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11/16/2016 1:30:00 PM
Enable Your Workers … You’ll Be
Amazed What They Can Do
Presented by:
Bob Jarvis
Quality Enablement, LLC
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Bob Jarvis
Quality Enablement, LLC
Bob Jarvis has broad experience improving quality and building effective teams—
from his time in the U.S. Air Force, executive positions in national consulting
firms, chief quality officer at Instinet, Master Black Belt at JP Morgan Chase, and
VP quality assurance at GSI Commerce (an eBay Enterprise). Most recently, Bob
founded Quality Enablement LLC to help organizations—from senior
management to individual contributors—identify and remove barriers to quality
and worker productivity. To learn more about the Quality Enablement
Framework and how to improve your team’s effectiveness and efficiency, visit
Enable	Your	Workers	…	
…	And	They’ll	Amaze	You	
with	What	They	Can	Do	
Agile	Dev,	Be+er	So/ware,	DevOps	East	
16	November	2016
Every	Year	…	
…	at	GSI	Commerce	/	eBay	Enterprise,	the	#1	complaint	
on	the	Employee	Engagement	Survey	was	…	
“It’s	hard	to	get	things	done	around	here.”	
And	every	year	…	nothing	changed.	
I	made	it	my	mission	to	solve	that	problem.	
“The	first	step	towards	ge1ng	somewhere	is	to	decide	that	you	are	not	going	to	stay	
where	you	are.”	–	John	Pierpont	Morgan
What’s	it	like	where	you	work?	
à  What	gets	in	the	way	of	a	producFve	day?	
à  Do	you	leave	each	day	with	a	sense	of	accomplishment?	
PresentaMon	Goals	
• What	do	you	want	to	get	from	this	session?	
Ø ??	
• Here	are	my	goals:	
Ø Provide	you	informa@on	to	help	you	help	your	organiza@on	
o  A	framework	to	iden@fy	true	symptoms	
Ø Supply	findings	&	references	to	support	a	business	case	
o  Links	on	the	following	pages	
Ø Provide	support	resources	to	guide	you	
o  Email	and	phone	support	
“The	greatest	obstacle	to	transforming	the	world	is	that	we	lack	the	clarity	and	imagina@on	
to	conceive	that	it	could	be	different.”	–	Roberto	Mangabeira	Unger
What	We	Believe	
Why	We	Do	It	
We	believe	that	workers	deserve	
a	workplace	where	they:	
Ø Put	in	a	produc@ve	day	at	work,	and	
Ø Leave	with	a	feeling	of	
accomplishment,	knowing	that	…	
Ø They	accomplished	something	
meaningful	to	themselves	and	
valuable	to	their	employer.	
Too	oSen,	that	isn’t	what	
Ø And	that’s	the	problem	we’ve	solved.	
Why	Our	Clients	Care	
We	also	believe	that	employers	
deserve	a	workforce	with	
Ø Efficiency	and	
Ø Effec@veness,		
Which	typically	leads	to:	
Ø Reduced	costs,	
Ø Increased	profit,	
Ø Improved	staff	engagement,	
Ø Improved	customer	sa@sfac@on,	
Ø …	
Why	Does	It	MaWer?	
• MulMple	studies	…	here	are	just	some	of	the	findings:	
Ø Gallup’s	State	of	the	Global	Workplace:	US	and	Canada	workers	
o  29%	engaged	/	54%	not	engaged	/	18%	ac@vely	disengaged	
Ø Enterprise	Engagement	Alliance:	
o  “…	employee	disengagement	…	cost(s)	the	US	economy	as	much	as	350	
billion	dollars	per	year	in	lost	produc@vity,	accidents,	the_	and	turnover.”	
