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Fast Remote Desktop
Fast Remote Desktop Setup and
Troubleshooting Guide
Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide
Fast Remote Desktop Setup and
Troubleshooting Guide
Setup and Troubleshooting Guide 2010
Fast Remote Desktop Setup and
Troubleshooting Guide
Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide 2010
Table of Contents
Basic Setup Instructions and Introduction to the Application......................................................................3
Getting the software up and running: A Quick Checklist..............................................................................4
But how do I find out my PC’s IP address?....................................................................................................5
I want to connect to my home PC from a remote site, or using my iPad’s 3G capability. How do I
configure my router to allow this?................................................................................................................5
How do I make sure that the VideoOverIP software is running properly on my Windows PC?...................6
I can’t connect my iPad to my PC! How do I troubleshoot? .........................................................................7
How to download and install VideoOverIP host software for your PC.....................................................7
How to verify VideoOverIP is installed and running .................................................................................8
How to properly forward ports to allow remote connections..................................................................8
How do I check if my iPad has connectivity and a valid IP address?.........................................................8
I’m having an issue connecting to my Windows PC when my iPad is on an external WAN (e.g. AT&), and
my Windows PC is on a local area network. What do I do?..........................................................................9
The VOIPService is not running, it does not appear to be installed at all, however the installer did not
give any error messages. What do I do?.......................................................................................................9
I’ve tried all the installation steps above, but the installation failure persists. How do I fix it?.................11
Fast Remote Desktop
Basic Setup Instructions
Thank you for downloading our iPad application.
your Windows PC from your iPad.
on your Windows computer. You can obtain this software by visiting our website
( and clicking the big green link in the mid
click here to download the PC installer for Fast
Once the software has been installed on your Windows PC
download and install VideoOverIP host software for your PC
enter the IP address of your PC in the “Computer” field, along with login credentials for your PC
and simply click “Connect”. The Windows screen will appear on your iPad and you will be able
to run apps, open documents and perform other regular Windows tasks.
Before you connect, please make sure that:
1) Your iPad is connected to the network (wi
both devices (PC and iPad) on the same netwo
router). You can remotely connect to your PC also, but your router or access point will need to
be configured to forward ports so that your PC is visible to your iPad when you're connecting
2) Your PC does not block incoming connections via a Firewall
For an example of how the app operates
the product here:
Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide
Instructions and Introduction to the Application
Thank you for downloading our iPad application. Fast Remote Desktop allows you to control
iPad. In order to do this, you must first install our free PC software
on your Windows computer. You can obtain this software by visiting our website
) and clicking the big green link in the middle of the page titled, “iPad users
click here to download the PC installer for Fast Remote Desktop”, as shown in the image below:
software has been installed on your Windows PC (please see section titled, “
erIP host software for your PC”), fire up your iPad application,
enter the IP address of your PC in the “Computer” field, along with login credentials for your PC
. The Windows screen will appear on your iPad and you will be able
to run apps, open documents and perform other regular Windows tasks.
Before you connect, please make sure that:
1) Your iPad is connected to the network (wi-fi) and so is your PC. For test purposes, please put
on the same network (i.e. connect to the same access point or
router). You can remotely connect to your PC also, but your router or access point will need to
be configured to forward ports so that your PC is visible to your iPad when you're connecting
does not block incoming connections via a Firewall
For an example of how the app operates once it is properly installed, you can view a demo of
Setup and Troubleshooting Guide 2010
allows you to control
install our free PC software
on your Windows computer. You can obtain this software by visiting our website
dle of the page titled, “iPad users
, as shown in the image below:
(please see section titled, “How to
, fire up your iPad application,
enter the IP address of your PC in the “Computer” field, along with login credentials for your PC
. The Windows screen will appear on your iPad and you will be able
fi) and so is your PC. For test purposes, please put
rk (i.e. connect to the same access point or
router). You can remotely connect to your PC also, but your router or access point will need to
be configured to forward ports so that your PC is visible to your iPad when you're connecting
, you can view a demo of
Fast Remote Desktop
Getting the software up and running: A Quick Checklist.
In general, please make sure that:
1) You have downloaded the free VideoOverIP host software from our website
( - green link in the middle of the page) and installed it on your Windows PC
2) You have obtained the IP address of your Windows PC and entered it in the "Computer" field
of the iPad Fast Remote Desktop application
3) You have provided your Windows PC username/password (if you use it) in the
Fast Remote Desktop application "Username" and "Password" fields
4) You have clicked the "Connect" button on the iPad Fast
doing all the above.
