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Dr. Satyendra Singh
 Introduction
 Properties of water
 Classification of temperatures
 Physiological basis of hydrotherapy
 Temperature regulation
 Effects of water on different organ systems
 Hydrotherapy is the external or internal use of water in any of its forms (water, ice,
steam) for health promotion or treatment of various diseases with various temperatures,
pressure, duration, and site.
Mooventhan A, Nivethitha L. Scientific Evidence-Based Effects of
Hydrotherapy on Various Systems of the Body. North American
Journal of Medical Sciences. 2014;6(5):199-209. doi:10.4103/1947-
 Density
 Hydrostatic pressure
 Buoyancy
 Viscosity
 As a nutrient
 As a means of communicating heat to the body
 As a means of abstracting heat from the body by contact and by evaporation
 As a means of producing some percuitent effects
 Vascular area of skin – Internal vascular area associated with it.
 Intensity differs
 Additional effect- mechanical effect.
 Real effect = Sum of two effects
 Temperature
 Duration
 Mode of application
 Site of application
 Condition of the subject
Water may be used therapeutically over a wide range of temperatures;
VERY COLD 32 To 55 F
COLD 55 To 65 F
COOL 65 To 80 F
TEPID 80 To 92 F
NEUTRAL 92 To 95 F
WARM 92 To 98 F
HOT 98 To 104 F
VERY HOT 104 F And above
 1. SKIN:
COLD Sedative Restorative & tonic
HOT Excitant Depressant, sedative,
1. Effect of cold:
a)Contraction of small BV-
Primary effect Secondary effect
• Short cold applications( 32 to 65 F)
produces Pallor & coldness of the
skin( due to contraction of small
• Prolonged application- blue or
purplish color of the skin
Pallor/ blueness quickly gives place to
redness ( as a result of active
dilatation of small BV)
b) Decreased heat elimination & Increased heat
In action, cold applications
causes contraction of BV
lessens the cutaneous circulation
thus diminish the heat elimination
Reflex stimulation of accelerator centers takes
resulting in heat production
 In reaction,
accelerated cutaneous circulation
exposure of increased quantity of blood
to cooling influences
increased heat elimination
thus maintaining normal body temperature
c) Diminished tactile sensibility:
• Applications of a temperature lessens the
acuteness of tactile
below 92 to 98 F sense
• Very brief/prolonged application of
ice/ very cold water abolish tactile
2. Effects of hot:
a)Dilatation of capillary vessels:
Primary effect Secondary effect
• Moderate heat ( 100 to 104 F)
produces reddening of skin surface
At the end of application ( 15 to
30mins) vasoconstriction
phenomenon occurs
• Moderate hot applications ( 99 to 101 F) - vasodilatation
• Very hot applications ( 104 F and above) – vasoconstriction
Application of higher temperature( 104 to 130 F)
pallor of the skin( due to stimulation of
due to contraction of
muscle fibers
connected with hair bulbs
skin is roughened/ goose flesh appearance
b) Increase of cutaneous secretion and respiration:
• A general hot bath/ hot application activity of both
to small surface & sebaceous
• Ordinary rate of perspiration- 1 to 11/2 ounce per hour
• Application of heat ( 110 to 115 F)- perspiration is increased to 50- 60
times the ordinary rate.
• SKIN- 1% of the total respiratory work done by the body
 Under the influence of heat – the proportion of work done is
( increased cutaneous circulation facilitation of
interchange of
c) Increased heat elimination:
 By dilating the surface vessels
 By increasing the rate of blood current in the skin
 By increased amount of evaporation from surface
 By increasing the conductivity of the skin
d) Decrease of tactile sensibility:
• Normal temperature of the surface – increased tactile
• Very hot applications( 113 F & above)- lessens tactile
• At a temperature of 130 F & above - abolished
Effect of regular sauna on
epidermal barrier function and
stratum corneum water-holding
capacity in vivo in humans: a
controlled study.
Kowatzki et al,
J of Dermatology
June 5th 2008
Sauna (80°C) produced stable
epidermal barrier function;
increase in stratum corneum
hydration; faster recovery of both
elevated water
loss and skin pH; decrease in
casual skin sebum content on skin
surface of forehead; increase in
concentration in sweat and
epidermal blood perfusion in
volunteers. It suggests protective
effect of ST on skin physiology
1. Effects of cold:
CO2 Elimination
2. Effects of Hot:
• Respiratory frequency
Adjustments in oxygen
transport during head-out
immersion in water at
different temperatures.
Choukroun et al, Pulmonary tissue volume
was not affected by any of
the temperatures. Increase
in o2 absorption was
observed in CWI
The effect of cold exposure
on the respiratory function in
children suffering from
inflammatory lung diseases
Kurortol et al, Local cold procedures
improve bronchial patency
while the exposure to heat
results in its worsening
Effects of water temperature on
pulmonary volumes in immersed
human subjects
Choukroun et al, The variations of the pulmonary
volumes as a function of Tw are
estimated to be mainly due to
alterations in respiratory muscles
Repeated cold water stimulations
according to Kneipp) in patients
with COPD
Goedsche K et al, Repeated cold stimulations
(affusions) can influence the
frequency of respiratory
infections and improve subjective
well-being. It may cause an
immunological modulation in
terms of the Th1-type pattern.
1. Effects of cold:
a) Heart: ( ROEHRIG)
• Very short applications activity
• Prolonged application activity
b) Blood vessels:
• Short, very cold application( 40 to 55 F) vasoconstriction
• Cold applications made across the trunk of an artery cause
contraction in its distal portions
 Ice bag applied to axilla -- circulation in the arm
 Ice / cold compress to throat -- cerebral circulation
 Ice bag over the femoral artery -- circulation in leg
c) Pulse rate:(WINTERNITZ) compensatory effect
• Snow rubbed on the inside of the
arm at the bend of elbow in height of
pulse tracing
ice applied to subclavian region …. Contraction
of distal portion
. of
• Cold applications to a limited surface of skin
increased pulse rate for 3 minutes , after which the frequency is
gradually diminished
• Cold water drinking lessens the pulse rate 10 to 15
beats/ minutes
2. Effects of hot:
a) Heart:
• effect of general force + temporary slowing of heart
application of heat action
• Final effect Arterial tension
b) Pulse:
• 1st effect of very hot application to skin vasoconstriction of
surface BV
sudden force &
tension of
 Hot application cardiac + vascular
. activity
Effect of repeated sauna treatment
on exercise tolerance and
endothelial function in patients
with chronic heart failure
Ohori T et al,
J of American cardiology
Sep 23rd 2011
Repeated sauna therapy in
patients with chronic heart failure
improves exercise tolerance in
association with improvement in
endothelial function.
