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Inside My Mind – CEA & CTO Dimension:
I startedanotherexcitingandinterestingdayonmycontinuoussailingusingEA Boat,havinga cup of
coffee onthe maindeck,UnclutchingmyinnerexperiencesanddecidedtoChurnmy“Inside mind” ona
ProfessionalAxis asa Chief Enterprise Architect (CEA) andChief TechnologyOfficer(CTO) withof wealth
of Experience&Expertise Leverforthe last two decadeswithCorporations,Banks,FinancialInstitutions,
Airlines,Payments,Automotives,Financial Markets,TechnologyEnablers,ISVs,Innovationandmuch
Andaftertwo hours,I woke upand witnessedthese “Mindmappingbeans”inraw form, triedto group
theminraw form again basedon specificcapabilityandarea intoa full of 7 pages. Of course,these
beansindividuallycanbecome anindependentTree butrestrictingmyChurnspeedtolittle overthe
Later realizeditmaybe a Self-EvaluationorSelf-Healingexercise.Hopefullyithelpsme andevery
Office of the Architecture & Technology - Strengths I have as a CEA/CTO:
 -Many criteriafollows,butfirstandforemostisLove andpassionforTechnology
 -Design/Programmingthinking100,00 0ft is one of the mostelegantanddemandingformsof
appliedknowledge forthe EA office andTechnologyOffice
 -AbilitytothinkeffectivelyinAbstractterms &Contextual tothe Corporate/Business
 -Abilitytodeal withambiguity &drive the problemsolvingfromwhole –to-Point
 -Abilityhavingstrongleadershipandteambuildingskillsfor EA/TechnologyOrganization
Myself as a Successful CEA/CTO:
 -True way to measure the successof the CTO isto lookat the "success"of the enterprise.
 -"Success"means,Short-termSuccessaswell asLong-termSuccess.
 -Enablesthe businessof the companybyunderstandinghow Technologyimpactthe business
 -Measure effectivenessusingthe same metricsthatare usedto measure the business
 -Effectivenessis,Measure of the sustainable growthwhile maximizingreturnoninvested
 -Same measuresasthat of CEO but understanddirectlyhow yourtechnologydecisionsimpact
the business, Juggle&knowhow those are right decisions.
 -ToolsusedbyCTO to measure businesssuccessare Technical oneslikeTechnical Expertise,
 -Credible inthe eyesof the othercorporate leaders,the employeesandthe customers
 -Must understandhowITdrivesthe companyandunderstandthe "Contextof the Technology"
 -"Contextof the Technology"means,Technical areas,CustomerNeeds,the Businessimpactand
the Corporate Strategy
 -Notjustunderstandingthe Issues/challengesinthe corporate Technical,butcommunicate
theminthe "animate terms"thatapplytothe interestedparties.
After Evolution as a CEA & CTO:
 -a True C-level executivewith10ft thinkingonTechnologysolutionstothe businesschallenges.
 -CTO shouldunderstandall the Facetsof companyincludinghow hisdecisionsprovide
added/strategicadvantage forthe companyandthere by shareholdervalue isindirectly
 -IT's StrategicAdvantage boostedwithTechnologyandTechnical decisionsfromCTO.
 -Role continuously evolvesasa fine line betweenInternal TechnologyandExternal technology
 -Realize andmaximize the understandingof overlapWhatwe doforour customersandwhat we
do forour enterprise.
 -Identifythe Strategicvalue of technologyandTechnical aspectsfromeachproject,consolidate
themat Program/PortfolioandthenatEnterprise level.
 -Influence projectsviaTechnology,Platformandcross-domain,cross-segmentandcross-
businesslevel reusabilityandhelpcompanymake moneyviamultiple possible Revenue
 -Thinkas muchof Chief InnovationOfficerinbringingnew/derived/self-grownInhouse
technologytothe attentionof Execs.
 -Must championinnovative ideasandmake sure the team/employeesare setupto be
CTO & CEA Challenges – Pragmatic View:
 -Dailybasis,Internal Technologychallenges,AcceleratedDecisionmaking,Influencingthe
 -Roadmapchallenges,Platformlevel challenges,CustomerspecificchallengesandExternal
 -Resource/Teamlevel challengesandPolitical challenges,Lastbutnotleast,Technology
 -Challengeof findingrightbalance of breadthvsdepth.
 -"Depth"means,forexampleunderstandingunderlyingnetegrities,principles,implementation
detailslike howdataisqueuedup,how DataGalaxy/Lake internallyworks,vendorspecific
detailsona feature,howdatacompressionimplementationsandetc.
