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My Outline
1. graduate from the police academy in Haiti
2.Qualify for the training
3.Finish the training
4.No misconduct reported to the Academy
5.Making change for the Haitian people in the community
6.Having financial freedom
7.Helping my family
8.Helping my friends
9.Having the money to move in the USA
10.Reached my goal
**** Bold Point are focus points for the essay.
The basic mission of the police is to protect and prevent crime
and disorder in a society. The police are the public and the
public are the police. They both share the same responsibility
for community safety. I have accomplished many goals
throughout my life, but one of my biggest one I would say
would be graduating from the police academy on May 11, 2016
in Haiti because I finished the training, having my financial
freedom and reached my goal.
All my life, I knew I wanted to make a difference in my
community so being able to accomplish this was an ocean of
blessings. Some of the people who were at the graduation were
the president of Haiti, the head of police, and the representative
of the US Embassy. There was about 1300 people who started
the school with us, but unfortunately some of them did not
finish the training because they did not score high enough or
they did not obey the regulations of the school. The training
was very hard for me. We had school every day and sometimes
we spent all night doing exercises, but I kept pushing it. I
earned three A on the exams. I was shocked because the steps to
becoming a police officer were difficult. You can never have
been arrested, you must have a grade of an A or be on the test
for the school, you must follow the process of the medical
examination, and have a good physical condition .Most
importantly, you must practice respect and discipline all the
time at the school. For example, if the director of academy
received news from a person about an aspirant awaiting oath
before the oath took place he or she would automatically be
kicked out of the graduation .This aspirant would no longer be
eligible to become a police officer in the Haitian community.
Also having the power to make the change for the people in my
community was what kept me going reach this unforgettable
occasion. To be able to protect the interest of the Haitian nation
and my community and living a great impact was one of my
reasons for becoming a police officer.
Secondly, not only was I going to be making a difference in the
community, but in addition, I was going to have financial
freedom. this extra income will allow me to help my family
more because I was the main provider for my household. Also, I
would be able to help my mom and dad when they are in need
and start saving for the future. This extra income will help put
extra money in my pocket to spend on myself and friends. For
Finally, when I was a child my nickname was police, but at that
time no one would expect me to let later become one. To see
how proud my mom and my dad were to watch her youngest
child accomplished a goal meant everything to me. The support
from my family was one of the assistances that got me through
the tough days of training. They reminded me to never give up
and when I had a tough day of training my sister would
encourage me to keep going reminding me, I was closer to
finishing then I was a week ago.
To conclude, I was very enthusiastic after taking the oath to
become a police officer because I got my diploma, my gun, and
my first rank. By becoming a police officer, my goal was to
make a difference in my community become financially free
being that I am the main provider my home and make my family
and peers proud I was motivated by seeing the struggle my
parents went through to make ends meet I was grateful for the
support I received from my family.
Essentials of Organizational Behavior
Fourteenth Edition
Chapter 5
Personality and Values
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After studying this chapter you should be able to:
Describe personality, the way it is measured, and the factors
that shape it.
Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the Myers-Briggs
Type Indicator (MBTI) personality framework and the Big Five
Discuss how the concepts of core self-evaluation (CSE), self-
monitoring, and proactive personality contribute to the
understanding of personality.
Describe how the situation affects whether personality predicts
Contrast terminal and instrumental values.
Describe the differences between person-job fit and person-
organization fit.
Compare Hofstede’s five value dimensions and the GLOBE
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Personality - the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts
to and interacts with others
Most often described in terms of measurable traits that a person
exhibits such as shy, aggressive, submissive, lazy, ambitious,
loyal, and timid
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Personality is often defined by characteristics such as outgoing
or charming. However, psychologists define personality as the
growth and development of a person’s whole psychological
We study personality in Organizational Behavior because it
impacts a number of important work outcomes. We can attempt
to measure personality through a variety of methods. Often
these methods are utilized in the hiring process to assist in
hiring the right person for the job and the organization.
Assessing and Measuring Personality
Personality tests are useful in hiring decisions
Help managers forecast who is best for a job
Self-report surveys
Most common
Prone to error
Evaluate on a series of factors
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Self-reports are the most common and easiest way to measure
personality, but they are prone to error due to the fact that the
individual is reporting all the data about themselves.
Studies show that culture influences how we rate ourselves.
People from individualistic countries trend toward self-
enhancement, while those in collectivistic societies trend
toward self-diminishment.
Personality Determinants
Personality reflects heredity and environment
Heredity is the most dominant factor
Twin studies: genetics more influential than parents
Environmental factors do have some influence
Aging influences levels of ability Basic personality is constant
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There are many determinants of personality including heredity,
environmental factors, and age.
There has been a long-standing debate about whether genetics
or environment are more important in determining personality.
They both play an important role. The heredity approach refers
to factors determined at conception such as physical stature and
gender. This has been reaffirmed by studies that have looked at
twins who were raised apart but still had similar personalities.
However, there were differences observed leading to the idea
the environmental factors can have some influence.
Age does influence the level of ability that an individual has
even though it is widely held that the basic personality stays
constant throughout the life of the individual.
Dominant Personality Frameworks
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Most widely used personality-assessment instrument in the
Individuals are classified as:
Extroverted or Introverted (E/I)
Sensing or Intuitive (S/N)
Thinking or Feeling (T/F)
Judging or Perceiving (J/P)
Classifications combined into 16 personality types (i.e., INTJ or
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The MBTI is the most widely used personality instrument
worldwide. Participants are classified within four scales to
determine 1 of 16 possible personality types. These types are
broken down into four dichotomies. The first is extroverts who
tend to be sociable and assertive versus introverts who tend to
be quiet and shy. The second dichotomy is sensing and
intuitive. Sensors are practical and orderly where intuits utilize
unconscious processes. The third dichotomy is thinking and
feeling. Thinking focuses on using reason and logic whereas
feeling utilizes values and emotions. The final dichotomy is
judging and perceiving. Judgers want order and structure
whereas perceivers are more flexible and spontaneous.
Measuring Personality Traits: The Big-Five Model
Five Traits:
Emotional Stability
Openness to Experience
Strongly supported relationship to job performance (especially
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The Big Five model of personality sets forth that there are five
basic dimensions that underlie all others and encompass most of
the significant variations in human personalities. The Big Five
factors are: Extroversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness,
Emotional Stability, and Openness to Experiences. There is a
lot of research that supports the Big Five model, and it has been
shown to predict behavior at work.
Big Five Traits and OB
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As shown, the Big Five traits are related to job performance and
also have other implications for work and life.
