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The NEMES-BOSCO SYSTEM is a highly advanced computer-controlled system of training. It
works in the following way: Acceleration in itself is an extremely intensive stimulus. At a
frequency of 30 Hertz, for example, each pulsation is given an acceleration of 54m/s. In our
example, it is applied 30 times per second. The frequency and the acceleration at an amplitude
of about +/- 4mm results in a myotatic reflex or stretch reflex.
This reflex activity is also referred to as a "Tonic Vibration Reflex" or 'TVR'. It is this
mechanism which ensures an optimal increase in power.
The effect per pulsation is like that of the knee jerk reflex, which means activation of all
muscles fibers (agonist and antagonists) in a way it does not exert any physical stress or load
on the musculoskeletal system. It decreases the threshold of the type II muscle fibers, thus,
they are recruited at the beginning of the desired motion and act together with the type I to
achieve a tremendous change in the explosive power which mean a quick and strong desired
All this is achieved in up to 10 repetitions of 1 minute. The same synchronisation of the central
nervous system happens after passing the hard work of about one-month of intensive weight
training. This muscle activity can be measured by electromyography (EMG). For example, in
one repetition maximum effort, the muscle(s) involved are activated voluntarily at 100%. But
with Vibration Training on the NEMES BOSCO-SYSTEM, the muscles work at 200% - 300% of
this 1RM activation...! But in order to get this result the user needs to know his/her exact
vibration training frequency. A simple electromyography (EMG) test prior the training session
will give the information which frequency to use. The NEMES BOSCO is the ONLY vibration
training machine world wide, which can determine the training frequency of its user.

Scientific basis of vibrations
The facilitation of the excitability of the spinal reflex has been elicited through vibration of the
quadriceps muscle (Burke et al. 1996). Lebedev and Peliakov (1991) have aIso suggested the
possibility that vibrations may elicit excitatory inflow through muscle spin dle-motoneurons
connections in the overall motoneuron inflow.

It has been demonstrated that vibration drives alpha-motoneurons via the la loop producing
force without decreasing motor drive (Rothmuller and Cafarelli, 1995). Although it has been
suggested that the vibration reflex, like the tendon jerk reflex, operates predominantly or
exclusively on alpha motoneurons and does not utilise the same cortically originating efferent
path- ways as are used when performing voluntary contractions (Burke et al. 1976). It cannot
be excluded that vibration treatments can also affect voluntary movements. These suggestions
are supported by the present findings. In fact the EMG recorded in the biceps brachii of the
experimental group in the study conducted on boxers showed a significant enhancement
(P<0.001) of the neural activity during the treatment period, as compared to normal
conditions (Bosco et al. 1999a).
It has been shown that the vibration-induced activation of muscle spindle receptors not only
affects the muscle to which vibration is applied, but also affects the neighbouring muscles
(Kasai et al. 1992).
A mechanical vibration (10-200 Hz), applied to the muscle belly or tendon can elicit a reflex
contraction (Hagbarth and Eklund, 1965). This response has been named "tonic vibration
reflex" (TVR). It is not known whether it can be elicited by low vibration treatment (30 Hz),
even if it has been suggested to occur during whole body vibration at frequencies ranging from
1 to 30Hz (Seidel, 1988).
The improvement of the muscle performance after a short period of vibration training has been
quoted (Bosco et al. 1998) to be similar to what occurs after several weeks of heavy resistance
training (e.g. Coyle et al. 1981, Hakkinen and Komi 1985). In fact the improvement of the
muscle functions after resistance training has been attributed to the enhancement of the
neuromuscular behaviour caused by the increasing activity of the higher motor centre (Milner-
Brownet al., 1975). The improvement of muscle performances induced by vibration training
(VT) suggests that a neural adaptation has occurred in response to the vibration treatments.
In this context, the duration of the stimulus seems to be both relevant and important. The
adaptive response of human skeletal muscle to simulated hyper gravity conditions (1.1g)
applied for only three weeks, caused a considerable improvement in the leg extensor muscle
behaviour (Bosco 1985).
Thus it is likely that both neural adaptation and the length of the stimulus seem to play an
important role in the improvement of muscle performances (e.g. Bosco, 1985). During the VT
utilised for the research conducted on the boxers, the elbow flexors were stimulated for a total
length of time of 300 seconds. The duration of the treatment was similar to that required to
perform an elbow flexion for 600 repetitions with a load similar to 50/0 of the subject's body
mass. Such an amount of repetitions would generally otherwise be distributed over 3 sessions
a week with 50 repetitions per time, taking one month to complete. The large initial increases
noted in muscle strength observed during the earlier weeks of intense strength training can be
explained through increases in maximal neural activation (e.g. Moritani and De Vries, 1979).
To explain how the increased neural output may occur is not as simple as how to explain the
intrinsic mechanism of neural adaptation. Furthermore, a net excitation of the prime mover
motoneurons could result from increased excitatory input, reduced inhibitory input or both
(e.g. Sale, 1988).
After the VT period the EMG activity was found to be rather lower or to be the same as
compared to the pre-treatment conditions even if, during the vibration, period an increment of
neural input to the muscle occurred. In this respect the decrease in the ratio between EMG and
mechanical power (EMG/P) demonstrated that VT induced an improvement of the
neuromuscular efficiency of the muscles involved in the vibration treatment. Vertical jumping
ability has been shown to increase following vibration treatment (Bosco et al. 1998; Bosco et
al 1999). These improvements have been attributed to an enhancement of neural activity in
the leg extensor muscles, together with an enhancement of the proprioceptors' feedback.
During vibrations, the length of skeletal muscles changes slightly.
The facilitation of the excitability of spinal reflexes has been shown to be elicited by vibrations
applied to the quadriceps muscle (Burke et al. 1996).
Once again, the influence of vibrations on the neural drive of the la loop can play a crucial part
in enhancing jumping performance following vibration treatments. Even if the adaptive
responses of neuromuscular performance as measured by vertical jump tests cannot be fully
explained, it is important to consider that the effectiveness of the stimulus can have both
relevance and importance. The adaptive response of human skeletal muscle to simulated hyper
gravity conditions (1.1 g), applied for only three weeks, caused a drastic enhancement of the
neuromuscular functions of the leg extensor muscles (Bosco 1985). The regular use of
centrifugal force (2 g) for 3 months has initiated conversion of muscle fibre type (Martin and
Romond, 1975). In the experiments conducted, the total length of the WBV application period
was not very long (from 7 minutes to 100 minutes), but the disturbance to the gravitational
field was quite consistent (5.4 g).
An equivalent length and intensity of training stimulus (100 minutes) can only be reached by
performing 200 drop jumps from 60 cm, twice a week for 12 months. In fact, the time spent
for each drop jump is less than 200 ms, and the acceleration developed can barely reach 3.0 g
(Bosco 1992). This means stimulating the muscles for 2 min per week for a total amount in
one year of 108 minutes.
In a few words, vibrations can stimulate the biological system of athletes in the same way as
strength training or explosive training and this stimulation can be applied in a much shorter
period of time as compared to the time needed to perform traditional training sessions.
It opens a new window in sports science and gives coaches and scientists new possibilities for
studying and enhancing human performance.