 -"Breadth"means,Understandingof full range of activities/issuesincreatingEnterprise
Architecture andetc.
 -Intellectual PropertyChallenges
Overcome Challenges – CEA & CTO's Actions:
 -CTO/CEA shouldstay-aheadabove all the ABOVEchallengesbyunderstandingthe businessand
 -Misconceptionis - above isa difficultareaontechnical backgrounds butthinkingaboutme,I
am havingwealthof Enterprise Architecture backendthathelpsme toovercome this.
 -Gainthe respectfromthe people Iworkwithandmustvalue JudgementandLeadership
 -Havingmore HonestyandIntegrityhelpbuildcredibility
 -My focuson IT, Architecture,Software,SecurityandNetworking - Drive Strategythinkingto
realityandproblemsolving innature.
 -Dealingwithgrowth - AlignStrategy - Technology/Architecture with - Process,Buildthis
pyramidfora Customercontext
 -Primaryway I dealtthisissue is - concentratedefforttodevelopinternalleadership,formal
"People - Technology - Developmentprogram"
 -create teamof businessandfunctional leaders,capabilitytocarry forwardthe culture of the
growth,TechnologyLeadershipand Personal Integrity.
 -OtherwayI have dealtis - Enablingthe Integrationof Acquisitionsvia
 -Segmentlevel Integrationas - SpecializedandCommon-Core Verticals
 -GetBuy-infromTechnologyleaders fromAcquired Company andstakeholdersinthe common
CEA/CTO - Personal Management Style:
 -I Enjoyworkingwithpeople,show interestinthemandtheirneeds
 -Gathergroup of people whoare willingtolistentomyideasandtake directionwhennecessary
 -Informal management style mostly works,butFormal tooattimes.
 -Most Technical folksdon'twanttobe managed
 -Reserve managementforBusinessunits,Portfolios,ProjectsandBudgets
 -Leadershipapproachwillbe toinfluence to achieve desiredgoalswithinthe team
 -TransformingbusinessVision/Missionintoeasilyunderstandable andmeasurable goals
 -Goodcoach in achievingthe teamsuccess
 -Delegate - style of delegatingthe goalsnotthe tasks.At times,beingVice-versa
 -Outside-Inworkingstyle
Working with PMO Team – as a CEA/CTO:
 -KeyOperational Issuesresolving,workingwithSVP,President,CI0/CDOGeneral managers.Help
 -Share Technology,People, andMethodologies acrossthe Portfolios/Businessunits
 -CloselyworkwithfunctionalVP-Engineering,IT,Finance,OperationsandHR
 -Asa CTO in myearlydays withincompany,Ran/LeadbothEngineering/InnovationandIT
 -Nowas a CTO workingwithdedicatedexecutivesforthose functionsandwork withthemto
helpaccomplishall Technologygoals
Working Style of Engineering and IT – as a CEA/CTO:
 -The companiesIworked,Technologyconsistsof bothEngineeringwhichencompassesProduct
developmentandIT whichincludesinternal projectsandBAUsupport
 -Workedinan environmentwithVP-EngineeringandVP-InformationTechnologyFunctions
 -Engineeringside - Centralizedsource forstandards,supportfunctions,technologyinitiatives
and Innovationdevelopment
 -Actual Engineeringprojectsare decentralizedaseachengineerworksonprojectswithintheir
 -IT side - Fullycentralized,organizedbyfunction(Supportfunctions,Servcie functions,
Infrastructure andprojectsare Team-oriented
Working style of me as a CEA/CTO in Organization/Corporations:
 -I have experiencedPure Matrix organizationsandPure Line Organizations
 -Seenprosandcons of both and buildinternal organizationsonhybridmodel
 -centralizedOrganizationforCollaboration,sharedknowledge acrossbusinessfunctionsand
 -Butalso distribute actual projectfunctionstomake sure teamsaddresstehimmediate business
goalsof eachbusinessunit/Portfolio
 -Thiseliminatesthe conflictof interestandreplacesitwithtotal accountability
Me as a CEA/CTO - Building the Reputation of the IT:
 -Always achallenge inbuildingthe reputationof ITinan Engineeringorganizationandengineers
are hardestcustomerstoplease
 -Seenstrugglesinthisarea,butpossiblesuccessisachievedthroughStrong
Engineering/Technical Leadership
 -proactivelyreachedouttothe BusinessUnits/Portfolios,understandthe needs,
enlighten/educatethe Platforms'currentcapabilitiesandbetteralignwithIT
 -Inadditiontothe above,continuedtoupgrade the capabilities (Technical,business,process
and IT)
 -Self-service educationandwiki portals,allowingtobe part of the weeklyTechnologyRound
tables,Internal projectlevelworkshopsandArchitecture councils
 -Encouragingtoget certifiedbothinternallyandexternally
 -Hiringadditional topTechnology/ITprofessionals
 -I have beenpartand playedakeyrole incompaniesinbecomingindividual BusinessUnits/IT
divisionsbecomingtheirownSelf-profitable centers.
