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B.Ed. (1.5 Year / 2.5 Year)
Course Code: 8613
Theme: Promoting Children's Well-being
Sub-theme: self-esteem
Topic: Develop self-confidence to improve the academic performance of children
Overall background of the participants of the project; area / Area: (socio-economic status,
occupation / profession – earning trends of majority of the parents, literacy rate, academic quality,
and any other special trait of the community where the Area is situated).
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This action research was conducted in ____________________
School & Participants Background:
The school has a staff of 18 which includes Principal, Vice Principal, 11 teachers, classroom assistants,
secretary, building supervisor, cleaners. The school has its own library which provides books for the pupils.
The structure of school was normal. The school had small lovely play area. Classes are better in condition.
The environment of school was great, better for learning and secure for children. The participants of study
were secondary (9th) grade children who were enrolled in ______________________. I selected secondary
(9th) grade children which are considered in total 32 members.
Socio Economic Status:
Socioeconomic status is the social standing or class of an individual or group. It is often measured as a
combination of education, income and occupation. Examinations of socioeconomic status often reveal
inequities in access to resources, plus issues related to privilege, power and control. Most of peoples from
this area are Govt. employee but some of them are shopkeeper or work in a private offices. Most of parents
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do not afford children education due to their family expenses and their low income but some parents
support their children at higher level in well reputed universities. But due to the lack of higher educational
institute and low income of their parents, more than 50% children stop their education after intermediate.
Overall the financial status of this area is not good.
Occupation & Earning Trend:
A part of the Parents are not monetarily so good. The children who Parents with government jobs are more
verified and their family finds a sense of contentment moderately contrasted with the individuals who work
in private association. They are consistently in dissatisfaction. Due to low earning trend of this area, the
children face a great deal of difficulties both at home and school, which block them from taking an interest
completely in classroom exercises. In present some parents drop their children at different shop for learning
work and for earning but today due to free education in Pakistan more than 50% children go to school till
then matriculation.
Literacy Rate:
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In 2019, ------ literacy rate of 37% for females was noticeably lower than the 46% for males.
Q.1 Why did you select this specific sub-theme and topic? Relate it to your experience / problem in
your classroom / institution.
Self-confidence are an exciting subject. I choose this theme because the Self-confidence that give the world
and life and everything in it meaning. Some points are describe below for analyzing this theme &
Self-confidence is the capacity to override an impulse in order to respond appropriately. Self-confidence
helps us manage ideas. A behavior is when ideas clash in ways that prevent action. Student have many
ideas, most of which benefit themselves and society. Our ideas to eat arises out a natural concern to ensure
our own survival, whereas the ideas for sexual intercourse arises out of a natural concern to pass our genes
to the next generation. Ideas to seek affiliation and to protect ourselves and loved ones from harm also offer
examples of basic, fundamental ideas that promote individual and collective well-being.
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Self-confidence can prevent us from engaging in motivated behaviors. Student have ideas to survive by
eating, but they use Self-confidence to resist their temptation to eat unhealthy foods. Ideas to reproduce
through sexual intercourse must be overridden through the use of Self-confidence in order to follow
standards for appropriate sexual behavior. And ideas to harm transgressors are overridden through Self-
confidence because forgiving others fosters individual, social and cultural well-being. Monitoring involves
keeping track of your thoughts, feelings and actions. In one study, first-year female college students who
weighed themselves every day, compared with those who did not, were buffered from the typical weight
gain that accompanies the first year in college. The same is true when it comes to our money. Keeping track
of how much we save and spend relates to having more money. Standards are guidelines that steer us
toward desirable responses. Our standards originate from society and culture. Think of the speed limit sign
that tells you how fast to drive or the laws that tell you to pay your taxes. Follow the rules, and you’ll be
fine. Break the rules, and there will be consequences. We also have personal standards that govern our
behavior. If I have certain religious beliefs, I might think that it is inappropriate to eat certain foods, think
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certain thoughts or feel certain emotions. Strength refers to the energy we need to control our impulses.
Numerous factors affect our Self-confidence strength, such as mental exhaustion and stress.
Self-confidence hinges on all three ingredients working together. Without monitoring, you know what you
need to do and have the energy to do it, but you struggle to accomplish much because you do not keep track
of your progress. A world without standards is a recipe for chaos. And chronically depleted Self-confidence
strength can leave student with the knowledge of what they should do without giving them the energy to do
it. Like a three-legged stool, kick off one Self-confidence ingredient and the odds are that your Self-
confidence will topple over?
Q.2What was your discussion with your colleague / friend / senior teacher or supervisor regarding
the problem?
After choosing this theme, I discussed this topic with my teachers, friends and supervisor.
Discussion with Supervisor:
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My supervisor pointed out that ideas is essential for everyone, especially children. As teachers, we're in a
highly strategic position to instill self-confidence in our students as we teach and interact with them every
day. Strategies to Build Your Students' Self-confidence is:
1.Model self-confidence.
2.Be prepared to teach.
3.Accept mistakes with grace.
4.Praise and encourage your students.
5.Challenge them academically.
6.Allow your students many opportunities for success.
7.Foster creativity in the classroom.
8.Affirm your students.
9.Give them jobs.
10. Teach them organization skills.
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There are a lot of benefits gained from ideas, including that it fosters a positive mood and releases the stress
of the day. He said that Self-confidence improves life in three ways:
Individual well-being.
Self-confidence relates to better health. Physically, Self-confidence student sleep better, experience fewer
physical sickness symptoms and live longer lives. They also enjoy better mental health. Self-confidence
relates to lower anxiety and depression. Behaviors that relate to mental health problems, such as substance
use and suicide, are less common among Self-confidence student.
Beyond wealth or good looks, student want Self-confidence relationship partners. We want to spend our
lives with student we can trust, who follow through on their promises and who will override their impulse
to leave or lash out when things get tough. Self-confidence student are forgiving and react to conflict with
benevolence rather than violence.
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Self-confidence helps societies flourish. Self-confidence student, compared to their less-controlled
counterparts, earn more money. Not only do Self-confidence student enjoy greater wealth, they behave
more generously. They override their selfish impulses and go out of their way to help others. On a broader
level, societies that have clear-cut standards for appropriate behavior tend to function better than do
societies in which student do as they please. Societies also benefit from monitoring how their citizens
Discussion with Teacher:
My teacher told me that developing positive relationships with others is very important for Self-confidence.
The benefits from time spent with friends and family is that they learn to share, compromise and listen, as
well as develop conflict resolution skills. Fostering these relationships as a child will also help them
maintain relationships in their adult life.
• Children who rely on Ideas are often secluded from real life interaction.
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• Using computers and other electronic devices can cause health hazards such as eye strain and other
physical problems.
• The technologies required for full participation can be quite expensive and this can create a gap between
the children who have access to the technologies and those who do not have access.
