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H2CU Summer School on Cultural Heritage
NYC, July 2022
The Value of Knowledge
and how to squander it along the way
Anatole Pierre Fuksas
Università degli Studi di Cassino
Wealth and Knowledge
Medieval French Proverbs
ms. Paris, BNF, lat.10360

«Bonum Spatium»

French Proverbs provided with juridical commentaries extracted from the Digestum and the Decretales

1283 Q	 	 Mieulx vault savoir que avoir
ms. Paris, BNF, lat. 13965

Incipient dicta vel proverbia volgaria concordata auctoribus Biblie vel scriptorum
French Proverbs provided with Biblical references

1285 Ba	 Meus vaut science que richece

ms. Paris, BNF, lat. 8653

Scholar’s notebook containing French proverbs and their Latin translations

2227 N	 Sagece vaut mius que richace.

Est recte sapere multo preciosius ere. 

Fert auro precium dignius esse pium.

U. Robert, Un vocabulaire latin-français du XIVe siècle, suivi d’un recueil d’anciens proverbes, in «Bibliothèque de l'École des chartes», 34 (1873), pp. 33-46, p. 39.
Proverbial sentence in romanesque context
Roman des sept sages (version K) vv. 763-764 (around 1155-1190)
Prinches de terre sans raison
Ne vauroit mie un seul bouton
	 (Le roman des sept sages, ed. J. Misrahi, Paris, Droz, 1933, p. 24)
Proverbial sentence in romanesque context
Roman de Dolopathos vv. 2179-2190 (around 1220-1125)
Doulz amis, por voi amendeir

vos wel proier et conmandeir,

can de moi departis sereis

et a la grant richesse avereiz

ke vostre peires vos donrait

ki a roi vos coronerait,

vostre roialme mainteneiz

con sages hons prous et seneiz,

et mainteneiz philosophie

conme rois a grant signorie:

molt petit valt rois sen scïence
et clergie ke ne s’avance
	 (Herbert, Le roman de Dolopathos, ed. J. Leclanche, Paris 1997, t. I, p. 141).
A romanesque prologue on the topic
Gilbert de Montreuil, Roman de la Violette vv. 1-21 (around 1227-1229)
Sens de povre homme est poi prisiés;

A painness ert autolisiés

Ja mais nus hom, s’il n’a avoir;

Namporquant je pris miex savoir

C’avoir. Avoirs est tost faillis;

Asses tost est uns hom salis

De grant avoir en la poverte

Ja puis ne li ert porte ouverte

Volentiers; quant il vient a court,

Erranment arriere racourt,

Por chou c’on ne l’i laisse entrer.
Por chou vous voel dire et moustrer 

Qui povres est vils est tenus;

Et o les riches mal venus;

mais qui sens a, c’est avantages;

Ou dist assés tost: «cis est sages».

pour chou me voel jou entremetre

D’un plaisant conte en rime metre.

Puis ke scïence ai et tant vail,

Ja ne lairai pour mon travail

Que je ne die auchun biel mot
(Gerbert de Montreuil, Le roman de la violette ou de Gerart de Nevers, ed. D. L. Bu

Paris 1928, pp. 3-4).
Provençal Ensenhamen
Peire de Corbian, Thezaur vv. 1-28/33 (around 1225)
El nome de Jesu Christ, qu’es nostre salvamens,

[E de sancta Maria, don el pres naissemens,

Que la vertut del cel me sia cossolamens

Que ia negus no sia en mi [delir] podens]

Si m’escouta la cortz e Dieus m’en es cossens,

Voill far saber als savis co soi de sen manens.

[E mostrarai lur o aissi per

Car ieu no mentiria per aur ni per argen.]

Si tot no m’ai grans terras ni grans eretamens,

(Chastels ni borcs ni villas ni autres chasamens,)

Aur ni argen ni ceda, mas mon cors solamens,

No cuges per tot so que m’estei paubramens.

Tals pot aver mil marcs noill va tan richamens.

Sim demandas qui soi, ni don, ni de cals genz,

Maistre Peire ai nom e fon mon naissemens

De corbian, on ai mos frairs e mos parens.

[El mielhs de mo linhatge et de mos bevolens.]
Mas rendas son be pauchas, mas cortezi’e sens

Me fai entrels plus pros viure honoradamens,

E cals que sia paubre ne li an malamens,

Ieu com rics e gualhartz m’estau seguramens,

Qu’eu m’ai un ric Tesaur amassat mal traens,
Quez es plus precios, plus cars e plus valens
Que peiras preciosas ni
s aurs ni argens.
Ja laire no s’en meta en grans espiamens,
Que nom pot esser toutz ni emblatz furtilmens.
Ges nol pues perdre vius, neis can serai morens,

Ni ja mermara, anz er tostemps creissens.

Qui plus en met on dona e l’espan largamens,

El creis e multiplia plus aondosamens.

