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Is a “Shot in the Arm” Needed When Assessing
New Business or Product Opportunities?
This Case Study highlights how “marrying” a Trade-Off Analysis technique called a
Conjoint Analysis with Due Diligence was used to assess and ultimately consum-
mate a major New Business Acquisition Deal for a healthcare company.
Like a “flu shot”, Due Diligence helps you prevent the flu now so that you may not
have to deal with the problems later. Therefore, performing Due Diligence will weigh
the risks and benefits of making major business decisions.
sometimes need to be made
quickly – or the opportunity can
be lost.
• The risks are high – but the po-
tential rewards could more
than offset the initial risk for
years ahead. Likewise, the cost
of making a bad decision can
linger for years at a company.
This newsletter highlights how a
valuable market research tool
Conjoint Analysis) can be the
“little shot in the arm” that is
sometimes needed when conduct-
ing formal Due Diligence for po-
tential business or product acqui-
sition opportunities.
The “shot” will provide you the
added benefits of improving the
chance of making the best “go or
no-go” decision. Incorporating
Trade-Off Analysis into the Due
Diligence process will provide:
1. Greater success at assessing
the current and future compet-
itive viability and “health” of a
new product entering a market
2. A head start on devising
marketing strategies for new
products from the moment that
the acquisition becomes finalized
What is Due Diligence? Why is this Important to the New Business
Development Process?
Due diligence is the final stage in the business-
buying or product-buying process.
• It is during this time that all of the target compa-
ny’s books, files, records, financial statements,
and business plans are “opened” so that the buy-
ing company can evaluate and investigate the in-
tegrity and accuracy of the information.
Each year many of us make a
decision as to whether or not
to get a flu shot. We may weigh
the pros and cons of getting the
shot or not – “I don’t like needles
– but I can’t afford to miss any
days from work, school, or not
being up to speed for my family”.
The benefits that DUE DILIGENCE
provides are like a flu shot – the
shot helps prevent the flu now so
that you do not have to deal with
the symptoms and problems later
on. The trade-offs you must
make are being “stuck in the
arm today” vs. risking getting a
full-fledge flu and being unpro-
ductive at home or work, or even
worse, end up in a hospital.
There is a lot of pressure when
assessing NEW BUSINESS or NEW
the challenge is that decisions
Due diligence is used to investigate and evaluate a
business opportunity. This opportunity may be
buying a business, merging with another organization,
or acquiring an actual product from a company.
In general, due diligence is a concept and formal pro-
cess that describes a sense of duty and obligation to
exercise care (i.e., diligence) in a business deal. It is
“doing your homework” so that your company does
not make a costly mistake.
• The process covers a thorough investigation into all
relevant past, present, and future aspects of the busi-
ness and/or products that may be acquired.
Issue I—v20.A
What is Due Diligence?
Case Study
Primary Methodology Used
Trade-Off Analysis (also
known as Conjoint Analysis)
And the “Winner” Is ...
The “Crystal Ball” to the
Benefits of Using Trade-Off
Analysis for Your Team!
Is a “Shot in the Arm” Needed
When Assessing New Business or
Product Opportunities?
by Steve Petitt, MBA, B.S.
A.G. Lafley, former CEO of P&G
said of new product success and
failure —
“Both (product) innovation and
acquisition are risky and have high
failure rates: 80% plus for new
product innovation in our industry;
70% plus for acquisition.”
“ acquisition was a platform for
future innovation.”
“... You have to identify innovations
that will help your business keep
growing well into the future.“
have used the products. This need-
ed to be confirmed.
The business opportunity for
Client “A” was framed around the
following background information:
1. The new products were
recently launched into the
market but did not gain the
market traction that they
were expected to get based on
their unique and innovative
product designs.
2. A big reason for the lackluster
launch was that awareness
levels for the products were
not effectively established by
the Selling Company.
▪ They did not have the
resources to properly market
the products – even though
they strongly believed that
they have the products and
technology that surgeons
❖ Some anecdotal
evidence that this may be
true was expressed by
some early users of these
products via the Selling
Company executives
themselves (possibly true
– but potentially a biased
Situation & “Opportunity”
Client Company “A” was pre-
sented with an opportunity to
acquire a new small company that
had four (4) new technologically
advanced surgical device products
for surgeons.
• The new products will open up
a big new market for them
and enhance their current
• The devices
are used for
very common
general, gy-
and gastrointestinal laparo-
scopic surgical operations.
Issues to be Assessed
The most important objec-
tive of this research was to
assess how Surgeons would accept
the four different surgical devices
over what they are using today.
In addition, the Selling Company
claims that both of its two lead
products share a unique feature
that is greatly demanded and well
accepted by the surgeons that
The Clock is Ticking ...
Nevertheless, Client “A” was
diligent enough to realize that
they must assess these products
using an objective approach.
Moreover, the clock was ticking as
the due diligence review period
was to begin in about two weeks.
• Once the due diligence review
period started, there was less
than 6 weeks to make a deci-
sion as to whether or not they
wish to be in the running versus
other competing suitor compa-
nies to make a serious offer to
the Selling Company.
Case Study (Due to Confidentiality Reasons, some of the Information has been “Modified”)
• The market potential of a new product or
product line.
Market Research can be an eye to the future for a
new business acquisition. There
are tools and methods that when
used effectively can provide valu-
able objective insight into the po-
tential viability of the new busi-
ness opportunity.
• Without this forward-
thinking insight, a company may be making
an important and costly business decision by
only looking at information in their rearview
How Does MARKET RESEARCH Play a Role in
the Due Diligence Process?
