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Using Videos to bring 100’s of new leads to your business every day.
Welcome to Video Lead Machine. There is a bunch of things we are looking to cover off
with you, but they all have one goal.
That is to help you – bring in traffic, leads & sales to you, your website and your
There are tens of thousands of people online every second… searching. And searching
for products and services that YOU provide and can put in front of people, if you can
find the best way to reach them.
This is the single biggest challenge and one that, once you master, you can build long
lasting successful businesses that will continue to grow, long after you stop the activity
in there personally.
Web Assets – The ability to create something ONCE that will continue to have value,
be found by people and continue to attract traffic, a long LONG time after you make the
online asset available. 3
Online assets include Websites, blog posts, video, graphics and even social media
pages such as Facebook and Tumblr.
So what is the point???
We are trying to find people.. right?
We are trying to get people to come to our site, or business and purchase something,
signup, leave a comment, or in other words… engage with us in some way.
So – where are they hiding??.... All these people that are looking?
In truth… they are hiding in plain site.
They are the everyday people that you meet on the street.
And YES – the same people that you put on your list…. And when you approach them,
they say “Not really for me” or… “I tried something like that before”
Didn’t we just say they were looking for something?
But it is the ‘Rule of the Hunter’
If you hunt something… what does it do?
The same people that RUN when you approach them… are the ones out there looking
for something better.
People like to take action and move themselves forward… .But they don’t very often like
to feel like they are being hunted.
The people that are in that category -
Everyday people…. Are looking for a way to better their lives.
And this report is designed to help YOU start to ‘pop up’ in the right places where these
people are actively looking right now. 4
Sound Interesting?
It really is.
The thrill of adding people to your business, every single month…. And then watching
as they grow into successes too – is something that will stay with you forever.
Let’s go to where the people ARE.
There are literally thousands of places you can find people who are looking for exactly
what you provide – And to get you started in the right way, We are going to look at one
that is SIMPLE, free and more than that… REALLY effective.
I am talking about VIDEO.
Now – there are many (many!!) more places that video traffic is effective than Youtube
(and we cover them with the Hydravid Software) but for now - Let’s Talk about how to
get massive amounts of leads from the place where BILLIONS of people are hanging
out…. 5
Signs of YouTube Success
YouTube. It’s a big deal these last few years. More people are uploading YouTube,
more people are viewing YouTube and YouTube has and continues to add new
functionality on an almost weekly basis.
No doubt about it… video is still hot and getting hotter.
In this report we want to give you the latest, ‘best-practices’ of how business of all types
are using YouTube to generate leads, bond better with their existing customers and
increase their return-on-investment for marketing dollars spent. We’ll keep it in as
practical terms as possible so you can join the video gold-rush. Most of what we say
will apply equally to other video platforms too.
YouTube has become ‘the People’s Hollywood’ and we want to make the fun and the
profits accessible to everybody. After all, if we can help you become a YouTube
master-creator you just might make a video we’d like to watch too, right?
Let’s go….
What exactly is YouTube?
To say that YouTube is the world’s biggest video search engine and video archive is
true but it’s also an understatement. It’s actually more than that. YouTube has become
the primary destination of the globe for video media also don’t forget that YouTube has 6
become the second largest search engine in the world with only its owner, mighty
Google, being larger.
You should remember that even though YouTube is about ‘video’… words can be put
on video too and lots of very popular YouTube videos can and do use text in a variety of
ways in addition to their purely video content.
Here are some states that paint a picture to show you how massive is the presence of
YouTube and how pervasive it is in daily life:
· According to YouTube, over 1,000,000,000 (that’s “Billion”!) people visit YouTube
every month and over 4,000,000,000 hours of video are watched each month.
· 72 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube servers every minute.
(Makes you wonder where people get all those ideas, doesn’t it?)
· 70% of YouTube views come from outside the US.
· YouTube videos are seen in over 51 countries and in 61 languages.
· In 2011, YouTube had 140 views for every person on planet Earth.
· The YouTube Partner Program, created for people who create videos for the
purpose of making money from them, has over 1,000,000 members in 30 countries.
· YouTube says that views from mobile devices now account for about 35% of their
total views and note too that mobile views tripled from 2012 to 2013.
· eMarketer says that 169,000,000 viewers, i.e. 71% of internet users in America
watched online videos at one time or another in 2013. 2014 figures promise to be
much higher.
· Also according to eMarketer, companies are spending big bucks on video
advertising. They say that ad spending will rise to $4,100,000.(US) in 2014. No
doubt you’ve seen those ads on videos yourself.
· YouTube says that their servers serve over 4,000,000,000 hours of video a
now. It makes you wonder who’s running the country, right? 7
· But viewing doesn’t stop there. YouTube also points out that people are now
watching several additional hours of YouTube videos per week via their home
This is part of the reason Google is heavily involved in getting your television
connected to the
internet. Just imagine a family sitting back on the couch with some
popcorn and watching one of your videos soon!
· Every day over 1,500,000 video searches originate from businesses. That
means that, for whatever reason, people are watching videos at work too. Some of
those views are for entertainment but a lot of them are for business purposes.
Business people like the speed with which they can find and absorb information via
· The volume of searches on YouTube is second only to Google…making
YouTube the world’s second largest search engine. Larger than even Yahoo or Bing.
· In a recent survey, 47% of IT professionals said they watched videos when
searching for technology-solution related information.
· Forbes Magazine did a recent survey and 75% of executives asked said that they
watched work-related videos from the office at least on a weekly basis.
YouTube and the Mobile Tsunami
Mobile devices are unquestionably the future of ecommerce and social connectivity and
YouTube videos play just fine on internet-enabled cell phones, smart phones and
mobile devices. This is part of the mobile tsunami. YouTube videos go where people
Whether the content is video, textual or a combination of the two, hardly anybody is
every very far from their smart phones or mobile devices nowadays. Video content, 8
whether it be from YouTube or elsewhere, is the perfect media to use in this situation
because it’s so quick and easy to consume.
Experts predict that 2014 will be the first year that more searches are done from smart
phones or tablets than from laptops and desktops combined. That means that for you, if
you want to reach customers (or friends) on the internet, you’d be well advised to make
your content primarily video or otherwise they either won’t see it or won’t have time to
read it.
Marketing With YouTube.... Uses and Benefits
Video is able to do things that pure text cannot:
Use YouTube in Lead Generation. Video is much more effective at generating
enthusiasm because of its multimedia dimension. It’s a lot easier to get people excited
by a video than by reading a document.
YouTube is especially good in generating leads for home-based entrepreneurs in the
network marketing industry. That industry continues to grow, contrary to the trend in
most other industries, and more and more people are taking advantage of the power on
online video marketing with YouTube to not only increase their product sales but also to
recruit and build their marketing organization.
Use YouTube to become a Niche Celebrity. The big challenge for local business today
is to find a way to stand out within their community or market. Video is a great way to
tell the community who they are, how long they’ve been a part of the community, why
they love their community, why they love providing the service they do and what they
have to offer. Video is perfect for that if the business owner and/or staff can simply
learn to put their personality through the video.
Use YouTube In Public Relations. YouTube video is great for communicating with the
public and/or customers of stockholders. Imagine the difference between reading a
press release of a hot new product vs. a video of somebody explaining and
demonstrating the product… like Steve Jobs was famous for. 9
Taken to a more local level, imagine a video made by the owner of corporation
announcing they’re hiring 100 people in a local community and he’s got 5 of the people
there who actually get up on the podium and talk about how happy they are to have that
new job. No written Press Release could have that kind of impact or create that kind of
If you’re building your business, you can use YouTube videos to educate viewers about
your company, your products, and (perhaps most importantly) the benefits of doing
business with you!
YouTube videos are great for Case Studies and Testimonials. People love stories.
Good salespeople know that. And nothing sells like a success story...a story of a
problem and a problem solution. Videos can be your own, brand-supporting, ‘feel-good’
Live Video Conferences, easily done now with YouTube and Google+Local Hangouts
On Air, not only bring in participants that you would likely never get any other way but
they also position you precisely at ‘ground-zero’ of thought leadership in your niche.
Very, very few businesses are doing this but all the resources are totally free.
Use YouTube videos for ‘How-to’ videos relating to your product, service or brand. You
can sleep while your online videos are doing the teaching for you!
Use YouTube In Community Building, imagine the captain of a local volleyball team
doing a video appealing to the local community for donations to support their planned
trip to an international competition to represent the community. Or imagine a video
where the team just came back from that competition, after winning first place, and they
bring certain key community supporters up on the podium to publicly thank for their help
with organizing the community fundraiser that provided much of the finances for the trip.
