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Do the following on 2 pages, double-spaced (500 words). Analyze the case study and, then,
answer the following case questions.
1. List the individual and group stakeholders who stand to gain and lose from the activities of
Big Brothers of London, Inc. Be prepared to discuss each group's vested interest in the
organization's activities.
2. What motivates individuals to become involved in volunteer organizations?
3. If we were to treat potential volunteers as through they were potential consumers of an
organization, and if we were to compile a consumer profile, what would that profile be? Choose
three volunteer segments; (1) the Statistics Canada model, (2) the university student volunteer,
and (3) former little brothers, a segment which has low representation in the BB association. For
each segment, describe motivations, attitudes, parenting skills, leadership skills, constraints, and
concerns. Draw conclusions for the BB agency.
4. List optional courses of action for the organization and be prepared to implement one
The Universits of Wexern Deiark HISTORY Page 3 2A96J014 Page 4 9A96J014 A portion of
Londcen's pepulation whe transient. Thirty thousand studens anended the University of
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Westem Ontario duning the months Septemer through
April As well, the city was home to miny serieeceicntad oxporations which frequently relecaled
employes who were alall males in their 20 's and early Fxhibit 2 shous an ergmiamion chat for
the 1 ondan agancy, ineluding = list of commitiess to ahich a 30's, the peime age for
wolunteceing to be a Big Brother. Gilen found that raxe colablishod men in the community wene
ussally martivd and prevexupisd with young lamilies of their cron. crees section of boand and
slatt members, and cher volunleers belkeed. A volunted Beard of Directors goals and objectives.
The fear of being actused of sexual abuse was move pecvalent in society in geseral and, in
perticular, in the eity of London. Local law enforsement officials recently garnered inlense
publicity over an investigation into a child pornogruply ring. Media attention to allecations of
abuse, whether true o false, thratened In addition to their screening and matehing functions, the
two caseworkers currently employed by Big careers and families, making many men
hypersensitive to the risk of associations with unrelated children. Brothers functioned as expert
souress for langer term Hig Hrothers who needed to further explore problems in their manch or
to disenss ches issues related to their mole. The only prenequisite for the easewarker's jobs wie
edueation and experictee in skeial services. Bedh easeworkers hicld a Rachelor of Seienex in
Social Bige Beuthers of Lanken allempled to confroet the issue of lalse allkgntians of exual
abuse at its Work (B.S.W.) and ank had waked wifh a Chiklren's Aid Socicty beliee joining Big
Beahers. inliormation sessions, proviking strict rukss of conduct. The proosss to bownic a Big
Bruthar was so rigorvus that the possibility of truth to allcezations of sexual abuse was
neqligable. Nevertheless, fear prevailed. Perivditally, the London agency aveeplod plikements of
secial work sluknts from jocal pest socundary institutions to assist their caswerkers. Other
voluricer aids helped caseruodkrs un an as needed basis, Universally, the number of single
parewt bouseholds, hesded by woenen, had groun significantly in the usually keeping contact by
telepbone with the big and little brother matches and reppurting any peoblems to past few years.
Many social service agencies, like the Children's ( Nid and CPRY weathered cuthacks that led to
reduced programs. Many organizations had pared bock to minimal numbers of legally mandased
policies. Problems that did not fit their core agenda were sometimes referred to volunteer
agencies like Big Brochers. This trend to dowasizing, increasingly evident throughout the public
sector, put everincreasing pressure on wolumeer secial service omamizations. the casewnikers
LITTLE BROTHER PROFILE Litile bevthers wure boys ayed soven to 13 who had Lighte ar
wo magle oxmpaniunshig. They had boen ofkn disappointed by broken promises from
"unreliabte" tathers of other adult inalez. They eame from homes in Consequently, while there
was a glut of existing and potential little beothess, and an unprecedented noed which eancact
with an father or cher matult umale whe onor a month or less The majority of the agency's for
agencies like Big Brochers, there wzs dearth of voliniteers willing to becocos 2dult companiocs.
