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Engineering Service Excellence
Managing Director
9 8 - 7 6 - 5 4 - 3 2 - 1
1 Intiative / Self confidence Volunteers to work on a
problem A self starter. Shows
exceptional resourcefulness in
handling unforeseen
events/situations effectively.
Feels relaxed & adequte in all
types of social & work
Mostly takes necessary &
appropriate actions in
handling unforseen tasks &
situations. Does not wait for
instructions to get things
done. Exhibites poise &
balance in social & work
Generally takes appropriate
action on his own when held
up for want of decisions and
precedents. Occassionally
requires instructions and
guidance. Feels self assured
and generally exhibites
Hesitant in taking action in
the absense of proper
instructions and
precedents. Would act
only when compelled to do
so. Exhibits a single a
rigidity and self
consciousness in different
Does not act without instructions
even when the task is urgent and
needs priority. Does not work
independently. Gets perturbed easily.
Fails to maintain poise and
confidence in most situations.
2 Professional Competence Excellent knowledge of his job
abd related functions. Keeps
abreast of various
developments in is field. Uses
his professional knowledge in
any assigned task efficiently
and effectively.
Most of the time showns
good knowledge of his job
& related functions.Makes
adequate efforts to keep in
touch with the at least
developments in his field.
Applies his professional
knowledge confidently.
Produces acceptable results.
With persistence manages to
accomplish tasks with out
much loss of quality. Pays
secondary consideration to
economy of efforts and
Capacity limited to
accomplish only ordinary
level results. Requires
more efforts and
resources than necessary
for accomplishing the task.
Work output and quality not
commensurate with the efforts and
resources available. Causes wastage
& lowering of morale.
3 Effective Intelligence Readily perceives the
essentials of difficult problems.
Penetrates deep into complex
issues Reacts to extraoridnary
situations quickly & effectively.
Quick on the uptake able to
discern the essentials of a
problem. Reacts to various
situations adquately.
May take time but grasps the
essential of a situations.
Reacts to ideas and situation
in satisfactory manner.
Tackles obvious problems.
Slow in reacting to new
ideas and situations.
Does not go deep into a problem.
Gets confused in unfamiliar situations
and fails to react in an appropriate
4 Conceptual Ability A sound and deep knowledge
about markter as well as
company problems, Keep
abreast of the latest
developments in this field and
excellent ability to perceive
accurately of the future needs
of the business in a complex
market situations.
Very good knowledge of
the total picture of the
systems and allied
problems takes pains,
keeps in touch with varios
developments around. Has
clear picture of the future
needs and high ability to
think fairly and accurately
of the future business
Adequate about the total
picture of the situation.Aware
of all impning factors on the
company business. Fair
ability to look ahead to
provide for future needs of
the company.
Can handle normal routine
situations. Displays
occassional interest on
market and company
problems and just
adequate ability to
integrate divergent views
and frame his own plan of
action. Adequate
awareness of the ecnomic
Lacks appreciation of the diverse
situations. Ignorant of market &
company problems and confused
about divergent views of market
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9 8 - 7 6 - 5 4 - 3 2 - 1
5 Planning Ability Displays planning ability of high
order. Anticipates problems and
work needs in the distant
future. Analyses a situation in
all aspects. Sets realistic
objectives. Can work out
Generally anticpates work
needs and can plan ahead
effectively. Analysis
problems adequately.
Accords correct priorities.
Maintains correct
Fairly effective & systematic
in planning familiar tasks but
likely to lose sight od proper
perspective in complex
situations. Analyses only
some facets for a problem.
Plans tasks in routine
manner without showing
any ingenuity . Foresight
limited to the obvious.
Cannot anticipate future
work needs or problems.
Shows disproportionate sense of
perspective. Accrods priorities in a
haphazard manner lacks fore-sight.
Cannot analyse a situation properly.
6 Judgement and
Decision Making Ability
Quick in weighing the pros
& cons of available
alternatives. Arrives at
correct decisions without
losing time. Takes a total
view of the situation.
