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Finals Study Guide
World War I
Chapter 19
● Years it took place
1914 - 1921
● 4 general causes of the war
-alliance system
● Immediate cause of the war
Archduke of Austria- Hungary was assassinated
● Central Powers vs. Allied Powers
central: Germany , A-H, Russia >> Italy
allies: France, Britain, England
● Reasons why the US was involved
- German subs
- Zimmerman note
- Russian Revolution
● Lusitania
German u-boat sunk it
● U-Boats
submarines that was first used by the Germans
● Sussex Pledge
Germany promised to not use submarines anymore but they used it anyways
● Zimmerman Note
Brit revealed contents of an intercepted German telegram asking Mexico to fight U.S.
● Bolshevik Revolution – effects on WWI
Russian czar steps down
● Great Britain’s role towards the US
● Examples of modern warfare used
rapid fire machine guns, chemical mustard gas, tanks over wire, submarines
● Liberty Bonds: war bond that was sold in US. to support Allied clause.
● Espionage & Sedition Acts
2 laws enacted in 1917 and 1918, that imposed harsh penalties of speaking against
U.S. participation
● Selective Service Act
required men to register for military service, 1917
● African Americans role in WWI
segregated, France, Croix de France
● Harlem Hellfighters
● Vladimir Lenin’s effect on the war
● Fourteen Points – whose plan and main goal
14 points that was made in January 18, 1918, principles making up Prez Woodrow
Wilson's plan for world peace following WWI
● League of Nations – whose plan and main goal
association of nations established in 1920 to promote international cooperation &
● Versailles Treaty
1919, Peace treaty signed in Versailles
● War Guilt Clause
Germany owes Allies $33 billion because he is blamed responsible for starting the
● Postwar Adjustment
- U.S. military & the power of government was strengthened
-social changes
-Treaty of Versailles did not change anything
- Russia >> first communist state
- fascist Germany
The 1920s and 1930s
Chapters 20, 21, & 22
● Republican administrations of 1920s – focused on what
● isolationism: opposition to political and economic entanglements with other countries
● laissez-faire:taking government out of the economy which company to flourish
● Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks
● consumer economy: spending lead to businesses making money higher wages, new
products and ads, credit cards + spurred economy
● installment plans:an arrangement in which a purchaser pays over an extended time,
without having to put down much
● Gross National Product (GNP) in the 1920s
the total value of foods & services a country produces a year
● Signs of a weak economy in 1920s
Buy now pay later and little regulations
? Welfare capitalism: a new approach to labor relations goal was to keep the unions weak
● Marcus Garvey
Go back to africa, We wanted to promote black power
● Harlem Renaissance
● Prohibition
The 18th amendment that banned the creation and selling and drinking of any alcohol
● flappers
Young rebellious women of the 1920’s
● Stock Market Crash – impact on the US and the world
complete standstill...Germany ends up suffering the most
● Hoover’s reaction to Great Depression
any lack of confidence in the economy future is "foolish", remain optimistic & to go on with life,
government should play a limited role in helping to solve problems
● The Dust Bowl
Region including Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico, that was made
worthless for farming by drought & dust storms during the 1930's
● 21st Amendment
repeals the alcohol prohibition in 1933
● Hoovervilles
By 1930, people called shanty towns in American cities "Hoovervilles" those who hailed Hoover
as a great humanitarian, now saw him as a cold & heartless leader
● Election of 1932 – why significant
● New Deal – main goal
To help poverty
World War II
Chapters 24 & 25
● totalitarianism: characteristics of a political system in which the government exercises
complete control over its citizens
● fascism: a political philosophy that advocates a strong centralized, nationalistic
government headed by a powered government
● Hitler
-German politician leader of Nazi Party & Fuhrer of Nazi from 1934 - 1945
**Der Fuhrer was also known as the National Socialist German Workers Party
- Hitler's goals was to enforce "racial purification", "Aryans," "inferiors" like Jews, Slavs,
& all nonwhites were deemed to fit only to serve aryans