Discussion with Friends:
One of my friend pointed about this subtheme that Student have many ideas, most of which benefit
themselves and society. Our ideas to eat arises out a natural concern to ensure our own survival, whereas
the ideas for sexual intercourse arises out of a natural concern to pass our genes to the next generation.
Ideas to seek affiliation and to protect ourselves and loved ones from harm also offer examples of basic,
fundamental ideas that promote individual and collective well-being. Self-confidence can prevent us from
engaging in motivated behaviors. Student have ideas to survive by eating, but they use Self-confidence to
resist their temptation to eat unhealthy foods.
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I concluded that Ideas is no longer seen as an optional extra; it is becoming an important concern of
policy makers and economists. Indeed, the dramatic rise in the number of efforts to measure and
monitor the position and lives of children’ in recent years.
Q.3 What did you find about the problem in the existing literature (books / articles / websites)?
The ideas theory, which is a theory of communication that models complex social interactions (among
which likewise some Ideas which are frequently utilized as illustrations), was later extended and
formalized. Ideas are categorized as collective and focused challenging Ideas, in which students carry on as
specialists who take after standards of the ideas and move in turns. Ideas theory is usually applied to depict
conflicts or market dynamics. Inside ideas theory, the supporting components of a ideas exist as guidelines,
turns, cooperation and rivalry, where winning, or fun, is demonstrated as numerical result. Ideas theory
tries to clarify how playing (a ideas) functions, and characterizes recreations as an intuitive procedure
endeavoring toward a result. Because ideas theory provides a phenomenal description of a ideas for
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example, what happens during the ideas without investigating the meaning of the ideas for example, why
do we play, we will label its approach as functional approach.
Self-confidence belong to productive skill rather than perceptive one. It produces a message to
communicate. Spratt, Paleness, and Williams (2020) state that Self-confidence learning belong to
productive skills. She said that learning and Self-confidence, particularly, involve producing content rather
than receiving it. The subjective aspects include things such as how the child is feeling about their life
and how happy they are. The objective aspects include factors that affect the child’s feelings, for
example, health, housing, poverty, social capital and education. Despite a fairly extensive literature,
comparisons between countries and communities are difficult as ‘the field of social child indication is
fragmented and lacking a unifying taxonomy’. Many different indicators have been identified. It means
that Self-confidence learning will produce an output as an indicator that students have learned both those
skills. It is clearly that the output of learning skill can be oral conversation or drama. Meanwhile, the output
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of learning skill can be written stories, letters, or other text types. Another linguist, Hyland (2019), explains
that Self-confidence are a way to share personal meanings. The student construct their own views on topic.
Through being good role models for our children and developing positive thinking and behavior patterns in
them we can help improve our Self-confidence, as well as teach them lifelong skills to maintain this into
their adult life. They will share their views on a topic to each other then. A person’s views may be different
from other student’s views. It depends on their belief. Therefore, when constructing their views (ideas), the
student have to make it understandable and acceptable. Brown (2019) illustrates that Self-confidence are
like swimming. When student want to be able to swim, they must have like an instructor to show them
basic ways or tricks to swim, although the instructor is only their parents or their friends (not professional
Parents). After they get the basic ways to swim, they will develop based on their own style. The more
chance they get to swim, the more perfect they will be. Self-confidence are the last output after students
learn separate acts continuously. Wallace (2019) states that Self-confidence are the final product after
students learn several stages of Self-confidence separately before. Those stages are note-taking, identifying
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a central idea, outlining, drafting, and editing. It means that Self-confidence are a complex skill. It covers
many sub skills that have to be passed before producing a good piece of Self-confidence.
Self-confidence seem so complicated with its sub skills, but it is actually can be learn with fun. Those skills
are related to each other. In this case, I am going to focus on Self-confidence activities. Self-confidence are
a content skill that is very important. Self-confidence are among the most important skills that foreign
content students need to develop. It is the last stage in learning content after listening, learning, and
listening. In other Self-confidence, I can say that Self-confidence are an indicator whether students have
gained all skills before or have not. Before the students have to learning, they should be able to listen, to
speak, and to read. Self-confidence activities differs from other skills like learning and listening. Brown
(2019) states that trends in teaching Self-confidence of ESL and other foreign contents are integrated with
teaching other skills, particularly listening and learning. Wajnryb (2020) recommends that learners should
listen to the Self-confidence twice and that both readings should be, as far as possible, identical. The text is
read at natural speed with short pauses between each sentence. Students are told not to learning anything
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the first time, ‘but allow the Self-confidence to wash over them’ (2020). This is to allow students to get an
overall feel for the passage. On the second listening students should take down notes. At this stage the
teacher should suggest that learners focus on noticing and recording key content or information.
Self-confidence are an integrative strategy that was originally used for second content learners. The
purpose of Self-confidence is to improve students' knowledge of text structure and grammar & learning
within an authentic context (Van Patten, Inclezan, Salazar, & Farley, 2020). As research indicates, Self-
confidence instruction focuses on grammar & learning and text structure within context of use (Bromley,
2019). In this instructional strategy, students listen to a model of ideas structure and deconstruct it
collaboratively before it is recreated. The collaborative nature of Self-confidence allows all learners, but
especially second content learners and striving readers, to examine an exemplary narrative passage and
discover how the author created it. When students are explicitly instructed in the study of genres and their
textual differences, the quality of their Self-confidence improves (Calkins, 2019).
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Q.4 What were the major variables / construct of your project? Give definitions / description from
Self-confidence is an attitude about your skills and abilities. It means you accept and trust yourself and
have a sense of control in your life. You know your strengths and weakness well, and have a positive view
of yourself. You set realistic expectations and goals, communicate assertively, and can handle criticism.
In philosophy, ideas are usually taken as mental representational images of some object. Ideas can also be
abstract concepts that do not present as mental images. Many philosophers have considered ideas to be a
fundamental ontological category of being.
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Learning is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, attitudes, and
preferences. The ability to learn is possessed by humans, animals, and some machines; there is also
evidence for some kind of learning in certain plants.
A performance is an act of staging or presenting a play, concert, or other form of entertainment.
It is also defined as the action or process of carrying out or accomplishing an action, task, or function.
Behavior is the actions and mannerisms made by individuals, organisms, systems or artificial entities in
conjunction with themselves or their environment, which includes the other systems or organisms around as
well as the physical environment.
Q.5 What did you want to achieve in this research project?
In general, research objectives describe what we expect to achieve by a project. Research objectives are
usually expressed in lay terms and are directed as much to the client as to the researcher. A statement
of research objectives can serve to guide the activities of research.
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Objective / purpose of the study:
The purpose of this action research will be find Develop self-confidence to improve the academic
performance of children at Govt. High School.
Objective of this research are:
1.To carry out Develop self-confidence to improve the academic performance of children.
2.To explore the use of ideas on Self-confidence of students.
3.To discover the effect of ideas on promoting Self-confidence.