Dsipalys good
judgments and generally
takes correct decisions
without much delay.
Takes a balanced view
of all available facts.
Arrives at good
decisions even when
under stress.
Displays fair judgments,
Follows systematic and
logical approach in
decision taking but
inclined to take time. At
times under stress
decision taking likely to
get hampered.
Judges issues at
surface level. Can take
decisions in routine and
familiar situations.
Under stress gets
confused and finds it
difficult to take correct
Shows faulty judgments. Lacks
ability to take proper decisions.
Under stress loses touch with
logic and becomes indecisive.
7 Tact and Co-operation Dispalys unysual gift putting
people at ease. Provides
whole hearted co-operation
to colleagues, superiors and
subordinates. Maintains
harmonious relations with
all. Makes effective con
Appreciates other's view
points. Willingly co-
operates with superiors,
collegues and
subordinates. Gains
acceptance by the
group. Makes adeaute
contribution to the
functioning of group.
Shows consideration to
other's views even when
differing from the. Does
not find much difficulty in
getting along with others.
Offers co-operation on as
required basis. Makes fair
contribution to group
Lacks spontaneity and
warmth in his dealings
but maintains working
relations. Offers limited
co-operation when
asked for. Mostly
remains a passive
member in the group
and makes limited
contribution to the
group. Cool to others'
points of view.
Ignores the feelings of others and
at times apt to hurt others.
Contented in working for and by
himself. Does not show concern
for group functioning or group
8 Ability to inspire and
With lively enthusiam,
personal example and
conduct, stimulates the
team for optimum
performance. Displays
exceptional skill in raising
the morale of subordinates
under difficult situations and
maintains it at high level.
Enlivens and maintains
the enthusiam and
motivation of
subordinates at high
level. Inspires other with
his personal example
and conduct.
Achieves fair success in
motivating his
subordinates. His
personal bearing and
conduct have an uplifting
influence on his
Manages to keep the
morale of suboridnates
at even keel. Lacks
adequate enthusiasm
to inspire team
members when faced
with diificulties.
Subordinates feel demoralised
and demotivated when working
under him. Makes unhealthy
impact on team members.
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9 8 - 7 6 - 5 4 - 3 2 - 1
9 Capacity to withstand
Remains calm and
composed under stress
displays adequate mental
and physical endurance to
meet crises effectively.
Remains fairly calm and
composed under stress.
Can meet emergencies
adequately. Physical
and mental endurance
Inclined to get perturbed
under stress, but makes
efforts to adapt himself to
changing situations .
Likely to show tiredness &
fatigue under pressure of
work. Physical and mental
stamina fair.
Apt to lose balance
under stress but
endesvours to regain
efficiency. Likely to
show tiredness &
fatigue under pressure
of work. Physical and
mental stamina fair.
Gets agitated under stress and is
not able to perform effectively.
Physical and mental stamina
10 Capacity to Achieve
Achieves optimum results
with the most economic and
efficient utilisation of
Accomplishes tasks
within given constraints
of time and resources.
Does not let the quality
Produces acceptable
results. With persistence
manages to accomplish
tasks without much loss of
quality. Pays secondary
consideration to ecnomy
of efforts and resources.
Capacity limited to
accomplish only
ordinary level results.
Requires more efforts
and resources than
necessary for
accomplishing the task.
Work output and quality not
commensurate with the efforts
and resources available. Cause
wastage and lowering of morale.
11 Entrepreneur Quality Utilises the potential of the
team members to the
optimum level in an
effective manner.
Confidently takes judicious
risks. Takes quick and
correct decisions. Provides
timely and appropriate
guidance without any show-
off interference.
Makes use of the
capabilities of the team
members in an effective
manner. Capable of
taking judicious risks,
gives due guidance to
the without much
interference. Mostly
takes prompt and
correct decision.
Archieves fair success in
judicious delegations of
authority. Makes provison
for the capabilities of the
team members. Takes
judicious risksin work
situations. Provides
necessary guidance when
asked for. Generally takes
timely decision which are
fairly correct.
