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Department of Anaesthesiology,SRG
Pulmonary risk factors
Types of diseases
Effect of pre-existing condition of
anesthesia is predictable.
Pulmonary risk factors
In the general surgery population, the incidence
of postoperative pulmonary complications
ranges from 2.0% to 5.6%
Two strongest predictors -operative site
-history of dyspnea
Smoking causes respiratory disease is well
Smoker ----------pulmonary compromise(
detcted by PFT )
• prevalence of pulmonary disease increase in closing
(Closing capacity refers to the volume of gas present in the
lung at which small conducting airways begin to collapse) i.e.
The small airways begin to collapse at a higher volume/before
expiration is complete.
This also occurs with certain disease processes, such as
asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and
pulmonary edema.
Any process that increases the Closing Capacity by increasing
the closing volume (CV) can increase an individual's risk of
hypoxemia, as the small airways may collapse during
exhalation, leading to air trapping and atelectasis.
OBESITY per se is not considered to increase the
incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications.
contribute to adverse perioperative outcomes.
Near the diaphragm-------diaphragmatic dysfunction and a restrictive
ventilatory defect
Upper abdominal ------- significantly (>30%) decrease functional residual
capacity (FRC). This effect is maximal on the first postoperative day and
lasts up to 10 days.
• Pain--------------------------------------
• Opioids
• Recumbent position
• Residual anesthetic effects
• Abdominal distention, and
• Restrictive dressings
PAIN causes rapid shallow breathing with an
ineffective cough
micro-atelectasis and loss of lung volume.
Subsequent development of VENTILATION/
PERFUSION MISMATCH (shunt) produces
Hence even if you completely relieve the pain with
regional anesthesia , that will not completely
reverse, these abnormalities.
*Persistent microatelectasis and retention of
secretions favor the development of
postoperative pneumonia.
If patient has history of dysnea and no previous workup is available,
how to assess?
Interstitial Diseases
Idiopathic Pulmonary
Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases
• Characteristic-resistance to airflow.
• More common than restrictive
• Obstructive diseases include -asthma
-chronic bronchitis
-cystic fibrosis
*An MMEF (Maximal Mid Expiratory Flow)of less than 70%
(forced expiratory flow [FEF25–75%]) is often the only
abnormality early in the course of these disorders.
(normal FEF25–75% -greater than 2.0 L/s)
• As the disease progresses, both forced expiratory volume
in the first second of exhalation (FEV1) and the FEV1/FVC
(forced vital capacity) ratio are less than 70% of the
predicted values.
• Elevated airway resistance and air trapping leads to
increase in residual volume and total lung capacity (TLC).
• Ascultatory feature-
mild obstruction = initially only by prolonged exhalation
Progressive obstruction =turbulent airflow=Wheezing.
wheezing only
both inspiratory
and expiratory
marked obstruction,
wheezing may be
absent when airflow
has nearly ceased
Preoperative Considerations
B. Treatment
Anesthetic Considerations
A.Preoperative Management
B. Intraoperative Management
Preoperative Considerations
• 5% to 7% affected.
• Characteristic - bronchiolar inflammation and hyperreactivity
• Clinically features-episodic attacks of dyspnea, cough, and wheezing.
• Reversible-YES
• What happens?-bronchial muscle constriction, edema and secretions.
• precipitated by -pollens, animal dander, dusts, pollutants, and various
chemicals like aspirin, Exercise, cold air, emotional excitement, and
viral infections.
• classification-
A. Pathophysiology
Involves -release of various chemical mediators and overactivity of the
parasympathetic nervous system.
Inhaled substances can initiate bronchospasm through both specific and
nonspecific immune mechanisms by degranulating bronchial mast cells
due to antigen binding to immunoglobulin E (IgE) on the surface of mast
cells causes degranulation.
Bronchoconstriction is the result of the subsequent release of histamine
bradykinin; leukotrienes C, D, and E; prostaglandins and chemotactic
The parasympathetic nervous system plays a major role in maintaining
normal bronchial tone.
Vagal afferents in the bronchi are sensitive to histamine and multiple
noxious stimuli, including cold air, inhaled irritants, and instrumentation
(eg, tracheal intubation).
Reflex vagal activation results in bronchoconstriction
During an asthma attack, bronchoconstriction, mucosal edema, and
secretions increase resistance to gas flow at all levels of the lower
Prolonged or severe attacks –
• increase the work of breathing and can fatigue respiratory muscles.
• The number of alveolar units with low (V/Q) ratios increases, resulting
in hypoxemia.
• Tachypnea is likely and typically produces hypocapnia.
• high Paco2 indicates that the patient can no longer maintain the work
of breathing sign of impending respiratory failure
*A pulsus paradoxus and electrocardiographic signs of right ventricular
strain (ST-segment changes, right axis deviation, and right bundle-
branch block) are also indicative of severe airway obstruction.
Drugs -β-adrenergic agonists
anti- cholinergics
leukotriene modifiers,
mast- cell–stabilizing agents.
cromolyn sodium and nedocromil -preventing bronchospasm by
blocking the degranulation of mast cells.
Sympathomimetic (eg, albuterol)
• most commonly used for acute exacerbations. They β2-
agonist activity.
• theophylline has a narrow therapeutic range; therapeutic
blood levels are considered to be 10 to 20 mcg/mL. Lower
levels, however, may be effective. Aminophylline is the only
available intravenous theophylline preparation.
Anticholinergic agents produce bronchodilation through their
antimuscarinic action and may block reflex
• for both acute treatment and maintenance therapy
• Have antiinflammatory and membrane-stabilizing effects.
• used in metered-dose inhalers for maintaince –
a. Beclomethasone
b. Triamcinolone
c. Fluticasone
d. Budesonide
Although they are associated with a low incidence of
undesirable systemic effects, inhaled administration does not
necessarily prevent adrenal suppression.
For acute sever attack- Intravenous hydrocortisone or
methylprednisolone followed by tapering doses of oral
Preoperative Management
1. evaluating patients of asthma- severity and recent course
of the disease, drugs he is taking
2. Find out if the patient is in optimum condition. Because
patients with poorly controlled asthma or wheezing are at
risk complications.
Conversely, well controlled asthma has not been shown to be
a risk factor for intraoperative or postoperative complications.
Complete resolution of recent exacerbations should be
confirmed by chest auscultation only then go ahead.
Patients with frequent or chronic bronchospasm should be
placed on an optimal bronchodilating regimen.
3. Look for chest radiograph features-
air trapping so hyperinflation -flattened diaphragm ,
• a small-appearing heart
• hyperlucent lung fields.
• bronchial wall thickening: peribronchial cuffing (non-
specific finding but may be present in ~48% of cases with
asthma 1)
4. Pulmonary Function Test— particularly expiratory airflow
measurements such as FEV1, FEV1/FVC, FEF25-75%, and peak
expiratory flow rate help in assessing the severity of airway
obstruction and reversibility after bronchodilator treatment.
treated aggressively
1. oxygen,
2. aerosol of β2-agonists
3. intravenous glucocorticoids ----- improve function in few hours
Use Arterial blood gases for evaluating severity and adequacy of
treatment. Hypoxemia and hypercapnia are typical of moderate or
severe disease; even slight hypercapnia is indicative of severe air
trapping and may be a sign of impending respiratory failure.
Bronchodilators should be continued up to the time of surgery; these
include β-agonists, inhaled glucocorticoids, leukotriene modifiers, mast-
cell stabilizers, theophyllines, and anticholinergics.
Patients who receive chronic glucocorticoid therapy with more than 5
mg/d of prednisone should receive a graduated supplementation
schedule based on the severity of the illness and complexity of the
surgical procedure. Supplemental doses should be tapered to baseline
within 1 to 2 days.
You should know that-
• Anticholinergic agents are not customarily given unless very copious
secretions are present or if ketamine is to be used for induction of
anesthesia.In typical intramuscular doses, anticholinergics are not
effective in preventing reflex bronchospasm following intubation.
• The use of an H2-blocking agent (such as cimetidine, ranitidine, or
famotidine) is theoretically detrimental, since H2-receptor activation
normally produces bronchodilation; in the event of histamine release,
unopposed H1 activation with H2 blockade may accentuate
Stimulatators of bronchospasm: These include obstruction of the
tracheal tube from kinking, secretions, or an overinflated balloon;
bronchial intubation; active expiratory efforts (straining); pulmonary
edema or embolism; and pneumothorax.
Intraoperative Management
critical time -instrumentation of airway.
GA -noninvasive ventilation or regional anesthesia avoids this problem
but neither eliminates the possibility of bronchospasm The most critical
time for asthmatic patients under- going anesthesia is during
instrumentation of the airway.
• some clinicians believe that high spinal or epidural anesthesia may
aggravate bronchoconstriction by blocking sympathetic tone to the
lower airways (T1–T4) and allowing unopposed parasympathetic
• Pain, emotional stress, or stimulation during light general anesthesia
can precipitate bronchospasm
• Drugs often associated with histamine release (eg, atracurium,
morphine) should be avoided or given very slowly when used.
any induction agent can be used provided depth of anesthesia is
achieved before intubation.
