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23.08.2010                                          Nr.64

   Burse oferite de Fundatia ”Familia Sturza”         pag.2
   Networking for Intercultural Dialogue, Moscow      pag.3
   Ceed in Canada                                      pag.4
   AIESEC Timisoara prezinta…                          pag.5
   Grundtvig Workshop Iasi ,Romania                    pag.6
   Enviromental Human Rights, Korea                   pag.7
   Training course Facilitation Beyond Frontiers      pag.8
   Gustar –Etho usic festival , Orheiul Vechi         pag.9
   Festivalul Filmului Romanesc                       pag.10
   Concert 1 septembrie                               pag.11

anunţă începutul înscrierilor pentru programul de burse “Înaintează spre succes ”.

Acordarea burselor se face prin concurs. Pentru a putea obţine o astfel de bursa, can-
didaţii trebuie să îndeplinească următoarele criterii:

1. să aibă o medie a ultimilor 2 ani de studii cel puţin egală cu 8 şi

2. să aibă o situaţie socială modestă, respectiv să provină din familii cu o medie a venitului lunar pe membru de
familie, în ultimele trei luni, inferior pragului de 1500 lei pe lună.

Înscrierile pentru bursele acordate în anul universitar 2010-2011 se vor putea face în perioada 15 august – 10 oc-
tombrie 2010.

Atribuirea burselor acordate de către FUNDATIA “FAMILIA STURZA” prin programul “Înainteaza spre succes”se va
desfaşura în urmatoarele etape:
I. Completarea fisei de participare pe site-ul fundatiei (apasati aici pentru a accesa cererea on-line)
Dupa trimiterea cererii on-line, ve-ţi primi un e-mail de acceptare si un numar de inregistrare.
II. Trimiterea dosarului de solicitare a bursei

În perioada 15 august 2010 – 10 octombrie 2010, studenţii anului 1-4 din ciclul de licenţă care îsi fac studiile în regim
„la zi” la o institutie de învatamânt acreditata de catre Ministerul Educatiei si Tineretului din Republica Moldova si se
considera eligibili potrivit criteriilor de performanta si situatiei sociale precizate, completeaza şi depun :
a. Formularul de participare a bursei,
b. Copia buletinului de identitate a solicitantului bursei;
c. Adeverinta eliberata de institutia de învatamânt (facultate) în care este înscris solicitantul cu mentiunea anului de
d. Adeverinţă academică în original, eliberata de facultatea la care îsi face studii, atestând rezultatele obtinute de la
înmatriculare pâna în present
e. Documente care sa confirme venitul parintilor sau a sustinatorilor legali pe ultimele 3 luni.
f. Declaratie pe onoare semnata de studentul major (iar în cazul minorilor de catre parinti/reprezentatul legal) care
precizeaza existenta / inexistenta unor venituri suplimentare.
g. Xerocopia diplomelor de participare sau performanta în diferite activitati extra-curriculare din anii de facultate.

Pentru detalii accesaţi website-ul Fundaţiei

Networking for Intercultural
                              Dialogue, Moscow
                        21-26 November 2010, Moscow, Conference programme http://
                        Russia                       20Program%20Draft%20240710.pdf