The Dark Triad
The Dark Triad
High machs tend to be pragmatic, emotionally distant, and
believe the ends justify the means
A person with a grandiose view of self, requires excessive
admiration, has a sense of self-entitlement, and is arrogant
A lack of concern for others, and a lack of guilt or remorse
when their actions cause harm
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Researchers have found that three socially undesirable traits
called the Dark Triad are relevant to organizational behavior.
Machiavellianism describes a person who tends to be
emotionally distant and believes that the ends justify the means.
They tend to have a competitive drive and a need to win. They
can be very persuasive in situations where there is direct
interaction with minimal rules and people are distracted by
emotions. Narcissism is a trait that often hinders job
effectiveness. It describes a person who requires excessive
admiration and has a strong sense of entitlement. Psychopathy
refers to a lack of concern for others, and a lack of guilt or
remorse when their actions cause harm.
Other Personality Traits Relevant to OB
Core self-evaluation
People with positive core self-evaluation like themselves and
see themselves as capable and effective in the workplace
Adjusts behavior to meet external, situational factors
Proactive personality
Identifies opportunities, shows initiative, takes action, and
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People with positive CSE perform better because they set more
ambitious goals, are more committed to their goals, and persist
longer in attempting to reach them. Self-monitoring is another
personality trait that is linked to job performance. It is the
ability to adjust behavior to meet situational factors. High
monitors are more likely to become leaders in the workplace.
Proactive personalities are people who are able to identify
opportunities and take action to capitalize on that opportunity.
They also have the ability to persevere through difficulties to
meet their goals. Proactive personality may be important for
work teams.
Personality and Situations (1 of 2)
The effect of particular traits on organization behavior depends
on the situation
Two frameworks
Situation Strength
Trait Activation
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Personality and Situations (2 of 2)
Situation strength theory – the way personality translates into
behavior depends on the strength of the situation
Analyze situation strength in terms of:
Trait activation theory (TAT) – predicts that some situations,
events, or interventions “activate” a trait more than others
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Strong situations pressure us to exhibit the right behavior,
clearly show us what that behavior is, and discourage the wrong
behavior. In weak situations, “anything goes,” and thus we are
freer to express our personality in our behaviors. Thus, research
suggests that personality traits better predict behavior in weak
situations than in strong ones.
Research shows that in a supportive environment, everyone
behaves prosocially, but in an environment that is not so nice,
whether an individual has the personality to behave prosocially
makes a major difference.
Trait Activation Theory
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Trait Activation Theory: Jobs in Which Certain Big Five Traits
Are More Relevant
Values represent basic, enduring convictions that "a specific
mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or
socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct
or end-state of existence"
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Values represent basic convictions that make judgments about
what is the best mode of conduct or end-state of existence.
Value Systems
Represent a prioritizing of individual values by:
Content – importance to the individual
Intensity – relative importance with other values
The hierarchy tends to be relatively stable
Values are the foundation for attitudes, motivation, and
Influence perception and cloud objectivity
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Value systems represent individual values and prioritizes them
based on how important the particular value is to the individual
and how intense their feelings are about that particular value.
The way individuals set up their values in order of importance
is relatively stable over time and sets the foundation for many
work outcomes such as attitudes, motivation, and behavior. In
addition, values are important in the workplace because they
can influence an individual’s perception and cloud their
Rokeach Value Survey
Terminal values: desirable end-states of existence
Goals that a person would like to achieve during his or her
Instrumental values: preferable modes of behavior or means of
achieving the terminal values
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The Rokeach Value Survey was created by Milton Rokeach. It
consists of two sets of values, terminal values and instrumental
values. Terminal values describe the desired values/goals a
person would like to keep/achieve through their lifetime.
Instrumental values are the preferred modes of behavior or
means of achieving one’s terminal values.
Values vary between groups and can cause trouble when group
members hold different values and negotiation is needed.
Personality-Job Fit: Holland’s Hexagon (1 of 2)
Job satisfaction and turnover depend on congruency between
personality and task
People in jobs congruent with their personality should be more
satisfied and less likely to voluntarily resign than people in
incongruent tasks
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Personality and value studies are important to the field of
organizational behavior because they have been linked to
workplace outcomes. The person-job fit theory developed by
John Holland has been critical to thinking about how people fit
with a specific job. Holland classified people into six
personality types utilizing a vocational preference inventory.
Through the study of personality it has become clear that there
are intrinsic differences in personality between people. Given
that there are a number of different jobs it is logical that people
in jobs congruent with their personalities would be more
satisfied in their work.
When the personality is matched with the type of occupation,
then there are stronger positive work outcomes.
Personality-Job Fit: Holland’s Hexagon (2 of 2)
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There are cultural implications for person–job fit that speak to
workers’ expectations that jobs will be tailored to them.
Managers in collectivistic cultures should not violate cultural
norms by designing jobs for individuals; rather they should seek
people who will likely thrive in jobs that have already been
Person-Organization Fit
It is more important that employees’ personalities fit with the
organizational culture than with the characteristics of any
specific job
The fit predicts job satisfaction, organizational commitment,
and turnover
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This idea can be further linked to the workplace by looking at
person-organization fit. The employee’s personality needs to fit
with the organizational culture. When employees find
organizations that match their values, they are more likely to be
selected and correspondingly be more satisfied with their work.
The big five personality types are often helpful in matching the
individuals with organizational culture.
Person-job fit and person-organization fit are considered to be
the most relevant dimensions for the workplace, but person-
group fit is important in team settings and person-supervisor fit
is relevant to job satisfaction and performance outcomes.
Cultural Values
Values differ across cultures
Two frameworks for assessing culture:
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There are global implications to personality and values in the
workplace. Frameworks such as the Big Five are transferable
across cultures; in fact, it has been used worldwide. However,
the applicability is higher in some cultures than others. Values,
on the other hand, differ to a great degree across cultures.
Geert Hofstede developed a framework for assessing culture. He
breaks up his framework of understanding into five value
dimensions: power distance, individualism versus collectivism,
masculinity versus femininity, uncertainty avoidance, and long-
term versus short-term orientation.
The GLOBE, as discussed earlier, is also helpful in framing
differences between cultures.
Hofstede’s Framework for Assessing Cultures (1 of 2)
Five factors:
Power Distance
Individualism vs. Collectivism
Masculinity vs. Femininity
Uncertainty Avoidance
Long-term vs. Short-term Orientation
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Power distance is the extent to which a society accepts that
power in institutions and organizations is distributed unequally.
Low-distance occurs when there is relatively equal power
between those with status and wealth and those without. Higher
distance occurs when there is unequal power distribution
between groups.