Induction agents selection
• Sevoflurane usually provides the smoothest inhalation induction with
bronchodilation in asthmatics. Isoflurane and desflurane are more
pungent and may result in cough, laryngospasm, and bron- chospasm
during inhalation induction.
• Thiopental may occasionally induce bronchospasm as a result of
exaggerated histamine release. Propofol and etomidate -suitable
induction agents
• Propofol –can cause bronchodilation.
• Ketamine - bronchodilating properties and is a good choice for
patients with asthma who are also hemodynamically unstable.
Ketamine should probably not be used in patients with high
theophylline levels, as the combined actions of the two drugs might
precipitate seizure activity.
How to blunt reflex bronchospasm?
Reflex bronchospasm can be blunted before intubation by an additional
dose of the induction agent, ventilating the patient with a 2 to 3 mini-
mum alveolar concentration (MAC) of a volatile agent for 5 min, or
administering intravenous or intratracheal lidocaine (1–2 mg/kg).
Note* - intratracheal lidocaine itself can initiate bronchospasm if an
inadequate dose of induction agent has been used.
-anticholinergic agent may block reflex bronchospasm, but causes
excessive tachycardia.
What about succinylcholine???
Although succinylcholine may on occasion induce marked histamine
release, it can generally be safely used in asthmatic patients.
Features of bronchospasm Intra operative
• Wheezing
• Capnography -delayed rise of the end-tidal CO2 value ( obstruction in
(Do keep in mind…
In the absence of capnography, confirmation of correct tracheal
placement by chest auscultation can be difficult in the presence of
marked bronchospasm. )
• decreasing exhaled tidal volumes
• Severe bronchospasm -rising peak inspiratory pressures and
incomplete exhalation.
• plateau pressure may remain unchanged.
What to do?
• Set the Tidal volumes - 6 mL/kg
• Prolong the expiratory time TO AVOID AIR TRAPPING.
• Increasing the concentration of the volatile agent
• Aerosolized bronchodilator.
• Hydrocortisone
*Infusion of low-dose epinephrine may be needed if bronchospasm is
refractory to other interventions
*Deep extubation (before the return of airway reflexes) reduces the risk
of bronchospasm on emergence. Lidocaine as a bolus (1.5–2 mg/kg)
may help to obtund airway reflexes upon emergence.
airflow limitation that is not fully reversible
Preoperative Considerations
B. Treatment
Anesthetic Considerations
A.Preoperative Management
B. Intraoperative Management
Preoperative Considerations
• COPD is the most common pulmonary disorder encountered in
anesthetic practice.
• prevalence -increases with age.
• Strong association- cigarette smoking
• *MMEF- Maximal Mid Expiratory Flow rate become abnormal before
symptoms of COPD appear.
• Predominance- male
• mixture of small and large airway disease (chronic bronchitis/
bronchiolitis) and parenchymal destruction (emphysema)
*Most patients with COPD are asymptomatic but show expiratory air-
flow obstruction upon PFTs.
In many patients, the obstruction has an element of reversibility, With
advancing disease, maldistribution of both ventilation and pulmonary
blood flow results in areas of low ( 􏰀 􏰀V/Q ) ratios (intrapulmonary
shunt), as well as areas of high ( 􏰀V/Q 􏰀 ) ratios (dead space).
There are two main forms of COPD:
Chronic bronchitis-which involves a long-term cough with
Emphysema,-which involves damage to the lungs over time.
Chronic Bronchitis
defined - presence of a productive cough on most days of 3 consecutive
months for at least 2 consecutive years.
• cigarette smoking
• exposure to air pollutants,
• occupational exposure to dusts,
• recurrent pulmonary infections,
• familial factors
Secretions from hypertrophied bronchial mucous glands and mucosal
edema from inflammation of the airways produce airflow obstruction.
Recurrent pulmonary infections (viral and bacterial) are common and
often associated with bronchospasm.
Intrapulmonary shunting and hypoxemia
RV is increased, but TLC is often normal.
chronic hypoxemia leads to
1) Erythrocytosis,
2) pulmonary hypertension
3) Right ventricular failure (cor pulmonale)
“blue bloater” syndrome,
but less than 5% of patients with COPD fit this description
*In the course of disease progression, patients gradually develop
chronic CO2 retention; the normal ventilatory drive becomes less
sensitive to arterial CO2 tension and may be depressed by oxygen
administration .
irreversible enlargement of the airways distal to terminal bronchioles
and destruction of alveolar septa
diagnosis-CT of the chest.
*Mild changes with age
*if early - homozygous deficiency of α1-antitrypsin
Emphysema associated with smoking -due to a relative imbalance
between protease and antiprotease activities.
Types of emphysema
1. Centrilobular
2. Panlobular form.
CENTRILOBULAR - dilation or destruction of the respiratory bronchioles,
Assosication -tobacco smoking,
Predominant site - upper lobe
PANLOBULAR –dilation of the entire acinus,
Association- α1-antitrypsin deficiency
Predominantly - lower lobe distribution.
Loss of the elastic recoil
premature collapse
during exhalation
expiratory flow limitation
with air trapping
What happens in Emphysema?
Destruction of
alveolar structure
decreased diffusion
lung capacity
(V/Q) mismatch
impairment of gas
compressed by the
further increase in
the (V/Q) mismatch
Patients characteristically have increases in RV, FRC, TLC, and the
RV/TLC ratio.
CO2 has higher diffusibility 􏰀􏰀 so,
elimination of CO2 is well preserved in early
Chronic CO2 retention occurs slowly
results in a compensated respiratory acidosis
Arterial oxygen tension is usually normal or slightly
**Acute CO2 retention is a sign of impending respiratory
One more thing happens,
Destruction of pulmonary capillaries in the alveolar septa leads to the
development of mild to moderate PULMONARY HYPERTENSION.
Why are emphysema patienst some times called “pink puffers”?
When dyspneic, patients with emphysema often purse their lips to
delay closure of the small airways.
Treatment for COPD
• primarily supportive.
• Stop smoking to reduce decline of lung function.
• Do spirometry -assess the severity of airflow reduction
- check response to bronchodialator
• If responsive to bronchodialators,
A. when FEV1 is greater than 80% of predicted-use short-acting
B. When FEV1 and symptoms worsen-use longer-acting
bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroids
• Inhaled β2-adrenergic agonists, glucocorticoids, and ipratropium are
also used.
• If HYPOXEMIA –oxygen
• If CHRONIC HYPOXEMIA (Pao2 <55 mm Hg) and pulmonary
hypertension - low-flow oxygen therapy (1–2 L/min)
CO2 retention may be exacerbated in patients with reduced hypoxic
ventilatory drive.
Consequently, oxygen therapy is targeted to a hemoglobin oxygen
saturation of 90%.
• PULMONARY REHABILITATION may improve the functional status of
the patient by improving physical symptoms and exercise capacity.
Anesthetic Considerations
A. Preoperative Management
1. Ask if –
recent changes in dyspnea, sputum, and wheezing.
2. Check FEV1-
Patients with an FEV1 less than 50% of predicted (1.2–1.5 L) usually
have dyspnea on exertion, whereas those with an FEV1 less than 25%
(<1 L in men) typically have dyspnea with minimal activity.
The latter finding, in patients with predominantly chronic bronchitis, is
also often associated with CO2 retention and pulmonary hypertension.
3. Do-
chest radiographs(bullous changes ???)
arterial blood gas measurements,
cardiovascular evaluation(concomitant cardiac disease)
In contrast to asthma, only limited improvement in
respiratory function may be seen after a short period of
intensive preoperative preparation but you have to still do
them to reduce postoperative pulmonary complications
1. correcting hypoxemia
2. relieving bronchospasm
3. mobilizing and reducing secretions
4. treating infections
Patients at greatest risk of complications are those with
preoperative pulmonary function measurements less than
50% of predicted.
What about the Smokers??
Discuss the possibility that postoperative ventilation with both the
patient and the surgeon.
Smoking should be discontinued for at least 6 to 8 weeks before the
operation to decrease secretions and to reduce pulmonary
complications(increases mucus production and decreases clearance).
Both gaseous and particulate phases of cigarette smoke can deplete
glutathione and vitamin C and may promote oxidative injury to tissues.
24 h stop ( theoretically beneficial)-- effects on the oxygen-carrying
capacity of hemoglobin
acute inhalation of cigarette smoke releases carbon monoxide, which
increases carboxyhemoglobin levels, as well as nitric oxide, and nitrogen
dioxide, which can lead to formation of methemoglobin.
Long-acting bronchodilators and mucolytics should be
continued, including on the day of surgery.
COPD exacerbations should be treated aggressively.
Preoperative chest physiotherapy and lung expansion
interventions with incentive spirometry, deep breathing
exercises, cough, chest percussion, and postural drainage may
be beneficial in decreasing postoperative pulmonary
B. Intraoperative Management
• regional anesthesia is preferable to general anesthesia but high spinal
or epidural anesthesia can decrease lung volumes, restrict the use of
accessory respiratory muscles, and produce an ineffective cough,
leading to dyspnea and retention of secretions.
• Loss of proprioception from the chest and positions such as lithotomy
or lateral decubitus may accentuate dyspnea in awake patients.
