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Pronoun as
Pronoun as
I Me My Mine Saya
You You Your Yours Kamu
They Them Their Theirs Mereka
We Us Our Ours Kami
He Him His His Dia ( Lk )
She Her Her Hers Dia ( Pr )
It It Its Its Dia ( selain
1. a. I like mango 4. a. She likesbanana
b. Do youhate me ? b. Do youhate her ?
c. My bookis cheap c. Her bag ischeap
d. Thisis your book and that is mine d. Thisis yourbookand that is hers
2. a. You like mango 5. a. He eats noodle
b. Do they hate you ? b. Do youhate him?
c. your book ischeap c. His house isbig
d. Thisismy bookand that is yours d. Thisis myhouse and that is his
3. a.They like mango
b. Do youhate them ?
c. Their bookischeap
d. Thisismy bookand that is theirs
Tranlate intoEnglish!!!
1. Bukusaya baru. Sayamembelinyadi tokobukukemarinmalam.
2. Rumahmusangat besar.Kamupasti orang kaya.
3. Saya adalahmuridSMA N Gending.SayalulusanMTs. Walisongo
4. Kami lapar,Maukah kamu memberikusepiringnasi ?
5. Merekaadalahteman – temanku.ApakahKamumengenal mereka?
6. Kamumemberi sayauangkemarin.
7. Ali bukantemanku.Jangantanyakanakutentangdia!
8. Antondan Dani inginbertemukamu.Merekasedangmenunggumudi kantinsekolah.
9. Apakahkamulapar ? Saya punyasemangkokmie untukmu.
10. Apakahmerekagurumu? merekasedangmenatapmudenganserius.
11. Saya akan datangke pestanya( pr ).Apakahkamu inginikutdenganku?
12. Bisakahtemanmumenemuikudi kantorsekarang?
13. Merekatidaksuka menelponkukarenaakumasihmarahpada mereka
14. Apa yangkamu makansetiaphari ?
15. Dimanaayahkubertemukamutadi malam?
2. To be PresentdanTobe Past
A. To be Present
Dalamtata bahasaInggrisada tiga jenistobe yaitu: is,am , dan are.
Ketigatobe tsbdigunakanpadamasa sekarang( presenttime
Subject To be Contohdalamkalimat
I Am I am a teacher
You Are You are mystudent
They Are Theyare Dinaand Doni
We Are We are in Bali now
He Is He isMr. Ali
She Is She isMrs. Ani
It Is It ismy book
Ali Is Ali islazy
Ali andSiti Are Ali andSiti are myfriends
My mother Is My motheriscooking
The boy Is The boy ishandsome
The boys Are The boys are my sons
The cat Is The cat issleeping
The cats Are The cats are running
B. To be Past
Kalaukitamembicarakan/mengungkapkansesuatuyangterjadidi waktulampaumakakita
harus menggunakantobe Pastyaitu: was dn were .
Perhatikantabel berikutini !
Subject To be Contohdalamkalimat
I Was I was a teachertwoyearsago
You Were You were mystudent
They Were They were sickyesterday
We Were We were inBali lastyear
He Was He wasabsentyesterday
She Was She was clever
It Was It was mymistake
Ali Was Ali waslazy
Ali andSiti Were Ali andSiti were myfriends
My mother Was My motherwas cooking
The boy Was The boy washandsome
The boys Were The boys were sleepy
The cat Was The cat was sleeping
The cats Were The cats were running
A. Complete the sentencesbelow with:is,am or are !
1. Mr. Adi ........myEnglishteacher
2. Andi andhiswife ...........doctors
3. The Dog .........sleepingunderthe table
4. The Farmers.............workingnow
5. ............ youastudentora teacher?
6. ..............yourmothercooking?
7. ...............Mrs.Indahanurse ?
8. We .........notplayingfootbal
9. They..........notsleeping
10. What .........youeating?
B. Complete the sentencesbelow with:wasor were !
1. She ........sicktwodaysago
2. My uncle ..........notinSemarangtwoweeksago
3. ..............youinthe hospital lastnight?
4. When..........he born?
5. Where ..........Andi thismorning?
6. ......est..she inthe marketyesterday?
7. YesterdayI..........absentbuttodayIam present
8. Mr. Sudi ..........inBali three weeksago
9. Mr. Adi andhiswife .......lawyerstwoyearsago
10. Budi .........notat worklastweek
C. Translate the sentencesbelowintoEnglish!
1. Saya sakitkemarin
2. Merekaada di pasar duahari yang lalu
3. Amiradalahseorangguru limatahunlalu
4. Dia ( lk) ada di rumah sakittadi malam
5. Adi tidakmasukkemarin
6. Merekamenemui sayasetiappagi
7. Bukusaya ada di atas meja
8. Rindamemberi sayauang
9. Saya sukagayamu
10. Saya akan membelimobilmu
D. Arrange these jumble wordintoagoodsentence !
1. Anita– not – at home – was
2. Rudi – not– sick– yesterday –was
3. Father– my – was – in the office –last night
4. Joko– Andi – were – and – farmers
5. Maria – not – was – in– Jakarta– lastmonth
3.Simple Present Tense
Definisi : Simple Present Tense adalah suatu bentuk kalimat yang menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau
peristiwa yang terjadi pada saat sekarang atau kejadian yang merupakan kebiasaan sehari-hari.
Rumus Verbal:
( + ) S + V1/Vs
( - ) S + do/does + not + V1
( ? ) Do/does + S + V1
Example :
1. ( + ) I drink coffee.
( - ) I don’t drink coffee
( ? ) Do you drink coffee?
2. ( + )Anton and Alex eat soto
( - ) Anton and Alex don’t eat soto
( ? ) Do Anton and Alex eat soto?
3. ( + ) Aziz has an expensive car
( - ) Aziz does not have an expensive car
( ? ) Does Aziz have an expensive car ?
Rumus nominal :
( + ) S + tobe ( is, am ,are ) + c
( - ) S + to be ( is, am ,are ) + not + c
( ? ) to be ( is, am ,are) + s + c ?
Example :
1.( + ) I am a doctor
( - ) Iam not a doctor
( ? ) Are you a doctor ?
2. ( + ) Taman is very clever
( - ) Tamam is not very clever
( ? ) Is Tamam very clever ?
3. ( + ) Yuni is in Japan
( - ) Yuni is not in Japan
( ? ) Is Yuni in Japan ?
Exercise of Simple present tense
A. Change the sentences below into negative and interrogative !
1. Agung is so smart
( - ) _______________________________________________________
( ? ) _______________________________________________________
2. Joni is in the market now
( - ) _______________________________________________________
( ? ) _______________________________________________________
3. Faruq is very lazy
( - ) _______________________________________________________
( ? ) _______________________________________________________
4. Icha speaks English well
( - ) _______________________________________________________
( ? ) _______________________________________________________
5. Umi likes reading a novel
( - ) _______________________________________________________
( ? ) _______________________________________________________
B. Translate the sentences below into Indonesian !
1. Mr. Kusnadi always swims in the swimming pool every day
2. They are my loyal friends
3. Adib is always sleepy in the classroom
4. Rohman meets putri in the school cafetaria after school
5. Mr. Rosi lives in London
6. The teacher always goes to school on time
7. Rinda cooks rice in the kitchen every morning
8. Do you want to follow me !
9. I hope you can come to my party
10. What time do you take a nap ?
4.Simple Past Tense
Definisi : Simple Past Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang terjadi
di masa lampau dan tidak ada kaitannya dengan sekarang.
Rumus Verbal:
( + ) S + V2
( - ) S + did + not + V1
( ? ) Did + S + V1
Example :
1. ( + ) I drank coffee.
( - ) I didn’t drink coffee
( ? ) Did you drink coffee?
2. ( + ) Sofi liked dancing
( - ) Sofi didn’t like dancing
( ? ) Did Sofi like dancing ?
3. ( + ) Amir had an expensive car
( - ) Amir didn’t have an expensive car
( ? ) Did Amir have an expensive car ?
Rumus nominal :
( + ) S + tobe ( was/were ) + c
( - ) S + to be ( was/were ) + not + c
( ? ) to be ( was/were ) + s + c ?
Example :
1.( + ) I was a doctor
( - ) I was not a doctor
( ? ) Were you a doctor ?
2. ( + ) Mrs. Susi was very clever
( - ) Mrs. Susi was not very clever
( ? ) Was Mrs. Susi very clever ?
3. ( + ) Fida was in Japan
( - ) Fida was not in Japan
( ? ) Was Fida in Japan ?
Exercise of Simple Past tense
A. Change the sentences below into negative and interrogative !
1. Billy was so stupid
( - ) _______________________________________________________
( ? ) _______________________________________________________
2. Dedi was in the market last night
( - ) _______________________________________________________
( ? ) _______________________________________________________
3. Faruk was very lazy
( - ) _______________________________________________________
( ? ) _______________________________________________________
4. Hamdan and Diah spoke English well
( - ) _______________________________________________________
( ? ) _______________________________________________________
5. Selvi liked reading a novel
( - ) _______________________________________________________
( ? ) _______________________________________________________
B. Translate the sentences below into Indonesian/English !
1. Mr. Kusnadi swam in the swimming last week
2. We were in Tokto last month
3. Rohim sat on the bench
4. Icha met Agung in the school cafetaria after school
5. Mr. Deni washed his car
6. Saya pergi ke Bandung kemarin
7. Ayahku bekerja di Bandara tahun lalu
8. Ahmad mengerjakan ujian kemarin
9. Apakah kamu belajar tadi malam ?
10. Saya tidak tidur tadi malam
5. Present Continous Tense
Definisi : Present Continous Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan atau peristiwa yang sedang
terjadi pada saat sekarang/pada saat sedang berbicara.
Rumus Verbal:
( + ) S + to be ( is,am,are ) +
( - ) S + to be ( is,am,are ) + not +
( ? ) To be ( is,am,are ) + S + ?
Example :
1. ( + ) I am drinking coffee.
( - ) I am not drinking coffee
( ? ) Are you drinking coffee?
2. ( + )Anton and Alex are eating soto
( - ) Anton and Alex are not eating soto
( ? ) Are Anton and Alex eating soto?
3. ( + ) Aziz is driving an expensive car
( - ) Aziz is not driving an expensive car
( ? ) Is Aziz driving an expensive car ?
4. ( + ) Budi is playing football now
( - ) Budi is not playing football now
( ? ) Is Budi playing football now ?
5. ( + ) Mr. Bahar is sleeping in the bedroom now
( - ) Mr. Bahar is not sleeping in the bedroom now
( ? ) Is Mr. Bahar sleeping in the bedroom now ?
6. ( + ) They are watching TV now
( - ) They are not watching TV now
( ? ) Are They watching TV now ?
7. ( + ) We are cooking now
( - ) We are not cooking now
( ? ) Are We cooking now ?
Exercise of Present continous tense
A. Change the sentences below into negative and interrogative !
1. Dina and Sovi are cleaning the windows
( - ) _______________________________________________________
( ? ) _______________________________________________________
2. Rudi is sitting under the tree
( - ) _______________________________________________________
( ? ) _______________________________________________________
3. Adel is swimming in the swimming pool
( - ) _______________________________________________________
( ? ) _______________________________________________________
4. They are sweeping the floor
( - ) _______________________________________________________
( ? ) _______________________________________________________
5. Umar is reading a novel
( - ) _______________________________________________________
( ? ) _______________________________________________________
B. Translate the sentences below into Indonesian !
1. Mr. Kusnadi is swimming now
2. Are you drinking milk ?
3. What are you doing ?
4. The boy is not writing a letter
5. Where is your sister cooking ?
6. Are you crying ? Why are you crying ?
7. They are looking for their bags
8. We are writing some poems
9. The painter is painting a beautiful scenery
10. Rizal is not sleeping now
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6.Simple Future Tense ( Present Future Tense )
Definisi : Simple Future Tense digunakanuntuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang
akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang .
Rumus Verbal:
( + ) S + will + V1
( - ) S + will + not + V1
( ? ) Will + S + V1 ?
Example :
1. ( + ) I will drink coffee.
( - ) I will not drink coffee
( ? ) Will you drink coffee?
2. ( + )Anton and Alex will eat soto
( - ) Anton and Alex will not eat soto
( ? ) Will Anton and Alex eat soto?
3. ( + ) Aziz will drive an expensive car
( - ) Aziz will not drive an expensive car
( ? ) Will Aziz drive an expensive car ?
Rumus nominal :
( + ) S + will + be + c
( - ) S + will + not + be + c
( ? ) Will + s + be + c ?
Example :
1.( + ) I will be a doctor
( - ) I will not be a doctor
( ? ) Will you be a doctor ?
2. ( + ) Toni will be in Jakarta
( - ) Toni will not be in Jakarta
( ? ) Will Toni be in Jakarta ?
3. ( + ) Santi will be in Japan
( - ) Santi will not be in Japan
( ? ) Will Santi be in Japan ?
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Exercise of Simple Future tense
A. Change the sentences below into negative and interrogative !
1. We will be in Jakarta tomorrow morning
( - ) _______________________________________________________
( ? ) _______________________________________________________
2. Joni will come to my party
( - ) _______________________________________________________
( ? ) _______________________________________________________
3. Faiza will be a nurse next year
( - ) _______________________________________________________
( ? ) _______________________________________________________
4. Kusnadi , Bahar and Adel will follow the speech contest
( - ) _______________________________________________________
( ? ) _______________________________________________________
5. Mr. Ali will explain Arabic to the students
( - ) _______________________________________________________
( ? ) _______________________________________________________
B. Translate the sentences below into Indonesian /English !
1. Mr. Hasyim will win the lottery
2. They will do the English exam
3. Umi will sleep in the classroom
4. Rohman will meet Putri in the school cafetaria
5. Mr. Ghozi will stay in London since next month
6. He will meet me
7. My father will work in Jakarta next week
8. Dinda akan pergi ke Solo besok pagi
9. Kami akan memasak nasi
10. Guru saya akan menjelaskan tentang “ Basic Grammar “ besok
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7.Noun ( Kata Benda )
Apa itu noun? Dalam pelajaran grammar untuk Bahasa Inggris, pengertian noun adalah kata benda
dalam bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk mendefinisikan orang, tempat, hewan,tanaman, benda,
kualitas akan sesuatu,atau suatu kegiatan. (Misalnya: man = lelaki, house = rumah, cat = kucing,
roses = bunga-bunga mawar, the quality = kualitas, writing = menulis, dan lain sebagainya.)
Apa saja macam-macam noun? Sebagai salah satu dari delapan (8) jenis parts of speech dalam Bahasa
Inggris, noun juga terdapat banyak jenisnya, yaitu: abstract noun, collective noun, common noun,
compound noun, concrete noun, proper noun, countable and uncountable nouns, singular and plural
Macam-macam Noun dan Fungsinya
 Abstract Noun (kata benda yang tak berwujud)
berfungsi menunjukkan benda yang tak berwujud, tetapi dapat dibayangkan.
Contoh : life (kehidupan), love (kasih-sayang / cinta), friendship (persahabatan), relationship
(hubungan), dan lain sebagainya. Contoh kalimat: Love is important thing in our life.
 Collective noun (kata benda kolektif)
berfungsi sebagai kata benda yang mempunyai arti majemuk.
Contoh: group (grup / kelompok), class (kelas), flock (sekelompok unggas), battalion
(batalyon) dan lain sebagainya. Contoh kalimat: My school has many classes
 Common noun (kata benda umum),
yang biasanya paling mudah diingat – karena noun jenis ini termasuk yang paling dasar dan
lebih dulu diajarkan.
Contoh: teacher (guru), flower (bunga), car (mobil), building (bangunan), motorcycle (sepeda
motor), chair (kursi), dan lain sebagainya. Contoh kalimat: She buy a new car
 Compound nouns adalah gabungan dua kata, dimana kata pertama dan keduanya
dijamakkan, Contoh kalimat: This restaurant has some men servants
Singular (Tunggal) Plural (Jamak)
man servant
woman servant
man teacher
men servants
women servants
men teachers
 Concrete Noun (kata benda berwujud) untuk menunjukkan benda yang memiliki wujud
dengan kriteria dapat dilihat atau disentuh.
Contoh: people (orang), book (buku), car (mobil), dan sebagainya. Contoh kalimat: Reading a
book is my hoby
 Proper noun (kata benda nama diri) yaitu nama orang, sekolah, perusahaan, kota, negara,dsb.
Contoh: Marry, Indonesia, Facebook, dan sebagainya. Contoh kalimat: His name is John
 Countable nouns adalah benda yang dapat dihitung, baik secara singular (tunggal) dan plural
(jamak). Contoh kalimat: My brother drinks a glass of milk.
Singular (Tunggal) + a (Sebuah / Satu )
Plural (Jamak) + many, several,some , or a few
(Banyak, sebagian, beberapa, atau sedikit)
A ring
a week
a room
A book
A month
A glass
(many, several, some, a few) rings
(many, several, some, a few) weeks
(many, several, some, a few) rooms
(many, several, some, a few) books
(many, several, some, a few) months
(many, several, some, a few) glasses
 Uncountable nouns adalah benda yang tidak dapat dihitung, misalnya : water (air), air
(udara), sugar (gula),dan lain-lain. Biasanya bisa ditambah dengan kata-kata some (sebagian)
atau much (banyak untuk sesuatu yang tidak bisa dihitung.)Contoh kalimat: I put a bottle of
water on the table.
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Bagaimana dengan contoh kalimat noun?
Dalam kalimat, noun mempunyai empat (4) fungsi, yaitu:
 subject of a sentence / subjek dalam kalimat.
(contoh kalimat: Ruby has known Tony for four years. / Ruby telah mengenal Tony selama
empat tahun.)
 subject / object complement atau subjek / objek pelengkap.
(contoh kalimat: He is a director.)
 direct / indirect object atau objek langsung / tak langsung.
(contoh kalimat: You hit the nail on the head.)
 object of a preposition / objek preposisi atau penempatan
(contoh kalimat: I was reading a magazine at home when the electricity went out.)
1. I have two book
2. She has a pen
3. They have tree house
4. We have a sister
5. They have four cat
6. Linda needs a money
7. I want to have a big house
8. Do you want some sugars ?
9. It is cat
10. It is your bike
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8. Yes– No Question
“Apa itu Yes-No questions?”, “Bagaimana cara membuat Yes-No questions?”, “Bagaimana
cara menjawab Yes-No questions?”. Let’s discuss!
Yes-No questions adalah sebuah pertanyaan singkat yang hanya membutuhkan
jawaban yes (ya) dan no (tidak).
Sebuah pertanyaan ya-tidak (yes-no questions) harus menempatkan auxiliary sebelum
subject. Bagaimana cara membuat yes/no questions?
Perhatikan pola dibawah ini untuk membuat yes-no questions.
do, does, did
+ subject + verb/noun/adj/adv ... ?
 Is your father a teacher?
 Are you busy?
 Do you like English?
 Does she read a book?
 Did they learn English?
Kita dapat membuat yes-no questions dari sebuah pernyataan (statement). Kita lihat contoh
(Yes/No Questions)
Your mother is a nurse. Is your mother a nurse?
Lina is learning English. Is Lina learning English?
You are sleepy. Are you sleepy?
You are listening to music. Are you listening to music?
Mirna was sick yesterday. Was Mirna sick yesterday?
Yudy brings some pencils. Does Yudy bring some pencils?
The students visited Bali last semester. Did the students visit Bali last semester?
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Yes-No questions hanya membutuhkan jawaban yes/no. Kita lihat contoh jawaban dari
yes/no questions berikut:
(Yes/No Questions)
Is your mother a nurse? Yes, she is./ No, she isn't.
Is Rudi learning English? Yes, he is./ No, he isn't.
Are you sleepy? Yes, I am./ No, I am not.
Are you listening to music? Yes, I am./ No, I am not.
Was Mirna sick yesterday? Yes, she was./ No, she wasn't.
Does Yudy bring some pencils? Yes, he does./ No, he doesn't.
Did the students visit Bali last semester? Yes, they did./ No, they didn't.
A. Answer the sentences with “ No “ !
1. Do you like English ? No, I do not like English
2. Are you a doctor ?
3. Is Ali a teacher ?
4. Can you speak English ?
5. Are you crying ?
6. Does she live in London ?
7. Do you want to smoke ?
8. Are they cooking ?
9. Do you understand ?
10. Does Arman write a novel ?
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9. QuestionWord
Pengertian Question Words
Seperti yang sudah saya singgung di atas,question words merupakan kata yang digunakan untuk
menanyakan sesuatu,baik waktu, tempat, alasan, cara,orang, benda, dan sebagainya. Selain itu,
question words juga dapat digunakan untuk membentuk adjective clause dan noun clause.
Rumus Question words Untuk Mengajukan Pertanyaan
Untuk mengajukan pertanyaan dengan menggunakan question words, anda dapat melakukannya
dengan susunan kata sebagai berikut:
Subject question = Who/what + Verb
Non subject question = Question Word + Auxiliary verb + Subject + Ordinary Verb
Subject question artinya untuk menanyakan subject, sedangkan non subject question untuk
menanyakan selain subject, bisa objek, verb, ataupun adverb. Jika ada pertanyaan seperti ini “tadi
siang kamu ke mana” maka menanyakan adverb (keterangan tempat). Berbeda jika pertanyaan “Apa
yang Budi lakukan tadi malam”, maka jelas pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan verb (melakukan apa? –
kata kerja).
Question Words Untuk Menanyakan
Who : siapa Subjek (person)
Objek (person) – informal
Whom: siapa Objek (person)
What: apa Subjek (non person)
Objek (non person)
Whose: milik siapa Possession (kepemilikan)
Which: yang mana Choice (pilihan)
Where: dimana/kemana Place (tempat)
When: kapan Time (waktu)
Why: mengapa Reason (alasan)
How: bagaimana Manner (cara)
How far: seberapa jauh Distance (jarak)
How fast: seberapa cepat Speed (kecepatan)
How long: seberapa lama Duration (durasi)
How often: seberapa sering Frequency (keseringan)
Contoh kalimat question words dalam bertanya:
Misalkan ada kalimat seperti ini:
Puri has bought a new book in the book store.
Dari kalimat diatas, subjeknya adalah Puri (nama orang), verbnya has bought, objeknya a new book,
dan adverbnya adalah in the book store. Kita dapat mengandai-andai pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang
dapat muncul dari kalimat tersebut, seperti pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini:
Who has bought a new book in the book store? – Menanyakan subjek, jawabannya adalah Puri
What has Puri done in the book store? – Menanyakan verb, jawabannya adalah bought.
What has Puri bought in the book store? - Menanyakan objek, jawabannya adalah a new book.
Where has Puri bought a new book? – Menanyakan adverb, jawabannya adalah in the book store.