The second component in Hofstede’s framework is
individualism vs. collectivism. Individualism is the degree to
which people prefer to act on their own rather than in a group.
Collectivism is the idea that people operate within a social
framework where they help others out and they expect help
when they need it.
Hofstede offers a third component in his model that
distinguishes between masculinity and femininity. Masculinity
is the extent to which the culture prefers achievement, power,
and control versus characteristics that are more feminine in
The fourth component is uncertainty avoidance. This is the
extent to which a society is willing to live with uncertainty and
ambiguity. High uncertainty avoidance cultures will try to avoid
ambiguous situations as much as possible. Lower uncertainty
avoidance cultures do not mind ambiguity.
The final component is time orientation. Long-term orientation
societies will emphasize the future and what it takes to get to
the future they desire, thrift and persistence. Short-term
orientation societies will emphasize the here and now.
Hofstede’s Framework for Assessing Cultures (2 of
2)CountryPower Distance RankIndividualism RankMasculinity
RankUncertainty Avoidance RankLong-term Orientation
RankAustralia412163722-24Great Britain42-4439-1047-4828-
29Greece27-283018-191Guatemala2-353433Hong Kong15-
4128539Sweden47-4810-115349-5020United States381154327
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Exhibit 5-4
Hofstede’s Cultural Values by Nation
Source: Copyright Geert Hofstede BV, [email protected]
Reprinted with permission.
The exhibit shows the ratings and ranks of 53 countries. For
example, power distance is higher in Malaysia than in any other
country. The United States is very individualistic; in fact, it’s
the most individualistic nation of all (closely followed by
Australia and Great Britain). Guatemala is the most
collectivistic nation. The country with the highest masculinity
rank by far is Japan, and the country with the highest femininity
rank is Sweden. Greece scores the highest in uncertainty
avoidance, while Singapore scores the lowest. Hong Kong has
one of the longest-term orientations; Pakistan has the shortest-
term orientation.
GLOBE Framework for Assessing Cultures
Ongoing study with nine factors:
Future orientation
Gender differentiation
Uncertainty avoidance
Power distance
Individualism/ collectivism
In-group collectivism
Performance orientation
Humane orientation
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The GLOBE framework takes a look at nine dimensions of
national culture. It is similar to Hofstede’s model but adds the
humane and performance orientations. The humane orientation
looks at how much society rewards people for being altruistic
and kind where the performance orientation looks at how much
society encourages and rewards good work.
Implications for Managers
Consider screening job candidates for high conscientiousness
Use MBTI in training and development to help employees better
understand themselves and team members, and facilitate
Evaluate your employees’ jobs, their work groups, and your
organization to determine the optimal personality fit
Take into account employees’ situational factors when
evaluating their observable personality traits, and lower the
situation strength to better ascertain personality characteristics
Take into consideration people’s different cultures
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Essentials of Organizational Behavior
Fourteenth Edition
Chapter 4
Emotions and Moods
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After studying this chapter you should be able to:
Differentiate between emotions and moods.
Identify the sources of emotions and moods.
Show the impact emotional labor has on employees.
Describe affective events theory.
Describe emotional intelligence.
Identify strategies for emotion regulation.
Apply concepts about emotions and moods to specific OB
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Affect, Emotions, and Moods
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Affect is a generic term that covers a broad range of feelings
people experience. This includes both emotions and moods.
Emotions are intense feelings that are directed at someone or
something. Moods are the feelings that tend to be less intense
than emotions and that lack a contextual stimulus.
The Basic Emotions
Six universal emotions
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Many researchers agree on six essentially universal emotions –
anger, fear, sadness, happiness, disgust, and surprise. Some
even plot them along a continuum: happiness – surprise – fear –
sadness – anger – disgust. The closer two emotions are to each
other on this continuum, the more likely people will confuse
them. Emotions can differ depending on whether a society is
individualistic or collectivistic in terms of the general outlook
of its people.
Moral Emotions
Emotions that have moral implications because of our instant
judgment of the situation that evokes them
Moral disgust
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Research on moral emotions focus on examples such as
sympathy for the suffering of others, guilt about our own
immoral behavior, anger about injustice done to others, and
contempt for those who behave unethically.
The Basic Moods: Positive and Negative Affect
Positive affect: a mood dimension consisting of positive
emotions such as excitement, enthusiasm, and elation at the
high end (high positive affect) and boredom, depression, and
fatigue at the low end (low positive affect)
Negative affect: a mood dimension consisting of nervousness,
stress, and anxiety at the high end (high negative affect) and
contentedness, calmness, and serenity at the low end (low
negative affect)
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Our basic moods carry positive and negative affects; they
cannot be neutral. Emotions are grouped into general mood
The Affect Circumplex
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People rarely experience both positive and negative affect at the
same time. Over time, we differ in how much we experience of
Experiencing Moods and Emotions
Positive moods are somewhat more common than negative
Positivity offset: at zero input, most people experience a mildly
positive mood
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The degree to which people experience positive and negative
emotions varies across cultures. Some cultures value certain
emotions more than others, which leads individuals to change
their perspective on experiencing those emotions.
The Function of Emotions and Moods
Emotions and Rationality
Emotions are critical to rational thought: they help us
understand the world around us
Emotions and Ethics
New research suggests that ethical behavior may be based to
some degree on emotions and feelings
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There are some who think that emotions are linked to
irrationality and expressing emotions in public may be
damaging to your career or status. However, research has
shown that emotions are necessary for rational thinking.
People who are behaving ethically are at least partially making
decisions based on their emotions and feelings.
Emotions help us make better decisions and help us understand
the world around us. If we are going to make decisions, we
need to incorporate both thinking and feeling.
Sources of Emotions and Moods (1 of 2)
Some people experience certain moods and emotions more
frequently than others
Affect intensity: experiencing the same emotions with different
Time of day
People vary in their moods by time of day
Day of the week
People tend to be in their best mood on the weekend
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Affectively intense people experience both positive and
negative emotions more deeply. Many are happier toward the
end of the week or mid-day.
Sources of Emotions and Moods (2 of 2)
Time-of-Day Effects on Moods of U.S. Adults as Rated from
Twitter Postings
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Levels of positive affect are greatest in the evening, and the
lowest in the early morning, on most days of the week. Levels
of negative affect are also the highest in the overnight hours,
but the lowest point is later in the morning than for positive
More Sources
Illusory correlation
No impact according to research
Increased stress worsens moods
Lack of sleep increases negative emotions and impairs decision
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Weather is thought to have an impact on our emotions, but there
is no proven effect.