• Concerns about hemidiaphragmatic paralysis may make interscalene
blocks a less attractive option in the lung disease patient.
Preoxygenation prior to induction,prevents the rapid oxygen
desaturation often seen in these patients.
Unfortunately, bronchodilating anesthetics--- improves only
the reversible component of airflow obstruction; significant
expiratory obstruction may still present, even under deep
Expiratory airflow limitation, especially under positive
pressure ventilation, may lead to air trapping, dynamic
hyperinflation, and elevated intrinsic positive end-expiratory
pressure (iPEEP).
Can lead to……
Dynamic hyperinflation may --volutrauma
--hemodynamic instability
-- hypercapnia
How to mitigate this trapping of air ???
(1) allowing more time to exhale by decreasing both the
respiratory rate and inspiratory/ expiratory (I:E) ratio
(2) allowing permissive hypercapnia
(3) applying low levels of extrinsic PEEP
(4) aggressively treating bronchospasm.
Beware of inta-op hypotention!!!
Apart from the usual causes,PNEUMOTHORAX and RIGHT
HEART FAILURE due to hypercapnia and acidosis are to be
kept in mind.
A pneumothorax may manifest as hypoxemia, increased peak
airway pressures, decreasing TV, and abrupt cardiovascular
collapse unresponsive to fluid and vasopressor
***Nitrous oxide should be avoided in patients with bullae
and pulmonary hypertension.
About inhalational agents….
Inhibition of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction by
inhalation anesthetics is usually not clinically apparent at
usual doses.
However, due to increased dead space, patients with severe
COPD have unpredictable uptake and distribution of
inhalational agents, and the end-tidal volatile anesthetic
concentration is inaccurate.
Although pulse oximetry accurately detects significant arterial
desaturation, direct measurement of arterial oxygen tensions
may be necessary to detect more subtle changes in
intrapulmonary shunting.
Moreover, arterial CO2 measurements can guide ventilation
because increased dead space widens the normal arterial-to-
end-tidal CO2 gradient.
Moderate hypercapnia with a Paco2 of up to 70 mm Hg may
be well tolerated in the short term, assuming a reasonable
cardiovascular reserve.
Be ready with the ionotrops for more compromised patients.
While extubation, make sure!
1. adequate pain control
2. Reversal optimum
3. absence of bronchospasm and secretions
4. absence of significant hypercapnia and acidosis
5. absence of respiratory depression due to residual
anesthetic agents.
***Patients with an FEV1 below 50% may require a period of
postoperative ventilation, particularly following upper
abdominal and thoracic operations.
Restrictive Pulmonary Disease
• Characterized by -decreased lung compliance.
• Lung volumes - reduced, with preservation of normal
expiratory flow rates.
• FEV and FVC are reduced, but the FEV1/FVC ratio is
• Reduced lung compliance increases the work of breathing
• breathing becomes –rapid but shallow
* Respiratory gas exchange is usually maintained until the
disease process is advanced.
Restrictive lung
Acute intrinsic
pulmonary disorders
Chronic intrinsic
pulmonary disorders
Extrinsic restrictive
pulmonary disorders
• Pulmonary edema
(including ARDS)
• Infectious
• Aspiration
I. Airway obstruction –
The major site of obstruction is smaller conducting airway (<2
mm in diameter).
Processes causing obstruction include
• disruption of the epithelial barrier,
• interference with mucociliary clearance apparatus that
results in accumulation of inflammatory mucous exudates
in the small airway lumen,
• infiltration of the airway walls by inflammatory cells and
deposition of connective tissue in the airway wall.
Fibrosis surrounding the small airway is a significant
This remodelling and repair thickens the airway walls, reduces
lumen calibre and restricts the normal increase in calibre
produced by lung inflation.
Increased resistance of the small conducting airway and
increased compliance of the lung as a result of
emphysematous destruction, causes the prolonged time
This constant is reflected in measurements of the FEV1 and its
ratio to forced vital capacity(FEV1/FVC)
COPD there is “air trapping” (increased residual volume and
increased ratio of residual volume to total lung capacity) and
progressive hyperinflation (increased total lung capacity) late
in the disease.
Hyperinflation of the thorax during tidal breathing preserves
maximum expiratory airflow, because as lung volume
increases, elastic recoil pressure increases, and airways
enlarge so that airway resistance decreases.
Despite compensating for airway obstruction, hyperinflation
can push the diaphragm into a flattened position with a
number of adverse effects.
II. Hyperinflation
First ,by decreasing the zone of apposition between the
diaphragm and the abdominal wall, positive abdominal
pressure during inspiration is not applied as effectively to the
chest wall, hindering rib cage movement and impairing
Second, because the muscle fibers of the flattened diaphragm
are shorter than those of a more normally curved diaphragm,
they are less capable of generating inspiratory pressures than
Third, the flattened diaphragm (with increased radius of
curvature) must generate greater tension to develop the
transpulmonary pressure required to produce tidal breathing.
Auto positive end expiratory pressure
[Intrinsic positive end expiratory pressure (PEEPi)]
Patients with severe COPD often breathe in a pattern that
interrupts expiration before the alveolar pressure has
decreased to atmospheric pressure
This incomplete expiration is due to a combination of factors
which include flow limitation, increased work of respiration
and increased airway resistance
This interruption leads to an increase of the end‐expiratory
lung volume above the FRC. This PEEP in the alveoli at rest
has been termed auto‐PEEP or PEEPi.
Non‐uniform ventilation and ventilation‐perfusion mismatch
are characteristics of COPD, due to the heterogenous nature
of the disease process within airway and lung parenchyma.
Ventilation/ perfusion (V/Q) mismatching causes reduction in
PaO2 but shunting is minimal.
This finding explains the effectiveness of modest elevation of
inspired oxygen in treating hypoxaemia due to COPD.
Pao2 usually remains near normal until FEV1 is decreased to
50% of predicted and elevation of PaCO2 is not seen until
FEV1 is <25%.
Hypercapnia, if present, reflects both V/Q mismatching and
alveolar hypoventilation, the later resulting from both
respiratory muscle dysfunction and increased ventilatory
Pulmonary hypertension severe enough to cause
corpulmonale and right heart failure is seen when there is
marked decrease in FEV1 <25% along with chronic
hypoxaemia PaO2 <55 mm Hg.
• Preoperative Considerations
• Anesthetic Considerations
A.Preoperative Management
B. B. Intraoperative Management
Acute intrinsic pulmonary disorders include
• Pulmonary edema (including ARDS)
• Infectious pneumonia
• Aspiration pneumonitis.
Preoperative Considerations for Acute intrinsic
pulmonary disorders
• Reduced lung compliance in these disorders is due to an
increase in extravascular lung water, from an increase in
either pulmonary capillary pressure or pulmonary capillary
• Increased pressure occurs with left ventricular failure,
whereas fluid overload and increased permeability are
present with ARDS.
• Increases in permeability also occur following aspiration or
infectious pneumonitis.
Anesthetic Considerations for acute pulmonary disease
A. Preoperative Management
avoid elective surgery.
If emergency-- optimize oxygenation and ventilation.
1. Fluid overload –diuretics
2. Heart failure- treatment.
3. Large pleural effusions –drainage
massive abdominal distention -relieved by nasogastric suction
or drainage of ascites.
*Persistent hypoxemia may require mechanical ventilation.
B. Intraoperative Management
• Increased inspired oxygen concentrations and PEEP may be required.
• decreased lung compliance results in high peak inspiratory pressures
during positive-pressure ventilation and increases the risk of
barotrauma and volutrauma.
• Tidal volumes ----reduced to 4 to 6 mL/kg, with a compensatory
increase in the ventilatory rate (14–18 breaths/min), even if the
result is an increase in end-tidal CO2.
• Airway pressure should generally not exceed 30 cm H2O.
Keep in mind….
Right ventricular function may be challenged due to to increases in
pulmonary vascular resistance secondary to permissive hypercapnia.
Also called interstitial lung diseases.
• Preoperative Considerations
• Anesthetic Considerations
A.Preoperative Management
B. B. Intraoperative Management
characterized by –
1. an insidious onset
2. chronic inflammation of alveolar walls and perialveolar
3. progressive pulmonary fibrosis
Causes –
• hypersensitivity pneumonitis from occupational and
environmental pollutants,
• drug toxicity (bleomycin and nitrofurantoin)
• radiation pneumonitis,
• idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
• sarcoidosis.
• Chronic pulmonary aspiration, oxygen toxicity, and severe
ARDS can also produce chronic fibrosis.
Preoperative Considerations
Patients typically present with dyspnea on exertion and
sometimes a nonproductive cough.
Symptoms of cor pulmonale are present only with advanced
Physical examination -reveal fine (dry) crackles over the lung
bases, and,
-in late stages, features of right
ventricular failure may be presesnt.
Chest Xray
ABG -mild hypoxemia with normocarbia.
PFTs -restrictive type and carbon monoxide diffusing
capacity is reduced.
Stop disease process and stop exposure.
If the patient has chronic hypoxemia, oxygen therapy may be
started to prevent, or attenuate, right ventricular failure.