Here is what a properly filled-out connect dialog looks like:
Also, for test purposes it is best to connect your iPad via Wi
Windows PC is connected to. If your Windows PC uses a firewall to block connections, you will
have to ensure that it is not blocking Fast
it (Detailed instructions are available in this guide). Finally, when you want to connect to your
PC remotely, you will need to configure port forwarding on your router.
Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide
Getting the software up and running: A Quick Checklist.
In general, please make sure that:
1) You have downloaded the free VideoOverIP host software from our website
green link in the middle of the page) and installed it on your Windows PC
2) You have obtained the IP address of your Windows PC and entered it in the "Computer" field
Remote Desktop application
your Windows PC username/password (if you use it) in the
Desktop application "Username" and "Password" fields
4) You have clicked the "Connect" button on the iPad Fast Remote Desktop application after
out connect dialog looks like:
Also, for test purposes it is best to connect your iPad via Wi-Fi to the same network your
Windows PC is connected to. If your Windows PC uses a firewall to block connections, you will
s not blocking Fast Remote Desktop by either excluding ports or disabling
it (Detailed instructions are available in this guide). Finally, when you want to connect to your
PC remotely, you will need to configure port forwarding on your router.
Setup and Troubleshooting Guide 2010
green link in the middle of the page) and installed it on your Windows PC
2) You have obtained the IP address of your Windows PC and entered it in the "Computer" field
your Windows PC username/password (if you use it) in the
Desktop application after
Fi to the same network your
Windows PC is connected to. If your Windows PC uses a firewall to block connections, you will
Desktop by either excluding ports or disabling
it (Detailed instructions are available in this guide). Finally, when you want to connect to your
Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide 2010
But how do I find out my PC’s IP address?
You can find out your IP address by taking the following steps on your Windows PC:
1) Click the Start button/Start icon
2a) If you are using XP, click on "Run", then type "cmd" and press enter
2b) If you are using Vista or Win 7, type "cmd" in the "Search programs and files box" and press
3) At the command prompt, type ipconfig and press enter
4) The system will give you output like this:
Windows IP Configuration
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::b9c5:8fd3:2c46:f5d2%11
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
The number next to "IPv4 address" is your IP address.
Please note that if you are using a Wireless network, then you must look for the appropriate IP
address associated with your wireless adapter. It will be under the heading "Wireless
Connection", instead of "Local Area Connection" as shown above.
I want to connect to my home PC from a remote site, or using my iPad’s
3G capability. How do I configure my router to allow this?
Here are the ports used by our application:
Port Type
5555 TCP
5556 UDP
5557 TCP
6879 TCP
2001 TCP
Please forward these UDP and TCP ports to the Windows PC running VideoOverIP. This will
allow you to contact your Windows PC while you are outside your home/office network. Please
Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide 2010
note that the “Computer” field on the iPad application must be populated with the *external*
IP address of your home/office router before you attempt a connection. In other words, if your
access point or router has an external IP address assigned by your ISP of, then this
is the IP address you should use while connecting from the iPad app externally. You should not
use the Windows PC’s local IP address, which is typically of the form, 192.168.x.x.
In addition, the following information needs to be entered into the Fast Remote Desktop iPad
client prior to hitting the “Connect” button:
Computer: IP address of your Windows PC
Username: the username you use to log into your Windows PC
Password: the password you use to log into your Windows PC
Please be sure that the VideoOverIP host software is running on your Windows PC prior to
attempting a login. You should see the VOIP icon in your systray (bottom right corner of your
screen). The icon may be hidden if you have more than 3 or 4 icons in your systray. To make
sure, please click the up arrow in the systray area. The multi-colored VOIP icon should appear.
This confirms that your machine is ready to accept connections.
For test purposes, you may want to connect your iPad to the same router/wireless access point
that is providing connectivity to your Windows PC.
How do I make sure that the VideoOverIP software is running properly
on my Windows PC?
Please be sure that the VideoOverIP host software is running on your Windows PC prior to
attempting a login. You should see the VOIP icon in your systray (bottom right corner of your
screen). The icon may be hidden if you have more than 3 or 4 icons in your systray. To make
sure, please click the up arrow in the systray area. The multi-colored VOIP icon should appear
as shown below:
Fast Remote Desktop
You can also check the VideoOverIP service status
“services.msc” in the “search programs…” field and pressing enter. You will see a list of services.
Scroll to find a service named “VDIworksVOIPService”. Does it say this service is
the status column? To make sure everything is working fine
I can’t connect my iPad to my PC! How do I troubleshoot?