eamticts were mathers of these boys. 1t wes hing hoomune that when the agency blitzal for
volameers of sponseral a majar fund raising event the numbers or boys on the waiteg lisf yew
bcaluse single mothers FUNDING cunticlexd the recency during ticse proprotical enionts. In
1995, close tw 58 per cent of the Lendon agency's receiper vame from the Unived Way's arnual
fund raising drive. The balande of funding came from privale donations and other Big Brothers
activities like matched as of December 31, 1980. Slatisties showad the in-1980, children from
families hesded by the annual "Bowl for B 8 Brotbers" event which bepught in gver 537,000 ,
slightly short of the committee's $45 , 000 goal Sse Everioit 1 for the agency's schedule of
receipts and disbursements for fiscal 1995. women ware exonomicallydisakhantaged. In fact, 12
per ecth of the little beothers came from homes in which the sole source of ineoune was social
assistanse. The employment earnings of the remaining mothers was estimated at 38 per cent of
the averuge income of two parent families with children. The Loodon Big Brothers paid 2.75 per
cent of their annual receipes to the national parent organization to porerty rate for Ontario's
female-Jed single pareaz families was 55 per cent compored with less than nine per cent for hev
parcmit isinilics. support nabeval adyertising, workshops, eopventices, and public relations.
Otherwise, in mat openting and policy maners, London Big Hothers Ins, was autonomous. The
slikdy showed, with statistical significanoe, that forme little brothars had fared quite well in a
viability of the organization. Many organizations competed for duindling donor dollars. An
increase in diploens compared 00,60 per cant of the other people in their age group. In addition,
there was an the namber of matches would improve Big Brother's image and iss chances of
benefiting from larger donations and United Way allocations. In turn, greater revenues would
allow the organization to hire observable advantage for tboee little brochers who were matched
the longest with a Big Brother. additioenl staff to support existing caseaxrkers. With regard to
social psychological attitudes, it was found that an "excellent" relationship with a Big Brother
dispropotionately tended to result in higher educational attainment for the little beothers, and, in
turn, these higher levels of education digproporticeately resulted in higher self-esteem. With
regard to other attirudinal variables, former little brothers ato telt that they mould personally
make good parents Eipcoportionately tended to highly respect authority and believed in a
heightesed sense of right and wrong. Hovnlen & Dastivi. Page 5 9A96.014 Page 6 9A96J014
Lately, more boys presented the agency with multiple problems: school troubles, hypeructivity,
emoriceal problemi, and difficulry in relurionshipes with peers and sdulis Many of these hoys
were referred by social general meerieg plsee to hoild games like dominoes or eards, or to show
videre the or severnl matehes servitx agencies uhich were under finsneial presore could use the
facility simulransuisly with this gereral perpose now in placx, mee Hig Rrothers would be able of
ecilise public tritspertation and they would be able to reduce the oos of setivities with litile
bruthers to almest nothirg. climirsting much of the sul-of-pocket cost of movies, spoets astivities,
snd BIG BROTHER PROFILE minals or saks. Big Brothers of Lanken whelly ownod a
renosated house luealed centrally in the cily. AI present, the small huuse, stationce on a trat of
land that provided limited parkinge, was almost tetally consumed by offices and a mall reveption
ares. Anyone over the age of 18 was eligible to become a Big Brother, In 1995, markes research
on London's. Big Heother volunteers indicated that 27 per eent were in the nge groep 20 to 29 .
