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Creating a WhatsApp Clone - Part XV
Next we’ll jump to the websocket package which is the last package
public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketConfigurer {
public ServletServerContainerFactoryBean createWebSocketContainer() {
ServletServerContainerFactoryBean container =
new ServletServerContainerFactoryBean();
return container;
public void registerWebSocketHandlers(WebSocketHandlerRegistry
registry) {
registry.addHandler(myHandler(), "/socket");
public WebSocketHandler myHandler() {
First we need to configure the web socket.

We do this by implementing the WebSocketConfigurer and using the annotations on the class to indicate its purpose
public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketConfigurer {
public ServletServerContainerFactoryBean createWebSocketContainer() {
ServletServerContainerFactoryBean container =
new ServletServerContainerFactoryBean();
return container;
public void registerWebSocketHandlers(WebSocketHandlerRegistry
registry) {
registry.addHandler(myHandler(), "/socket");
public WebSocketHandler myHandler() {
We define the socket so we can define the packet size to 8kb. We can set a larger size but generally keeping packets small is a good practice
public ServletServerContainerFactoryBean createWebSocketContainer() {
ServletServerContainerFactoryBean container =
new ServletServerContainerFactoryBean();
return container;
public void registerWebSocketHandlers(WebSocketHandlerRegistry
registry) {
registry.addHandler(myHandler(), "/socket");
public WebSocketHandler myHandler() {
return new AppSocket();
public TaskScheduler taskScheduler() {
return new ConcurrentTaskScheduler(Executors.
The AppSocket class is bound to the /socket URL in this line of code
return container;
public void registerWebSocketHandlers(WebSocketHandlerRegistry
registry) {
registry.addHandler(myHandler(), "/socket");
public WebSocketHandler myHandler() {
return new AppSocket();
public TaskScheduler taskScheduler() {
return new ConcurrentTaskScheduler(Executors.
This is the thread used to process the websocket connections. We can allocate more thread resources based on need
import org.springframework.web.socket.TextMessage;
import org.springframework.web.socket.WebSocketSession;
import org.springframework.web.socket.handler.TextWebSocketHandler;
public class AppSocket extends TextWebSocketHandler {
private static Logger log =
private static final Map<String, List<WebSocketSession>> clients =
new HashMap<>();
private UserService users;
private static boolean sendToToken(String token, String json) {
List<WebSocketSession> ws = clients.get(token);
WebSocketSession currentSocket = null;
try {
if(ws != null) {
TextMessage t = new TextMessage(json);
List<WebSocketSession> removeQueue = null;
for(WebSocketSession w : ws) {
currentSocket = w;
if(currentSocket.isOpen()) {
Next lets go to AppSocket

The app socket is an implementation of TextWebSocketHandler which handles text messages. Since all our messages are JSON this makes more sense.
import org.springframework.web.socket.TextMessage;
import org.springframework.web.socket.WebSocketSession;
import org.springframework.web.socket.handler.TextWebSocketHandler;
public class AppSocket extends TextWebSocketHandler {
private static Logger log =
private static final Map<String, List<WebSocketSession>> clients =
new HashMap<>();
private UserService users;
private static boolean sendToToken(String token, String json) {
List<WebSocketSession> ws = clients.get(token);
WebSocketSession currentSocket = null;
try {
if(ws != null) {
TextMessage t = new TextMessage(json);
List<WebSocketSession> removeQueue = null;
for(WebSocketSession w : ws) {
currentSocket = w;
if(currentSocket.isOpen()) {
I cache the currently active connections here. This isn’t a good approach in the long term. A better approach would be redis for this sort of caching. But for an initial app
this can work fine
public class AppSocket extends TextWebSocketHandler {
private static Logger log =
private static final Map<String, List<WebSocketSession>> clients =
new HashMap<>();
private UserService users;
private static boolean sendToToken(String token, String json) {
List<WebSocketSession> ws = clients.get(token);
WebSocketSession currentSocket = null;
try {
if(ws != null) {
TextMessage t = new TextMessage(json);
List<WebSocketSession> removeQueue = null;
for(WebSocketSession w : ws) {
currentSocket = w;
if(currentSocket.isOpen()) {
return true;
We need access to the UsersService so we can send a message to a group or user.