YouTube is great for creating ‘live’ events that connect you and your home-based
business with your local community but it also creates a 24/7/365 resource that’s
valuable in for anybody to view in the future. That’s leverage!
In Politics, video has obvious advantages. It might be a campaign for high school class
President or it might be (and actually was) a campaign for President of the country….
video makes the connection better than anything else. 10
Video is great for entertainers, language teachers, how-to videos, travel services....
nothing beats video for almost any form of communication that people do.
Video…. The Best of Engagement
What makes video so worthwhile is its power to engage the viewer. Viewers can
subscribe to your YouTube channel, leave text and/or video comments, click on
embedded links that take them to related videos and/or squeeze pages. All of these
actions are easy for them to do and an excellent means of lead generation for any type
of business.
This engagement power wasn’t always available because the technology wasn’t
available. Cameras weren’t as cheap or sophisticated, the internet bandwidth wasn’t
universally available to upload the videos onto the video platforms, the editing software
wasn’t widely available or affordable, and the archive sites themselves didn’t have the
sophistication that they do now.
Today is different. Look at how easy it is to reach people with video:
· Almost everybody has smart phones that take and play videos
· Internet connections are just about everywhere
· Upload and downloading speeds are faster and easier
· Editing is easier (YouTube has a great editor and it’s FREE!)
· Editing options are phenomenal. You can insert your own Title,
Description and Tags as well as add links, annotations, captions, etc.
This all adds up to one very important thing: Powerful, engaging videos that build
brands and reputations, create ‘buzz’, bring prospects and leads, and sell ideas,
services and products.
Videos made with the free tools on YouTube today are better than the best movies from
Hollywood of only a generation ago. As a matter of fact, many YouTube video creators
turn out super quality, highly entertaining, award-winning videos on amazingly small
budgets and using mostly free tools. 11
When videos are done this way, they get views, they get reactions, they get comments,
the generate emotion, they make people laugh, cry, feel angry, buy, dance, get out and
demonstrate..….. they engage their audience, they generate leads and they ultimately
generate business. And that’s what the video creator wants.
“Getting the click”
The ultimate purpose of most videos is to get a viewer response. Perhaps not so
obvious is that in order to do that you’ve got to give them something valuable in the
video they’re on but give them some reason to give you that next click.
The longer you can keep that viewer on any of your video properties and engaging
through your videos the stronger your relationship becomes with them and the easier it
eventually becomes to get a sale or at least some usable contact information that takes
you closer to a sale.
The best form of viewer response is any action that gives the video creator the ability to
get back in touch with the viewer later....i.e. ultimately you want as much contact
information as you can get...i.e. name, email address, phone number, physical address,
etc. What are some of the techniques for doing that on a YouTube video?
● Add URL’s, along with a call-to-action and/or unique offer, to your Description
and always include a Subscription Link at the end of your video. Anybody can do
this...even if they’re not a YouTube Partner.
● Add clickable annotations to the video itself inviting the viewer to view other
videos from your channel or somebody else’s. As long as they’re listening,
you’ve got a chance to get what you want. And keep in mind that their selection
of videos also creates a ‘self-directed’ sales funnel which you can eventually put
to good purpose.
● If you’re a YouTube Partner (which isn’t hard to become) you can add clickable
links actually upon the video itself...the best of both worlds. But it’s still a good
idea to put links in your Description too.
● If you have a specific ‘unique benefit’ that’s illustrated at a specific point in a
video, pop an annotation in there at that exact moment that says something like,
“We’ve got a product that prevents this from happening. See the video demo on
our channel”, or “click here to get more information on this problem” or perhaps
“Click here to get on our notification list”. 12
● Do ‘reverse marketing’ by subscribing to other channels and/or leaving
comments on other videos. A percentage of those video owners, as well as
viewers, will reciprocate to you and ultimately some of them will become your
customers or at least people you influence.
● Curate other videos. That’s permissible by YouTube now. You can showcase
other people’s content to your viewers. Why not? If the video you curate is ‘on
target’ for your audience they’ll appreciate it and you’ll share in the credit with the
original creator. Plus the original creator is highly likely to curate some of your
videos too.
So that’s some linking tips. Are there other sites where you can store videos?
Popular Video Platforms is of course the biggest online video site but there are two others worth
mentioning. and both are reputable, dependable and offer
good tools. But don’t forget that there’s another reason for using YouTube....
YouTube has AUTHORITY. Not only is YouTube the second largest search engine in
the world but it’s also owned by Google, the largest search engine in the world.
Common sense tells you that they help each other and have a special relationship.
YouTube Video Ranking-How does it work?
YouTube videos get ranked based on the secret formula that YouTube uses, also
known as their ‘algorithm’. That algorithm scrutinizes the data that you put into various
optimization fields of the video either when you load it or at any time afterwards. One
point worth noting here is that that metadata can be changed if and when you want.
Nobody knows the exact algorithm that YouTube uses to rank their videos. Obviously
YouTube doesn’t reveal that secret other than giving you certain guidelines that they
want you and everybody to follow. 13
The one thing you need to know and take advantage of is that while Google changes
their ranking criteria frequently and many SEO experts agree that it’s getting harder to
rank websites organically on Google itself, that’s not the case with YouTube.
Most people uploading videos to YouTube and trying to use it for business don’t realize
that the YouTube algorithm is different, older and easier to rank on (if you know how it
works) than is the Google algorithm.... but videos that rank high on YouTube usually
also rank high on Google. That’s just the way it is.
YouTube has added lots of new features recently but they haven’t made it any harder to
rank videos. That’s basically why video SEO is such a great opportunity right now. You
can rank videos on Page 1 with relatively less work and yet they’ll still often get on Page
1 on Google. Techniques that don’t work and would actually get you in trouble on
Google actually seem to work just fine on YouTube.
We’ll talk more about it later but in essence what we’re referring to is that, on YouTube,
you can actually use your targeted keywords and phrases in repetitive ways that won’t
work on Google. YouTube is actually a ‘back door’ to Google.
YouTube…’On-page Video Optimization Best-Practices’.
After you upload a video and when you finally get around to optimizing it, you’ll see that
YouTube gives you several blocks or fields to fill in. What you put in those fields is
called ‘metadata’. This metadata is the text that describes your video so that YouTube
knows what it is and therefore who to show it to (i.e. who to ‘serve’ it to) when certain
search terms are entered. and it is what determines how YouTube will rank your video.
We’ll get more specific on those fields later in this report. But…. remember that
YouTube does not actually ‘see’ the video itself. Their decision on where to rank your
video is initially based entirely on this metadata.
Knowing what to put in these fields in order to convince YouTube to rank your video on
Page 1 is a very valuable skill and actually quite fun to study. And you do need to study
it too because YouTube is always changing. There’s always a little bit of ‘the unknown’
or ‘the mysterious’ in the results of video rankings. 14
Being competent in YouTube video SEO is a very valuable and continuously-in-demand
skill that you can use either for your own purposes or to make money in the service of
others. You could ask several business people if they have any YouTube videos that
they wish were ranking better and you’d probably find somebody to say, “Heck yeah!”
pretty quick.
For your videos however, you want to make sure that your video includes what
YouTube’s algorithm (their secret formula for ranking videos) is looking for.... and ‘yes’,
you can safely bend the rules to your advantage if you do it right.
Remember that YouTube doesn’t have people who look at each video before it’s
uploaded and put on their site. There are too many videos being uploaded and they
don’t have time. The only reason they’d ever actually see it is if someone complained
about it.
There are two general types of optimization that affect your video ranking on YouTube.
Those factors that you can control...i. e. the fields you fill out when you upload the
video, are called ‘on-page optimization’. There are also ‘off-page’ factors that are not
within your direct control...I. e. comments, shares, etc. There are things you can do to
somewhat affect those factors but generally speaking if you make a good video and
optimize it well ‘on-page’, you’ll get the ‘off-page’ reactions you want.
In this guide we’re focusing primarily on ‘on-page’ ranking factors that you can do.
Things You Can Control Initially
The 3 most important areas of you on-page SEO (i.e. optimization) are:
1. Title
2. Description
3. Tags
Most videos on YouTube never get seen other than by the people who put them up
there, or by their friends, because the people who put them up there didn’t optimize the
videos properly. The video never ranks on Page 1 so it very seldom gets seen. You
certainly don’t want that to happen to your videos so this section will teach you what you
need to know to get your videos seen. 15
Of the three metadata items mentioned above, Your Title and Tags are probably the
most important and in fact in some cases you can get a video to rank highly with just a
properly constructed Title.
