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Dr Dipti Shah isa gynecologistandDinof AhmedabadMedical college representingquestionsof
doctors.There were 2 shibirs heldatAhmedabadMedical collegein2015 andin 2019 inwhichmore
than 5000 doctorshad participated.There are afew selectedquestionsfromthose doctorswhich
are askedhere.
Dr Dhaval Modi - Head of the departmentof OrthopedicAhmedabad-
Que- Whenone meditateshowdoesone exactlyfeel like?
Swamiji- We have frameddifferentconvictionsaboutmeditationinourmind.Itisnot like anyshock
of electriccurrentora lighteningthatpassesthroughyou.The onlyidentityisyoufeel goodwhen
youmeditate.Itisfeelinggoodafterthe meditationwhichisthe biggestexperience thatone gets.If
youfeel betteraftermeditationthatmeansyouare on the righttrack. Thisis the simplestdefinition
of meditation.Secondlyourbodyconsciousnessreduces. Youreachnearerto yoursoul.
Q2- How shall Iknowthat I am meditatingandnotsleeping.
Swamiji- Whilesleepingthoughourbodysleepsbutourbrainstill works.Manyof themdreamwhile
sleeping.Butthatdoesnot happenwhile meditating,neitheryour body,noryourbrainworks,you
are thoughtless.Inthe beginningthere canbe a subtle thoughtthatgoeson and the meditationtoo
goeson.We notice that we donot feel like gettingupwe observe thatithappensinthe beginning
that we do notfeel like comingoutof thatstate.Andafter some daysthat subtle thoughttoo
vanishesandwe become thoughtless.Thishappensgraduallythroughpractice.
Q 3- I am meditatingfromlast10 monthsbutcouldnot achieve thoughtlessstate butthe goodthing
is30 minutespassawayveryfast.
Swamiji- 30minutespassawayfast isa good signindicatingyourbodyconsciousnessreducesand
youachieve the soul level whilemeditating.Youhave gotmore thoughtsof past life andto meditate
it isnecessarytolive inpresent.There are 2 kindsof thoughts - Of pastand of future.If youwould
have these thoughtsitwouldbe difficulttoachieve thoughtlessstate.Butslowlywhenyouwill
practice dailymeditationyourhabitof gettingthe thoughtsof pastwouldreduce and once you
wouldstartremaininginpresent,graduallyyouwill becomethoughtless.Myblessingsare with
you, you will definitelyachieve thisstate keeppracticingmeditationregularly.
Dr NimishParekhSVPHospital Ahmedabad-
Q - whatchangesare observedinthe mindandthoughtsthroughregularmeditation?
Swamiji- there are nosuddenandgastricchangesthat couldbe observed. Suppose youhave ahabit
of thinkingfor10 minutesandyoustart meditatingthenyoursecondthoughtwillbe of 9 minutes
and there will be agap of 1 minute betweentwothoughts.Thenthe nextthoughtwill be of 8
minutesandthe gap of thoughtlessnesswill increase by2minutes.Thusgraduallywhenyougoon
practicingthe meditationthisgapbetweentwothoughtsgetsincreasedandthe time thinkinggets
reducedgradually.Ultimatelyyouwill reachtothe state of thoughtlessnessbutthisispossibleonly
throughpractice.Nothingwill happenatan instance.Secondlyyourcompanyalsoaffectsyour
thoughtssoobserve andtry to live withthose whothinklessandgraduallyyouwillfindyourself in
the state of thoughtlessness.
Dr KetanRajeguruHeadof Deptof UrologySVPHospital Ahmedabad.
Q- It isobservedthatsome of the patientsgetmiraculouslycuredfromveryserious diseasesand
some of themcan notthoughtheirailmentsare notveryserious.Insuchcaseswe get disturbedthat
whycouldn'twe cure the patient.
Swamiji- Youdonotneedto getattachedwiththe results.Youshouldtryyour bestto treatthe
patientanduse all those waysyou couldto save andcure the patientbutdo not keepegoorguiltof
the outcome.
Secondlyyoustudythe medical state of bodyinyourdiagnosisbutyoudo notknow the state of
thoughtsof your patient.The patientwithpositivethoughtsmaygetcuredthoughhe may be
seriouslyillbutanegative thinkingpersoncannotbe curedevenhisdisease iscurable.Youbeinga
doctor can not change the thoughtsof a patient.If apatienthas decidedtodie thenthe doctorcan
not save him. Itis a reciprocal treatmentandmedical science donotstudythoughtsof a patient.
Your dutyis to cure patient'sbodyso donot getinvolvedintothe results.Asateacherteaches
equallytoall studentsbutall of themdo notscore bestmarks.Similarlydoctorshouldtreatall
patientsequallywellbutshouldnotbe attachedtothe result.The doctorshouldalwayswearasmile
on hisface.He shouldmeditate regularly.Thisexpandsthe auraof the doctorand helpspatientto
recoverfastby bringingpositive changesinthe patient.The pleasantpersonalityof the doctoralso
protectsdoctor fromthe negative energyof apatient.
Dr KamleshBhadreshwaraProfessorandheadof the Dpt of SurgerySVPHospital Ahmedabad
Que -Who am I?
