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Please answer in MIPS assembly language only. Write the following nested function calls:
int Func(int a, int b, int c, int d){return Max(a+b, c-d);} int Max( int m, int n){if(m > n) {return
m;} else {return n;}} Also, write a main program that calls the Func function on the following
data and prints out the result. a = 0, b = 2, c = 8, and d = 3. Write a recursive function that
computes the smallest integer in a given array of integers. Use the following algorithm:
int Min( int[]A, int low, int high){if (low== high) {return A[low];} int mid = (low+high)/2; int
min1 = Min(A, low, mid); int min2 = Min(A, mid +1, high); if(min1>min2) {return min2;}
else {return min1;}} Also, write a main program that calls the Min function on the following
data and prints out the result. A = {5, 2, -9, 10, -23, 43, 2, 1, 3, 5, 10}, low = 0, and high = 10.
Following is the code that uses nested calls and also computes the smallest integer in a given
array of integers.
.file 1 ""
.section .mdebug.abi32
.gnu_attribute 4, 1
.align 2
.ascii "Enter size of the array: 000"
.align 2
.ascii "%d000"
.align 2
.ascii "Enter %d elements in array: 000"
.align 2
.ascii "Minimum element in array = %d012000"
.align 2
.ascii "Maximum element in array = %d012000"
.align 2
.globl main
$LFB0 = .
.set nomips16
.ent main
.type main, @function
.frame $fp,448,$31 # vars= 416, regs= 2/0, args= 16, gp= 8
.mask 0xc0000000,-4
.fmask 0x00000000,0
.set noreorder
.cpload $25
.set nomacro
addiu $sp,$sp,-448
sw $31,444($sp)
sw $fp,440($sp)
movz $31,$31,$0
move $fp,$sp
.cprestore 16
lw $2,%got($LC0)($28)
addiu $4,$2,%lo($LC0)
lw $2,%call16(printf)($28)
move $25,$2
jalr $25
lw $28,16($fp)
addiu $2,$fp,36
lw $3,%got($LC1)($28)
addiu $4,$3,%lo($LC1)
move $5,$2
lw $2,%call16(scanf)($28)
move $25,$2
jalr $25
lw $28,16($fp)
lw $2,36($fp)
lw $3,%got($LC2)($28)
addiu $4,$3,%lo($LC2)
move $5,$2
lw $2,%call16(printf)($28)
move $25,$2
jalr $25
lw $28,16($fp)
sw $0,24($fp)
b $L2
lw $2,24($fp)
addiu $3,$fp,40
sll $2,$2,2
addu $2,$3,$2
lw $3,%got($LC1)($28)
addiu $4,$3,%lo($LC1)
move $5,$2
lw $2,%call16(scanf)($28)
move $25,$2
jalr $25
lw $28,16($fp)
lw $2,24($fp)
addiu $2,$2,1
sw $2,24($fp)
lw $2,36($fp)
lw $3,24($fp)
slt $2,$3,$2
andi $2,$2,0x00ff
bne $2,$0,$L3
lw $2,36($fp)
addiu $3,$fp,40
move $4,$3
move $5,$0
move $6,$2
lw $2,%got(_Z7maximumPiii)($28)
move $25,$2
jalr $25
lw $28,16($fp)
sw $2,32($fp)
lw $2,36($fp)
addiu $3,$fp,40
move $4,$3
move $5,$0
move $6,$2
lw $2,%got(_Z7minimumPiii)($28)
move $25,$2
jalr $25
lw $28,16($fp)
sw $2,28($fp)
lw $2,%got($LC3)($28)
addiu $4,$2,%lo($LC3)
lw $5,28($fp)
lw $2,%call16(printf)($28)
move $25,$2
jalr $25
lw $28,16($fp)
lw $2,%got($LC4)($28)
addiu $4,$2,%lo($LC4)
lw $5,32($fp)
lw $2,%call16(printf)($28)
move $25,$2
jalr $25
lw $28,16($fp)
move $2,$0
move $sp,$fp
lw $31,444($sp)
lw $fp,440($sp)
addiu $sp,$sp,448
j $31
.set macro
.set reorder
.end main
.size main, .-main
.align 2
.globl _Z7maximumPiii
$LFB1 = .