Limited delegation of
authority. Subordinates
potential is not utilised
effectly provides too
little or too much
guidance. May interfere
in the functioning of the
team. Slow and
hesitant to take
decision in risk
Poor delegation of authority.
Vacillates to take decision or
when taken are often wrong,
indifferent in providing guidance
to the team even when
necessary or asked for.
12 Leadership quality Excellent organising ability
and inspire confidence in
the team. Highly stead fast
in executing the tasks in the
face of diificulties. Stands
by his convictions, makes
them known to his juniors,
but would always protect
the interest of the
Dislays good organising
skill in most situations.
Coordinates the
activities of the team in
successful manner.
Express his view clearly
and boldly even if it
differs from his superiors
in the interest of the
Fairly successful in
organising and acceptable
by the team as a leader.
Acheives fair success in
coordinating the activities
of the team. Expresses
his views boldly and
volunteers to take
challenging tasks.
Can handle normal
routine situations.
Archeives limited
success in coordinating
the team. Rather slow
in exectuion of tasks.
Limited awareness of
his own convictions.
Does not enthuse or
make any impact on
the team.
Lacks organising skill and
coordinating the activities of the
team. Remains unconverned
about the execution of the tasks.
Makes a poor impact as a leader
and no plan to meet contigency
situations. At all times an
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13 Welfare and Morale Sensitive and considerate to
the needs of juniors. Goes
out of the ways to cater to
the welfare of his
subordinates. Morale of
subordinates is optimum at
all times.
Works energetically and
successfully for the
good of his
suboridinates. Takes
adequates care to
provide all permissible
facilities. Morale of
Actively concerns himself
with the welfare of
subordinates. Makes
efforts to provide various
permissible facilities
available within the
resources. Morale of
subordinates is kept at
fairly high level.
Takes sporadic interest
in welfare projects.
Feels satisfied in
providing minimum
facilities to
suboridnates . Keeps
morale of subordinates
at satisfactory level.
Allots low priority to the welfare of
subordinates. Shows scant
regard for the needs of juniors.
Morale of subordinates is ofter at
low pitch.
14 Training and
Development of
Shows keeness for training
and development of
subordinates. Provides
adequate guidance &
encouragement in self
development programmes.
Quick in detecting other's
weaknesses and helping
them to overcome those
Supervises and
suboridnates to develop
their potential. Makes
active uses of the
available resources for
the growth and
development of
Encourages subordinates
to make use of various
facilities for on thee job
training their personal
growth and development.
Makes little contribution
for the growth and
development of
subordinates but at the
same time does not
stand in their way if
they to learn and
improve their
professional knowledge
and skills.
Takes on interest in the training
and development of
subordinates. At times tends to
obstruct their efforts for growth
and developments.
15 Bearing and
Always neatly turned out
and sets an example for
others. Displays exemplary
behaviour in all situations at
all times.
Pays adequate attention
to his bearing and turn
out. Deports himself in
praiseworthy manner in
various situations.
Generally will turned out.
Carries himself well in
select groups.
Pays just sufficient
attention to his turn out
and bearing. Conducts
himself in an
acceptable manner.
Does not pay adequate attention
to his bearing. Not very careful
about his conduct in varied
16 Loyalty Always keeps company
interest up most in day-to-
day work. Displays high
degree of sincerity and
honesty of purpose.
Demonstrates unquestioned
loyalty to company aims.
Subordinates personal
interest to overall
interest of the company.
Demonstrates from
allegiance to company
Generally keep personal
interest subordinate to
company interest. Lives
upto the trust placed in
him as a Manager.
Sometimes finds it
difficult to demarcate
clearly between
personal interest and
company aims.
Suboridnate company interest to
personal interest. Displays
inadequate honesty of purpose.
Show tendency to betray the trust
reposed in him as a company
mangerial staff.
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17 Integrity Shows absolute honesty
and propriety in the use of
company position and
resources. Alsways offers
correct information and
sincere advice.