private static final Map<String, List<WebSocketSession>> clients =
new HashMap<>();
private UserService users;
private static boolean sendToToken(String token, String json) {
List<WebSocketSession> ws = clients.get(token);
WebSocketSession currentSocket = null;
try {
if(ws != null) {
TextMessage t = new TextMessage(json);
List<WebSocketSession> removeQueue = null;
for(WebSocketSession w : ws) {
currentSocket = w;
if(currentSocket.isOpen()) {
return true;
} else {
if(removeQueue == null) {
removeQueue = new ArrayList<>();
This method sends JSON to a websocket based on the user token and returns true if it succeeded.
private static final Map<String, List<WebSocketSession>> clients =
new HashMap<>();
private UserService users;
private static boolean sendToToken(String token, String json) {
List<WebSocketSession> ws = clients.get(token);
WebSocketSession currentSocket = null;
try {
if(ws != null) {
TextMessage t = new TextMessage(json);
List<WebSocketSession> removeQueue = null;
for(WebSocketSession w : ws) {
currentSocket = w;
if(currentSocket.isOpen()) {
return true;
} else {
if(removeQueue == null) {
removeQueue = new ArrayList<>();
We get the sessions for the given client
private static boolean sendToToken(String token, String json) {
List<WebSocketSession> ws = clients.get(token);
WebSocketSession currentSocket = null;
try {
if(ws != null) {
TextMessage t = new TextMessage(json);
List<WebSocketSession> removeQueue = null;
for(WebSocketSession w : ws) {
currentSocket = w;
if(currentSocket.isOpen()) {
return true;
} else {
if(removeQueue == null) {
removeQueue = new ArrayList<>();
if(removeQueue != null) {
for(WebSocketSession w : removeQueue) {
If he has a webservice sessions
private static boolean sendToToken(String token, String json) {
List<WebSocketSession> ws = clients.get(token);
WebSocketSession currentSocket = null;
try {
if(ws != null) {
TextMessage t = new TextMessage(json);
List<WebSocketSession> removeQueue = null;
for(WebSocketSession w : ws) {
currentSocket = w;
if(currentSocket.isOpen()) {
return true;
} else {
if(removeQueue == null) {
removeQueue = new ArrayList<>();
if(removeQueue != null) {
for(WebSocketSession w : removeQueue) {
We create a text message with the JSON
List<WebSocketSession> ws = clients.get(token);
WebSocketSession currentSocket = null;
try {
if(ws != null) {
TextMessage t = new TextMessage(json);
List<WebSocketSession> removeQueue = null;
for(WebSocketSession w : ws) {
currentSocket = w;
if(currentSocket.isOpen()) {
return true;
} else {
if(removeQueue == null) {
removeQueue = new ArrayList<>();
if(removeQueue != null) {
for(WebSocketSession w : removeQueue) {
} else {
We loop over all the websocket connections one by one
List<WebSocketSession> ws = clients.get(token);
WebSocketSession currentSocket = null;
try {
if(ws != null) {
TextMessage t = new TextMessage(json);
List<WebSocketSession> removeQueue = null;
for(WebSocketSession w : ws) {
currentSocket = w;
if(currentSocket.isOpen()) {
return true;
} else {
if(removeQueue == null) {
removeQueue = new ArrayList<>();
if(removeQueue != null) {
for(WebSocketSession w : removeQueue) {
} else {
If a connection is open we send the message there and return
List<WebSocketSession> ws = clients.get(token);
WebSocketSession currentSocket = null;
try {
if(ws != null) {
TextMessage t = new TextMessage(json);
List<WebSocketSession> removeQueue = null;
for(WebSocketSession w : ws) {
currentSocket = w;
if(currentSocket.isOpen()) {
return true;
} else {
if(removeQueue == null) {
removeQueue = new ArrayList<>();
if(removeQueue != null) {
for(WebSocketSession w : removeQueue) {
} else {
Otherwise we add the socket to the remove queue. We don’t want to remove in the middle of the loop to prevent an exception.