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10.Adjective ( Kata Sifat )
Menurut Gucker (59: 1966), “adjective is used to modify a noun or pronoun, that is, to describe
the noun or pronoun”.
Adjective adalah kata sifat yang menerangkan kata benda. Adjective biasanya digunakan
sebelum kata benda atau setelah linking verbs.
⇒ Adjective sebelum kata benda:
 A red jacket.
 A big city.
 Smart students.
 Beautiful girl.
Kata sifat
Contoh Penjelasan
A red jaket Red menerangkan Jacket.
Artinya jaket merah.
A big city Big menerangkan city.
Artinya kota besar.
Smart students Smart menerangkan students.
Artinya para siswa yang pintar.
Beautiful girl Beautiful menerangkan girl.
Artinya gadis cantik.
⇒ Adjective setelah linking verbs (be, seem, taste, look, or feel):
 We are clever.
 Your bag is expensive.
 He looks handsome.
 This pizza tastes delicious.
Kata sifat
Contoh Kalimat Penjelasan
We are clever. Clever menerangkan We.
Artinya kita pandai.
Your bag is expensive. Expensive menerangkan your bag.
Artinya tas kamu mahal.
Handsome He looks handsome. Handsome menerangkan he.
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Kata sifat
Contoh Kalimat Penjelasan
(Tampan) Artinya dia terlihat tampan.
This pizza tastes delicious. Delicious menerangkan this pizza.
Artinya pizza ini rasanya lezat.
Beberapa contoh adjective (kata sifat) antara lain:
» Common adjective (kata sifat umum)
 big
 small
 beautiful
 handsome
 clever
 smart
 tall
 short
 long
 delicious
» Color adjective (kata sifat warna)
 red
 yellow
 black
 blue
 pink
 white
» Shape adjective (kata sifat bentuk)
 circle
 flat
 curved
 square
 We are diligent.
 He drinks a glass of hot coffee.
 You look so sad.
 She bought new car.
 The view is amazing.
Exercise : Translate !
1. I have an expensive car
2. My house is big
3. Lia has a long nose
4. Vera has big eyes
5. Rini is clever
LKP EFB - CLUB Page 19
11.VERB ( Kata Kerja )
Verb atau kata kerja dalam sebuah kalimat di gunakan untuk mengidentifikasikan ataupun
menjelaskan perilaku dari si pelaku (subjek dalam kalimat) ataupun menjelaskan peristiwa
dan keadaan. Contoh :
 Aldo drives his father’s car (Aldo mengendarai mobil ayahnya)
*Penjelasan : Drives disini merupakan kata kerja yang menjelaskan subjek (Aldo) yang
sedang mengendarai mobil milik ayahnya.
 The fires burnt all the houses (Api itu membakar seluruh rumah)
*penjelasan : Burnt disini merupakan kata kerjayang menjelaskan sebjek (the fire:api) yang
sedang membakar rumah-rumah.
Macam-Macam Verb (Kata Kerja)
1.Transitive dan Intransitive
Transitive merupakan kata kerja (verb) yang membutuhkan objek atau yang biasa di sebut
dengan direct objek.
Intranstive merupakan kata kerja (Verb) yang tidak membutuhkan objek atu indirect objek.
Contoh :
Transitive Verb :
 Siska sweeps the floor this morning (Siska menyapu lantai pagi ini)
 Randi Kicks the ball in the yard this afternoon (Randi menendang bola di lapangan
sore ini)
 My mother buys some vegetable in the market (ibuku membeli beberapa sayuran di
 the boy loves his girl very much (laki-laki itu sangat mencintai gadis itu)
 My uncle lends me money for buy something (pamaku meminjamkan aku uag untuk
membeli sesuatu)
Intransitive Verb:
 Dinda often sneeze in the morning while she feels cold (dinda sering bersin di pagi
hari ketika dia merasa dingin)
 My uncle caught long day (pamanku batuk sepanjang hari)
 The patient can not breath easily (pasien itu tidak dapat bernafas dengan mudah)
 my mother asks me to pray wherever Iam (ibuku menyuruhku untuk berdoa
dimanapun aku)
 this coach teaches me how to dance (pelatih ini mengajarkan aku untuk berdansa)
2.Action dan Stative
Action di gunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang terjadi dan mengalami perubahan.
Stative digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang cenderung tetap dan tidak mengalami
Contoh :
Action Verb
 The girls sings a beautifull song (gadis itu menyanyi sebuah lagu yang indah)
LKP EFB - CLUB Page 20
 our team will play football match this afternoon (tim kita akan bermain sepakbola sore
 my brother eats vegetable every lunch (adik laki-laki ku memakan sayuran setiap
maka siang)
 My mother cooks delicious food for me (ibuku memasak makanan yang lezat untuk
 my servant cuts the grass every afternoon (pembantu rumah tanggaku memotong
rumput setiap sore)
Stative Verb
 The girls loves her mom so much (gadis itu sangat mencintai ibunya)
 we need your help for this problem (kami membutuhkan bantuan mu untuk masalah
 I don’t know why I hate you (aku tak tau mengapa aku membencimu)
 They hurt me with their word (mereka menyakitiku dengan kata-kata mereka)
 I admire with this boy (aku mengagumi laki-laki ini)
3.Regular dan Irregular
Regular merupakan sebuah kata kerja yang beraturan dan tambahan (suffix) selalu
berakhiran ‘ED’
Irregular merupakan kata kerja yag tidak beraturan dan tambahanya lebih bervariasi lagi.
Regular Verb
 she cried this night (dia menangis malam ini)
 I read this book in the library yesterday (aku membaca buku ini di perpustakaan
 My sister borrowed my new cloth (saudara perempuanku meminjam baju baruku)
 can you cooked the food for me? (dapatah kamu memasak makanan untuk ku?)
 my father kissed me when I went to Bali (ayahku menciumku ketika aku pergi ke Bali)
Irregular Verb
 My family ate together yesterday (keluargaku makan bersama kemarin)
 I can sang beautifull song for you (aku dapat bernyanyi lagu yang indah untuk mu)
 He bought me a new book in Gramedia (dia membelikan ku buku baru di Gramedia)
 they took a photo while travelling (mereka berfoto ketika berjalan-jalan)
 I felt that I was happy yesterday (aku merasa bahwa aku sangat bahagia kemarin)
4.Linking Verb
Linking verb merupakan kata kerja yang menghubungkan verb dengan apa yang di
Contoh :
 He is young and handsome (dia muda dan tampan)
 we are smart and active (kita pintar dan aktif)
 they are crazy and funny (mereka gila dan lucu)
LKP EFB - CLUB Page 21
Causative merupakan kata kerja dimana subjek tidak bertanggung jawab atas apa yang
telah terjadi.
6.Finite dan Nonfinite
Finite yaitu kata kerja yang di pengaruhi tense (waktu)
Non-finite adalah kata kerja yang tidak di pengaruhi apapun.
Selain 6 jenis Verb (kata kerja) di atas, ada beberapa kata kerja lagi yang sering di
gunakan, yaitu :
7.Auxiliary Verb
Auxiliary verb sering di sebut dengan kata bantu kerja, yaitu kata kerja yang muncul
sebelum kata kerja utama atau main verb. contoh:
 I can speak english fluently (saya dapat berbicara bahasa inggris dengan lancar)
*penjelasan : can disini merupakan sebuah modal dan masuk kedalam auxiliary verb (kata
bantu kerja) dan ada sebelum kata kerja utama nya yaitu speak.
8.Verb Voices
verb voices sendiri di bagi menjadi 2 yaitu :
Passive voice merupakan kata kerja yang menerima aksi. contoh :
 the food is cooked by me (masakan itu dimasak olehku)
Active voice merupakan kata kerja yang melakukan aksi. contoj:
 My mother kisses me this morning (ibuku menciumku pagi ini)
9.Verb Moods
digunakan untuk menyatakan himbauan ataupun perintah. contoh :
 sit down! (duduk!)
 shut up! (diam!)
 wake up! (bangun!)
LKP EFB - CLUB Page 22
Contohkata kerjadan artinta
SPEAK : BERBAHASA ( I speakEnglish)
SING : MENYANYI ( I sing Dangdutsongs)
SELL : MENJUAL ( I sell some potatoes)
SIT : DUDUK ( I siton the chair )
SWIM : BERENANG ( I swiminthe swimmingpool )
SAY : BERKATA/MENGATAKAN ( Theysaysomething)
EAT : MAKAN ( We eatnoodle )
DRINK : MINUM ( He drinkscofee )
SWEEP : MENYAPU ( She sweepsthe floor )
WASH : MENCUCI ( Sintawashesthe clothes)
TAKE A BATH : MANDI ( Dedi takesa bath)
GET UP : BANGUN PAGI( The boy getsup late )
HE = DIA ( LAKI2 )
Correct the sentencesbelow!
1. Amirdrinkingcoffee
2. She sweepthe floor
3. Ani eatingmeatball
4. Rudi speakEnglish
5. I studyingenglish
6. We getsup early
7. Sintasingingasong
8. Aminsell the car
9. Theysweepingthe yard
10. He drinktea
LKP EFB - CLUB Page 23
12. Vocabulary about colour
Nama-Nama Warna (Colours) :
1. red : merah
2. blue : biru
3. green : hijau
4. yellow : kuning
5. purple : ungu
6. black : Hitam
7. white : putih
8. brown : coklat
9. orange : oranye
10. grey : abu-abu
11. pink : merah muda
Contoh :
1. red tomato = tomat merah (tomat yang berwarna merah)
2. blue sky = biru langit (langit yang berwarna biru)
3. green avocado = alpukat hijau (alpukat yang berwarna hijau)
4. yellow banana = pisang kuning (pisang yang berwarna kuning)
5. purple grapes = anggur ungu (anggur yang berwarna ungu)
6. black shoes = sepatu hitam (sepatu yang berwarna hitam)
7. white cow = sapi putih (sapi yang berwarna putih)
8. brown horse = kuda coklat (kuda yang berwarna coklat)
9. orange carrot = wortel oranye (wortel yang berwarna oranye)
10. grey elephant = gajah abu-abu (gajah yang berwarna abu-abu)
11. pink doll = boneka merah muda (boneka yang berwarna merah muda)
Contoh :
1. five red balloons = lima balon merah
2. seven blue balloons = tujuh balon biru
3. two green balloons = dua balon hijau
4. six yellow balloons = enam balon kuning
5. nine purple balloons = sembilan balon ungu
6. ten black balloons = sepuluh balon hitam
7. four white balloons = empat balon putih
8. one brown balloon = satu balon coklat
9. three orange balloons = tiga balon oranye
10. eight grey balloons = enam balon abu-abu
11. nine pink balloons = sembilan balon merah muda
Write in English!