Qui vol aquest thesaur vezer apertamens,

Obra los oillz del cor e vejal en auzens:

Cest thesaur es sciensa de mainz essenhamens.
(Le «thezaur» de Peire de Corbian, ed by A. Jeanroy – G. Bertoni, in «Annales du Midi» 23 (1911), pp. 3-43, pp. 9-10).
Provençal Ensenhamen
Sordello, Ensenhamens d’onor vv. 1-22 (1220-1230)
Aissi co·l tesaurs es perdutz
aitan con istai esco[n]dutz,
teng eu aitan per perdut sen,
quan om lo cel'e·l vai cubren;
que ploms val melz qu'argenz ni aurs
rescos: per zo es lo tesaurs
perdutz, qui no·l met e no·l dona, 

si com largues' ab dreg faizona; 

e·l senz es perdutz eissamen, 

qui no·l descuebr'entre la gen, 

e non obra segon razo, 

si con es mestiers, a sazo.
E, si tot mos senz non es granz, 

vuell far saber entre·ls prezanz 

zo que er pro
eh e onors 

a totz cels, a qui plaz valors, 

qu'apredre et retener volran 

zo qu'auzir en mos ditz poiran; 

si tot las razos son diversas, 

tan qu'eu sai que seran aversas 

per aprendre et per retenir, 

quar no si podon be seguir.

(Sordello, Le poesie, a c. di M. Boni, Bologna 1954, p. 200).
A Provençal partimen on the topic
BdT 205,4 Guillem, prims iest en trobar a ma guiza vv. 1-28 (around 1230)
Guillem, prims iest en trobar a ma guiza,

troban vuelh doncs saber

ta voluntat, pos tant la i as miza.

cal volrias mais aver:

esser rics de terr'e d'aver

entre·ls pus rics, o la sciens'apriza

ab lo saber que las set ars deviza?

Mais volgr'aver la sciensa conquiza

que·m degues remaner,

que la rictat, que cauza es deviza

c'al ric pot pauc valer

e leu pot hom d'aut bas cazer

e·l sciensa non chai pos s'es assiza:

sel c'a·l saber es rics en sa camiza!
Sel qu'entre·ls rics a gran ricor pleneira

que quer d'aqui en sus,

que .c. savis pot metr'en una teira

a cascun donan, pus

c'Aristotils, sobre·ls prims dus,

pres dons dels rics e Virgils la ribeira

de Napol jus: mais am donar que quieira.

Ges per lenga polida, gen parleira,

n'Augier non lais mon us,

que·l sciensa vai totas vetz premeira

e ten los rics enclus,

e ar vei c'aissi est conclus

que·l cap del mon fai pojar en cadeira

e·l rei Porus tornet en gran paubreira.
[ms. R 

C’Aleyssandre venquet Porus

E sa gran ost e·l tornet en paubreira

Ab son saber per que·n sec en cadeira.]
A Provençal partimen on the topic
BdT 205,4 Guillem, prims iest en trobar a ma guiza vv. 29-51 (around 1230)
Guilhem, si·l rics pot perdre manentia

creisser pot atressi,

per que·l destrics contra·l creisser pars sia

e·l segles cor aisi

que le rics viu e a sa

pot dar als sieus tot lo mon si l’avia,

so c'al savi Dieus no volc donar mia.

L'art e·l sabers c'Aristotils avia

viu, si tot el mori,

e porton l'en mant prim clerc garentia

e escriptura di

que Salamons pres enaisi

lo sen, pueis ac l'aver en sa bailia

ab lo sen, si fes tot cant far volia.
Aisso qe Dieus det ni parti

non part ieu ges, mas Frans'aver volria

e l'emperi mais que saber qe sia.

N'Augier, no·us acordatz a mi,

qe paubres es qi mais aver volria;

sens sobre si non serca manentia!

Sen de natur'e de lati

A en Romieus e platz li que rics sia

e preguem li que d'aquest plag dreg dia.
(Il trovatore Guillem Augier Novella, 

Ed. by M. Calzolari, Modena, 1986, pp. 122-125).
Wealth and Knowledge
Brunetto Latini, Tesoretto vv. 1-122 (XIII century, after 1266)
Al valente segnore,

di cui non so migliore

sulla terra trovare:

ché non avete pare

né ‘n pace né in guerra;

sì ch’a voi tutta terra

che ‘l sole gira il giorno

e ‘l mar batte d’intorno

san’ faglia si convene,

ponendo mente al bene

che fate per usaggio,

ed a l’alto legnaggio

donde voi sete nato;

e poi da l’altro lato

potén tanto vedere

in voi senno e savere

a ogne condizione,

un altro Salamone

pare in voi rivenuto;

e bene avén veduto

in duro convenente,

ove ogn’altro semente,

che voi pur migliorate

e tuttora a

(Brunetto Latini, Il tesoretto, a c. di G. Contini, in Poeti del duecento, t. II, Milano-Napoli, Ricciardi, 1960, pp. 167-284, pp. 178-179).
il vostro cuor valente

poggia sì altamente

in ogne benananza

che tutta la sembianza

d’Alesandro tenete,

ché per neente avete

terra, oro ed argento;