Understanding of Cost Models – CTO/CEA Organization:
 -BusinessUnitsare responsibleforEngineering,ProductdevelopmentprojectsandITProjects
 -Businessfundedactivities,CustomerfundedactivitiesandInternal R&D/Innovationfunds
 -Internal projects - Standardbudgetingtoaccomplishsmall/mediumprojects
 -Major Project- NeeddetailedROIanalysis
 -Selectioncriteriaforthe projectsare of great value tothe corporations - For example,Time to
Market, immediateaddressingtothe customerpainareasisa keydriverinprofitabilityand
Me as a CEA & CTO - Managing Technology/Architecture Teams:
 -TechnologyteamsbasedonProjectbasisaswell asLab model
 -Each projectcan have a complete differentstructure
 -Butall the teamsmustfollowsame processes,progresstracking,PLC, andPeerreviews
 -Projectstructure leadsthe nature of the work
 -Keepahighlydynamicenvironment,move peoplearoundandproactivelyengage the
problems/issuesacrossthe Businessunits
 -My involvementwhenchallengesarise bothproactive/reactive,helpingthe teamnottryingto
solve aWrong problem.
Establishing Goals - CEA/CTO Leadership:
 -BusinessVision/Mission,toplevel goalsandworkingwithExec/Businessstrategyteams
 -Transformedformal goalsatthe top level of each division/portfolio/unit
 -Asa CTO I am not responsibleforestablishingspecificdetailsandprojects.
 -Theyhave beenestablishedbythe businessunitswithfiscalresponsibilityforeachproject.
 -Asa CTO I will ensure,goalsare consistent,Technology, Platforms,Reuse will be ontopof each
 FollowmyearlierPresentationBusinessInitiativestoProjectlevel goalsframework.
Measuring the Success – as a CTO/CEA:
 -Project/Program/Portfolio/Segmentlevelreviews - StandardssetandPMO/Process
 -Timelyreviewprocesswithall stakeholders includingSecurity,compliance andRegulatory
 -Major Gate Reviews,MinorSub gate reviews
 -Goalsto Metricsto project,program, PortfolioandSegmentleveldecomposition
 -MonthlyProgrammanagement/Steeringcommitteereviews,EarnedValueReporting
 -Technology/Businesssuccessbasedonproject-by-projectbasis
 -Engineering,InnovationandBAUSupportsuccessthroughrespectiveGoalstometrics
Capitalizing the Strengths – CEA/CTO Role:
 -Workinginextremelydemandingenvironment
 -SeekTrends,Doa tread-mill,MapTrendsto Opportunities,Relevance of the Opportunity,Work
out ROIand Translate to a Project(Engineering/Innovation)
 -StrongFeedback-echoingsystemandCapture the Leaninvolved,measure the LeanandFigure
out formal action
 -Individual capabilitiesandorganizationlevelmutual effort,WIN-WIN
Creating a Productive Environment – CTO/CEA Role:
 -PositiveandProductive environment
 -Create andProvide the necessaryToolstogetthe Jobdone
 -Everyone understandsnotonlythe Corporation's missionbuthispartinachievingthe mission
 -Motivate andEnlightenthe peopleinthe formof Feedback,Facilities,Frameworkand
 -Be a good attentive listenertothe problems/IssuesandProactive enablerwithTechnical
Expertise andBusinessunderstanding
 -SuccessEnabler- Adaptabilitytochangingconditions,culture of havingwillingnesstoadmit “I
don't know”andcommitmentinletotherpeople do
Reddappa Bandiisa Chief EnterpriseArchitect, AVP-EnterpriseArchitecture&Global Knowledgeleader
at NessTechnologiesand Lead the variousISV Labsasan Engineering Leader,ArchitectureFunction
Leader and asa Chief Solutioning/TechnologistforGlobalFinancialServices BusinessUnit.