if(removeQueue == null) {
removeQueue = new ArrayList<>();
if(removeQueue != null) {
for(WebSocketSession w : removeQueue) {
} else {
log.warning("No WS connections for token: " + token);
} catch(IOException err) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception during sending message", err);
if(currentSocket != null && ws != null) {
if(ws.isEmpty()) {
return false;
We remove all the defunct websockets from the queue in this line
if(removeQueue != null) {
for(WebSocketSession w : removeQueue) {
} else {
log.warning("No WS connections for token: " + token);
} catch(IOException err) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception during sending message", err);
if(currentSocket != null && ws != null) {
if(ws.isEmpty()) {
return false;
public static void sendUserTyping(String token, String id,
For all the cases where sending via the socket didn't work we return false
"","authorId":"" + id + ""}");
public static boolean sendMessage(String token, String json) {
return sendToToken(token, json);
protected void handleTextMessage(WebSocketSession session,
TextMessage message) throws Exception {
JsonParser parser = JsonParserFactory.getJsonParser();
Map<String, Object> m = parser.parseMap(message.getPayload());
String type = (String)m.get("t");
if(type != null) {
if(type.equals("init")) {
String token = (String)m.get("tok");
Number time = (Number)m.get("time");
List<WebSocketSession> l = clients.get(token);
if(l == null) {
l = new ArrayList<>();
clients.put(token, l);
This method handles the incoming text packets
public static boolean sendMessage(String token, String json) {
return sendToToken(token, json);
protected void handleTextMessage(WebSocketSession session,
TextMessage message) throws Exception {
JsonParser parser = JsonParserFactory.getJsonParser();
Map<String, Object> m = parser.parseMap(message.getPayload());
String type = (String)m.get("t");
if(type != null) {
if(type.equals("init")) {
String token = (String)m.get("tok");
Number time = (Number)m.get("time");
List<WebSocketSession> l = clients.get(token);
if(l == null) {
l = new ArrayList<>();
clients.put(token, l);
} else {
String typing = (String)m.get("typing");
First we need to parse the JSON into a map
protected void handleTextMessage(WebSocketSession session,
TextMessage message) throws Exception {
JsonParser parser = JsonParserFactory.getJsonParser();
Map<String, Object> m = parser.parseMap(message.getPayload());
String type = (String)m.get("t");
if(type != null) {
if(type.equals("init")) {
String token = (String)m.get("tok");
Number time = (Number)m.get("time");
List<WebSocketSession> l = clients.get(token);
if(l == null) {
l = new ArrayList<>();
clients.put(token, l);
} else {
String typing = (String)m.get("typing");
String sentTo = (String)m.get("sentTo");
if(typing != null) {
String authorId = (String)m.get("authorId");
users.userTyping(authorId, sentTo, true);
If a message has a type it’s probably an init message
protected void handleTextMessage(WebSocketSession session,
TextMessage message) throws Exception {
JsonParser parser = JsonParserFactory.getJsonParser();
Map<String, Object> m = parser.parseMap(message.getPayload());
String type = (String)m.get("t");
if(type != null) {
if(type.equals("init")) {
String token = (String)m.get("tok");
Number time = (Number)m.get("time");
List<WebSocketSession> l = clients.get(token);
if(l == null) {
l = new ArrayList<>();
clients.put(token, l);
} else {
String typing = (String)m.get("typing");
String sentTo = (String)m.get("sentTo");
if(typing != null) {
String authorId = (String)m.get("authorId");
users.userTyping(authorId, sentTo, true);
init messages allow us to add a websocket to our cache of connections so we can push a message back into the websocket when we need to send a server notification
l = new ArrayList<>();
clients.put(token, l);
} else {
String typing = (String)m.get("typing");
String sentTo = (String)m.get("sentTo");
if(typing != null) {
String authorId = (String)m.get("authorId");
users.userTyping(authorId, sentTo, true);
} else {
String id = (String)m.get("id");
if(id == null) {
users.sendMessage(sentTo, m);
} else {
users.sendJSONTo(sentTo, message.getPayload());
Otherwise we test if this is a “user typing" event in which case we send a typing message onward
l = new ArrayList<>();
clients.put(token, l);
} else {
String typing = (String)m.get("typing");
String sentTo = (String)m.get("sentTo");
if(typing != null) {
String authorId = (String)m.get("authorId");
users.userTyping(authorId, sentTo, true);
} else {
String id = (String)m.get("id");
if(id == null) {
users.sendMessage(sentTo, m);
} else {
users.sendJSONTo(sentTo, message.getPayload());
Finally we send the message as JSON to the users in the group or the specific user. This invokes the code we saw in the user service class
public void handleTransportError(WebSocketSession wss,