- Nazism was the political philosophy - based on extreme nationalism, racism, &
militaristic expansionism - that Adolf Hitler put into practice in Germany from 1933 to 1945
- Mein Kampf was a 1925 autobiographical book by Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler
-Hitler was able to take over because of the Great Depression
- "brown shirts" was significant to rise of Hitler's rise to power that were paramilitary
● Stalin
-Stalin's Great Purge was when 8- 13 M people were purged because they threatened
his authority
- Millions more died in famines caused by reconstructing the Soviet society
-focused on creating model communist state
-agricultural and industrial growth are the prime economic goals of Soviet Union, large
government - owned farms
- by 1939, establish totalitarian government that tried to control its citizens
-totalitarian government was a characteristic of a political system in which the
government exercises complete control over its citizens
● Mussolini
- was establishing a totalitarian regime in Italy
-Il Duce is Mussolini's nickname
- Mussolini took over because he played on the fear of economic collapse + communism
to win support of many discontented, wounded national pride, Italians
- Fascism is a political philosophy that advocates a strong centralized, nationalistic
government headed by a powerful dictator
- "black shirts" were members of armed squads of Italian Fascists under Benito
Mussolini who wore black shirts
● Francisco Franco
The spanish commander who led riots against the spanish Government (he won)
● National Socialist German Workers Party
also known as the Nazi Party
● Axis Powers
group of nation- including Germany, Italy, and Japan 0 that opposed the Allies in
World War II
● why Britain and France declared war
Royal Air Force (British)
● Luftwaffe
German Air force
"air weapon", plane with bombs ; German air force
● Japan and Manchuria
Japan seized control of Chinese province of Manchuria in 1931
● Neutrality Acts
a series of laws enacted in 1935 and 1936 to prevent US arms sales and loans to
nations at war
● Attack on Pearl Harbor
-" a date that will live in infamy"
- December 7, 1941
- Half of the US Pacific Fleet anchored at Pearl Harbor
- in less than 2 hours, 2400 Americans killed with 1200 wounded
- 200 warplanes were damaged & destroyed...
- Japan lost only 29 planes
- FDR asks Congress to pass a war resolution against Japan
- unanimous vote
-WWIofficially begins after the attack on Pearl Harbor
● Atlantic Charter
joint declaration of war aims between FDR and Churchill...a 1941 declaration
of principles in which the United States & GB set forth their goals in opposing he
Axis Powers
● Yalta Conference
The conference between Stalin, Churchill and FDR to discuss post war World
● V-E Day
Victory day, May 8th
● Island-hopping
The US strategy of moving from island to island to conquer the pacific
● Manhattan Project
uiiiiiop7iuuuyl;kylbThe project to make the atomic bomb
● Atomic Bomb
President Truman had the last call if the bomb should be dropped
● Nuremberg Trials
Nuremberg stripped Jews of their German citizenship, jobs, and property
● Zoot Suit Riots
Spanish men wore zoot suits in LA, Navy personnel went looking for people wearing these suits.
● “code talkers”
Native Americans who talked in their native language
● Rosie the Riveter
The Female character that was meant to inspire women to work for the war effort
● President Truman
Cold War
Chapters 26, 27, & 28
● Iron Curtain
Winston Churchill it referred to division of with East and West Germany
● containment
a policy to contain communism by helping ......
● Marshall Plan
countries in Europe to help them avoid Communism
● Truman Doctrine
a doctrine to help any country in danger of communism as a part of the policy containment
● Berlin Airlift
US aiding West Britain after Stalin cut off supplies from railroads and other stuff from the East
House on un-American Activities committee ; a congressional committee that investigated
Communist influence inside & outside U.S. government after World War 2
● Hollywood Ten
10 witnesses from film industry refused to cooperate with the HUAC's investigation
of Communist influence in Hollywood
● Ethel and Julius Rosenberg
minor activists in the Communist Party
● Korean War – who fought, why, outcome
who:US & the Soviets
-positives - containment with Communism, integration, US did not move to war
with ....
