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Operations Management
Lecture 3
Inventory build-up and little’s law
 Office hours: by appointment: dror.hermel@Rotman.Utoronto.Ca
 Midterm Exam: Feb. 11th, 7PM-9 PM (2 hrs)
 If you have conflicts please you already let me know!
 Tutorials: We will have optional attendance review session (tutorial):
– Location: TBA.
 Assignment # 1 is due Sunday January 26 at 11:59pm.
 Any question related to assignments and utormat issues must be
consulted with Tas (Tianshu Lu and others).
 Case study groups sign up
Today’s Lecture:
Little’s Law, Inventory Build-up &
Capacity Analysis
 We introduce the effect of variability
 Inventory Build-up diagram
 Little’s Law
What is Variability?
 Definition:
– The randomness associated with a process.
– The extent at which measurements of the
performance of a process differ from each other.
 In reality, all processes exhibit variability as
nothing is completely predictable!
Types of Variability:
Thanksgiving Example
 Predictable variability refers to “knowable”
changes in input and/or capacity rates
– Mean demand for turkey will go up close to
 Unpredictable variability refers to “unknowable”
changes in input and/or capacity rates
– Supply of turkey changes each year
– Exact demand for turkeys each day
 Both types of variability exist simultaneously
– Turkey sales will go up during Thanksgiving, but we
we do not know the exact demand for turkey
Where does it come from?
Security Checking
Variability comes from
– Variable input rate
– Variable capacity rate
Predictable Variability
 Predictable variability can be controlled by
making changes to the system
– We could increase or decrease the demand for
turkeys by increasing or decreasing the price
 Other examples of predictable variability
– Medical procedures take longer to perform in July
– Students in office hours right before the midterm
– Demand for uber during rush hours
Short Run Analysis: Funnel Analogy
• In the short run, the input
rate can be larger than the
capacity rate for a period of
 A properly sized buffer is
needed to store units waiting
to be processed (build-up
Operational Challenge
Mismatch between demand and supply
• In any process, the input and output rates will vary
over time
• A key operational challenge is matching supply and
– i.e., matching the input and output rates
• For a variety of reasons, a perfect match is not
– What are some of these reasons?
Short-run vs. Long-run Averages
• Since the input and output rates may vary over
time, both the short-run average and the long-
run average rates provide useful information.
• Long-run average input rate must be less
than the long-run average capacity rate
• Long-run average throughput rate
= Long-run average input rate
• Short-run average input rate can be
greater than the short-run average
capacity rate
But what would
this lead to?
Security Screening Example Revisited
• What is the capacity rate?
Note: In this example, the capacity rate is given. In practice, it
may not be obvious. Finding the capacity rate will involve
drawing a process flow map, identifying activities, times,
resources, etc, and finding the bottleneck
• What is the (average) size of the line?
• How long do passengers wait (flow time)?
Inventory Build-Up Diagram
Input rate
(passengers/15 min slot)
Capacity rate
(passengers/15 min slot)
6:15 7 15 0 8 0
6:30 10 15 0 5 0
6:45 8 15 0 7 0
7:00 12 15 0 3 0
7:15 9 15 0 6 0
7:30 16 15 1 0 1
7:45 14 15 0 1 0
8:00 19 15 4 0 4
8:15 22 15 7 0 11
8:30 17 15 2 0 13
8:45 13 15 0 2 11
9:00 11 15 0 4 7
9:15 12 15 0 3 4
9:30 8 15 0 7 0
9:45 10 15 0 5 0
10:00 7 15 0 8 0
TOTAL 195 240
Inventory Build-Up Diagram
6:15 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45 10:00
Inventory Build-Up
• What is the “average inventory” in the buffer?
Calculating “Average Inventory”
Input rate
min slot)
Capacity rate
/ 15 min slot)
6:15 7 15 0 8 0
6:30 10 15 0 5 0
6:45 8 15 0 7 0
7:00 12 15 0 3 0
7:15 9 15 0 6 0
7:30 16 15 1 0 1
7:45 14 15 0 1 0
8:00 19 15 4 0 4
8:15 22 15 7 0 11
8:30 17 15 2 0 13
8:45 13 15 0 2 11
9:00 11 15 0 4 7
9:15 12 15 0 3 4
9:30 8 15 0 7 0
9:45 10 15 0 5 0
10:00 7 15 0 8 0
195 240 3.1875
Empty Buffer
(No Queue)
Buffer NOT
= 3.1875
Consider another example …
Input rate
min slot)
Capacity rate
/ 15 min slot)
6:30 17 30 0 13 0
7:00 20 30 0 10 0
7:30 25 30 0 5 0
8:00 33 30 3 0 3
8:30 39 30 9 0 12
9:00 24 30 0 6 6
9:30 20 30 0 10 0
10:00 17 30 0 13 0
195 240 2.625
7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00
Inventory Build-Up
We now aggregate input (arrival) and output (max
capacities) of two consecutive 15-minute time slots.
