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[CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN) U40109RJ2000SGCOl6485j(ANISO9001:2015CertifiedCompany)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur (
SLDe-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: se.ea(ll;
No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSAl20 19-201 D. ~~~ Jaipur, dated: ~ '1/rp-/:::N!l'2..i.;)
FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOl1NT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Charl:es)
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: G/L Account:
(SLoe Renewable Energy OSMFund)
Address: SAP CODE: 1010903
1ST.NO 15.KRISHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.:
Bengaluru (BangaJore)Urban,Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
Postal Code: 560008 173 . A Sector, Scheme No. 54, Indore Issuing Date:
GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010
PAN No.: AAFCR0074H (mithun.
RE DSM Intra-State
S.No. Duration Description
Deviation Charges*
l. 01.05.2019-31.05.20J9 FinalRE D511AccountStatementissuedafter rectifications(if applicable)in RE DSM
-21,266Statementissuedon dt.Tq l l.Zul S
II: (+) & (-) means receivabjefrom and payable to state de'iation pool respectinly (inRupees).Valuesare rounded offto the nearest Integer u,ine Gawsian rounding.
Net Amount Payable b)' the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
nl.266/- Rupees Twenty One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Six Only
Remarks {if anv}:
I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity is zero for this PSS.
Executive lngineer (EA),(i.e..M daysfrom thedateaf issueofthis
Statement) RVPJIl Jainur
Please Note:-
I.The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Nc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SB!, Collectrate Branch, JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt.27.09.20 19 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day.
Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dr.
27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of 60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
RVPN. Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action.
S"P"""~ Aceounting)
RVPN. Jaipur
[Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40109RJ2000SGCOl648Sj (AN ISO 9001.2015 Certified Company)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur (
SLDC-Building, Ajrner Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646: email: se.eaia!
No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSN2019-201 D. :t"3."6.6> Jaipur, dated: ::L7J0 ?·J~cf').c>
FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOlINT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Charl.:esl
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: G/L Account:
(SLOe Renewable Energy OSM Fund)
Address: SAP CODE: 1010904
1ST, NO 15, KRlSHIK SARVODAYA FOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.:
Bengaluru (Bangalore I Urban, Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
Postal Code: 560008 173. A Sector, SchemeNo. 54. Indore Issuinl: Date:
GST No.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP -452010
PAN No.: AAFCR0074H (mithun.dubeji(a)
RE DSM Intra-State
S.No. Duration Description
Deviation Charges*
1. 01.05.2019-31.05.2019
FinalRE DSM AccountStatementissuedafter rectifications(if applicable)in RE DSM
-1,39.243Statementissuedon dt 14.11.2019.
*: (+) & (-) means receivablefrom and payable to state dni8tioBpoolrespectivefy(inRupees). Valuesa~ rounded offto tbe nearest integer usine Gaussian roundine.
Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by tile QCA (In Words)
n,39.243/- Rupees One Lakh Thirty Nine Thousand Two Hundred Forty Three Only
Remarks lif anl'l:
I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rate~ capacity is zero for this PSS.
Executive~:m .,
(i.e.. 'W days from die date of issue (if this
Stmemeut) RVPN Jaipur
Please Note:-
I The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Alc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBL Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest@0.04%perday.
Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations. 20I7 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
S ,~~~).upermten 109 gmeer ( nergy ccountmg)
RVPN. Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur for information and necessary action.
RVPN, Jaipur
[Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40 I09RJ2000SGCO16485J (AN ISO 900I. 2015 Certified Companv)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur (
SLOC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646: email:
No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REOSAl2019-20/0. ~'6~'1 Jaipur,dated: ':1.....IJO~~
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GILAccount:
(SLOe RenewableEnergyDSMFund)
Address: SAPCODE: 1010906
1ST, NO IS, KRISHIK SARVODA YA FOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.:
Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban, Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
PostalCode: 560008 173. A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuin2 Date:
GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010
( 27.02.2020
Duration Description
RE DSM Intra-State
Deviation Charges*
l. 0105.2019·3 L05.20 19
Final RE OS11Account Statement Issued after rectifications (if applicable) in RE DS!vl
*: (+) & (-) means receivablefrom and payable to state deviatien poolrespedinly (inRupees).Valuesare rounded 00"to the nearest Integer usine Gaussian rounding.
NetAmount Payablebythe QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
f93,602/- Rupees Ninety Three Thousand Six Hundred Two Only
Remarks {ifan;yl:
I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity is zero for this PSS.
Executive Eng)neer (EA),(i.e. 3(1days /ro", the date of issue of this
Statement) RVPN. Jaiour
Please Note:·
I The constituents. which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Ale No. 37534869390.IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026. Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if an)
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day.
Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations. 2017 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
RVPN, Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action.
RVPN, Jaipur
[Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40109RJ2000SGCO1648SJ (AN ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Company)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar. Jaipur (
GST No.: 08AABCR8312A1ZT. PAN No.: AABCR8312A
SLOC-Building. Ajrner Road. Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: se.ea(
No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REOSAl2019-20/0. ~'"2>..rD Jaipur, dated: ~"7/0~':l.o
FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOVNT STATEMENT {Intra- State Deviation Charl,l;esl
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account:
(SLOe RenewableEnergyOSM Fund)
Address: SAP CODE: 1010907
1ST, NO 15, KRISHIK SARVODAYA FOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.:
Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban, Karnataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd"
Postal Code: 560008 173 . A Sector. Scheme No. 54, Indore Issuinl:;Date:
GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP -452010
( 27.02.2020
Duration Description
RE DSM Intra-StateS.No.
Deviation Charges*
1. 01.05.2019-31.05.2019
FinalRE DSM AccountStatementissuedafter rectifications(if applicable)in RE DSM
-17.470Statementissuedon dt. 1411_2019
"': (+) & (-) means receivable from and payable to state de"iation pool respectinly (in Rupees). Values are rounded oO'to the nearest integer using Gaussian rounding.
Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
U7.470/- Rupees Seventeen Thousand Four Hundred Seventy Only
Remarks {ifanvl:
1. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this PSS.
Executive Engiler (EA),(ie..1(J days from the elateof issueo/tl,i$
StatemelJl) RVPN Jainur
Please Note:-
I The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Nc No. 37534869390.IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest@0.04%perday.
~ As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
S'''ri"''~A''''"ti"''RVPN. Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action.
mg EWeIr (IEne~ Cg)Superinte
RVPN, Jaipur
[Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40 I09RJ2000SGCOI 6485j (AN ISO 90012015 Certified Company)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur (
SLDC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646: email: se.ea({
No.RVPN/SE(EAjIXEN/REDSAl2019-201 D. .!i.~,1) Jaipur, dated: JJ..~-tIo1-)::><J2--0
FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOVNT STATEMENT {Intra- State Deviation Charl:;esl
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: G/L Account:
(SLOe Renewable Energy DSM Fund)
Address: SAP CODE: 1010908
1ST, NO 15, KRISHIK SARVODAY A FOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.:
Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban, Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
Postal Code: 560008 173. A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuing Date:
GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010
(mithun.dubey(a)reconnectener~. com) 27.02.2020
RE DSM Intra-StateS.No. Duration
Deviation Charges*
I. 01052019-3105.2019 Final RE DSM Account Statement issued after rectifications (if applicable) in RE DSM
-2.206Statement issued on dt. 14.11,2019
*: (+) & (a) means receivablefrom and payable to state deviatien poolrespectinly (in Rupees). Valuesan rounded oft'to the nearest integer using Gaussian rounding.
Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
f2,206/- Rupees Two Thousand Two Hundred Six Only
Remarks (if anl'l:
I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this PSS.
(i.e. _lO days from the date of issue of this Executive Engiheer (EA),
Statemellt) RVPN Jainur
Please Note:-
I.The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Alc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN003l026. Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LIJ). RVPN. Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04%perday.
Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting. Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 20I7 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account. the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
S'P,,;."~~t;.g)RVPN, Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur for information and necessary action.
S'P";.t~!e~,c,,,.)RVPN, Jaipur
[CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN) U40109RJ2000SGCOl6485j(ANISO90012015CertifiedCompany)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar. Jaipur (
GST No.: 08AABCR8312A1ZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A
SLDC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: se.ea(a:;
No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSAl20 19-201D. ~ ,?:>~:l.... Jaipur, dated: ~O)j")..<!)"J.G)
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account:
(SLOe RenewableEnergyOSM Fund)
Address: SAPCODE: 1010909
1ST,NO 15,KRJSHIKSARVODAYA FOUNDATION, Corres[!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.:
Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban,Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
PostalCode: 560008 173 , A Sector, Scheme No. 54, Indore Issuing Date:
GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010
PAN No.: AAFCR0074H (mithun. dubeyla)reconnectenergv. com)
RE DSM Intra-StateS.No. Duration Description
Deviation Charges*
1. 01.05.2019-3105.2019 Final RE DS!l Account Statement Issued after rectifications (if applicable) in RE DSM
-26.110Statementissuedon dt. 141L2019
"': (+) & (~)means receivablefrom and payable to state de,'iation poolrespectinly (inRupees). Valuesare rounded offto the nearest Integer usine Gaussian roundine.
Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
f26.110/- Rupees Twenty Six Thousand One Hundred Ten Only
Remarks (if anl:l:
I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this PSS.
Executive Enginlr (EA).[i:e. 30 dap front dte date of issue of this
Stutemeltt) RVPN Jaipur
Please Note -
I The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Alc No. 37534869390, IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBI, Collectrate Branch, JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day.
Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
S""'ri"r.?i~~""ti"glRVPN. Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action.
RVPN, Jaipur
[CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN) U40109RJ2000SGCOl6485j (AN ISO90012015 Certified Company)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur (
, GST No.: 08AABCR8312A1ZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A
SLDC-Building, Ajrner Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: se.ea(
No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSN2019-201 D. ~~3 Jaipur, dated~O'J.j~J...o
FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOlTNT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Charl:esl
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: G/L Account:
(SLOC RenewableEnergyOSM Fund)
Address: SAPCODE: 1010913
1ST.NO 15.KRISHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No,:
OLDAIRPORTROAD,BANGALORE, 634000 ~ s11-Bengaluru (Bangalore)Urban,Karnataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
PostalCode: 560008 173 . A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuing Date:
GSTNo,: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP -452010
(mithun. 27.02.2020PAN No,: AAFCR0074H
S,No, Duration Description
RE DSM Intra-State
Deviation Charges*
1. 0105.2019-31.05.2019 Final RE OS1,,1Account Statement Issued after rectifications (if applicable) in RE DSM
-68.891Statement issued on dt 14 11.2019
*: t+) & (-) means receivablefrom and payable to state deviarien poolrespectively(inRupees). Valuesare rounded offto the nearest Integer usine:Gaussian roundine.
Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
t68,89V- Rupees Sixty Eight Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety One Only
Remarks {if anl'l:
I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this pss. Ai
(i.e.. 'to c/tl)'!J from tile date of issue of this Executive Engineer (EA),
Statement) RVPN. Jainur
Please Note:-
1. The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement. are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Nc No. 37534869390, IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031 026. Bank: SBI, Collectrate Branch. JAIPURj maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS. if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest@0.04%perday.
~ As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019. in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
S"P";'~~ C.g,RVPN, Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur for information and necessary action.
Superintending Engineer (Energy Accounting)
RVPN, Jaipur
",,{4 [CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN)U40109RJ2000SGC016485j(AN ISO9001.2015CertifiedCompany)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur (
SLDC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747, 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646: email: se.ea(
No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSAJ2019-201 D. ~ ~.. .t Jaipur, dated: ~?J??J?:<:J
FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOUNT STATEMENT {Intra- State Deviation Charl:es}
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: G/L Account:
Address: SAPCODE: 1010914
1ST.NO15.KRISHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION. Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No,:
Bengaluru (Bangalore)Urban.Karnataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
PostalCode:560008 173, A Sector, Scheme No. 54, Indore Issuinl: Date:
GSTNo,: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010
( 27,02.2020PAN No.: AAFCR0074H
RE DSM Intra-StateS.No. Duration
Deviation Charges*
1. 01052019-31.05.2019 Final RE DSM ACcOLmtStatement issued after rectifications (if applicable) In RE DSM
-46,918Statementissuedon dt. 14,11.2019
*: (+) & (-) means receivablefrom and payable to state devlafien poolrespectively(in Rupees).Valuesare rounded ofi'to the nearest inteEer minE Gaussian roundinE.
:"letAmount Payablebythe QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
U6,918/- Rupees Forty Six Thousand Nine Hundred Eighteen Only
Remarks (if anl'l:
I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this PSS.
Executive Enginee) (EA).(i.e. 3(; dCl)'Jfront tire date of lssue of this
RVPN JaiI!...ur
Please Note:-
I The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Alc No. 37534869390, IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026,Bank: SBI, Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN, Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04%perday.
Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations. 2017 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account. the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
S""ri.,,~iineer tf ne "C,",ti."RVPN, Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action.
S""ri,,,~~~J='ti,g)RVPN, Jaipur
[Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40109RJ2000SGCOl64851 (AN ISO 9001 2015 Certified Company)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur (
SLOC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747,2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: se.e~r'
No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REOSAl20 19-20/0. ;t_~~ Jaipur, dated: ..MlV')j:u,?<>
FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOllNT STATEMENT {Intra- State Deviation Char&:;esl
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: G/L Account:
(SLOe RenewableEnergyOSM Fund)
Address: SAPCODE: 1010915
1ST, NO 15, KRISHIK SARVODAYA FOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.:
>5"JjBengaluru (Bangalore) Urban, Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
PostalCode:560008 173. A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuing Date:
GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010
PAN No.: AAFCR0074H ( 27.02.2020
S.No. Duration Description
RE DSM Intra-State
Deviation Charges=
I. 0105.2019·3105.2019 Final RE DSM ACCOWltStatement Issued after rectifications (if applicable) in RE DSM
-8,188Statementissuedon dt 14.11.2019
oil: (+) & H means receivablefrom and payable to state deviation poolrespectinly (in Rupees).Valuesare rounded offto the nearest Integer usine Gaussian roundine.
NetAmountPayablebythe QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
f8,188/- Rupees Eight Thousand One Hundred Eighty Eight Only
Remarks {ifanll:
1. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this PSS.