Generally, a few things will prevent a successful connection:
1) The VideoOverIP software was not installed on your PC
2) The VideoOverIP software was installed, but is not running on your PC
3) You are attempting to connect your iPad to your Windows PC remotely (or over 3G) and
you have not configured your router to properly forward the
4) You are not using the correct login credentials for the PC you are trying to connect to
5) Your iPad is not connected to a network, or has not obtained an IP address
Here is how you can systematically verify that none of the above problems
your setup.
How to download and install VideoOverIP host software for your PC
You can obtain the VideoOverIP host software by visiting our website (
clicking the big green link in the middle of the page titled, “iPad users click here to download
the PC installer for Fast Remote Desktop”. Once it’s downloaded, on Windows XP or Vista,
Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide
the VideoOverIP service status by clicking the start button, typing
“services.msc” in the “search programs…” field and pressing enter. You will see a list of services.
“VDIworksVOIPService”. Does it say this service is
To make sure everything is working fine, right-click the service and select
I can’t connect my iPad to my PC! How do I troubleshoot?
Generally, a few things will prevent a successful connection:
rIP software was not installed on your PC
The VideoOverIP software was installed, but is not running on your PC
You are attempting to connect your iPad to your Windows PC remotely (or over 3G) and
you have not configured your router to properly forward the appropriate ports
You are not using the correct login credentials for the PC you are trying to connect to
Your iPad is not connected to a network, or has not obtained an IP address
Here is how you can systematically verify that none of the above problems poses an issue with
How to download and install VideoOverIP host software for your PC
You can obtain the VideoOverIP host software by visiting our website (
big green link in the middle of the page titled, “iPad users click here to download
Desktop”. Once it’s downloaded, on Windows XP or Vista,
Setup and Troubleshooting Guide 2010
by clicking the start button, typing
“services.msc” in the “search programs…” field and pressing enter. You will see a list of services.
“VDIworksVOIPService”. Does it say this service is ‘started’ under
click the service and select
You are attempting to connect your iPad to your Windows PC remotely (or over 3G) and
appropriate ports
You are not using the correct login credentials for the PC you are trying to connect to
Your iPad is not connected to a network, or has not obtained an IP address
poses an issue with
How to download and install VideoOverIP host software for your PC and
big green link in the middle of the page titled, “iPad users click here to download
Desktop”. Once it’s downloaded, on Windows XP or Vista,
Fast Remote Desktop
simply double click to install. On Windows 7, right click the downloaded file and
Administrator” to install, as shown in the screenshot below:
How to verify VideoOverIP is installed and running
Please see section titled, “How do I make sure that the VideoOverIP software is running
properly on my Windows PC?“ above.
How to properly forward ports to allow remote connections
Please see section titled, “I want to connect to my home PC from a remote site, or using my
iPad’s 3G capability. How do I configure my router to allow this?
How do I check if my iPad has
For test purposes, we recommend you temporarily disable the firewall on the Windows PC and
have the iPad and Windows PCs on the same network. Currently, are your iPad and Windows
computers connected to the same network?
Here is how you can tell. On your windows computer, please obtain your IP address (detailed
instructions listed below). Once this is done, please follow these instructions to get the iPad IP
Do they have the same first three set of numbers (e.g. 192.168.1 and 192.168.1). If not, it could
be that your iPad is connecting via a network t
this case, please configure your router to properly forward ports so that your iPad can connect
to your Windows PC from an external network.
Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide
simply double click to install. On Windows 7, right click the downloaded file and
to install, as shown in the screenshot below:
How to verify VideoOverIP is installed and running
Please see section titled, “How do I make sure that the VideoOverIP software is running
properly on my Windows PC?“ above.
w to properly forward ports to allow remote connections
I want to connect to my home PC from a remote site, or using my
iPad’s 3G capability. How do I configure my router to allow this?“ above.
How do I check if my iPad has connectivity and a valid IP address?
For test purposes, we recommend you temporarily disable the firewall on the Windows PC and
have the iPad and Windows PCs on the same network. Currently, are your iPad and Windows
computers connected to the same network? In other words, are they “visible” to each other?
Here is how you can tell. On your windows computer, please obtain your IP address (detailed
instructions listed below). Once this is done, please follow these instructions to get the iPad IP
Do they have the same first three set of numbers (e.g. 192.168.1 and 192.168.1). If not, it could
be that your iPad is connecting via a network that does not have visibility to your computers.
this case, please configure your router to properly forward ports so that your iPad can connect
to your Windows PC from an external network.
Setup and Troubleshooting Guide 2010
simply double click to install. On Windows 7, right click the downloaded file and select “Run As
Please see section titled, “How do I make sure that the VideoOverIP software is running
I want to connect to my home PC from a remote site, or using my
connectivity and a valid IP address?