Throwable thrwbl) throws Exception {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error during transport", thrwbl);
public void afterConnectionClosed(WebSocketSession wss, CloseStatus cs)
throws Exception {
for(String s : clients.keySet()) {
List<WebSocketSession> wl = clients.get(s);
for(WebSocketSession w : wl) {
if(w == wss) {
if(wl.isEmpty()) {
When a connection is closed we loop over the existing list and purge it of the dead connection
public void afterConnectionClosed(WebSocketSession wss, CloseStatus cs)
throws Exception {
for(String s : clients.keySet()) {
List<WebSocketSession> wl = clients.get(s);
for(WebSocketSession w : wl) {
if(w == wss) {
if(wl.isEmpty()) {
public boolean supportsPartialMessages() {
return false;
For simplicity we don't support partial messages which shouldn’t be necessary for small 8kb messages. With that the class is done

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Creating a Whatsapp Clone - Part XV - Transcript.pdf

  • 1. Creating a WhatsApp Clone - Part XV Next we’ll jump to the websocket package which is the last package
  • 2. @Configuration @EnableWebSocket public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketConfigurer { @Bean public ServletServerContainerFactoryBean createWebSocketContainer() { ServletServerContainerFactoryBean container = new ServletServerContainerFactoryBean(); container.setMaxTextMessageBufferSize(8192); container.setMaxBinaryMessageBufferSize(8192); return container; } @Override public void registerWebSocketHandlers(WebSocketHandlerRegistry registry) { registry.addHandler(myHandler(), "/socket"); } @Bean public WebSocketHandler myHandler() { AppSocket First we need to configure the web socket. We do this by implementing the WebSocketConfigurer and using the annotations on the class to indicate its purpose
  • 3. @Configuration @EnableWebSocket public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketConfigurer { @Bean public ServletServerContainerFactoryBean createWebSocketContainer() { ServletServerContainerFactoryBean container = new ServletServerContainerFactoryBean(); container.setMaxTextMessageBufferSize(8192); container.setMaxBinaryMessageBufferSize(8192); return container; } @Override public void registerWebSocketHandlers(WebSocketHandlerRegistry registry) { registry.addHandler(myHandler(), "/socket"); } @Bean public WebSocketHandler myHandler() { AppSocket We define the socket so we can define the packet size to 8kb. We can set a larger size but generally keeping packets small is a good practice
  • 4. public ServletServerContainerFactoryBean createWebSocketContainer() { ServletServerContainerFactoryBean container = new ServletServerContainerFactoryBean(); container.setMaxTextMessageBufferSize(8192); container.setMaxBinaryMessageBufferSize(8192); return container; } @Override public void registerWebSocketHandlers(WebSocketHandlerRegistry registry) { registry.addHandler(myHandler(), "/socket"); } @Bean public WebSocketHandler myHandler() { return new AppSocket(); } @Bean public TaskScheduler taskScheduler() { return new ConcurrentTaskScheduler(Executors. newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor()); } AppSocket The AppSocket class is bound to the /socket URL in this line of code
  • 5. container.setMaxTextMessageBufferSize(8192); container.setMaxBinaryMessageBufferSize(8192); return container; } @Override public void registerWebSocketHandlers(WebSocketHandlerRegistry registry) { registry.addHandler(myHandler(), "/socket"); } @Bean public WebSocketHandler myHandler() { return new AppSocket(); } @Bean public TaskScheduler taskScheduler() { return new ConcurrentTaskScheduler(Executors. newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor()); } } AppSocket This is the thread used to process the websocket connections. We can allocate more thread resources based on need
  • 6. import org.springframework.web.socket.TextMessage; import org.springframework.web.socket.WebSocketSession; import org.springframework.web.socket.handler.TextWebSocketHandler; public class AppSocket extends TextWebSocketHandler { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AppSocket.class.getName()); private static final Map<String, List<WebSocketSession>> clients = new HashMap<>(); @Autowired private UserService users; private static boolean sendToToken(String token, String json) { List<WebSocketSession> ws = clients.get(token); WebSocketSession currentSocket = null; try { if(ws != null) { TextMessage t = new TextMessage(json); List<WebSocketSession> removeQueue = null; for(WebSocketSession w : ws) { currentSocket = w; if(currentSocket.isOpen()) { AppSocket Next lets go to AppSocket The app socket is an implementation of TextWebSocketHandler which handles text messages. Since all our messages are JSON this makes more sense.