-negatives -communism in NK, Bad American image for war..for not being
able to do fully win the war
**North and South Korea divided
● McCarthyism
the attacks, often unsubstantiated by Sen. Joseph McCarthy & others on people
suspected of being communist in the early 1950's
● Arms race
- meant that the struggle for superior weapons between the US and the Soviets
- joseph Stalin died in 1953 and was replaced by Nikita Khrushchev
- The Soviets created the Warsaw Pact as an alliance of 8 Eastern European countries
-this was the Communist version of Nato
- Deterrence is the policy of making the military power of the US and its allies so strong
that no enemy would dare attack for fear of retaliation
-Between 1954 and 1958, the US conducted 19 hydrogen bomb test which are about
10,000 times more powerful than atomic bombs blasts
- the policy of brinkmanship refers to risking war in order to protect our national interests
- Feeling pressure and tension from the US, the Soviets focused on long range rockets
known as intercontinental ballistic missiles, or ICBMs
-the Soviets used one of their rockets to launch Sputnik which was the first artificial
satellite to orbit the earth
-the U-2 Incident referred to when the US was caught spying over the Soviet Union in
● Sputnik
artificial intelligence to orbit the earth
● Election of 1960
Kennedy vs. Nixon
-well organized campaign
- handsome, charismatic
-too inexperienced
- Roman Catholic
-TV debate
-civil rights
-coached by TV producers
-expert on foreign policy agreed to the forums
-ex. VP, hoped to win by riding fame of IKE
● New Frontier: JFK's legislative program, which included proposals to provide medical
care for the elderly, to rebuild blighted urban areas to aid education, to bolster national
defense, to increase international aid, and to expand the space program
● The assassination of Kennedy
- November 22, 1963
- riding in Dallas parade till shot
● Bay of Pigs Invasion
-March1960 Pres Eisenhower gave the CIA permission to secretly train main Cuban
exiles for an invasion of cuba
-Kennedy learned of the plan 9 days after election, & approved it
-On April 17, 1961, some 1,300 to 1,500 Cuban exiles supported by the U>S. military
landed on the island's southern coast at Bahia de Cochinos
-lacked american air support as 25,00 Cuban troops with Soviet tanks and jets advanced
● Berlin Wall
● Fidel Castro
Fidel overthrew cuban dictator Batista, seized American property in Cuba, turned to
Soviets for economic and military aide
● Cuban Missile Crisis
-Castro had powerful ally in Moscow:Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev promised to
defend Cuba with Soviet arms
- Summer of 1962, the flow to Cuba of Soviet weapons and missiles increased greatly
- Oct. 14, photographs taken by American planes revealed Soviet missile bases in Cuba
with Soviet missiles ready to launch that could reach US within minutes
- soviet ships stopped at sea to avoid confrontation. Kruschev offered to remove missiles
but US had to pledge not to invade Cuba
● Great Society – main focus
"war on poverty" did help but growing budget deficit
● Medicare and Medicaid
Medicare: federal program, established in 1965, that provides hospital insurance
& low-cost medical insurance to Americans aged 65-over
Medicaid: a program, established in 1965, that provides health insurance to people
on welfare.
Civil Rights Movement
Chapters 29
● Martin Luther King, Jr.
● Clash in Birmingham
- considered the most segregated city in the US
-Eugene Bull Connor was the police commissioner & arrested almost 1,000 protesters
-more than 900 people were arrested
● March on Washington
-August 1963
- more than 200,00 people came from all over the country to call for " jobs and freedom"
- led by A. Philip Randolph
-most famous speech of the civil rights movement - King's "I have a Dream" speech
● Voting Rights Act 1965
Removed literacy test for voters
● Civil Rights Act 1964
Prohibited descrimination based on race or gender
-prohibited discrimination in public accomodations
-passed by Prez Johnson
● Malcolm X
- he was a minister for the Nation of Islam
-black nationalism
-rejected ideas of integration
● Black Power movement
● Nation of Islam
-taught Allah would bring about a Black Nation
-Union among non-white people
The Vietnam War
Chapter 30
● domino theory: belief that if one country fails falls to Communists, its neighbors will soon
● Ho Chi Minh
communist leader of North Vietnam, communist revolutionary, declared the
colony's independence
● Kennedy’s policy in Vietnam
Just send advisors
● Viet Cong
-Communist opposition group in the South
-the south Vietnamese communists who, with North Vietnamese support, fought against
the government of South Vietnam in the Vietnam war
● Tonkin Gulf Resolution
- In August of 1964, the Gulf of Tonkin incident results in the passage of the Tonkin Gulf
resolution which alters the power of presiden
-LBJ used this to change the very nature of American involvement in
● escalation
After his 1964, election victory Prez Johnson started a gradual military escalation,
or expansion, of the war
● Ngo Dinh Diem
-anti communist leader of South Vietnam
-popularity plummeted because of ongoing corruption and his failure to respond to calls
for land reform
-on November 1, 1963 , a U.S. supported military coup toppled Diem's regime >> which
meant the Vietnam problem was a U.S.'s problem
● Tet Offensive
-included surprise attacks on major cities & town & American military bases throughout
South Vietnam in 1968
-turning point in the war because the North Vietnamese won a psychological victory
● deferment: official postponement of their call to serve by college students
● Election of 1968
-Johnson chooses not to run for re-election
● Vietnamization: the gradual withdrawal of American combat troops from Vietnam while
increasing money & equipment
● silent majority
-Nixon argued that his policies represented the "silent majority"
-name given by Prez to moderate mainstream Americans who quietly supported his