For test purposes, we recommend you temporarily disable the firewall on the Windows PC and
have the iPad and Windows PCs on the same network. Currently, are your iPad and Windows
In other words, are they “visible” to each other?
Here is how you can tell. On your windows computer, please obtain your IP address (detailed
instructions listed below). Once this is done, please follow these instructions to get the iPad IP
Do they have the same first three set of numbers (e.g. 192.168.1 and 192.168.1). If not, it could
hat does not have visibility to your computers. In
this case, please configure your router to properly forward ports so that your iPad can connect
Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide 2010
I’m having an issue connecting to my Windows PC when my iPad is on an
external WAN (e.g. AT&), and my Windows PC is on a local area network.
What do I do?
The reason for this is probably that the router which acts as a gateway to the network your
Windows PC is connected to, does not have port forwarding set-up for VideoOverIP. For
example, if your Windows PC is connected to a home network and you are using a router
connected to a cable modem, then this router needs to forward the correct ports to your
Windows PC so that an external connection can be made to your PC.
Details of how to configure port forwarding are listed under the section titled, “I want to
connect to my home PC from a remote site, or using my iPad’s 3G capability. How do I configure
my router to allow this?“.
The VOIPService is not running, it does not appear to be installed at all,
however the installer did not give any error messages. What do I do?
VideoOverIP has been qualified with Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit. You should not have a
problem with installations on either version of this OS.
It is possible that malware/antivirus applications or domain policies are preventing the
installation, or that you do not have Administrator rights on your Windows PC to complete the
installation. Here are some steps you can take to remedy this situation:
1) Do you have Administrator privileges on your Windows PC? If the software did not
properly install on your system, we recommend you uninstall it (Control Panel->Programs and
Features->Select VDIworks VOIP Host and click Uninstall), reboot and then reinstall it by *right
clicking* the installer icon and selecting “Run as Administrator”. When you do this, you may be
asked for the administrator password by Windows. Please provide these credentials, allow the
install to proceed and reboot your machine once the installer has completed. The menu that
appears when you right click the setup.exe icon is shown below:
Fast Remote Desktop
2) Once your machine has restarted please check to see if the
systray (lower right hand corner of your screen) is visible. If it is not immediately visible, please
click the “up” arrow, which is usually the first icon in the systray. A panel will pop
should contain the VOIP logo. If it does
properly installed and is not running. If this is still the case, then your system may be on a
Domain and Domain Security policies may be interfering with the install. Or, you may be
running Anti-malware software which is preventing VideoOverIP from completing a successful
install. If the latter is the case, you can temporarily disable anti
The red circle in the image below denotes the icon to look for:
Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide
Once your machine has restarted please check to see if the colorful VOIP logo in the
systray (lower right hand corner of your screen) is visible. If it is not immediately visible, please
click the “up” arrow, which is usually the first icon in the systray. A panel will pop
should contain the VOIP logo. If it does not, that would indicate that VideoOverIP was not
properly installed and is not running. If this is still the case, then your system may be on a
Domain and Domain Security policies may be interfering with the install. Or, you may be
oftware which is preventing VideoOverIP from completing a successful
install. If the latter is the case, you can temporarily disable anti-malware and repeat Step 1
The red circle in the image below denotes the icon to look for:
Setup and Troubleshooting Guide 2010
VOIP logo in the
systray (lower right hand corner of your screen) is visible. If it is not immediately visible, please
click the “up” arrow, which is usually the first icon in the systray. A panel will pop-up which
not, that would indicate that VideoOverIP was not
properly installed and is not running. If this is still the case, then your system may be on a
Domain and Domain Security policies may be interfering with the install. Or, you may be
oftware which is preventing VideoOverIP from completing a successful
malware and repeat Step 1
Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide 2010
I’ve tried all the installation steps above, but the installation failure
persists. How do I fix it?
We would suspect some kind of interference on the part of an anti-virus, anti-malware or
similar program. Here is how to get around this by manually installing the VideoOverIP service:
Make sure you have attempted an install and the necessary files have at least been copied into
the target folder. Please verify that the needed files are present in install folder (Program Files -
>VDIWorks->VDIWorks VOIP Host). This folder should contain the following executable files
along with numerous other support files:
1. RDCServer.exe
2. RDCGUISettings.exe
3. RemoteLoginService.exe
4. RDCServerAgent.exe
Once you have verified the presence of these files, you can use the following manual command
line command to create the service on your host system:
sc create RDCService binpath=(The path where VideoOverIP is installed
i.e Program Files (x86)->VDIWorks->VDIWorks VOIP
Host)RemoteloginService.exe Displayname="VDIworksVOIPService"
start=auto type=own type=interact
If the service already exists, please use the following command to delete it first, and then run
the “sc create” command listed above to re-create.