Anesthetic considerations for Chronic Intrinsic Pulmonary
A. Preoperative Management
Focus on
• disease process and
• the degree of pulmonary impairment
If history of dyspnea is present, do
PFTs and ABG analysis and chest Xray for severity
-----Normal vital capacity is >70 mL/kg
A vital capacity of less than 15 mL/kg is indicative of severe
B. Intraoperative Management
complicated because
their predisposition to hypoxemia and
their need for controlled ventilation
The reduction in FRC (and oxygen stores) predisposes these patients to
rapid hypoxemia following induction of anesthesia.
Because these patients may be more susceptible to oxygen-induced
toxicity, particularly patients who have received bleomycin, the inspired
fractional concentration of oxygen should be kept to the minimum
concentration compatible with acceptable oxygenation (Spo2 of >90%).
Protective ventilation strategies employed in ventilated patients in the
intensive care unit should be continued through to the operating room.
Nitric oxide may be used to reduce pulmonary vascular
resistance and reduce the work of the right ventricle.
***Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is
increasingly used in the management of acute respiratory
Following anticoagulation, blood is drained from venous
cannulae and delivered to a membrane oxygenator.
Oxygenated blood can then either be returned either to the
venous system, if cardiac function is preserved, or pumped
into the arterial circulation, bypassing the heart and lungs.
Consequently, ECMO can provide transient support for both
cardiac and pulmonary failure.
interfering with lung expansion.
E.g-pleural effusions, pneumothorax, mediastinal masses,
kyphoscoliosis, pectus excavatum, neuromuscular disorders,
and increased intraabdominal pressure from ascites,
pregnancy, or bleeding.
Anesthetic considerations are similar to those discussed for
intrinsic restrictive disorders.
Pulmonary Embolism
Preoperative Considerations
A. Pathophysiology
B. Diagnosis
C. Treatment and Prevention
Anesthetic Considerations
A.Preoperative Management
B. B. Intraoperative Management
C. C. Intraoperative Pulmonary Embolism
Preoperative Considerations
Can occur from –
• blood clots
• Fat
• tumor cells
• air
• amniotic fluid
• foreign material
Site of origin - lower extremities, pelvic veins, or, less
commonly, the right side of the heart
Factors associated with deep venous thrombosis and
pulmonary embolism.
• Prolonged bed rest
• Postpartum state
• Fracture of the lower extremities Surgery on the lower
extremities Carcinoma
• Heart failure
• Obesity
• Surgery lasting more than 30 min
• Hypercoagulability
• Antithrombin III deficiency Protein C deficiency Protein S
• Factor V Leiden mutation
A. Pathophysiology
• Increase in dead space should theoretically increase
in practice, hypoxemia is more often seen.
• Pulmonary emboli acutely increase pulmonary vascular
resistance by reducing the cross-sectional area of the
pulmonary vasculature, causing reflex and humoral
• Localized or generalized reflex bronchoconstriction
further increases areas with low (V/Q) ratios.
• The net 􏰀􏰀effect is an increase in (V/Q) mismatch and
The affected area loses its surfactant within hours and may
become atelectatic within 24 to 48 h.
Pulmonary infarction occurs if the embolus involves a large
vessel and collateral blood flow from the bronchial circulation
is insufficient for that part of the lung (incidence <10%).
In previously healthy persons, occlusion of more than 50% of
the pulmonary circulation (massive pulmonary embolism) is
necessary before sustained pulmonary hypertension is seen.
Patients with preexisting cardiac or pulmonary disease can
develop acute pulmonary hypertension with occlusions of
lesser magnitude.
A sustained increase in right ventricular afterload can
precipitate acute right ventricular failure and hemodynamic
If the patient survives acute pulmonary thromboembolism,
the thrombus usually begins to resolve within 1 to 2 weeks.
B. Diagnosis
Clinical manifestations
• sudden tachypnea and dyspnea
• chest pain
• hemoptysis (When lung infarction has occurred).
• auscultation –Wheezing
*Remember that symptoms can be nos-specific unless massive
embolism has occurred.
ABG- mild hypoxemia with respiratory alkalosis (the latter due to an
increase in ventilation).
Chest Xray –
• normal/ area of oligemia (radiolucency),
• a wedge-shaped density with an infarct,
• atelectasis with an elevated diaphragm,
• an asymmetrically enlarged proximal pulmonary artery with acute
pulmonary hypertension.
Cardiac signs –
• tachycardia
• wide fixed splitting of the S2 heart sound
• Hypotension
• elevated central venous pressure (right ventricular failure)
ECG –tachycardia
may show signs of acute cor pulmonale,
[ new right axis deviation,
right bundle- branch block,
tall peaked T waves]
USG-deep venous thrombosis in lower limb.
INTRA OP- difficult to diagnosis
IF YOU suspect, order following
CT angiography
Echocardiography can assist in the diagnosis.
- Right ventricular overload can be seen.
Sometimes clot can be seen in the right heart and pulmonary
artery confirming the diagnosis.
At other times, only the signs of right ventricular overload are
seen (eg, tricuspid regurgitation, right ventricular dilation).
The left ventricle may be relatively under-loaded secondary
to the inadequate delivery of blood
C. Treatment and Prevention
best treatment for perioperative pulmonary embolism is prevention.
regimens for DVT prophylaxis are -heparin (unfractionated heparin
5000 U subcutaneously every 12 h begun preoperatively or immediately
postoperatively in high-risk patients),
fondaparinux, and,
early ambulation after surgery.
Patients at risk for thrombophilia are treated with warfarin.
Newer anticoagulants such as factor Xa inhibitors (eg, rivaroxaban,
apixaban) and the direct thrombin inhibitor dabigatran will likely assume
a greater role in DVT prophylaxis.
The use of intermittent pneumatic compression of the legs may
decrease the incidence of venous thrombosis in the legs, but not in the
pelvis or the heart.
After a pulmonary embolism,
parenteral anticoagulation therapy is given.
Low-molecular- weight heparin (LMWH) or fondaparinux
are now preferred over intravenous unfractionated heparin
for initial anticoagulation.
All patients should start warfarin also and the two should
overlap for a mini- mum of 5 days.
The international normalized ratio should also be within the
therapeutic range (>2.0) for at least 24 h before
discontinuation of parenteral DVT prophylaxis.
Warfarin should be continued for 3 to 12 months.
Thrombolytic therapy is indicated in patients with massive
pulmonary embolism and hypotension.
Recent surgery and active bleeding are contraindications to
anticoagulation and thrombolytic therapy.
In these cases, an inferior vena cava filter may be placed to
prevent recurrent pulmonary emboli.
Pulmonary embolectomy may be lifesaving for
hemodynamically unstable patients with massive embolism in
whom thrombolytic therapy is contraindicated or ineffective.
Anesthetic Considerations
A. Preoperative Management
• Patients with acute pulmonary embolism come for
placement of an inferior vena cava filter, or for pulmonary
embolectomy. In most instances, the patient will have a
history of pulmonary embolism and presents for unrelated
surgery; in this group of patients, the risk of interrupting
anticoagulant therapy perioperatively is unknown.
• If the acute episode is more than 1 year old, the risk
associated with temporarily stopping anticoagulant
therapy is probably small.
• Moreover, except in the case of chronic recurrent
pulmonary emboli, pulmonary function has usually
returned to normal. Just prevent new episode.
B. Intraoperative Management
• Vena cava filters are usually placed percutaneously under
local anesthesia with sedation.
• Patients presenting for emergency pulmonary
embolectomy are critically ill.
• They are usually already intubated, but tolerate positive-
pressure ventilation poorly.
• Inotropic support is usually necessary until they are placed
on cardiopulmonary bypass to facilitate clot removal.
• Inotropic support may be required to separate from
cardiopulmonary bypass.
Intraoperative Pulmonary Embolism
Significant is rare
Diagnosis requires a high index of suspicion.
Air emboli are common but are often overlooked unless large
amounts are entrained.
Fat embolism, microthrombi and bone debris-- orthopedic
amniotic fluid embolism – rare
-complication of late pregnancy and
- unpredictable
- and often fatal
Thromboembolism may occur intraoperatively during
prolonged procedures.
Presentation –
• sudden cardiovascular collapse
• hypoxemia, or bronchospasm.
• decrease in end-tidal CO2 concentration is suggestive of
pulmonary embolism but is not specific.
• Invasive monitoring may reveal ----elevated central venous
• Depending on the type and location of an embolism, a
transesophageal echocardiogram can be done; this may not
reveal the embolus but will often demonstrate right heart
distention and dysfunction.
• If air is identified in the right atrium, or if it is suspected,
emergent central vein cannulation and aspiration of the air
may be lifesaving.
• For all other emboli, treatment is supportive, with
intravenous fluids and inotropes.
• Placement of a vena cava filter may be considered
Thank you

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Respiratory disease and anesthesia

  • 2. CONTENTS Introduction Pulmonary risk factors Types of diseases Obstructive ASTHMA C.O.P.D. Chronic Bronchitis Emphysema Restrictive Intrinsic Acute Chronic Extinsic Pulmonary embolism
  • 3. Effect of pre-existing condition of anesthesia is predictable.
