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Simple, Reliable aanndd CCoosstt EEffffeeccttiivvee 
PPoosstthhaarrvveesstt MMaacchhiinneerriieess ffoorr 
HHoorrttiiccuullttuurraall PPrroodduuccee 
DDrr.. RR..TT.. PPaattiill 
FFoorrmmeerr DDiirreeccttoorr,, CCIIPPHHEETT,, LLuuddhhiiaannaa 
CChhaaiirrmmaann && EEDD,, BBeenneevvoollee ffoorr PPHHTT,, 
PPrroodduuccttiioonn && PPoosstt HHaarrvveesstt SScceennaarriioo 
•Agriculture contributes about 14.5% of GDP, 
employees 52% workforce and sustains approx 
over 60% of the population 
•India ranks second in world in production of 
fruits and vegetables 
•Post harvest losses are 3-18% amounting to Rs. 
45000 crores 
•Low level of processing of fruits and vegetables 
at only 3.5% . 
•Food processing is employment intensive, 
creates 1.8 jobs directly and 6.4 indirectly for 
every Rs. 10 lakh investment 
Better PH Management-Higher Value Addition- 
Lower losses
• The primary processing treats the produce for 
changing its from as little as possible. 
• Can be safely transported to long distance 
for fresh consumption 
• Safely stored as a raw material for value 
added products. 
• Due to higher moisture the physiological 
changes keep continuing even after harvest 
hence primary processing covers wide range of 
unit operations 
• Proper primary processing results in volume 
reduction for storage and transport and hence 
substantially reduces the post harvest losses.
Primary PPrroocceessssiinngg OOppeerraattiioonnss 
Post harvest management aiding 
Value addition and Secondary 
•Pre-harvest Instruments 
•Curing after harvest, 
•Pre-cooling before storage, 
•Dehydration and 
MMaattuurriittyy IInnddiiccaattoorrss 
• To ensure sensory quality like 
flavour, colour, aroma and texture 
and nutritional quality of the fruit. 
• To ensure an adequate post harvest 
shelf life of the fruit. 
• To facilitate scheduling of the harvest 
and packing operations.
MMaattuurriittyy IInnddiiccaattiinngg IInnssttrruummeennttss 
•Electromagnetic Technologies 
The electromagnetic spectrum from longest to shortest 
wavelengths, radiowave, microwave, ultraviolet, visible 
light, infrared, X-ray and gamma-ray radiation. 
•Wave propagation 
Sonic and ultrasonic waves can be transmitted, reflected, 
refracted or diffracted as they interact with the material. 
•Electrical conductivity 
The concentration of volatiles within a fruit or vegetable 
increases as it ripens and their release to the surrounding 
atmosphere is responsible for the product's pleasing 
PPrriimmaarryy PPrroocceessssiinngg 
MMeetthhoodd ooff DDeetteerrmmiinniinngg MMaattuurriittyy ooff 
MMaannggoo iinn TTrreeee 
• Eating quality and postharvest shelf life 
of ripe mango depends on its maturity 
at harvest 
• Change of peel color and total soluble 
solids (TSS) are indicative parameters 
to measure maturity of mango. 
• A maturity index was defined based on 
TSS and colour values. 
• The model was developed to predict 
maturity using colourimeter 
• Colour and maturity index chart were 
also developed to determine maturity 
• This technique can be employed to 
sort the mangoes at export port, big 
mandies and in processing plant. 
About 100 mangoes per hour
FFrruuiitt SSaavviinngg GGaaddggeettss 
After plucking 
from tree, fruit is 
thrown in the 
trough of fruit 
saver and 
collected in a 
The fruits are graded on size basis at 
appropriate places. Smallest grade fruit is 
collected first and largest grade is collected 
in last
Pre Cooling ooff FFrruuiittss && VVeeggeettaabblleess 
In addition to removal of field heat from commodities, 
pre-cooling also reduces bruise damage from 
vibration during transit and removes contaminants 
and microbial load on the fruit. 
Methods of pre-cooling 
•Cold air (room cooling, forced air cooling) 
•Cold water (hydro cooling) 
•Direct contact with ice (contact icing), 
•Evaporation of the water from produce (evaporative 
cooling, vacuum cooling) 
•Some fungicides can also be mixed with the water 
used in hydro cooling to prolong the shelf life
CCIIPPHHEETT TToommaattoo GGrraaddeerr 
• The tomatoes roll down the pipes due to 
gravity and fall immediately wherever 
they find the space of their diameter. 