sì alto intendimento

avete d’ogne canto,

che voi corona e manto

portate di franchezza

e di
na prodezza,

sì ch’Achilès lo prode,

ch’aquistò tante lode,

e ‘l buono Ettòr troiano,

Lancelotto e Tristano

non valse me’ di voe,

quando bisogno fue;

e poi, quando venite

che voi parole dite

o ‘n consiglio o ‘n aringa,

par ch’aggiate la lingua

del buon Tulio romano

che fu in dir sovrano:
sì buon cominciamento

e mezzo e

sapete ognora fare,

e parole acordare

secondo la matera,

ciascuna in sua manera;

apresso tutta

avete acompagnata

l’adorna costumanza,

che ‘n voi fa per usanza

sì ricco portamento

e sì bel reggimento

ch’avanzate a ragione

e Senica e Catone;

e posso dire insomma

che ‘n voi, segnor, s’asomma

e compie ogne bontate,

e ‘n voi solo asembiate

son sì compiutamente

che non falla neente,

se non com’ auro

io Burnetto Latino,

che vostro in ogne guisa

mi son sanza divisa,

a voi mi racomando.

Poi vi presento e mando
questo ricco Tesoro,
che vale argento ed oro:
sì ch’io non ho trovato

omo di carne nato

che sia degno d’avere,

né quasi di vedere,

lo scritto ch’io vi mostro

i·llettere d’inchiostro.

Ad ogn’altro lo nego,
ed a voi faccio priego
che lo tegnate caro,
e che ne siate avaro:
ch’i’ ho visto sovente
viltenere a la gente
molto valente cose;
e pietre prezïose
son già cadute i·lloco
che son grandite poco.
Ben conosco che ‘l bene
assai val men, chi ‘l tene
del tutto in sé celato,
che quel ch’è palesato,
sì come la candela

luce men, chi la cela.

Ma i’ ho già trovato

in prosa ed in rimato

cose di grande assetto,

e poi per gran sagretto

l’ho date a caro amico:

poi, con dolor lo dico,

lu’ vidi in man d’i fanti,

e rasemprati tanti

che si ruppe la bolla

e rimase per nulla.

S’aven così di questo,

si dico che sia pesto,

e di carta in quaderno

sia gittato in inferno.
A French essample
Jean de Choisi, De Avoir et de Savoir, vv. 149-160 (XIII century)
ms. Bern, Burgerbibliothek 354, f. 72 v.-74 r.
Ja nus hom n’avroit tant avoir 

Qu’il ne·l perde s’il n’a savoir: 

Sovent veez cui il avient:

Por ce vos voill je bien aprendre

Cil qui lo meillor en vialt prendre. 

Que s’el puet asanse tient

Et si di je por nul meschient

Ne doit en a savoir changer

Ne per povretez vil tenir

Qar qui n’a rien en son savoir

Per son savoir vient a avoir

Sovant lo veez avenir.
A. Jubinal, Rapport a M. le ministre de l’Instruction Publique, suivi de quelques pièces inédites tirées des manuscrits de
la Bibliothèque de Berne, Paris, Librairie Spéciale des Sociétés Savantes,1838, pp. 27-31.
Still, the “economic convertibility” of knowledge into wealth,
which is openly stated («por son savoir vient a avoir»),
resolves the dialectical con
ict between the two concepts.
The essample points out the precariousness of material
wealth in opposition to the durability of knowledge.

Hence, knowledge is understood as superior to wealth
according to the proverbial argument.
Squandering and “disseminating” knowledge
Le departement des livres (XIII Century)
ms. Paris, B. N. f. fr. 837, f. 213 r/v
The debauched cleric who tells his funny story
concerning the Département des Livres introduces a
very peculiar idea of the “value of knowledge”, basically
inspired by the “notion de dépense”, as described by
George Bataille in a renowned paper (1933).
The value of knowledge basically consists in the money
the cleric can earn by selling his books, so as to
squander it on the gaming table or indulging in gluttony.
As soon as the money is lost or consumed, that very
value of knowledge disappears.
J. Engels, L’autobiographie du jongleur
dans un Dit du ms. Paris, B. N. f. fr. 837, in
«Vivarium», 7 (1970), pp. 68-79, pp. 76-79,

and cf. L. Borghi Cedrini, Per una lettura
‘continua’ dell’837 (ms. f. fr. B.N. di Parigi):
il “Département des livres”, in «Studi
testuali», 3 (1994), pp. 115-166.
Iluec vendi ma Letanie, 

Et si bui au vin mon Messel

A la vile où l’en fet le sel.

Aus espices à Montpellier

Lessai-je mon Ante

Mes legendes et mon Greël

Lessai-je a Dun-le-Chastel.

Mes livres de Divinité

Perdi à Paris la cité, 

Et cels d’Art et cels de Fisique,

Et mes Conduis et ma Musique.

Grant part de mes auctors 

Lessai à Saint-Martin à Tors. 

Et mes Don[n]ès est à Orliens,

Et mes Chatonès à Amiens,

A Chartres mes Thodelet,

A Roem mes Avionès.

Mes Ovides est à Naumur,

Ma Philosophie à Saumur. 

