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Muscle Imbalance
By: Radhika Chintamani Ref: Janda’s Approach
Definition: It is the relative inequality of muscle length or strength between an agonist and an
antagonist: this balance is necessary for normal posture or movement.
Muscle imbalance is the pathology which happens to be seen when either one muscle overacts
compared to the opposite muscle or due to an overuse. Here the dynamic and static balance
between the muscles is disturbed, such that either the movement or the range of motion or both
may be affected.
Musculoskeletal approaches of structure and function of muscle:
It has two different approaches for muscle function:
1. Intrinsic:
a. Physiological function: response of the tissue to dysfunction and damage as well as the
healing process itself.
b. Biomechanical function: involves osteo- and arthrokinematics involved in human
body movements and the resulting force vectors imparted on human tissue.
c. Neuromuscular function: relates to sensorimotor aspects of movement with
proprioception and reflexes.
2. Extrinsic: made up of specific, purposeful and synergestic movement that integrates the
three intrinsic system.
There are two basic types of muscle imbalance:
Functional Imbalance Pathological Imbalance
Atraumatic With/Without trauma
Adaptive changes Adaptive changes
Activity specific Associated with dysfunction
No pain With/without pain
When muscle imbalance impairs function, it is considered to be pathological which is typically
associated with dysfunction and pain.
The muscle imbalance continuum: As described by Janda muscle imbalance continuum stated
as follows
Tissue damage
Muscle Imbalance (tightness or weakness)
Altered movement
The muscle imbalance continuum may progress in either direction.
Burnhm et al 1993: suggested that shoulder impingement is associated with rotator cuff tear and
Cools et al, 2003:scapular stabilizer weakness,
Barden et al 2005: suggested that shoulder instability is associated with muscle imbalance.
Page stewart reported that patients with knee joint dysfunction demonstrated hamstring weakness
on involved side.
LBA has also been associated with decreased range of motion in hip extension (Van Dillen et al,
2000) and internal rotation (Ellison et al, 1990).
Muscle Imbalance Paradigms:
Janda described two schools of thought of muscle imbalance.
1. Biomechanical Paradigm.
2. Neurological Paradigm.
Biomechanical Paradigm:
Constant stress that the muscle experience form prolonged posture and repetitive movement.
Saharmann suggests that prolonged, sustained posture or repetitive movements leads to
adaptation in muscle length, strength and function, which in turn may lead to movement
impairments. Muscles grow either longer or shorter according to the demands imposed and the
daily activities, hence depending on these demands number of sarcomeres increase or decrease
 If the muscle fiber is constantly maintained in the shortened position for prolonged period
of time, the sarcomeres move closer together and may even overlap, this overlap leads to
decrease in the space for actin myosin coupling which leads to decreased and painful
contraction of muscle, hence leading to weakness of the muscle.
 If muscle fiber is maintained from shortened to lengthened position then the muscle fiber
can be lengthened permanently on sustained maintenance. Inducing lengthening methods
of muscle fibers, eg: stretching has the same principle, that is lengthening leading to
increase in the distance between actin and myosin and also number of sarcomeres, also
increased blood supply, leading to stimulation of GTO (Quick stretch has property of
fascilitatory which acts on GTO), leads to increase in length. Eccentric training leads to
increase in length by the same principle except that Willmore also suggested that
eccentric training leads to microtear of muscle fiber, leading to separation of the actin and
myosin, and training being fasciltatory increases number of sarcomeres too, which leads
to lengthening.
 If the muscle fiber is maintained constantly in a lengthened position for a prolonged
period of time, then there is increase in the distance between each actin and myosin
bonding, leading to no bonding at all because of the increased distance between each of
them, leading to no contraction and hence muscle weakness sets in.
Muscle kept in prolonged shortened position
Tightness of the synergist
Contracture of the synergist
Weakness of the synergist
Bergmark 1989, described a classification scheme that divides muscle systems equilibrating the
lumbar spine into global and local. Global muscles are superficial, fast twitch muscles, have
tendency to shorten and tighten. Local muscles are slow twitch and deep stabilizers that are
prone to weakness.
Neurological Paradigm:
Here the neural control circuit which controls the motor function of the muscle is damaged
which may alter the strategy of recruitment of the AHC’s leading to temporary or permanent
weakness or dysfunction of the muscle. This change in recruitment alters the muscle balance,
movement patterns, ultimately the motor program.
Janda described that predominantly static or postural muscles have tendency to undergo
tightness. He also stated that the muscle lies between the CNS and PNS, that is it is controlled by
both CNS and PNS. Any damage to any structure leads to muscle imbalance. Muscle imbalance
can be locally or globally depending on the site of damage. If the site of damage is local that is
any part of muscle of nerve innervating it ( PNS) leads to local muscle weakness leading to
imbalance, whereas any damage to CNS, that is central damage to the pre-motor area leads the
global muscle weakness, leading to imbalance of the muscles.
Prolonged stretching of the antagonist
Weakness of the antagonist
Disturbed joint stability
Janda’s Neurological Paradigm of Muscle Imbalance
Comparison of Janda’s and Scharmann’s approaches to
muscle imbalance
Sr. No Concepts Scharmann’s approach (Biomechanical) Janda’s approach (Neurological)
1. Basic
Repeated movement, and prolonged posture
can cause tissue changes and movement
Joint develops directional susceptibility to
movement (DSM) in a specific direction, this
DSM becomes the cause of pain due to
microtrauma due to movement in that specific
Deviation of path of center of rotation in the
kinesiological system leads to movement
Musculoskeletal system lies between
CNS and PNS, hence proper stimuli
from both these system leads to proper
activation of synergist and inhibition of
antagonist. If one of the system is
damaged leads to muscle imbalance.
Proprioception a part of sensorimotor
link, also has a important role here.
2. Etiology of
Muscles maintained in
lengthened position->shift of length tension
curve to rt->increase in tension generating
capacity->stretch weakness.
Shortened position->shift of length tension
curve to lt->decrease in tension generating
capacity->active insufficiency.
Extrinsic and Intrinsic factors
Structural Pathology
Pain and pathology
 Inflammation.
 Fatigue and stress
Functional Pathology
Altered proprioceptive input
 Abnormal joint motion or
Muscle imbalance response:
hypertonicity and inhibition
Altered movement patterns and
adaptive changes.
3. Movement
In a multijoint system, movement occurs at
one joint with least resistance, and the
compensatory movement occurs at the other
joint. This compensatory movement occurs in
other direction leading to laxity of muscle,
ligaments on that side.
Muscle prone to tightness are approx.
stronger than those prone to
weakness. Tight muscles are readily
activated during various movement.
4. Evaluation Identifying all impairments.
Identifying mechanical cause
Identifying painful tissue
Correcting the problems
Posture analysis
Gait analysis
Muscle length assessment
Most coordination
Most pattern (evaluates timing and
sequence of firing of motor unit and
also degree of activity of synergist)
5. Treatment Shortening long muscle
Decreasing load on weak or long muscle
Supporting weakened or strained muscles.