Research Question:
A research question is a question that a research project sets out to answer. Choosing a research question is
an essential element of both quantitative and qualitative research. Investigation will require data collection
and analysis, and the methodology for this will vary widely. This study aims to make an action plan for the
effecting of Self-confidence of secondary class students in _____________. Specifically it seeks to answer
the following questions:
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• What is Develop self-confidence to improve the academic performance of children?
• How ideas effect Children’s Self-confidence?
• To find out the effect of Teacher in developing Self-confidence at secondary level students through
Q.6 Who were the participants in your project?
The Self-confidence were developed on the basis of a series of research regarding Self-confidence
identification and improvement for secondary class students. This curriculum purported to enhance
students' Self-confidence and depositions through speculating about academic learning and life issue
discussion. The project team includes the supervisor and the group of individuals who work together on a
research to achieve its objectives. It consists of the supervisor, co-supervisor, and other team members who
are maybe not directly involved with management but carry out the work related to the project. The
targeted population was students enrolled in secondary of _____________. However, in this questionnaire,
thirty-two (32) students, taking a related course, were selected in an ____________ as a sample while
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considering the research control and validity of this study. This sample included students of the two major
medium (English Medium and Urdu Medium). These participants might generally represent the students in
secondary class.
Q.7 How did you try to solve the problem?
The procedure of this research was involved on an activity research to discover and tackle the issue. The
social wonder under investigation was the Develop self-confidence to improve the academic performance
of children of secondary class level. Survey, interviews, field notes and perceptions were utilized to gather
the information expected to give the data knowledge important to respond to the research questions.
Data Collection:
The term survey is normally used on the other hand with audit. It is ordinary and straightforward strategy
for data amassing, in actuality, look at. Moreover, it is snappiest, most affordable, private method for social
affair data from respondents. The data was accumulated through efficient research gadget. So in such sort
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inspects, it is indispensable during progress of estimation gadget for quality data to recollect all points of
view. Emotional/Quantitative system was used to get critical and cautious information. Information was
assembled through survey including simply close completed request in regard to investigate goals. The
close by completed overview was made for data gathering.
The entire group from which a sample is chosen is known as the population and we choose the students of
______________. It was quite convenient for me, being a resident of ___________ to accumulate quality
data from chosen city and Area. Sample is smaller representation of large data. Generally, it consists of all
the observation that represents the whole population. The number of observation included in a sample is
called size of sample. The students of ___________ and their teacher were selected for this class based
action research.
Ethical Consideration:
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From the inception of this research I was extremely particular to carry out an ethical inquiry and therefore
gave serious thought to all ethical aspects this study would entail. As teacher-researchers, my secondary
class responsibility was to my students. An action research is considered ‘ethical’ if research design,
interpretation and practical development produced by it have been negotiated with all parties directly
concerned with the situation under research. Permission to conduct the study was first sought from the
principal and Area governing body. Permission was sought from principal.
Q.8 What kind of instrument was used to collect the data? How was the instrument developed?
Research Instrument:
Questionnaire was used to collect the data needed to provide the information insight necessary to answer
the research questions. In this technique a number of questions were designed according to requirement and
relevancy of researcher being conducted. The questionnaire was prepared to attain study objectives.
Quantitative research
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Quantitative research is explaining phenomena by collecting numerical data that are analyzed using
performing based methods (in particular statistics)’. Quantitative data contains closed ended information
such as that found on attitude behavior and performance instruments .In this study the children have been
given a questionnaire to find out Develop self-confidence to improve the academic performance of children
and this questionnaire has been derived and analyzed in terms of numerical data. This is why the research
falls under quantitative category.
A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions for the purpose of gathering
information from respondent’s statistical society. Usually a questionnaire consists of a number of questions
that the respondent has to answer in a set format .A distinction made between open ended and closed ended
questions .an open ended question ask the respondent to formulate his own answer, whereas a closed ended
question has the respondent pick an answer from given number of options.
Questionnaire is:
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Statements Option
Self-confidence in expressing
ideas motivate them in
Strongly Agree
Self-confidence in expressing
ideas helping them to
learning in different
Strongly Agree
Self-confidence in expressing
ideas making them able to
learning in different content.
Strongly Agree
The use of ideas for Self-
confidence is understandable.
Strongly Agree
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Can choice effect on Self-
Strongly Agree
Can you use the ideas in your
Strongly Agree
Children ideas effects the life
of student.
Strongly Agree
Q.9 What were the findings and conclusion?
I used scale questionnaires to get students’ responses towards the use for the improvement of Self-
confidence. The results are shown below (Table). Total students in this questionnaire were 32.
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Table: The Questionnaire Results on the Implementation of Self-confidence
Statements Option Students’
Self-confidence in
expressing ideas
motivate them in
5 15.62%
Agree 22 68.75%
Disagree 5 15.62%
0 0%
Self-confidence in
expressing ideas helping
them to learning in
different knowledge.
8 25%
Agree 24 75%
Disagree 0 0%
0 0%
Self-confidence in
expressing ideas
making them able to
learning in different
7 21.88%
Agree 23 71.88%
Disagree 2 6.25%
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content. Strongly
0 0%
The use of ideas for
Self-confidence is
2 6.25%
Agree 25 78.12%
Disagree 5 15.62%
0 0%
Can choice effect on
6 18.75%
Agree 20 62.5%
Disagree 6 18.75%
0 0%
Can you use the ideas in
your study?
2 6.25%
Agree 26 81.25%
Disagree 4 12.5%
0 0%
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The first statement, “Self-confidence in
expressing ideas motivate them in
learning”. This statement was used to know
whether the Self- confidence improved
students’ Self-confidence to learning. There were 32 respondents who gave their opinion. It showed that
15.62 % of the students were very motivated to learning using Self-confidence. It showed that 68.75% of
the students were motivated to learning using Self-confidence. The second statement is “Self-confidence in
expressing ideas helping them to learning”. So, about 25 % of the students were really helped by the use of
ideas to help them Self-confidence. It showed that 75 % of the students were helped by ideas to learning in
different content. The third statement shows that there were 21.88 % of the students who thought that they
were able to learning by using the ideas. There were 71.88 % of the students could learning through ideas.
The next statement concluded that 6.25 % of the students could clearly understand with the steps used in
Self-confidence. So, 78.12 % of the students agreed that the steps in Self-confidence in expressing ideas
Children ideas effects
the life of student.
2 6.25%
Agree 23 71.88%
Disagree 7 21.88%
0 0%
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were understandable for them. The next statement shows that more than 80 % of the students could get the
Self-confidence from online lesson that would be used as the basic for them to develop and learning the
lesson. The sixth statement will show there were still 4 students who were not able to develop their Self-
confidence. The last statement showed so, there were more than 70 % of the students agreed that ideas in
Self-confidence were fun.
