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US 20050106298A1
(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2005/0106298 A1
(19) United States
Moser et al. (43) Pub. Date: May 19, 2005
(76) Inventors: T. Douglas Moser, Genesee, ID (US);
Shane C. Moser, Genesee, ID (US);
Foster C. Cronyn, Eagle, ID (US);
Vernon Hawks, Centralia, WA (US)
Correspondence Address:
SUITE 2800
SEATTLE, WA 98101-2347 (US)
(21) Appl. No.: 10/714,446
(22) Filed: Nov. 14, 2003
Publication Classi?cation
(51) Int. Cl? ...................................................... .. A23P 1/00
(52) Us. 01. .............................................................. 426/481
The present invention relates to methods and apparatuses for
processing podded vegetables including green Cicer beans.
Green Cicer beans are commonly referred to as chickpeas
and come in tWo varieties, Desi-type and Kabuli-type. The
Kabuli-type of chickpeas are commonly referred to as
garbanZo beans. Until the present invention, there Was no
commercial method or apparatus for post-harvest processing
of green Cicer beans. The present invention can relate not
only to post-harvest processing of green Cicer beans but any
podded produce Where there is a need to separate unwanted
material from the green produce. Apparatuses and methods
of the present invention permit secondary processing of
podded vegetables to increase overall groWer yield. Addi
tionally, methods according to the present invention, dis
close desired dWell times and blanching temperatures for the
deactivation of enZymes that can damage green produce or
render it unsaleable.
Patent Application Publication May 19, 2005 Sheet 1 0f 6 US 2005/0106298 A1
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Patent Application Publication May 19, 2005 Sheet 2 0f 6 US 2005/0106298 A1
Patent Application Publication May 19, 2005 Sheet 3 0f 6 US 2005/0106298 A1
Patent Application Publication May 19, 2005 Sheet 4 0f 6 US 2005/0106298 A1
Patent Application Publication May 19, 2005 Sheet 5 0f 6 US 2005/0106298 A1
Patent Application Publication May 19, 2005 Sheet 6 0f 6 US 2005/0106298 A1
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US 2005/0106298 A1
[0001] The present invention relates to processing green
produce generally, and speci?cally to methods, apparatus,
and systems for post-harvest processing of podded produce
including green Cicer beans.
[0002] Cicer beans (Cicer arietinum) are a high value crop
adapted Well for both dry land and irrigated cropping
regions. Cicer beans are also knoWn as chickpeas or hum
mus beans and they are an annual grain legume or “pulse
crop” that originated in the Fertile Crescent of the Near East.
Cicer beans Were one of the ?rst legumes cultivated by
humans, dating to 7,000-6,000 B.C. Pulse crops, like Cicer
beans, dry beans, dry peas, fava beans, lentils, and lupin,
Work With rhiZobia bacteria to convert nitrogen from the
atmosphere into nitrogen nodules on the plant roots. This
process increases soil fertility in rotation With other crops
such as Wheat, barley and other cereal grains. Cicer beans
are classi?ed as “Desi” or “Kabuli” types based in part on
seed siZe, color, thickness of the seed coat, and shape of the
seed coat. Desi seed-types produce smaller seeds, generally
100 or more seeds per ounce When dried While Kabuli
seed-types When dried can be as large as 38-40 seeds per
ounce. Cicer beans have a thick and irregular-shaped seed
coat Which can range in color When dried from light tan to
black. Popularly referred to as the “garbanZo bean,” Kabuli
types produce larger seeds and have a seed coat With a
paper-like thickness. Kabuli-types produce seeds With colors
that range When dried from White to a pale cafe cream
colored tan.
[0003] World production of the Cicer bean is roughly three
times that of lentils and peas. Among other pulse crops
marketed as human food, World Cicer bean consumption is
second only to dry beans. Turkey, Australia, Syria, Mexico,
Argentina, and Canada are the major Cicer bean exporters
around the World. About 90% of Cicer beans, the majority of
Which are Desi-types, are consumed in India. Historically,
North American Cicer bean production Was con?ned to
California and to a lesser extent, the Paci?c NorthWest.
Recently, Cicer bean production has expanded into the
northern Great Plains regions of Canada and the United
[0004] Cicer bean plants are erect With primary, secondary
and tertiary branching, resembling a small bush. They ?oWer
profusely and have an indeterminate groWth habit, continu
ing to ?oWer and set pods as long as conditions are favor
able. Pod set occurs on the primary and secondary branches
and on the main stem. The individual round pods generally
contain one seed in Kabuli-types and often tWo seeds in
Desi-types. Cicer bean stems, leaves and seed pods are
covered With small hair-like glandular structures that secrete
malic and oxalate acids, Which deter insect pests. Insect
problems on Cicer beans have been minimal and insecticide
applications generally have not been necessary.
[0005] Commercial Cicer bean production has heretofore
been limited to dry beans, typically harvested at about 10%
moisture When, for example, the Kabuli-type bean obtains a
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characteristic yelloWish cream color. Crop loss can be high
because sWathing or other traditional combining techniques
cut the dry Cicer bean plant at its stock and combines
traditionally used for harvesting cereal crops are used to
depod the product. Yield losses of up to 33% are not
uncommon. Furthermore, the dry Cicer bean must undergo
extensive rehydration in some instances for canning and
transportation to World markets. Cicer beans are often dam
aged during dry harvesting and processing through breakage
of the brittle bean’s characteristic small protruding beak-like
structure, substantially reducing the economic value of the
[0006] In some areas of the World, green Cicer beans are
harvested by hand and thereafter depodded by hand for fresh
consumption. The green Cicer bean is a valuable crop both
for its higher nutritional quality than that of the dry Cicer
bean and its characteristic sWeet taste and texture. World
produce markets have experienced an increased demand for
organic green produce, Which, in turn, has increased market
demand for the green Cicer bean. The knoWn art lacks a
commercially viable Way to satisfy market demand for the
green Cicer bean due primarily to agronomic, harvesting and
processing challenges associated With commercial produc
tion of green Cicer beans.
[0007] The majority of Cicer beans are groWn in arid areas
of the World subjecting the crop to high temperatures during
green harvest time. Green Cicer beans are highly susceptible
to carameliZation prior to harvest and processing. Caramel
iZation is the process by Which sugars in the green Cicer
beans are scorched by high ambient temperatures. Caramel
iZation of the green Cicer bean can occur at temperatures of
95° F. and higher. Scorched sugars in the green Cicer bean
completely change the taste, color, and nutritional value of
the product and render it commercially useless as a green
commodity. If the green Cicer bean is exposed to caramel
iZation temperatures, it may only be sold as a sub-standard
dried commodity.
[0008] Commercial production of the green Cicer bean
presents numerous other challenges apart from carameliZa
tion. The green Cicer bean pod is tight and leathery, requir
ing extensive gentle threshing in order to depod the product
Without damaging bean structure. KnoWn threshing methods
fail to open the leathery pod or otherWise remove the pod
Without damaging the green product. Because of the unique
shape of the Cicer bean, various threshing challenges are
created in order to preserve all features of the shape includ
ing the characteristic small protruding beak-like structure. In
addition, the green Cicer bean is maturing in the ?eld daily
and is especially susceptible to change in color, texture and
?avor. Accordingly, food processors and groWers face a
challenge to produce a marketable product that must be
preserved at the peak of quality; as Well as harvested and
shipped to food processing plants under time-constrained
circumstances. Moreover, processing green Cicer beans pre
sents additional challenges related to the siZe of the green
product. For example, Desi and Kabuli-types vary Widely in
siZe, hoWever, both varieties reach maturity at the same time.
The green Cicer bean also presents additional challenges to
food processors in never-before-seen leaf trash, stem trash,
& pods.
[0009] The invention includes methods of processing
green Cicer beans including the steps of delivering the Cicer
US 2005/0106298 A1
beans to a ?rst processing line and thereafter separating
unwanted material from the Cicer beans through the use of
at least one vibrating screen and at least one ?otation Washer.
A method of the present invention also includes a step of
blanching the green Cicer beans for a predetermined tem
perature and for a predetermined dWell time and further
includes freeZing the green Cicer beans and grading the
green Cicer beans according to consumer criteria. Addition
ally, a method of the invention includes packaging the green
Cicer beans for storage and sale in consumer markets.
[0010] Methods of the present invention also include the
steps of delivering the harvested green Cicer beans to a
processing line, separating unWanted material from the
Cicer beans, blanching the Cicer beans for a predetermined
temperature for a predetermined dWell time, dehydrating the
Cicer beans, grading the Cicer beans according to consumer
criteria, and packaging the Cicer beans for storage and sale
in consumer markets.
[0011] The invention also includes systems for processing
green vegetables including a ?otation Washer in ?uid com
munication With primary processing line. A system of the
invention includes an adjustable screen that is generally
positioned in a horiZontal plane and has a plurality of
adjustable openings that can be selectively adjusted based on
the relative siZes of vegetables to be processed.
[0012] The invention also includes apparatuses for pro
cessing green vegetables including an adjustable screen. An
adjustable screen useable With principles of the invention is
positioned generally in a horiZontal plane. The adjustable
screen also includes a plurality of adjustable openings that
are selectively adjusted based on the relative siZes of veg
etables to be processed.
[0013] The invention also includes methods for processing
green vegetables including the step of separating unWanted
material from the vegetables to be processed through the use
of an adjustable screen Wherein the adjustable screen has a
plurality of openings and Wherein the plurality of openings
are adapted to be selectively adjusted based on the relative
siZes of vegetables to be processed.
[0014] The foregoing aspects and many of the attendant
advantages of this invention Will become more readily
appreciated as the same become better understood by ref
erence to the folloWing detailed description, When taken in
conjunction With the accompanying draWings, Wherein:
[0015] FIG. 1 is a ?oW diagram of a general method for
processing green Cicer beans in accordance With one
embodiment of the present invention;
[0016] FIG. 2 is a schematic representation of a system for
processing green Cicer beans in accordance With one
embodiment of the present invention;
[0017] FIG. 3 is a ?oW diagram of a method for cleaning
green Cicer beans in accordance With one embodiment of
the present invention incorporating a primary and secondary
processing line;
[0018] FIG. 4 is an isometric vieW of a louvered screen
utiliZed by the system shoWn in FIG. 2 for processing green
Cicer beans in accordance With one embodiment of the
present invention;
May 19, 2005
[0019] FIG. 5A is an isometric vieW of a portion of the
louvered screen depicted in FIG. 4 shoWing individual
louvers in more detail;
[0020] FIG. 5B is an isometric vieW of a portion of a
louvered screen useable With one embodiment of the inven
tion, shoWing serrated louvers;
[0021] FIG. 6 is a planar side vieW of a portion of the
louvered screen depicted in FIG. 4; and
[0022] FIG. 7 is another side planar vieW of a portion of
the louvered screen depicted in FIG. 4, shoWing the lou
vered screen in another position.
[0024] Packaged fresh vegetables are brought to the con
sumer in a variety of Ways and must meet consumer demand
for safety, convenience and nutrition. Some processing
methods include canning, freeZing, refrigeration, dehydra
tion (drying), and aseptic processing, such as purifying,
pasteuriZing, and placing product in preservative containers
such as boXes or bags.
