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import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
public class TicTacToe implements ActionListener {
final String VERSION = "3.0"
//Setting up ALL the variables
JFrame window = new JFrame("Tic-Tac-Toe " + VERSION);
JMenuBar mnuMain = new JMenuBar();
JMenuItem mnuNewGame = new JMenuItem("New Game"),
mnuInstruction = new JMenuItem("Instructions"),
mnuExit = new JMenuItem("Exit"),
mnuAbout = new JMenuItem("About");
JButton btn1v1 = new JButton("Player vs Player"),
btn1vCPU = new JButton("Player vs Computer"),
btnQuit = new JButton("Quit"),
btnSetName = new JButton("Set Player Names"),
btnContinue = new JButton("Continue..."),
btnTryAgain = new JButton("Try Again?");
JButton btnEmpty[] = new JButton[10];
JPanel pnlNewGame = new JPanel(),
pnlMenu = new JPanel(),
pnlMain = new JPanel(),
pnlTop = new JPanel(),
pnlBottom = new JPanel(),
pnlQuitNTryAgain = new JPanel(),
pnlPlayingField = new JPanel();
JLabel lblTitle = new JLabel("Tic-Tac-Toe"),
lblTurn = new JLabel(),
lblStatus = new JLabel("", JLabel.CENTER),
lblMode = new JLabel("", JLabel.LEFT);
JTextArea txtMessage = new JTextArea();
final int winCombo[ ][ ] = new int[ ][ ] {
{1, 2, 3}, {1, 4, 7}, {1, 5, 9},
{4, 5, 6}, {2, 5, 8}, {3, 5, 7},
{7, 8, 9}, {3, 6, 9}
/*Horizontal Wins*/ /*Vertical Wins*/ /*Diagonal Wins*/
final int X = 535, Y = 342,
mainColorR = 190, mainColorG = 50, mainColorB = 50,
btnColorR = 70, btnColorG = 70, btnColorB = 70;
Color clrBtnWonColor = new Color(190, 190, 190);
int turn = 1,
player1Won = 0, player2Won = 0,
wonNumber1 = 1, wonNumber2 = 1, wonNumber3 = 1,
boolean inGame = false,
CPUGame = false,
win = false;
String message,
Player1 = "Player 1", Player2 = "Player 2",
tempPlayer2 = "Player 2";
public TicTacToe() { //Setting game properties and layout and sytle...
//Setting window properties:
window.setSize(X, Y);
window.setLocation(350, 260);
window.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
//Setting Menu, Main, Top, Bottom Panel Layout/Backgrounds
pnlMenu.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
pnlTop.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
pnlBottom.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
pnlNewGame.setBackground(new Color(mainColorR - 50, mainColorG - 50, mainColorB- 50));
pnlMenu.setBackground(new Color((mainColorR - 50), (mainColorG - 50), (mainColorB- 50)));
pnlMain.setBackground(new Color(mainColorR, mainColorG, mainColorB));
pnlTop.setBackground(new Color(mainColorR, mainColorG, mainColorB));
pnlBottom.setBackground(new Color(mainColorR, mainColorG, mainColorB));
//Setting up Panel QuitNTryAgain
pnlQuitNTryAgain.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2, 2, 2));
//Adding menu items to menu bar
mnuMain.add(mnuExit);// Menu Bar is Complete
//Adding buttons to NewGame panel
pnlNewGame.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 1, 2, 10));
//Setting Button propertied
//Setting txtMessage Properties
txtMessage.setBackground(new Color(mainColorR-30, mainColorG-30, mainColorB-30));
//Adding Action Listener to all the Buttons and Menu Items
//Setting up the playing field
pnlPlayingField.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 3, 2, 2));
for(int i=1; i<=9; i++) {
btnEmpty[i] = new JButton();
btnEmpty[i].setBackground(new Color(btnColorR, btnColorG, btnColorB));
pnlPlayingField.add(btnEmpty[i]);// Playing Field is Compelte
//Adding everything needed to pnlMenu and pnlMain
//Adding to window and Showing window
window.add(pnlMenu, BorderLayout.NORTH);
window.add(pnlMain, BorderLayout.CENTER);
public static void main(String[] args) {
new TicTacToe();// Calling the class construtor.
Start of all METHODS. |
public void showGame() { // Shows the Playing Field
// *IMPORTANT*- Does not start out brand new (meaning just shows what it had before)
pnlMain.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
pnlTop.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
pnlBottom.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
pnlBottom.add(lblTurn, BorderLayout.WEST);
pnlBottom.add(lblStatus, BorderLayout.CENTER);
pnlBottom.add(pnlQuitNTryAgain, BorderLayout.EAST);
pnlMain.add(pnlTop, BorderLayout.CENTER);
pnlMain.add(pnlBottom, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
inGame = true;
public void newGame() { // Sets all the game required variables to default
// and then shows the playing field.
// (Basically: Starts a new 1v1 Game)
btnEmpty[wonNumber1].setBackground(new Color(btnColorR, btnColorG, btnColorB));
btnEmpty[wonNumber2].setBackground(new Color(btnColorR, btnColorG, btnColorB));
btnEmpty[wonNumber3].setBackground(new Color(btnColorR, btnColorG, btnColorB));
for(int i=1; i<10; i++) {
turn = 1;
win = false;
public void quit() {
inGame = false;
public void checkWin() { // checks if there are 3 symbols in a row vertically, diagonally, or
// then shows a message and disables buttons. If the game is
over then it asks
// if you want to play again.