_.t 1
(ie. 30 days fro", the date of issue of this Executive Engineer (EA),
Stutemelrt) RVPN Jaiour
Please Note:-
1. The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Nc NO.37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026. Bank: SBI, Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS. if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day.
Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
RVPN, Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur for information and necessary action.
S'''ri.t,,~~~, ••ting)
RVPN, Jaipur
[Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40109RJ2000SGC016485] (AN ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Company)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan. Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur (
SLDC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: se.ea(
No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXENIREDSAl2019-201 D. 0~4-b Jaipur, dated: 9...._710?/~
FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOliNT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Charr;es}
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account:
(SLDC Renewable Energy DSM Fund)
Address: SAP CODE: 1010916
IST. NO 15. KRISHIK SAR VODA YA FOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.:
634000 <'>y0
Bengaluru (Bangalore)Urban, Karnataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
Postal Code: 560008 173 . A Sector, Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuing Date:
GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010
27.02.2020PAN No.: AAFCR0074H (
RE DSM Intra-StateS.No. Duration Description
Deviation Charges*
I. 010520 I9-3 I.05.2019 FinalRE DS~'1AccountStatementissuedafter rectifications(if applicable)in RE DSM
-9.840Statementissuedon dt. 14.11.2019
"":(+) & (-)means receivablefrom and payable to state dniation poolrespecth·ely(in Rupees).Valuesare rounded oifto the nearest intfEer usinCGaussian rouodinc.
Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
~9,840/- Rupees Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Forty Only
Remarks (if anvl:
I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity is zero for this PSS.
ExecutiveE.g;!!~). -»
(i.e. Jfi days from tl'e date of issue of this
Statement) RVPJf Jaipur
Please Note:-
I.The constituents. which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the .oREGenerators State DPA Fund
(Nc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code SBIN003I026. Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day.
~ As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations. 20I7 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of 60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
S""ri,,,,~~·~r.ltll~ounring)RVPN. Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur for information and necessary action
S"P,,;.,,~~~,C.g)RVPN, Jaipur
[CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN).U40I09RJ2000SGCOI648SJ(AN ISO9001.2015CertifiedCompany)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur (
SLDC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747, 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646: email:
No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSAl20 19-201D. ~~'4~ Jaipur, dated:~'7 Jo~
FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOllNT STATEMENTj_Intra- State Deviation Chare:e{)
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account:
Address: SAPCODE: 1010917
1ST.NOIS, KRlSHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No,:
Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban,Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
PostalCode:560008 173, A Sector. SchemeNo. 54, Indore lssuinl: Date:
GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010
( 27.02.2020PAN No.: AAFCR0074H
RE DSM Intra-StateS.No. Duration
Deviation Charges=
1. 0105.2019-310S.2019 Final RE DSt-.1 Account Statement issued after recttfications (if applicable) in RE DSM
-24.439Statement Issued on dt. 14.11.2019
*: (+) & (-)means receivablefrom and payable to state de-iationpoolrespectinly (inRupees). Valuesare rounded.oITtothe nearest inte.,-r usine:Gaussian roundinE.
NetAmountPayablebythe QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
f24.439/- Rupees Twenty Four Thousand Four Hundred Thirty Nine Only
Remarks lif anl'l:
I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this PSS.
II. j
t~~,)j >
{ie. 3()days/ronrt/.edate ofissueo/this Executive Engineer (EA),
Statement) RVPN Jaipur
Please Note:-
I The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Nc No. 37534869390, lFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBI, Collectrate Branch, JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day.
Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
S"P'ri""~~£:"'g)RVPN. Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur for information and necessary action.
S""ri""'~~~C" ntin,)
RVPN. Jaipur
[CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN) U40109RJ2000SGC0164851(AN ISO9001.2015CertifiedCompany)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur (
SLDC-Building, Ajrner Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747, 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email:
No. RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSAl20 19-20/ D. ~ ~'--~ Jaipur, dated: '=:2....7/0~I?O'>O
FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOUNT STATEMENT {Intra- State Deviation Charl:es}
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: G/L Account:
(SLOe RenewableEnergyOSM Fund)
Address: SAP CODE: 1010918
1ST,NOIS,KRISHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION, Corres(!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.:
Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban,Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
Postal Code: 560008 173. A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuing Date:
GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-4520IO
(mithun.dube)C! 27.02.2020PAN No.: AAFCR0074H
Duration Description
RE DSM Intra-StateS.No.
Deviation Charges*
1. 01.05.2019-31.05.2019 Final RE DS~lAccount Statement issued after rectifications (if applicable) in RE DSM
-1,15,904Statement issued on dt. 14.11.2019
"': (+) & H means receivable from and payable to state deviarien pool respectively(in Rupees). Values are rounded ofTto the nearest integer using Gaussian reunding.
Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
n,15,904/- Rupees One Lakh Fifteen Thousand Nine Hundred Four Only
Remarks (if any):
I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity irero for this PSS.
Executive EngineJ (EA),{i:e.30 daysfrom thedateof issueojthis
Statement) RVPN. Jaipur
Please Note:-
I The constituents. which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e, up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Nc No. 37534869390, IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SB!, Collectrate Branch, JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN, Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt27.09.20 19otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day.
Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
RVPN, Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action.
S"P'ri",,~~..rl:"ti"g)RVPN, Jaipur
[Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40109RJ2000SGCOl6485j (AN ISO 90012015 Certified Company)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur (
SLDC-Building, Ajrner Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747, 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646: email: se.ea(
No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSAl20 19-201 D. c3"2>.l.a, Jaipur, dated: ...:z_"1~ ')j?2:J~
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GILAccount:
(SLOe RenewableEnergyOSM Fund)
Address: SAPCODE: 1010919
1ST, NO 15, KRlSHIK SARVODAYA FOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.:
634000 C;;'>Y3Bengaluru (Bangalore l Urban, Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
PostalCode:560008 173. A Sector. SchemeNo. 54, Indore Issuing Date:
GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010
PAN No.: AAFCR0074H ( 27.02.2020
S.No. Duration Description
RE DSM Intra-State
Deviation Charges=
1. 0105.2019-3105.2019 Final RE DSM Account Statement Issued after rectifications (if applicable) in RE DSM
-12.01,372Statement Issued on dt. 14.11,2019
"': (+) & (-. means receivablefrom and payable to state de,iation poolrespeetivefy(in Rupees). Valuesare rounded ofTto the nearest intee:erusinEGaussian roundinE"
NetAmountPayablebythe QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
U2.01.372/- Rupees Twelve Lakhs One Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Two Only
Remarks lif anyl:
I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity is zero for this PSS.
('ii f
(i.~"3(1dlt)"Jfrom tl,e date of issue of this Executive Enginee (EA),
StuJemellt) RVPN. JaiDur
Please Note:-
I The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Alc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBI, Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day.
~ As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
RVPN. Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action.
S .~~~ .upennte 109 ngmeer nergy ccountmg)
RVPN, Jaipur
[CorporateIdentity Number(CIN)U40109RJ2000SGC016485](ANISO9001.2015CertifiedCompany)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur (
SLDC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email:
No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSAl2019-201 D. ~~~ Jaipur, dated: -;;;Z7JO,._J?d).-D
FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOlTNT STATEMENT {Intra- State Deviation Charl!es}
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account:
(SLOe RenewableEnergyDSMFund)
Address: SAPCODE: 1010920
1ST,NO15,KRISHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.:
OLDAIRPORTROAD,BANGALORE, 634000 5<;1.('1Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban,Karnataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
PostalCode:560008 173. A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuing Date:
GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010
( 27.02.2020
RE DSM Intra-StateS.No. Duration
Deviation Charges*
1. 01.05.2019-3105.2019 Final RE DS~lAccountStatementissuedafter rectifications(if applicable)in RE DS~l
-1.45.151Statementissuedon dt 1411.2019
*: (+) & (-) means receivablefrom and payable to state de,..iation poolrespectinl,. (io Rupees). Valuesare rounded offto tbe nearest Integer usine:Gaussian rounding.
O'IetAmount Payablebythe QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
n.4S.1Sll- Rupees One Lakh Forty Five Thousand One Hundred Fifty One Only
Remarks (if anl'l:
I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity is zero for this PSS.
[i e. :~odays from d,~ date of issue of this
Stutemeul) RVPN Jaipur
Please Note:-
I.The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Nc No. 37534869390, IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026. Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id: sr
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04%per day.
Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
RVPN. Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action.
~~TSuperintending Engineer (Energy Accounting)
RVPN, Jaipur
'[Corporate Identity Number (CIN) 1I40109RJ2000SGC016485](AN ISO9001:2015Certified Company)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar. Jaipur (
SLDC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Tel~hone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646: email: se.ea(ti;
No.RVPN/SE(EAjIXEN/REDSAl2019-201 D. ~~_l Jaipur, dated: :2..7Io,-/"'>DYD
FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOllNT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Char,es}
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: G/L Account:
(SLOe RenewableEnergyOSM Fund)
Address: SAPCODE: 1010921
1ST.NO IS.KRISHIKSARVODAYAFOLINDATION. Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.:
OLDAIRPORTROAD.BANGALORE. 634000 >5lfC;Bengaluru IBangalore I Urban. Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
PostalCode: 560008 173 . A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuing Date:
GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010
( 27.02.2020PAN No.: AAFCR0074H
S.No. Duration Description
RE DSM Intra-State
Deviation Charges*
1. 0105.2019-3105.2019 Final RE DSM Account Statement issued after rectifications (if applicable) in RE DSM
-22.530Statement issued on dt. 14_11.2019
"': (+) & (-)mean! receivable from and payable to state devlatien pool respectively (in Rupees). Values are rounded oITto tbe nearest inteEer usinE GauIISian rounding.
Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
f22.530/- Rupees Twenty Two Thousand Five Hundred Thirty Only
Remarks {if anrl:
I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this PSS.
Executive Enginlr (EA),{ie. 3()dtl}'sfrom tiredate of issue ofthil"
Statement) RVPN JaiDur
Please Note:-
1. The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement. are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State OPA Fund
(Alc No. 37534869390.IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN003I026, Bank: SB!. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LO). RVPN. Jaipur,
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LO), RVPN. Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized OSM account as per RERC Order
dt27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day.
Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations. 2017 and its amended procedure dt
27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final OSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
superin~~~g~ Accounting)
RVPN. Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LO). RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action.
S ~~~~ )upennten 109 ngmeer nergy ccountmg
RVPN, Jaipur
[CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN) U40109RJ2000SGCO16485](ANISO90012015Certified Company)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur (
SLOC-Building, Ajrner Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email:
No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REOSN2019-20/0. ~~:;t_ Jaipur, dated: "":2..'rt/o?/"2--0?o
FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOUNT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Charl:es}
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account:
(SLOe RenewableEnergyOSM Fund)
Address: SAPCODE: 1010922
1ST.NO IS.KRISHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION. Corres)!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.:
OLDAIRPORTROAD.BANGALORE, 634000 <<;"1 cBengaluru (Bangalore)Urban,Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd..
PostalCode: 560008 173 . A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuing Date:
GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010
PAN No.: AAFCR0074H (mithun.
RE DSM Intra-StateS.No. Duration Description
Deviation Charges*
I. 01.05.2019-3105.2019 FinalRE DS~I AccountStatementIssued after rectifications(if applicable)in RE DSM
-31.849Statementissuedon dt. 1411.2019
"':(+) & H means rKeivable from and payable to state del-iaflonpoolRSpectinly(in Rupee'). Valuesare rounded offto the nearest inteEe-r usinE Gau!Sian rounding.
Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by tile QCA (In Words)
nl.849/- Rupees Thirty One Thousand Eight Hundred Forty Nine Only
Remarks (if anl'l:
I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity is zero for this PSS.
Executive Eng;neJ(EA),(ie .. '10days from the date of issue of this
RVPN Jaj]J_ur
Please Note:-
I.The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Alc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBI, Collectrate Branch, JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN, Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day.
Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt
27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
Superin endm Engineer 'A .nergy ccountmg)
RVPN. Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action.
~,~Superintending Engineer (Energy Accounting)
RVPN. Jaipur
4;'_- ~; [CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN)U40109RJ2000SGCOl6485j(AN ISO9001:2015Certified Company)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur (
SLDC-Building, Ajrner Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747, 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email:
No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSAl20 19-201D. ~~ Jaipur, dated: ~O:;}~
FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOtTNT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Char&es}
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account:
Address: SAPCODE: 1010924
1ST,NO15,KRlSHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.:
OLDAIRPORTROAD,BANGALORE. 634000 S"~Lf1-Bengaluru (Bangalore ) Urban,Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
PostalCode:560008 173. A Sector, Scheme No. 54, Indore Issuin&Date:
GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-4520l0
27.02.2020PAN No.: AAFCR0074H (
RE DSM Intra-StateS.No. Duration
Deviation Charges*
1. 01.05.2019-31.05.2019 Final RE DS~I AccountStatementissuedafter rectifications(if applicable)in RE DSM
-1,673Statementissuedon dt. 14,11.2019
"':(+) & (.) means rtceivable from and payable to state deiation poolrespectivefy(inRupees). Valuesare rounded offto the nearest intee:erusine:Gaussian roundine:.
NetAmount Payablebythe QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
n,673/- Rupees One Thousand Six Hundred Seventy Three Only
Remarks (if anyl:
1. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this PSS.
_! I
Executive EngineeJ (EA).(ie. 3f) days fro", the date of issue ofthis
RVPN Jaipur
Please Note:-
1. The constituents. which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Alc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN003l 026. Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LDj, RVPN. Jaipur,
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt.27.09.20l9 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day.
~ As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of 60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
S"P"i,~~," un ring]
RVPN, Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action.