Stress is an important factor and even at low levels it can cause
our mood to change. It is important to maintain a low level of
stress to help us control our psychological, as well as our
physical health. Social activities have been shown to have a
positive impact on our moods. This could be physical outlets
such as playing in a basketball league, or it can be going out to
dinner with friends. These types of activities are found to have
a positive impact on our moods.
Sleep can be another factor; it is important to get enough, and
high quality levels, of sleep.
Even More Sources
Mildly enhances positive mood
Older people experience negative emotions less frequently
Women show greater emotional expression, experience emotions
more intensely, and display more frequent expressions of
Could be due to socialization
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Physical activity can also aid in keeping our moods upbeat.
Some characteristics that are beyond our control can impact our
moods, such as age and gender. Elderly people tend to have
fewer negative emotions. Women tend to express their
emotions readily, and their moods tend to last longer. Research
has shown that this is due more to cultural socialization than to
Emotional Labor
Emotional labor: an employee’s expression of organizationally
desired emotions during interpersonal transactions at work
Emotional dissonance: when an employee has to project one
emotion while simultaneously feeling another
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In many jobs there is an implied agreement on the types of
emotions that should be expressed. For example, waitresses are
supposed to be friendly and cheerful whether they are currently
feeling that emotion or not. When employees don’t feel the
emotion they are required to express, they may experience
emotional dissonance. This can lead to burnout and frustration
with the job.
Felt vs. Displayed Emotions
Felt Emotions:
The individual’s actual emotions
Displayed Emotions:
The learned emotions that the organization requires workers to
show and considers appropriate in a given job
Surface Acting - hiding one’s true emotions
Deep Acting - trying to change one’s feelings based on display
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An employee’s actual emotions are their felt emotions and this
is in contrast to the emotions that are required or deemed
appropriate, which are called displayed emotions. There are
two levels of displayed emotions that can be expressed. They
are both appropriately called acting. Surface acting occurs
when an employee displays the appropriate emotions even when
he doesn’t feel those emotions. Deep acting occurs when the
employee actually changes her internal feelings to match
displayed rules. This level of acting can be very stressful.
Affective Events Theory
How do emotions and moods influence job performance and
Affective events theory (AET): employees react emotionally to
things that happen to them at work, and this reaction influences
their job performance and satisfaction
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AET provides us with valuable insights into the role emotions
play in primary organizational outcomes of job satisfaction and
job performance.
Work events trigger positive or negative emotional reactions, to
which employees’ personalities and moods predispose them to
respond with greater or lesser intensity.
Emotions influence performance and satisfaction variables such
as organizational citizenship behavior, organizational
commitment, level of effort, intention to quit, and workplace
Emotional Intelligence (1 of 2)
Emotional intelligence: a person’s ability to:
Perceive emotions in the self and others
Understand the meaning of these emotions
Regulate one’s emotions in a cascading model
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Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a growing area of study is
becoming increasingly important in the understanding of how
individuals behave. EI is pulling in one’s understanding of
emotions and their impact on behavior. Individuals who are
emotionally intelligent will have a strong sense of self-
awareness, recognizing their own emotions when experienced.
They are also able to detect emotions in others. By
understanding their own emotions and those of others, they can
manage emotional cues and information to make decisions.
Emotional Intelligence (2 of 2)
A Cascading Model of Emotional Intelligence
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People who know their own emotions and are good at reading
emotional cues are most likely to be effective.
Emotional Intelligence on Trial
The case for:
Intuitive appeal – it makes sense
EI predicts criteria that matter –positively correlated to high job
Study suggests that EI is neurologically based
The case against:
EI is too vague a concept
EI can’t be measured
EI is so closely related to intelligence and personality that it is
not unique when those factors are controlled
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EI plays a very important role in job performance; however, the
jury is still out on the role EI plays in effectiveness in
The case for EI is based on the fact that it makes sense and
appeals to our intuitive thinking. It tends to predict things that
matter and are positively correlated to high job performance.
Many studies have shown that EI is neurologically based and
thus helpful in predicting behavior.
However, EI has its critics as the concept can be seen as too
vague and not easily measured. Since it is so closely related to
intelligence and personality theories, it is not seen as unique
when these factors are controlled.
Emotion Regulation
Emotion regulation: identifying and modifying the emotions you
Effective emotion regulation techniques include:
Acknowledging emotional responses to situations
Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All
Rights Reserved.
Emotion regulation involves identifying and modifying the
emotions you feel. Research on effective emotion regulation
techniques is ongoing, but studies show that acknowledging,
rather than suppressing, our emotional responses to situations
and reevaluating events after they occur can be effective, as can
open expression of emotions, or venting.
OB Applications of Emotions and Moods
Selection – Employers should consider EI a factor in hiring for
jobs that demand a high degree of social interaction
Decision Making – Positive emotions can increase problem-
solving skills and help us understand and analyze new
Creativity – Positive moods and feedback may increase
Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All
Rights Reserved.
There are numerous applications of emotions and moods. These
include selection of employees, decision making, and creativity.
More OB Applications of Emotions and Moods
Motivation – Promoting positive moods may give a more
motivated workforce
Leadership – Emotions help convey messages more effectively
Customer Service – Customers “catch” emotions from
employees, called emotional contagion
Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All
Rights Reserved.
Motivation, leadership, negotiation, and customer service are
also work outcomes that are impacted by emotions and moods,
and it is important for managers to understand the connection.
Even More OB Applications of Emotions and Moods
Job Attitudes – Emotions at work get carried home but rarely
carry over to the next day
Deviant Workplace Behaviors – Those who feel negative
emotions are more likely to engage in deviant behavior at work
Safety and Injury at Work – Bad moods can contribute to
injuries on the job
Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All
Rights Reserved.
Job attitudes can influence our home life but don’t always get
carried back to the workplace. However, deviant workplace
behaviors are often the result of negative emotions and
significantly impact the workplace. Negative emotions can also
lead to increased injuries at work.
Implications for Managers (1 of 2)
Recognize that emotions are a natural part of the workplace and
good management does not mean creating an emotion-free
To foster creative decision making, creativity, and motivation in
employees, model positive emotions and moods as much as is
authentically possible
Provide positive feedback to increase the positivity of
employees. Of course, it also helps to hire people who are
predisposed to positive moods.
Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All
Rights Reserved.
In summary, moods and emotions are important to the study of
organizational behavior. Also, they are natural expressions and
managers should not try to completely control the employees’
emotions, but they should be aware of the emotions and not
ignore emotional indicators.
Implications for Managers (2 of 2)
In the service sector, encourage positive displays of emotion,
which make customers feel more positive and thus improve
customer service interactions and negotiations
Understand the role of emotions and moods to significantly
improve your ability to explain and predict your coworkers’ and
employees’ behavior
Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All
Rights Reserved.