The result of this research revealed the improvements contributed by the implementation of the Self-
confidence periods in the teaching and learning process of Self-confidence in secondary class of _________
First, Self-confidence could improve students’ Self-confidence. It was able to engage the students’ attention
and interests during the teaching and learning process of Self-confidence. Besides, Self-confidence could
provide the students with illustrations and ideas in their minds. Second, the improvement could also be seen
in the teaching and learning process. Self-confidence could be combined with other media such as pictures
or video that could create various fun learning Self-confidence so it decreased students’ boredom during
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their learning process in the classroom. The students became more confident to learning and active in the
classroom Self-confidence. Third, since the students were motivated and the Self-confidence class ran well,
the students’ Self-confidence were also improved.
Q.10 Summary of the Project.
This action research was conducted in _____________. The participants of study were secondary (9th)
grade children and their teachers who were enrolled in ___________. I selected secondary (9th) grade
children and their teachers which are considered in total 32 members.
Objective of this research are:
1.To carry out Develop self-confidence to improve the academic performance of children.
2.To explore the use of ideas on Self-confidence of students.
3.To discover the effect of ideas on promoting Self-confidence.
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Questionnaire was used to collect the data needed to provide the information insight necessary to answer
the research questions. In this technique a number of questions were designed according to requirement and
relevancy of researcher being conducted. The questionnaire was prepared to attain study objectives.
The first statement, “Self-confidence in expressing ideas motivate them in learning”. This statement was
used to know whether the Self-confidence improved students’ learning. There were 32 respondents who
gave their opinion. It showed that 15.62 % of the students were very motivated to learning using Self-
confidence. It showed that 68.75% of the students were motivated to learning using Self-confidence. The
second statement is “Self-confidence in expressing ideas helping them to learning”. So, about 25 % of the
students were really helped by the use of Self-confidence to help them Self-confidence. It showed that 75 %
of the students were helped by Self-confidence to learning in different content. The third statement shows
that there were 21.88 % of the students who thought that they were able to learning by using the Self-
confidence. There were 71.88 % of the students could learning through ideas.
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It was able to engage the students’ attention and interests during the teaching and learning process of Self-
confidence. Besides, Self-confidence could provide the students with illustrations and ideas in their minds.
Second, the improvement could also be seen in the teaching and learning process. Self-confidence could be
combined with other media such as pictures or video that could create various fun learning Self-confidence
so it decreased students’ boredom during their learning process in the classroom. The students became
more confident to learning and active in the classroom Self-confidence. Third, since the students were
motivated and the Self-confidence class ran well, the students’ Self-confidence were also improved.
Q.11 How do you feel about this practice? What have you learnt?
I am feeling very satisfied and glad after my research. It was quite interesting and Conflict management
experience. Now I am confident after this research. Now I am able to do these all sorts of such
feeling myself as confident, glad and learnt person. I learnt a lot of new things which I never learnt in my
previous life. For example when I talked with senior Parents and expert student I learnt a lot of skills of
writing. When i taught the children then me counsel dictionary and great writers, businessmen and novels
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.These all things increased my Conflict management also showed them video lesson of some expert and
creative writers to teach them. It also helped me to learn new things. This practice also improved my
writing skills too.
I also learnt how to write effectively and accurately I have improved my English grimmer. My work has
been improved. I learnt new methods of improving writing. I learnt how to write stories in appropriate way.
Overall it helped me to develop new writing skills, new way of teaching writing skills. So I am glad to say
that it was unforgettable experience of my life. First of all most of us numb the uncomfortable emotions,
but unknowingly when we do this research we can also end up numbing our other emotions like joy, peace,
happiness, and pleasure. We can’t fully have one without the other.
The first step is always awareness, because once we have awareness we can start to do something about it.
Awareness alone won’t help us stop using Conflict management. Awareness after the fact is what I’m
talking about here. Starting anything new and trying to create a habit out of it takes work and time. This is
one of the reasons I love researching and attending classes as it’s basically a scheduled time in the day,
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where I have no other distractions, to just be in my routine and notice how I’m feeling. That being said I
rarely make it to a class once a week these days, so I do have to find simple and quick ways to connect.
Q.12 What has it added to your professional skills as a teacher?
It added a lot of new skills in my teaching .It improved my way of teaching. For example when I talked
with senior Parents and expert student I learnt a lot of skills of Self-confidence.
Whether you teach high Area chemistry or kindergarten, nothing is a more effective tool than using your
imagination to create new and ideas ways for your students to learn. You may be inspired by the work of
another teacher, mentor or a TV commercial - it doesn't matter. All that matters is that you take the
initiative to find new ways for your kids to learn the material.
This is likely the single most important skill. Kids these days are stubborn, and many lack the inherent
respect for authority that we were taught at a young age. Spending a single day in a room full of raucous
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teenagers is enough to send any human being to the Looney bin, which is why every good teacher needs
patience in order to find a way to work with his students and earn their respect.
Different kids learn in different ways, and some lessons need unique teaching tools. Good Parents know
how to adapt their lesson plan to their students, so that all the kids learn optimally. This trait can take some
experience and practice in a classroom setting, so give it time.
Risk Taking
Sometimes to get the big reward, you may need to take a risk. Being a teacher is about finding a way to get
kids to learn, and sometimes these new learning methods can be risky. Stick to it and you'll soon find that
others are following your teaching example.
Parents could have a hard time without a wide variety of support staff around them. If you feel alone, your
Area principal, administrative staff, parent-teacher committee, and more are often available to provide you
0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
help. By working as a team, you may have an easier time increasing your students' ability to learn and have
Professional Development:
In this modern, digital age, Parents need to be flexible and be able to adapt to whatever is thrown their way.
New technologies are developed every day that can change the way students learn, and the way Parents
teach. Likewise, administrators are changing and updating expectations and learning standards. Being able
to adapt is a skill that every modern teacher must have. If it’s being able to adapt to the way students learn,
the behavior their classroom exhibits, or their lesson plans, it is a definitely a trait that is a must-have.
Q.13 List the works you cited in your project (follow the APA manual – 9th Edition).
❖Bromley, K. (2019). Best Practices in Teaching Self-confidence. In L. Gambrel, ed., L. M. Morrow, ed.,
& M. Pressley (Eds.), Best practices in literacy instruction (pp. 243–264). New York: Guilford.
❖Brown, H. Douglas. (2019). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Content Pedagogy. 2nd
Ed. San Francisco: Longman.
0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
❖Calkins, L. (2019). The Art of Teaching Self-confidence. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
❖Hyland, K. (2019). Second Content Self-confidence. New York: Cambridge University Press.
❖Van Patten, B., Inclezan, D., Salazar, H., & Farley, A. (2020). Processing instruction and Dictogloss: A
study on object pronouns and word order in Spanish. Foreign Content Annals, 42, 557–576.
❖Wajnryb, Ruth (2020). Grammer & learning Self-confidence. New York: Oxford University Press
❖Wallace, Trudy (2019). Teaching Learning, Listening and Self-confidence International Academy of
Education (Educational Practices Series 1-14).