Effect of immersion in CO2-
enriched water on free radical
release and total antioxidant status
in peripheral arterial occlusive
Dogliotti G et al,
International J of Angiology
Feb 30th 2011
CO(2)-enriched water immersion
has a positive effect, reducing free
radical plasma levels and raising
the levels of antioxidants,
suggesting an improvement in the
Effects of immersion in water
containing high
concentrations of CO2 (CO2-
water) at thermoneutral
temperature on
thermoregulation and heart
rate variability in humans
Sato M et al,
International J of
Oct 24th 2008
The present study contributes
evidence supporting the hypothesis
that CO2-water immersion activates
parasympathetic nerve activity in
What is the biochemical and
physiological rationale for
using cold-water immersion
in sports recovery? A
systematic review.
Bleakley et al,
British journal of sports
Cold water immersion (CWI) induces
significant physiological and
biochemical changes in the body such
as increase in HR, BP, metabolism,
and peripheral catecholamine
concentration; and decrease in
cerebral blood flow.
Changes in the lipid profile of
blood serum in women taking
sauna baths of various duration.
Pilch W et al, After 2 weeks of repeated sauna
session some changes in total
cholesterol and concentration of
LDLC were observed, while
concentration of HDLC increased
after 7th sauna bath in group I.
Those kinds of changes may be
good prognoses of ischemic heart
disease prevention
Repeated sauna therapy
attenuates ventricular remodeling
after myocardial infarction in rats
by increasing coronary vascularity
of noninfarcted myocardium.
Sobajima M et al,
American J of physiology
May 27th 2011
ST attenuates cardiac remodeling
after MI, at least in part, through
improving coronary vascularity in
the noninfarcted myocardium.
Repeated ST might serve as a
novel noninvasive therapy for
patients with MI.
Effects of cold:
a) The voluntary muscles:
• Prolonged of low temperature water - muscular irritability of
EX. – stiffness & clumsiness of fingers as the result of exposure to
low temperature
b) The muscular tone:
• A short cold bath ( douche/ spray)- augments muscular energy and
 Short cold bath( 1- 2 secs) powerful restorative in fatigue
c) The involuntary muscles:-
 Cold- activity of smooth muscle fibers of skin
goose- flesh appearance
• When applied to feet/ abdomen- excites involuntary muscles of
bowels &
bladder, causing
evacuation of these
• Cold water to feet( spray)- goose flesh appearance over entire
• Cold spray/ douche to one side of body- goose flesh appearance
Effects of hot:
a)Lessened irritability of voluntary muscles:
• Water bath at a temperature of rapid in muscular
120 F & above
• This effect of very hot application is utilized therapeutically in,
 Deformities resulting from muscular contraction
 Relief of vaginismus
 In cases of contraction of anal muscle
b) Increased irritability of involuntary muscles:
• Very hot application irritability
An Electromyographic Study of
Human Gait both in Water and on
Dry Ground
Alain Chevutschi etal,
J of physical anthropology
Walking in water at an umbilical
level increases the activity of the
erector spinae and activates the
rectus femoris to levels near to or
higher than walking on dry
Leg immersion in warm water,
stretch-shortening exercise, and
exercise-induced muscle damage
Skurvydas et al,
J of Athletic training
Leg immersion in warm water
before stretch-shortening
exercise reduced most of the
indirect markers of exercise-
induced muscle damage.
Contrast water immersion hastens
plasma lactate decrease after
intense anaerobic exercise
Morton et al,
J of science & medicine in sport
Contrast water immersion is a
valid method of hastening plasma
lactate decrease during recovery
after intense anaerobic exercise
for both males and females
Effect of Contrast Water Therapy
Duration on Recovery of Running
Versey et al,
Int J of sports physiology
Dec 12th 2011
CWT for 6 min assisted acute
recovery from high-intensity
Cold-water immersion
(cryotherapy) for preventing and
treating muscle soreness after
Bleakley et al,
J of health & rehabilitation
15th Feb 2012
cold-water immersion reduces
delayed onset muscle soreness
after exercise compared with
passive interventions involving
rest or no intervention
Effects of thermal therapy
combining sauna therapy and
underwater exercise in patients
with fibromyalgia
Matsumoto et al,
J of Complementary Therapies in
Clinical Practice
Sep 24th 2010
Thermal therapy combining sauna
therapy and underwater exercise
improved the QOL as well as the
pain and symptoms of FMS
1. Effect of cold:
• Cold applications No. of blood corpuscles + amount of Hb
white corpuscles than red corpuscles
• Phenomenon,
cold applications
contraction of visceral vessels
corpuscles collected in vessels of liver, spleen, kidneys
& other internal viscera are driven into circulation
• Rate of reduction in oxyhemoglobin
• Cold bath - the contrast of color between arterial & venous blood
( indicates increased tissue activity & oxidation)
• General cold applications- the alkalinity of blood , diminution in
2. Effects of hot:
• Hot baths- No. of blood corpuscles + amount of Hb, increase in
leukocytes loclly
• Rate of reduction in oxyhemoglobin locally
• General hot applications- the alkalinity of blood by increasing the
amount of acid phosphate
Immune changes in humans
during cold exposure: effects of
prior heating and exercise
Brenner et al,
J of applied physiology
Aug 1999
acute cold exposure has immune
stimulating effects that, with
thermal clamping, pre-treatment
with physical exercise can
enhance this response.
Leukocytosis, granulocytosis. Inc.
NK cells
The use of warmed water
treatment to induce protective
immunity against the bacterial
cold-water disease pathogen
Flavobacterium psychrophilum in
ayu fish (Plecoglossus altivelis)
Sugahara K et al,
J of fish immunology
Dec 23rd 2011
Warmed water treatment could not
only cure BCWD( bacterial cold
water disease) but also immunize
the fish against the causative
agent F. psychrophilum.
Effect of hyperthermic water bath
on parameters of cellular
Rovensky et al,
Int J of clinical pharmacology
water bath reduced relative total
counts; increased relative CD8+
lymphocyte; NK cell
counts and its activity, which were
probably dependent on increased
somatotropic hormone production
1. Effect of cold:
a) Skin:
• Short cold applications cutaneous vasodilatation & favors
perspiration ( in reaction)
b) Kidneys:
• In animals,
very cold prolonged applications appearance of albumin in
• Fever treated by cold bath toxicity of urine is increased by
6 times
• Cold application to lower 1/3rd excites renal activity
of sternum/ renal douche
c) Lungs:
• Short cold applications elimination of CO2 + absorption
of O2
• Prolonged cold applications CO2 elimination
d) Bowels:
• Cold application to feet/ excites involuntary muscles of
Role of warm water bath in
inducing micturition in
postoperative urinary retention
after anorectal operations.