The more you understand the emotions of your employees, the
better you will be able to predict their behavior.
Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All
Rights Reserved.

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My Outline1. graduate from the police academy in Haiti2.Qualif.docx

  • 1. My Outline 1. graduate from the police academy in Haiti 2.Qualify for the training 3.Finish the training 4.No misconduct reported to the Academy 5.Making change for the Haitian people in the community 6.Having financial freedom 7.Helping my family 8.Helping my friends 9.Having the money to move in the USA 10.Reached my goal **** Bold Point are focus points for the essay. The basic mission of the police is to protect and prevent crime and disorder in a society. The police are the public and the public are the police. They both share the same responsibility for community safety. I have accomplished many goals throughout my life, but one of my biggest one I would say would be graduating from the police academy on May 11, 2016 in Haiti because I finished the training, having my financial freedom and reached my goal. All my life, I knew I wanted to make a difference in my community so being able to accomplish this was an ocean of blessings. Some of the people who were at the graduation were the president of Haiti, the head of police, and the representative of the US Embassy. There was about 1300 people who started the school with us, but unfortunately some of them did not finish the training because they did not score high enough or they did not obey the regulations of the school. The training
  • 2. was very hard for me. We had school every day and sometimes we spent all night doing exercises, but I kept pushing it. I earned three A on the exams. I was shocked because the steps to becoming a police officer were difficult. You can never have been arrested, you must have a grade of an A or be on the test for the school, you must follow the process of the medical examination, and have a good physical condition .Most importantly, you must practice respect and discipline all the time at the school. For example, if the director of academy received news from a person about an aspirant awaiting oath before the oath took place he or she would automatically be kicked out of the graduation .This aspirant would no longer be eligible to become a police officer in the Haitian community. Also having the power to make the change for the people in my community was what kept me going reach this unforgettable occasion. To be able to protect the interest of the Haitian nation and my community and living a great impact was one of my reasons for becoming a police officer. Secondly, not only was I going to be making a difference in the community, but in addition, I was going to have financial freedom. this extra income will allow me to help my family more because I was the main provider for my household. Also, I would be able to help my mom and dad when they are in need and start saving for the future. This extra income will help put extra money in my pocket to spend on myself and friends. For example, Finally, when I was a child my nickname was police, but at that time no one would expect me to let later become one. To see how proud my mom and my dad were to watch her youngest child accomplished a goal meant everything to me. The support from my family was one of the assistances that got me through the tough days of training. They reminded me to never give up and when I had a tough day of training my sister would encourage me to keep going reminding me, I was closer to finishing then I was a week ago.
  • 3. To conclude, I was very enthusiastic after taking the oath to become a police officer because I got my diploma, my gun, and my first rank. By becoming a police officer, my goal was to make a difference in my community become financially free being that I am the main provider my home and make my family and peers proud I was motivated by seeing the struggle my parents went through to make ends meet I was grateful for the support I received from my family. Essentials of Organizational Behavior Fourteenth Edition Chapter 5 Personality and Values Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. After studying this chapter you should be able to: Describe personality, the way it is measured, and the factors that shape it. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality framework and the Big Five model. Discuss how the concepts of core self-evaluation (CSE), self- monitoring, and proactive personality contribute to the understanding of personality. Describe how the situation affects whether personality predicts behavior. Contrast terminal and instrumental values.
  • 4. Describe the differences between person-job fit and person- organization fit. Compare Hofstede’s five value dimensions and the GLOBE framework. Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Personality Personality - the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with others Most often described in terms of measurable traits that a person exhibits such as shy, aggressive, submissive, lazy, ambitious, loyal, and timid Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Personality is often defined by characteristics such as outgoing or charming. However, psychologists define personality as the growth and development of a person’s whole psychological system. We study personality in Organizational Behavior because it impacts a number of important work outcomes. We can attempt to measure personality through a variety of methods. Often these methods are utilized in the hiring process to assist in hiring the right person for the job and the organization. 3 Assessing and Measuring Personality Personality tests are useful in hiring decisions Help managers forecast who is best for a job Self-report surveys Most common Prone to error
  • 5. Evaluate on a series of factors Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Self-reports are the most common and easiest way to measure personality, but they are prone to error due to the fact that the individual is reporting all the data about themselves. Studies show that culture influences how we rate ourselves. People from individualistic countries trend toward self- enhancement, while those in collectivistic societies trend toward self-diminishment. 4 Personality Determinants Personality reflects heredity and environment Heredity is the most dominant factor Twin studies: genetics more influential than parents Environmental factors do have some influence Aging influences levels of ability Basic personality is constant Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. There are many determinants of personality including heredity, environmental factors, and age. There has been a long-standing debate about whether genetics or environment are more important in determining personality. They both play an important role. The heredity approach refers to factors determined at conception such as physical stature and gender. This has been reaffirmed by studies that have looked at twins who were raised apart but still had similar personalities. However, there were differences observed leading to the idea the environmental factors can have some influence.
