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Incidence and Distribution of
Refractive Anomalies
Karla Zadnik, Donald O. Mutti
The eye's refractive error has been studied for
I decades. Many of these investigations have focused
on associations between the distribution of refractive
error and a wide variety of factors. These factors
include-but are not limited to-age, gender, ethnicity,
geographical location, diet, intelligence, socioeconomic
status, performance of near work, and genetic factors.
Many of these associations are statistically strong and
have led to intellectually compelling theories on the eti-
ology of myopia as groups of people with markedly dif-
ferent distributions of refractive error are compared.
This chapter first presents the classical notion of
emrnetropization, which creates the common distribu-
tion of refractive errors seen in the United States today.
The focus then turns to the areas of the distribution
where clinically significant refractive errors occur and
how the aforementioned factors influence the distribu-
tion. Finally, the classical factors associated with-and,
intriguingly, perhaps leading to-the onset of clinically
important refractive errors are discussed.
A fascinating process occurs in ocular development
between birth and puberty to produce a leptokurtic dis-
tribution that overwhelmingly favors emmetropia and
is skewed toward myopia, with more moderate to high
myopes than moderate to high hyperopes. As seen in
Figure 2-1, the distribution of refractive errors at birth
closely resembles a normal distribution, with some
skew toward hyperopia. Reports of myopia during cyclo-
plegic retinoscopic examination of newborns are vari-
able as to prevalence, with estimates ranging from 0%
to 25% (Table 2-1). Between infancy and childhood
(as detailed in Chapter 3), the eye grows in such a way
that the distribution of refractive errors shifts toward
emmetropia, narrows considerably (with most children
being emmetropic to slightly hyperopic), and shows a
shift in skew toward myopia. This process-whereby the
average refractive error shifts toward emmetropia and
the entire distribution of refractive errors decreases its
variability-is termed emmettopization: Recent cross-
sectional and longitudinal studies agree that the vast
majority of emmetropization is completed rapidly in
infancy during the first year of life.':"
When does emmetropization stop? Between the ages
of 5 and 15 years, ocular component development
slows. During this decade, anterior chamber depth
increases by only 0.10 to 0.20 mm and vitreous
chamber depth and axial length by about 1.0 mm.':"
Lens thinning seems to continue its earlier trend by con-
tinuing to thin another 0.15 to 0.20 mm. Many text-
books describe the lens as a unique part of the body in
that it grows throughout life, continually laying new
fibers onto the lens cortex." Studies reviewed by Larsen?
show that the lens weighs about 65 mg at birth and
doubles its weight during the first year of life, growing
very slowly after age 1 year. A redoubling of crystalline
lens weight to 258 mg does not occur until age 80 years.
Although it continues to grow in the sense of laying
down new fibers, it does not continually grow in
the sense of thickening. The cornea is remarkably
stable throughout childhood, on average. Lens power
decreases about 2.00 O. The average hyperopia
decreases about 1.00 O. The interesting feature ofocular
development is that, during this time of relatively slow
average growth compared with earlier in life, the preva-
lence of myopia increases by over 7 times to 15%.
The prevalence of myopia remains low, under 2%,
until about the age of 7 or 8 years, when there is a
sudden rise that begins to level off only in the early
teens (Figure 2-2). Myopia that has its onset during
these years can be termed juvenile-onset myopia. This
myopia typically progresses after its onset, with an
average rate of increase of about -0.50 (±0.25) 0 per
year. The eye continues to grow throughout the teen
years, suggesting that myopia progresses in these
children because the ability of the crystalline lens to
compensate for increases in axial length is reduced.
All millimeters of axial length increase translate directly
36 BENJAMIN Borishs Clinical Refraction
TABLE 2-1 Refractive Error in Infancy and Toddlerhood
Author N Age Method
Coldschrnidr" 356 infants 2-10 days Atropine 0.5%
Santonastaso'" 34 infants 0-3 mo Atropine retinoscopy
Luyckx" 104 eyes 0-1 wk Cyclopentolate 1%
Cook & Glasscock" 1000 eyes After post- Atropine ointment 1%
delivery 4x
Mohindra & Held27
48 infants 0-4wk Near retinoscopy
Zonis & Miller!" 600 eyes 48-72 hr Mydriaticum
Mayer et al.' 32 infants 1 mo Cyclopentolate 1%
42 infants 12mo
Mutti et al.' 262 infants 3 mo Cyclopentolate 1%
243 infants 9 mo
•Standard deviations arein parentheses.
tSee Figure 2-1 for distribution.
z 35
Cl 30...J
o 25
Mean Refraction (D)
+0.62 (±2.24)*
+1.67 (±2.54)
+2.4 (±1.2)
-0.70 (±3.20)
+1.10 (±1.60)
+2.20 (±1.60)
+1.57 (±0.78)
+2.13 (±1.31)
+1.32 (±1.07)
Not given
Not given
s s a e s s s s e s e e e e e e s s
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 0 ~ N M ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ a
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
AGE (years)
Figure 2-1
Comparison of refractive error distribution among
newborns" with that among children."? The distribu-
tion of refractive errors narrows and its peak becomes
closer to emmetropia between infancy and childhood
as the process of emmetropization takes place.
(Reprinted from Zadnih K. 1997. The Ocular Examina-
tion, p 55. Philadelphia: WB Saunders.)
into diopters of myopia. Sorsby et al." found that the
average values of components of children 13 to 14 years
ofage were not different from those ofyoung adult male
recruits 19 to 22 years old. They concluded that the eye
does not grow appreciably beyond the age of 13 to 14
years. The age of cessation of the progression of myopia
is 14.6 to 15.3 years for girls and 15.0 to 16.7 years for
Figure 2-2
Increases in the prevalence of myopia (at least -0.50 D
by noncycloplegic retinoscopy) as a function of age.
Data are from Blum et al." (Reprinted from Zadnin K.
1997. The Ocular Examination, p 58. Philadelphia: WB
Saunders. )
boys, depending on the method of estimation of
progression," and it is consistent with the cessation of
ocular growth. This age is obviously an average because
many patients' myopia progresses well into adulthood. II
In addition, many patients, perhaps another 10% of the
population, will become myopic for the first time after
the teen years. II As noted in Chapter 1, this type of
myopia is termed adult-onset myopia. These two forms of
myopia bring the total prevalence of myopia in the
adult population to about 25%.12 The development of
Incidence and Distribution of Refractive Anomalies Chapter Z 37
Age Iyr/ -0. t 2 0 or More - t .00 0 or More
Reprinted with permission from Myopia: Prevalence and
Progression. Copyright 1989 by the NationalAcademy of Sciences.
Courtesy of the National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
TABLE 2-2 Effect of Myopia Criterion
Definition on Prevalence of
Myopia in School-Age Children
across studies, as shown in Tables 2-1 and 2-3 through
2-6, and the wide range of reproducibility obtainable
with these subjective and objective refraction measure-
ment techniques. IS
Age is the single most important determinant of the
distribution of refractive error in a given group (see
Chapter 3). The onset and development of myopia
occur in well-established yet poorly understood pat-
terns. Only a very small proportion of infants are
myopic at birth, and much of this neonatal myopia is
associated with prematurity. 16 Likewise, babies and tod-
dlers exhibit a low prevalence of myopia. I? Even by the
time they enter formal schooling at age 6 years, children
are generally not myopic. During the ensuing 6 to 8
years, however, low to moderate myopia is first observed
and progresses. I 8.19 For juvenile-onset myopia, onset is
typically between the ages of 7 and 14 years." the rate
of progression is -0.40 (± 0.25) Don average." and the
age of cessation is 14 to 15 years for females and 15 to
16 years for males. 10 The prevalence of myopia in older
age groups increases 18.22-23 to as high as 25% of the U.S.
adult population."
Table 2-1 lists major studies of the prevalence and
distribution of refractive error in newborns.24
it can be seen that the distribution of infant refractive
error is centered somewhere in low to moderate hyper-
opia with a moderate spread (standard deviations on
the order of 1.00 to 2.00 D) and that, not surprisingly,
noncycloplegic measures yield distributions with more
myopic average values than appear in distributions
yielded by cycloplegic measures."
Astigmatism in infancy and toddlerhood has been
well documented, but its purpose in visual development
is still unknown. Table 2-3 presents the results from
several large-scale studies of infants' and preschoolers'
astigmatism with a variety of measurement techniques
and a large range of ages.28
Overall, astigmatism pres-
ents in infancy « 1 year ofage) with anywhere from one-
quarter to one-half of infants showing significant
astigmatism (>1.00 DC); the story on the orientation of
that astigmatism and its changes with age is less clear-cut.
Several recent studies suggest that early infant astigma-
tism may well be a mix ofboth with-the-rule and against-
the-rule.P:" With time, the prevalence of astigmatism
decreases toward that seen in school-aged children. There
is a general against-the-rule shift with time making early
with-the-rule astigmatism resolve more often and early
against-the-rule astigmatism the more persistent orienta-
tion. 1,2,16 With respect to the origin ofinfant astigmatism,
one group has reported that infant astigmatism up to age
1 year is primarily corneal in origin." but another has
reported that the astigmatism prevalent in infancy disap-
pears by age 18 months, consistent with the time course
One of the difficulties in characterizing refractive error
distributions across many associated factors is the effect
of the criterion used to define the various refractive error
distributions. In Table 2-2, the Working Group on
Myopia Prevalence and Progression11 demonstrated the
marked effect of a criterion change on the prevalence of
myopia in a school-age, population-based sample." The
prevalence of myopia changes by an order of magnitude
if the operational definition of myopia is altered from
"any minus refraction" to a clinically important "-1.00
D or more myopia." Other important factors are the
variety of methods used to measure refractive error
ametropia and its progression throughout the human
lifespan are detailed in Chapter 3.
Sorsby et al." attempted to categorize myopia on the
basis of values of and associations between the ocular
components. They examined the range of axial lengths
in ernmetropes. finding that eyes anywhere from 21.0 to
26.0 mm in length could be emmetropic. Emmetropia
was not the product of having the correct axial length
but rather of having the right match between axial
length and primarily-according to Sorsby et al.-
corneal power. For ametropias up to ± 4.00 D, the cause
was not an incorrect axial length, but rather a mismatch
with corneal power they called correlation ametropia.
Errors greater than ±4.00 D were called component
ametropia, being primarily due to excessive axial length;
the corneas of these patients fell within a range similar
to that of emmetropes. A third classification, for myopia
typically greater than -6.00 D and accompanied by
degenerative fundus changes, was termed pathological
38 BEN.lAMIN Borishs Clinical Refraction
TABLE 2-3 Astigmatism in Infancy and Toddlerhood
Cycloplegic Prevalence of
Author N AgenVMethod Age Astigmatism Orientation
Ingram & 296 eyes Atropine/retinoscopy 1yr 29.7% (>1.00 DC) Not given
Ba~4 3.5 yr 7.8% (>1.00 DC) Not given
Fulton et al." 145 children Cyclopentolate 1%/ 40-50wk 23.5% (;:: 21.00 DC) 71% ATR
retinoscopy 1-2 yr 16% (;:: 1.00 DC) (for children
2-3 yr 14% (;:: 1.00 DC) 0-3 yr
8% Oblique
Dobson et al." 46 infants Cyclopentolate 1%/ <6mo 17% (;:: 1.00 DC) 100%ATR
187 infants retinoscopy 1yr 19% (~ 1.00 DC) 70% ATR
(midpoint) 18% ATR
2% Oblique
Howland et al." 93 infants No cycloplegia/ 0-12 mo 86% ~ 1.00 DC 70% "Horizontal
photorefraction and vertical"
Gwiazda et al.31 521 infants No cycloplegia/ 0-12 mo 53% ~ 1.00 DC 41% ATR
near retinoscopy 41%WfR
18% Oblique
Howland & 117 infants No cycloplegia/ 0-12 mo 63% 55% ATR
Sayles" photorefraetion 3%WfR
42% Oblique
Mohindra et al." 276 infants No cycloplegia/near 0-12 mo 45% 40% ATR
retinoscopy 40%WfR
20% Oblique
Santonastaso" 34 infants under Atropine/ 0-12 mo 52.4% ;:: 1.00 DC 15%ATR
3 mo of age retinoscopy 85%WfR
Ehrlich et al.36 254 infants Cyclopentolate 1%/ 9mo 35%;:: 1.00 DC 17% ATR
retinoscopy 81% WfR
20mo 13% ~ 1.00 DC 36%ATR
Mayer et al.' 43 infants Cyclopentolate 1%/ 4mo 49%;:: 1.00 DC 56%ATR
33 infants retinoscopy 48mo 12% ~ 1.00 DC 29%WfR
across age
Mutti et al.2
262 infants Cyclopentolate 1%/ 3mo 42%;:: 1.00 DC 6%ATR
retinoscopy 89%WfR
36mo 4% ~ 1.00 DC 78% ATR
ATR, Against the rule; WTR, with the rule.
Incidence and Distribution of Refractive Anomalies
TABLE 2-4 Mean Refractive Error in Childhood
Chapter 2 39
Author N Cyc/opegic Agent/Method Age Mean Refraction '01
Ingram & Barr" 296 eyes Atropine/retinoscopy lyr +0.62 (±1.11)a
3.5 yr +0.95 (±1.11)
Mohindra & Held:" 39 children No cycloplegia/near 65-128 wk 0.43 (±1.32)
retinoscopy 129-256 wk 0.59 (±0.85)
Blum et al." 1163 children No cycloplegia/ 5-15 yr Slow decline from mean of
retinoscopy +0.62 at age 5 to +0.12
at age 15
Hirsch" 9552 children No cycloplegia/ 5-14 yr Slow decline from mean of
retinoscopy +0.80 at age 5 to +0.35
at age 14
Zadnik et al.7
133 children Tropicamide/ 6yr +0.73 (±0.87)
143 children autorefraction 8yr +0.37 (±0.89)
129 children 11yr +0.30 (±1.34)
'Standard deviations are in parentheses.
TABLE 2-5 Prevalence of Refractive Errors in White Children
Cyc/opegic Prevalence of Prevalence
Author N Agent/Method Age 'yrl Hyperopia of Myopia
Laatikainen & Erkkila" 162 children Cyclopentolate 1%/ 7-8 19.1% 1.9%
218 children retinoscopy 9-10 6.9% 6.4%
222 children 11-12 11.7% 7.2%
220 children 14-15 3.6% 21.8%
Sperduto et al.12 NA No cycloplegia/health 12-17 Not measured 23.9%
survey review
Blum et al." 1163 children No cycloplegia/ 5 6% for all ages 2%
retinoscopy 6 2.25%
7 2.5%
8 4%
9 5.5%
10 8%
11 10.5%
12 12.25%
13 13.25%
14 14.5%
15 15%
Hirsch'? 605 children No cycloplegia/ 13-14 11.4% 15.2%
Kempf et al." 333 children Homatropine/ 6-8 35.4% 1.2%
495 children retinoscopy 9-11 25.2% 3.4%
1001 children ~12 15.2% 4.8%
Laatikainen and Erkkila defined hyperopia as ~ +2.00 D and myopia as :0;-0.50 D; Sperduto et al. defined myopia as :0;-0.00 D; Blum et ai.
defined hyperopia as ~+1.50 D and myopia as :0;-0.50 D; Hirsch defined hyperopia as >+1.00 D and myopia as <-0.50 D; Kempfet al. defined
hyperopia as >+1.00D and myopia as :0;-0.75 D.