Biological effects

The NEMES BOSCO-SYSTEM is very effective. The reason of this is because while most
therapies, methods of treatment or training, only work on a certain number of tissues or
organs, the vibration given by the NEMES, which is also referred to as 'Whole-Body-Vibration'
(WBV), actually vibrates the whole body.

NEMES has a powerful positive effect on: muscle tissue, nerves, blood vessels, bones, fat
tissue, cartilage, hormones and neurotransmitters.

The effect of vibration results in what scientific literature calls 'Tonic Vibration Reflex' or 'TVR'.
That is a repeated myotatic reflex or stretch reflex. This means that the vibrated muscle has to
work very hard, while the subject or player using the NEMES does nothing other than balance
on the platform. The effect per pulsation is like that of the knee jerk reflex. This muscle
activity can be measured by use of electromyography (EMG). For example, in a one repetition
maximum effort, the muscle(s) involved are activated 100% voluntarily. However, with
vibration training on the NEMES the muscles work at 200 to 300% of this 1RM activation. This
is an ideal way to train, especially when the muscle does not function properly, for example
with weakened muscles in the elderly, or after injuries.

Research shows that after vibration training (just one session!), there is a high excretion of
Testosterone and Growth Hormone. There is also a drop in the stress hormone Cortisol. This
combination has favorable effects on muscle protein synthesis. In addition, increase in Growth
Hormone excretion also results among others in a reduction of fatty tissue.

Effect of Vibration training on Hormones:
Testosterone: + 7%
Human Growth Hormone: + 460%
Cortisol: - 32%
(Source: Bosco et al 2000)

Increases in Testosterone and Growth Hormone are important in the functioning of both body
and mind. Many complaints of the elderly can be traced to a decrease in these hormones. It is
essentially these hormones, together with the female hormone estrogen, which are used to
combat geriatric complaints so that it is possible to still enjoy life and vitality even when one
has reached old age.
Bone decalcification (osteoporosis) is one of the biggest health problems especially in the
elderly and women population. Many elderly people break their bones more easily when they
fall because of bone decalcification; the hip is the most notorious in this respect. The onset of
osteoporosis is partly due to a lack of movement, which causes muscles to gradually weaken,
the circulation to diminish and the bones to be inadequately used. In addition, as a result of
the ageing process, the body produces fewer hormones such as testosterone, estrogen and
growth hormone. Yet it is exactly these hormones, which play such an important role in the
maintenance of strong bones.

The advice usually given to sufferers of this disease is to take more exercise, but that is
difficult when muscles are weak, particularly in the legs. The NEMES BOSCO-SYSTEM offers a
good alternative to vigorous impact exercise: through vibration the muscles automatically
become stronger and regain their tone. The circulation improves because the blood vessels in
the legs are wide open due to the vibration. At the same time, the pulsation gives a direct
stimulus to bone tissue, which in turn stimulates the production of new bone tissue.

Scientific research shows that vibration training can help against osteoporosis. Recent findings
show that even after only one vibration treatment, there is an increase in the hormone
testosterone and growth hormone, which are so essential for strong bones.

Parkinson's Disease is an example of a deficiency in dopamine, which is the reason that L-Dopa
is given as medicine. It is also recognized that serotonin plays a role in our mood, or frame of
mind. A shortage of serotonin in the brain can lead to depression, which is the reason that
Prozac is given as a medicine in order to increase the serotonin content in the brain. From
research, it appears that vibration training also influences the neurotransmitters and the way
in which they work. Vibration training increases the serotonin content in the brain, which could
possibly explain why one feels so well after vibration training.

Blood vessels
The effect of vibration training on the blood vessels is clear to see and to feel. After training,
one often sees that the skin of the lower leg is colored pink. This is a sign that the blood
vessels in that area are wide open. It also explains the feeling which many describe as: coming
home after a snowball fight with your bare hands, and then putting your hands in a bucket of
warm water. A tingling feeling, which indicates that your blood vessels are wide open. In
Germany, the effect of vibration training is used as therapy for a disturbed peripheral
circulation, particularly in the lower legs, such as in chronic venous insufficiency.