  • 4. Pulmonary risk factors In the general surgery population, the incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications ranges from 2.0% to 5.6% Two strongest predictors -operative site -history of dyspnea
  • 5. SMOKING Smoking causes respiratory disease is well known Smoker ----------pulmonary compromise( detcted by PFT )
  • 6. ADVANCING AGE • prevalence of pulmonary disease increase in closing capacity. (Closing capacity refers to the volume of gas present in the lung at which small conducting airways begin to collapse) i.e. The small airways begin to collapse at a higher volume/before expiration is complete. This also occurs with certain disease processes, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and pulmonary edema. Any process that increases the Closing Capacity by increasing the closing volume (CV) can increase an individual's risk of hypoxemia, as the small airways may collapse during exhalation, leading to air trapping and atelectasis.
  • 7. OBESITY per se is not considered to increase the incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications. However, OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA does contribute to adverse perioperative outcomes.
  • 8. SITE OF SURGERY Near the diaphragm-------diaphragmatic dysfunction and a restrictive ventilatory defect Upper abdominal ------- significantly (>30%) decrease functional residual capacity (FRC). This effect is maximal on the first postoperative day and lasts up to 10 days. Because • Pain-------------------------------------- • Opioids • Recumbent position • Residual anesthetic effects • Abdominal distention, and • Restrictive dressings PAIN causes rapid shallow breathing with an ineffective cough IMPAIRED MUCOCILIARY CLEARANCE leads to micro-atelectasis and loss of lung volume. Subsequent development of VENTILATION/ PERFUSION MISMATCH (shunt) produces hypoxemia.
  • 9. Hence even if you completely relieve the pain with regional anesthesia , that will not completely reverse, these abnormalities. *Persistent microatelectasis and retention of secretions favor the development of postoperative pneumonia.
  • 10. If patient has history of dysnea and no previous workup is available, how to assess?
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15. Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases • Characteristic-resistance to airflow. • More common than restrictive • Obstructive diseases include -asthma -emphysema -chronic bronchitis -cystic fibrosis -bronchiectasis -bronchiolitis *An MMEF (Maximal Mid Expiratory Flow)of less than 70% (forced expiratory flow [FEF25–75%]) is often the only abnormality early in the course of these disorders. (normal FEF25–75% -greater than 2.0 L/s)
  • 16. • As the disease progresses, both forced expiratory volume in the first second of exhalation (FEV1) and the FEV1/FVC (forced vital capacity) ratio are less than 70% of the predicted values. • Elevated airway resistance and air trapping leads to increase in residual volume and total lung capacity (TLC). • Ascultatory feature- mild obstruction = initially only by prolonged exhalation Progressive obstruction =turbulent airflow=Wheezing. expiratory wheezing only both inspiratory and expiratory wheezing marked obstruction, wheezing may be absent when airflow has nearly ceased
  • 18. Preoperative Considerations A.Pathophysiology B. Treatment Anesthetic Considerations A.Preoperative Management B. Intraoperative Management
  • 19. Preoperative Considerations A.Pathophysiology • 5% to 7% affected. • Characteristic - bronchiolar inflammation and hyperreactivity • Clinically features-episodic attacks of dyspnea, cough, and wheezing. • Reversible-YES • What happens?-bronchial muscle constriction, edema and secretions. • precipitated by -pollens, animal dander, dusts, pollutants, and various chemicals like aspirin, Exercise, cold air, emotional excitement, and viral infections. • classification- asthma chronic Intermittent(mild) moderate sever acute
  • 20. A. Pathophysiology Involves -release of various chemical mediators and overactivity of the parasympathetic nervous system. Inhaled substances can initiate bronchospasm through both specific and nonspecific immune mechanisms by degranulating bronchial mast cells due to antigen binding to immunoglobulin E (IgE) on the surface of mast cells causes degranulation. Bronchoconstriction is the result of the subsequent release of histamine bradykinin; leukotrienes C, D, and E; prostaglandins and chemotactic factors.
  • 21. The parasympathetic nervous system plays a major role in maintaining normal bronchial tone. Vagal afferents in the bronchi are sensitive to histamine and multiple noxious stimuli, including cold air, inhaled irritants, and instrumentation (eg, tracheal intubation). Reflex vagal activation results in bronchoconstriction During an asthma attack, bronchoconstriction, mucosal edema, and secretions increase resistance to gas flow at all levels of the lower airways.
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  • 25. Prolonged or severe attacks – • increase the work of breathing and can fatigue respiratory muscles. • The number of alveolar units with low (V/Q) ratios increases, resulting in hypoxemia. • Tachypnea is likely and typically produces hypocapnia. • high Paco2 indicates that the patient can no longer maintain the work of breathing sign of impending respiratory failure *A pulsus paradoxus and electrocardiographic signs of right ventricular strain (ST-segment changes, right axis deviation, and right bundle- branch block) are also indicative of severe airway obstruction.
  • 26. Treatment Drugs -β-adrenergic agonists methylxanthines glucocorticoids anti- cholinergics leukotriene modifiers, mast- cell–stabilizing agents. cromolyn sodium and nedocromil -preventing bronchospasm by blocking the degranulation of mast cells.
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  • 29. Sympathomimetic (eg, albuterol) • most commonly used for acute exacerbations. They β2- agonist activity. Methylxanthine • theophylline has a narrow therapeutic range; therapeutic blood levels are considered to be 10 to 20 mcg/mL. Lower levels, however, may be effective. Aminophylline is the only available intravenous theophylline preparation. Anticholinergic agents produce bronchodilation through their antimuscarinic action and may block reflex bronchoconstriction.
  • 30. Glucocorticoids • for both acute treatment and maintenance therapy • Have antiinflammatory and membrane-stabilizing effects. • used in metered-dose inhalers for maintaince – a. Beclomethasone b. Triamcinolone c. Fluticasone d. Budesonide Although they are associated with a low incidence of undesirable systemic effects, inhaled administration does not necessarily prevent adrenal suppression. For acute sever attack- Intravenous hydrocortisone or methylprednisolone followed by tapering doses of oral prednisone.
  • 31. Preoperative Management 1. evaluating patients of asthma- severity and recent course of the disease, drugs he is taking 2. Find out if the patient is in optimum condition. Because patients with poorly controlled asthma or wheezing are at risk complications. Conversely, well controlled asthma has not been shown to be a risk factor for intraoperative or postoperative complications. Complete resolution of recent exacerbations should be confirmed by chest auscultation only then go ahead. Patients with frequent or chronic bronchospasm should be placed on an optimal bronchodilating regimen.
  • 32. 3. Look for chest radiograph features- air trapping so hyperinflation -flattened diaphragm , • a small-appearing heart • hyperlucent lung fields. • bronchial wall thickening: peribronchial cuffing (non- specific finding but may be present in ~48% of cases with asthma 1) 4. Pulmonary Function Test— particularly expiratory airflow measurements such as FEV1, FEV1/FVC, FEF25-75%, and peak expiratory flow rate help in assessing the severity of airway obstruction and reversibility after bronchodilator treatment.
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  • 35. treated aggressively 1. oxygen, 2. aerosol of β2-agonists 3. intravenous glucocorticoids ----- improve function in few hours Use Arterial blood gases for evaluating severity and adequacy of treatment. Hypoxemia and hypercapnia are typical of moderate or severe disease; even slight hypercapnia is indicative of severe air trapping and may be a sign of impending respiratory failure. Bronchodilators should be continued up to the time of surgery; these include β-agonists, inhaled glucocorticoids, leukotriene modifiers, mast- cell stabilizers, theophyllines, and anticholinergics. Patients who receive chronic glucocorticoid therapy with more than 5 mg/d of prednisone should receive a graduated supplementation schedule based on the severity of the illness and complexity of the surgical procedure. Supplemental doses should be tapered to baseline within 1 to 2 days.
  • 36. You should know that- • Anticholinergic agents are not customarily given unless very copious secretions are present or if ketamine is to be used for induction of anesthesia.In typical intramuscular doses, anticholinergics are not effective in preventing reflex bronchospasm following intubation. • The use of an H2-blocking agent (such as cimetidine, ranitidine, or famotidine) is theoretically detrimental, since H2-receptor activation normally produces bronchodilation; in the event of histamine release, unopposed H1 activation with H2 blockade may accentuate bronchoconstriction. Stimulatators of bronchospasm: These include obstruction of the tracheal tube from kinking, secretions, or an overinflated balloon; bronchial intubation; active expiratory efforts (straining); pulmonary edema or embolism; and pneumothorax.
  • 37. Intraoperative Management critical time -instrumentation of airway. GA -noninvasive ventilation or regional anesthesia avoids this problem but neither eliminates the possibility of bronchospasm The most critical time for asthmatic patients under- going anesthesia is during instrumentation of the airway. • some clinicians believe that high spinal or epidural anesthesia may aggravate bronchoconstriction by blocking sympathetic tone to the lower airways (T1–T4) and allowing unopposed parasympathetic activity. • Pain, emotional stress, or stimulation during light general anesthesia can precipitate bronchospasm • Drugs often associated with histamine release (eg, atracurium, morphine) should be avoided or given very slowly when used. any induction agent can be used provided depth of anesthesia is achieved before intubation.