1. tiga boneka hijau
2. tujuh boneka kuning
3. sembilan boneka putih
4. lima boneka merah
5. enam boneka putih
6. delapan bola hitam
7. Sembilan buku kuning
8. empat kucing hitam
9. sepuluh rumah biru
10. Dua anjing kuning
LKP EFB - CLUB Page 24
13.VocabularyaboutPart of Body
Kosa-kata Bahasa Inggris tentang bagian-bagian tubuh (parts of body):
1. Head = kepala
2. Hair = rambut
3. Forehead = dahi
4. Eyebrows = alis
5. Eyelash = bulu mata
6. Eye = mata
7. Eyeball = bola mata
8. Eyelid = kelopak mata
9. Temple = pelipis
10. Ear = telinga
11. Nose = hidung
12. Nostril = lubang hidung
13. Moustache = kumis
14. Lips = bibir
15. Tooth/teeth = gigi
16. Tongue = lidah
17. Mouth = mulut
18. Cheek = pipi
19. Chin = dagu
20. Jaw = rahang
21. Beard = jenggot
22. Neck = leher
23. Throat = tenggorokan
24. Shoulder = bahu
25. Arm = lengan
26. Armpit = ketiak
27. Hand = tangan
28. Wrist = pergelangan tangan
29. Elbow = siku
30. Finger = jari
31. Nail = kuku
32. Chest = dada
33. Breast = payudara
34. Stomach = perut
35. Hips = pinggul
36. Waist = pinggang
37. Back = punggung
38. Buttocks = pantat
39. Leg = kaki
40. Thigh = paha
41. Knee = lutut
42. Heel = tumit
43. Foot/Feet = kaki
44. Ankle = pergelangan kaki
45. Toes = jari-jari kaki
46. Skin = kulit
47. Heart = jantung
48. Brain = otak
49. Blood = darah
50. Lungs = paru-paru
51. Liver = hati
52. Kidney = ginjal
53. Intestine = usus
54. Muscle = otot
55. Nerve = urat syar
Contoh :
1. black hair = rambut hitam
2. white tooth = gigi putih
3. brown hand = tangan coklat
4. red lip = bibir merah
5. black chin : dagu hitam
Latihan Soal :
I. Arrange the letters bellow!
(Susunlah huruf-huruf berikut!)
1. n - c - h - i = .......
2. e - k - n - e = .......
3. o - n - e - s = .......
4. c - a - b - k = .......
5. a - n - d - h = .......
II. Write "T" for True and "F" for False for the following
(Tulis "T" untuk benar dan "F" untuk salah sesuai
dengan kalimat!)
1. I have seven fingers. (...)
2. I have one head. (...)
3. I have ten toes.(...)
4. I have one hand. (...)
5. I have two neck. (....)
LKP EFB - CLUB Page 25
1. chicken : ayam
2. cock : ayam jantan
3. hen : ayam betina
4. duck : bebek
5. cat : kucing
6. dog : Anjing
7. cow : sapi
8. rabbit : kelinci
9. horse : kuda
10. bird : burung
11. elephant : gajah
12. fish : ikan
13. frog : katak
14. monkey : kera
15. snake : ular
16. turtle : kura-kura
17. lion : singa
18. tiger : harimau
19. mouse : tikus
20. goat : kambing
Do you have : Apakah kamu punya ?
How many : Berapa banyak ?
Contoh soal
- Cock – 2
X : Do you have a cock ?
Y : Yes, I do
X : How many cocks do you have ?
Y : I have two
1. Monkey – 3
2. Lion – 4
3. Bird – 6
4. Rabbit – 8
5. Goat – 10
6. Cow – 11
7. Dog – 2
8. Cat – 12
9. Hen – 9
10. Horse - 12
LKP EFB - CLUB Page 26
No. Kosakata Arti
1 Accountant Akuntan
2 Actor Aktor
3 Actress Aktris
4 Actuary Aktuaris
5 Administrator Administratur
6 Advertising Manager Manajer Periklanan
7 Agronomist Ahli Ilmu Tanah
8 Air Traffic Controller Pengontrol Lalu Lintas Udara
9 Aircraft Mechanic Mekanik Pesawat
10 Ambassador Duta Besar
11 Animator Animator
12 Anthropologist Antropolog
13 Archeologist Arkeolog
14 Architect Arsitek
15 Art Critic Kritikus Seni
16 Art Gallery Curator Kurator Galeri
17 Art Photographer Fotografer Seni
18 Artist Seniman
19 Assessor Juru Taksir
20 AssistantHousekeeperAsisten Rumah Tangga
21 Astrologer Ahli Nujum
22 Astronaut Astronot
23 Astronomer Ahli Astronomi
24 Athlete Atlet
25 Auditor Akuntan
26 Author Penulis
27 Baker Tukang Roti
28 Barber Tukang Cukur
29 Barman Pelayan Bar
30 Bassist Pemain Bass
LKP EFB - CLUB Page 27
No. Kosakata Arti
31 Beautician Ahli Kecantikan
32 Beekeeper Peternak Lebah
33 Bibliographer Bibliograf
34 Biologist Ahli Biologi
35 Blogger Blogger
36 Botanist Ahli Botani
37 Brewer PembuatBir
38 Building Inspector Inspektur Bangunan
39 Bus Driver Supir Bus
40 Businessman Pengusaha
41 Butler Kepala Pelayan
42 Car Mechanic Montir
43 Carpenter Tukang Kayu
44 Carver Pemahat
45 Cashier Kasir
46 Celebrity Selebritis
47 Chef Koki
48 Choreographer Koreografer
49 Circus Artist Pemain Sirkus
50 Cleaner Tukang Bersih-Bersih
51 Comedian Pelawak
52 Comic Artist Komikus
53 Composer Penyusun
54 Computer Engineer Insinyur Komputer
55 Conductor (Orchestral)Konduktor
56 Conductor (Tram/Bus) Supir Bus
57 Confectioner PembuatKue dan Manisan
58 Cook Koki
59 Dancer Penari
60 Debt Collector Penagih Hutang
LKP EFB - CLUB Page 28
Grandparents = Kakek-nenek
• Grandfather = Kakek
• Grandmother = Nenek
• Husband = Suami
• Wife = Istri
• Parent = Orang tua
• Father = Ayah
• Mother = Ibu
• Daughter = Anak perempuan
• Son = Anak laki-laki
• Sister = Saudara pr
• Brother = Saudara lk
• Granddaughter = Cucu pr
• Grandson = Cucu lk
• Uncle = Paman
• Aunt = Bibi
• Niece = Keponakan pr
• Nephew = Keponakan lk
• Cousin = Sepupu
• Parent-in-law = Mertua
• Son-in-law = Menantu lk
• Daughter-in-law = Menantu pr
• Step child = Anak tiri
• Stepson = Anak tiri lk
• Stepdaughter = Anak tiri pr
• Adoption = Adopsi
• adoptive father = Ayah dari adopsi
• adoptive mother = Ibu dari adopsi
• ancestor = nenek moyang, leluhur
• bachelor = perjaka
• birth mother = ibu kandung
• blood relative = kerabat sedarah
• bride = pengantin pr
• bridegroom = pengantin lk
• brotherhood = persaudaraan
• brotherly = (bersifat) persaudaraan
• brother-in-law = Saudara ipar lk
• care-giver = orang yang mengurus anggota keluarga
• child = anak
• childhood = masa anak-anak
• children (jamak dari child) = anak-anak
• clan = klan (keluarga besar)
• close-knit = hubungan erat
• connection = koneksi, hubungan
• dad = Ayah
• daddy = ayah
• descendant = keturunan, anak-cucu
• divorce = perceraian
• engaged = bertunangan
• engagement = tunangan
• estranged = diasingkan
• ex- = mantan, bekas
• ex husband = mantan suami
• ex wife = mantan istri
• extended family = keluarga besar
• family tree = pohon keluarga
• fiancée = pasangan tunangan
• flesh and blood = darah daging
• folks = sanak saudara
• foster child = anak angkat
• foster father = ayah angkat
LKP EFB - CLUB Page 29
• foster mother = ibu angkat
• foster parent = orang tua angkat
• fraternal = persaudaraan
• friend = teman
• fraternal twin = saudara kembar
• genealogy = silsilah keturunan
• grandpa = kakek
• grandma = nenek
• granny = nenek
• great-granddaughter = cicit pr (anak dari cucu)
• great-grandfather = buyut lk
• great-grandmother = buyut pr
• great-grandparent = buyut
• great-grandson = cicit lk (anak dari cucu)
• great-aunt = bibi dari orang tua
• great-uncle = paman dari orang tua
• groom = mempelai lk
• grown up = dewasa
• heir = ahli waris
• heiress = ahli waris pr.
• Helpmate = pembantu (suami istri)
• Hereditary = turun-temurun
• Heritage = warisan
• History = sejarah
• Home = rumah
• Household = rumah tangga
• identical twin = kembar identik
• inherit = mewarisi, ahli waris
• inheritance = warisan
• infant = bayi baru lahir
• infancy = masa bayi
• juvenile = anak muda, remaja
• kin = kerabat, sanak famili
• kindred = keluarga
• kinfolk = kerabat
• kinship = kekerabatan
• kith = kenalan-kenalan, handai taulan, sanak keluarga
• lineage = garis silsilah keluarga
• love = cinta, kasih sayang
• loyalty = kesetiaan
• maiden name = nama gadis
• mama = ibu
• marriage = pernikahan
• mate = kawan, kerabat, pasangan, dsb.
• Maternal = keibuan, berhubungan dengan ibu
• Matriarch = ibu sebagai pemimpin keluarga
• Matrimony = ikatan suci pernikahan
• Minor = orang yang belum dewasa
• Miss = nona
• Mom = Ibu
• Mommy = Ibu
• Monogamy = pernikahan tunggal (beristri satu)
• Mother = ibu
• Mr. = Tuan
• Mrs. = Nyonya
• Ms. = Nona
• Natal = Kelahiran
• Newlywed = Pasangan baru menikah
• nuclear family = keluarga inti
• nuptial = berhubungan dengan pernikahan
• nurture = pengasuhan
• offspring = keturunan
• orphan = yatim-piatu
LKP EFB - CLUB Page 30
• papa = Ayah
• partner = Rekan
• paternal = berhubungan dengan Ayah
• patriarch = ayah sebagai kepala keluarga
• pop = Ayah (panggilan)
• posterity = anak-cucu
• progenitor = nenek moyang
• progeny = anak-cucu, keturunan
• quadruplets = kembar empat
• quints = kembar lima
• quintuplets = kembar lima
• related = berhubunagan erat
• relations = relasi, hubungan
• relative = sanak kerabat
• second cousin = sepupu kedua
• senior = senior
• separation = perceraian
• sibling = saudara kandung
• single =lajang
• sisterhood = persaudaraan
• sisterly = (bersifat) persaudaraan
• spouse = pasangan (suami atau istri)
• stepbrother = saudara tiri lk.
• stepdad = Ayah tiri
• stepdaughter = anak tiri pr.
• Stepfather = Ayah tiri
• Stepmom = ibu tiri
• Stepmother = ibu tiri
• Stepsister = saudara perempuan
• Stepson = anak tiri lk.
• surrogate mother = wali pr.
• Tribe = suku
• Triplets = kembar tiga
• Trust = kepercayaan
• Trustworthy = dapat dipercaya
• twin brother = saudara kembar lk.
• twin sister = saudara kembar pr.
