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A Class of Frequency Hop Codes with
Nearly Ideal Characteristics for Use
in Multiple-Access Spread-Spectrum
Communications and Radar and Sonar Systems
Svetislav V. Marie, Member, IEEE, and Edward L. Titlebaum
Abstract-In the paper we addressthe problem of constructing
frequency hop codes for use in multiusercommunication systems
such as multiple-access spread-spectrum communications and
multiuserradar and sonar systems. Previous frequency hopping
techniques are reviewed. The construction of a new family of
frequency hop codes called hyperbolic frequency hop codes is
given. Exactly p-1 codes of length p-1 exist for every prime,
p. Additionally the fullness of the codes is proven. We review
the concepts of multiple-accessspread-spectrumcommunication
systems and multiuser radar and sonar systems and it is shown
that the hyperbolic frequency hop codes possess nearly ideal
characteristics for use in both types of system. Specifically,
in multiple-access communicationsthe codes achieve minimum
error probability, while in radar and sonar systems the codes
have at most two hits in their auto-and cross-ambiguityfunction.
Examples of addressassignmentfor multiple-accesscommunica-
tions systems and radar and sonar auto- and cross-ambiguity
functions are also given.
HE design of families of frequency hop codes suitablefor
Tuse in multiple-access spread-spectrum communication
systems and multiuser radar and sonar systems still remains
of great interest. Although the nature and physical goals of
the spread-spectrum communication systems and multiuser
radar and sonar systems are different the requirements imposed
on the coding of the signals are almost identical. In spread-
spectrum communications the address assignment must be
achieved in such a way that la) there is no ambiguity about the
sender and the information it transmits and 2a) the received
signal must interfere as little as possible with the reception
of signals from other users. In multiple user radar and sonar
systems the signals must lb) possess high range and Doppler
resolution and 2b) allow for as little as possible crosstalk
between different users. While conditions 2a) and 2b) are
clearly similar, the similarity of conditions la) and lb) is
less obvious. However, in the sequel it is seen that both
la) and lb) in some sense correspond to maximizing the
auto-correlation function of the frequency hop signal. The
Paper approved by the Editor for Multiple-Access Strategies of the IEEE
Communications Society. Manuscript received April 23, 1990; revised August
6, 1991. This work was supported in part by SDIO/IST under grant and
managed by the Office of Naval Research under Contract N00014-86-K-0511.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University
of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627.
IEEE Log Number 9201530.
similarity between the conditions arises from the fact that in all
multiuser systems the employed frequency hop signals occupy
the same frequency bandwidth. Nevertheless, construction of
frequency hop codes for use in multiple-access communication
systems or radar and sonar systems has always been treated
separately. For instance in [l]it is shown that codes based on
Reed-Solomon codes [2] can be successfully used in multiple-
access communication systems, whereas in [3] and [4] Costas
arrays that can again be constructed via Reed-Solomon codes
are introduced as a family of frequency hop codes having
nearly ideal auto-ambiguity functions.
In this paper we provide a construction of a family of
frequency hop codes that when used in both of the above
mentioned systems achieves all the necessary requirements for
successful operation, The construction of codes is based upon
the number theoretical concept of congruence equations, and
the new family of codes are called hyperbolic frequency hop
The paper is organized in the following manner. In Section I1
we give the definitions necessary for the sequel and the
construction of our new family of hyperbolic frequency hop
codes. In Sections 111and IV we provide the descriptionsof the
spread-spectrum communication systems and radar and sonar
systems utilizing the hyperbolic congruence codes and prove
that these systems achieve the best possible performances. We
conclude with a brief summary of results.
Frequency hop signals that are used in all systems of interest
are defined as follows.
Definition 1: A frequency hop signal of length T seconds
is a train of N equal-length pulses with the kth pulse being
frequency modulated with frequency fk about the carrier
frequency f o . The frequencies to be placed in various time
slots are determined via a sequence of ordered integers y(k)
~ ( k ) ,k = I , . . . , N (1)
which is called the placement operator, or a frequency hop
code. The expression for the frequency f k is
f k = y ( k ) - I c = l , . . . , N
009G6778/92$03.00 0 1992 IEEE
Fig. 1. Frequency hop signal of length T .
where B is the approximate signal bandwidth. The frequency
hop signal is shown in Fig. 1 and can be written as:
u(t)= CP(t- k T )cos[(fo +f k ) t +Hk] (3)
k = l
1 t < T
0 elsewhcrc (4)
and f o is the carrier frequency.
A convenient way of representing a frequency hop signal is
through a N x N matrix where N rows correspond to N
frequency channels and N columns to N time slots.’ The
element of the matrix, uk,l is equal to one if and only if the
frequency f k is transmitted in the interval tl. Otherwise, C L ~ , Lis
equal to zero [4]. The usual constraint imposed on frequency
hop codes and signals is that each frequency channel and
each time channel must be utilized once and only once [3].
This allows for the maximum usage of the available mediums
bandwidth. And in the case of system reverberation prevents
masking of the components in the same frequency channel. We
refer to a frequency hop code that satisfies this requirement as
a full frequency hop code.
Definition 2: Let J ( p ) denote a finite field over a prime,
p. Denote by ,J, the set containing the elements of the field.
A full frequency hop code is a frequency hop code whose
placement operator is a permutation of the set .J, or .j,
where .Jp = Jp - {O}. For example, Welch-Costas arrays
[4], obtained through the placement operator,’
y(k) $2 (rrioti p ) . IC = 1... . . p - 1 (5)
where T is a primitive root of p [5], Jp are known to be
full frequency hop codes over the set J l . Thus, according
to definition 1,Welch-Costas arrays specify a frequency hop
signal with N = p - 1 pulses.