I. Green Cicer Bean Processing Generally
[0025] Processed fresh vegetables should be harvested at
their peak of freshness so that certain desirable traits can be
preserved. An important aspect of processing fresh veg
etables and delivering the commodity to market involves
systems designed to rid the produce of harmful bacteria that
can cause illnesses. Heat treatments such as pasteuriZation
and blanching Work to rid organisms of harmful bacteria and
further help to lock in freshness by inhibiting enZyme
activity on the vegetables or produce.
[0026] One signi?cant risk associated With the commer
cial production of the green Cicer bean is the loss of sugars
in the green commodity due to sugar consumption during
respiration and sugar overconversion to starch. At room
temperature, some fresh vegetables liberate heat at a rate of
127,000 kilojoules per ton, per day. Since heat further
deteriorates the product and speeds microorganism groWth,
harvested green Cicer beans should be held at cool tempera
tures after harvesting and processed as soon as reasonably
possible. Refrigeration or general cooling does not com
pletely prevent deterioration of the crop. Refrigeration of the
green produce can sloW the process of conversion from
sugar to starch; hoWever, there is still change that takes place
When the produce is under refrigeration. The continual loss
of Water by harvested green Cicer beans due to transpiration,
respiration and physical drying of cut surfaces results in the
Wilting, loss of plumpness and loss of Weight, or all of the
[0027] To ensure a steady supply of top quality produce
during the harvesting period, commercial production of the
green Cicer bean requires that certain agronomic practices
be folloWed such that groWing and spacing of the plantings
alloWs the green Cicer beans to mature in rhythm With
processing plant capabilities. Suitable methods for planting
Cicer beans such that harvest of the green product can be
timed With processing plant capabilities are disclosed by
US. application Ser. No. (Attorney Docket No.
TDMF-1-21766) ?led concurrently With the present appli
cation and hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.
One goal of Cicer bean production as a green commodity is
US 2005/0106298 A1
to minimize stockpiling and the need for cold storage and to
also minimize the risks associated With storing the green
Cicer bean after harvesting but before processing.
[0028] In some areas, liquid nitrogen cooled trucks and/or
hydro-cooling stations may be provided for the transporta
tion or storage of fresh produce to the processing plants or
directly to market. Upon arrival of green Cicer beans at the
processing plant, cleaning and grading operations are per
formed using equipment, and, in some capacity, hand labor
is used to inspect the product and grade the product as
discussed further beloW.
[0030] FIG. 1 depicts a method 10 suitable for processing
green Cicer beans in accordance With one embodiment of
the present invention. While generally, method 10 could be
used (according to separate parameters) for processing green
peas or sWeet corn, the inventors have improved upon
knoWn methods and have developed preferred operating
parameters for determining ideal maturity, grading, blanch
ing, dehydrating, and increasing overall yields to accommo
date the green Cicer bean, as discussed further beloW.
II. Methods of Processing Green Cicer Beans
[0031] The processing method 10 begins With taking a
?eld tenderometer reading 12. A food processor and/or
groWer may conduct ?eld tenderometer readings 12 to
determine Whether a given stand is ready for harvest.
Whether a given stand is ready for harvest is determined
according to data collected regarding desired maturity levels
as driven by consumer preference. The ?eld tenderometer
can be any tenderometer such as those available from Food
Technology Corporation, Model TU12, Which is a portable
?eld tenderometer typically used for reading maturity of
green peas. FolloWing an initial ?eld tenderometer reading
12, a decision to harvest the green Cicer beans is made based
on desired tenderometer readings 14. The inventors have
observed that a good maturity for commercial production of
the green Cicer bean equates to a tenderometer reading
betWeen 91 and 149, With a more favorable maturity equal
ing a tenderometer reading betWeen 118 and 122. The
desired tenderometer reading 14 may vary depending on
consumer preference. If it is foreseeable that a certain
allotment of the harvest Will need to be stored prior to
processing or if a given harvest Will need to be transported
distances greater than 75 miles to the processing plant, it is
desirable that the green Cicer beans are kept cool after
harvest and transported through the use of refrigerated
trucks or that other methods such as hydro-cooling are used
to prevent against spoilage of the crop after harvest.
[0032] Adecision 14 to harvest 16 Will be made upon data
collected from the tenderometer readings and predetermined
tenderometer values Which can be driven by a variety of
factors relating to processing capability, processing timing,
and consumer preference. Once the decision to harvest 16 is
made, a given stand of green Cicer beans are harvested and
the harvested product is loaded in transportation containers
18 and delivered to a processing plant 20. Depending on the
distance to the processing plant 20 and any other factors that
may affect the time necessary to reach a given processing
plant, the storage of the harvested product may be accom
panied by cold refrigeration and/or other cooling methods
designed to protect the green product from spoilage in the
?eld prior to processing. After the green product is delivered
to the processing plant 20, the green product is Weighed 21
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and cleaned 22. Weighing step 21 records a gross Weight on
delivery Which can be compared to a second Weight taken at
Weighing step 28, after the product has been cleaned 22. The
Weight recorded at Weighing step 28 is the yield Weight used
by most processors to determine crop value because it
records a Weight of the green product after unWanted mate
rials have been removed. Cleaning 22 separates unWanted
material from the green product. Such unWanted material
includes dirt, rocks, stones, leaf and stem trash, and essen
tially any material other than the green Cicer bean itself.
[0033] The process of cleaning 22 the product can take on
a variety of permutations. FIG. 1 uses a dotted line 24 to
indicate that the cleaning step 22 can take on a variety of
permutations. Cleaning separates material from the harvest
that is not comprised of podded green Cicer beans. Accord
ingly, green Cicer beans that Were not successfully removed
from their pods at harvest may be separated during cleaning
step 22 along With dirt, stones, leaf trash, and stem trash. A
method for cleaning 22 the product in accordance With one
embodiment of the present invention is depicted in FIG. 3
and Will be described in more detail beloW With reference to
that ?gure.
[0034] With continuing reference to FIG. 1, after the
product is cleaned 22, it is put through a series of deWatering
stations 26. The deWatering step 26 is accomplished gener
ally through methods of placing the cleaned green product
on screens and vibrating the product at a rate suf?cient to
remove Water from the product. Suf?cient rates of vibration
range betWeen 10 and 20 rpms. After deWatering 26, the
green product is Weighed 28. The step of Weighing 28 is the
point at Which the food processor Will record a harvest yield,
and pay the groWer based on this Weight. Weights recorded
at Weighing step 28 can be compared to those recorded at
Weighing step 21 to help determine harvest efficiencies. If
the Weight recorded at Weighing step 28 is not substantially
less than the Weight recorded at Weighing step 21, the
harvest Was relatively ef?cient because it Was delivered
substantially free from unWanted material removed during
cleaning step 22.
[0035] FolloWing the Weighing step 28, the product is put
through a series of blanching apparatuses for a blanching
step 30. Blanching 30 is a preservation process Whereby the
product is partially cooked by immersion in hot Water,
eXposed to steam, or exposed to some other energy intensive
process. Water blanching is generally of the immersion-type
or spray-type as the product moves on a conveyor. Steam
blanching often involves belt or chain conveyors upon
Which the product moves through a tunnel containing live
steam. Other methods of blanching include hot gas blanch
ing and microWave blanching. Blanching can account for as
high as one third of the total energy required for processing
the green product.
[0036] During the blanching process 30, certain enZymes
having the potential to cause ?avor and teXtural changes
should be inactivated. The blanching process 32 inactivates
oXidative enZymes such as catalase, peroxidase, polyphe
noloXidase, ascorbic acid oXidase, and lipoXygenase. The
adequacy of blanching is based on inactivation of one or
more of such enZymes. When the unblanched tissue is
disrupted or bruised and eXposed to air, the aforementioned
enZymes come in contact With substrates causing softening,
discoloration, and potentially the production of off-?avors.
US 2005/0106298 A1
Since enzyme activity can potentially occur during the
period prior to freezing, it is most often desirable to blanch
the green commodity in order to prevent quality deteriora
tion. Although the primary purpose of blanching is enZyme
inactivation, there are several other bene?ts to blanching 30.
Blanching cleanses the product, decreases the microbial
load, and preheats the product before further processing. The
mild heat treatment of blanching may also soften the green
product, facilitating compact packing if such is desired.
Intercellular gases in the raW green product are also expelled
during blanching, preventing excessive pressure build-up in
containers and alloWing for improved heat transfer during
other steps of heat processing. Consequently, high vacuum
can be achieved in the ?nal product as Well as a reduction in
internal container corrosion. HoWever, some Water-soluble
nutrients such as ascorbic acid are lost during blanching 30.
[0037] The inventors have observed favorable blanch
times for the green Cicer beans of betWeen 1 and 5 minutes
at temperatures betWeen about 90° F. and 210° F. Still
another favorable blanch time and temperature observed by
the inventors comprises a blanching dWell time of three
minutes and blanching temperatures betWeen about 190° F.
and 195° F.
[0038] With continuing reference to FIG. 1, after the
blanching step 30, the green product to be processed can be
inspected by hand on the processing line 32. This inspection
32 can be done visually to separate damaged or otherWise
unWanted materials from the processed batch. Additionally
or alternatively, line inspection 32 can be conducted through
the use of knoWn machine vision techniques and appara
tuses. A suitable machine vision apparatus useable With this
particular embodiment could employ a laser or “electronic
eye” or optionally, the machine vision apparatus could use
a digital camera or analog camera, or any other means for
assessing and collecting data regarding siZe of the product or
other attributes such as color and structure. The green
product is inspected according to a predetermined desirable
siZe or color and therein separation can be done through
mechanical or other means including pressuriZed air directed
in a stream to separate unWanted beans or other material
from the green product. FolloWing line inspection 32, the
product can be further preserved by a ?ash-freeZing tunnel
Wherein the product is spread on conveyors and individually
?ash-froZen prior to packing. Optionally, a second inspec
tion is conducted after freeZing to ascertain the individual
character of each froZen processed product and to detect
unWanted clumping or unsuccessful individual freeZing in
the batch of green product processed. UnWanted froZen
green product is separated manually or by other mechanical
means and potentially, detection of unWanted froZen green
product is done by machine vision.
[0039] FolloWing freeZing 34, the product is graded 36
according to consumer-speci?ed criteria relating to tender
ness, texture, color, and similar attributes. Consumer-grade
green Cicer beans should be of an even green color When
thaWed and should have the characteristic beak-like struc
ture of the bean intact. Regarding color, the thaWed bean
should not have a color substantially different from the color
observed at harvest. The seed coat of the processed and
thaWed green Cicer bean should be substantially undamaged
and the bean should generally be free of any nicks, cuts,
scrapes or the like. Further, the tenderness of the processed
green Cicer bean should be similar to the tenderness
May 19, 2005
observed prior to harvest as read by the ?eld tenderometer.
In one embodiment, tenderness of the green Cicer beans
folloWing processing is graded by comparing tenderometer
readings, batch by batch, to tenderometer readings observed
in the ?eld. Accordingly, a suitable grading scheme for the
green Cicer bean in accordance With the disclosed process
ing method includes measurements of tenderness, color,
seed structure, condition of the seed coat, and taste. Based
on these criteria, grading schemes ranging from the highest
grade to the loWest acceptable consumer grade may be
assigned to the processed beans. After a batch has been
graded 36, the product is then packaged 38 and delivered to
markets or stored for subsequent sale and delivery.