Many times another key component of the new
business investigation is the need to conduct
market research with the customers or suppliers of
the Selling Company. The research may be conducted
to evaluate, among other objectives:
• The strengths and weakness of the target
company and its products as perceived by
• Gain an understanding of the market trends
that customers and potential customers believe
would impact the viability of competing in the
marketplace in the future.
Accordingly, another question that needed to be
answered was:
“Does the current leading brand have enough
customer loyalty and brand equity to
effectively block a new player from successfully
entering the market?”
• Therefore it was critical to determine if the unique
features of the new products have enough
perceived “value” to offset any brand equity
that may already be established by the current
products used now.
The Table below shows the Attributes and associated
Feature Options for the current and new devices.
The Attributes and Feature Options were used to con-
figure and describe a series of Product Concept Al-
ternatives that would be evaluated and rated by par-
ticipants. See example on next page.
The number of Attributes and Options used in this
study represented 4,000+ different possible configu-
rations of the Product Alternatives.
• This obviously would be an unbearable or unrealistic
task for any participant to complete.
• However, by using experimental design techniques,
only a fraction of these possible configurations are
necessary to use in this study.
❖ Yet, this fraction will still provide all the information
that is required to help make Client “A” make this
important business decision.
Trade-Off Analysis (also known as Conjoint
Due to the strategic nature of this major business
decision, the central methodology of the Study
was a quantitative technique called TRADE-OFF
ANALYSIS (a.k.a., Conjoint Analysis). The tool
was used to measure the attractiveness, sales po-
tential demand, and if a new-to-the-market
company could realistically succeed versus the
products of established players.
• In addition, the method would provide the Brand
Team valuable direction as to the features and
benefits that should be
promoted in order to
gain the strongest
interest to use the
of Trade-Off Analy-
sis” section on next
page to learn about
some advantages of he
Relevant Product Attrib-
utes and Feature Op-
tions Carefully Deter-
Atotal of six (6) rele-
vant product Attrib-
utes were identified to de-
scribe the products. In addition, either two or three
Feature Options defined each Attribute.
New and current product Attributes and Feature
Options were carefully determined in a way that not
only described the new products but also included
the important features associated with the current
• This was important since we needed to measure
if Surgeons would trade-off certain features of
the new products over the features of the
current competing devices.
In addition to the functional features of these devic-
es, Client “A” wanted to determine if Brand Name
was a major barrier to entry.
Primary Methodology Used
Diameter Sizes
Mode of Entry
into Abdominal
Usage Type
Option #1 New Brand
5 mm, 10 mm,
and 15mm
Closes based on
CO2 Pressure in
Has a Laser
Pointer at End of
Tip to Direct
Bladeless (no
Trocar)-- Cannula
inserted via a
Motion with a
Blunt Tip
Device -- for
Single Use
Option #2 Brand "Q"
10 mm, 12 mm,
and 15 mm
Manually Closed
by Adjusting
Does Not Use
any Additional
Lighting at End
of Tip to Direct
Sharp Conical
Blade on Tip of
Trocar for Quick
Option #3 Brand "R"
5 mm, 8 mm,
and 12mm
Option #4
8 mm, 12mm,
and 15mm
Attributes / Feature Options Table
These are Used to Describe
Different Configurations of
Product Alternatives ...
IMPORTANCE that the different Attributes and
Features had in driving preference.
❖ This is one of the most useful and powerful
outputs that Trade-Off Analysis provides when
assessing the value of the features associated
with products or services.
Trade-Off Exercises Devised for
Due to the nature of how the
four new products will be used
by Surgeons, two separate Trade-
Off exercises were incorporated into
the study.
• Using an experimental design,
24 Alternatives were needed for
each of the two exercises to
capture the main effects of how
the different Attributes and
Features independently influence
preference levels.
Surgeon participants read the de-
scription for each Alternative and
then rated the strength of their
Preference-to-Use the device if it
was available today.
• Based on their responses across
the different Alternatives, the relative importance
and value of each Attribute and Feature are
statistically deduced and quantified.
• The implied Trade-Offs that surgeons made when
rating their preference across the different
Alternatives are used to derive and calculate the
ADVANTAGES of Trade-Off Analysis
Every day we make choices between products and
services that we use or hope to use. Consciously
or subconsciously we are making decisions using trade
-offs between various alternatives.
Trade-Off (Conjoint) Analysis is a powerful multi-
variate statistical technique that is used to measure
the underlying utility value of Product Attributes
and Features by considering them jointly, rather than
separately, in the overall decision to use a product.
Advantage #1: Instead of asking customers to rate
how much value they would place on each separate
feature (aka, “stated importance”), Trade-Off Analysis
will ask customers to rate or choose a product or ser-
vice by looking at them in their entirety across all
features. This presents a more realistic experience for
• Text, pictures, even videos can be used to describe
the products or services.
Advantage #2: The “magic” behind Trade-Off Analy-
sis is the discreet way it measures the relative im-
portance of every attribute and feature of a product or
service. The ratings or choices data that participants
provide when evaluating an entire product or service
profile (see Advantage #1) are used to
compute the “derived importance” of
the attributes (e.g., Brand Name) and
utility values of the individual features
(e.g., Coke, Pepsi, 7-Up).
• This is a very powerful benefit over
simply asking “How important is X-Y-Z feature on
a 1 – 10 scale?”; Participants will undoubtedly
say most, if not all, features are important.