Correct usage taught
Normalize function of all peripheral
Restore muscle balance to tight and
weak muscles.
Improve CNS control and
programming by increasing
proprioceptive flow.
Activate system that regulate
coordination, posture and equilibrium.
Improve endurance in coordinated
movement patterns.
Sensory motor system:
Sensory information
Panjabi 1992 described a model of spinal stabilization similar to Janda’s philosophy which
consisted of 3 subsystems, skeletal, muscular and CNS. A dysfunction in any of the one
component leads to one of the following three conditions:
1. Successful compensation from the other system, or normal adaptation.
2. Long term adaptation from one more subsystems.
3. Injury to one or more components of any subsystems, or pathological adaptation.
Three levels of control for the sensorimotor system
Sr. No Location Speed Control Awareness
CNS processing
Joint position and motion sense
Motor response
Afferent Efferent
1. Spinal Fastest Involuntary Unconscious
2. Subcortical Intermediate Automatic Subconscious
3. Cortical Slowest Greatest Conscious
Structural and functional components of the sensorimotor system
A. Structural
Afferent Central Efferent
Mechanoreceptors Spinal tracts Peripheral nerves (alpha and
gamma motor neurons)
Muscular Receptors Subcortical (brainstem) ------do--------------
Exteroceptors Cortical Muscles
B. Functional
Proprioception Processing
Motor programming
Stabilization (postural stability
and joint stabilization)
Postural stabilization loop:
Visual Input
Somatosensory Input
Muscles, joints, and
cutaneous receptors
Muscle activation in weight shift:
Weight shifts Muscle activation for stabilization
Anterior Gastro, Hams, Lumbar Paravertebrals
Posterior Tibialis anterior, Quads, Abdominal muscles
Medial Peroneals, Lateral HAMS, Hip abductors
Lateral Tibialis posterior, medial Hams, Hip adductors
Ankle strategy: This strategy is used when small shift of COG needs to be corrected to stay
balanced. When a person is standing on an unstable surface his body stabilizes himself on the
ankle, with activation of various muscles distal to proximal in the respected direction of the
sway. This is also called as inverted pendulum.
Hip strategy: This strategy is used when large shift of COG needs to be corrected to stay
balanced. The person stabilizes himself by activating muscles proximal to distal direction
Step strategy: when a person is unable to reposition the COG with ankle or hip strategy alone,
then the person takes a step to reposition the COG in the BOS so that he becomes stable.
Chain reactions:
The chain system is nothing but the interaction between the skeletal, muscular and the CNS in
order to perform movement perfectly and in a well coordinated way.
Interaction of three different systems in body for chain reactions:
Primary chain Secondary chain Types of chain
Articular Muscular
Muscular Articular
Muscle slings
Myofacsial chains
Neurological Articular
Primitive reflexive chains
Sensorimotor system
locomotor chains
I. Articular chain
Postural Chain: position of one joint in
relation to another when the body is in an
upright posture
1. Structural: influence of static skeletal
system on the adjacent structures. This
chain are influenced by static position
of the joint. The most recognized
Kinetic chain: usually recognized as a concept
of CKC and OKC in which focus is on
movement of joint as the distal extremity
whether fixed or not.
 Lower extremity Closed Kinetic chain
can be observed by gait assessment,
what position the foot goes in every
structural postural chain occurs in the
spine. Postural position of cervical
thoracic and lumbar is often assessed
when the patient complains of
musculoskeletal pain.
***Cogwheel chain mechanism of poor
posture explained by Brugger A. 2000.
2. Functional: dynamic influence that the
position of keystone structures has on
muscles attaching to those structures.
This chain is influenced by muscle
activity around joint structure.
Keystone structures here are referred to
skeletal structures that serve as
attachment points of group of postural
muscles, most notably pelvis, rib, and
sub-phase of stance, while open kinetic
chain can be assessed by what position
the foot goes in every sub-phase of
 Upper extremity closed kinetic chain
can be assessed by pushups, weight
bearing and weight shift on upper
extremity, quadripod position,
crawling. Whereas open kinetic chain
can be also assessed while gait with
parameter called arm swing, and also
by free movements of the entire upper
extremity including all the joints
II. Muscular Chain:
Synergist: Muscle which
works with the prime
mover is called as
synergist. These help the
prime movers of the joint
for that particular action to
complete the muscular
action with good strength.
Eg: during shoulder
rotation rotator cuffs are
active, however the scapula
is stabilized by rhomboids,
serratus anterior and
trapezius for the
completion of movement in
a painless way.
Muscle sling: these are the
muscles which provide the
movement and stabilization
across multiple joints. These
also provide stabilization and
movement in the reciprocal
and contra lateral movements
in locomotion. Typically
muscle slings are connected as
one muscle insertion and the
next muscle origin on the same
keystone structure. Eg:
Rhomboid, serratus
rhomboid, triceps=scapula;
trapezius, biceps=scapula;
biceps, pect minor=scap;
biceps, pect major=humerus;
lat dorsi, triceps=humerus
SA, EO=ribs
Pect major, IO=ribs
IO, EO=linea alba
IO, Glut med=pelvis
IO, sartorious=pelvis
EO, adductors=pelvis
Hams, glt max=pelvis
Glt max and C/L lat dorsi=
Myofacsial chain: Fascia
integrates the joint motion. It can
either exert tensile force via
attachment between muscle and
bone, or can exert compressive
force via muscles contracting
within facial envelopes. Serves
as a link between various
muscles acting together to
produce movement, or for
 Abdominal fascia:
attaches EO, IO, TrA,
pect major, and serratus
anterior. Contains the
links to form a dynamic
muscle sling with pect
major, serratus anterior,
and EO.
 Thoracolumbar fascia:
attaches EO, IO, TrA, Lat
dorsi, and glut max. plays
an important role in
proprioception. Yahia
and colleagues in 1992
found that this fascia
consists of
pelvis and thoracolumbar
Glt max, quads=femur
Hams, hip flexors=femur
Hams, tibialis anterior=tibia
Quads, plantar flexors=tibia.
*****Extremity flexor and
extensor sling
*****Trunk sling
mechanoreceptors that
help in sensorimotor
control of the lumbar
 Superficial back line
 Superficial font line
 Deep back line
 Deep front line
 Lateral line
 Spiral line
Extremity flexor and extensor sling:
Extremity slings are designed for compound movements of the limbs. A) LE:
Extensor sling
Hip=glut max,
Knee=rectus femoris
Plantar flexion=Gastrocnemius
Flexor sling
Dorsiflexion=tibialis anterior
During gait swing phase activates flexor sling in LE, while the stance phase activates extensor
sling in LE. Throughout the gait, these two phase alternatively activate and inhibit and
reciprocate between each lower extremity such that, when one leg is in stance (extension sling)
the other leg is in swing phase (flexion sling), hence reciprocal, rhythmic co-activation of muscle
in contra lateral LE’s produce a balanced gait.