Shafik et al,
Int J of Urology
The urethral pressure in both the
normal and retention subjects
showed significant reduction
which increased with higher-
temperature baths. Micturition
on sitting in a warm water bath
seems to be initiated by reflex
internal urethral sphincter
relaxation. A thermo-sphincter
reflex is likely to be involved.
1. Effects of cold:
• Cold application to a nerve trunk,
• Short cold application to head,
 Action- brief depression
 Reaction- increased cerebral activity
• Prolonged cold applications – lessens cerebral activity + stupidity,
drowsiness & unconsciousness
Diminishes the rate of transmission of
nervous impulses by 1/6th of the
normal rate
 Nerve quickly recovers
 Pain in the part to which it is
 Benumbing effect
2. Effects of hot:
 Heat may excite/ exhaust nervous system depending upon the mode of application
 Exciting effect- direct influence of heat upon the nerve filaments.
 Exhausting effect-
Certain forms of hot applications
Excitation of protoplasmic/ vital activities of the
accumulation of tissue wastes/ excrementitious
diminished oxidation of the wastes by the
Reflex areas in relation to internal viscera:
Brain head, face, neck hands & feet
Nasal mucus membrane Neck, face, upper dorsal spine, hands & feet
Stomach Lower dorsal spine & epigastrium
Kidneys Lower 1/3rd of sternum & feet
Bowels Feet & abdomen
Bladder Feet & lower abdomen
Liver Lower right chest
Spleen Lower left chest
Lungs Upper dorsal region
Uterus Lumbar region, abdomen, breasts, inner
surface of thighs & feet
Motor and sensory nerve
conduction are affected
differently by ice pack, ice
massage, and cold water
Herrera et al,
J of physical therapy
Feb 25th 2010
All 3 modalities were effective in
reducing skin temperature and
changing sensory conduction at
a physiological level that is
sufficient to induce a
hypoalgesic effect, CWI is the
most indicated modality for
inducing therapeutic effects
associated with the reduction of
motor nerve conduction.
1. Effects of cold:
• Salivary secretion-
[ 2000 Nov;45(11):957-61.The effect on human salivary flow rate of
the temperature of a gustatory stimulus.Dawes C1, O'Connor
AM, Aspen JM.]
• Gastric & pancreatic secretions – Initial reduction followed by
[ 1983 Apr; 24(4): 277–283.Perturbation of upper gastrointestinal
function by cold stress.D G Thompson, E Richelson, ]
Short & very cold douche secretory activity
over stomach & liver
Cold douche/ ice bag / compress HCL
to stomach
2. Effects of hot:
Hot douche over stomach & spine HCL secretion
Fomentation to stomach HCL secretion
Hot compress/ fomentation flow of bile & all other
to liver
Effect of steam bath on gastric
secretion and some endocrine
changes of athlete-fighters
Fiziol cheloveka et al,
March 2011
Concluded that there was
significant increase in gastric
secretions, aldosterone level and
decrease in the concentrations of
cortisol after steam bath.
Warm water irrigation for dealing
with spasm during colonoscopy:
simple, inexpensive, and effective
Church J M et al,
J of gastrointestinal endoscopy
Nov 2002
The results of this study suggest
that warm water is also effective
in treating the spasm. It has no
side effects and costs practically
Random control trial of hot
compresses for women those
who used laxatives on severity
of constipation and quality of
Izumi et al,
Japan J of Nursing science
15th July 2015
The lumbar application of a 40°C
hot compresses in female adults
with constipation improved their
conditions of defecation and QOL,
even though it did not reduce the
amount of laxatives.
Post episiotomy pain: warm
versus cold sitz bath.
Lafoy J et al,
J of Obstetrics & gynecology of
neonatal nursing
Sep 1989
Both therapies were found
comparable, with the exception
that the cold bath was significantly
more effective in reducing
A randomised controlled trial
evaluating the effect of immersion
bath on labour pain
Silva et al,
J of midwifery
July 25th 2007
An immersion bath is a suitable
alternative form of pain relief for
women during labour
The effect of immersion baths on
the length of childbirth labor
Oliviera et al,
Mar 2006
The results showed that
immersion baths did not have any
influence on the length of labor
and on the frequency of uterine
contractions. However, the length
of contractions was statistically
Warm sitz bath: are there
benefits after transurethral
resection of the prostate?
Park et al,
Korean J of Urology
Nov 17th 2010
Warm water sitz bath treatment
reduced postoperative
complications such as urethral
A comparison of cold and
warm sitz baths for relief of
postpartum perineal pain.
Ramler et al, Cold sitz baths were
significantly more effective in
relieving perineal pain when
compared to warm sitz bath
Immersion in water in labour
and birth
Cluett et al,
Apr 15th 2010
water immersion during the
first stage of labour reduces
the use of epidural/spinal
Dr. N V Gnanadeep T
Journal of Dental and Medical
Application of full mud bath on the
body enhances the sympathetic
activity and has a role in
maintaining the cardiac tone and
preventing various cardiovascular
ailments. Whereas a cold wet
wrap enhances parasympathetic
activity and can be applied
effectively to treat stress,
insomnia and anxiety
Beta-endorphin and Stress
Hormones in Patients Affected
by Osteoarthritis Undergoing
Thermal Mud Therapy
A Pizzoferrato et al,
2000 Oct,
J of Minerva Medica
Thermal mud - a significant
reduction in levels of hormones of
the pituitary- adrenal such as
ACTH, Cortisol levels
The effect of peat components on
endocrine and immunological
parameters and on trace
elements--results of two pilot
Beer AM
Clinical Laboratory.
Shown to be beneficial in post-
menopausal women, as it
increases the levels of estradiol
Evaluation of the permeation of
peat substances through human
skin in vitro.
M. Beera A
International Journal of
Thermal mud stimulation is
proven to increase the
extensibility of collagen rich
tissues and to reduce the matrix
metalloproteinase – 3 plasma
levels in osteo-arthritic patients.
Effects of mud pack treatment on
skin microcirculation.
Poensin D et al,
J of Joint Bone Spine
increase in the blood flow and
stimulation of vasomotion as
measured by the Laser-Doppler
Mud bath therapy influences nitric
oxide, myeloperoxidase and
glutathione peroxidase serum
levels in arthritic patients.
Bellometti S
Int J Clin Pharmacol Res.
exerts beneficial effect on cartilage
homeostasis and on inflammatory
reactions in the body influencing
nitric oxide and decreasing the
serum levels of myeloperoxidase.
Evaluation of the permeation of
peat substances through human
skin in vitro.
Beer A,
International Journal of
The fulvic and the ulmic acids
along with other water-soluble
compounds of mud has a
stimulatory effect on the contractile
activity of the smooth muscle.