sc delete RDCService

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Vo ip guide

  • 1. Fast Remote Desktop 1 Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide Setup and Troubleshooting Guide 2010 Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide
  • 2. Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide 2010 2 Table of Contents Basic Setup Instructions and Introduction to the Application......................................................................3 Getting the software up and running: A Quick Checklist..............................................................................4 But how do I find out my PC’s IP address?....................................................................................................5 I want to connect to my home PC from a remote site, or using my iPad’s 3G capability. How do I configure my router to allow this?................................................................................................................5 How do I make sure that the VideoOverIP software is running properly on my Windows PC?...................6 I can’t connect my iPad to my PC! How do I troubleshoot? .........................................................................7 How to download and install VideoOverIP host software for your PC.....................................................7 How to verify VideoOverIP is installed and running .................................................................................8 How to properly forward ports to allow remote connections..................................................................8 How do I check if my iPad has connectivity and a valid IP address?.........................................................8 I’m having an issue connecting to my Windows PC when my iPad is on an external WAN (e.g. AT&), and my Windows PC is on a local area network. What do I do?..........................................................................9 The VOIPService is not running, it does not appear to be installed at all, however the installer did not give any error messages. What do I do?.......................................................................................................9 I’ve tried all the installation steps above, but the installation failure persists. How do I fix it?.................11
  • 3. Fast Remote Desktop 3 Basic Setup Instructions Thank you for downloading our iPad application. your Windows PC from your iPad. on your Windows computer. You can obtain this software by visiting our website ( and clicking the big green link in the mid click here to download the PC installer for Fast Once the software has been installed on your Windows PC download and install VideoOverIP host software for your PC enter the IP address of your PC in the “Computer” field, along with login credentials for your PC and simply click “Connect”. The Windows screen will appear on your iPad and you will be able to run apps, open documents and perform other regular Windows tasks. Before you connect, please make sure that: 1) Your iPad is connected to the network (wi both devices (PC and iPad) on the same netwo router). You can remotely connect to your PC also, but your router or access point will need to be configured to forward ports so that your PC is visible to your iPad when you're connecting remotely. 2) Your PC does not block incoming connections via a Firewall For an example of how the app operates the product here: Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide Instructions and Introduction to the Application Thank you for downloading our iPad application. Fast Remote Desktop allows you to control iPad. In order to do this, you must first install our free PC software on your Windows computer. You can obtain this software by visiting our website ) and clicking the big green link in the middle of the page titled, “iPad users click here to download the PC installer for Fast Remote Desktop”, as shown in the image below: software has been installed on your Windows PC (please see section titled, “ erIP host software for your PC”), fire up your iPad application, enter the IP address of your PC in the “Computer” field, along with login credentials for your PC . The Windows screen will appear on your iPad and you will be able to run apps, open documents and perform other regular Windows tasks. Before you connect, please make sure that: 1) Your iPad is connected to the network (wi-fi) and so is your PC. For test purposes, please put on the same network (i.e. connect to the same access point or router). You can remotely connect to your PC also, but your router or access point will need to be configured to forward ports so that your PC is visible to your iPad when you're connecting does not block incoming connections via a Firewall For an example of how the app operates once it is properly installed, you can view a demo of /watch?v=tLEIVTdG1xI Setup and Troubleshooting Guide 2010 allows you to control install our free PC software on your Windows computer. You can obtain this software by visiting our website dle of the page titled, “iPad users , as shown in the image below: (please see section titled, “How to , fire up your iPad application, enter the IP address of your PC in the “Computer” field, along with login credentials for your PC . The Windows screen will appear on your iPad and you will be able fi) and so is your PC. For test purposes, please put rk (i.e. connect to the same access point or router). You can remotely connect to your PC also, but your router or access point will need to be configured to forward ports so that your PC is visible to your iPad when you're connecting , you can view a demo of