When both slings are activated simultaneously LE’s are stabilized. Such that in upright standing
position both LE’s have activated extension sling in them making an individual stable in his
Extensor sling
Posterior deltoid
Hand extensor
Flexor sling
Pect major
Anterior deltoid
Biceps brachii
Hand flexors
These extremity slings are activated along with lower extremity sling to form a reciprocal gait.
During swing phase- Rt UE= flexor sling coupled with
Lt LE=flexor sling.
Trunk muscle sling:
These slings are necessary for fascilitating the reciprocal pattern of the gait between both the
upper and lower extremity for rotational trunk stabilization. There are total 3 slings:
1. Anterior
2. Spiral
3. Posterior.
Pect major
Contra lateral hip abductors
Spiral: (wrapping from posterior
to anterior)
Contra lateral IO
Contra lateral Hip adductors
Glut max
Thoracolumbar fascia
Contra lateral lat dorsii
Importance of posterior sling:
Vleeming and collegues 1995, demonstrated that posterior dynamic stabilization sling provides
stabilizing force for the ipsilateral SI joint. They noted that ipsilateral glut max. and contra lateral
lat dorsii. are connected functionally via thoracolumbar fascia.
Mooney et al in 2001 found that ipsilateral glut max and contra lateral lat dorsii. activated
simultaneously during gait and trunk rotation.
This chain can be key structure for indicating for any dysfunction in glut max and SI joint.
Extension of posterior chain: connection of hamstrings to the ipsilateral glut max and erector
spinae via sacrotuberous ligament. During gait the body often compensates for weakness of glut
max (i.e. hip extension) via activation of erector spinae (i.e. lumbar extension)
Hungerford. Et al demonstrated that SI joint dysfunction patients had early activation of biceps
femoris incase of glut max weakness in order to stabilize the SI joint, which shows that biceps
can stabilize SI joint via sacrotuberous ligament.
III. Neurological chains:
a. Protective reflexive chain: two fundamental protective reflexes are, crossed extensor and
withdrawal reflex which are triggered by sensory receptors.
 Flexor Withdrawal reflex:
Excessive heat or noxious stimulus
Activation of flexor and inhibition of extensor
Pulling of the limb away from the stimulus.
 Crossed extensor reflex:
Cutaneous noxious stimuli
Flexor activation on the same side and extensor activation on the contra lateral
Pushing the noxious stimuli away from the contra lateral limb.
Janda’s additional reflexes:
 Locomotion: in lower extremity, a combination of extension, adduction and
rotation provide basic gait pattern to avoid danger.
 Prehension: in upper extremity, flexion, adduction and IR is performed to bring
the food to mouth.
 Mastication: Adduction of the jaw (closure of the jaw) is necessary to chew food.
 Breathing: Not easily influenced by voluntary action for longer duration.
b. Sensorimotor chains: linked neurologically through afferent and efferent systems in
controlling feedback and feed-forward mechanisms. Provides both local and global
dynamic stabilization of the joints through muscle activity.
 Reflexive stabilization: on contraction of one muscle the other muscle has to
contract to provide stability of that particular joint.
[ Eg: Horak and Nashner in 1986 in their study demonstrated that on giving
perturbation on the human body in one direction say, anterior direction the
opposite side muscle contract to maintain the balance of the body in the distal to
proximal way( ankle strategy) to maintain smaller perturbation and proximal to
distal way (hip strategy) against a larger perturbation. ]
The most important stabilizing sensorimtor chain in human body is the pelvic
chain, consisting of the TrA, multifidus, diaphragm, and the pelvic floor. These
four muscles are coactivated in the pelvis for its stability and force transmission.
Pelvic weakness has shown both proximal and distal pathologies such as LBP,
groin strains, IT band syndromes, anterior knee pain, ACL tears, Ankle sprains.
The sensorimotor chain depends on proprioception. Joint dysfunction often disrupts the
dynamic stabilization of the chain.
[Eg: a study by Falla et al, demonstrated delayed activation of deep cervical flexor on
upper extremity tasks in whiplash injury patients.
Delayed activation of middle and lower traps in patients with shoulder impingement.
Cools et al.2003]
 Sensorimotor adaptation chains: these adaptation takes place when dysfunction
such as pain or pathology within the sensorimotor system occurs. The adaptation
may be in the form of systemic and predictable pattern. Janda described the
adaptation as follows:
i) Horizontal adaptation: occurs when impaired function in one joint or
muscle creates reaction and adaptation in the other joint segments.
Commonly seen in spine, eg; LBA often leads to cervical syndromes.
[Horal et al, suggested that after 6y of first episode of onset of LBA, the
individual develops cervical syndromes.]
Muscles conform to horizontal adaptation creating a predictable pattern.
Can be either proximal to distal or either way.
ii) Vertical adaptation: occurs between CNS and PNS. Adaptation of one part
of sensorimotor system leads to impairment in the function of entire motor
system. May progress from PNS to CNS or either way. It is seen as change
in motor programming that is reflected in abnormal movement pattern.
Demonstrated in global movement pattern or postural control.
c. Neurodevelopmental locomotor patterns:
There are two groups of muscles in phylogenetic origin: tonic and phasic.
i. Tonic system: older in origin, dominant, involved in repetitive and rhythmic
activities and also involved in withdrawal reflex in UE and LE. Predominant
action is flexion.
ii. Phasic system: younger in origin, typically work against gravity, mainly for
postural stabilization, predominant action is extension.
Study of movements in infants as they mature is called as developmental kinesiology.
Innate reflexes seen in infants such as ATNR and STNR integrate into the
musculoskeletal system and become the function of the human being. These primitive
reflexes may reoccur if any injury is seen globally in CNS.
Tonic and phasic muscles do not function individually, rather they work through co-
activation for posture, gait and coordinated movements. This co-activation occurs in
particular chains to achieve the desire movement or action to be achieved synchronously
in a well balanced way.
These chains are as follows:
Tonic and Phasic chains of the upper and lower quarter:
Co-activation chains Upper quarter Lower quarter
Functional movements Prehension, grasping,
Creeping, crawling, gait
Tonic chain Flexion
Plantar flexion
Phasic chain Extension
The proper balance between two chains in both and upper lower quarter is demonstrated
by normal gait and posture. This combined integration between both the chains in upper
and lower quarters, specifically co-activation of contra lateral UE and LE leads to
reciprocal arm and leg movements during gait.
Imbalance in one of the system leads to postural compensation and adaptation of any of
the system in compensation to another.
Chronic musculoskeletal
pain cycle
Pathomechanics of musculoskeletal pain
and muscle imbalance
Janda believed that pain is only way that the musculoskeletal system can protect itself.
Pathology of musculoskeletal pain:
Muscle imbalance can develop from both acute or chronic pain.
Acute pain
Localized muscle response
Change in movement pattern to protect or compensate for injury
This altered movement becomes centralized in CNS
Pain persist via the altered movement due to impact on the structures
Spasm occurs.