[0040] As an alternative to freeZing 34, the green Cicer
beans may be preserved by dehydration. The inventors have
determined favorable dehydration parameters for the green
Cicer bean. According to methods and apparatuses of the
present invention, favorable dehydration parameters for the
green Cicer bean should yield about 3.5 pounds of dehy
drated green Cicer beans upon processing about 11 pounds
of harvested green Cicer beans. Put another Way, dehydra
tion of the green Cicer bean may be conducted such that ?nal
Weight of the dehydrated product is approximately 12% of
the initial fresh Weight. The inventors have also observed
favorable initial temperature times for dehydration betWeen
about 120° F. and 190° F. With still another preferred
temperature range initially being betWeen about 165° F. to
169° F. Favorable ?nal dehydration temperatures for the
green Cicer bean range betWeen about 120° F. and 190° F.
With still another favorable range for dehydration of the
green Cicer bean being betWeen about 138° F. and 142° F.
Favorable moisture content for the dehydrated green Cicer
bean product according to the disclosed embodiments is
betWeen about 1% and 10% moisture content With still
another favorable range of acceptable moisture content for
the dehydrated green Cicer bean being betWeen about 4%
and 6%. Finally, preferred dWell times for dehydration of the
green Cicer bean are betWeen about 2 and 10 hours With still
another favorable dWell time being betWeen about 3.5 and
4.5 hours. DWell time Will naturally vary based on initial and
?nal temperatures as discussed With reference to the pre
ferred values previously. The present invention accordingly
is not limited to the described temperatures and dWell times
and one of ordinary skill in the art Will appreciate that dWell
time can be varied With a corresponding change in initial or
?nal dehydration temperature.
[0041] With reference noW to FIG. 2, one embodiment of
a suitable system for processing green Cicer beans is
explained. The embodiment depicted by FIG. 2 includes an
initial conveyor belt 46 responsible for transporting green
Cicer beans (or any other podded produce) to bucket eleva
tor 48 after the harvested beans are dropped off at the
processing plant. A typical green Cicer bean harvest Will be
comprised mostly of depodded green Cicer beans (i.e., green
Cicer beans that have been shelled or “depodded” through
mechanical threshing techniques). Suitable mechanical
threshing techniques for the green Cicer bean are described
in concurrently ?led application Ser. No. (Attorney
Docket No. TDMF-1-21765) and that application is hereby
incorporated by reference in its entirety. In any mechanical
harvest of a leguminous crop, it is not uncommon to collect
“unthreshed” product, or product that is still securely held
Within a pod. In addition to unthreshed beans, a harvested
green Cicer crop delivered to a processing plant Will have
US 2005/0106298 A1
dirt, stones, and other debris, including leaf trash and stem
trash Which must be separated from the threshed green Cicer
beans prior to Weighing the load to determine yield. Tradi
tional processing of green legumes does not provide an
opportunity to increase yields by offering a second chance to
depod or thresh the product after harvest and delivery to a
processing plant. Green Cicer beans Within the tight leathery
pod capture air and ?oat. Consequently, there is an oppor
tunity for secondary processing, through Which yields may
be increased by removing pods from podded produce after
delivery to the processing plant. Methods for secondary
processing, including depodding the un-threshed Cicer
beans at a secondary processing line, are part of the inven
tion and are described in greater detail With reference to
FIG. 3.
[0042] With continuing reference to FIG. 2, the speci?c
arrangements of the conveyor belts do not limit the inven
tion. One of ordinary skill Will appreciate that there can be
a variety of Ways to move the green product through the
processing line. According to the embodiment depicted in
FIG. 2, hoWever, green Cicer beans are transported by
conveyor belt 46 and dumped into bucket elevator 48. While
in bucket elevator 48, a machine vision apparatus 50 is
placed in a position to monitor and read product attributes
such as siZe and color and relay this information to a central
processing unit 52 by Way of netWork connection 51. As
brie?y mentioned above, a suitable machine vision appara
tus usable With this particular embodiment could employ a
laser or “electronic eye” or optionally, the machine vision
apparatus could utiliZe a digital camera or analog camera, or
any other means for assessing and collecting data regarding
siZe and color of the green product. Using siZe information
read by machine vision apparatus 50, the central processing
unit 52 determines the appropriate apertures for a ?lter
comprised of a screen 54 and communicates this information
via netWork connection 53. Screen 54 is adjustable in
response to siZe data relayed by central processing unit 52
such that the apertures of screen 54 are adjusted to permit
passage of green Cicer beans therethrough and into Water
container 58. A suitable screen 54 usable With the depicted
embodiment is described in greater detail With teXt refer
encing FIGS. 4-7 beloW. In general, a suitable screen 54 can
be constructed through the use of a plurality of elongated
louver elements disposed in parallel, pivoting about a plu
rality of base aXis points 104. The screen 54 may thereby
operate like a horiZontally disposed shutter, creating a
variety of variable apertures or openings through Which
green Cicer beans can be ?ltered and dropped through to
container 58, and thus, be separated from larger materials
such as leaf and stem trash Which cannot pass through the
screen 54. The apertures or louver elements 102 of louvered
screen 54 (depicted in FIGS. 4-7) are selectively adjusted
based on the relative siZes of the vegetables to be processed,
i.e., the openings betWeen the plurality of louver elements
102 Will vary to permit vegetables of a desired siZe to pass
[0043] With continuing reference to FIG. 2, a negative air,
hooded bloWer 56 is situated near the point at Which the
produce is dumped onto adjustable louvered screen 54.
Hooded bloWer 56 uses negative air to pull Cicer beans and
other trash upWardly. Through a negative air sucking force,
lighter materials are removed from the produce to be pro
cessed. Furthermore, green product to be processed is sub
stantially evenly miXed and substantially evenly dispersed
May 19, 2005
onto screen 54 by being ?rst pulled from bucket elevator 48
at point 49, potentially striking a screen 57, prior to being
dispersed onto screen 54. The negative air force helps to
evenly miX the produce prior to dispersement onto screen
54, Which Will occur after gravity acts upon heavier elements
of the produce. It is desirable that the amount of negative air
moving through bloWer 56 be suf?cient in strength to miX
the product and thoroughly disperse the product onto screen
54; hoWever, these forces should not be strong enough to
actually pull green Cicer beans through hooded bloWer 56.
Through the use of a negative air, hooded bloWer 56 and
screen 57, the hood and screen Will remove lighter trash and
disperse the remaining, heavier product substantially evenly
on screen 54.
[0044] Water container 58 is situated to clean the green
produce that passes through adjustable screen 54 by permit
ting heavy, unWanted material to sink. A heavier unWanted
material that sinks Within Water 58 includes rocks and stones
Which sink at a faster rate than podded green Cicer beans
Which are permitted to ?oW into a ?otation Washer device
60. The ?otation Washer device 60 utiliZes Water connected
to a pumping source and the Water 62 ?oWs through the
?otation tank 64 and onto a deWatering screen 66 Where
Water is removed from the product prior to Weighing. A
suitable ?otation Washer device 60 usable With the depicted
embodiment is available from the Olney Company, Model
60, Which employs a 60-inch Wide tank and has a capacity
of seven tons of produce per hour. A ?otation Washer 60
usable With the present invention may be equipped With a
6x6 pump and a ?otation tank 64 and a recovery tank 67.
[0045] Water container 58 can also be in ?uid communi
cation With a secondary processing line, explained more
fully beloW With reference to FIG. 3. Secondary processing
as explained beloW can include a depodding station 68
Whereby ?oating debris including unpodded green Cicer
beans can be liberated from their pods and returned to
conveyor 46 for further processing.
[0046] With reference noW to FIG. 3, a ?oW diagram
shoWing a method 70 for cleaning green Cicer beans in
accordance With one embodiment of the present invention is
depicted. The method 70 begins by reading siZe data 72 of
the green Cicer beans to be processed. As mentioned pre
viously, siZe data 72 can be read through the use of a
machine vision apparatus 50 (depicted in FIG. 2 schemati
cally). Additionally, machine vision techniques can be used
to read color or any other attributes readable by a machine.
Data read by a machine vision apparatus is then processed
by a central processing unit 52 (also depicted schematically
by FIG. 2). Once siZe data 72 is read, a decision 74 to adjust
the screen is made. The decision 74 to adjust the louver
elements of screen 54 is based on the siZe of the green Cicer
beans to be processed and Will in general adjust 76 the
louver elements 102 of screen 54 to a distance permitting
Cicer beans to pass therethrough and to also catch larger
unWanted materials and prevent the same from passing
therethrough. The decision 74 to adjust 76 could be based on
siZe data capturing, for eXample, 100% of the green Cicer
beans. In other Words, an adjustment suf?cient to permit the
passage of up to 100% of the green Cicer beans could be
made, or alternatively another smaller portion of the green
Cicer beans could be separated if it is determined that only
smaller green Cicer beans are to be processed at a given
point in processing. A desirable portion could for eXample
US 2005/0106298 A1
equal only 10% of an allotment of green Cicer beans to be
processed or, for example 90%. Aplurality of screens such
as screen 54 may be disposed at various points in processing
to sort and separate various siZes of green product for further
processing on a siZe-speci?c basis. The decision 74 to adjust
76 is therefore varied depending on the desired portion of
green Cicer beans to be separated. If data regarding siZe
indicates that the louver elements 102 of screen 54 are at a
sufficient level of opening to accommodate the current
desired siZe of green Cicer beans to be processed, no
adjustment is needed.
[0047] If the screen 54 does not require adjustment, or
after the screen is adjusted 76, a decision 79 to enter
secondary processing is made. As noted above, there is an
opportunity to increase yields by offering a second (or
perhaps third, fourth, etc.) opportunity to depod the product.
Accordingly, if a decision 79 to enter secondary processing
is made, the green product is subject to an extraction process
80, more speci?cally, ?oating debris found on a body of
?oating Water located beloW adjustable screen 54 in Water
container 58 or ?otation Washer 60 is extracted. If, hoWever,
decision 79 indicates that secondary processing is not nec
essary, dirt and stones Will be separated from the green
product through use of a ?otation Washer 60, discussed
above. FolloWing separation of dirt and stones 92, the green
Cicer beans are placed on a deWatering screen and deWa
tered 94.
[0048] Returning to block 80 of FIG. 3, ?oating debris
including unthreshed green Cicer beans (Which ?oat) may be
extracted 80 using a variety of mechanical means Which can
optionally scrape the ?oating debris from the surface of
Water or alternatively divert a portion of the Water also
carrying ?oating debris and unthreshed green Cicer beans.
The ?oating debris is then directed to a depodding station 82
and the produce is subsequently depodded 84 and returned
to primary processing, e.g., to the conveyor belt 46 as
indicated by loop 85. Accordingly, secondary processing,
e.g., blocks 80-84, can be carried out multiple times if
desired. Depending on the amount of unthreshed green Cicer
beans delivered to the processing plant, secondary process
ing can be used in accordance With method 70 to increase
overall groWer yield.
[0049] Once at the depodding station (depicted schemati
cally in FIG. 2 as element 68), the product is depodded.
Depodding may be accomplished through a variety of
threshing means. Example threshing means include a sieved
drum With a central beater and a variety of satellite beaters
using percussive beating devices designed to open the pods
of the green Cicer beans and liberate the green commodity.
Additional means for threshing include depodding the green
Cicer beans With blending-type apparatuses Which contain
?oating debris and unpodded Cicer beans in a container With
multiple beaters designed to open the pods through percus
sive forces While the pods and other ?oating debris are
immersed Within Water. One skilled in the art Will recogniZe
that there are a variety of Ways to depod podded produce and
that the mentioned means are not limiting.