Advantage #3: The data captured
are used with market simulation
models that will predict preference
“shares”. Therefore, simulations pro-
vide the added benefit of evaluating
the sales potential and risks associat-
ed with entering new markets, identi-
fying and understanding market segments, or as-
sessing new product ideas.
• Also, the models can provide a rich source of
“what if” insights. For example, what happens to
your “share” if a competitor makes changes to its
products or a new competitor enters the market?
"The best way to predict the future is to create it."Peter Drucker —
Mode of
Entry into
The device uses a ...
Bladeless (no Trocar) entry approach-- Cannula inserted via a
Screw-Type Motion with a Blunt Tip
At the end of the tip a Laser Pointer directs insertion into
Control of CO2 gas is Manually Closed by adjusting dial on top of
Usage Type
The device is ...
Entirely Disposable -- for single use only
The device is available in ...
5 mm, 8 mm, and 12 mm sizes
The device is provided by ...
Brand "Q"
Product Alternative #10
Likelihood I
Would Use
this Device
        ✓  
Likelihood I
Would Use
this Device0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Please RATE your LEVEL of PREFERENCE on the Scale below:
** Example **
The relative importance of the six (6) Attributes
was quantified. This information prioritized the
Attributes in terms of the power they have in driv-
ing a Surgeon to want to use a device.
• This was the first critical piece of information
that was used to help the Brand Team understand
some of the inherent value and potential for the
new products.
These results indicated that over 50% of the Im-
portance Weight associated with influencing a Sur-
geon’s Likelihood-to-Use a device was driven by just
two Attributes.
• As a result, the Brand Team now knows where it
must focus its marketing strategies in order to
capture the early attention of its target custom-
1. Provide participants a brief overview of the prod-
ucts and new features in comparison to current
products on the market
2. Capture some initial reactions about the new prod-
Participants evaluated 24 Alternatives each for two
Product Categories.
• Since participants are knowledgeable about and
interested in these types of devices, this exercise
was simple for them to complete.
Data Collection Approach
Due to the quick turn-around time for this project,
an Internet Survey was developed to collect
the data. Seventy-five (75) Surgeons were sur-
Before the Trade-Off ex-
ercise, participants were
shown visual and writ-
ten descriptions of the
four new products. This
was done to:
Relative Importance of Product Attributes
“Easier” Way to Interpret Product Feature Utili-
ty Values ...
In addition, each of the individual Feature Options
associated with each of the Attributes were quanti-
fied for the relative value (aka, Part-Worth Utili-
ty) they have in making a surgical device more pre-
ferred over another alternative.
The Utility Values are scaled from 0 to 100 across
all of the 15 Feature Options used to describe the
Product Alternatives.
100 = Greatest overall power in influencing
Preference for a product
0 = Least amount of relative power in influ-
encing Preference for a product
This unique re-scaling devised for our clients is ben-
eficial because it clearly shows the relative
strength of the Utility Value of each Product Feature
as compared to the other Features across an easy to
understand measurement continuum.
Chart on next page.
This intuitively easy scaling has been quite useful
when presenting Trade-Off results to:
• Clients that are relatively new to the methodolo-
• Quickly highlight how the Utilities translate into
identifying the key features to highlight when
assessing products, de-
signing new products, or
making promotion-
al decisions.
“Don’t find customers for your products; find products for your customers.”Seth Godin —
Mode of Entry
into Abdominal
Diameter Sizes
Relative Importance of ATTRIBUTES
0= Least
Across ALL
100 =
Moreover, the results show that the Brand Equity of
the Market Leader (Brand “Q”) is not insurmount-
able. The value of the unique features of the new
products will make brand name less of a reason to
want to use a device. This is important to know since
Client “A” will be a new player in this market.
Utility Values are Used to Identify the “Ideal”
Feature Options that Customers Desire
The Brand Team was interested in learning if the
new features of the new products offer signifi-
cant value over what surgeons may be using today.
In addition, Client “A” was particularly curious in vali-
dating if one particular feature does have the sig-
nificant value that they were told was so by the
Selling Company.
• In fact, that feature was seen as
being a very valuable new feature --
#2 overall with an 86 utility score.
• In addition, the new products had
features that were associated with
the highest Values across four At-
tributes. The features within two of
these Attributes are also unique to
the new products -–
❖ Laser Light on Tip
❖ Having an Insufflation Valve
that Automatically Closes
 Therefore, the results indicate
that the new products have sev-
eral “ideal” features that would
make them likely to be pre-
ferred over the devices used
The “Crystal Ball” to the Future — “Share”
Lastly, a series of Preference “Share” Simula-
tions were conducted using the Trade-Off Re-
sults. The simulations typically produce the most
important information from a Trade-Off Study.
• The simulations use the Utility Values across the
Attributes and Feature Levels to measure the per-
centage of customers that would prefer to use the
new and current products within a defined market
• The products are “defined” using an appropriate
combination of Feature Levels that represent the
products in a scenario.
 The product that has the highest total utility
value based on the Feature Levels used to de-
scribe it is effectively the “WINNING” product
within a scenario.
• A “winning” product within the scenario is deter-
mined for every participant.
 The percentage of “wins” across all partici-
pants for each product is then used to deter-
mine the preference “share” for the product.
 This is called the first-choice model – which is
appropriate for this type of product and market.
❖ (There are also other models used for mar-
ket simulations that are beyond the scope of
this article.)
= “Ideal” Attribute Features that Maximize “Likelihood to Use” Device
Segment: OVERALL Surgeons
RelativePart-WorthValues Mode of
Visualization Insufflation
Valve Cannula
Diameter Sizes
Brand Usage Type
evidence that the new products have a very
strong potential to compete quite effectively in
the marketplace.