❖Williams, Melanie (2020). The TKT Course. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739

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  • 1. MANUAL RESEARCH PROJECT B.Ed. (1.5 Year / 2.5 Year) Course Code: 8613 Theme: Promoting Children's Well-being Sub-theme: self-esteem Topic: Develop self-confidence to improve the academic performance of children Overall background of the participants of the project; area / Area: (socio-economic status, occupation / profession – earning trends of majority of the parents, literacy rate, academic quality, and any other special trait of the community where the Area is situated). 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 2. This action research was conducted in ____________________ School & Participants Background: The school has a staff of 18 which includes Principal, Vice Principal, 11 teachers, classroom assistants, secretary, building supervisor, cleaners. The school has its own library which provides books for the pupils. The structure of school was normal. The school had small lovely play area. Classes are better in condition. The environment of school was great, better for learning and secure for children. The participants of study were secondary (9th) grade children who were enrolled in ______________________. I selected secondary (9th) grade children which are considered in total 32 members. Socio Economic Status: Socioeconomic status is the social standing or class of an individual or group. It is often measured as a combination of education, income and occupation. Examinations of socioeconomic status often reveal inequities in access to resources, plus issues related to privilege, power and control. Most of peoples from this area are Govt. employee but some of them are shopkeeper or work in a private offices. Most of parents 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 3. do not afford children education due to their family expenses and their low income but some parents support their children at higher level in well reputed universities. But due to the lack of higher educational institute and low income of their parents, more than 50% children stop their education after intermediate. Overall the financial status of this area is not good. Occupation & Earning Trend: A part of the Parents are not monetarily so good. The children who Parents with government jobs are more verified and their family finds a sense of contentment moderately contrasted with the individuals who work in private association. They are consistently in dissatisfaction. Due to low earning trend of this area, the children face a great deal of difficulties both at home and school, which block them from taking an interest completely in classroom exercises. In present some parents drop their children at different shop for learning work and for earning but today due to free education in Pakistan more than 50% children go to school till then matriculation. Literacy Rate: 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 4. In 2019, ------ literacy rate of 37% for females was noticeably lower than the 46% for males. Q.1 Why did you select this specific sub-theme and topic? Relate it to your experience / problem in your classroom / institution. Self-confidence are an exciting subject. I choose this theme because the Self-confidence that give the world and life and everything in it meaning. Some points are describe below for analyzing this theme & subtheme: Self-confidence is the capacity to override an impulse in order to respond appropriately. Self-confidence helps us manage ideas. A behavior is when ideas clash in ways that prevent action. Student have many ideas, most of which benefit themselves and society. Our ideas to eat arises out a natural concern to ensure our own survival, whereas the ideas for sexual intercourse arises out of a natural concern to pass our genes to the next generation. Ideas to seek affiliation and to protect ourselves and loved ones from harm also offer examples of basic, fundamental ideas that promote individual and collective well-being. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 5. Self-confidence can prevent us from engaging in motivated behaviors. Student have ideas to survive by eating, but they use Self-confidence to resist their temptation to eat unhealthy foods. Ideas to reproduce through sexual intercourse must be overridden through the use of Self-confidence in order to follow standards for appropriate sexual behavior. And ideas to harm transgressors are overridden through Self- confidence because forgiving others fosters individual, social and cultural well-being. Monitoring involves keeping track of your thoughts, feelings and actions. In one study, first-year female college students who weighed themselves every day, compared with those who did not, were buffered from the typical weight gain that accompanies the first year in college. The same is true when it comes to our money. Keeping track of how much we save and spend relates to having more money. Standards are guidelines that steer us toward desirable responses. Our standards originate from society and culture. Think of the speed limit sign that tells you how fast to drive or the laws that tell you to pay your taxes. Follow the rules, and you’ll be fine. Break the rules, and there will be consequences. We also have personal standards that govern our behavior. If I have certain religious beliefs, I might think that it is inappropriate to eat certain foods, think 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 6. certain thoughts or feel certain emotions. Strength refers to the energy we need to control our impulses. Numerous factors affect our Self-confidence strength, such as mental exhaustion and stress. Self-confidence hinges on all three ingredients working together. Without monitoring, you know what you need to do and have the energy to do it, but you struggle to accomplish much because you do not keep track of your progress. A world without standards is a recipe for chaos. And chronically depleted Self-confidence strength can leave student with the knowledge of what they should do without giving them the energy to do it. Like a three-legged stool, kick off one Self-confidence ingredient and the odds are that your Self- confidence will topple over? Q.2What was your discussion with your colleague / friend / senior teacher or supervisor regarding the problem? After choosing this theme, I discussed this topic with my teachers, friends and supervisor. Discussion with Supervisor: 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 7. My supervisor pointed out that ideas is essential for everyone, especially children. As teachers, we're in a highly strategic position to instill self-confidence in our students as we teach and interact with them every day. Strategies to Build Your Students' Self-confidence is: 1.Model self-confidence. 2.Be prepared to teach. 3.Accept mistakes with grace. 4.Praise and encourage your students. 5.Challenge them academically. 6.Allow your students many opportunities for success. 7.Foster creativity in the classroom. 8.Affirm your students. 9.Give them jobs. 10. Teach them organization skills. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 8. There are a lot of benefits gained from ideas, including that it fosters a positive mood and releases the stress of the day. He said that Self-confidence improves life in three ways: Individual well-being. Self-confidence relates to better health. Physically, Self-confidence student sleep better, experience fewer physical sickness symptoms and live longer lives. They also enjoy better mental health. Self-confidence relates to lower anxiety and depression. Behaviors that relate to mental health problems, such as substance use and suicide, are less common among Self-confidence student. Relationships. Beyond wealth or good looks, student want Self-confidence relationship partners. We want to spend our lives with student we can trust, who follow through on their promises and who will override their impulse to leave or lash out when things get tough. Self-confidence student are forgiving and react to conflict with benevolence rather than violence. Societies. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 9. Self-confidence helps societies flourish. Self-confidence student, compared to their less-controlled counterparts, earn more money. Not only do Self-confidence student enjoy greater wealth, they behave more generously. They override their selfish impulses and go out of their way to help others. On a broader level, societies that have clear-cut standards for appropriate behavior tend to function better than do societies in which student do as they please. Societies also benefit from monitoring how their citizens behave. Discussion with Teacher: My teacher told me that developing positive relationships with others is very important for Self-confidence. The benefits from time spent with friends and family is that they learn to share, compromise and listen, as well as develop conflict resolution skills. Fostering these relationships as a child will also help them maintain relationships in their adult life. • Children who rely on Ideas are often secluded from real life interaction. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 10. • Using computers and other electronic devices can cause health hazards such as eye strain and other physical problems. • The technologies required for full participation can be quite expensive and this can create a gap between the children who have access to the technologies and those who do not have access. Discussion with Friends: One of my friend pointed about this subtheme that Student have many ideas, most of which benefit themselves and society. Our ideas to eat arises out a natural concern to ensure our own survival, whereas the ideas for sexual intercourse arises out of a natural concern to pass our genes to the next generation. Ideas to seek affiliation and to protect ourselves and loved ones from harm also offer examples of basic, fundamental ideas that promote individual and collective well-being. Self-confidence can prevent us from engaging in motivated behaviors. Student have ideas to survive by eating, but they use Self-confidence to resist their temptation to eat unhealthy foods. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 11. I concluded that Ideas is no longer seen as an optional extra; it is becoming an important concern of policy makers and economists. Indeed, the dramatic rise in the number of efforts to measure and monitor the position and lives of children’ in recent years. Q.3 What did you find about the problem in the existing literature (books / articles / websites)? The ideas theory, which is a theory of communication that models complex social interactions (among which likewise some Ideas which are frequently utilized as illustrations), was later extended and formalized. Ideas are categorized as collective and focused challenging Ideas, in which students carry on as specialists who take after standards of the ideas and move in turns. Ideas theory is usually applied to depict conflicts or market dynamics. Inside ideas theory, the supporting components of a ideas exist as guidelines, turns, cooperation and rivalry, where winning, or fun, is demonstrated as numerical result. Ideas theory tries to clarify how playing (a ideas) functions, and characterizes recreations as an intuitive procedure endeavoring toward a result. Because ideas theory provides a phenomenal description of a ideas for 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 12. example, what happens during the ideas without investigating the meaning of the ideas for example, why do we play, we will label its approach as functional approach. Self-confidence belong to productive skill rather than perceptive one. It produces a message to communicate. Spratt, Paleness, and Williams (2020) state that Self-confidence learning belong to productive skills. She said that learning and Self-confidence, particularly, involve producing content rather than receiving it. The subjective aspects include things such as how the child is feeling about their life and how happy they are. The objective aspects include factors that affect the child’s feelings, for example, health, housing, poverty, social capital and education. Despite a fairly extensive literature, comparisons between countries and communities are difficult as ‘the field of social child indication is fragmented and lacking a unifying taxonomy’. Many different indicators have been identified. It means that Self-confidence learning will produce an output as an indicator that students have learned both those skills. It is clearly that the output of learning skill can be oral conversation or drama. Meanwhile, the output 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 13. of learning skill can be written stories, letters, or other text types. Another linguist, Hyland (2019), explains that Self-confidence are a way to share personal meanings. The student construct their own views on topic. Through being good role models for our children and developing positive thinking and behavior patterns in them we can help improve our Self-confidence, as well as teach them lifelong skills to maintain this into their adult life. They will share their views on a topic to each other then. A person’s views may be different from other student’s views. It depends on their belief. Therefore, when constructing their views (ideas), the student have to make it understandable and acceptable. Brown (2019) illustrates that Self-confidence are like swimming. When student want to be able to swim, they must have like an instructor to show them basic ways or tricks to swim, although the instructor is only their parents or their friends (not professional Parents). After they get the basic ways to swim, they will develop based on their own style. The more chance they get to swim, the more perfect they will be. Self-confidence are the last output after students learn separate acts continuously. Wallace (2019) states that Self-confidence are the final product after students learn several stages of Self-confidence separately before. Those stages are note-taking, identifying 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 14. a central idea, outlining, drafting, and editing. It means that Self-confidence are a complex skill. It covers many sub skills that have to be passed before producing a good piece of Self-confidence. Self-confidence seem so complicated with its sub skills, but it is actually can be learn with fun. Those skills are related to each other. In this case, I am going to focus on Self-confidence activities. Self-confidence are a content skill that is very important. Self-confidence are among the most important skills that foreign content students need to develop. It is the last stage in learning content after listening, learning, and listening. In other Self-confidence, I can say that Self-confidence are an indicator whether students have gained all skills before or have not. Before the students have to learning, they should be able to listen, to speak, and to read. Self-confidence activities differs from other skills like learning and listening. Brown (2019) states that trends in teaching Self-confidence of ESL and other foreign contents are integrated with teaching other skills, particularly listening and learning. Wajnryb (2020) recommends that learners should listen to the Self-confidence twice and that both readings should be, as far as possible, identical. The text is read at natural speed with short pauses between each sentence. Students are told not to learning anything 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 15. the first time, ‘but allow the Self-confidence to wash over them’ (2020). This is to allow students to get an overall feel for the passage. On the second listening students should take down notes. At this stage the teacher should suggest that learners focus on noticing and recording key content or information. Self-confidence are an integrative strategy that was originally used for second content learners. The purpose of Self-confidence is to improve students' knowledge of text structure and grammar & learning within an authentic context (Van Patten, Inclezan, Salazar, & Farley, 2020). As research indicates, Self- confidence instruction focuses on grammar & learning and text structure within context of use (Bromley, 2019). In this instructional strategy, students listen to a model of ideas structure and deconstruct it collaboratively before it is recreated. The collaborative nature of Self-confidence allows all learners, but especially second content learners and striving readers, to examine an exemplary narrative passage and discover how the author created it. When students are explicitly instructed in the study of genres and their textual differences, the quality of their Self-confidence improves (Calkins, 2019). 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 16. Q.4 What were the major variables / construct of your project? Give definitions / description from literature. Self-confidence: Self-confidence is an attitude about your skills and abilities. It means you accept and trust yourself and have a sense of control in your life. You know your strengths and weakness well, and have a positive view of yourself. You set realistic expectations and goals, communicate assertively, and can handle criticism. Ideas: In philosophy, ideas are usually taken as mental representational images of some object. Ideas can also be abstract concepts that do not present as mental images. Many philosophers have considered ideas to be a fundamental ontological category of being. Learning: 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 17. Learning is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, attitudes, and preferences. The ability to learn is possessed by humans, animals, and some machines; there is also evidence for some kind of learning in certain plants. Performance: A performance is an act of staging or presenting a play, concert, or other form of entertainment. It is also defined as the action or process of carrying out or accomplishing an action, task, or function. Behavior: Behavior is the actions and mannerisms made by individuals, organisms, systems or artificial entities in conjunction with themselves or their environment, which includes the other systems or organisms around as well as the physical environment. Q.5 What did you want to achieve in this research project? In general, research objectives describe what we expect to achieve by a project. Research objectives are usually expressed in lay terms and are directed as much to the client as to the researcher. A statement of research objectives can serve to guide the activities of research. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 18. Objective / purpose of the study: The purpose of this action research will be find Develop self-confidence to improve the academic performance of children at Govt. High School. Objective of this research are: 1.To carry out Develop self-confidence to improve the academic performance of children. 2.To explore the use of ideas on Self-confidence of students. 