A study on the efficacy of
treatment with mud packs and
baths with Sillene mineral water
(Chianciano Spa Italy) in patients
suffering from knee osteoarthritis.
Fraioli A,.
Rheumatology International
Increase in the serum levels of
glutathione peroxidase
Shown to activate the osteoblasts
without the suppression of
osteoclast activity which is a
beneficial result in osteoporotic
Effects of spa therapy on serum
leptin and adiponectin levels in
patients with knee osteoarthritis.
Fioravanti A
Rheumatology International.
Local mud application along with
bicarbonate- sulphate mineral
water is shown to modify plasma
levels of the adipocytokines
including leptin and adiponectin
which are the important mediators
of cartilage metabolism.
axis dysregulation in healthy
subjects undergoing mud-bath
Cozzi F, et al
Arthritis & Rheumatism
An increase in the serum levels of
opioid peptides such as
encephalins & endorphins
Mud application also increases the
synthesis of beta endorphins
Environment, health resorts,
tourism. Drivers for a good quality
of life and local development..
Jermuk Thermal Center
After the balneological treatment
there was a change in the ionic
composition of venous blood
which showed increased solubility
of oxygen, increase in
haemoglobin, and decrease in the
glucose concentration.
Effect of naphthalan and
therapeutic mud applications on
clinical and roentgenological
characteristics in patients with
protracted pneumonia.
Rassulova MA,
Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz
application of naphthalan and
therapeutic mud reduces the
activity of inflammatory
processes, improve airway
patency and the state of bronchial
mucosa in patients with protracted
Effect of complex rehabilitation by
physical factors (therapeutic mud,
waves of millimeter range) on the
indices of inflammation process
and immune status in patients
with traumas of peripheral
nervous system.
Tarkhan-Muuravi ID
Georgian Med News
therapeutic mud and
electromagnetic therapy
decreases the inflammation
process and body sensitization in
patients with traumas of
peripheral nervous trunks almost
to disappearance of inflammation
process and body sensitization.
Such rehabilitation increased
nonspecific resistance and
normalizes the indices of immune
A multidisciplinary approach to
study the effects of balneotherapy
and mud-bath therapy treatments
on fibromyalgia.
Laura Bazzichi
Clin Exp Rheumatol.
In fibromyalgia patients mud pack
therapy is shown to produce
beneficial effects by reducing the
Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor
Bone mineral density in women on
long-term mud-bath therapy in a
Salus per Aquam (SPA)
Loi A,
Mud therapy increased the bone
mineral density in women even in
a long term when given for 45 to
60 minutes with bicarbonate
alkaline water.
Serum levels of a prostaglandin
and a leukotriene after thermal
mud pack therapy.
Bellometti S,
J Investig Med.
significantly decreased the levels
of Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and
Leukotriene B4 (LT-B4) in the
serum which indicates the
protective response on the
cartilage and helps in pain relief by
reducing the inflammation
Bone remodelling in osteoarthrosic
subjects undergoing a physical
exercise program.
Bellometti S,
Clinica Chimica Acta.
mud pack therapy when combined
with exercise stimulated the
physiologic bone metabolism and
favours the skeletal health.
Effects of mud-pack treatment on
plasma cytokine and soluble
adhesion molecule levels in healthy
Basili S,
Clinica Chimica
The mature thermal mud therapy is proven to reduce
the Inter Leukin (IL- 6) and Tumour Necrosis Factor
(TNF - α) which are the inflammatory markers.
Effect of peloid applications of
different temperatures on the
function of the cardiovascular
system in patients with
osteoarthrosis and concomitant
hypertensive disease and ischemic
heart disease.
L'vova NV,
Vopr Kurortol
Fizioter Lech Fiz
low-temperature peloidotherapy should be included as
a major component in the treatment of patients with
hypertensive disease and coronary heart disease
since it has the most beneficial effect on general and
intracardiac hemodynamics.
Comparison of inta-articular
hyaluronic acid injections and
mud-pack therapy in the treatment
of knee osteoarthritis.
Bostan B
Acta Orthopaedica et
Traumatologica Turcica.
Research studies also show that
mud pack therapy is equally
efficient as that of intra articular
hyaluronic acid injections in short
term functional improvement and
pain relief in osteoarthritis patients.
Oxidative stress, hemoglobin
content, superoxide dismutase
and catalase activity influenced by
sulphur baths and mud packs in
patients with osteoarthritis.
Jokic A,
Vojnosanitetski pregled.
The sulphur baths and mud packs
has shown to cause a significant
decrease in plasma
melondialdehyde concentration in
osteoarthritis patients. Sulphur and
mud therapy also decrease the
lipid peroxidation in plasma as well
as causes alterations in the
plasma activity of superoxide
dismutase and catalase activity
along with a significant increase in
Clinical improvement and serum
amino acid levels after mud-bath
Bagnato G,
Int J Clin Pharmacol Res.
an increase in the serum
concentration of tryptophan,
cysteine and citrulline in
gonarthrosis patients which helps
in alleviating the pain.
Effect of hyperthermic and
isothermic mud application on
hormonal function of normal and
insufficient corpus luteum in
Bromirska D.
Ann Acad Med Stetin.
The use of hyper and isothermic
mud has led to a transient
increase in the concentration of
progesterone and estradiol in
blood sera of women with the
normal and insufficient corpus
luteum hormonal function. There
was also a significant rise in the
excretion of adrenaline and nor
adrenaline in urine following the
hyperthermic mud application.
The in-vitro percutaneous
migration of chemical elements
from a thermal mud for healing
Applied Clay Science.
a transfer of chemical elements
from mud to the skin.
Matured mud was applied for 20
minutes and a significant transfer
of Lithium (Li), Strontium (Sr),
Boron (B), Iodine (I), Rubidium
(Rb), Bromine (Br), Sodium (Na),
Chlorine (Cl), Selenium (Se), and
Calcium (Ca) was observed
 Rational hydrotherapy by Dr. J H Kellogg
 Essentials of medical physiology by Dr. Sembulingam
 Mooventhan A, Nivethitha L. Scientific Evidence-Based Effects of
Hydrotherapy on Various Systems of the Body. North American
Journal of Medical Sciences. 2014;6(5):199-209. doi:10.4103/1947-
 Becker B. Aquatic Therapy: Scientific Foundations and Clinical
Rehabilitation Applications. PM&R. 2009;1(9):859-872.