40 BEN.JAMIN Borishs Clinical Refraction
TABLE 2-6 Astigmatism in Childhood
Author N Agent/Method Age (yrJ Astigmatism ORIENTATION
Fabian" 1200 children Cyclopentolate/ 2 ;::: 1.00 DC = 1.6% WTR
retinoscopy ;:::1.00 DC =0.7% ATR
Hirsch" 333 eyes No cycloplegia/ 5.5 0.75-1.24 DC =2.4% WTR
retinoscopy 0.75-1.24 DC =0.0% ATR
;:::1.25 DC =1.8% WTR
;:::1.25 DC =0.0% ATR
8.5 0.75-1.24 DC =2.7% WTR
0.75-1.24 DC =0.6% ATR
;::: 1.25 DC =2.7% WTR
;::: 1.25 DC =0.0% ATR
10.5 0.75-1.24 DC =2.4% WTR
0.75-1.24 DC =0.6% ATR
;::: 1.25 DC =2.7% WTR
;::: 1.25 DC =0.0% ATR
12.5 0.75-1.24 DC =3.0% WTR
0.75-1.24 DC =0.3% ATR
;::: 1.25 DC =3.0% WTR
;::: 1.25 DC =0.0% ATR
Dobson et al.29 98 children Cyclopentolate 1%/ 2 11%;::: 1.00 DC 35% ATR
97 children retinoscopy 3 32%;::: 1.00 DC 55% ATR
105 children 4 37%;::: 1.00 DC 10-30% ATR
108 children 5 50%;::: 1.00 DC 50-60% WTR
87 children 6 41%;::: 1.00 DC 15-30%
93 children 7 45%;::: 1.00 DC Oblique age 4
90 children 8 18%;::: 1.00 DC and older
68 children 9 13%;::: 1.00 DC
Howland & 61 children No cycloplegia/ 1.5 42%;::: 1.00 DC 50-78% ATR for
Sayles" 29 children photorefraetion 2.5 20%;::: 1.00 DC all ages
60 children 3.5 10%;::: 1.00 DC <10% WTR
70 children 4.5 12%;::: 1.00 DC 10-50% oblique
Gwiazda et a1.3
! 63 children No cycloplegia/ 1-2 43%;::: 1.00 DC 55-65% ATR up
86 children near retinoscopy 2-3 30%;::: 1.00 DC to age 4.5
137 children 3-4 22%;::: 1.00 DC 20-40% ATR and
140 children 4-5 18%;::: 1.00 DC 60-80%
53 children 5-6 24%;::: 1.00 DC WTR after age 4.5
Zadnik et al." 231 children Tropicamide 1%/ 6-12 8.6% ;::: 1.00 DC 30% ATR
autorefraction 50% WTR
20% oblique
WTR With the rule; ATR against the rule.
for corneal development.":" A recent, detailed study of
ocular components and infant astigmatism found that
infant astigmatism was the combination of predomi-
nantly with-the-rule corneal toricity and against-the-rule
lenticular toricity. The reduction in the prevalence of
astigmatism over time appeared to be due to the
decreases in toricity of the cornea and anterior lens
surface, and the reduction in the variance in toricity ofthe
cornea and both lenticular surfaces.2
Table 2-4 shows results of studies on older children,
ranging in age from 1 to 15 years.7
, ! H,27, 14.1 <J IIere, the
process of emmetropization and the development of
juvenile-onset myopia are evident. The mean refractive
error shifts from hyperopic to near emmetropic, as a
result of both emmetropization and the increasing
number of myopes with age.
The effect of race and ethnic background on the
distribution of refractive error is discussed below. Table
Incidence and Distribution of Refractive Anomalies Chapter 2 41
Reprinted with permission from Myopia: Prevalence and
Progression, Copyright 1989 bythe National Academyof Sciences,
Courtesy of the National AcademyPress, Washington, D.C
TABLE 2-7 Prevalence of Myopia in
Modern Young Adult Samples,
Either Population- or
2-5 shows the distribution of refractive error by age
of school-age children.7,ll,18,21,39Ao These results again
document the decreasing prevalence of hyperopia
and concomitant increasing prevalence of myopia
with increasing school age.
The prevalence of astigmatism in school-age children
is presented in Table 2_6.29.11,32,41-43 The prevalence of
clinically significant astigmatism decreases with increas-
ing school age by all measurement methods.
During the high school years, refractive error is
thought to be stable. Little eye growth appears to occur
during these years, and myopes stay myopes, hyperopes
stay hyperopes, and emmetropes remain emmetropes,
with little change in degree of refractive error within an
individual in a given category.":" However, the phenom-
enon of adult-onset myopia is well documented." The
modern literature on the prevalence ofmyopia in general
population samples and academia-based samples is
summarized in Table 2-7,4S-47 as reported by the Working
Group on Myopia Prevalence and Progression. I These
samples reflect the high prevalence seen in some college-
age populations; some of these myopes reflect actual
adult-onset myopia, whereas others represent adult pro-
gression of existing myopia from school-age onset.
The Working Group on Myopia Prevalence and Pro-
gression I carefully analyzed secular trends in the preva-
lence of myopia in college-based samples. They could
document no difference between the prevalence of
myopia in the early 20s as tallied in 1920 to 193048-50
and the modern National Health and Nutrition Exami-
nation Survey (NHANES) data, despite the increased
percentage of the general population enrolled in college
in the 1980s. The association with education or near
work found in many studies of adult myopes":" and
the implication that excessive near work somehow
causes myopia are discussed later. The Beaver Dam Eye
Sutton &
20% of Caucasians
30% of Nisei
45% at entrance
60% at graduation
51% at entrance
67% at graduation
Type of
West Point
West Point
Study'S documented a decrease in the prevalence of
myopia in older age groups, similar to that found in
Eskimo samples years age." but whether this reflects a
true secular trend, the effect of increasing near work, the
effect of a Westernized diet (in the case of the Eskimos)
or a change in diet (in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin), some
selective mortality of aged myopes, or a multitude of
other factors is difficult to determine.
The trends in refractive error distribution seen with
gender, as opposed to age, are not as well defined and
may in fact be confounded by age. A large sample of
children from the United Kingdom yielded no signifi-
cant differences in refractive error between boys and
girls." In other studies, the trend has gone both ways,
and it is therefore probably inconclusive. Hirsch" found
a more myopic mean refraction in boys than in girls
among 5- to 6-year-olds but more myopia among girls
by age 14 years, and Alsbirk" reported a similar trend
in adults. These results are also sensitive to the opera-
tional definition of myopia as described in Table 2-2.
Myopia is more prevalent in Danish school-age girls
than in Danish boys of all ages." but both myopia and
hyperopia are more prevalent in Finnish schoolchildren
than in Goldschmidt's Danes." Both groups of investi-
gators questioned the influence of puberty and earlier
maturation typically found in girls. Further, it is possi-
ble that all the above results favoring females are due to
their greater participation in studies of this type.I
Contemporary data supporting the general clinical
impression that the prevalence of myopia differs with
race are relatively sparse (Table 2-8). Few studies have
simultaneously compared different races, and it is prob-
lematic at best to compare data across races in different
geographic areas, different cultures, and samples with
different socioeconomic and educational bases. The
best estimate comes from the NHANES data reported
by Sperduto et al.,12 but no prevalence rates for races
other than white and African-American are reported.
Across all age groups, the prevalence of myopia in
whites (26%) was twice that in African-Americans
(13%) in the NHANES survey. That difference was the
most marked among 18- to 24-year-olds (differing by a
factor of 3 times) and least evident among 45- to 54-
year-olds (a difference of only 1.5 times).
The claim that there is a high prevalence of myopia
among Asians is difficult to document. Oft-cited high
prevalence rates among Singapore medical students'?
parallel those of British biornicroscopists" and American
optometry students,62 both predominantly white
samples. Given the association between myopia and
intelligence, higher educational level certainly inflates
the prevalence of myopia in these samples."
42 BEN.lAMIN Borishs Clinical Refraction
TABLE 2-8 Literature-Based Prevalences of Myopia by Ethnic Category
Caucasian (white)
Caucasian (white)
Caucasian (white)
Caucasian (white)
Caucasian (white)
Caucasian (white)
Beaver Dam Eye Study"
Oakland, California, public schools'"
Oakland, California, public schools!"
Oakland, California, public schools!"
Hong Kong schools"
Taiwan schools!"
12-54 yr
12-54 yr
43-84 yr
Schoolchildren 5-18 yr
Schoolchildren 5-18 yr
Schoolchildren 5-18 yr
Sixth-grade schoolchildren
Sixth-grade schoolchildren
Sixth-grade schoolchildren
Schoolchildren 6-17 yr
Schoolchildren 6-12 yr
Schoolchildren 6-14 yr
Schoolchildren 6-14 yr
Schoolchildren 5-17 yr
Schoolchildren 5-17 yr
Schoolchildren 5-17 yr
Schoolchildren 5-17 yr
Prevalence of
NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; OLSM, Orinda Longitudinal Study of Myopia; CLEERE, Collaborative
Longitudinal Evaluation of Ethnicityand Refractive Error.
The larger population-based studies and assessments
of school-age children listed in Table 2-8 indicate a
general pattern in which the prevalence of myopia is
highest in Asian, intermediate in white, and lowest in
African-American schoolchildren. Table 2-9 presents
similar comparisons of college-age students. Regardless
of the person's racial background, when myopia does
occur it is presumably due primarily to excessive axial
length. There is no evidence to support the idea that
myopia in some ethnic groups is caused by steep
corneas or high-powered crystalline lenses. Component
studies of Asian schoolchildren demonstrate that their
myopia is due to excessive axial length, as it is in
white children." Rigorous ocular component measure-
ment in samples with a great deal of ethnic variation is
rare; the Orinda Longitudinal Study of Myopia (OLSM)
suffers from this limitation, too.' However, there is
intriguing evidence that children from a group with a
low prevalence of myopia show different ocular com-
ponent profiles than do those with a higher preva-
lence.":" Specifically, Melanesian children ages 6 to 19
years had a prevalence of myopia of 2.9%,65 whereas
Malaysian children appeared similar to U.S. samples."
with a prevalence of myopia of 4.3% at 7 to 8 years and
25.6% by 15 to 16 years."
Cross-sectional differences between 6- and 17-year-
old Melanesian and Malaysian children were com-
pared." The Melanesian children on average had no
TABLE 2-9 Literature-Based Prevalences
of Myopia in College-Age
Samples by Ethnic Category
Ethnicity Source Age lyrJ of Myopia
Chinese (in Au Eong 17-18 48.5%
Singapore) et al.!B4
Eurasian (in Au Eong 17-18 34.7%
Singapore) et al.184
Indian (in Au Eong 17-18 30.4%
Singapore) et al.IB4
Malay (in Au Eong 17-18 24.5%
Singapore) et al.!84
Israeli Rosner & 17-19 15.8%
British Sorsby 18-22 11.0%
et al.!85
Swedish Coldschrnidt" 18-22 14.5%
change in lens thickness but substantial decreases in
lens power (3.50 D) during the time the eye increased
in length by 1 mm and the prevalence of myopia
increased to 8%. In contrast, Malaysian children under-
went substantial lens thinning (0.33 mm) and smaller
Incidence and Distribution of Refractive Anomalies Chapter Z 43
decreases in lens power (2.40 D) during a similar l-rnm
increase in axial length that resulted in a prevalence of
myopia of 28%. The lack of difference in axial growth
suggests that the crystalline lens of the Malaysian
children was primarily responsible for the increased
myopia. It appeared that the lens was less efficient
in compensating for ocular growth, decreasing fewer
diopters per unit change in axial length. This lens-based
model parallels that obtained from the predominantly
white sample in the OLSM, suggesting that a slower
growth rate for the Malaysian lens or a less responsive
refractive index profile may be a risk factor for the onset
of myopia. Unfortunately, the Malaysian study did not
collect complete ocular component data (e.g., lens cur-
vatures from phakometry) or longitudinal data.
Geographical differences in myopia prevalence can be
seen in Table 2-10, although differences among studies
with regard to sampling and confounding by other
factors such as diet, education, and time spent reading
are difficult to sort out from true differences based on
geography. Certainly, no clear geographical differences
emerge beyond those identified in the preceding section
on racial differences in myopia prevalence in the United
Table 2-11 shows some of the various dietary insuffi-
ciencies that have been associated with myopia. Gar-
diner" conducted a nonrandomized clinical trial of the
effect of animal protein supplement on the progression
of myopia in children. The treated group either altered
diet or took protein supplements to make 10% of
the intake of calories come from animal protein.
The control group followed their regular, unmonitored
diet. At one year, the treated group showed less myopic
progression (by -0.25 to -0.500 per year) compared
with the control group. The effect of dietary protein on
myopic progression displayed some dose-response
effect, in that myopic progression was less in those who
achieved the highest levels of intake of animal protein.
Unfortunately, this trial was not randomized. The
treated children were studied at the hospital clinic by
their parents, whereas the control children were seen at
their school clinic. Without randomization, unknown
sources of bias-factors related to myopia but unrelated
to the treatment-may create differences between
treated and control children and give false results. For
example, differences in family income, parents' educa-
tional level, or whether one or both parents were
myopic could create differences in myopic progression
unrelated to protein intake. Interestingly, the treated
children differed from controls in refractive error, but
they were initially more myopic rather than less.
Edwards et al." examined the nutrition and diet of
102 7-year-old Hong Kong children. Compared with
children who did not become myopic, 34 children who
were myopic by age 10 years had a lower intake of
several items, including: protein; fat; vitamins BI, B2,
and C; phosphorus; iron; and cholesterol. None of these
children were malnourished. Malnourishment appears
to be associated with a lower amount of hyperopia
in infancy, perhaps because of some effect it might
have on the crystalline Iens'" or because it slows ocular
growth. The smaller eyes of premature infants are not
associated with high hyperopia but rather with myopic
or less hyperopic refractive errors.P'"
Some investigators have proposed that proper
calcium metabolism is important to maintenance of
scleral rigidity and resistance to any expansive effects of
intraocular pressure (lOP). Lane" found that myopes
had a higher concentration of calcium in hair samples
than do emmetropes or hyperopes. Lane somewhat
arbitrarily took this as evidence that calcium was being
depleted from the body into the hair. Calcium supple-
TABLE 2-10 Literature-Based Prevalences of Myopia by Geographical location
United States/Native American
Australia/European origin
Hyrnans et al.186
Shapiro et al.187
Abiose et al.188
Wick & Cranc'"
van Rens & Arkell'"
Age Iyr)
University students 18-25
Prevalence of Myopia
Hymans et al. defined myopia as >-1.00 DS; Shapiro et al. and Wick & Crane defined myopia as ?-O.25 DS in at least one eye; Abiose et al. did
not define myopia criterion. Taylordefined myopia as >-0.75 DS; van Rem & Arkell did not define myopia criterion,
44 BENJAMIN Borishs Clinical Refraction
Study Dietary Problem
TABLE 2-11 Dietary Problems Associated
with Myopia Study
mentation appeared to have little effect on slowing
myopia progression in a case series reported by
Feldman." Blood levels of total, bound, and ionic
calcium were not appreciably different between myopes
and hyperopes.