• As seen in the chart below, the Simulations made
it unmistakably clear that the new features de-
signed into all of the new devices are perceived to
offer true value to surgeons over and above what
they are using now.
And the “Winner” Is ...
Several Market Scenario Simulations were done
to reveal how the various new products would
theoretically match-up within a competitive market
comprised of the devices offered by the two current
major brand players.
• Each Scenario was simulated before and after a
new product “enters” a market. Both Scenarios
the products that make up the mar-
ket for the simulation.
• The key question that the Brand
Team wanted to know was:
“Do the new products offer
enough potential value to make
their company a viable new
competitor in the market?”
• The preference “shares” calculated
from the Market Simulations an-
swered that question – quite con-
vincingly for our Client.
Similar analysis was done for the other
three new products.
• All of the results provided conclusive
The findings from the Trade-Off Analysis were
presented to and well received by the Brand
and Marketing Research Teams and Senior Manage-
This was an exciting and BIG business decision
for Client “A”. However, discretion must be used
when utilizing the results with this type of study at
“face-value”. Some factors that need to be consid-
ered are:
1. All participants had 100% awareness of the new
products in the study. Obviously this will not be the
case in the real world.
 Therefore, the “shares” must be considered a
measure of the inherent potential “share” that
the new products have versus current options.
❖ This is still a very powerful and important
gauge as to whether a new product captures
any relevant interest even among an audience
that is fully aware of the product.
❖ Therefore, a very poor performance in a market
simulation would almost certainly make a “Go/
No Go” decision a definite “No Go”.
2. The study was fielded within the implied context of
an “equal playing field” among the competitors —
i.e., same awareness levels, sales force size, etc.
Therefore it is necessary that commitments to 
 Creating appropriate awareness levels
 Building proper sales force resources
 Crafting effective promotional messages
 Devising effective contracting strategies with
group purchasing organizations (GPOs)
→ are consciously at the forefront of any acquisition
decision. To do anything less, will jeopardize any
realistic chance at succeeding in the marketplace.
The Team acknowledged and appreciated this
added insight!
As a result of their due diligence efforts, of which
the Trade-Off Results were
key components, our Client made
the decision to acquire the
Selling Company and the new
device assets that Surgeons are
eager to learn about and use!
Brand "R"
Sharp Conical Blade on
No Add’l Lighting at Tip
Manually Closed
10 mm, 12 mm, and 15
“BEFORE” New Brand
“Preference Share” Simulation Results
“AFTER” New Brand in ‘Market’
The New Brand
is expected to
be a
New Player
New Brand
Bladeless (no Trocar)
Laser Pointer at Tip
Automatically Closes
5 mm, 10 mm, and 15mm
Brand "Q"
Bladeless (no Trocar)
No Add’l Lighting at Tip
Manually Closed
5 mm, 10 mm, and
"The most important thing is predict where clients are going and stop right in front of them”.Philip Kotler —
 Measuring the strength and consistency of
‘share’ for your brands across different cus-
tomer segments
❖ “Is the brand strong across the entire market
or mainly with a particular segment or seg-
• Identifies the “hot-buttons” of the products or
services so that you can prioritize the features
and benefits to target and communicate more
effectively with your customers.
 Your customers will be happier and more
interested in learning about products or ser-
vices that directly match the desires and
needs they want from a product or service.
• Decreases market research cost in
the long-run. A well designed Trade-Off
Study can be used to answer questions
even after the project is officially complet-
 The richness and depth of information
that is captured provides the opportunity to
test additional market scenarios as the com-
petitive environment changes since the origi-
nal study was fielded.
• Provides results via a proven tool that has been
used in various forms since the early 1970’s in
 Moreover, the method has been used across
many different industries, product types and
services (e.g., medical products, consumer
goods, legal disputes, hotel services), and with
all different customer types.
Trade-Off (Conjoint Analysis) is a Powerful
and Invaluable method that will help ensure
that business decisions are
backed-up by information that
helps you not only answer to-
day’s questions – but helps you
stay ahead of your competition
by confidently anticipating and
answering questions about the
future, as well. It is definitely worth a “Shot”!
Some Advantages of using Trade-Off Analysis
(i.e., Conjoint Analysis) for a future project are:
• Provides you a more realistic understanding
of the buying-decision framework that your
customers inherently use since it forces partici-
pants to evaluate the products as a whole rather
than focusing on the separate parts or features
(as in real life).
 The “derived” importance of your product’s
Attributes and Levels captured from this meth-
od virtually eliminates any bias
that participants would likely
have when stating and evaluat-
ing the importance of features in
isolation of other features.
• Increases success and helps
reduce risk in the business deci-
sion by:
 Eliminating much of the guess-
work about understanding the
market opportunities and chal-
lenges when evaluating poten-
tial new product offerings.
❖ This increases the chances
for greater success and bottom-line profita-
bility for your product line decisions.
 Assessing the potential of product and service
development ideas before any major production
resources are used.
 Proactively modeling and simulating the dy-
namics of different current and/or future com-
petitive market situations. Example –
❖ “What would happen to my product’s ‘share’ if
a competitor comes out with a product that has
a feature that is similar to my product?”
❖ “What will happen to my product’s ‘share’ if we
can make a particular claim that our competi-
tors cannot?”
❖ “What steps do we need to take in order to
make our products or services more successful
in the market?”
Benefits of Using Trade-Off Analysis for You and Your Team!
Hope you enjoyed this article.