A Bouvines delez Dinant,

Là perdi-je Ovide le grant.

Mi regiment sont à Bruieres,

Et mes Gloses sont à Maisieres.
Chascuns enquiert et veut savoir

Que je ai fait de mon avoir,

Et comment je sui si despris

Que je n’ai chape ne mantiau gris,

Cote, ne sorcot, ne tabart.

Tout est alé à male part.

Li tremeriaus m’a abatu.
Par ma folie ai tout perdu.
Tout mon avoir et toz mes livres,
Grant pieça que j’en sui delivres.
En duel ai torné mon reveil,
Quer je cuit que il n’ait chastel
En France que je n’i alaisse
Et de mes livres n’i lessaisse.

A Gandelus lez la Ferté,

Là lessai-je mon A.B.C., 

Et ma Patrenostre a Soisson, 

Et mon Credo a Monleon,

Et mes .xv. Siaumes à Tornai,

Mes .xv. Siaumes à Cambrai,

Et mon Sautier à Besençon,

Et mon Kalendier à Dijon.

Puis m’en reving par Pontarlie.
Mon Lucan et mon Juvenal

Oubliai-je à Bonival. 

Estace le grant et Vigile

Perdi aus dez à Abevile.

Mes Alixandres est à Goivre,

Et mon Grecime est à Auçuoirre,

Et mon Thobie est à Compiengne

Ne cuit que je jamès le tiengne —

Et mon Doctrinal est a Sens.

Là perdi-je trestout mon sens. 

Ainsi com je vous ai conté,

Jamès ne seront rachaté

Mi livre en trestoute ma vie,

Toute ai perdue ma clergie,

Se je ne truis aucune gent

Qui me doingnent de lor argent;

Autrement ne le puis ravoir.

Or li doinst Diex sens et savoir 

Qui m’en donra, par tel couvent

— Se je revieng en mon couvent —

Je ferai proier en chapitre

Que Diex ses pechiez li aquite.
His story is told based on a
“survey map”, a map that
randomly summarizes the stages
of a trip, instead of following an
itinerary step by step (that would
be the case of a “road map”).
Interestingly indeed, the cleric
disseminated his books a bit
everywhere around France, as he
openly states o
ering that there is
not a single castle in France where
he didn’t sell a book of his library.
Interestingly indeed, the cleric
ers a more or less compelling
summary of places actually located
in “proper” Medieval France.
Some of the mentioned towns are actual “places of knowledge” in Medieval France, 

and this is why it makes sense that the cleric presents them as places where he sold 

his books so as to dilapidate the money he earned while indulging in immoral activities.

Laon was an important School of Theology in the XII century;

Tournai was a relevant Episcopal School since the XI century;

Montpellier was renowned in the middle ages for its Medical School;

the University of Paris counted four Faculties in 1220 (Artes, Theology, Law and Medical School);

The Abbey of Saint Martin in Tours had a relevant school, also renowned for poetry;

the Episcopal School in Orleans was renowned for the Studies on Grammar. 

Some places are mentioned since their names make it possible to elaborate puns on gluttony,
such as Montpellier, because of the renowned spice market, Salins, the ville du sel, and Dinant,
which might allude to the verb disner, that is “to have dinner”. Sens rhymes with sens, which
means “hindsight, wisdom”, and it’s the last mentioned place where our cleric lost it all.

The order of the text is essentially based on the content of the books the cleric sold along the way.
The Patrenostre, the Credo, the .vii. and .xv. Siaumes, and, of course, the Sautier, the Kalendier, the
Litanies, the Messel, the Ante
nier and the Greël are liturgical texts ranged in a series, so as to express the
loss of the of the fundamental principles of the Christian revelation and its morality. The Psalter was
certainly a book, and the Legendes was also a book containing hagiographies. The others texts were likely
copied in folios or quires of some dismantled devotional books.
The livres de Divinité are Theological books, opportunely sold in Paris, together with the books of
Artes (maybe the Arts of Trivium), Natural Sciences and Music (Arts of Quadrivium).
The A.B.C. is a basic book of grammar.
A good share of the books containing the works of the Auctores has been appropriately sold in Tours.
The others are disseminated in various places, starting with the Ars Minor of Donatus, and other minores,
which all were a standard school texts in the Middle Ages, such as the Distica Cathonis,
The Eclogue of Theodulus, the Fabulae of Avianus.
Together with a mysterious book of Philosophy (maybe a miscellaneous compilation)
our cleric mentions the Regiment and the Gloses, which might be books of Law (the
Regimen Animarum and an annotated copy of the Decretum Gratiani).
Our cleric also mentions a series of Auctores Maiores. A pair of books of Ovid, whose Opera Omnia
was a must read in the XIII century, and the books of Iuvenalis (Saturae), Statius (Thebais), Vergilius
(Aeneis, Georgica, Bucolica), Lucanus (Pharsalia), together with the Alexandreis of Gauthier de
Chatillon (around 1180), the Tobias by Mathieu de Vendôme (end of XII century), the Graecismus by
Evrard de Bethune (before 1212) and the Doctrinal Metricum by Alexandre de Villedieu (around 1200).
The “cultural construction of reading” in Le department des livres is
apparently based on gambling and gluttony.