Until the multitude ofconfounding factors that influ-
ence diet and refractive error is untangled, the precise
role of nutrition in the etiology of myopia will remain
unclear. Demonstrating that alteration of diet can
affect the onset or progression of myopia will require a
formal, randomized clinical trial potentially fraught
with ethical dilemma.
TABLE 2-12 Secular Trends in Prevalence
of Juvenile Onset Myopia
Age Iyrj Study 2:-1.00 OS Myopia
6 Kempfet al.40
Blum et al." 2.0%
7 Kempf et al." 1.2%
Blum et al." 3.0%
8 Hirsch!' 0.9%
Blum et al." 3.5%
9 Hirsch!" 1.9%
Blum et al." 5.5%
10 Kempf et al." 2.4%
Blum et al." 7.5%
11 Hirsch!' 4.4%
Blum et al." 10.5%
12 Blum et al." 12.0%
13.0 Kempf et al." 3.9%
Blum et al." 13.0%
14 Hirsch'? 5.4%
Blum et al." 14.5%
changes in the ocular components related to aging, sam-
pling bias, or some other effect or association.
Systemic Conditions
Numerous systemic disorders have an effect on the
development of the eye and therefore affect its refractive
state. A more complete discussion of the following con-
ditions has been provided by Curtin." Albinism is the
inability to produce the pigment melanin, resulting in a
lack of pigmentation of the hair, skin, and eyes. The
prevalence ofthe general form ofalbinism is 1 in 10,000.
In both the generalized and ocular forms, albinism has
been associated with myopia and high astigmatism.
Down syndrome, or trisomy of chromosome 21, results
in myopia in about one third of affected individuals. Its
prevalence is estimated to be between 2 and 34 in
10,000. Several connective tissue and skeletal disorders,
such as Marfan's syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome,
and Stickler's syndrome, are also associated with
myopia. Maumenee'" has characterized the refractive
The conventional wisdom on associations between per-
sonality traits and refractive error is that myopia is asso-
ciated with introversion." Further, myopes have been
shown to exhibit an inhibited disposition, a disinclina-
tion for motor activity and social leadership, whereas
hyperopes are carefree, impulsive, hyperactive, and
socially passive." These associations are statistically
weak, however.":"
Less animal protein
Less protein, fat, vitamins,
iron, and cholesterol
African tribe after 2 years of
Calcium, chromium
Japanese children with
exposure to
Halasa & Mcl.aren'"
Edwards et al."
Tamura & Mitsui191
If analyzing the foregoing factors' influences on refrac-
tive error distributions is difficult, determining whether
secular trends have occurred in the distribution of
refractive error across the last century is nearly impossi-
ble. Researchers working in different decades used
different measurement methods and different criteria
for defining the types of refractive error. Different age
groups cannot be directly compared. Comparisons
among groups of different ethnic origins and from dif-
ferent parts of the world do not lead to conclusions.
Nevertheless, Table 2-12 presents an attempt to sort out
these relationships.II
In a study designed to determine whether the preva-
lence of myopia might be increasing, Fledelius" looked
at a Danish hospital-based sample and found the same
trend toward decreasing prevalence of myopia with
increasing age into the elderly range that was found in
the Beaver Dam Eye Study in Wisconsin" and the
oft-cited study of Alaskan Eskimos." It is still unknown
whether these trends reflect true increases in the preva-
lence of myopia in recent decades (argued against by
the juvenile-onset data across decades in Table 2-12),
Incidence and Distribution of Refractive Anomalies Chapter 2 45
error and the facial, somatic, sensory, and ocular charac-
teristics of other, rarer connective tissue disorders. Most
result in myopia, but two (Jansen's syndrome and
spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia) may result in hyperopia.
Laurence-Moon/Bardet-Biedl syndromes are character-
ized by a retinal pigment degeneration and general
somatic abnormalities such as polydactyly and mental
retardation. Refractiveerrors are rarely emmetropic, with
nearly equal numbers of myopes and hyperopes."
Homocystinuria, an error of metabolism, is character-
ized by excretion of homocystine in the urine and
excesses of homocystine and methionine in the blood."
The effect on the body is the production of fair hair and
skin and mental retardation. The major ocular findings
are lens dislocation and myopia in a high proportion of
affected individuals (90% for each), and light irides
(70%), hypotony (33%), retinal elevation (25%), and
cataract (20%). Numerous severe developmental disor-
ders were also listed by Curtin" as associated with
myopia as the common refractive error: Pierre Robin
syndrome, syringomyelia, Turner's syndrome, Noonan's
syndrome, and De Lange's syndrome.
More recent reports have noted that myopia may be
an associated finding in hantavirus infection. A multi-
hospital study followed 62 serologically proven cases
during 1992 and 1993, and acute myopia was found in
24% of patients." Systemic lupus erythematosus has
also been related to myopia in two case reports, pre-
sumably because of changes in lenticular curvature and
anterior displacement associated with ocular edema.":"
Dental caries is a common systemic condition with
low morbidity that has been associated with myopia in
past literature but has not been found to be a significant
risk factor for myopia in subsequent studies. Hirsch and
Levin" found an association between myopia and
dental caries, as well as between the amount of myopia
and the number of decayed teeth in 155 college-age stu-
dents. No such relationship was found in a sample of
196 high school students by Keller" or in a sample of
102 Hong Kong children at age 9 years by Edwards and
Fledelius" noted an increase in the prevalence of
myopia among patients with diabetes in a cross-
sectional study of 1416 patients referred for general eye
examinations. Among diabetic patients, 10.2% had
refractive errors between -1.00 and -1.75 D, compared
with 6.2% of nondiabetics. Myopia of -2.00 D or less
was found in 12.3% of persons with diabetes and 9.9%
of persons without diabetes.
Ocular Diseases
It is clear from both animal and human data that clear
visual input is necessary for normal emmetropization to
occur. Rabin et al.89
reported on 80 subjects with binoc-
ular and monocular disruptions of normal vision from
sources such as cataract, retrolental fibroplasia, and
ptosis. The distribution of refractive errors of these
groups was shifted toward more myopia or less hyper-
opia compared with patients who experienced normal
development. Numerous conditions that interfere with
normal vision have been reported to affect refractive
error through the induction of a deprivation-like
myopia. These include corneal opacification." eyelid
closure," vitreous hemorrhage." and congenital
cataract." Astigmatic and myopic spherical equivalent
refractive errors have been reported in connection with
hemangioma." Astigmatism is also reported to increase
after the surgical correction of congenital ptosis."
In addition, Nathan et al." analyzed the refractive
error distribution of 433 pediatric patients with low
vision. In contrast to the foregoing diagnoses, which
interfere with normal vision through media opacity, this
pediatric population suffered from retinal and neuro-
logical disease. All diseases disrupted emmetropization
in that the variation in refractive error was quite high.
The majority of diseases were associated with myopia,
including aniridia, cerebral palsy, coloboma, glaucoma,
nystagmus, optic atrophy, optic nerve hypoplasia,
retinitis pigmentosa, retinopathies, retinopathy of
prematurity, and toxoplasmosis. Myopigenic conditions
appeared to involve predominantly peripheral visual
impairment. Only three diagnoses were associated with
hyperopia (albinism, maculopathies, and rod mono-
chromacy). These primarily involved foveal develop-
ment. The magnitude and variability of the refractive
errors were more severe with earlier age of onset of the
A host of hereditary abnormalities with an effect
on visual acuity, ocular development, and therefore
refractive error were catalogued by Curtin." Conditions
associated with hyperopia include achromatopsia, nys-
tagmus, and microphthalmia. Conditions associated
with myopia include achromatopsia, nystagmus,
microcornea, keratoconus, Fabry's disease (corneal
and lenticular accumulation of glycosphingolipid),
microphakia, ectopia lentis, coloboma, choroiderernia,
gyrate atrophy, fundus flavimaculatus, retinitis pigmen-
tosa, progressive bifocal chorioretinal atrophy, extensive
myelination of nerve fibers, and rarer familial diseases
such as Wagner's disease (membranous vitreous, arterial
sheathing, choroidal sclerosis, and cataract), familial
exudative vitreoretinopathy, and familial external
Glaucoma may be connected to myopic refractive
error in two ways. First, as part of the near-work theory
of the etiology of myopia, prolonged reading may
increase intraocular pressure (lOP), driving the expan-
sion of the eye by mechanical force.":" Second, glau-
coma and myopic refractive errors may be associated
conditions. Genetic links have been proposed on the
basis of the shared higher prevalence of positive steroid
46 BEN.lAMIN Bortstrs Clinical Refraction
response among myopes and glaucoma patients.'?" Ele-
vated lOP has been associated with refractive error in
nonglaucomatous eyes in several studies, 100-103 with dif-
ferences on the order of 1 to 2 mmHg. Other studies
have indicated no such association, however.l04-106 The
risk of ocular hypertension appears to be higher in
myopes than in ernrnetropes.?" as is the risk of open-
angle glaucoma and conversion to glaucoma from
ocular hypertensive status.'?" Conversely, Daubs and
Crick'?" found that, although myopia was a risk factor
for glaucomatous field loss, there was no association
between ocular tension and refractive error status. The
small size of their sample of ocular hypertensives may
have limited their statistical power, however.
The two largest studies are by David et al. and
Bengtsson.Pv'" David et al. studied 2403 subjects over
the age of 40 who accepted an invitation to participate
in a glaucoma screening and found a slightly higher lOP
on average in myopes. Bengtsson's sample was more
population based, consisting of 88.8% of the total pop-
ulation of 1917 people over the age of 8 years living in
a particular village. Although this was arguably the
better sample with respect to age range and generaliz-
ability, no association between lOP and refractive error
was reported by Bengtsson.
Besides keratoconus, other corneal conditions may
affect refractive error because of the alterations in
corneal curvature they create. Phlyctenular keratitis has
been reported to cause myopic changes." Pellucid mar-
ginal degeneration thins the inferior cornea and flattens
the vertical corneal meridian, resulting in high amounts
of against-the-rule astigmatism.109 Alterations of the
refractive properties of the crystalline lens may also
affect refractive error. Posterior polar and nuclear
cataract tend to produce myopic changes.!" and age-
related changes in the gradient index profile of the crys-
talline lens tend to result in hyperopic shifts. III
A change in the elevation of the photoreceptor plane
as a result of retinal pathology may also have an effect
on refractive error and visual acuity. The classic example
is central serous chorioretinopathy, in which the sensory
retina is moved anteriorly by the accumulation of fluid
underneath it, with a concomitant increase in hyperopia
or decrease in myopia.!" High myopia, also termed
pathological myopia, may have an adverse effect on the
retina, because the extremely large eye size stretches and
places tension on the retina. A thorough funduscopic
evaluation of the central and peripheral retina is
required when examining the highly myopic patient. A
study of 513 eyes that were at least 24 mm in axial
length showed that lattice degeneration, pavingstone
degeneration, white with or without pressure, and
retinal holes and tears were all significantly associated
with a longer axial length.II
3 Examination of 308 post-
mortem eyes with high myopia collected over a 67-year
period showed the following prevalences for retinal
findings associated with myopia: myopic configuration
of the optic nerve head, 37.7%; posterior staphyloma,
35.4%; degenerative changes of the vitreous, 35.1%;
cobblestone degeneration, 14.3%; myopic degeneration
of the retina, 11.4%; retinal detachment, 11.4%; retinal
pits, holes, or tears, 8.1%; subretinal neovascularization,
5.2%; lattice degeneration, 4.9%; Fuchs spot, 3.2%; and
lacquer cracks, 0.6%.114
Genetic factors also playa significant role in the inci-
dence of myopia. Coldschmidt" provided an extensive
review of this literature. A recent study demonstrated
similarities between siblings that were not observed
between parent and offspring, due to the interaction of
dominant genes, the visual environment, or a combi-
nation of the two.!" Less has been written about the
heritability of component characteristics of myopia,
though Alsbirk" found an apparently lower heritability
for refractive error than for axial length, anterior
chamber depth, or corneal curvature.
Previous studies on the familial patterns of ocular
component and refractive error development differ on
how large a role genetics plays in myopia and whether
the role of heredity differs for classical juvenile-onset
myopia and high myopia.':' Large-scale pedigree studies
attempting to identify the specific mode of inheritance
have been few and far between and vary widely in the
proposed mode of inheritance. 116,117
Studies of the heritability of refractive error and the
ocular components consist of two types: those based on
correlations between parents and children and those
based on monozygotic and dizygotic twin comparisons.
Generally, in studies of parents and offspring, higher
heritabilities have been found for axial length and
corneal power than for the other ocular components
or for refractive error.58.11S-120 In studies of twins, the
heritabilities for corneal power, axial length, and
refractive error have all been high and approximately
equar,nS,121,122 and the differences in refractive error and
the ocular components have been smaller for monozy-
gotic than for dizygotic twins.123-125
Monozygotic twins resemble each other more closely
than dizygotic twins. Sorsby et al.124 measured refrac-
tion, corneal curvature, anterior chamber depth, lens
power and thickness, and axial length in 78 monozy-
gotic twin pairs, 40 pairs of dizygotic same-sex twins,
and 48 unrelated pairs. The unrelated pairs were
included for comparison because they shared neither
genes nor the effects of a common familial environ-
ment. Zygosity was determined on the similarity of
Incidence and Distribution of Refractive Anomalies Chapter Z 47
physical appearance, fingerprints, tasting of phenylth-
iourea (if one twin could taste it and the other could
not, the twins were considered dizygotic), and blood
Monozygotic twins were within ± 1.25 D of each
other 90% ofthe time. Only 55% of dizygotic twins and
52% of unrelated pairs were within ± 1.25 D. Monozy-
gotic twins were within ± 1.650 of each other 95% of
the time. Only 62% ofdizygotic twins and 60% ofunre-
lated pairs were within ± 1.65 D. The analysis for refrac-
tion and the other ocular components is summarized in
Table 2-13.