Deadline: 30/09/2010

UNITED is the largest pan-European antiracist network of
more than 560 organisations. With its conferences antiracist
and human rights activists from all parts of Europe meet and
discuss effective ways of combating racism and discrimina-
tion. The upcoming conference: What Can You(th) Do?
Networking for Intercultural Dialogue will be held from 21
to 26 November 2010 in Moscow.
                                                                 * the conference is planned for 80-85 participants (living in
In the last few years in Russia, manifestations of xenophobia    Europe) who represent (inter)national anti-racist, anti-fascist,
and racial discrimination have enormously grown and have         refugee, human rights and minority rights organisations;
affected ethnic youth in a particularly harsh way. In order to   * active grass-roots groups from all over Europe are also in-
create solutions to these challenges, the                              * each organisation can nominate only ONE delegate.
antidiscrimination movement needs to an-
alyse these issues together and more im-                              Working language: English and Russian
portantly, develop, share and disseminate
                                                                      Fees and financial support
good practice.                                                        The participation fee for the conference delegate de-
                                                                      pends on the country where the nominating organisation
What Can You(th) Do?                                                  is based:
* The Conference will bring together
                                                                      For Moldova - 30 Euro
around 80 participants from Russia and
other European countries, and will provide
a forum and working environment to pro-                              Contribution to international travel costs:Participants
mote the formation of civil society, active                          travelling from Moldova UNITED can contribute maxi-
youth participation and a positive attitude                          mum 90% to the costs of your travel, not more than
towards cultural differences in Russia.                          250 Euro.
* Building the capacity of youth organisations and bridging
European and Russian human rights activists will be at the       The nomination deadline is 30th September 2010 – 24:00
heart of this forthcoming Conference.
* This conference will, through a row of thematic-trainings      More detailed info on
workshops and plenary sessions, look at specific issues,
such as promotion of active youth participation and equal
rights, tackle the growth of racism, hate crime and xenopho-     intercultural-dialogue-moscow/
bia in Russia, the role of civil society in preventing and re-
sponding to hate crimes, and capacity building for ethnic
organisations in Russia.                               

Do you have marketing experience? Want to spend 3 months in                                              Canada ?
 Then get excited! AIESEC Carleton has released a Marketing CEED application
                                 for the fall!

                                             COMPETENCIES & SKILLS REQUIRED             REMUNERATION AND COST OF
                                             Organizational understanding of AIESEC
                                             Self awareness
                                                                                        For their hard working contributions to the LC,
                                             Excellent working ethics
                                                                                        AIESEC Carleton is willing
                                             Commitment to deadlines
                                                                                        to provide the CEEDer with:
                                             Flexibility and adaptability
                                                                                        Monthly CAD $250 allowance intended
                                                                                        for food and transportation
                                                                                        Complimentary accommodation with
                                                                                                        one our members
Duration: 3 months (Oct 1 - Jan 1)
                                                                                                        IMPORTANT: All other costs
                                                                                                        (flights, cell phones bills, insur-
                                                                                                        ance, etc) are the responsibility
APPLICATION DEADLINE                                                                                    of the CEEDer.
Absolutely all application packages must have been
                                                                                                        The above remuneration is an
returned no later than   August 31, 2010 at                                                             estimate of what we believe
                                                                                                        should be enough to cover basic
23:59 GMT.                                                                                              living expenses in the
Complete application packages include:                                                                  city of Ottawa. If you have ques-
The attached application form (duly completed)                                                         tions or concerns regarding liv-
A letter of motivation                                                                                 ing costs, please do not hesitate
Applicants may submit their application packages via
email to the CEED Manager
( and Local Chapter    Job Description
President ( with
"AIESEC Carleton CEED Application" as the subject line.       Work with EB and VP Corporate Relations to drive Incoming Exchange
                                                              Engage in marketing activity and manage marketing team
                                                              Provide relevant training to members
                                                               Contribute to LC environment and culture
content/                                     Candidate Profile
                                                              At least one (1) year experience in Leadership Role
                                                              Past experience in marketing and corporate/external relations
                                                              Advanced knowledge of exchange management & tools
 Submission Deadline: August 31, 2010 at                      Excellent English
             23:59 GMT.

Grundtvig 2010 Workshop | Inte-
 grate Santa Claus
   Iasi, Romania
                          Scholarship / Financial aid: All expenses are covered