Displays high sense of
honesty and propriety in
the use of company
position and resources.
Sincere and upright in
offering information and
advice to superiors.
Generally displays
honesty and priority in the
use of company position &
resources. Uses
discretion in offering
correct information and
Cannot always
discriminate between
propriety and
impropriety in the use
company position and
resources. Sometimes
apt to give an incorrect
opinion knowingly.
Apt to misuse company position
and resources for personal gains.
Cannot be trusted in offering
correct information.
18 Communication Skill-
Displays exceptional skill for
clear and concise writing
even under pressure. Quick
and proficient in preparing
notes and papers. Does
neat and accurate staff work
paying attention to details.
Shows marked ability for
clear and concise
writing. Produces good
staff work standard.
Conveys his ideas clearly
in working langauge.
Produces staff work od
fair standard.
Expresses himself in
routine and stero-typed
manner. Quality of
staff work lacks
consistency. Rather
slow in written work.
Lacks vocabulary and skill to
convey iodeas clarly. Often
makes mistake in staff work.
Takes unduly more time written
19 Communication Skill-
Expresses himself fluently
in a lucid manner. Displays
charm in engaging attention
and makes an impact on
others can address large
groups without any
hesitation or inhibition.
Expresses himself
without ambiguity.
Makes easily
understood. Introduces
personal charm in
duscussions and
conversations and
makes a visible impact
on others. Can address
large groups without any
outward signs of
Conveys information
instructions and ideas in
an objective manner and
makes himself
understood. Slightly
hesitant in addressing
larger groups but can face
smaller groups.
Either verbose or
taciturn in comunicating
with others but all the
same managers to put
across his ideas and
instructions. Does not
make any noticeable
impact on others. Feels
nervous and hesitant in
addressing groups.
Handicapped in vocabulary and
fluency, fails to convey ideas and
instructions clearly. Reluctant to
talk to groups.
20 Personal Example Reputed for exemplary
management of personal
affairs & finances.
Manages his finances
and personal affairs
Keeps his personal affairs
and finances under
Managementing of
personal affairs and
finances just
Does not exercise adequate
control over personal affairs and
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Engineering Service Excellence Guide

  • 2. GRADING FOR ATTRIBUTES EXCEPTIONAL VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY UN SATISFACTORY 9 8 - 7 6 - 5 4 - 3 2 - 1 1 Intiative / Self confidence Volunteers to work on a problem A self starter. Shows exceptional resourcefulness in handling unforeseen events/situations effectively. Feels relaxed & adequte in all types of social & work situations. Mostly takes necessary & appropriate actions in handling unforseen tasks & situations. Does not wait for instructions to get things done. Exhibites poise & balance in social & work situations. Generally takes appropriate action on his own when held up for want of decisions and precedents. Occassionally requires instructions and guidance. Feels self assured and generally exhibites equilibrium. Hesitant in taking action in the absense of proper instructions and precedents. Would act only when compelled to do so. Exhibits a single a rigidity and self consciousness in different situations. Does not act without instructions even when the task is urgent and needs priority. Does not work independently. Gets perturbed easily. Fails to maintain poise and confidence in most situations. 2 Professional Competence Excellent knowledge of his job abd related functions. Keeps abreast of various developments in is field. Uses his professional knowledge in any assigned task efficiently and effectively. Most of the time showns good knowledge of his job & related functions.Makes adequate efforts to keep in touch with the at least developments in his field. Applies his professional knowledge confidently. Produces acceptable results. With persistence manages to accomplish tasks with out much loss of quality. Pays secondary consideration to economy of efforts and resources. Capacity limited to accomplish only ordinary level results. Requires more efforts and resources than necessary for accomplishing the task. Work output and quality not commensurate with the efforts and resources available. Causes wastage & lowering of morale. 3 Effective Intelligence Readily perceives the essentials of difficult problems. Penetrates deep into complex issues Reacts to extraoridnary situations quickly & effectively. Quick on the uptake able to discern the essentials of a problem. Reacts to various situations adquately. May take time but grasps the essential of a situations. Reacts to ideas and situation in satisfactory manner. Tackles obvious problems. Slow in reacting to new ideas and situations. Does not go deep into a problem. Gets confused in unfamiliar situations and fails to react in an appropriate manner. 