  • 7. import org.springframework.web.socket.TextMessage; import org.springframework.web.socket.WebSocketSession; import org.springframework.web.socket.handler.TextWebSocketHandler; public class AppSocket extends TextWebSocketHandler { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AppSocket.class.getName()); private static final Map<String, List<WebSocketSession>> clients = new HashMap<>(); @Autowired private UserService users; private static boolean sendToToken(String token, String json) { List<WebSocketSession> ws = clients.get(token); WebSocketSession currentSocket = null; try { if(ws != null) { TextMessage t = new TextMessage(json); List<WebSocketSession> removeQueue = null; for(WebSocketSession w : ws) { currentSocket = w; if(currentSocket.isOpen()) { AppSocket I cache the currently active connections here. This isn’t a good approach in the long term. A better approach would be redis for this sort of caching. But for an initial app this can work fine
  • 8. public class AppSocket extends TextWebSocketHandler { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AppSocket.class.getName()); private static final Map<String, List<WebSocketSession>> clients = new HashMap<>(); @Autowired private UserService users; private static boolean sendToToken(String token, String json) { List<WebSocketSession> ws = clients.get(token); WebSocketSession currentSocket = null; try { if(ws != null) { TextMessage t = new TextMessage(json); List<WebSocketSession> removeQueue = null; for(WebSocketSession w : ws) { currentSocket = w; if(currentSocket.isOpen()) { w.sendMessage(t); return true; AppSocket We need access to the UsersService so we can send a message to a group or user.
  • 9. private static final Map<String, List<WebSocketSession>> clients = new HashMap<>(); @Autowired private UserService users; private static boolean sendToToken(String token, String json) { List<WebSocketSession> ws = clients.get(token); WebSocketSession currentSocket = null; try { if(ws != null) { TextMessage t = new TextMessage(json); List<WebSocketSession> removeQueue = null; for(WebSocketSession w : ws) { currentSocket = w; if(currentSocket.isOpen()) { w.sendMessage(t); return true; } else { if(removeQueue == null) { removeQueue = new ArrayList<>(); } removeQueue.add(w); } AppSocket This method sends JSON to a websocket based on the user token and returns true if it succeeded.
  • 10. private static final Map<String, List<WebSocketSession>> clients = new HashMap<>(); @Autowired private UserService users; private static boolean sendToToken(String token, String json) { List<WebSocketSession> ws = clients.get(token); WebSocketSession currentSocket = null; try { if(ws != null) { TextMessage t = new TextMessage(json); List<WebSocketSession> removeQueue = null; for(WebSocketSession w : ws) { currentSocket = w; if(currentSocket.isOpen()) { w.sendMessage(t); return true; } else { if(removeQueue == null) { removeQueue = new ArrayList<>(); } removeQueue.add(w); } AppSocket We get the sessions for the given client
  • 11. private static boolean sendToToken(String token, String json) { List<WebSocketSession> ws = clients.get(token); WebSocketSession currentSocket = null; try { if(ws != null) { TextMessage t = new TextMessage(json); List<WebSocketSession> removeQueue = null; for(WebSocketSession w : ws) { currentSocket = w; if(currentSocket.isOpen()) { w.sendMessage(t); return true; } else { if(removeQueue == null) { removeQueue = new ArrayList<>(); } removeQueue.add(w); } } if(removeQueue != null) { for(WebSocketSession w : removeQueue) { ws.remove(w); } AppSocket If he has a webservice sessions
  • 12. private static boolean sendToToken(String token, String json) { List<WebSocketSession> ws = clients.get(token); WebSocketSession currentSocket = null; try { if(ws != null) { TextMessage t = new TextMessage(json); List<WebSocketSession> removeQueue = null; for(WebSocketSession w : ws) { currentSocket = w; if(currentSocket.isOpen()) { w.sendMessage(t); return true; } else { if(removeQueue == null) { removeQueue = new ArrayList<>(); } removeQueue.add(w); } } if(removeQueue != null) { for(WebSocketSession w : removeQueue) { ws.remove(w); } AppSocket We create a text message with the JSON