In order to restore the value of his knowledge the cleric has to buy
back his books, and this is why he begs his audience to give him
money, which he would rather squander entirely as soon as possible!

Knowledge is worth the price of a book. Being convertible into
money, it can be consumed, since money pays a meal, a drink, or it’s
lost at the gaming table.

All in all, one might argue that, according to the cleric who tells the
story of the department des livres, knowledge is worth nothing, and
this is why it makes us free.

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  • 2. Wealth and Knowledge Medieval French Proverbs ms. Paris, BNF, lat.10360 «Bonum Spatium» French Proverbs provided with juridical commentaries extracted from the Digestum and the Decretales 1283 Q Mieulx vault savoir que avoir ms. Paris, BNF, lat. 13965 Incipient dicta vel proverbia volgaria concordata auctoribus Biblie vel scriptorum French Proverbs provided with Biblical references 1285 Ba Meus vaut science que richece ms. Paris, BNF, lat. 8653
 Scholar’s notebook containing French proverbs and their Latin translations 2227 N Sagece vaut mius que richace. Est recte sapere multo preciosius ere. Fert auro precium dignius esse pium. U. Robert, Un vocabulaire latin-français du XIVe siècle, suivi d’un recueil d’anciens proverbes, in «Bibliothèque de l'École des chartes», 34 (1873), pp. 33-46, p. 39.
  • 3. Proverbial sentence in romanesque context Roman des sept sages (version K) vv. 763-764 (around 1155-1190) Prinches de terre sans raison Ne vauroit mie un seul bouton (Le roman des sept sages, ed. J. Misrahi, Paris, Droz, 1933, p. 24)
  • 4. Proverbial sentence in romanesque context Roman de Dolopathos vv. 2179-2190 (around 1220-1125) Doulz amis, por voi amendeir vos wel proier et conmandeir, can de moi departis sereis et a la grant richesse avereiz ke vostre peires vos donrait ki a roi vos coronerait, vostre roialme mainteneiz con sages hons prous et seneiz, et mainteneiz philosophie conme rois a grant signorie: molt petit valt rois sen scïence et clergie ke ne s’avance (Herbert, Le roman de Dolopathos, ed. J. Leclanche, Paris 1997, t. I, p. 141).
  • 5. A romanesque prologue on the topic Gilbert de Montreuil, Roman de la Violette vv. 1-21 (around 1227-1229) Sens de povre homme est poi prisiés; A painness ert autolisiés Ja mais nus hom, s’il n’a avoir; Namporquant je pris miex savoir C’avoir. Avoirs est tost faillis; Asses tost est uns hom salis De grant avoir en la poverte Ja puis ne li ert porte ouverte Volentiers; quant il vient a court, Erranment arriere racourt, Por chou c’on ne l’i laisse entrer. Por chou vous voel dire et moustrer Qui povres est vils est tenus; Et o les riches mal venus; mais qui sens a, c’est avantages; Ou dist assés tost: «cis est sages». pour chou me voel jou entremetre D’un plaisant conte en rime metre. Puis ke scïence ai et tant vail, Ja ne lairai pour mon travail Que je ne die auchun biel mot (Gerbert de Montreuil, Le roman de la violette ou de Gerart de Nevers, ed. D. L. Bu ff um, Paris 1928, pp. 3-4).
  • 6. Provençal Ensenhamen Peire de Corbian, Thezaur vv. 1-28/33 (around 1225) El nome de Jesu Christ, qu’es nostre salvamens, [E de sancta Maria, don el pres naissemens, Que la vertut del cel me sia cossolamens Que ia negus no sia en mi [delir] podens] Si m’escouta la cortz e Dieus m’en es cossens, Voill far saber als savis co soi de sen manens. [E mostrarai lur o aissi per fi echamens, Car ieu no mentiria per aur ni per argen.] Si tot no m’ai grans terras ni grans eretamens, (Chastels ni borcs ni villas ni autres chasamens,) Aur ni argen ni ceda, mas mon cors solamens, No cuges per tot so que m’estei paubramens. Tals pot aver mil marcs noill va tan richamens. Sim demandas qui soi, ni don, ni de cals genz, Maistre Peire ai nom e fon mon naissemens De corbian, on ai mos frairs e mos parens. [El mielhs de mo linhatge et de mos bevolens.] Mas rendas son be pauchas, mas cortezi’e sens Me fai entrels plus pros viure honoradamens, E cals que sia paubre ne li an malamens, Ieu com rics e gualhartz m’estau seguramens, Qu’eu m’ai un ric Tesaur amassat mal traens, Quez es plus precios, plus cars e plus valens Que peiras preciosas ni fi s aurs ni argens. Ja laire no s’en meta en grans espiamens, Que nom pot esser toutz ni emblatz furtilmens. Ges nol pues perdre vius, neis can serai morens, Ni ja mermara, anz er tostemps creissens. Qui plus en met on dona e l’espan largamens, El creis e multiplia plus aondosamens. Qui vol aquest thesaur vezer apertamens, Obra los oillz del cor e vejal en auzens: Cest thesaur es sciensa de mainz essenhamens. (Le «thezaur» de Peire de Corbian, ed by A. Jeanroy – G. Bertoni, in «Annales du Midi» 23 (1911), pp. 3-43, pp. 9-10).