… and another …
Input rate
min slot)
Capacity rate
/ 15 min slot)
7:00 37 60 0 23 0
8:00 58 60 0 2 0
9:00 63 60 3 0 3
10:00 37 60 0 23 0
195 240 0.75
7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00
Inventory Build-Up
… and another
Input rate
min slot)
Capacity rate
/ 15 min slot)
8:00 95 120 0 25 0
10:00 100 120 0 0 0
195 240 0
7:00 8:00
Inventory Build-Up
Estimating Process Measures
• Process measures change over time
– Depending on the mismatch between input rate and
the capacity rate that inevitably occurs over time
• We are interested in averages of these quantities
• “Average” values of process measures can be
• It is often convenient to assume continuous input
and output processes
Inventory In Process Analysis
 Flow units (eg. customers, raw materials,
vehicles) awaiting their turn to enter the process
as well as units that are currently being served.
 They are waiting in a queue or a buffer.
 Flow units can be extracted from the buffer or
serviced in a variety of ways.
– The way in which flow units are served is called the
service policy (FCFS, LCFS, Priority Service).
 How do we track the queued inventory?
• Instantaneous Flow Rates
Ri(t) The input rate to the process at time t
Ro(t) The output rate of the process at time t
∆R(t) = Ri(t) – Ro(t) Instantaneous inventory accumulation at time t
• Inventory Level
• Flow Time
I(t) The number of units within the process
boundaries at time t
T(t) The time that a unit which enters (leaves) the
process at time t spends (has spent) within the
This can be defined in many ways
Inventory and Flow Dynamics
• Let (t1,t2) denote an interval
of time starting at t1 and
ending at t2
• Suppose ∆R(t) is constant
over (t1,t2) and equals ∆R.
t1 t2
∆R *(t2-t1)
( 1
2 t
I 
Change in
Inventory Build-Up Diagram
Capacity rate = 100/hr
Input Rate
12PM 2PM 6PM
(or Backlog)
12PM 2PM 6PM
Assumes inventory
level changes in
“discrete amounts”
Assumes inventory
level changes in
“continuous amounts”
Another Inventory Build-Up Example
Inventory in week t
1 2 3
Week Input Rate Throughput Rate Inventory
0 400
1 900 800 500
2 900 1200 200
3 900 1000 100
Under the continuous
The average inventory?
“Area under the curve”
Average Inventory
Average inventory depends on
whether inventory is assumed
to change in discrete steps, or
1 2 3 Week
Under the discrete
The average inventory over
weeks 0 to 3 is 300
Under the continuous
The average inventory?
Inventory Buildup: Cranberry Example
During harvesting season, a processing factory works around the clock.
 Farmers deliver their loads of cranberries from 12am to 12pm (last
truck arrives at 11 am) at a constant rate of 2 tons/hour.
 The fruits are dumped into a big storage bin and processed at a rate
of 1 ton/hour.
• Draw an Inventory buildup diagram.
(Assume the flow unit is cranberries and that the they arrive
at the station at a constant pace all day).
• What is the average inventory of cranberries in the
Inventory Buildup: Cranberry Example
12:00pm 12:00am
Tons Average Inventory in the System
(Area Under the Curve) / (Time)
Inventory Buildup: Cranberry Example Continued
Suppose the storage bin has room to hold only 6 tons of cranberries.
Once this space is filled, the farmers’ trucks must wait to dump their
 Notice there are now two buffers:
» Cranberry buffer in the storage bin
» Truck buffer
• What would happen if there was no truck buffer?
• What is the average inventory of cranberries
• In the bin?
• In the trucks?
• In both?
• Do we lose any cranberries?
Inventory Buildup: Cranberry Example
12:00pm 12:00am
Tons Average Inventory in the System
(Area Under the Curve) / (Time)
Storage bin
Inventory Buildup: Cranberry Example Continued
Now let us change the flow unit to a “truck”
 Assumptions:
– Each truck carries 1 ton of cranberries, i.e., two trucks arrive
every hour between 12:00am to 12:00pm.
– The storage bin has a capacity of 6 tons.
– At the start of every hour, the processor takes 1 ton of
cranberries from the storage bin.
• Draw an Inventory buildup diagram of trucks.
• At what time will the trucks likely start to wait to unload?
• What is the “average” inventory of trucks waiting?
Inventory Buildup: Cranberry Example Continued
Inventory of trucks
Little’s Law: Introduction & Capacity Analysis
 Establishes a relationship between:
 Average Inventory
 Average Throughput Rate
 Average Flow Time
Average Flow Time (T)
Average Inventory (I)
Average Throughput
(R) [units/hr]
... ... ...
... ... ...