RVPN, Jaipur
..?,-s:~;; [CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN):U40109RJ2000SGCOl6485j(AN ISO9001:2015Certified Company)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan. Jyoti Nagar. Jaipur (
SLDC-Building. Ajrner Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: se.ea(t1;
No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSAl2019-201 D. .;:t,~ Jaipur, dated: &.~)tr?/"2b':);Q
FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOliNT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Charl:es}
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account:
(SLOe RenewableEnergyOSM Fund)
Address: SAPCODE: 1010925
1ST.NO 15.KRISHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION. Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.:
Bengaluru (Bangalore)Urban,Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
PostalCode: 560008 173 . A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuinl: Date:
GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010
(mithun. dube~(a)reconnectenergy. com) 27.02.2020PAN No.: AAFCR0074H
S.No. Duration Description
RE DSM Intra-State
Deviation Charges*
1. 01.052019·31.052019 FinalRE DS!,[AccountStatementissuedafter rectifications(if applicable)in RE DSM
-28.179StatementIssuedon cit 14_11.2019
"': (+) & (-) mea", receiubJe from and payable to state de-iatioDpoolrespedh;ely (inRupees). Valuesare rounded offto the nearest iDte~r usinCGaunian roundinl.
Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
~28.179/- Rupees Twenty Eight Thousand One Hundred Seventy Nine Only
Remarks (if anl'}:
1. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this PSS.
Executive Enginee)rEA),tte. 30 daJ':Jfrom t/Jedale of issue of tkis
Statemellt) RVPN Jaipur
Please Note:-
I The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Alc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBL Collectrate Branch. JAJPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information,
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt.27.092019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04%perday.
Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
RVPN. Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action.
RVPN, Jaipur
[Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40109RJ2000SGC016485] (AN ISO 9001.2015 Certified Company)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur (
SLDC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646: email:
~ ~ Jaipur, dated: ~O')j!l-e?-D
Issued to OCA: Issued for PSS:
Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban. Kamataka
Postal Code: 560008
GST No.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA
G/L Account:
(SLOe Renewable Energy OSM Fund)
Correspondance Address of OCA: SAP Document No.:
634000 S<; "1j
S.No. Duration
RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
173. A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuing Date:
( 27.02.2020
RE DSM Intra-State
Deviation Charges*
01.052019·31.05.2019 Final RE DSM Account Statement issued after rectifications (if applicable) in RE DSM
Statement issued on dt. 14.11,2019
"':(+) & (-) means receivablefrom and payable to state dn'iation poolrespectinl), (in Rupees).Valuesare rounded offto the nearest intecer USiDEGaussian rouodiDI:.
Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
n7,182/- Rupees Twenty Seven Thousand One Hundred Eighty Two Only
Remarks (if any):
I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this PSS.
A. I
~4A'Executive Engi~ee (EA).
RVPN Jaipur
(i.~..M daysfrom die date of issueoftllis
Please Note:-
I. The constituents. which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement. are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Ale No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code SBIN0031026. Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest@0.04%perday.
Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019. in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account. the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
RVPN, Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur for information and necessary action.
Superintending Engineer (Energy Accounting)
RVPN, Jaipur
" [Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40109RJ2000SGCOl6485j (AN ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Company)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur (
SLDC-Building, Ajrner Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747, 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646: email: se.ea(
No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSAl20 19-201D. ~~Q, Jaipur, dated:tl..~1 o'J-I':U:J'J..-o
FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOtTNT STATEMENT {Intra- State Deviation Charles}
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account:
(SLDe RenewableEnergyDSM Fund)
Address: SAP CODE: 1010927
1ST, NO 15, KRISHIK SARVODAYA FOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No,:
634000 <S;~ 0
Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban, Karnataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
Postal Code: 560008 173 . A Sector, SchemeNo. 54, Indore Issuing Date:
GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010
PAN No.: AAFCR0074H (mithun.dube~(a) 27.02.2020
S.No. Duration Description
RE DSM Intra-State
Deviation Cbarges*
1. 01.05.2019-31.05.2019 Final RE DSM Account Statement issued after rectifications (if applicable) In RE DSM
-83.218Statement issued on dt. 14.11 2019
": (+) & (-) means recelvabjefrom and payabie to state deviation poolrespectinly (inRupees). Valuesare rounded offto the nearest Integer usiOEGaussian roundioe.
Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
~83.218/- Rupees Eigbty Tbree Tbousand Two Hundred Eigbteen Only
Remarks (if an)'}:
I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capa~y is rro for this PSS.
{i e.:~OdU}'$lromtire date of issueofillis Executive Engineer (EA),
Slatemelfl) RVPN Jaiour
Please Note:-
I.The constituents. which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement. are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Nc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall bave to deposit the amount within 30 days ofthe issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest@0.04%perday.
Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations. 2017 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019, in case tbe payment is not made even after a lapse of 60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
superin~~ Accounting)
RVPN. Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action.
6tJ1~~1Superintending Engineer (Energy Accounting)
RVPN. Jaipur
[Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40109RJ2000SGC016485j (AN ISO 9001. 2015 Certified Company)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur (
SLOC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646: email: se.ea(tl:;
No.RVPN/SE(EAjIXEN/REOSN2019-20/0. ~~ Jaipur, dated: ~'7/o_:J.}":J..<J ')...Q
FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOllNT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Charles} ,
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: G/L Account:
(SLDe RenewableEnergyDSM Fund)
Address: SAPCODE: 1010928
1ST, NO IS, KRISHIK SARVODAY A FOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.:
634000 ><~ tBengaluru (Bangalore ) Urban, Karnataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
PostalCode:560008 173. A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore issuin& Date:
GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010
PAN No.: AAFCR0074H ( 27.02.2020
S.No. Duration Description RE DSM Intra-State
Deviation Charges=
1. 01.05.2019-31.05.2019 FinalRE DS~f AccountStatementIssuedafter rectifications(if applicable)in RE DSM
-11,728Statementissuedon dt 1411.2019
"': (+) & (-) means receivablefrom and payable to state deviatien poolrespettinly (inRupees). Value! are rounded offto the nearest intecer usmc Gau!lsianroundinc:.
NetAmount Payableby the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
Ul,728/- Rupees Eleven Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Eight Only
Remarks {ifanrl:
1. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity is zero for this PSS.
Ai I
(i.e, JO days from tiredate of issue of this
Statement) RVPN Jaipur
Please Note:-
I The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Alc No. 37534869390.IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026. Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest@0.04%perday.
Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations. 2017 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of 60 days from issuance of final DSM account. the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
S'''ri"~'~ ALa"a,)RVPN. Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action.
RVPN, Jaipur
[Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40 I09RJ2000SGC016485] (AN ISO 900 I: 2015 Certified Company)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur (
;:: GST No.: 08AABCR8312A1ZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A
SLDC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747, 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: se.ea(
No.RVPN/SE(EA)!XEN/REDSAl20 19-201 D. .=L~ Jaipur, dated: ~ "'1/0?-/?b~
FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOVNT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Charli:es}
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account:
(SLOe RenewableEnergyOSM Fund)
Address: SAP CODE: 1010929
1ST, NO 15, KRISHIK SARVODAYA FOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No,:
634000 S"ss L
Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban, Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
Postal Code: 560008 173. A Sector, Scheme No. 54, Indore Issuinli:Date:
GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010
PAN No.: AAFCR0074H ( 27.02.2020
S.No. Duration Description
RE DSM Intra-State
Deviation Charges*
1. 0105.2019-31.05.2019 FinalRE DSt-.l ACCOlUlt Statementissuedafterrectifications(if applicable)in RE DSM
-1,62,632Statementissuedon dt, 1411.2019.
"':(+) & (-) means receivablefrom and payable to state dniation poolrespectinly (in Rupees).Valuesare rounded off to the nearest inteeeru5ineGaussian roundine.
Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
U,62.632/- Rupees One Lakh Sixty Two Thousand Six Hundred Thirty Two Only
Remarks !if anv}:
1. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this PSS.
{i:e.. ~odayJ /mm tile date of issue of this Executive Englnee. (EA).
Statement) RVPN Jainur
Please Note:-
I The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Nc No. 37534869390, IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day.
~ As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of 60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
superintendin~er ( nerr Accounting)
RVPN. Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur for information and necessary action.
~~~rSuperintending Engineer (Energy Accounting)
RVPN, Jaipur
[CorporateIdentity Number(CIN) U40I09RJ2000SGCOl6485j(ANISO90012015Certified Company)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur (
SLDC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: se.ea(il)
No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSA!20 19-201D. dL~ Jaipur, dated: ~--J loJ.-J~-:u;
FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOlTNT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Charr;es)
, ,
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account:
(SLOe RenewableEnergyOSM Fund)
Address: SAPCODE: 1010930
1ST,NO 15,KRISHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION, Corresllondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.:
634000 ~) ~ j.Bengaluru (Bangalore ) Urban, Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
Postal Code:560008 173 . A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Iss uinr; Date:
GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010
PAN No.: AAFCR0074H ( 27.02.2020
S.No. Duration Description
RE DSM Intra-State
Deviation Charges*
1. 0105.2019·3105.2019 Final RE DSM ACCOLmtStatement issued after rectifications (if applicable) in RE DSM
-1,36,178StatementIssued on dt 14,11.2019
": (+) & (-) means receivablefrom and payable to state deviatien poolrespeetivety(in Rupees). Valuesare rounded ofTto the nearest inteE,erusioe;Gaussian roundinc.
Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
n,36,178/- Rupees One Lakh Thirty Six Thousand One Hundred Seventy Eight Only
Remarks (if an"l:
I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity is zero for this PSS
" ~ 1
Executive Engin!er kA),(i.e. .t(J dCl)'5 from the dale of issue oft/lis
Statement) RVPN Jaipur
Please Note:-
I. The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Nc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN003 I026, Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS. if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest@0.04%perday.
Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019. in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of 60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
S'P"i'''~~'r.:"RVPN, Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action
RVPN, Jaipur
[CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN) U40109R12000SGC016485j(AN ISO9001:2015Certified Company)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur (
SLDC-Building, Ajrner Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: se.ea(tl;
NO.RVPN/SE(EAjIXEN/REDSAl2019-201 D. 02.'3.bO Jaipur, dated: ":J.....7/O~~FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOllNT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation CharKes) ,
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: G/L Account:
(SLOe RenewableEnergyOSM Fund)
Address: SAPCODE: 1010931
1ST,NO 15,KRISHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.:
~ S::S"~Bengaluru (Bangalore)Urban,Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
Postal Code:560008 173 . A Sector, Scheme No. 54, Indore IssuinK Date:
GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010
PAN No.: AAFCR0074H ( 27.02.2020
S.No. Duration Description RE DSM Intra-State
Deviation Charges=
l. 0105.2019-3 (05.20 19 FinalRE DS,MAccountStatementissuedafter recnficetions(if applicable)In RE DSM
-6,080Statementissuedon dt. 14,11.2019
*: (+) & (-) means receivablefrom and payable to state de"iationpoolrespectinly (inRupees). Valuesare rounded ofi'to tbe nearest inte~r u!JingGau!JSianroundinc.
Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
f6,080/- Rupees Six Thousand Eighty Only
Remarks {if anx):
I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this PSS.
lAJ 1,.1 '27.03.2020
Executive Engineer JEA),{ie. .iOdll)'3from dIe date ofuJue ofthiJ
RVPN. Jahl_ur
Please Note:-
I The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Nc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031 026, Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN, Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any.
3 Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04%per day.
Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of 60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
S""'ri",,~~1::"ti'g)RVPN, Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action.
RVPN, Jaipur
[Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40109RJ2000SGC016485] (AN ISO 9001 2015 Certified Company)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur (
SLDC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747,2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email:
No.RVPN/SE(EA)/XEN/REDSAl20 19-201 D.
~~f,' Jaipur, dated: :2._""1/6~
FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOllNT STATEMENT {lntra- State Deviation Charl:es}
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: G/L Account:
(SLDC Renewable Energy DSM Fund)
Address: SAP CODE: 1010932
1ST. NO 15, KRISHIK SARVODAY A FOUNDATION, Corres(!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.:
Bengaluru (Bangalore iUrban, Karnataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
Postal Code: 560008 173, A Sector, SchemeNo. 54, Indore Issuinl: Date:
GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010
PAN No.: AAFCR0074H ( 27.02.2020
S.No. Duration Description RE DSM Intra-State
Deviation Charges*
1. 0105.2019·3105.2019 FinalRE DS~I ACCOLUltStatementIssued after rectifications(if applicable)in RE DSM
-68.233Statementissuedon dt 1411.2019
*: (+) & H means rec:eivablefrom and payable to state deviation poolrespectinly (inRupees). Valuesare rounded oll'to the nearest integer usiOE;Gaussian roundinE;.
Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by tile QCA (In Words)
f68.233/- Rupees Sixty Eight Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Three Only
Remarks {ifanll:
I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated caPIJCf)ty~szero for this PSS.
(i.e,.tf}dU)'Jfrom II,e dateof issueofthis
RVPN Jajp_ur
Please Note:-
I.The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Nc No. 37534869390, IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch, JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest@0.04%perday.
Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of 60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
RVPN. Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action.
~~Superintending Engineer (Energy Accounting)
RVPN. Jaipur
[CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN) U40109RJ2000SGCOl6485j(AN ISO9001:2015Certified Company)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar. Jaipur (
SLOC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747, 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email:
N o.R VPN/SE(EA)/XEN/REOSAl20 19-201 O. ~~c..~ Jaipur, dated: ~ "1/O'Jj")..ell.D
FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOVNT STATEMENT {Intra- State Deviation Charl:es}
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account:
(SLOC RenewableEnergyOSM Fund)
Address: SAPCODE: 1010933
IST,NO 15,KRlSHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION, Corres(!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.:
Bengaluru (Bangalore)Urban,Karnataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
PostalCode: 560008 173 . A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuinl: Date:
GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010
PAN No.: AAFCR0074H (mithun. dube:l(a)reconnectenergy. com) 27.02.2020
S.No. Description
RE DSM Intra-StateDuration
Deviation Charges=
I. 01052019-31.052019 Final RE DS1I Account Statement Issued after rectifications (if applicable) In RE DSM
"': (+) & (-) means l"Keivablefrom and payable to state deviatten poolrespectinly (in Rupees).Value! are rounded oITtotee nearest mteger U5ineGaussian roundine.
Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by tile QCA (In Words)
f79,51S/- Rupees Seventy Nine Thousand Five Hundred Fifteen Only
Remarks tif anrl:
1. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity is ,zero for this PSS.
~~I~ •
Executive Engineer rEA),(ie. _10 da_rJfrom tile date of issue of this
RVPN. Jaipur
Please Note:-
I.The constituents. which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement. are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Nc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS. if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day.
Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations. 2017 and its amended procedure dt.
2710.2019. in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
8J~~~-Superintending Engineer (Energy Accounting)
RVPN, Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur for information and necessary action.
gJ~Superintending Engineer (Energy ~ounting)
RVPN, Jaipur
[CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN) U40109RJ2000SGCOJ 6485](ANISO900] 20J 5 CertifiedCompanyI
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur (
SLDC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email:
No.R VPN/SE(EA)/XEN/REDSAl20 19-201 D. ~~~~ Jaipur, dated: =Q/0')./").t£,'X)
FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOllNT STATEMENT {Intra- State Deviation Charl:es}
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account:
(SLDe RenewableEnergyDSM Fund)
Address: SAPCODE: 1010934
IST.NO 15.KRISHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.:
Bengaluru (Bangalore)Urban,Karnataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
Postal Code:560008 173 . A Sector. Scheme No. 54, Indore Issuing Date:
GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010
PAN No.: AAFCR0074H (mithun. 27.02.2020
S.No. Duration Description RE DSM Intra-State
Deviation Charges*
1. 01052019-31.05.2019 Final RE DSM Account Statement issued after rectifications (if applicable) in RE DSM
-4,961Statementissuedon dt. 1411_2019
"': (+) & H means receivable from and payable to state deiation pool respec:tinly (in Rupees). Values are rounded. oO'to the nearest intfler u.IIine:Gau:l.llianroundinE.
Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
f4,96l/- Rupees Four Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty One Only
Remarks {if anv}:
I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity is yro for this PSS.
Executive Engin~:~~,
[i:e.. Wdays from the date of isslfe (if this
RVPN Jaiour
Please Note:-
I.The constituents. which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Nc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBI, Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN, Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day.
Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 20 I7 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of 60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
s''',;n~~~, C~t;ng)
RVPN, Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action.
S'Pt';."n~~~.~ ••g)
RVPN, Jaipur
[CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN) U40109RJ2000SGCOl6485j(ANISO9001:2015CertifiedCompany)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur (
' GSTNo.: 08AABCR8312AIZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A
SLDe-Building, Ajrner Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747, 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: se.ea(
No.R VPN/SE(EA)/XEN/REDSAl20 19-20/ D. ).%Lf Jaipur, dated: dt~~fJbU::
FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOUNT STATEMENT {Intra- State Deviation Char:;es}
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account:
Address: SAPCODE: 1010935
1ST,NO15,KRISHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.:
Bengaluru (Bangalore)Urban,Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
PostalCode:560008 173. A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuinl:;Date:
GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010
(mithun.d! 27.02.2020PAN No.: AAFCR0074H
S.No. Duration Description
RE DSM Intra-State
Deviation Charges*
1. 01.05.2019-31.05.20I9 Final RE DSM Account Statement Issued after rectifications {if applicable Iin RE DSM
-1,93,953Statement issued on dt. 14.11.2019
"': (+) & (-)means recelvabjefrom and payable to state deviation poolrespectively(in Rupees). Valuesare rounded offto the nearest integer using Gaussian reunding.
NetAmount Payablebythe QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
U,93,953/- Rupees One Lakh Ninety Three Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Three Only
Remarks (if anyl:
1. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity is zero for this PSS.
~JJ ~27.03.2020
Executive EngineeT~EA)'{i.e. 30 days from the date of issue of this
RVPN Jainur
Please Note:-
I.The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Alc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026,Bank: SBI, Collectrate Branch. JAlPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest@0.04%perday.
Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
aQ~ -Superintending E gineer n ~ l:'unting)
RVPN, Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action.
c9J1~~--Superintending Engineer (Energy Accounting)
RVPN, Jaipur
[Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40109RJ2000SGC016485] (AN ISO 90012015 Certified Company)
Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur (
;/ GST No.: 08AABCR8312AIZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A
SLDC-Building, Ajrner Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024
Telephone: +91-141-2251747, 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: se.ea@r")
No. RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSAl20 19-201D. J._~~S Jaipur, dated: '::l_~/r/J)~.~~
FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOUNT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Chara:esl •
Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: G/L Account:
(SLDe RenewableEnergyDSM Fund)
Address: SAP CODE: 1010936
IST, NO IS, KRISHIK SARVODAY A FOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.:
634000 S5S_j
Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban, Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.,
Postal Code: 560008 173, A Sector, Scheme No. 54, Indore Issuina: Date:
GST No.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010
PAN No.: AAFCR0074H ( 27.02.2020
S.No. Duration Description RE DSM Intra-State
Deviation Charges=
I. 01.05.2019-31.05.2019 FinalRE DSM AccountStatementissuedafterrectifications(if applicable)in RE DSM
-6,70,729Statementissuedon dt. 14.l120l9
.: (+) & (.) means receivablefrom and payable to state de,"iationpoolrespectinly (inRupees).Valuesare rounded offto the nearest Integer U!ine:Gau!!ian roundinz.
Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words)
f6,70,729/- Rupees Six Lakhs Seventy Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Nine Only
Remarks {ifanl'}:
I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity is zero for this PSS.
~ I
. !t" 1".1 )27.03.2020
(i.e. 3(Jduys/rom tltedote ofissue of this Executive Engineer (EA),
RVPN Jajp_ur
Please Note:-
I.The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make
payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund
(Ale No. 37534869390, IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBI, Collectrate Branch, JAIPUR) maintained by Senior
Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur.
2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any.
3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id:
for accounting and to this office for information.
4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order
dt27.09.20 19otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day.
Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and
Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt.
27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the
process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations.
RVPN, Jaipur
Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action.
Superintending Engineer (Energy Accounting)
RVPN, Jaipur
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts
Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts

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Actual Penalty and Deviation Settlement Mechanism (DSM) Penalty in Interstate...Das A. K.
Statement Showing the RE DSM (Rajasthan SLDC) for the month of November-2019 ...
Statement Showing the RE DSM (Rajasthan SLDC) for the month of November-2019 ...Statement Showing the RE DSM (Rajasthan SLDC) for the month of November-2019 ...
Statement Showing the RE DSM (Rajasthan SLDC) for the month of November-2019 ...Das A. K.
Draft - Rajasthan - SLDC - Deviation Settlement Account (DSM) statement Octob...
Draft - Rajasthan - SLDC - Deviation Settlement Account (DSM) statement Octob...Draft - Rajasthan - SLDC - Deviation Settlement Account (DSM) statement Octob...
Draft - Rajasthan - SLDC - Deviation Settlement Account (DSM) statement Octob...Das A. K.
MP-DSM Account of Wind and Solar Pooling Stations for the month of AUGUST, 2019
MP-DSM Account of Wind and Solar Pooling Stations for the month of AUGUST, 2019MP-DSM Account of Wind and Solar Pooling Stations for the month of AUGUST, 2019
MP-DSM Account of Wind and Solar Pooling Stations for the month of AUGUST, 2019Das A. K.
Adjudication of dispute regarding RERC (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Se...
Adjudication of dispute regarding RERC (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Se...Adjudication of dispute regarding RERC (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Se...
Adjudication of dispute regarding RERC (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Se...Das A. K.
MP-SLDC-DSM Account of Wind and Solar PSS for April, 2019
MP-SLDC-DSM Account of Wind and Solar PSS for April, 2019MP-SLDC-DSM Account of Wind and Solar PSS for April, 2019
MP-SLDC-DSM Account of Wind and Solar PSS for April, 2019Das A. K.
MP-DSM Account of Wind and Solar Pooling Stations for March, 2019
MP-DSM Account of Wind and Solar Pooling Stations for March, 2019MP-DSM Account of Wind and Solar Pooling Stations for March, 2019
MP-DSM Account of Wind and Solar Pooling Stations for March, 2019Das A. K.
Rajasthan SLDC - Statement Showing the RE DSM for the month of October-2018 Q...
Rajasthan SLDC - Statement Showing the RE DSM for the month of October-2018 Q...Rajasthan SLDC - Statement Showing the RE DSM for the month of October-2018 Q...
Rajasthan SLDC - Statement Showing the RE DSM for the month of October-2018 Q...Das A. K.
Rajasthan SLDC - Statement Showing the RE DSM for the month of November-2018 ...
Rajasthan SLDC - Statement Showing the RE DSM for the month of November-2018 ...Rajasthan SLDC - Statement Showing the RE DSM for the month of November-2018 ...
Rajasthan SLDC - Statement Showing the RE DSM for the month of November-2018 ...Das A. K.
Rajasthan SLDC - Statement Showing the RE DSM for the month of December-2018 ...
Rajasthan SLDC - Statement Showing the RE DSM for the month of December-2018 ...Rajasthan SLDC - Statement Showing the RE DSM for the month of December-2018 ...
Rajasthan SLDC - Statement Showing the RE DSM for the month of December-2018 ...Das A. K.
MP-SLDC-DSM Account of Wind and Solar Pooling Stations for the month of Febru...
MP-SLDC-DSM Account of Wind and Solar Pooling Stations for the month of Febru...MP-SLDC-DSM Account of Wind and Solar Pooling Stations for the month of Febru...
MP-SLDC-DSM Account of Wind and Solar Pooling Stations for the month of Febru...Das A. K.
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normalized parametric model for wind turbine power curve
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Mock RE - Gujarat State Deviation Settlement Account (Deviation charges) 11 m...
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Mock RE - Gujarat State Deviation Settlement Account (Deviation charges) 11 m...Das A. K.
Mock RE - Gujarat State Deviation Settlement Account (Deviation charges)
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Revised Rajasthan DSM Penalty for September 2018 (uploaded on 1st May 2019)
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Revised Rajasthan DSM Penalty for June 2018 (uploaded on 1st May 2019)
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Draft - Rajasthan - SLDC - Deviation Settlement Account (DSM) statement Octob...
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MP-DSM Account of Wind and Solar Pooling Stations for the month of AUGUST, 2019
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Rajasthan SLDC - Statement Showing the RE DSM for the month of October-2018 Q...
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Rajasthan SLDC - Statement Showing the RE DSM for the month of November-2018 ...
Rajasthan SLDC - Statement Showing the RE DSM for the month of November-2018 ...Rajasthan SLDC - Statement Showing the RE DSM for the month of November-2018 ...
Rajasthan SLDC - Statement Showing the RE DSM for the month of November-2018 ...
Rajasthan SLDC - Statement Showing the RE DSM for the month of December-2018 ...
Rajasthan SLDC - Statement Showing the RE DSM for the month of December-2018 ...Rajasthan SLDC - Statement Showing the RE DSM for the month of December-2018 ...
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MP-SLDC-DSM Account of Wind and Solar Pooling Stations for the month of Febru...
MP-SLDC-DSM Account of Wind and Solar Pooling Stations for the month of Febru...MP-SLDC-DSM Account of Wind and Solar Pooling Stations for the month of Febru...
MP-SLDC-DSM Account of Wind and Solar Pooling Stations for the month of Febru...
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Mock RE - Gujarat State Deviation Settlement Account (Deviation charges) 11 m...