Another 27 per cent were aged 30 to 34 with the balanee spilt equally among the 35 to 39,40 to
44 , and 45 to 49 age groups. Approsimady half of the volunteres had diikien of their onit. The
primary reasen for bexoming a volumker was to "fklp people". The majority dwese Big Brothers
beasue they kecw an existing Big hislurically averagd two and a half years in lengith. One
concern for the agency was the badget constraint of hiring additional staff and security. Big
Brothers could ascess cutside facilities like the Boys' and Girls' Club for the sole use of Big
Brothers for special cwents. THE PROCESS OF BECOMING A BIG BROTHER Most Big
Brothers took beraeen two months and three yars before raching the decision to becume a Once a
volundeer made a decision to becoene a Big Druther, the process (Exhibit 3) wok three to four
volumeer. Thirty-six per cent took berween cee and three years mulnake their deesion. Close to
half of the surveyed Big Brothers indicucd that they lacked oxnfidene in making the dheisien to
ga involved of were uncles of their expected role as a Big Brothe. Only four per cent whe
pecionas linle brothers. the application with the volunted's partine, if apprepriake ONE BIG
BROTHERS EXPERIENCE family background, edsation, employment, social lice, inktegts, and
activitics. During this same incerview, the caseworker initialed discussions of sexual ceientation,
druzes, and aleobol usage. They also The volunteer who had been an Big Brother far four years,
offered to he ditervecwat. When living in reviewed Big Brothers' Sexual Abuse Prevention
Program with the potential candidaile. Toronte, Gerard, (rox his real mame), hat vhlueiesed
weekly in an jesetimine for the physieally and mentally challengeal. When he beeadits job in
tendon, fear years prevongly, Germad appronched BB on his ewn and explaired that he askidal to
"five a britanexd life" mis to wotuntexing, he wouk be able to sucwessful Big Brothers for fiec
Lonion apency through his gun wurs and social conlacts. If the applicant were recommended for
a secahd interview, he met at a) later date with the agency's executive director, Glen. When he
had a new baby, his first child, Gerrard's Litle brother came to his bome and blended with family
Once the applicant was melehod with a litte brother, be was expecked to kexp repular contact
with his caseworker in order to dseuss his espeniences, for better or worse. The Big Brother was
required to visit activities every secend week. In the intervening weeks, Gerrard and his little
brother pursued one-on-one his little brother regularly for three-pr four bours a week. Yolunteers
were aked to stick to a cne-on-one activities like attending sports events, going to a isorie theatre,
fishing, or attending an agency-sponsored event. Gertard had discussed this revised visiting plan
with his little beother before the new baby arrived. format during vists, to linit the involvement ef
their family or friends, and to keep their visis is active as possible, like thrywung a ball around a
park rather than wasching television together. No ovemight trips were allowed for the first three
months of the relationship and after that, Big Brothers were to contact the bebthen thad adjiusted
well oo this pew sctudule. Ho was enthusiastic about helping Genard with the baby, the
huuschold chores, and miner repairs. caseworker if an ovenight mip were planned. When asked
bypothetically if he axuld become a Big Brocher to a bay with more challenges like hyperactivity
or emotional complexities, Gerrard was not incerested, adding that if he were younger and
without a family of his own, be would consider a more challenging little brother. THE MARKET
FOR VOLUNTEERS Lierrand was a white collar execurive, He held a university degree,
enjoyed a good lifestyle, and presemed himself as a thoughttal, sensitive, cemposed individual in
his mid-thirties like many Hig Brothers, he had very little contzct with cther BB volunteers.
Despite his financial comfort, Gerrard understood bow economics could discourage some
volunteers from becoming Big Brothers. Hlis suggestion for overcaming this problem was that
the agency create and staff a geseral purpose room in its beadquarters. Genard thought that a
seaffed and renovated room at the bouse, or in another central bocation, cobald function as a Big
Brothers of London coeneted for volunteers with many non peofit organizations, all of whom
had receetly experienced a decline in mumbers. Statistics Canada reported that half of all
volunseers were in the 25 to 44 age group. The participation rate of volurteers tended to increase
with age (to peak at the 35 to 44 age group) and with education (thase with a university degree
were most likely to volunteer). Suprisingly, Statistics Canada also reponted thar per eent of
volunteers enjoyed wa annual ineome of greaner than $60) 000, and that half of all volunteers
became involved with me erganizasice when somexne within the erganization appreached them
Only 17 per cent saught out the organization, on their own initiative Market research in London
indicated that many commonity members were willing to belp the agency in many ways, but
extremely few wanted to become Big Brothers. Even when told that they would spend Page ?