  • 7. Provençal Ensenhamen Sordello, Ensenhamens d’onor vv. 1-22 (1220-1230) Aissi co·l tesaurs es perdutz aitan con istai esco[n]dutz, teng eu aitan per perdut sen, quan om lo cel'e·l vai cubren; que ploms val melz qu'argenz ni aurs rescos: per zo es lo tesaurs perdutz, qui no·l met e no·l dona, si com largues' ab dreg faizona; e·l senz es perdutz eissamen, qui no·l descuebr'entre la gen, e non obra segon razo, si con es mestiers, a sazo. E, si tot mos senz non es granz, vuell far saber entre·ls prezanz zo que er pro fi eh e onors a totz cels, a qui plaz valors, qu'apredre et retener volran zo qu'auzir en mos ditz poiran; si tot las razos son diversas, tan qu'eu sai que seran aversas per aprendre et per retenir, quar no si podon be seguir. (Sordello, Le poesie, a c. di M. Boni, Bologna 1954, p. 200).
  • 8. A Provençal partimen on the topic BdT 205,4 Guillem, prims iest en trobar a ma guiza vv. 1-28 (around 1230) Guillem, prims iest en trobar a ma guiza, troban vuelh doncs saber ta voluntat, pos tant la i as miza. cal volrias mais aver: esser rics de terr'e d'aver entre·ls pus rics, o la sciens'apriza ab lo saber que las set ars deviza? Mais volgr'aver la sciensa conquiza que·m degues remaner, que la rictat, que cauza es deviza c'al ric pot pauc valer e leu pot hom d'aut bas cazer e·l sciensa non chai pos s'es assiza: sel c'a·l saber es rics en sa camiza! Sel qu'entre·ls rics a gran ricor pleneira que quer d'aqui en sus, que .c. savis pot metr'en una teira a cascun donan, pus c'Aristotils, sobre·ls prims dus, pres dons dels rics e Virgils la ribeira de Napol jus: mais am donar que quieira. Ges per lenga polida, gen parleira, n'Augier non lais mon us, que·l sciensa vai totas vetz premeira e ten los rics enclus, e ar vei c'aissi est conclus que·l cap del mon fai pojar en cadeira e·l rei Porus tornet en gran paubreira. [ms. R C’Aleyssandre venquet Porus E sa gran ost e·l tornet en paubreira Ab son saber per que·n sec en cadeira.]
  • 9. A Provençal partimen on the topic BdT 205,4 Guillem, prims iest en trobar a ma guiza vv. 29-51 (around 1230) Guilhem, si·l rics pot perdre manentia creisser pot atressi, per que·l destrics contra·l creisser pars sia e·l segles cor aisi que le rics viu e a sa fi pot dar als sieus tot lo mon si l’avia, so c'al savi Dieus no volc donar mia. L'art e·l sabers c'Aristotils avia viu, si tot el mori, e porton l'en mant prim clerc garentia e escriptura di que Salamons pres enaisi lo sen, pueis ac l'aver en sa bailia ab lo sen, si fes tot cant far volia. Aisso qe Dieus det ni parti non part ieu ges, mas Frans'aver volria e l'emperi mais que saber qe sia. N'Augier, no·us acordatz a mi, qe paubres es qi mais aver volria; sens sobre si non serca manentia! Sen de natur'e de lati A en Romieus e platz li que rics sia e preguem li que d'aquest plag dreg dia. (Il trovatore Guillem Augier Novella, Ed. by M. Calzolari, Modena, 1986, pp. 122-125).
  • 10. Wealth and Knowledge Brunetto Latini, Tesoretto vv. 1-122 (XIII century, after 1266) Al valente segnore, di cui non so migliore sulla terra trovare: ché non avete pare né ‘n pace né in guerra; sì ch’a voi tutta terra che ‘l sole gira il giorno e ‘l mar batte d’intorno san’ faglia si convene, ponendo mente al bene che fate per usaggio, ed a l’alto legnaggio donde voi sete nato; e poi da l’altro lato potén tanto vedere in voi senno e savere a ogne condizione, un altro Salamone pare in voi rivenuto; e bene avén veduto in duro convenente, ove ogn’altro semente, che voi pur migliorate e tuttora a fi nate; (Brunetto Latini, Il tesoretto, a c. di G. Contini, in Poeti del duecento, t. II, Milano-Napoli, Ricciardi, 1960, pp. 167-284, pp. 178-179). il vostro cuor valente poggia sì altamente in ogne benananza che tutta la sembianza d’Alesandro tenete, ché per neente avete terra, oro ed argento; sì alto intendimento avete d’ogne canto, che voi corona e manto portate di franchezza e di fi na prodezza, sì ch’Achilès lo prode, ch’aquistò tante lode, e ‘l buono Ettòr troiano, Lancelotto e Tristano non valse me’ di voe, quando bisogno fue; e poi, quando venite che voi parole dite o ‘n consiglio o ‘n aringa, par ch’aggiate la lingua del buon Tulio romano che fu in dir sovrano: sì buon cominciamento e mezzo e fi nimento sapete ognora fare, e parole acordare secondo la matera, ciascuna in sua manera; apresso tutta fi ata avete acompagnata l’adorna costumanza, che ‘n voi fa per usanza sì ricco portamento e sì bel reggimento ch’avanzate a ragione e Senica e Catone; e posso dire insomma che ‘n