Again pain persists.
Muscle imbalance
( tightness and
patterns and
Faulty motor
Altered joint forces
and altered
Joint degeneration
and postural
Pain and
 Muscle imbalance: According to Graven et al. Chronic pain is associated with a
protective adaptive response, in which agonist decreases in tone whereas
antagonist increases in tone. According to Janda this neurologically mediated
response is seen tonic and phasic system. Muscle imbalance presenting with
fascilitation of an agonist inhibits the antagonist leads to greater risk for the joint.
 Impaired movement patterns and postural changes: Postural responses to pain are
common. Mechanism for all this is basically adaptive response of musculoskeletal
system towards the pain so that, the posture causing the pain is inhibited by the
person, and the posture without pain i.e. compensatory posture is attained and
maintained by the individual. Hence there is altered posture and movement
pattern in response to pain. Once the imbalance sets in the altered posture and
movement is maintained for avoiding pain. This makes further imbalance within
that specific joint. Tightness of antagonist subsequently inhibits the agonist on the
basis of Sherrington’s law 1991. This further leads to muscle imbalance around
the joint, ROM restriction, and further risk for that particular joint.
 Faulty programming and motor learning: reemergence of primitive reflexes
affects the normal movement pattern. Constant repetitive movement performed in
an abnormal way, dominates the normal way it is usually performed because of
the effect on motor learning. This faulty program attained by the individual due to
pain becomes new motor program which becomes fixed in the motor cortex.
 Altered joint forces and altered joint proprioception: altered movement patterns
change the normal stress placed on the joint in different position. Muscle
imbalance alters joint position, which further alters the stresses placed on the joint
in different direction, which alters the amount of stress produced, leads to
improper distribution of joint stress force on joint articular surfaces, articulating
capsule, and muscles and ligament around the joint.
 Joint degradation: altered stress placed on the articulating surfaces and the capsule
and muscle and ligaments around that particular joint lead to degeneration of the
joint. Poor proprioception may be ultimately responsible for joint degeneration.
 Chronic pain: inflammatory mediators such as histamine and bradykinin, cause
pain and send impulse to the brain via mechanoreceptors. Efferent impulses alter
the position or movement pattern which reduces the pain. This may further cause
muscle imbalance.
Pathomechanics of muscle imbalance
Depending on the tonic and phasic classification of the muscle, usually the muscles undergo
imbalance. Before starting muscle imbalance read about tonic and phasic systems of muscle
Tonic system Phasic system
Phylogenetically older Younger
Generally flexor or postural muscles Generally extensor
Tendency towards tightness, hypertonia,
shortening, and contractures
Tendency towards weakness, hypotinia,
Readily activated in movement, especially with
fatigue or novel or complex movement patterns
Delayed activation
Less likely to go atrophy More likely to go atrophy
Less fragile More fragile
Typically one joint muscles Two joint muscles
Eg: back muscles Eg: extremity muscles
Janda’s classification of muscle prone to tightness or weakness:
Tonic system prone to tightness Phasic system prone to weakness
Suboccipitalis Middle and lower traps
Pect (major and minor) Rhomboids
Upper tarps SA
Levator scapulae Deep cervical flexors (longus colii and capitis)
Lat dorsii UE extensors and supinators
UE flexors and pronators
Scalenes may be tight or weak
Tonic system prone to tightness Phasic system prone to weakness
Quadratus lumborum Rectus abdominis
Thoracolumbar paraspinals TrA
Piriformis Glut max
Illiopsaos Glut med, min
Rectus femoris Vastus med, lat
TFL-IT band Tibialis anterior
Hamstrings Peroneals
Short hip adductors
Triceps surae ( particularly soleus)
Tibialis posterior
Causes of muscle tightness and weakness:
Muscle tightness Muscle weakness
Contractile and neuroflexive
Limbic system
Reciprocal inhibition
Arthrogenic weakness
Muscle spasm Deafferentation
TrP weakness
Viscoelastic property Adaptive shortening Stretch weakness
Tightness weakness
I) Muscle tightness:
Key factor in muscle imbalance.
Muscle prone to tightness are 1/3rd
stronger than those prone to weakness. (Janda 1987)
Tightness of a muscle reflexively inhibits its antagonist causing its weakness leading to
muscle imbalance.
Leads to abnormal distribution of forces across the joint.
Joint dysfunction
Altered movement patterns.
Early fatigue.
Finally overstress of activated muscles and poor stabilization leads to injury.
Janda believed that there are 3 important factors leading to muscle tightness as follows:
1. Muscle length: tight muscles are shorter in length.
2. Irritability threshold: easily irritated by stretching them.
3. Altered recruitment: usually during movement tight muscles are recruited first. But if
the necessity to control movement is very high then these muscles behave weaker
than the normal muscles.
Neuroreflexive factors for increased tension:
1. Limbic system activation: stress, fatigue, pain, and emotional disturbance activates limbic
system, which activates the muscle tension. Muscle spasm due to limbic system
activation are not painful but tender on palpation. Frequently seen in shoulder, neck, low
back and in tension type headache.
2. Trigger points: focal area of hypertonicity that are not painful during movement but are
painful with palpation. These are localized hyperirritable nodules found within the taut
bands in the muscle.
3. Muscle spasm: muscle spasm causes ischemia or an altered movement pattern.
a) Overuse of muscle
Deposition of waste metabolites
Further overuse of the same muscle
Metabolites persisting in the muscle not washed away by lymphatics
Triggers the pain on palpation
b) Any injury to the nearby structures
Guarding response seen by the muscle
Muscle spasm
c) Repeated use of muscle
Muscle spasm by overuse phenomenon
Continued use of muscle spasm
Muscle ischemia
Muscle spasm leads to reflex arc of inhibitory response to any stimuli which causes arousal of
pain within that muscle.
II) Muscle weakness:
a) Neuroreflexive factors for decreased tension: many contractile factors contribute
to decreased muscle tension, as follows;
i) Reciprocal inhibition: Muscle becomes inhibited reflexively when its
antagonist is stimulated. Weakness is often reflex mediated inhibition
secondary to increased tension in antagonist.
ii) Arthrogenic weakness: Muscle becomes inhibited via AHC’s due to joint
swelling or dysfunction. This weakness also leads to selective atrophy of
type II muscle fibers.
iii) Deafferentation: It is decrease in afferent information from neuromuscular
Damage to mechanoreceptors
Loss of articular reflexes
Altered motor programs
Loss of efferent signals to alpha motor neurons
Decreased muscle strength
iv) TrP weakness: Hyperirritable nodules in taut bands of muscle fibers leads
to decrease in the pressure pain threshold. (Simon’s 1999) leading to
overuse, fatigue and ultimately weakness. Muscles with active TrP fatigue
early than the normal muscle do, and they also have less number of firing
motor unit and poor synchronization (Janda 1993).
v) Fatigue: caused by metabolic or neurologic factors.