9A96J014 colly three to four hours per week, T0 per cent said that they would still noe boeome a
Big. Brother, nex would they heorene a Hig Brother for just the months of Jaly and August with
no future obligations Jastification varieal from speeific probicms, like a lack of traropertation, to
general isones like family and time cunstraints. THE BIG BUNCH PROGRAM The reency's
Program Committec decidad to pursue a new concept during the upcreming year, the Big. Runch
program, designed for boys cm the waiting list. Fach month, RB wouk host ansagency activity.
assignirg everni (a bunch of) beys from the waitirg list to two er thre: volunters for the monthly
special cvent. There would be no ane-to-ene conlakt, horecwer, the plan would support the
mereals and the hopes of the bers on the waiting lise Valunlours wowkd be askud to make a six-
mrenth ourmpilment to the progeram Volurbecrs for this program would still be required to go
through the sarte incemsive screening peocess as Rig. Rrothers, except foe the last few seps
involved in masching filen hoged io target the sradent pepelation at Weaten, ereouraging them to
apply in the spring (Macchspoil) and then lo join the Big Bunch program when they retursed in
the aulume During the sluknils summer sacatien, the agency could process applications, sheck
refrenuss, and be rakly wo ascopt-hhe wolanice when he retursed in Sepermber for his
volucation. THE FUTURE The 1995 market resench eroep mominendaf an aggressive marke:tug
flun which involved hiring a masketing ex-rdinstor of implsmen an yugmented rox uiting chot.
They suggesmed a direct mailing campsign and lekphone follow -fp. A culour piovegruph of a
muc and a boy "luving fun legethec" wuuld be sem to a list of prospestisg maks, provurded
through a marketing 7 im "s dalabase. The plan was costly and Glar aondared if the "Fun"
message, also depicted in BB's logo (Exhibit 4), was the most appeopriate appeal that oould be
made to potintial volunteers. The first step in his action plan would be to metirateessting
committees and volinteers to raise more funds for the marketing campaign atich would
ultimately render an increased number of masches, which, in tum, would generate moce funds
for the purpese of hining anolher cascworkec Rexchily the natonal Big Bobthers organization
had concrasted Angus Reid to conduct a survoy of mabches before, during, and after clgsure.
Gilen wondered what sorts of questions would be appeopriate to help masure the mary pusitive
benefits for little brothers and Big Brothers resulting from a masch. Statistics from evalations
like ths held potential to bolster his ability to point to positive outcome from matches in
promotional efforts. With all of this in mind, Glen sat down to prepare a plan for the
organizntion, including a strategy for augmenting recruitment and tor the retenrion of volunteer
Big Hrothers.

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  • 1. Do the following on 2 pages, double-spaced (500 words). Analyze the case study and, then, answer the following case questions. 1. List the individual and group stakeholders who stand to gain and lose from the activities of Big Brothers of London, Inc. Be prepared to discuss each group's vested interest in the organization's activities. 2. What motivates individuals to become involved in volunteer organizations? 3. If we were to treat potential volunteers as through they were potential consumers of an organization, and if we were to compile a consumer profile, what would that profile be? Choose three volunteer segments; (1) the Statistics Canada model, (2) the university student volunteer, and (3) former little brothers, a segment which has low representation in the BB association. For each segment, describe motivations, attitudes, parenting skills, leadership skills, constraints, and concerns. Draw conclusions for the BB agency. 4. List optional courses of action for the organization and be prepared to implement one alternative. The Universits of Wexern Deiark HISTORY Page 3 2A96J014 Page 4 9A96J014 A portion of Londcen's pepulation whe transient. Thirty thousand studens anended the University of ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Westem Ontario duning the months Septemer through April As well, the city was home to miny serieeceicntad oxporations which frequently relecaled employes who were alall males in their 20 's and early Fxhibit 2 shous an ergmiamion chat for the 1 ondan agancy, ineluding = list of commitiess to ahich a 30's, the peime age for wolunteceing to be a Big Brother. Gilen found that raxe colablishod men in the community wene ussally martivd and prevexupisd with young lamilies of their cron. crees section of boand and slatt members, and cher volunleers belkeed. A volunted Beard of Directors goals and objectives. The fear of being actused of sexual abuse was move pecvalent in society in geseral and, in perticular, in the eity of London. Local law enforsement officials recently garnered inlense publicity over an investigation into a child pornogruply ring. Media attention to allecations of abuse, whether true o false, thratened In addition to their screening and matehing functions, the two caseworkers currently employed by Big careers and families, making many men hypersensitive to the risk of associations with unrelated children. Brothers functioned as expert souress for langer term Hig Hrothers who needed to further explore problems in their manch or to disenss ches issues related to their mole. The only prenequisite for the easewarker's jobs wie edueation and experictee in skeial services. Bedh easeworkers hicld a Rachelor of Seienex in Social Bige Beuthers of Lanken allempled to confroet the issue of lalse allkgntians of exual abuse at its Work (B.S.W.) and ank had waked wifh a Chiklren's Aid Socicty beliee joining Big Beahers. inliormation sessions, proviking strict rukss of conduct. The proosss to bownic a Big Bruthar was so rigorvus that the possibility of truth to allcezations of sexual abuse was neqligable. Nevertheless, fear prevailed. Perivditally, the London agency aveeplod plikements of secial work sluknts from jocal pest socundary institutions to assist their caswerkers. Other voluricer aids helped caseruodkrs un an as needed basis, Universally, the number of single parewt bouseholds, hesded by woenen, had groun significantly in the usually keeping contact by telepbone with the big and little brother matches and reppurting any peoblems to past few years.