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Rajasthan Nigam issues RE DSM accounts

  • 1. RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED [CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN) U40109RJ2000SGCOl6485j(ANISO9001:2015CertifiedCompany) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur ( GST No,: 08AABCR8312AIZT1 PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLDe-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: se.ea(ll; No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSAl20 19-201 D. ~~~ Jaipur, dated: ~ '1/rp-/:::N!l'2..i.;) FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOl1NT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Charl:es) , Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: G/L Account: RECONNECTENERGYSOLUTIONSPRIVATELIMITED PSS_132KV_DALOT_33KV_DALOT 1558006 (SLoe Renewable Energy OSMFund) Address: SAP CODE: 1010903 1ST.NO 15.KRISHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.: OLDA1RPORT ROAD.BANGALORE, 634000553' Bengaluru (BangaJore)Urban,Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., Postal Code: 560008 173 . A Sector, Scheme No. 54, Indore Issuing Date: GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010 27,02,2020 PAN No.: AAFCR0074H (mithun. RE DSM Intra-State S.No. Duration Description Deviation Charges* l. 01.05.2019-31.05.20J9 FinalRE D511AccountStatementissuedafter rectifications(if applicable)in RE DSM -21,266Statementissuedon dt.Tq l l.Zul S II: (+) & (-) means receivabjefrom and payable to state de'iation pool respectinly (inRupees).Valuesare rounded offto the nearest Integer u,ine Gawsian rounding. Net Amount Payable b)' the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) nl.266/- Rupees Twenty One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Six Only Remarks {if anv}: I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity is zero for this PSS. DUE DATE OF PAYMENT ~. )~FORTHEQCA 27,03.2020 Executive lngineer (EA),(i.e..M daysfrom thedateaf issueofthis Statement) RVPJIl Jainur Please Note:- I.The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Nc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SB!, Collectrate Branch, JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt.27.09.20 19 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day. Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dr. 27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of 60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. S"P";~~!:O"'t;.g) RVPN. Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action. S"P"""~ Aceounting) RVPN. Jaipur
  • 2. RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED [Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40109RJ2000SGCOl648Sj (AN ISO 9001.2015 Certified Company) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur ( GST No.: 08AABCR8312AIZT. PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLDC-Building, Ajrner Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646: email: se.eaia! No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSN2019-201 D. :t"3."6.6> Jaipur, dated: ::L7J0 ?·J~cf').c> FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOlINT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Charl.:esl Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: G/L Account: RECONNECT ENERGY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED PSS_132KY_DALOT_KANGARH 1558006 (SLOe Renewable Energy OSM Fund) Address: SAP CODE: 1010904 1ST, NO 15, KRlSHIK SARVODAYA FOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.: OLD AIRPORT ROAD. BANGALORE, 634000 S5 '32- Bengaluru (Bangalore I Urban, Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., Postal Code: 560008 173. A Sector, SchemeNo. 54. Indore Issuinl: Date: GST No.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP -452010 27.02.2020 PAN No.: AAFCR0074H (mithun.dubeji(a) RE DSM Intra-State S.No. Duration Description Deviation Charges* 1. 01.05.2019-31.05.2019 FinalRE DSM AccountStatementissuedafter rectifications(if applicable)in RE DSM -1,39.243Statementissuedon dt 14.11.2019. *: (+) & (-) means receivablefrom and payable to state dni8tioBpoolrespectivefy(inRupees). Valuesa~ rounded offto tbe nearest integer usine Gaussian roundine. Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by tile QCA (In Words) n,39.243/- Rupees One Lakh Thirty Nine Thousand Two Hundred Forty Three Only Remarks lif anl'l: I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rate~ capacity is zero for this PSS. DUE DATE OF PAYI1ENT Executive~:m ., FORTHEQCA 27.03.2020 (i.e.. 'W days from die date of issue (if this Stmemeut) RVPN Jaipur Please Note:- I The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Alc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBL Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest@0.04%perday. Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations. 20I7 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. S ,~~~).upermten 109 gmeer ( nergy ccountmg) RVPN. Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur for information and necessary action. S"P"i",,~~~~,".ti.g) RVPN, Jaipur
  • 3. RAJASTHAN RAJY A VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED [Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40 I09RJ2000SGCO16485J (AN ISO 900I. 2015 Certified Companv) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur ( GST No.: 08AABCR8312AIZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLOC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646: email: No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REOSAl2019-20/0. ~'6~'1 Jaipur,dated: ':1.....IJO~~ FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOVNT STATEMENT {Intra- State Deviation CharKesl Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GILAccount: RECONNECT ENERGY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED PSS_132KV_KOLAY AT_RA YS 1558006 (SLOe RenewableEnergyDSMFund) Address: SAPCODE: 1010906 1ST, NO IS, KRISHIK SARVODA YA FOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.: OLD AIRPORT ROAD, BANGALORE. 6340005533 Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban, Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., PostalCode: 560008 173. A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuin2 Date: GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010 ( 27.02.2020 PAN No.: AAFCR0074H Duration Description RE DSM Intra-State S.No. Deviation Charges* l. 0105.2019·3 L05.20 19 Final RE OS11Account Statement Issued after rectifications (if applicable) in RE DS!vl -93,602Statementissuedondt_1411_2019 *: (+) & (-) means receivablefrom and payable to state deviatien poolrespedinly (inRupees).Valuesare rounded 00"to the nearest Integer usine Gaussian rounding. NetAmount Payablebythe QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) f93,602/- Rupees Ninety Three Thousand Six Hundred Two Only Remarks {ifan;yl: I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity is zero for this PSS. DUEDATEOF PAYMENT J ,~ ,FORTHEQCA 27.03.2020 Executive Eng)neer (EA),(i.e. 3(1days /ro", the date of issue of this Statement) RVPN. Jaiour Please Note:· I The constituents. which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Ale No. 37534869390.IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026. Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if an) 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day. Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations. 2017 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. S"P";'''~~:tt""''I'g) RVPN, Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action. S"P,,;.,,~~,£ RVPN, Jaipur
  • 4. RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED [Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40109RJ2000SGCO1648SJ (AN ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Company) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar. Jaipur ( GST No.: 08AABCR8312A1ZT. PAN No.: AABCR8312A v OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLOC-Building. Ajrner Road. Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: se.ea( No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REOSAl2019-20/0. ~'"2>..rD Jaipur, dated: ~"7/0~':l.o FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOVNT STATEMENT {Intra- State Deviation Charl,l;esl Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account: RECONNECT ENERGY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED PSS_132KV_NOKHADHAlY A_3No_33KV 1558006 (SLOe RenewableEnergyOSM Fund) Address: SAP CODE: 1010907 1ST, NO 15, KRISHIK SARVODAYA FOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.: OLD AIRPORT ROAD, BANGALORE, 634000 553Lt Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban, Karnataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd" Postal Code: 560008 173 . A Sector. Scheme No. 54, Indore Issuinl:;Date: GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP -452010 ( 27.02.2020 PAN No.: AAFCR0074H Duration Description RE DSM Intra-StateS.No. Deviation Charges* 1. 01.05.2019-31.05.2019 FinalRE DSM AccountStatementissuedafter rectifications(if applicable)in RE DSM -17.470Statementissuedon dt. 1411_2019 "': (+) & (-) means receivable from and payable to state de"iation pool respectinly (in Rupees). Values are rounded oO'to the nearest integer using Gaussian rounding. Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) U7.470/- Rupees Seventeen Thousand Four Hundred Seventy Only Remarks {ifanvl: 1. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this PSS. DPE DATE OF PA YMENT ~~~kFORTHEQCA 27.03.2020 Executive Engiler (EA),(ie..1(J days from the elateof issueo/tl,i$ StatemelJl) RVPN Jainur Please Note:- I The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Nc No. 37534869390.IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest@0.04%perday. ~ As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. S'''ri"''~A''''"ti"''RVPN. Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action. mg EWeIr (IEne~ Cg)Superinte RVPN, Jaipur
  • 5. RAJASTHAN RAJY A VlDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED [Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40 I09RJ2000SGCOI 6485j (AN ISO 90012015 Certified Company) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur ( GST No.: 08AABCR8312AIZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLDC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646: email: se.ea({ No.RVPN/SE(EAjIXEN/REDSAl2019-201 D. .!i.~,1) Jaipur, dated: JJ..~-tIo1-)::><J2--0 FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOVNT STATEMENT {Intra- State Deviation Charl:;esl , Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: G/L Account: RECONNECT ENERGY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED PSS_132KV_OSIAN_2No_33KV 1558006 (SLOe Renewable Energy DSM Fund) Address: SAP CODE: 1010908 1ST, NO 15, KRISHIK SARVODAY A FOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.: OLD AIRPORT ROAD. BANGALORE. 634000 553.~ Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban, Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., Postal Code: 560008 173. A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuing Date: GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010 (mithun.dubey(a)reconnectener~. com) 27.02.2020 PAN No.: AAFCR0074H Description RE DSM Intra-StateS.No. Duration Deviation Charges* I. 01052019-3105.2019 Final RE DSM Account Statement issued after rectifications (if applicable) in RE DSM -2.206Statement issued on dt. 14.11,2019 *: (+) & (a) means receivablefrom and payable to state deviatien poolrespectinly (in Rupees). Valuesan rounded oft'to the nearest integer using Gaussian rounding. Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) f2,206/- Rupees Two Thousand Two Hundred Six Only Remarks (if anl'l: I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this PSS. ,J DUE DATE OF PAYMENT ~ jJFORTHEQCA 27.03.2020 (i.e. _lO days from the date of issue of this Executive Engiheer (EA), Statemellt) RVPN Jainur Please Note:- I.The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Alc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN003l026. Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LIJ). RVPN. Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04%perday. Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting. Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 20I7 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account. the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. S'P,,;."~~t;.g)RVPN, Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur for information and necessary action. S'P";.t~!e~,c,,,.)RVPN, Jaipur
  • 6. RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED :-", [CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN) U40109RJ2000SGCOl6485j(ANISO90012015CertifiedCompany) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar. Jaipur ( GST No.: 08AABCR8312A1ZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLDC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: se.ea(a:; No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSAl20 19-201D. ~ ,?:>~:l.... Jaipur, dated: ~O)j")..<!)"J.G) FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOlTNT STATEMENT {Intra- State Deviation CbarKes} Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account: RECONNECTENERGYSOLUTIONSPRIVATELIt.!ITED PSS_132KV_POKARAN_2NO_33KV 1558006 (SLOe RenewableEnergyOSM Fund) Address: SAPCODE: 1010909 1ST,NO 15,KRJSHIKSARVODAYA FOUNDATION, Corres[!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.: OLDAIRPORTROAD,BANGALORE, 6340~~3'b Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban,Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., PostalCode: 560008 173 , A Sector, Scheme No. 54, Indore Issuing Date: GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010 27.02.2020 PAN No.: AAFCR0074H (mithun. dubeyla)reconnectenergv. com) RE DSM Intra-StateS.No. Duration Description Deviation Charges* 1. 01.05.2019-3105.2019 Final RE DS!l Account Statement Issued after rectifications (if applicable) in RE DSM -26.110Statementissuedon dt. 141L2019 "': (+) & (~)means receivablefrom and payable to state de,'iation poolrespectinly (inRupees). Valuesare rounded offto the nearest Integer usine Gaussian roundine. Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) f26.110/- Rupees Twenty Six Thousand One Hundred Ten Only Remarks (if anl:l: I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this PSS. I.II DUE DATE OF PAYMENT ,U,rA 'FORTHEQCA 27.03.2020 Executive Enginlr (EA).[i:e. 30 dap front dte date of issue of this Stutemeltt) RVPN Jaipur Please Note - I The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Alc No. 37534869390, IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBI, Collectrate Branch, JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day. Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. S""'ri"r.?i~~""ti"glRVPN. Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action. S"P"i.t,~~J.:C"ti'g) RVPN, Jaipur
  • 7. RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED [CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN) U40109RJ2000SGCOl6485j (AN ISO90012015 Certified Company) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur ( , GST No.: 08AABCR8312A1ZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLDC-Building, Ajrner Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: se.ea( No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSN2019-201 D. ~~3 Jaipur, dated~O'J.j~J...o FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOlTNT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Charl:esl Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: G/L Account: RECONNECTENERGYSOLUTIONSPRIVATELIMITED PSS_I32KY_PS3_8NO_33KV 1558006 (SLOC RenewableEnergyOSM Fund) Address: SAPCODE: 1010913 1ST.NO 15.KRISHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No,: OLDAIRPORTROAD,BANGALORE, 634000 ~ s11-Bengaluru (Bangalore)Urban,Karnataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., PostalCode: 560008 173 . A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuing Date: GSTNo,: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP -452010 (mithun. 27.02.2020PAN No,: AAFCR0074H S,No, Duration Description RE DSM Intra-State Deviation Charges* 1. 0105.2019-31.05.2019 Final RE OS1,,1Account Statement Issued after rectifications (if applicable) in RE DSM -68.891Statement issued on dt 14 11.2019 *: t+) & (-) means receivablefrom and payable to state deviarien poolrespectively(inRupees). Valuesare rounded offto the nearest Integer usine:Gaussian roundine. Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) t68,89V- Rupees Sixty Eight Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety One Only Remarks {if anl'l: I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this pss. Ai A DllE DATE OF PAYMENT U " FORTHEQCA j. - 27.03.2020 (i.e.. 'to c/tl)'!J from tile date of issue of this Executive Engineer (EA), Statement) RVPN. Jainur Please Note:- 1. The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement. are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Nc No. 37534869390, IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031 026. Bank: SBI, Collectrate Branch. JAIPURj maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS. if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest@0.04%perday. ~ As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019. in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. S"P";'~~ C.g,RVPN, Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur for information and necessary action. ~~ Superintending Engineer (Energy Accounting) RVPN, Jaipur