Little’s Law:
Coffee Example
 Time to make one coffee: 30 seconds
What is the throughput rate in minutes?
 60 customers in the system (Inventory)
Waiting time:
Waiting Time = 60 customers * 0.5 (min/customer)
Waiting Time = Inventory / Throughput Rate
Inventory = Throughput Rate x Waiting Time
Waiting Time = 60 customers / 2 (customer/min)
... ...
Average Waiting Time (T) [hr]
... ...
Little’s Law:
Big Reveal & Key Equation
Inventory = Throughput Rate x Waiting Time
I = R x T
 We are talking about an inventory of flow units:
– Could be customers in a restaurant
– Claims in an insurance company
– Materials in a manufacturing industry
 This equation can be re-arranged to solve for
other quantities depending on the question!
Little’s Law:
Remember the Units
Inventory = Throughput Rate x Waiting Time
I = R x T
All units should match:
– Inventory (flow units)
– Throughput rate (flow units / unit time)
– Waiting time (time)
Little’s Law
• Throughput rate: 1 car/min
• 900 cars in the system
• Flow time?
Flow 
throughput rate
I = R * T
Little’s Law: Example 1
• Patients waiting for an organ transplant are
placed on a list until a suitable organ is available.
We can think of this as a process. Why?
Patients matched to
donated organs
Patients in need
of a transplant
Patients leaving the
list hopefully with a
successful transplant
Little’s Law: Example 1
Question (a)
• On average, there are
300 people waiting for
an organ transplant
• On average, patients
wait on the list for 3
• Assume that no patients
die during the wait
• How many transplants
are performed per year?
300 patients ?? / year
3 years in system
I = R * T
Inventory I = 300 patients
Flow Time T = 3 years
Throughput Rate
R = I/T = 100 patients / year
Little’s Law: Example 1
Question (b)
• On average, there are
300 people waiting for
an organ transplant
• On average, 100
transplants are
performed per year
• Assume that no patients
die during the wait
• How long do patients
stay on the list?
300 patients 100/year
??? years in system
I = R * T
Inventory I = 300 patients
Throughput R= 100 patients/year
Flow Time
T = I/R = 3 years
Insights from Little’s Law
• Throughput rate, flow time, and inventory are
• Depending on the situation, a manager can
influence any one of these measures by
controlling the other two
– You cannot independently choose flow time,
throughput and inventory levels!
– Once two are chosen, the third is determined
– For example, if the flow time is fixed, the only way to
reduce inventory is to increase throughput
Insights from Little’s Law
• How would you reduce wait time for patients
on the transplant waiting list?
– Increase throughput rate
– Decrease number of people on the list (inventory)
• How would you increase throughput rate of
containers at the port
– Decrease flow time
– Increase “inventory”
Average Process Measures
 When process measures vary over time, average
process measures are useful process characteristics.
 Sometimes, we omit “average” when no confusion will arise.
Average Throughput rate
(R) [units/hr]
... ...
Average Waiting Time (T) [hr]
... ...
Average Number of
Waiting Customers (I)
Little’s Law: When the Input Rate Fluctuates
 Recall the cranberries and trucks example
 How long does a truck wait on average?
 We can apply Little’s Law:
– Average inventory = 1.5 trucks
– (Average) throughput rate = 24 trucks/day = 1 truck/hr
– Therefore, by Little’s Law:
Inventory = Throughput Rate x Waiting Time
What is the waiting time for each truck?
T = 1.5 hours
Recall Our Focal Questions
 What are the effects of variability on processes?
– In particular, how does variability affect
» Average Throughput rate (R)
» Average Inventory (I)
» Average Flow time (T)
 If the effects are not a good thing, how can we
deal with it? What interventions should we take
to better the performance of the system?
Basic Questions
• What are the effects of variability on processes
– In particular, how does variability affect
• If the effects are negative, how can we deal with it?
Average Inventory Average Flow Time
Throughput Rate
Consider a process with no variability
• Assume that all customers are identical
• Customers arrive exactly 1 minute apart
• The service time is exactly 1 minute for all the customers
Service time
(exactly 1 min)
(1 person/min)
No Variability Process
Input rate:
1 person/min
Service Time (1 min)
Length ?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Effect of Input Variability (no buffer)
• Assume that customers who find the ATM busy do not wait
Service time
(exactly 1 min)
Random Input
0, 1, 2 customers/min
(with equal probability)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Effect of Input Variability (no buffer)
• When a process faces input variability, and a buffer
cannot be built, some input may get lost
• Input variability can reduce the throughput
• Lower throughput means
– Lost customers; lost revenue
– Customer dissatisfaction
– Less utilization of resources
• Little’s Law holds
Dealing with Variability
• When the arrival rate of customers is
unpredictable, what could you do to increase
Add Buffer
Increase Capacity
(e.g., Add another ATM;
Decrease the time it takes the ATM to serve a customer)
Effect of Input Variability (with buffer)
• Now assume that customers wait
We can build up an inventory buffer
Service time
(exactly 1 min)
Random Input
0, 1, 2 customers/min
(with equal probability)
Waiting time
Effect of Variability (with buffer)
Waiting time Service time (1 min)
Input Rate:
Random 0,1,2 persons/min
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Effect of Input Variability (with buffer)
• If we can build up an inventory buffer,
variability leads to
– An increase in the average inventory in the process
– An increase in the average flow time
– We are not immediately losing customers due to
abandonment (although they may still by unhappy)
– Fewer customers may be unhappy
– More utilization of resources
• Little’s Law holds
• Definitions:
Balking: When customers arrive and after inspecting
the queue (or process) decide to leave immediately.