                                        Date: 23-29 October 2010

                                           Deadline: 5 September 2010
                                                   Subject area:
                      Learning opportunities for people at risk of social marginalisation
                                          Social integration / exclusion
                             Reinforcing links between education and working life
                                            Working language(s): EN
                                                  Target Group :
    -social workers and volunteers who wish to enhance their skills and knowledge in how to develop
       programmes and short adult education modules for combating social exclusion and poverty;
                      -adult learners concern on integrating people at risk of exclusion:
   -seniors citizens, who want to improve their own employability, or to feature others to an active life
                                          and increase of employability.
                             Main activities Programme + Programme translation:
  The aim of the workshop is to develop through a personal „learning by doing” approach, awareness
     and knowledge on how to develop SMART modules concept (Short Modules Adult Reconversion
        Training) for people in risk of social marginalisation, in respect with social inclusion and for
                                               combating poverty.
     The workshop mix theoretically imputes (poverty, social exclusion, self-employed business plan,
       ICT instruments helpers) with ice-breaking, innovative and creative drama exercise, role-play
   (Santa Claus), expressive games and improvisations; all in various aspects of communication and
                                         European intercultural dialogue.
                                    The workshop consists of 3 main levels:
                               - Level 1: Adult Education importance for social inclusion of people on risk of being
                                                 marginalized because of social-economical issues.
                               - Level 2: Practicing a self-employed job (Santa Claus) after a SMART module (Short
                                                       Modules Adult Reconversion Training)
                             - Level 3: Reinforcing links between education and working life through development of
                                           SMART modules (Short Modules Adult Reconversion Training)

                                                    IASI, ROMANIA, 23-29 October 2010.

                                     All expenses are covered (details, info and application form ask at

                                                Deadline for application: 5 September 2010.

Environmental Human Rights,
Deadline: 9/9/2010
Financial conditions: accommodation, meals, travel expenses will be provided by   PRACTICAL AND FINANCIAL CONDI-
the organisers for the duration of the training.
                                                                                  TIONS OF PARTICIPATION
                                                                                  Selected participants are expected to arrive in Seoul on 9
Asia-Europe Training Course “ Environmental Human Rights: A Present and           November and to depart on 15 November and must be
Future Challenge for Youth Work”                                                  available for the full duration of the course.
9 – 15 November 2010 , Seoul, Republic of Korea
                                                                                  Accommodation and meals will be provided by the organ-
PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS                                                           isers for the duration of the training.
The course is prepared and run for participants who:
- Are citizen of a Council of Europe member state1 or an ASEM partner              The Council of Europe will reimburse the travel expenses
countries2;                                                                       of European participants up to a maximum of EUR 750 per
- Are aged between 18 and 30 years (exceptions are possible if justi-             participant The Asia-Europe Foundation will cover the trav-
fied);                                                                            el expenses of Asian participants up to EUR 500 per partic-
- Are fluent in English as a working language;                                    ipants. The reimbursement will be effective only by bank
- Are active in a youth organisations and/or in environmental organisa-           transfer after the course and after the provision of the origi-
tions, OR                                                                         nal travel documents. Visa costs can also be part of the
- Are representatives from universities (particularly those who are in-           reimbursement.
volved in environmental issues or in other related fields),
- Have experience in environmental education, human rights or human               Those interested in applying to take part in the training
rights education;                                                                 course should fill in their application on-linebefore 9 Sep-
- Are interested in developing future Asia-Europe youth cooperation
projects in the areas of environmental education, human rights educa-             More info :
tion or education for sustainable development;                                    environmental-human-rights-korea/
- Are supported by their organisation to take part in the course;
                                                                                  Official website :
- Are motivated to take part in the course, to learn and share experienc-
es with other participants and to remain active in this field after the
- Are available for the full duration of the training and, possibly, for on-
line work in the four weeks before the training and the 8 weeks after-

Training course “Facilitation
      Beyond Frontiers”
                                          November 6th – 15th, Serbia

                                              Deadline: 23/09/2010

                                      Open to: Youth leaders and workers
   The training project is focusing on creating the base of facilitation skills needed for youth leaders in youth
  exchanges, with the special consideration of different learning processes taking place in a youth exchange.

                                                About the training
 *Facilitation Beyond Frontiers is a training project, with the main aim: To improve learning outcomes of youth
   exchange projects in the frame of Youth in ActionProgramme, by increasing facilitation skills of 24 youth
 workers from 10 different countries, with the special emphasis of developing new methods and approaches.

*According to the rules of the Youth in Action Programme, all costs of board and logging will be covered by the
organizers. In addition, BalkanIDEA is going to reimburse 70% of the participants’ travel costs, upon the receipt
                                        of all original tickets and invoices.