Nervous system
"By means of nerves, the pathways of the senses are distributed like the roots and fibers of a
tree." - Alessandro Benedetti, 1497

The effect on the muscles is reflexively activated via the nervous system. With vibration
training, it seems as if pulsations awaken the nerve tract, which could explain the positive
effects of vibration training in partial paralysis. In fact, good results have been reported in the
experimental treatment of, for example, MS patients.

It is already recognized that intermittent pressure stimulates optimal functioning of the
cartilage. This causes the synovial fluid, or synovia, to be repeatedly pumped between the
cartilages, just like a sponge, which is constantly squeezed under water. This intermittent
pressure maintains and improves cartilage function.

Training effects
Fani Chalkia 400mH 2004 Olympic Gold Medallist Power training for top athletes has made
great advancement, and is still a source of dynamic development in top sport. The increase in
power/force is very much dependent on the intensity (=the weight and the velocity of the
load), and the volume, (=the total amount of the load or the duration of the load). In order to
make power training more effective and efficient, efforts are often made to find ways of
increasing the intensity. That usually results in increasing the load, which is maybe optimal for
adapting the muscle tissue, but this is often accompanied by problems with the passive
movement apparatus, for example, in the form of knee complaints or problems in the lower
part of the back. Many top athletes, however, train on the edge of their physical limits. And all
too often, top athletes and their coaches, are confronted with strength or speed barriers. Many
sport careers are also disrupted because of chronic overtraining or injuries.

The benefits of using NEMES-BOSCO SYSTEM in sports training is unique. Athletes and coaches
of different sports such as soccer, volleyball, basketball, track and field, boxing, tennis, skiing,
baseball and more will find new ways to improve skills such as speed, power, strength,
flexibility etc.

Vibration training can be applied simultanously with other training methods in every stage of
the preparation. Vibration training can be used in addition to the regular power training, or as
a safe alternative to power training. It can also be used as a warming-up, to prepare for power
training or in combination with technique training and/or speed-training.

Katerina Thanou 100m 2000 Olympic Silver MedallistA problem area in top-sport is training the
explosive power, such as jumping power or throwing-power. Use is often made of 'brutal'
training intensities and high 'peak' loads. This could be with heavy power loads of hundreds of
kilos of weights, plyometric loads or drop-jumps. These unfortunately often result in injuries.
Some examples are foot injuries, "Achilles" tendon injuries, knee injuries (jumpers knee) or
back complaints. Vibration training is the key solution in these conditions.
Another issue is that the muscles become stronger after many years of training, but not the
passive movement apparatus, like tendons, ligaments, joints and bones. Certainly for athletes
who have reached the limits of their physical limits, it is extremely difficult to find effective and
safe training methods. Vibration training allows the muscles to work very hard without
overloading on the ligaments, tendons, joints and vertebra. This is not only to the benefit of
top athletes, but also for young athletes, who are not able to take on strength training because
of growing problems e.g. Osgood-Schlatter or M. Scheuermann, both disorders in bone growth
that often appear in the teen years.

  Supplementary to the normal power training
   An alternative for power training, when there is injury or rehabilitation (for example:
instead of power training, replace with vibration training)
  In preparation for power training (for example: first vibration training, and afterwards
power training)
  In preparation for other types of training, such as technique training or speed training
In preparation for competitions, as a warming-up; during track and field events, we often
see the sprinters jumping or hopping up and down before they take up their positions in the
starting blocks
   Cooling-down after training and contests, because of the positive effect on the blood
circulation and the hormones, which helps the athlete to recover faster

Some more information...

Kosmatopoulos Papadopoulos Sailing 470, 2004 Olympic FinalistsStrength
(Issurin et al 1994) showed that it enhances strength dramatically. Over a 3 week training
period maximum strength increased by 49.8% as a result of Vibration training compared with
a 16% increase with conventional weight training methods.

Bosco et al (1990) showed improvements of 5.7% in power and 6.4% in speed after only one
vibration training session. Conventional training did not show any performance improvement
after one session. This improvement is typically only evident after at least 4 weeks of

Within a few sessions on the machine, significant increases in flexibility are noted (Issurin et al

Increases in power are noticeable after a minimum of three sessions using the machine. Jump
power and height achieved improved by 12% after a 10 day training programme using
vibration training while no change was observed in the control group (Bosco et al 1998). In
another study Bosco and colleagues (1999) found a 25% increase in arm power in
international boxers following one vibration training session. Again the control group did not
show any improvement and this type of gain is only evident from conventional training after
several weeks. It is estimated that 100min vibration training is equal to 200 drop jumps from
60cm height, twice a week for 12 months!!!

S.Lucchesi (2004) “ Integration between vibration and other methods to build physical
strength in high level sport practice” showed that NEMES has, in addition to helping the
development of force, took part in a decisive way to limit to only three the number of muscle
injuries throughout the season, in a high level team.

Research Papers

Used by NASA and ESA in the preperation phase of cosmonauts, vibration training is becoming
day by day a new trend!!! Neuromuscular disorders, osteoporosis, and other conditions can
also be treated in order to enhance rehabilitation.