We now give the definition of hyperbolic frequency hop
Definition 3: A hyperbolic frequency hop code for a fi-
nite field, J ( p ) , is defined through the following placement
y(k) = fi (rnod p )
k = 1 . 2.....?,- 1 a n d s o r r i r u E . ~ ~ . (6)
Since the operation in (6) is performed over a finite field every
element in the field has a unique inverse and it is immediately
seen that the hyperbolic frequency hop codes are full codes
with N = p - 1 pulses. Also, for each prime there are p - 1
’For simplicity, we show only the placement operator. The actual frequen-
’In the sequel the symbol “E-”should be read “is congruent to”.
cies are obtained through (2).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0
U 4
1 2 3 A 5 6 7 8 Y 1 0
Fig. 2. Two hyperbolic frequency hop codes, 1’ = 11,(I = 1,and rc = 3 .
different hyperbolic codes. An example of two hyperbolic
frequency hop codes for p = 11, and U = 1 and n = 3 is
shown in Fig. 2.
In a typical multiple-access spread-spectrum communication
system a large number of transmitters needs to simultaneously
communicate with one receiver. For instance such a system can
be a satellite communication network in which a large number
of earth stations needs to simultaneously communicate with
one satellite receiver. Here, we consider a system proposed by
Viterbi [6] in which each user has the entire bandwidth avail-
able and in order to be recognized by the receiver is assigned
an address represented by a placement operator-frequency
hop pattern. The addresses are transmitted via frequency hop
signals which carry the address of the transmitter as well
a5 the transmitted message. After the frequency hop signal
is received the decoder determines which user has sent the
message and decodes it as well. To wit, each of the Q users,
711, u2. . . . . U,.. .. . IQ. is assigned an address from the set
A of frequency hop operators,
A = {yl(k). &( k ) .. . . .y, ( k ) .....YQ( k ) } . (7)
in such a way that the user IL, is assigned the address yt. The
users also transmit a message rri from the set M :
AB = (0. 1... ..R}. (8)
We propose the assignment of addresses-frequency hop
patterns-for the user U , through hyperbolic frequency hop
codes. Namely,
From the last equation we see that the address and message
assignment allows for simultaneous operation of Q = p - 1
users with M = p - 1 different messages. An example of
the address assignment, with p = 7, for user u2 transmitting
message rri = 1 is shown in Fig. 3. Note that the actual
transmitted pattern is a matrix of size N + 1 x N due to
the addition operation in (9).
The interference effects in this type of system (aside from
the noise) come from the simultaneous use of the same
frequency channel. This event is referred to as a coincidence
1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 3. The address of the second user with message nt = 1, p = 7.
or a hit. The receiver is not able to distinguish between the hit
and the single use of the frequency channel, hence, the greater
the number of hits the greater the probability of error.
We next show that in the synchronous case (signals from
different users all aligned in time) the above address and
message assignment achieves the minimal probability of error,
that is maximum one hit between any two placement operators.
Suppose, without loss of generality, that two frequency hop
operators for users u1 and uz are
freq. hop
user address message pattern
U 1 145236 1 256340
U 2 213465 1 324506
U 3 35 1624 2 503146
U 4 426153 2 641305
1 2 3 4 5 6
The hit occurs when
Yl(4) = YZ(4) for any 4 E .?p. (12) where t is a random time shift. Inserting (9) into (15) gives
Hence, two hits occur when equation (12) is satisfied simul- i j
taneously for two different values of q: k + t IC
~ +m-- - - mj 0 (modp),
Y l ( d - Y Z ( d = Yl(T) - Y2(7-).
(13) or combining the terms
Inserting (9) in (13) we have
1 1
- = - (modp),
j r
ki +k ( k +t)(mi- m j ) - (IC +t ) j
k(lc +t )
E O (modp).
(14) (17)
and since the operations are done on the field the above
equation can never be satisfied, hence two frequency hop
signals can form only one hit.
The receiver possess (stored in memory or generated) all the
It is important to note that since we are dealing with acyclic
time shifts, k +t <p, therefore the denominator of the above
congruence equation can never be zero. Rearranging the terms
we have
possible placement operators-addresses. Once the frequency
hop pattern is received the decoder subtracts from it (in modulo
p arithmetic) all the prespecified addresses. Only the correct
address, yi will completely fill the row m, indicating that the
user U, was active transmitting the message m. Table I shows
a system of four users with placement operators generated
through (9), with prime, p = 7. The assigned messages and
transmitted frequency hop patterns are also given.
In Fig. 4 we show the receiver matrix for the above example
with the frequency hop pattern of the ith user denoted by i.
As proved above two different patterns form at most one hit.
We now discuss the case in which frequency hop signals
from different users are not synchronized in time; the effect
k2(m, - mb)+IC(i - j +( m i - m,)t)- j t G 0
This is a second-order equation in k and hence by Lagrange’s
theorem [5]can have at most two noncongruent solutions in
the field p, or equivalently two frequency hop operators can
have at most two hits for any time shift. This increases the
probability of error in the system, however, for larger primes
the error probability remains small and of the order of the error
introduced by the noise present in the system. Note that in the
special case of the users sending a string of ones or zeros as a
message in the way that “1”corresponds to “user active” and
“0” to “no transmission” (18) reduces to a linear equation and
hence the frequency hop patterns can form again at most one
hit achieving the minimal probability of error.
In a typical pulse compression radar or sonar system the
transmitted signal must possess an auto-ambiguity function
[7] that achieves the perfect, so called, thumb-tack shape
allowing thus for both high range and velocity resolution.