4 Conceptual Ability A sound and deep knowledge about markter as well as company problems, Keep abreast of the latest developments in this field and excellent ability to perceive accurately of the future needs of the business in a complex market situations. Very good knowledge of the total picture of the systems and allied problems takes pains, keeps in touch with varios developments around. Has clear picture of the future needs and high ability to think fairly and accurately of the future business envoirnment. Adequate about the total picture of the situation.Aware of all impning factors on the company business. Fair ability to look ahead to provide for future needs of the company. Can handle normal routine situations. Displays occassional interest on market and company problems and just adequate ability to integrate divergent views and frame his own plan of action. Adequate awareness of the ecnomic situations. Lacks appreciation of the diverse situations. Ignorant of market & company problems and confused about divergent views of market situations. ATTRIBUTES Page 1 of 5
  • 3. GRADING FOR ATTRIBUTES EXCEPTIONAL VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY UN SATISFACTORY 9 8 - 7 6 - 5 4 - 3 2 - 1 ATTRIBUTES 5 Planning Ability Displays planning ability of high order. Anticipates problems and work needs in the distant future. Analyses a situation in all aspects. Sets realistic objectives. Can work out unprecedented problems/situations. Generally anticpates work needs and can plan ahead effectively. Analysis problems adequately. Accords correct priorities. Maintains correct perspectives. Fairly effective & systematic in planning familiar tasks but likely to lose sight od proper perspective in complex situations. Analyses only some facets for a problem. Plans tasks in routine manner without showing any ingenuity . Foresight limited to the obvious. Cannot anticipate future work needs or problems. Shows disproportionate sense of perspective. Accrods priorities in a haphazard manner lacks fore-sight. Cannot analyse a situation properly. 6 Judgement and Decision Making Ability Quick in weighing the pros & cons of available alternatives. Arrives at correct decisions without losing time. Takes a total view of the situation. Dsipalys good judgments and generally takes correct decisions without much delay. Takes a balanced view of all available facts. Arrives at good decisions even when under stress. Displays fair judgments, Follows systematic and logical approach in decision taking but inclined to take time. At times under stress decision taking likely to get hampered. Judges issues at surface level. Can take decisions in routine and familiar situations. Under stress gets confused and finds it difficult to take correct decisions. Shows faulty judgments. Lacks ability to take proper decisions. Under stress loses touch with logic and becomes indecisive. 7 Tact and Co-operation Dispalys unysual gift putting people at ease. Provides whole hearted co-operation to colleagues, superiors and subordinates. Maintains harmonious relations with all. Makes effective con Appreciates other's view points. Willingly co- operates with superiors, collegues and subordinates. Gains acceptance by the group. Makes adeaute contribution to the functioning of group. Shows consideration to other's views even when differing from the. Does not find much difficulty in getting along with others. Offers co-operation on as required basis. Makes fair contribution to group functioning. Lacks spontaneity and warmth in his dealings but maintains working relations. Offers limited co-operation when asked for. Mostly remains a passive member in the group and makes limited contribution to the group. Cool to others' points of view. Ignores the feelings of others and at times apt to hurt others. Contented in working for and by himself. Does not show concern for group functioning or group distintegration. 8 Ability to inspire and Motivate With lively enthusiam, personal example and conduct, stimulates the team for optimum performance. Displays exceptional skill in raising the morale of subordinates under difficult situations and maintains it at high level. Enlivens and maintains the enthusiam and motivation of subordinates at high level. Inspires other with his personal example and conduct. Achieves fair success in motivating his subordinates. His personal bearing and conduct have an uplifting influence on his subordinates. Manages to keep the morale of suboridnates at even keel. Lacks adequate enthusiasm to inspire team members when faced with diificulties. Subordinates feel demoralised and demotivated when working under him. Makes unhealthy impact on team members. Page 2 of 5