3.To discover the effect of ideas on promoting Self-confidence. Research Question: A research question is a question that a research project sets out to answer. Choosing a research question is an essential element of both quantitative and qualitative research. Investigation will require data collection and analysis, and the methodology for this will vary widely. This study aims to make an action plan for the effecting of Self-confidence of secondary class students in _____________. Specifically it seeks to answer the following questions: 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 19. • What is Develop self-confidence to improve the academic performance of children? • How ideas effect Children’s Self-confidence? • To find out the effect of Teacher in developing Self-confidence at secondary level students through ideas? Q.6 Who were the participants in your project? The Self-confidence were developed on the basis of a series of research regarding Self-confidence identification and improvement for secondary class students. This curriculum purported to enhance students' Self-confidence and depositions through speculating about academic learning and life issue discussion. The project team includes the supervisor and the group of individuals who work together on a research to achieve its objectives. It consists of the supervisor, co-supervisor, and other team members who are maybe not directly involved with management but carry out the work related to the project. The targeted population was students enrolled in secondary of _____________. However, in this questionnaire, thirty-two (32) students, taking a related course, were selected in an ____________ as a sample while 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 20. considering the research control and validity of this study. This sample included students of the two major medium (English Medium and Urdu Medium). These participants might generally represent the students in secondary class. Q.7 How did you try to solve the problem? Methodlogy: The procedure of this research was involved on an activity research to discover and tackle the issue. The social wonder under investigation was the Develop self-confidence to improve the academic performance of children of secondary class level. Survey, interviews, field notes and perceptions were utilized to gather the information expected to give the data knowledge important to respond to the research questions. Data Collection: The term survey is normally used on the other hand with audit. It is ordinary and straightforward strategy for data amassing, in actuality, look at. Moreover, it is snappiest, most affordable, private method for social affair data from respondents. The data was accumulated through efficient research gadget. So in such sort 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 21. inspects, it is indispensable during progress of estimation gadget for quality data to recollect all points of view. Emotional/Quantitative system was used to get critical and cautious information. Information was assembled through survey including simply close completed request in regard to investigate goals. The close by completed overview was made for data gathering. Sampling: The entire group from which a sample is chosen is known as the population and we choose the students of ______________. It was quite convenient for me, being a resident of ___________ to accumulate quality data from chosen city and Area. Sample is smaller representation of large data. Generally, it consists of all the observation that represents the whole population. The number of observation included in a sample is called size of sample. The students of ___________ and their teacher were selected for this class based action research. Ethical Consideration: 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 22. From the inception of this research I was extremely particular to carry out an ethical inquiry and therefore gave serious thought to all ethical aspects this study would entail. As teacher-researchers, my secondary class responsibility was to my students. An action research is considered ‘ethical’ if research design, interpretation and practical development produced by it have been negotiated with all parties directly concerned with the situation under research. Permission to conduct the study was first sought from the principal and Area governing body. Permission was sought from principal. Q.8 What kind of instrument was used to collect the data? How was the instrument developed? Research Instrument: Questionnaire was used to collect the data needed to provide the information insight necessary to answer the research questions. In this technique a number of questions were designed according to requirement and relevancy of researcher being conducted. The questionnaire was prepared to attain study objectives. Quantitative research 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 23. Quantitative research is explaining phenomena by collecting numerical data that are analyzed using performing based methods (in particular statistics)’. Quantitative data contains closed ended information such as that found on attitude behavior and performance instruments .In this study the children have been given a questionnaire to find out Develop self-confidence to improve the academic performance of children and this questionnaire has been derived and analyzed in terms of numerical data. This is why the research falls under quantitative category. Questionnaire A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions for the purpose of gathering information from respondent’s statistical society. Usually a questionnaire consists of a number of questions that the respondent has to answer in a set format .A distinction made between open ended and closed ended questions .an open ended question ask the respondent to formulate his own answer, whereas a closed ended question has the respondent pick an answer from given number of options. Questionnaire is: 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 24. Statements Option Self-confidence in expressing ideas motivate them in learning. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Self-confidence in expressing ideas helping them to learning in different knowledge. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Self-confidence in expressing ideas making them able to learning in different content. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree The use of ideas for Self- confidence is understandable. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 25. Disagree Can choice effect on Self- confidence. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Can you use the ideas in your study? Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Children ideas effects the life of student. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Q.9 What were the findings and conclusion? I used scale questionnaires to get students’ responses towards the use for the improvement of Self- confidence. The results are shown below (Table). Total students in this questionnaire were 32. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 26. Table: The Questionnaire Results on the Implementation of Self-confidence Statements Option Students’ Choice Self-confidence in expressing ideas motivate them in learning. Strongly Agree 5 15.62% Agree 22 68.75% Disagree 5 15.62% Strongly Disagree 0 0% Self-confidence in expressing ideas helping them to learning in different knowledge. Strongly Agree 8 25% Agree 24 75% Disagree 0 0% Strongly Disagree 0 0% Self-confidence in expressing ideas making them able to learning in different Strongly Agree 7 21.88% Agree 23 71.88% Disagree 2 6.25% 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 27. content. Strongly Disagree 0 0% The use of ideas for Self-confidence is understandable. Strongly Agree 2 6.25% Agree 25 78.12% Disagree 5 15.62% Strongly Disagree 0 0% Can choice effect on Self-confidence. Strongly Agree 6 18.75% Agree 20 62.5% Disagree 6 18.75% Strongly Disagree 0 0% Can you use the ideas in your study? Strongly Agree 2 6.25% Agree 26 81.25% Disagree 4 12.5% Strongly Disagree 0 0% 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 28. The first statement, “Self-confidence in expressing ideas motivate them in learning”. This statement was used to know whether the Self- confidence improved students’ Self-confidence to learning. There were 32 respondents who gave their opinion. It showed that 15.62 % of the students were very motivated to learning using Self-confidence. It showed that 68.75% of the students were motivated to learning using Self-confidence. The second statement is “Self-confidence in expressing ideas helping them to learning”. So, about 25 % of the students were really helped by the use of ideas to help them Self-confidence. It showed that 75 % of the students were helped by ideas to learning in different content. The third statement shows that there were 21.88 % of the students who thought that they were able to learning by using the ideas. There were 71.88 % of the students could learning through ideas. The next statement concluded that 6.25 % of the students could clearly understand with the steps used in Self-confidence. So, 78.12 % of the students agreed that the steps in Self-confidence in expressing ideas Children ideas effects the life of student. Strongly Agree 2 6.25% Agree 23 71.88% Disagree 7 21.88% Strongly Disagree 0 0% 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 29. were understandable for them. The next statement shows that more than 80 % of the students could get the Self-confidence from online lesson that would be used as the basic for them to develop and learning the lesson. The sixth statement will show there were still 4 students who were not able to develop their Self- confidence. The last statement showed so, there were more than 70 % of the students