• Twins = saudara kembar
• Wedding = pernikahan
• Wedlock = ikatan pernikahan
• Wife = istri
• Youth = kaum muda

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Present perfect vs Past Simple
Test question tags_en
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Test question tags_en
Grammar notes & practices
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Present Perfect Tense
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Present Perfect Tense
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Modul bahasa inggris sd

  • 1. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 1 1. PRONOUN A. PRONOUN( KATA GANTI ) Pronoun as subject Pronoun as object Posessive adjective Posessive pronoun Meaning I Me My Mine Saya You You Your Yours Kamu They Them Their Theirs Mereka We Us Our Ours Kami He Him His His Dia ( Lk ) She Her Her Hers Dia ( Pr ) It It Its Its Dia ( selain orang) CONTOHPENGGUNAAN DALAMKALIMAT 1. a. I like mango 4. a. She likesbanana b. Do youhate me ? b. Do youhate her ? c. My bookis cheap c. Her bag ischeap d. Thisis your book and that is mine d. Thisis yourbookand that is hers 2. a. You like mango 5. a. He eats noodle b. Do they hate you ? b. Do youhate him? c. your book ischeap c. His house isbig d. Thisismy bookand that is yours d. Thisis myhouse and that is his 3. a.They like mango b. Do youhate them ? c. Their bookischeap d. Thisismy bookand that is theirs EXERCISE Tranlate intoEnglish!!! 1. Bukusaya baru. Sayamembelinyadi tokobukukemarinmalam. 2. Rumahmusangat besar.Kamupasti orang kaya. 3. Saya adalahmuridSMA N Gending.SayalulusanMTs. Walisongo 4. Kami lapar,Maukah kamu memberikusepiringnasi ? 5. Merekaadalahteman – temanku.ApakahKamumengenal mereka? 6. Kamumemberi sayauangkemarin. 7. Ali bukantemanku.Jangantanyakanakutentangdia! 8. Antondan Dani inginbertemukamu.Merekasedangmenunggumudi kantinsekolah. 9. Apakahkamulapar ? Saya punyasemangkokmie untukmu. 10. Apakahmerekagurumu? merekasedangmenatapmudenganserius. 11. Saya akan datangke pestanya( pr ).Apakahkamu inginikutdenganku? 12. Bisakahtemanmumenemuikudi kantorsekarang? 13. Merekatidaksuka menelponkukarenaakumasihmarahpada mereka 14. Apa yangkamu makansetiaphari ? 15. Dimanaayahkubertemukamutadi malam?
  • 2. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 2 2. To be PresentdanTobe Past A. To be Present Dalamtata bahasaInggrisada tiga jenistobe yaitu: is,am , dan are. Ketigatobe tsbdigunakanpadamasa sekarang( presenttime Subject To be Contohdalamkalimat I Am I am a teacher You Are You are mystudent They Are Theyare Dinaand Doni We Are We are in Bali now He Is He isMr. Ali She Is She isMrs. Ani It Is It ismy book Ali Is Ali islazy Ali andSiti Are Ali andSiti are myfriends My mother Is My motheriscooking The boy Is The boy ishandsome The boys Are The boys are my sons The cat Is The cat issleeping The cats Are The cats are running B. To be Past Kalaukitamembicarakan/mengungkapkansesuatuyangterjadidi waktulampaumakakita harus menggunakantobe Pastyaitu: was dn were . Perhatikantabel berikutini ! Subject To be Contohdalamkalimat I Was I was a teachertwoyearsago You Were You were mystudent They Were They were sickyesterday We Were We were inBali lastyear He Was He wasabsentyesterday She Was She was clever It Was It was mymistake Ali Was Ali waslazy Ali andSiti Were Ali andSiti were myfriends My mother Was My motherwas cooking The boy Was The boy washandsome The boys Were The boys were sleepy The cat Was The cat was sleeping The cats Were The cats were running Exercise A. Complete the sentencesbelow with:is,am or are ! 1. Mr. Adi ........myEnglishteacher 2. Andi andhiswife ...........doctors 3. The Dog .........sleepingunderthe table 4. The Farmers.............workingnow 5. ............ youastudentora teacher? 6. ..............yourmothercooking? 7. ...............Mrs.Indahanurse ? 8. We .........notplayingfootbal 9. They..........notsleeping 10. What .........youeating?
  • 3. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 3 B. Complete the sentencesbelow with:wasor were ! 1. She ........sicktwodaysago 2. My uncle ..........notinSemarangtwoweeksago 3. ..............youinthe hospital lastnight? 4. When..........he born? 5. Where ..........Andi thismorning? 6. ......est..she inthe marketyesterday? 7. YesterdayI..........absentbuttodayIam present 8. Mr. Sudi ..........inBali three weeksago 9. Mr. Adi andhiswife .......lawyerstwoyearsago 10. Budi .........notat worklastweek C. Translate the sentencesbelowintoEnglish! 1. Saya sakitkemarin 2. Merekaada di pasar duahari yang lalu 3. Amiradalahseorangguru limatahunlalu 4. Dia ( lk) ada di rumah sakittadi malam 5. Adi tidakmasukkemarin 6. Merekamenemui sayasetiappagi 7. Bukusaya ada di atas meja 8. Rindamemberi sayauang 9. Saya sukagayamu 10. Saya akan membelimobilmu D. Arrange these jumble wordintoagoodsentence ! 1. Anita– not – at home – was 2. Rudi – not– sick– yesterday –was 3. Father– my – was – in the office –last night 4. Joko– Andi – were – and – farmers 5. Maria – not – was – in– Jakarta– lastmonth
  • 4. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 4 3.Simple Present Tense Definisi : Simple Present Tense adalah suatu bentuk kalimat yang menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang terjadi pada saat sekarang atau kejadian yang merupakan kebiasaan sehari-hari. Rumus Verbal: ( + ) S + V1/Vs ( - ) S + do/does + not + V1 ( ? ) Do/does + S + V1 Example : 1. ( + ) I drink coffee. ( - ) I don’t drink coffee ( ? ) Do you drink coffee? 2. ( + )Anton and Alex eat soto ( - ) Anton and Alex don’t eat soto ( ? ) Do Anton and Alex eat soto? 3. ( + ) Aziz has an expensive car ( - ) Aziz does not have an expensive car ( ? ) Does Aziz have an expensive car ? Rumus nominal : ( + ) S + tobe ( is, am ,are ) + c ( - ) S + to be ( is, am ,are ) + not + c ( ? ) to be ( is, am ,are) + s + c ? Example : 1.( + ) I am a doctor ( - ) Iam not a doctor ( ? ) Are you a doctor ? 2. ( + ) Taman is very clever ( - ) Tamam is not very clever ( ? ) Is Tamam very clever ? 3. ( + ) Yuni is in Japan ( - ) Yuni is not in Japan ( ? ) Is Yuni in Japan ?
  • 5. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 5 Exercise of Simple present tense A. Change the sentences below into negative and interrogative ! 1. Agung is so smart ( - ) _______________________________________________________ ( ? ) _______________________________________________________ 2. Joni is in the market now ( - ) _______________________________________________________ ( ? ) _______________________________________________________ 3. Faruq is very lazy ( - ) _______________________________________________________ ( ? ) _______________________________________________________ 4. Icha speaks English well ( - ) _______________________________________________________ ( ? ) _______________________________________________________ 5. Umi likes reading a novel ( - ) _______________________________________________________ ( ? ) _______________________________________________________ B. Translate the sentences below into Indonesian ! 1. Mr. Kusnadi always swims in the swimming pool every day ___________________________________________________________ 2. They are my loyal friends ___________________________________________________________ 3. Adib is always sleepy in the classroom ___________________________________________________________ 4. Rohman meets putri in the school cafetaria after school ___________________________________________________________ 5. Mr. Rosi lives in London ___________________________________________________________ 6. The teacher always goes to school on time ___________________________________________________________ 7. Rinda cooks rice in the kitchen every morning __________________________________________________________ 8. Do you want to follow me ! __________________________________________________________ 9. I hope you can come to my party __________________________________________________________ 10. What time do you take a nap ?
  • 6. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 6 4.Simple Past Tense Definisi : Simple Past Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang terjadi di masa lampau dan tidak ada kaitannya dengan sekarang. Rumus Verbal: ( + ) S + V2 ( - ) S + did + not + V1 ( ? ) Did + S + V1 Example : 1. ( + ) I drank coffee. ( - ) I didn’t drink coffee ( ? ) Did you drink coffee? 2. ( + ) Sofi liked dancing ( - ) Sofi didn’t like dancing ( ? ) Did Sofi like dancing ? 3. ( + ) Amir had an expensive car ( - ) Amir didn’t have an expensive car ( ? ) Did Amir have an expensive car ? Rumus nominal : ( + ) S + tobe ( was/were ) + c ( - ) S + to be ( was/were ) + not + c ( ? ) to be ( was/were ) + s + c ? Example : 1.( + ) I was a doctor ( - ) I was not a doctor ( ? ) Were you a doctor ? 2. ( + ) Mrs. Susi was very clever ( - ) Mrs. Susi was not very clever ( ? ) Was Mrs. Susi very clever ? 3. ( + ) Fida was in Japan ( - ) Fida was not in Japan ( ? ) Was Fida in Japan ?
  • 7. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 7 Exercise of Simple Past tense A. Change the sentences below into negative and interrogative ! 1. Billy was so stupid ( - ) _______________________________________________________ ( ? ) _______________________________________________________ 2. Dedi was in the market last night ( - ) _______________________________________________________ ( ? ) _______________________________________________________ 3. Faruk was very lazy ( - ) _______________________________________________________ ( ? ) _______________________________________________________ 4. Hamdan and Diah spoke English well ( - ) _______________________________________________________ ( ? ) _______________________________________________________ 5. Selvi liked reading a novel ( - ) _______________________________________________________ ( ? ) _______________________________________________________ B. Translate the sentences below into Indonesian/English ! 1. Mr. Kusnadi swam in the swimming last week ___________________________________________________________ 2. We were in Tokto last month ___________________________________________________________ 3. Rohim sat on the bench __________________________________________________________ 4. Icha met Agung in the school cafetaria after school ___________________________________________________________ 5. Mr. Deni washed his car ___________________________________________________________ 6. Saya pergi ke Bandung kemarin ___________________________________________________________ 7. Ayahku bekerja di Bandara tahun lalu ___________________________________________________________ 8. Ahmad mengerjakan ujian kemarin ___________________________________________________________ 9. Apakah kamu belajar tadi malam ? ___________________________________________________________ 10. Saya tidak tidur tadi malam ___________________________________________________________
  • 8. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 8 5. Present Continous Tense Definisi : Present Continous Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan atau peristiwa yang sedang terjadi pada saat sekarang/pada saat sedang berbicara. Rumus Verbal: ( + ) S + to be ( is,am,are ) + ( - ) S + to be ( is,am,are ) + not + ( ? ) To be ( is,am,are ) + S + ? Example : 1. ( + ) I am drinking coffee. ( - ) I am not drinking coffee ( ? ) Are you drinking coffee? 2. ( + )Anton and Alex are eating soto ( - ) Anton and Alex are not eating soto ( ? ) Are Anton and Alex eating soto? 3. ( + ) Aziz is driving an expensive car ( - ) Aziz is not driving an expensive car ( ? ) Is Aziz driving an expensive car ? 4. ( + ) Budi is playing football now ( - ) Budi is not playing football now ( ? ) Is Budi playing football now ? 5. ( + ) Mr. Bahar is sleeping in the bedroom now ( - ) Mr. Bahar is not sleeping in the bedroom now ( ? ) Is Mr. Bahar sleeping in the bedroom now ? 6. ( + ) They are watching TV now ( - ) They are not watching TV now ( ? ) Are They watching TV now ? 7. ( + ) We are cooking now ( - ) We are not cooking now ( ? ) Are We cooking now ?