for(int i=0; i<8; i++) {
!btnEmpty[winCombo[i][0]].getText().equals("") &&
btnEmpty[winCombo[i][0]].getText().equals(btnEmpty[winCombo[i][1]].getText()) &&
// if {1 == 2 && 2 == 3}
btnEmpty[winCombo[i][1]].getText().equals(btnEmpty[winCombo[i][2]].getText())) {
The way this checks the if someone won is:
First: it checks if the btnEmpty[x] is not equal to an empty string- x being the array
inside the multi-dementional array winCombo[checks inside each of the 7 sets][the
first number]
Secong: it checks if btnEmpty[x] is equal to btnEmpty[y]- x being winCombo[each set][the
first number]
y being winCombo[each set the same as x][the second number] (So basically checks
if the first and
second number in each set is equal to each other)
Third: it checks if btnEmtpy[y] is eual to btnEmpty[z]- y being the same y as last time and
winCombo[each set as y][the third number]
Conclusion: So basically it checks if it is equal to the btnEmpty is equal to each set of numbers
win = true;
wonNumber1 = winCombo[i][0];
wonNumber2 = winCombo[i][1];
wonNumber3 = winCombo[i][2];
if(win || (!win && turn>9)) {
if(win) {
if(btnEmpty[wonNumber1].getText().equals("X")) {
message = Player1 + " has won";
else {
message = Player2 + " has won";
} else if(!win && turn>9)
message = "Both players have tied! Better luck next time.";
for(int i=1; i<=9; i++) {
} else
public void AI() {
int computerButton;
if(turn <= 9) {
computerButton = CPU.doMove(
btnEmpty[1], btnEmpty[2], btnEmpty[3],
btnEmpty[4], btnEmpty[5], btnEmpty[6],
btnEmpty[7], btnEmpty[8], btnEmpty[9]);
if(computerButton == 0)
else {
public void Random() {
int random;
if(turn <= 9) {
random = 0;
while(random == 0) {
random = (int)(Math.random() * 10);
if(CPU.doRandomMove(btnEmpty[random])) {
} else {
public void checkTurn() {
String whoTurn;
if(!(turn % 2 == 0)) {
whoTurn = Player1 + " [X]";
} else {
whoTurn = Player2 + " [O]";
lblTurn.setText("Turn: " + whoTurn);
public void askUserForPlayerNames() {
String temp;
boolean tempIsValid = false;
temp = getInput("Enter player 1 name:", Player1);
if(temp == null) {/*Do Nothing*/}
else if(temp.equals(""))
showMessage("Invalid Name!");
else if(temp.equals(Player2)) {
option = askMessage("Player 1 name matches Player 2's Do you want to continue?", "Name
Match", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
if(option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
tempIsValid = true;
} else if(temp != null) {
tempIsValid = true;
if(tempIsValid) {
Player1 = temp;
tempIsValid = false;
temp = getInput("Enter player 2 name:", Player2);
if(temp == null) {/*Do Nothing*/}
else if(temp.equals(""))
showMessage("Invalid Name!");
else if(temp.equals(Player1)) {
option = askMessage("Player 2 name matches Player 1's Do you want to continue?", "Name
Match", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
if(option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
tempIsValid = true;
} else if(temp != null) {
tempIsValid = true;
if(tempIsValid) {
Player2 = temp;
tempPlayer2 = temp;
tempIsValid = false;
public void setDefaultLayout() {
pnlMain.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1, 2, 5));
pnlTop.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
pnlBottom.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
public void checkWinStatus() {
lblStatus.setText(Player1 + ": " + player1Won + " | " + Player2 + ": " + player2Won);
public int askMessage(String msg, String tle, int op) {
return JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, msg, tle, op);
public String getInput(String msg, String setText) {
return JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, msg, setText);
public void showMessage(String msg) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, msg);
public void clearPanelSouth() { //Removes all the possible panels
//that pnlMain, pnlTop, pnlBottom
//could have.
End of all non-Abstract METHODS. |
//-------------------ACTION PERFORMED METHOD (Button Click --> Action?)-------------------
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent click) {
Object source = click.getSource();
for(int i=1; i<=9; i++) {
if(source == btnEmpty[i] && turn < 10) {
if(!(turn % 2 == 0))
if(CPUGame && win == false)
if(source == mnuNewGame || source == mnuInstruction || source == mnuAbout) {
if(source == mnuNewGame) {//NewGame
else if(source == mnuInstruction || source == mnuAbout) {
if(source == mnuInstruction) {// Instructions
message = "Instructions:  " +
"Your goal is to be the first player to get 3 X's or O's in a " +
"row. (horizontally, diagonally, or vertically) " +
Player1 + ": X " +
Player2 + ": O ";
} else {//About
message = "About:  " +
"Title: Tic-Tac-Toe " +
"Creator: Blmaster " +
"Version: " + VERSION + " ";
else if(source == btn1v1 || source == btn1vCPU) {
if(inGame) {
option = askMessage("If you start a new game," +
"your current game will be lost..." + " " +
"Are you sure you want to continue?",
"Quit Game?" ,JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION
if(option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
inGame = false;
if(!inGame) {
if(source == btn1v1) {// 1 v 1 Game
Player2 = tempPlayer2;
player1Won = 0;
player2Won = 0;
lblMode.setText("1 v 1");
CPUGame = false;
} else {// 1 v CPU Game
Player2 = "Computer";
player1Won = 0;
player2Won = 0;
lblMode.setText("1 v CPU");
CPUGame = true;
else if(source == btnContinue) {
else if(source == btnSetName) {
else if(source == mnuExit) {
option = askMessage("Are you sure you want to exit?", "Exit Game",
if(option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
else if(source == btnTryAgain) {
else if(source == btnQuit) {
//-------------------END OF ACTION PERFORMED METHOD-------------------------//
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
public class TicTacToe implements ActionListener {
final String VERSION = "3.0"
//Setting up ALL the variables
JFrame window = new JFrame("Tic-Tac-Toe " + VERSION);
JMenuBar mnuMain = new JMenuBar();
JMenuItem mnuNewGame = new JMenuItem("New Game"),
mnuInstruction = new JMenuItem("Instructions"),
mnuExit = new JMenuItem("Exit"),
mnuAbout = new JMenuItem("About");
JButton btn1v1 = new JButton("Player vs Player"),
btn1vCPU = new JButton("Player vs Computer"),
btnQuit = new JButton("Quit"),
btnSetName = new JButton("Set Player Names"),
btnContinue = new JButton("Continue..."),
btnTryAgain = new JButton("Try Again?");
JButton btnEmpty[] = new JButton[10];
JPanel pnlNewGame = new JPanel(),
pnlMenu = new JPanel(),
pnlMain = new JPanel(),
pnlTop = new JPanel(),
pnlBottom = new JPanel(),
pnlQuitNTryAgain = new JPanel(),
pnlPlayingField = new JPanel();
JLabel lblTitle = new JLabel("Tic-Tac-Toe"),
lblTurn = new JLabel(),
lblStatus = new JLabel("", JLabel.CENTER),
lblMode = new JLabel("", JLabel.LEFT);
JTextArea txtMessage = new JTextArea();
final int winCombo[ ][ ] = new int[ ][ ] {
{1, 2, 3}, {1, 4, 7}, {1, 5, 9},
{4, 5, 6}, {2, 5, 8}, {3, 5, 7},
{7, 8, 9}, {3, 6, 9}
/*Horizontal Wins*/ /*Vertical Wins*/ /*Diagonal Wins*/
final int X = 535, Y = 342,
mainColorR = 190, mainColorG = 50, mainColorB = 50,
btnColorR = 70, btnColorG = 70, btnColorB = 70;
Color clrBtnWonColor = new Color(190, 190, 190);
int turn = 1,
player1Won = 0, player2Won = 0,
wonNumber1 = 1, wonNumber2 = 1, wonNumber3 = 1,
boolean inGame = false,
CPUGame = false,
win = false;
String message,
Player1 = "Player 1", Player2 = "Player 2",
tempPlayer2 = "Player 2";
public TicTacToe() { //Setting game properties and layout and sytle...