.set nomips16
.ent _Z7maximumPiii
.type _Z7maximumPiii, @function
.frame $fp,40,$31 # vars= 8, regs= 2/0, args= 16, gp= 8
.mask 0xc0000000,-4
.fmask 0x00000000,0
.set noreorder
.cpload $25
.set nomacro
addiu $sp,$sp,-40
sw $31,36($sp)
sw $fp,32($sp)
movz $31,$31,$0
move $fp,$sp
.cprestore 16
sw $4,40($fp)
sw $5,44($fp)
sw $6,48($fp)
lw $2,48($fp)
addiu $3,$2,-2
lw $2,44($fp)
slt $2,$2,$3
bne $2,$0,$L6
lw $2,44($fp)
sll $2,$2,2
lw $3,40($fp)
addu $2,$3,$2
lw $3,0($2)
lw $2,44($fp)
addiu $2,$2,1
sll $2,$2,2
lw $4,40($fp)
addu $2,$4,$2
lw $2,0($2)
slt $2,$2,$3
beq $2,$0,$L7
lw $2,44($fp)
sll $2,$2,2
lw $3,40($fp)
addu $2,$3,$2
lw $2,0($2)
b $L8
lw $2,44($fp)
addiu $2,$2,1
sll $2,$2,2
lw $3,40($fp)
addu $2,$3,$2
lw $2,0($2)
b $L8
lw $2,44($fp)
addiu $2,$2,1
lw $4,40($fp)
move $5,$2
lw $6,48($fp)
lw $2,%got(_Z7maximumPiii)($28)
move $25,$2
jalr $25
lw $28,16($fp)
sw $2,24($fp)
lw $2,44($fp)
sll $2,$2,2
lw $3,40($fp)
addu $2,$3,$2
lw $3,0($2)
lw $2,24($fp)
slt $2,$2,$3
beq $2,$0,$L9
lw $2,44($fp)
sll $2,$2,2
lw $3,40($fp)
addu $2,$3,$2
lw $2,0($2)
b $L8
lw $2,24($fp)
move $sp,$fp
lw $31,36($sp)
lw $fp,32($sp)
addiu $sp,$sp,40
j $31
.set macro
.set reorder
.end _Z7maximumPiii
.size _Z7maximumPiii, .-_Z7maximumPiii
.align 2
.globl _Z7minimumPiii
$LFB2 = .
.set nomips16
.ent _Z7minimumPiii
.type _Z7minimumPiii, @function
.frame $fp,40,$31 # vars= 8, regs= 2/0, args= 16, gp= 8
.mask 0xc0000000,-4
.fmask 0x00000000,0
.set noreorder
.cpload $25
.set nomacro
addiu $sp,$sp,-40
sw $31,36($sp)
sw $fp,32($sp)
movz $31,$31,$0
move $fp,$sp
.cprestore 16
sw $4,40($fp)
sw $5,44($fp)
sw $6,48($fp)
lw $2,48($fp)
addiu $3,$2,-2
lw $2,44($fp)
slt $2,$2,$3
bne $2,$0,$L12
lw $2,44($fp)
sll $2,$2,2
lw $3,40($fp)
addu $2,$3,$2
lw $3,0($2)
lw $2,44($fp)
addiu $2,$2,1
sll $2,$2,2
lw $4,40($fp)
addu $2,$4,$2
lw $2,0($2)
slt $2,$3,$2
beq $2,$0,$L13
lw $2,44($fp)
sll $2,$2,2
lw $3,40($fp)
addu $2,$3,$2
lw $2,0($2)
b $L14
lw $2,44($fp)
addiu $2,$2,1
sll $2,$2,2
lw $3,40($fp)
addu $2,$3,$2
lw $2,0($2)
b $L14
lw $2,44($fp)
addiu $2,$2,1
lw $4,40($fp)
move $5,$2
lw $6,48($fp)
lw $2,%got(_Z7minimumPiii)($28)
move $25,$2
jalr $25
lw $28,16($fp)
sw $2,24($fp)
lw $2,44($fp)
sll $2,$2,2
lw $3,40($fp)
addu $2,$3,$2
lw $3,0($2)
lw $2,24($fp)
slt $2,$3,$2
beq $2,$0,$L15