However, in modern radar and sonar systems where more
than one user is operating at the same time occupying the
same bandwidth, one user is receiving all the signals in the
system. This phenomenon referred to as cross-talk increases
the probability of error (false alarm) in the system. The
amount of cross-talk between pairs of signals is measured
through the cross-ambiguity function, hence one would like
to keep the maximum value of the cross-ambiguity function
as low as possible. The above requirements on the auto- and
cross-ambiguity function can be mathematically expressed as
1) Minimize the signals auto-ambiguity function,
everywhere except for the (0,O) time-frequency shift in which
the normalized auto-ambiguity function has value one, and
2) minimize the cross-ambiguity function,
of any two signals in the system, for every time-frequency
Signal designers have for a long time tried to construct
frequency hop codes whose signals will simultaneously satisfy
conditions 1) and 2). For example, linear congruence codes
(LCC) [8]have ideal3cross ambiguity functions, but have poor
auto-ambiguity functions with as many as N - 1coincidences
for a certain time-frequency shift where N is the code length.
On the other hand, Costas arrays [4] achieve ideal auto-
ambiguity functions, but one has difficulty finding a family of
such codes with good cross-ambiguity functions, in fact it has
been shown [9] that Costas arrays can not have ideal cross-
ambiguity properties; only pairs of algebraically constructed
Costas arrays have at most two hits4 in their cross-ambiguity
function [lo]. Codes based on cubic congruences [111compro-
mise two ideal requirements having at most two hits in their
auto- and at most three hits in their cross-ambiguity function.
Note that nonfull frequency hop codes with at most two and
one hit in their auto-ambiguity functions were introduced in
[12] and [13], respectively. Both of these family of codes
have also good cross-ambiguity properties but the fact that
they are not full makes them unsuitable for use in radar and
sonar systems [3]. In this section we prove that families of
Ideal means that the number of coincidences for any time-frequency shift
is at most one.
‘In the paper we use the terms “coincidence” and “hit” interchangeable.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a = l
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a = 3
Fig. 5. Auto-hit arrays of the codes shown in Fig. 2.
hyperbolic frequency hop codes come as close as possible to
the ideal case when the auto- and cross-ambiguity functions
are considered simultaneously.
Useful tools for analyzing the auto- and cross-ambiguity
function of frequency hop codes are the auto- and cross-hit
array [14], [ll].
Definition 4: Let C denote the N x N matrix representing
a full frequency hop code, y(k). The auto-hit array H ( t , d )
is a (2N - 1) x (2N - 1) matrix where the elements of the
matrix, h t , d , -2N + 1 < t.d < ‘Liv - 1, correspond to the
number of hits between the matrix C and the shifted version
by (t,d) of itself. The concept of the auto-hit array is easily
extended to the cross-hit array.
Definition 5: Let C1 and C:, denote two N x N full
frequency hop codes, y1( k )and y2 ( k ) ,respectively. The cross-
hit array C,,,(t.d) is a (2N - 1) x ( 2 N - 1) matrix where
the elements of the matrix c t , d -2N + 1 < t.d < 2N - 1,
correspond to the number of hits between matrix C2 shifted
by (t,d) and the unshifted version of C1.
The auto- and cross hit array may be regarded as a discrete
analogue of the auto- and cross-ambiguity function, respec-
tivelys [14]. For illustration in Fig. 5 we give the auto-hit
arrays’ of codes shown in Fig. 2, and in Fig. 6 we give the
cross-hit array of the two codes. In order to examine the
number of hits in the auto- and cross-hit arrays we introduce
the concept of the difference function.
Definition 6: The difference function for two placement
operators ys(k) and :yl(k:) is given by
(:y&y1)( = y*(k +t ) +d - y1(k)
(rriod N ) for 0 5 k. t.d 5 N - 1 (21)
where the parameters, t and rl, correspond to any horizontal
(time) or vertical (Doppler) shift, respectively. From definition
6. a hit in the auto- or cross-hit array for a shift (t,d)
‘In general this is true only when the time-bandwidth product of the signal
is much greater than -I-’.In this case the ambiguity functions consist of
separated “subambiguities” formed by two subpulses in the signal.
“The auto-hit array ia odd symmetric hence only the right hand side of the
arrays is shown.
-9 4 - 7 - 6 - S 4 - 3 -2-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I I l l 1 1 9
I I I 1 1 8
11 1 1 7
1 1 1 1 6
Fig. 6. Cross-hit array of the codes shown in Fig. 2.
corresponds to the zero value of the difference function for
that same (t,d).We can now state the theorem concerning the
number of hits (coincidences) in the auto- and cross-hit array
of hyperbolic frequency hop codes.
Theorem 1: A hyperbolic frequency hop code has at most
two hits for any time-frequency shift in its auto-hit array and
aat most two hits for any time-frequency shift in its cross-hit
array formed with any other hyperbolic frequency hop code
of the same length.
Proof: Inserting (6) into the definition of the difference
function, we have in the case of cross-hit array
bk - ~ , ( k+t)+k(k +t)d
G 0 (modp) (23)
k(k +t)
where the condition 0 < k +t <p comes again from the fact
that we have only acyclic shifts both in time and frequency.
Rearranging the terms we have
k(k +t)d +ak - b(k +t ) 0 (modp). (24)
This is a second-order equation in k and therefore by La-
grange's theorem can have at most two noncongruent solutions
in the field, or the cross-hit array has at most two hits. For the
auto-hit array a = 6, hence, we have from (24)
k ( k +t)d - bt (mod p) (25)
which is still a second order equation in k and has at most two
noncongruent solutions or equivalently a hyperbolic frequency
hop code has at most two hits in its auto-hit array.