                                             For more info click here:[SALTO]=1&fb_group

                                 Submission deadline is September 23rd, 2010.

Gustar – ethno music festival, editia I, invită cetăţeni ai Repub-
licii Moldova şi turişti din străinatate la un dialog multicultural.

Evenimentul se desfăşoară în perioada sărbătorilor naţionale,
pe 29 august.

Gustar – ethno music festival invită în Republica Moldova solii
diferitor culturi pentru a gusta împreună din rodul acestui pământ şi din creaţia muzicală internaţională,
în stil etno.

Biletele pentru Gustar – Ethno Music Festival, pot fi
cumpărate la:

Rezervația cultural-naturală Orheiul Vechi
s. Butuceni, r. Orhei, tel.: (235) 56 042, orar: 9:00 –

Muzeul Național de Arheologie și Istorie a Moldovei
str. 31 august 1989, 121 A, Chișinău, tel.: (022) 24 04
26, orar: 9:00 – 17:00

Viaduct, str. Arborilor 21, Chișinău, 069 54 33 51, orar: 10:00 – 22:00

Pret bilet - 50 lei
Pret bilet (inclusiv transport tur/retur) – 100 lei

Pentru posesorii biletelor cu transport inclus:
plecarea din Chisinau in data de 29 august, la ora 13:00
de la Muzeul Național de Arheologie și Istorie a Moldovei (str. 31 august 1989, 121 A, Chișinău).
Plecarea din Orheiul Vechi, spre Chisinau, in data de 29 august, la ora 23:00.

Telefoane de contact:
(373) 69 543 351
(373) 79 417 134

6 septembrie ora 11:00
Conferinţă de presă (Centrul Cultural Gaudeamus)
Participă: Magda Mihăilescu (critic de film), Tudor Jurgiu (regizor),
Lăzărescu (prozator şi scenarist), Lidia Troianowski (Centrul Cultural
Gaudeamus), Irina Malcea (Institutul Cultural Român)
Amintiri din epoca de aur I şi II (2009, 155 min. Scenariul: Cristian
Mungiu. Regia: Ioana Uricaru, Hanno Hoefer, Răzvan Mărculescu,
Popescu, Cristian Mungiu)

7 septembrie, 16:00 & 19:30
Cea mai fericită fată din lume (2008, 100 min. Regia: Radu Jude.
Scenariul: Radu Jude şi Augustina Stanciu)
Lampa cu căciulă (2006, 23 min, Regia: Radu Jude. Scenariul : Florin
Participă: Florin Lăzărescu

8 septembrie, 11:00 & 16:30
Francesca (2009, 94 min. Scenariul şi regia: Bobby Păunescu)
Nunta lui Oli (2009, 22 min. Scenariul şi regia: Tudor Jurgiu)
Participă: Tudor Jurgiu

9 septembrie, 16:00 & 19:30
Katalin Varga (2009, 84 min. Scenariul şi regia: Peter Strickland)
Ştefan (2007, 12 min. Regia: Stanca Radu. Scenariul: Simona Ghiţă
şi Stanca Radu)

10 septembrie, 16:00 & 19:30
Cealaltă Irină (2008, 95 min. Regia: Andrei Gruzsniczki. Scenariul:
Muntean, Andrei Gruzsniczki, Mircea Stăiculescu)
Renovare (2009, 26 min. Scenariul şi regia: Simona Ghiţă şi Paul Ne-
Derby (2010, 15 min. Scenariul şi regia: Paul Negoescu)
Participă: Paul Negoescu

11 septembrie, 16:00 & 19:30
Eu când vreau să fluier, fluier (2010, 90 min. Regia: Florin Şerban.
Scenariul: Cătălin Mitulescu şi Florin Şerban)
Renovare (2009, 26 min. Scenariul şi regia: Simona Ghiţă şi Paul Ne-
Participă: Florin Şerban

12 septembrie, 17:00
Participă: Florin Şerban
Eu când vreau să fluier, fluier (2010, 90 min. Regia: Florin Şerban.
Scenariul: Cătălin Mitulescu şi Florin Şerban)

One week is gone ,another one is on it’s way.
Waiting forward for what the future has to offer

 Don’t miss the                       Apply Now!