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Physiological effects of hydrotherapy and Clay Therapy

  • 2. CONTENTS:  Introduction  Properties of water  Classification of temperatures  Physiological basis of hydrotherapy  Temperature regulation  Effects of water on different organ systems
  • 3. INTRODUCTION:-  Hydrotherapy is the external or internal use of water in any of its forms (water, ice, steam) for health promotion or treatment of various diseases with various temperatures, pressure, duration, and site. Mooventhan A, Nivethitha L. Scientific Evidence-Based Effects of Hydrotherapy on Various Systems of the Body. North American Journal of Medical Sciences. 2014;6(5):199-209. doi:10.4103/1947- 2714.132935.
  • 4. PROPERTIES OF WATER:  Density  Hydrostatic pressure  Buoyancy  Viscosity
  • 5. QUALITIES OF WATER RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS:  As a nutrient  As a means of communicating heat to the body  As a means of abstracting heat from the body by contact and by evaporation  As a means of producing some percuitent effects
  • 6. HOW IT ACTS  Vascular area of skin – Internal vascular area associated with it.  Intensity differs  Additional effect- mechanical effect.  Real effect = Sum of two effects
  • 7. EFFECTS OF WATER DEPENDS UPON:  Temperature  Duration  Mode of application  Site of application  Condition of the subject
  • 8. CLASSIFICATION OF TEMPERATURES: Water may be used therapeutically over a wide range of temperatures; VERY COLD 32 To 55 F COLD 55 To 65 F COOL 65 To 80 F TEPID 80 To 92 F NEUTRAL 92 To 95 F WARM 92 To 98 F HOT 98 To 104 F VERY HOT 104 F And above
  • 13. GENERAL EFFECTS:- PRIMARY EFFECT SECONDARY EFFECT COLD Sedative Restorative & tonic HOT Excitant Depressant, sedative, atonic
  • 15. SKIN:- 1. Effect of cold: a)Contraction of small BV- Primary effect Secondary effect • Short cold applications( 32 to 65 F) produces Pallor & coldness of the skin( due to contraction of small BV) • Prolonged application- blue or purplish color of the skin Pallor/ blueness quickly gives place to redness ( as a result of active dilatation of small BV)
  • 16. b) Decreased heat elimination & Increased heat production: In action, cold applications causes contraction of BV lessens the cutaneous circulation thus diminish the heat elimination Reflex stimulation of accelerator centers takes place resulting in heat production
  • 17.  In reaction, accelerated cutaneous circulation exposure of increased quantity of blood to cooling influences increased heat elimination thus maintaining normal body temperature
  • 18. c) Diminished tactile sensibility: • Applications of a temperature lessens the acuteness of tactile below 92 to 98 F sense • Very brief/prolonged application of ice/ very cold water abolish tactile sensibility
  • 19. 2. Effects of hot: a)Dilatation of capillary vessels: Primary effect Secondary effect • Moderate heat ( 100 to 104 F) produces reddening of skin surface At the end of application ( 15 to 30mins) vasoconstriction phenomenon occurs
  • 20.  CURRIE- • Moderate hot applications ( 99 to 101 F) - vasodilatation • Very hot applications ( 104 F and above) – vasoconstriction Application of higher temperature( 104 to 130 F) pallor of the skin( due to stimulation of vasoconstrictors) due to contraction of involuntary muscle fibers connected with hair bulbs skin is roughened/ goose flesh appearance + Shivering
  • 21. b) Increase of cutaneous secretion and respiration: • A general hot bath/ hot application activity of both perspiratory to small surface & sebaceous • Ordinary rate of perspiration- 1 to 11/2 ounce per hour • Application of heat ( 110 to 115 F)- perspiration is increased to 50- 60 times the ordinary rate. • SKIN- 1% of the total respiratory work done by the body  Under the influence of heat – the proportion of work done is doubled. ( increased cutaneous circulation facilitation of interchange of
  • 22. c) Increased heat elimination:  By dilating the surface vessels  By increasing the rate of blood current in the skin  By increased amount of evaporation from surface  By increasing the conductivity of the skin d) Decrease of tactile sensibility: • Normal temperature of the surface – increased tactile sensibility • Very hot applications( 113 F & above)- lessens tactile sensibility • At a temperature of 130 F & above - abolished
  • 23. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION Effect of regular sauna on epidermal barrier function and stratum corneum water-holding capacity in vivo in humans: a controlled study. Kowatzki et al, J of Dermatology June 5th 2008 Sauna (80°C) produced stable epidermal barrier function; increase in stratum corneum hydration; faster recovery of both elevated water loss and skin pH; decrease in casual skin sebum content on skin surface of forehead; increase in ionic concentration in sweat and epidermal blood perfusion in volunteers. It suggests protective effect of ST on skin physiology
  • 24. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 1. Effects of cold: Respiratory movements CO2 Elimination Rate
  • 25. 2. Effects of Hot: Respiratory movements • Respiratory frequency CO2 Elimination
  • 26. TITLE AUTHOR CONCLUSION Adjustments in oxygen transport during head-out immersion in water at different temperatures. Choukroun et al, Pulmonary tissue volume was not affected by any of the temperatures. Increase in o2 absorption was observed in CWI The effect of cold exposure on the respiratory function in children suffering from inflammatory lung diseases Kurortol et al, Local cold procedures improve bronchial patency while the exposure to heat results in its worsening
  • 27. TITLE AUTHOR CONCLUSION Effects of water temperature on pulmonary volumes in immersed human subjects Choukroun et al, The variations of the pulmonary volumes as a function of Tw are estimated to be mainly due to alterations in respiratory muscles functioning. Repeated cold water stimulations (hydrotherapy according to Kneipp) in patients with COPD Goedsche K et al, Repeated cold stimulations (affusions) can influence the frequency of respiratory infections and improve subjective well-being. It may cause an immunological modulation in terms of the Th1-type pattern.
  • 28. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM:- 1. Effects of cold: a) Heart: ( ROEHRIG) • Very short applications activity • Prolonged application activity b) Blood vessels: • Short, very cold application( 40 to 55 F) vasoconstriction vasodilation
  • 29. • Cold applications made across the trunk of an artery cause contraction in its distal portions  Ice bag applied to axilla -- circulation in the arm  Ice / cold compress to throat -- cerebral circulation  Ice bag over the femoral artery -- circulation in leg c) Pulse rate:(WINTERNITZ) compensatory effect • Snow rubbed on the inside of the arm at the bend of elbow in height of pulse tracing OR ice applied to subclavian region …. Contraction of distal portion . of
  • 30. • Cold applications to a limited surface of skin increased pulse rate for 3 minutes , after which the frequency is gradually diminished • Cold water drinking lessens the pulse rate 10 to 15 beats/ minutes
  • 31. 2. Effects of hot: a) Heart: • effect of general force + temporary slowing of heart application of heat action • Final effect Arterial tension b) Pulse: • 1st effect of very hot application to skin vasoconstriction of surface BV sudden force & tension of
  • 32.  Hot application cardiac + vascular . activity
  • 33. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION Effect of repeated sauna treatment on exercise tolerance and endothelial function in patients with chronic heart failure Ohori T et al, J of American cardiology Sep 23rd 2011 Repeated sauna therapy in patients with chronic heart failure improves exercise tolerance in association with improvement in endothelial function. Effect of immersion in CO2- enriched water on free radical release and total antioxidant status in peripheral arterial occlusive disease Dogliotti G et al, International J of Angiology Feb 30th 2011 CO(2)-enriched water immersion has a positive effect, reducing free radical plasma levels and raising the levels of antioxidants, suggesting an improvement in the microcirculation.