We’ll talk more about those three elements later but first let’s cover the importance of
‘long-tail’ keywords and phrases.
Many keywords are just too competitive to tackle ‘head on’. The way around it is by
going after what’s known as the ‘long tail’ versions of that keyword. Long-tail keywords
and phrases are actually somewhat synonymous so we’re just going to use the term
‘long-tail keywords’, OK?
Long-tail keywords and phrases
Keywords are the main words that describe the subject of something. In regular Google
SEO, the keywords tell the search engine and the reader the key substance of the
website and/or article. In video, it’s the same thing. They tell the YouTube algorithm
what your video is about. The viewer sees the keywords too but they usually don’t
know that that’s what they’re called.
NB: In video SEO, “Tags” serve a very similar function as “key words” in a webpage or
article. The main practical difference is that in the YouTube optimization and upload
interface, as well as in WordPress dashboard and the dashboard of most other blogging
platforms, you’ll have a field specifically called “Tags”. For now, you just should
understand that Keywords and Tags serve a very similar function.
In understanding why Keywords (and Tags) are important, you just need to stop and
realize that if nobody else had ever put up a video using the keyword you want to use
(e.g. “how to make tasty scrambled eggs”) you could throw up just about any mediocre
quality video and it would sit there on top of YouTube and get lots of views. But it’s not
very often that you find good keywords that don’t already have lots of videos competing
for them, right?
Long-tail simply means that you use an extra word, some sort of modifier, that gets
more specific in its meaning and sort of creates your own newer, more exclusive,
category.. For example, ‘dog training’ vs. Labrador dog training, auto repair vs. Volvo 16
auto repair, apply credit card vs. applications low interest credit card (a very long-tail
One of the skills in optimizing videos is in coming up with long-tail keywords (and
phrases) that have less competition. Otherwise you’ll hardly ever make it to Page 1....
which is of course where you need to be to get seen and get traffic to your site (i.e.
assuming you’ve got a link to your site in your Description).
Long-tail keywords are also somewhat like domains. People who build websites love to
get either an exact-match domain name (e.g.,,
but that’s not as easy as it used to be, right?
Believe it or not, there was somebody many years ago who paid less than $10 for the
exact match domain name ‘’. The domain name later was
resold several times and in 2006 ago sold again for an even higher price of $7,500,000.
(Luckily, nobody can claim exclusive use of keywords used in video Titles, Descriptions
or Tags.)
But that was nothing compared to which sold in that same year for
$12,000,000. Smaller sales included which sold in 2004 for $70,000 and which sold in 1999 for a nice round figure of $1,000,000.
The point is that the majority of the time those kinds of keywords are too competitive to
rank for...... unless... you use one of the long-tailed variations to get into sub-niches.
Even though videos are easier to rank regular websites and domains, still, there are so
many videos on YouTube and many more being uploaded every minute, the only
consistently effective way to get your videos ranked is to use long-tail keywords or
This long-tail technique applies whether we’re talking about optimizing your Title or your
Description and, to some degree, in your Tags also. And with some creativity they can
also apply if you’re trying to target a specific market relative to your MLM product or
Here’s an example of a basic keyword and a long-tail keyword:
“Coffee” is a very general term. But what about ‘the coffee opportunity’?
“Make money with coffee” or “the coffee opportunity” is a more specific, long-tail
keyword term that might get you some views. 17
Another example would be ‘weight loss’ vs. “weight loss for skaters”. Or “Omega 3’s”
vs. “Non-Fish Omega 3’s” Or “Divorce Legal Advice” vs. “Pre-paid legal advice about
Don’t forget that you can make very nice video slide-shows on the YouTube editor plus
not only does YouTube have some very nice free music tracks available but you can get
royalty-free music from other sources too. Point can make your own product
sales and/or recruiting videos to promote absolutely anything!.
Part 3
Why are Long-Tail Keywords Valuable?
Long-tail keywords are valuable because in the aggregate there are a lot more of them
and more searches for them than the original, basic keyword itself. True, there are
often only 2-4 searches per month for some of these long-tail keywords but if you add
them all up (using the candy example for example) there’s a lot more niches out there
that you’d actually have a chance of ranking for and many of them are also going to get
you ranked for the main keyword too.
What constitutes ‘long-tail’ vs. ‘basic’ keywords sort of depends on other, more specific,
factors but the point is that it’s easier to rank for long-tail phrases that contain your
target keyword than for the overall, general term.
Be Creative In Coming Up With Long Tail Keywords and Phrases
Another skill you can develop that’ll really help your videos rank is to think of different
phrases that a person might use. You’ve got to be creative. Again remembering that
there’s a lot more traffic among all the long-tail searches, in the aggregate, than there is
in any handful of the more obvious terms.
Geo-modifying for Long-Tailed Keywords and Phrases
Local marketing, also known as ‘offline marketing’ is a huge and still growing market
right now and one of the easiest way of getting a local business’s video seen is by using
what’s known as ‘geo-modifiers’....another form of long-tail keyword. 18
Geo-modifying is simply the technique of adding a geographical modifier to the phrase.
For example, “synthetic lubricants Bellaire, TX.”, or “anti-aging products I-45 Houston”,
or “roofing contractor Galveston”, etc.
If you’re doing video SEO consulting as a means of making money, you’ll find find that
as a YouTube video consultant you can score big points with clients by adding geo-
modifiers where appropriate to their YouTube Titles, Descriptions and, in some cases,
The point to remember in regards to adding geo-modifiers to titles (or in the Description
or in the Tags) is that they’re not really necessary if the business isn’t looking for local
customers. But, if a business wants local customers... than geo-modifiers are
recommended. If there is a geo-modifier anywhere in the video metadata, YouTube
sees it. You can rely on that. And they will always serve local results first unless the
searcher specifies another geo-modifier in their query.
For some businesses however the ‘local’ aspect just isn’t a big deal and adding a geo-
modifier might even be a detriment because it could limit that video to local parameters.
Some businesses can get customers from anybody anywhere in the world so the only
time you would use geo-modifiers for their videos would be if you wanted your video to
reach searchers from a particular geographical area.
An example would be if you had an online store that sold pet supplies. You would
optimize videos with titles like ‘organic pet food Atlanta’, ‘dog leashes Miami’, ‘Dog
training DVDs Sacramento’, etc. And you could use the doubling-up of the key words
like we mentioned above too.
For a traditional businesses that isn’t specifically ‘local’ in its orientation, like for example
an international tax attorney firm, you could create videos that use geo-modifiers for
targeted geographical markets if you wanted.
For example, if you had a law firm that specialized in issues of international taxation for
big multinational corporations and they were based in London but wanted to show up on
YouTube searches in other countries, you would be wise to have a Title something like:
“International Tax Compliance Attorney London”
“Tax Attorney Munich International Compliance”
“Tax Compliance International Attorney Sao Paulo”
“International Tax Law Attorneys London for International Tax Law Attorneys” 19
Or you could even have something like...
“International Tax Compliance Attorney Firm Europe”
You can see that what you’re emphasizing to YouTube here is the type of skill that you
provide… i.e. international tax compliance law. These titles won’t necessarily look or
sound grammatically correct. But YouTube doesn’t care. The point is that their
algorithm reads and ranks the words.
If you’re in MLM and you’re emphasizing ‘opportunity’ it’s OK to geo-tag that word
although there are long-tail terms you might use instead such as “extra money for bills
Chicago”, “part-time income for Miami”, or “extra income for pet lovers in Dallas”.
If you use geo-modifiers in your title, YouTube sees them and will tend to serve that
video to anybody who searches from that particular area. It can tell where the searcher
is because Google’s servers can detect the searcher’s IP address.
The bottom line on whether to use geo-modifiers in video titles is that a purely local
business which only wants local traffic still needs geo-modifiers because many local
businesses don’t use them. Videos with geo-modifiers in the Title, Description and
Tags will have an advantage over videos that don’t have such modifiers.
So… no matter what your primary keyword or keyword phrase is, if the business you’re
promoting does have ‘local’ roots and/or has some local relevance, it’s a good idea to
add the name of that city or community in the Title. And it’s also a good idea to put
telephone Area Codes, complete phone numbers, and ZIP codes in there too. If there’s
not room (which is possible) it will serve almost the same purpose to put these other
modifiers later in the Description.