  • 4. Fast Remote Desktop 4 Getting the software up and running: A Quick Checklist. In general, please make sure that: 1) You have downloaded the free VideoOverIP host software from our website ( - green link in the middle of the page) and installed it on your Windows PC 2) You have obtained the IP address of your Windows PC and entered it in the "Computer" field of the iPad Fast Remote Desktop application 3) You have provided your Windows PC username/password (if you use it) in the Fast Remote Desktop application "Username" and "Password" fields 4) You have clicked the "Connect" button on the iPad Fast doing all the above. Here is what a properly filled-out connect dialog looks like: Also, for test purposes it is best to connect your iPad via Wi Windows PC is connected to. If your Windows PC uses a firewall to block connections, you will have to ensure that it is not blocking Fast it (Detailed instructions are available in this guide). Finally, when you want to connect to your PC remotely, you will need to configure port forwarding on your router. Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide Getting the software up and running: A Quick Checklist. In general, please make sure that: 1) You have downloaded the free VideoOverIP host software from our website green link in the middle of the page) and installed it on your Windows PC 2) You have obtained the IP address of your Windows PC and entered it in the "Computer" field Remote Desktop application your Windows PC username/password (if you use it) in the Desktop application "Username" and "Password" fields 4) You have clicked the "Connect" button on the iPad Fast Remote Desktop application after out connect dialog looks like: Also, for test purposes it is best to connect your iPad via Wi-Fi to the same network your Windows PC is connected to. If your Windows PC uses a firewall to block connections, you will s not blocking Fast Remote Desktop by either excluding ports or disabling it (Detailed instructions are available in this guide). Finally, when you want to connect to your PC remotely, you will need to configure port forwarding on your router. Setup and Troubleshooting Guide 2010 green link in the middle of the page) and installed it on your Windows PC 2) You have obtained the IP address of your Windows PC and entered it in the "Computer" field your Windows PC username/password (if you use it) in the Desktop application after Fi to the same network your Windows PC is connected to. If your Windows PC uses a firewall to block connections, you will Desktop by either excluding ports or disabling it (Detailed instructions are available in this guide). Finally, when you want to connect to your
  • 5. Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide 2010 5 But how do I find out my PC’s IP address? You can find out your IP address by taking the following steps on your Windows PC: 1) Click the Start button/Start icon 2a) If you are using XP, click on "Run", then type "cmd" and press enter 2b) If you are using Vista or Win 7, type "cmd" in the "Search programs and files box" and press enter 3) At the command prompt, type ipconfig and press enter 4) The system will give you output like this: Windows IP Configuration Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection: Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::b9c5:8fd3:2c46:f5d2%11 IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . : Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : The number next to "IPv4 address" is your IP address. Please note that if you are using a Wireless network, then you must look for the appropriate IP address associated with your wireless adapter. It will be under the heading "Wireless Connection", instead of "Local Area Connection" as shown above. I want to connect to my home PC from a remote site, or using my iPad’s 3G capability. How do I configure my router to allow this? Here are the ports used by our application: Port Type 5555 TCP 5556 UDP 5557 TCP 6879 TCP 2001 TCP Please forward these UDP and TCP ports to the Windows PC running VideoOverIP. This will allow you to contact your Windows PC while you are outside your home/office network. Please
  • 6. Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide 2010 6 note that the “Computer” field on the iPad application must be populated with the *external* IP address of your home/office router before you attempt a connection. In other words, if your access point or router has an external IP address assigned by your ISP of, then this is the IP address you should use while connecting from the iPad app externally. You should not use the Windows PC’s local IP address, which is typically of the form, 192.168.x.x. In addition, the following information needs to be entered into the Fast Remote Desktop iPad client prior to hitting the “Connect” button: Computer: IP address of your Windows PC Username: the username you use to log into your Windows PC Password: the password you use to log into your Windows PC Please be sure that the VideoOverIP host software is running on your Windows PC prior to attempting a login. You should see the VOIP icon in your systray (bottom right corner of your screen). The icon may be hidden if you have more than 3 or 4 icons in your systray. To make sure, please click the up arrow in the systray area. The multi-colored VOIP icon should appear. This confirms that your machine is ready to accept connections. For test purposes, you may want to connect your iPad to the same router/wireless access point that is providing connectivity to your Windows PC. How do I make sure that the VideoOverIP software is running properly on my Windows PC? Please be sure that the VideoOverIP host software is running on your Windows PC prior to attempting a login. You should see the VOIP icon in your systray (bottom right corner of your screen). The icon may be hidden if you have more than 3 or 4 icons in your systray. To make sure, please click the up arrow in the systray area. The multi-colored VOIP icon should appear as shown below:
  • 7. Fast Remote Desktop 7 You can also check the VideoOverIP service status “services.msc” in the “search programs…” field and pressing enter. You will see a list of services. Scroll to find a service named “VDIworksVOIPService”. Does it say this service is the status column? To make sure everything is working fine “Restart”. I can’t connect my iPad to my PC! How do I troubleshoot? Generally, a few things will prevent a successful connection: 1) The VideoOverIP software was not installed on your PC 2) The VideoOverIP software was installed, but is not running on your PC 3) You are attempting to connect your iPad to your Windows PC remotely (or over 3G) and you have not configured your router to properly forward the 4) You are not using the correct login credentials for the PC you are trying to connect to 5) Your iPad is not connected to a network, or has not obtained an IP address Here is how you can systematically verify that none of the above problems your setup. How to download and install VideoOverIP host software for your PC You can obtain the VideoOverIP host software by visiting our website ( clicking the big green link in the middle of the page titled, “iPad users click here to download the PC installer for Fast Remote Desktop”. Once it’s downloaded, on Windows XP or Vista, Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide the VideoOverIP service status by clicking the start button, typing “services.msc” in the “search programs…” field and pressing enter. You will see a list of services. “VDIworksVOIPService”. Does it say this service is To make sure everything is working fine, right-click the service and select I can’t connect my iPad to my PC! How do I troubleshoot? Generally, a few things will prevent a successful connection: rIP software was not installed on your PC The VideoOverIP software was installed, but is not running on your PC You are attempting to connect your iPad to your Windows PC remotely (or over 3G) and you have not configured your router to properly forward the appropriate ports You are not using the correct login credentials for the PC you are trying to connect to Your iPad is not connected to a network, or has not obtained an IP address Here is how you can systematically verify that none of the above problems poses an issue with How to download and install VideoOverIP host software for your PC You can obtain the VideoOverIP host software by visiting our website ( big green link in the middle of the page titled, “iPad users click here to download Desktop”. Once it’s downloaded, on Windows XP or Vista, Setup and Troubleshooting Guide 2010 by clicking the start button, typing “services.msc” in the “search programs…” field and pressing enter. You will see a list of services. “VDIworksVOIPService”. Does it say this service is ‘started’ under click the service and select You are attempting to connect your iPad to your Windows PC remotely (or over 3G) and appropriate ports You are not using the correct login credentials for the PC you are trying to connect to Your iPad is not connected to a network, or has not obtained an IP address poses an issue with How to download and install VideoOverIP host software for your PC and big green link in the middle of the page titled, “iPad users click here to download Desktop”. Once it’s downloaded, on Windows XP or Vista,
  • 8. Fast Remote Desktop 8 simply double click to install. On Windows 7, right click the downloaded file and Administrator” to install, as shown in the screenshot below: How to verify VideoOverIP is installed and running Please see section titled, “How do I make sure that the VideoOverIP software is running properly on my Windows PC?“ above. How to properly forward ports to allow remote connections Please see section titled, “I want to connect to my home PC from a remote site, or using my iPad’s 3G capability. How do I configure my router to allow this? How do I check if my iPad has For test purposes, we recommend you temporarily disable the firewall on the Windows PC and have the iPad and Windows PCs on the same network. Currently, are your iPad and Windows computers connected to the same network? Here is how you can tell. On your windows computer, please obtain your IP address (detailed instructions listed below). Once this is done, please follow these instructions to get the iPad IP address: Do they have the same first three set of numbers (e.g. 192.168.1 and 192.168.1). If not, it could be that your iPad is connecting via a network t this case, please configure your router to properly forward ports so that your iPad can connect to your Windows PC from an external network. Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide simply double click to install. On Windows 7, right click the downloaded file and to install, as shown in the screenshot below: How to verify VideoOverIP is installed and running Please see section titled, “How do I make sure that the VideoOverIP software is running properly on my Windows PC?“ above. w to properly forward ports to allow remote connections I want to connect to my home PC from a remote site, or using my iPad’s 3G capability. How do I configure my router to allow this?“ above. How do I check if my iPad has connectivity and a valid IP address? For test purposes, we recommend you temporarily disable the firewall on the Windows PC and have the iPad and Windows PCs on the same network. Currently, are your iPad and Windows computers connected to the same network? In other words, are they “visible” to each other? Here is how you can tell. On your windows computer, please obtain your IP address (detailed instructions listed below). Once this is done, please follow these instructions to get the iPad IP ipad-ip-address/ Do they have the same first three set of numbers (e.g. 192.168.1 and 192.168.1). If not, it could be that your iPad is connecting via a network that does not have visibility to your computers. this case, please configure your router to properly forward ports so that your iPad can connect to your Windows PC from an external network. Setup and Troubleshooting Guide 2010 simply double click to install. On Windows 7, right click the downloaded file and select “Run As Please see section titled, “How do I make sure that the VideoOverIP software is running I want to connect to my home PC from a remote site, or using my connectivity and a valid IP address? For test purposes, we recommend you temporarily disable the firewall on the Windows PC and have the iPad and Windows PCs on the same network. Currently, are your iPad and Windows In other words, are they “visible” to each other? Here is how you can tell. On your windows computer, please obtain your IP address (detailed instructions listed below). Once this is done, please follow these instructions to get the iPad IP Do they have the same first three set of numbers (e.g. 192.168.1 and 192.168.1). If not, it could hat does not have visibility to your computers. In this case, please configure your router to properly forward ports so that your iPad can connect