  • 2. Many social service agencies, like the Children's ( Nid and CPRY weathered cuthacks that led to reduced programs. Many organizations had pared bock to minimal numbers of legally mandased policies. Problems that did not fit their core agenda were sometimes referred to volunteer agencies like Big Brochers. This trend to dowasizing, increasingly evident throughout the public sector, put everincreasing pressure on wolumeer secial service omamizations. the casewnikers LITTLE BROTHER PROFILE Litile bevthers wure boys ayed soven to 13 who had Lighte ar wo magle oxmpaniunshig. They had boen ofkn disappointed by broken promises from "unreliabte" tathers of other adult inalez. They eame from homes in Consequently, while there was a glut of existing and potential little beothess, and an unprecedented noed which eancact with an father or cher matult umale whe onor a month or less The majority of the agency's for agencies like Big Brochers, there wzs dearth of voliniteers willing to becocos 2dult companiocs. eamticts were mathers of these boys. 1t wes hing hoomune that when the agency blitzal for volameers of sponseral a majar fund raising event the numbers or boys on the waiteg lisf yew bcaluse single mothers FUNDING cunticlexd the recency during ticse proprotical enionts. In 1995, close tw 58 per cent of the Lendon agency's receiper vame from the Unived Way's arnual fund raising drive. The balande of funding came from privale donations and other Big Brothers activities like matched as of December 31, 1980. Slatisties showad the in-1980, children from families hesded by the annual "Bowl for B 8 Brotbers" event which bepught in gver 537,000 , slightly short of the committee's $45 , 000 goal Sse Everioit 1 for the agency's schedule of receipts and disbursements for fiscal 1995. women ware exonomicallydisakhantaged. In fact, 12 per ecth of the little beothers came from homes in which the sole source of ineoune was social assistanse. The employment earnings of the remaining mothers was estimated at 38 per cent of the averuge income of two parent families with children. The Loodon Big Brothers paid 2.75 per cent of their annual receipes to the national parent organization to porerty rate for Ontario's female-Jed single pareaz families was 55 per cent compored with less than nine per cent for hev parcmit isinilics. support nabeval adyertising, workshops, eopventices, and public relations. Otherwise, in mat openting and policy maners, London Big Hothers Ins, was autonomous. The slikdy showed, with statistical significanoe, that forme little brothars had fared quite well in a viability of the organization. Many organizations competed for duindling donor dollars. An increase in diploens compared 00,60 per cant of the other people in their age group. In addition, there was an the namber of matches would improve Big Brother's image and iss chances of benefiting from larger donations and United Way allocations. In turn, greater revenues would allow the organization to hire observable advantage for tboee little brochers who were matched the longest with a Big Brother. additioenl staff to support existing caseaxrkers. With regard to social psychological attitudes, it was found that an "excellent" relationship with a Big Brother dispropotionately tended to result in higher educational attainment for the little beothers, and, in turn, these higher levels of education digproporticeately resulted in higher self-esteem. With regard to other attirudinal variables, former little brothers ato telt that they mould personally make good parents Eipcoportionately tended to highly respect authority and believed in a heightesed sense of right and wrong. Hovnlen & Dastivi. Page 5 9A96.014 Page 6 9A96J014 Lately, more boys presented the agency with multiple problems: school troubles, hypeructivity, emoriceal problemi, and difficulry in relurionshipes with peers and sdulis Many of these hoys were referred by social general meerieg plsee to hoild games like dominoes or eards, or to show videre the or severnl matehes servitx agencies uhich were under finsneial presore could use the facility simulransuisly with this gereral perpose now in placx, mee Hig Rrothers would be able of ecilise public tritspertation and they would be able to reduce the oos of setivities with litile