//Setting window properties:
window.setSize(X, Y);
window.setLocation(350, 260);
window.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
//Setting Menu, Main, Top, Bottom Panel Layout/Backgrounds
pnlMenu.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
pnlTop.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
pnlBottom.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
pnlNewGame.setBackground(new Color(mainColorR - 50, mainColorG - 50, mainColorB- 50));
pnlMenu.setBackground(new Color((mainColorR - 50), (mainColorG - 50), (mainColorB- 50)));
pnlMain.setBackground(new Color(mainColorR, mainColorG, mainColorB));
pnlTop.setBackground(new Color(mainColorR, mainColorG, mainColorB));
pnlBottom.setBackground(new Color(mainColorR, mainColorG, mainColorB));
//Setting up Panel QuitNTryAgain
pnlQuitNTryAgain.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2, 2, 2));
//Adding menu items to menu bar
mnuMain.add(mnuExit);// Menu Bar is Complete
//Adding buttons to NewGame panel
pnlNewGame.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 1, 2, 10));
//Setting Button propertied
//Setting txtMessage Properties
txtMessage.setBackground(new Color(mainColorR-30, mainColorG-30, mainColorB-30));
//Adding Action Listener to all the Buttons and Menu Items
//Setting up the playing field
pnlPlayingField.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 3, 2, 2));
for(int i=1; i<=9; i++) {
btnEmpty[i] = new JButton();
btnEmpty[i].setBackground(new Color(btnColorR, btnColorG, btnColorB));
pnlPlayingField.add(btnEmpty[i]);// Playing Field is Compelte
//Adding everything needed to pnlMenu and pnlMain
//Adding to window and Showing window
window.add(pnlMenu, BorderLayout.NORTH);
window.add(pnlMain, BorderLayout.CENTER);
public static void main(String[] args) {
new TicTacToe();// Calling the class construtor.
Start of all METHODS. |
public void showGame() { // Shows the Playing Field
// *IMPORTANT*- Does not start out brand new (meaning just shows what it had before)
pnlMain.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
pnlTop.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
pnlBottom.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
pnlBottom.add(lblTurn, BorderLayout.WEST);
pnlBottom.add(lblStatus, BorderLayout.CENTER);
pnlBottom.add(pnlQuitNTryAgain, BorderLayout.EAST);
pnlMain.add(pnlTop, BorderLayout.CENTER);
pnlMain.add(pnlBottom, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
inGame = true;
public void newGame() { // Sets all the game required variables to default
// and then shows the playing field.
// (Basically: Starts a new 1v1 Game)
btnEmpty[wonNumber1].setBackground(new Color(btnColorR, btnColorG, btnColorB));
btnEmpty[wonNumber2].setBackground(new Color(btnColorR, btnColorG, btnColorB));
btnEmpty[wonNumber3].setBackground(new Color(btnColorR, btnColorG, btnColorB));
for(int i=1; i<10; i++) {
turn = 1;
win = false;
public void quit() {
inGame = false;
public void checkWin() { // checks if there are 3 symbols in a row vertically, diagonally, or
// then shows a message and disables buttons. If the game is
over then it asks
// if you want to play again.
for(int i=0; i<8; i++) {
!btnEmpty[winCombo[i][0]].getText().equals("") &&
btnEmpty[winCombo[i][0]].getText().equals(btnEmpty[winCombo[i][1]].getText()) &&
// if {1 == 2 && 2 == 3}
btnEmpty[winCombo[i][1]].getText().equals(btnEmpty[winCombo[i][2]].getText())) {
The way this checks the if someone won is:
First: it checks if the btnEmpty[x] is not equal to an empty string- x being the array
inside the multi-dementional array winCombo[checks inside each of the 7 sets][the
first number]
Secong: it checks if btnEmpty[x] is equal to btnEmpty[y]- x being winCombo[each set][the
first number]
y being winCombo[each set the same as x][the second number] (So basically checks
if the first and
second number in each set is equal to each other)
Third: it checks if btnEmtpy[y] is eual to btnEmpty[z]- y being the same y as last time and
winCombo[each set as y][the third number]
Conclusion: So basically it checks if it is equal to the btnEmpty is equal to each set of numbers
win = true;
wonNumber1 = winCombo[i][0];
wonNumber2 = winCombo[i][1];
wonNumber3 = winCombo[i][2];
if(win || (!win && turn>9)) {
if(win) {
if(btnEmpty[wonNumber1].getText().equals("X")) {
message = Player1 + " has won";
else {
message = Player2 + " has won";
} else if(!win && turn>9)
message = "Both players have tied! Better luck next time.";
for(int i=1; i<=9; i++) {
} else
public void AI() {
int computerButton;
if(turn <= 9) {
computerButton = CPU.doMove(
btnEmpty[1], btnEmpty[2], btnEmpty[3],
btnEmpty[4], btnEmpty[5], btnEmpty[6],
btnEmpty[7], btnEmpty[8], btnEmpty[9]);
if(computerButton == 0)
else {
public void Random() {
int random;
if(turn <= 9) {
random = 0;
while(random == 0) {
random = (int)(Math.random() * 10);
if(CPU.doRandomMove(btnEmpty[random])) {
} else {
public void checkTurn() {
String whoTurn;
if(!(turn % 2 == 0)) {
whoTurn = Player1 + " [X]";
} else {
whoTurn = Player2 + " [O]";
lblTurn.setText("Turn: " + whoTurn);
public void askUserForPlayerNames() {
String temp;
boolean tempIsValid = false;
temp = getInput("Enter player 1 name:", Player1);
if(temp == null) {/*Do Nothing*/}
else if(temp.equals(""))
showMessage("Invalid Name!");
else if(temp.equals(Player2)) {
option = askMessage("Player 1 name matches Player 2's Do you want to continue?", "Name
Match", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
if(option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
tempIsValid = true;
} else if(temp != null) {
tempIsValid = true;
if(tempIsValid) {
Player1 = temp;
tempIsValid = false;
temp = getInput("Enter player 2 name:", Player2);
if(temp == null) {/*Do Nothing*/}
else if(temp.equals(""))
showMessage("Invalid Name!");
else if(temp.equals(Player1)) {
option = askMessage("Player 2 name matches Player 1's Do you want to continue?", "Name
Match", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
if(option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
tempIsValid = true;
} else if(temp != null) {
tempIsValid = true;
if(tempIsValid) {
Player2 = temp;
tempPlayer2 = temp;
tempIsValid = false;
public void setDefaultLayout() {
pnlMain.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1, 2, 5));
pnlTop.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
pnlBottom.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
public void checkWinStatus() {
lblStatus.setText(Player1 + ": " + player1Won + " | " + Player2 + ": " + player2Won);
public int askMessage(String msg, String tle, int op) {
return JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, msg, tle, op);
public String getInput(String msg, String setText) {
return JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, msg, setText);
public void showMessage(String msg) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, msg);
public void clearPanelSouth() { //Removes all the possible panels
//that pnlMain, pnlTop, pnlBottom
//could have.