The assumption is that the queue is observable.
Customers who balk never enter the buffer!
Reneging: When customers arrive, join the queue
and decide to leave after waiting for some time.
They do not necessarily need to see the queue.
Customers who renege enter the buffer (i.e., the queue)
but do not wait long enough to get service.
Effect of Variability (with buffer)
Dealing with Variability
• Input variability can reduce the throughput.
• Lower throughput means
– Lost customers (who are dissatisfied), lost revenue
– Less utilization of resources, we are not as efficient
• When the arrival rate of customers is
unpredictable and contains variability, what could
you do to increase throughput?
– Inventory: Add a buffer before the process.
– Capacity: Staffing, equipment, physical space, etc.
– Information: Decrease the variability via information.
The OM Triangle
If a firm is striving to meet the
random demand, then it
can use capacity, inventory,
and information (variability
reduction) as substitutes
You cannot have low
inventory, low capacity, low
information acquisition
effort at the same time.
This is a trade-off.
Operations at Dell
• Inventory as “the physical embodiment of bad
information” (a senior exec at Dell)
• Substitute information for inventory
• Less inventory =>higher inventory turns
Fast Tech
A Single Server Process
A queue forms in a buffer
Process Boundary
 Long-run average input rate
(Average) Customer inter-arrival
Long-run average processing rate of
a single server
Average processing time by one
A single phase service system is stable
whenever  < 
K Buffer capacity (for now, let K = )
Number of servers in the resource
pool (for now, let c=1)
Note: We are focusing on long-run averages,
ignoring the predictable variability that may
be occurring in the short run. In reality, we
should be concerned with both types of
Service time Ts
Waiting time Tq
What are we trying to quantify?
Little’s Law holds
Iq = Tq
Is = Ts
I = T
rate = 
Performance Measures
System Characteristics
Tq Average waiting time (in queue)
Iq Average queue length
Ts Average time spent at the server
Is Average number of customers being served
T=Tq+Ts Average flow time (in process)
I=Iq+Is Average number of customers in the process
(In a stable system,
 = / < 100%)
 - 
Quick “Quiz”
• Average number of persons in the system:
I = Iq + Is
• Question: Is=??? (Express Is in terms of  and )
Service rate:  persons/min
(average capacity rate)
Arrival rate:
 persons/min
(average input
throughput rate
 persons/min
Assumption:  < 
• Answer: Is=/
Single-Server Queuing Model
Service rate:  persons/min
(average capacity rate)
Arrival rate:
 persons/min
(average input
throughput rate
 persons/min
Assumption:  < 
On average, 1 person
arrives every E{a} min.
Thus,  = 1 / E{a}
a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 …
On average, 1 person can
be served every E{s} min.
Thus,  = 1 / E{s}
times: s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7
House keeping
Assignment # 1 is due this Sunday, January 26,
Keep checking Quercus announcements.
Next lecture
P-K formula: A fairly technical lecture
A tool for measuring operating characteristics of a
system in the presence of both inter-arrival and
service times variability.

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Operations Management Lecture 3 Inventory Build-up and Little’s Law

  • 1. Operations Management Lecture 3 Inventory build-up and little’s law 1
  • 2. Reminders  Office hours: by appointment: dror.hermel@Rotman.Utoronto.Ca  Midterm Exam: Feb. 11th, 7PM-9 PM (2 hrs)  If you have conflicts please you already let me know!  Tutorials: We will have optional attendance review session (tutorial): – TBA – Location: TBA.  Assignment # 1 is due Sunday January 26 at 11:59pm.  Any question related to assignments and utormat issues must be consulted with Tas (Tianshu Lu and others).  Case study groups sign up 2
  • 3. 3 Today’s Lecture: Little’s Law, Inventory Build-up & Capacity Analysis  We introduce the effect of variability  Inventory Build-up diagram  Little’s Law
  • 4. 4 What is Variability?  Definition: – The randomness associated with a process. – The extent at which measurements of the performance of a process differ from each other.  In reality, all processes exhibit variability as nothing is completely predictable!