There are many studies done around the world, on the positive effect of vibration training on
human body. The literature bibliographies show there are sufficient scientific publications in
leading journals about this training methodology. All of them prove that it effects positively not
only the muscle performance, but also the peripheral vascular system, bone metabolism and
clinical conditions. Prof. Bosco presented one of the most dramatic results due to his
implementation of his discoveries. The wide range of scientific researches and publications
prove that the NEMES-BOSCO SYSTEM has a wide scientific basis.
Below you can find some selected research papers related to the benefits of vibration training:
   Bosco, C; Cardinale, M; Tsarpela, O; Locatelli, E:
New trends in training science: The use of vibrations for enhancing performance; New Studies
in Athletics, Vol.14, No.4, 1999, pg.55-62.
   Bosco C, Iacovelli M, Tsarpela O, Cardinale M, Bonifazi M, Tihanyi J, Viru M, De Lorenzo A,
Viru A.:
Hormonal responses to whole-body vibration in men. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2000 Apr;81(6):449-
  Bosco C, Cardinale M, Tsarpela O.
Influence of vibration on mechanical power and electromyogram activity in human arm flexor
muscles. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol 1999 Mar;79(4):306-11
  Bosco C, Colli R, Introini E, Cardinale M, Tsarpela O, M Iacovelli, Tihanyi J, Viru A, S.P. von
Adaptive responses of human skeletal muscle to vibration exposure. Clin Physiol. 1999
  Bosco C, Colli R, Cardinale M, Tihanyi J, von Duvillard S.P. Viru A
The Influence of Whole Body Vibration on the mechanical behavior of skeletal muscle. Biology
of Sport, Vol 15, No 3 1998 p. 157-164
  Bosco C, Iacovelli M, Tsarpela O, Cardinale M, Bonifazi M, Tihany J, Viru A,( 1999)
Effect of acute whole body vibration treatment on mechanical power, electromyogram and
hormonal profile of male athletes. In: Proceedings of the 4th Annual Congress of the European
College of Sports Science. Pp. 279
  Issurin V.B. , Tenenbaum G.
Acute and residal effects of Vibratory stimulation on explosive force in Elite and amateur
athletes. J. Sports Sciences, 1999, nr. 17 p 177 – 182
  Cardinale M.
The effects of Vibration on human performance and hormonal profile. Abstract of the Ph.D.
Thesis, Budapest 2002
    Cardinale M, LIM J.
The acute effects of two different whole body vibration frequencies on vertical jump
performance. Med Sport 2003;56:287-92
  Delecluse C., Roelants M., Verschueren S.
Strength increase after Whole Body Vibration compared with resistance training. Medicine and
Science in Sports and Exercise, 2003, 1033-1041
  Rittweger J., Beller G., Felsenberg D.
Acute Physiological effects of exhaustive Whole Body Vibration exercise in man. Clin. Physiol.,
2000 nr. 20 p. 134-142
  Rittweger J., Mutschelknauss M ., Felsenberg D.
Acute changes in neuromuscular excitability after exhaustive Whole Body Vibration exercise as
compared to exhaustion by squatting exercise. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging
  Torvinen S. et al.
Effect of Vibration exposure on muscular performance and body. Randomized cross-over study.
Clin. Pgysiology and Functional Imaging 2002 nr. 22 p. 145-152
  Rittweger J, Just K, Kautzsch K, Reeg P, Felsenberg D.
Treatment of chronic lower back pain with lumbar extension and whole-body vibration
exercise: a randomized controlled trial. Spine. 2002 Sep 1;27(17):1829-34.
  Kerschan-Schindl K, Grampp S, Henk C, Resch H, Preisinger E, Fialka-Moser V, Imhof H.
Whole-body vibration exercise leads to alterations in muscle blood volume. Clin Physiol. 2001
  Rittweger J, Schiessl H, Felsenberg D.
Oxygen uptake during whole-body vibration exercise: comparison with squatting as a slow
volontary movement. Eur J Appl Physiol, 2001, Dec;86(2):169-73
  Ishitake T. Miyazaki Y., Ando H., Mataka T.
Suppresive mechanism of gastric motility by Whole Body Vibration. Int. Arch Occup. Environ
Health, 1999, 72:469-474
  Gianoutsos, et al.
The effects of Whole Body Vibration on reflex-induced standing in persons with chronic and
acute Spinal Cord Injury". New York School of Medicine at the AAPMR
  Runge M.
Balance training and exercise in geriatric patients. Musculoskeletal Interactions 2000, nr 1p.
  Flieger, J.; Karachalios, Th.; Khaldi, L.; Raptou, P.; Lyritis, G.
Mechanical stimulation in the form of vibration prevents postmenopausal bone loss in ovari -
ectomized rats. Calcif. Tissue Int. Vol. 63., 1998, pg. 510-514.
  Tylee M., M.R. Popovic, S. Yu and C. Craven
Human responses to Vibration Therapy. University of Toronto, Canada
  Clinton Rubin, Gang Xu, and Stefan Judex
The anabolic activity of bone tissue, suppressed by disuse, is normalised by brief exposure to
extremely low-magnitude mechanical stimuli. FASEB J. 15, 2225-2229 (2001)
  Clinton Rubin, Robert Recker, Diane Cullen, John Ryaby, Joan McCabe, Kenneth McLeod
Prevention of Postmenopausal Bone Loss by a Low-Magnitude, High-Frequency Mechanical
Stimuli: A Clinical Trial Assessing Compliance,
Efficacy and Safety. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. Volume 19, Number 3, (2004)
  Warman G, Humphries B, Purton J.
The effects of timing and application of vibration on muscular contractions. Aviat Space
Environ Med, Feb;73(2):119-27 (2002)
  L Ahlborg, C Andersson, P Julin
   - Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Stockholm, Danderyd University Hospital,
Stockholm, Sweden
  - Department of Neurotec, Division of Physiotherapy, Karolinska Institutet,
  Stockholm, Sweden
Whole Body Vibration Training compared with resistance training: Effect on spasticity, muscle
strength and motor performsnce in adults with cerebral palsy. Journal of Rehabilitation
Medicine. Volume 38, Number 5, (2006), :302 - 308
2010 S.Lucchesi, F Cappuccio 2010,
 ' Allenare la forza con le vibrazioni ' (Howtrain the stranght with vibration), Sport & Medicina
(Italian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports) , November- December 2010, no. 6, pp. 47-