[0050] With reference noW to FIGS. 4-7, the adjustable
louvered screen 54 is described in greater detail. As noted
above, the green product is passed through the louvered
screen 54 during processing in order to assist removal of
unusable debris and separate out podded product. Adjustable
May 19, 2005
louvered screen 54 includes a plurality of louver elements
102. Louver elements 102 are generally elongated and
disposed parallel to one another. In operation, louver ele
ments 102 are open and shut much like blinds on a WindoW
Whereby the individual louver elements 102 are rotatably
closed in shutter-like fashion and subsequently opened to
permit passage of objects therethrough.
[0051] As seen best in FIG. 5A, louver elements 102 may
have beveled top edges. Beveled top edges of louver ele
ments 102 aid in catching the green Cicer bean and permit
ting passage through the screen. A variety of angles can be
used to create a generally beveled top surface for louver
elements 102 suf?cient to catch the green Cicer bean and
permit passage of the same through screen 54. Angled top
sides 100 and 98 of the louver elements 102 in this particular
embodiment are at a 45° angle 108 from the inside surface
of the individual louver elements 102, as shoWn best by
FIG. 6, hoWever, other angles may be implemented.
[0052] In another embodiment, depicted in FIG. 5B, lou
ver elements 102 have serrated top sides 103. Serrated top
sides 103 may be con?gured or “notched” lengthWise along
louver elements 102 at pre-determined distances, such as
every 1A1 inch, thereby creating a plurality of knobs and
edges Which increases the overall surface area of the top side
of screen 54. Serrated top sides 103 can be used to help catch
green Cicer beans and direct them through screen 54.
Additionally, serrated top sides 103 can “snag” trash that
may otherWise slip through screen 54. A variety of angles
may be used to create serrated top sides 103.
[0053] Adjustable louvered screen 54 is disposed gener
ally in a horiZontal plane. The disposition of screen 54 can
be at a variety of angles off of horiZontal, so long as the
vegetables to be processed do not roll off screen 54 and are
permitted to pass through louvered elements 102. It is
important to note that louver elements 102 are just one
example of suitable means for creating a screen With adjust
able openings. For example, adjustable openings can be
created through the use of individual sieve elements that are
adjustable in a kaleidoscope, collapsible fashion.
[0054] In operation, the louvered screen 54 is actuated
through arm 112 Which is rotatably connected to louver
elements 102 at points 106. Operation of screen 54 is
depicted best in FIGS. 6 and 7 Where the arm 112 is used
to close or open the louver elements 102 about axis points
104, located on base member 110. Axis points 104 are ?xed
in both a horiZontal and vertical plane, and louver elements
102 rotate about each individual axis point 104 until a
desired aperture or opening 118 is achieved. Desired open
ing 118 creates a funnel-like opening space 120, depicted by
dotted lines in FIG. 7. Funnel-like opening space 120 is an
area Where green Cicer beans (or any other podded produce)
can be caught betWeen the beveled angle top edges 100 and
98 of the louver members 102.
[0055] When the louvered screen 54 is in a desired posi
tion, opening 118 is created based on information regarding
the siZes of green product to be processed. The opening 118
Will be of a siZe that is suitable for catching green product
among beveled tops 100 and 98 and also suitable for
directing them through a channel 116 and through the screen
54 onto a body of ?oWing Water 58 (shoWn in FIG. 2) Where
further cleaning and separating can be achieved.
[0056] With reference noW to FIG. 6, louvered screen 54
is shoWn in a fully open position. The fully open position
US 2005/0106298 A1
shown by FIG. 6 includes a channel 116 that Will be the
largest possible channel, having a distance 114 betWeen
louver elements 102. Distance 114 and consequently, chan
nel 116 can vary based on construction of the louvered
screen, and it is desirable that distance 114 be of a maximum
siZe to permit the passage of the largest varieties of green
produce being processed, such as large Kabuli-type green
Cicer beans, and to separate trash or other material intended
to be kept out of further processing stages, such as ?otation
Washing. Channel 116 can be constructed and siZed based on
distance 114 Which is determined using information about
the nature of the trash and other unWanted material to be
separated from the produce. Furthermore, channel 116 may
be of a siZe permissible to alloW unpodded produce to pass
through and be caught by Washer 58 Wherein secondary
processing, such as that described With reference to FIG. 3,
can take place. A favorable maXimum spacing for channel
116 equates to a distance 114 betWeen louver elements 102
of one inch. With further reference to FIGS. 4-7, the
adjustable louvered screen 54, constructed in accordance
With the depicted embodiment can also be connected to
vibrating mechanisms to aid passage of material through the
louvered screen 54 and onto further stages of processing.
[0057] While the preferred embodiment of the invention
has been illustrated and described, it Will be appreciated that
various changes can be made therein Without departing from
the spirit and scope of the invention.
The embodiments of the invention in Which an exclusive
property or privilege is claimed are de?ned as folloWs:
1. A method of processing green Cicer beans, the method
separating green Cicer beans from harvested green Cicer
bean product;
cleaning said green Cicer beans;
preserving said green Cicer beans;
grading said green Cicer beans according to predeter
mined criteria; and
packaging said green Cicer beans.
2. The method of claim 1, Wherein preserving said green
Cicer beans comprises blanching said green Cicer beans at
a predetermined temperature and for a predetermined dWell
3. The method of claim 2, Wherein blanching said green
Cicer beans further comprises testing for enZyme activity
after blanching and adjusting said predetermined tempera
ture during blanching based on enZyme activity.
4. The method of claim 2, Wherein blanching said green
Cicer beans comprises testing for enZyme activity after
blanching and adjusting said predetermined dWell time
during blanching according to enZyme activity.
5. The method of claim 2, Wherein said predetermined
dWell time is betWeen 1 and 5 minutes and said predeter
mined temperature is betWeen 90° F. and 210° F.
6. The method of claim 2, Wherein the predetermined
dWell time is betWeen 190° F. and 195° F. for a dWell time
of 3 minutes.
7. The method of claim 1, Wherein preserving said green
Cicer beans comprises freeZing said green Cicer beans.
8. The method of claim 1, Wherein preserving said green
Cicer beans comprises dehydrating said green Cicer beans.
May 19, 2005
9. The method of claim 1, Wherein the predetermined
criteria for grading said green Cicer beans is consumer
speci?ed criteria.
10. The method of claim 1, Wherein said green Cicer
beans are packaged for sale according to grade.
11. The method of claim 1, Wherein separating green
Cicer beans from harvested green Cicer bean product com
collecting data regarding the relative siZes of said green
Cicer beans; and
?ltering harvested green Cicer bean product to separate
green Cicer beans of at least a predetermined siZe from
the harvested green Cicer bean product.
12. The method of claim 1, Wherein cleaning said green
Cicer beans comprises:
collecting said green Cicer beans in a body of Water; and
removing any material ?oating on said body of Water.
13. The method of claim 12, further comprising repeating
the elements of claim 1 for said removed material.
14. A method of processing green Cicer beans compris
delivering harvested green Cicer bean product;
?ltering said harvested green Cicer bean product through
a vibrating screen to remove depodded green Cicer
beans from said harvested green Cicer bean product;
cleaning said depodded green Cicer beans;
preserving said depodded green Cicer beans; and
grading said depodded green Cicer beans according to
predetermined criteria.
15. The method of claim 14, further comprising collecting
siZe data for depodded green Cicer beans.
16. The method of claim 15, Wherein ?ltering said har
vested green Cicer bean product comprises adjusting said
vibrating screen according to the collected siZe data.
17. The method of claim 14, Wherein cleaning said
depodded green Cicer beans comprises:
depositing said depodded green Cicer beans in a body of
Water; and
removing any material ?oating on the body of Water,
Wherein said ?oating material may include podded
green Cicer beans.
18. The method of claim 17, further comprising depod
ding said podded green Cicer beans.
19. The method of claim 17, further comprising repeating
the elements of claim 15 for said depodded green Cicer
20. The method of claim 14, Wherein preserving said
depodded green Cicer beans comprises dehydrating said
depodded green Cicer beans.
21. The method of claim 20, Wherein said depodded green
Cicer beans are dehydrated With initial temperatures ranging
betWeen 120° F. and 190° F. and ?nal temperatures ranging
betWeen 120° F. and 190° F. With a dWell time betWeen 2 and
10 hours.
22. The method of claim 20, Wherein said depodded green
Cicer beans are dehydrated to a ?nal moisture content
betWeen 1% and 10%.
US 2005/0106298 A1
23. The method of claim 20, wherein said depodded green
Cicer beans are dehydrated to approximately 12% of an
initial product green Weight.
24. The method of claim 14, Wherein preserving said
depodded green Cicer beans comprises freezing said depod
ded green Cicer beans.
25. The method of claim 14, Wherein preserving said
depodded green Cicer beans comprises blanching said
depodded green Cicer beans.
26. A system for processing green Cicer beans compris
a ?rst processing line comprising:
an adjustable screen for ?ltering green Cicer bean
product to remove unWanted material from harvested
green Cicer bean product;
a transporter for transporting said green Cicer bean
product to said adjustable screen; and
a cleaning station positioned in suf?cient proximity to
the adjustable screen to receive ?ltered green Cicer
bean product and clean the ?ltered green Cicer bean
27. The system of claim 26, Wherein said cleaning station
comprises at least one ?oatation Washer.
28. The system of claim 27, Wherein said cleaning station
further comprises a container through Which Water ?oWs and
delivers ?ltered green Cicer bean product to the ?otation
Washer, in Which podded green Cicer bean product is sepa
rated from said ?ltered green Cicer bean product.
29. The system of claim 26, Wherein said primary pro
cessing line further comprises a machine vision device
positioned in sufficient proXimity to said transporter to read
siZe data from said green Cicer bean product.
30. The system of claim 29, Wherein said adjustable
screen in adjusted in accordance With said siZe data.
31. The system of claim 26, Wherein said adjustable
screen comprises a plurality of louvered elements.
32. The system of claim 31, Wherein each of said louvered
elements has an upper end and a loWer end, and Wherein at
least one of said louvered elements has an angled edge at the
upper end.
33. The system of claim 26, Wherein said adjustable
screen is adapted to vibrate at a pre-determined vibration
34. The system of claim 28, further comprising a second
ary processing line positioned in suf?cient proXimity to said
primary processing line to receive unWanted material for
further processing.
May 19, 2005
35. The system of claim 34, Wherein said secondary
processing line comprises a de-podder for depodding green
Cicer beans from podded green Cicer bean product.
36. An apparatus for processing green vegetable, the
apparatus comprising an adjustable screen having a plurality
of louvers, Wherein said plurality of louvers are selectively
adjusted based on the relative siZes of the green vegetables
to be processed so that green vegetables of a predetermined
siZe are alloWed to pass through said plurality of louvers.
37. The apparatus of claim 37, Wherein said adjustable
screen has a top and bottom side, said top side being the side
Which receives said green vegetables to be processed.
38. The apparatus of claim 37, Wherein at least one of said
plurality of louvers has at least one angled edge on said top
side of the adjustable screen.
39. The apparatus of claim 37, Wherein at least one of said
plurality of louvers is serrated on said top side of the
adjustable screen.
40. The apparatus of claim 37, Wherein said adjustable
screen further comprises a vibrator adapted to vibrate said
adjustable screen at a pre-determined vibration rate.