  • 5. 5 Types of Variability: Thanksgiving Example  Predictable variability refers to “knowable” changes in input and/or capacity rates – Mean demand for turkey will go up close to Thanksgiving  Unpredictable variability refers to “unknowable” changes in input and/or capacity rates – Supply of turkey changes each year – Exact demand for turkeys each day  Both types of variability exist simultaneously – Turkey sales will go up during Thanksgiving, but we we do not know the exact demand for turkey
  • 6. 6 Where does it come from? Security Checking Variability comes from – Variable input rate – Variable capacity rate
  • 7. 7 Predictable Variability  Predictable variability can be controlled by making changes to the system – We could increase or decrease the demand for turkeys by increasing or decreasing the price  Other examples of predictable variability – Medical procedures take longer to perform in July – Students in office hours right before the midterm – Demand for uber during rush hours
  • 8. Short Run Analysis: Funnel Analogy 8 Buffer • In the short run, the input rate can be larger than the capacity rate for a period of time  A properly sized buffer is needed to store units waiting to be processed (build-up inventory)
  • 9. Operational Challenge Mismatch between demand and supply • In any process, the input and output rates will vary over time • A key operational challenge is matching supply and demand – i.e., matching the input and output rates • For a variety of reasons, a perfect match is not possible – What are some of these reasons? 9
  • 10. Short-run vs. Long-run Averages • Since the input and output rates may vary over time, both the short-run average and the long- run average rates provide useful information. 10 • Long-run average input rate must be less than the long-run average capacity rate • Long-run average throughput rate = Long-run average input rate • Short-run average input rate can be greater than the short-run average capacity rate But what would this lead to? Why? Why?
  • 11. Security Screening Example Revisited • What is the capacity rate? Note: In this example, the capacity rate is given. In practice, it may not be obvious. Finding the capacity rate will involve drawing a process flow map, identifying activities, times, resources, etc, and finding the bottleneck • What is the (average) size of the line? • How long do passengers wait (flow time)? 11
  • 12. Inventory Build-Up Diagram 12 Time Input rate (passengers/15 min slot) Capacity rate (passengers/15 min slot) Excess Demand Excess Capacity INVENTORY BUILD-UP 6:15 7 15 0 8 0 6:30 10 15 0 5 0 6:45 8 15 0 7 0 7:00 12 15 0 3 0 7:15 9 15 0 6 0 7:30 16 15 1 0 1 7:45 14 15 0 1 0 8:00 19 15 4 0 4 8:15 22 15 7 0 11 8:30 17 15 2 0 13 8:45 13 15 0 2 11 9:00 11 15 0 4 7 9:15 12 15 0 3 4 9:30 8 15 0 7 0 9:45 10 15 0 5 0 10:00 7 15 0 8 0 TOTAL 195 240
  • 13. Inventory Build-Up Diagram 13 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 6:15 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45 10:00 Inventory Build-Up • What is the “average inventory” in the buffer?
  • 14. Calculating “Average Inventory” 14 Time Input rate (passengers/15 min slot) Capacity rate (passengers / 15 min slot) Excess Demand Excess Capacity INVENTORY BUILD-UP 6:15 7 15 0 8 0 6:30 10 15 0 5 0 6:45 8 15 0 7 0 7:00 12 15 0 3 0 7:15 9 15 0 6 0 7:30 16 15 1 0 1 7:45 14 15 0 1 0 8:00 19 15 4 0 4 8:15 22 15 7 0 11 8:30 17 15 2 0 13 8:45 13 15 0 2 11 9:00 11 15 0 4 7 9:15 12 15 0 3 4 9:30 8 15 0 7 0 9:45 10 15 0 5 0 10:00 7 15 0 8 0 195 240 3.1875 Empty Buffer (No Queue) Buffer NOT empty Average Inventory = 3.1875
  • 15. Consider another example … 15 Time Input rate (passengers/15 min slot) Capacity rate (passengers / 15 min slot) Excess Demand Excess Capacity INVENTORY BUILD-UP 6:30 17 30 0 13 0 7:00 20 30 0 10 0 7:30 25 30 0 5 0 8:00 33 30 3 0 3 8:30 39 30 9 0 12 9:00 24 30 0 6 6 9:30 20 30 0 10 0 10:00 17 30 0 13 0 195 240 2.625 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 Inventory Build-Up Average Inventory We now aggregate input (arrival) and output (max capacities) of two consecutive 15-minute time slots.