  • 34. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION Effects of immersion in water containing high concentrations of CO2 (CO2- water) at thermoneutral temperature on thermoregulation and heart rate variability in humans Sato M et al, International J of Biometeology Oct 24th 2008 The present study contributes evidence supporting the hypothesis that CO2-water immersion activates parasympathetic nerve activity in humans. What is the biochemical and physiological rationale for using cold-water immersion in sports recovery? A systematic review. Bleakley et al, British journal of sports medicine Cold water immersion (CWI) induces significant physiological and biochemical changes in the body such as increase in HR, BP, metabolism, and peripheral catecholamine concentration; and decrease in cerebral blood flow.
  • 35. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION Changes in the lipid profile of blood serum in women taking sauna baths of various duration. Pilch W et al, After 2 weeks of repeated sauna session some changes in total cholesterol and concentration of LDLC were observed, while concentration of HDLC increased after 7th sauna bath in group I. Those kinds of changes may be good prognoses of ischemic heart disease prevention Repeated sauna therapy attenuates ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction in rats by increasing coronary vascularity of noninfarcted myocardium. Sobajima M et al, American J of physiology May 27th 2011 ST attenuates cardiac remodeling after MI, at least in part, through improving coronary vascularity in the noninfarcted myocardium. Repeated ST might serve as a novel noninvasive therapy for patients with MI.
  • 36. MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM:- Effects of cold: a) The voluntary muscles: • Prolonged of low temperature water - muscular irritability of voluntary muscles EX. – stiffness & clumsiness of fingers as the result of exposure to low temperature b) The muscular tone: • A short cold bath ( douche/ spray)- augments muscular energy and tone  Short cold bath( 1- 2 secs) powerful restorative in fatigue
  • 37. c) The involuntary muscles:-  Cold- activity of smooth muscle fibers of skin goose- flesh appearance • When applied to feet/ abdomen- excites involuntary muscles of bowels & bladder, causing evacuation of these cavities • Cold water to feet( spray)- goose flesh appearance over entire body • Cold spray/ douche to one side of body- goose flesh appearance on
  • 38. Effects of hot: a)Lessened irritability of voluntary muscles: • Water bath at a temperature of rapid in muscular irritability 120 F & above • This effect of very hot application is utilized therapeutically in,  Deformities resulting from muscular contraction  Relief of vaginismus  In cases of contraction of anal muscle b) Increased irritability of involuntary muscles: • Very hot application irritability
  • 39. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION An Electromyographic Study of Human Gait both in Water and on Dry Ground Alain Chevutschi etal, J of physical anthropology 2007 Walking in water at an umbilical level increases the activity of the erector spinae and activates the rectus femoris to levels near to or higher than walking on dry ground Leg immersion in warm water, stretch-shortening exercise, and exercise-induced muscle damage Skurvydas et al, J of Athletic training 2008 Leg immersion in warm water before stretch-shortening exercise reduced most of the indirect markers of exercise- induced muscle damage.
  • 40. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION Contrast water immersion hastens plasma lactate decrease after intense anaerobic exercise Morton et al, J of science & medicine in sport 2007 Contrast water immersion is a valid method of hastening plasma lactate decrease during recovery after intense anaerobic exercise for both males and females Effect of Contrast Water Therapy Duration on Recovery of Running Performance Versey et al, Int J of sports physiology performance Dec 12th 2011 CWT for 6 min assisted acute recovery from high-intensity running Cold-water immersion (cryotherapy) for preventing and treating muscle soreness after exercise Bleakley et al, J of health & rehabilitation sciences 15th Feb 2012 cold-water immersion reduces delayed onset muscle soreness after exercise compared with passive interventions involving rest or no intervention
  • 41. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION Effects of thermal therapy combining sauna therapy and underwater exercise in patients with fibromyalgia Matsumoto et al, J of Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice Sep 24th 2010 Thermal therapy combining sauna therapy and underwater exercise improved the QOL as well as the pain and symptoms of FMS patients
  • 42. BLOOD:- 1. Effect of cold:  WINTERNITZ- • Cold applications No. of blood corpuscles + amount of Hb white corpuscles than red corpuscles • Phenomenon, cold applications contraction of visceral vessels corpuscles collected in vessels of liver, spleen, kidneys & other internal viscera are driven into circulation
  • 43. HENOCQUE- • Rate of reduction in oxyhemoglobin CRAWFORD- • Cold bath - the contrast of color between arterial & venous blood ( indicates increased tissue activity & oxidation) STRASSER- • General cold applications- the alkalinity of blood , diminution in acid phosphate
  • 44. 2. Effects of hot:  WINTERNITZ- • Hot baths- No. of blood corpuscles + amount of Hb, increase in leukocytes loclly  HENOCQUE- • Rate of reduction in oxyhemoglobin locally  STRASSER- • General hot applications- the alkalinity of blood by increasing the amount of acid phosphate
  • 45. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION Immune changes in humans during cold exposure: effects of prior heating and exercise Brenner et al, J of applied physiology Aug 1999 acute cold exposure has immune stimulating effects that, with thermal clamping, pre-treatment with physical exercise can enhance this response. Leukocytosis, granulocytosis. Inc. NK cells The use of warmed water treatment to induce protective immunity against the bacterial cold-water disease pathogen Flavobacterium psychrophilum in ayu fish (Plecoglossus altivelis) Sugahara K et al, J of fish immunology Dec 23rd 2011 Warmed water treatment could not only cure BCWD( bacterial cold water disease) but also immunize the fish against the causative agent F. psychrophilum.