lw $2,44($fp)
sll $2,$2,2
lw $3,40($fp)
addu $2,$3,$2
lw $2,0($2)
b $L14
lw $2,24($fp)
move $sp,$fp
lw $31,36($sp)
lw $fp,32($sp)
addiu $sp,$sp,40
j $31
.set macro
.set reorder
.end _Z7minimumPiii
.size _Z7minimumPiii, .-_Z7minimumPiii
.section .eh_frame,"aw",@progbits
.4byte $LECIE1-$LSCIE1
.4byte 0x0
.byte 0x1
.globl __gxx_personality_v0
.ascii "zP000"
.uleb128 0x1
.sleb128 -4
.byte 0x1f
.uleb128 0x5
.byte 0x0
.4byte __gxx_personality_v0
.byte 0xc
.uleb128 0x1d
.uleb128 0x0
.align 2
.4byte $LEFDE1-$LASFDE1
.4byte $LASFDE1-$Lframe1
.4byte $LFB0
.4byte $LFE0-$LFB0
.uleb128 0x0
.byte 0x4
.4byte $LCFI0-$LFB0
.byte 0xe
.uleb128 0x1c0
.byte 0x4
.4byte $LCFI2-$LCFI0
.byte 0x11
.uleb128 0x1e
.sleb128 2
.byte 0x11
.uleb128 0x1f
.sleb128 1
.byte 0x4
.4byte $LCFI3-$LCFI2
.byte 0xd
.uleb128 0x1e
.align 2
.4byte $LEFDE3-$LASFDE3
.4byte $LASFDE3-$Lframe1
.4byte $LFB1
.4byte $LFE1-$LFB1
.uleb128 0x0
.byte 0x4
.4byte $LCFI4-$LFB1
.byte 0xe
.uleb128 0x28
.byte 0x4
.4byte $LCFI6-$LCFI4
.byte 0x11
.uleb128 0x1e
.sleb128 2
.byte 0x11
.uleb128 0x1f
.sleb128 1
.byte 0x4
.4byte $LCFI7-$LCFI6
.byte 0xd
.uleb128 0x1e
.align 2
.4byte $LEFDE5-$LASFDE5
.4byte $LASFDE5-$Lframe1
.4byte $LFB2
.4byte $LFE2-$LFB2
.uleb128 0x0
.byte 0x4
.4byte $LCFI8-$LFB2
.byte 0xe
.uleb128 0x28
.byte 0x4
.4byte $LCFI10-$LCFI8
.byte 0x11
.uleb128 0x1e
.sleb128 2
.byte 0x11
.uleb128 0x1f
.sleb128 1
.byte 0x4
.4byte $LCFI11-$LCFI10
.byte 0xd
.uleb128 0x1e
.align 2
.ident "GCC: (Debian 4.4.5-8) 4.4.5"

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  • 1. Please answer in MIPS assembly language only. Write the following nested function calls: int Func(int a, int b, int c, int d){return Max(a+b, c-d);} int Max( int m, int n){if(m > n) {return m;} else {return n;}} Also, write a main program that calls the Func function on the following data and prints out the result. a = 0, b = 2, c = 8, and d = 3. Write a recursive function that computes the smallest integer in a given array of integers. Use the following algorithm: int Min( int[]A, int low, int high){if (low== high) {return A[low];} int mid = (low+high)/2; int min1 = Min(A, low, mid); int min2 = Min(A, mid +1, high); if(min1>min2) {return min2;} else {return min1;}} Also, write a main program that calls the