• Grades 3: 25-40 mm, 40-55 mm, 55-70 
mm and > 70 mm 
• The collector is inclined at 10° so that 
the tomatoes slide directly in crates. 
• The important feature of grader is its 
ability to adjust the gap between the 
pipes and inclination of grading table 
and hopper. 
• It can also be used for other round fruits 
and vegetables. 
Capacity: of 325 kg/hr 
Overall grading efficiency: 66%. 
Cost: Rs.25000.00
Banana-CCoommbb ((HHaanndd)) CCuutttteerr 
It is an useful to de-stem the comb from the banana bunch. It 
replaces the use of sickle, which was much labor and time 
It is safe for human and banana hands and can be used for faster 
work. 100 to 120 banana bunches can be de-handed per hour. 
Saves 10 to 15 banana-fingers per bunch (i. e. 2 to 8 % reduction 
in cutting losses of banana fruits)
MMeecchhaanniiccaall PPoommeeggrraannaattee AArriill EExxttrraaccttoorr 
iinncclluuddiinngg HHaanndd TTooooll 
Capacity 10 kg/h 
•Higher aril extraction capacity; aarroouunndd 55..00 qquuiinnttaall ppeerr hhoouurr 
•AArriill eexxttrraaccttiioonn//sseeppaarraattiioonn eeffffiicciieennccyy iiss iinn tthhee rraannggee ooff 9900--9944%% 
•MMeecchhaanniiccaall ddaammaaggee rreecceeiivveedd bbyy aarriillss iiss oonnllyy 11--22%%
AAllooee VVeerraa GGeell EExxttrraaccttoorr 
•Aloe vara gel should be 
extracted within 6 hours and 
processing must be completed 
within 36 hours. 
•An inner clear gel that contains 
99% water and rest made of 
glucomannans, amino acids, 
lipids, sterols, vitamins etc. 
•The equipment capacity 200- 
225kg gel/h (900-1000 leaves/h) 
for motorised and 100kg gel/h 
(400-450 leaves/h) for manual 
•The extracted gel is clean and 
without any physical damage.
LLiittcchhii PPeeeelleerr 
• CIPHET Litchi peeler capacity of 
60 kg/h. 
• Consists of two stainless steel 
rollers rotating at differential 
speed in opposite direction with 
SS spikes on one roller and 
knurled surface on other. 
• As the fruit approaches to the 
spikes, it pierces the peel of fruit 
and due to circular motion makes 
a cut on the peel. 
• Peel is separated from the fruit 
due to shear developed by 
differential speed and knurled 
• The optimum peeling efficiency of 
the machine was about 96% with 
less than 4% loss of pulp.
Sitaphal Peeling Machine 
Removing the sitaphal seeds and pulp automatically without 
disturbing the pulp texture. Capacity: 120Kg/hr, Efficiency: 94% 
pulp recovery, Coarse / Intact Pulp recovery: 70-72%; Fine Pulp 
recovery: 28-30%. The machine is licensed to NEXTGEN Drying 
System, Pune
Fruits && VVeeggeettaabbllee WWaasshhiinngg MMaacchhiinnee 
• Capacity-100-600kg/h 
• Cost-US$ 500-1000 
• Speed-60 rpm 
• Washing Efficiency-95% 
• Suitability-Carrot, Potato, Radish, Turnip, Ginger 
Okra, Tomato, Spinach, Kinnow and Pears
• Washing efficiency : 86% 
• Cleaning efficiency : 85% 
• bruise index: negligible 
Small Composite Unit for 
Tomato Puree and Fruit Pulp 
The machine has components 
like a cooker, grinder, mixture, 
processor and juicer. The 
machine is capable of processing 
around 200 kg of herbal products 
and fruits in an hour. 
Mr. Dharamvir Singh from 
Haryana has developed this 
machine to extract juice; residue 
is used for making candy, sweets 
and other items. 
He has employed 35 women for his business and also sells units of 
the machine. He even trains buyers on how to use it. He earns about 
Rs. 24 lakh per year from processed products and the machine is sold 
for 1.50 lakh.
DDeehhuummiiddiiffiieerr DDrryyeerr 
•Micro-processor based 
temperature controller to regulates 
the drying temperature. 