Optimizing your videos with these long-tail keywords in the Title means that you’ll have
to make more videos in order to reach the same amount of people because you’ll be
targeting narrower niches. But it’s the only way you have of getting your videos ranked
over your competition who might have other factors going for them that you can’t beat.
Plus, having more videos in the aggregate ultimately does add weight to your YouTube
presence (especially if you’re doing some internal linking of your videos). 20
Remember that just like movies, online videos come and go in popularity. YouTube,
just like Google, is in the information business and generally speaking older information
isn’t as valuable as newer information. That means that it’s to be expected that your
video will drop slightly in rank over time (unless you do certain things which we suggest
to you here).
The way around that is simply to always be making new videos or to construct your
meta-content in such a way that it is ‘timeless’.
Other Types of Keyword Modifiers
There are other types of keyword modifiers too. In this case we’re speaking specifically
of the Title of your video. Words such as, “Guide”, “Review”, “News”, “Commentary”,
“Pluses”, “Negatives”, “Reasons to Buy”, “Dangers of”, “Reviews”, “Review”,
“Testimonials”, “Stories about”, “Tales of”, “Adventures in”, “Best”, “Best deals”, “Great
deals”, “Save”, “Save on”, “Savings on”, etc..... you get the point, right?
And again, these words also work with opportunity related metadata (ex: “Dallas home-
based business testimonials”...and do a linked series of people giving income
testimonials or weight-loss testimonials.
The primary value (although not the only value) of these types of modifiers is that they
act as spacers between the duplicate keywords. Having your primary keywords in the
Title twice is a good technique to use.
Now…. Let’s go back to the three specific areas of YouTube metadata.... Title,
Description and Tags. 21
Video Meta Components...Basic Function and Tips
Meta Component #1, The Title:
Your Description is like the headline on a newspaper page. Its purpose is to get
YouTube’s attention and then to get the viewer’s attention and a ‘click’ amongst all the
other videos he/she sees on the results page.
Your primary keyword(s) should be in the Title preferably in the beginning and the Title
should be compelling to the reader (if possible). It doesn’t have to make absolute
grammatical sense but it’s nice if it does. Of all the parts of your video (other than the
thumbnail and the video itself) the Title is the most prominent so.... if it’s not good, you
probably wasted your time unless something else really, really makes up for it (like....the
Title Tips:
● Your title doesn’t have to make perfect grammatical sense as long as it means
something to the YouTube algorithm and the basic keywords are there.
● Example: “Auto Transmission repair Bellaire, TX.”
● Also, you’ll actually get better results by using the main keywords twice.
● Example: “Auto transmission repair Bellaire TX. for auto transmission repair”
● Another example of a similar technique would be:
● “Fast tennis serve technique for tennis fast serve”
● NB: No matter how you combine the words, YouTube will still see and index
them. This also applies to the Description too.
● Add a date...ex: March 15, 2013. YouTube likes current information, right?
Adding a date encourages YouTube to rank the video as more current than
another video without any date.
● Add a ZIP code (or postal code) and/or a phone number (complete with area
code) helps too..... especially for local SEO purposes. Remember, the YouTube
algorithm sees and understands these things and the more relevant information
(which this certainly is) you put into your metadata, the more highly ranked the
video will be by YouTube. 22
Here’s a final example of all those techniques used together:
“March 15, 2013 Synthetic lubricant direct-sales opportunity, Bellaire, 713-000-0000,TX.
for Bellaire direct sales opportunity”
Meta Component #2, The Description:
Here’s where optimizing a video starts to get fun. The key in optimizing is better than
your competition is unifying all three of these metadata elements so they create a
synergistic effect. That’s why having some sort of consistent system is important (for
effectiveness) and valuable (if you’re selling your service and you want to be worth what
you charge).
The general purpose of your Description is first and foremost to tell YouTube what your
video is about so they know who to ‘serve’ it to based on whatever keywords you’re
targeting. A lot of viewers never read the Description anyway.
For that reason, you should be absolutely repeat your keywords (long-tail or otherwise)
in the description twice. YouTube does not consider it keyword spam.
There is no really mandated limit, from YouTube, on how long your description can or
should be. If there’s a lot of valuable information you could put in there.... do so. On
the other hand, don’t go totally bizarre and put something in there that’s useless,
counterproductive, or going to ‘turn off’ the reader.
Just remember that your description should be in harmony should validate and
reinforce.... your Title. It’s the second leg of the ‘three-legged stool’ consisting of Title,
Description and Tags.
Use the exact same words as you have in your Title in the Description as closely as you
can so that YouTube ‘gets it’ really clear that ‘this is what this video is about’. In fact,
some very successful video marketers like to take the title of their video and paste in
into the Description 4 times and then fill in the ‘in-between’ areas with related
information and keywords. You can safely have several paragraphs of information in
your video’s Description. 23
Description Tips:
● Use a piece of paper with your keywords actually written down in a column.
Have a specific number of times you plan on using the keywords in the
Description and keep track of the number of times you use the keyword by
putting a checkmark next to it. We’d recommend 4 times for each of your
primary keywords and at least twice each for each secondary keyword. You
can’t analyze your results if you don’t have consistency in your product and this
simple procedure ensures that you will always use your keywords the same
number of times and in roughly the same way.
● Put links in your description any time you can...e. g. your Facebook, Pinterest,
blogs, eCommerce sites, or the link of company. Be sure and add the ‘http: //....”
part because it’ll make the link clickable. This shows YouTube that you’re
dynamic and providing real information for real people. YouTube likes to see
● Use Annotations. Annotations are not only another way to direct the viewer to
more information but they also enhance the engagement value of the video itself
because they’re right on top of it. They help turn viewers into subscribers and
they encourage people to stay within your ‘brand’. YouTube likes that. If you’re
a YouTube partner and you can link to non YouTube sites with
so. If you can’t do it, it’s still effective to put the links in your Description. Using
Annotations is a whole separate subject but the information is easy to find.
● Another unique tool we suggest is to use the ‘apps’ available on . Viewbix’s ‘apps’ are somewhat like Annotations but they go
much further in functionality. You can add a Skype number to your video, a
Google Map, an autoresponder form, a newsletter, Flickr pictures, more videos,
dynamic stock market quotes, and a whole array of other cool things. They’ve
got a free plan that’s decent and also some upgrades that offer more
functionality. Just remember that the apps will not show on the YouTube
platform but they will show when you embed the video just about anywhere else.
Check it out.
· 24
Meta Component #3, Tags:
Tags are long-tail phrases or simple words that tell YouTube what your video is all
about. Although it’s not really necessary to prioritize amongst these 3 meta-
components, many video marketers would agree that tags are probably the second
most important item in video optimization.
There are different theories about how many tags you should put into the Tag field.
YouTube allows 500 characters initially in their ‘Tags’ field. That’s usually more than
enough. If you get carried away and use more characters than that, you’ll get an error
message and you’ll just have to go back and remove some characters.
YouTube does this because they don’t want ‘tag stuffing’ but you can go back and add
more Tags, if you want, after the video is successfully published on YouTube.
Sometimes that’s not a bad idea if, for whatever reason, you decide you want to ‘tweak’
your optimization.
The point behind entering Tags is, again, so YouTube knows what your video is about.
Look at it this way:
If you were talking to a friend and trying to describe a conversation you recently had
with somebody else, you wouldn’t try to recite the whole conversation word-for-word,
right?’d say, “We talked about x, and y, and z, and a, and b..... etc.. So.... you’re
doing the same thing when you tell YouTube what your ‘tags’ are. You’re simply telling
YouTube that your video is about x, y, z, a, b, c.... etc..
You should put your primary Tag(s) in first because that’s what YouTube gives more
weight to. That might be anywhere from 1 to perhaps 4 keywords or phrases. After
that you can enter other, more generally related, keywords or phrases but it’s smart to
not put in any Tags which do not appear as words in your video description.
(NB: Remember that we’re using the terms ‘tags’ and ‘keywords’ interchangeably here.) 25
Tags Tips:
● Remember to craft your Tags to reflect the content of your Title and Description
● Don’t forget to keep track, on paper, of your Tags. Don’t leave any ‘out’ but also
don’t repeat the same Tag twice.
So...there you have it.
As you can see, video marketing and YouTube is a very big subject. There are still
other parts of it that we haven’t touched on. But the great thing about it is that if you’re
in a market of any size at all, you can bet that most of your competition is too wrapped
up in their business to ‘market’ their business.