  • 8. RAJASTHAN RAJY A VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ",,{4 [CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN)U40109RJ2000SGC016485j(AN ISO9001.2015CertifiedCompany) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur ( GST No.: 08AABCR8312AIZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLDC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747, 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646: email: se.ea( No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSAJ2019-201 D. ~ ~.. .t Jaipur, dated: ~?J??J?:<:J FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOUNT STATEMENT {Intra- State Deviation Charl:es} Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: G/L Account: RECONNECTENERGYSOLUTIONSPRIVATELiMITED PSS_I32KV_PS3_WELSPUN 1558006 ISLDCRenewableEnergyDSMFund) Address: SAPCODE: 1010914 1ST.NO15.KRISHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION. Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No,: OLDAIRPORTROAD.BANGALORE. 634000 :; <;"J,S Bengaluru (Bangalore)Urban.Karnataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., PostalCode:560008 173, A Sector, Scheme No. 54, Indore Issuinl: Date: GSTNo,: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010 ( 27,02.2020PAN No.: AAFCR0074H Description RE DSM Intra-StateS.No. Duration Deviation Charges* 1. 01052019-31.05.2019 Final RE DSM ACcOLmtStatement issued after rectifications (if applicable) In RE DSM -46,918Statementissuedon dt. 14,11.2019 *: (+) & (-) means receivablefrom and payable to state devlafien poolrespectively(in Rupees).Valuesare rounded ofi'to the nearest inteEer minE Gaussian roundinE. :"letAmount Payablebythe QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) U6,918/- Rupees Forty Six Thousand Nine Hundred Eighteen Only Remarks (if anl'l: I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this PSS. It DliE DATEOF PAYMENT ~ ~AFORTHEQCA 27.03.2020 Executive Enginee) (EA).(i.e. 3(; dCl)'Jfront tire date of lssue of this Statemellt) RVPN JaiI!...ur Please Note:- I The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Alc No. 37534869390, IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026,Bank: SBI, Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN, Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04%perday. Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations. 2017 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account. the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. S""ri.,,~iineer tf ne "C,",ti."RVPN, Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action. S""ri,,,~~~J='ti,g)RVPN, Jaipur
  • 9. (I RAJASTHAN RAJY A VlDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED [Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40109RJ2000SGCOl64851 (AN ISO 9001 2015 Certified Company) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur ( GST No.: 08AABCR8312AIZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLOC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747,2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: se.e~r' No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REOSAl20 19-20/0. ;t_~~ Jaipur, dated: ..MlV')j:u,?<> FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOllNT STATEMENT {Intra- State Deviation Char&:;esl Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: G/L Account: RECONNECT ENERGY SOLUTIONS PRIV ATE Ll~llTED PSS_132KV_RAMGARH_RVUN_GTPP 1558006 (SLOe RenewableEnergyOSM Fund) Address: SAPCODE: 1010915 1ST, NO 15, KRISHIK SARVODAYA FOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.: OLD AIRPORT ROAD, BANGALORE, 634000 >5"JjBengaluru (Bangalore) Urban, Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., PostalCode:560008 173. A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuing Date: GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010 PAN No.: AAFCR0074H ( 27.02.2020 S.No. Duration Description RE DSM Intra-State Deviation Charges= I. 0105.2019·3105.2019 Final RE DSM ACCOWltStatement Issued after rectifications (if applicable) in RE DSM -8,188Statementissuedon dt 14.11.2019 oil: (+) & H means receivablefrom and payable to state deviation poolrespectinly (in Rupees).Valuesare rounded offto the nearest Integer usine Gaussian roundine. NetAmountPayablebythe QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) f8,188/- Rupees Eight Thousand One Hundred Eighty Eight Only Remarks {ifanll: 1. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this PSS. _.t 1 DliE DATEOF PAYMENT iJl FORTHEQCA lj·.27.03.2020 (ie. 30 days fro", the date of issue of this Executive Engineer (EA), Stutemelrt) RVPN Jaiour Please Note:- 1. The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Nc NO.37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026. Bank: SBI, Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS. if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day. Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. S""ri'''~~AC:mgl RVPN, Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur for information and necessary action. S'''ri.t,,~~~, ••ting) RVPN, Jaipur
  • 10. RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED [Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40109RJ2000SGC016485] (AN ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Company) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan. Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur ( GST No.: 08AABCR8312AIZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLDC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: se.ea( No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXENIREDSAl2019-201 D. 0~4-b Jaipur, dated: 9...._710?/~ FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOliNT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Charr;es} Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account: RECONNECT ENERGY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED PSS_132KV_RANI_RANI 1558006 (SLDC Renewable Energy DSM Fund) Address: SAP CODE: 1010916 IST. NO 15. KRISHIK SAR VODA YA FOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.: OLD AIRPORT ROAD, BANGALORE. 634000 <'>y0 Bengaluru (Bangalore)Urban, Karnataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., Postal Code: 560008 173 . A Sector, Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuing Date: GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010 27.02.2020PAN No.: AAFCR0074H ( RE DSM Intra-StateS.No. Duration Description Deviation Charges* I. 010520 I9-3 I.05.2019 FinalRE DS~'1AccountStatementissuedafter rectifications(if applicable)in RE DSM -9.840Statementissuedon dt. 14.11.2019 "":(+) & (-)means receivablefrom and payable to state dniation poolrespecth·ely(in Rupees).Valuesare rounded oifto the nearest intfEer usinCGaussian rouodinc. Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) ~9,840/- Rupees Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Forty Only Remarks (if anvl: I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity is zero for this PSS. N I DUE DATE OF PAYMENT ExecutiveE.g;!!~). -» FORTHEQCA 27.03.2020 (i.e. Jfi days from tl'e date of issue of this Statement) RVPJf Jaipur Please Note:- I.The constituents. which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the .oREGenerators State DPA Fund (Nc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code SBIN003I026. Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day. ~ As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations. 20I7 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of 60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. S""ri,,,,~~·~r.ltll~ounring)RVPN. Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur for information and necessary action S"P,,;.,,~~~,C.g)RVPN, Jaipur
  • 11. (. RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED [CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN).U40I09RJ2000SGCOI648SJ(AN ISO9001.2015CertifiedCompany) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur ( GST No.: 08AABCR8312AIZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLDC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747, 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646: email: No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSAl20 19-201D. ~~'4~ Jaipur, dated:~'7 Jo~ FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOllNT STATEMENTj_Intra- State Deviation Chare:e{) Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account: RECONNECTENERGYSOLUTIONSPRIVATELIMITED PSS_132KV_SANWREEJ_SANWREEJ 1558006 (SLOeRenewableEnergyOSMFund) Address: SAPCODE: 1010917 1ST.NOIS, KRlSHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No,: OLDAIRPORTROAD,BANGALORE, 634000 s<lj f Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban,Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., PostalCode:560008 173, A Sector. SchemeNo. 54, Indore lssuinl: Date: GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010 ( 27.02.2020PAN No.: AAFCR0074H Description RE DSM Intra-StateS.No. Duration Deviation Charges= 1. 0105.2019-310S.2019 Final RE DSt-.1 Account Statement issued after recttfications (if applicable) in RE DSM -24.439Statement Issued on dt. 14.11.2019 *: (+) & (-)means receivablefrom and payable to state de-iationpoolrespectinly (inRupees). Valuesare rounded.oITtothe nearest inte.,-r usine:Gaussian roundinE. NetAmountPayablebythe QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) f24.439/- Rupees Twenty Four Thousand Four Hundred Thirty Nine Only Remarks lif anl'l: I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this PSS. II. j DUEDATEOF PAYMENT t~~,)j > FORTHEQCA 27.03.2020 {ie. 3()days/ronrt/.edate ofissueo/this Executive Engineer (EA), Statement) RVPN Jaipur Please Note:- I The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Nc No. 37534869390, lFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBI, Collectrate Branch, JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day. Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. S"P'ri""~~£:"'g)RVPN. Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur for information and necessary action. S""ri""'~~~C" ntin,) RVPN. Jaipur
  • 12. RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED [CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN) U40109RJ2000SGC0164851(AN ISO9001.2015CertifiedCompany) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur ( GSTNo.: 08AABCR8312AIZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLDC-Building, Ajrner Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747, 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: No. RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSAl20 19-20/ D. ~ ~'--~ Jaipur, dated: '=:2....7/0~I?O'>O FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOUNT STATEMENT {Intra- State Deviation Charl:es} Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: G/L Account: RECONNECTENERGYSOLUTIONSPRIVATELIJllTED PSS_132KV_SHEO_SUZLON 1558006 (SLOe RenewableEnergyOSM Fund) Address: SAP CODE: 1010918 1ST,NOIS,KRISHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION, Corres(!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.: OLDAIRPORTROAD,BANGALORE, 634000 <rLf 'L- Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban,Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., Postal Code: 560008 173. A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuing Date: GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-4520IO (mithun.dube)C! 27.02.2020PAN No.: AAFCR0074H Duration Description RE DSM Intra-StateS.No. Deviation Charges* 1. 01.05.2019-31.05.2019 Final RE DS~lAccount Statement issued after rectifications (if applicable) in RE DSM -1,15,904Statement issued on dt. 14.11.2019 "': (+) & H means receivable from and payable to state deviarien pool respectively(in Rupees). Values are rounded ofTto the nearest integer using Gaussian reunding. Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) n,15,904/- Rupees One Lakh Fifteen Thousand Nine Hundred Four Only Remarks (if any): I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity irero for this PSS. DUE DATE OF PAYMENT ; I~ ~FORTHEQCA 27.03.2020 Executive EngineJ (EA),{i:e.30 daysfrom thedateof issueojthis Statement) RVPN. Jaipur Please Note:- I The constituents. which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e, up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Nc No. 37534869390, IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SB!, Collectrate Branch, JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN, Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt27.09.20 19otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day. Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. superint~:r:unting) RVPN, Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action. S"P'ri",,~~..rl:"ti"g)RVPN, Jaipur
  • 13. RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED [Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40109RJ2000SGCOl6485j (AN ISO 90012015 Certified Company) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur ( GST No.: 08AABCR8312AIZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLDC-Building, Ajrner Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747, 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646: email: se.ea( No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSAl20 19-201 D. c3"2>.l.a, Jaipur, dated: ...:z_"1~ ')j?2:J~ FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOUNT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation CharI:;esl Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GILAccount: RECONNECT ENERGY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED PSS_220KV_MIARSAGAR_12No_33KV 1558006 (SLOe RenewableEnergyOSM Fund) Address: SAPCODE: 1010919 1ST, NO 15, KRlSHIK SARVODAYA FOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.: OLD AIRPORT ROAD, BANGALORE. 634000 C;;'>Y3Bengaluru (Bangalore l Urban, Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., PostalCode:560008 173. A Sector. SchemeNo. 54, Indore Issuing Date: GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010 PAN No.: AAFCR0074H ( 27.02.2020 S.No. Duration Description RE DSM Intra-State Deviation Charges= 1. 0105.2019-3105.2019 Final RE DSM Account Statement Issued after rectifications (if applicable) in RE DSM -12.01,372Statement Issued on dt. 14.11,2019 "': (+) & (-. means receivablefrom and payable to state de,iation poolrespeetivefy(in Rupees). Valuesare rounded ofTto the nearest intee:erusinEGaussian roundinE" NetAmountPayablebythe QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) U2.01.372/- Rupees Twelve Lakhs One Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Two Only Remarks lif anyl: I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity is zero for this PSS. ('ii f DllE DATEOF PAYMENT Y /1FORTHEQCA ~lr/-:27.03.2020 (i.~"3(1dlt)"Jfrom tl,e date of issue of this Executive Enginee (EA), StuJemellt) RVPN. JaiDur Please Note:- I The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Alc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBI, Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day. ~ As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. S'P";'t~~~O""'" RVPN. Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action. S .~~~ .upennte 109 ngmeer nergy ccountmg) RVPN, Jaipur
  • 14. RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED [CorporateIdentity Number(CIN)U40109RJ2000SGC016485](ANISO9001.2015CertifiedCompany) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur ( GST No.: 08AABCR8312AIZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLDC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSAl2019-201 D. ~~~ Jaipur, dated: -;;;Z7JO,._J?d).-D FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOlTNT STATEMENT {Intra- State Deviation Charl!es} Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account: RECONNECTENERGYSOLUTIONSPRIVATELIMITED PSS_220KV_AMARSAGAR_TEMDARI 1558006 (SLOe RenewableEnergyDSMFund) Address: SAPCODE: 1010920 1ST,NO15,KRISHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.: OLDAIRPORTROAD,BANGALORE, 634000 5<;1.('1Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban,Karnataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., PostalCode:560008 173. A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuing Date: GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010 ( 27.02.2020 PAN No.: AAFCR0074H Description RE DSM Intra-StateS.No. Duration Deviation Charges* 1. 01.05.2019-3105.2019 Final RE DS~lAccountStatementissuedafter rectifications(if applicable)in RE DS~l -1.45.151Statementissuedon dt 1411.2019 *: (+) & (-) means receivablefrom and payable to state de,..iation poolrespectinl,. (io Rupees). Valuesare rounded offto tbe nearest Integer usine:Gaussian rounding. O'IetAmount Payablebythe QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) n.4S.1Sll- Rupees One Lakh Forty Five Thousand One Hundred Fifty One Only Remarks (if anl'l: I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity is zero for this PSS. AI DUEDATEOF PAYMENT ExecutiveEngin~~, FORTHEQCA -27.03.2020 [i e. :~odays from d,~ date of issue of this Stutemeul) RVPN Jaipur Please Note:- I.The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Nc No. 37534869390, IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026. Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id: sr for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04%per day. Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. S'P";'~:"'Ii'g) RVPN. Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action. ~~TSuperintending Engineer (Energy Accounting) RVPN, Jaipur
  • 15. RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED -':~" '[Corporate Identity Number (CIN) 1I40109RJ2000SGC016485](AN ISO9001:2015Certified Company) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar. Jaipur ( GST No.: 08AABCR8312AIZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLDC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Tel~hone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646: email: se.ea(ti; No.RVPN/SE(EAjIXEN/REDSAl2019-201 D. ~~_l Jaipur, dated: :2..7Io,-/"'>DYD FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOllNT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Char,es} Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: G/L Account: RECONNECTENERGYSOLUTIONSPRIVATELIMITED PSS_220KV_BADISlD_3NO_33KV 1558006 (SLOe RenewableEnergyOSM Fund) Address: SAPCODE: 1010921 1ST.NO IS.KRISHIKSARVODAYAFOLINDATION. Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.: OLDAIRPORTROAD.BANGALORE. 634000 >5lfC;Bengaluru IBangalore I Urban. Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., PostalCode: 560008 173 . A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuing Date: GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010 ( 27.02.2020PAN No.: AAFCR0074H S.No. Duration Description RE DSM Intra-State Deviation Charges* 1. 0105.2019-3105.2019 Final RE DSM Account Statement issued after rectifications (if applicable) in RE DSM -22.530Statement issued on dt. 14_11.2019 "': (+) & (-)mean! receivable from and payable to state devlatien pool respectively (in Rupees). Values are rounded oITto tbe nearest inteEer usinE GauIISian rounding. Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) f22.530/- Rupees Twenty Two Thousand Five Hundred Thirty Only Remarks {if anrl: I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this PSS. DUE DATE OF PAYMENT 11) -FORTHEQCA 27.03.2020 Executive Enginlr (EA),{ie. 3()dtl}'sfrom tiredate of issue ofthil" Statement) RVPN JaiDur Please Note:- 1. The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement. are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State OPA Fund (Alc No. 37534869390.IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN003I026, Bank: SB!. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LO). RVPN. Jaipur, 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LO), RVPN. Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized OSM account as per RERC Order dt27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day. Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations. 2017 and its amended procedure dt 27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final OSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. superin~~~g~ Accounting) RVPN. Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LO). RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action. S ~~~~ )upennten 109 ngmeer nergy ccountmg RVPN, Jaipur