  • 6. Age does influence the level of ability that an individual has even though it is widely held that the basic personality stays constant throughout the life of the individual. 5 Dominant Personality Frameworks Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Most widely used personality-assessment instrument in the world Individuals are classified as: Extroverted or Introverted (E/I) Sensing or Intuitive (S/N) Thinking or Feeling (T/F) Judging or Perceiving (J/P) Classifications combined into 16 personality types (i.e., INTJ or ESTJ) Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The MBTI is the most widely used personality instrument worldwide. Participants are classified within four scales to determine 1 of 16 possible personality types. These types are broken down into four dichotomies. The first is extroverts who tend to be sociable and assertive versus introverts who tend to be quiet and shy. The second dichotomy is sensing and intuitive. Sensors are practical and orderly where intuits utilize unconscious processes. The third dichotomy is thinking and feeling. Thinking focuses on using reason and logic whereas feeling utilizes values and emotions. The final dichotomy is judging and perceiving. Judgers want order and structure whereas perceivers are more flexible and spontaneous. 6 Measuring Personality Traits: The Big-Five Model
  • 7. Five Traits: Extraversion Agreeableness Conscientiousness Emotional Stability Openness to Experience Strongly supported relationship to job performance (especially conscientiousness) Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Big Five model of personality sets forth that there are five basic dimensions that underlie all others and encompass most of the significant variations in human personalities. The Big Five factors are: Extroversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, and Openness to Experiences. There is a lot of research that supports the Big Five model, and it has been shown to predict behavior at work. 7 Big Five Traits and OB Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. As shown, the Big Five traits are related to job performance and also have other implications for work and life. 8 The Dark Triad The Dark Triad Machiavellianism High machs tend to be pragmatic, emotionally distant, and believe the ends justify the means
  • 8. Narcissism A person with a grandiose view of self, requires excessive admiration, has a sense of self-entitlement, and is arrogant Psychopathy A lack of concern for others, and a lack of guilt or remorse when their actions cause harm Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Researchers have found that three socially undesirable traits called the Dark Triad are relevant to organizational behavior. Machiavellianism describes a person who tends to be emotionally distant and believes that the ends justify the means. They tend to have a competitive drive and a need to win. They can be very persuasive in situations where there is direct interaction with minimal rules and people are distracted by emotions. Narcissism is a trait that often hinders job effectiveness. It describes a person who requires excessive admiration and has a strong sense of entitlement. Psychopathy refers to a lack of concern for others, and a lack of guilt or remorse when their actions cause harm. 9 Other Personality Traits Relevant to OB Core self-evaluation People with positive core self-evaluation like themselves and see themselves as capable and effective in the workplace Self-monitoring Adjusts behavior to meet external, situational factors Proactive personality Identifies opportunities, shows initiative, takes action, and perseveres Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • 9. People with positive CSE perform better because they set more ambitious goals, are more committed to their goals, and persist longer in attempting to reach them. Self-monitoring is another personality trait that is linked to job performance. It is the ability to adjust behavior to meet situational factors. High monitors are more likely to become leaders in the workplace. Proactive personalities are people who are able to identify opportunities and take action to capitalize on that opportunity. They also have the ability to persevere through difficulties to meet their goals. Proactive personality may be important for work teams. 10 Personality and Situations (1 of 2) The effect of particular traits on organization behavior depends on the situation Two frameworks Situation Strength Trait Activation Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Personality and Situations (2 of 2) Situation strength theory – the way personality translates into behavior depends on the strength of the situation Analyze situation strength in terms of: Clarity Consistency Constraints Consequences Trait activation theory (TAT) – predicts that some situations, events, or interventions “activate” a trait more than others Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All
  • 10. Rights Reserved. Strong situations pressure us to exhibit the right behavior, clearly show us what that behavior is, and discourage the wrong behavior. In weak situations, “anything goes,” and thus we are freer to express our personality in our behaviors. Thus, research suggests that personality traits better predict behavior in weak situations than in strong ones. Research shows that in a supportive environment, everyone behaves prosocially, but in an environment that is not so nice, whether an individual has the personality to behave prosocially makes a major difference. 12 Trait Activation Theory Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Trait Activation Theory: Jobs in Which Certain Big Five Traits Are More Relevant 13 Values Values represent basic, enduring convictions that "a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state of existence" Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Values represent basic convictions that make judgments about what is the best mode of conduct or end-state of existence.
  • 11. 14 Value Systems Represent a prioritizing of individual values by: Content – importance to the individual Intensity – relative importance with other values The hierarchy tends to be relatively stable Values are the foundation for attitudes, motivation, and behavior Influence perception and cloud objectivity Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Value systems represent individual values and prioritizes them based on how important the particular value is to the individual and how intense their feelings are about that particular value. The way individuals set up their values in order of importance is relatively stable over time and sets the foundation for many work outcomes such as attitudes, motivation, and behavior. In addition, values are important in the workplace because they can influence an individual’s perception and cloud their objectivity. 15 Rokeach Value Survey Terminal values: desirable end-states of existence Goals that a person would like to achieve during his or her lifetime Instrumental values: preferable modes of behavior or means of achieving the terminal values Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Rokeach Value Survey was created by Milton Rokeach. It
  • 12. consists of two sets of values, terminal values and instrumental values. Terminal values describe the desired values/goals a person would like to keep/achieve through their lifetime. Instrumental values are the preferred modes of behavior or means of achieving one’s terminal values. Values vary between groups and can cause trouble when group members hold different values and negotiation is needed. 16 Personality-Job Fit: Holland’s Hexagon (1 of 2) Job satisfaction and turnover depend on congruency between personality and task People in jobs congruent with their personality should be more satisfied and less likely to voluntarily resign than people in incongruent tasks Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Personality and value studies are important to the field of organizational behavior because they have been linked to workplace outcomes. The person-job fit theory developed by John Holland has been critical to thinking about how people fit with a specific job. Holland classified people into six personality types utilizing a vocational preference inventory. Through the study of personality it has become clear that there are intrinsic differences in personality between people. Given that there are a number of different jobs it is logical that people in jobs congruent with their personalities would be more satisfied in their work. When the personality is matched with the type of occupation, then there are stronger positive work outcomes. 17
  • 13. Personality-Job Fit: Holland’s Hexagon (2 of 2) Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. There are cultural implications for person–job fit that speak to workers’ expectations that jobs will be tailored to them. Managers in collectivistic cultures should not violate cultural norms by designing jobs for individuals; rather they should seek people who will likely thrive in jobs that have already been structured. 18 Person-Organization Fit It is more important that employees’ personalities fit with the organizational culture than with the characteristics of any specific job The fit predicts job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This idea can be further linked to the workplace by looking at person-organization fit. The employee’s personality needs to fit with the organizational culture. When employees find organizations that match their values, they are more likely to be selected and correspondingly be more satisfied with their work. The big five personality types are often helpful in matching the individuals with organizational culture. Person-job fit and person-organization fit are considered to be the most relevant dimensions for the workplace, but person- group fit is important in team settings and person-supervisor fit