Swamiji- Sitalone ataquietplace andask thisquestiontoyourself,youwill turnintrovert.Andonce
youturn introvertyouwill getthe answeryourself.Myanswertothisquestionwouldbe aspermy
experience whichwouldnotbe necessarilyhelpful toyou.Insteadwhydon'tyouprobe thisquestion
againand againto yourself.The numberdoesn'tmatterbuthow muchyou getintrovertandask this
questiontoyourself matters.Sitata quietplace andask thisquestionthrice - Whoam I ? And you
will realisethatyouare notwhat youconsideredyourself tobe.Sofindoutthe answeryourself,my
blessingsare withyou.
Q- What isthe actual experience of aatma(soul) andParamatma(oversoul - God) and how do we
Withoutexperiencingparmatma(God) youcan notknow aatma - (soul).We seekGodoutside.My
grannysaid godis indestructibleHe wasyesterday,He istodayandHe will be there tomorrow.From
thisI concludedthatno livingpersoncouldbe Godbecause there isnoone whoisimmortal.Then I
setout insearch of God theysuggestedme variouswaystoreach to God like Yagya,havan,
namasmaran.Still Icouldnot reachto God. Whenall my effortsfailed,Istartedpraying.Prayergives
youtwo benefitsitdestroysyouregoandit connectsyou withthe higherenergy.ThenIhappened
to meetmyGuru who gave me the experience of ParmatmaandI believedmyGuruto be my God.
Because I gotthe experience of UniversalconsciousnessthroughmyGuru.ThoughI knew thathe
was a commonhumanbeinglike me,Istartedbelievinghimtobe God. myGuru workedasa bridge
betweenme andGod.Andwiththe helpof myGuru I couldturnintrovertandreachedto the soul
withinme.Thusfirstyouneedtoget acquaintedwiththe parmatmaoutside andthenyoureach to
the aatma within.There isonlyGuruwhocan turnyou introvert,restall thingsinthe worldwould
take your attentionoutside.That'swhyitissaid Guru sakshatparabrahma- The guru is God Himself.
Thisseemstobe contradictory -If Godis indestructible thenhow canGurube God?The fact isit's
not the bodybut the soul withinGuruwhichisconsideredtobe God.Andwhenyouget the
satisfactionthatyoufoundthe God,thenyou have achievedthe aimof yourlife.The biggest
satisfactionof life is" ImetmyGod!"Soaatma, Parmatmaand Guru all are one and the same they
are there inthe formof yoursoul withinyou.The wayto reach withinyourself beginsfromoutside.
No personcanturn introvertindependently.Asyouneedamirrorto see yourownface,similarly
youneeda Guru whoworks as a mirrorfor you toturn your attentioninsideandtomeetyourown
soul.Until youare dissatisfiedyoucannotturnintrovert.Aftergettingthe satisfactionof meeting
God youbecome independent.Youdonot dependforpleasure onGuru,idol,temple,mountainor
river.Youtoo have thisexperience inyourlife.Iamtalkingaboutapermanentexperience nota
temporaryone.Yougo to a temple andwaitthere inthe queue forhoursandafterthisprolonged
waitingyou geta small glimpse of the idol inthe temple andyoufeel veryhappy.Afterafew
secondspeople there askyoutomove away.Aftersuchan experience thatyouwere drivenaway
fromthe place,if a friendof yoursasksyouafter a weektovisitthe temple again,youagree readily
to visitit.Thisindicatesthatitwas notpleasantforyour bodybutit was the pleasure of soul thatthe
idol gave youand that waswhyyou were happytogo there again.It was due to that devine
experience thatyougotin the proximityof thatidol.The questioniswhetheryougotthe devine
experience due tothe temple orthe idol?Actuallyasaintpracticedpenance foryearsandinstalled
hisintroversiveenergyintothatidol whichworksasamirror for youand as soonas you confrontthe
idol thatintroversive energychannelisesyourenergydeepwithinyou.Thusyouturnintrovertand
feel good.Itisnot due to the temple orthe idol butit isthe proximityof yourownsoul thatmakes
youfeel good. Thusto reach out to godinside you,you needtobelieve intothe Godoutside .In
Himalayathere are manysaintsand hermitsbutthere isno practice beingfollowedbythemthatwe
followhere inthe name of God.There is noidol,notemple,noGodstill theyfeel the proximity of
god withinthemselves.Theyare notdependentuponanyof the outermedium.
Thus inthe temple youfeltgoodbecause of the energyinstilledinthe idol.The energyinthe idol is
an installedone butthe livingGuruHimself isalive energy.Guruhas His ownearnedenergy
throughhispenance andas soon as we surrendertoGuru all His energygetstransferredintous
automatically.Assoonasyoursoul mergeswithHimall hispowersandenergiesgettransferredinto
you.He doesn'tgive themoryou don'ttake themphysicallyfromhim.Onlydifference betweenus
and Guru isthat He believesandrestsassuredall the time thatGodis withinHimandwe are unable
to believeall the time thatGodis withinus!ThusGuru,Aatma and Parmatmaare same , only
difference is- Guruisinthe form and Parmatmaand Aatmaare formless.
Q- Who isthe seerkeepsseeing?