  • 3. bruthers to almest nothirg. climirsting much of the sul-of-pocket cost of movies, spoets astivities, snd BIG BROTHER PROFILE minals or saks. Big Brothers of Lanken whelly ownod a renosated house luealed centrally in the cily. AI present, the small huuse, stationce on a trat of land that provided limited parkinge, was almost tetally consumed by offices and a mall reveption ares. Anyone over the age of 18 was eligible to become a Big Brother, In 1995, markes research on London's. Big Heother volunteers indicated that 27 per eent were in the nge groep 20 to 29 . Another 27 per cent were aged 30 to 34 with the balanee spilt equally among the 35 to 39,40 to 44 , and 45 to 49 age groups. Approsimady half of the volunteres had diikien of their onit. The primary reasen for bexoming a volumker was to "fklp people". The majority dwese Big Brothers beasue they kecw an existing Big hislurically averagd two and a half years in lengith. One concern for the agency was the badget constraint of hiring additional staff and security. Big Brothers could ascess cutside facilities like the Boys' and Girls' Club for the sole use of Big Brothers for special cwents. THE PROCESS OF BECOMING A BIG BROTHER Most Big Brothers took beraeen two months and three yars before raching the decision to becume a Once a volundeer made a decision to becoene a Big Druther, the process (Exhibit 3) wok three to four volumeer. Thirty-six per cent took berween cee and three years mulnake their deesion. Close to half of the surveyed Big Brothers indicucd that they lacked oxnfidene in making the dheisien to ga involved of were uncles of their expected role as a Big Brothe. Only four per cent whe pecionas linle brothers. the application with the volunted's partine, if apprepriake ONE BIG BROTHERS EXPERIENCE family background, edsation, employment, social lice, inktegts, and activitics. During this same incerview, the caseworker initialed discussions of sexual ceientation, druzes, and aleobol usage. They also The volunteer who had been an Big Brother far four years, offered to he ditervecwat. When living in reviewed Big Brothers' Sexual Abuse Prevention Program with the potential candidaile. Toronte, Gerard, (rox his real mame), hat vhlueiesed weekly in an jesetimine for the physieally and mentally challengeal. When he beeadits job in tendon, fear years prevongly, Germad appronched BB on his ewn and explaired that he askidal to "five a britanexd life" mis to wotuntexing, he wouk be able to sucwessful Big Brothers for fiec Lonion apency through his gun wurs and social conlacts. If the applicant were recommended for a secahd interview, he met at a) later date with the agency's executive director, Glen. When he had a new baby, his first child, Gerrard's Litle brother came to his bome and blended with family Once the applicant was melehod with a litte brother, be was expecked to kexp repular contact with his caseworker in order to dseuss his espeniences, for better or worse. The Big Brother was required to visit activities every secend week. In the intervening weeks, Gerrard and his little brother pursued one-on-one his little brother regularly for three-pr four bours a week. Yolunteers were aked to stick to a cne-on-one activities like attending sports events, going to a isorie theatre, fishing, or attending an agency-sponsored event. Gertard had discussed this revised visiting plan with his little beother before the new baby arrived. format during vists, to linit the involvement ef their family or friends, and to keep their visis is active as possible, like thrywung a ball around a park rather than wasching television together. No ovemight trips were allowed for the first three months of the relationship and after that, Big Brothers were to contact the bebthen thad adjiusted well oo this pew sctudule. Ho was enthusiastic about helping Genard with the baby, the huuschold chores, and miner repairs. caseworker if an ovenight mip were planned. When asked bypothetically if he axuld become a Big Brocher to a bay with more challenges like hyperactivity or emotional complexities, Gerrard was not incerested, adding that if he were younger and without a family of his own, be would consider a more challenging little brother. THE MARKET FOR VOLUNTEERS Lierrand was a white collar execurive, He held a university degree,