End of all non-Abstract METHODS. |
//-------------------ACTION PERFORMED METHOD (Button Click --> Action?)-------------------
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent click) {
Object source = click.getSource();
for(int i=1; i<=9; i++) {
if(source == btnEmpty[i] && turn < 10) {
if(!(turn % 2 == 0))
if(CPUGame && win == false)
if(source == mnuNewGame || source == mnuInstruction || source == mnuAbout) {
if(source == mnuNewGame) {//NewGame
else if(source == mnuInstruction || source == mnuAbout) {
if(source == mnuInstruction) {// Instructions
message = "Instructions:  " +
"Your goal is to be the first player to get 3 X's or O's in a " +
"row. (horizontally, diagonally, or vertically) " +
Player1 + ": X " +
Player2 + ": O ";
} else {//About
message = "About:  " +
"Title: Tic-Tac-Toe " +
"Creator: Blmaster " +
"Version: " + VERSION + " ";
else if(source == btn1v1 || source == btn1vCPU) {
if(inGame) {
option = askMessage("If you start a new game," +
"your current game will be lost..." + " " +
"Are you sure you want to continue?",
"Quit Game?" ,JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION
if(option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
inGame = false;
if(!inGame) {
if(source == btn1v1) {// 1 v 1 Game
Player2 = tempPlayer2;
player1Won = 0;
player2Won = 0;
lblMode.setText("1 v 1");
CPUGame = false;
} else {// 1 v CPU Game
Player2 = "Computer";
player1Won = 0;
player2Won = 0;
lblMode.setText("1 v CPU");
CPUGame = true;
else if(source == btnContinue) {
else if(source == btnSetName) {
else if(source == mnuExit) {
option = askMessage("Are you sure you want to exit?", "Exit Game",
if(option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
else if(source == btnTryAgain) {
else if(source == btnQuit) {
//-------------------END OF ACTION PERFORMED METHOD-------------------------//

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import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Random; public clas.pdf

  • 1. import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Random; public class TicTacToe implements ActionListener { final String VERSION = "3.0" //Setting up ALL the variables JFrame window = new JFrame("Tic-Tac-Toe " + VERSION); JMenuBar mnuMain = new JMenuBar(); JMenuItem mnuNewGame = new JMenuItem("New Game"), mnuInstruction = new JMenuItem("Instructions"), mnuExit = new JMenuItem("Exit"), mnuAbout = new JMenuItem("About"); JButton btn1v1 = new JButton("Player vs Player"), btn1vCPU = new JButton("Player vs Computer"), btnQuit = new JButton("Quit"), btnSetName = new JButton("Set Player Names"), btnContinue = new JButton("Continue..."), btnTryAgain = new JButton("Try Again?"); JButton btnEmpty[] = new JButton[10]; JPanel pnlNewGame = new JPanel(), pnlMenu = new JPanel(), pnlMain = new JPanel(), pnlTop = new JPanel(), pnlBottom = new JPanel(), pnlQuitNTryAgain = new JPanel(), pnlPlayingField = new JPanel(); JLabel lblTitle = new JLabel("Tic-Tac-Toe"), lblTurn = new JLabel(), lblStatus = new JLabel("", JLabel.CENTER), lblMode = new JLabel("", JLabel.LEFT); JTextArea txtMessage = new JTextArea(); final int winCombo[ ][ ] = new int[ ][ ] { {1, 2, 3}, {1, 4, 7}, {1, 5, 9}, {4, 5, 6}, {2, 5, 8}, {3, 5, 7},
  • 2. {7, 8, 9}, {3, 6, 9} /*Horizontal Wins*/ /*Vertical Wins*/ /*Diagonal Wins*/ }; final int X = 535, Y = 342, mainColorR = 190, mainColorG = 50, mainColorB = 50, btnColorR = 70, btnColorG = 70, btnColorB = 70; Color clrBtnWonColor = new Color(190, 190, 190); int turn = 1, player1Won = 0, player2Won = 0, wonNumber1 = 1, wonNumber2 = 1, wonNumber3 = 1, option; boolean inGame = false, CPUGame = false, win = false; String message, Player1 = "Player 1", Player2 = "Player 2", tempPlayer2 = "Player 2"; public TicTacToe() { //Setting game properties and layout and sytle... //Setting window properties: window.setSize(X, Y); window.setLocation(350, 260); //window.setResizable(false); window.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); window.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //Setting Menu, Main, Top, Bottom Panel Layout/Backgrounds pnlMenu.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); pnlTop.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); pnlBottom.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); pnlNewGame.setBackground(new Color(mainColorR - 50, mainColorG - 50, mainColorB- 50)); pnlMenu.setBackground(new Color((mainColorR - 50), (mainColorG - 50), (mainColorB- 50))); pnlMain.setBackground(new Color(mainColorR, mainColorG, mainColorB)); pnlTop.setBackground(new Color(mainColorR, mainColorG, mainColorB)); pnlBottom.setBackground(new Color(mainColorR, mainColorG, mainColorB)); //Setting up Panel QuitNTryAgain pnlQuitNTryAgain.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2, 2, 2)); pnlQuitNTryAgain.add(btnTryAgain);
  • 3. pnlQuitNTryAgain.add(btnQuit); //Adding menu items to menu bar mnuMain.add(mnuNewGame); mnuMain.add(mnuInstruction); mnuMain.add(mnuAbout); mnuMain.add(mnuExit);// Menu Bar is Complete //Adding buttons to NewGame panel pnlNewGame.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 1, 2, 10)); pnlNewGame.add(btnContinue); pnlNewGame.add(btn1v1); pnlNewGame.add(btn1vCPU); pnlNewGame.add(btnSetName); //Setting Button propertied btnTryAgain.setEnabled(false); btnContinue.setEnabled(false); //Setting txtMessage Properties txtMessage.setBackground(new Color(mainColorR-30, mainColorG-30, mainColorB-30)); txtMessage.setForeground(Color.white); txtMessage.setEditable(false); //Adding Action Listener to all the Buttons and Menu Items mnuNewGame.addActionListener(this); mnuExit.addActionListener(this); mnuInstruction.addActionListener(this); mnuAbout.addActionListener(this); btn1v1.addActionListener(this); btn1vCPU.addActionListener(this); btnQuit.addActionListener(this); btnSetName.addActionListener(this); btnContinue.addActionListener(this); btnTryAgain.addActionListener(this); //Setting up the playing field pnlPlayingField.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 3, 2, 2)); pnlPlayingField.setBackground(; for(int i=1; i<=9; i++) { btnEmpty[i] = new JButton(); btnEmpty[i].setBackground(new Color(btnColorR, btnColorG, btnColorB));