Whenyoudo any workin secrecyor evenathoughtcomesto your mindwhichyoudo notexpress
and youthinknobodynoticedit.Butthe soul withinyou isa seer.That soul keepsrecordingevena
smallestthingof yourlife.Underthe effectof bodythoughyoudon'tnotice itbut postyour
awakeningitgetsevidential.A Jainmonkrememberedafterhisself awakeninghow akittenwas
killedbyhim52 years ago whichhe had forgotten.Butitwas storedinhissubconsciousmindbyhis
soul.Sothe seerisour soul.Sodo goodthingsinlife those will giveyoupleasureatthe time of
death.Many sadhaksfindthemselvesintrouble before deathbecause, likeamovie theysee all the
happeningsof theirlifestoredintheirmemory.Theywanttoget ridof the bad memoriesof their
life andbegforthe death.Sokeepdoinggooddeedsinyourlife .Nobodyknowswhenourlast
momentwill approach.Buttobe happy at the time of deathyouneedtobe satisfied.Andultimate
satisfactionof life isattainmentof God.If youget thissatisfactionthenyourlastmomentof deathis
full of bliss.Generallyyoudependuponothersforyourhappinessyoufeel thatyourwife willgive
youhappiness,yoursonwill give youhappiness,yourdaughterwillgive youhappiness,oryour
wealthwill give youhappiness.Itmeansyouare searchingforthe happinessoutsideandyouare
dependentuponothersforyourhappinessbutthishappinessisnotpermanent.Once yougetone
thingyoubecome dissatisfieduntil yougetthe otherthing.Betterbe independentforyourown
happinessthisindependentblissispermanent.Nobodycansnatchitaway fromyou.
Q- What isthe realityof dreamsthat we see while sleeping?
Swamiji- Whenwe thinktoomuchthroughoutthe dayaboutthe thingswhichare impossible to
we start shouldbe able tosleep
quietlywithoutdreams.Donotpay toomuch attentiontothe dreamsand if youare happeningto
dreamtoo much thennote thatyou are thinkingtoomuchitindicatesthatyouneedtomeditate
Dr Priti Bhadreshwara,Homeopathicconsultant
Q- You directusto meditate forhalf anhour and to be inmeditative state forremaining23 anda
half hoursof the day, howisit possible practically?How couldwe stay inthe meditative state for
23 and a half hour? kindlyguide.
Swamiji- We charge ourmobile phone forhalf anhourand thenwe use it for remaining22hours of
the day. Mobile usesthe energythatithas takenduringchargingthroughoutthe remaining
time. Similarthingistobe appliedinourlife, we needtomeditate forhalf anhourand gainthe
energyfromcosmosand utilise the energythatwe gainedforthe restof the dayby beingin
meditative State.Bythe termmeditative state Imeantobe in present. While meditatingwe
practice to be in presenttime andonce thispractice of half an hour isdone we needto carry on the
same practice for remaining23 hoursof the day.Generallythe reasonwhywe fail inourworks
is, we waste ourenergyinthinkingaboutpastandfuture and we do notinvestourproperenergyin
the work thatwe doin presenttime.Generallywe seepeople saying- "Iam tired."People gettired
due to overthinking.Onlywaytopreserve ourenergyistoremaininpresentandif youare in
presentthenyouworkwithyourfull energy.Remaininginpresenthelpsyoutoattain
thoughtlessness.Youwill getsuccessonlywhenyouwill remaininpresent.Thisisamatterof
practice.I too practice itdaily.I toostay amongthe people myfamilyisafamilyof millionsof people
and these peoplehave millionsof thoughts,still if Ican remainthoughtlessthenwhycan'tyou?Set
an alarm foreveryhourand keepa watchon your thoughts.Observe themandgetacontrol on
thoughtsof past and future.Thispractice will give youathoughtlessstate.We provide energytoour
thoughtsbycarrying on thinking.Butif we turnconsciousaboutthemthenwe stopgivingthemthe
Dr Vipul AssistantofficerOrto - AMC Medical college Ahmedabad.
Q- Doesone geta bodythat couldbearthe energyof self realisationinaperticular birth? Are all the
bodieseligible toreceivethe energyof self realisation?Whatisso special aboutthe bodythat
Swamiji- Anearthenpotisbakedbythe potterinsuch a way that the potshouldbe able to holdthe
waterintoit. Butan unbakedpotcan notholdit.Similarlythe bodythatiscapable to receive and
holdthe energyof self realisationisuseful.The incapable bodywouldnotbe able tobearitin fact
the energyitself wouldnotflow intoit.ShreeDnyaneshwarwrote elaboratelyonself realisation800
yearsago. But hisguru didnotallowhimto give the experience of ittohisdisciples because itwas
not the optimumtime.Thusguruwasthere,optimumbodywasthere butthe time wasnot
appropriate.Sofirstof all you needtoextendthanksto yourparentsfrom whomyougot thisbody
that has the capacityto receive thisenergy.Youhave gotGuru whocan give youthisdevine
experience.Andpresenttime isoptimumtoreceive thisenergyincollectivity.Butjustgetting
Aatmasakshatkarisnotenoughitis like gettingadmissioninamedical college.One doesn'tbecome
a doctor by justgettingadmissioninamedical college.One needstostudyhardandcomplete a
course of syllabus. Thusitisimportanttoknow self realisationandstartinganinwardjourney
through practicingmeditation.Butthese all thingscannothappenina single life.We neededto
take many birthsforthisself realisation.Ourastral body,ourkundlini andoursoul keepthe records
of ourlast birth progress.Yourlast birth'seffectshave astrongholdon yourpresentlife andGuru
knowswhatmistakesyouhadcommittedinyourlastbirth.So Guru keepsprohibitingyoufrom
committingsame mistakes.Sohe makesyoualertbut He has His limitationsso ,one needsto
KhiratSolanki - NeurosurgeonVisitingsuperspecialityconsultantAMCmedical college Ahmedabad.