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Inside my mind - As a CEA & CTO Dimension

  • 1. Inside My Mind – CEA & CTO Dimension: I startedanotherexcitingandinterestingdayonmycontinuoussailingusingEA Boat,havinga cup of coffee onthe maindeck,UnclutchingmyinnerexperiencesanddecidedtoChurnmy“Inside mind” ona ProfessionalAxis asa Chief Enterprise Architect (CEA) andChief TechnologyOfficer(CTO) withof wealth of Experience&Expertise Leverforthe last two decadeswithCorporations,Banks,FinancialInstitutions, Airlines,Payments,Automotives,Financial Markets,TechnologyEnablers,ISVs,Innovationandmuch more. Andaftertwo hours,I woke upand witnessedthese “Mindmappingbeans”inraw form, triedto group theminraw form again basedon specificcapabilityandarea intoa full of 7 pages. Of course,these beansindividuallycanbecome anindependentTree butrestrictingmyChurnspeedtolittle overthe bullets. Later realizeditmaybe a Self-EvaluationorSelf-Healingexercise.Hopefullyithelpsme andevery aspirant! Office of the Architecture & Technology - Strengths I have as a CEA/CTO:  -Many criteriafollows,butfirstandforemostisLove andpassionforTechnology  -Design/Programmingthinking100,00 0ft is one of the mostelegantanddemandingformsof appliedknowledge forthe EA office andTechnologyOffice  -AbilitytothinkeffectivelyinAbstractterms &Contextual tothe Corporate/Business  -Abilitytodeal withambiguity &drive the problemsolvingfromwhole –to-Point  -Abilityhavingstrongleadershipandteambuildingskillsfor EA/TechnologyOrganization Myself as a Successful CEA/CTO:  -True way to measure the successof the CTO isto lookat the "success"of the enterprise.  -"Success"means,Short-termSuccessaswell asLong-termSuccess.  -Enablesthe businessof the companybyunderstandinghow Technologyimpactthe business everycorner  -Measure effectivenessusingthe same metricsthatare usedto measure the business  -Effectivenessis,Measure of the sustainable growthwhile maximizingreturnoninvested capital.  -Same measuresasthat of CEO but understanddirectlyhow yourtechnologydecisionsimpact the business, Juggle&knowhow those are right decisions.  -ToolsusedbyCTO to measure businesssuccessare Technical oneslikeTechnical Expertise, TechnologyLeadershipandITstrategicplan.  -Credible inthe eyesof the othercorporate leaders,the employeesandthe customers
  • 2.  -Must understandhowITdrivesthe companyandunderstandthe "Contextof the Technology"  -"Contextof the Technology"means,Technical areas,CustomerNeeds,the Businessimpactand the Corporate Strategy  -Notjustunderstandingthe Issues/challengesinthe corporate Technical,butcommunicate theminthe "animate terms"thatapplytothe interestedparties. After Evolution as a CEA & CTO:  -a True C-level executivewith10ft thinkingonTechnologysolutionstothe businesschallenges.  -CTO shouldunderstandall the Facetsof companyincludinghow hisdecisionsprovide added/strategicadvantage forthe companyandthere by shareholdervalue isindirectly influenced.  -IT's StrategicAdvantage boostedwithTechnologyandTechnical decisionsfromCTO.  -Role continuously evolvesasa fine line betweenInternal TechnologyandExternal technology continuoustoblur.  -Realize andmaximize the understandingof overlapWhatwe doforour customersandwhat we do forour enterprise.  -Identifythe Strategicvalue of technologyandTechnical aspectsfromeachproject,consolidate themat Program/PortfolioandthenatEnterprise level.  -Influence projectsviaTechnology,Platformandcross-domain,cross-segmentandcross- businesslevel reusabilityandhelpcompanymake moneyviamultiple possible Revenue generationchannels.  -Thinkas muchof Chief InnovationOfficerinbringingnew/derived/self-grownInhouse technologytothe attentionof Execs.  -Must championinnovative ideasandmake sure the team/employeesare setupto be innovators. CTO & CEA Challenges – Pragmatic View:  -Dailybasis,Internal Technologychallenges,AcceleratedDecisionmaking,Influencingthe businesschampions/Execteam  -Roadmapchallenges,Platformlevel challenges,CustomerspecificchallengesandExternal Technologychallenges  -Resource/Teamlevel challengesandPolitical challenges,Lastbutnotleast,Technology Learningchallenges  -Challengeof findingrightbalance of breadthvsdepth.