  • 9. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 9 Exercise of Present continous tense A. Change the sentences below into negative and interrogative ! 1. Dina and Sovi are cleaning the windows ( - ) _______________________________________________________ ( ? ) _______________________________________________________ 2. Rudi is sitting under the tree ( - ) _______________________________________________________ ( ? ) _______________________________________________________ 3. Adel is swimming in the swimming pool ( - ) _______________________________________________________ ( ? ) _______________________________________________________ 4. They are sweeping the floor ( - ) _______________________________________________________ ( ? ) _______________________________________________________ 5. Umar is reading a novel ( - ) _______________________________________________________ ( ? ) _______________________________________________________ B. Translate the sentences below into Indonesian ! 1. Mr. Kusnadi is swimming now ___________________________________________________________ 2. Are you drinking milk ? ___________________________________________________________ 3. What are you doing ? ___________________________________________________________ 4. The boy is not writing a letter ___________________________________________________________ 5. Where is your sister cooking ? ___________________________________________________________ 6. Are you crying ? Why are you crying ? ___________________________________________________________ 7. They are looking for their bags ___________________________________________________________ 8. We are writing some poems ___________________________________________________________ 9. The painter is painting a beautiful scenery ___________________________________________________________ 10. Rizal is not sleeping now ___________________________________________________________
  • 10. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 10 6.Simple Future Tense ( Present Future Tense ) Definisi : Simple Future Tense digunakanuntuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang . Rumus Verbal: ( + ) S + will + V1 ( - ) S + will + not + V1 ( ? ) Will + S + V1 ? Example : 1. ( + ) I will drink coffee. ( - ) I will not drink coffee ( ? ) Will you drink coffee? 2. ( + )Anton and Alex will eat soto ( - ) Anton and Alex will not eat soto ( ? ) Will Anton and Alex eat soto? 3. ( + ) Aziz will drive an expensive car ( - ) Aziz will not drive an expensive car ( ? ) Will Aziz drive an expensive car ? Rumus nominal : ( + ) S + will + be + c ( - ) S + will + not + be + c ( ? ) Will + s + be + c ? Example : 1.( + ) I will be a doctor ( - ) I will not be a doctor ( ? ) Will you be a doctor ? 2. ( + ) Toni will be in Jakarta ( - ) Toni will not be in Jakarta ( ? ) Will Toni be in Jakarta ? 3. ( + ) Santi will be in Japan ( - ) Santi will not be in Japan ( ? ) Will Santi be in Japan ?
  • 11. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 11 Exercise of Simple Future tense A. Change the sentences below into negative and interrogative ! 1. We will be in Jakarta tomorrow morning ( - ) _______________________________________________________ ( ? ) _______________________________________________________ 2. Joni will come to my party ( - ) _______________________________________________________ ( ? ) _______________________________________________________ 3. Faiza will be a nurse next year ( - ) _______________________________________________________ ( ? ) _______________________________________________________ 4. Kusnadi , Bahar and Adel will follow the speech contest ( - ) _______________________________________________________ ( ? ) _______________________________________________________ 5. Mr. Ali will explain Arabic to the students ( - ) _______________________________________________________ ( ? ) _______________________________________________________ B. Translate the sentences below into Indonesian /English ! 1. Mr. Hasyim will win the lottery ___________________________________________________________ 2. They will do the English exam ___________________________________________________________ 3. Umi will sleep in the classroom ___________________________________________________________ 4. Rohman will meet Putri in the school cafetaria ___________________________________________________________ 5. Mr. Ghozi will stay in London since next month ___________________________________________________________ 6. He will meet me ___________________________________________________________ 7. My father will work in Jakarta next week ___________________________________________________________ 8. Dinda akan pergi ke Solo besok pagi ___________________________________________________________ 9. Kami akan memasak nasi ___________________________________________________________ 10. Guru saya akan menjelaskan tentang “ Basic Grammar “ besok ___________________________________________________________
  • 12. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 12 7.Noun ( Kata Benda ) Apa itu noun? Dalam pelajaran grammar untuk Bahasa Inggris, pengertian noun adalah kata benda dalam bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk mendefinisikan orang, tempat, hewan,tanaman, benda, kualitas akan sesuatu,atau suatu kegiatan. (Misalnya: man = lelaki, house = rumah, cat = kucing, roses = bunga-bunga mawar, the quality = kualitas, writing = menulis, dan lain sebagainya.) Apa saja macam-macam noun? Sebagai salah satu dari delapan (8) jenis parts of speech dalam Bahasa Inggris, noun juga terdapat banyak jenisnya, yaitu: abstract noun, collective noun, common noun, compound noun, concrete noun, proper noun, countable and uncountable nouns, singular and plural nouns. Macam-macam Noun dan Fungsinya  Abstract Noun (kata benda yang tak berwujud) berfungsi menunjukkan benda yang tak berwujud, tetapi dapat dibayangkan. Contoh : life (kehidupan), love (kasih-sayang / cinta), friendship (persahabatan), relationship (hubungan), dan lain sebagainya. Contoh kalimat: Love is important thing in our life.  Collective noun (kata benda kolektif) berfungsi sebagai kata benda yang mempunyai arti majemuk. Contoh: group (grup / kelompok), class (kelas), flock (sekelompok unggas), battalion (batalyon) dan lain sebagainya. Contoh kalimat: My school has many classes  Common noun (kata benda umum), yang biasanya paling mudah diingat – karena noun jenis ini termasuk yang paling dasar dan lebih dulu diajarkan. Contoh: teacher (guru), flower (bunga), car (mobil), building (bangunan), motorcycle (sepeda motor), chair (kursi), dan lain sebagainya. Contoh kalimat: She buy a new car  Compound nouns adalah gabungan dua kata, dimana kata pertama dan keduanya dijamakkan, Contoh kalimat: This restaurant has some men servants Singular (Tunggal) Plural (Jamak) man servant woman servant man teacher men servants women servants men teachers  Concrete Noun (kata benda berwujud) untuk menunjukkan benda yang memiliki wujud dengan kriteria dapat dilihat atau disentuh. Contoh: people (orang), book (buku), car (mobil), dan sebagainya. Contoh kalimat: Reading a book is my hoby  Proper noun (kata benda nama diri) yaitu nama orang, sekolah, perusahaan, kota, negara,dsb. Contoh: Marry, Indonesia, Facebook, dan sebagainya. Contoh kalimat: His name is John  Countable nouns adalah benda yang dapat dihitung, baik secara singular (tunggal) dan plural (jamak). Contoh kalimat: My brother drinks a glass of milk. Singular (Tunggal) + a (Sebuah / Satu ) Plural (Jamak) + many, several,some , or a few (Banyak, sebagian, beberapa, atau sedikit) A ring a week a room A book A month A glass (many, several, some, a few) rings (many, several, some, a few) weeks (many, several, some, a few) rooms (many, several, some, a few) books (many, several, some, a few) months (many, several, some, a few) glasses  Uncountable nouns adalah benda yang tidak dapat dihitung, misalnya : water (air), air (udara), sugar (gula),dan lain-lain. Biasanya bisa ditambah dengan kata-kata some (sebagian) atau much (banyak untuk sesuatu yang tidak bisa dihitung.)Contoh kalimat: I put a bottle of water on the table.
  • 13. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 13 Bagaimana dengan contoh kalimat noun? Dalam kalimat, noun mempunyai empat (4) fungsi, yaitu:  subject of a sentence / subjek dalam kalimat. (contoh kalimat: Ruby has known Tony for four years. / Ruby telah mengenal Tony selama empat tahun.)  subject / object complement atau subjek / objek pelengkap. (contoh kalimat: He is a director.)  direct / indirect object atau objek langsung / tak langsung. (contoh kalimat: You hit the nail on the head.)  object of a preposition / objek preposisi atau penempatan (contoh kalimat: I was reading a magazine at home when the electricity went out.) Exercise TRUE Or FALSE 1. I have two book 2. She has a pen 3. They have tree house 4. We have a sister 5. They have four cat 6. Linda needs a money 7. I want to have a big house 8. Do you want some sugars ? 9. It is cat 10. It is your bike
  • 14. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 14 8. Yes– No Question “Apa itu Yes-No questions?”, “Bagaimana cara membuat Yes-No questions?”, “Bagaimana cara menjawab Yes-No questions?”. Let’s discuss! PENJELASAN LENGKAP YES-NO QUESTIONS Yes-No questions adalah sebuah pertanyaan singkat yang hanya membutuhkan jawaban yes (ya) dan no (tidak). Sebuah pertanyaan ya-tidak (yes-no questions) harus menempatkan auxiliary sebelum subject. Bagaimana cara membuat yes/no questions? MEMBUAT YES-NO QUESTIONS Perhatikan pola dibawah ini untuk membuat yes-no questions. Auxiliary be do, does, did + subject + verb/noun/adj/adv ... ?  Is your father a teacher?  Are you busy?  Do you like English?  Does she read a book?  Did they learn English? Kita dapat membuat yes-no questions dari sebuah pernyataan (statement). Kita lihat contoh berikut: Pernyataan (Statement) Pertanyaan (Yes/No Questions) Your mother is a nurse. Is your mother a nurse? Lina is learning English. Is Lina learning English? You are sleepy. Are you sleepy? You are listening to music. Are you listening to music? Mirna was sick yesterday. Was Mirna sick yesterday? Yudy brings some pencils. Does Yudy bring some pencils? The students visited Bali last semester. Did the students visit Bali last semester?
  • 15. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 15 MENJAWAB YES-NO QUESTIONS Yes-No questions hanya membutuhkan jawaban yes/no. Kita lihat contoh jawaban dari yes/no questions berikut: Pertanyaan (Yes/No Questions) Jawaban (Answers) Is your mother a nurse? Yes, she is./ No, she isn't. Is Rudi learning English? Yes, he is./ No, he isn't. Are you sleepy? Yes, I am./ No, I am not. Are you listening to music? Yes, I am./ No, I am not. Was Mirna sick yesterday? Yes, she was./ No, she wasn't. Does Yudy bring some pencils? Yes, he does./ No, he doesn't. Did the students visit Bali last semester? Yes, they did./ No, they didn't. Exercise A. Answer the sentences with “ No “ ! 1. Do you like English ? No, I do not like English 2. Are you a doctor ? 3. Is Ali a teacher ? 4. Can you speak English ? 5. Are you crying ? 6. Does she live in London ? 7. Do you want to smoke ? 8. Are they cooking ? 9. Do you understand ? 10. Does Arman write a novel ?
  • 16. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 16 9. QuestionWord Pengertian Question Words Seperti yang sudah saya singgung di atas,question words merupakan kata yang digunakan untuk menanyakan sesuatu,baik waktu, tempat, alasan, cara,orang, benda, dan sebagainya. Selain itu, question words juga dapat digunakan untuk membentuk adjective clause dan noun clause. Rumus Question words Untuk Mengajukan Pertanyaan Untuk mengajukan pertanyaan dengan menggunakan question words, anda dapat melakukannya dengan susunan kata sebagai berikut: Subject question = Who/what + Verb Non subject question = Question Word + Auxiliary verb + Subject + Ordinary Verb Subject question artinya untuk menanyakan subject, sedangkan non subject question untuk menanyakan selain subject, bisa objek, verb, ataupun adverb. Jika ada pertanyaan seperti ini “tadi siang kamu ke mana” maka menanyakan adverb (keterangan tempat). Berbeda jika pertanyaan “Apa yang Budi lakukan tadi malam”, maka jelas pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan verb (melakukan apa? – kata kerja). Question Words Untuk Menanyakan Who : siapa Subjek (person) Objek (person) – informal Whom: siapa Objek (person) What: apa Subjek (non person) Objek (non person) Verb Whose: milik siapa Possession (kepemilikan) Which: yang mana Choice (pilihan) Where: dimana/kemana Place (tempat) When: kapan Time (waktu) Why: mengapa Reason (alasan) How: bagaimana Manner (cara) How far: seberapa jauh Distance (jarak) How fast: seberapa cepat Speed (kecepatan) How long: seberapa lama Duration (durasi) How often: seberapa sering Frequency (keseringan) Etc… Contoh kalimat question words dalam bertanya: Misalkan ada kalimat seperti ini: Puri has bought a new book in the book store. Dari kalimat diatas, subjeknya adalah Puri (nama orang), verbnya has bought, objeknya a new book, dan adverbnya adalah in the book store. Kita dapat mengandai-andai pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dapat muncul dari kalimat tersebut, seperti pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini: Who has bought a new book in the book store? – Menanyakan subjek, jawabannya adalah Puri What has Puri done in the book store? – Menanyakan verb, jawabannya adalah bought. What has Puri bought in the book store? - Menanyakan objek, jawabannya adalah a new book. Where has Puri bought a new book? – Menanyakan adverb, jawabannya adalah in the book store.