Notice that (23) is of the same form as (18) and in fact
examining the asynchronous multiple-access spread-spectrum
communication system for the number of hits between the
received addresses is a similar problem to the one of examining
the radar or sonar cross-hit array for the number of hits.
In Fig. 7 we give the auto-ambiguity function of the codes
shown in Fig. 2 and in Fig. 8 we give their cross-ambiguity
function. Notice how the hits in the ambiguity functions
MRXlMUfi - 1.00000
FREO. resoLuLion - 60
I TINE resotution - 660
nflx1nun - 1.00000
FREO. resotdion - 60
I TIME reroLuLion - 660
. .0 -0.5 0.0 6.5
STEP - 0.040
sLorLinq LEVEL - 0.0s
-'Lo -is d.0 d.5
STEP - 0.040
sLorLinq LEVEL - 0.05
Fig. 7. Auto-ambiguity functions of codes shown in Fig. 2.
tWlfUJli - 0.2i778
Fig. 8. Cross-ambiguity function of codes shown in Fig. 2.
correspond to the hits in the hit arrays, also the maximum value
of the cross-ambiguity function is approximately 0.2 which is
to be expected since every hit has a height of approximately
= 0.1 [3], and there are two hits in the cross-ambiguity
function for certain time-frequency shifts (time-frequency shift
(2,l) for instance).
In the paper we have introduced a new family of fre-
quency hop codes called hyperbolic frequency hop codes. It
is shown that the codes Dosess ideal DroDerties for use in
both multiple-access spread-spectrum communication systems
and in multiuser radar and sonar systems. In fact, in multiple-
access spread-spectrum communications for the synchronous
case hyperbolic codes achieve the minimal probability of error
similar to codes based on Reed-Solomon codes [l],or codes
based on the properties of congruence equations [15]. In the
asynchronous case they have a slightly increased probability
of error, at most two hits, but still perform better than the
codes introduced in [15], and the same as codes in [l].In
multiuser radar and sonar systems hyperbolic codes possess
so far best known simultaneous auto- and cross-ambiguity
properties. They achieve at most two hits in the auto-ambiguity
function in contrary to Costas arrays that have perfect one
hit structure, but they also have at most two hits in their
cross-ambiguity functions, while Costas arrays can have as
many as N - 1hits in their cross-ambiguity functions. In fact
considering both the auto- and cross-ambiguity properties the
hyperbolic codes are the best possible frequency hop codes,
since it has been proved [9] that Costas arrays can not have
ideal cross-ambiguity properties.
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equations,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM ‘89, 1989, pp. 283-287.
Svetislav Marit (S’88-M’91) was born in Novi
Sad, Yugoslavia, on March 2, 1962. He received
the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the
University of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, in 1986, and
the M.S. and Ph.D. degree from the University
of Rochester, Rochester, NY, in 1988 and 1990,
respectively. From 1990 to 1991 he was working as
a post-doctoral fellow in the Wireless Information
Network Laboratory at Rutgers University, and is
now an assistant professor at the Department of
Electrical Engineering at City College of New York.
His research interests are in the area of wireless communications and include
studies of new techniques for dynamic channel allocation and handoffs.
Other research interests include signal design for code-division multiple-access
techniques for applications in multiuser communication systems.
Edward L. Titlebaum was born in Boston, MA,
on March 23, 1937 He was educated in the public
schools of Boston He received a B S E.E degree in
1959 from Northeastern University, Boston, MA, an
M S degree in 1962 dnd a Ph.D. degree in 1964both
in electrical engineering from Cornell University,
IthdCd, New York
He has been in the Department of Electrical
Engineering dt the University of Rochester from
1964 to the present, currently holding the position
of Professor of Electrical Engineering. His research
interests lie in the general dreas of radar, sonar and communications signal
design. natural echolocation systems including those used by bats and whales
Currently he is studying frequency hop codes based upon congruential coding
methods for use in multiple-dccess spread-spectrum communications and
multiuser radar and sonar sytems He is investigating the role of these signal
in CDMA spredd-pectrum communications systems and computer networks

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  • 1. 1442 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 40, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 1992 A Class of Frequency Hop Codes with Nearly Ideal Characteristics for Use in Multiple-Access Spread-Spectrum Communications and Radar and Sonar Systems Svetislav V. Marie, Member, IEEE, and Edward L. Titlebaum Abstract-In the paper we addressthe problem of constructing frequency hop codes for use in multiusercommunication systems such as multiple-access spread-spectrum communications and multiuserradar and sonar systems. Previous frequency hopping techniques are reviewed. The construction of a new family of frequency hop codes called hyperbolic frequency hop codes is given. Exactly p-1 codes of length p-1 exist for every prime, p. Additionally the fullness of the codes is proven. We review the concepts of multiple-accessspread-spectrumcommunication systems and multiuser radar and sonar systems and it is shown that the hyperbolic frequency hop codes possess nearly ideal characteristics for use in both types of system. Specifically, in multiple-access communicationsthe codes achieve minimum error probability, while in radar and sonar systems the codes have at most two hits in their auto-and cross-ambiguityfunction. Examples of addressassignmentfor multiple-accesscommunica- tions systems and radar and sonar auto- and cross-ambiguity functions are also given. I. INTRODUCTION HE design of families of frequency hop codes suitablefor Tuse in multiple-access spread-spectrum communication systems and multiuser radar and sonar systems still remains of great interest. Although the nature and physical goals of the spread-spectrum communication systems