Ø 2012	Towers	Perrin	Global	Workforce	Study:	
o  Opera@ng	margins	–	
v  27%	above	average	for	high-engagement	firms;	
v  10%	below	average	for	low	engagement	firms	
Ø The	Future	Founda@on	Global	Study:	
o  U.S.	is	devo@ng	$105	billion	a	year	to	correc@ng	problems	associated	with	
poor	hiring	and	people	management	prac@ces	–	1.05%	of	the	total	U.S.	GDP	
How	Do	We	Solve	It?	
• Not	just	process	
Ø Rather	humbling	finding	for	a	“process	guy”	
Ø Result	–	a	truly	holis@c	approach,	including:	
o  People	
o  Process	
o  Tools	
o  Metrics	
o  Agility	
o  Management	Style	
• Proprietary	framework	…	
Ø …	that	I	put	in	the	public	domain	through	my	blog:	
o  (Yes	…	people	told	me	I	was	nuts)	
“Do	not	go	where	the	path	may	lead;	go	instead	where	there	is	no	path	and	leave	a	trail.”	–	
Ralph	Waldo	Emerson
Quality	Enablement	Framework	
Quality	Enablement	Framework	
Note:	The	details	of	the	QE	Framework	
and	QE	Cycle	are	available	at:
Quality	Enablement	Framework	
Quality	Enablement	Framework	
Quality	Enablement	Score	
People	(53)	
Process	(45)	
Tools	(40)	
Metrics	(47)	
Agility	(31)	
Style	(33)	
Assessment	Results	
Let’s	look	at	each	dimension	in	a	liWle	detail	…	
“Work	and	life	have	meaning	when	we	feel	what	we	are	doing	creates	worth	and	is	in	
alignment	with	what	we	value.”	–	Marilyn	Tam
“All	anyone	asks	for	is	a	chance	to	work	with	pride.”	–	W.	Edwards	Deming
QE	Framework	–	People	
• Business	Value	
Ø Shareholder	Return	–	According	to	Aon	Hewij	–	
o  Highly	engaged	à	22%	above	average	in	2010	
o  Low-engagement	à	28%	below	average	
Ø Profits	–	Journal	of	Applied	Psychology	–	
o  Higher	levels	of	employee	sa@sfac@on	and	engagement	à	increased	annual	
profits	of	$80,000	to	$120,000	
Ø Overall	–	Schweyer	–	
o  Engaged	employees:	
v  Work	more	effec@vely,	instead	of	just	working	more	
v  Find	ways	to	improve;	
v  Share	informa@on	with	colleagues	
v  Develop	crea@ve	solu@ons;	
v  Provide	sugges@ons;	
v  Speak	up	for	the	organiza@on;	and	
v  Try	harder	to	meet	customers’	needs,	leading	to	repeat	business	
QE	Framework	–	People	
• Guiding	Principles	
Ø People	want	to	create	value	
Ø People	want	to	learn	
Ø People	want	to	feel	in	control	
Ø People	want	to	feel	appreciated	
Ø Given	the	opportunity,	people	will	do	great	things	
“Pleasure	in	the	job	puts	perfec@on	in	the	work.”	–	Aristotle
QE	Framework	–	People	
• Subject	Areas:	
Ø Talent	Acquisi@on	
Ø On-Boarding	
Ø Training	Program	
Ø Coaching	/	Mentoring	
Ø Performance	Management	
Ø Management	
Ø Senior	Management	
Ø Reten@on	
“If	you	can’t	describe	what	you	are	doing	as	a	process,	you	don’t	know	what	you’re	doing.”	
–	W.	Edwards	Deming
QE	Framework	–	Process	
• Business	Value	
Ø JPMorgan	Chase	2003	Annual	Report	–	
o  “In	2003,	our	produc@vity	and	quality	efforts	yielded	more	than	$1	billion	
pre-tax	in	net	financial	benefits,	more	than	doubling	those	achieved	in	2002.	
Over	one-half	of	these	benefits	came	from	re-engineering	key	business	
processes	using	the	disciplined	methodology	of	Six	Sigma.”	