Teikari et al.126 reported on similarities between
refractions in 6314 pairs of twins from the Finnish Twin
Cohort Study. Correlations in liability for refractive
error between monozygotic twins were 0.81 compared
to 0.30 to 0.40 for dizygotic twins. From these data,
Teikari et al. obtained an estimate of heritability, or the
proportion of variability in refractive error that can be
accounted for by variability in genetics. Heritabilities
were 0.82 for males and 1.02 for females. A recent
estimate of heritability from 506 female twin pairs in
the United Kingdom also found high heritabilities for
refractive error across the spectrum of myopia to hyper-
opia, 0.84 to 0.86 due to additive genetic effects.!"
The preliminary results from the first 3 years of the
OLSM show that the addition of near work to a parental
history of myopia model for predicting refractive error
marginally improved the model's predictive ability.
Interestingly, the addition of near work did not improve
the model's predictive ability for the ocular compo-
nents. On the other hand, models that begin with near
work that attempt to predict refractive error and the
optical ocular components are almost all improved by
the addition of parental refractive error history infor-
mation. These results lend credence to a nature model
with a modest nurture component.':"
With this genetic etiology in mind, several studies
have linked at least the pathological form of myopia to
several loci. Bornholm eye disease, an X-linked form of
myopia characterized by myopia of more than -6.00 0,
deuteranopia, and moderate optic nerve hypoplasia,
was reported to be linked to the distal part of the X
chromosome at Xq28. 129 Knobloch syndrome, which
includes severe myopia and encephalocele, has been
mapped to 21q22. 130 Other recent molecular genetic
studies of families with two or more individuals with
-5.500 or more of myopia have found significant
linkage with regions on chromosomes 18pll.31,131
12q21-23 Young et al.,132 17q21-22,133 and 7q36.134
These varied loci suggest substantial heterogeneity in
the transmission of pathological myopia. These loci
have not been associated with lower amounts of more
common myopia.P'''!" Lower amounts of myopia have
been linked recently to regions on chromosome 22q12
in Ashkenazi Jewish families':" and llp13 in the
region of the PAX6 gene in twin pairs in the United
Kingdom. 138
Near Work
Human Near-work Theories and Evidence
A body of work on the nurture theory of myopia devel-
opment indicts excessive reading during childhood as
the cause ofabnormal eye growth.11,139 Examples include
an increased prevalence of myopia among the first
school-educated Eskimos": a decreased prevalence of
myopia during World War II in Iapan": the association
between myopia, intelligence, and near work'"?': and
the observation of adult-onset myopia in college popu-
lations." Experimental and epidemiological lines ofevi-
dence have indicated that schooling, study, reading, and
other near work are associated with excessive axial elon-
gation and myopia,SI,S4,S6,63,140-143 but evidence that near
work directly causes myopia is difficult to obtain from
purely observational studies.
The characteristic of accommodation that has most
consistently been associated with refractive error is tonic
TABLE 2-13 Range of Values for Refraction and the Ocular Components over Which 95% of
Monozygotic Twin Pairs Agree and the Percentage of Dizygotic and Unrelated Pairs
Who Fell within That Interval
Ocular Component
Refraction (OS)
Corneal power (OS)
Anterior chamber depth (mm)
Lens power (OS)
Axial length (mm)
Monozygotic 95% Interval
Dizygotic Twins
Unrelated Pairs
Data arefrom Sorsby A, Sheridan M, LearyGA. 1962. Refraction and Its Components in Twins (Medical Research Council Special Report
Series No. 303). London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
48 BENJAMIN Borishs Clinical Refraction
accommodation (TA), or the accommodative state in
the absence of an accommodative stimulus. Table 2-14
summarizes findings on TA and other accommodative
functions in various refractive error groups.
First, both the level of TN44
,14 5 and the degree
of accommodative hysteresis after accommodative
demand!" seem clearly characteristic of refractive error
type. Myopes show the lowest levels ofTA and the great-
est hysteresis, whereas hyperopes have higher levels of
TA and the least hysteresis. The level of TA also appears
to be related to refractive error type in schoolchildren.147
Second, it has been shown that near work, performed
for both the short term I4 R
, 14') and the long term.!" can
alter TA. Such studies of adults have led to a growing
belief among some researchers that TA is either a
causative agent or a predictive risk factor for myopia.
Longitudinal evaluation of this hypothesis has shown
that TA is not a predictive risk factor for myopia.
Although TA was lower in myopic children in either of
two test conditions, lower values ofTA were not predic-
tive of later onset of myopia in an evaluation of over
700 children. 151
Animal Model Evidence and Limitations
The effects of environmental manipulation on chicken,
tree shrew, and primate ocular development-creating
deprivation myopia-provide some of the strongest evi-
dence cited for a significant role for the environment in
human myopia. 152 It should be noted, however, that the
animal models of myopia are designed only to assess
environmental effects; no animal model has been used
in which any genetic effect could be found even if it
existed. Given the vast array of information on experi-
mental myopia available from the animal models, espe-
cially the chicken, and given that parallels are being
drawn to human myopia, 153-155 it is time to ask whether
induced myopia in animals is analogous to human
myopia in an etiological sense.
TABLE 2-14 Accommodation in Various Refractive Error Groups
Accommodative Late-Onset Early-Onset
Function Study Myopia Myopia Emmetropia Hyperopia
Amplitude McBrien & Highest Medium to Medium to Lowest (""8.50 D)
Millodot"" (""11.00 D) high low
(""10.00 D) (""9.25 D)
Tonic Maddock et al.144; Lowest Medium Medium Highest (1.60 D)
accommodation McBrien & (0.50 D) (0.80 D) (0.80 D)
Time for tonic McBrien & Fast (1-2 min) Fast Fast Slow (6-7 min)
accommodation Mtllodot"
to stabilize
Accommodative Owens & High (shift in None None Low
hysteresis WoIf-KellyI94; myopic (counteradaptive
McBrien & direction) shift)
Accommodative McBrien & High High Medium Low
lag" Mlllodot""
Accommodative McBrien & Low Low Medium High
response Mlllodot""
Parasympathetic McBrien & Low Normal Normal High
tone Millodot!"
Sympathetic Gilmartin & Low Normal Normal High
tone Hogan!"
Effect of Bullimore & Higher Not examined Lower Not examined
cognitive Cilmartin'":
demand Bullimore &
'0.50 D difference from highest to lowest at 5 D nearstimulus.
Incidence and Distribution of Refractive Anomalies Chapter 2 49
Besides the inability ofanimal models to identify and
investigate genetic influences on myopia development,
there are three main obstacles to the uniform applica-
tion of animal models to the human condition. First,
there is no deprivation of form vision in the environ-
ment of the school-age child as severe as that required
to induce myopia in animals. Second, the sensitive
period for deprivation myopia in animals appears to be
too early to account for human juvenile-onset myopia.
Third, studies of the chicken using spectacle lenses to
create dioptric blur involve a choroidal thickness mod-
ulation that has no known human analog.
Inducing experimental myopia by creating visual
deprivation in chickens and tree shrews (through the
use of translucent plastic) and primates (through lid
suture) depends on a profound disruption of form
vision and attendant reduction in contrast, yet there is
no analogous experience in the normal visual world of
the developing myope during childhood. The only can-
didate for this analogous visual deprivation in humans
has been the developing myope's lag of accommoda-
tion, which provides a small and intermittent error of
focus that would have to degrade the retinal image
sufficiently to drive abnormal human eye growth.!"
Although myopes have been shown to exhibit a higher
amount of accommodative lag, both as adults!" and in
childhood.I" it is unclear whether the accommodative
lag is the cause or the result of their refractive error and
whether this lag is in fact of sufficient magnitude to par-
allel deprivation in animals.
Application of the deprivation/blur model from
animal studies to juvenile-onset myopia is questionable,
because the age of onset of myopia in humans is much
later developmentally than that induced in the experi-
mental animals. The annual incidence of myopia in
children is low and relatively constant until the age of
8 years, when it rises sharply and continues to rise
until it stabilizes at age 14 years." Once juvenile-onset
myopia occurs, it tends to progress until the age of 15
to 17 years.10 Therefore, humans' sensitivity to depriva-
tion would have to occur between the ages of 8 and
16 years. The evidence from animal models identifies
a sensitive period in both the chicken!" and the
monkey!" for producing myopia by deprivation. This
period in primates corresponds to human ages from
birth to 7 years,161 well before the period during which
juvenile-onset myopia develops and progresses.
Although it is more difficult to equate chicken or tree
shrew and human developmental stages, it is clear that
the chicken's sensitivity to deprivation is greatest at
hatching"? and that the tree shrew's sensitivity begins
15 days after eye opening and decreases thereafter.F''!"
Neither is greatest at "school age."
The animal myopia models' sensitive periods are
more similar to the sensitive period for deprivation
myopia that occurs in children between birth and 6
years from sources of true visual deprivation, such as
hemangioma." cataract,164 corneal opacity," and vitre-
ous hemorrhage." For animal models of deprivation
myopia to be directly relevant to juvenile-onset myopia
development, measurable myopia in older animals
resulting from small, constant levels of contrast reduc-
tion must be demonstrated. Such experiments have not
yet been conducted.
Experiments in the chicken in which spectacle
lenses have been used to stimulate an accommodative
response could shed light on the role, if any, of near
work in human myopia. Contrary to claims made in the
literature that such experiments support an environ-
mental etiology for human myopia, spectacle lenses
stimulating positive accommodation have not produced
myopia in a dose-dependent fashion in the chicken.!"
A more accurate tuning response to both plus- and
minus-inducing lenses has been demonstrated in other
laboratories, 166-168 but, surprisingly, the choroid appears
to be responsible for it.168 Nonetheless, humans do not
negatively accommodate, and choroidal thickness is not
a significant factor in human refractive error. Magnetic
resonance imaging on a small sample of hyperopes,
emmetropes, and myopes, differing in refractive error by
an average of 10.00 0, showed that choroidal thickness
differed among the three groups by an average of
0.4 mm (1.00 OS equivalent). Differences were not
noted in the peripheral choroid.!"?
Numerous studies have documented assocrations
between intelligence, school achievement, and myopia.
Myopes tend to have higher scores on tests of intelli-
gence and cognitive ability54,170-174 and better grades'v!"
than do other refractive error groups. Hyperopes, on the
other hand, tend to show poorer reading skill and other
perceptual anomalies more frequently. 140,147,173
Despite the finding of an association between
myopia and near work for well over a century, the rela-
tionship between these factors and intelligence has not
been adequately investigated. Only one investigator has
attempted to analyze all three factors in the same
children, obtaining uncertain results. Ashton175 used
self-reported grades in school and results from cognitive
tests used in the Hawaii Family Study of Cognition as
measures of aptitude and achievement. Numbers of
books and magazines read, hours spent doing home-
work and watching television, and years of education
served as measures of near work. Myopia remained
associated with near work after correction for aptitude
and achievement and was associated with aptitude
and achievement after correction for near work. The
progression of myopia with age, however, was not
related to near work after correction for aptitude and
achievement, whereas myopic progression remained
50 BENJAMIN Borisns Clinical Refraction
associated with aptitude and achievement even after
correction for near work. Two recent studies have also
attempted to unravel the interrelationships between
near work, aptitude, and parental history of myopia.
Each found an association between near work and the
aptitude variables tested, Iowa Tests of Basic Skills!" or
Raven Standard Progressive Matrices (IQ).177 Each study
also found an association between parental history of
myopia and children's myopia. When all three variables
were placed in models testing the relative strength of
their associations with myopia, the study conducted in
the United States found that all three variables were
independently related to myopia with parental history
of myopia had the strongest association.f" The study
conducted in Singapore found that near work and
parental history became insignificant when controlled
for IQ, making IQ the most important factor.!" Either
the Iowa Tests assess something different than the Raven
Matrices, or there may be ethnic variation in what is
most important in myopia. Interestingly, each study
found that near work was less important when another
variable was controlled for, such as IQ or parental
history of myopia.
Socioeconomic Status
The association between refractive error and socioeco-
nomic status has been documented in two reports from
large population-based studies: cycle III of the Health
Examination Survey (1966 to 1970) and the National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
from 1971 to 1972. In each study, myopes tended to be
overrepresented among the higher socioeconomic strata
and underrepresented among lower income levels.
Angle and Wissmann!" categorized 15,536 subjects
ages 12 to 17 years old by refractive status and 10 levels
of family income. (Note that the absolute value of
family income loses some meaning with time due to
inflation.) Myopia was least frequent in the lowest
income group (16.8% of those with incomes below
$500) and increased steadily with increasing income to
35.1% of those with incomes over $15,000. Sperduto
et al." analyzed data from 5282 subjects ages 12 to 54
years. Once again, myopia was least frequent among the
families with the lowest incomes (10.0% to 26.6% of
those with incomes below $5000) and most common
in the highest income families (27.6% to 30.3% of
those with incomes above $10,000).
Reports of the prevalence of myopia are often a
product of how stringent the criterion for myopia is.
This is further complicated in large studies by the
impracticality of performing a refraction on all subjects
and the inability to use a cycloplegic agent. Myopic
refractive error was quantified in these studies as the
spherical equivalent determined from several sources:
neutralization of spectacles, trial lens power that
improved distance acuity, and retinoscopy. Hyperopia
was not quantified.
One possible source of the association between
family income and myopia is the association between
intelligence, education, and myopia. The probability of
earning a higher wage certainly increases with intellec-
tual ability and success in school. This ability and
achievement are also related to myopia (see Intelli-
gence). It is unclear whether this association represents
environmental or genetic influences. On the genetic
side, myopia may be related to intelligence because
of some link between genes for both traits. On the
environmental side, those who are more intellectually
inclined and who succeed in school are probably also
doing more near work than those who do not have as
successful an academic experience. If the specific and
independent contributions of each factor toward the
prevalence of myopia are to be untangled, both factors
must be assessed within the same study. To date, no
researchers have conclusively performed such an analy-
sis, and the question remains open.
After reading this chapter, it might seem that the threats
to emmetropia are so numerous and that so many
factors are needed to produce it (e.g., normal visual
experience and the harmonious and disease-free
development of all ocular optical components) that
emmetropia should be a rarity. What is remarkable is
not that emmetropia happens at all, but that it is
actually the rule, occurring so commonly that the
distribution of refractive error is highly peaked near
emmetropia and far from normal. Clinically, however,
the emmetrope is an infrequent visitor for refractive
vision care before presbyopia occurs. Ametropia is
encountered as a rule in clinical practice. Information
in this chapter should further the clinician's under-
standing of the frequency with which a patient's
refractive error occurs in the population and what
demographic variables may possibly influence it. Assess-
ment of refractive error may help in the diagnosis and
management of the associated systemic and ocular
pathologies described in this chapter. It may also guide
the examination of the eye, as in the case of examina-
tion of the fundus of the highly myopic patient. Dis-
cussing the factors associated with refractive error will
provide valuable information to patients. Unfortu-
nately, although many of the factors described in this
chapter suggest actual etiologies, definitive data are not
available that might provide patients with information
on the relative contributions of each factor. Such infor-
mation awaits further study.