and multiuser radar and sonar systems are different the requirements imposed on the coding of the signals are almost identical. In spread- spectrum communications the address assignment must be achieved in such a way that la) there is no ambiguity about the sender and the information it transmits and 2a) the received signal must interfere as little as possible with the reception of signals from other users. In multiple user radar and sonar systems the signals must lb) possess high range and Doppler resolution and 2b) allow for as little as possible crosstalk between different users. While conditions 2a) and 2b) are clearly similar, the similarity of conditions la) and lb) is less obvious. However, in the sequel it is seen that both la) and lb) in some sense correspond to maximizing the auto-correlation function of the frequency hop signal. The Paper approved by the Editor for Multiple-Access Strategies of the IEEE Communications Society. Manuscript received April 23, 1990; revised August 6, 1991. This work was supported in part by SDIO/IST under grant and managed by the Office of Naval Research under Contract N00014-86-K-0511. The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627. IEEE Log Number 9201530. similarity between the conditions arises from the fact that in all multiuser systems the employed frequency hop signals occupy the same frequency bandwidth. Nevertheless, construction of frequency hop codes for use in multiple-access communication systems or radar and sonar systems has always been treated separately. For instance in [l]it is shown that codes based on Reed-Solomon codes [2] can be successfully used in multiple- access communication systems, whereas in [3] and [4] Costas arrays that can again be constructed via Reed-Solomon codes are introduced as a family of frequency hop codes having nearly ideal auto-ambiguity functions. In this paper we provide a construction of a family of frequency hop codes that when used in both of the above mentioned systems achieves all the necessary requirements for successful operation, The construction of codes is based upon the number theoretical concept of congruence equations, and the new family of codes are called hyperbolic frequency hop codes. The paper is organized in the following manner. In Section I1 we give the definitions necessary for the sequel and the construction of our new family of hyperbolic frequency hop codes. In Sections 111and IV we provide the descriptionsof the spread-spectrum communication systems and radar and sonar systems utilizing the hyperbolic congruence codes and prove that these systems achieve the best possible performances. We conclude with a brief summary of results. 11. FREQUENCY HOP SIGNALS AND CODES Frequency hop signals that are used in all systems of interest are defined as follows. Definition 1: A frequency hop signal of length T seconds is a train of N equal-length pulses with the kth pulse being frequency modulated with frequency fk about the carrier frequency f o . The frequencies to be placed in various time slots are determined via a sequence of ordered integers y(k) ~ ( k ) ,k = I , . . . , N (1) which is called the placement operator, or a frequency hop code. The expression for the frequency f k is (2) B N f k = y ( k ) - I c = l , . . . , N 009G6778/92$03.00 0 1992 IEEE
  • 2. MAR16 AND TITLEBAUM: FREQUENCY HOP CODES WITH NEARLY IDEAL CHARACTERISlICS 1443 0 TIN 2TM iTM TM Fig. 1. Frequency hop signal of length T . where B is the approximate signal bandwidth. The frequency hop signal is shown in Fig. 1 and can be written as: .v u(t)= CP(t- k T )cos[(fo +f k ) t +Hk] (3) k = l where 1 t < T 0 elsewhcrc (4) and f o is the carrier frequency. A convenient way of representing a frequency hop signal is through a N x N matrix where N rows correspond to N frequency channels and N columns to N time slots.’ The element of the matrix, uk,l is equal to one if and only if the frequency f k is transmitted in the interval tl. Otherwise, C L ~ , Lis equal to zero [4]. The usual constraint imposed on frequency hop codes and signals is that each frequency channel and each time channel must be utilized once and only once [3]. This allows for the maximum usage of the available mediums bandwidth. And in the case of system reverberation prevents masking of the components in the same frequency channel. We refer to a frequency hop code that satisfies this requirement as a full frequency hop code. Definition 2: Let J ( p ) denote a finite field over a prime, p. Denote by ,J, the set containing the elements of the field. A full frequency hop code is a frequency hop code whose placement operator is a permutation of the set .J, or .j, where .Jp = Jp - {O}. For example, Welch-Costas arrays [4], obtained through the placement operator,’ y(k) $2 (rrioti p ) . IC = 1... . . p - 1 (5) where T is a primitive root of p [5], Jp are known to be full frequency hop codes over the set J l . Thus, according to definition 1,Welch-Costas arrays specify a frequency hop signal with N = p - 1 pulses. We now give the definition of hyperbolic frequency hop codes. Definition 3: A hyperbolic frequency hop code for a fi- nite field, J ( p ) , is defined through the following placement operator y(k) = fi (rnod p ) k k = 1 . 2.....?,- 1 a n d s o r r i r u E . ~ ~ . (6) Since the operation in (6) is performed over a finite field every element in the field has a unique inverse and it is immediately seen that the hyperbolic frequency hop codes are full codes with N = p - 1 pulses. Also, for each prime there are p - 1 ’For simplicity, we show only the placement operator. The actual frequen- ’In the sequel the symbol “E-”should be read “is congruent to”. cies are obtained through (2). .=1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 10 9 8 7 6 5 A 3 2 1 U 4 1 2 3 A 5 6 7 8 Y 1 0 Fig. 2. Two hyperbolic frequency hop codes, 1’ = 11,(I = 1,and rc = 3 . different hyperbolic codes. An example of two hyperbolic frequency hop codes for p = 11, and U = 1 and n = 3 is shown in Fig. 2. 