•For blanched Amla drying, the 
dryer reduced vitamin-C loss up to 
87% as compared to the open sun 
•The products such as sliced fruits 
and vegetables is dried in 20-25 h 
and medicinal herbs and leaf crops 
are 12-20 h. 
•The cost of the prototype is Rs. 
1,50,000 and capacity is 30 
 Drying time : 23 h 
from 86 to 8% in 
moisture content 
Capacity: 400 kg 
of fresh 
• Power requirement 
• Electricity 21 
• LPG 26 kg 
Evaporatively CCoooolleedd RRoooomm ffoorr SSttoorraaggee ooff 
FFrruuiittss aanndd VVeeggeettaabblleess 
•An evaporatively cooled (EC) room (3x3x3m. size) was developed 
for on-farm storage of fruits and vegetables. 
•The summer temperature inside the EC room was 5-8C lower than 
that inside the ordinary room and winter temperature was 5-8 C 
higher than that inside the ordinary room. 
Compared on the basis of 10% 
physiological loss in weight (PLW) the 
shelf life inside the room was 34 days 
for early kinnow, 23 days for late 
kinnow, 11 days for cauliflower and 4 
days for spinach as compared to 21, 
11, 5 and 2 days respectively in an 
ordinary room at the same time. 
The cost of the chamber is Rs. 75000 and capacity is 2 tonnes.
CIPHET Evaporative Cooled SSttoorraaggee SSttrruuccttuurree 
• Storage of fruits and vegetables 
• Evaporatively Cooled Structure (ECS) 
maintains a moderate low temperature 
and sufficiently high relative humidity for 
short term storage of fresh fruits and 
• Advantages 
 Low level consumption of 
 Less initial investment 
 Negligible maintenance cost 
• Features 
– Special design of roof, orientation 
– Uses wetted pad as cooling medium 
– 20oC below the outside temperature 
– An ECS of about 5 -7 tonne storage 
capacity may cost about Rs. 1.5 – 
1.8 lakh.
IIIIHHRR FFrruuiitt RRiippeenniinngg CChhaammbbeerr 
• A small quantity of alkali is added to 
ethrel to release the ethylene gas and 
the fruits are exposed to this gas in 
air-tight portable plastic tents. 
• Fruits are placed in ventilated plastic 
crates inside air-tight plastic tents. 
• A small battery operated fan can be 
placed inside the tent for uniform 
circulation of gas. 
• The mango fruits exposed to 100 ppm 
gas for 24 hrs can be ripened in 5 
days at RT 
• Banana hands exposed to 100 ppm 
for 18 hours can be ripened in 4 days 
• Papaya fruits ripened with uniform 
surface color and uniform firmness in 
4 days.
MMiinniimmaall PPrroocceessssiinngg ooff VVeeggeettaabblleess
Shrink Packaging ooff FFrruuiittss aanndd VVeeggeettaabblleess 
Storage life 
Ambient Cold store 
Shrink wrapped Unwrapped Shrink wrapped Unwrapped 
Kinnow 27 13 70 41 
Tomato 19 10 39 23 
Capsicum 25 4 46 21
GGaarrlliicc PPrroocceessssiinngg MMaacchhiinneess 
Garlic Bulb Breaker Garlic Peeler Garlic Flaking Machine 
Capacity-800 kg/h 
Capacity-400 kg/h 
Capacity-40-50 kg/h 
EEqquuiippmmeenntt ffoorr CCaassssaavvaa PPrroocceessssiinngg 
In India cassava is mainly grown 
in Kerela, Tamilnadu, Karnataka, 
Andhra Pradesh 
The CTCRI developed post 
harvest management and value 
addition technologies 
•Tool for harvesting 
•Method to prolong shelf life of fresh 
•Production of Cassava rava 
•Production of Cassava Porridge 
•Starch based biodegradable plastic 
•Mobile Starch extraction unit 
Harvesting tool 
Chipping machine 
Chips dryer 
Mobile starch extraction unit
Mango Processing MMaacchhiinneerryy--IIIIHHRR 
Slices mango 4,6&8 pieces 
Capacity – 1 tonne/h 
Cost - US$4000 
Cubes the mango 
Capacity – 500 kg / h 
Cost – US$ 4000 
Raw mango peeler 
Peels raw mango 
Capacity – 200 kg /h 
Cost – US$4000 
Raw mango slicer Raw mango 
cube cutter
IImmpprroovveedd FFaarrmm LLeevveell TTuurrmmeerriicc BBooiilliinngg 
•Capacity : About 200 kg 
per batch /40 quintals per 
•Fuel requirement : 25–30 
kg per batch of 200 kg. 