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Nemes bosco system

  • 1. NEMES BOSCO - SYSTEM The NEMES-BOSCO SYSTEM is a highly advanced computer-controlled system of training. It works in the following way: Acceleration in itself is an extremely intensive stimulus. At a frequency of 30 Hertz, for example, each pulsation is given an acceleration of 54m/s. In our example, it is applied 30 times per second. The frequency and the acceleration at an amplitude of about +/- 4mm results in a myotatic reflex or stretch reflex. This reflex activity is also referred to as a "Tonic Vibration Reflex" or 'TVR'. It is this mechanism which ensures an optimal increase in power. The effect per pulsation is like that of the knee jerk reflex, which means activation of all muscles fibers (agonist and antagonists) in a way it does not exert any physical stress or load on the musculoskeletal system. It decreases the threshold of the type II muscle fibers, thus, they are recruited at the beginning of the desired motion and act together with the type I to achieve a tremendous change in the explosive power which mean a quick and strong desired motion. All this is achieved in up to 10 repetitions of 1 minute. The same synchronisation of the central nervous system happens after passing the hard work of about one-month of intensive weight training. This muscle activity can be measured by electromyography (EMG). For example, in one repetition maximum effort, the muscle(s) involved are activated voluntarily at 100%. But with Vibration Training on the NEMES BOSCO-SYSTEM, the muscles work at 200% - 300% of this 1RM activation...! But in order to get this result the user needs to know his/her exact vibration training frequency. A simple electromyography (EMG) test prior the training session will give the information which frequency to use. The NEMES BOSCO is the ONLY vibration training machine world wide, which can determine the training frequency of its user. Scientific basis of vibrations The facilitation of the excitability of the spinal reflex has been elicited through vibration of the quadriceps muscle (Burke et al. 1996). Lebedev and Peliakov (1991) have aIso suggested the possibility that vibrations may elicit excitatory inflow through muscle spin dle-motoneurons connections in the overall motoneuron inflow. It has been demonstrated that vibration drives alpha-motoneurons via the la loop producing force without decreasing motor drive (Rothmuller and Cafarelli, 1995). Although it has been suggested that the vibration reflex, like the tendon jerk reflex, operates predominantly or exclusively on alpha motoneurons and does not utilise the same cortically originating efferent path- ways as are used when performing voluntary contractions (Burke et al. 1976). It cannot be excluded that vibration treatments can also affect voluntary movements. These suggestions are supported by the present findings. In fact the EMG recorded in the biceps brachii of the experimental group in the study conducted on boxers showed a significant enhancement (P<0.001) of the neural activity during the treatment period, as compared to normal conditions (Bosco et al. 1999a). It has been shown that the vibration-induced activation of muscle spindle receptors not only affects the muscle to which vibration is applied, but also affects the neighbouring muscles (Kasai et al. 1992). A mechanical vibration (10-200 Hz), applied to the muscle belly or tendon can elicit a reflex contraction (Hagbarth and Eklund, 1965). This response has been named "tonic vibration reflex" (TVR). It is not known whether it can be elicited by low vibration treatment (30 Hz), even if it has been suggested to occur during whole body vibration at frequencies ranging from 1 to 30Hz (Seidel, 1988).
  • 2. The improvement of the muscle performance after a short period of vibration training has been quoted (Bosco et al. 1998) to be similar to what occurs after several weeks of heavy resistance training (e.g. Coyle et al. 1981, Hakkinen and Komi 1985). In fact the improvement of the muscle functions after resistance training has been attributed to the enhancement of the neuromuscular behaviour caused by the increasing activity of the higher motor centre (Milner- Brownet al., 1975). The improvement of muscle performances induced by vibration training (VT) suggests that a neural adaptation has occurred in response to the vibration treatments. In this context, the duration of the stimulus seems to be both relevant and important. The adaptive response of human skeletal muscle to simulated hyper gravity conditions (1.1g) applied for only three weeks, caused a considerable improvement in the leg extensor muscle behaviour (Bosco 1985). Thus it is likely that both neural adaptation and the length of the stimulus seem to play an important role in the improvement of muscle performances (e.g. Bosco, 1985). During the VT utilised for the research conducted on the boxers, the elbow flexors were stimulated for a total length of time of 300 seconds. The duration of the treatment was similar to that required to perform an elbow flexion for 600 repetitions with a load similar to 50/0 of the subject's body mass. Such an amount of repetitions would generally otherwise be distributed over 3 sessions a week with 50 repetitions per time, taking one month to complete. The large initial increases noted in muscle strength observed during the earlier weeks of intense strength training can be explained through increases in maximal neural activation (e.g. Moritani and De Vries, 1979). To explain how the increased neural output may occur is not as simple as how to explain the intrinsic mechanism of neural adaptation. Furthermore, a net excitation of the prime mover motoneurons could result from increased excitatory input, reduced inhibitory input or both (e.g. Sale, 1988). After the VT period the EMG activity was found to be rather lower or to be the same as compared to the pre-treatment conditions even if, during the vibration, period an increment of neural input to the muscle occurred. In this respect the decrease in the ratio between EMG and mechanical power (EMG/P) demonstrated that VT induced an improvement of the neuromuscular efficiency of the muscles involved in the vibration treatment. Vertical jumping ability has been shown to increase following vibration treatment (Bosco et al. 1998; Bosco et al 1999). These improvements have been attributed to an enhancement of neural activity in the leg extensor muscles, together with an enhancement