  • 38. Induction agents selection • Sevoflurane usually provides the smoothest inhalation induction with bronchodilation in asthmatics. Isoflurane and desflurane are more pungent and may result in cough, laryngospasm, and bron- chospasm during inhalation induction. • Thiopental may occasionally induce bronchospasm as a result of exaggerated histamine release. Propofol and etomidate -suitable induction agents • Propofol –can cause bronchodilation. • Ketamine - bronchodilating properties and is a good choice for patients with asthma who are also hemodynamically unstable. Ketamine should probably not be used in patients with high theophylline levels, as the combined actions of the two drugs might precipitate seizure activity.
  • 39. How to blunt reflex bronchospasm? Reflex bronchospasm can be blunted before intubation by an additional dose of the induction agent, ventilating the patient with a 2 to 3 mini- mum alveolar concentration (MAC) of a volatile agent for 5 min, or administering intravenous or intratracheal lidocaine (1–2 mg/kg). Note* - intratracheal lidocaine itself can initiate bronchospasm if an inadequate dose of induction agent has been used. -anticholinergic agent may block reflex bronchospasm, but causes excessive tachycardia. What about succinylcholine??? Although succinylcholine may on occasion induce marked histamine release, it can generally be safely used in asthmatic patients.
  • 40. Features of bronchospasm Intra operative • Wheezing • Capnography -delayed rise of the end-tidal CO2 value ( obstruction in expiration) (Do keep in mind… In the absence of capnography, confirmation of correct tracheal placement by chest auscultation can be difficult in the presence of marked bronchospasm. ) • decreasing exhaled tidal volumes • Severe bronchospasm -rising peak inspiratory pressures and incomplete exhalation. • plateau pressure may remain unchanged.
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  • 42. What to do? • Set the Tidal volumes - 6 mL/kg • Prolong the expiratory time TO AVOID AIR TRAPPING. • Increasing the concentration of the volatile agent • Aerosolized bronchodilator. • Hydrocortisone *Infusion of low-dose epinephrine may be needed if bronchospasm is refractory to other interventions *Deep extubation (before the return of airway reflexes) reduces the risk of bronchospasm on emergence. Lidocaine as a bolus (1.5–2 mg/kg) may help to obtund airway reflexes upon emergence. .
  • 43. (2) CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE (COPD) airflow limitation that is not fully reversible
  • 44. Preoperative Considerations A.Pathophysiology B. Treatment Anesthetic Considerations A.Preoperative Management B. Intraoperative Management
  • 45. Preoperative Considerations • COPD is the most common pulmonary disorder encountered in anesthetic practice. • prevalence -increases with age. • Strong association- cigarette smoking • *MMEF- Maximal Mid Expiratory Flow rate become abnormal before symptoms of COPD appear. • Predominance- male • mixture of small and large airway disease (chronic bronchitis/ bronchiolitis) and parenchymal destruction (emphysema) *Most patients with COPD are asymptomatic but show expiratory air- flow obstruction upon PFTs. In many patients, the obstruction has an element of reversibility, With advancing disease, maldistribution of both ventilation and pulmonary blood flow results in areas of low ( 􏰀 􏰀V/Q ) ratios (intrapulmonary shunt), as well as areas of high ( 􏰀V/Q 􏰀 ) ratios (dead space).
  • 46. There are two main forms of COPD: Chronic bronchitis-which involves a long-term cough with mucus. Emphysema,-which involves damage to the lungs over time.
  • 47. Chronic Bronchitis defined - presence of a productive cough on most days of 3 consecutive months for at least 2 consecutive years. Factors • cigarette smoking • exposure to air pollutants, • occupational exposure to dusts, • recurrent pulmonary infections, • familial factors Secretions from hypertrophied bronchial mucous glands and mucosal edema from inflammation of the airways produce airflow obstruction. Recurrent pulmonary infections (viral and bacterial) are common and often associated with bronchospasm. Intrapulmonary shunting and hypoxemia Features RV is increased, but TLC is often normal.
  • 48. chronic hypoxemia leads to 1) Erythrocytosis, 2) pulmonary hypertension 3) Right ventricular failure (cor pulmonale) “blue bloater” syndrome, but less than 5% of patients with COPD fit this description *In the course of disease progression, patients gradually develop chronic CO2 retention; the normal ventilatory drive becomes less sensitive to arterial CO2 tension and may be depressed by oxygen administration .
  • 49. Emphysema irreversible enlargement of the airways distal to terminal bronchioles and destruction of alveolar septa diagnosis-CT of the chest. *Mild changes with age *if early - homozygous deficiency of α1-antitrypsin
  • 50. Emphysema associated with smoking -due to a relative imbalance between protease and antiprotease activities. Types of emphysema 1. Centrilobular 2. Panlobular form. CENTRILOBULAR - dilation or destruction of the respiratory bronchioles, Assosication -tobacco smoking, Predominant site - upper lobe PANLOBULAR –dilation of the entire acinus, Association- α1-antitrypsin deficiency Predominantly - lower lobe distribution.
  • 51. Loss of the elastic recoil premature collapse during exhalation expiratory flow limitation with air trapping hyperinflation What happens in Emphysema? Destruction of alveolar structure decreased diffusion lung capacity (V/Q) mismatch impairment of gas exchange normal parenchyma compressed by the hyperinflated further increase in the (V/Q) mismatch
  • 52. Patients characteristically have increases in RV, FRC, TLC, and the RV/TLC ratio. CO2 has higher diffusibility 􏰀􏰀 so, elimination of CO2 is well preserved in early stages Chronic CO2 retention occurs slowly results in a compensated respiratory acidosis Arterial oxygen tension is usually normal or slightly reduced **Acute CO2 retention is a sign of impending respiratory failure.
  • 53. One more thing happens, Destruction of pulmonary capillaries in the alveolar septa leads to the development of mild to moderate PULMONARY HYPERTENSION. Why are emphysema patienst some times called “pink puffers”? When dyspneic, patients with emphysema often purse their lips to delay closure of the small airways.
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  • 56. Treatment for COPD • primarily supportive. • Stop smoking to reduce decline of lung function. • Do spirometry -assess the severity of airflow reduction - check response to bronchodialator • If responsive to bronchodialators, A. when FEV1 is greater than 80% of predicted-use short-acting bronchodilators B. When FEV1 and symptoms worsen-use longer-acting bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroids • Inhaled β2-adrenergic agonists, glucocorticoids, and ipratropium are also used.
  • 57. • If HYPOXEMIA –oxygen • If CHRONIC HYPOXEMIA (Pao2 <55 mm Hg) and pulmonary hypertension - low-flow oxygen therapy (1–2 L/min) CO2 retention may be exacerbated in patients with reduced hypoxic ventilatory drive. Consequently, oxygen therapy is targeted to a hemoglobin oxygen saturation of 90%. • PULMONARY REHABILITATION may improve the functional status of the patient by improving physical symptoms and exercise capacity.
  • 58. Anesthetic Considerations A. Preoperative Management 1. Ask if – recent changes in dyspnea, sputum, and wheezing. 2. Check FEV1- Patients with an FEV1 less than 50% of predicted (1.2–1.5 L) usually have dyspnea on exertion, whereas those with an FEV1 less than 25% (<1 L in men) typically have dyspnea with minimal activity. The latter finding, in patients with predominantly chronic bronchitis, is also often associated with CO2 retention and pulmonary hypertension. 3. Do- PFTs chest radiographs(bullous changes ???) arterial blood gas measurements, cardiovascular evaluation(concomitant cardiac disease)
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  • 66. In contrast to asthma, only limited improvement in respiratory function may be seen after a short period of intensive preoperative preparation but you have to still do them to reduce postoperative pulmonary complications 1. correcting hypoxemia 2. relieving bronchospasm 3. mobilizing and reducing secretions 4. treating infections Patients at greatest risk of complications are those with preoperative pulmonary function measurements less than 50% of predicted.
  • 67. What about the Smokers?? Discuss the possibility that postoperative ventilation with both the patient and the surgeon. Smoking should be discontinued for at least 6 to 8 weeks before the operation to decrease secretions and to reduce pulmonary complications(increases mucus production and decreases clearance). Both gaseous and particulate phases of cigarette smoke can deplete glutathione and vitamin C and may promote oxidative injury to tissues. 24 h stop ( theoretically beneficial)-- effects on the oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin acute inhalation of cigarette smoke releases carbon monoxide, which increases carboxyhemoglobin levels, as well as nitric oxide, and nitrogen dioxide, which can lead to formation of methemoglobin.
  • 68. Long-acting bronchodilators and mucolytics should be continued, including on the day of surgery. COPD exacerbations should be treated aggressively. Preoperative chest physiotherapy and lung expansion interventions with incentive spirometry, deep breathing exercises, cough, chest percussion, and postural drainage may be beneficial in decreasing postoperative pulmonary complications.