Ø Iowa	Department	of	Management,	Office	of	Lean	Enterprise	–	
o  250+	projects	from	2003	to	today,	with	documented	results	for	each	project.	
Many	projects	reported	reduc@ons	in	delays	as	part	of	their	results,	and	they	
ranged	from	33%	to	well	over	90%.	
Ø What	examples	do	you	have?	
QE	Framework	–	Process	
• Business	Value	(flip	side)	
Ø Symptoms	of	ineffec@ve	processes	according	to	BPM	Ins@tute	–	
o  Unhappy	customers	
o  Some	things	just	take	too	long	
o  Work	was	not	done	right	the	first	@me,	hence	there	is	rework,	mistakes,	scrap,	
o  Processes	are	not	measured	nor	controlled	
o  Too	many	reviews	and	signoffs	
o  Excep@ons,	complexity,	and	special	cases	cause	havoc	
o  Established	procedures	are	circumvented	to	expedite	work	
o  Management	throws	money	at	the	problem,	but	it	doesn’t	improve	
o  Management	throws	people	at	the	problem,	but	it	doesn’t	improve	
o  Finger-poin@ng	and	blaming	between	departments,	mistrust	between	
o  Conflicts	arise	between	departments	due	to	compe@ng	goals	
o  Constant	fire	figh@ng	with	some	fires	reoccurring	
o  Employee	frustra@ons	
QE	Framework	–	Process	
• Guiding	Principles	
Ø Processes	need	to	be	flexible	
Ø Organiza@on-level	processes	should	focus	on	the	“what”	
Ø Team-level	processes	should	focus	on	the	“how”	
Ø Organiza@on	processes	are	owned	by	the	organiza@on	
Ø Team	processes	are	owned	by	the	team	
“We	should	work	on	our	process,	not	the	outcome	of	our	processes.	-	W.	Edwards	Deming
QE	Framework	–	Process	
• Subject	Areas:	
Ø Process	flexibility	
Ø Process	metrics	
Ø Con@nuous	improvement	
Ø Process	documenta@on	
Ø Process	training	
Ø New	process	implementa@on	
Ø Shared	processes	
Ø Process	enforcement	
“There	is	nothing	so	useless	as	doing	efficiently	that	which	shouldn’t	be	done	at	all.”	–	
Peter	Drucker
QE	Framework	–	Tools	
• Business	Value	
Ø Successes	(Forrester):	
o  Business	Intelligence	Applica@ons	–	
v  ROI:	97%,	payback	in	20	months	
o  Project	Porvolio	Management	Tools	–	
v  ROI:	250%+	
o  Online	Customer	Service	Communi@es	–	
v  ROI:	99%,	payback	in	<12	months	
Ø Failures	(Faye	Business	Systems	Group):	
o  The	Top	10	Reasons	Why	Accoun@ng,	ERP	&	CRM	So_ware	Implementa@ons	
v  U.S.	-	>50%	
v  Europe	–	70%-80%	
v  !	Most	of	the	Mme,	the	reason	for	failure	also	has	liWle	to	do	with	the	actual	soSware	itself	
QE	Framework	–	Tools	
• Guiding	Principles	
Ø Tools	support	processes	(not	the	other	way)	
Ø Tools	increase	team	efficiency,	not	reduce	it	
Ø Tools	adapt	to	changing	processes	
“A	bad	system	will	defeat	a	good	person	every	@me.”	-	W.	Edwards	Deming
QE	Framework	–	Tools	
• Subject	Areas:	
Ø Impact	on	user	efficiency	
Ø Effort	needed	to	"feed"	the	tool	
Ø Adaptability	to	process	change	
Ø Tool	training	
Ø Degree	of	acceptance	by	users	
Ø New	tool	selec@on	process	
Ø Tool	change	management	process	
“The	greatest	obstacle	to	discovery	is	not	ignorance	–	it	is	the	illusion	of	knowledge.”	–	
Daniel	J.	BoorsKn
QE	Framework	–	Metrics	
• Business	Value	–	Difficult	to	determine	…	Two	Views:	
Ø W.	Edwards	Deming	
o  “Everyone	and	every	department	in	the	company	must	subscribe	to	constant	
o  “Mee@ng	specifica@ons	does	not	result	in	constant	improvement.	It	ensures	
status	quo.”	
o  “Management	by	results	is	confusing	special	causes	with	common	causes.”	