  • 9. Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide 2010 9 I’m having an issue connecting to my Windows PC when my iPad is on an external WAN (e.g. AT&), and my Windows PC is on a local area network. What do I do? The reason for this is probably that the router which acts as a gateway to the network your Windows PC is connected to, does not have port forwarding set-up for VideoOverIP. For example, if your Windows PC is connected to a home network and you are using a router connected to a cable modem, then this router needs to forward the correct ports to your Windows PC so that an external connection can be made to your PC. Details of how to configure port forwarding are listed under the section titled, “I want to connect to my home PC from a remote site, or using my iPad’s 3G capability. How do I configure my router to allow this?“. The VOIPService is not running, it does not appear to be installed at all, however the installer did not give any error messages. What do I do? VideoOverIP has been qualified with Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit. You should not have a problem with installations on either version of this OS. It is possible that malware/antivirus applications or domain policies are preventing the installation, or that you do not have Administrator rights on your Windows PC to complete the installation. Here are some steps you can take to remedy this situation: 1) Do you have Administrator privileges on your Windows PC? If the software did not properly install on your system, we recommend you uninstall it (Control Panel->Programs and Features->Select VDIworks VOIP Host and click Uninstall), reboot and then reinstall it by *right clicking* the installer icon and selecting “Run as Administrator”. When you do this, you may be asked for the administrator password by Windows. Please provide these credentials, allow the install to proceed and reboot your machine once the installer has completed. The menu that appears when you right click the setup.exe icon is shown below:
  • 10. Fast Remote Desktop 10 2) Once your machine has restarted please check to see if the systray (lower right hand corner of your screen) is visible. If it is not immediately visible, please click the “up” arrow, which is usually the first icon in the systray. A panel will pop should contain the VOIP logo. If it does properly installed and is not running. If this is still the case, then your system may be on a Domain and Domain Security policies may be interfering with the install. Or, you may be running Anti-malware software which is preventing VideoOverIP from completing a successful install. If the latter is the case, you can temporarily disable anti above. The red circle in the image below denotes the icon to look for: Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide Once your machine has restarted please check to see if the colorful VOIP logo in the systray (lower right hand corner of your screen) is visible. If it is not immediately visible, please click the “up” arrow, which is usually the first icon in the systray. A panel will pop should contain the VOIP logo. If it does not, that would indicate that VideoOverIP was not properly installed and is not running. If this is still the case, then your system may be on a Domain and Domain Security policies may be interfering with the install. Or, you may be oftware which is preventing VideoOverIP from completing a successful install. If the latter is the case, you can temporarily disable anti-malware and repeat Step 1 The red circle in the image below denotes the icon to look for: Setup and Troubleshooting Guide 2010 VOIP logo in the systray (lower right hand corner of your screen) is visible. If it is not immediately visible, please click the “up” arrow, which is usually the first icon in the systray. A panel will pop-up which not, that would indicate that VideoOverIP was not properly installed and is not running. If this is still the case, then your system may be on a Domain and Domain Security policies may be interfering with the install. Or, you may be oftware which is preventing VideoOverIP from completing a successful malware and repeat Step 1
  • 11. Fast Remote Desktop Setup and Troubleshooting Guide 2010 11 I’ve tried all the installation steps above, but the installation failure persists. How do I fix it? We would suspect some kind of interference on the part of an anti-virus, anti-malware or similar program. Here is how to get around this by manually installing the VideoOverIP service: Make sure you have attempted an install and the necessary files have at least been copied into the target folder. Please verify that the needed files are present in install folder (Program Files - >VDIWorks->VDIWorks VOIP Host). This folder should contain the following executable files along with numerous other support files: 1. RDCServer.exe 2. RDCGUISettings.exe 3. RemoteLoginService.exe 4. RDCServerAgent.exe Once you have verified the presence of these files, you can use the following manual command line command to create the service on your host system: sc create RDCService binpath=(The path where VideoOverIP is installed i.e Program Files (x86)->VDIWorks->VDIWorks VOIP Host)RemoteloginService.exe Displayname="VDIworksVOIPService" start=auto type=own type=interact If the service already exists, please use the following command to delete it first, and then run the “sc create” command listed above to re-create. sc delete RDCService