voi, segnor, s’asomma e compie ogne bontate, e ‘n voi solo asembiate son sì compiutamente che non falla neente, se non com’ auro fi no: io Burnetto Latino, che vostro in ogne guisa mi son sanza divisa, a voi mi racomando. Poi vi presento e mando questo ricco Tesoro, che vale argento ed oro: sì ch’io non ho trovato omo di carne nato che sia degno d’avere, né quasi di vedere, lo scritto ch’io vi mostro i·llettere d’inchiostro. Ad ogn’altro lo nego, ed a voi faccio priego che lo tegnate caro, e che ne siate avaro: ch’i’ ho visto sovente viltenere a la gente molto valente cose; e pietre prezïose son già cadute i·lloco che son grandite poco. Ben conosco che ‘l bene assai val men, chi ‘l tene del tutto in sé celato, che quel ch’è palesato, sì come la candela luce men, chi la cela. Ma i’ ho già trovato in prosa ed in rimato cose di grande assetto, e poi per gran sagretto l’ho date a caro amico: poi, con dolor lo dico, lu’ vidi in man d’i fanti, e rasemprati tanti che si ruppe la bolla e rimase per nulla. S’aven così di questo, si dico che sia pesto, e di carta in quaderno sia gittato in inferno.
  • 11. A French essample Jean de Choisi, De Avoir et de Savoir, vv. 149-160 (XIII century) ms. Bern, Burgerbibliothek 354, f. 72 v.-74 r. Ja nus hom n’avroit tant avoir Qu’il ne·l perde s’il n’a savoir: Sovent veez cui il avient: Por ce vos voill je bien aprendre Cil qui lo meillor en vialt prendre. Que s’el puet asanse tient
 Et si di je por nul meschient
 Ne doit en a savoir changer
 Ne per povretez vil tenir
 Qar qui n’a rien en son savoir
 Per son savoir vient a avoir
 Sovant lo veez avenir. A. Jubinal, Rapport a M. le ministre de l’Instruction Publique, suivi de quelques pièces inédites tirées des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque de Berne, Paris, Librairie Spéciale des Sociétés Savantes,1838, pp. 27-31. Still, the “economic convertibility” of knowledge into wealth, which is openly stated («por son savoir vient a avoir»), resolves the dialectical con fl ict between the two concepts. The essample points out the precariousness of material wealth in opposition to the durability of knowledge. Hence, knowledge is understood as superior to wealth according to the proverbial argument.
  • 12. Squandering and “disseminating” knowledge Le departement des livres (XIII Century) ms. Paris, B. N. f. fr. 837, f. 213 r/v The debauched cleric who tells his funny story concerning the Département des Livres introduces a very peculiar idea of the “value of knowledge”, basically inspired by the “notion de dépense”, as described by George Bataille in a renowned paper (1933). The value of knowledge basically consists in the money the cleric can earn by selling his books, so as to squander it on the gaming table or indulging in gluttony. As soon as the money is lost or consumed, that very value of knowledge disappears. J. Engels, L’autobiographie du jongleur dans un Dit du ms. Paris, B. N. f. fr. 837, in «Vivarium», 7 (1970), pp. 68-79, pp. 76-79, and cf. L. Borghi Cedrini, Per una lettura ‘continua’ dell’837 (ms. f. fr. B.N. di Parigi): il “Département des livres”, in «Studi testuali», 3 (1994), pp. 115-166.
  • 13. Iluec vendi ma Letanie, Et si bui au vin mon Messel A la vile où l’en fet le sel. Aus espices à Montpellier Lessai-je mon Ante fi nier. Mes legendes et mon Greël Lessai-je a Dun-le-Chastel. Mes livres de Divinité Perdi à Paris la cité, Et cels d’Art et cels de Fisique, Et mes Conduis et ma Musique. Grant part de mes auctors Lessai à Saint-Martin à Tors. Et mes Don[n]ès est à Orliens, Et mes Chatonès à Amiens, A Chartres mes Thodelet, A Roem mes Avionès. Mes Ovides est à Naumur, Ma Philosophie à Saumur. A Bouvines delez Dinant, Là perdi-je Ovide le grant. Mi regiment sont à Bruieres, Et mes Gloses sont à Maisieres. Chascuns enquiert et veut savoir Que je ai fait de mon avoir, Et comment je sui si despris Que je n’ai chape ne mantiau gris, Cote, ne sorcot, ne tabart. Tout est alé à male part. Li tremeriaus m’a abatu. Par ma folie ai tout perdu. Tout mon avoir et toz mes livres, Grant pieça que j’en sui delivres. En duel ai torné mon reveil, Quer je cuit que il n’ait chastel En France que je n’i alaisse Et de mes livres n’i lessaisse. A Gandelus lez la Ferté, Là lessai-je mon A.B.C., Et ma Patrenostre a Soisson, Et mon Credo a Monleon, Et mes .xv. Siaumes à Tornai, Mes .xv. Siaumes à Cambrai, Et mon Sautier à Besençon, Et mon Kalendier à Dijon. Puis m’en reving par Pontarlie. Mon Lucan et mon Juvenal Oubliai-je à Bonival. Estace le grant et Vigile Perdi aus dez à Abevile. Mes Alixandres est à Goivre, Et mon Grecime est à Auçuoirre, Et mon Thobie est à Compiengne Ne cuit que je jamès le tiengne — Et mon Doctrinal est a Sens. Là perdi-je trestout mon sens. Ainsi com je vous ai conté, Jamès ne seront rachaté Mi livre en trestoute ma vie, Toute ai perdue ma clergie, Se je ne truis aucune gent Qui me doingnent de lor argent; Autrement ne le puis ravoir. Or li doinst Diex sens et savoir Qui m’en donra, par tel couvent — Se je revieng en mon couvent — Je ferai proier en chapitre Que Diex ses pechiez li aquite.