•Three persons are required 
•No skilled labour is required 
•The unit can be fabricated 
to any capacity 
•Cost of the unit: Appox. 
Post harvest mechanization package for Banana central core 
FFuuttuurree PPootteennttiiaall 
• Need to develop proper process protocols for primary 
processing and also develop crop specific machines 
• Processing of fruits and vegetables to the stage of 
dehy, puree or pulp is a primary processing industry 
and need to be established in production catchment. 
• There should be flexibility in operations – a 
combination of manual and mechanical systems but 
following proper sanitary and hygienic standards. 
• Need to develop standards for primary processed 
products which in turn will increase value addition 
and secondary agriculture activities
TThhaannkk yyoouu

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Simple, Reliable and Cost Effective Postharvest Machineries for Horticultural Produce

  • 1. Simple, Reliable aanndd CCoosstt EEffffeeccttiivvee PPoosstthhaarrvveesstt MMaacchhiinneerriieess ffoorr HHoorrttiiccuullttuurraall PPrroodduuccee DDrr.. RR..TT.. PPaattiill FFoorrmmeerr DDiirreeccttoorr,, CCIIPPHHEETT,, LLuuddhhiiaannaa CChhaaiirrmmaann && EEDD,, BBeenneevvoollee ffoorr PPHHTT,, BBhhooppaall
  • 2. PPrroodduuccttiioonn && PPoosstt HHaarrvveesstt SScceennaarriioo •Agriculture contributes about 14.5% of GDP, employees 52% workforce and sustains approx over 60% of the population •India ranks second in world in production of fruits and vegetables •Post harvest losses are 3-18% amounting to Rs. 45000 crores •Low level of processing of fruits and vegetables at only 3.5% . •Food processing is employment intensive, creates 1.8 jobs directly and 6.4 indirectly for every Rs. 10 lakh investment Better PH Management-Higher Value Addition- Lower losses
  • 3. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn • The primary processing treats the produce for changing its from as little as possible. • Can be safely transported to long distance for fresh consumption • Safely stored as a raw material for value added products. • Due to higher moisture the physiological changes keep continuing even after harvest hence primary processing covers wide range of unit operations • Proper primary processing results in volume reduction for storage and transport and hence substantially reduces the post harvest losses.
  • 4. Primary PPrroocceessssiinngg OOppeerraattiioonnss Post harvest management aiding Value addition and Secondary agriculture. •Pre-harvest Instruments •Curing after harvest, •Pre-cooling before storage, •Ripening •Peeling, •Decorticating, •Dehydration and •Pulping
  • 5. MMaattuurriittyy IInnddiiccaattoorrss • To ensure sensory quality like flavour, colour, aroma and texture and nutritional quality of the fruit. • To ensure an adequate post harvest shelf life of the fruit. • To facilitate scheduling of the harvest and packing operations.
  • 6. MMaattuurriittyy IInnddiiccaattiinngg IInnssttrruummeennttss •Electromagnetic Technologies The electromagnetic spectrum from longest to shortest wavelengths, radiowave, microwave, ultraviolet, visible light, infrared, X-ray and gamma-ray radiation. •Wave propagation Sonic and ultrasonic waves can be transmitted, reflected, refracted or diffracted as they interact with the material. •Electrical conductivity The concentration of volatiles within a fruit or vegetable increases as it ripens and their release to the surrounding atmosphere is responsible for the product's pleasing aroma.