None of what we’ve talked about here is rocket-science. All this information is publicly
available. We’ve just curated it for you (“you’re welcome!”). The big challenge is
seeing, recognizing and taking action on this opportunity to build your business using
this ever renewing marketing method of YouTube video.
We don’t know everything but people keep asking us for advice to that’s why we put
together this eBook. We hope you liked it.
The Web’s premier video marketing software

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Video leadsmachine

  • 2. 2 Using Videos to bring 100’s of new leads to your business every day. Welcome to Video Lead Machine. There is a bunch of things we are looking to cover off with you, but they all have one goal. That is to help you – bring in traffic, leads & sales to you, your website and your businesses. There are tens of thousands of people online every second… searching. And searching for products and services that YOU provide and can put in front of people, if you can find the best way to reach them. This is the single biggest challenge and one that, once you master, you can build long lasting successful businesses that will continue to grow, long after you stop the activity in there personally. Web Assets – The ability to create something ONCE that will continue to have value, be found by people and continue to attract traffic, a long LONG time after you make the online asset available.
  • 3. 3 Online assets include Websites, blog posts, video, graphics and even social media pages such as Facebook and Tumblr. So what is the point??? We are trying to find people.. right? We are trying to get people to come to our site, or business and purchase something, signup, leave a comment, or in other words… engage with us in some way. So – where are they hiding??.... All these people that are looking? In truth… they are hiding in plain site. They are the everyday people that you meet on the street. And YES – the same people that you put on your list…. And when you approach them, they say “Not really for me” or… “I tried something like that before” Why?? Didn’t we just say they were looking for something? YES! But it is the ‘Rule of the Hunter’ If you hunt something… what does it do? It RUNS!! The same people that RUN when you approach them… are the ones out there looking for something better. People like to take action and move themselves forward… .But they don’t very often like to feel like they are being hunted. The people that are in that category - Everyday people…. Are looking for a way to better their lives. And this report is designed to help YOU start to ‘pop up’ in the right places where these people are actively looking right now.
  • 4. 4 Sound Interesting? It really is. The thrill of adding people to your business, every single month…. And then watching as they grow into successes too – is something that will stay with you forever. RIGHT! Let’s go to where the people ARE. There are literally thousands of places you can find people who are looking for exactly what you provide – And to get you started in the right way, We are going to look at one that is SIMPLE, free and more than that… REALLY effective. I am talking about VIDEO. Now – there are many (many!!) more places that video traffic is effective than Youtube (and we cover them with the Hydravid Software) but for now - Let’s Talk about how to get massive amounts of leads from the place where BILLIONS of people are hanging out….
  • 5. 5 Signs of YouTube Success YouTube. It’s a big deal these last few years. More people are uploading YouTube, more people are viewing YouTube and YouTube has and continues to add new functionality on an almost weekly basis. No doubt about it… video is still hot and getting hotter. In this report we want to give you the latest, ‘best-practices’ of how business of all types are using YouTube to generate leads, bond better with their existing customers and increase their return-on-investment for marketing dollars spent. We’ll keep it in as practical terms as possible so you can join the video gold-rush. Most of what we say will apply equally to other video platforms too. YouTube has become ‘the People’s Hollywood’ and we want to make the fun and the profits accessible to everybody. After all, if we can help you become a YouTube master-creator you just might make a video we’d like to watch too, right? Let’s go…. What exactly is YouTube? To say that YouTube is the world’s biggest video search engine and video archive is true but it’s also an understatement. It’s actually more than that. YouTube has become the primary destination of the globe for video media also don’t forget that YouTube has
  • 6. 6 become the second largest search engine in the world with only its owner, mighty Google, being larger. You should remember that even though YouTube is about ‘video’… words can be put on video too and lots of very popular YouTube videos can and do use text in a variety of ways in addition to their purely video content. Here are some states that paint a picture to show you how massive is the presence of YouTube and how pervasive it is in daily life: · According to YouTube, over 1,000,000,000 (that’s “Billion”!) people visit YouTube every month and over 4,000,000,000 hours of video are watched each month. · 72 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube servers every minute. (Makes you wonder where people get all those ideas, doesn’t it?) · 70% of YouTube views come from outside the US. · YouTube videos are seen in over 51 countries and in 61 languages. · In 2011, YouTube had 140 views for every person on planet Earth. · The YouTube Partner Program, created for people who create videos for the purpose of making money from them, has over 1,000,000 members in 30 countries. · YouTube says that views from mobile devices now account for about 35% of their total views and note too that mobile views tripled from 2012 to 2013. · eMarketer says that 169,000,000 viewers, i.e. 71% of internet users in America watched online videos at one time or another in 2013. 2014 figures promise to be much higher. · Also according to eMarketer, companies are spending big bucks on video advertising. They say that ad spending will rise to $4,100,000.(US) in 2014. No doubt you’ve seen those ads on videos yourself. · YouTube says that their servers serve over 4,000,000,000 hours of video a month now. It makes you wonder who’s running the country, right?
  • 7. 7 · But viewing doesn’t stop there. YouTube also points out that people are now watching several additional hours of YouTube videos per week via their home TV’s. This is part of the reason Google is heavily involved in getting your television connected to the internet. Just imagine a family sitting back on the couch with some popcorn and watching one of your videos soon! · Every day over 1,500,000 video searches originate from businesses. That means that, for whatever reason, people are watching videos at work too. Some of those views are for entertainment but a lot of them are for business purposes. Business people like the speed with which they can find and absorb information via video. · The volume of searches on YouTube is second only to Google…making YouTube the world’s second largest search engine. Larger than even Yahoo or Bing. · In a recent survey, 47% of IT professionals said they watched videos when searching for technology-solution related information. · Forbes Magazine did a recent survey and 75% of executives asked said that they watched work-related videos from the office at least on a weekly basis. YouTube and the Mobile Tsunami Mobile devices are unquestionably the future of ecommerce and social connectivity and YouTube videos play just fine on internet-enabled cell phones, smart phones and mobile devices. This is part of the mobile tsunami. YouTube videos go where people go. Whether the content is video, textual or a combination of the two, hardly anybody is every very far from their smart phones or mobile devices nowadays. Video content,
  • 8. 8 whether it be from YouTube or elsewhere, is the perfect media to use in this situation because it’s so quick and easy to consume. Experts predict that 2014 will be the first year that more searches are done from smart phones or tablets than from laptops and desktops combined. That means that for you, if you want to reach customers (or friends) on the internet, you’d be well advised to make your content primarily video or otherwise they either won’t see it or won’t have time to read it. Marketing With YouTube.... Uses and Benefits Video is able to do things that pure text cannot: Use YouTube in Lead Generation. Video is much more effective at generating enthusiasm because of its multimedia dimension. It’s a lot easier to get people excited by a video than by reading a document. YouTube is especially good in generating leads for home-based entrepreneurs in the network marketing industry. That industry continues to grow, contrary to the trend in most other industries, and more and more people are taking advantage of the power on online video marketing with YouTube to not only increase their product sales but also to recruit and build their marketing organization. Use YouTube to become a Niche Celebrity. The big challenge for local business today is to find a way to stand out within their community or market. Video is a great way to tell the community who they are, how long they’ve been a part of the community, why they love their community, why they love providing the service they do and what they have to offer. Video is perfect for that if the business owner and/or staff can simply learn to put their personality through the video. Use YouTube In Public Relations. YouTube video is great for communicating with the public and/or customers of stockholders. Imagine the difference between reading a press release of a hot new product vs. a video of somebody explaining and demonstrating the product… like Steve Jobs was famous for.
  • 9. 9 Taken to a more local level, imagine a video made by the owner of corporation announcing they’re hiring 100 people in a local community and he’s got 5 of the people there who actually get up on the podium and talk about how happy they are to have that new job. No written Press Release could have that kind of impact or create that kind of ‘buzz’. If you’re building your business, you can use YouTube videos to educate viewers about your company, your products, and (perhaps most importantly) the benefits of doing business with you! YouTube videos are great for Case Studies and Testimonials. People love stories. Good salespeople know that. And nothing sells like a success story...a story of a problem and a problem solution. Videos can be your own, brand-supporting, ‘feel-good’ story. Live Video Conferences, easily done now with YouTube and Google+Local Hangouts On Air, not only bring in participants that you would likely never get any other way but they also position you precisely at ‘ground-zero’ of thought leadership in your niche. Very, very few businesses are doing this but all the resources are totally free. Use YouTube videos for ‘How-to’ videos relating to your product, service or brand. You can sleep while your online videos are doing the teaching for you! Use YouTube In Community Building, imagine the captain of a local volleyball team doing a video appealing to the local community for donations to support their planned trip to an international competition to represent the community. Or imagine a video where the team just came back from that competition, after winning first place, and they bring certain key community supporters up on the podium to publicly thank for their help with organizing the community fundraiser that provided much of the finances for the trip. YouTube is great for creating ‘live’ events that connect you and your home-based business with your local community but it also creates a 24/7/365 resource that’s valuable in for anybody to view in the future. That’s leverage! In Politics, video has obvious advantages. It might be a campaign for high school class President or it might be (and actually was) a campaign for President of the country…. video makes the connection better than anything else.