                 You can, just try!

  Say                     To all opportunities.

                                      ASEM,Bloc C,

Cucereavii Ana      Cember Olesea
Cember Olesea       Cucereavii Ana

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Boom 64

  • 1. 23.08.2010 Nr.64  Burse oferite de Fundatia ”Familia Sturza” pag.2  Networking for Intercultural Dialogue, Moscow pag.3  Ceed in Canada pag.4  AIESEC Timisoara prezinta… pag.5  Grundtvig Workshop Iasi ,Romania pag.6  Enviromental Human Rights, Korea pag.7  Training course Facilitation Beyond Frontiers pag.8  Gustar –Etho usic festival , Orheiul Vechi pag.9  Festivalul Filmului Romanesc pag.10  Concert 1 septembrie pag.11
  • 2. FUNDAŢIA “FAMILIA STURZA” anunţă începutul înscrierilor pentru programul de burse “Înaintează spre succes ”. Acordarea burselor se face prin concurs. Pentru a putea obţine o astfel de bursa, can- didaţii trebuie să îndeplinească următoarele criterii: 1. să aibă o medie a ultimilor 2 ani de studii cel puţin egală cu 8 şi 2. să aibă o situaţie socială modestă, respectiv să provină din familii cu o medie a venitului lunar pe membru de familie, în ultimele trei luni, inferior pragului de 1500 lei pe lună. Înscrierile pentru bursele acordate în anul universitar 2010-2011 se vor putea face în perioada 15 august – 10 oc- tombrie 2010. Atribuirea burselor acordate de către FUNDATIA “FAMILIA STURZA” prin programul “Înainteaza spre succes”se va desfaşura în urmatoarele etape: I. Completarea fisei de participare pe site-ul fundatiei (apasati aici pentru a accesa cererea on-line) Dupa trimiterea cererii on-line, ve-ţi primi un e-mail de acceptare si un numar de inregistrare. II. Trimiterea dosarului de solicitare a bursei În perioada 15 august 2010 – 10 octombrie 2010, studenţii anului 1-4 din ciclul de licenţă care îsi fac studiile în regim „la zi” la o institutie de învatamânt acreditata de catre Ministerul Educatiei si Tineretului din Republica Moldova si se considera eligibili potrivit criteriilor de performanta si situatiei sociale precizate, completeaza şi depun : a. Formularul de participare a bursei, b. Copia buletinului de identitate a solicitantului bursei; c. Adeverinta eliberata de institutia de învatamânt (facultate) în care este înscris solicitantul cu mentiunea anului de studii. d. Adeverinţă academică în original, eliberata de facultatea la care îsi face studii, atestând rezultatele obtinute de la înmatriculare pâna în present e. Documente care sa confirme venitul parintilor sau a sustinatorilor legali pe ultimele 3 luni. f. Declaratie pe onoare semnata de studentul major (iar în cazul minorilor de catre parinti/reprezentatul legal) care precizeaza existenta / inexistenta unor venituri suplimentare. g. Xerocopia diplomelor de participare sau performanta în diferite activitati extra-curriculare din anii de facultate. Pentru detalii accesaţi website-ul Fundaţiei 2
  • 3. Networking for Intercultural Dialogue, Moscow 21-26 November 2010, Moscow, Conference programme http:// Russia 20Program%20Draft%20240710.pdf Deadline: 30/09/2010 UNITED is the largest pan-European antiracist network of more than 560 organisations. With its conferences antiracist and human rights activists from all parts of Europe meet and discuss effective ways of combating racism and discrimina- tion. The upcoming conference: What Can You(th) Do? Networking for Intercultural Dialogue will be held from 21 to 26 November 2010 in Moscow. Eligibility * the conference is planned for 80-85 participants (living in In the last few years in Russia, manifestations of xenophobia Europe) who represent (inter)national anti-racist, anti-fascist, and racial discrimination have enormously grown and have refugee, human rights and minority rights organisations; affected ethnic youth in a particularly harsh way. In order to * active grass-roots groups from all over Europe are also in- vited; create solutions to these challenges, the * each organisation can nominate only ONE delegate. antidiscrimination movement needs to an- alyse these issues