Incidence and Distribution of Refractive Anomalies Chapter Z 51
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Incidence and Distribution of Refractive Errors

  • 1. 2 Incidence and Distribution of Refractive Anomalies Karla Zadnik, Donald O. Mutti The eye's refractive error has been studied for I decades. Many of these investigations have focused on associations between the distribution of refractive error and a wide variety of factors. These factors include-but are not limited to-age, gender, ethnicity, geographical location, diet, intelligence, socioeconomic status, performance of near work, and genetic factors. Many of these associations are statistically strong and have led to intellectually compelling theories on the eti- ology of myopia as groups of people with markedly dif- ferent distributions of refractive error are compared. This chapter first presents the classical notion of emrnetropization, which creates the common distribu- tion of refractive errors seen in the United States today. The focus then turns to the areas of the distribution where clinically significant refractive errors occur and how the aforementioned factors influence the distribu- tion. Finally, the classical factors associated with-and, intriguingly, perhaps leading to-the onset of clinically important refractive errors are discussed. CLASSICAL NOTIONS OF REFRACTIVE ERROR DISTRIBUTIONS A fascinating process occurs in ocular development between birth and puberty to produce a leptokurtic dis- tribution that overwhelmingly favors emmetropia and is skewed toward myopia, with more moderate to high myopes than moderate to high hyperopes. As seen in Figure 2-1, the distribution of refractive errors at birth closely resembles a normal distribution, with some skew toward hyperopia. Reports of myopia during cyclo- plegic retinoscopic examination of newborns are vari- able as to prevalence, with estimates ranging from 0% to 25% (Table 2-1). Between infancy and childhood (as detailed in Chapter 3), the eye grows in such a way that the distribution of refractive errors shifts toward emmetropia, narrows considerably (with most children being emmetropic to slightly hyperopic), and shows a shift in skew toward myopia. This process-whereby the average refractive error shifts toward emmetropia and the entire distribution of refractive errors decreases its variability-is termed emmettopization: Recent cross- sectional and longitudinal studies agree that the vast majority of emmetropization is completed rapidly in infancy during the first year of life.':" When does emmetropization stop? Between the ages of 5 and 15 years, ocular component development slows. During this decade, anterior chamber depth increases by only 0.10 to 0.20 mm and vitreous chamber depth and axial length by about 1.0 mm.':" Lens thinning seems to continue its earlier trend by con- tinuing to thin another 0.15 to 0.20 mm. Many text- books describe the lens as a unique part of the body in that it grows throughout life, continually laying new fibers onto the lens cortex." Studies reviewed by Larsen? show that the lens weighs about 65 mg at birth and doubles its weight during the first year of life, growing very slowly after age 1 year. A redoubling of crystalline lens weight to 258 mg does not occur until age 80 years. Although it continues to grow in the sense of laying down new fibers, it does not continually grow in the sense of thickening. The cornea is remarkably stable throughout childhood, on average. Lens power decreases about 2.00 O. The average hyperopia decreases about 1.00 O. The interesting feature ofocular development is that, during this time of relatively slow average growth compared with earlier in life, the preva- lence of myopia increases by over 7 times to 15%. The prevalence of myopia remains low, under 2%, until about the age of 7 or 8 years, when there is a sudden rise that begins to level off only in the early teens (Figure 2-2). Myopia that has its onset during these years can be termed juvenile-onset myopia. This myopia typically progresses after its onset, with an average rate of increase of about -0.50 (±0.25) 0 per year. The eye continues to grow throughout the teen years, suggesting that myopia progresses in these children because the ability of the crystalline lens to compensate for increases in axial length is reduced. All millimeters of axial length increase translate directly 35
  • 2. 36 BENJAMIN Borishs Clinical Refraction TABLE 2-1 Refractive Error in Infancy and Toddlerhood Author N Age Method Coldschrnidr" 356 infants 2-10 days Atropine 0.5% Santonastaso'" 34 infants 0-3 mo Atropine retinoscopy Luyckx" 104 eyes 0-1 wk Cyclopentolate 1% Cook & Glasscock" 1000 eyes After post- Atropine ointment 1% delivery 4x care Mohindra & Held27 48 infants 0-4wk Near retinoscopy Zonis & Miller!" 600 eyes 48-72 hr Mydriaticum Mayer et al.' 32 infants 1 mo Cyclopentolate 1% 42 infants 12mo Mutti et al.' 262 infants 3 mo Cyclopentolate 1% 243 infants 9 mo •Standard deviations arein parentheses. tSee Figure 2-1 for distribution. 45 40 z 35 w a: Cl 30...J I o 25 u, 0 20I- Z w 15o a: w 100.. 5 o Mean Refraction (D) +0.62 (±2.24)* +1.67 (±2.54) +2.4 (±1.2) +1.54t -0.70 (±3.20) +1.10 (±1.60) +2.20 (±1.60) +1.57 (±0.78) +2.13 (±1.31) +1.32 (±1.07) Myopia 24.2% 8.0% 0.0% 25.1% Not given 14.5% 3% Not given s s a e s s s s e s e e e e e e s s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 0 ~ N M ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ a 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 AGE (years) REFRACTIVE ERROR (D) Figure 2-1 Comparison of refractive error distribution among newborns" with that among children."? The distribu- tion of refractive errors narrows and its peak becomes closer to emmetropia between infancy and childhood as the process of emmetropization takes place. (Reprinted from Zadnih K. 1997. The Ocular Examina- tion, p 55. Philadelphia: WB Saunders.) into diopters of myopia. Sorsby et al." found that the average values of components of children 13 to 14 years ofage were not different from those ofyoung adult male recruits 19 to 22 years old. They concluded that the eye does not grow appreciably beyond the age of 13 to 14 years. The age of cessation of the progression of myopia is 14.6 to 15.3 years for girls and 15.0 to 16.7 years for Figure 2-2 Increases in the prevalence of myopia (at least -0.50 D by noncycloplegic retinoscopy) as a function of age. Data are from Blum et al." (Reprinted from Zadnin K. 1997. The Ocular Examination, p 58. Philadelphia: WB Saunders. ) boys, depending on the method of estimation of progression," and it is consistent with the cessation of ocular growth. This age is obviously an average because many patients' myopia progresses well into adulthood. II In addition, many patients, perhaps another 10% of the population, will become myopic for the first time after the teen years. II As noted in Chapter 1, this type of myopia is termed adult-onset myopia. These two forms of myopia bring the total prevalence of myopia in the adult population to about 25%.12 The development of
  • 3. Incidence and Distribution of Refractive Anomalies Chapter Z 37 MYOPIA Age Iyr/ -0. t 2 0 or More - t .00 0 or More FACTORS THAT AFFECT REFRACTIVE ERROR DISTRIBUTIONS Reprinted with permission from Myopia: Prevalence and Progression. Copyright 1989 by the NationalAcademy of Sciences. Courtesy of the National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. TABLE 2-2 Effect of Myopia Criterion Definition on Prevalence of Myopia in School-Age Children across studies, as shown in Tables 2-1 and 2-3 through 2-6, and the wide range of reproducibility obtainable with these subjective and objective refraction measure- ment techniques. IS Age Age is the single most important determinant of the distribution of refractive error in a given group (see Chapter 3). The onset and development of myopia occur in well-established yet poorly understood pat- terns. Only a very small proportion of infants are myopic at birth, and much of this neonatal myopia is associated with prematurity. 16 Likewise, babies and tod- dlers exhibit a low prevalence of myopia. I? Even by the time they enter formal schooling at age 6 years, children are generally not myopic. During the ensuing 6 to 8 years, however, low to moderate myopia is first observed and progresses. I 8.19 For juvenile-onset myopia, onset is typically between the ages of 7 and 14 years." the rate of progression is -0.40 (± 0.25) Don average." and the age of cessation is 14 to 15 years for females and 15 to 16 years for males. 10 The prevalence of myopia in older age groups increases 18.22-23 to as high as 25% of the U.S. adult population." Table 2-1 lists major studies of the prevalence and distribution of refractive error in newborns.24 - 28 Overall, it can be seen that the distribution of infant refractive error is centered somewhere in low to moderate hyper- opia with a moderate spread (standard deviations on the order of 1.00 to 2.00 D) and that, not surprisingly, noncycloplegic measures yield distributions with more myopic average values than appear in distributions yielded by cycloplegic measures." Astigmatism in infancy and toddlerhood has been well documented, but its purpose in visual development is still unknown. Table 2-3 presents the results from several large-scale studies of infants' and preschoolers' astigmatism with a variety of measurement techniques and a large range of ages.28 - 3S Overall, astigmatism pres- ents in infancy « 1 year ofage) with anywhere from one- quarter to one-half of infants showing significant astigmatism (>1.00 DC); the story on the orientation of that astigmatism and its changes with age is less clear-cut. Several recent studies suggest that early infant astigma- tism may well be a mix ofboth with-the-rule and against- the-rule.P:" With time, the prevalence of astigmatism decreases toward that seen in school-aged children. There is a general against-the-rule shift with time making early with-the-rule astigmatism resolve more often and early against-the-rule astigmatism the more persistent orienta- tion. 1,2,16 With respect to the origin ofinfant astigmatism, one group has reported that infant astigmatism up to age 1 year is primarily corneal in origin." but another has reported that the astigmatism prevalent in infancy disap- pears by age 18 months, consistent with the time course 0.6% 1.0% 2.0% 4.5% 5.4% 6.8% 10.4% 16.7% 21.2% 24.0% <5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 One of the difficulties in characterizing refractive error distributions across many associated factors is the effect of the criterion used to define the various refractive error distributions. In Table 2-2, the Working Group on Myopia Prevalence and Progression11 demonstrated the marked effect of a criterion change on the prevalence of myopia in a school-age, population-based sample." The prevalence of myopia changes by an order of magnitude if the operational definition of myopia is altered from "any minus refraction" to a clinically important "-1.00 D or more myopia." Other important factors are the variety of methods used to measure refractive error ametropia and its progression throughout the human lifespan are detailed in Chapter 3. Sorsby et al." attempted to categorize myopia on the basis of values of and associations between the ocular components. They examined the range of axial lengths in ernmetropes. finding that eyes anywhere from 21.0 to 26.0 mm in length could be emmetropic. Emmetropia was not the product of having the correct axial length but rather of having the right match between axial length and primarily-according to Sorsby et al.- corneal power. For ametropias up to ± 4.00 D, the cause was not an incorrect axial length, but rather a mismatch with corneal power they called correlation ametropia. Errors greater than ±4.00 D were called component ametropia, being primarily due to excessive axial length; the corneas of these patients fell within a range similar to that of emmetropes. A third classification, for myopia typically greater than -6.00 D and accompanied by degenerative fundus changes, was termed pathological myopia.
  • 4. 38 BEN.lAMIN Borishs Clinical Refraction TABLE 2-3 Astigmatism in Infancy and Toddlerhood Cycloplegic Prevalence of Author N AgenVMethod Age Astigmatism Orientation Ingram & 296 eyes Atropine/retinoscopy 1yr 29.7% (>1.00 DC) Not given Ba~4 3.5 yr 7.8% (>1.00 DC) Not given Fulton et al." 145 children Cyclopentolate 1%/ 40-50wk 23.5% (;:: 21.00 DC) 71% ATR retinoscopy 1-2 yr 16% (;:: 1.00 DC) (for children 2-3 yr 14% (;:: 1.00 DC) 0-3 yr 21%WfR 8% Oblique Dobson et al." 46 infants Cyclopentolate 1%/ <6mo 17% (;:: 1.00 DC) 100%ATR 187 infants retinoscopy 1yr 19% (~ 1.00 DC) 70% ATR (midpoint) 18% ATR 2% Oblique Howland et al." 93 infants No cycloplegia/ 0-12 mo 86% ~ 1.00 DC 70% "Horizontal photorefraction and vertical" Gwiazda et al.31 521 infants No cycloplegia/ 0-12 mo 53% ~ 1.00 DC 41% ATR near retinoscopy 41%WfR 18% Oblique Howland & 117 infants No cycloplegia/ 0-12 mo 63% 55% ATR Sayles" photorefraetion 3%WfR 42% Oblique Mohindra et al." 276 infants No cycloplegia/near 0-12 mo 45% 40% ATR retinoscopy 40%WfR 20% Oblique Santonastaso" 34 infants under Atropine/ 0-12 mo 52.4% ;:: 1.00 DC 15%ATR 3 mo of age retinoscopy 85%WfR Ehrlich et al.36 254 infants Cyclopentolate 1%/ 9mo 35%;:: 1.00 DC 17% ATR retinoscopy 81% WfR 20mo 13% ~ 1.00 DC 36%ATR 58%WfR Mayer et al.' 43 infants Cyclopentolate 1%/ 4mo 49%;:: 1.00 DC 56%ATR 33 infants retinoscopy 48mo 12% ~ 1.00 DC 29%WfR across age groups Mutti et al.2 262 infants Cyclopentolate 1%/ 3mo 42%;:: 1.00 DC 6%ATR retinoscopy 89%WfR 36mo 4% ~ 1.00 DC 78% ATR 22%WfR ATR, Against the rule; WTR, with the rule.
  • 5. Incidence and Distribution of Refractive Anomalies TABLE 2-4 Mean Refractive Error in Childhood Chapter 2 39 Author N Cyc/opegic Agent/Method Age Mean Refraction '01 Ingram & Barr" 296 eyes Atropine/retinoscopy lyr +0.62 (±1.11)a 3.5 yr +0.95 (±1.11) Mohindra & Held:" 39 children No cycloplegia/near 65-128 wk 0.43 (±1.32) retinoscopy 129-256 wk 0.59 (±0.85) Blum et al." 1163 children No cycloplegia/ 5-15 yr Slow decline from mean of retinoscopy +0.62 at age 5 to +0.12 at age 15 Hirsch" 9552 children No cycloplegia/ 5-14 yr Slow decline from mean of retinoscopy +0.80 at age 5 to +0.35 at age 14 Zadnik et al.7 133 children Tropicamide/ 6yr +0.73 (±0.87) 143 children autorefraction 8yr +0.37 (±0.89) 129 children 11yr +0.30 (±1.34) 'Standard deviations are in parentheses. TABLE 2-5 Prevalence of Refractive Errors in White Children Cyc/opegic Prevalence of Prevalence Author N Agent/Method Age 'yrl Hyperopia of Myopia Laatikainen & Erkkila" 162 children Cyclopentolate 1%/ 7-8 19.1% 1.9% 218 children retinoscopy 9-10 6.9% 6.4% 222 children 11-12 11.7% 7.2% 220 children 14-15 3.6% 21.8% Sperduto et al.12 NA No cycloplegia/health 12-17 Not measured 23.9% survey review Blum et al." 1163 children No cycloplegia/ 5 6% for all ages 2% retinoscopy 6 2.25% 7 2.5% 8 4% 9 5.5% 10 8% 11 10.5% 12 12.25% 13 13.25% 14 14.5% 15 15% Hirsch'? 605 children No cycloplegia/ 13-14 11.4% 15.2% retinoscopy Kempf et al." 333 children Homatropine/ 6-8 35.4% 1.2% 495 children retinoscopy 9-11 25.2% 3.4% 1001 children ~12 15.2% 4.8% Laatikainen and Erkkila defined hyperopia as ~ +2.00 D and myopia as :0;-0.50 D; Sperduto et al. defined myopia as :0;-0.00 D; Blum et ai. defined hyperopia as ~+1.50 D and myopia as :0;-0.50 D; Hirsch defined hyperopia as >+1.00 D and myopia as <-0.50 D; Kempfet al. defined hyperopia as >+1.00D and myopia as :0;-0.75 D.