Vietnam War Policies
- Nixon appealed to mainstream America...Middle America...the "silent majority"
Chapters 31
● feminism :The belief that women should have economic, political, and social equality
with men
● National Organization of Women
o an organization founded in 1966 to pursue feminist goals, such as better childcare
facilities, improved educational opportunities, and an end to job discrimination
● Equal Rights Amendment
o a proposed and failed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would have prohibited
any discrimination on the basis of gender
● Stonewall Rebellion
o the stonewall rebellion was a catalyst for homosexuals to assert themselves as a
political force
o During the late 1960s and 1970’s, more and more homosexuals went public about their
sexual orientation
● Brown Power: Name gi8ven to the more militant Latino Rights Movement of the 1960s
● Cesar Chavez
o Organized the multiracial United Farm Workers (UFW) among Mexican American
Agricultural worker in CA; goal was to unionized farm workers
o Committed to both nonviolent social justice and to labor movement
● Red Power
o name given to more militant Native American Rights Movement
● American Indian Movement
o Used confrontations with the federal government or publicized their case for Native
American rights
● counterculture
o A movement of white college class kids who had grown up disillusioned with the
Vietnam War and the injustices in America
● Haight-Ashbury
o A district in San Francisco that became the epicenter of the counterculture
Chapter 32
● Nixon foreign policy positives
● stagflation
Inflation and unemployment
They controlled the oil when it went up by 4x
● Watergate Scandal Outcome
Nixon was impeached but pardoned
● President Ford – why unpopular
-he pardoned Richard Nixon in an attempt to move the country beyond Watergate
- nerve elected, never an option
- inflation required people to cut back but no incentives
- nothing about him
● President Carter – pros and cons
● Camp David Accords
this reduced points of conflict between Israel and Egypt and led to Israel's withdrawal from the
Sinai Peninsula
● Iranian Hostage Crisis
-the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was a Muslim cleric who hated the United States and had the
real power in Iran after the revolution
- the US allows the shah to get medical treatment in New York
- in response, the US embassy in Tehran is stormed and more than 60 are taken hostage
- reuse turned into a fiasco
- the hostages gained freedom after 444 days
Chapter 33
● 1980 Election
● Reagan Democrats: blue collar workers whose typically would vote Democrat, but
switched allegiance for Reagan
● New Right: conservatives who were concerned with the size of the government and its
role in the economy
● New Federalism conservative
● Reaganomics: the economics policies under Reagan that cut back federal
spending. deregulated the economy, and cut tax
● unequal wealth rates on the wealthy
● Strategic Defense Initiative nicknamed Star Wars… created a massive satellite shield to
intercept soviet missiles
● Reagan Doctrine: the policy assumption that Soviet-influenced governments in Asia,
Africa, and Latin America needed to be eliminated if the US was to win the Cold War
● Iran Contra Affair: Contras ( US trained and armed Nicaraguan guerrillas) vs Sandinistas
( Marxist Communist revels).....the CIA illegally organized aid from private donors to fund
the contras mostly from iran
-lieutenant colonel Oliver North took the blame for thi
● huge international embarrassment for the US
● Mikhail Gorbachev Russian leader that works with reagan to end cold war
● glasnost: russian for “political openness”
● perestroika: russiaN for restructuring economy
important enough because it showed Russia’s willingness to work with theYS and end the Cold
● INF Treaty: destruction of 2500 soviet and Us missiles in Europe which showed the
thawing of Cold War tensions
● Fall of Berlin Wall 1989 symbolizes an end of the cold war
● 1988 Election: George W bush reagan’s vice president ran for Prez for 8years easily
- Persian Gulf War fought to get Iraq out if Kuwait because we were concerned about
protecting oil
● Operation Desert Storm
The un backed the us invasion and 28 nations were involved
the war lasted only 100 hours, although Kuwait was liberated it led to increased
tensions between Us and Iraq
● 1992 Election winner
clinton won, getting the youth vote
? impeachment of Clinton
clinton was tried for impeachment for perjury and obstruction of justice
● 2000 Election
Gore won the popular vote
bush won the electoral vote
it was one of the closest elections in history
● Patriot Act
USA Patriot Act
passed in response to September 11th
anti terrorism bill strengthened governmental rights to detain foreigners suspected of terrorism
and prosecute terrorist crimes
● 2008 Election
Barack Obama becomes the first african American President; like Clinton he appealed to the

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US History Finals study guide

  • 1. Finals Study Guide World War I Chapter 19 ● Years it took place 1914 - 1921 ● 4 general causes of the war -militarism -alliance system -imperialism -nationalism ● Immediate cause of the war Archduke of Austria- Hungary was assassinated ● Central Powers vs. Allied Powers central: Germany , A-H, Russia >> Italy allies: France, Britain, England ● Reasons why the US was involved - German subs - Zimmerman note - Russian Revolution ● Lusitania German u-boat sunk it ● U-Boats submarines that was first used by the Germans ● Sussex Pledge Germany promised to not use submarines anymore but they used it anyways ● Zimmerman Note Brit revealed contents of an intercepted German telegram asking Mexico to fight U.S. ● Bolshevik Revolution – effects on WWI Russian czar steps down ● Great Britain’s role towards the US ● Examples of modern warfare used rapid fire machine guns, chemical mustard gas, tanks over wire, submarines ● Liberty Bonds: war bond that was sold in US. to support Allied clause.