of the proprioceptors' feedback. During vibrations, the length of skeletal muscles changes slightly. The facilitation of the excitability of spinal reflexes has been shown to be elicited by vibrations applied to the quadriceps muscle (Burke et al. 1996). Once again, the influence of vibrations on the neural drive of the la loop can play a crucial part in enhancing jumping performance following vibration treatments. Even if the adaptive responses of neuromuscular performance as measured by vertical jump tests cannot be fully explained, it is important to consider that the effectiveness of the stimulus can have both relevance and importance. The adaptive response of human skeletal muscle to simulated hyper gravity conditions (1.1 g), applied for only three weeks, caused a drastic enhancement of the neuromuscular functions of the leg extensor muscles (Bosco 1985). The regular use of centrifugal force (2 g) for 3 months has initiated conversion of muscle fibre type (Martin and Romond, 1975). In the experiments conducted, the total length of the WBV application period was not very long (from 7 minutes to 100 minutes), but the disturbance to the gravitational field was quite consistent (5.4 g).
  • 3. An equivalent length and intensity of training stimulus (100 minutes) can only be reached by performing 200 drop jumps from 60 cm, twice a week for 12 months. In fact, the time spent for each drop jump is less than 200 ms, and the acceleration developed can barely reach 3.0 g (Bosco 1992). This means stimulating the muscles for 2 min per week for a total amount in one year of 108 minutes. In a few words, vibrations can stimulate the biological system of athletes in the same way as strength training or explosive training and this stimulation can be applied in a much shorter period of time as compared to the time needed to perform traditional training sessions. It opens a new window in sports science and gives coaches and scientists new possibilities for studying and enhancing human performance. Biological effects The NEMES BOSCO-SYSTEM is very effective. The reason of this is because while most therapies, methods of treatment or training, only work on a certain number of tissues or organs, the vibration given by the NEMES, which is also referred to as 'Whole-Body-Vibration' (WBV), actually vibrates the whole body. NEMES has a powerful positive effect on: muscle tissue, nerves, blood vessels, bones, fat tissue, cartilage, hormones and neurotransmitters. Muscles The effect of vibration results in what scientific literature calls 'Tonic Vibration Reflex' or 'TVR'. That is a repeated myotatic reflex or stretch reflex. This means that the vibrated muscle has to work very hard, while the subject or player using the NEMES does nothing other than balance on the platform. The effect per pulsation is like that of the knee jerk reflex. This muscle activity can be measured by use of electromyography (EMG). For example, in a one repetition maximum effort, the muscle(s) involved are activated 100% voluntarily. However, with vibration training on the NEMES the muscles work at 200 to 300% of this 1RM activation. This is an ideal way to train, especially when the muscle does not function properly, for example with weakened muscles in the elderly, or after injuries. Hormones Research shows that after vibration training (just one session!), there is a high excretion of Testosterone and Growth Hormone. There is also a drop in the stress hormone Cortisol. This combination has favorable effects on muscle protein synthesis. In addition, increase in Growth Hormone excretion also results among others in a reduction of fatty tissue. Effect of Vibration training on Hormones: Testosterone: + 7% Human Growth Hormone: + 460% Cortisol: - 32% (Source: Bosco et al 2000) Increases in Testosterone and Growth Hormone are important in the functioning of both body and mind. Many complaints of the elderly can be traced to a decrease in these hormones. It is essentially these hormones, together with the female hormone estrogen, which are used to combat geriatric complaints so that it is possible to still enjoy life and vitality even when one has reached old age.
  • 4. Bones Bone decalcification (osteoporosis) is one of the biggest health problems especially in the elderly and women population. Many elderly people break their bones more easily when they fall because of bone decalcification; the hip is the most notorious in this respect. The onset of osteoporosis is partly due to a lack of movement, which causes muscles to gradually weaken, the circulation to diminish and the bones to be inadequately used. In addition, as a result of the ageing process, the body produces fewer hormones such as testosterone, estrogen and growth hormone. Yet it is exactly these hormones, which play such an important role in the maintenance of strong bones. The advice usually given to sufferers of this disease is to take more exercise, but that is difficult when muscles are weak, particularly in the legs. The NEMES BOSCO-SYSTEM offers a good alternative to vigorous impact exercise: through vibration the muscles automatically become stronger and regain their tone. The circulation improves because the blood vessels in the legs are wide open due to the vibration. At the same time, the pulsation gives a direct stimulus to bone tissue, which in turn stimulates the production of new bone tissue. Scientific research shows that vibration training can help against osteoporosis. Recent findings show that even after only one vibration treatment, there is an increase in the hormone testosterone and growth hormone, which are so essential for strong bones. Neurotransmitters Parkinson's Disease is an example of a deficiency in dopamine, which is the reason that L-Dopa is given as medicine. It is also recognized that serotonin plays a role in our mood, or frame of mind. A shortage of serotonin in the brain can lead to depression, which is the reason that Prozac is given as a medicine in order to increase the serotonin content in the brain. From research, it appears that vibration training also influences the neurotransmitters and the way in which they work. Vibration training increases the serotonin content in the brain, which could possibly explain why one feels so well after vibration training. Blood vessels The effect of vibration training on the blood vessels is clear to see and to feel. After training, one often sees that the skin of the lower leg is colored pink. This is a sign that the blood vessels in that area are wide open. It also explains the feeling which many describe as: coming home after a snowball fight with your bare hands, and then putting your hands in a bucket of warm water. A tingling feeling, which indicates that your blood vessels are wide open. In Germany, the effect of vibration training is used as therapy for a disturbed peripheral circulation, particularly in the lower legs, such as in chronic venous insufficiency. Nervous system "By means of nerves, the pathways of the senses are distributed like the roots and fibers of a tree." - Alessandro Benedetti, 1497 The effect on the muscles is reflexively activated via the nervous system. With vibration training, it seems as if pulsations awaken the nerve tract, which could explain the positive effects of vibration training in partial paralysis. In fact, good results have been reported in the experimental treatment of, for example, MS patients. Cartilage