  • 4. GRADING FOR ATTRIBUTES EXCEPTIONAL VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY UN SATISFACTORY 9 8 - 7 6 - 5 4 - 3 2 - 1 ATTRIBUTES 9 Capacity to withstand stress Remains calm and composed under stress displays adequate mental and physical endurance to meet crises effectively. Remains fairly calm and composed under stress. Can meet emergencies adequately. Physical and mental endurance adequate. Inclined to get perturbed under stress, but makes efforts to adapt himself to changing situations . Likely to show tiredness & fatigue under pressure of work. Physical and mental stamina fair. Apt to lose balance under stress but endesvours to regain efficiency. Likely to show tiredness & fatigue under pressure of work. Physical and mental stamina fair. Gets agitated under stress and is not able to perform effectively. Physical and mental stamina inadequate. 10 Capacity to Achieve Results Achieves optimum results with the most economic and efficient utilisation of resources. Accomplishes tasks within given constraints of time and resources. Does not let the quality suffer. Produces acceptable results. With persistence manages to accomplish tasks without much loss of quality. Pays secondary consideration to ecnomy of efforts and resources. Capacity limited to accomplish only ordinary level results. Requires more efforts and resources than necessary for accomplishing the task. Work output and quality not commensurate with the efforts and resources available. Cause wastage and lowering of morale. 11 Entrepreneur Quality Utilises the potential of the team members to the optimum level in an effective manner. Confidently takes judicious risks. Takes quick and correct decisions. Provides timely and appropriate guidance without any show- off interference. Makes use of the capabilities of the team members in an effective manner. Capable of taking judicious risks, gives due guidance to the without much interference. Mostly takes prompt and correct decision. Archieves fair success in judicious delegations of authority. Makes provison for the capabilities of the team members. Takes judicious risksin work situations. Provides necessary guidance when asked for. Generally takes timely decision which are fairly correct. Limited delegation of authority. Subordinates potential is not utilised effectly provides too little or too much guidance. May interfere in the functioning of the team. Slow and hesitant to take decision in risk situations. Poor delegation of authority. Vacillates to take decision or when taken are often wrong, indifferent in providing guidance to the team even when necessary or asked for. 12 Leadership quality Excellent organising ability and inspire confidence in the team. Highly stead fast in executing the tasks in the face of diificulties. Stands by his convictions, makes them known to his juniors, but would always protect the interest of the Company. Dislays good organising skill in most situations. Coordinates the activities of the team in successful manner. Express his view clearly and boldly even if it differs from his superiors in the interest of the company. Fairly successful in organising and acceptable by the team as a leader. Acheives fair success in coordinating the activities of the team. Expresses his views boldly and volunteers to take challenging tasks. Can handle normal routine situations. Archeives limited success in coordinating the team. Rather slow in exectuion of tasks. Limited awareness of his own convictions. Does not enthuse or make any impact on the team. Lacks organising skill and coordinating the activities of the team. Remains unconverned about the execution of the tasks. Makes a poor impact as a leader and no plan to meet contigency situations. At all times an "Yesman". Page 3 of 5
  • 5. GRADING FOR ATTRIBUTES EXCEPTIONAL VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY UN SATISFACTORY 9 8 - 7 6 - 5 4 - 3 2 - 1 ATTRIBUTES 13 Welfare and Morale Sensitive and considerate to the needs of juniors. Goes out of the ways to cater to the welfare of his subordinates. Morale of subordinates is optimum at all times. Works energetically and successfully for the good of his suboridinates. Takes adequates care to provide all permissible facilities. Morale of subordinates. Actively concerns himself with the welfare of subordinates. Makes efforts to provide various permissible facilities available within the resources. Morale of subordinates is kept at fairly high level. Takes sporadic interest in welfare projects. Feels satisfied in providing minimum facilities to suboridnates . Keeps morale of subordinates at satisfactory level. Allots low priority to the welfare of subordinates. Shows scant regard for the needs of juniors. Morale of subordinates is ofter at low pitch. 