111. ADDRESSASSIGNMENTFOR MULTIPLE-ACCESS SPREAD-SPECTRUMCOMMUNICATIONSYSTEM In a typical multiple-access spread-spectrum communication system a large number of transmitters needs to simultaneously communicate with one receiver. For instance such a system can be a satellite communication network in which a large number of earth stations needs to simultaneously communicate with one satellite receiver. Here, we consider a system proposed by Viterbi [6] in which each user has the entire bandwidth avail- able and in order to be recognized by the receiver is assigned an address represented by a placement operator-frequency hop pattern. The addresses are transmitted via frequency hop signals which carry the address of the transmitter as well a5 the transmitted message. After the frequency hop signal is received the decoder determines which user has sent the message and decodes it as well. To wit, each of the Q users, 711, u2. . . . . U,.. .. . IQ. is assigned an address from the set A of frequency hop operators, A = {yl(k). &( k ) .. . . .y, ( k ) .....YQ( k ) } . (7) in such a way that the user IL, is assigned the address yt. The users also transmit a message rri from the set M : AB = (0. 1... ..R}. (8) We propose the assignment of addresses-frequency hop patterns-for the user U , through hyperbolic frequency hop codes. Namely, From the last equation we see that the address and message assignment allows for simultaneous operation of Q = p - 1 users with M = p - 1 different messages. An example of the address assignment, with p = 7, for user u2 transmitting message rri = 1 is shown in Fig. 3. Note that the actual transmitted pattern is a matrix of size N + 1 x N due to the addition operation in (9). The interference effects in this type of system (aside from the noise) come from the simultaneous use of the same frequency channel. This event is referred to as a coincidence
  • 3. 1444 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 40, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 1992 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fig. 3. The address of the second user with message nt = 1, p = 7. or a hit. The receiver is not able to distinguish between the hit and the single use of the frequency channel, hence, the greater the number of hits the greater the probability of error. We next show that in the synchronous case (signals from different users all aligned in time) the above address and message assignment achieves the minimal probability of error, that is maximum one hit between any two placement operators. Suppose, without loss of generality, that two frequency hop operators for users u1 and uz are TABLE I AN EXAMPLEOF ASSIGNINGFREQUENCYHOP PATTERNS FOR FOURUSERS freq. hop user address message pattern U 1 145236 1 256340 U 2 213465 1 324506 U 3 35 1624 2 503146 U 4 426153 2 641305 1 2 3 4 5 6 The hit occurs when Yl(4) = YZ(4) for any 4 E .?p. (12) where t is a random time shift. Inserting (9) into (15) gives (16) Hence, two hits occur when equation (12) is satisfied simul- i j taneously for two different values of q: k + t IC ~ +m-- - - mj 0 (modp), Y l ( d - Y Z ( d = Yl(T) - Y2(7-). (13) or combining the terms Inserting (9) in (13) we have 1 1 - = - (modp), j r ki +k ( k +t)(mi- m j ) - (IC +t ) j k(lc +t ) E O (modp). (14) (17) and since the operations are done on the field the above equation can never be satisfied, hence two frequency hop signals can form only one hit. The receiver possess (stored in memory or generated) all the It is important to note that since we are dealing with acyclic time shifts, k +t <p, therefore the denominator of the above congruence equation can never be zero. Rearranging the terms we have possible placement operators-addresses. Once the frequency hop pattern is received the decoder subtracts from it (in modulo p arithmetic) all the prespecified addresses. Only the correct address, yi will completely fill the row m, indicating that the user U, was active transmitting the message m. Table I shows a system of four users with placement operators generated through (9), with prime, p = 7. The assigned messages and transmitted frequency hop patterns are also given. In Fig. 4 we show the receiver matrix for the above example with the frequency hop pattern of the ith user denoted by i. As proved above two different patterns form at most one hit. We now discuss the case in which frequency hop signals from different users are not synchronized in time; the effect k2(m, - mb)+IC(i - j +( m i - m,)t)- j t G 0 This is a second-order equation in k and hence by Lagrange’s theorem [5]can have at most two noncongruent solutions in the field p, or equivalently two frequency hop operators can have at most two hits for any time shift. This increases the probability of error in the system, however, for larger primes the error probability remains small and of the order of the error introduced by the noise present in the system. Note that in the special case of the users sending a string of ones or zeros as a message in the way that “1”corresponds to “user active” and “0” to “no transmission” (18) reduces to a linear equation and (modp). (18)
  • 4. MARICAND TITLEBAUM: FREQUENCY HOP CODES WITH NEARLY I D ~ A LCHARACTERISTICS hence the frequency hop patterns can form again at most one hit achieving the minimal probability of error. Iv. MULTI-USERRADARAND SONAR SYSTEMS In a typical pulse compression radar or sonar system the transmitted signal must possess an auto-ambiguity function [7] that achieves the perfect, so called, thumb-tack shape allowing thus for both high range and velocity resolution. However, in modern radar and sonar systems where more than one user is operating at the same time occupying the same bandwidth, one user is receiving all the signals in the system. This phenomenon referred to as cross-talk increases the probability of error (false alarm) in the system. The amount of cross-talk between pairs of signals is measured through the cross-ambiguity function, hence one would like to keep the maximum value of the cross-ambiguity function as low as possible. The above requirements on the auto- and cross-ambiguity function can be mathematically expressed as follows. 