Q- Whethermeditationoutof bodyandmeditationbeyond7chakras above bodyisthe same or
Swamiji- Donotthinktoomuch aboutit, so far youneedtobe stable onSahastrar - Crown chakra.
Once we get stabilityforaverylongtime on Crownchakra thenthe journeyabove chakrasbegin.
But 7 chakrasabove our bodyare not the destination.The ultimate destinationistoreachbeyond
body.Thismeditationbeyondbodyhappensnaturally,youdon'tneedtodoit.It happensinthe
fractionof a secondbutcomingback isdifficult.
Q- Medical science statesaboutdifferentdepthsof meditation.Whatare these differentlevelsof
Swamiji- Thishasarelationwiththe purityof yourattention,chit.More youget deepintothe
meditation,more yourattentiongetscleansedandachievespurity.Asyourattentiongetsthispurity
youstart experiencingdifferentstates.More Youreduce your bodyconsciousnessmore youachieve
the purityof attention.Itoocame to know about the stateswhenI came inthe societyandI getin
touch withsome of the healerswhotoldme aboutthese levelsof meditation.More yoursoul
evolves,deeperyougointothe meditation.Thisstate canbe achievedgraduallythroughpractice
but itcannot be attainedjustbywishingforit.A few daysback some Jainmonkswishedtomeditate
witha viewtogain powers.ButI toldthemtheycan notget thembecause thattoo isa wishand
wishesalwaysbringyouonthe level of body.Andpowersare onthe level of soul.Soyouneedtobe
on the level of soul togetthe powersof soul.
Q- You saythat whenone reachesbeyondAgnyaChakraone stopsseeinganyvision.Thenhow can
one see one'sownbodywhenone reachesbeyondbodyinthe meditation?
Swamiji- Compare ourbodywiththe pole inthe circusto whicha balloonishangedandoursoul is
like the balloon.Oursoul isconnectedbyasilverthreadtoour body.Goingabove the bodyis easy
but one needstobe careful while returningwiththe helpof similarsilverwire.Thiswire isvisible for
a fewkilometersandgetsinvisibleformanykilometers.Soone needstorememberlandmarks
while comingbacktothe body.Thismeditationcannotbe practicedina crowdy place.
Once a sadhakaskedme that if one can't see anythingwhenone reachesbeyondagnyachakrathen
howdidyou happentosee Sai Baba in meditation?ItoldhimthatI didnot see Sai Baba I
experiencedHisenergy,Hissubtle body.Itissimilartothe smell of arose whichis notseenbut
experienced,fragrance stickissmall butitspreadsitsfragrance in a bigarea. Same isapplicable to
aura and energy.Swamiji gave example of SaintsinHimalayaswhose aurasare spreadinhundreds
of milesinsurroundingandhowone can not enterintotheiraurawithouttheirpermission.Thus
energyisa veryvast field.
Dr PravinLimbani - Physician
Que- We doctors wishtomeditate butdonot get enoughtime forit. What shouldwe do?
Swamiji- Itisveryunfortunate thatone whoneedsmeditationbadlyisunable todoit.Police are
surroundedwithcriminalsanddoctorsare surroundedwithpatients.Youneedtotake outtime for
yourself.Icannot helpthembecause everyone hasdifferentschedulestofollow.Getuphalf an
hour earlierinthe morning.Livingsadgurulivesinpresentandshowsyouwayspossibleinpresent
he is nota closedbookhe islike abook beingwritten.SoduringCoronaperiodithas beenobserved
that not onlydoctorsbutthere are otherslike police ,rakshakswhotoocouldnotget time.So
easiestwayisto love yourGuru unconditionally.Itwill be alove onthe level of soul andthislove will
transferthe state of Guru intoyou.Swamiji explainswithExampleof donation - asyoudonate to a
Guru you getsatisfactionof donatingtothe whole worldsimilarlyif youlove yourguruyoulove the
whole worldbecause aGuruis connectedwiththe full universe. He hasmillionsof soulsconnected
to hissubtle body.He loveseverysingle beinginthisworld.SobylovingaGuru's subtle bodyyou
attainthe highestlevel of universal love.Sothroughlove Guru'senergyof Hissubtle bodyreachesto
the whole universe.Youacquiredeveryskill inyourlifesubtlysoyouwill be able toattainthis
universal love subtly.
Dr Mira DhaiwatMehta - Microbiologist-
Que- Our surroundingsdragourintrovertattentionoutside.Gurudevyoutooare always
surroundedbymanyaffairs,howdoyou stayintrovert?How can we keepourchit introvertwhile
carryingout our duties?
Swamiji- Igotconnectbybasingle experience withmyGuru.Butmay be your experience isnot
enoughforyouto get permanentlyconnectedtoyourSadguru.Asyougo on practicingyoucan
achieve it.The easiestwaytoattainthe state isto love the subtle bodyof Guru. The nature of soul
isto love.Lovingunconditionallyiseasierthanmeditating.