  • 46. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION Effect of hyperthermic water bath on parameters of cellular immunity. Rovensky et al, Int J of clinical pharmacology 2000 Wholebody hyperthermic water bath reduced relative total Tlymphocyte counts; increased relative CD8+ lymphocyte; NK cell counts and its activity, which were probably dependent on increased somatotropic hormone production
  • 47. EXCRETORY SYSTEM:- 1. Effect of cold: a) Skin: • Short cold applications cutaneous vasodilatation & favors perspiration ( in reaction) b) Kidneys: • In animals, very cold prolonged applications appearance of albumin in urine • Fever treated by cold bath toxicity of urine is increased by 6 times • Cold application to lower 1/3rd excites renal activity of sternum/ renal douche
  • 48. c) Lungs: • Short cold applications elimination of CO2 + absorption of O2 • Prolonged cold applications CO2 elimination d) Bowels: • Cold application to feet/ excites involuntary muscles of bowels abdomen
  • 49. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION Role of warm water bath in inducing micturition in postoperative urinary retention after anorectal operations. Shafik et al, Int J of Urology The urethral pressure in both the normal and retention subjects showed significant reduction which increased with higher- temperature baths. Micturition on sitting in a warm water bath seems to be initiated by reflex internal urethral sphincter relaxation. A thermo-sphincter reflex is likely to be involved.
  • 50. NERVOUS SYSTEM:- 1. Effects of cold:  HELMHOLTZ: • Cold application to a nerve trunk, • Short cold application to head,  Action- brief depression  Reaction- increased cerebral activity • Prolonged cold applications – lessens cerebral activity + stupidity, drowsiness & unconsciousness ACTION REACTION Diminishes the rate of transmission of nervous impulses by 1/6th of the normal rate  Nerve quickly recovers  Pain in the part to which it is distributed  Benumbing effect
  • 51. 2. Effects of hot:  Heat may excite/ exhaust nervous system depending upon the mode of application  Exciting effect- direct influence of heat upon the nerve filaments.
  • 52.  Exhausting effect- Certain forms of hot applications Excitation of protoplasmic/ vital activities of the body accumulation of tissue wastes/ excrementitious elements diminished oxidation of the wastes by the body
  • 53. REFLEX EFFECTS: Reflex areas in relation to internal viscera: Brain head, face, neck hands & feet Nasal mucus membrane Neck, face, upper dorsal spine, hands & feet Stomach Lower dorsal spine & epigastrium Kidneys Lower 1/3rd of sternum & feet Bowels Feet & abdomen Bladder Feet & lower abdomen Liver Lower right chest Spleen Lower left chest Lungs Upper dorsal region Uterus Lumbar region, abdomen, breasts, inner surface of thighs & feet
  • 54. TITLE AUTHORS COCLUSION Motor and sensory nerve conduction are affected differently by ice pack, ice massage, and cold water immersion. Herrera et al, J of physical therapy Feb 25th 2010 All 3 modalities were effective in reducing skin temperature and changing sensory conduction at a physiological level that is sufficient to induce a hypoalgesic effect, CWI is the most indicated modality for inducing therapeutic effects associated with the reduction of motor nerve conduction.
  • 55. GASTRO-INTESTINAL SYSTEM:- 1. Effects of cold: • Salivary secretion- [ 2000 Nov;45(11):957-61.The effect on human salivary flow rate of the temperature of a gustatory stimulus.Dawes C1, O'Connor AM, Aspen JM.] • Gastric & pancreatic secretions – Initial reduction followed by increased secretion [ 1983 Apr; 24(4): 277–283.Perturbation of upper gastrointestinal function by cold stress.D G Thompson, E Richelson, ]
  • 56. Short & very cold douche secretory activity over stomach & liver Cold douche/ ice bag / compress HCL secretion to stomach
  • 57. 2. Effects of hot: Hot douche over stomach & spine HCL secretion Fomentation to stomach HCL secretion Hot compress/ fomentation flow of bile & all other activities to liver
  • 58. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION Effect of steam bath on gastric secretion and some endocrine changes of athlete-fighters Fiziol cheloveka et al, March 2011 Concluded that there was significant increase in gastric secretions, aldosterone level and decrease in the concentrations of cortisol after steam bath. Warm water irrigation for dealing with spasm during colonoscopy: simple, inexpensive, and effective Church J M et al, J of gastrointestinal endoscopy Nov 2002 The results of this study suggest that warm water is also effective in treating the spasm. It has no side effects and costs practically nothing.
  • 59. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION Random control trial of hot compresses for women those who used laxatives on severity of constipation and quality of life Izumi et al, Japan J of Nursing science 15th July 2015 The lumbar application of a 40°C hot compresses in female adults with constipation improved their conditions of defecation and QOL, even though it did not reduce the amount of laxatives.
  • 60. REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM:- TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION Post episiotomy pain: warm versus cold sitz bath. Lafoy J et al, J of Obstetrics & gynecology of neonatal nursing Sep 1989 Both therapies were found comparable, with the exception that the cold bath was significantly more effective in reducing oedema. A randomised controlled trial evaluating the effect of immersion bath on labour pain Silva et al, J of midwifery July 25th 2007 An immersion bath is a suitable alternative form of pain relief for women during labour The effect of immersion baths on the length of childbirth labor Oliviera et al, Mar 2006 The results showed that immersion baths did not have any influence on the length of labor and on the frequency of uterine contractions. However, the length of contractions was statistically
  • 61. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION Warm sitz bath: are there benefits after transurethral resection of the prostate? Park et al, Korean J of Urology Nov 17th 2010 Warm water sitz bath treatment reduced postoperative complications such as urethral stricture A comparison of cold and warm sitz baths for relief of postpartum perineal pain. Ramler et al, Cold sitz baths were significantly more effective in relieving perineal pain when compared to warm sitz bath Immersion in water in labour and birth Cluett et al, Apr 15th 2010 water immersion during the first stage of labour reduces the use of epidural/spinal analgesia
  • 63. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION EFFECT OF MUD BATH ON AUTONOMIC AND RESPIRATORY VARIABLES IN NORMAL HEALTHY VOLUNTEERS- A RANDOMIZED CONTROL TRIAL Dr. N V Gnanadeep T Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences 2016 Application of full mud bath on the body enhances the sympathetic activity and has a role in maintaining the cardiac tone and preventing various cardiovascular ailments. Whereas a cold wet wrap enhances parasympathetic activity and can be applied effectively to treat stress, insomnia and anxiety
  • 64. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION Beta-endorphin and Stress Hormones in Patients Affected by Osteoarthritis Undergoing Thermal Mud Therapy A Pizzoferrato et al, 2000 Oct, J of Minerva Medica Thermal mud - a significant reduction in levels of hormones of the pituitary- adrenal such as ACTH, Cortisol levels The effect of peat components on endocrine and immunological parameters and on trace elements--results of two pilot studies. Beer AM 2001 Clinical Laboratory. Shown to be beneficial in post- menopausal women, as it increases the levels of estradiol significantly. Evaluation of the permeation of peat substances through human skin in vitro. M. Beera A 2003 International Journal of Pharmaceutics. Thermal mud stimulation is proven to increase the extensibility of collagen rich tissues and to reduce the matrix metalloproteinase – 3 plasma levels in osteo-arthritic patients.