41. A method for processing green Cicer beans compris
?ltering harvested green Cicer bean product through an
adjustable screen, Wherein said adjustable screen has a
plurality of spaced louvers, and Wherein said plurality
of louvers are selectively adjusted based on the relative
siZes of the green Cicer beans to be processed.
42. The method of claim 41, further comprising vibrating
said adjustable screen at a predetermined vibration rate.
43. The method of claim 41, further comprising:
collecting data regarding the relative siZes of the green
Cicer beans to be processed prior to ?ltering the
harvested green Cicer bean product through the adjust
able screen; and
selectively adjusting said adjustable screen based on said
44. The method of claim 41, further comprising:
collecting data regarding the relative siZes of the green
Cicer beans to be processed during ?ltering of the
harvested green Cicer bean product through the adjust
able screen; and
selectively adjusting said adjustable screen based on said

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Garbazo Bean processing patent US20050106298 (1)

  • 1. US 20050106298A1 (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2005/0106298 A1 (19) United States Moser et al. (43) Pub. Date: May 19, 2005 (54) METHOD, APPARATUS AND SYSTEM FOR POST-HARVEST PROCESSING OF THE GREEN CICER BEAN (76) Inventors: T. Douglas Moser, Genesee, ID (US); Shane C. Moser, Genesee, ID (US); Foster C. Cronyn, Eagle, ID (US); Vernon Hawks, Centralia, WA (US) Correspondence Address: CHRISTENSEN, O’CONNOR, JOHNSON, KINDNESS, PLLC 1420 FIFTH AVENUE SUITE 2800 SEATTLE, WA 98101-2347 (US) (21) Appl. No.: 10/714,446 (22) Filed: Nov. 14, 2003 Publication Classi?cation (51) Int. Cl? ...................................................... .. A23P 1/00 (52) Us. 01. .............................................................. 426/481 (57) ABSTRACT The present invention relates to methods and apparatuses for processing podded vegetables including green Cicer beans. Green Cicer beans are commonly referred to as chickpeas and come in tWo varieties, Desi-type and Kabuli-type. The Kabuli-type of chickpeas are commonly referred to as garbanZo beans. Until the present invention, there Was no commercial method or apparatus for post-harvest processing of green Cicer beans. The present invention can relate not only to post-harvest processing of green Cicer beans but any podded produce Where there is a need to separate unwanted material from the green produce. Apparatuses and methods of the present invention permit secondary processing of podded vegetables to increase overall groWer yield. Addi tionally, methods according to the present invention, dis close desired dWell times and blanching temperatures for the deactivation of enZymes that can damage green produce or render it unsaleable.
  • 3. Patent Application Publication May 19, 2005 Sheet 2 0f 6 US 2005/0106298 A1 ZOE‘QM bREQQQABEa.a»3 SEEDYE.
  • 5. Patent Application Publication May 19, 2005 Sheet 4 0f 6 US 2005/0106298 A1
  • 6. Patent Application Publication May 19, 2005 Sheet 5 0f 6 US 2005/0106298 A1
  • 7. Patent Application Publication May 19, 2005 Sheet 6 0f 6 US 2005/0106298 A1 114 108% < y: 106 // / o o o’ ’ 102———~~ ~/~102 Q Q Q 104? A6 t104§02H6?104 L110 ?g’;
  • 8. US 2005/0106298 A1 METHOD, APPARATUS AND SYSTEM FOR POST-HARVEST PROCESSING OF THE GREEN CICER BEAN FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0001] The present invention relates to processing green produce generally, and speci?cally to methods, apparatus, and systems for post-harvest processing of podded produce including green Cicer beans. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] Cicer beans (Cicer arietinum) are a high value crop adapted Well for both dry land and irrigated cropping regions. Cicer beans are also knoWn as chickpeas or hum mus beans and they are an annual grain legume or “pulse crop” that originated in the Fertile Crescent of the Near East. Cicer beans Were one of the ?rst legumes cultivated by humans, dating to 7,000-6,000 B.C. Pulse crops, like Cicer beans, dry beans, dry peas, fava beans, lentils, and lupin, Work With rhiZobia bacteria to convert nitrogen from the atmosphere into nitrogen nodules on the plant roots. This process increases soil fertility in rotation With other crops such as Wheat, barley and other cereal grains. Cicer beans are classi?ed as “Desi” or “Kabuli” types based in part on seed siZe, color, thickness of the seed coat, and shape of the seed coat. Desi seed-types produce smaller seeds, generally 100 or more seeds per ounce When dried While Kabuli seed-types When dried can be as large as 38-40 seeds per ounce. Cicer beans have a thick and irregular-shaped seed coat Which can range in color When dried from light tan to black. Popularly referred to as the “garbanZo bean,” Kabuli types produce larger seeds and have a seed coat With a paper-like thickness. Kabuli-types produce seeds With colors that range When dried from White to a pale cafe cream colored tan. [0003] World production of the Cicer bean is roughly three times that of lentils and peas. Among other pulse crops marketed as human food, World Cicer bean consumption is second only to dry beans. Turkey, Australia, Syria, Mexico, Argentina, and Canada are the major Cicer bean exporters around the World. About 90% of Cicer beans, the majority of Which are Desi-types, are consumed in India. Historically, North American Cicer bean production Was con?ned to California and to a lesser extent, the Paci?c NorthWest. Recently, Cicer bean production has expanded into the northern Great Plains regions of Canada and the United States. [0004] Cicer bean plants are erect With primary, secondary and tertiary branching, resembling a small bush. They ?oWer profusely and have an indeterminate groWth habit, continu ing to ?oWer and set pods as long as conditions are favor able. Pod set occurs on the primary and secondary branches and on the main stem. The individual round pods generally contain one seed in Kabuli-types and often tWo seeds in Desi-types. Cicer bean stems, leaves and seed pods are covered With small hair-like glandular structures that secrete malic and oxalate acids, Which deter insect pests. Insect problems on Cicer beans have been minimal and insecticide applications generally have not been necessary. [0005] Commercial Cicer bean production has heretofore been limited to dry beans, typically harvested at about 10% moisture When, for example, the Kabuli-type bean obtains a May 19, 2005 characteristic yelloWish cream color. Crop loss can be high because sWathing or other traditional combining techniques cut the dry Cicer bean plant at its stock and combines traditionally used for harvesting cereal crops are used to depod the product. Yield losses of up to 33% are not uncommon. Furthermore, the dry Cicer bean must undergo extensive rehydration in some instances for canning and transportation to World markets. Cicer beans are often dam aged during dry harvesting and processing through breakage of the brittle bean’s characteristic small protruding beak-like structure, substantially reducing the economic value of the crop. [0006] In some areas of the World, green Cicer beans are harvested by hand and thereafter depodded by hand for fresh consumption. The green Cicer bean is a valuable crop both for its higher nutritional quality than that of the dry Cicer bean and its characteristic sWeet taste and texture. World produce markets have experienced an increased demand for organic green produce, Which, in turn, has increased market demand for the green Cicer bean. The knoWn art lacks a commercially viable Way to satisfy market demand for the green Cicer bean due primarily to agronomic, harvesting and processing challenges associated With commercial produc tion of green Cicer beans. [0007] The majority of Cicer beans are groWn in arid areas of the World subjecting the crop to high temperatures during green harvest time. Green Cicer beans are highly susceptible to carameliZation prior to harvest and processing. Caramel iZation is the process by Which sugars in the green Cicer beans are scorched by high ambient temperatures. Caramel iZation of the green Cicer bean can occur at temperatures of 95° F. and higher. Scorched sugars in the green Cicer bean completely change the taste, color, and nutritional value of the product and render it commercially useless as a green commodity. If the green Cicer bean is exposed to caramel iZation temperatures, it may only be sold as a sub-standard dried commodity. [0008] Commercial production of the green Cicer bean presents numerous other challenges apart from carameliZa tion. The green Cicer bean pod is tight and leathery, requir ing extensive gentle threshing in order to depod the product Without damaging bean structure. KnoWn threshing methods fail to open the leathery pod or otherWise remove the pod Without damaging the green product. Because of the unique shape of the Cicer bean, various threshing challenges are created in order to preserve all features of the shape includ ing the characteristic small protruding beak-like structure. In addition, the green Cicer bean is maturing in the ?eld daily and is especially susceptible to change in color, texture and ?avor. Accordingly, food processors and groWers face a challenge to produce a marketable product that must be preserved at the peak of quality; as Well as harvested and shipped to food processing plants under time-constrained circumstances. Moreover, processing green Cicer beans pre sents additional challenges related to the siZe of the green product. For example, Desi and Kabuli-types vary Widely in siZe, hoWever, both varieties reach maturity at the same time. The green Cicer bean also presents additional challenges to food processors in never-before-seen leaf trash, stem trash, & pods. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0009] The invention includes methods of processing green Cicer beans including the steps of delivering the Cicer