  • 4. btnEmpty[i].addActionListener(this); pnlPlayingField.add(btnEmpty[i]);// Playing Field is Compelte } //Adding everything needed to pnlMenu and pnlMain lblMode.setForeground(Color.white); pnlMenu.add(lblMode); pnlMenu.add(mnuMain); pnlMain.add(lblTitle); //Adding to window and Showing window window.add(pnlMenu, BorderLayout.NORTH); window.add(pnlMain, BorderLayout.CENTER); window.setVisible(true); } public static void main(String[] args) { new TicTacToe();// Calling the class construtor. // PROGRAM STARTS HERE! } /* ------------------------- Start of all METHODS. | ------------------------- */ public void showGame() { // Shows the Playing Field // *IMPORTANT*- Does not start out brand new (meaning just shows what it had before) clearPanelSouth(); pnlMain.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); pnlTop.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); pnlBottom.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); pnlTop.add(pnlPlayingField); pnlBottom.add(lblTurn, BorderLayout.WEST); pnlBottom.add(lblStatus, BorderLayout.CENTER); pnlBottom.add(pnlQuitNTryAgain, BorderLayout.EAST); pnlMain.add(pnlTop, BorderLayout.CENTER); pnlMain.add(pnlBottom, BorderLayout.SOUTH); pnlPlayingField.requestFocus(); inGame = true;
  • 5. checkTurn(); checkWinStatus(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- public void newGame() { // Sets all the game required variables to default // and then shows the playing field. // (Basically: Starts a new 1v1 Game) btnEmpty[wonNumber1].setBackground(new Color(btnColorR, btnColorG, btnColorB)); btnEmpty[wonNumber2].setBackground(new Color(btnColorR, btnColorG, btnColorB)); btnEmpty[wonNumber3].setBackground(new Color(btnColorR, btnColorG, btnColorB)); for(int i=1; i<10; i++) { btnEmpty[i].setText(""); btnEmpty[i].setEnabled(true); } turn = 1; win = false; showGame(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- public void quit() { inGame = false; lblMode.setText(""); btnContinue.setEnabled(false); clearPanelSouth(); setDefaultLayout(); pnlTop.add(pnlNewGame); pnlMain.add(pnlTop); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- public void checkWin() { // checks if there are 3 symbols in a row vertically, diagonally, or horizontally. // then shows a message and disables buttons. If the game is over then it asks
  • 6. // if you want to play again. for(int i=0; i<8; i++) { if( !btnEmpty[winCombo[i][0]].getText().equals("") && btnEmpty[winCombo[i][0]].getText().equals(btnEmpty[winCombo[i][1]].getText()) && // if {1 == 2 && 2 == 3} btnEmpty[winCombo[i][1]].getText().equals(btnEmpty[winCombo[i][2]].getText())) { /* The way this checks the if someone won is: First: it checks if the btnEmpty[x] is not equal to an empty string- x being the array number inside the multi-dementional array winCombo[checks inside each of the 7 sets][the first number] Secong: it checks if btnEmpty[x] is equal to btnEmpty[y]- x being winCombo[each set][the first number] y being winCombo[each set the same as x][the second number] (So basically checks if the first and second number in each set is equal to each other) Third: it checks if btnEmtpy[y] is eual to btnEmpty[z]- y being the same y as last time and being winCombo[each set as y][the third number] Conclusion: So basically it checks if it is equal to the btnEmpty is equal to each set of numbers */ win = true; wonNumber1 = winCombo[i][0]; wonNumber2 = winCombo[i][1]; wonNumber3 = winCombo[i][2]; btnEmpty[wonNumber1].setBackground(clrBtnWonColor); btnEmpty[wonNumber2].setBackground(clrBtnWonColor); btnEmpty[wonNumber3].setBackground(clrBtnWonColor); break; } } if(win || (!win && turn>9)) { if(win) { if(btnEmpty[wonNumber1].getText().equals("X")) {
  • 7. message = Player1 + " has won"; player1Won++; } else { message = Player2 + " has won"; player2Won++; } } else if(!win && turn>9) message = "Both players have tied! Better luck next time."; showMessage(message); for(int i=1; i<=9; i++) { btnEmpty[i].setEnabled(false); } btnTryAgain.setEnabled(true); checkWinStatus(); } else checkTurn(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- public void AI() { int computerButton; if(turn <= 9) { turn++; computerButton = CPU.doMove( btnEmpty[1], btnEmpty[2], btnEmpty[3], btnEmpty[4], btnEmpty[5], btnEmpty[6], btnEmpty[7], btnEmpty[8], btnEmpty[9]); if(computerButton == 0) Random(); else { btnEmpty[computerButton].setText("O"); btnEmpty[computerButton].setEnabled(false); } checkWin(); }
  • 8. } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- public void Random() { int random; if(turn <= 9) { random = 0; while(random == 0) { random = (int)(Math.random() * 10); } if(CPU.doRandomMove(btnEmpty[random])) { btnEmpty[random].setText("O"); btnEmpty[random].setEnabled(false); } else { Random(); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- public void checkTurn() { String whoTurn; if(!(turn % 2 == 0)) { whoTurn = Player1 + " [X]"; } else { whoTurn = Player2 + " [O]"; } lblTurn.setText("Turn: " + whoTurn); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- public void askUserForPlayerNames() { String temp; boolean tempIsValid = false; temp = getInput("Enter player 1 name:", Player1); if(temp == null) {/*Do Nothing*/}
  • 9. else if(temp.equals("")) showMessage("Invalid Name!"); else if(temp.equals(Player2)) { option = askMessage("Player 1 name matches Player 2's Do you want to continue?", "Name Match", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if(option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) tempIsValid = true; } else if(temp != null) { tempIsValid = true; } if(tempIsValid) { Player1 = temp; tempIsValid = false; } temp = getInput("Enter player 2 name:", Player2); if(temp == null) {/*Do Nothing*/} else if(temp.equals("")) showMessage("Invalid Name!"); else if(temp.equals(Player1)) { option = askMessage("Player 2 name matches Player 1's Do you want to continue?", "Name Match", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if(option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) tempIsValid = true; } else if(temp != null) { tempIsValid = true; } if(tempIsValid) { Player2 = temp; tempPlayer2 = temp; tempIsValid = false; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- public void setDefaultLayout() { pnlMain.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1, 2, 5));