Ø Peter	Drucker	
o  Management	by	Objec@ves	(MBO)	
v  SMART	objec@ves,	cascading	down	through	the	organiza@on	
v  O_en	provide	input	for	performance	reviews	/	compensa@on	decisions	
v  Drives	employees	to	do	whatever	is	needed	to	“make	the	numbers”	
v  Unintended	consequence:	innova@on,	quality	and	produc@vity	suffer	
»  See	OrganizaKonal	Sabotage	–	The	MalpracKce	of	Management	By	ObjecKve,	by	Ken	Craddock	&	Kelly	
QE	Framework	–	Metrics	
• Guiding	Principles	
Ø Measure	systems,	not	people	
Ø Differen@ate	between	common	cause	and	special	cause	
Ø Understand	and	communicate	“why”	
o  An	effec@ve	framework	is	Goal-QuesKon-Metric	
Ø Fewer	are	bejer	
o  A	discussion	on	this	topic	can	be	found	in	
When	Working	With	Metrics—The	Fewer	the	BeSer	Is	the	Rule	
“Not	everything	that	can	be	counted	counts,	and	not	everything	that	counts	can	be	
counted.”	-	Albert	Einstein
QE	Framework	–	Metrics	
• Subject	Areas:	
Ø Metrics	purpose	
Ø Metrics	defini@on	&	communica@on	
Ø Data	collec@on	process	
Ø Metrics	presenta@on	
“It	is	not	necessary	to	change.	Survival	is	not	mandatory.”	–	W.	Edwards	Deming
QE	Framework	–	Agility	
• Business	Value	
Ø Superior	financial	performance	for	companies	with	highly	mature	
business	agility	characteris@cs	(IBM):	
o  13%	to	38%	performance	advantage	in	capital	efficiency	and	value	
o  10%	to	15%	performance	advantage	in	margins	
o  Up	to	5%	performance	advantage	in	revenue	and	earnings	growth	
Ø Craig	Le	Clair,	Vice	President	and	Principle	Analyst	at	
Forrester	Research	–	
o  70%	of	the	companies	that	were	on	the	Fortune	1000	list	ten	years	ago	have	
now	vanished	–	unable	to	adapt	to	change.	
Ø JPMorgan	Chase	–	XP	Implementa@on	(SEI	North	American	SEPG)	
o  Defect	reduc@on:	63%	overall,	79%	cri@cal	
o  Dura@on	/	effort	reduc@on:	47%	/	44%	
QE	Framework	–	Agility	
• Guiding	Principles	
Ø Communica@on	is	key	–	up,	down,	sideways	
Ø Managers	&	workers	in	touch	with	stakeholders	
Ø Failure	tolerance	
Ø Sharing	of	lessons	
Ø Decentralized	decision-making	
“When	you’re	finished	changing,	you’re	finished.”	-	Benjamin	Franklin
QE	Framework	–	Agility	
• Subject	Areas:	
Ø Communica@on	
Ø Stakeholder	Involvement	
Ø Failure	Tolerance	
Ø Organiza@onal	Learning	
Ø Decision-making	
Ø Process	Oversight	
Ø Adop@on	Support	
Ø Technical	Agility	Support	
“People	rarely	succeed	unless	they	have	fun	in	what	they	are	doing.”	–	Dale	Carnegie
QE	Framework	–	Management	Style	
• Business	Value	
Ø Difficult	to	find,	but	…	
Ø Many	management	styles	…	a	few:	
o  Country	Club	–	Team	Leader	–	Produce	or	Perish	–	Impoverished	
o  Producer	–	Administrator	–	Integrator	–	Entrepreneur	(Dr.	Ichak	Adizes)	