14 Training and Development of Subordinates Shows keeness for training and development of subordinates. Provides adequate guidance & encouragement in self development programmes. Quick in detecting other's weaknesses and helping them to overcome those weaknesses. Supervises and ecnourages suboridnates to develop their potential. Makes active uses of the available resources for the growth and development of suboridnates. Encourages subordinates to make use of various facilities for on thee job training their personal growth and development. Makes little contribution for the growth and development of subordinates but at the same time does not stand in their way if they to learn and improve their professional knowledge and skills. Takes on interest in the training and development of subordinates. At times tends to obstruct their efforts for growth and developments. 15 Bearing and Demeanour Always neatly turned out and sets an example for others. Displays exemplary behaviour in all situations at all times. Pays adequate attention to his bearing and turn out. Deports himself in praiseworthy manner in various situations. Generally will turned out. Carries himself well in select groups. Pays just sufficient attention to his turn out and bearing. Conducts himself in an acceptable manner. Does not pay adequate attention to his bearing. Not very careful about his conduct in varied company. 16 Loyalty Always keeps company interest up most in day-to- day work. Displays high degree of sincerity and honesty of purpose. Demonstrates unquestioned loyalty to company aims. Subordinates personal interest to overall interest of the company. Demonstrates from allegiance to company aims. Generally keep personal interest subordinate to company interest. Lives upto the trust placed in him as a Manager. Sometimes finds it difficult to demarcate clearly between personal interest and company aims. Suboridnate company interest to personal interest. Displays inadequate honesty of purpose. Show tendency to betray the trust reposed in him as a company mangerial staff. Page 4 of 5
  • 6. GRADING FOR ATTRIBUTES EXCEPTIONAL VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY UN SATISFACTORY 9 8 - 7 6 - 5 4 - 3 2 - 1 ATTRIBUTES 17 Integrity Shows absolute honesty and propriety in the use of company position and resources. Alsways offers correct information and sincere advice. Displays high sense of honesty and propriety in the use of company position and resources. Sincere and upright in offering information and advice to superiors. Generally displays honesty and priority in the use of company position & resources. Uses discretion in offering correct information and advice. Cannot always discriminate between propriety and impropriety in the use company position and resources. Sometimes apt to give an incorrect opinion knowingly. Apt to misuse company position and resources for personal gains. Cannot be trusted in offering correct information. 18 Communication Skill- written Displays exceptional skill for clear and concise writing even under pressure. Quick and proficient in preparing notes and papers. Does neat and accurate staff work paying attention to details. Shows marked ability for clear and concise writing. Produces good staff work standard. Conveys his ideas clearly in working langauge. Produces staff work od fair standard. Expresses himself in routine and stero-typed manner. Quality of staff work lacks consistency. Rather slow in written work. Lacks vocabulary and skill to convey iodeas clarly. Often makes mistake in staff work. Takes unduly more time written work. 19 Communication Skill- oral Expresses himself fluently in a lucid manner. Displays charm in engaging attention and makes an impact on others can address large groups without any hesitation or inhibition. Expresses himself without ambiguity. Makes easily understood. Introduces personal charm in duscussions and conversations and makes a visible impact on others. Can address large groups without any outward signs of nervousness. Conveys information instructions and ideas in an objective manner and makes himself understood. Slightly hesitant in addressing larger groups but can face smaller groups. Either verbose or taciturn in comunicating with others but all the same managers to put across his ideas and instructions. Does not make any noticeable impact on others. Feels nervous and hesitant in addressing groups. Handicapped in vocabulary and fluency, fails to convey ideas and instructions clearly. Reluctant to talk to groups. 20 Personal Example Reputed for exemplary management of personal affairs & finances. Manages his finances and personal affairs well. Keeps his personal affairs and finances under control. Managementing of personal affairs and finances just satisfactory. Does not exercise adequate control over personal affairs and finances. Page 5 of 5