1) Minimize the signals auto-ambiguity function, --5 everywhere except for the (0,O) time-frequency shift in which the normalized auto-ambiguity function has value one, and 2) minimize the cross-ambiguity function, -m of any two signals in the system, for every time-frequency shift. Signal designers have for a long time tried to construct frequency hop codes whose signals will simultaneously satisfy conditions 1) and 2). For example, linear congruence codes (LCC) [8]have ideal3cross ambiguity functions, but have poor auto-ambiguity functions with as many as N - 1coincidences for a certain time-frequency shift where N is the code length. On the other hand, Costas arrays [4] achieve ideal auto- ambiguity functions, but one has difficulty finding a family of such codes with good cross-ambiguity functions, in fact it has been shown [9] that Costas arrays can not have ideal cross- ambiguity properties; only pairs of algebraically constructed Costas arrays have at most two hits4 in their cross-ambiguity function [lo]. Codes based on cubic congruences [111compro- mise two ideal requirements having at most two hits in their auto- and at most three hits in their cross-ambiguity function. Note that nonfull frequency hop codes with at most two and one hit in their auto-ambiguity functions were introduced in [12] and [13], respectively. Both of these family of codes have also good cross-ambiguity properties but the fact that they are not full makes them unsuitable for use in radar and sonar systems [3]. In this section we prove that families of Ideal means that the number of coincidences for any time-frequency shift is at most one. ‘In the paper we use the terms “coincidence” and “hit” interchangeable. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a = l 144s 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 -4 5 -6 7 R 9 a = 3 Fig. 5. Auto-hit arrays of the codes shown in Fig. 2. hyperbolic frequency hop codes come as close as possible to the ideal case when the auto- and cross-ambiguity functions are considered simultaneously. Useful tools for analyzing the auto- and cross-ambiguity function of frequency hop codes are the auto- and cross-hit array [14], [ll]. Definition 4: Let C denote the N x N matrix representing a full frequency hop code, y(k). The auto-hit array H ( t , d ) is a (2N - 1) x (2N - 1) matrix where the elements of the matrix, h t , d , -2N + 1 < t.d < ‘Liv - 1, correspond to the number of hits between the matrix C and the shifted version by (t,d) of itself. The concept of the auto-hit array is easily extended to the cross-hit array. Definition 5: Let C1 and C:, denote two N x N full frequency hop codes, y1( k )and y2 ( k ) ,respectively. The cross- hit array C,,,(t.d) is a (2N - 1) x ( 2 N - 1) matrix where the elements of the matrix c t , d -2N + 1 < t.d < 2N - 1, correspond to the number of hits between matrix C2 shifted by (t,d) and the unshifted version of C1. The auto- and cross hit array may be regarded as a discrete analogue of the auto- and cross-ambiguity function, respec- tivelys [14]. For illustration in Fig. 5 we give the auto-hit arrays’ of codes shown in Fig. 2, and in Fig. 6 we give the cross-hit array of the two codes. In order to examine the number of hits in the auto- and cross-hit arrays we introduce the concept of the difference function. Definition 6: The difference function for two placement operators ys(k) and :yl(k:) is given by (:y&y1)( = y*(k +t ) +d - y1(k) (rriod N ) for 0 5 k. t.d 5 N - 1 (21) where the parameters, t and rl, correspond to any horizontal (time) or vertical (Doppler) shift, respectively. From definition 6. a hit in the auto- or cross-hit array for a shift (t,d) ‘In general this is true only when the time-bandwidth product of the signal is much greater than -I-’.In this case the ambiguity functions consist of separated “subambiguities” formed by two subpulses in the signal. “The auto-hit array ia odd symmetric hence only the right hand side of the arrays is shown.
  • 5. 1446 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 40, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 1992 1 -9 4 - 7 - 6 - S 4 - 3 -2-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I I l l 1 1 9 I I I 1 1 8 I I I 11 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 6 3 2 1 0 1 -2 3 -4 s -6 7 8 9 Fig. 6. Cross-hit array of the codes shown in Fig. 2. corresponds to the zero value of the difference function for that same (t,d).We can now state the theorem concerning the number of hits (coincidences) in the auto- and cross-hit array of hyperbolic frequency hop codes. Theorem 1: A hyperbolic frequency hop code has at most two hits for any time-frequency shift in its auto-hit array and aat most two hits for any time-frequency shift in its cross-hit array formed with any other hyperbolic frequency hop code of the same length. Proof: Inserting (6) into the definition of the difference function, we have in the case of cross-hit array or bk - ~ , ( k+t)+k(k +t)d G 0 (modp) (23) k(k +t) where the condition 0 < k +t <p comes again from the fact that we have only acyclic shifts both in time and frequency. Rearranging the terms we have k(k +t)d +ak - b(k +t ) 0 (modp). (24) This is a second-order equation in k and therefore by La- grange's theorem can have at most two noncongruent solutions in the field, or the cross-hit array has at most two hits. For the auto-hit array a = 6, hence, we have from (24) k ( k +t)d - bt (mod p) (25) which is still a second order equation in k and has at most two noncongruent solutions or equivalently a hyperbolic frequency hop code has at most two hits in its auto-hit array. Notice that (23) is of the same form as (18) and in fact examining the asynchronous multiple-access spread-spectrum communication system for the number of hits between the received addresses is a similar problem to the one of examining the radar or sonar cross-hit array for the number of hits. In Fig. 7 we give the auto-ambiguity function of the codes shown in Fig. 2 and in Fig. 8 we give their cross-ambiguity function. Notice how the hits in the ambiguity functions MRXlMUfi - 1.00000 FREO. resoLuLion - 60 I TINE resotution - 660 nflx1nun - 1.00000 FREO. resotdion - 60 I TIME reroLuLion - 660 CONTOUR PLOT . .0 -0.5 0.0 6.5 FREOUENCY SHIF1 STEP - 0.040 sLorLinq LEVEL - 0.0s CONTOUR PLOT -'Lo -is d.0 d.5 FREOUENCY SHIFT STEP - 0.040 sLorLinq LEVEL - 0.05 Fig. 7. Auto-ambiguity functions of codes shown in Fig. 2. tWlfUJli - 0.2i778 w I Fig. 8. Cross-ambiguity function of codes shown in Fig. 2. correspond to the hits in the hit arrays, also the maximum value of the cross-ambiguity function is approximately 0.2 which is to be expected since every hit has a height of approximately = 0.1 [3], and there are two hits in the cross-ambiguity function for certain time-frequency shifts (time-frequency shift (2,l) for instance). V. CONCLUSION In the paper we have introduced a new family of fre- quency hop codes called hyperbolic frequency hop codes. It is shown that the codes Dosess ideal DroDerties for use in