  • 9. US 2005/0106298 A1 beans to a ?rst processing line and thereafter separating unwanted material from the Cicer beans through the use of at least one vibrating screen and at least one ?otation Washer. A method of the present invention also includes a step of blanching the green Cicer beans for a predetermined tem perature and for a predetermined dWell time and further includes freeZing the green Cicer beans and grading the green Cicer beans according to consumer criteria. Addition ally, a method of the invention includes packaging the green Cicer beans for storage and sale in consumer markets. [0010] Methods of the present invention also include the steps of delivering the harvested green Cicer beans to a processing line, separating unWanted material from the Cicer beans, blanching the Cicer beans for a predetermined temperature for a predetermined dWell time, dehydrating the Cicer beans, grading the Cicer beans according to consumer criteria, and packaging the Cicer beans for storage and sale in consumer markets. [0011] The invention also includes systems for processing green vegetables including a ?otation Washer in ?uid com munication With primary processing line. A system of the invention includes an adjustable screen that is generally positioned in a horiZontal plane and has a plurality of adjustable openings that can be selectively adjusted based on the relative siZes of vegetables to be processed. [0012] The invention also includes apparatuses for pro cessing green vegetables including an adjustable screen. An adjustable screen useable With principles of the invention is positioned generally in a horiZontal plane. The adjustable screen also includes a plurality of adjustable openings that are selectively adjusted based on the relative siZes of veg etables to be processed. [0013] The invention also includes methods for processing green vegetables including the step of separating unWanted material from the vegetables to be processed through the use of an adjustable screen Wherein the adjustable screen has a plurality of openings and Wherein the plurality of openings are adapted to be selectively adjusted based on the relative siZes of vegetables to be processed. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0014] The foregoing aspects and many of the attendant advantages of this invention Will become more readily appreciated as the same become better understood by ref erence to the folloWing detailed description, When taken in conjunction With the accompanying draWings, Wherein: [0015] FIG. 1 is a ?oW diagram of a general method for processing green Cicer beans in accordance With one embodiment of the present invention; [0016] FIG. 2 is a schematic representation of a system for processing green Cicer beans in accordance With one embodiment of the present invention; [0017] FIG. 3 is a ?oW diagram of a method for cleaning green Cicer beans in accordance With one embodiment of the present invention incorporating a primary and secondary processing line; [0018] FIG. 4 is an isometric vieW of a louvered screen utiliZed by the system shoWn in FIG. 2 for processing green Cicer beans in accordance With one embodiment of the present invention; May 19, 2005 [0019] FIG. 5A is an isometric vieW of a portion of the louvered screen depicted in FIG. 4 shoWing individual louvers in more detail; [0020] FIG. 5B is an isometric vieW of a portion of a louvered screen useable With one embodiment of the inven tion, shoWing serrated louvers; [0021] FIG. 6 is a planar side vieW of a portion of the louvered screen depicted in FIG. 4; and [0022] FIG. 7 is another side planar vieW of a portion of the louvered screen depicted in FIG. 4, shoWing the lou vered screen in another position. DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0023] [0024] Packaged fresh vegetables are brought to the con sumer in a variety of Ways and must meet consumer demand for safety, convenience and nutrition. Some processing methods include canning, freeZing, refrigeration, dehydra tion (drying), and aseptic processing, such as purifying, pasteuriZing, and placing product in preservative containers such as boXes or bags. I. Green Cicer Bean Processing Generally [0025] Processed fresh vegetables should be harvested at their peak of freshness so that certain desirable traits can be preserved. An important aspect of processing fresh veg etables and delivering the commodity to market involves systems designed to rid the produce of harmful bacteria that can cause illnesses. Heat treatments such as pasteuriZation and blanching Work to rid organisms of harmful bacteria and further help to lock in freshness by inhibiting enZyme activity on the vegetables or produce. [0026] One signi?cant risk associated With the commer cial production of the green Cicer bean is the loss of sugars in the green commodity due to sugar consumption during respiration and sugar overconversion to starch. At room temperature, some fresh vegetables liberate heat at a rate of 127,000 kilojoules per ton, per day. Since heat further deteriorates the product and speeds microorganism groWth, harvested green Cicer beans should be held at cool tempera tures after harvesting and processed as soon as reasonably possible. Refrigeration or general cooling does not com pletely prevent deterioration of the crop. Refrigeration of the green produce can sloW the process of conversion from sugar to starch; hoWever, there is still change that takes place When the produce is under refrigeration. The continual loss of Water by harvested green Cicer beans due to transpiration, respiration and physical drying of cut surfaces results in the Wilting, loss of plumpness and loss of Weight, or all of the foregoing. [0027] To ensure a steady supply of top quality produce during the harvesting period, commercial production of the green Cicer bean requires that certain agronomic practices be folloWed such that groWing and spacing of the plantings alloWs the green Cicer beans to mature in rhythm With processing plant capabilities. Suitable methods for planting Cicer beans such that harvest of the green product can be timed With processing plant capabilities are disclosed by US. application Ser. No. (Attorney Docket No. TDMF-1-21766) ?led concurrently With the present appli cation and hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. One goal of Cicer bean production as a green commodity is
  • 10. US 2005/0106298 A1 to minimize stockpiling and the need for cold storage and to also minimize the risks associated With storing the green Cicer bean after harvesting but before processing. [0028] In some areas, liquid nitrogen cooled trucks and/or hydro-cooling stations may be provided for the transporta tion or storage of fresh produce to the processing plants or directly to market. Upon arrival of green Cicer beans at the processing plant, cleaning and grading operations are per formed using equipment, and, in some capacity, hand labor is used to inspect the product and grade the product as discussed further beloW. [0029] [0030] FIG. 1 depicts a method 10 suitable for processing green Cicer beans in accordance With one embodiment of the present invention. While generally, method 10 could be used (according to separate parameters) for processing green peas or sWeet corn, the inventors have improved upon knoWn methods and have developed preferred operating parameters for determining ideal maturity, grading, blanch ing, dehydrating, and increasing overall yields to accommo date the green Cicer bean, as discussed further beloW. II. Methods of Processing Green Cicer Beans [0031] The processing method 10 begins With taking a ?eld tenderometer reading 12. A food processor and/or groWer may conduct ?eld tenderometer readings 12 to determine Whether a given stand is ready for harvest. Whether a given stand is ready for harvest is determined according to data collected regarding desired maturity levels as driven by consumer preference. The ?eld tenderometer can be any tenderometer such as those available from Food Technology Corporation, Model TU12, Which is a portable ?eld tenderometer typically used for reading maturity of green peas. FolloWing an initial ?eld tenderometer reading 12, a decision to harvest the green Cicer beans is made based on desired tenderometer readings 14. The inventors have observed that a good maturity for commercial production of the green Cicer bean equates to a tenderometer reading betWeen 91 and 149, With a more favorable maturity equal ing a tenderometer reading betWeen 118 and 122. The desired tenderometer reading 14 may vary depending on consumer preference. If it is foreseeable that a certain allotment of the harvest Will need to be stored prior to processing or if a given harvest Will need to be transported distances greater than 75 miles to the processing plant, it is desirable that the green Cicer beans are kept cool after harvest and transported through the use of refrigerated trucks or that other methods such as hydro-cooling are used to prevent against spoilage of the crop after harvest. [0032] Adecision 14 to harvest 16 Will be made upon data collected from the tenderometer readings and predetermined tenderometer values Which can be driven by a variety of factors relating to processing capability, processing timing, and consumer preference. Once the decision to harvest 16 is made, a given stand of green Cicer beans are harvested and the harvested product is loaded in transportation containers 18 and delivered to a processing plant 20. Depending on the distance to the processing plant 20 and any other factors that may affect the time necessary to reach a given processing plant, the storage of the harvested product may be accom panied by cold refrigeration and/or other cooling methods designed to protect the green product from spoilage in the ?eld prior to processing. After the green product is delivered to the processing plant 20, the green product is Weighed 21 May 19, 2005 and cleaned 22. Weighing step 21 records a gross Weight on delivery Which can be compared to a second Weight taken at Weighing step 28, after the product has been cleaned 22. The Weight recorded at Weighing step 28 is the yield Weight used by most processors to determine crop value because it records a Weight of the green product after unWanted mate rials have been removed. Cleaning 22 separates unWanted material from the green product. Such unWanted material includes dirt, rocks, stones, leaf and stem trash, and essen tially any material other than the green Cicer bean itself. [0033] The process of cleaning 22 the product can take on a variety of permutations. FIG. 1 uses a dotted line 24 to indicate that the cleaning step 22 can take on a variety of permutations. Cleaning separates material from the harvest that is not comprised of podded green Cicer beans. Accord ingly, green Cicer beans that Were not successfully removed from their pods at harvest may be separated during cleaning step 22 along With dirt, stones, leaf trash, and stem trash. A method for cleaning 22 the product in accordance With one embodiment of the present invention is depicted in FIG. 3 and Will be described in more detail beloW With reference to that ?gure. [0034] With continuing reference to FIG. 1, after the product is cleaned 22, it is put through a series of deWatering stations 26. The deWatering step 26 is accomplished gener ally through methods of placing the cleaned green product on screens and vibrating the product at a rate suf?cient to remove Water from the product. Suf?cient rates of vibration range betWeen 10 and 20 rpms. After deWatering 26, the green product is Weighed 28. The step of Weighing 28 is the point at Which the food processor Will record a harvest yield, and pay the groWer based on this Weight. Weights recorded at Weighing step 28 can be compared to those recorded at Weighing step 21 to help determine harvest efficiencies. If the Weight recorded at Weighing step 28 is not substantially less than the Weight recorded at Weighing step 21, the harvest Was relatively ef?cient because it Was delivered substantially free from unWanted material removed during cleaning step 22. [0035] FolloWing the Weighing step 28, the product is put through a series of blanching apparatuses for a blanching step 30. Blanching 30 is a preservation process Whereby the product is partially cooked by immersion in hot Water, eXposed to steam, or exposed to some other energy intensive process. Water blanching is generally of the immersion-type or spray-type as the product moves on a conveyor. Steam blanching often involves belt or chain conveyors upon Which the product moves through a tunnel containing live steam. Other methods of blanching include hot gas blanch ing and microWave blanching. Blanching can account for as high as one third of the total energy required for processing the green product. [0036] During the blanching process 30, certain enZymes having the potential to cause ?avor and teXtural changes should be inactivated. The blanching process 32 inactivates oXidative enZymes such as catalase, peroxidase, polyphe noloXidase, ascorbic acid oXidase, and lipoXygenase. The adequacy of blanching is based on inactivation of one or more of such enZymes. When the unblanched tissue is disrupted or bruised and eXposed to air, the aforementioned enZymes come in contact With substrates causing softening, discoloration, and potentially the production of off-?avors.