o  Facilitator	–	Conductor	–	Enabler	–	Dominator	(CalState	Handout)	
o  Accomplisher	–	Regulator	–	Creator	–	Uniter	
(IIOSS	Management	Style	Model)	
o  Authorita@ve	–	Persuasive	–	Democra@c	–	Delega@ve	–	Adap@ve	
(Leader	Syndrome)	
Ø And	countless	consultants	to	help	managers	manage,	yet	…	
o  We	probably	all	know	managers	who	cast	a	dark	shadow	over	their	team(s)	
QE	Framework	–	Management	Style	
• Guiding	Principles	
Ø A	manager’s	primary	job	is	to	enable	the	team’s	performance	
Ø Empowered	workers	are	more	produc@ve	
Ø Communica@on	is	key	to	effec@ve	management	
Ø Worker	mo@va@on	goes	beyond	financial	incen@ves	
Ø Integrity	is	cri@cal	
“Simple,	clear	purpose	and	principles	give	rise	to	complex,	intelligent	behavior.		Complex	
rules	and	regula@ons	give	rise	to	simple,	stupid	behavior.”	–		
Dee	Hock,	Founder	and	CEO	Emeritus,	Visa	InternaKonal
QE	Framework	–	Management	Style	
• Subject	Areas:	
Ø Empowerment	(Support	/	Trust)		
Ø Collabora@on	(Change	/	Flexibility)	
Ø Innova@on	(Risk-taking	/	Error	tolerance)	
Ø Communica@on	/	Empathy	
Ø Mo@va@on	(Credit	/	Fear)	
Ø Integrity	
“He	who	will	not	apply	new	remedies	must	expect	old	evils.”	-	Francis	Bacon
Value	at	the	Edges	
Enable	 Enhance	
People	&	Process	 Effec@veness	
People	&	Tools	 Efficiency	
People	&	Agility	 Responsiveness	
People	&	Management	Style	 Produc@vity	
Process	&	Tools	 Throughput	
Process	&	Metrics	 Con@nuous	Improvement	
Process	&	Management	Style	 Flexibility	
Tools	&	Metrics	 Answers	
Tools	&	Agility	 Proficiency	
Metrics	&	Agility	 Adaptability	
Metrics	&	Management	Style	 Awareness	
Agility	&	Management	Style	 Innova@on	
“Knowing	is	not	enough;	we	must	apply.		Willing	is	not	enough;	we	must	do.”	–		
Johann	Wolfgang	von	Goethe
Quality	Enablement	Cycle	
Quality	Enablement	Cycle	
“In	theory,	there’s	no	difference	between	theory	and	prac@ce.		In	prac@ce,	there	is.”	–		
Yogi	Berra
Lessons	Learned	(so	far)	
• Tools	come	in	unexpected	forms	
• Early	assessment	discussions	are	more	closed	than	later	
• Management	and	Staff	oSen	have	conflicMng	views	
“Whether	you	believe	you	can,	or	believe	you	can’t,	you’re	probably	right.”	–	Henry	Ford
If	Interested	…	
• My	goal	is	for	you	to	be	able	to	do	this	on	your	own,	
with	some	free	help	
o  Guided	learning	through	exis@ng	blog	entries	
o  Email	and	phone	support,	as	needed	
o  Access	to	latest	ar@facts	
o  Ideas	to	help	me	put	together	an	educa@on	program	
• If	interested,	leave	me	your	business	card	or	send	me	an	
email,	and	I’ll	get	you	started	
“Things	do	not	happen.		Things	are	made	to	happen.”	–	John	F.	Kennedy
Q	&	A	
Bob	Jarvis	contact	info:	

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