  • 13. List<WebSocketSession> ws = clients.get(token); WebSocketSession currentSocket = null; try { if(ws != null) { TextMessage t = new TextMessage(json); List<WebSocketSession> removeQueue = null; for(WebSocketSession w : ws) { currentSocket = w; if(currentSocket.isOpen()) { w.sendMessage(t); return true; } else { if(removeQueue == null) { removeQueue = new ArrayList<>(); } removeQueue.add(w); } } if(removeQueue != null) { for(WebSocketSession w : removeQueue) { ws.remove(w); } } } else { AppSocket We loop over all the websocket connections one by one
  • 14. List<WebSocketSession> ws = clients.get(token); WebSocketSession currentSocket = null; try { if(ws != null) { TextMessage t = new TextMessage(json); List<WebSocketSession> removeQueue = null; for(WebSocketSession w : ws) { currentSocket = w; if(currentSocket.isOpen()) { w.sendMessage(t); return true; } else { if(removeQueue == null) { removeQueue = new ArrayList<>(); } removeQueue.add(w); } } if(removeQueue != null) { for(WebSocketSession w : removeQueue) { ws.remove(w); } } } else { AppSocket If a connection is open we send the message there and return
  • 15. List<WebSocketSession> ws = clients.get(token); WebSocketSession currentSocket = null; try { if(ws != null) { TextMessage t = new TextMessage(json); List<WebSocketSession> removeQueue = null; for(WebSocketSession w : ws) { currentSocket = w; if(currentSocket.isOpen()) { w.sendMessage(t); return true; } else { if(removeQueue == null) { removeQueue = new ArrayList<>(); } removeQueue.add(w); } } if(removeQueue != null) { for(WebSocketSession w : removeQueue) { ws.remove(w); } } } else { AppSocket Otherwise we add the socket to the remove queue. We don’t want to remove in the middle of the loop to prevent an exception.
  • 16. if(removeQueue == null) { removeQueue = new ArrayList<>(); } removeQueue.add(w); } } if(removeQueue != null) { for(WebSocketSession w : removeQueue) { ws.remove(w); } } } else { log.warning("No WS connections for token: " + token); } } catch(IOException err) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception during sending message", err); if(currentSocket != null && ws != null) { ws.remove(currentSocket); if(ws.isEmpty()) { clients.remove(token); } } } return false; AppSocket We remove all the defunct websockets from the queue in this line
  • 17. removeQueue.add(w); } } if(removeQueue != null) { for(WebSocketSession w : removeQueue) { ws.remove(w); } } } else { log.warning("No WS connections for token: " + token); } } catch(IOException err) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception during sending message", err); if(currentSocket != null && ws != null) { ws.remove(currentSocket); if(ws.isEmpty()) { clients.remove(token); } } } return false; } public static void sendUserTyping(String token, String id, AppSocket For all the cases where sending via the socket didn't work we return false
  • 18. "","authorId":"" + id + ""}"); } public static boolean sendMessage(String token, String json) { return sendToToken(token, json); } @Override protected void handleTextMessage(WebSocketSession session, TextMessage message) throws Exception { JsonParser parser = JsonParserFactory.getJsonParser(); Map<String, Object> m = parser.parseMap(message.getPayload()); String type = (String)m.get("t"); if(type != null) { if(type.equals("init")) { String token = (String)m.get("tok"); Number time = (Number)m.get("time"); List<WebSocketSession> l = clients.get(token); if(l == null) { l = new ArrayList<>(); clients.put(token, l); } l.add(session); return; AppSocket This method handles the incoming text packets
  • 19. public static boolean sendMessage(String token, String json) { return sendToToken(token, json); } @Override protected void handleTextMessage(WebSocketSession session, TextMessage message) throws Exception { JsonParser parser = JsonParserFactory.getJsonParser(); Map<String, Object> m = parser.parseMap(message.getPayload()); String type = (String)m.get("t"); if(type != null) { if(type.equals("init")) { String token = (String)m.get("tok"); Number time = (Number)m.get("time"); List<WebSocketSession> l = clients.get(token); if(l == null) { l = new ArrayList<>(); clients.put(token, l); } l.add(session); return; } } else { String typing = (String)m.get("typing"); AppSocket First we need to parse the JSON into a map