  • 10. 10 Video is great for entertainers, language teachers, how-to videos, travel services.... nothing beats video for almost any form of communication that people do. Video…. The Best of Engagement What makes video so worthwhile is its power to engage the viewer. Viewers can subscribe to your YouTube channel, leave text and/or video comments, click on embedded links that take them to related videos and/or squeeze pages. All of these actions are easy for them to do and an excellent means of lead generation for any type of business. This engagement power wasn’t always available because the technology wasn’t available. Cameras weren’t as cheap or sophisticated, the internet bandwidth wasn’t universally available to upload the videos onto the video platforms, the editing software wasn’t widely available or affordable, and the archive sites themselves didn’t have the sophistication that they do now. Today is different. Look at how easy it is to reach people with video: · Almost everybody has smart phones that take and play videos · Internet connections are just about everywhere · Upload and downloading speeds are faster and easier · Editing is easier (YouTube has a great editor and it’s FREE!) · Editing options are phenomenal. You can insert your own Title, Description and Tags as well as add links, annotations, captions, etc. This all adds up to one very important thing: Powerful, engaging videos that build brands and reputations, create ‘buzz’, bring prospects and leads, and sell ideas, services and products. Videos made with the free tools on YouTube today are better than the best movies from Hollywood of only a generation ago. As a matter of fact, many YouTube video creators turn out super quality, highly entertaining, award-winning videos on amazingly small budgets and using mostly free tools.
  • 11. 11 When videos are done this way, they get views, they get reactions, they get comments, the generate emotion, they make people laugh, cry, feel angry, buy, dance, get out and demonstrate..….. they engage their audience, they generate leads and they ultimately generate business. And that’s what the video creator wants. “Getting the click” The ultimate purpose of most videos is to get a viewer response. Perhaps not so obvious is that in order to do that you’ve got to give them something valuable in the video they’re on but give them some reason to give you that next click. The longer you can keep that viewer on any of your video properties and engaging through your videos the stronger your relationship becomes with them and the easier it eventually becomes to get a sale or at least some usable contact information that takes you closer to a sale. The best form of viewer response is any action that gives the video creator the ability to get back in touch with the viewer later....i.e. ultimately you want as much contact information as you can get...i.e. name, email address, phone number, physical address, etc. What are some of the techniques for doing that on a YouTube video? ● Add URL’s, along with a call-to-action and/or unique offer, to your Description and always include a Subscription Link at the end of your video. Anybody can do this...even if they’re not a YouTube Partner. ● Add clickable annotations to the video itself inviting the viewer to view other videos from your channel or somebody else’s. As long as they’re listening, you’ve got a chance to get what you want. And keep in mind that their selection of videos also creates a ‘self-directed’ sales funnel which you can eventually put to good purpose. ● If you’re a YouTube Partner (which isn’t hard to become) you can add clickable links actually upon the video itself...the best of both worlds. But it’s still a good idea to put links in your Description too. ● If you have a specific ‘unique benefit’ that’s illustrated at a specific point in a video, pop an annotation in there at that exact moment that says something like, “We’ve got a product that prevents this from happening. See the video demo on our channel”, or “click here to get more information on this problem” or perhaps “Click here to get on our notification list”.
  • 12. 12 ● Do ‘reverse marketing’ by subscribing to other channels and/or leaving comments on other videos. A percentage of those video owners, as well as viewers, will reciprocate to you and ultimately some of them will become your customers or at least people you influence. ● Curate other videos. That’s permissible by YouTube now. You can showcase other people’s content to your viewers. Why not? If the video you curate is ‘on target’ for your audience they’ll appreciate it and you’ll share in the credit with the original creator. Plus the original creator is highly likely to curate some of your videos too. So that’s some linking tips. Are there other sites where you can store videos? Sure. Popular Video Platforms is of course the biggest online video site but there are two others worth mentioning. and both are reputable, dependable and offer good tools. But don’t forget that there’s another reason for using YouTube.... YouTube has AUTHORITY. Not only is YouTube the second largest search engine in the world but it’s also owned by Google, the largest search engine in the world. Common sense tells you that they help each other and have a special relationship. YouTube Video Ranking-How does it work? YouTube videos get ranked based on the secret formula that YouTube uses, also known as their ‘algorithm’. That algorithm scrutinizes the data that you put into various optimization fields of the video either when you load it or at any time afterwards. One point worth noting here is that that metadata can be changed if and when you want. Nobody knows the exact algorithm that YouTube uses to rank their videos. Obviously YouTube doesn’t reveal that secret other than giving you certain guidelines that they want you and everybody to follow.
  • 13. 13 The one thing you need to know and take advantage of is that while Google changes their ranking criteria frequently and many SEO experts agree that it’s getting harder to rank websites organically on Google itself, that’s not the case with YouTube. Most people uploading videos to YouTube and trying to use it for business don’t realize that the YouTube algorithm is different, older and easier to rank on (if you know how it works) than is the Google algorithm.... but videos that rank high on YouTube usually also rank high on Google. That’s just the way it is. YouTube has added lots of new features recently but they haven’t made it any harder to rank videos. That’s basically why video SEO is such a great opportunity right now. You can rank videos on Page 1 with relatively less work and yet they’ll still often get on Page 1 on Google. Techniques that don’t work and would actually get you in trouble on Google actually seem to work just fine on YouTube. We’ll talk more about it later but in essence what we’re referring to is that, on YouTube, you can actually use your targeted keywords and phrases in repetitive ways that won’t work on Google. YouTube is actually a ‘back door’ to Google. YouTube…’On-page Video Optimization Best-Practices’. After you upload a video and when you finally get around to optimizing it, you’ll see that YouTube gives you several blocks or fields to fill in. What you put in those fields is called ‘metadata’. This metadata is the text that describes your video so that YouTube knows what it is and therefore who to show it to (i.e. who to ‘serve’ it to) when certain search terms are entered. and it is what determines how YouTube will rank your video. We’ll get more specific on those fields later in this report. But…. remember that YouTube does not actually ‘see’ the video itself. Their decision on where to rank your video is initially based entirely on this metadata. Knowing what to put in these fields in order to convince YouTube to rank your video on Page 1 is a very valuable skill and actually quite fun to study. And you do need to study it too because YouTube is always changing. There’s always a little bit of ‘the unknown’ or ‘the mysterious’ in the results of video rankings.
  • 14. 14 Being competent in YouTube video SEO is a very valuable and continuously-in-demand skill that you can use either for your own purposes or to make money in the service of others. You could ask several business people if they have any YouTube videos that they wish were ranking better and you’d probably find somebody to say, “Heck yeah!” pretty quick. For your videos however, you want to make sure that your video includes what YouTube’s algorithm (their secret formula for ranking videos) is looking for.... and ‘yes’, you can safely bend the rules to your advantage if you do it right. Remember that YouTube doesn’t have people who look at each video before it’s uploaded and put on their site. There are too many videos being uploaded and they don’t have time. The only reason they’d ever actually see it is if someone complained about it. There are two general types of optimization that affect your video ranking on YouTube. Those factors that you can control...i. e. the fields you fill out when you upload the video, are called ‘on-page optimization’. There are also ‘off-page’ factors that are not within your direct control...I. e. comments, shares, etc. There are things you can do to somewhat affect those factors but generally speaking if you make a good video and optimize it well ‘on-page’, you’ll get the ‘off-page’ reactions you want. In this guide we’re focusing primarily on ‘on-page’ ranking factors that you can do. Things You Can Control Initially The 3 most important areas of you on-page SEO (i.e. optimization) are: 1. Title 2. Description 3. Tags Most videos on YouTube never get seen other than by the people who put them up there, or by their friends, because the people who put them up there didn’t optimize the videos properly. The video never ranks on Page 1 so it very seldom gets seen. You certainly don’t want that to happen to your videos so this section will teach you what you need to know to get your videos seen.