  • 16. … and another … 16 Time Input rate (passengers/15 min slot) Capacity rate (passengers / 15 min slot) Excess Demand Excess Capacity INVENTORY BUILD-UP 7:00 37 60 0 23 0 8:00 58 60 0 2 0 9:00 63 60 3 0 3 10:00 37 60 0 23 0 195 240 0.75 Average Inventory 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 Inventory Build-Up
  • 17. … and another 17 Time Input rate (passengers/15 min slot) Capacity rate (passengers / 15 min slot) Excess Demand Excess Capacity INVENTORY BUILD-UP 8:00 95 120 0 25 0 10:00 100 120 0 0 0 195 240 0 Average Inventory 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 7:00 8:00 Inventory Build-Up
  • 18. Estimating Process Measures • Process measures change over time – Depending on the mismatch between input rate and the capacity rate that inevitably occurs over time • We are interested in averages of these quantities • “Average” values of process measures can be misleading • It is often convenient to assume continuous input and output processes 18
  • 19. Inventory In Process Analysis  Flow units (eg. customers, raw materials, vehicles) awaiting their turn to enter the process as well as units that are currently being served.  They are waiting in a queue or a buffer.  Flow units can be extracted from the buffer or serviced in a variety of ways. – The way in which flow units are served is called the service policy (FCFS, LCFS, Priority Service).  How do we track the queued inventory? 19
  • 20. Definitions • Instantaneous Flow Rates 20 Ri(t) The input rate to the process at time t Ro(t) The output rate of the process at time t ∆R(t) = Ri(t) – Ro(t) Instantaneous inventory accumulation at time t • Inventory Level • Flow Time I(t) The number of units within the process boundaries at time t T(t) The time that a unit which enters (leaves) the process at time t spends (has spent) within the process This can be defined in many ways
  • 21. Inventory and Flow Dynamics • Let (t1,t2) denote an interval of time starting at t1 and ending at t2 • Suppose ∆R(t) is constant over (t1,t2) and equals ∆R. Then, 21 t1 t2 I(t1) I(t2) I(t) t ∆R *(t2-t1) ) ( ) ( ) ( 1 2 1 2 t t R t I t I      2 Inventory Ending Inventory Starting Inventory Average   Ending Inventory Starting Inventory Change in Inventory
  • 22. Inventory Build-Up Diagram Capacity rate = 100/hr 22 10AM 50 200 Input Rate 12PM 2PM 6PM 10AM 100 200 Inventory (or Backlog) 12PM 2PM 6PM Assumes inventory level changes in “discrete amounts” Assumes inventory level changes in “continuous amounts”
  • 23. Another Inventory Build-Up Example 23 0 200 400 I(t) Inventory in week t 1 2 3 Week Input Rate Throughput Rate Inventory 0 400 1 900 800 500 2 900 1200 200 3 900 1000 100 Week
  • 24. Under the continuous assumption: The average inventory? “Area under the curve” Average Inventory Average inventory depends on whether inventory is assumed to change in discrete steps, or continuously 24 0 200 400 I(t) 1 2 3 Week Under the discrete assumption: The average inventory over weeks 0 to 3 is 300 Under the continuous assumption: The average inventory? ??????
  • 25. 25 Inventory Buildup: Cranberry Example During harvesting season, a processing factory works around the clock.  Farmers deliver their loads of cranberries from 12am to 12pm (last truck arrives at 11 am) at a constant rate of 2 tons/hour.  The fruits are dumped into a big storage bin and processed at a rate of 1 ton/hour. • Draw an Inventory buildup diagram. (Assume the flow unit is cranberries and that the they arrive at the station at a constant pace all day). • What is the average inventory of cranberries in the factory?
  • 26. 26 Inventory Buildup: Cranberry Example 12:00am Time 12:00pm 12:00am 12 Average 6 Tons Average Inventory in the System (Area Under the Curve) / (Time)
  • 27. 27 Inventory Buildup: Cranberry Example Continued Suppose the storage bin has room to hold only 6 tons of cranberries. Once this space is filled, the farmers’ trucks must wait to dump their contents  Notice there are now two buffers: » Cranberry buffer in the storage bin » Truck buffer Questions: • What would happen if there was no truck buffer? • What is the average inventory of cranberries • In the bin? • In the trucks? • In both? • Do we lose any cranberries?
  • 28. 28 Inventory Buildup: Cranberry Example 12:00am Time 12:00pm 12:00am 12 Capacity 6 Tons Average Inventory in the System (Area Under the Curve) / (Time) Trucks Storage bin
  • 29. 29 Inventory Buildup: Cranberry Example Continued Now let us change the flow unit to a “truck”  Assumptions: – Each truck carries 1 ton of cranberries, i.e., two trucks arrive every hour between 12:00am to 12:00pm. – The storage bin has a capacity of 6 tons. – At the start of every hour, the processor takes 1 ton of cranberries from the storage bin. • Draw an Inventory buildup diagram of trucks. • At what time will the trucks likely start to wait to unload? • What is the “average” inventory of trucks waiting?
