 12 different doors (of different styles, periods, colours etc.). Take their photographs. Tag each or give each a creative title. Did you learn new things that you have not realised before? What are they?  B) Imagine that one of these doors open to your childhood. Go down on your memory lane and find a sweet memory from your childhood. Where were you? How old were you? What were you doing? Were you alone or accompanied by others? Describe your memory with all the details - make it vivid and rich. Write it down as a story. Why did you choose this memory? Reflect on its significance for you.
  • 144. Slide 1.144  A) Please go on a treasure hunt for 8 of the images below and capture them with your phone or camera. An animal in a cloud A UEA bunny Spirals in nature Your reflection on a glass or window A plate of food that you have organized to make a portrait (such as human face) Colourful flower patterns on clothing A dinosaur in a human-made object A person who looks like s/he belongs to another century Two inanimate objects that appear to be in love The ugliest image you have seen this week A close-up of a paper sculpture or an origami object The most interesting sidewalk or walkway patterns you come across this week The funniest advertisement image (or message or poster) you have come across this week The above are only suggestions. You can also photograph other interesting images that come up. The pictures don’t have to be literal representations. They also don’t have to look good—as a matter of fact, the less perfect, the better. Close up blurs are welcome. Work quickly without thinking too much. You don’t need to spend more than 20-25 minutes on this unless, of course, you just can’t help yourself. Feel free to take friends on your treasure hunt. Chances are they will see things that you don’t.  B) Create a collage work or a mood board or an artwork using these photographs. Feel free to add photos from your own collection. Feel free to digitally alter or manipulate photos or create mashups. Give a title to your artwork. Please write an artist's description of your work.
  • 145. Slide 1.145  Imagine that you come across yourself in a cafe in London. You are shocked at first, but then you realize that this is YOU living in an alternative universe. The other version of yourself invites you for coffee. You will catch up and have a conversation about your lives. You are intrigued.  A) Please write a long and detailed description of the other you living an alternative life. ◦ Where does s/he live? Imagine all the details - family, career, house, friends, projects, travel etc. If you want to retain some (indispensible) elements from your current life, that is fine. However, this must be a different life. An alternative life that is exciting and full of more adventure perhaps?  B) Draw or doodle about your alternative life. You can design it visually or come up with a concept map.  C) Imagine the conversation you are having with your alternative self. Write down that conversation.
  • 146. Slide 1.146  Please respond to the following questions: 1. When did you last feel curious, playful, and excited? 2. How can you increase these ‘magical moments’ in your daily life? 3. If money was not a factor, how would you spend your life? 4. If you were able to take one year out to learn a new skill, what would you learn? Why? 5. If your life were 120 years long and you would choose four different careers, what would you like to do? Imagine four scenarios (think of lives or jobs that would be fun and exciting to have). 6. If you do not worry about failure or self-image, what might you try doing? 7. If you could only work 1 hour for your creative project on one day; what would you do during that hour?
  • 147. Slide 1.147  Please respond to the following questions (you will find 10 different answers each time). 1. If I did not have to do it perfectly …….. 2. If I did not have to do it perfectly …….. 3. If I did not have to do it perfectly …….. 4. If I did not have to do it perfectly …….. 5. If I did not have to do it perfectly …….. 6. If I did not have to do it perfectly …….. 7. If I did not have to do it perfectly …….. 8. If I did not have to do it perfectly …… 9. If I did not have to do it perfectly …….. 10. If I did not have to do it perfectly …….
  • 148. Slide 1.148  Fill in the Blanks (10 times, each will be a different answer): 1. A risk that I would like to take is…… 2. A risk that I would like to take is…… 3. A risk that I would like to take is…… 4. A risk that I would like to take is…… 5. A risk that I would like to take is…… 6. A risk that I would like to take is…… 7. A risk that I would like to take is…… 8. A risk that I would like to take is…… 9. A risk that I would like to take is…… 10. A risk that I would like to take is……
  • 149. Slide 1.149  You will revisit your failures in various aspects of your life. You need to be very honest with yourself about failures. If you want to lead an interesting life, you will be taking risks and face failure all the time. Failures can be viewed as stepping stones - they can be turned into learning.  Find and revisit these failures or U TURNS in your life: Something happened or it did not work. You changed approach, pivoted, or dropped it entirely perhaps? What happened? A) Entrepreneurship or Professional Work or Career  What were the challenges?  How did you resolve (or fail to resolve) the challenges?  What did or did not work?  How would you do it differently next time? Going Forward: Identify one small action in each domain that you can implement in your life. How will you go forward? Identify your action plan and write down an action for each domain above.