  • 15. 15 Of the three metadata items mentioned above, Your Title and Tags are probably the most important and in fact in some cases you can get a video to rank highly with just a properly constructed Title. We’ll talk more about those three elements later but first let’s cover the importance of ‘long-tail’ keywords and phrases. Many keywords are just too competitive to tackle ‘head on’. The way around it is by going after what’s known as the ‘long tail’ versions of that keyword. Long-tail keywords and phrases are actually somewhat synonymous so we’re just going to use the term ‘long-tail keywords’, OK? Long-tail keywords and phrases Keywords are the main words that describe the subject of something. In regular Google SEO, the keywords tell the search engine and the reader the key substance of the website and/or article. In video, it’s the same thing. They tell the YouTube algorithm what your video is about. The viewer sees the keywords too but they usually don’t know that that’s what they’re called. NB: In video SEO, “Tags” serve a very similar function as “key words” in a webpage or article. The main practical difference is that in the YouTube optimization and upload interface, as well as in WordPress dashboard and the dashboard of most other blogging platforms, you’ll have a field specifically called “Tags”. For now, you just should understand that Keywords and Tags serve a very similar function. In understanding why Keywords (and Tags) are important, you just need to stop and realize that if nobody else had ever put up a video using the keyword you want to use (e.g. “how to make tasty scrambled eggs”) you could throw up just about any mediocre quality video and it would sit there on top of YouTube and get lots of views. But it’s not very often that you find good keywords that don’t already have lots of videos competing for them, right? Long-tail simply means that you use an extra word, some sort of modifier, that gets more specific in its meaning and sort of creates your own newer, more exclusive, category.. For example, ‘dog training’ vs. Labrador dog training, auto repair vs. Volvo
  • 16. 16 auto repair, apply credit card vs. applications low interest credit card (a very long-tail phrase). One of the skills in optimizing videos is in coming up with long-tail keywords (and phrases) that have less competition. Otherwise you’ll hardly ever make it to Page 1.... which is of course where you need to be to get seen and get traffic to your site (i.e. assuming you’ve got a link to your site in your Description). Long-tail keywords are also somewhat like domains. People who build websites love to get either an exact-match domain name (e.g.,, but that’s not as easy as it used to be, right? Believe it or not, there was somebody many years ago who paid less than $10 for the exact match domain name ‘’. The domain name later was resold several times and in 2006 ago sold again for an even higher price of $7,500,000. (Luckily, nobody can claim exclusive use of keywords used in video Titles, Descriptions or Tags.) But that was nothing compared to which sold in that same year for $12,000,000. Smaller sales included which sold in 2004 for $70,000 and which sold in 1999 for a nice round figure of $1,000,000. The point is that the majority of the time those kinds of keywords are too competitive to rank for...... unless... you use one of the long-tailed variations to get into sub-niches. Even though videos are easier to rank regular websites and domains, still, there are so many videos on YouTube and many more being uploaded every minute, the only consistently effective way to get your videos ranked is to use long-tail keywords or phrases. This long-tail technique applies whether we’re talking about optimizing your Title or your Description and, to some degree, in your Tags also. And with some creativity they can also apply if you’re trying to target a specific market relative to your MLM product or opportunity Here’s an example of a basic keyword and a long-tail keyword: “Coffee” is a very general term. But what about ‘the coffee opportunity’? “Make money with coffee” or “the coffee opportunity” is a more specific, long-tail keyword term that might get you some views.
  • 17. 17 Another example would be ‘weight loss’ vs. “weight loss for skaters”. Or “Omega 3’s” vs. “Non-Fish Omega 3’s” Or “Divorce Legal Advice” vs. “Pre-paid legal advice about divorce”. Don’t forget that you can make very nice video slide-shows on the YouTube editor plus not only does YouTube have some very nice free music tracks available but you can get royalty-free music from other sources too. Point can make your own product sales and/or recruiting videos to promote absolutely anything!. Part 3 Why are Long-Tail Keywords Valuable? Long-tail keywords are valuable because in the aggregate there are a lot more of them and more searches for them than the original, basic keyword itself. True, there are often only 2-4 searches per month for some of these long-tail keywords but if you add them all up (using the candy example for example) there’s a lot more niches out there that you’d actually have a chance of ranking for and many of them are also going to get you ranked for the main keyword too. What constitutes ‘long-tail’ vs. ‘basic’ keywords sort of depends on other, more specific, factors but the point is that it’s easier to rank for long-tail phrases that contain your target keyword than for the overall, general term. Be Creative In Coming Up With Long Tail Keywords and Phrases Another skill you can develop that’ll really help your videos rank is to think of different phrases that a person might use. You’ve got to be creative. Again remembering that there’s a lot more traffic among all the long-tail searches, in the aggregate, than there is in any handful of the more obvious terms. Geo-modifying for Long-Tailed Keywords and Phrases Local marketing, also known as ‘offline marketing’ is a huge and still growing market right now and one of the easiest way of getting a local business’s video seen is by using what’s known as ‘geo-modifiers’....another form of long-tail keyword.
  • 18. 18 Geo-modifying is simply the technique of adding a geographical modifier to the phrase. For example, “synthetic lubricants Bellaire, TX.”, or “anti-aging products I-45 Houston”, or “roofing contractor Galveston”, etc. If you’re doing video SEO consulting as a means of making money, you’ll find find that as a YouTube video consultant you can score big points with clients by adding geo- modifiers where appropriate to their YouTube Titles, Descriptions and, in some cases, Tags. The point to remember in regards to adding geo-modifiers to titles (or in the Description or in the Tags) is that they’re not really necessary if the business isn’t looking for local customers. But, if a business wants local customers... than geo-modifiers are recommended. If there is a geo-modifier anywhere in the video metadata, YouTube sees it. You can rely on that. And they will always serve local results first unless the searcher specifies another geo-modifier in their query. For some businesses however the ‘local’ aspect just isn’t a big deal and adding a geo- modifier might even be a detriment because it could limit that video to local parameters. Some businesses can get customers from anybody anywhere in the world so the only time you would use geo-modifiers for their videos would be if you wanted your video to reach searchers from a particular geographical area. An example would be if you had an online store that sold pet supplies. You would optimize videos with titles like ‘organic pet food Atlanta’, ‘dog leashes Miami’, ‘Dog training DVDs Sacramento’, etc. And you could use the doubling-up of the key words like we mentioned above too. For a traditional businesses that isn’t specifically ‘local’ in its orientation, like for example an international tax attorney firm, you could create videos that use geo-modifiers for targeted geographical markets if you wanted. For example, if you had a law firm that specialized in issues of international taxation for big multinational corporations and they were based in London but wanted to show up on YouTube searches in other countries, you would be wise to have a Title something like: “International Tax Compliance Attorney London” “Tax Attorney Munich International Compliance” “Tax Compliance International Attorney Sao Paulo” “International Tax Law Attorneys London for International Tax Law Attorneys”
  • 19. 19 Or you could even have something like... “International Tax Compliance Attorney Firm Europe” You can see that what you’re emphasizing to YouTube here is the type of skill that you provide… i.e. international tax compliance law. These titles won’t necessarily look or sound grammatically correct. But YouTube doesn’t care. The point is that their algorithm reads and ranks the words. If you’re in MLM and you’re emphasizing ‘opportunity’ it’s OK to geo-tag that word although there are long-tail terms you might use instead such as “extra money for bills Chicago”, “part-time income for Miami”, or “extra income for pet lovers in Dallas”. If you use geo-modifiers in your title, YouTube sees them and will tend to serve that video to anybody who searches from that particular area. It can tell where the searcher is because Google’s servers can detect the searcher’s IP address. The bottom line on whether to use geo-modifiers in video titles is that a purely local business which only wants local traffic still needs geo-modifiers because many local businesses don’t use them. Videos with geo-modifiers in the Title, Description and Tags will have an advantage over videos that don’t have such modifiers. So… no matter what your primary keyword or keyword phrase is, if the business you’re promoting does have ‘local’ roots and/or has some local relevance, it’s a good idea to add the name of that city or community in the Title. And it’s also a good idea to put telephone Area Codes, complete phone numbers, and ZIP codes in there too. If there’s not room (which is possible) it will serve almost the same purpose to put these other modifiers later in the Description. Optimizing your videos with these long-tail keywords in the Title means that you’ll have to make more videos in order to reach the same amount of people because you’ll be targeting narrower niches. But it’s the only way you have of getting your videos ranked over your competition who might have other factors going for them that you can’t beat. Plus, having more videos in the aggregate ultimately does add weight to your YouTube presence (especially if you’re doing some internal linking of your videos).