Often pain is experienced before muscle undergoes fatigue.
Once the fatigue sets in the muscle, the person develops abnormal faulty
posture before experiencing pain.

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Muscle imbalance

  • 1. Muscle Imbalance By: Radhika Chintamani Ref: Janda’s Approach Definition: It is the relative inequality of muscle length or strength between an agonist and an antagonist: this balance is necessary for normal posture or movement. Muscle imbalance is the pathology which happens to be seen when either one muscle overacts compared to the opposite muscle or due to an overuse. Here the dynamic and static balance between the muscles is disturbed, such that either the movement or the range of motion or both may be affected. Musculoskeletal approaches of structure and function of muscle: It has two different approaches for muscle function: 1. Intrinsic: a. Physiological function: response of the tissue to dysfunction and damage as well as the healing process itself. b. Biomechanical function: involves osteo- and arthrokinematics involved in human body movements and the resulting force vectors imparted on human tissue. c. Neuromuscular function: relates to sensorimotor aspects of movement with proprioception and reflexes. 2. Extrinsic: made up of specific, purposeful and synergestic movement that integrates the three intrinsic system. There are two basic types of muscle imbalance: Functional Imbalance Pathological Imbalance Atraumatic With/Without trauma Adaptive changes Adaptive changes Activity specific Associated with dysfunction No pain With/without pain When muscle imbalance impairs function, it is considered to be pathological which is typically associated with dysfunction and pain. The muscle imbalance continuum: As described by Janda muscle imbalance continuum stated as follows Tissue damage Muscle Imbalance (tightness or weakness) Altered movement
  • 2. The muscle imbalance continuum may progress in either direction. Burnhm et al 1993: suggested that shoulder impingement is associated with rotator cuff tear and Cools et al, 2003:scapular stabilizer weakness, While Barden et al 2005: suggested that shoulder instability is associated with muscle imbalance. Page stewart reported that patients with knee joint dysfunction demonstrated hamstring weakness on involved side. LBA has also been associated with decreased range of motion in hip extension (Van Dillen et al, 2000) and internal rotation (Ellison et al, 1990). Muscle Imbalance Paradigms: Janda described two schools of thought of muscle imbalance. 1. Biomechanical Paradigm. 2. Neurological Paradigm. Biomechanical Paradigm: Constant stress that the muscle experience form prolonged posture and repetitive movement. Saharmann suggests that prolonged, sustained posture or repetitive movements leads to adaptation in muscle length, strength and function, which in turn may lead to movement impairments. Muscles grow either longer or shorter according to the demands imposed and the daily activities, hence depending on these demands number of sarcomeres increase or decrease respectively.  If the muscle fiber is constantly maintained in the shortened position for prolonged period of time, the sarcomeres move closer together and may even overlap, this overlap leads to decrease in the space for actin myosin coupling which leads to decreased and painful contraction of muscle, hence leading to weakness of the muscle.  If muscle fiber is maintained from shortened to lengthened position then the muscle fiber can be lengthened permanently on sustained maintenance. Inducing lengthening methods of muscle fibers, eg: stretching has the same principle, that is lengthening leading to increase in the distance between actin and myosin and also number of sarcomeres, also increased blood supply, leading to stimulation of GTO (Quick stretch has property of fascilitatory which acts on GTO), leads to increase in length. Eccentric training leads to increase in length by the same principle except that Willmore also suggested that eccentric training leads to microtear of muscle fiber, leading to separation of the actin and myosin, and training being fasciltatory increases number of sarcomeres too, which leads to lengthening.  If the muscle fiber is maintained constantly in a lengthened position for a prolonged period of time, then there is increase in the distance between each actin and myosin bonding, leading to no bonding at all because of the increased distance between each of them, leading to no contraction and hence muscle weakness sets in.
  • 3. Muscle kept in prolonged shortened position Tightness of the synergist Contracture of the synergist Weakness of the synergist Bergmark 1989, described a classification scheme that divides muscle systems equilibrating the lumbar spine into global and local. Global muscles are superficial, fast twitch muscles, have tendency to shorten and tighten. Local muscles are slow twitch and deep stabilizers that are prone to weakness. Neurological Paradigm: Here the neural control circuit which controls the motor function of the muscle is damaged which may alter the strategy of recruitment of the AHC’s leading to temporary or permanent weakness or dysfunction of the muscle. This change in recruitment alters the muscle balance, movement patterns, ultimately the motor program. Janda described that predominantly static or postural muscles have tendency to undergo tightness. He also stated that the muscle lies between the CNS and PNS, that is it is controlled by both CNS and PNS. Any damage to any structure leads to muscle imbalance. Muscle imbalance can be locally or globally depending on the site of damage. If the site of damage is local that is any part of muscle of nerve innervating it ( PNS) leads to local muscle weakness leading to imbalance, whereas any damage to CNS, that is central damage to the pre-motor area leads the global muscle weakness, leading to imbalance of the muscles. Prolonged stretching of the antagonist Weakness of the antagonist Disturbed joint stability
  • 4. Janda’s Neurological Paradigm of Muscle Imbalance Comparison of Janda’s and Scharmann’s approaches to muscle imbalance Sr. No Concepts Scharmann’s approach (Biomechanical) Janda’s approach (Neurological) 1. Basic concept Repeated movement, and prolonged posture can cause tissue changes and movement pattern. Joint develops directional susceptibility to movement (DSM) in a specific direction, this DSM becomes the cause of pain due to microtrauma due to movement in that specific direction. Deviation of path of center of rotation in the kinesiological system leads to movement impairment. Musculoskeletal system lies between CNS and PNS, hence proper stimuli from both these system leads to proper activation of synergist and inhibition of antagonist. If one of the system is damaged leads to muscle imbalance. Proprioception a part of sensorimotor link, also has a important role here. 2. Etiology of imbalance Muscles maintained in lengthened position->shift of length tension curve to rt->increase in tension generating capacity->stretch weakness. Shortened position->shift of length tension curve to lt->decrease in tension generating capacity->active insufficiency. Extrinsic and Intrinsic factors Structural Pathology Pain and pathology  Inflammation.  Fatigue and stress Functional Pathology Altered proprioceptive input  Abnormal joint motion or position. Muscle imbalance response: hypertonicity and inhibition Altered movement patterns and adaptive changes.