Min function on the following data and prints out the result. A = {5, 2, -9, 10, -23, 43, 2, 1, 3, 5, 10}, low = 0, and high = 10. Solution Following is the code that uses nested calls and also computes the smallest integer in a given array of integers. .file 1 "" .section .mdebug.abi32 .previous .gnu_attribute 4, 1 .abicalls .rdata .align 2 $LC0: .ascii "Enter size of the array: 000" .align 2 $LC1: .ascii "%d000" .align 2 $LC2: .ascii "Enter %d elements in array: 000" .align 2 $LC3: .ascii "Minimum element in array = %d012000" .align 2 $LC4: .ascii "Maximum element in array = %d012000"
  • 2. .text .align 2 .globl main $LFB0 = . .set nomips16 .ent main .type main, @function main: .frame $fp,448,$31 # vars= 416, regs= 2/0, args= 16, gp= 8 .mask 0xc0000000,-4 .fmask 0x00000000,0 .set noreorder .cpload $25 .set nomacro addiu $sp,$sp,-448 $LCFI0: sw $31,444($sp) $LCFI1: sw $fp,440($sp) movz $31,$31,$0 $LCFI2: move $fp,$sp $LCFI3: .cprestore 16 lw $2,%got($LC0)($28) nop addiu $4,$2,%lo($LC0) lw $2,%call16(printf)($28) nop move $25,$2 jalr $25 nop lw $28,16($fp) addiu $2,$fp,36 lw $3,%got($LC1)($28)
  • 3. nop addiu $4,$3,%lo($LC1) move $5,$2 lw $2,%call16(scanf)($28) nop move $25,$2 jalr $25 nop lw $28,16($fp) lw $2,36($fp) lw $3,%got($LC2)($28) nop addiu $4,$3,%lo($LC2) move $5,$2 lw $2,%call16(printf)($28) nop move $25,$2 jalr $25 nop lw $28,16($fp) sw $0,24($fp) b $L2 nop $L3: lw $2,24($fp) addiu $3,$fp,40 sll $2,$2,2 addu $2,$3,$2 lw $3,%got($LC1)($28) nop addiu $4,$3,%lo($LC1) move $5,$2 lw $2,%call16(scanf)($28) nop move $25,$2 jalr $25
  • 4. nop lw $28,16($fp) lw $2,24($fp) nop addiu $2,$2,1 sw $2,24($fp) $L2: lw $2,36($fp) lw $3,24($fp) nop slt $2,$3,$2 andi $2,$2,0x00ff bne $2,$0,$L3 nop lw $2,36($fp) addiu $3,$fp,40 move $4,$3 move $5,$0 move $6,$2 lw $2,%got(_Z7maximumPiii)($28) nop move $25,$2 jalr $25 nop lw $28,16($fp) sw $2,32($fp) lw $2,36($fp) addiu $3,$fp,40 move $4,$3 move $5,$0 move $6,$2 lw $2,%got(_Z7minimumPiii)($28) nop move $25,$2 jalr $25 nop
  • 5. lw $28,16($fp) sw $2,28($fp) lw $2,%got($LC3)($28) nop addiu $4,$2,%lo($LC3) lw $5,28($fp) lw $2,%call16(printf)($28) nop move $25,$2 jalr $25 nop lw $28,16($fp) nop lw $2,%got($LC4)($28) nop addiu $4,$2,%lo($LC4) lw $5,32($fp) lw $2,%call16(printf)($28) nop move $25,$2 jalr $25 nop lw $28,16($fp) move $2,$0 move $sp,$fp lw $31,444($sp) lw $fp,440($sp) addiu $sp,$sp,448 j $31 nop .set macro .set reorder .end main $LFE0: .size main, .-main .align 2