  • 2. ● Espionage & Sedition Acts 2 laws enacted in 1917 and 1918, that imposed harsh penalties of speaking against U.S. participation ● Selective Service Act required men to register for military service, 1917 ● African Americans role in WWI segregated, France, Croix de France ● Harlem Hellfighters ● Vladimir Lenin’s effect on the war ● Fourteen Points – whose plan and main goal 14 points that was made in January 18, 1918, principles making up Prez Woodrow Wilson's plan for world peace following WWI ● League of Nations – whose plan and main goal association of nations established in 1920 to promote international cooperation & peace ● Versailles Treaty 1919, Peace treaty signed in Versailles ● War Guilt Clause Germany owes Allies $33 billion because he is blamed responsible for starting the war ● Postwar Adjustment - U.S. military & the power of government was strengthened -social changes -Treaty of Versailles did not change anything - Russia >> first communist state - fascist Germany The 1920s and 1930s Chapters 20, 21, & 22 ● Republican administrations of 1920s – focused on what ● isolationism: opposition to political and economic entanglements with other countries ● laissez-faire:taking government out of the economy which company to flourish
  • 3. ● Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks ● consumer economy: spending lead to businesses making money higher wages, new products and ads, credit cards + spurred economy ● installment plans:an arrangement in which a purchaser pays over an extended time, without having to put down much ● Gross National Product (GNP) in the 1920s the total value of foods & services a country produces a year ● Signs of a weak economy in 1920s Buy now pay later and little regulations ? Welfare capitalism: a new approach to labor relations goal was to keep the unions weak ● Marcus Garvey Go back to africa, We wanted to promote black power ● Harlem Renaissance ● Prohibition The 18th amendment that banned the creation and selling and drinking of any alcohol ● flappers Young rebellious women of the 1920’s ● Stock Market Crash – impact on the US and the world complete standstill...Germany ends up suffering the most ● Hoover’s reaction to Great Depression any lack of confidence in the economy future is "foolish", remain optimistic & to go on with life, government should play a limited role in helping to solve problems ● The Dust Bowl Region including Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico, that was made worthless for farming by drought & dust storms during the 1930's ● 21st Amendment repeals the alcohol prohibition in 1933 ● Hoovervilles By 1930, people called shanty towns in American cities "Hoovervilles" those who hailed Hoover as a great humanitarian, now saw him as a cold & heartless leader ● Election of 1932 – why significant ● New Deal – main goal
  • 4. To help poverty World War II Chapters 24 & 25 ● totalitarianism: characteristics of a political system in which the government exercises complete control over its citizens ● fascism: a political philosophy that advocates a strong centralized, nationalistic government headed by a powered government ● Hitler -German politician leader of Nazi Party & Fuhrer of Nazi from 1934 - 1945 **Der Fuhrer was also known as the National Socialist German Workers Party - Hitler's goals was to enforce "racial purification", "Aryans," "inferiors" like Jews, Slavs, & all nonwhites were deemed to fit only to serve aryans - Nazism was the political philosophy - based on extreme nationalism, racism, & militaristic expansionism - that Adolf Hitler put into practice in Germany from 1933 to 1945 - Mein Kampf was a 1925 autobiographical book by Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler -Hitler was able to take over because of the Great Depression - "brown shirts" was significant to rise of Hitler's rise to power that were paramilitary organization ● Stalin -Stalin's Great Purge was when 8- 13 M people were purged because they threatened his authority - Millions more died in famines caused by reconstructing the Soviet society -focused on creating model communist state -agricultural and industrial growth are the prime economic goals of Soviet Union, large government - owned farms - by 1939, establish totalitarian government that tried to control its citizens -totalitarian government was a characteristic of a political system in which the government exercises complete control over its citizens ● Mussolini - was establishing a totalitarian regime in Italy -Il Duce is Mussolini's nickname - Mussolini took over because he played on the fear of economic collapse + communism to win support of many discontented, wounded national pride, Italians - Fascism is a political philosophy that advocates a strong centralized, nationalistic government headed by a powerful dictator - "black shirts" were members of armed squads of Italian Fascists under Benito Mussolini who wore black shirts ● Francisco Franco