  • 5. 3. Movement impairment In a multijoint system, movement occurs at one joint with least resistance, and the compensatory movement occurs at the other joint. This compensatory movement occurs in other direction leading to laxity of muscle, ligaments on that side. Muscle prone to tightness are approx. 1/3rd stronger than those prone to weakness. Tight muscles are readily activated during various movement. 4. Evaluation Identifying all impairments. Identifying mechanical cause Identifying painful tissue Correcting the problems Posture analysis Gait analysis Muscle length assessment Most coordination Most pattern (evaluates timing and sequence of firing of motor unit and also degree of activity of synergist) 5. Treatment Shortening long muscle Decreasing load on weak or long muscle Supporting weakened or strained muscles. Correct usage taught Normalize function of all peripheral structures. Restore muscle balance to tight and weak muscles. Improve CNS control and programming by increasing proprioceptive flow. Activate system that regulate coordination, posture and equilibrium. Improve endurance in coordinated movement patterns. Sensory motor system: Sensory information Panjabi 1992 described a model of spinal stabilization similar to Janda’s philosophy which consisted of 3 subsystems, skeletal, muscular and CNS. A dysfunction in any of the one component leads to one of the following three conditions: 1. Successful compensation from the other system, or normal adaptation. 2. Long term adaptation from one more subsystems. 3. Injury to one or more components of any subsystems, or pathological adaptation. Three levels of control for the sensorimotor system Sr. No Location Speed Control Awareness CNS processing Joint position and motion sense Motor response Afferent Efferent
  • 6. Brain Spinal cord 1. Spinal Fastest Involuntary Unconscious 2. Subcortical Intermediate Automatic Subconscious 3. Cortical Slowest Greatest Conscious Structural and functional components of the sensorimotor system A. Structural Afferent Central Efferent Mechanoreceptors Spinal tracts Peripheral nerves (alpha and gamma motor neurons) Muscular Receptors Subcortical (brainstem) ------do-------------- Exteroceptors Cortical Muscles B. Functional Proprioception Processing Motor programming Stabilization (postural stability and joint stabilization) Most Postural stabilization loop: Visual Input Vestibular Input Somatosensory Input Muscles, joints, and cutaneous receptors
  • 7. Muscle activation in weight shift: Weight shifts Muscle activation for stabilization Anterior Gastro, Hams, Lumbar Paravertebrals Posterior Tibialis anterior, Quads, Abdominal muscles Medial Peroneals, Lateral HAMS, Hip abductors Lateral Tibialis posterior, medial Hams, Hip adductors Ankle strategy: This strategy is used when small shift of COG needs to be corrected to stay balanced. When a person is standing on an unstable surface his body stabilizes himself on the ankle, with activation of various muscles distal to proximal in the respected direction of the sway. This is also called as inverted pendulum. Hip strategy: This strategy is used when large shift of COG needs to be corrected to stay balanced. The person stabilizes himself by activating muscles proximal to distal direction asynchronously. Step strategy: when a person is unable to reposition the COG with ankle or hip strategy alone, then the person takes a step to reposition the COG in the BOS so that he becomes stable. Chain reactions: The chain system is nothing but the interaction between the skeletal, muscular and the CNS in order to perform movement perfectly and in a well coordinated way. Interaction of three different systems in body for chain reactions: Primary chain Secondary chain Types of chain Articular Muscular Neurological Postural Kinetic Muscular Articular Neurological Synergist Muscle slings Myofacsial chains Neurological Articular Muscular Primitive reflexive chains Sensorimotor system Neurodevelopmental locomotor chains I. Articular chain Postural Chain: position of one joint in relation to another when the body is in an upright posture 1. Structural: influence of static skeletal system on the adjacent structures. This chain are influenced by static position of the joint. The most recognized Kinetic chain: usually recognized as a concept of CKC and OKC in which focus is on movement of joint as the distal extremity whether fixed or not.  Lower extremity Closed Kinetic chain can be observed by gait assessment, what position the foot goes in every
  • 8. structural postural chain occurs in the spine. Postural position of cervical thoracic and lumbar is often assessed when the patient complains of musculoskeletal pain. ***Cogwheel chain mechanism of poor posture explained by Brugger A. 2000. 2. Functional: dynamic influence that the position of keystone structures has on muscles attaching to those structures. This chain is influenced by muscle activity around joint structure. Keystone structures here are referred to skeletal structures that serve as attachment points of group of postural muscles, most notably pelvis, rib, and scapulae. sub-phase of stance, while open kinetic chain can be assessed by what position the foot goes in every sub-phase of swing.  Upper extremity closed kinetic chain can be assessed by pushups, weight bearing and weight shift on upper extremity, quadripod position, crawling. Whereas open kinetic chain can be also assessed while gait with parameter called arm swing, and also by free movements of the entire upper extremity including all the joints separately. II. Muscular Chain: Synergist: Muscle which works with the prime mover is called as synergist. These help the prime movers of the joint for that particular action to complete the muscular action with good strength. Eg: during shoulder rotation rotator cuffs are active, however the scapula is stabilized by rhomboids, serratus anterior and trapezius for the completion of movement in a painless way. Muscle sling: these are the muscles which provide the movement and stabilization across multiple joints. These also provide stabilization and movement in the reciprocal and contra lateral movements in locomotion. Typically muscle slings are connected as one muscle insertion and the next muscle origin on the same keystone structure. Eg: Rhomboid, serratus anterior=scapula; rhomboid, triceps=scapula; trapezius, biceps=scapula; biceps, pect minor=scap; biceps, pect major=humerus; lat dorsi, triceps=humerus SA, EO=ribs Pect major, IO=ribs IO, EO=linea alba IO, Glut med=pelvis IO, sartorious=pelvis EO, adductors=pelvis Hams, glt max=pelvis Glt max and C/L lat dorsi= Myofacsial chain: Fascia integrates the joint motion. It can either exert tensile force via attachment between muscle and bone, or can exert compressive force via muscles contracting within facial envelopes. Serves as a link between various muscles acting together to produce movement, or for stabilization.  Abdominal fascia: attaches EO, IO, TrA, pect major, and serratus anterior. Contains the links to form a dynamic muscle sling with pect major, serratus anterior, and EO.  Thoracolumbar fascia: attaches EO, IO, TrA, Lat dorsi, and glut max. plays an important role in proprioception. Yahia and colleagues in 1992 found that this fascia consists of