  • 4. enjoyed a good lifestyle, and presemed himself as a thoughttal, sensitive, cemposed individual in his mid-thirties like many Hig Brothers, he had very little contzct with cther BB volunteers. Despite his financial comfort, Gerrard understood bow economics could discourage some volunteers from becoming Big Brothers. Hlis suggestion for overcaming this problem was that the agency create and staff a geseral purpose room in its beadquarters. Genard thought that a seaffed and renovated room at the bouse, or in another central bocation, cobald function as a Big Brothers of London coeneted for volunteers with many non peofit organizations, all of whom had receetly experienced a decline in mumbers. Statistics Canada reported that half of all volunseers were in the 25 to 44 age group. The participation rate of volurteers tended to increase with age (to peak at the 35 to 44 age group) and with education (thase with a university degree were most likely to volunteer). Suprisingly, Statistics Canada also reponted thar per eent of volunteers enjoyed wa annual ineome of greaner than $60) 000, and that half of all volunteers became involved with me erganizasice when somexne within the erganization appreached them Only 17 per cent saught out the organization, on their own initiative Market research in London indicated that many commonity members were willing to belp the agency in many ways, but extremely few wanted to become Big Brothers. Even when told that they would spend Page ? 9A96J014 colly three to four hours per week, T0 per cent said that they would still noe boeome a Big. Brother, nex would they heorene a Hig Brother for just the months of Jaly and August with no future obligations Jastification varieal from speeific probicms, like a lack of traropertation, to general isones like family and time cunstraints. THE BIG BUNCH PROGRAM The reency's Program Committec decidad to pursue a new concept during the upcreming year, the Big. Runch program, designed for boys cm the waiting list. Fach month, RB wouk host ansagency activity. assignirg everni (a bunch of) beys from the waitirg list to two er thre: volunters for the monthly special cvent. There would be no ane-to-ene conlakt, horecwer, the plan would support the mereals and the hopes of the bers on the waiting lise Valunlours wowkd be askud to make a six- mrenth ourmpilment to the progeram Volurbecrs for this program would still be required to go through the sarte incemsive screening peocess as Rig. Rrothers, except foe the last few seps involved in masching filen hoged io target the sradent pepelation at Weaten, ereouraging them to apply in the spring (Macchspoil) and then lo join the Big Bunch program when they retursed in the aulume During the sluknils summer sacatien, the agency could process applications, sheck refrenuss, and be rakly wo ascopt-hhe wolanice when he retursed in Sepermber for his volucation. THE FUTURE The 1995 market resench eroep mominendaf an aggressive marke:tug flun which involved hiring a masketing ex-rdinstor of implsmen an yugmented rox uiting chot. They suggesmed a direct mailing campsign and lekphone follow -fp. A culour piovegruph of a muc and a boy "luving fun legethec" wuuld be sem to a list of prospestisg maks, provurded through a marketing 7 im "s dalabase. The plan was costly and Glar aondared if the "Fun" message, also depicted in BB's logo (Exhibit 4), was the most appeopriate appeal that oould be made to potintial volunteers. The first step in his action plan would be to metirateessting committees and volinteers to raise more funds for the marketing campaign atich would ultimately render an increased number of masches, which, in tum, would generate moce funds for the purpese of hining anolher cascworkec Rexchily the natonal Big Bobthers organization had concrasted Angus Reid to conduct a survoy of mabches before, during, and after clgsure. Gilen wondered what sorts of questions would be appeopriate to help masure the mary pusitive benefits for little brothers and Big Brothers resulting from a masch. Statistics from evalations like ths held potential to bolster his ability to point to positive outcome from matches in promotional efforts. With all of this in mind, Glen sat down to prepare a plan for the
  • 5. organizntion, including a strategy for augmenting recruitment and tor the retenrion of volunteer Big Hrothers.