  • 65. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION Effects of mud pack treatment on skin microcirculation. Poensin D et al, 2003 J of Joint Bone Spine increase in the blood flow and stimulation of vasomotion as measured by the Laser-Doppler flowmetry. Mud bath therapy influences nitric oxide, myeloperoxidase and glutathione peroxidase serum levels in arthritic patients. Bellometti S 2000 Int J Clin Pharmacol Res. exerts beneficial effect on cartilage homeostasis and on inflammatory reactions in the body influencing nitric oxide and decreasing the serum levels of myeloperoxidase. Evaluation of the permeation of peat substances through human skin in vitro. Beer A, 2003 International Journal of Pharmaceutics. The fulvic and the ulmic acids along with other water-soluble compounds of mud has a stimulatory effect on the contractile activity of the smooth muscle.
  • 66. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION A study on the efficacy of treatment with mud packs and baths with Sillene mineral water (Chianciano Spa Italy) in patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis. Fraioli A,. 2010 Rheumatology International Increase in the serum levels of glutathione peroxidase Shown to activate the osteoblasts without the suppression of osteoclast activity which is a beneficial result in osteoporotic condition Effects of spa therapy on serum leptin and adiponectin levels in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Fioravanti A 2011 Rheumatology International. Local mud application along with bicarbonate- sulphate mineral water is shown to modify plasma levels of the adipocytokines including leptin and adiponectin which are the important mediators of cartilage metabolism.
  • 67. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis dysregulation in healthy subjects undergoing mud-bath applications..;38(5):724-725 Cozzi F, et al 1995 Arthritis & Rheumatism An increase in the serum levels of opioid peptides such as encephalins & endorphins Mud application also increases the synthesis of beta endorphins Environment, health resorts, tourism. Drivers for a good quality of life and local development.. Yerevan Jermuk Thermal Center (Armenia) 2016 After the balneological treatment there was a change in the ionic composition of venous blood which showed increased solubility of oxygen, increase in haemoglobin, and decrease in the glucose concentration.
  • 68. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION Effect of naphthalan and therapeutic mud applications on clinical and roentgenological characteristics in patients with protracted pneumonia. Rassulova MA, Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 2009 application of naphthalan and therapeutic mud reduces the activity of inflammatory processes, improve airway patency and the state of bronchial mucosa in patients with protracted pneumonia Effect of complex rehabilitation by physical factors (therapeutic mud, waves of millimeter range) on the indices of inflammation process and immune status in patients with traumas of peripheral nervous system. Tarkhan-Muuravi ID Georgian Med News 2006 therapeutic mud and electromagnetic therapy decreases the inflammation process and body sensitization in patients with traumas of peripheral nervous trunks almost to disappearance of inflammation process and body sensitization. Such rehabilitation increased nonspecific resistance and normalizes the indices of immune reactivity
  • 69. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION A multidisciplinary approach to study the effects of balneotherapy and mud-bath therapy treatments on fibromyalgia. Laura Bazzichi 2013 Clin Exp Rheumatol. In fibromyalgia patients mud pack therapy is shown to produce beneficial effects by reducing the Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). Bone mineral density in women on long-term mud-bath therapy in a Salus per Aquam (SPA) environment Loi A, 2013. Reumatismo. Mud therapy increased the bone mineral density in women even in a long term when given for 45 to 60 minutes with bicarbonate alkaline water.
  • 70. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION Serum levels of a prostaglandin and a leukotriene after thermal mud pack therapy. Bellometti S, J Investig Med. 1998 significantly decreased the levels of Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and Leukotriene B4 (LT-B4) in the serum which indicates the protective response on the cartilage and helps in pain relief by reducing the inflammation Bone remodelling in osteoarthrosic subjects undergoing a physical exercise program. Bellometti S, Clinica Chimica Acta. 2002 mud pack therapy when combined with exercise stimulated the physiologic bone metabolism and favours the skeletal health.
  • 71. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION Effects of mud-pack treatment on plasma cytokine and soluble adhesion molecule levels in healthy volunteers. Basili S, Clinica Chimica Acta. 2001 The mature thermal mud therapy is proven to reduce the Inter Leukin (IL- 6) and Tumour Necrosis Factor (TNF - α) which are the inflammatory markers. Effect of peloid applications of different temperatures on the function of the cardiovascular system in patients with osteoarthrosis and concomitant hypertensive disease and ischemic heart disease. L'vova NV, Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 2009 low-temperature peloidotherapy should be included as a major component in the treatment of patients with hypertensive disease and coronary heart disease since it has the most beneficial effect on general and intracardiac hemodynamics.
  • 72. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION Comparison of inta-articular hyaluronic acid injections and mud-pack therapy in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis. Bostan B Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica. 2010; Research studies also show that mud pack therapy is equally efficient as that of intra articular hyaluronic acid injections in short term functional improvement and pain relief in osteoarthritis patients. Oxidative stress, hemoglobin content, superoxide dismutase and catalase activity influenced by sulphur baths and mud packs in patients with osteoarthritis. Jokic A, Vojnosanitetski pregled. 2010 The sulphur baths and mud packs has shown to cause a significant decrease in plasma melondialdehyde concentration in osteoarthritis patients. Sulphur and mud therapy also decrease the lipid peroxidation in plasma as well as causes alterations in the plasma activity of superoxide dismutase and catalase activity along with a significant increase in
  • 73. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION Clinical improvement and serum amino acid levels after mud-bath therapy. Bagnato G, Int J Clin Pharmacol Res. 2004. an increase in the serum concentration of tryptophan, cysteine and citrulline in gonarthrosis patients which helps in alleviating the pain. Effect of hyperthermic and isothermic mud application on hormonal function of normal and insufficient corpus luteum in women Bromirska D. Ann Acad Med Stetin. 1993 The use of hyper and isothermic mud has led to a transient increase in the concentration of progesterone and estradiol in blood sera of women with the normal and insufficient corpus luteum hormonal function. There was also a significant rise in the excretion of adrenaline and nor adrenaline in urine following the hyperthermic mud application.
  • 74. TITLE AUTHORS CONCLUSION The in-vitro percutaneous migration of chemical elements from a thermal mud for healing use. Tateo Applied Clay Science. 2009 a transfer of chemical elements from mud to the skin. Matured mud was applied for 20 minutes and a significant transfer of Lithium (Li), Strontium (Sr), Boron (B), Iodine (I), Rubidium (Rb), Bromine (Br), Sodium (Na), Chlorine (Cl), Selenium (Se), and Calcium (Ca) was observed
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