  • 9. pelvis and thoracolumbar fascia Glt max, quads=femur Hams, hip flexors=femur Hams, tibialis anterior=tibia Quads, plantar flexors=tibia. *****Extremity flexor and extensor sling *****Trunk sling mechanoreceptors that help in sensorimotor control of the lumbar spine.  Superficial back line  Superficial font line  Deep back line  Deep front line  Lateral line  Spiral line Extremity flexor and extensor sling: Extremity slings are designed for compound movements of the limbs. A) LE: Extensor sling Hip=glut max, Knee=rectus femoris Plantar flexion=Gastrocnemius Flexor sling Hip=iliopsoas Knee=hamstring Dorsiflexion=tibialis anterior During gait swing phase activates flexor sling in LE, while the stance phase activates extensor sling in LE. Throughout the gait, these two phase alternatively activate and inhibit and reciprocate between each lower extremity such that, when one leg is in stance (extension sling) the other leg is in swing phase (flexion sling), hence reciprocal, rhythmic co-activation of muscle in contra lateral LE’s produce a balanced gait. When both slings are activated simultaneously LE’s are stabilized. Such that in upright standing position both LE’s have activated extension sling in them making an individual stable in his BOS. UE- Extensor sling Rhomboids Posterior deltoid Triceps Hand extensor Flexor sling Pect major Anterior deltoid Trapezius Biceps brachii Hand flexors These extremity slings are activated along with lower extremity sling to form a reciprocal gait. During swing phase- Rt UE= flexor sling coupled with Lt LE=flexor sling. Trunk muscle sling: These slings are necessary for fascilitating the reciprocal pattern of the gait between both the upper and lower extremity for rotational trunk stabilization. There are total 3 slings: 1. Anterior 2. Spiral
  • 10. 3. Posterior. Anterior: Biceps Pect major IO Contra lateral hip abductors Sartorious Spiral: (wrapping from posterior to anterior) Rhomboids SA EO Contra lateral IO Contra lateral Hip adductors Posterior Hamstrings Glut max Thoracolumbar fascia Contra lateral lat dorsii Triceps. Importance of posterior sling: Vleeming and collegues 1995, demonstrated that posterior dynamic stabilization sling provides stabilizing force for the ipsilateral SI joint. They noted that ipsilateral glut max. and contra lateral lat dorsii. are connected functionally via thoracolumbar fascia. Mooney et al in 2001 found that ipsilateral glut max and contra lateral lat dorsii. activated simultaneously during gait and trunk rotation. This chain can be key structure for indicating for any dysfunction in glut max and SI joint. Extension of posterior chain: connection of hamstrings to the ipsilateral glut max and erector spinae via sacrotuberous ligament. During gait the body often compensates for weakness of glut max (i.e. hip extension) via activation of erector spinae (i.e. lumbar extension) Hungerford. Et al demonstrated that SI joint dysfunction patients had early activation of biceps femoris incase of glut max weakness in order to stabilize the SI joint, which shows that biceps can stabilize SI joint via sacrotuberous ligament. III. Neurological chains: a. Protective reflexive chain: two fundamental protective reflexes are, crossed extensor and withdrawal reflex which are triggered by sensory receptors.  Flexor Withdrawal reflex: Excessive heat or noxious stimulus Activation of flexor and inhibition of extensor Pulling of the limb away from the stimulus.  Crossed extensor reflex: Cutaneous noxious stimuli Flexor activation on the same side and extensor activation on the contra lateral side. Pushing the noxious stimuli away from the contra lateral limb. Janda’s additional reflexes:  Locomotion: in lower extremity, a combination of extension, adduction and rotation provide basic gait pattern to avoid danger.  Prehension: in upper extremity, flexion, adduction and IR is performed to bring the food to mouth.
  • 11.  Mastication: Adduction of the jaw (closure of the jaw) is necessary to chew food.  Breathing: Not easily influenced by voluntary action for longer duration. b. Sensorimotor chains: linked neurologically through afferent and efferent systems in controlling feedback and feed-forward mechanisms. Provides both local and global dynamic stabilization of the joints through muscle activity.  Reflexive stabilization: on contraction of one muscle the other muscle has to contract to provide stability of that particular joint. [ Eg: Horak and Nashner in 1986 in their study demonstrated that on giving perturbation on the human body in one direction say, anterior direction the opposite side muscle contract to maintain the balance of the body in the distal to proximal way( ankle strategy) to maintain smaller perturbation and proximal to distal way (hip strategy) against a larger perturbation. ] The most important stabilizing sensorimtor chain in human body is the pelvic chain, consisting of the TrA, multifidus, diaphragm, and the pelvic floor. These four muscles are coactivated in the pelvis for its stability and force transmission. Pelvic weakness has shown both proximal and distal pathologies such as LBP, groin strains, IT band syndromes, anterior knee pain, ACL tears, Ankle sprains. The sensorimotor chain depends on proprioception. Joint dysfunction often disrupts the dynamic stabilization of the chain. [Eg: a study by Falla et al, demonstrated delayed activation of deep cervical flexor on upper extremity tasks in whiplash injury patients. Delayed activation of middle and lower traps in patients with shoulder impingement. Cools et al.2003]  Sensorimotor adaptation chains: these adaptation takes place when dysfunction such as pain or pathology within the sensorimotor system occurs. The adaptation may be in the form of systemic and predictable pattern. Janda described the adaptation as follows: i) Horizontal adaptation: occurs when impaired function in one joint or muscle creates reaction and adaptation in the other joint segments. Commonly seen in spine, eg; LBA often leads to cervical syndromes. [Horal et al, suggested that after 6y of first episode of onset of LBA, the individual develops cervical syndromes.] Muscles conform to horizontal adaptation creating a predictable pattern. Can be either proximal to distal or either way. ii) Vertical adaptation: occurs between CNS and PNS. Adaptation of one part of sensorimotor system leads to impairment in the function of entire motor system. May progress from PNS to CNS or either way. It is seen as change in motor programming that is reflected in abnormal movement pattern. Demonstrated in global movement pattern or postural control. c. Neurodevelopmental locomotor patterns: There are two groups of muscles in phylogenetic origin: tonic and phasic.
  • 12. i. Tonic system: older in origin, dominant, involved in repetitive and rhythmic activities and also involved in withdrawal reflex in UE and LE. Predominant action is flexion. ii. Phasic system: younger in origin, typically work against gravity, mainly for postural stabilization, predominant action is extension. Study of movements in infants as they mature is called as developmental kinesiology. Innate reflexes seen in infants such as ATNR and STNR integrate into the musculoskeletal system and become the function of the human being. These primitive reflexes may reoccur if any injury is seen globally in CNS. Tonic and phasic muscles do not function individually, rather they work through co- activation for posture, gait and coordinated movements. This co-activation occurs in particular chains to achieve the desire movement or action to be achieved synchronously in a well balanced way. These chains are as follows: Tonic and Phasic chains of the upper and lower quarter: Co-activation chains Upper quarter Lower quarter Functional movements Prehension, grasping, reaching. Creeping, crawling, gait Tonic chain Flexion IR Adduction Pronation Plantar flexion Inversion Flexion IR Adduction Phasic chain Extension ER Abduction Supination Dorsiflexion Eversion Extension ER Abduction The proper balance between two chains in both and upper lower quarter is demonstrated by normal gait and posture. This combined integration between both the chains in upper and lower quarters, specifically co-activation of contra lateral UE and LE leads to reciprocal arm and leg movements during gait. Imbalance in one of the system leads to postural compensation and adaptation of any of the system in compensation to another.