  • 6. .globl _Z7maximumPiii $LFB1 = . .set nomips16 .ent _Z7maximumPiii .type _Z7maximumPiii, @function _Z7maximumPiii: .frame $fp,40,$31 # vars= 8, regs= 2/0, args= 16, gp= 8 .mask 0xc0000000,-4 .fmask 0x00000000,0 .set noreorder .cpload $25 .set nomacro addiu $sp,$sp,-40 $LCFI4: sw $31,36($sp) $LCFI5: sw $fp,32($sp) movz $31,$31,$0 $LCFI6: move $fp,$sp $LCFI7: .cprestore 16 sw $4,40($fp) sw $5,44($fp) sw $6,48($fp) lw $2,48($fp) nop addiu $3,$2,-2 lw $2,44($fp) nop slt $2,$2,$3 bne $2,$0,$L6 nop lw $2,44($fp) nop
  • 7. sll $2,$2,2 lw $3,40($fp) nop addu $2,$3,$2 lw $3,0($2) lw $2,44($fp) nop addiu $2,$2,1 sll $2,$2,2 lw $4,40($fp) nop addu $2,$4,$2 lw $2,0($2) nop slt $2,$2,$3 beq $2,$0,$L7 nop lw $2,44($fp) nop sll $2,$2,2 lw $3,40($fp) nop addu $2,$3,$2 lw $2,0($2) b $L8 nop $L7: lw $2,44($fp) nop addiu $2,$2,1 sll $2,$2,2 lw $3,40($fp) nop addu $2,$3,$2 lw $2,0($2) b $L8
  • 8. nop $L6: lw $2,44($fp) nop addiu $2,$2,1 lw $4,40($fp) move $5,$2 lw $6,48($fp) lw $2,%got(_Z7maximumPiii)($28) nop move $25,$2 jalr $25 nop lw $28,16($fp) sw $2,24($fp) lw $2,44($fp) nop sll $2,$2,2 lw $3,40($fp) nop addu $2,$3,$2 lw $3,0($2) lw $2,24($fp) nop slt $2,$2,$3 beq $2,$0,$L9 nop lw $2,44($fp) nop sll $2,$2,2 lw $3,40($fp) nop addu $2,$3,$2 lw $2,0($2) b $L8 nop
  • 9. $L9: lw $2,24($fp) $L8: move $sp,$fp lw $31,36($sp) lw $fp,32($sp) addiu $sp,$sp,40 j $31 nop .set macro .set reorder .end _Z7maximumPiii $LFE1: .size _Z7maximumPiii, .-_Z7maximumPiii .align 2 .globl _Z7minimumPiii $LFB2 = . .set nomips16 .ent _Z7minimumPiii .type _Z7minimumPiii, @function _Z7minimumPiii: .frame $fp,40,$31 # vars= 8, regs= 2/0, args= 16, gp= 8 .mask 0xc0000000,-4 .fmask 0x00000000,0 .set noreorder .cpload $25 .set nomacro addiu $sp,$sp,-40 $LCFI8: sw $31,36($sp) $LCFI9: sw $fp,32($sp) movz $31,$31,$0 $LCFI10: move $fp,$sp
  • 10. $LCFI11: .cprestore 16 sw $4,40($fp) sw $5,44($fp) sw $6,48($fp) lw $2,48($fp) nop addiu $3,$2,-2 lw $2,44($fp) nop slt $2,$2,$3 bne $2,$0,$L12 nop lw $2,44($fp) nop sll $2,$2,2 lw $3,40($fp) nop addu $2,$3,$2 lw $3,0($2) lw $2,44($fp) nop addiu $2,$2,1 sll $2,$2,2 lw $4,40($fp) nop addu $2,$4,$2 lw $2,0($2) nop slt $2,$3,$2 beq $2,$0,$L13 nop lw $2,44($fp) nop sll $2,$2,2 lw $3,40($fp)