Please feel free to reach out and connect via LinkedIn -- Steve Petitt, MBA

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Is a “Shot in the Arm” Needed When Assessing New Business or Product Opportunities?

  • 1. 1 Is a “Shot in the Arm” Needed When Assessing New Business or Product Opportunities? This Case Study highlights how “marrying” a Trade-Off Analysis technique called a Conjoint Analysis with Due Diligence was used to assess and ultimately consum- mate a major New Business Acquisition Deal for a healthcare company. Like a “flu shot”, Due Diligence helps you prevent the flu now so that you may not have to deal with the problems later. Therefore, performing Due Diligence will weigh the risks and benefits of making major business decisions.
  • 2. 2 sometimes need to be made quickly – or the opportunity can be lost. • The risks are high – but the po- tential rewards could more than offset the initial risk for years ahead. Likewise, the cost of making a bad decision can linger for years at a company. This newsletter highlights how a valuable market research tool called TRADE-OFF ANALYSIS (aka, Conjoint Analysis) can be the “little shot in the arm” that is sometimes needed when conduct- ing formal Due Diligence for po- tential business or product acqui- sition opportunities. The “shot” will provide you the added benefits of improving the chance of making the best “go or no-go” decision. Incorporating Trade-Off Analysis into the Due Diligence process will provide: 1. Greater success at assessing the current and future compet- itive viability and “health” of a new product entering a market 2. A head start on devising marketing strategies for new products from the moment that the acquisition becomes finalized What is Due Diligence? Why is this Important to the New Business Development Process? Due diligence is the final stage in the business- buying or product-buying process. • It is during this time that all of the target compa- ny’s books, files, records, financial statements, and business plans are “opened” so that the buy- ing company can evaluate and investigate the in- tegrity and accuracy of the information. Each year many of us make a decision as to whether or not to get a flu shot. We may weigh the pros and cons of getting the shot or not – “I don’t like needles – but I can’t afford to miss any days from work, school, or not being up to speed for my family”. The benefits that DUE DILIGENCE provides are like a flu shot – the shot helps prevent the flu now so that you do not have to deal with the symptoms and problems later on. The trade-offs you must make are being “stuck in the arm today” vs. risking getting a full-fledge flu and being unpro- ductive at home or work, or even worse, end up in a hospital. There is a lot of pressure when assessing NEW BUSINESS or NEW PRODUCT ACQUISITIONS. Part of the challenge is that decisions Due diligence is used to investigate and evaluate a business opportunity. This opportunity may be buying a business, merging with another organization, or acquiring an actual product from a company. In general, due diligence is a concept and formal pro- cess that describes a sense of duty and obligation to exercise care (i.e., diligence) in a business deal. It is “doing your homework” so that your company does not make a costly mistake. • The process covers a thorough investigation into all relevant past, present, and future aspects of the busi- ness and/or products that may be acquired. PETITT: Sp_12SP Issue I—v20.A What is Due Diligence? Case Study Primary Methodology Used Trade-Off Analysis (also known as Conjoint Analysis) And the “Winner” Is ... The “Crystal Ball” to the Future Benefits of Using Trade-Off Analysis for Your Team! Is a “Shot in the Arm” Needed When Assessing New Business or Product Opportunities? by Steve Petitt, MBA, B.S. A.G. Lafley, former CEO of P&G said of new product success and failure — “Both (product) innovation and acquisition are risky and have high failure rates: 80% plus for new product innovation in our industry; 70% plus for acquisition.” Nonetheless, “ acquisition was a platform for future innovation.” “... You have to identify innovations that will help your business keep growing well into the future.“
  • 3. 3 have used the products. This need- ed to be confirmed. The business opportunity for Client “A” was framed around the following background information: 1. The new products were recently launched into the market but did not gain the market traction that they were expected to get based on their unique and innovative product designs. 2. A big reason for the lackluster launch was that awareness levels for the products were not effectively established by the Selling Company. ▪ They did not have the resources to properly market the products – even though they strongly believed that they have the products and technology that surgeons desire. ❖ Some anecdotal evidence that this may be true was expressed by some early users of these products via the Selling Company executives themselves (possibly true – but potentially a biased assessment). Situation & “Opportunity” Client Company “A” was pre- sented with an opportunity to acquire a new small company that had four (4) new technologically advanced surgical device products for surgeons. • The new products will open up a big new market for them and enhance their current product offerings. • The devices are used for very common general, gy- necological, and gastrointestinal laparo- scopic surgical operations. Issues to be Assessed The most important objec- tive of this research was to assess how Surgeons would accept the four different surgical devices over what they are using today. In addition, the Selling Company claims that both of its two lead products share a unique feature that is greatly demanded and well accepted by the surgeons that The Clock is Ticking ... Nevertheless, Client “A” was diligent enough to realize that they must assess these products using an objective approach. Moreover, the clock was ticking as the due diligence review period was to begin in about two weeks. • Once the due diligence review period started, there was less than 6 weeks to make a deci- sion as to whether or not they wish to be in the running versus other competing suitor compa- nies to make a serious offer to the Selling Company. Case Study (Due to Confidentiality Reasons, some of the Information has been “Modified”) • The market potential of a new product or product line. Market Research can be an eye to the future for a new business acquisition. There are tools and methods that when used effectively can provide valu- able objective insight into the po- tential viability of the new busi- ness opportunity. • Without this forward- thinking insight, a company may be making an important and costly business decision by only looking at information in their rearview mirror. How Does MARKET RESEARCH Play a Role in the Due Diligence Process? Many times another key component of the new business investigation is the need to conduct market research with the customers or suppliers of the Selling Company. The research may be conducted to evaluate, among other objectives: • The strengths and weakness of the target company and its products as perceived by customers. • Gain an understanding of the market trends that customers and potential customers believe would impact the viability of competing in the marketplace in the future.