  • 13. Chronic musculoskeletal pain cycle Pathomechanics of musculoskeletal pain and muscle imbalance Janda believed that pain is only way that the musculoskeletal system can protect itself. Pathology of musculoskeletal pain: Muscle imbalance can develop from both acute or chronic pain. Acute pain Localized muscle response Change in movement pattern to protect or compensate for injury This altered movement becomes centralized in CNS Pain persist via the altered movement due to impact on the structures Spasm occurs. Again pain persists. Muscle imbalance ( tightness and Impaired movement patterns and Faulty motor program/motor learning Altered joint forces and altered proprioception Joint degeneration and postural changes Pain and inflammation
  • 14.  Muscle imbalance: According to Graven et al. Chronic pain is associated with a protective adaptive response, in which agonist decreases in tone whereas antagonist increases in tone. According to Janda this neurologically mediated response is seen tonic and phasic system. Muscle imbalance presenting with fascilitation of an agonist inhibits the antagonist leads to greater risk for the joint.  Impaired movement patterns and postural changes: Postural responses to pain are common. Mechanism for all this is basically adaptive response of musculoskeletal system towards the pain so that, the posture causing the pain is inhibited by the person, and the posture without pain i.e. compensatory posture is attained and maintained by the individual. Hence there is altered posture and movement pattern in response to pain. Once the imbalance sets in the altered posture and movement is maintained for avoiding pain. This makes further imbalance within that specific joint. Tightness of antagonist subsequently inhibits the agonist on the basis of Sherrington’s law 1991. This further leads to muscle imbalance around the joint, ROM restriction, and further risk for that particular joint.  Faulty programming and motor learning: reemergence of primitive reflexes affects the normal movement pattern. Constant repetitive movement performed in an abnormal way, dominates the normal way it is usually performed because of the effect on motor learning. This faulty program attained by the individual due to pain becomes new motor program which becomes fixed in the motor cortex.  Altered joint forces and altered joint proprioception: altered movement patterns change the normal stress placed on the joint in different position. Muscle imbalance alters joint position, which further alters the stresses placed on the joint in different direction, which alters the amount of stress produced, leads to improper distribution of joint stress force on joint articular surfaces, articulating capsule, and muscles and ligament around the joint.  Joint degradation: altered stress placed on the articulating surfaces and the capsule and muscle and ligaments around that particular joint lead to degeneration of the joint. Poor proprioception may be ultimately responsible for joint degeneration.  Chronic pain: inflammatory mediators such as histamine and bradykinin, cause pain and send impulse to the brain via mechanoreceptors. Efferent impulses alter the position or movement pattern which reduces the pain. This may further cause muscle imbalance. Pathomechanics of muscle imbalance Depending on the tonic and phasic classification of the muscle, usually the muscles undergo imbalance. Before starting muscle imbalance read about tonic and phasic systems of muscle Tonic system Phasic system
  • 15. Phylogenetically older Younger Generally flexor or postural muscles Generally extensor Tendency towards tightness, hypertonia, shortening, and contractures Tendency towards weakness, hypotinia, lengthening Readily activated in movement, especially with fatigue or novel or complex movement patterns Delayed activation Less likely to go atrophy More likely to go atrophy Less fragile More fragile Typically one joint muscles Two joint muscles Eg: back muscles Eg: extremity muscles Janda’s classification of muscle prone to tightness or weakness: a) UPPER QUARTER Tonic system prone to tightness Phasic system prone to weakness Suboccipitalis Middle and lower traps Pect (major and minor) Rhomboids Upper tarps SA Levator scapulae Deep cervical flexors (longus colii and capitis) SCM Sclenes* Scalenes Lat dorsii UE extensors and supinators UE flexors and pronators Masticators Digastric Scalenes may be tight or weak b) LOWER QUARTER Tonic system prone to tightness Phasic system prone to weakness Quadratus lumborum Rectus abdominis Thoracolumbar paraspinals TrA Piriformis Glut max Illiopsaos Glut med, min Rectus femoris Vastus med, lat TFL-IT band Tibialis anterior Hamstrings Peroneals Short hip adductors Triceps surae ( particularly soleus) Tibialis posterior Causes of muscle tightness and weakness: Muscle tightness Muscle weakness Contractile and neuroflexive components Limbic system TrPs Reciprocal inhibition Arthrogenic weakness
  • 16. Muscle spasm Deafferentation Pseudoweakness TrP weakness Fatigue Viscoelastic property Adaptive shortening Stretch weakness Tightness weakness I) Muscle tightness: Key factor in muscle imbalance. Muscle prone to tightness are 1/3rd stronger than those prone to weakness. (Janda 1987) Tightness of a muscle reflexively inhibits its antagonist causing its weakness leading to muscle imbalance. Leads to abnormal distribution of forces across the joint. Joint dysfunction Compensation. Altered movement patterns. Early fatigue. Finally overstress of activated muscles and poor stabilization leads to injury. Janda believed that there are 3 important factors leading to muscle tightness as follows: 1. Muscle length: tight muscles are shorter in length. 2. Irritability threshold: easily irritated by stretching them. 3. Altered recruitment: usually during movement tight muscles are recruited first. But if the necessity to control movement is very high then these muscles behave weaker than the normal muscles. Neuroreflexive factors for increased tension: 1. Limbic system activation: stress, fatigue, pain, and emotional disturbance activates limbic system, which activates the muscle tension. Muscle spasm due to limbic system activation are not painful but tender on palpation. Frequently seen in shoulder, neck, low back and in tension type headache. 2. Trigger points: focal area of hypertonicity that are not painful during movement but are painful with palpation. These are localized hyperirritable nodules found within the taut bands in the muscle. 3. Muscle spasm: muscle spasm causes ischemia or an altered movement pattern.
  • 17. a) Overuse of muscle Deposition of waste metabolites Further overuse of the same muscle Metabolites persisting in the muscle not washed away by lymphatics Triggers the pain on palpation b) Any injury to the nearby structures Inflammation Guarding response seen by the muscle Muscle spasm c) Repeated use of muscle Muscle spasm by overuse phenomenon Continued use of muscle spasm Muscle ischemia Muscle spasm leads to reflex arc of inhibitory response to any stimuli which causes arousal of pain within that muscle. II) Muscle weakness: a) Neuroreflexive factors for decreased tension: many contractile factors contribute to decreased muscle tension, as follows; i) Reciprocal inhibition: Muscle becomes inhibited reflexively when its antagonist is stimulated. Weakness is often reflex mediated inhibition secondary to increased tension in antagonist. ii) Arthrogenic weakness: Muscle becomes inhibited via AHC’s due to joint swelling or dysfunction. This weakness also leads to selective atrophy of type II muscle fibers. iii) Deafferentation: It is decrease in afferent information from neuromuscular receptors. Damage to mechanoreceptors Loss of articular reflexes Altered motor programs
  • 18. De-efferentation Loss of efferent signals to alpha motor neurons Decreased muscle strength iv) TrP weakness: Hyperirritable nodules in taut bands of muscle fibers leads to decrease in the pressure pain threshold. (Simon’s 1999) leading to overuse, fatigue and ultimately weakness. Muscles with active TrP fatigue early than the normal muscle do, and they also have less number of firing motor unit and poor synchronization (Janda 1993). v) Fatigue: caused by metabolic or neurologic factors. Often pain is experienced before muscle undergoes fatigue. Once the fatigue sets in the muscle, the person develops abnormal faulty posture before experiencing pain.