  • 30. 30 Inventory Buildup: Cranberry Example Continued 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Number of trucks waiting Time Inventory of trucks
  • 31. 31 Little’s Law: Introduction & Capacity Analysis  Establishes a relationship between:  Average Inventory  Average Throughput Rate  Average Flow Time Average Flow Time (T) [hr] Average Inventory (I) [units] Average Throughput Rate (R) [units/hr] ... ... ... ... ... ...
  • 32. 32 Little’s Law: Coffee Example  Time to make one coffee: 30 seconds What is the throughput rate in minutes?  60 customers in the system (Inventory) Waiting time: Waiting Time = 60 customers * 0.5 (min/customer) Waiting Time = Inventory / Throughput Rate Inventory = Throughput Rate x Waiting Time Waiting Time = 60 customers / 2 (customer/min) Coffee Shop ... ... Average Waiting Time (T) [hr] ... ... ...
  • 33. 33 Little’s Law: Big Reveal & Key Equation Inventory = Throughput Rate x Waiting Time I = R x T  We are talking about an inventory of flow units: – Could be customers in a restaurant – Claims in an insurance company – Materials in a manufacturing industry  This equation can be re-arranged to solve for other quantities depending on the question!
  • 34. 34 Little’s Law: Remember the Units Inventory = Throughput Rate x Waiting Time I = R x T All units should match: – Inventory (flow units) – Throughput rate (flow units / unit time) – Waiting time (time)
  • 35. Little’s Law • Throughput rate: 1 car/min • 900 cars in the system • Flow time? 35 car/min 1 cars 900 ) min/car 1 )( cars 900 ( Time Flow   inventory throughput rate I = R * T
  • 36. Little’s Law: Example 1 • Patients waiting for an organ transplant are placed on a list until a suitable organ is available. We can think of this as a process. Why? 36 Patients matched to donated organs INPUT Patients in need of a transplant OUTPUTS Patients leaving the list hopefully with a successful transplant
  • 37. Little’s Law: Example 1 Question (a) • On average, there are 300 people waiting for an organ transplant • On average, patients wait on the list for 3 years • Assume that no patients die during the wait • How many transplants are performed per year? 37 300 patients ?? / year 3 years in system I = R * T Inventory I = 300 patients Flow Time T = 3 years Throughput Rate R = I/T = 100 patients / year
  • 38. Little’s Law: Example 1 38 Question (b) • On average, there are 300 people waiting for an organ transplant • On average, 100 transplants are performed per year • Assume that no patients die during the wait • How long do patients stay on the list? 300 patients 100/year ??? years in system I = R * T Inventory I = 300 patients Throughput R= 100 patients/year Flow Time T = I/R = 3 years
  • 39. Insights from Little’s Law • Throughput rate, flow time, and inventory are related • Depending on the situation, a manager can influence any one of these measures by controlling the other two – You cannot independently choose flow time, throughput and inventory levels! – Once two are chosen, the third is determined – For example, if the flow time is fixed, the only way to reduce inventory is to increase throughput 39
  • 40. Insights from Little’s Law • How would you reduce wait time for patients on the transplant waiting list? – Increase throughput rate – Decrease number of people on the list (inventory) • How would you increase throughput rate of containers at the port – Decrease flow time – Increase “inventory” 40
  • 41. 41 Average Process Measures  When process measures vary over time, average process measures are useful process characteristics.  Sometimes, we omit “average” when no confusion will arise. Coffee Shop Average Throughput rate (R) [units/hr] ... ... Average Waiting Time (T) [hr] ... ... ... Average Number of Waiting Customers (I) [units]
  • 42. 42 Little’s Law: When the Input Rate Fluctuates  Recall the cranberries and trucks example  How long does a truck wait on average?  We can apply Little’s Law: – Average inventory = 1.5 trucks – (Average) throughput rate = 24 trucks/day = 1 truck/hr – Therefore, by Little’s Law: Inventory = Throughput Rate x Waiting Time What is the waiting time for each truck? T = 1.5 hours
  • 43. 43 Recall Our Focal Questions  What are the effects of variability on processes? – In particular, how does variability affect » Average Throughput rate (R) » Average Inventory (I) » Average Flow time (T)  If the effects are not a good thing, how can we deal with it? What interventions should we take to better the performance of the system?
  • 44. Basic Questions • What are the effects of variability on processes – In particular, how does variability affect 44 • If the effects are negative, how can we deal with it? Average Inventory Average Flow Time Average Throughput Rate
  • 45. Consider a process with no variability • Assume that all customers are identical • Customers arrive exactly 1 minute apart • The service time is exactly 1 minute for all the customers 45 ATM Service time (exactly 1 min) Input (1 person/min) Throughput Rate?