agreed that ideas in Self-confidence were fun. Discussion: The result of this research revealed the improvements contributed by the implementation of the Self- confidence periods in the teaching and learning process of Self-confidence in secondary class of _________ First, Self-confidence could improve students’ Self-confidence. It was able to engage the students’ attention and interests during the teaching and learning process of Self-confidence. Besides, Self-confidence could provide the students with illustrations and ideas in their minds. Second, the improvement could also be seen in the teaching and learning process. Self-confidence could be combined with other media such as pictures or video that could create various fun learning Self-confidence so it decreased students’ boredom during 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 30. their learning process in the classroom. The students became more confident to learning and active in the classroom Self-confidence. Third, since the students were motivated and the Self-confidence class ran well, the students’ Self-confidence were also improved. Q.10 Summary of the Project. This action research was conducted in _____________. The participants of study were secondary (9th) grade children and their teachers who were enrolled in ___________. I selected secondary (9th) grade children and their teachers which are considered in total 32 members. Objective of this research are: 1.To carry out Develop self-confidence to improve the academic performance of children. 2.To explore the use of ideas on Self-confidence of students. 3.To discover the effect of ideas on promoting Self-confidence. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 31. Questionnaire was used to collect the data needed to provide the information insight necessary to answer the research questions. In this technique a number of questions were designed according to requirement and relevancy of researcher being conducted. The questionnaire was prepared to attain study objectives. The first statement, “Self-confidence in expressing ideas motivate them in learning”. This statement was used to know whether the Self-confidence improved students’ learning. There were 32 respondents who gave their opinion. It showed that 15.62 % of the students were very motivated to learning using Self- confidence. It showed that 68.75% of the students were motivated to learning using Self-confidence. The second statement is “Self-confidence in expressing ideas helping them to learning”. So, about 25 % of the students were really helped by the use of Self-confidence to help them Self-confidence. It showed that 75 % of the students were helped by Self-confidence to learning in different content. The third statement shows that there were 21.88 % of the students who thought that they were able to learning by using the Self- confidence. There were 71.88 % of the students could learning through ideas. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 32. It was able to engage the students’ attention and interests during the teaching and learning process of Self- confidence. Besides, Self-confidence could provide the students with illustrations and ideas in their minds. Second, the improvement could also be seen in the teaching and learning process. Self-confidence could be combined with other media such as pictures or video that could create various fun learning Self-confidence so it decreased students’ boredom during their learning process in the classroom. The students became more confident to learning and active in the classroom Self-confidence. Third, since the students were motivated and the Self-confidence class ran well, the students’ Self-confidence were also improved. Q.11 How do you feel about this practice? What have you learnt? I am feeling very satisfied and glad after my research. It was quite interesting and Conflict management experience. Now I am confident after this research. Now I am able to do these all sorts of such feeling myself as confident, glad and learnt person. I learnt a lot of new things which I never learnt in my previous life. For example when I talked with senior Parents and expert student I learnt a lot of skills of writing. When i taught the children then me counsel dictionary and great writers, businessmen and novels 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 33. .These all things increased my Conflict management also showed them video lesson of some expert and creative writers to teach them. It also helped me to learn new things. This practice also improved my writing skills too. I also learnt how to write effectively and accurately I have improved my English grimmer. My work has been improved. I learnt new methods of improving writing. I learnt how to write stories in appropriate way. Overall it helped me to develop new writing skills, new way of teaching writing skills. So I am glad to say that it was unforgettable experience of my life. First of all most of us numb the uncomfortable emotions, but unknowingly when we do this research we can also end up numbing our other emotions like joy, peace, happiness, and pleasure. We can’t fully have one without the other. The first step is always awareness, because once we have awareness we can start to do something about it. Awareness alone won’t help us stop using Conflict management. Awareness after the fact is what I’m talking about here. Starting anything new and trying to create a habit out of it takes work and time. This is one of the reasons I love researching and attending classes as it’s basically a scheduled time in the day, 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 34. where I have no other distractions, to just be in my routine and notice how I’m feeling. That being said I rarely make it to a class once a week these days, so I do have to find simple and quick ways to connect. Q.12 What has it added to your professional skills as a teacher? It added a lot of new skills in my teaching .It improved my way of teaching. For example when I talked with senior Parents and expert student I learnt a lot of skills of Self-confidence. Imagination Whether you teach high Area chemistry or kindergarten, nothing is a more effective tool than using your imagination to create new and ideas ways for your students to learn. You may be inspired by the work of another teacher, mentor or a TV commercial - it doesn't matter. All that matters is that you take the initiative to find new ways for your kids to learn the material. Patience This is likely the single most important skill. Kids these days are stubborn, and many lack the inherent respect for authority that we were taught at a young age. Spending a single day in a room full of raucous 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 35. teenagers is enough to send any human being to the Looney bin, which is why every good teacher needs patience in order to find a way to work with his students and earn their respect. Adaptability Different kids learn in different ways, and some lessons need unique teaching tools. Good Parents know how to adapt their lesson plan to their students, so that all the kids learn optimally. This trait can take some experience and practice in a classroom setting, so give it time. Risk Taking Sometimes to get the big reward, you may need to take a risk. Being a teacher is about finding a way to get kids to learn, and sometimes these new learning methods can be risky. Stick to it and you'll soon find that others are following your teaching example. Teamwork Parents could have a hard time without a wide variety of support staff around them. If you feel alone, your Area principal, administrative staff, parent-teacher committee, and more are often available to provide you 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 36. help. By working as a team, you may have an easier time increasing your students' ability to learn and have fun. Professional Development: In this modern, digital age, Parents need to be flexible and be able to adapt to whatever is thrown their way. New technologies are developed every day that can change the way students learn, and the way Parents teach. Likewise, administrators are changing and updating expectations and learning standards. Being able to adapt is a skill that every modern teacher must have. If it’s being able to adapt to the way students learn, the behavior their classroom exhibits, or their lesson plans, it is a definitely a trait that is a must-have. Q.13 List the works you cited in your project (follow the APA manual – 9th Edition). ❖Bromley, K. (2019). Best Practices in Teaching Self-confidence. In L. Gambrel, ed., L. M. Morrow, ed., & M. Pressley (Eds.), Best practices in literacy instruction (pp. 243–264). New York: Guilford. ❖Brown, H. Douglas. (2019). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Content Pedagogy. 2nd Ed. San Francisco: Longman. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739
  • 37. ❖Calkins, L. (2019). The Art of Teaching Self-confidence. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. ❖Hyland, K. (2019). Second Content Self-confidence. New York: Cambridge University Press. ❖Van Patten, B., Inclezan, D., Salazar, H., & Farley, A. (2020). Processing instruction and Dictogloss: A study on object pronouns and word order in Spanish. Foreign Content Annals, 42, 557–576. ❖Wajnryb, Ruth (2020). Grammer & learning Self-confidence. New York: Oxford University Press ❖Wallace, Trudy (2019). Teaching Learning, Listening and Self-confidence International Academy of Education (Educational Practices Series 1-14). ❖Williams, Melanie (2020). The TKT Course. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 0314-4646739 0336-4646739 0332-4646739