  • 4. 4 Accordingly, another question that needed to be answered was: “Does the current leading brand have enough customer loyalty and brand equity to effectively block a new player from successfully entering the market?” • Therefore it was critical to determine if the unique features of the new products have enough perceived “value” to offset any brand equity that may already be established by the current products used now. The Table below shows the Attributes and associated Feature Options for the current and new devices. The Attributes and Feature Options were used to con- figure and describe a series of Product Concept Al- ternatives that would be evaluated and rated by par- ticipants. See example on next page. The number of Attributes and Options used in this study represented 4,000+ different possible configu- rations of the Product Alternatives. • This obviously would be an unbearable or unrealistic task for any participant to complete. • However, by using experimental design techniques, only a fraction of these possible configurations are necessary to use in this study. ❖ Yet, this fraction will still provide all the information that is required to help make Client “A” make this important business decision. Trade-Off Analysis (also known as Conjoint Analysis) Due to the strategic nature of this major business decision, the central methodology of the Study was a quantitative technique called TRADE-OFF ANALYSIS (a.k.a., Conjoint Analysis). The tool was used to measure the attractiveness, sales po- tential demand, and if a new-to-the-market company could realistically succeed versus the products of established players. • In addition, the method would provide the Brand Team valuable direction as to the features and benefits that should be promoted in order to gain the strongest interest to use the devices. • See the “ADVANTAGES of Trade-Off Analy- sis” section on next page to learn about some advantages of he method. Relevant Product Attrib- utes and Feature Op- tions Carefully Deter- mined Atotal of six (6) rele- vant product Attrib- utes were identified to de- scribe the products. In addition, either two or three Feature Options defined each Attribute. New and current product Attributes and Feature Options were carefully determined in a way that not only described the new products but also included the important features associated with the current products. • This was important since we needed to measure if Surgeons would trade-off certain features of the new products over the features of the current competing devices. In addition to the functional features of these devic- es, Client “A” wanted to determine if Brand Name was a major barrier to entry. Primary Methodology Used ATTRIBUTES Brand Cannula Diameter Sizes Available Insufflation Valve Abdominal Port Visualization Mode of Entry into Abdominal Wall Usage Type FEATURES Option #1 New Brand 5 mm, 10 mm, and 15mm Automatically Closes based on CO2 Pressure in Abdomen Has a Laser Pointer at End of Tip to Direct Insertion Bladeless (no Trocar)-- Cannula inserted via a Screw-Type Motion with a Blunt Tip Disposable Device -- for Single Use Only Option #2 Brand "Q" 10 mm, 12 mm, and 15 mm Manually Closed by Adjusting Dial Does Not Use any Additional Lighting at End of Tip to Direct Insertion Sharp Conical Blade on Tip of Trocar for Quick Insertion Reusable Device Option #3 Brand "R" 5 mm, 8 mm, and 12mm Option #4 8 mm, 12mm, and 15mm Attributes / Feature Options Table These are Used to Describe Different Configurations of Product Alternatives ...
  • 5. 5 IMPORTANCE that the different Attributes and Features had in driving preference. ❖ This is one of the most useful and powerful outputs that Trade-Off Analysis provides when assessing the value of the features associated with products or services. Trade-Off Exercises Devised for Study Due to the nature of how the four new products will be used by Surgeons, two separate Trade- Off exercises were incorporated into the study. • Using an experimental design, 24 Alternatives were needed for each of the two exercises to capture the main effects of how the different Attributes and Features independently influence preference levels. Surgeon participants read the de- scription for each Alternative and then rated the strength of their Preference-to-Use the device if it was available today. • Based on their responses across the different Alternatives, the relative importance and value of each Attribute and Feature are statistically deduced and quantified. • The implied Trade-Offs that surgeons made when rating their preference across the different Alternatives are used to derive and calculate the ADVANTAGES of Trade-Off Analysis Every day we make choices between products and services that we use or hope to use. Consciously or subconsciously we are making decisions using trade -offs between various alternatives. Trade-Off (Conjoint) Analysis is a powerful multi- variate statistical technique that is used to measure the underlying utility value of Product Attributes and Features by considering them jointly, rather than separately, in the overall decision to use a product. Advantage #1: Instead of asking customers to rate how much value they would place on each separate feature (aka, “stated importance”), Trade-Off Analysis will ask customers to rate or choose a product or ser- vice by looking at them in their entirety across all features. This presents a more realistic experience for participants. • Text, pictures, even videos can be used to describe the products or services. Advantage #2: The “magic” behind Trade-Off Analy- sis is the discreet way it measures the relative im- portance of every attribute and feature of a product or service. The ratings or choices data that participants provide when evaluating an entire product or service profile (see Advantage #1) are used to compute the “derived importance” of the attributes (e.g., Brand Name) and utility values of the individual features (e.g., Coke, Pepsi, 7-Up). • This is a very powerful benefit over simply asking “How important is X-Y-Z feature on a 1 – 10 scale?”; Participants will undoubtedly say most, if not all, features are important. Advantage #3: The data captured are used with market simulation models that will predict preference “shares”. Therefore, simulations pro- vide the added benefit of evaluating the sales potential and risks associat- ed with entering new markets, identi- fying and understanding market segments, or as- sessing new product ideas. • Also, the models can provide a rich source of “what if” insights. For example, what happens to your “share” if a competitor makes changes to its products or a new competitor enters the market? "The best way to predict the future is to create it."Peter Drucker — ATTRIBUTES FEATURES: Mode of Entry into Abdominal Wall The device uses a ... Bladeless (no Trocar) entry approach-- Cannula inserted via a Screw-Type Motion with a Blunt Tip Port Visualization At the end of the tip a Laser Pointer directs insertion into abdomen Insufflation Valve Control of CO2 gas is Manually Closed by adjusting dial on top of handle Usage Type The device is ... Entirely Disposable -- for single use only Cannula Diameter Sizes Available The device is available in ... 5 mm, 8 mm, and 12 mm sizes Brand The device is provided by ... Brand "Q" Product Alternative #10 VERY WEAK Likelihood I Would Use this Device         ✓   VERY STRONG Likelihood I Would Use this Device0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Please RATE your LEVEL of PREFERENCE on the Scale below: ** Example **