  • 69. B. Intraoperative Management TYPE OF ANESTHEISA • regional anesthesia is preferable to general anesthesia but high spinal or epidural anesthesia can decrease lung volumes, restrict the use of accessory respiratory muscles, and produce an ineffective cough, leading to dyspnea and retention of secretions. • Loss of proprioception from the chest and positions such as lithotomy or lateral decubitus may accentuate dyspnea in awake patients. • Concerns about hemidiaphragmatic paralysis may make interscalene blocks a less attractive option in the lung disease patient.
  • 70. VENTILATION Preoxygenation prior to induction,prevents the rapid oxygen desaturation often seen in these patients. Unfortunately, bronchodilating anesthetics--- improves only the reversible component of airflow obstruction; significant expiratory obstruction may still present, even under deep anesthesia. Expiratory airflow limitation, especially under positive pressure ventilation, may lead to air trapping, dynamic hyperinflation, and elevated intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure (iPEEP).
  • 71. Can lead to…… Dynamic hyperinflation may --volutrauma --hemodynamic instability -- hypercapnia --acidosis. How to mitigate this trapping of air ??? (1) allowing more time to exhale by decreasing both the respiratory rate and inspiratory/ expiratory (I:E) ratio (2) allowing permissive hypercapnia (3) applying low levels of extrinsic PEEP (4) aggressively treating bronchospasm.
  • 72. Beware of inta-op hypotention!!! Apart from the usual causes,PNEUMOTHORAX and RIGHT HEART FAILURE due to hypercapnia and acidosis are to be kept in mind. PNEUMOTHORAX A pneumothorax may manifest as hypoxemia, increased peak airway pressures, decreasing TV, and abrupt cardiovascular collapse unresponsive to fluid and vasopressor administration. ***Nitrous oxide should be avoided in patients with bullae and pulmonary hypertension.
  • 73. About inhalational agents…. Inhibition of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction by inhalation anesthetics is usually not clinically apparent at usual doses. However, due to increased dead space, patients with severe COPD have unpredictable uptake and distribution of inhalational agents, and the end-tidal volatile anesthetic concentration is inaccurate.
  • 74. ARTERIAL CO2 ??? Although pulse oximetry accurately detects significant arterial desaturation, direct measurement of arterial oxygen tensions may be necessary to detect more subtle changes in intrapulmonary shunting. Moreover, arterial CO2 measurements can guide ventilation because increased dead space widens the normal arterial-to- end-tidal CO2 gradient. Moderate hypercapnia with a Paco2 of up to 70 mm Hg may be well tolerated in the short term, assuming a reasonable cardiovascular reserve. Be ready with the ionotrops for more compromised patients.
  • 75. While extubation, make sure! 1. adequate pain control 2. Reversal optimum 3. absence of bronchospasm and secretions 4. absence of significant hypercapnia and acidosis 5. absence of respiratory depression due to residual anesthetic agents. ***Patients with an FEV1 below 50% may require a period of postoperative ventilation, particularly following upper abdominal and thoracic operations.
  • 77. • Characterized by -decreased lung compliance. • Lung volumes - reduced, with preservation of normal expiratory flow rates. so • FEV and FVC are reduced, but the FEV1/FVC ratio is normal. • Reduced lung compliance increases the work of breathing so • breathing becomes –rapid but shallow * Respiratory gas exchange is usually maintained until the disease process is advanced.
  • 78. Restrictive lung diseases Acute intrinsic pulmonary disorders Chronic intrinsic pulmonary disorders Extrinsic restrictive pulmonary disorders • Pulmonary edema (including ARDS) • Infectious pneumonia • Aspiration pneumonitis
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  • 81. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY of COPD I. Airway obstruction – The major site of obstruction is smaller conducting airway (<2 mm in diameter). Processes causing obstruction include • disruption of the epithelial barrier, • interference with mucociliary clearance apparatus that results in accumulation of inflammatory mucous exudates in the small airway lumen, • infiltration of the airway walls by inflammatory cells and deposition of connective tissue in the airway wall. Fibrosis surrounding the small airway is a significant contributor. This remodelling and repair thickens the airway walls, reduces lumen calibre and restricts the normal increase in calibre produced by lung inflation.
  • 82. Increased resistance of the small conducting airway and increased compliance of the lung as a result of emphysematous destruction, causes the prolonged time constant. This constant is reflected in measurements of the FEV1 and its ratio to forced vital capacity(FEV1/FVC)
  • 83. COPD there is “air trapping” (increased residual volume and increased ratio of residual volume to total lung capacity) and progressive hyperinflation (increased total lung capacity) late in the disease. Hyperinflation of the thorax during tidal breathing preserves maximum expiratory airflow, because as lung volume increases, elastic recoil pressure increases, and airways enlarge so that airway resistance decreases. Despite compensating for airway obstruction, hyperinflation can push the diaphragm into a flattened position with a number of adverse effects.
  • 84. II. Hyperinflation First ,by decreasing the zone of apposition between the diaphragm and the abdominal wall, positive abdominal pressure during inspiration is not applied as effectively to the chest wall, hindering rib cage movement and impairing inspiration. Second, because the muscle fibers of the flattened diaphragm are shorter than those of a more normally curved diaphragm, they are less capable of generating inspiratory pressures than normal. Third, the flattened diaphragm (with increased radius of curvature) must generate greater tension to develop the transpulmonary pressure required to produce tidal breathing.
  • 85. Auto positive end expiratory pressure [Intrinsic positive end expiratory pressure (PEEPi)] Patients with severe COPD often breathe in a pattern that interrupts expiration before the alveolar pressure has decreased to atmospheric pressure This incomplete expiration is due to a combination of factors which include flow limitation, increased work of respiration and increased airway resistance This interruption leads to an increase of the end‐expiratory lung volume above the FRC. This PEEP in the alveoli at rest has been termed auto‐PEEP or PEEPi.
  • 86. III. GAS EXCHANGE Non‐uniform ventilation and ventilation‐perfusion mismatch are characteristics of COPD, due to the heterogenous nature of the disease process within airway and lung parenchyma. Ventilation/ perfusion (V/Q) mismatching causes reduction in PaO2 but shunting is minimal. This finding explains the effectiveness of modest elevation of inspired oxygen in treating hypoxaemia due to COPD. Pao2 usually remains near normal until FEV1 is decreased to 50% of predicted and elevation of PaCO2 is not seen until FEV1 is <25%.
  • 87. Hypercapnia, if present, reflects both V/Q mismatching and alveolar hypoventilation, the later resulting from both respiratory muscle dysfunction and increased ventilatory requirements. Pulmonary hypertension severe enough to cause corpulmonale and right heart failure is seen when there is marked decrease in FEV1 <25% along with chronic hypoxaemia PaO2 <55 mm Hg. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
  • 88. ACUTE INTRINSIC PULMONARY DISORDERS • Preoperative Considerations • Anesthetic Considerations A.Preoperative Management B. B. Intraoperative Management
  • 89. Acute intrinsic pulmonary disorders include • Pulmonary edema (including ARDS) • Infectious pneumonia • Aspiration pneumonitis.
  • 90. Preoperative Considerations for Acute intrinsic pulmonary disorders • Reduced lung compliance in these disorders is due to an increase in extravascular lung water, from an increase in either pulmonary capillary pressure or pulmonary capillary permeability. • Increased pressure occurs with left ventricular failure, whereas fluid overload and increased permeability are present with ARDS. • Increases in permeability also occur following aspiration or infectious pneumonitis.
  • 91. Anesthetic Considerations for acute pulmonary disease A. Preoperative Management avoid elective surgery. If emergency-- optimize oxygenation and ventilation. 1. Fluid overload –diuretics 2. Heart failure- treatment. 3. Large pleural effusions –drainage massive abdominal distention -relieved by nasogastric suction or drainage of ascites. *Persistent hypoxemia may require mechanical ventilation.
  • 92. B. Intraoperative Management • Increased inspired oxygen concentrations and PEEP may be required. but • decreased lung compliance results in high peak inspiratory pressures during positive-pressure ventilation and increases the risk of barotrauma and volutrauma. so • Tidal volumes ----reduced to 4 to 6 mL/kg, with a compensatory increase in the ventilatory rate (14–18 breaths/min), even if the result is an increase in end-tidal CO2. • Airway pressure should generally not exceed 30 cm H2O. Keep in mind…. Right ventricular function may be challenged due to to increases in pulmonary vascular resistance secondary to permissive hypercapnia.
  • 93. CHRONIC INTRINSIC PULMONARY DISORDERS Also called interstitial lung diseases. • Preoperative Considerations • Anesthetic Considerations A.Preoperative Management B. B. Intraoperative Management
  • 94. characterized by – 1. an insidious onset 2. chronic inflammation of alveolar walls and perialveolar tissue 3. progressive pulmonary fibrosis Causes – • hypersensitivity pneumonitis from occupational and environmental pollutants, • drug toxicity (bleomycin and nitrofurantoin) • radiation pneumonitis, • idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis • sarcoidosis. • Chronic pulmonary aspiration, oxygen toxicity, and severe ARDS can also produce chronic fibrosis.