  • 17. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 17 10.Adjective ( Kata Sifat ) PENGERTIAN ADJECTIVE Menurut Gucker (59: 1966), “adjective is used to modify a noun or pronoun, that is, to describe the noun or pronoun”. Adjective adalah kata sifat yang menerangkan kata benda. Adjective biasanya digunakan sebelum kata benda atau setelah linking verbs. ⇒ Adjective sebelum kata benda:  A red jacket.  A big city.  Smart students.  Beautiful girl. Kata sifat (adjective) Contoh Penjelasan Red (Merah) A red jaket Red menerangkan Jacket. Artinya jaket merah. Big (Besar) A big city Big menerangkan city. Artinya kota besar. Smart (Pintar) Smart students Smart menerangkan students. Artinya para siswa yang pintar. Beautiful (Cantik) Beautiful girl Beautiful menerangkan girl. Artinya gadis cantik. ⇒ Adjective setelah linking verbs (be, seem, taste, look, or feel):  We are clever.  Your bag is expensive.  He looks handsome.  This pizza tastes delicious. Kata sifat (adjective) Contoh Kalimat Penjelasan Clever (Pandai) We are clever. Clever menerangkan We. Artinya kita pandai. Expensive (Mahal) Your bag is expensive. Expensive menerangkan your bag. Artinya tas kamu mahal. Handsome He looks handsome. Handsome menerangkan he.
  • 18. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 18 Kata sifat (adjective) Contoh Kalimat Penjelasan (Tampan) Artinya dia terlihat tampan. Delicious (Lezat) This pizza tastes delicious. Delicious menerangkan this pizza. Artinya pizza ini rasanya lezat. CONTOH ADJECTIVE Beberapa contoh adjective (kata sifat) antara lain: » Common adjective (kata sifat umum)  big  small  beautiful  handsome  clever  smart  tall  short  long  delicious » Color adjective (kata sifat warna)  red  yellow  black  blue  pink  white » Shape adjective (kata sifat bentuk)  circle  flat  curved  square CONTOH KALIMAT MENGGUNAKAN ADJECTIVE  We are diligent.  He drinks a glass of hot coffee.  You look so sad.  She bought new car.  The view is amazing. Exercise : Translate ! 1. I have an expensive car 2. My house is big 3. Lia has a long nose 4. Vera has big eyes 5. Rini is clever
  • 19. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 19 11.VERB ( Kata Kerja ) Verb atau kata kerja dalam sebuah kalimat di gunakan untuk mengidentifikasikan ataupun menjelaskan perilaku dari si pelaku (subjek dalam kalimat) ataupun menjelaskan peristiwa dan keadaan. Contoh :  Aldo drives his father’s car (Aldo mengendarai mobil ayahnya) *Penjelasan : Drives disini merupakan kata kerja yang menjelaskan subjek (Aldo) yang sedang mengendarai mobil milik ayahnya.  The fires burnt all the houses (Api itu membakar seluruh rumah) *penjelasan : Burnt disini merupakan kata kerjayang menjelaskan sebjek (the fire:api) yang sedang membakar rumah-rumah. Macam-Macam Verb (Kata Kerja) 1.Transitive dan Intransitive Transitive merupakan kata kerja (verb) yang membutuhkan objek atau yang biasa di sebut dengan direct objek. Intranstive merupakan kata kerja (Verb) yang tidak membutuhkan objek atu indirect objek. Contoh : Transitive Verb :  Siska sweeps the floor this morning (Siska menyapu lantai pagi ini)  Randi Kicks the ball in the yard this afternoon (Randi menendang bola di lapangan sore ini)  My mother buys some vegetable in the market (ibuku membeli beberapa sayuran di pasar)  the boy loves his girl very much (laki-laki itu sangat mencintai gadis itu)  My uncle lends me money for buy something (pamaku meminjamkan aku uag untuk membeli sesuatu) Intransitive Verb:  Dinda often sneeze in the morning while she feels cold (dinda sering bersin di pagi hari ketika dia merasa dingin)  My uncle caught long day (pamanku batuk sepanjang hari)  The patient can not breath easily (pasien itu tidak dapat bernafas dengan mudah)  my mother asks me to pray wherever Iam (ibuku menyuruhku untuk berdoa dimanapun aku)  this coach teaches me how to dance (pelatih ini mengajarkan aku untuk berdansa) 2.Action dan Stative Action di gunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang terjadi dan mengalami perubahan. Stative digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang cenderung tetap dan tidak mengalami perubahan. Contoh : Action Verb  The girls sings a beautifull song (gadis itu menyanyi sebuah lagu yang indah)
  • 20. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 20  our team will play football match this afternoon (tim kita akan bermain sepakbola sore ini)  my brother eats vegetable every lunch (adik laki-laki ku memakan sayuran setiap maka siang)  My mother cooks delicious food for me (ibuku memasak makanan yang lezat untuk ku)  my servant cuts the grass every afternoon (pembantu rumah tanggaku memotong rumput setiap sore) Stative Verb  The girls loves her mom so much (gadis itu sangat mencintai ibunya)  we need your help for this problem (kami membutuhkan bantuan mu untuk masalah ini)  I don’t know why I hate you (aku tak tau mengapa aku membencimu)  They hurt me with their word (mereka menyakitiku dengan kata-kata mereka)  I admire with this boy (aku mengagumi laki-laki ini) 3.Regular dan Irregular Regular merupakan sebuah kata kerja yang beraturan dan tambahan (suffix) selalu berakhiran ‘ED’ Irregular merupakan kata kerja yag tidak beraturan dan tambahanya lebih bervariasi lagi. Regular Verb  she cried this night (dia menangis malam ini)  I read this book in the library yesterday (aku membaca buku ini di perpustakaan kemarin)  My sister borrowed my new cloth (saudara perempuanku meminjam baju baruku)  can you cooked the food for me? (dapatah kamu memasak makanan untuk ku?)  my father kissed me when I went to Bali (ayahku menciumku ketika aku pergi ke Bali) Irregular Verb  My family ate together yesterday (keluargaku makan bersama kemarin)  I can sang beautifull song for you (aku dapat bernyanyi lagu yang indah untuk mu)  He bought me a new book in Gramedia (dia membelikan ku buku baru di Gramedia)  they took a photo while travelling (mereka berfoto ketika berjalan-jalan)  I felt that I was happy yesterday (aku merasa bahwa aku sangat bahagia kemarin) 4.Linking Verb Linking verb merupakan kata kerja yang menghubungkan verb dengan apa yang di deskripsikanya. Contoh :  He is young and handsome (dia muda dan tampan)  we are smart and active (kita pintar dan aktif)  they are crazy and funny (mereka gila dan lucu)
  • 21. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 21 5.Causative Causative merupakan kata kerja dimana subjek tidak bertanggung jawab atas apa yang telah terjadi. 6.Finite dan Nonfinite Finite yaitu kata kerja yang di pengaruhi tense (waktu) Non-finite adalah kata kerja yang tidak di pengaruhi apapun. Selain 6 jenis Verb (kata kerja) di atas, ada beberapa kata kerja lagi yang sering di gunakan, yaitu : 7.Auxiliary Verb Auxiliary verb sering di sebut dengan kata bantu kerja, yaitu kata kerja yang muncul sebelum kata kerja utama atau main verb. contoh:  I can speak english fluently (saya dapat berbicara bahasa inggris dengan lancar) *penjelasan : can disini merupakan sebuah modal dan masuk kedalam auxiliary verb (kata bantu kerja) dan ada sebelum kata kerja utama nya yaitu speak. 8.Verb Voices verb voices sendiri di bagi menjadi 2 yaitu : Passive voice merupakan kata kerja yang menerima aksi. contoh :  the food is cooked by me (masakan itu dimasak olehku) Active voice merupakan kata kerja yang melakukan aksi. contoj:  My mother kisses me this morning (ibuku menciumku pagi ini) 9.Verb Moods digunakan untuk menyatakan himbauan ataupun perintah. contoh :  sit down! (duduk!)  shut up! (diam!)  wake up! (bangun!)