  • 5. It is already recognized that intermittent pressure stimulates optimal functioning of the cartilage. This causes the synovial fluid, or synovia, to be repeatedly pumped between the cartilages, just like a sponge, which is constantly squeezed under water. This intermittent pressure maintains and improves cartilage function. Training effects Fani Chalkia 400mH 2004 Olympic Gold Medallist Power training for top athletes has made great advancement, and is still a source of dynamic development in top sport. The increase in power/force is very much dependent on the intensity (=the weight and the velocity of the load), and the volume, (=the total amount of the load or the duration of the load). In order to make power training more effective and efficient, efforts are often made to find ways of increasing the intensity. That usually results in increasing the load, which is maybe optimal for adapting the muscle tissue, but this is often accompanied by problems with the passive movement apparatus, for example, in the form of knee complaints or problems in the lower part of the back. Many top athletes, however, train on the edge of their physical limits. And all too often, top athletes and their coaches, are confronted with strength or speed barriers. Many sport careers are also disrupted because of chronic overtraining or injuries. The benefits of using NEMES-BOSCO SYSTEM in sports training is unique. Athletes and coaches of different sports such as soccer, volleyball, basketball, track and field, boxing, tennis, skiing, baseball and more will find new ways to improve skills such as speed, power, strength, flexibility etc. Vibration training can be applied simultanously with other training methods in every stage of the preparation. Vibration training can be used in addition to the regular power training, or as a safe alternative to power training. It can also be used as a warming-up, to prepare for power training or in combination with technique training and/or speed-training. Katerina Thanou 100m 2000 Olympic Silver MedallistA problem area in top-sport is training the explosive power, such as jumping power or throwing-power. Use is often made of 'brutal' training intensities and high 'peak' loads. This could be with heavy power loads of hundreds of kilos of weights, plyometric loads or drop-jumps. These unfortunately often result in injuries. Some examples are foot injuries, "Achilles" tendon injuries, knee injuries (jumpers knee) or back complaints. Vibration training is the key solution in these conditions. Another issue is that the muscles become stronger after many years of training, but not the passive movement apparatus, like tendons, ligaments, joints and bones. Certainly for athletes who have reached the limits of their physical limits, it is extremely difficult to find effective and safe training methods. Vibration training allows the muscles to work very hard without overloading on the ligaments, tendons, joints and vertebra. This is not only to the benefit of top athletes, but also for young athletes, who are not able to take on strength training because of growing problems e.g. Osgood-Schlatter or M. Scheuermann, both disorders in bone growth that often appear in the teen years. VIBRATION TRAINING CAN BE USED IN A NUMBER OF WAYS Supplementary to the normal power training An alternative for power training, when there is injury or rehabilitation (for example: instead of power training, replace with vibration training) In preparation for power training (for example: first vibration training, and afterwards power training) In preparation for other types of training, such as technique training or speed training
  • 6. In preparation for competitions, as a warming-up; during track and field events, we often see the sprinters jumping or hopping up and down before they take up their positions in the starting blocks Cooling-down after training and contests, because of the positive effect on the blood circulation and the hormones, which helps the athlete to recover faster Some more information... Kosmatopoulos Papadopoulos Sailing 470, 2004 Olympic FinalistsStrength (Issurin et al 1994) showed that it enhances strength dramatically. Over a 3 week training period maximum strength increased by 49.8% as a result of Vibration training compared with a 16% increase with conventional weight training methods. Speed Bosco et al (1990) showed improvements of 5.7% in power and 6.4% in speed after only one vibration training session. Conventional training did not show any performance improvement after one session. This improvement is typically only evident after at least 4 weeks of training!!! Flexibility Within a few sessions on the machine, significant increases in flexibility are noted (Issurin et al 1994). Power Increases in power are noticeable after a minimum of three sessions using the machine. Jump power and height achieved improved by 12% after a 10 day training programme using vibration training while no change was observed in the control group (Bosco et al 1998). In another study Bosco and colleagues (1999) found a 25% increase in arm power in international boxers following one vibration training session. Again the control group did not show any improvement and this type of gain is only evident from conventional training after several weeks. It is estimated that 100min vibration training is equal to 200 drop jumps from 60cm height, twice a week for 12 months!!! Injuried S.Lucchesi (2004) “ Integration between vibration and other methods to build physical strength in high level sport practice” showed that NEMES has, in addition to helping the development of force, took part in a decisive way to limit to only three the number of muscle injuries throughout the season, in a high level team. Research Papers Used by NASA and ESA in the preperation phase of cosmonauts, vibration training is becoming day by day a new trend!!! Neuromuscular disorders, osteoporosis, and other conditions can also be treated in order to enhance rehabilitation. There are many studies done around the world, on the positive effect of vibration training on human body. The literature bibliographies show there are sufficient scientific publications in leading journals about this training methodology. All of them prove that it effects positively not