  • 6. MARlC AND TITLEBAUM: FREQUENCY HOP CODES WITH NEARLY IDEAL CHARACTERISTICS 1447 both multiple-access spread-spectrum communication systems and in multiuser radar and sonar systems. In fact, in multiple- access spread-spectrum communications for the synchronous case hyperbolic codes achieve the minimal probability of error similar to codes based on Reed-Solomon codes [l],or codes based on the properties of congruence equations [15]. In the asynchronous case they have a slightly increased probability of error, at most two hits, but still perform better than the codes introduced in [15], and the same as codes in [l].In multiuser radar and sonar systems hyperbolic codes possess so far best known simultaneous auto- and cross-ambiguity properties. They achieve at most two hits in the auto-ambiguity function in contrary to Costas arrays that have perfect one hit structure, but they also have at most two hits in their cross-ambiguity functions, while Costas arrays can have as many as N - 1hits in their cross-ambiguity functions. In fact considering both the auto- and cross-ambiguity properties the hyperbolic codes are the best possible frequency hop codes, since it has been proved [9] that Costas arrays can not have ideal cross-ambiguity properties. REFERENCES G. Einarsson, “Address assignment for a time-frequency-coded spread- spectrum system,” Bell Syst. Tech. J., pp. 1241- 1255, Sept. 1980. I. S. Reed and G. Solomon, “Polynomial codes over certain finite fields.’’ J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Mathemat., pp. 300-304, Aug. 1960. J.P. Costas, “A study of a class of detection waveforms having nearly ideal range-Doppler ambiguity properties,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 72, pp. 996-1009, Aug. 1984. S.W. Golomb and H. Taylor, “Construction and properties of Costas arrays,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 72, pp. 1143-1163, Sept. 1984. K. H. Rosen, Elementary Number Theory and its Applicatiotis. New York: Addison-Wesley, 1988. A. J. Viterbi, “A processing satellite transponder for multiple-access by low-rate mobile users,” in Digit. Satell. Commun. ConJ, 1968. P. M. Woodard, Probability and Information Theory, with Applications to Radar. E. L. Titlebaum, “Time frequency hop signals-part 1: Coding based upon the theory of linear congruence,” IEEE Trans. Aerospace Electron. Syst., vol AES-17, pp. 490-494. July 1981. A. Freedman and N. Levanon, “Any two 72 x r? Costas signals must have at least one common ambiguity sidelobe if i f > 3-A proof,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 73, pp. 1530-1532, Oct. 1985. E. L. Titlebaum and S.V. Maric, “Multiuser sonar properties of Costas array frequency hop coded signals,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP 1990, 1990. S.V. Maric and E. L. Titlebaum, “Frequency hop multiple access codes based on the theory of cubic congruences,” IEEE Tran.5. Aerospace Electron. Syst., vol. 25, pp. 1035-1039, Nov. 1990. New York: Pergamon, 1953. [121 R. M. Mersereau and T. S. Seay, “Multiple access frequency hopping patterns with low ambiguity,” IEEE Trans. Aerospace Electron. Syst., vol. AES-17, pp. 571-578, July 1981. [ 131 E. L. Titlebaum and L. H. Sibul, “Time frequency hop signals-part 2: Coding based upon quadratic congruences,” IEEE Trans. Aerospace Electron. Syst., vol. AES-17, pp. 494-501, July 1981. [I41 W. Chang and K. Scarbrough, “Costas arrays with small num- ber of cross-coincidences,” IEEE Trans. Aerospace Electron. Syst. pp. 109-113, Jan. 1989. (IS] S.V. Maric, E. L. Titlebaum, and Z. Kostic. “Address assignment for multiple-access systems based upon the theory of congruence equations,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM ‘89, 1989, pp. 283-287. Svetislav Marit (S’88-M’91) was born in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, on March 2, 1962. He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, in 1986, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degree from the University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, in 1988 and 1990, respectively. From 1990 to 1991 he was working as a post-doctoral fellow in the Wireless Information Network Laboratory at Rutgers University, and is now an assistant professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering at City College of New York. His research interests are in the area of wireless communications and include studies of new techniques for dynamic channel allocation and handoffs. Other research interests include signal design for code-division multiple-access techniques for applications in multiuser communication systems. Edward L. Titlebaum was born in Boston, MA, on March 23, 1937 He was educated in the public schools of Boston He received a B S E.E degree in 1959 from Northeastern University, Boston, MA, an M S degree in 1962 dnd a Ph.D. degree in 1964both in electrical engineering from Cornell University, IthdCd, New York He has been in the Department of Electrical Engineering dt the University of Rochester from 1964 to the present, currently holding the position of Professor of Electrical Engineering. His research interests lie in the general dreas of radar, sonar and communications signal design. natural echolocation systems including those used by bats and whales Currently he is studying frequency hop codes based upon congruential coding methods for use in multiple-dccess spread-spectrum communications and multiuser radar and sonar sytems He is investigating the role of these signal in CDMA spredd-pectrum communications systems and computer networks