  • 16. RAJASTHAN RAJYA VlDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED [CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN) U40109RJ2000SGCO16485](ANISO90012015Certified Company) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur ( GST No.: 08AABCR8312AIZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLOC-Building, Ajrner Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REOSN2019-20/0. ~~:;t_ Jaipur, dated: "":2..'rt/o?/"2--0?o FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOUNT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Charl:es} Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account: RECONNECTENERGYSOLUTIONSPRIVATELIMITED PSS_220KV_BADISID_TERRAFORM 1558006 (SLOe RenewableEnergyOSM Fund) Address: SAPCODE: 1010922 1ST.NO IS.KRISHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION. Corres)!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.: OLDAIRPORTROAD.BANGALORE, 634000 <<;"1 cBengaluru (Bangalore)Urban,Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd.. PostalCode: 560008 173 . A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuing Date: GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010 27.02.2020 PAN No.: AAFCR0074H (mithun. RE DSM Intra-StateS.No. Duration Description Deviation Charges* I. 01.05.2019-3105.2019 FinalRE DS~I AccountStatementIssued after rectifications(if applicable)in RE DSM -31.849Statementissuedon dt. 1411.2019 "':(+) & H means rKeivable from and payable to state del-iaflonpoolRSpectinly(in Rupee'). Valuesare rounded offto the nearest inteEe-r usinE Gau!Sian rounding. Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by tile QCA (In Words) nl.849/- Rupees Thirty One Thousand Eight Hundred Forty Nine Only Remarks (if anl'l: I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity is zero for this PSS. II I DUE DATE OF PAYMENT ~~,AFORTHEQCA 27.03.2020 Executive Eng;neJ(EA),(ie .. '10days from the date of issue of this Statemeltl) RVPN Jaj]J_ur Please Note:- I.The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Alc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBI, Collectrate Branch, JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN, Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day. Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt 27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. Superin endm Engineer 'A .nergy ccountmg) RVPN. Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action. ~,~Superintending Engineer (Energy Accounting) RVPN. Jaipur
  • 17. RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED 4;'_- ~; [CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN)U40109RJ2000SGCOl6485j(AN ISO9001:2015Certified Company) II Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur ( GST No.: 08AABCR8312AIZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLDC-Building, Ajrner Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747, 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSAl20 19-201D. ~~ Jaipur, dated: ~O:;}~ FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOtTNT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Char&es} Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account: RECONNECTENERGYSOLUTIONSPRIVATELIMITED PSS_220KV_BALOTRA_BALOTRA 1558006 (SLDeRenewableEnergyDSMFund) Address: SAPCODE: 1010924 1ST,NO15,KRlSHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.: OLDAIRPORTROAD,BANGALORE. 634000 S"~Lf1-Bengaluru (Bangalore ) Urban,Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., PostalCode:560008 173. A Sector, Scheme No. 54, Indore Issuin&Date: GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-4520l0 27.02.2020PAN No.: AAFCR0074H ( Description RE DSM Intra-StateS.No. Duration Deviation Charges* 1. 01.05.2019-31.05.2019 Final RE DS~I AccountStatementissuedafter rectifications(if applicable)in RE DSM -1,673Statementissuedon dt. 14,11.2019 "':(+) & (.) means rtceivable from and payable to state deiation poolrespectivefy(inRupees). Valuesare rounded offto the nearest intee:erusine:Gaussian roundine:. NetAmount Payablebythe QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) n,673/- Rupees One Thousand Six Hundred Seventy Three Only Remarks (if anyl: 1. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this PSS. _! I DUEDATEOF PAYMENT VI !FORTHEQCA tJ"f~'27.03.2020 Executive EngineeJ (EA).(ie. 3f) days fro", the date of issue ofthis Statement) RVPN Jaipur Please Note:- 1. The constituents. which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Alc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN003l 026. Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LDj, RVPN. Jaipur, 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt.27.09.20l9 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day. ~ As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of 60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. S"P"i,~~," un ring] RVPN, Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action. S'P<'i.~~~..xtt'"'ti.,) RVPN, Jaipur
  • 18. ---::-~-..,~. RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED ..?,-s:~;; [CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN):U40109RJ2000SGCOl6485j(AN ISO9001:2015Certified Company) ~: Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan. Jyoti Nagar. Jaipur ( GST No.: 08AABCR8312AIZT. PAN No.: AABCR8312A / OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLDC-Building. Ajrner Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: se.ea(t1; No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSAl2019-201 D. .;:t,~ Jaipur, dated: &.~)tr?/"2b':);Q FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOliNT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Charl:es} Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account: RECONNECTENERGYSOLUTIONSPRIVATELIMITED PSS_220KY_BAP_14NO_33KV 1558006 (SLOe RenewableEnergyOSM Fund) Address: SAPCODE: 1010925 1ST.NO 15.KRISHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION. Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.: OLDAIRPORTROAD.BANGALORE. 634000 ><;'-(8 Bengaluru (Bangalore)Urban,Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., PostalCode: 560008 173 . A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuinl: Date: GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010 (mithun. dube~(a)reconnectenergy. com) 27.02.2020PAN No.: AAFCR0074H S.No. Duration Description RE DSM Intra-State Deviation Charges* 1. 01.052019·31.052019 FinalRE DS!,[AccountStatementissuedafter rectifications(if applicable)in RE DSM -28.179StatementIssuedon cit 14_11.2019 "': (+) & (-) mea", receiubJe from and payable to state de-iatioDpoolrespedh;ely (inRupees). Valuesare rounded offto the nearest iDte~r usinCGaunian roundinl. Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) ~28.179/- Rupees Twenty Eight Thousand One Hundred Seventy Nine Only Remarks (if anl'}: 1. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this PSS. ~ 1DUE DATE OF PAYMENT ~!~A~FORTHEQCA 27.03.2020 Executive Enginee)rEA),tte. 30 daJ':Jfrom t/Jedale of issue of tkis Statemellt) RVPN Jaipur Please Note:- I The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Alc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBL Collectrate Branch. JAJPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information, 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt.27.092019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04%perday. Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. superi~~ccounting) RVPN. Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action. superint~~Accountjng) RVPN, Jaipur
  • 19. RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED [Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40109RJ2000SGC016485] (AN ISO 9001.2015 Certified Company) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur ( GST No.: 08AABCR8312AIZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLDC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646: email: No.RVPN/SE(EA)/XEN/REDSN2019-201 D. FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOUNT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Charges) ~ ~ Jaipur, dated: ~O')j!l-e?-D Issued to OCA: Issued for PSS: RECONNECT ENERGY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED PSS_220KY_BAP _MAHINDRA Address: 1ST. NO 15. KRISHIK SARVODAYA FOUNDATION. OLD AIRPORT ROAD. BANGALORE. Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban. Kamataka Postal Code: 560008 GST No.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA PAN No.: AAFCR0074H G/L Account: 1558006 (SLOe Renewable Energy OSM Fund) ~S~A~P~C~O~D~E~:~1~0~10~9~26~-----------; Correspondance Address of OCA: SAP Document No.: 634000 S<; "1j S.No. Duration RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., 173. A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuing Date: MP-452010 ( 27.02.2020 -27,182 Description RE DSM Intra-State Deviation Charges* 01.052019·31.05.2019 Final RE DSM Account Statement issued after rectifications (if applicable) in RE DSM Statement issued on dt. 14.11,2019 I. "':(+) & (-) means receivablefrom and payable to state dn'iation poolrespectinl), (in Rupees).Valuesare rounded offto the nearest intecer USiDEGaussian rouodiDI:. Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) n7,182/- Rupees Twenty Seven Thousand One Hundred Eighty Two Only Remarks (if any): I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this PSS. A. I DliE DATE OF PAYMENT FORTHEQCA ~4A'Executive Engi~ee (EA). RVPN Jaipur 27.03.2020 (i.~..M daysfrom die date of issueoftllis Statement) Please Note:- I. The constituents. which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement. are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Ale No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code SBIN0031026. Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest@0.04%perday. Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019. in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account. the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. superin~~~counting) RVPN, Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur for information and necessary action. ~~ Superintending Engineer (Energy Accounting) RVPN, Jaipur
  • 20. RAJASTHAN RAJY A VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED " [Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40109RJ2000SGCOl6485j (AN ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Company) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur ( GST No.: 08AABCR8312AIZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLDC-Building, Ajrner Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747, 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646: email: se.ea( No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSAl20 19-201D. ~~Q, Jaipur, dated:tl..~1 o'J-I':U:J'J..-o FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOtTNT STATEMENT {Intra- State Deviation Charles} Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account: RECONNECT ENERGY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED PSS_220KV_BHADLA_SNo_33KV 1558006 (SLDe RenewableEnergyDSM Fund) Address: SAP CODE: 1010927 1ST, NO 15, KRISHIK SARVODAYA FOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No,: OLD AIRPORT ROAD. BANGALORE, 634000 <S;~ 0 Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban, Karnataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., Postal Code: 560008 173 . A Sector, SchemeNo. 54, Indore Issuing Date: GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010 PAN No.: AAFCR0074H (mithun.dube~(a) 27.02.2020 S.No. Duration Description RE DSM Intra-State Deviation Cbarges* 1. 01.05.2019-31.05.2019 Final RE DSM Account Statement issued after rectifications (if applicable) In RE DSM -83.218Statement issued on dt. 14.11 2019 ": (+) & (-) means recelvabjefrom and payabie to state deviation poolrespectinly (inRupees). Valuesare rounded offto the nearest Integer usiOEGaussian roundioe. Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) ~83.218/- Rupees Eigbty Tbree Tbousand Two Hundred Eigbteen Only Remarks (if an)'}: I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capa~y is rro for this PSS. DUE DATE OF PAYMENT ~J1iJ , FORTHEQCA 27.03.2020 {i e.:~OdU}'$lromtire date of issueofillis Executive Engineer (EA), Slatemelfl) RVPN Jaiour Please Note:- I.The constituents. which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement. are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Nc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall bave to deposit the amount within 30 days ofthe issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest@0.04%perday. Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations. 2017 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019, in case tbe payment is not made even after a lapse of 60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. superin~~ Accounting) RVPN. Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action. 6tJ1~~1Superintending Engineer (Energy Accounting) RVPN. Jaipur
  • 21. ifB RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED [Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40109RJ2000SGC016485j (AN ISO 9001. 2015 Certified Company) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur ( GSTNo.: 08AABCR8312AIZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLOC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646: email: se.ea(tl:; No.RVPN/SE(EAjIXEN/REOSN2019-20/0. ~~ Jaipur, dated: ~'7/o_:J.}":J..<J ')...Q FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOllNT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Charles} , Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: G/L Account: RECONNECT ENERGY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED PSS_220KV_BHAWAD_SNCA 1558006 (SLDe RenewableEnergyDSM Fund) Address: SAPCODE: 1010928 1ST, NO IS, KRISHIK SARVODAY A FOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.: OLD AIRPORT ROAD, BANGALORE, 634000 ><~ tBengaluru (Bangalore ) Urban, Karnataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., PostalCode:560008 173. A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore issuin& Date: GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010 PAN No.: AAFCR0074H ( 27.02.2020 S.No. Duration Description RE DSM Intra-State Deviation Charges= 1. 01.05.2019-31.05.2019 FinalRE DS~f AccountStatementIssuedafter rectifications(if applicable)in RE DSM -11,728Statementissuedon dt 1411.2019 "': (+) & (-) means receivablefrom and payable to state deviatien poolrespettinly (inRupees). Value! are rounded offto the nearest intecer usmc Gau!lsianroundinc:. NetAmount Payableby the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) Ul,728/- Rupees Eleven Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Eight Only Remarks {ifanrl: 1. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity is zero for this PSS. Ai I DliE DATEOF PAYMENT EX~"'<Engi~d._' FORTHEQCA 27.03.2020 (i.e, JO days from tiredate of issue of this Statement) RVPN Jaipur Please Note:- I The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Alc No. 37534869390.IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026. Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest@0.04%perday. Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations. 2017 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of 60 days from issuance of final DSM account. the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. S'''ri"~'~ ALa"a,)RVPN. Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action. superintend~(t~:S:tingj RVPN, Jaipur
  • 22. RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED [Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40 I09RJ2000SGC016485] (AN ISO 900 I: 2015 Certified Company) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur ( ;:: GST No.: 08AABCR8312A1ZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLDC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747, 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: se.ea( No.RVPN/SE(EA)!XEN/REDSAl20 19-201 D. .=L~ Jaipur, dated: ~ "'1/0?-/?b~ FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOVNT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Charli:es} Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account: RECONNECT ENERGY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED PSS_220KV_GAJNER_SNO_33KV 1558006 (SLOe RenewableEnergyOSM Fund) Address: SAP CODE: 1010929 1ST, NO 15, KRISHIK SARVODAYA FOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No,: OLD AIRPORT ROAD, BANGALORE, 634000 S"ss L Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban, Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., Postal Code: 560008 173. A Sector, Scheme No. 54, Indore Issuinli:Date: GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010 PAN No.: AAFCR0074H ( 27.02.2020 S.No. Duration Description RE DSM Intra-State Deviation Charges* 1. 0105.2019-31.05.2019 FinalRE DSt-.l ACCOlUlt Statementissuedafterrectifications(if applicable)in RE DSM -1,62,632Statementissuedon dt, 1411.2019. "':(+) & (-) means receivablefrom and payable to state dniation poolrespectinly (in Rupees).Valuesare rounded off to the nearest inteeeru5ineGaussian roundine. Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) U,62.632/- Rupees One Lakh Sixty Two Thousand Six Hundred Thirty Two Only Remarks !if anv}: 1. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this PSS. IN DUE DATE OF PAYMENT _g~)I)FORTHEQCA 27.03.2020 {i:e.. ~odayJ /mm tile date of issue of this Executive Englnee. (EA). Statement) RVPN Jainur Please Note:- I The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Nc No. 37534869390, IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day. ~ As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of 60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. ,~ superintendin~er ( nerr Accounting) RVPN. Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur for information and necessary action. ~~~rSuperintending Engineer (Energy Accounting) RVPN, Jaipur