  • 3.  -"Depth"means,forexampleunderstandingunderlyingnetegrities,principles,implementation detailslike howdataisqueuedup,how DataGalaxy/Lake internallyworks,vendorspecific detailsona feature,howdatacompressionimplementationsandetc.  -"Breadth"means,Understandingof full range of activities/issuesincreatingEnterprise Architecture andetc.  -Intellectual PropertyChallenges Overcome Challenges – CEA & CTO's Actions:  -CTO/CEA shouldstay-aheadabove all the ABOVEchallengesbyunderstandingthe businessand businessneedsIamoperatingin.  -Misconceptionis - above isa difficultareaontechnical backgrounds butthinkingaboutme,I am havingwealthof Enterprise Architecture backendthathelpsme toovercome this.  -Gainthe respectfromthe people Iworkwithandmustvalue JudgementandLeadership  -Havingmore HonestyandIntegrityhelpbuildcredibility  -My focuson IT, Architecture,Software,SecurityandNetworking - Drive Strategythinkingto realityandproblemsolving innature.  -Dealingwithgrowth - AlignStrategy - Technology/Architecture with - Process,Buildthis pyramidfora Customercontext  -Primaryway I dealtthisissue is - concentratedefforttodevelopinternalleadership,formal "People - Technology - Developmentprogram"  -create teamof businessandfunctional leaders,capabilitytocarry forwardthe culture of the growth,TechnologyLeadershipand Personal Integrity.  -OtherwayI have dealtis - Enablingthe Integrationof Acquisitionsvia Business/Function/TechnologytogainStrategicadvance.  -Segmentlevel Integrationas - SpecializedandCommon-Core Verticals  -GetBuy-infromTechnologyleaders fromAcquired Company andstakeholdersinthe common strategicinitiatives. CEA/CTO - Personal Management Style:  -I Enjoyworkingwithpeople,show interestinthemandtheirneeds  -Gathergroup of people whoare willingtolistentomyideasandtake directionwhennecessary  -Informal management style mostly works,butFormal tooattimes.  -Most Technical folksdon'twanttobe managed  -Reserve managementforBusinessunits,Portfolios,ProjectsandBudgets
  • 4.  -Leadershipapproachwillbe toinfluence to achieve desiredgoalswithinthe team  -TransformingbusinessVision/Missionintoeasilyunderstandable andmeasurable goals  -Goodcoach in achievingthe teamsuccess  -Delegate - style of delegatingthe goalsnotthe tasks.At times,beingVice-versa  -Outside-Inworkingstyle Working with PMO Team – as a CEA/CTO:  -KeyOperational Issuesresolving,workingwithSVP,President,CI0/CDOGeneral managers.Help supportspecificbusinessgoals  -Share Technology,People, andMethodologies acrossthe Portfolios/Businessunits  -CloselyworkwithfunctionalVP-Engineering,IT,Finance,OperationsandHR  -Asa CTO in myearlydays withincompany,Ran/LeadbothEngineering/InnovationandIT  -Nowas a CTO workingwithdedicatedexecutivesforthose functionsandwork withthemto helpaccomplishall Technologygoals Working Style of Engineering and IT – as a CEA/CTO:  -The companiesIworked,Technologyconsistsof bothEngineeringwhichencompassesProduct developmentandIT whichincludesinternal projectsandBAUsupport  -Workedinan environmentwithVP-EngineeringandVP-InformationTechnologyFunctions  -Engineeringside - Centralizedsource forstandards,supportfunctions,technologyinitiatives and Innovationdevelopment  -Actual Engineeringprojectsare decentralizedaseachengineerworksonprojectswithintheir businessarea  -IT side - Fullycentralized,organizedbyfunction(Supportfunctions,Servcie functions, Infrastructure andprojectsare Team-oriented Working style of me as a CEA/CTO in Organization/Corporations:  -I have experiencedPure Matrix organizationsandPure Line Organizations  -Seenprosandcons of both and buildinternal organizationsonhybridmodel
  • 5.  -centralizedOrganizationforCollaboration,sharedknowledge acrossbusinessfunctionsand Processimprovements  -Butalso distribute actual projectfunctionstomake sure teamsaddresstehimmediate business goalsof eachbusinessunit/Portfolio  -Thiseliminatesthe conflictof interestandreplacesitwithtotal accountability Me as a CEA/CTO - Building the Reputation of the IT:  -Always achallenge inbuildingthe reputationof ITinan Engineeringorganizationandengineers are hardestcustomerstoplease  -Seenstrugglesinthisarea,butpossiblesuccessisachievedthroughStrong Engineering/Technical Leadership  -proactivelyreachedouttothe BusinessUnits/Portfolios,understandthe needs, enlighten/educatethe Platforms'currentcapabilitiesandbetteralignwithIT  -Inadditiontothe above,continuedtoupgrade the capabilities (Technical,business,process and IT)  -Self-service educationandwiki portals,allowingtobe part of the weeklyTechnologyRound tables,Internal projectlevelworkshopsandArchitecture councils  -Encouragingtoget certifiedbothinternallyandexternally  -Hiringadditional topTechnology/ITprofessionals  -I have beenpartand playedakeyrole incompaniesinbecomingindividual BusinessUnits/IT divisionsbecomingtheirownSelf-profitable centers. Understanding of Cost Models – CTO/CEA Organization:  -BusinessUnitsare responsibleforEngineering,ProductdevelopmentprojectsandITProjects  -Businessfundedactivities,CustomerfundedactivitiesandInternal R&D/Innovationfunds  -Internal projects - Standardbudgetingtoaccomplishsmall/mediumprojects  -Major Project- NeeddetailedROIanalysis  -Selectioncriteriaforthe projectsare of great value tothe corporations - For example,Time to Market, immediateaddressingtothe customerpainareasisa keydriverinprofitabilityand CustomerExpectationmanagement.