together and more im- Working language: English and Russian portantly, develop, share and disseminate Fees and financial support good practice. The participation fee for the conference delegate de- pends on the country where the nominating organisation What Can You(th) Do? is based: * The Conference will bring together For Moldova - 30 Euro around 80 participants from Russia and other European countries, and will provide a forum and working environment to pro- Contribution to international travel costs:Participants mote the formation of civil society, active travelling from Moldova UNITED can contribute maxi- youth participation and a positive attitude mum 90% to the costs of your travel, not more than towards cultural differences in Russia. 250 Euro. * Building the capacity of youth organisations and bridging European and Russian human rights activists will be at the The nomination deadline is 30th September 2010 – 24:00 heart of this forthcoming Conference. * This conference will, through a row of thematic-trainings More detailed info on workshops and plenary sessions, look at specific issues, such as promotion of active youth participation and equal rights, tackle the growth of racism, hate crime and xenopho- intercultural-dialogue-moscow/ bia in Russia, the role of civil society in preventing and re- sponding to hate crimes, and capacity building for ethnic organisations in Russia. 3 9
  • 4. Do you have marketing experience? Want to spend 3 months in Canada ? Then get excited! AIESEC Carleton has released a Marketing CEED application for the fall! COMPETENCIES & SKILLS REQUIRED REMUNERATION AND COST OF Organizational understanding of AIESEC Self awareness LIVING For their hard working contributions to the LC, Excellent working ethics AIESEC Carleton is willing Commitment to deadlines to provide the CEEDer with: Flexibility and adaptability Monthly CAD $250 allowance intended for food and transportation Complimentary accommodation with one our members Duration: 3 months (Oct 1 - Jan 1) IMPORTANT: All other costs (flights, cell phones bills, insur- ance, etc) are the responsibility APPLICATION DEADLINE of the CEEDer. Absolutely all application packages must have been The above remuneration is an returned no later than August 31, 2010 at estimate of what we believe should be enough to cover basic 23:59 GMT. living expenses in the Complete application packages include: city of Ottawa. If you have ques- The attached application form (duly completed) tions or concerns regarding liv- A letter of motivation ing costs, please do not hesitate Applicants may submit their application packages via email to the CEED Manager ( and Local Chapter Job Description President ( with "AIESEC Carleton CEED Application" as the subject line.  Work with EB and VP Corporate Relations to drive Incoming Exchange results  Engage in marketing activity and manage marketing team  Provide relevant training to members Contribute to LC environment and culture content/ Candidate Profile contentid=10139397  At least one (1) year experience in Leadership Role  Past experience in marketing and corporate/external relations  Advanced knowledge of exchange management & tools Submission Deadline: August 31, 2010 at  Excellent English 23:59 GMT. 4
  • 5. 5
  • 6. Grundtvig 2010 Workshop | Inte- grate Santa Claus Iasi, Romania Scholarship / Financial aid: All expenses are covered Date: 23-29 October 2010 Deadline: 5 September 2010 Subject area: Learning opportunities for people at risk of social marginalisation Social integration / exclusion Reinforcing links between education and working life Working language(s): EN Target Group : -social workers and volunteers who wish to enhance their skills and knowledge in how to develop programmes and short adult education modules for combating social exclusion and poverty; -adult learners concern on integrating people at risk of exclusion: -seniors citizens, who want to improve their own employability, or to feature others to an active life and increase of employability. Main activities Programme + Programme translation: The aim of the workshop is to develop through a personal „learning by doing” approach, awareness and knowledge on how to develop SMART modules concept (Short Modules Adult Reconversion Training) for people in risk of social marginalisation, in respect with social inclusion and for combating poverty. The workshop mix theoretically imputes (poverty, social exclusion, self-employed business plan, ICT instruments helpers) with ice-breaking, innovative and creative drama exercise, role-play (Santa Claus), expressive games and improvisations; all in various aspects of communication and European intercultural dialogue. The workshop consists of 3 main levels: - Level 1: Adult Education importance for social inclusion of people on risk of being marginalized because of social-economical issues. - Level 2: Practicing a self-employed job (Santa Claus) after a SMART module (Short Modules Adult Reconversion Training) - Level 3: Reinforcing links between education and working life through development of SMART modules (Short Modules Adult Reconversion Training) IASI, ROMANIA, 23-29 October 2010. All expenses are covered (details, info and application form ask at; Deadline for application: 5 September 2010. 66
  • 7. Environmental Human Rights, Korea Deadline: 9/9/2010 Financial conditions: accommodation, meals, travel expenses will be provided by PRACTICAL AND FINANCIAL CONDI- the organisers for the duration of the training. TIONS OF PARTICIPATION Selected participants are expected to arrive in Seoul on 9 Asia-Europe Training Course “ Environmental Human Rights: A Present and November and to depart on 15 November and must be Future Challenge for Youth Work” available for the full duration of the course. 9 – 15 November 2010 , Seoul, Republic of Korea Accommodation and meals will be provided by the organ- PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS isers for the duration of the training. The course is prepared and run for participants who: - Are citizen of a Council of Europe member state1 or an ASEM partner The Council of Europe will reimburse the travel expenses countries2; of European participants up to a maximum of EUR 750 per - Are aged between 18 and 30 years (exceptions are possible if justi- participant The Asia-Europe Foundation will cover the trav- fied); el expenses of Asian participants up to EUR 500 per partic- - Are fluent in English as a working language; ipants. The reimbursement will be effective only by bank - Are active in a youth organisations and/or in environmental organisa- transfer after the course and after the provision of the origi- tions, OR nal travel documents. Visa costs can also be part of the - Are representatives from universities (particularly those who are in- reimbursement. volved in environmental issues or in other related fields), APPLICATIONS - Have experience in environmental education, human rights or human Those interested in applying to take part in the training rights education; course should fill in their application on-linebefore 9 Sep- tember. - Are interested in developing future Asia-Europe youth cooperation projects in the areas of environmental education, human rights educa- More info : tion or education for sustainable development; environmental-human-rights-korea/ - Are supported by their organisation to take part in the course; Official website : - Are motivated to take part in the course, to learn and share experienc- es with other participants and to remain active in this field after the course; - Are available for the full duration of the training and, possibly, for on- line work in the four weeks before the training and the 8 weeks after- wards. 7