  • 10. pnlTop.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); pnlBottom.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- public void checkWinStatus() { lblStatus.setText(Player1 + ": " + player1Won + " | " + Player2 + ": " + player2Won); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- public int askMessage(String msg, String tle, int op) { return JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, msg, tle, op); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- public String getInput(String msg, String setText) { return JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, msg, setText); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- public void showMessage(String msg) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, msg); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- public void clearPanelSouth() { //Removes all the possible panels //that pnlMain, pnlTop, pnlBottom //could have. pnlMain.remove(lblTitle); pnlMain.remove(pnlTop); pnlMain.remove(pnlBottom); pnlTop.remove(pnlNewGame); pnlTop.remove(txtMessage); pnlTop.remove(pnlPlayingField); pnlBottom.remove(lblTurn); pnlBottom.remove(pnlQuitNTryAgain);
  • 11. } /* ------------------------------------- End of all non-Abstract METHODS. | ------------------------------------- */ //-------------------ACTION PERFORMED METHOD (Button Click --> Action?)------------------- ------// public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent click) { Object source = click.getSource(); for(int i=1; i<=9; i++) { if(source == btnEmpty[i] && turn < 10) { if(!(turn % 2 == 0)) btnEmpty[i].setText("X"); else btnEmpty[i].setText("O"); btnEmpty[i].setEnabled(false); pnlPlayingField.requestFocus(); turn++; checkWin(); if(CPUGame && win == false) AI(); } } if(source == mnuNewGame || source == mnuInstruction || source == mnuAbout) { clearPanelSouth(); setDefaultLayout(); if(source == mnuNewGame) {//NewGame pnlTop.add(pnlNewGame); } else if(source == mnuInstruction || source == mnuAbout) { if(source == mnuInstruction) {// Instructions message = "Instructions: " + "Your goal is to be the first player to get 3 X's or O's in a " + "row. (horizontally, diagonally, or vertically) " + Player1 + ": X " +
  • 12. Player2 + ": O "; } else {//About message = "About: " + "Title: Tic-Tac-Toe " + "Creator: Blmaster " + "Version: " + VERSION + " "; } txtMessage.setText(message); pnlTop.add(txtMessage); } pnlMain.add(pnlTop); } else if(source == btn1v1 || source == btn1vCPU) { if(inGame) { option = askMessage("If you start a new game," + "your current game will be lost..." + " " + "Are you sure you want to continue?", "Quit Game?" ,JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION ); if(option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) inGame = false; } if(!inGame) { btnContinue.setEnabled(true); if(source == btn1v1) {// 1 v 1 Game Player2 = tempPlayer2; player1Won = 0; player2Won = 0; lblMode.setText("1 v 1"); CPUGame = false; newGame(); } else {// 1 v CPU Game Player2 = "Computer"; player1Won = 0; player2Won = 0; lblMode.setText("1 v CPU");
  • 13. CPUGame = true; newGame(); } } } else if(source == btnContinue) { checkTurn(); showGame(); } else if(source == btnSetName) { askUserForPlayerNames(); } else if(source == mnuExit) { option = askMessage("Are you sure you want to exit?", "Exit Game", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if(option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) System.exit(0); } else if(source == btnTryAgain) { newGame(); btnTryAgain.setEnabled(false); } else if(source == btnQuit) { quit(); } pnlMain.setVisible(false); pnlMain.setVisible(true); } //-------------------END OF ACTION PERFORMED METHOD-------------------------// } Solution import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Random;
  • 14. public class TicTacToe implements ActionListener { final String VERSION = "3.0" //Setting up ALL the variables JFrame window = new JFrame("Tic-Tac-Toe " + VERSION); JMenuBar mnuMain = new JMenuBar(); JMenuItem mnuNewGame = new JMenuItem("New Game"), mnuInstruction = new JMenuItem("Instructions"), mnuExit = new JMenuItem("Exit"), mnuAbout = new JMenuItem("About"); JButton btn1v1 = new JButton("Player vs Player"), btn1vCPU = new JButton("Player vs Computer"), btnQuit = new JButton("Quit"), btnSetName = new JButton("Set Player Names"), btnContinue = new JButton("Continue..."), btnTryAgain = new JButton("Try Again?"); JButton btnEmpty[] = new JButton[10]; JPanel pnlNewGame = new JPanel(), pnlMenu = new JPanel(), pnlMain = new JPanel(), pnlTop = new JPanel(), pnlBottom = new JPanel(), pnlQuitNTryAgain = new JPanel(), pnlPlayingField = new JPanel(); JLabel lblTitle = new JLabel("Tic-Tac-Toe"), lblTurn = new JLabel(), lblStatus = new JLabel("", JLabel.CENTER), lblMode = new JLabel("", JLabel.LEFT); JTextArea txtMessage = new JTextArea(); final int winCombo[ ][ ] = new int[ ][ ] { {1, 2, 3}, {1, 4, 7}, {1, 5, 9}, {4, 5, 6}, {2, 5, 8}, {3, 5, 7}, {7, 8, 9}, {3, 6, 9} /*Horizontal Wins*/ /*Vertical Wins*/ /*Diagonal Wins*/ }; final int X = 535, Y = 342,