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Swamiji's Dr. Q and A with Dipti Day 3 CM 2021

  • 1. Dr Dipti Shah isa gynecologistandDinof AhmedabadMedical college representingquestionsof doctors.There were 2 shibirs heldatAhmedabadMedical collegein2015 andin 2019 inwhichmore than 5000 doctorshad participated.There are afew selectedquestionsfromthose doctorswhich are askedhere. Dr Dhaval Modi - Head of the departmentof OrthopedicAhmedabad- Que- Whenone meditateshowdoesone exactlyfeel like? Swamiji- We have frameddifferentconvictionsaboutmeditationinourmind.Itisnot like anyshock of electriccurrentora lighteningthatpassesthroughyou.The onlyidentityisyoufeel goodwhen youmeditate.Itisfeelinggoodafterthe meditationwhichisthe biggestexperience thatone gets.If youfeel betteraftermeditationthatmeansyouare on the righttrack. Thisis the simplestdefinition of meditation.Secondlyourbodyconsciousnessreduces. Youreachnearerto yoursoul. Q2- How shall Iknowthat I am meditatingandnotsleeping. Swamiji- Whilesleepingthoughourbodysleepsbutourbrainstill works.Manyof themdreamwhile sleeping.Butthatdoesnot happenwhile meditating,neitheryour body,noryourbrainworks,you are thoughtless.Inthe beginningthere canbe a subtle thoughtthatgoeson and the meditationtoo goeson.We notice that we donot feel like gettingupwe observe thatithappensinthe beginning that we do notfeel like comingoutof thatstate.Andafter some daysthat subtle thoughttoo vanishesandwe become thoughtless.Thishappensgraduallythroughpractice. Q 3- I am meditatingfromlast10 monthsbutcouldnot achieve thoughtlessstate butthe goodthing is30 minutespassawayveryfast. Swamiji- 30minutespassawayfast isa good signindicatingyourbodyconsciousnessreducesand youachieve the soul level whilemeditating.Youhave gotmore thoughtsof past life andto meditate it isnecessarytolive inpresent.There are 2 kindsof thoughts - Of pastand of future.If youwould have these thoughtsitwouldbe difficulttoachieve thoughtlessstate.Butslowlywhenyouwill practice dailymeditationyourhabitof gettingthe thoughtsof pastwouldreduce and once you wouldstartremaininginpresent,graduallyyouwill becomethoughtless.Myblessingsare with you, you will definitelyachieve thisstate keeppracticingmeditationregularly. Dr NimishParekhSVPHospital Ahmedabad- Q - whatchangesare observedinthe mindandthoughtsthroughregularmeditation? Swamiji- there are nosuddenandgastricchangesthat couldbe observed. Suppose youhave ahabit of thinkingfor10 minutesandyoustart meditatingthenyoursecondthoughtwillbe of 9 minutes and there will be agap of 1 minute betweentwothoughts.Thenthe nextthoughtwill be of 8 minutesandthe gap of thoughtlessnesswill increase by2minutes.Thusgraduallywhenyougoon practicingthe meditationthisgapbetweentwothoughtsgetsincreasedandthe time thinkinggets reducedgradually.Ultimatelyyouwill reachtothe state of thoughtlessnessbutthisispossibleonly throughpractice.Nothingwill happenatan instance.Secondlyyourcompanyalsoaffectsyour thoughtssoobserve andtry to live withthose whothinklessandgraduallyyouwillfindyourself in the state of thoughtlessness. Dr KetanRajeguruHeadof Deptof UrologySVPHospital Ahmedabad.