  • 95. Preoperative Considerations Patients typically present with dyspnea on exertion and sometimes a nonproductive cough. Symptoms of cor pulmonale are present only with advanced disease. Physical examination -reveal fine (dry) crackles over the lung bases, and, -in late stages, features of right ventricular failure may be presesnt. Chest Xray ABG -mild hypoxemia with normocarbia. PFTs -restrictive type and carbon monoxide diffusing capacity is reduced. ground-glass Reticulo- nodular markings honeycomb
  • 96. Treatment Stop disease process and stop exposure. If the patient has chronic hypoxemia, oxygen therapy may be started to prevent, or attenuate, right ventricular failure.
  • 97. Anesthetic considerations for Chronic Intrinsic Pulmonary Disorders A. Preoperative Management Focus on • disease process and • the degree of pulmonary impairment If history of dyspnea is present, do PFTs and ABG analysis and chest Xray for severity -----Normal vital capacity is >70 mL/kg A vital capacity of less than 15 mL/kg is indicative of severe dysfunction
  • 98. B. Intraoperative Management complicated because their predisposition to hypoxemia and their need for controlled ventilation The reduction in FRC (and oxygen stores) predisposes these patients to rapid hypoxemia following induction of anesthesia. Because these patients may be more susceptible to oxygen-induced toxicity, particularly patients who have received bleomycin, the inspired fractional concentration of oxygen should be kept to the minimum concentration compatible with acceptable oxygenation (Spo2 of >90%). Protective ventilation strategies employed in ventilated patients in the intensive care unit should be continued through to the operating room.
  • 99. Nitric oxide may be used to reduce pulmonary vascular resistance and reduce the work of the right ventricle. ***Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is increasingly used in the management of acute respiratory failure. Following anticoagulation, blood is drained from venous cannulae and delivered to a membrane oxygenator. Oxygenated blood can then either be returned either to the venous system, if cardiac function is preserved, or pumped into the arterial circulation, bypassing the heart and lungs. Consequently, ECMO can provide transient support for both cardiac and pulmonary failure.
  • 100. EXTRINSIC RESTRICTIVE PULMONARY DISORDERS interfering with lung expansion. E.g-pleural effusions, pneumothorax, mediastinal masses, kyphoscoliosis, pectus excavatum, neuromuscular disorders, and increased intraabdominal pressure from ascites, pregnancy, or bleeding. Anesthetic considerations are similar to those discussed for intrinsic restrictive disorders.
  • 102. Preoperative Considerations A. Pathophysiology B. Diagnosis C. Treatment and Prevention Anesthetic Considerations A.Preoperative Management B. B. Intraoperative Management C. C. Intraoperative Pulmonary Embolism
  • 103. Preoperative Considerations Can occur from – • blood clots • Fat • tumor cells • air • amniotic fluid • foreign material Site of origin - lower extremities, pelvic veins, or, less commonly, the right side of the heart
  • 104. Factors associated with deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. • Prolonged bed rest • Postpartum state • Fracture of the lower extremities Surgery on the lower extremities Carcinoma • Heart failure • Obesity • Surgery lasting more than 30 min • Hypercoagulability • Antithrombin III deficiency Protein C deficiency Protein S deficiency • Factor V Leiden mutation
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  • 107. A. Pathophysiology • Increase in dead space should theoretically increase Paco2. However, in practice, hypoxemia is more often seen. • Pulmonary emboli acutely increase pulmonary vascular resistance by reducing the cross-sectional area of the pulmonary vasculature, causing reflex and humoral vasoconstriction. • Localized or generalized reflex bronchoconstriction further increases areas with low (V/Q) ratios. • The net 􏰀􏰀effect is an increase in (V/Q) mismatch and hypoxemia.
  • 108. The affected area loses its surfactant within hours and may become atelectatic within 24 to 48 h. Pulmonary infarction occurs if the embolus involves a large vessel and collateral blood flow from the bronchial circulation is insufficient for that part of the lung (incidence <10%). In previously healthy persons, occlusion of more than 50% of the pulmonary circulation (massive pulmonary embolism) is necessary before sustained pulmonary hypertension is seen.
  • 109. Patients with preexisting cardiac or pulmonary disease can develop acute pulmonary hypertension with occlusions of lesser magnitude. A sustained increase in right ventricular afterload can precipitate acute right ventricular failure and hemodynamic collapse. If the patient survives acute pulmonary thromboembolism, the thrombus usually begins to resolve within 1 to 2 weeks.
  • 110. B. Diagnosis Clinical manifestations • sudden tachypnea and dyspnea • chest pain • hemoptysis (When lung infarction has occurred). • auscultation –Wheezing *Remember that symptoms can be nos-specific unless massive embolism has occurred. ABG- mild hypoxemia with respiratory alkalosis (the latter due to an increase in ventilation). Chest Xray – • normal/ area of oligemia (radiolucency), • a wedge-shaped density with an infarct, • atelectasis with an elevated diaphragm, • an asymmetrically enlarged proximal pulmonary artery with acute pulmonary hypertension.
  • 111. Cardiac signs – • tachycardia • wide fixed splitting of the S2 heart sound • Hypotension • elevated central venous pressure (right ventricular failure) ECG –tachycardia may show signs of acute cor pulmonale, [ new right axis deviation, right bundle- branch block, tall peaked T waves] USG-deep venous thrombosis in lower limb. INTRA OP- difficult to diagnosis
  • 112. IF YOU suspect, order following CT angiography Echocardiography can assist in the diagnosis. - Right ventricular overload can be seen. Sometimes clot can be seen in the right heart and pulmonary artery confirming the diagnosis. At other times, only the signs of right ventricular overload are seen (eg, tricuspid regurgitation, right ventricular dilation). The left ventricle may be relatively under-loaded secondary to the inadequate delivery of blood
  • 113. C. Treatment and Prevention best treatment for perioperative pulmonary embolism is prevention. regimens for DVT prophylaxis are -heparin (unfractionated heparin 5000 U subcutaneously every 12 h begun preoperatively or immediately postoperatively in high-risk patients), enoxaparin, fondaparinux, and, early ambulation after surgery. Patients at risk for thrombophilia are treated with warfarin. Newer anticoagulants such as factor Xa inhibitors (eg, rivaroxaban, apixaban) and the direct thrombin inhibitor dabigatran will likely assume a greater role in DVT prophylaxis. The use of intermittent pneumatic compression of the legs may decrease the incidence of venous thrombosis in the legs, but not in the pelvis or the heart.
  • 114. After a pulmonary embolism, parenteral anticoagulation therapy is given. Low-molecular- weight heparin (LMWH) or fondaparinux are now preferred over intravenous unfractionated heparin for initial anticoagulation. All patients should start warfarin also and the two should overlap for a mini- mum of 5 days. The international normalized ratio should also be within the therapeutic range (>2.0) for at least 24 h before discontinuation of parenteral DVT prophylaxis. Warfarin should be continued for 3 to 12 months.
  • 115. Thrombolytic therapy is indicated in patients with massive pulmonary embolism and hypotension. Recent surgery and active bleeding are contraindications to anticoagulation and thrombolytic therapy. In these cases, an inferior vena cava filter may be placed to prevent recurrent pulmonary emboli. Pulmonary embolectomy may be lifesaving for hemodynamically unstable patients with massive embolism in whom thrombolytic therapy is contraindicated or ineffective.
  • 116. Anesthetic Considerations A. Preoperative Management • Patients with acute pulmonary embolism come for placement of an inferior vena cava filter, or for pulmonary embolectomy. In most instances, the patient will have a history of pulmonary embolism and presents for unrelated surgery; in this group of patients, the risk of interrupting anticoagulant therapy perioperatively is unknown. • If the acute episode is more than 1 year old, the risk associated with temporarily stopping anticoagulant therapy is probably small. • Moreover, except in the case of chronic recurrent pulmonary emboli, pulmonary function has usually returned to normal. Just prevent new episode.
  • 117. B. Intraoperative Management • Vena cava filters are usually placed percutaneously under local anesthesia with sedation. • Patients presenting for emergency pulmonary embolectomy are critically ill. • They are usually already intubated, but tolerate positive- pressure ventilation poorly. • Inotropic support is usually necessary until they are placed on cardiopulmonary bypass to facilitate clot removal. • Inotropic support may be required to separate from cardiopulmonary bypass.
  • 118. Intraoperative Pulmonary Embolism Significant is rare Diagnosis requires a high index of suspicion. Air emboli are common but are often overlooked unless large amounts are entrained. Fat embolism, microthrombi and bone debris-- orthopedic procedures amniotic fluid embolism – rare -complication of late pregnancy and delivery - unpredictable - and often fatal
  • 119. Thromboembolism may occur intraoperatively during prolonged procedures. Presentation – • sudden cardiovascular collapse • hypoxemia, or bronchospasm. • decrease in end-tidal CO2 concentration is suggestive of pulmonary embolism but is not specific. • Invasive monitoring may reveal ----elevated central venous pressure. • Depending on the type and location of an embolism, a transesophageal echocardiogram can be done; this may not reveal the embolus but will often demonstrate right heart distention and dysfunction.
  • 120. • If air is identified in the right atrium, or if it is suspected, emergent central vein cannulation and aspiration of the air may be lifesaving. • For all other emboli, treatment is supportive, with intravenous fluids and inotropes. • Placement of a vena cava filter may be considered postoperatively.