  • 15. mainColorR = 190, mainColorG = 50, mainColorB = 50, btnColorR = 70, btnColorG = 70, btnColorB = 70; Color clrBtnWonColor = new Color(190, 190, 190); int turn = 1, player1Won = 0, player2Won = 0, wonNumber1 = 1, wonNumber2 = 1, wonNumber3 = 1, option; boolean inGame = false, CPUGame = false, win = false; String message, Player1 = "Player 1", Player2 = "Player 2", tempPlayer2 = "Player 2"; public TicTacToe() { //Setting game properties and layout and sytle... //Setting window properties: window.setSize(X, Y); window.setLocation(350, 260); //window.setResizable(false); window.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); window.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //Setting Menu, Main, Top, Bottom Panel Layout/Backgrounds pnlMenu.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); pnlTop.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); pnlBottom.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); pnlNewGame.setBackground(new Color(mainColorR - 50, mainColorG - 50, mainColorB- 50)); pnlMenu.setBackground(new Color((mainColorR - 50), (mainColorG - 50), (mainColorB- 50))); pnlMain.setBackground(new Color(mainColorR, mainColorG, mainColorB)); pnlTop.setBackground(new Color(mainColorR, mainColorG, mainColorB)); pnlBottom.setBackground(new Color(mainColorR, mainColorG, mainColorB)); //Setting up Panel QuitNTryAgain pnlQuitNTryAgain.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2, 2, 2)); pnlQuitNTryAgain.add(btnTryAgain); pnlQuitNTryAgain.add(btnQuit); //Adding menu items to menu bar mnuMain.add(mnuNewGame); mnuMain.add(mnuInstruction);
  • 16. mnuMain.add(mnuAbout); mnuMain.add(mnuExit);// Menu Bar is Complete //Adding buttons to NewGame panel pnlNewGame.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 1, 2, 10)); pnlNewGame.add(btnContinue); pnlNewGame.add(btn1v1); pnlNewGame.add(btn1vCPU); pnlNewGame.add(btnSetName); //Setting Button propertied btnTryAgain.setEnabled(false); btnContinue.setEnabled(false); //Setting txtMessage Properties txtMessage.setBackground(new Color(mainColorR-30, mainColorG-30, mainColorB-30)); txtMessage.setForeground(Color.white); txtMessage.setEditable(false); //Adding Action Listener to all the Buttons and Menu Items mnuNewGame.addActionListener(this); mnuExit.addActionListener(this); mnuInstruction.addActionListener(this); mnuAbout.addActionListener(this); btn1v1.addActionListener(this); btn1vCPU.addActionListener(this); btnQuit.addActionListener(this); btnSetName.addActionListener(this); btnContinue.addActionListener(this); btnTryAgain.addActionListener(this); //Setting up the playing field pnlPlayingField.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 3, 2, 2)); pnlPlayingField.setBackground(; for(int i=1; i<=9; i++) { btnEmpty[i] = new JButton(); btnEmpty[i].setBackground(new Color(btnColorR, btnColorG, btnColorB)); btnEmpty[i].addActionListener(this); pnlPlayingField.add(btnEmpty[i]);// Playing Field is Compelte } //Adding everything needed to pnlMenu and pnlMain
  • 17. lblMode.setForeground(Color.white); pnlMenu.add(lblMode); pnlMenu.add(mnuMain); pnlMain.add(lblTitle); //Adding to window and Showing window window.add(pnlMenu, BorderLayout.NORTH); window.add(pnlMain, BorderLayout.CENTER); window.setVisible(true); } public static void main(String[] args) { new TicTacToe();// Calling the class construtor. // PROGRAM STARTS HERE! } /* ------------------------- Start of all METHODS. | ------------------------- */ public void showGame() { // Shows the Playing Field // *IMPORTANT*- Does not start out brand new (meaning just shows what it had before) clearPanelSouth(); pnlMain.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); pnlTop.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); pnlBottom.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); pnlTop.add(pnlPlayingField); pnlBottom.add(lblTurn, BorderLayout.WEST); pnlBottom.add(lblStatus, BorderLayout.CENTER); pnlBottom.add(pnlQuitNTryAgain, BorderLayout.EAST); pnlMain.add(pnlTop, BorderLayout.CENTER); pnlMain.add(pnlBottom, BorderLayout.SOUTH); pnlPlayingField.requestFocus(); inGame = true; checkTurn(); checkWinStatus(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 18. ---------------- public void newGame() { // Sets all the game required variables to default // and then shows the playing field. // (Basically: Starts a new 1v1 Game) btnEmpty[wonNumber1].setBackground(new Color(btnColorR, btnColorG, btnColorB)); btnEmpty[wonNumber2].setBackground(new Color(btnColorR, btnColorG, btnColorB)); btnEmpty[wonNumber3].setBackground(new Color(btnColorR, btnColorG, btnColorB)); for(int i=1; i<10; i++) { btnEmpty[i].setText(""); btnEmpty[i].setEnabled(true); } turn = 1; win = false; showGame(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- public void quit() { inGame = false; lblMode.setText(""); btnContinue.setEnabled(false); clearPanelSouth(); setDefaultLayout(); pnlTop.add(pnlNewGame); pnlMain.add(pnlTop); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- public void checkWin() { // checks if there are 3 symbols in a row vertically, diagonally, or horizontally. // then shows a message and disables buttons. If the game is over then it asks // if you want to play again. for(int i=0; i<8; i++) { if( !btnEmpty[winCombo[i][0]].getText().equals("") &&
  • 19. btnEmpty[winCombo[i][0]].getText().equals(btnEmpty[winCombo[i][1]].getText()) && // if {1 == 2 && 2 == 3} btnEmpty[winCombo[i][1]].getText().equals(btnEmpty[winCombo[i][2]].getText())) { /* The way this checks the if someone won is: First: it checks if the btnEmpty[x] is not equal to an empty string- x being the array number inside the multi-dementional array winCombo[checks inside each of the 7 sets][the first number] Secong: it checks if btnEmpty[x] is equal to btnEmpty[y]- x being winCombo[each set][the first number] y being winCombo[each set the same as x][the second number] (So basically checks if the first and second number in each set is equal to each other) Third: it checks if btnEmtpy[y] is eual to btnEmpty[z]- y being the same y as last time and being winCombo[each set as y][the third number] Conclusion: So basically it checks if it is equal to the btnEmpty is equal to each set of numbers */ win = true; wonNumber1 = winCombo[i][0]; wonNumber2 = winCombo[i][1]; wonNumber3 = winCombo[i][2]; btnEmpty[wonNumber1].setBackground(clrBtnWonColor); btnEmpty[wonNumber2].setBackground(clrBtnWonColor); btnEmpty[wonNumber3].setBackground(clrBtnWonColor); break; } } if(win || (!win && turn>9)) { if(win) { if(btnEmpty[wonNumber1].getText().equals("X")) { message = Player1 + " has won"; player1Won++; } else {