  • 2. Q- It isobservedthatsome of the patientsgetmiraculouslycuredfromveryserious diseasesand some of themcan notthoughtheirailmentsare notveryserious.Insuchcaseswe get disturbedthat whycouldn'twe cure the patient. Swamiji- Youdonotneedto getattachedwiththe results.Youshouldtryyour bestto treatthe patientanduse all those waysyou couldto save andcure the patientbutdo not keepegoorguiltof the outcome. Secondlyyoustudythe medical state of bodyinyourdiagnosisbutyoudo notknow the state of thoughtsof your patient.The patientwithpositivethoughtsmaygetcuredthoughhe may be seriouslyillbutanegative thinkingpersoncannotbe curedevenhisdisease iscurable.Youbeinga doctor can not change the thoughtsof a patient.If apatienthas decidedtodie thenthe doctorcan not save him. Itis a reciprocal treatmentandmedical science donotstudythoughtsof a patient. Your dutyis to cure patient'sbodyso donot getinvolvedintothe results.Asateacherteaches equallytoall studentsbutall of themdo notscore bestmarks.Similarlydoctorshouldtreatall patientsequallywellbutshouldnotbe attachedtothe result.The doctorshouldalwayswearasmile on hisface.He shouldmeditate regularly.Thisexpandsthe auraof the doctorand helpspatientto recoverfastby bringingpositive changesinthe patient.The pleasantpersonalityof the doctoralso protectsdoctor fromthe negative energyof apatient. Dr KamleshBhadreshwaraProfessorandheadof the Dpt of SurgerySVPHospital Ahmedabad Que -Who am I? Swamiji- Sitalone ataquietplace andask thisquestiontoyourself,youwill turnintrovert.Andonce youturn introvertyouwill getthe answeryourself.Myanswertothisquestionwouldbe aspermy experience whichwouldnotbe necessarilyhelpful toyou.Insteadwhydon'tyouprobe thisquestion againand againto yourself.The numberdoesn'tmatterbuthow muchyou getintrovertandask this questiontoyourself matters.Sitata quietplace andask thisquestionthrice - Whoam I ? And you will realisethatyouare notwhat youconsideredyourself tobe.Sofindoutthe answeryourself,my blessingsare withyou. Q- What isthe actual experience of aatma(soul) andParamatma(oversoul - God) and how do we getit? Swamiji- Withoutexperiencingparmatma(God) youcan notknow aatma - (soul).We seekGodoutside.My grannysaid godis indestructibleHe wasyesterday,He istodayandHe will be there tomorrow.From thisI concludedthatno livingpersoncouldbe Godbecause there isnoone whoisimmortal.Then I setout insearch of God theysuggestedme variouswaystoreach to God like Yagya,havan, namasmaran.Still Icouldnot reachto God. Whenall my effortsfailed,Istartedpraying.Prayergives youtwo benefitsitdestroysyouregoandit connectsyou withthe higherenergy.ThenIhappened to meetmyGuru who gave me the experience of ParmatmaandI believedmyGuruto be my God. Because I gotthe experience of UniversalconsciousnessthroughmyGuru.ThoughI knew thathe was a commonhumanbeinglike me,Istartedbelievinghimtobe God. myGuru workedasa bridge betweenme andGod.Andwiththe helpof myGuru I couldturnintrovertandreachedto the soul
  • 3. withinme.Thusfirstyouneedtoget acquaintedwiththe parmatmaoutside andthenyoureach to the aatma within.There isonlyGuruwhocan turnyou introvert,restall thingsinthe worldwould take your attentionoutside.That'swhyitissaid Guru sakshatparabrahma- The guru is God Himself. Thisseemstobe contradictory -If Godis indestructible thenhow canGurube God?The fact isit's not the bodybut the soul withinGuruwhichisconsideredtobe God.Andwhenyouget the satisfactionthatyoufoundthe God,thenyou have achievedthe aimof yourlife.The biggest satisfactionof life is" ImetmyGod!"Soaatma, Parmatmaand Guru all are one and the same they are there inthe formof yoursoul withinyou.The wayto reach withinyourself beginsfromoutside. No personcanturn introvertindependently.Asyouneedamirrorto see yourownface,similarly youneeda Guru whoworks as a mirrorfor you toturn your attentioninsideandtomeetyourown soul.Until youare dissatisfiedyoucannotturnintrovert.Aftergettingthe satisfactionof meeting God youbecome independent.Youdonot dependforpleasure onGuru,idol,temple,mountainor river.Youtoo have thisexperience inyourlife.Iamtalkingaboutapermanentexperience nota temporaryone.Yougo to a temple andwaitthere inthe queue forhoursandafterthisprolonged waitingyou geta small glimpse of the idol inthe temple andyoufeel veryhappy.Afterafew secondspeople there askyoutomove away.Aftersuchan experience thatyouwere drivenaway fromthe place,if a friendof yoursasksyouafter a weektovisitthe temple again,youagree readily to visitit.Thisindicatesthatitwas notpleasantforyour bodybutit was the pleasure of soul thatthe idol gave youand that waswhyyou were happytogo there again.It was due to that devine experience thatyougotin the proximityof thatidol.The questioniswhetheryougotthe devine experience due tothe temple orthe idol?Actuallyasaintpracticedpenance foryearsandinstalled hisintroversiveenergyintothatidol whichworksasamirror for youand