  • 22. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 22 Contohkata kerjadan artinta VERB : KATA KERJA SPEAK : BERBAHASA ( I speakEnglish) SING : MENYANYI ( I sing Dangdutsongs) SELL : MENJUAL ( I sell some potatoes) SIT : DUDUK ( I siton the chair ) SWIM : BERENANG ( I swiminthe swimmingpool ) SAY : BERKATA/MENGATAKAN ( Theysaysomething) EAT : MAKAN ( We eatnoodle ) DRINK : MINUM ( He drinkscofee ) SWEEP : MENYAPU ( She sweepsthe floor ) WASH : MENCUCI ( Sintawashesthe clothes) TAKE A BATH : MANDI ( Dedi takesa bath) GET UP : BANGUN PAGI( The boy getsup late ) PRONOUN ASSUBJECT ( KATA GANTI ORANGSEBAGAISUBJEK ) I = SAYA YOU = KAMU THEY = MEREKA WE = KAMI HE = DIA ( LAKI2 ) SHE = DIA ( WANITA ) IT = DIA / ITU ( SELAIN ORANG) Correct the sentencesbelow! 1. Amirdrinkingcoffee 2. She sweepthe floor 3. Ani eatingmeatball 4. Rudi speakEnglish 5. I studyingenglish 6. We getsup early 7. Sintasingingasong 8. Aminsell the car 9. Theysweepingthe yard 10. He drinktea
  • 23. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 23 12. Vocabulary about colour Nama-Nama Warna (Colours) : 1. red : merah 2. blue : biru 3. green : hijau 4. yellow : kuning 5. purple : ungu 6. black : Hitam 7. white : putih 8. brown : coklat 9. orange : oranye 10. grey : abu-abu 11. pink : merah muda Contoh : 1. red tomato = tomat merah (tomat yang berwarna merah) 2. blue sky = biru langit (langit yang berwarna biru) 3. green avocado = alpukat hijau (alpukat yang berwarna hijau) 4. yellow banana = pisang kuning (pisang yang berwarna kuning) 5. purple grapes = anggur ungu (anggur yang berwarna ungu) 6. black shoes = sepatu hitam (sepatu yang berwarna hitam) 7. white cow = sapi putih (sapi yang berwarna putih) 8. brown horse = kuda coklat (kuda yang berwarna coklat) 9. orange carrot = wortel oranye (wortel yang berwarna oranye) 10. grey elephant = gajah abu-abu (gajah yang berwarna abu-abu) 11. pink doll = boneka merah muda (boneka yang berwarna merah muda) Contoh : 1. five red balloons = lima balon merah 2. seven blue balloons = tujuh balon biru 3. two green balloons = dua balon hijau 4. six yellow balloons = enam balon kuning 5. nine purple balloons = sembilan balon ungu 6. ten black balloons = sepuluh balon hitam 7. four white balloons = empat balon putih 8. one brown balloon = satu balon coklat 9. three orange balloons = tiga balon oranye 10. eight grey balloons = enam balon abu-abu 11. nine pink balloons = sembilan balon merah muda Write in English! 1. tiga boneka hijau 2. tujuh boneka kuning 3. sembilan boneka putih 4. lima boneka merah 5. enam boneka putih 6. delapan bola hitam 7. Sembilan buku kuning 8. empat kucing hitam 9. sepuluh rumah biru 10. Dua anjing kuning
  • 24. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 24 13.VocabularyaboutPart of Body Kosa-kata Bahasa Inggris tentang bagian-bagian tubuh (parts of body): 1. Head = kepala 2. Hair = rambut 3. Forehead = dahi 4. Eyebrows = alis 5. Eyelash = bulu mata 6. Eye = mata 7. Eyeball = bola mata 8. Eyelid = kelopak mata 9. Temple = pelipis 10. Ear = telinga 11. Nose = hidung 12. Nostril = lubang hidung 13. Moustache = kumis 14. Lips = bibir 15. Tooth/teeth = gigi 16. Tongue = lidah 17. Mouth = mulut 18. Cheek = pipi 19. Chin = dagu 20. Jaw = rahang 21. Beard = jenggot 22. Neck = leher 23. Throat = tenggorokan 24. Shoulder = bahu 25. Arm = lengan 26. Armpit = ketiak 27. Hand = tangan 28. Wrist = pergelangan tangan 29. Elbow = siku 30. Finger = jari 31. Nail = kuku 32. Chest = dada 33. Breast = payudara 34. Stomach = perut 35. Hips = pinggul 36. Waist = pinggang 37. Back = punggung 38. Buttocks = pantat 39. Leg = kaki 40. Thigh = paha 41. Knee = lutut 42. Heel = tumit 43. Foot/Feet = kaki 44. Ankle = pergelangan kaki 45. Toes = jari-jari kaki 46. Skin = kulit 47. Heart = jantung 48. Brain = otak 49. Blood = darah 50. Lungs = paru-paru 51. Liver = hati 52. Kidney = ginjal 53. Intestine = usus 54. Muscle = otot 55. Nerve = urat syar Contoh : 1. black hair = rambut hitam 2. white tooth = gigi putih 3. brown hand = tangan coklat 4. red lip = bibir merah 5. black chin : dagu hitam Latihan Soal : I. Arrange the letters bellow! (Susunlah huruf-huruf berikut!) 1. n - c - h - i = ....... 2. e - k - n - e = ....... 3. o - n - e - s = ....... 4. c - a - b - k = ....... 5. a - n - d - h = ....... II. Write "T" for True and "F" for False for the following sentences! (Tulis "T" untuk benar dan "F" untuk salah sesuai dengan kalimat!) 1. I have seven fingers. (...) 2. I have one head. (...) 3. I have ten toes.(...) 4. I have one hand. (...) 5. I have two neck. (....)
  • 25. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 25 14.VocabularyaboutAnimal Vocabulary 1. chicken : ayam 2. cock : ayam jantan 3. hen : ayam betina 4. duck : bebek 5. cat : kucing 6. dog : Anjing 7. cow : sapi 8. rabbit : kelinci 9. horse : kuda 10. bird : burung 11. elephant : gajah 12. fish : ikan 13. frog : katak 14. monkey : kera 15. snake : ular 16. turtle : kura-kura 17. lion : singa 18. tiger : harimau 19. mouse : tikus 20. goat : kambing Do you have : Apakah kamu punya ? How many : Berapa banyak ? Contoh soal - Cock – 2 X : Do you have a cock ? Y : Yes, I do X : How many cocks do you have ? Y : I have two Soal 1. Monkey – 3 2. Lion – 4 3. Bird – 6 4. Rabbit – 8 5. Goat – 10 6. Cow – 11 7. Dog – 2 8. Cat – 12 9. Hen – 9 10. Horse - 12
  • 26. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 26 15.VocabularyaboutOccupation/Profession No. Kosakata Arti 1 Accountant Akuntan 2 Actor Aktor 3 Actress Aktris 4 Actuary Aktuaris 5 Administrator Administratur 6 Advertising Manager Manajer Periklanan 7 Agronomist Ahli Ilmu Tanah 8 Air Traffic Controller Pengontrol Lalu Lintas Udara 9 Aircraft Mechanic Mekanik Pesawat 10 Ambassador Duta Besar 11 Animator Animator 12 Anthropologist Antropolog 13 Archeologist Arkeolog 14 Architect Arsitek 15 Art Critic Kritikus Seni 16 Art Gallery Curator Kurator Galeri 17 Art Photographer Fotografer Seni 18 Artist Seniman 19 Assessor Juru Taksir 20 AssistantHousekeeperAsisten Rumah Tangga 21 Astrologer Ahli Nujum 22 Astronaut Astronot 23 Astronomer Ahli Astronomi 24 Athlete Atlet 25 Auditor Akuntan 26 Author Penulis 27 Baker Tukang Roti 28 Barber Tukang Cukur 29 Barman Pelayan Bar 30 Bassist Pemain Bass
  • 27. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 27 No. Kosakata Arti 31 Beautician Ahli Kecantikan 32 Beekeeper Peternak Lebah 33 Bibliographer Bibliograf 34 Biologist Ahli Biologi 35 Blogger Blogger 36 Botanist Ahli Botani 37 Brewer PembuatBir 38 Building Inspector Inspektur Bangunan 39 Bus Driver Supir Bus 40 Businessman Pengusaha 41 Butler Kepala Pelayan 42 Car Mechanic Montir 43 Carpenter Tukang Kayu 44 Carver Pemahat 45 Cashier Kasir 46 Celebrity Selebritis 47 Chef Koki 48 Choreographer Koreografer 49 Circus Artist Pemain Sirkus 50 Cleaner Tukang Bersih-Bersih 51 Comedian Pelawak 52 Comic Artist Komikus 53 Composer Penyusun 54 Computer Engineer Insinyur Komputer 55 Conductor (Orchestral)Konduktor 56 Conductor (Tram/Bus) Supir Bus 57 Confectioner PembuatKue dan Manisan 58 Cook Koki 59 Dancer Penari 60 Debt Collector Penagih Hutang
  • 28. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 28 16.VocabularyaboutFamily Grandparents = Kakek-nenek • Grandfather = Kakek • Grandmother = Nenek • Husband = Suami • Wife = Istri • Parent = Orang tua • Father = Ayah • Mother = Ibu • Daughter = Anak perempuan • Son = Anak laki-laki • Sister = Saudara pr • Brother = Saudara lk • Granddaughter = Cucu pr • Grandson = Cucu lk • Uncle = Paman • Aunt = Bibi • Niece = Keponakan pr • Nephew = Keponakan lk • Cousin = Sepupu • Parent-in-law = Mertua • Son-in-law = Menantu lk • Daughter-in-law = Menantu pr • Step child = Anak tiri • Stepson = Anak tiri lk • Stepdaughter = Anak tiri pr • Adoption = Adopsi • adoptive father = Ayah dari adopsi • adoptive mother = Ibu dari adopsi • ancestor = nenek moyang, leluhur • bachelor = perjaka • birth mother = ibu kandung • blood relative = kerabat sedarah • bride = pengantin pr • bridegroom = pengantin lk • brotherhood = persaudaraan • brotherly = (bersifat) persaudaraan • brother-in-law = Saudara ipar lk • care-giver = orang yang mengurus anggota keluarga • child = anak • childhood = masa anak-anak • children (jamak dari child) = anak-anak • clan = klan (keluarga besar) • close-knit = hubungan erat • connection = koneksi, hubungan • dad = Ayah • daddy = ayah • descendant = keturunan, anak-cucu • divorce = perceraian • engaged = bertunangan • engagement = tunangan • estranged = diasingkan • ex- = mantan, bekas • ex husband = mantan suami • ex wife = mantan istri • extended family = keluarga besar • family tree = pohon keluarga • fiancée = pasangan tunangan • flesh and blood = darah daging • folks = sanak saudara • foster child = anak angkat • foster father = ayah angkat
  • 29. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 29 • foster mother = ibu angkat • foster parent = orang tua angkat • fraternal = persaudaraan • friend = teman • fraternal twin = saudara kembar • genealogy = silsilah keturunan • grandpa = kakek • grandma = nenek • granny = nenek • great-granddaughter = cicit pr (anak dari cucu) • great-grandfather = buyut lk • great-grandmother = buyut pr • great-grandparent = buyut • great-grandson = cicit lk (anak dari cucu) • great-aunt = bibi dari orang tua • great-uncle = paman dari orang tua • groom = mempelai lk • grown up = dewasa • heir = ahli waris • heiress = ahli waris pr. • Helpmate = pembantu (suami istri) • Hereditary = turun-temurun • Heritage = warisan • History = sejarah • Home = rumah • Household = rumah tangga • identical twin = kembar identik • inherit = mewarisi, ahli waris • inheritance = warisan • infant = bayi baru lahir • infancy = masa bayi • juvenile = anak muda, remaja • kin = kerabat, sanak famili • kindred = keluarga • kinfolk = kerabat • kinship = kekerabatan • kith = kenalan-kenalan, handai taulan, sanak keluarga • lineage = garis silsilah keluarga • love = cinta, kasih sayang • loyalty = kesetiaan • maiden name = nama gadis • mama = ibu • marriage = pernikahan • mate = kawan, kerabat, pasangan, dsb. • Maternal = keibuan, berhubungan dengan ibu • Matriarch = ibu sebagai pemimpin keluarga • Matrimony = ikatan suci pernikahan • Minor = orang yang belum dewasa • Miss = nona • Mom = Ibu • Mommy = Ibu • Monogamy = pernikahan tunggal (beristri satu) • Mother = ibu • Mr. = Tuan • Mrs. = Nyonya • Ms. = Nona • Natal = Kelahiran • Newlywed = Pasangan baru menikah • nuclear family = keluarga inti • nuptial = berhubungan dengan pernikahan • nurture = pengasuhan • offspring = keturunan • orphan = yatim-piatu
  • 30. LKP EFB - CLUB Page 30 • papa = Ayah • partner = Rekan • paternal = berhubungan dengan Ayah • patriarch = ayah sebagai kepala keluarga • pop = Ayah (panggilan) • posterity = anak-cucu • progenitor = nenek moyang • progeny = anak-cucu, keturunan • quadruplets = kembar empat • quints = kembar lima • quintuplets = kembar lima • related = berhubunagan erat • relations = relasi, hubungan • relative = sanak kerabat • second cousin = sepupu kedua • senior = senior • separation = perceraian • sibling = saudara kandung • single =lajang • sisterhood = persaudaraan • sisterly = (bersifat) persaudaraan • spouse = pasangan (suami atau istri) • stepbrother = saudara tiri lk. • stepdad = Ayah tiri • stepdaughter = anak tiri pr. • Stepfather = Ayah tiri • Stepmom = ibu tiri • Stepmother = ibu tiri • Stepsister = saudara perempuan • Stepson = anak tiri lk. • surrogate mother = wali pr. • Tribe = suku • Triplets = kembar tiga • Trust = kepercayaan • Trustworthy = dapat dipercaya • twin brother = saudara kembar lk. • twin sister = saudara kembar pr. • Twins = saudara kembar • Wedding = pernikahan • Wedlock = ikatan pernikahan • Wife = istri • Youth = kaum muda