  • 7. only the muscle performance, but also the peripheral vascular system, bone metabolism and clinical conditions. Prof. Bosco presented one of the most dramatic results due to his implementation of his discoveries. The wide range of scientific researches and publications prove that the NEMES-BOSCO SYSTEM has a wide scientific basis. Below you can find some selected research papers related to the benefits of vibration training: Bosco, C; Cardinale, M; Tsarpela, O; Locatelli, E: New trends in training science: The use of vibrations for enhancing performance; New Studies in Athletics, Vol.14, No.4, 1999, pg.55-62. Bosco C, Iacovelli M, Tsarpela O, Cardinale M, Bonifazi M, Tihanyi J, Viru M, De Lorenzo A, Viru A.: Hormonal responses to whole-body vibration in men. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2000 Apr;81(6):449- 454. Bosco C, Cardinale M, Tsarpela O. Influence of vibration on mechanical power and electromyogram activity in human arm flexor muscles. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol 1999 Mar;79(4):306-11 Bosco C, Colli R, Introini E, Cardinale M, Tsarpela O, M Iacovelli, Tihanyi J, Viru A, S.P. von Duvillard Adaptive responses of human skeletal muscle to vibration exposure. Clin Physiol. 1999 Mar;19(2):183-7. Bosco C, Colli R, Cardinale M, Tihanyi J, von Duvillard S.P. Viru A The Influence of Whole Body Vibration on the mechanical behavior of skeletal muscle. Biology of Sport, Vol 15, No 3 1998 p. 157-164 Bosco C, Iacovelli M, Tsarpela O, Cardinale M, Bonifazi M, Tihany J, Viru A,( 1999) Effect of acute whole body vibration treatment on mechanical power, electromyogram and hormonal profile of male athletes. In: Proceedings of the 4th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science. Pp. 279 Issurin V.B. , Tenenbaum G. Acute and residal effects of Vibratory stimulation on explosive force in Elite and amateur athletes. J. Sports Sciences, 1999, nr. 17 p 177 – 182 Cardinale M. The effects of Vibration on human performance and hormonal profile. Abstract of the Ph.D. Thesis, Budapest 2002 Cardinale M, LIM J. The acute effects of two different whole body vibration frequencies on vertical jump performance. Med Sport 2003;56:287-92 Delecluse C., Roelants M., Verschueren S. Strength increase after Whole Body Vibration compared with resistance training. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2003, 1033-1041 Rittweger J., Beller G., Felsenberg D. Acute Physiological effects of exhaustive Whole Body Vibration exercise in man. Clin. Physiol., 2000 nr. 20 p. 134-142 Rittweger J., Mutschelknauss M ., Felsenberg D. Acute changes in neuromuscular excitability after exhaustive Whole Body Vibration exercise as compared to exhaustion by squatting exercise. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging Torvinen S. et al. Effect of Vibration exposure on muscular performance and body. Randomized cross-over study. Clin. Pgysiology and Functional Imaging 2002 nr. 22 p. 145-152 Rittweger J, Just K, Kautzsch K, Reeg P, Felsenberg D.
  • 8. Treatment of chronic lower back pain with lumbar extension and whole-body vibration exercise: a randomized controlled trial. Spine. 2002 Sep 1;27(17):1829-34. Kerschan-Schindl K, Grampp S, Henk C, Resch H, Preisinger E, Fialka-Moser V, Imhof H. Whole-body vibration exercise leads to alterations in muscle blood volume. Clin Physiol. 2001 May;21(3):377-82. Rittweger J, Schiessl H, Felsenberg D. Oxygen uptake during whole-body vibration exercise: comparison with squatting as a slow volontary movement. Eur J Appl Physiol, 2001, Dec;86(2):169-73 Ishitake T. Miyazaki Y., Ando H., Mataka T. Suppresive mechanism of gastric motility by Whole Body Vibration. Int. Arch Occup. Environ Health, 1999, 72:469-474 Gianoutsos, et al. The effects of Whole Body Vibration on reflex-induced standing in persons with chronic and acute Spinal Cord Injury". New York School of Medicine at the AAPMR Runge M. Balance training and exercise in geriatric patients. Musculoskeletal Interactions 2000, nr 1p. 54-58 Flieger, J.; Karachalios, Th.; Khaldi, L.; Raptou, P.; Lyritis, G. Mechanical stimulation in the form of vibration prevents postmenopausal bone loss in ovari - ectomized rats. Calcif. Tissue Int. Vol. 63., 1998, pg. 510-514. Tylee M., M.R. Popovic, S. Yu and C. Craven Human responses to Vibration Therapy. University of Toronto, Canada Clinton Rubin, Gang Xu, and Stefan Judex The anabolic activity of bone tissue, suppressed by disuse, is normalised by brief exposure to extremely low-magnitude mechanical stimuli. FASEB J. 15, 2225-2229 (2001) Clinton Rubin, Robert Recker, Diane Cullen, John Ryaby, Joan McCabe, Kenneth McLeod Prevention of Postmenopausal Bone Loss by a Low-Magnitude, High-Frequency Mechanical Stimuli: A Clinical Trial Assessing Compliance, Efficacy and Safety. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. Volume 19, Number 3, (2004) Warman G, Humphries B, Purton J. The effects of timing and application of vibration on muscular contractions. Aviat Space Environ Med, Feb;73(2):119-27 (2002) L Ahlborg, C Andersson, P Julin - Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Stockholm, Danderyd University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden - Department of Neurotec, Division of Physiotherapy, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden Whole Body Vibration Training compared with resistance training: Effect on spasticity, muscle strength and motor performsnce in adults with cerebral palsy. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. Volume 38, Number 5, (2006), :302 - 308 2010 S.Lucchesi, F Cappuccio 2010, ' Allenare la forza con le vibrazioni ' (Howtrain the stranght with vibration), Sport & Medicina (Italian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports) , November- December 2010, no. 6, pp. 47- 51.