  • 6. Me as a CEA & CTO - Managing Technology/Architecture Teams:  -TechnologyteamsbasedonProjectbasisaswell asLab model  -Each projectcan have a complete differentstructure  -Butall the teamsmustfollowsame processes,progresstracking,PLC, andPeerreviews  -Projectstructure leadsthe nature of the work  -Keepahighlydynamicenvironment,move peoplearoundandproactivelyengage the problems/issuesacrossthe Businessunits  -My involvementwhenchallengesarise bothproactive/reactive,helpingthe teamnottryingto solve aWrong problem. Establishing Goals - CEA/CTO Leadership:  -BusinessVision/Mission,toplevel goalsandworkingwithExec/Businessstrategyteams  -Transformedformal goalsatthe top level of each division/portfolio/unit  -Asa CTO I am not responsibleforestablishingspecificdetailsandprojects.  -Theyhave beenestablishedbythe businessunitswithfiscalresponsibilityforeachproject.  -Asa CTO I will ensure,goalsare consistent,Technology, Platforms,Reuse will be ontopof each Unit  FollowmyearlierPresentationBusinessInitiativestoProjectlevel goalsframework. Measuring the Success – as a CTO/CEA:  -Project/Program/Portfolio/Segmentlevelreviews - StandardssetandPMO/Process involvement  -Timelyreviewprocesswithall stakeholders includingSecurity,compliance andRegulatory  -Major Gate Reviews,MinorSub gate reviews  -Goalsto Metricsto project,program, PortfolioandSegmentleveldecomposition  -MonthlyProgrammanagement/Steeringcommitteereviews,EarnedValueReporting  -Technology/Businesssuccessbasedonproject-by-projectbasis  -Engineering,InnovationandBAUSupportsuccessthroughrespectiveGoalstometrics
  • 7. Capitalizing the Strengths – CEA/CTO Role:  -Workinginextremelydemandingenvironment  -SeekTrends,Doa tread-mill,MapTrendsto Opportunities,Relevance of the Opportunity,Work out ROIand Translate to a Project(Engineering/Innovation)  -StrongFeedback-echoingsystemandCapture the Leaninvolved,measure the LeanandFigure out formal action  -Individual capabilitiesandorganizationlevelmutual effort,WIN-WIN Creating a Productive Environment – CTO/CEA Role:  -PositiveandProductive environment  -Create andProvide the necessaryToolstogetthe Jobdone  -Everyone understandsnotonlythe Corporation's missionbuthispartinachievingthe mission  -Motivate andEnlightenthe peopleinthe formof Feedback,Facilities,Frameworkand TechnologyFarm  -Be a good attentive listenertothe problems/IssuesandProactive enablerwithTechnical Expertise andBusinessunderstanding  -SuccessEnabler- Adaptabilitytochangingconditions,culture of havingwillingnesstoadmit “I don't know”andcommitmentinletotherpeople do Reddappa Bandiisa Chief EnterpriseArchitect, AVP-EnterpriseArchitecture&Global Knowledgeleader at NessTechnologiesand Lead the variousISV Labsasan Engineering Leader,ArchitectureFunction Leader and asa Chief Solutioning/TechnologistforGlobalFinancialServices BusinessUnit.