  • 11. US 2005/0106298 A1 Since enzyme activity can potentially occur during the period prior to freezing, it is most often desirable to blanch the green commodity in order to prevent quality deteriora tion. Although the primary purpose of blanching is enZyme inactivation, there are several other bene?ts to blanching 30. Blanching cleanses the product, decreases the microbial load, and preheats the product before further processing. The mild heat treatment of blanching may also soften the green product, facilitating compact packing if such is desired. Intercellular gases in the raW green product are also expelled during blanching, preventing excessive pressure build-up in containers and alloWing for improved heat transfer during other steps of heat processing. Consequently, high vacuum can be achieved in the ?nal product as Well as a reduction in internal container corrosion. HoWever, some Water-soluble nutrients such as ascorbic acid are lost during blanching 30. [0037] The inventors have observed favorable blanch times for the green Cicer beans of betWeen 1 and 5 minutes at temperatures betWeen about 90° F. and 210° F. Still another favorable blanch time and temperature observed by the inventors comprises a blanching dWell time of three minutes and blanching temperatures betWeen about 190° F. and 195° F. [0038] With continuing reference to FIG. 1, after the blanching step 30, the green product to be processed can be inspected by hand on the processing line 32. This inspection 32 can be done visually to separate damaged or otherWise unWanted materials from the processed batch. Additionally or alternatively, line inspection 32 can be conducted through the use of knoWn machine vision techniques and appara tuses. A suitable machine vision apparatus useable With this particular embodiment could employ a laser or “electronic eye” or optionally, the machine vision apparatus could use a digital camera or analog camera, or any other means for assessing and collecting data regarding siZe of the product or other attributes such as color and structure. The green product is inspected according to a predetermined desirable siZe or color and therein separation can be done through mechanical or other means including pressuriZed air directed in a stream to separate unWanted beans or other material from the green product. FolloWing line inspection 32, the product can be further preserved by a ?ash-freeZing tunnel Wherein the product is spread on conveyors and individually ?ash-froZen prior to packing. Optionally, a second inspec tion is conducted after freeZing to ascertain the individual character of each froZen processed product and to detect unWanted clumping or unsuccessful individual freeZing in the batch of green product processed. UnWanted froZen green product is separated manually or by other mechanical means and potentially, detection of unWanted froZen green product is done by machine vision. [0039] FolloWing freeZing 34, the product is graded 36 according to consumer-speci?ed criteria relating to tender ness, texture, color, and similar attributes. Consumer-grade green Cicer beans should be of an even green color When thaWed and should have the characteristic beak-like struc ture of the bean intact. Regarding color, the thaWed bean should not have a color substantially different from the color observed at harvest. The seed coat of the processed and thaWed green Cicer bean should be substantially undamaged and the bean should generally be free of any nicks, cuts, scrapes or the like. Further, the tenderness of the processed green Cicer bean should be similar to the tenderness May 19, 2005 observed prior to harvest as read by the ?eld tenderometer. In one embodiment, tenderness of the green Cicer beans folloWing processing is graded by comparing tenderometer readings, batch by batch, to tenderometer readings observed in the ?eld. Accordingly, a suitable grading scheme for the green Cicer bean in accordance With the disclosed process ing method includes measurements of tenderness, color, seed structure, condition of the seed coat, and taste. Based on these criteria, grading schemes ranging from the highest grade to the loWest acceptable consumer grade may be assigned to the processed beans. After a batch has been graded 36, the product is then packaged 38 and delivered to markets or stored for subsequent sale and delivery. [0040] As an alternative to freeZing 34, the green Cicer beans may be preserved by dehydration. The inventors have determined favorable dehydration parameters for the green Cicer bean. According to methods and apparatuses of the present invention, favorable dehydration parameters for the green Cicer bean should yield about 3.5 pounds of dehy drated green Cicer beans upon processing about 11 pounds of harvested green Cicer beans. Put another Way, dehydra tion of the green Cicer bean may be conducted such that ?nal Weight of the dehydrated product is approximately 12% of the initial fresh Weight. The inventors have also observed favorable initial temperature times for dehydration betWeen about 120° F. and 190° F. With still another preferred temperature range initially being betWeen about 165° F. to 169° F. Favorable ?nal dehydration temperatures for the green Cicer bean range betWeen about 120° F. and 190° F. With still another favorable range for dehydration of the green Cicer bean being betWeen about 138° F. and 142° F. Favorable moisture content for the dehydrated green Cicer bean product according to the disclosed embodiments is betWeen about 1% and 10% moisture content With still another favorable range of acceptable moisture content for the dehydrated green Cicer bean being betWeen about 4% and 6%. Finally, preferred dWell times for dehydration of the green Cicer bean are betWeen about 2 and 10 hours With still another favorable dWell time being betWeen about 3.5 and 4.5 hours. DWell time Will naturally vary based on initial and ?nal temperatures as discussed With reference to the pre ferred values previously. The present invention accordingly is not limited to the described temperatures and dWell times and one of ordinary skill in the art Will appreciate that dWell time can be varied With a corresponding change in initial or ?nal dehydration temperature. [0041] With reference noW to FIG. 2, one embodiment of a suitable system for processing green Cicer beans is explained. The embodiment depicted by FIG. 2 includes an initial conveyor belt 46 responsible for transporting green Cicer beans (or any other podded produce) to bucket eleva tor 48 after the harvested beans are dropped off at the processing plant. A typical green Cicer bean harvest Will be comprised mostly of depodded green Cicer beans (i.e., green Cicer beans that have been shelled or “depodded” through mechanical threshing techniques). Suitable mechanical threshing techniques for the green Cicer bean are described in concurrently ?led application Ser. No. (Attorney Docket No. TDMF-1-21765) and that application is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. In any mechanical harvest of a leguminous crop, it is not uncommon to collect “unthreshed” product, or product that is still securely held Within a pod. In addition to unthreshed beans, a harvested green Cicer crop delivered to a processing plant Will have
  • 12. US 2005/0106298 A1 dirt, stones, and other debris, including leaf trash and stem trash Which must be separated from the threshed green Cicer beans prior to Weighing the load to determine yield. Tradi tional processing of green legumes does not provide an opportunity to increase yields by offering a second chance to depod or thresh the product after harvest and delivery to a processing plant. Green Cicer beans Within the tight leathery pod capture air and ?oat. Consequently, there is an oppor tunity for secondary processing, through Which yields may be increased by removing pods from podded produce after delivery to the processing plant. Methods for secondary processing, including depodding the un-threshed Cicer beans at a secondary processing line, are part of the inven tion and are described in greater detail With reference to FIG. 3. [0042] With continuing reference to FIG. 2, the speci?c arrangements of the conveyor belts do not limit the inven tion. One of ordinary skill Will appreciate that there can be a variety of Ways to move the green product through the processing line. According to the embodiment depicted in FIG. 2, hoWever, green Cicer beans are transported by conveyor belt 46 and dumped into bucket elevator 48. While in bucket elevator 48, a machine vision apparatus 50 is placed in a position to monitor and read product attributes such as siZe and color and relay this information to a central processing unit 52 by Way of netWork connection 51. As brie?y mentioned above, a suitable machine vision appara tus usable With this particular embodiment could employ a laser or “electronic eye” or optionally, the machine vision apparatus could utiliZe a digital camera or analog camera, or any other means for assessing and collecting data regarding siZe and color of the green product. Using siZe information read by machine vision apparatus 50, the central processing unit 52 determines the appropriate apertures for a ?lter comprised of a screen 54 and communicates this information via netWork connection 53. Screen 54 is adjustable in response to siZe data relayed by central processing unit 52 such that the apertures of screen 54 are adjusted to permit passage of green Cicer beans therethrough and into Water container 58. A suitable screen 54 usable With the depicted embodiment is described in greater detail With teXt refer encing FIGS. 4-7 beloW. In general, a suitable screen 54 can be constructed through the use of a plurality of elongated louver elements disposed in parallel, pivoting about a plu rality of base aXis points 104. The screen 54 may thereby operate like a horiZontally disposed shutter, creating a variety of variable apertures or openings through Which green Cicer beans can be ?ltered and dropped through to container 58, and thus, be separated from larger materials such as leaf and stem trash Which cannot pass through the screen 54. The apertures or louver elements 102 of louvered screen 54 (depicted in FIGS. 4-7) are selectively adjusted based on the relative siZes of the vegetables to be processed, i.e., the openings betWeen the plurality of louver elements 102 Will vary to permit vegetables of a desired siZe to pass therethrough. [0043] With continuing reference to FIG. 2, a negative air, hooded bloWer 56 is situated near the point at Which the produce is dumped onto adjustable louvered screen 54. Hooded bloWer 56 uses negative air to pull Cicer beans and other trash upWardly. Through a negative air sucking force, lighter materials are removed from the produce to be pro cessed. Furthermore, green product to be processed is sub stantially evenly miXed and substantially evenly dispersed May 19, 2005 onto screen 54 by being ?rst pulled from bucket elevator 48 at point 49, potentially striking a screen 57, prior to being dispersed onto screen 54. The negative air force helps to evenly miX the produce prior to dispersement onto screen 54, Which Will occur after gravity acts upon heavier elements of the produce. It is desirable that the amount of negative air moving through bloWer 56 be suf?cient in strength to miX the product and thoroughly disperse the product onto screen 54; hoWever, these forces should not be strong enough to actually pull green Cicer beans through hooded bloWer 56. Through the use of a negative air, hooded bloWer 56 and screen 57, the hood and screen Will remove lighter trash and disperse the remaining, heavier product substantially evenly on screen 54. [0044] Water container 58 is situated to clean the green produce that passes through adjustable screen 54 by permit ting heavy, unWanted material to sink. A heavier unWanted material that sinks Within Water 58 includes rocks and stones Which sink at a faster rate than podded green Cicer beans Which are permitted to ?oW into a ?otation Washer device 60. The ?otation Washer device 60 utiliZes Water connected to a pumping source and the Water 62 ?oWs through the ?otation tank 64 and onto a deWatering screen 66 Where Water is removed from the product prior to Weighing. A suitable ?otation Washer device 60 usable With the depicted embodiment is available from the Olney Company, Model 60, Which employs a 60-inch Wide tank and has a capacity of seven tons of produce per hour. A ?otation Washer 60 usable With the present invention may be equipped With a 6x6 pump and a ?otation tank 64 and a recovery tank 67. [0045] Water container 58 can also be in ?uid communi cation With a secondary processing line, explained more fully beloW With reference to FIG. 3. Secondary processing as explained beloW can include a depodding station 68 Whereby ?oating debris including unpodded green Cicer beans can be liberated from their pods and returned to conveyor 46 for further processing. [0046] With reference noW to FIG. 3, a ?oW diagram shoWing a method 70 for cleaning green Cicer beans in accordance With one embodiment of the present invention is depicted. The method 70 begins by reading siZe data 72 of the green Cicer beans to be processed. As mentioned pre viously, siZe data 72 can be read through the use of a machine vision apparatus 50 (depicted in FIG. 2 schemati cally). Additionally, machine vision techniques can be used to read color or any other attributes readable by a machine. Data read by a machine vision apparatus is then processed by a central processing unit 52 (also depicted schematically by FIG. 2). Once siZe data 72 is read, a decision 74 to adjust the screen is made. The decision 74 to adjust the louver elements of screen 54 is based on the siZe of the green Cicer beans to be processed and Will in general adjust 76 the louver elements 102 of screen 54 to a distance permitting Cicer beans to pass therethrough and to also catch larger unWanted materials and prevent the same from passing therethrough. The decision 74 to adjust 76 could be based on siZe data capturing, for eXample, 100% of the green Cicer beans. In other Words, an adjustment suf?cient to permit the passage of up to 100% of the green Cicer beans could be made, or alternatively another smaller portion of the green Cicer beans could be separated if it is determined that only smaller green Cicer beans are to be processed at a given point in processing. A desirable portion could for eXample