  • 20. 20 Remember that just like movies, online videos come and go in popularity. YouTube, just like Google, is in the information business and generally speaking older information isn’t as valuable as newer information. That means that it’s to be expected that your video will drop slightly in rank over time (unless you do certain things which we suggest to you here). The way around that is simply to always be making new videos or to construct your meta-content in such a way that it is ‘timeless’. Other Types of Keyword Modifiers There are other types of keyword modifiers too. In this case we’re speaking specifically of the Title of your video. Words such as, “Guide”, “Review”, “News”, “Commentary”, “Pluses”, “Negatives”, “Reasons to Buy”, “Dangers of”, “Reviews”, “Review”, “Testimonials”, “Stories about”, “Tales of”, “Adventures in”, “Best”, “Best deals”, “Great deals”, “Save”, “Save on”, “Savings on”, etc..... you get the point, right? And again, these words also work with opportunity related metadata (ex: “Dallas home- based business testimonials”...and do a linked series of people giving income testimonials or weight-loss testimonials. The primary value (although not the only value) of these types of modifiers is that they act as spacers between the duplicate keywords. Having your primary keywords in the Title twice is a good technique to use. Now…. Let’s go back to the three specific areas of YouTube metadata.... Title, Description and Tags.
  • 21. 21 Video Meta Components...Basic Function and Tips Meta Component #1, The Title: Your Description is like the headline on a newspaper page. Its purpose is to get YouTube’s attention and then to get the viewer’s attention and a ‘click’ amongst all the other videos he/she sees on the results page. Your primary keyword(s) should be in the Title preferably in the beginning and the Title should be compelling to the reader (if possible). It doesn’t have to make absolute grammatical sense but it’s nice if it does. Of all the parts of your video (other than the thumbnail and the video itself) the Title is the most prominent so.... if it’s not good, you probably wasted your time unless something else really, really makes up for it (like....the picture!). Title Tips: ● Your title doesn’t have to make perfect grammatical sense as long as it means something to the YouTube algorithm and the basic keywords are there. ● Example: “Auto Transmission repair Bellaire, TX.” ● Also, you’ll actually get better results by using the main keywords twice. ● Example: “Auto transmission repair Bellaire TX. for auto transmission repair” ● Another example of a similar technique would be: ● “Fast tennis serve technique for tennis fast serve” ● NB: No matter how you combine the words, YouTube will still see and index them. This also applies to the Description too. ● Add a date...ex: March 15, 2013. YouTube likes current information, right? Adding a date encourages YouTube to rank the video as more current than another video without any date. ● Add a ZIP code (or postal code) and/or a phone number (complete with area code) helps too..... especially for local SEO purposes. Remember, the YouTube algorithm sees and understands these things and the more relevant information (which this certainly is) you put into your metadata, the more highly ranked the video will be by YouTube.
  • 22. 22 Here’s a final example of all those techniques used together: “March 15, 2013 Synthetic lubricant direct-sales opportunity, Bellaire, 713-000-0000,TX. for Bellaire direct sales opportunity” Meta Component #2, The Description: Here’s where optimizing a video starts to get fun. The key in optimizing is better than your competition is unifying all three of these metadata elements so they create a synergistic effect. That’s why having some sort of consistent system is important (for effectiveness) and valuable (if you’re selling your service and you want to be worth what you charge). The general purpose of your Description is first and foremost to tell YouTube what your video is about so they know who to ‘serve’ it to based on whatever keywords you’re targeting. A lot of viewers never read the Description anyway. For that reason, you should be absolutely repeat your keywords (long-tail or otherwise) in the description twice. YouTube does not consider it keyword spam. There is no really mandated limit, from YouTube, on how long your description can or should be. If there’s a lot of valuable information you could put in there.... do so. On the other hand, don’t go totally bizarre and put something in there that’s useless, counterproductive, or going to ‘turn off’ the reader. Just remember that your description should be in harmony should validate and reinforce.... your Title. It’s the second leg of the ‘three-legged stool’ consisting of Title, Description and Tags. Use the exact same words as you have in your Title in the Description as closely as you can so that YouTube ‘gets it’ really clear that ‘this is what this video is about’. In fact, some very successful video marketers like to take the title of their video and paste in into the Description 4 times and then fill in the ‘in-between’ areas with related information and keywords. You can safely have several paragraphs of information in your video’s Description.
  • 23. 23 Description Tips: ● Use a piece of paper with your keywords actually written down in a column. Have a specific number of times you plan on using the keywords in the Description and keep track of the number of times you use the keyword by putting a checkmark next to it. We’d recommend 4 times for each of your primary keywords and at least twice each for each secondary keyword. You can’t analyze your results if you don’t have consistency in your product and this simple procedure ensures that you will always use your keywords the same number of times and in roughly the same way. ● Put links in your description any time you can...e. g. your Facebook, Pinterest, blogs, eCommerce sites, or the link of company. Be sure and add the ‘http: //....” part because it’ll make the link clickable. This shows YouTube that you’re dynamic and providing real information for real people. YouTube likes to see that. ● Use Annotations. Annotations are not only another way to direct the viewer to more information but they also enhance the engagement value of the video itself because they’re right on top of it. They help turn viewers into subscribers and they encourage people to stay within your ‘brand’. YouTube likes that. If you’re a YouTube partner and you can link to non YouTube sites with so. If you can’t do it, it’s still effective to put the links in your Description. Using Annotations is a whole separate subject but the information is easy to find. ● Another unique tool we suggest is to use the ‘apps’ available on . Viewbix’s ‘apps’ are somewhat like Annotations but they go much further in functionality. You can add a Skype number to your video, a Google Map, an autoresponder form, a newsletter, Flickr pictures, more videos, dynamic stock market quotes, and a whole array of other cool things. They’ve got a free plan that’s decent and also some upgrades that offer more functionality. Just remember that the apps will not show on the YouTube platform but they will show when you embed the video just about anywhere else. Check it out. ·
  • 24. 24 Meta Component #3, Tags: Tags are long-tail phrases or simple words that tell YouTube what your video is all about. Although it’s not really necessary to prioritize amongst these 3 meta- components, many video marketers would agree that tags are probably the second most important item in video optimization. There are different theories about how many tags you should put into the Tag field. YouTube allows 500 characters initially in their ‘Tags’ field. That’s usually more than enough. If you get carried away and use more characters than that, you’ll get an error message and you’ll just have to go back and remove some characters. YouTube does this because they don’t want ‘tag stuffing’ but you can go back and add more Tags, if you want, after the video is successfully published on YouTube. Sometimes that’s not a bad idea if, for whatever reason, you decide you want to ‘tweak’ your optimization. The point behind entering Tags is, again, so YouTube knows what your video is about. Look at it this way: If you were talking to a friend and trying to describe a conversation you recently had with somebody else, you wouldn’t try to recite the whole conversation word-for-word, right?’d say, “We talked about x, and y, and z, and a, and b..... etc.. So.... you’re doing the same thing when you tell YouTube what your ‘tags’ are. You’re simply telling YouTube that your video is about x, y, z, a, b, c.... etc.. You should put your primary Tag(s) in first because that’s what YouTube gives more weight to. That might be anywhere from 1 to perhaps 4 keywords or phrases. After that you can enter other, more generally related, keywords or phrases but it’s smart to not put in any Tags which do not appear as words in your video description. (NB: Remember that we’re using the terms ‘tags’ and ‘keywords’ interchangeably here.)
  • 25. 25 Tags Tips: ● Remember to craft your Tags to reflect the content of your Title and Description ● Don’t forget to keep track, on paper, of your Tags. Don’t leave any ‘out’ but also don’t repeat the same Tag twice. So...there you have it. As you can see, video marketing and YouTube is a very big subject. There are still other parts of it that we haven’t touched on. But the great thing about it is that if you’re in a market of any size at all, you can bet that most of your competition is too wrapped up in their business to ‘market’ their business. None of what we’ve talked about here is rocket-science. All this information is publicly available. We’ve just curated it for you (“you’re welcome!”). The big challenge is seeing, recognizing and taking action on this opportunity to build your business using this ever renewing marketing method of YouTube video. We don’t know everything but people keep asking us for advice to that’s why we put together this eBook. We hope you liked it. The Web’s premier video marketing software