  • 8. Training course “Facilitation Beyond Frontiers” November 6th – 15th, Serbia Deadline: 23/09/2010 Open to: Youth leaders and workers The training project is focusing on creating the base of facilitation skills needed for youth leaders in youth exchanges, with the special consideration of different learning processes taking place in a youth exchange. About the training *Facilitation Beyond Frontiers is a training project, with the main aim: To improve learning outcomes of youth exchange projects in the frame of Youth in ActionProgramme, by increasing facilitation skills of 24 youth workers from 10 different countries, with the special emphasis of developing new methods and approaches. Cost *According to the rules of the Youth in Action Programme, all costs of board and logging will be covered by the organizers. In addition, BalkanIDEA is going to reimburse 70% of the participants’ travel costs, upon the receipt of all original tickets and invoices. For more info click here:[SALTO]=1&fb_group [National+Agency]=1&fb_group[NGO/Others]=1&termin_von=2009-09-01&termin_bis=2011-03-31&suche_massn[5] Submission deadline is September 23rd, 2010. 8
  • 9. Gustar – ethno music festival, editia I, invită cetăţeni ai Repub- licii Moldova şi turişti din străinatate la un dialog multicultural. Evenimentul se desfăşoară în perioada sărbătorilor naţionale, pe 29 august. Gustar – ethno music festival invită în Republica Moldova solii diferitor culturi pentru a gusta împreună din rodul acestui pământ şi din creaţia muzicală internaţională, în stil etno. Biletele pentru Gustar – Ethno Music Festival, pot fi cumpărate la: Rezervația cultural-naturală Orheiul Vechi s. Butuceni, r. Orhei, tel.: (235) 56 042, orar: 9:00 – 17:00 Muzeul Național de Arheologie și Istorie a Moldovei str. 31 august 1989, 121 A, Chișinău, tel.: (022) 24 04 26, orar: 9:00 – 17:00 SHOPPING MALLDOVA Viaduct, str. Arborilor 21, Chișinău, 069 54 33 51, orar: 10:00 – 22:00 Pret bilet - 50 lei Pret bilet (inclusiv transport tur/retur) – 100 lei Pentru posesorii biletelor cu transport inclus: plecarea din Chisinau in data de 29 august, la ora 13:00 de la Muzeul Național de Arheologie și Istorie a Moldovei (str. 31 august 1989, 121 A, Chișinău). Plecarea din Orheiul Vechi, spre Chisinau, in data de 29 august, la ora 23:00. Telefoane de contact: (373) 69 543 351 (373) 79 417 134 9
  • 10. 6 septembrie ora 11:00 Conferinţă de presă (Centrul Cultural Gaudeamus) Participă: Magda Mihăilescu (critic de film), Tudor Jurgiu (regizor), Florin Lăzărescu (prozator şi scenarist), Lidia Troianowski (Centrul Cultural Gaudeamus), Irina Malcea (Institutul Cultural Român) 19.00 Amintiri din epoca de aur I şi II (2009, 155 min. Scenariul: Cristian Mungiu. Regia: Ioana Uricaru, Hanno Hoefer, Răzvan Mărculescu, Constantin Popescu, Cristian Mungiu) 7 septembrie, 16:00 & 19:30 Cea mai fericită fată din lume (2008, 100 min. Regia: Radu Jude. Scenariul: Radu Jude şi Augustina Stanciu) Lampa cu căciulă (2006, 23 min, Regia: Radu Jude. Scenariul : Florin Lăzărescu) Participă: Florin Lăzărescu 8 septembrie, 11:00 & 16:30 Francesca (2009, 94 min. Scenariul şi regia: Bobby Păunescu) Nunta lui Oli (2009, 22 min. Scenariul şi regia: Tudor Jurgiu) Participă: Tudor Jurgiu 9 septembrie, 16:00 & 19:30 Katalin Varga (2009, 84 min. Scenariul şi regia: Peter Strickland) Ştefan (2007, 12 min. Regia: Stanca Radu. Scenariul: Simona Ghiţă şi Stanca Radu) 10 septembrie, 16:00 & 19:30 Cealaltă Irină (2008, 95 min. Regia: Andrei Gruzsniczki. Scenariul: Ileana Muntean, Andrei Gruzsniczki, Mircea Stăiculescu) Renovare (2009, 26 min. Scenariul şi regia: Simona Ghiţă şi Paul Ne- goescu) Derby (2010, 15 min. Scenariul şi regia: Paul Negoescu) Participă: Paul Negoescu 11 septembrie, 16:00 & 19:30 Eu când vreau să fluier, fluier (2010, 90 min. Regia: Florin Şerban. Scenariul: Cătălin Mitulescu şi Florin Şerban) Renovare (2009, 26 min. Scenariul şi regia: Simona Ghiţă şi Paul Ne- goescu) Participă: Florin Şerban 12 septembrie, 17:00 Participă: Florin Şerban Eu când vreau să fluier, fluier (2010, 90 min. Regia: Florin Şerban. Scenariul: Cătălin Mitulescu şi Florin Şerban) 10
  • 11. 11
  • 12. One week is gone ,another one is on it’s way. Waiting forward for what the future has to offer YOU! Don’t miss the Apply Now! You can, just try! Say To all opportunities. Redacţia: str.Capriana,50 ASEM,Bloc C, cab.502 Cucereavii Ana Cember Olesea Cember Olesea Cucereavii Ana 12