  • 5. The spanish commander who led riots against the spanish Government (he won) ● National Socialist German Workers Party also known as the Nazi Party ● Axis Powers group of nation- including Germany, Italy, and Japan 0 that opposed the Allies in World War II ● why Britain and France declared war ● RAF Royal Air Force (British) ● Luftwaffe German Air force "air weapon", plane with bombs ; German air force ● Japan and Manchuria Japan seized control of Chinese province of Manchuria in 1931 ● Neutrality Acts a series of laws enacted in 1935 and 1936 to prevent US arms sales and loans to nations at war ● Attack on Pearl Harbor -" a date that will live in infamy" - December 7, 1941 - Half of the US Pacific Fleet anchored at Pearl Harbor - in less than 2 hours, 2400 Americans killed with 1200 wounded - 200 warplanes were damaged & destroyed... - Japan lost only 29 planes - FDR asks Congress to pass a war resolution against Japan - unanimous vote -WWIofficially begins after the attack on Pearl Harbor ● Atlantic Charter joint declaration of war aims between FDR and Churchill...a 1941 declaration of principles in which the United States & GB set forth their goals in opposing he Axis Powers ● Yalta Conference The conference between Stalin, Churchill and FDR to discuss post war World ● V-E Day Victory day, May 8th ● Island-hopping
  • 6. The US strategy of moving from island to island to conquer the pacific ● Manhattan Project uiiiiiop7iuuuyl;kylbThe project to make the atomic bomb ● Atomic Bomb President Truman had the last call if the bomb should be dropped ● Nuremberg Trials Nuremberg stripped Jews of their German citizenship, jobs, and property ● Zoot Suit Riots Spanish men wore zoot suits in LA, Navy personnel went looking for people wearing these suits. ● “code talkers” Native Americans who talked in their native language ● Rosie the Riveter The Female character that was meant to inspire women to work for the war effort ● President Truman Cold War Chapters 26, 27, & 28 ● Iron Curtain Winston Churchill it referred to division of with East and West Germany ● containment a policy to contain communism by helping ...... ● Marshall Plan countries in Europe to help them avoid Communism ● Truman Doctrine a doctrine to help any country in danger of communism as a part of the policy containment ● Berlin Airlift US aiding West Britain after Stalin cut off supplies from railroads and other stuff from the East ● HUAC House on un-American Activities committee ; a congressional committee that investigated Communist influence inside & outside U.S. government after World War 2 ● Hollywood Ten 10 witnesses from film industry refused to cooperate with the HUAC's investigation
  • 7. of Communist influence in Hollywood ● Ethel and Julius Rosenberg minor activists in the Communist Party ● Korean War – who fought, why, outcome who:US & the Soviets why: outcome: -positives - containment with Communism, integration, US did not move to war with .... -negatives -communism in NK, Bad American image for war..for not being able to do fully win the war **North and South Korea divided ● McCarthyism the attacks, often unsubstantiated by Sen. Joseph McCarthy & others on people suspected of being communist in the early 1950's ● Arms race - meant that the struggle for superior weapons between the US and the Soviets - joseph Stalin died in 1953 and was replaced by Nikita Khrushchev - The Soviets created the Warsaw Pact as an alliance of 8 Eastern European countries -this was the Communist version of Nato - Deterrence is the policy of making the military power of the US and its allies so strong that no enemy would dare attack for fear of retaliation -Between 1954 and 1958, the US conducted 19 hydrogen bomb test which are about 10,000 times more powerful than atomic bombs blasts - the policy of brinkmanship refers to risking war in order to protect our national interests - Feeling pressure and tension from the US, the Soviets focused on long range rockets known as intercontinental ballistic missiles, or ICBMs -the Soviets used one of their rockets to launch Sputnik which was the first artificial satellite to orbit the earth -the U-2 Incident referred to when the US was caught spying over the Soviet Union in 1960 ● Sputnik artificial intelligence to orbit the earth ● Election of 1960 Kennedy vs. Nixon Kennedy -well organized campaign - handsome, charismatic