  • 6. 6 The relative importance of the six (6) Attributes was quantified. This information prioritized the Attributes in terms of the power they have in driv- ing a Surgeon to want to use a device. • This was the first critical piece of information that was used to help the Brand Team understand some of the inherent value and potential for the new products. These results indicated that over 50% of the Im- portance Weight associated with influencing a Sur- geon’s Likelihood-to-Use a device was driven by just two Attributes. • As a result, the Brand Team now knows where it must focus its marketing strategies in order to capture the early attention of its target custom- ers. 1. Provide participants a brief overview of the prod- ucts and new features in comparison to current products on the market 2. Capture some initial reactions about the new prod- ucts Participants evaluated 24 Alternatives each for two Product Categories. • Since participants are knowledgeable about and interested in these types of devices, this exercise was simple for them to complete. Data Collection Approach Due to the quick turn-around time for this project, an Internet Survey was developed to collect the data. Seventy-five (75) Surgeons were sur- veyed. Before the Trade-Off ex- ercise, participants were shown visual and writ- ten descriptions of the four new products. This was done to: Relative Importance of Product Attributes “Easier” Way to Interpret Product Feature Utili- ty Values ... In addition, each of the individual Feature Options associated with each of the Attributes were quanti- fied for the relative value (aka, Part-Worth Utili- ty) they have in making a surgical device more pre- ferred over another alternative. The Utility Values are scaled from 0 to 100 across all of the 15 Feature Options used to describe the Product Alternatives. 100 = Greatest overall power in influencing Preference for a product 0 = Least amount of relative power in influ- encing Preference for a product This unique re-scaling devised for our clients is ben- eficial because it clearly shows the relative strength of the Utility Value of each Product Feature as compared to the other Features across an easy to understand measurement continuum. See “ATTRIBUTE FEATURE OPTION SUMMARY” Chart on next page. This intuitively easy scaling has been quite useful when presenting Trade-Off results to: • Clients that are relatively new to the methodolo- gy • Quickly highlight how the Utilities translate into identifying the key features to highlight when assessing products, de- signing new products, or making promotion- al decisions. “Don’t find customers for your products; find products for your customers.”Seth Godin — Mode of Entry into Abdominal Wall 28% Port Visualization 25% Insufflation Valve 19% Cannula Diameter Sizes Available 15% Brand 8% Usage Type 5% Relative Importance of ATTRIBUTES 0= Least Power Across ALL Attribute Options 100 = Most Power
  • 7. 7 Moreover, the results show that the Brand Equity of the Market Leader (Brand “Q”) is not insurmount- able. The value of the unique features of the new products will make brand name less of a reason to want to use a device. This is important to know since Client “A” will be a new player in this market. Utility Values are Used to Identify the “Ideal” Feature Options that Customers Desire The Brand Team was interested in learning if the new features of the new products offer signifi- cant value over what surgeons may be using today. In addition, Client “A” was particularly curious in vali- dating if one particular feature does have the sig- nificant value that they were told was so by the Selling Company. • In fact, that feature was seen as being a very valuable new feature -- #2 overall with an 86 utility score. • In addition, the new products had features that were associated with the highest Values across four At- tributes. The features within two of these Attributes are also unique to the new products -– ❖ Laser Light on Tip ❖ Having an Insufflation Valve that Automatically Closes  Therefore, the results indicate that the new products have sev- eral “ideal” features that would make them likely to be pre- ferred over the devices used today. The “Crystal Ball” to the Future — “Share” Simulations Lastly, a series of Preference “Share” Simula- tions were conducted using the Trade-Off Re- sults. The simulations typically produce the most important information from a Trade-Off Study. • The simulations use the Utility Values across the Attributes and Feature Levels to measure the per- centage of customers that would prefer to use the new and current products within a defined market scenario. • The products are “defined” using an appropriate combination of Feature Levels that represent the products in a scenario.  The product that has the highest total utility value based on the Feature Levels used to de- scribe it is effectively the “WINNING” product within a scenario. • A “winning” product within the scenario is deter- mined for every participant.  The percentage of “wins” across all partici- pants for each product is then used to deter- mine the preference “share” for the product.  This is called the first-choice model – which is appropriate for this type of product and market. ❖ (There are also other models used for mar- ket simulations that are beyond the scope of this article.) ATTRIBUTE FEATURE OPTION SUMMARY = “Ideal” Attribute Features that Maximize “Likelihood to Use” Device Segment: OVERALL Surgeons 100 0 86 12 78 22 74 55 46 30 44 39 20 30 15 0 20 40 60 80 100 RelativePart-WorthValues Mode of Entry into Abdom- inal Wall Port Visualization Insufflation Valve Cannula Diameter Sizes Available Brand Usage Type Highest Lowest