  • 150. Slide 1.150  You will revisit your failures in various aspects of your life. You need to be very honest with yourself about failures. If you want to lead an interesting life, you will be taking risks and face failure all the time. Failures can be viewed as stepping stones - they can be turned into learning.  Find and revisit these failures or U TURNS in your life: Something happened or it did not work. You changed approach, pivoted, or dropped it entirely perhaps? What happened? B) Creativity and Arts (music, visual arts, film, theatre, crafts, dance, writing, and design)  Please re-visit each area above - one by one.  What were the challenges?  How did you resolve (or fail to resolve) the challenges?  What did or did not work?  How would you do it differently next time?  Share your reflections. Going Forward: Identify one small action in each domain that you can implement in your life. How will you go forward? Identify your action plan and write down an action for each domain above.
  • 151. Slide 1.151 You will write yourself two letters. You will imagine that you are 80 in the first letter. You will imagine that you are 8 in the second letter. A) The first letter: From your 80-year old self to your current self. What words of advice and encouragement would this 80 year old, wise, loving, content version of you, with the benefit of hindsight, send to the you of today – what guidance would you offer yourself? B) The second letter: From your 8-year old self to your current self. •What would your child self tell your current self? Reminders? Advice? Wisdom? Principles? What is important?
  • 152. Slide 1.152  There are 36 fantasy challenges below (6*6). You can choose 6 of the 36 mini fantasy challenges below and implement them. You can also choose any mix you prefer. For example, you can go on 1 fantasy adventure from each link below. In total, you will go on 6 adventures/fantasies.  1. Create six fantastic adventures set in virtual reality  c5a89d0eaa8e?source=friends_link&sk=7a2f0ffed0901fa6021b586351b14f6b  2. Create six epic adventures set in outer space  c903c471799?source=friends_link&sk=013d0a3074417338c022237b63ba7469  3. Imagine you can be part of any fantasy universe  ee9d5a4c7c66?source=friends_link&sk=629595f0d3675efe998080dc5f98163c  4. Imagine you can travel back to any period in world history  history-5fda34e8326a?source=friends_link&sk=ff1fef995d1a5500b37c51739e1671c9  5. Imagine you can travel to the future (any future period and location)  and-location-10334bcf61f3?source=friends_link&sk=d16706bedd31a8008f5993d0f9b179a2  6. Imagine you will go on six adventures in six countries  43d53675a947?source=friends_link&sk=331356c413d1d354f5280b7b9a9753c1
  • 156. Slide 1.156 Cow + sofa =
  • 157. Slide 1.157 Bike + toilet =
  • 159. Slide 1.159 Dog + Shoe =
  • 161. Slide 1.161 Pie + Shoe =
  • 169. Slide 1.169  On one piece of paper, write down a thing (e.g. aeroplane / USB stick / lamp / table / mug etc etc) - fold note  On a second piece of paper, write a service (e.g hairdressing / cooking / filing taxes / collecting garbage etc etc) – fold note  Notes go in two piles: a ‘thing pile’ and a ‘service pile’  CLUSTERS OF FOUR  Every team picks two notes from each pile: two things and two services  Open your notes!  You have 2 MINUTES to come up a minimum of 5 different Business Ideas – combining two or more of the things and/or services  You have 3 MINUTES to choose the best one and prepare a convincing elevator pitch in your team – cool name + visuals help sell your idea! 169
  • 171.  You can analyze TED Talks and BBC 4’s Desert Island Discs as goldmines of wisdom on self-making and creativity:  TED Talks  BBC 4 Desert Island Discs castaway
  • 172. Slide 1.172 Wonders of the Universe BBC 2 The power of passion: Professor Brian Cox
  • 173. Slide 1.173 El Bulli: Cooking in Progress The power of passion: Ferran Adria
  • 174. Slide 1.174 Bloomberg Risk Takers The power of passion: Elon Musk
  • 175. Slide 1.175 The Artist is Present The power of passion: Marina Abramovic
  • 177. Having watched videos of Ferran Adria, Brian Cox, Elon Musk, and Marina Abramovic, Think of 4 imaginary lives that would be fun and interesting to have: 1. 2. 3. 4.