  • 6. 40 BEN.JAMIN Borishs Clinical Refraction TABLE 2-6 Astigmatism in Childhood Cyclopegic Author N Agent/Method Age (yrJ Astigmatism ORIENTATION Fabian" 1200 children Cyclopentolate/ 2 ;::: 1.00 DC = 1.6% WTR retinoscopy ;:::1.00 DC =0.7% ATR Hirsch" 333 eyes No cycloplegia/ 5.5 0.75-1.24 DC =2.4% WTR retinoscopy 0.75-1.24 DC =0.0% ATR ;:::1.25 DC =1.8% WTR ;:::1.25 DC =0.0% ATR 8.5 0.75-1.24 DC =2.7% WTR 0.75-1.24 DC =0.6% ATR ;::: 1.25 DC =2.7% WTR ;::: 1.25 DC =0.0% ATR 10.5 0.75-1.24 DC =2.4% WTR 0.75-1.24 DC =0.6% ATR ;::: 1.25 DC =2.7% WTR ;::: 1.25 DC =0.0% ATR 12.5 0.75-1.24 DC =3.0% WTR 0.75-1.24 DC =0.3% ATR ;::: 1.25 DC =3.0% WTR ;::: 1.25 DC =0.0% ATR Dobson et al.29 98 children Cyclopentolate 1%/ 2 11%;::: 1.00 DC 35% ATR 97 children retinoscopy 3 32%;::: 1.00 DC 55% ATR 105 children 4 37%;::: 1.00 DC 10-30% ATR 108 children 5 50%;::: 1.00 DC 50-60% WTR 87 children 6 41%;::: 1.00 DC 15-30% 93 children 7 45%;::: 1.00 DC Oblique age 4 90 children 8 18%;::: 1.00 DC and older 68 children 9 13%;::: 1.00 DC Howland & 61 children No cycloplegia/ 1.5 42%;::: 1.00 DC 50-78% ATR for Sayles" 29 children photorefraetion 2.5 20%;::: 1.00 DC all ages 60 children 3.5 10%;::: 1.00 DC <10% WTR 70 children 4.5 12%;::: 1.00 DC 10-50% oblique Gwiazda et a1.3 ! 63 children No cycloplegia/ 1-2 43%;::: 1.00 DC 55-65% ATR up 86 children near retinoscopy 2-3 30%;::: 1.00 DC to age 4.5 137 children 3-4 22%;::: 1.00 DC 20-40% ATR and 140 children 4-5 18%;::: 1.00 DC 60-80% 53 children 5-6 24%;::: 1.00 DC WTR after age 4.5 Zadnik et al." 231 children Tropicamide 1%/ 6-12 8.6% ;::: 1.00 DC 30% ATR autorefraction 50% WTR 20% oblique WTR With the rule; ATR against the rule. for corneal development.":" A recent, detailed study of ocular components and infant astigmatism found that infant astigmatism was the combination of predomi- nantly with-the-rule corneal toricity and against-the-rule lenticular toricity. The reduction in the prevalence of astigmatism over time appeared to be due to the decreases in toricity of the cornea and anterior lens surface, and the reduction in the variance in toricity ofthe cornea and both lenticular surfaces.2 Table 2-4 shows results of studies on older children, ranging in age from 1 to 15 years.7 , ! H,27, 14.1 <J IIere, the process of emmetropization and the development of juvenile-onset myopia are evident. The mean refractive error shifts from hyperopic to near emmetropic, as a result of both emmetropization and the increasing number of myopes with age. The effect of race and ethnic background on the distribution of refractive error is discussed below. Table
  • 7. Incidence and Distribution of Refractive Anomalies Chapter 2 41 Reprinted with permission from Myopia: Prevalence and Progression, Copyright 1989 bythe National Academyof Sciences, Courtesy of the National AcademyPress, Washington, D.C TABLE 2-7 Prevalence of Myopia in Modern Young Adult Samples, Either Population- or Academia-Based 2-5 shows the distribution of refractive error by age of school-age children.7,ll,18,21,39Ao These results again document the decreasing prevalence of hyperopia and concomitant increasing prevalence of myopia with increasing school age. The prevalence of astigmatism in school-age children is presented in Table 2_6.29.11,32,41-43 The prevalence of clinically significant astigmatism decreases with increas- ing school age by all measurement methods. During the high school years, refractive error is thought to be stable. Little eye growth appears to occur during these years, and myopes stay myopes, hyperopes stay hyperopes, and emmetropes remain emmetropes, with little change in degree of refractive error within an individual in a given category.":" However, the phenom- enon of adult-onset myopia is well documented." The modern literature on the prevalence ofmyopia in general population samples and academia-based samples is summarized in Table 2-7,4S-47 as reported by the Working Group on Myopia Prevalence and Progression. I These samples reflect the high prevalence seen in some college- age populations; some of these myopes reflect actual adult-onset myopia, whereas others represent adult pro- gression of existing myopia from school-age onset. The Working Group on Myopia Prevalence and Pro- gression I carefully analyzed secular trends in the preva- lence of myopia in college-based samples. They could document no difference between the prevalence of myopia in the early 20s as tallied in 1920 to 193048-50 and the modern National Health and Nutrition Exami- nation Survey (NHANES) data, despite the increased percentage of the general population enrolled in college in the 1980s. The association with education or near work found in many studies of adult myopes":" and the implication that excessive near work somehow causes myopia are discussed later. The Beaver Dam Eye Study Nakamura" Sutton & Ditmars" Cmelin'" Myopia 20% of Caucasians 30% of Nisei 45% at entrance 60% at graduation 51% at entrance 67% at graduation Type of Sample Military recruits West Point cadets West Point cadets Study'S documented a decrease in the prevalence of myopia in older age groups, similar to that found in Eskimo samples years age." but whether this reflects a true secular trend, the effect of increasing near work, the effect of a Westernized diet (in the case of the Eskimos) or a change in diet (in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin), some selective mortality of aged myopes, or a multitude of other factors is difficult to determine. Gender The trends in refractive error distribution seen with gender, as opposed to age, are not as well defined and may in fact be confounded by age. A large sample of children from the United Kingdom yielded no signifi- cant differences in refractive error between boys and girls." In other studies, the trend has gone both ways, and it is therefore probably inconclusive. Hirsch" found a more myopic mean refraction in boys than in girls among 5- to 6-year-olds but more myopia among girls by age 14 years, and Alsbirk" reported a similar trend in adults. These results are also sensitive to the opera- tional definition of myopia as described in Table 2-2. Myopia is more prevalent in Danish school-age girls than in Danish boys of all ages." but both myopia and hyperopia are more prevalent in Finnish schoolchildren than in Goldschmidt's Danes." Both groups of investi- gators questioned the influence of puberty and earlier maturation typically found in girls. Further, it is possi- ble that all the above results favoring females are due to their greater participation in studies of this type.I Ethnicity Contemporary data supporting the general clinical impression that the prevalence of myopia differs with race are relatively sparse (Table 2-8). Few studies have simultaneously compared different races, and it is prob- lematic at best to compare data across races in different geographic areas, different cultures, and samples with different socioeconomic and educational bases. The best estimate comes from the NHANES data reported by Sperduto et al.,12 but no prevalence rates for races other than white and African-American are reported. Across all age groups, the prevalence of myopia in whites (26%) was twice that in African-Americans (13%) in the NHANES survey. That difference was the most marked among 18- to 24-year-olds (differing by a factor of 3 times) and least evident among 45- to 54- year-olds (a difference of only 1.5 times). The claim that there is a high prevalence of myopia among Asians is difficult to document. Oft-cited high prevalence rates among Singapore medical students'? parallel those of British biornicroscopists" and American optometry students,62 both predominantly white samples. Given the association between myopia and intelligence, higher educational level certainly inflates the prevalence of myopia in these samples."
  • 8. 42 BEN.lAMIN Borishs Clinical Refraction - TABLE 2-8 Literature-Based Prevalences of Myopia by Ethnic Category Race/Ethnicity African-American Caucasian (white) Caucasian (white) Caucasian (white) Caucasian (white) Asian Hispanic Asian Hispanic African-American Asian Asian Caucasian (white) Asian Caucasian (white) Asian African-American Hispanic Source NHANES12 NHANESI2 Beaver Dam Eye Study" Fledelius" Hawaii!" Hawaii!" Hawaii't" Oakland, California, public schools'" Oakland, California, public schools!" Oakland, California, public schools!" Hong Kong schools" Taiwan schools!" OLSM OLSM CLEERE!83 CLEEREI83 CLEEREI83 CLEEREI83 Age 12-54 yr 12-54 yr 43-84 yr 16-66+yr Schoolchildren 5-18 yr Schoolchildren 5-18 yr Schoolchildren 5-18 yr Sixth-grade schoolchildren Sixth-grade schoolchildren Sixth-grade schoolchildren Schoolchildren 6-17 yr Schoolchildren 6-12 yr Schoolchildren 6-14 yr Schoolchildren 6-14 yr Schoolchildren 5-17 yr Schoolchildren 5-17 yr Schoolchildren 5-17 yr Schoolchildren 5-17 yr Prevalence of Sample 13.0% 26.3% 26.2% 30.0% 7.0% 13.0% 5.0% 13.7% 9.1% 5.1% 55.0% 17.6% 8.8% 27.3% 4.4% 18.5% 6.6% 13.2% NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; OLSM, Orinda Longitudinal Study of Myopia; CLEERE, Collaborative Longitudinal Evaluation of Ethnicityand Refractive Error. The larger population-based studies and assessments of school-age children listed in Table 2-8 indicate a general pattern in which the prevalence of myopia is highest in Asian, intermediate in white, and lowest in African-American schoolchildren. Table 2-9 presents similar comparisons of college-age students. Regardless of the person's racial background, when myopia does occur it is presumably due primarily to excessive axial length. There is no evidence to support the idea that myopia in some ethnic groups is caused by steep corneas or high-powered crystalline lenses. Component studies of Asian schoolchildren demonstrate that their myopia is due to excessive axial length, as it is in white children." Rigorous ocular component measure- ment in samples with a great deal of ethnic variation is rare; the Orinda Longitudinal Study of Myopia (OLSM) suffers from this limitation, too.' However, there is intriguing evidence that children from a group with a low prevalence of myopia show different ocular com- ponent profiles than do those with a higher preva- lence.":" Specifically, Melanesian children ages 6 to 19 years had a prevalence of myopia of 2.9%,65 whereas Malaysian children appeared similar to U.S. samples." with a prevalence of myopia of 4.3% at 7 to 8 years and 25.6% by 15 to 16 years." Cross-sectional differences between 6- and 17-year- old Melanesian and Malaysian children were com- pared." The Melanesian children on average had no TABLE 2-9 Literature-Based Prevalences of Myopia in College-Age Samples by Ethnic Category Prevalence Ethnicity Source Age lyrJ of Myopia Chinese (in Au Eong 17-18 48.5% Singapore) et al.!B4 Eurasian (in Au Eong 17-18 34.7% Singapore) et al.184 Indian (in Au Eong 17-18 30.4% Singapore) et al.IB4 Malay (in Au Eong 17-18 24.5% Singapore) et al.!84 Israeli Rosner & 17-19 15.8% Belkin" British Sorsby 18-22 11.0% et al.!85 Swedish Coldschrnidt" 18-22 14.5% change in lens thickness but substantial decreases in lens power (3.50 D) during the time the eye increased in length by 1 mm and the prevalence of myopia increased to 8%. In contrast, Malaysian children under- went substantial lens thinning (0.33 mm) and smaller
  • 9. Incidence and Distribution of Refractive Anomalies Chapter Z 43 decreases in lens power (2.40 D) during a similar l-rnm increase in axial length that resulted in a prevalence of myopia of 28%. The lack of difference in axial growth suggests that the crystalline lens of the Malaysian children was primarily responsible for the increased myopia. It appeared that the lens was less efficient in compensating for ocular growth, decreasing fewer diopters per unit change in axial length. This lens-based model parallels that obtained from the predominantly white sample in the OLSM, suggesting that a slower growth rate for the Malaysian lens or a less responsive refractive index profile may be a risk factor for the onset of myopia. Unfortunately, the Malaysian study did not collect complete ocular component data (e.g., lens cur- vatures from phakometry) or longitudinal data. Geography Geographical differences in myopia prevalence can be seen in Table 2-10, although differences among studies with regard to sampling and confounding by other factors such as diet, education, and time spent reading are difficult to sort out from true differences based on geography. Certainly, no clear geographical differences emerge beyond those identified in the preceding section on racial differences in myopia prevalence in the United States. Diet Table 2-11 shows some of the various dietary insuffi- ciencies that have been associated with myopia. Gar- diner" conducted a nonrandomized clinical trial of the effect of animal protein supplement on the progression of myopia in children. The treated group either altered diet or took protein supplements to make 10% of the intake of calories come from animal protein. The control group followed their regular, unmonitored diet. At one year, the treated group showed less myopic progression (by -0.25 to -0.500 per year) compared with the control group. The effect of dietary protein on myopic progression displayed some dose-response effect, in that myopic progression was less in those who achieved the highest levels of intake of animal protein. Unfortunately, this trial was not randomized. The treated children were studied at the hospital clinic by their parents, whereas the control children were seen at their school clinic. Without randomization, unknown sources of bias-factors related to myopia but unrelated to the treatment-may create differences between treated and control children and give false results. For example, differences in family income, parents' educa- tional level, or whether one or both parents were myopic could create differences in myopic progression unrelated to protein intake. Interestingly, the treated children differed from controls in refractive error, but they were initially more myopic rather than less. Edwards et al." examined the nutrition and diet of 102 7-year-old Hong Kong children. Compared with children who did not become myopic, 34 children who were myopic by age 10 years had a lower intake of several items, including: protein; fat; vitamins BI, B2, and C; phosphorus; iron; and cholesterol. None of these children were malnourished. Malnourishment appears to be associated with a lower amount of hyperopia in infancy, perhaps because of some effect it might have on the crystalline Iens'" or because it slows ocular growth. The smaller eyes of premature infants are not associated with high hyperopia but rather with myopic or less hyperopic refractive errors.P'" Some investigators have proposed that proper calcium metabolism is important to maintenance of scleral rigidity and resistance to any expansive effects of intraocular pressure (lOP). Lane" found that myopes had a higher concentration of calcium in hair samples than do emmetropes or hyperopes. Lane somewhat arbitrarily took this as evidence that calcium was being depleted from the body into the hair. Calcium supple- TABLE 2-10 Literature-Based Prevalences of Myopia by Geographical location Location/Ethnicity Israel/Jewish Israel/Jewish Nigeria/Black United States/Native American Australia/Aborigines Australia/European origin Alaska/Eskimo Source Hyrnans et al.186 Shapiro et al.187 Abiose et al.188 Wick & Cranc'" Taylor!" Taylor'?" van Rens & Arkell'" Age Iyr) >40 University students 18-25 12-20 6-10 20-30 20-30 5-80+ Prevalence of Myopia 11.6% 13.0% <2.0% 13.0% 4.8% 13.5% 44.7% Hymans et al. defined myopia as >-1.00 DS; Shapiro et al. and Wick & Crane defined myopia as ?-O.25 DS in at least one eye; Abiose et al. did not define myopia criterion. Taylordefined myopia as >-0.75 DS; van Rem & Arkell did not define myopia criterion,