  • 8. -democratic -too inexperienced - Roman Catholic -TV debate -civil rights -coached by TV producers Nixon -expert on foreign policy agreed to the forums -ex. VP, hoped to win by riding fame of IKE ● New Frontier: JFK's legislative program, which included proposals to provide medical care for the elderly, to rebuild blighted urban areas to aid education, to bolster national defense, to increase international aid, and to expand the space program ● The assassination of Kennedy - November 22, 1963 - riding in Dallas parade till shot ● Bay of Pigs Invasion -March1960 Pres Eisenhower gave the CIA permission to secretly train main Cuban exiles for an invasion of cuba -Kennedy learned of the plan 9 days after election, & approved it -On April 17, 1961, some 1,300 to 1,500 Cuban exiles supported by the U>S. military landed on the island's southern coast at Bahia de Cochinos -lacked american air support as 25,00 Cuban troops with Soviet tanks and jets advanced ● Berlin Wall ● Fidel Castro Fidel overthrew cuban dictator Batista, seized American property in Cuba, turned to Soviets for economic and military aide ● Cuban Missile Crisis -Castro had powerful ally in Moscow:Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev promised to defend Cuba with Soviet arms - Summer of 1962, the flow to Cuba of Soviet weapons and missiles increased greatly - Oct. 14, photographs taken by American planes revealed Soviet missile bases in Cuba with Soviet missiles ready to launch that could reach US within minutes - soviet ships stopped at sea to avoid confrontation. Kruschev offered to remove missiles but US had to pledge not to invade Cuba ● Great Society – main focus "war on poverty" did help but growing budget deficit
  • 9. ● Medicare and Medicaid Medicare: federal program, established in 1965, that provides hospital insurance & low-cost medical insurance to Americans aged 65-over Medicaid: a program, established in 1965, that provides health insurance to people on welfare. Civil Rights Movement Chapters 29 ● SNCC ● Martin Luther King, Jr. ● Clash in Birmingham - considered the most segregated city in the US -Eugene Bull Connor was the police commissioner & arrested almost 1,000 protesters -more than 900 people were arrested ● March on Washington -August 1963 - more than 200,00 people came from all over the country to call for " jobs and freedom" - led by A. Philip Randolph -most famous speech of the civil rights movement - King's "I have a Dream" speech ● Voting Rights Act 1965 Removed literacy test for voters ● Civil Rights Act 1964 Prohibited descrimination based on race or gender -prohibited discrimination in public accomodations -passed by Prez Johnson ● Malcolm X - he was a minister for the Nation of Islam -black nationalism -rejected ideas of integration ● Black Power movement ● Nation of Islam -taught Allah would bring about a Black Nation -Union among non-white people
  • 10. The Vietnam War Chapter 30 ● domino theory: belief that if one country fails falls to Communists, its neighbors will soon follow ● Ho Chi Minh communist leader of North Vietnam, communist revolutionary, declared the colony's independence ● Kennedy’s policy in Vietnam Just send advisors ● Viet Cong -Communist opposition group in the South -the south Vietnamese communists who, with North Vietnamese support, fought against the government of South Vietnam in the Vietnam war ● Tonkin Gulf Resolution - In August of 1964, the Gulf of Tonkin incident results in the passage of the Tonkin Gulf resolution which alters the power of presiden -LBJ used this to change the very nature of American involvement in Vietnam ● escalation After his 1964, election victory Prez Johnson started a gradual military escalation, or expansion, of the war ● Ngo Dinh Diem -anti communist leader of South Vietnam -popularity plummeted because of ongoing corruption and his failure to respond to calls for land reform -on November 1, 1963 , a U.S. supported military coup toppled Diem's regime >> which meant the Vietnam problem was a U.S.'s problem ● Tet Offensive -included surprise attacks on major cities & town & American military bases throughout South Vietnam in 1968 -turning point in the war because the North Vietnamese won a psychological victory ● deferment: official postponement of their call to serve by college students ● Election of 1968 -Johnson chooses not to run for re-election