  • 179. Slide 1.179 17 9  Write the title of the Movie:  Your success story/impact/legacy (briefly)  Who would play you?  3 Skills your Cinema Self has (but you do not yet have):  3 Places you need to travel as your cinema self  YOU WILL DISCUSS IN CLUSTERS OF THREE  TOTAL TIME: 5 MINUTES  Feel free to offer ‘pop corn’
  • 180.
  • 184. Slide 1.184 Read more at Instead of just mirroring the style of the magazine, Sumukh turned his CV into an actual 20-page magazine complete with features about his accomplishments, life and education.
  • 187. Slide 1.187 Your Career as a Wicked Problem WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS OF THIS MODEL? HOW CAN YOU COPE?
  • 188. Slide 1.188 Your Career is a Wicked Problem 1. Do not settle with easiest and most convenient option available to you. 2. Cultivate a lot of diverse seeds, experiment, and see which options have more potential (i.e. grow) 3. Be prepared for uncertainty through developing more resilience, resourcefulness, entrepreneurship, and creativity
  • 194. Slide 1.194  These forward-thinking start-ups have not only identified unexploited niches in the market that have the potential to become billion-dollar businesses, a majority of them already are billion-dollar businesses. ◦ A startling 36 disruptors this year are unicorns that have already reached or passed the billion-dollar mark.  These 50 companies have raised nearly $74 billion in venture capital at an implied market valuation of more than $277 billion. ◦ Many already are part of our daily lives, whether or not we know it. ◦ Biotech and machine learning to transportation and retail and even exploring outer space ◦ Drones and genes to the battles for control in the rapidly growing ridesharing, lodging and cryptocurrency industries — these innovations are changing the world.
  • 195. HERE IS A PUZZLE: Name a real-life person you know that embodies a science fiction character. Who might that person be? •ELON MUSK, of course
  • 196. ELON MUSK as a SUPER-HERO: Embodiment of imagination and science fiction
  • 198. Slide 1.198  The reason we love Elon Musk is his BOLD AMBITIONS + IMAGINATIVE STORYTELLING + ENORMOUS RISK-TAKING + WOW FACTOR of ENTERTAINMENT/SURPRISE Elon Musk created 4 companies worth more than $1 billion each: PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX and SolarCity. He disrupted 8 industries!!
  • 199.
  • 200.
  • 201. Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of SpaceX and Tesla is Shaping our Future • South African born Elon Musk is the renowned entrepreneur and innovator behind PayPal, SpaceX, Tesla, and SolarCity. Musk wants to save our planet; he wants to send citizens into space, to form a colony on Mars; he wants to make money while doing these things; and he wants us all to know about it. He is the real-life inspiration for the Iron Man series of films starring Robert Downey Junior. • The personal tale of Musk’s life comes with all the trappings one associates with a great, drama-filled story. He was a freakishly bright kid who was bullied brutally at school, and abused by his father. In the midst of these rough conditions, and the violence of apartheid South Africa, Musk still thrived academically and attended the University of Pennsylvania, where he paid his own way through school by turning his house into a club and throwing massive parties. • He started a pair of huge dot-com successes, including PayPal, which eBay acquired for $1.5 billion in 2002. Musk was forced out as CEO and so began his lost years in which he decided to go it alone and baffled friends by investing his fortune in rockets and electric cars. Meanwhile Musk’s marriage disintegrated as his technological obsessions took over his life ... • Elon Musk is the Steve Jobs of the present and the future, and for the past twelve months, he has been shadowed by tech reporter, Ashlee Vance. Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of Spacex and Tesla is Shaping our Future is an important, exciting and intelligent account of the real-life Iron Man.
  • 202. Elon Musk: The Man, The Myth, and The Meme
  • 205. Slide 1.205  Write down your obsessions ◦ Hobbies ◦ Curiosities ◦ Passion  What can you do about these to bring something new and fresh to the world? ◦ Please think about this question at home.
  • 206. Slide 1.206 CELEBRATING YOUR OWN ‘WEIRDNESS’ Make a list of 6 things that make you “weird”. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Do you nourish or restrict these in your daily life?
  • 207. Slide 1.207 DISCUSS in CLUSTERS OF THREE Share your weird lists quickly. Who is the most weird among you? Celebrate that person! Try to find a film or fiction character that would resemble your friend. Write pop corns for one another.
  • 211. Slide 1.211 Jack Ma – founder of Alibaba - is a legend in business.