  • 10. 44 BENJAMIN Borishs Clinical Refraction Study Dietary Problem Time TABLE 2-11 Dietary Problems Associated with Myopia Study mentation appeared to have little effect on slowing myopia progression in a case series reported by Feldman." Blood levels of total, bound, and ionic calcium were not appreciably different between myopes and hyperopes. Until the multitude ofconfounding factors that influ- ence diet and refractive error is untangled, the precise role of nutrition in the etiology of myopia will remain unclear. Demonstrating that alteration of diet can affect the onset or progression of myopia will require a formal, randomized clinical trial potentially fraught with ethical dilemma. TABLE 2-12 Secular Trends in Prevalence of Juvenile Onset Myopia Age Iyrj Study 2:-1.00 OS Myopia 6 Kempfet al.40 Blum et al." 2.0% 7 Kempf et al." 1.2% Blum et al." 3.0% 8 Hirsch!' 0.9% Blum et al." 3.5% 9 Hirsch!" 1.9% Blum et al." 5.5% 10 Kempf et al." 2.4% Blum et al." 7.5% 11 Hirsch!' 4.4% Blum et al." 10.5% 12 Blum et al." 12.0% 13.0 Kempf et al." 3.9% Blum et al." 13.0% 14 Hirsch'? 5.4% Blum et al." 14.5% changes in the ocular components related to aging, sam- pling bias, or some other effect or association. Systemic Conditions Numerous systemic disorders have an effect on the development of the eye and therefore affect its refractive state. A more complete discussion of the following con- ditions has been provided by Curtin." Albinism is the inability to produce the pigment melanin, resulting in a lack of pigmentation of the hair, skin, and eyes. The prevalence ofthe general form ofalbinism is 1 in 10,000. In both the generalized and ocular forms, albinism has been associated with myopia and high astigmatism. Down syndrome, or trisomy of chromosome 21, results in myopia in about one third of affected individuals. Its prevalence is estimated to be between 2 and 34 in 10,000. Several connective tissue and skeletal disorders, such as Marfan's syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and Stickler's syndrome, are also associated with myopia. Maumenee'" has characterized the refractive Personality The conventional wisdom on associations between per- sonality traits and refractive error is that myopia is asso- ciated with introversion." Further, myopes have been shown to exhibit an inhibited disposition, a disinclina- tion for motor activity and social leadership, whereas hyperopes are carefree, impulsive, hyperactive, and socially passive." These associations are statistically weak, however.":" Less animal protein Less protein, fat, vitamins, iron, and cholesterol African tribe after 2 years of famine Calcium Calcium, chromium Japanese children with exposure to organophosphorus panicles Halasa & Mcl.aren'" Cardiner'" Edwards et al." Feldman" Lane" Tamura & Mitsui191 If analyzing the foregoing factors' influences on refrac- tive error distributions is difficult, determining whether secular trends have occurred in the distribution of refractive error across the last century is nearly impossi- ble. Researchers working in different decades used different measurement methods and different criteria for defining the types of refractive error. Different age groups cannot be directly compared. Comparisons among groups of different ethnic origins and from dif- ferent parts of the world do not lead to conclusions. Nevertheless, Table 2-12 presents an attempt to sort out these relationships.II In a study designed to determine whether the preva- lence of myopia might be increasing, Fledelius" looked at a Danish hospital-based sample and found the same trend toward decreasing prevalence of myopia with increasing age into the elderly range that was found in the Beaver Dam Eye Study in Wisconsin" and the oft-cited study of Alaskan Eskimos." It is still unknown whether these trends reflect true increases in the preva- lence of myopia in recent decades (argued against by the juvenile-onset data across decades in Table 2-12),
  • 11. Incidence and Distribution of Refractive Anomalies Chapter 2 45 error and the facial, somatic, sensory, and ocular charac- teristics of other, rarer connective tissue disorders. Most result in myopia, but two (Jansen's syndrome and spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia) may result in hyperopia. Laurence-Moon/Bardet-Biedl syndromes are character- ized by a retinal pigment degeneration and general somatic abnormalities such as polydactyly and mental retardation. Refractiveerrors are rarely emmetropic, with nearly equal numbers of myopes and hyperopes." Homocystinuria, an error of metabolism, is character- ized by excretion of homocystine in the urine and excesses of homocystine and methionine in the blood." The effect on the body is the production of fair hair and skin and mental retardation. The major ocular findings are lens dislocation and myopia in a high proportion of affected individuals (90% for each), and light irides (70%), hypotony (33%), retinal elevation (25%), and cataract (20%). Numerous severe developmental disor- ders were also listed by Curtin" as associated with myopia as the common refractive error: Pierre Robin syndrome, syringomyelia, Turner's syndrome, Noonan's syndrome, and De Lange's syndrome. More recent reports have noted that myopia may be an associated finding in hantavirus infection. A multi- hospital study followed 62 serologically proven cases during 1992 and 1993, and acute myopia was found in 24% of patients." Systemic lupus erythematosus has also been related to myopia in two case reports, pre- sumably because of changes in lenticular curvature and anterior displacement associated with ocular edema.":" Dental caries is a common systemic condition with low morbidity that has been associated with myopia in past literature but has not been found to be a significant risk factor for myopia in subsequent studies. Hirsch and Levin" found an association between myopia and dental caries, as well as between the amount of myopia and the number of decayed teeth in 155 college-age stu- dents. No such relationship was found in a sample of 196 high school students by Keller" or in a sample of 102 Hong Kong children at age 9 years by Edwards and Chan." Fledelius" noted an increase in the prevalence of myopia among patients with diabetes in a cross- sectional study of 1416 patients referred for general eye examinations. Among diabetic patients, 10.2% had refractive errors between -1.00 and -1.75 D, compared with 6.2% of nondiabetics. Myopia of -2.00 D or less was found in 12.3% of persons with diabetes and 9.9% of persons without diabetes. Ocular Diseases It is clear from both animal and human data that clear visual input is necessary for normal emmetropization to occur. Rabin et al.89 reported on 80 subjects with binoc- ular and monocular disruptions of normal vision from sources such as cataract, retrolental fibroplasia, and ptosis. The distribution of refractive errors of these groups was shifted toward more myopia or less hyper- opia compared with patients who experienced normal development. Numerous conditions that interfere with normal vision have been reported to affect refractive error through the induction of a deprivation-like myopia. These include corneal opacification." eyelid closure," vitreous hemorrhage." and congenital cataract." Astigmatic and myopic spherical equivalent refractive errors have been reported in connection with hemangioma." Astigmatism is also reported to increase after the surgical correction of congenital ptosis." In addition, Nathan et al." analyzed the refractive error distribution of 433 pediatric patients with low vision. In contrast to the foregoing diagnoses, which interfere with normal vision through media opacity, this pediatric population suffered from retinal and neuro- logical disease. All diseases disrupted emmetropization in that the variation in refractive error was quite high. The majority of diseases were associated with myopia, including aniridia, cerebral palsy, coloboma, glaucoma, nystagmus, optic atrophy, optic nerve hypoplasia, retinitis pigmentosa, retinopathies, retinopathy of prematurity, and toxoplasmosis. Myopigenic conditions appeared to involve predominantly peripheral visual impairment. Only three diagnoses were associated with hyperopia (albinism, maculopathies, and rod mono- chromacy). These primarily involved foveal develop- ment. The magnitude and variability of the refractive errors were more severe with earlier age of onset of the impairment. A host of hereditary abnormalities with an effect on visual acuity, ocular development, and therefore refractive error were catalogued by Curtin." Conditions associated with hyperopia include achromatopsia, nys- tagmus, and microphthalmia. Conditions associated with myopia include achromatopsia, nystagmus, microcornea, keratoconus, Fabry's disease (corneal and lenticular accumulation of glycosphingolipid), microphakia, ectopia lentis, coloboma, choroiderernia, gyrate atrophy, fundus flavimaculatus, retinitis pigmen- tosa, progressive bifocal chorioretinal atrophy, extensive myelination of nerve fibers, and rarer familial diseases such as Wagner's disease (membranous vitreous, arterial sheathing, choroidal sclerosis, and cataract), familial exudative vitreoretinopathy, and familial external ophthalmoplegia." Glaucoma may be connected to myopic refractive error in two ways. First, as part of the near-work theory of the etiology of myopia, prolonged reading may increase intraocular pressure (lOP), driving the expan- sion of the eye by mechanical force.":" Second, glau- coma and myopic refractive errors may be associated conditions. Genetic links have been proposed on the basis of the shared higher prevalence of positive steroid
  • 12. 46 BEN.lAMIN Bortstrs Clinical Refraction response among myopes and glaucoma patients.'?" Ele- vated lOP has been associated with refractive error in nonglaucomatous eyes in several studies, 100-103 with dif- ferences on the order of 1 to 2 mmHg. Other studies have indicated no such association, however.l04-106 The risk of ocular hypertension appears to be higher in myopes than in ernrnetropes.?" as is the risk of open- angle glaucoma and conversion to glaucoma from ocular hypertensive status.'?" Conversely, Daubs and Crick'?" found that, although myopia was a risk factor for glaucomatous field loss, there was no association between ocular tension and refractive error status. The small size of their sample of ocular hypertensives may have limited their statistical power, however. The two largest studies are by David et al. and Bengtsson.Pv'" David et al. studied 2403 subjects over the age of 40 who accepted an invitation to participate in a glaucoma screening and found a slightly higher lOP on average in myopes. Bengtsson's sample was more population based, consisting of 88.8% of the total pop- ulation of 1917 people over the age of 8 years living in a particular village. Although this was arguably the better sample with respect to age range and generaliz- ability, no association between lOP and refractive error was reported by Bengtsson. Besides keratoconus, other corneal conditions may affect refractive error because of the alterations in corneal curvature they create. Phlyctenular keratitis has been reported to cause myopic changes." Pellucid mar- ginal degeneration thins the inferior cornea and flattens the vertical corneal meridian, resulting in high amounts of against-the-rule astigmatism.109 Alterations of the refractive properties of the crystalline lens may also affect refractive error. Posterior polar and nuclear cataract tend to produce myopic changes.!" and age- related changes in the gradient index profile of the crys- talline lens tend to result in hyperopic shifts. III A change in the elevation of the photoreceptor plane as a result of retinal pathology may also have an effect on refractive error and visual acuity. The classic example is central serous chorioretinopathy, in which the sensory retina is moved anteriorly by the accumulation of fluid underneath it, with a concomitant increase in hyperopia or decrease in myopia.!" High myopia, also termed pathological myopia, may have an adverse effect on the retina, because the extremely large eye size stretches and places tension on the retina. A thorough funduscopic evaluation of the central and peripheral retina is required when examining the highly myopic patient. A study of 513 eyes that were at least 24 mm in axial length showed that lattice degeneration, pavingstone degeneration, white with or without pressure, and retinal holes and tears were all significantly associated with a longer axial length.II 3 Examination of 308 post- mortem eyes with high myopia collected over a 67-year period showed the following prevalences for retinal findings associated with myopia: myopic configuration of the optic nerve head, 37.7%; posterior staphyloma, 35.4%; degenerative changes of the vitreous, 35.1%; cobblestone degeneration, 14.3%; myopic degeneration of the retina, 11.4%; retinal detachment, 11.4%; retinal pits, holes, or tears, 8.1%; subretinal neovascularization, 5.2%; lattice degeneration, 4.9%; Fuchs spot, 3.2%; and lacquer cracks, 0.6%.114 FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH REFRACTIVE ERROR Heredity Genetic factors also playa significant role in the inci- dence of myopia. Coldschmidt" provided an extensive review of this literature. A recent study demonstrated similarities between siblings that were not observed between parent and offspring, due to the interaction of dominant genes, the visual environment, or a combi- nation of the two.!" Less has been written about the heritability of component characteristics of myopia, though Alsbirk" found an apparently lower heritability for refractive error than for axial length, anterior chamber depth, or corneal curvature. Previous studies on the familial patterns of ocular component and refractive error development differ on how large a role genetics plays in myopia and whether the role of heredity differs for classical juvenile-onset myopia and high myopia.':' Large-scale pedigree studies attempting to identify the specific mode of inheritance have been few and far between and vary widely in the proposed mode of inheritance. 116,117 Studies of the heritability of refractive error and the ocular components consist of two types: those based on correlations between parents and children and those based on monozygotic and dizygotic twin comparisons. Generally, in studies of parents and offspring, higher heritabilities have been found for axial length and corneal power than for the other ocular components or for refractive error.58.11S-120 In studies of twins, the heritabilities for corneal power, axial length, and refractive error have all been high and approximately equar,nS,121,122 and the differences in refractive error and the ocular components have been smaller for monozy- gotic than for dizygotic twins.123-125 Monozygotic twins resemble each other more closely than dizygotic twins. Sorsby et al.124 measured refrac- tion, corneal curvature, anterior chamber depth, lens power and thickness, and axial length in 78 monozy- gotic twin pairs, 40 pairs of dizygotic same-sex twins, and 48 unrelated pairs. The unrelated pairs were included for comparison because they shared neither genes nor the effects of a common familial environ- ment. Zygosity was determined on the similarity of