  • 14. is relevant to job satisfaction and performance outcomes. 19 Cultural Values Values differ across cultures Two frameworks for assessing culture: Hofstede GLOBE Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. There are global implications to personality and values in the workplace. Frameworks such as the Big Five are transferable across cultures; in fact, it has been used worldwide. However, the applicability is higher in some cultures than others. Values, on the other hand, differ to a great degree across cultures. Geert Hofstede developed a framework for assessing culture. He breaks up his framework of understanding into five value dimensions: power distance, individualism versus collectivism, masculinity versus femininity, uncertainty avoidance, and long- term versus short-term orientation. The GLOBE, as discussed earlier, is also helpful in framing differences between cultures. 20 Hofstede’s Framework for Assessing Cultures (1 of 2) Five factors: Power Distance Individualism vs. Collectivism Masculinity vs. Femininity Uncertainty Avoidance Long-term vs. Short-term Orientation
  • 15. Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Power distance is the extent to which a society accepts that power in institutions and organizations is distributed unequally. Low-distance occurs when there is relatively equal power between those with status and wealth and those without. Higher distance occurs when there is unequal power distribution between groups. The second component in Hofstede’s framework is individualism vs. collectivism. Individualism is the degree to which people prefer to act on their own rather than in a group. Collectivism is the idea that people operate within a social framework where they help others out and they expect help when they need it. Hofstede offers a third component in his model that distinguishes between masculinity and femininity. Masculinity is the extent to which the culture prefers achievement, power, and control versus characteristics that are more feminine in nature. The fourth component is uncertainty avoidance. This is the extent to which a society is willing to live with uncertainty and ambiguity. High uncertainty avoidance cultures will try to avoid ambiguous situations as much as possible. Lower uncertainty avoidance cultures do not mind ambiguity. The final component is time orientation. Long-term orientation societies will emphasize the future and what it takes to get to the future they desire, thrift and persistence. Short-term orientation societies will emphasize the here and now. 21
  • 16. Hofstede’s Framework for Assessing Cultures (2 of 2)CountryPower Distance RankIndividualism RankMasculinity RankUncertainty Avoidance RankLong-term Orientation RankAustralia412163722-24Great Britain42-4439-1047-4828- 29Greece27-283018-191Guatemala2-353433Hong Kong15- 163718-1949-502Japan3322-23174Malaysia13625- 2646Pakistan3247-4825-2624-2534Singapore1339- 4128539Sweden47-4810-115349-5020United States381154327 Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Exhibit 5-4 Hofstede’s Cultural Values by Nation Source: Copyright Geert Hofstede BV, [email protected] Reprinted with permission. The exhibit shows the ratings and ranks of 53 countries. For example, power distance is higher in Malaysia than in any other country. The United States is very individualistic; in fact, it’s the most individualistic nation of all (closely followed by Australia and Great Britain). Guatemala is the most collectivistic nation. The country with the highest masculinity rank by far is Japan, and the country with the highest femininity rank is Sweden. Greece scores the highest in uncertainty avoidance, while Singapore scores the lowest. Hong Kong has one of the longest-term orientations; Pakistan has the shortest- term orientation. 22 GLOBE Framework for Assessing Cultures Ongoing study with nine factors: Assertiveness Future orientation Gender differentiation Uncertainty avoidance
  • 17. Power distance Individualism/ collectivism In-group collectivism Performance orientation Humane orientation Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The GLOBE framework takes a look at nine dimensions of national culture. It is similar to Hofstede’s model but adds the humane and performance orientations. The humane orientation looks at how much society rewards people for being altruistic and kind where the performance orientation looks at how much society encourages and rewards good work. 23 Implications for Managers Consider screening job candidates for high conscientiousness Use MBTI in training and development to help employees better understand themselves and team members, and facilitate communication Evaluate your employees’ jobs, their work groups, and your organization to determine the optimal personality fit Take into account employees’ situational factors when evaluating their observable personality traits, and lower the situation strength to better ascertain personality characteristics Take into consideration people’s different cultures Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All
  • 18. Rights Reserved. 25 Essentials of Organizational Behavior Fourteenth Edition Chapter 4 Emotions and Moods Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1 After studying this chapter you should be able to: Differentiate between emotions and moods. Identify the sources of emotions and moods. Show the impact emotional labor has on employees. Describe affective events theory. Describe emotional intelligence. Identify strategies for emotion regulation. Apply concepts about emotions and moods to specific OB issues. Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • 19. 2 Affect, Emotions, and Moods Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Affect is a generic term that covers a broad range of feelings people experience. This includes both emotions and moods. Emotions are intense feelings that are directed at someone or something. Moods are the feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and that lack a contextual stimulus. 3 The Basic Emotions Six universal emotions Anger Fear Sadness Happiness Disgust Surprise Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Many researchers agree on six essentially universal emotions – anger, fear, sadness, happiness, disgust, and surprise. Some even plot them along a continuum: happiness – surprise – fear – sadness – anger – disgust. The closer two emotions are to each other on this continuum, the more likely people will confuse them. Emotions can differ depending on whether a society is individualistic or collectivistic in terms of the general outlook of its people. 4
  • 20. Moral Emotions Emotions that have moral implications because of our instant judgment of the situation that evokes them Moral disgust Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Research on moral emotions focus on examples such as sympathy for the suffering of others, guilt about our own immoral behavior, anger about injustice done to others, and contempt for those who behave unethically. 5 The Basic Moods: Positive and Negative Affect Positive affect: a mood dimension consisting of positive emotions such as excitement, enthusiasm, and elation at the high end (high positive affect) and boredom, depression, and fatigue at the low end (low positive affect) Negative affect: a mood dimension consisting of nervousness, stress, and anxiety at the high end (high negative affect) and contentedness, calmness, and serenity at the low end (low negative affect) Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Our basic moods carry positive and negative affects; they cannot be neutral. Emotions are grouped into general mood states. 6 The Affect Circumplex
  • 21. Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. People rarely experience both positive and negative affect at the same time. Over time, we differ in how much we experience of each. 7 Experiencing Moods and Emotions Positive moods are somewhat more common than negative moods Positivity offset: at zero input, most people experience a mildly positive mood Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The degree to which people experience positive and negative emotions varies across cultures. Some cultures value certain emotions more than others, which leads individuals to change their perspective on experiencing those emotions. 8 The Function of Emotions and Moods Emotions and Rationality Emotions are critical to rational thought: they help us understand the world around us Emotions and Ethics New research suggests that ethical behavior may be based to some degree on emotions and feelings Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. There are some who think that emotions are linked to irrationality and expressing emotions in public may be
  • 22. damaging to your career or status. However, research has shown that emotions are necessary for rational thinking. People who are behaving ethically are at least partially making decisions based on their emotions and feelings. Emotions help us make better decisions and help us understand the world around us. If we are going to make decisions, we need to incorporate both thinking and feeling. 9 Sources of Emotions and Moods (1 of 2) Personality Some people experience certain moods and emotions more frequently than others Affect intensity: experiencing the same emotions with different intensities Time of day People vary in their moods by time of day Day of the week People tend to be in their best mood on the weekend Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Affectively intense people experience both positive and negative emotions more deeply. Many are happier toward the end of the week or mid-day. 10 Sources of Emotions and Moods (2 of 2) Time-of-Day Effects on Moods of U.S. Adults as Rated from Twitter Postings