as soonas you confrontthe idol thatintroversive energychannelisesyourenergydeepwithinyou.Thusyouturnintrovertand feel good.Itisnot due to the temple orthe idol butit isthe proximityof yourownsoul thatmakes youfeel good. Thusto reach out to godinside you,you needtobelieve intothe Godoutside .In Himalayathere are manysaintsand hermitsbutthere isno practice beingfollowedbythemthatwe followhere inthe name of God.There is noidol,notemple,noGodstill theyfeel the proximity of god withinthemselves.Theyare notdependentuponanyof the outermedium. Thus inthe temple youfeltgoodbecause of the energyinstilledinthe idol.The energyinthe idol is an installedone butthe livingGuruHimself isalive energy.Guruhas His ownearnedenergy throughhispenance andas soon as we surrendertoGuru all His energygetstransferredintous automatically.Assoonasyoursoul mergeswithHimall hispowersandenergiesgettransferredinto you.He doesn'tgive themoryou don'ttake themphysicallyfromhim.Onlydifference betweenus and Guru isthat He believesandrestsassuredall the time thatGodis withinHimandwe are unable to believeall the time thatGodis withinus!ThusGuru,Aatma and Parmatmaare same , only difference is- Guruisinthe form and Parmatmaand Aatmaare formless. Q- Who isthe seerkeepsseeing? Whenyoudo any workin secrecyor evenathoughtcomesto your mindwhichyoudo notexpress and youthinknobodynoticedit.Butthe soul withinyou isa seer.That soul keepsrecordingevena smallestthingof yourlife.Underthe effectof bodythoughyoudon'tnotice itbut postyour awakeningitgetsevidential.A Jainmonkrememberedafterhisself awakeninghow akittenwas killedbyhim52 years ago whichhe had forgotten.Butitwas storedinhissubconsciousmindbyhis soul.Sothe seerisour soul.Sodo goodthingsinlife those will giveyoupleasureatthe time of death.Many sadhaksfindthemselvesintrouble before deathbecause, likeamovie theysee all the happeningsof theirlifestoredintheirmemory.Theywanttoget ridof the bad memoriesof their life andbegforthe death.Sokeepdoinggooddeedsinyourlife .Nobodyknowswhenourlast
  • 4. momentwill approach.Buttobe happy at the time of deathyouneedtobe satisfied.Andultimate satisfactionof life isattainmentof God.If youget thissatisfactionthenyourlastmomentof deathis full of bliss.Generallyyoudependuponothersforyourhappinessyoufeel thatyourwife willgive youhappiness,yoursonwill give youhappiness,yourdaughterwillgive youhappiness,oryour wealthwill give youhappiness.Itmeansyouare searchingforthe happinessoutsideandyouare dependentuponothersforyourhappinessbutthishappinessisnotpermanent.Once yougetone thingyoubecome dissatisfieduntil yougetthe otherthing.Betterbe independentforyourown happinessthisindependentblissispermanent.Nobodycansnatchitaway fromyou. Q- What isthe realityof dreamsthat we see while sleeping? Swamiji- Whenwe thinktoomuchthroughoutthe dayaboutthe thingswhichare impossible to happen we start shouldbe able tosleep quietlywithoutdreams.Donotpay toomuch attentiontothe dreamsand if youare happeningto dreamtoo much thennote thatyou are thinkingtoomuchitindicatesthatyouneedtomeditate more. Dr Priti Bhadreshwara,Homeopathicconsultant Q- You directusto meditate forhalf anhour and to be inmeditative state forremaining23 anda half hoursof the day, howisit possible practically?How couldwe stay inthe meditative state for 23 and a half hour? kindlyguide. Swamiji- We charge ourmobile phone forhalf anhourand thenwe use it for remaining22hours of the day. Mobile usesthe energythatithas takenduringchargingthroughoutthe remaining time. Similarthingistobe appliedinourlife, we needtomeditate forhalf anhourand gainthe energyfromcosmosand utilise the energythatwe gainedforthe restof the dayby beingin meditative State.Bythe termmeditative state Imeantobe in present. While meditatingwe practice to be in presenttime andonce thispractice of half an hour isdone we needto carry on the same practice for remaining23 hoursof the day.Generallythe reasonwhywe fail inourworks is, we waste ourenergyinthinkingaboutpastandfuture and we do notinvestourproperenergyin the work thatwe doin presenttime.Generallywe seepeople saying- "Iam tired."People gettired due to overthinking.Onlywaytopreserve ourenergyistoremaininpresentandif youare in presentthenyouworkwithyourfull energy.Remaininginpresenthelpsyoutoattain thoughtlessness.Youwill getsuccessonlywhenyouwill remaininpresent.Thisisamatterof practice.I too practice itdaily.I toostay amongthe people myfamilyisafamilyof millionsof people and these peoplehave millionsof thoughts,still if Ican remainthoughtlessthenwhycan'tyou?Set an alarm foreveryhourand keepa watchon your thoughts.Observe themandgetacontrol on thoughtsof past and future.Thispractice will give youathoughtlessstate.We provide energytoour thoughtsbycarrying on thinking.Butif we turnconsciousaboutthemthenwe stopgivingthemthe energy. Dr Vipul AssistantofficerOrto - AMC Medical college Ahmedabad.