  • 13. Incidence and Distribution of Refractive Anomalies Chapter Z 47 physical appearance, fingerprints, tasting of phenylth- iourea (if one twin could taste it and the other could not, the twins were considered dizygotic), and blood type. Monozygotic twins were within ± 1.25 D of each other 90% ofthe time. Only 55% of dizygotic twins and 52% of unrelated pairs were within ± 1.25 D. Monozy- gotic twins were within ± 1.650 of each other 95% of the time. Only 62% ofdizygotic twins and 60% ofunre- lated pairs were within ± 1.65 D. The analysis for refrac- tion and the other ocular components is summarized in Table 2-13. Teikari et al.126 reported on similarities between refractions in 6314 pairs of twins from the Finnish Twin Cohort Study. Correlations in liability for refractive error between monozygotic twins were 0.81 compared to 0.30 to 0.40 for dizygotic twins. From these data, Teikari et al. obtained an estimate of heritability, or the proportion of variability in refractive error that can be accounted for by variability in genetics. Heritabilities were 0.82 for males and 1.02 for females. A recent estimate of heritability from 506 female twin pairs in the United Kingdom also found high heritabilities for refractive error across the spectrum of myopia to hyper- opia, 0.84 to 0.86 due to additive genetic effects.!" The preliminary results from the first 3 years of the OLSM show that the addition of near work to a parental history of myopia model for predicting refractive error marginally improved the model's predictive ability. Interestingly, the addition of near work did not improve the model's predictive ability for the ocular compo- nents. On the other hand, models that begin with near work that attempt to predict refractive error and the optical ocular components are almost all improved by the addition of parental refractive error history infor- mation. These results lend credence to a nature model with a modest nurture component.':" With this genetic etiology in mind, several studies have linked at least the pathological form of myopia to several loci. Bornholm eye disease, an X-linked form of myopia characterized by myopia of more than -6.00 0, deuteranopia, and moderate optic nerve hypoplasia, was reported to be linked to the distal part of the X chromosome at Xq28. 129 Knobloch syndrome, which includes severe myopia and encephalocele, has been mapped to 21q22. 130 Other recent molecular genetic studies of families with two or more individuals with -5.500 or more of myopia have found significant linkage with regions on chromosomes 18pll.31,131 12q21-23 Young et al.,132 17q21-22,133 and 7q36.134 These varied loci suggest substantial heterogeneity in the transmission of pathological myopia. These loci have not been associated with lower amounts of more common myopia.P'''!" Lower amounts of myopia have been linked recently to regions on chromosome 22q12 in Ashkenazi Jewish families':" and llp13 in the region of the PAX6 gene in twin pairs in the United Kingdom. 138 Near Work Human Near-work Theories and Evidence A body of work on the nurture theory of myopia devel- opment indicts excessive reading during childhood as the cause ofabnormal eye growth.11,139 Examples include an increased prevalence of myopia among the first school-educated Eskimos": a decreased prevalence of myopia during World War II in Iapan": the association between myopia, intelligence, and near work'"?': and the observation of adult-onset myopia in college popu- lations." Experimental and epidemiological lines ofevi- dence have indicated that schooling, study, reading, and other near work are associated with excessive axial elon- gation and myopia,SI,S4,S6,63,140-143 but evidence that near work directly causes myopia is difficult to obtain from purely observational studies. The characteristic of accommodation that has most consistently been associated with refractive error is tonic TABLE 2-13 Range of Values for Refraction and the Ocular Components over Which 95% of Monozygotic Twin Pairs Agree and the Percentage of Dizygotic and Unrelated Pairs Who Fell within That Interval WITHIN MONOZYGOTIC 95% INTERVAL Ocular Component Refraction (OS) Corneal power (OS) Anterior chamber depth (mm) Lens power (OS) Axial length (mm) Monozygotic 95% Interval ±1.65 ±1.25 ±0.45 ±1.80 ±0.85 Dizygotic Twins 62% 72% 92% 75% 58% Unrelated Pairs 60% 56% 92% 73% 65% Data arefrom Sorsby A, Sheridan M, LearyGA. 1962. Refraction and Its Components in Twins (Medical Research Council Special Report Series No. 303). London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
  • 14. 48 BENJAMIN Borishs Clinical Refraction accommodation (TA), or the accommodative state in the absence of an accommodative stimulus. Table 2-14 summarizes findings on TA and other accommodative functions in various refractive error groups. First, both the level of TN44 ,14 5 and the degree of accommodative hysteresis after accommodative demand!" seem clearly characteristic of refractive error type. Myopes show the lowest levels ofTA and the great- est hysteresis, whereas hyperopes have higher levels of TA and the least hysteresis. The level of TA also appears to be related to refractive error type in schoolchildren.147 Second, it has been shown that near work, performed for both the short term I4 R , 14') and the long term.!" can alter TA. Such studies of adults have led to a growing belief among some researchers that TA is either a causative agent or a predictive risk factor for myopia. Longitudinal evaluation of this hypothesis has shown that TA is not a predictive risk factor for myopia. Although TA was lower in myopic children in either of two test conditions, lower values ofTA were not predic- tive of later onset of myopia in an evaluation of over 700 children. 151 Animal Model Evidence and Limitations The effects of environmental manipulation on chicken, tree shrew, and primate ocular development-creating deprivation myopia-provide some of the strongest evi- dence cited for a significant role for the environment in human myopia. 152 It should be noted, however, that the animal models of myopia are designed only to assess environmental effects; no animal model has been used in which any genetic effect could be found even if it existed. Given the vast array of information on experi- mental myopia available from the animal models, espe- cially the chicken, and given that parallels are being drawn to human myopia, 153-155 it is time to ask whether induced myopia in animals is analogous to human myopia in an etiological sense. TABLE 2-14 Accommodation in Various Refractive Error Groups REFRACTIVE ERROR GROUP Accommodative Late-Onset Early-Onset Function Study Myopia Myopia Emmetropia Hyperopia Amplitude McBrien & Highest Medium to Medium to Lowest (""8.50 D) Millodot"" (""11.00 D) high low (""10.00 D) (""9.25 D) Tonic Maddock et al.144; Lowest Medium Medium Highest (1.60 D) accommodation McBrien & (0.50 D) (0.80 D) (0.80 D) Millodot!" Time for tonic McBrien & Fast (1-2 min) Fast Fast Slow (6-7 min) accommodation Mtllodot" to stabilize Accommodative Owens & High (shift in None None Low hysteresis WoIf-KellyI94; myopic (counteradaptive McBrien & direction) shift) Millodot!" Accommodative McBrien & High High Medium Low lag" Mlllodot"" Accommodative McBrien & Low Low Medium High response Mlllodot"" gradient Parasympathetic McBrien & Low Normal Normal High tone Millodot!" Sympathetic Gilmartin & Low Normal Normal High tone Hogan!" Effect of Bullimore & Higher Not examined Lower Not examined cognitive Cilmartin'": demand Bullimore & Gilmartin196 '0.50 D difference from highest to lowest at 5 D nearstimulus.
  • 15. Incidence and Distribution of Refractive Anomalies Chapter 2 49 Besides the inability ofanimal models to identify and investigate genetic influences on myopia development, there are three main obstacles to the uniform applica- tion of animal models to the human condition. First, there is no deprivation of form vision in the environ- ment of the school-age child as severe as that required to induce myopia in animals. Second, the sensitive period for deprivation myopia in animals appears to be too early to account for human juvenile-onset myopia. Third, studies of the chicken using spectacle lenses to create dioptric blur involve a choroidal thickness mod- ulation that has no known human analog. Inducing experimental myopia by creating visual deprivation in chickens and tree shrews (through the use of translucent plastic) and primates (through lid suture) depends on a profound disruption of form vision and attendant reduction in contrast, yet there is no analogous experience in the normal visual world of the developing myope during childhood. The only can- didate for this analogous visual deprivation in humans has been the developing myope's lag of accommoda- tion, which provides a small and intermittent error of focus that would have to degrade the retinal image sufficiently to drive abnormal human eye growth.!" Although myopes have been shown to exhibit a higher amount of accommodative lag, both as adults!" and in childhood.I" it is unclear whether the accommodative lag is the cause or the result of their refractive error and whether this lag is in fact of sufficient magnitude to par- allel deprivation in animals. Application of the deprivation/blur model from animal studies to juvenile-onset myopia is questionable, because the age of onset of myopia in humans is much later developmentally than that induced in the experi- mental animals. The annual incidence of myopia in children is low and relatively constant until the age of 8 years, when it rises sharply and continues to rise until it stabilizes at age 14 years." Once juvenile-onset myopia occurs, it tends to progress until the age of 15 to 17 years.10 Therefore, humans' sensitivity to depriva- tion would have to occur between the ages of 8 and 16 years. The evidence from animal models identifies a sensitive period in both the chicken!" and the monkey!" for producing myopia by deprivation. This period in primates corresponds to human ages from birth to 7 years,161 well before the period during which juvenile-onset myopia develops and progresses. Although it is more difficult to equate chicken or tree shrew and human developmental stages, it is clear that the chicken's sensitivity to deprivation is greatest at hatching"? and that the tree shrew's sensitivity begins 15 days after eye opening and decreases thereafter.F''!" Neither is greatest at "school age." The animal myopia models' sensitive periods are more similar to the sensitive period for deprivation myopia that occurs in children between birth and 6 years from sources of true visual deprivation, such as hemangioma." cataract,164 corneal opacity," and vitre- ous hemorrhage." For animal models of deprivation myopia to be directly relevant to juvenile-onset myopia development, measurable myopia in older animals resulting from small, constant levels of contrast reduc- tion must be demonstrated. Such experiments have not yet been conducted. Experiments in the chicken in which spectacle lenses have been used to stimulate an accommodative response could shed light on the role, if any, of near work in human myopia. Contrary to claims made in the literature that such experiments support an environ- mental etiology for human myopia, spectacle lenses stimulating positive accommodation have not produced myopia in a dose-dependent fashion in the chicken.!" A more accurate tuning response to both plus- and minus-inducing lenses has been demonstrated in other laboratories, 166-168 but, surprisingly, the choroid appears to be responsible for it.168 Nonetheless, humans do not negatively accommodate, and choroidal thickness is not a significant factor in human refractive error. Magnetic resonance imaging on a small sample of hyperopes, emmetropes, and myopes, differing in refractive error by an average of 10.00 0, showed that choroidal thickness differed among the three groups by an average of 0.4 mm (1.00 OS equivalent). Differences were not noted in the peripheral choroid.!"? Intelligence Numerous studies have documented assocrations between intelligence, school achievement, and myopia. Myopes tend to have higher scores on tests of intelli- gence and cognitive ability54,170-174 and better grades'v!" than do other refractive error groups. Hyperopes, on the other hand, tend to show poorer reading skill and other perceptual anomalies more frequently. 140,147,173 Despite the finding of an association between myopia and near work for well over a century, the rela- tionship between these factors and intelligence has not been adequately investigated. Only one investigator has attempted to analyze all three factors in the same children, obtaining uncertain results. Ashton175 used self-reported grades in school and results from cognitive tests used in the Hawaii Family Study of Cognition as measures of aptitude and achievement. Numbers of books and magazines read, hours spent doing home- work and watching television, and years of education served as measures of near work. Myopia remained associated with near work after correction for aptitude and achievement and was associated with aptitude and achievement after correction for near work. The progression of myopia with age, however, was not related to near work after correction for aptitude and achievement, whereas myopic progression remained
  • 16. 50 BENJAMIN Borisns Clinical Refraction associated with aptitude and achievement even after correction for near work. Two recent studies have also attempted to unravel the interrelationships between near work, aptitude, and parental history of myopia. Each found an association between near work and the aptitude variables tested, Iowa Tests of Basic Skills!" or Raven Standard Progressive Matrices (IQ).177 Each study also found an association between parental history of myopia and children's myopia. When all three variables were placed in models testing the relative strength of their associations with myopia, the study conducted in the United States found that all three variables were independently related to myopia with parental history of myopia had the strongest association.f" The study conducted in Singapore found that near work and parental history became insignificant when controlled for IQ, making IQ the most important factor.!" Either the Iowa Tests assess something different than the Raven Matrices, or there may be ethnic variation in what is most important in myopia. Interestingly, each study found that near work was less important when another variable was controlled for, such as IQ or parental history of myopia. Socioeconomic Status The association between refractive error and socioeco- nomic status has been documented in two reports from large population-based studies: cycle III of the Health Examination Survey (1966 to 1970) and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) from 1971 to 1972. In each study, myopes tended to be overrepresented among the higher socioeconomic strata and underrepresented among lower income levels. Angle and Wissmann!" categorized 15,536 subjects ages 12 to 17 years old by refractive status and 10 levels of family income. (Note that the absolute value of family income loses some meaning with time due to inflation.) Myopia was least frequent in the lowest income group (16.8% of those with incomes below $500) and increased steadily with increasing income to 35.1% of those with incomes over $15,000. Sperduto et al." analyzed data from 5282 subjects ages 12 to 54 years. Once again, myopia was least frequent among the families with the lowest incomes (10.0% to 26.6% of those with incomes below $5000) and most common in the highest income families (27.6% to 30.3% of those with incomes above $10,000). Reports of the prevalence of myopia are often a product of how stringent the criterion for myopia is. This is further complicated in large studies by the impracticality of performing a refraction on all subjects and the inability to use a cycloplegic agent. Myopic refractive error was quantified in these studies as the spherical equivalent determined from several sources: neutralization of spectacles, trial lens power that improved distance acuity, and retinoscopy. Hyperopia was not quantified. One possible source of the association between family income and myopia is the association between intelligence, education, and myopia. The probability of earning a higher wage certainly increases with intellec- tual ability and success in school. This ability and achievement are also related to myopia (see Intelli- gence). It is unclear whether this association represents environmental or genetic influences. On the genetic side, myopia may be related to intelligence because of some link between genes for both traits. On the environmental side, those who are more intellectually inclined and who succeed in school are probably also doing more near work than those who do not have as successful an academic experience. If the specific and independent contributions of each factor toward the prevalence of myopia are to be untangled, both factors must be assessed within the same study. To date, no researchers have conclusively performed such an analy- sis, and the question remains open. SUMMARY After reading this chapter, it might seem that the threats to emmetropia are so numerous and that so many factors are needed to produce it (e.g., normal visual experience and the harmonious and disease-free development of all ocular optical components) that emmetropia should be a rarity. What is remarkable is not that emmetropia happens at all, but that it is actually the rule, occurring so commonly that the distribution of refractive error is highly peaked near emmetropia and far from normal. Clinically, however, the emmetrope is an infrequent visitor for refractive vision care before presbyopia occurs. Ametropia is encountered as a rule in clinical practice. Information in this chapter should further the clinician's under- standing of the frequency with which a patient's refractive error occurs in the population and what demographic variables may possibly influence it. Assess- ment of refractive error may help in the diagnosis and management of the associated systemic and ocular pathologies described in this chapter. It may also guide the examination of the eye, as in the case of examina- tion of the fundus of the highly myopic patient. Dis- cussing the factors associated with refractive error will provide valuable information to patients. Unfortu- nately, although many of the factors described in this chapter suggest actual etiologies, definitive data are not available that might provide patients with information on the relative contributions of each factor. Such infor- mation awaits further study.
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