  • 212.  My current academic CV is about 10 pages.  It only lists my accomplishments.  Nobody sees my failures.
  • 213. A small sample of my failures include: • I was rejected by all PhD programmes after my undergraduate. • I applied for more than 100 academic jobs when I finished PhD and it was the time of economic crises – got rejected by all. • I have got at least 120 rejections from academic journals (I have around 30 publications i.e. successes) • I do have many spectacular fails. I have even put a kettle on the oven and it melted down
  • 217. Thinking like an Entrepreneur Your Career as a Start-up
  • 226. Slide 1.226 226 Business Idea: a concept which delivers value - because it meets a need
  • 227. Slide 1.227 A one-minute description of the Business Idea:  What is the idea?  What need does it solve for whom?  Why is the idea unique?
  • 229. Slide 1.229 A one-minute description of the Business Idea:  What is the idea?  What need does it solve for whom?  Why is the idea unique?
  • 230. HERE IS A PUZZLE: He was a homeless man, but he is now a millionaire. He made it happen through entrepreneurship and edutainment. He makes raw inspirational songs for entrepreneurs. Hint: His songs include: Shopify Rap, Bitcoin Rap, Life of an Entrepreneur, Self-Made Chris Record
  • 232.
  • 235. “The 5 Second Rule” by Mel Robbins The moment you have an instinct to act on a goal you must count 5–4–3–2–1 and physically move or your brain will stop you.
  • 236. Mel Robbins: Five Second Rule
  • 237. Don’t Bother Waiting For Inspiration. It’s Not Coming. • You need grit, struggle and urgency. • The cold reality is that sometimes, it’s a real struggle to get your best work into the world. • That’s why so many of us admire great creators, artists and thinkers but so few of us will ever become one. • If you wait to be inspired to do your best work, you’ll be waiting a long time. Possibly forever. • Waiting for inspiration is an amateur move. It’s not coming today. It may never. It’s not coming to you. But you can seek it out. • The solution: start the work now. • Do it on the sunny days and the rainy days. Stop giving yourself a “pass” to leave your gifts on the table unopened. Stop allowing yourself the excuse not to create. • Push through the uncomfortable stage • Struggle actually leads to more inspiration • You don’t get inspired, then do great work. You do great work, then get inspired.
  • 239. Slide 1.239  Your career is a wicked problem. You need to imagine fresh possibilities and act as a designer and entrepreneur of your life.  Robots and AI are not going anywhere – be open, learn, adapt, and develop advanced skills to work with them.  Be yourself, be weird and be proud of it. Celebrate what makes you weird. Do not conform to expectations of others. Invest into your unique strengths, passions, and obsessions.
  • 240. Slide 1.240  Imagine and design new projects for the company that you are applying for. How can you contribute to the table?  Start writing up your customised cover letter. In your letter, clearly match and exceed the job requirements one by one.  Failures are valuable – celebrate your failures. Fail sooner rather than later. Fail early and fail often. Learn from your failures, develop resilience, and go forward.
  • 241. Slide 1.241  Your brain loves humour and surprises. Try to engineer humour and surprise.  Discover inspiring innovative ideas around you. These might come from all walks of life. Be alert and open to learning.  Creativity, at its core, is connecting unrelated things together.
  • 242. Slide 1.242  Be greedy about your learning. Read widely and diversely beyond disciplines.  Imagination and asset creation are linked very closely. Imagine and create your own game.  Establish a system of productivity and creativity to create your own assets. Consistent Small Actions + Smart Moves + Hard Work + Play Your Game  Establish a system of productivity and creativity to create your own assets.  Develop effective meta-habits: breakthrough-year-3dd00429cf3
  • 243. Slide 1.243  Search for novelty and variation in life.  Your brain loves surprises, twists, and unexpected things.  Move, dance, run, bike, spend time in nature.  Read 41 creativity lessons article and apply these lessons in your life.  41st-age-92f3552970af  Your imagination has no boundaries. Use it more often.