  • 11. nop addu $2,$3,$2 lw $2,0($2) b $L14 nop $L13: lw $2,44($fp) nop addiu $2,$2,1 sll $2,$2,2 lw $3,40($fp) nop addu $2,$3,$2 lw $2,0($2) b $L14 nop $L12: lw $2,44($fp) nop addiu $2,$2,1 lw $4,40($fp) move $5,$2 lw $6,48($fp) lw $2,%got(_Z7minimumPiii)($28) nop move $25,$2 jalr $25 nop lw $28,16($fp) sw $2,24($fp) lw $2,44($fp) nop sll $2,$2,2 lw $3,40($fp) nop addu $2,$3,$2
  • 12. lw $3,0($2) lw $2,24($fp) nop slt $2,$3,$2 beq $2,$0,$L15 nop lw $2,44($fp) nop sll $2,$2,2 lw $3,40($fp) nop addu $2,$3,$2 lw $2,0($2) b $L14 nop $L15: lw $2,24($fp) $L14: move $sp,$fp lw $31,36($sp) lw $fp,32($sp) addiu $sp,$sp,40 j $31 nop .set macro .set reorder .end _Z7minimumPiii $LFE2: .size _Z7minimumPiii, .-_Z7minimumPiii .section .eh_frame,"aw",@progbits $Lframe1: .4byte $LECIE1-$LSCIE1 $LSCIE1: .4byte 0x0 .byte 0x1 .globl __gxx_personality_v0
  • 13. .ascii "zP000" .uleb128 0x1 .sleb128 -4 .byte 0x1f .uleb128 0x5 .byte 0x0 .4byte __gxx_personality_v0 .byte 0xc .uleb128 0x1d .uleb128 0x0 .align 2 $LECIE1: $LSFDE1: .4byte $LEFDE1-$LASFDE1 $LASFDE1: .4byte $LASFDE1-$Lframe1 .4byte $LFB0 .4byte $LFE0-$LFB0 .uleb128 0x0 .byte 0x4 .4byte $LCFI0-$LFB0 .byte 0xe .uleb128 0x1c0 .byte 0x4 .4byte $LCFI2-$LCFI0 .byte 0x11 .uleb128 0x1e .sleb128 2 .byte 0x11 .uleb128 0x1f .sleb128 1 .byte 0x4 .4byte $LCFI3-$LCFI2 .byte 0xd .uleb128 0x1e .align 2
  • 14. $LEFDE1: $LSFDE3: .4byte $LEFDE3-$LASFDE3 $LASFDE3: .4byte $LASFDE3-$Lframe1 .4byte $LFB1 .4byte $LFE1-$LFB1 .uleb128 0x0 .byte 0x4 .4byte $LCFI4-$LFB1 .byte 0xe .uleb128 0x28 .byte 0x4 .4byte $LCFI6-$LCFI4 .byte 0x11 .uleb128 0x1e .sleb128 2 .byte 0x11 .uleb128 0x1f .sleb128 1 .byte 0x4 .4byte $LCFI7-$LCFI6 .byte 0xd .uleb128 0x1e .align 2 $LEFDE3: $LSFDE5: .4byte $LEFDE5-$LASFDE5 $LASFDE5: .4byte $LASFDE5-$Lframe1 .4byte $LFB2 .4byte $LFE2-$LFB2 .uleb128 0x0 .byte 0x4 .4byte $LCFI8-$LFB2 .byte 0xe
  • 15. .uleb128 0x28 .byte 0x4 .4byte $LCFI10-$LCFI8 .byte 0x11 .uleb128 0x1e .sleb128 2 .byte 0x11 .uleb128 0x1f .sleb128 1 .byte 0x4 .4byte $LCFI11-$LCFI10 .byte 0xd .uleb128 0x1e .align 2 $LEFDE5: .ident "GCC: (Debian 4.4.5-8) 4.4.5"