  • 23. RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED [CorporateIdentity Number(CIN) U40I09RJ2000SGCOl6485j(ANISO90012015Certified Company) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur ( GSTNo.: 08AABCR8312AIZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLDC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: se.ea(il) No.RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSA!20 19-201D. dL~ Jaipur, dated: ~--J loJ.-J~-:u; FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOlTNT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Charr;es) , , Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account: RECONNECTENERGYSOLUTIONSPRIVATELJIUTED PSS_220KV_GAlNR_MAHINDRA_SUSTEN1558006 (SLOe RenewableEnergyOSM Fund) Address: SAPCODE: 1010930 1ST,NO 15,KRISHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION, Corresllondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.: OLDAIRPORTROAD.BANGALORE. 634000 ~) ~ j.Bengaluru (Bangalore ) Urban, Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., Postal Code:560008 173 . A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Iss uinr; Date: GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010 PAN No.: AAFCR0074H ( 27.02.2020 S.No. Duration Description RE DSM Intra-State Deviation Charges* 1. 0105.2019·3105.2019 Final RE DSM ACCOLmtStatement issued after rectifications (if applicable) in RE DSM -1,36,178StatementIssued on dt 14,11.2019 ": (+) & (-) means receivablefrom and payable to state deviatien poolrespeetivety(in Rupees). Valuesare rounded ofTto the nearest inteE,erusioe;Gaussian roundinc. Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) n,36,178/- Rupees One Lakh Thirty Six Thousand One Hundred Seventy Eight Only Remarks (if an"l: I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity is zero for this PSS " ~ 1 nus DATE OF PAYMENT ~JJ/FORTHEQCA 27.03.2020 Executive Engin!er kA),(i.e. .t(J dCl)'5 from the dale of issue oft/lis Statement) RVPN Jaipur Please Note:- I. The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Nc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN003 I026, Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS. if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest@0.04%perday. Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019. in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of 60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. S'P"i'''~~'r.:"RVPN, Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action superinte~~~.J:unting) RVPN, Jaipur
  • 24. RAJASTHAN RAJY A VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED [CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN) U40109R12000SGC016485j(AN ISO9001:2015Certified Company) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur ( GSTNo.: 08AABCR8312AIZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLDC-Building, Ajrner Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: se.ea(tl; NO.RVPN/SE(EAjIXEN/REDSAl2019-201 D. 02.'3.bO Jaipur, dated: ":J.....7/O~~FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOllNT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation CharKes) , Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: G/L Account: RECONNECTENERGYSOLUTIONSPRIVATELIMITED PSS_220KV_GULABPURA_GULABPURA 1558006 (SLOe RenewableEnergyOSM Fund) Address: SAPCODE: 1010931 1ST,NO 15,KRISHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.: OLDAIRPORTROAD,BANGALORE, 634000 ~ S::S"~Bengaluru (Bangalore)Urban,Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., Postal Code:560008 173 . A Sector, Scheme No. 54, Indore IssuinK Date: GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010 PAN No.: AAFCR0074H ( 27.02.2020 S.No. Duration Description RE DSM Intra-State Deviation Charges= l. 0105.2019-3 (05.20 19 FinalRE DS,MAccountStatementissuedafter recnficetions(if applicable)In RE DSM -6,080Statementissuedon dt. 14,11.2019 *: (+) & (-) means receivablefrom and payable to state de"iationpoolrespectinly (inRupees). Valuesare rounded ofi'to tbe nearest inte~r u!JingGau!JSianroundinc. Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) f6,080/- Rupees Six Thousand Eighty Only Remarks {if anx): I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account issued separately for this PSS. n.DUE DATE OF PAYMENT /iFORTHEQCA lAJ 1,.1 '27.03.2020 Executive Engineer JEA),{ie. .iOdll)'3from dIe date ofuJue ofthiJ Statement) RVPN. Jahl_ur Please Note:- I The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Nc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031 026, Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN, Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any. 3 Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04%per day. Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of 60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. S""'ri",,~~1::"ti'g)RVPN, Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action. superinten~~~ountingj RVPN, Jaipur
  • 25. ., RAJASTHAN RAJY A VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED [Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40109RJ2000SGC016485] (AN ISO 9001 2015 Certified Company) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur ( GST No.: 08AABCR8312AIZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLDC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747,2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: No.RVPN/SE(EA)/XEN/REDSAl20 19-201 D. ~~f,' Jaipur, dated: :2._""1/6~ FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOllNT STATEMENT {lntra- State Deviation Charl:es} Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: G/L Account: RECONNECT ENERGY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED PSS_220KV_KANASAR_2NO_33KV 1558006 (SLDC Renewable Energy DSM Fund) Address: SAP CODE: 1010932 1ST. NO 15, KRISHIK SARVODAY A FOUNDATION, Corres(!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.: OLD AIRPORT ROAD. BANGALORE, 634000>)'55 Bengaluru (Bangalore iUrban, Karnataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., Postal Code: 560008 173, A Sector, SchemeNo. 54, Indore Issuinl: Date: GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010 PAN No.: AAFCR0074H ( 27.02.2020 S.No. Duration Description RE DSM Intra-State Deviation Charges* 1. 0105.2019·3105.2019 FinalRE DS~I ACCOLUltStatementIssued after rectifications(if applicable)in RE DSM -68.233Statementissuedon dt 1411.2019 *: (+) & H means rec:eivablefrom and payable to state deviation poolrespectinly (inRupees). Valuesare rounded oll'to the nearest integer usiOE;Gaussian roundinE;. Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by tile QCA (In Words) f68.233/- Rupees Sixty Eight Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Three Only Remarks {ifanll: I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated caPIJCf)ty~szero for this PSS. DllE DATE OF PA YMENT ExecutiveE}.iL. FORTHEQCA 27.03.2020 (i.e,.tf}dU)'Jfrom II,e dateof issueofthis Stalemellt) RVPN Jajp_ur Please Note:- I.The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Nc No. 37534869390, IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch, JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest@0.04%perday. Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of 60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. superin~)~};1:nting) RVPN. Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action. ~~Superintending Engineer (Energy Accounting) RVPN. Jaipur
  • 26. RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED [CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN) U40109RJ2000SGCOl6485j(AN ISO9001:2015Certified Company) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar. Jaipur ( GSTNo.: 08AABCR8312AIZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A , OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLOC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747, 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: N o.R VPN/SE(EA)/XEN/REOSAl20 19-201 O. ~~c..~ Jaipur, dated: ~ "1/O'Jj")..ell.D FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOVNT STATEMENT {Intra- State Deviation Charl:es} Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account: RECONNECTENERGYSOLUTIONSPRIVATELUUTED PSS_220KV_KANASAR_SP_pv 1558006 (SLOC RenewableEnergyOSM Fund) Address: SAPCODE: 1010933 IST,NO 15,KRlSHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION, Corres(!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.: OLDAIRPORTROAD,BANGALORE, 634000 5'5S{. Bengaluru (Bangalore)Urban,Karnataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., PostalCode: 560008 173 . A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuinl: Date: GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010 PAN No.: AAFCR0074H (mithun. dube:l(a)reconnectenergy. com) 27.02.2020 S.No. Description RE DSM Intra-StateDuration Deviation Charges= I. 01052019-31.052019 Final RE DS1I Account Statement Issued after rectifications (if applicable) In RE DSM -79,515Statementissuedondt.14_11.2019 "': (+) & (-) means l"Keivablefrom and payable to state deviatten poolrespectinly (in Rupees).Value! are rounded oITtotee nearest mteger U5ineGaussian roundine. Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by tile QCA (In Words) f79,51S/- Rupees Seventy Nine Thousand Five Hundred Fifteen Only Remarks tif anrl: 1. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity is ,zero for this PSS. DllE DATE OF PAYMENT ~~I~ • FORTHEQCA 27.03.2020 Executive Engineer rEA),(ie. _10 da_rJfrom tile date of issue of this Statement) RVPN. Jaipur Please Note:- I.The constituents. which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement. are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Nc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBI. Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS. if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day. Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations. 2017 and its amended procedure dt. 2710.2019. in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. 8J~~~-Superintending Engineer (Energy Accounting) RVPN, Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur for information and necessary action. gJ~Superintending Engineer (Energy ~ounting) RVPN, Jaipur
  • 27. RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED [CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN) U40109RJ2000SGCOJ 6485](ANISO900] 20J 5 CertifiedCompanyI Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur ( GSTNo.: 08AABCR8312AIZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLDC-Building, Ajmer Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747. 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: No.R VPN/SE(EA)/XEN/REDSAl20 19-201 D. ~~~~ Jaipur, dated: =Q/0')./").t£,'X) FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOllNT STATEMENT {Intra- State Deviation Charl:es} Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account: RECONNECTENERGYSOLUTIONSPRIVATELIMITED PSS_220KV_KHINWSAR_KHINWSAR 1558006 (SLDe RenewableEnergyDSM Fund) Address: SAPCODE: 1010934 IST.NO 15.KRISHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.: OLDAIRPORTROAD.BANGALORE, 6340005557 Bengaluru (Bangalore)Urban,Karnataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., Postal Code:560008 173 . A Sector. Scheme No. 54, Indore Issuing Date: GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010 PAN No.: AAFCR0074H (mithun. 27.02.2020 S.No. Duration Description RE DSM Intra-State Deviation Charges* 1. 01052019-31.05.2019 Final RE DSM Account Statement issued after rectifications (if applicable) in RE DSM -4,961Statementissuedon dt. 1411_2019 "': (+) & H means receivable from and payable to state deiation pool respec:tinly (in Rupees). Values are rounded. oO'to the nearest intfler u.IIine:Gau:l.llianroundinE. Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) f4,96l/- Rupees Four Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty One Only Remarks {if anv}: I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity is yro for this PSS. nus DATE OF PAYMENT IfFORTHEQCA Executive Engin~:~~, 27.03.2020 [i:e.. Wdays from the date of isslfe (if this StatemeJlI) RVPN Jaiour Please Note:- I.The constituents. which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Nc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBI, Collectrate Branch. JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN, Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day. Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 20 I7 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of 60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. s''',;n~~~, C~t;ng) RVPN, Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action. S'Pt';."n~~~.~ ••g) RVPN, Jaipur
  • 28. RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED [CorporateIdentityNumber(CIN) U40109RJ2000SGCOl6485j(ANISO9001:2015CertifiedCompany) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur ( ' GSTNo.: 08AABCR8312AIZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A '. OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLDe-Building, Ajrner Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747, 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: se.ea( No.R VPN/SE(EA)/XEN/REDSAl20 19-20/ D. ).%Lf Jaipur, dated: dt~~fJbU:: FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOUNT STATEMENT {Intra- State Deviation Char:;es} Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: GIL Account: RECONNECTENERGYSOLUTIONSPRIVATELIMITED PSS_220KV_PRATAPGARH_DEVGARH1558006 (SLOCRenewableEnergyOSMFund) Address: SAPCODE: 1010935 1ST,NO15,KRISHIKSARVODAYAFOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.: OLDAIRPORTROAD,BANGALORE, 634000 55Sg Bengaluru (Bangalore)Urban,Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., PostalCode:560008 173. A Sector. Scheme No. 54. Indore Issuinl:;Date: GSTNo.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010 (mithun.d! 27.02.2020PAN No.: AAFCR0074H S.No. Duration Description RE DSM Intra-State Deviation Charges* 1. 01.05.2019-31.05.20I9 Final RE DSM Account Statement Issued after rectifications {if applicable Iin RE DSM -1,93,953Statement issued on dt. 14.11.2019 "': (+) & (-)means recelvabjefrom and payable to state deviation poolrespectively(in Rupees). Valuesare rounded offto the nearest integer using Gaussian reunding. NetAmount Payablebythe QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) U,93,953/- Rupees One Lakh Ninety Three Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Three Only Remarks (if anyl: 1. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity is zero for this PSS. il DUEDATEOF PAYMENT l! ,FORTHEQCA ~JJ ~27.03.2020 Executive EngineeT~EA)'{i.e. 30 days from the date of issue of this Statement) RVPN Jainur Please Note:- I.The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Alc No. 37534869390. IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026,Bank: SBI, Collectrate Branch. JAlPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD). RVPN. Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt.27.09.2019 otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest@0.04%perday. Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. aQ~ -Superintending E gineer n ~ l:'unting) RVPN, Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action. c9J1~~--Superintending Engineer (Energy Accounting) RVPN, Jaipur
  • 29. RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED [Corporate Identity Number (CIN) U40109RJ2000SGC016485] (AN ISO 90012015 Certified Company) Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur ( ;/ GST No.: 08AABCR8312AIZT, PAN No.: AABCR8312A OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Energy Accounting) SLDC-Building, Ajrner Road, Heerapura, Jaipur-302024 Telephone: +91-141-2251747, 2251764; Fax No. 0141-2251646; email: se.ea@r") No. RVPN/SE(EA)IXEN/REDSAl20 19-201D. J._~~S Jaipur, dated: '::l_~/r/J)~.~~ FINALIZED RE-DSM ACCOUNT STATEMENT (Intra- State Deviation Chara:esl • Issued to QCA: Issued for PSS: G/L Account: RECONNECT ENERGY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED PSS_220K V_PR TAPGRH _ WELSPUN _TAT A 1558006 (SLDe RenewableEnergyDSM Fund) Address: SAP CODE: 1010936 IST, NO IS, KRISHIK SARVODAY A FOUNDATION, Corresl!ondance Address of QCA: SAP Document No.: OLD AIRPORT ROAD, BANGALORE, 634000 S5S_j Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban, Kamataka RE Connect Energy Solution Pvt Ltd., Postal Code: 560008 173, A Sector, Scheme No. 54, Indore Issuina: Date: GST No.: 29AAFCR0074H3ZA MP-452010 PAN No.: AAFCR0074H ( 27.02.2020 S.No. Duration Description RE DSM Intra-State Deviation Charges= I. 01.05.2019-31.05.2019 FinalRE DSM AccountStatementissuedafterrectifications(if applicable)in RE DSM -6,70,729Statementissuedon dt. 14.l120l9 .: (+) & (.) means receivablefrom and payable to state de,"iationpoolrespectinly (inRupees).Valuesare rounded offto the nearest Integer U!ine:Gau!!ian roundinz. Net Amount Payable by the QCA Net Amount Payable by the QCA (In Words) f6,70,729/- Rupees Six Lakhs Seventy Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Nine Only Remarks {ifanl'}: I. RE INTER-STATE Deviation Charges Account not issued as Inter State Rated capacity is zero for this PSS. ~ I DUE DATE OF PAYMENT I JFORTHEQCA . !t" 1".1 )27.03.2020 (i.e. 3(Jduys/rom tltedote ofissue of this Executive Engineer (EA), Statemeltf) RVPN Jajp_ur Please Note:- I.The constituents, which have to pay the Deviation Settlement charges as indicated in the statement, are requested to make payments within 30 (thirty) days i.e. up to the above mentioned due date of payment into the "RE Generators State DPA Fund (Ale No. 37534869390, IFSC/RTGS code: SBIN0031026, Bank: SBI, Collectrate Branch, JAIPUR) maintained by Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur. 2. The payment should be accompanied with details of statement against which the payment is made along with LPS, if any. 3. Payment detail intimation should be furnished to Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN. Jaipur (email id: for accounting and to this office for information. 4. QCAs shall have to deposit the amount within 30 days of the issue of this finalized DSM account as per RERC Order dt27.09.20 19otherwise the defaulting QCA shall have to pay simple interest @0.04% per day. Notice: As per Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and Related Matter of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 and its amended procedure dt. 27.10.2019, in case the payment is not made even after a lapse of60 days from issuance of final DSM account, the process to invoke BG shall be initiated besides any other action as per permissible law/Regulations. S'P"I~~""t"'" RVPN, Jaipur Copy forwarded to the Senior Accounts Officer (LD), RVPN, Jaipur for information and necessary action. ~~. Superintending Engineer (Energy Accounting) RVPN, Jaipur