  • 20. message = Player2 + " has won"; player2Won++; } } else if(!win && turn>9) message = "Both players have tied! Better luck next time."; showMessage(message); for(int i=1; i<=9; i++) { btnEmpty[i].setEnabled(false); } btnTryAgain.setEnabled(true); checkWinStatus(); } else checkTurn(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- public void AI() { int computerButton; if(turn <= 9) { turn++; computerButton = CPU.doMove( btnEmpty[1], btnEmpty[2], btnEmpty[3], btnEmpty[4], btnEmpty[5], btnEmpty[6], btnEmpty[7], btnEmpty[8], btnEmpty[9]); if(computerButton == 0) Random(); else { btnEmpty[computerButton].setText("O"); btnEmpty[computerButton].setEnabled(false); } checkWin(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- public void Random() {
  • 21. int random; if(turn <= 9) { random = 0; while(random == 0) { random = (int)(Math.random() * 10); } if(CPU.doRandomMove(btnEmpty[random])) { btnEmpty[random].setText("O"); btnEmpty[random].setEnabled(false); } else { Random(); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- public void checkTurn() { String whoTurn; if(!(turn % 2 == 0)) { whoTurn = Player1 + " [X]"; } else { whoTurn = Player2 + " [O]"; } lblTurn.setText("Turn: " + whoTurn); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- public void askUserForPlayerNames() { String temp; boolean tempIsValid = false; temp = getInput("Enter player 1 name:", Player1); if(temp == null) {/*Do Nothing*/} else if(temp.equals("")) showMessage("Invalid Name!"); else if(temp.equals(Player2)) { option = askMessage("Player 1 name matches Player 2's Do you want to continue?", "Name
  • 22. Match", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if(option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) tempIsValid = true; } else if(temp != null) { tempIsValid = true; } if(tempIsValid) { Player1 = temp; tempIsValid = false; } temp = getInput("Enter player 2 name:", Player2); if(temp == null) {/*Do Nothing*/} else if(temp.equals("")) showMessage("Invalid Name!"); else if(temp.equals(Player1)) { option = askMessage("Player 2 name matches Player 1's Do you want to continue?", "Name Match", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if(option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) tempIsValid = true; } else if(temp != null) { tempIsValid = true; } if(tempIsValid) { Player2 = temp; tempPlayer2 = temp; tempIsValid = false; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- public void setDefaultLayout() { pnlMain.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1, 2, 5)); pnlTop.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); pnlBottom.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 23. ---------------- public void checkWinStatus() { lblStatus.setText(Player1 + ": " + player1Won + " | " + Player2 + ": " + player2Won); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- public int askMessage(String msg, String tle, int op) { return JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, msg, tle, op); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- public String getInput(String msg, String setText) { return JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, msg, setText); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- public void showMessage(String msg) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, msg); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- public void clearPanelSouth() { //Removes all the possible panels //that pnlMain, pnlTop, pnlBottom //could have. pnlMain.remove(lblTitle); pnlMain.remove(pnlTop); pnlMain.remove(pnlBottom); pnlTop.remove(pnlNewGame); pnlTop.remove(txtMessage); pnlTop.remove(pnlPlayingField); pnlBottom.remove(lblTurn); pnlBottom.remove(pnlQuitNTryAgain); } /* ------------------------------------- End of all non-Abstract METHODS. |
  • 24. ------------------------------------- */ //-------------------ACTION PERFORMED METHOD (Button Click --> Action?)------------------- ------// public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent click) { Object source = click.getSource(); for(int i=1; i<=9; i++) { if(source == btnEmpty[i] && turn < 10) { if(!(turn % 2 == 0)) btnEmpty[i].setText("X"); else btnEmpty[i].setText("O"); btnEmpty[i].setEnabled(false); pnlPlayingField.requestFocus(); turn++; checkWin(); if(CPUGame && win == false) AI(); } } if(source == mnuNewGame || source == mnuInstruction || source == mnuAbout) { clearPanelSouth(); setDefaultLayout(); if(source == mnuNewGame) {//NewGame pnlTop.add(pnlNewGame); } else if(source == mnuInstruction || source == mnuAbout) { if(source == mnuInstruction) {// Instructions message = "Instructions: " + "Your goal is to be the first player to get 3 X's or O's in a " + "row. (horizontally, diagonally, or vertically) " + Player1 + ": X " + Player2 + ": O "; } else {//About message = "About: " + "Title: Tic-Tac-Toe " +
  • 25. "Creator: Blmaster " + "Version: " + VERSION + " "; } txtMessage.setText(message); pnlTop.add(txtMessage); } pnlMain.add(pnlTop); } else if(source == btn1v1 || source == btn1vCPU) { if(inGame) { option = askMessage("If you start a new game," + "your current game will be lost..." + " " + "Are you sure you want to continue?", "Quit Game?" ,JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION ); if(option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) inGame = false; } if(!inGame) { btnContinue.setEnabled(true); if(source == btn1v1) {// 1 v 1 Game Player2 = tempPlayer2; player1Won = 0; player2Won = 0; lblMode.setText("1 v 1"); CPUGame = false; newGame(); } else {// 1 v CPU Game Player2 = "Computer"; player1Won = 0; player2Won = 0; lblMode.setText("1 v CPU"); CPUGame = true; newGame(); } }
  • 26. } else if(source == btnContinue) { checkTurn(); showGame(); } else if(source == btnSetName) { askUserForPlayerNames(); } else if(source == mnuExit) { option = askMessage("Are you sure you want to exit?", "Exit Game", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if(option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) System.exit(0); } else if(source == btnTryAgain) { newGame(); btnTryAgain.setEnabled(false); } else if(source == btnQuit) { quit(); } pnlMain.setVisible(false); pnlMain.setVisible(true); } //-------------------END OF ACTION PERFORMED METHOD-------------------------// }