  • 8. 8 evidence that the new products have a very strong potential to compete quite effectively in the marketplace. • As seen in the chart below, the Simulations made it unmistakably clear that the new features de- signed into all of the new devices are perceived to offer true value to surgeons over and above what they are using now. And the “Winner” Is ... Several Market Scenario Simulations were done to reveal how the various new products would theoretically match-up within a competitive market comprised of the devices offered by the two current major brand players. • Each Scenario was simulated before and after a new product “enters” a market. Both Scenarios show the PREFERENCE “SHARES” of the products that make up the mar- ket for the simulation. • The key question that the Brand Team wanted to know was: “Do the new products offer enough potential value to make their company a viable new competitor in the market?” • The preference “shares” calculated from the Market Simulations an- swered that question – quite con- vincingly for our Client. Similar analysis was done for the other three new products. • All of the results provided conclusive Conclusions The findings from the Trade-Off Analysis were presented to and well received by the Brand and Marketing Research Teams and Senior Manage- ment. This was an exciting and BIG business decision for Client “A”. However, discretion must be used when utilizing the results with this type of study at “face-value”. Some factors that need to be consid- ered are: 1. All participants had 100% awareness of the new products in the study. Obviously this will not be the case in the real world.  Therefore, the “shares” must be considered a measure of the inherent potential “share” that the new products have versus current options. ❖ This is still a very powerful and important gauge as to whether a new product captures any relevant interest even among an audience that is fully aware of the product. ❖ Therefore, a very poor performance in a market simulation would almost certainly make a “Go/ No Go” decision a definite “No Go”. 2. The study was fielded within the implied context of an “equal playing field” among the competitors — i.e., same awareness levels, sales force size, etc. Therefore it is necessary that commitments to   Creating appropriate awareness levels  Building proper sales force resources  Crafting effective promotional messages  Devising effective contracting strategies with group purchasing organizations (GPOs) → are consciously at the forefront of any acquisition decision. To do anything less, will jeopardize any realistic chance at succeeding in the marketplace. The Team acknowledged and appreciated this added insight! As a result of their due diligence efforts, of which the Trade-Off Results were key components, our Client made the decision to acquire the Selling Company and the new device assets that Surgeons are eager to learn about and use! Brand "R" Sharp Conical Blade on Tip No Add’l Lighting at Tip Manually Closed 10 mm, 12 mm, and 15 mm Reusable 64% 36% “BEFORE” New Brand “Preference Share” Simulation Results 48% 30% 22% “AFTER” New Brand in ‘Market’ The New Brand is expected to be a Formidable New Player New Brand Bladeless (no Trocar) Laser Pointer at Tip Automatically Closes 5 mm, 10 mm, and 15mm Disposable Brand "Q" Bladeless (no Trocar) No Add’l Lighting at Tip Manually Closed 5 mm, 10 mm, and 15mm Disposable "The most important thing is predict where clients are going and stop right in front of them”.Philip Kotler —
  • 9. 9  Measuring the strength and consistency of ‘share’ for your brands across different cus- tomer segments ❖ “Is the brand strong across the entire market or mainly with a particular segment or seg- ments?” • Identifies the “hot-buttons” of the products or services so that you can prioritize the features and benefits to target and communicate more effectively with your customers.  Your customers will be happier and more interested in learning about products or ser- vices that directly match the desires and needs they want from a product or service. • Decreases market research cost in the long-run. A well designed Trade-Off Study can be used to answer questions even after the project is officially complet- ed.  The richness and depth of information that is captured provides the opportunity to test additional market scenarios as the com- petitive environment changes since the origi- nal study was fielded. • Provides results via a proven tool that has been used in various forms since the early 1970’s in Marketing.  Moreover, the method has been used across many different industries, product types and services (e.g., medical products, consumer goods, legal disputes, hotel services), and with all different customer types. Trade-Off (Conjoint Analysis) is a Powerful and Invaluable method that will help ensure that business decisions are backed-up by information that helps you not only answer to- day’s questions – but helps you stay ahead of your competition by confidently anticipating and answering questions about the future, as well. It is definitely worth a “Shot”! Some Advantages of using Trade-Off Analysis (i.e., Conjoint Analysis) for a future project are: • Provides you a more realistic understanding of the buying-decision framework that your customers inherently use since it forces partici- pants to evaluate the products as a whole rather than focusing on the separate parts or features (as in real life).  The “derived” importance of your product’s Attributes and Levels captured from this meth- od virtually eliminates any bias that participants would likely have when stating and evaluat- ing the importance of features in isolation of other features. • Increases success and helps reduce risk in the business deci- sion by:  Eliminating much of the guess- work about understanding the market opportunities and chal- lenges when evaluating poten- tial new product offerings. ❖ This increases the chances for greater success and bottom-line profita- bility for your product line decisions.  Assessing the potential of product and service development ideas before any major production resources are used.  Proactively modeling and simulating the dy- namics of different current and/or future com- petitive market situations. Example – ❖ “What would happen to my product’s ‘share’ if a competitor comes out with a product that has a feature that is similar to my product?” ❖ “What will happen to my product’s ‘share’ if we can make a particular claim that our competi- tors cannot?” ❖ “What steps do we need to take in order to make our products or services more successful in the market?” Benefits of Using Trade-Off Analysis for You and Your Team! Hope you enjoyed this article. Please feel free to reach out and connect via LinkedIn -- Steve Petitt, MBA