  • 5. Q- Doesone geta bodythat couldbearthe energyof self realisationinaperticular birth? Are all the bodieseligible toreceivethe energyof self realisation?Whatisso special aboutthe bodythat receivesit? Swamiji- Anearthenpotisbakedbythe potterinsuch a way that the potshouldbe able to holdthe waterintoit. Butan unbakedpotcan notholdit.Similarlythe bodythatiscapable to receive and holdthe energyof self realisationisuseful.The incapable bodywouldnotbe able tobearitin fact the energyitself wouldnotflow intoit.ShreeDnyaneshwarwrote elaboratelyonself realisation800 yearsago. But hisguru didnotallowhimto give the experience of ittohisdisciples because itwas not the optimumtime.Thusguruwasthere,optimumbodywasthere butthe time wasnot appropriate.Sofirstof all you needtoextendthanksto yourparentsfrom whomyougot thisbody that has the capacityto receive thisenergy.Youhave gotGuru whocan give youthisdevine experience.Andpresenttime isoptimumtoreceive thisenergyincollectivity.Butjustgetting Aatmasakshatkarisnotenoughitis like gettingadmissioninamedical college.One doesn'tbecome a doctor by justgettingadmissioninamedical college.One needstostudyhardandcomplete a course of syllabus. Thusitisimportanttoknow self realisationandstartinganinwardjourney through practicingmeditation.Butthese all thingscannothappenina single life.We neededto take many birthsforthisself realisation.Ourastral body,ourkundlini andoursoul keepthe records of ourlast birth progress.Yourlast birth'seffectshave astrongholdon yourpresentlife andGuru knowswhatmistakesyouhadcommittedinyourlastbirth.So Guru keepsprohibitingyoufrom committingsame mistakes.Sohe makesyoualertbut He has His limitationsso ,one needsto understandHissignals. KhiratSolanki - NeurosurgeonVisitingsuperspecialityconsultantAMCmedical college Ahmedabad. Q- Whethermeditationoutof bodyandmeditationbeyond7chakras above bodyisthe same or different? Swamiji- Donotthinktoomuch aboutit, so far youneedtobe stable onSahastrar - Crown chakra. Once we get stabilityforaverylongtime on Crownchakra thenthe journeyabove chakrasbegin. But 7 chakrasabove our bodyare not the destination.The ultimate destinationistoreachbeyond body.Thismeditationbeyondbodyhappensnaturally,youdon'tneedtodoit.It happensinthe fractionof a secondbutcomingback isdifficult. Q- Medical science statesaboutdifferentdepthsof meditation.Whatare these differentlevelsof meditation? Swamiji- Thishasarelationwiththe purityof yourattention,chit.More youget deepintothe meditation,more yourattentiongetscleansedandachievespurity.Asyourattentiongetsthispurity youstart experiencingdifferentstates.More Youreduce your bodyconsciousnessmore youachieve the purityof attention.Itoocame to know about the stateswhenI came inthe societyandI getin touch withsome of the healerswhotoldme aboutthese levelsof meditation.More yoursoul evolves,deeperyougointothe meditation.Thisstate canbe achievedgraduallythroughpractice
  • 6. but itcannot be attainedjustbywishingforit.A few daysback some Jainmonkswishedtomeditate witha viewtogain powers.ButI toldthemtheycan notget thembecause thattoo isa wishand wishesalwaysbringyouonthe level of body.Andpowersare onthe level of soul.Soyouneedtobe on the level of soul togetthe powersof soul. Q- You saythat whenone reachesbeyondAgnyaChakraone stopsseeinganyvision.Thenhow can one see one'sownbodywhenone reachesbeyondbodyinthe meditation? Swamiji- Compare ourbodywiththe pole inthe circusto whicha balloonishangedandoursoul is like the balloon.Oursoul isconnectedbyasilverthreadtoour body.Goingabove the bodyis easy but one needstobe careful while returningwiththe helpof similarsilverwire.Thiswire isvisible for a fewkilometersandgetsinvisibleformanykilometers.Soone needstorememberlandmarks while comingbacktothe body.Thismeditationcannotbe practicedina crowdy place. Once a sadhakaskedme that if one can't see anythingwhenone reachesbeyondagnyachakrathen howdidyou happentosee Sai Baba in meditation?ItoldhimthatI didnot see Sai Baba I experiencedHisenergy,Hissubtle body.Itissimilartothe smell of arose whichis notseenbut experienced,fragrance stickissmall butitspreadsitsfragrance in a bigarea. Same isapplicable to aura and energy.Swamiji gave example of SaintsinHimalayaswhose aurasare spreadinhundreds of milesinsurroundingandhowone can not enterintotheiraurawithouttheirpermission.Thus energyisa veryvast field. Dr PravinLimbani - Physician Que- We doctors wishtomeditate butdonot get enoughtime forit. What shouldwe do? Swamiji- Itisveryunfortunate thatone whoneedsmeditationbadlyisunable todoit.Police are surroundedwithcriminalsanddoctorsare surroundedwithpatients.Youneedtotake outtime for yourself.Icannot helpthembecause everyone hasdifferentschedulestofollow.Getuphalf an hour earlierinthe morning.Livingsadgurulivesinpresentandshowsyouwayspossibleinpresent he is nota closedbookhe islike abook beingwritten.SoduringCoronaperiodithas beenobserved that not onlydoctorsbutthere are otherslike police ,rakshakswhotoocouldnotget time.So easiestwayisto love yourGuru unconditionally.Itwill be alove onthe level of soul andthislove will transferthe state of Guru intoyou.Swamiji explainswithExampleof donation - asyoudonate to a Guru you getsatisfactionof donatingtothe whole worldsimilarlyif youlove yourguruyoulove the whole worldbecause aGuruis connectedwiththe full universe. He hasmillionsof soulsconnected to hissubtle body.He loveseverysingle beinginthisworld.SobylovingaGuru's subtle bodyyou attainthe highestlevel of universal love.Sothroughlove Guru'senergyof Hissubtle bodyreachesto the whole universe.Youacquiredeveryskill inyourlifesubtlysoyouwill be able toattainthis universal love subtly. Dr Mira DhaiwatMehta - Microbiologist- Que- Our surroundingsdragourintrovertattentionoutside.Gurudevyoutooare always surroundedbymanyaffairs,howdoyou stayintrovert?How can we keepourchit introvertwhile carryingout our duties? Swamiji- Igotconnectbybasingle experience withmyGuru.Butmay be your experience isnot enoughforyouto get permanentlyconnectedtoyourSadguru.Asyougo on practicingyoucan
  • 7. achieve it.The easiestwaytoattainthe state isto love the subtle bodyof Guru. The nature of soul isto love.Lovingunconditionallyiseasierthanmeditating.