  • 244. Your most crucial task is: Create your own creative assets. Start now! Use your Seven I or Entrep. project as an opportunity to create your own intellectual and creative assets. Do not take yourself seriously. Take your work seriously. Do not be trapped by your ego – this will make you mediocre. You cannot learn and grow if you try to be clever all the time. It is much better to be naïve, hungry, foolish, playful, and curious. Review of Takeaways
  • 248. Slide 1.248  Peter Jones, of Dragons' Den, meets Britain's top entrepreneurs, finding out how they made their millions and investigating whether there is a blueprint for success.  =13&list=PLPchIv5B039ZzRaZTJ_5Hqm6uyH46IsbS ◦ Richard Reed – Innocent smoothies ◦ Michelle Mone - Ultimo lingerie  =12&list=PLPchIv5B039ZzRaZTJ_5Hqm6uyH46IsbS ◦ Chris Dawson – The Range ◦ Constantines – Lush Cosmetics
  • 250. Slide 1.250  Bolles, R.N. (2018). What Color is Your Parachute? A Practical Manual for Job Hunters and Career Changers. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press.  Cameron, J. (2016). The Artist’s Way: A Course in Discovering and Recovering Your Creative Self. London: Pan Macmillan.  Burnett, B. and Evans, D. (2016). Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life. Knopf Publishing.  Harvard Business Review  Fast Company  Wired  Forbes
  • 251. MUSICALS Phantom of the Opera BUSINESS IS EVERYWHERE Selfridges and Story of Mr. Selfridge
  • 254. HERE IS A PUZZLE: Who are the biggest Global East Asian act in history? Hint: They generate 3.6 billion for South Korea’s economy. •BTS, of course
  • 255. HERE IS A PUZZLE: Can you tell the names of all members of BTS from your memory?
  • 257. How BTS Became a Major Moneymaker for South Korea
  • 258. What can we learn from BTS? culture/music- theatre/2019/06/bts- phenomenon K-Pop Infrastructure: Rigorous training for more than a decade Bang Si-Hyuk – CEO of Big Hit “Love Yourself” narrative, work with the U.N. and openness on topics like mental health. Mental health and the desire to belong in society. Their aesthetic and music allow both surface enjoyment and deeply cultural examinations.
  • 259. BTS Success Story • RM (the leader), J-Hope, Suga, Jin, Jimin, Jungkook and V. • They are the biggest Global East Asian act in history. • BTS generates $3.6bn – not a typo – a year for the South Korean economy. • In 2017 1 in 13 tourists to South Korea cited BTS as the motive for their visit. • The band has topped the US Billboard album charts three times in a single year, a feat equalled only by the Beatles. • BTS have taken artist-admirer intimacy to Himalayan heights: The Army • An entire industry: Producers and songwriters, choreographers, set and costume designers, video directors, social-media handlers comprise a formidable world-class creative and business organism.
  • 260. BTS at the United Nations
  • 261. BTS at the United Nations
  • 266. Slide 1.266  It is not easy to scare yourself and set yourself new challenges and adventures. But if you do it, you will be rewarded. You will be happier.  What kind of a super-hero are you? How will you help other people?  The world needs interesting, unique, weird people – like you!  You can get inspiration from 100 different people and 100 different fields.  And then imagine you are a farmer and you are growing 100 creative projects: Let 100 flowers bloom!
  • 267. Slide 1.267  You need to live exponentially and avoid mediocrity.  Life is short and you are the hero. Make a difference.  Being part of something large feels good. We are a community of learners & experimenters.  Create your own category and be the owner of that category.  Develop your personal brand. Build it on your authentic self. Turn your weaknesses into strengths by being open.
  • 268. Slide 1.268  Do not take yourself seriously. Take your work seriously.  You cannot learn and grow if you try to be clever all the time. It is much better to be naïve, hungry, foolish, playful, and curious.  Do not be trapped by your ego – this will make you mediocre.  Use your semester project as an opportunity to create your own intellectual and creative assets.  Your most crucial task is: Create your own creative assets. Start now!
  • 269. Slide 1.269  Remember the Squash.  What did you learn from the Squash?  You need a bit more chaos, randomness, dance, singing, independent learning, writing, and creating in your life.  Improvisation is magic – it improves your life instantly.  Surprises, adventures, puzzles, exciting ventures, new projects, artistic pursuits are good for your health.
  • 270. Slide 1.270  Your diary is your best friend.  Your diary is a seed catalogue of all your ideas. Write, draw, reflect, capture your ideas every day.  We live in an imagination economy. Ideas are the new currency. Your attention (i.e. your time) is the most precious thing in the world.  Life is not only about the next goal to be captured. There is more to life than that. We are not machines. We need adventures. Sometimes, you need to relax, breathe, loosen up – just be.  What if you had quadruple lives – wouldn’t this enrich you as a person?