  • 11. ● Vietnamization: the gradual withdrawal of American combat troops from Vietnam while increasing money & equipment ● silent majority -Nixon argued that his policies represented the "silent majority" -name given by Prez to moderate mainstream Americans who quietly supported his Vietnam War Policies - Nixon appealed to mainstream America...Middle America...the "silent majority" Chapters 31 ● feminism :The belief that women should have economic, political, and social equality with men ● National Organization of Women o an organization founded in 1966 to pursue feminist goals, such as better childcare facilities, improved educational opportunities, and an end to job discrimination ● Equal Rights Amendment o a proposed and failed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would have prohibited any discrimination on the basis of gender ● Stonewall Rebellion o the stonewall rebellion was a catalyst for homosexuals to assert themselves as a political force o During the late 1960s and 1970’s, more and more homosexuals went public about their sexual orientation ● Brown Power: Name gi8ven to the more militant Latino Rights Movement of the 1960s ● Cesar Chavez o Organized the multiracial United Farm Workers (UFW) among Mexican American Agricultural worker in CA; goal was to unionized farm workers o Committed to both nonviolent social justice and to labor movement ● Red Power o name given to more militant Native American Rights Movement ● American Indian Movement o Used confrontations with the federal government or publicized their case for Native American rights ● counterculture
  • 12. o A movement of white college class kids who had grown up disillusioned with the Vietnam War and the injustices in America ● Haight-Ashbury o A district in San Francisco that became the epicenter of the counterculture Chapter 32 ● Nixon foreign policy positives ● stagflation Inflation and unemployment ● OPEC They controlled the oil when it went up by 4x ● Watergate Scandal Outcome Nixon was impeached but pardoned ● President Ford – why unpopular -he pardoned Richard Nixon in an attempt to move the country beyond Watergate - nerve elected, never an option - inflation required people to cut back but no incentives - nothing about him ● President Carter – pros and cons ● Camp David Accords this reduced points of conflict between Israel and Egypt and led to Israel's withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula ● Iranian Hostage Crisis -the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was a Muslim cleric who hated the United States and had the real power in Iran after the revolution - the US allows the shah to get medical treatment in New York - in response, the US embassy in Tehran is stormed and more than 60 are taken hostage - reuse turned into a fiasco - the hostages gained freedom after 444 days Chapter 33 ● 1980 Election ● Reagan Democrats: blue collar workers whose typically would vote Democrat, but switched allegiance for Reagan
  • 13. ● New Right: conservatives who were concerned with the size of the government and its role in the economy ● New Federalism conservative ● Reaganomics: the economics policies under Reagan that cut back federal spending. deregulated the economy, and cut tax ● unequal wealth rates on the wealthy ● Strategic Defense Initiative nicknamed Star Wars… created a massive satellite shield to intercept soviet missiles ● Reagan Doctrine: the policy assumption that Soviet-influenced governments in Asia, Africa, and Latin America needed to be eliminated if the US was to win the Cold War ● Iran Contra Affair: Contras ( US trained and armed Nicaraguan guerrillas) vs Sandinistas ( Marxist Communist revels).....the CIA illegally organized aid from private donors to fund the contras mostly from iran -lieutenant colonel Oliver North took the blame for thi ● huge international embarrassment for the US ● Mikhail Gorbachev Russian leader that works with reagan to end cold war ● glasnost: russian for “political openness” ● perestroika: russiaN for restructuring economy important enough because it showed Russia’s willingness to work with theYS and end the Cold War ● INF Treaty: destruction of 2500 soviet and Us missiles in Europe which showed the thawing of Cold War tensions ● Fall of Berlin Wall 1989 symbolizes an end of the cold war ● 1988 Election: George W bush reagan’s vice president ran for Prez for 8years easily won - Persian Gulf War fought to get Iraq out if Kuwait because we were concerned about protecting oil ● Operation Desert Storm The un backed the us invasion and 28 nations were involved the war lasted only 100 hours, although Kuwait was liberated it led to increased
  • 14. tensions between Us and Iraq ● 1992 Election winner clinton won, getting the youth vote ? impeachment of Clinton clinton was tried for impeachment for perjury and obstruction of justice ● 2000 Election Gore won the popular vote bush won the electoral vote it was one of the closest elections in history ● Patriot Act USA Patriot Act passed in response to September 11th anti terrorism bill strengthened governmental rights to detain foreigners suspected of terrorism and prosecute terrorist crimes ● 2008 Election Barack Obama becomes the first african American President; like Clinton he appealed to the youth