  • 20. @Override protected void handleTextMessage(WebSocketSession session, TextMessage message) throws Exception { JsonParser parser = JsonParserFactory.getJsonParser(); Map<String, Object> m = parser.parseMap(message.getPayload()); String type = (String)m.get("t"); if(type != null) { if(type.equals("init")) { String token = (String)m.get("tok"); Number time = (Number)m.get("time"); List<WebSocketSession> l = clients.get(token); if(l == null) { l = new ArrayList<>(); clients.put(token, l); } l.add(session); return; } } else { String typing = (String)m.get("typing"); String sentTo = (String)m.get("sentTo"); if(typing != null) { String authorId = (String)m.get("authorId"); users.userTyping(authorId, sentTo, true); AppSocket If a message has a type it’s probably an init message
  • 21. @Override protected void handleTextMessage(WebSocketSession session, TextMessage message) throws Exception { JsonParser parser = JsonParserFactory.getJsonParser(); Map<String, Object> m = parser.parseMap(message.getPayload()); String type = (String)m.get("t"); if(type != null) { if(type.equals("init")) { String token = (String)m.get("tok"); Number time = (Number)m.get("time"); List<WebSocketSession> l = clients.get(token); if(l == null) { l = new ArrayList<>(); clients.put(token, l); } l.add(session); return; } } else { String typing = (String)m.get("typing"); String sentTo = (String)m.get("sentTo"); if(typing != null) { String authorId = (String)m.get("authorId"); users.userTyping(authorId, sentTo, true); AppSocket init messages allow us to add a websocket to our cache of connections so we can push a message back into the websocket when we need to send a server notification
  • 22. l = new ArrayList<>(); clients.put(token, l); } l.add(session); return; } } else { String typing = (String)m.get("typing"); String sentTo = (String)m.get("sentTo"); if(typing != null) { String authorId = (String)m.get("authorId"); users.userTyping(authorId, sentTo, true); } else { String id = (String)m.get("id"); if(id == null) { users.sendMessage(sentTo, m); } else { users.sendJSONTo(sentTo, message.getPayload()); } } } } AppSocket Otherwise we test if this is a “user typing" event in which case we send a typing message onward
  • 23. l = new ArrayList<>(); clients.put(token, l); } l.add(session); return; } } else { String typing = (String)m.get("typing"); String sentTo = (String)m.get("sentTo"); if(typing != null) { String authorId = (String)m.get("authorId"); users.userTyping(authorId, sentTo, true); } else { String id = (String)m.get("id"); if(id == null) { users.sendMessage(sentTo, m); } else { users.sendJSONTo(sentTo, message.getPayload()); } } } } AppSocket Finally we send the message as JSON to the users in the group or the specific user. This invokes the code we saw in the user service class
  • 24. @Override public void handleTransportError(WebSocketSession wss, Throwable thrwbl) throws Exception { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error during transport", thrwbl); } @Override public void afterConnectionClosed(WebSocketSession wss, CloseStatus cs) throws Exception { for(String s : clients.keySet()) { List<WebSocketSession> wl = clients.get(s); for(WebSocketSession w : wl) { if(w == wss) { wl.remove(w); if(wl.isEmpty()) { clients.remove(s); } return; } } } } AppSocket When a connection is closed we loop over the existing list and purge it of the dead connection
  • 25. @Override public void afterConnectionClosed(WebSocketSession wss, CloseStatus cs) throws Exception { for(String s : clients.keySet()) { List<WebSocketSession> wl = clients.get(s); for(WebSocketSession w : wl) { if(w == wss) { wl.remove(w); if(wl.isEmpty()) { clients.remove(s); } return; } } } } @Override public boolean supportsPartialMessages() { return false; } } AppSocket For simplicity we don't support partial messages which shouldn’t be necessary for small 8kb messages. With that the class is done