  • 46. 46 No Variability Process ATM Input rate: 1 person/min Throughput rate? Service Time (1 min) 0 Time (min) Queue Length ? 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 NO QUEUE
  • 47. Effect of Input Variability (no buffer) • Assume that customers who find the ATM busy do not wait 47 ATM Service time (exactly 1 min) Random Input 0, 1, 2 customers/min (with equal probability) Throughput Rate? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 time
  • 48. Effect of Input Variability (no buffer) • When a process faces input variability, and a buffer cannot be built, some input may get lost • Input variability can reduce the throughput • Lower throughput means – Lost customers; lost revenue – Customer dissatisfaction – Less utilization of resources • Little’s Law holds 48
  • 49. Dealing with Variability • When the arrival rate of customers is unpredictable, what could you do to increase throughput? 49 Add Buffer Increase Capacity (e.g., Add another ATM; Decrease the time it takes the ATM to serve a customer)
  • 50. Effect of Input Variability (with buffer) • Now assume that customers wait We can build up an inventory buffer ATM Service time (exactly 1 min) Random Input 0, 1, 2 customers/min (with equal probability) Throughput Rate? Buffer Waiting time
  • 51. 51 Effect of Variability (with buffer) ATM Buffer Waiting time Service time (1 min) Input Rate: Random 0,1,2 persons/min Throughput rate? 0 Time (min) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  • 52. Effect of Input Variability (with buffer) • If we can build up an inventory buffer, variability leads to – An increase in the average inventory in the process – An increase in the average flow time – We are not immediately losing customers due to abandonment (although they may still by unhappy) – Fewer customers may be unhappy – More utilization of resources • Little’s Law holds 52
  • 53. 53 • Definitions: Balking: When customers arrive and after inspecting the queue (or process) decide to leave immediately. The assumption is that the queue is observable. Customers who balk never enter the buffer! Reneging: When customers arrive, join the queue and decide to leave after waiting for some time. They do not necessarily need to see the queue. Customers who renege enter the buffer (i.e., the queue) but do not wait long enough to get service. Effect of Variability (with buffer)
  • 54. 54 Dealing with Variability • Input variability can reduce the throughput. • Lower throughput means – Lost customers (who are dissatisfied), lost revenue – Less utilization of resources, we are not as efficient • When the arrival rate of customers is unpredictable and contains variability, what could you do to increase throughput? – Inventory: Add a buffer before the process. – Capacity: Staffing, equipment, physical space, etc. – Information: Decrease the variability via information.
  • 55. The OM Triangle If a firm is striving to meet the random demand, then it can use capacity, inventory, and information (variability reduction) as substitutes You cannot have low inventory, low capacity, low information acquisition effort at the same time. This is a trade-off. 55 CAPACITY INVENTORY INFORMATION (Variability Reduction)
  • 56. Operations at Dell • Inventory as “the physical embodiment of bad information” (a senior exec at Dell) • Substitute information for inventory • Less inventory =>higher inventory turns 56 Fast Tech
  • 57. A Single Server Process A queue forms in a buffer 57 Server Buffer Process Boundary  Long-run average input rate 1/ (Average) Customer inter-arrival time  Long-run average processing rate of a single server 1/ Average processing time by one server A single phase service system is stable whenever  <  K Buffer capacity (for now, let K = ) c Number of servers in the resource pool (for now, let c=1) Note: We are focusing on long-run averages, ignoring the predictable variability that may be occurring in the short run. In reality, we should be concerned with both types of variability
  • 58. T Service time Ts Waiting time Tq What are we trying to quantify? Little’s Law holds Iq = Tq Is = Ts I = T 58 Server Buffer Throughput rate =  I Is Iq Performance Measures System Characteristics Tq Average waiting time (in queue) Iq Average queue length Ts Average time spent at the server Is Average number of customers being served T=Tq+Ts Average flow time (in process) I=Iq+Is Average number of customers in the process Utilization  (In a stable system,  = / < 100%) Safety Capacity  - 
  • 59. Quick “Quiz” • Average number of persons in the system: I = Iq + Is • Question: Is=??? (Express Is in terms of  and ) 59 Server Service rate:  persons/min (average capacity rate) Buffer Arrival rate:  persons/min (average input rate) Average throughput rate  persons/min Assumption:  <  • Answer: Is=/
  • 60. Single-Server Queuing Model 60 Server Service rate:  persons/min (average capacity rate) Buffer Arrival rate:  persons/min (average input rate) Average throughput rate  persons/min Assumption:  <  On average, 1 person arrives every E{a} min. Thus,  = 1 / E{a} Time … a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 … Inter-arrival times: On average, 1 person can be served every E{s} min. Thus,  = 1 / E{s} Service times: s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7
  • 61. House keeping 61 Assignment # 1 is due this Sunday, January 26, 11:59pm. Keep checking Quercus announcements.
  • 62. Next lecture P-K formula: A fairly technical lecture A tool for measuring operating characteristics of a system in the presence of both inter-arrival and service times variability. 62