  • 23. Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Levels of positive affect are greatest in the evening, and the lowest in the early morning, on most days of the week. Levels of negative affect are also the highest in the overnight hours, but the lowest point is later in the morning than for positive affect. 11 More Sources Weather Illusory correlation No impact according to research Stress Increased stress worsens moods Sleep Lack of sleep increases negative emotions and impairs decision making Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Weather is thought to have an impact on our emotions, but there is no proven effect. Stress is an important factor and even at low levels it can cause our mood to change. It is important to maintain a low level of stress to help us control our psychological, as well as our physical health. Social activities have been shown to have a positive impact on our moods. This could be physical outlets such as playing in a basketball league, or it can be going out to dinner with friends. These types of activities are found to have a positive impact on our moods. Sleep can be another factor; it is important to get enough, and
  • 24. high quality levels, of sleep. 12 Even More Sources Exercise Mildly enhances positive mood Age Older people experience negative emotions less frequently Sex Women show greater emotional expression, experience emotions more intensely, and display more frequent expressions of emotions Could be due to socialization Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Physical activity can also aid in keeping our moods upbeat. Some characteristics that are beyond our control can impact our moods, such as age and gender. Elderly people tend to have fewer negative emotions. Women tend to express their emotions readily, and their moods tend to last longer. Research has shown that this is due more to cultural socialization than to biology. 13 Emotional Labor Emotional labor: an employee’s expression of organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions at work Emotional dissonance: when an employee has to project one emotion while simultaneously feeling another Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • 25. In many jobs there is an implied agreement on the types of emotions that should be expressed. For example, waitresses are supposed to be friendly and cheerful whether they are currently feeling that emotion or not. When employees don’t feel the emotion they are required to express, they may experience emotional dissonance. This can lead to burnout and frustration with the job. 14 Felt vs. Displayed Emotions Felt Emotions: The individual’s actual emotions Displayed Emotions: The learned emotions that the organization requires workers to show and considers appropriate in a given job Surface Acting - hiding one’s true emotions Deep Acting - trying to change one’s feelings based on display rules Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. An employee’s actual emotions are their felt emotions and this is in contrast to the emotions that are required or deemed appropriate, which are called displayed emotions. There are two levels of displayed emotions that can be expressed. They are both appropriately called acting. Surface acting occurs when an employee displays the appropriate emotions even when he doesn’t feel those emotions. Deep acting occurs when the employee actually changes her internal feelings to match displayed rules. This level of acting can be very stressful. 15 Affective Events Theory How do emotions and moods influence job performance and satisfaction?
  • 26. Affective events theory (AET): employees react emotionally to things that happen to them at work, and this reaction influences their job performance and satisfaction Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. AET provides us with valuable insights into the role emotions play in primary organizational outcomes of job satisfaction and job performance. Work events trigger positive or negative emotional reactions, to which employees’ personalities and moods predispose them to respond with greater or lesser intensity. Emotions influence performance and satisfaction variables such as organizational citizenship behavior, organizational commitment, level of effort, intention to quit, and workplace deviance. 16 Emotional Intelligence (1 of 2) Emotional intelligence: a person’s ability to: Perceive emotions in the self and others Understand the meaning of these emotions Regulate one’s emotions in a cascading model Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a growing area of study is becoming increasingly important in the understanding of how individuals behave. EI is pulling in one’s understanding of emotions and their impact on behavior. Individuals who are emotionally intelligent will have a strong sense of self- awareness, recognizing their own emotions when experienced. They are also able to detect emotions in others. By
  • 27. understanding their own emotions and those of others, they can manage emotional cues and information to make decisions. 17 Emotional Intelligence (2 of 2) A Cascading Model of Emotional Intelligence Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. People who know their own emotions and are good at reading emotional cues are most likely to be effective. 18 Emotional Intelligence on Trial The case for: Intuitive appeal – it makes sense EI predicts criteria that matter –positively correlated to high job performance Study suggests that EI is neurologically based The case against: EI is too vague a concept EI can’t be measured EI is so closely related to intelligence and personality that it is not unique when those factors are controlled Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. EI plays a very important role in job performance; however, the jury is still out on the role EI plays in effectiveness in organizations. The case for EI is based on the fact that it makes sense and appeals to our intuitive thinking. It tends to predict things that
  • 28. matter and are positively correlated to high job performance. Many studies have shown that EI is neurologically based and thus helpful in predicting behavior. However, EI has its critics as the concept can be seen as too vague and not easily measured. Since it is so closely related to intelligence and personality theories, it is not seen as unique when these factors are controlled. 19 Emotion Regulation Emotion regulation: identifying and modifying the emotions you feel Effective emotion regulation techniques include: Acknowledging emotional responses to situations Venting Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Emotion regulation involves identifying and modifying the emotions you feel. Research on effective emotion regulation techniques is ongoing, but studies show that acknowledging, rather than suppressing, our emotional responses to situations and reevaluating events after they occur can be effective, as can open expression of emotions, or venting. 20 OB Applications of Emotions and Moods Selection – Employers should consider EI a factor in hiring for jobs that demand a high degree of social interaction Decision Making – Positive emotions can increase problem- solving skills and help us understand and analyze new information Creativity – Positive moods and feedback may increase creativity
  • 29. Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. There are numerous applications of emotions and moods. These include selection of employees, decision making, and creativity. 21 More OB Applications of Emotions and Moods Motivation – Promoting positive moods may give a more motivated workforce Leadership – Emotions help convey messages more effectively Customer Service – Customers “catch” emotions from employees, called emotional contagion Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Motivation, leadership, negotiation, and customer service are also work outcomes that are impacted by emotions and moods, and it is important for managers to understand the connection. 22 Even More OB Applications of Emotions and Moods Job Attitudes – Emotions at work get carried home but rarely carry over to the next day Deviant Workplace Behaviors – Those who feel negative emotions are more likely to engage in deviant behavior at work Safety and Injury at Work – Bad moods can contribute to injuries on the job Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Job attitudes can influence our home life but don’t always get carried back to the workplace. However, deviant workplace
  • 30. behaviors are often the result of negative emotions and significantly impact the workplace. Negative emotions can also lead to increased injuries at work. 23 Implications for Managers (1 of 2) Recognize that emotions are a natural part of the workplace and good management does not mean creating an emotion-free environment To foster creative decision making, creativity, and motivation in employees, model positive emotions and moods as much as is authentically possible Provide positive feedback to increase the positivity of employees. Of course, it also helps to hire people who are predisposed to positive moods. Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. In summary, moods and emotions are important to the study of organizational behavior. Also, they are natural expressions and managers should not try to completely control the employees’ emotions, but they should be aware of the emotions and not ignore emotional indicators. 24 Implications for Managers (2 of 2) In the service sector, encourage positive displays of emotion, which make customers feel more positive and thus improve customer service interactions and negotiations Understand the role of emotions and moods to significantly improve your ability to explain and predict your coworkers’ and employees’ behavior Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • 31. The more you understand the emotions of your employees, the better you will be able to predict their behavior. 25 Copyright Copyright © 2018, 2016, 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 26