  • 13. US 2005/0106298 A1 equal only 10% of an allotment of green Cicer beans to be processed or, for example 90%. Aplurality of screens such as screen 54 may be disposed at various points in processing to sort and separate various siZes of green product for further processing on a siZe-speci?c basis. The decision 74 to adjust 76 is therefore varied depending on the desired portion of green Cicer beans to be separated. If data regarding siZe indicates that the louver elements 102 of screen 54 are at a sufficient level of opening to accommodate the current desired siZe of green Cicer beans to be processed, no adjustment is needed. [0047] If the screen 54 does not require adjustment, or after the screen is adjusted 76, a decision 79 to enter secondary processing is made. As noted above, there is an opportunity to increase yields by offering a second (or perhaps third, fourth, etc.) opportunity to depod the product. Accordingly, if a decision 79 to enter secondary processing is made, the green product is subject to an extraction process 80, more speci?cally, ?oating debris found on a body of ?oating Water located beloW adjustable screen 54 in Water container 58 or ?otation Washer 60 is extracted. If, hoWever, decision 79 indicates that secondary processing is not nec essary, dirt and stones Will be separated from the green product through use of a ?otation Washer 60, discussed above. FolloWing separation of dirt and stones 92, the green Cicer beans are placed on a deWatering screen and deWa tered 94. [0048] Returning to block 80 of FIG. 3, ?oating debris including unthreshed green Cicer beans (Which ?oat) may be extracted 80 using a variety of mechanical means Which can optionally scrape the ?oating debris from the surface of Water or alternatively divert a portion of the Water also carrying ?oating debris and unthreshed green Cicer beans. The ?oating debris is then directed to a depodding station 82 and the produce is subsequently depodded 84 and returned to primary processing, e.g., to the conveyor belt 46 as indicated by loop 85. Accordingly, secondary processing, e.g., blocks 80-84, can be carried out multiple times if desired. Depending on the amount of unthreshed green Cicer beans delivered to the processing plant, secondary process ing can be used in accordance With method 70 to increase overall groWer yield. [0049] Once at the depodding station (depicted schemati cally in FIG. 2 as element 68), the product is depodded. Depodding may be accomplished through a variety of threshing means. Example threshing means include a sieved drum With a central beater and a variety of satellite beaters using percussive beating devices designed to open the pods of the green Cicer beans and liberate the green commodity. Additional means for threshing include depodding the green Cicer beans With blending-type apparatuses Which contain ?oating debris and unpodded Cicer beans in a container With multiple beaters designed to open the pods through percus sive forces While the pods and other ?oating debris are immersed Within Water. One skilled in the art Will recogniZe that there are a variety of Ways to depod podded produce and that the mentioned means are not limiting. [0050] With reference noW to FIGS. 4-7, the adjustable louvered screen 54 is described in greater detail. As noted above, the green product is passed through the louvered screen 54 during processing in order to assist removal of unusable debris and separate out podded product. Adjustable May 19, 2005 louvered screen 54 includes a plurality of louver elements 102. Louver elements 102 are generally elongated and disposed parallel to one another. In operation, louver ele ments 102 are open and shut much like blinds on a WindoW Whereby the individual louver elements 102 are rotatably closed in shutter-like fashion and subsequently opened to permit passage of objects therethrough. [0051] As seen best in FIG. 5A, louver elements 102 may have beveled top edges. Beveled top edges of louver ele ments 102 aid in catching the green Cicer bean and permit ting passage through the screen. A variety of angles can be used to create a generally beveled top surface for louver elements 102 suf?cient to catch the green Cicer bean and permit passage of the same through screen 54. Angled top sides 100 and 98 of the louver elements 102 in this particular embodiment are at a 45° angle 108 from the inside surface of the individual louver elements 102, as shoWn best by FIG. 6, hoWever, other angles may be implemented. [0052] In another embodiment, depicted in FIG. 5B, lou ver elements 102 have serrated top sides 103. Serrated top sides 103 may be con?gured or “notched” lengthWise along louver elements 102 at pre-determined distances, such as every 1A1 inch, thereby creating a plurality of knobs and edges Which increases the overall surface area of the top side of screen 54. Serrated top sides 103 can be used to help catch green Cicer beans and direct them through screen 54. Additionally, serrated top sides 103 can “snag” trash that may otherWise slip through screen 54. A variety of angles may be used to create serrated top sides 103. [0053] Adjustable louvered screen 54 is disposed gener ally in a horiZontal plane. The disposition of screen 54 can be at a variety of angles off of horiZontal, so long as the vegetables to be processed do not roll off screen 54 and are permitted to pass through louvered elements 102. It is important to note that louver elements 102 are just one example of suitable means for creating a screen With adjust able openings. For example, adjustable openings can be created through the use of individual sieve elements that are adjustable in a kaleidoscope, collapsible fashion. [0054] In operation, the louvered screen 54 is actuated through arm 112 Which is rotatably connected to louver elements 102 at points 106. Operation of screen 54 is depicted best in FIGS. 6 and 7 Where the arm 112 is used to close or open the louver elements 102 about axis points 104, located on base member 110. Axis points 104 are ?xed in both a horiZontal and vertical plane, and louver elements 102 rotate about each individual axis point 104 until a desired aperture or opening 118 is achieved. Desired open ing 118 creates a funnel-like opening space 120, depicted by dotted lines in FIG. 7. Funnel-like opening space 120 is an area Where green Cicer beans (or any other podded produce) can be caught betWeen the beveled angle top edges 100 and 98 of the louver members 102. [0055] When the louvered screen 54 is in a desired posi tion, opening 118 is created based on information regarding the siZes of green product to be processed. The opening 118 Will be of a siZe that is suitable for catching green product among beveled tops 100 and 98 and also suitable for directing them through a channel 116 and through the screen 54 onto a body of ?oWing Water 58 (shoWn in FIG. 2) Where further cleaning and separating can be achieved. [0056] With reference noW to FIG. 6, louvered screen 54 is shoWn in a fully open position. The fully open position
  • 14. US 2005/0106298 A1 shown by FIG. 6 includes a channel 116 that Will be the largest possible channel, having a distance 114 betWeen louver elements 102. Distance 114 and consequently, chan nel 116 can vary based on construction of the louvered screen, and it is desirable that distance 114 be of a maximum siZe to permit the passage of the largest varieties of green produce being processed, such as large Kabuli-type green Cicer beans, and to separate trash or other material intended to be kept out of further processing stages, such as ?otation Washing. Channel 116 can be constructed and siZed based on distance 114 Which is determined using information about the nature of the trash and other unWanted material to be separated from the produce. Furthermore, channel 116 may be of a siZe permissible to alloW unpodded produce to pass through and be caught by Washer 58 Wherein secondary processing, such as that described With reference to FIG. 3, can take place. A favorable maXimum spacing for channel 116 equates to a distance 114 betWeen louver elements 102 of one inch. With further reference to FIGS. 4-7, the adjustable louvered screen 54, constructed in accordance With the depicted embodiment can also be connected to vibrating mechanisms to aid passage of material through the louvered screen 54 and onto further stages of processing. [0057] While the preferred embodiment of the invention has been illustrated and described, it Will be appreciated that various changes can be made therein Without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. The embodiments of the invention in Which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are de?ned as folloWs: 1. A method of processing green Cicer beans, the method comprising: separating green Cicer beans from harvested green Cicer bean product; cleaning said green Cicer beans; preserving said green Cicer beans; grading said green Cicer beans according to predeter mined criteria; and packaging said green Cicer beans. 2. The method of claim 1, Wherein preserving said green Cicer beans comprises blanching said green Cicer beans at a predetermined temperature and for a predetermined dWell time. 3. The method of claim 2, Wherein blanching said green Cicer beans further comprises testing for enZyme activity after blanching and adjusting said predetermined tempera ture during blanching based on enZyme activity. 4. The method of claim 2, Wherein blanching said green Cicer beans comprises testing for enZyme activity after blanching and adjusting said predetermined dWell time during blanching according to enZyme activity. 5. The method of claim 2, Wherein said predetermined dWell time is betWeen 1 and 5 minutes and said predeter mined temperature is betWeen 90° F. and 210° F. 6. The method of claim 2, Wherein the predetermined dWell time is betWeen 190° F. and 195° F. for a dWell time of 3 minutes. 7. The method of claim 1, Wherein preserving said green Cicer beans comprises freeZing said green Cicer beans. 8. The method of claim 1, Wherein preserving said green Cicer beans comprises dehydrating said green Cicer beans. May 19, 2005 9. The method of claim 1, Wherein the predetermined criteria for grading said green Cicer beans is consumer speci?ed criteria. 10. The method of claim 1, Wherein said green Cicer beans are packaged for sale according to grade. 11. The method of claim 1, Wherein separating green Cicer beans from harvested green Cicer bean product com prises: collecting data regarding the relative siZes of said green Cicer beans; and ?ltering harvested green Cicer bean product to separate green Cicer beans of at least a predetermined siZe from the harvested green Cicer bean product. 12. The method of claim 1, Wherein cleaning said green Cicer beans comprises: collecting said green Cicer beans in a body of Water; and removing any material ?oating on said body of Water. 13. The method of claim 12, further comprising repeating the elements of claim 1 for said removed material. 14. A method of processing green Cicer beans compris mg: delivering harvested green Cicer bean product; ?ltering said harvested green Cicer bean product through a vibrating screen to remove depodded green Cicer beans from said harvested green Cicer bean product; cleaning said depodded green Cicer beans; preserving said depodded green Cicer beans; and grading said depodded green Cicer beans according to predetermined criteria. 15. The method of claim 14, further comprising collecting siZe data for depodded green Cicer beans. 16. The method of claim 15, Wherein ?ltering said har vested green Cicer bean product comprises adjusting said vibrating screen according to the collected siZe data. 17. The method of claim 14, Wherein cleaning said depodded green Cicer beans comprises: depositing said depodded green Cicer beans in a body of Water; and removing any material ?oating on the body of Water, Wherein said ?oating material may include podded green Cicer beans. 18. The method of claim 17, further comprising depod ding said podded green Cicer beans. 19. The method of claim 17, further comprising repeating the elements of claim 15 for said depodded green Cicer beans. 20. The method of claim 14, Wherein preserving said depodded green Cicer beans comprises dehydrating said depodded green Cicer beans. 21. The method of claim 20, Wherein said depodded green Cicer beans are dehydrated With initial temperatures ranging betWeen 120° F. and 190° F. and ?nal temperatures ranging betWeen 120° F. and 190° F. With a dWell time betWeen 2 and 10 hours. 22. The method of claim 20, Wherein said depodded green Cicer beans are dehydrated to a ?nal moisture content betWeen 1% and 10%.
  • 15. US 2005/0106298 A1 23. The method of claim 20, wherein said depodded green Cicer beans are dehydrated to approximately 12% of an initial product green Weight. 24. The method of claim 14, Wherein preserving said depodded green Cicer beans comprises freezing said depod ded green Cicer beans. 25. The method of claim 14, Wherein preserving said depodded green Cicer beans comprises blanching said depodded green Cicer beans. 26. A system for processing green Cicer beans compris mg: a ?rst processing line comprising: an adjustable screen for ?ltering green Cicer bean product to remove unWanted material from harvested green Cicer bean product; a transporter for transporting said green Cicer bean product to said adjustable screen; and a cleaning station positioned in suf?cient proximity to the adjustable screen to receive ?ltered green Cicer bean product and clean the ?ltered green Cicer bean product. 27. The system of claim 26, Wherein said cleaning station comprises at least one ?oatation Washer. 28. The system of claim 27, Wherein said cleaning station further comprises a container through Which Water ?oWs and delivers ?ltered green Cicer bean product to the ?otation Washer, in Which podded green Cicer bean product is sepa rated from said ?ltered green Cicer bean product. 29. The system of claim 26, Wherein said primary pro cessing line further comprises a machine vision device positioned in sufficient proXimity to said transporter to read siZe data from said green Cicer bean product. 30. The system of claim 29, Wherein said adjustable screen in adjusted in accordance With said siZe data. 31. The system of claim 26, Wherein said adjustable screen comprises a plurality of louvered elements. 32. The system of claim 31, Wherein each of said louvered elements has an upper end and a loWer end, and Wherein at least one of said louvered elements has an angled edge at the upper end. 33. The system of claim 26, Wherein said adjustable screen is adapted to vibrate at a pre-determined vibration rate. 34. The system of claim 28, further comprising a second ary processing line positioned in suf?cient proXimity to said primary processing line to receive unWanted material for further processing. May 19, 2005 35. The system of claim 34, Wherein said secondary processing line comprises a de-podder for depodding green Cicer beans from podded green Cicer bean product. 36. An apparatus for processing green vegetable, the apparatus comprising an adjustable screen having a plurality of louvers, Wherein said plurality of louvers are selectively adjusted based on the relative siZes of the green vegetables to be processed so that green vegetables of a predetermined siZe are alloWed to pass through said plurality of louvers. 37. The apparatus of claim 37, Wherein said adjustable screen has a top and bottom side, said top side being the side Which receives said green vegetables to be processed. 38. The apparatus of claim 37, Wherein at least one of said plurality of louvers has at least one angled edge on said top side of the adjustable screen. 39. The apparatus of claim 37, Wherein at least one of said plurality of louvers is serrated on said top side of the adjustable screen. 40. The apparatus of claim 37, Wherein said adjustable screen further comprises a vibrator adapted to vibrate said adjustable screen at a pre-determined vibration rate. 41. A method for processing green Cicer beans compris mg: ?ltering harvested green Cicer bean product through an adjustable screen, Wherein said adjustable screen has a plurality of spaced louvers, and Wherein said plurality of louvers are selectively adjusted based on the relative siZes of the green Cicer beans to be processed. 42. The method of claim 41, further comprising vibrating said adjustable screen at a predetermined vibration rate. 43. The method of claim 41, further comprising: collecting data regarding the relative siZes of the green Cicer beans to be processed prior to ?ltering the harvested green Cicer bean product through the adjust able screen; and selectively adjusting said adjustable screen based on said data. 44. The method of claim 41, further comprising: collecting data regarding the relative siZes of the green Cicer beans to be processed during ?ltering of the harvested green Cicer bean product through the adjust able screen; and selectively adjusting said adjustable screen based on said data.