  • 14. His story is told based on a “survey map”, a map that randomly summarizes the stages of a trip, instead of following an itinerary step by step (that would be the case of a “road map”). Interestingly indeed, the cleric disseminated his books a bit everywhere around France, as he openly states o ff ering that there is not a single castle in France where he didn’t sell a book of his library. Interestingly indeed, the cleric o ff ers a more or less compelling summary of places actually located in “proper” Medieval France.
  • 15. Some of the mentioned towns are actual “places of knowledge” in Medieval France, and this is why it makes sense that the cleric presents them as places where he sold his books so as to dilapidate the money he earned while indulging in immoral activities. Laon was an important School of Theology in the XII century; Tournai was a relevant Episcopal School since the XI century; Montpellier was renowned in the middle ages for its Medical School; the University of Paris counted four Faculties in 1220 (Artes, Theology, Law and Medical School); The Abbey of Saint Martin in Tours had a relevant school, also renowned for poetry; the Episcopal School in Orleans was renowned for the Studies on Grammar. Some places are mentioned since their names make it possible to elaborate puns on gluttony, such as Montpellier, because of the renowned spice market, Salins, the ville du sel, and Dinant, which might allude to the verb disner, that is “to have dinner”. Sens rhymes with sens, which means “hindsight, wisdom”, and it’s the last mentioned place where our cleric lost it all. The order of the text is essentially based on the content of the books the cleric sold along the way.
  • 16. The Patrenostre, the Credo, the .vii. and .xv. Siaumes, and, of course, the Sautier, the Kalendier, the Litanies, the Messel, the Ante fi nier and the Greël are liturgical texts ranged in a series, so as to express the loss of the of the fundamental principles of the Christian revelation and its morality. The Psalter was certainly a book, and the Legendes was also a book containing hagiographies. The others texts were likely copied in folios or quires of some dismantled devotional books. The livres de Divinité are Theological books, opportunely sold in Paris, together with the books of Artes (maybe the Arts of Trivium), Natural Sciences and Music (Arts of Quadrivium). The A.B.C. is a basic book of grammar. A good share of the books containing the works of the Auctores has been appropriately sold in Tours. The others are disseminated in various places, starting with the Ars Minor of Donatus, and other minores, which all were a standard school texts in the Middle Ages, such as the Distica Cathonis, The Eclogue of Theodulus, the Fabulae of Avianus. Together with a mysterious book of Philosophy (maybe a miscellaneous compilation) our cleric mentions the Regiment and the Gloses, which might be books of Law (the Regimen Animarum and an annotated copy of the Decretum Gratiani). Our cleric also mentions a series of Auctores Maiores. A pair of books of Ovid, whose Opera Omnia was a must read in the XIII century, and the books of Iuvenalis (Saturae), Statius (Thebais), Vergilius (Aeneis, Georgica, Bucolica), Lucanus (Pharsalia), together with the Alexandreis of Gauthier de Chatillon (around 1180), the Tobias by Mathieu de Vendôme (end of XII century), the Graecismus by Evrard de Bethune (before 1212) and the Doctrinal Metricum by Alexandre de Villedieu (around 1200).
  • 17. The “cultural construction of reading” in Le department des livres is apparently based on gambling and gluttony. In order to restore the value of his knowledge the cleric has to buy back his books, and this is why he begs his audience to give him money, which he would rather squander entirely as soon as possible! Knowledge is worth the price of a book. Being convertible into money, it can be consumed, since money pays a meal, a drink, or it’s lost at the gaming table. All in all, one might argue that, according to the cleric who tells the story of the department des livres, knowledge is worth nothing, and this is why it makes us free.