  • 8. MMeetthhoodd ooff DDeetteerrmmiinniinngg MMaattuurriittyy ooff MMaannggoo iinn TTrreeee • Eating quality and postharvest shelf life of ripe mango depends on its maturity at harvest • Change of peel color and total soluble solids (TSS) are indicative parameters to measure maturity of mango. • A maturity index was defined based on TSS and colour values. • The model was developed to predict maturity using colourimeter • Colour and maturity index chart were also developed to determine maturity • This technique can be employed to sort the mangoes at export port, big mandies and in processing plant. Capacity About 100 mangoes per hour
  • 9. FFrruuiitt SSaavviinngg GGaaddggeettss After plucking from tree, fruit is thrown in the trough of fruit saver and collected in a box/container. The fruits are graded on size basis at appropriate places. Smallest grade fruit is collected first and largest grade is collected in last
  • 10. Pre Cooling ooff FFrruuiittss && VVeeggeettaabblleess In addition to removal of field heat from commodities, pre-cooling also reduces bruise damage from vibration during transit and removes contaminants and microbial load on the fruit. Methods of pre-cooling •Cold air (room cooling, forced air cooling) •Cold water (hydro cooling) •Direct contact with ice (contact icing), •Evaporation of the water from produce (evaporative cooling, vacuum cooling) •Some fungicides can also be mixed with the water used in hydro cooling to prolong the shelf life
  • 11. CCIIPPHHEETT TToommaattoo GGrraaddeerr • The tomatoes roll down the pipes due to gravity and fall immediately wherever they find the space of their diameter. • Grades 3: 25-40 mm, 40-55 mm, 55-70 mm and > 70 mm • The collector is inclined at 10° so that the tomatoes slide directly in crates. • The important feature of grader is its ability to adjust the gap between the pipes and inclination of grading table and hopper. • It can also be used for other round fruits and vegetables. Capacity: of 325 kg/hr Overall grading efficiency: 66%. Cost: Rs.25000.00
  • 12. Banana-CCoommbb ((HHaanndd)) CCuutttteerr It is an useful to de-stem the comb from the banana bunch. It replaces the use of sickle, which was much labor and time consuming. It is safe for human and banana hands and can be used for faster work. 100 to 120 banana bunches can be de-handed per hour. Saves 10 to 15 banana-fingers per bunch (i. e. 2 to 8 % reduction in cutting losses of banana fruits)
  • 13. MMeecchhaanniiccaall PPoommeeggrraannaattee AArriill EExxttrraaccttoorr iinncclluuddiinngg HHaanndd TTooooll Capacity 10 kg/h •Higher aril extraction capacity; aarroouunndd 55..00 qquuiinnttaall ppeerr hhoouurr •AArriill eexxttrraaccttiioonn//sseeppaarraattiioonn eeffffiicciieennccyy iiss iinn tthhee rraannggee ooff 9900--9944%% •MMeecchhaanniiccaall ddaammaaggee rreecceeiivveedd bbyy aarriillss iiss oonnllyy 11--22%%
  • 14. AAllooee VVeerraa GGeell EExxttrraaccttoorr •Aloe vara gel should be extracted within 6 hours and processing must be completed within 36 hours. •An inner clear gel that contains 99% water and rest made of glucomannans, amino acids, lipids, sterols, vitamins etc. •The equipment capacity 200- 225kg gel/h (900-1000 leaves/h) for motorised and 100kg gel/h (400-450 leaves/h) for manual machine. •The extracted gel is clean and without any physical damage.
  • 15. LLiittcchhii PPeeeelleerr • CIPHET Litchi peeler capacity of 60 kg/h. • Consists of two stainless steel rollers rotating at differential speed in opposite direction with SS spikes on one roller and knurled surface on other. • As the fruit approaches to the spikes, it pierces the peel of fruit and due to circular motion makes a cut on the peel. • Peel is separated from the fruit due to shear developed by differential speed and knurled surface, • The optimum peeling efficiency of the machine was about 96% with less than 4% loss of pulp.
  • 16. Sitaphal Peeling Machine Removing the sitaphal seeds and pulp automatically without disturbing the pulp texture. Capacity: 120Kg/hr, Efficiency: 94% pulp recovery, Coarse / Intact Pulp recovery: 70-72%; Fine Pulp recovery: 28-30%. The machine is licensed to NEXTGEN Drying System, Pune
  • 17. Fruits && VVeeggeettaabbllee WWaasshhiinngg MMaacchhiinnee • Capacity-100-600kg/h • Cost-US$ 500-1000 • Speed-60 rpm • Washing Efficiency-95% • Suitability-Carrot, Potato, Radish, Turnip, Ginger Okra, Tomato, Spinach, Kinnow and Pears
  • 18. • Washing efficiency : 86% (Radish) • Cleaning efficiency : 85% (Radish) • bruise index: negligible 2010
  • 19. Small Composite Unit for Tomato Puree and Fruit Pulp The machine has components like a cooker, grinder, mixture, processor and juicer. The machine is capable of processing around 200 kg of herbal products and fruits in an hour. Mr. Dharamvir Singh from Haryana has developed this machine to extract juice; residue is used for making candy, sweets and other items. He has employed 35 women for his business and also sells units of the machine. He even trains buyers on how to use it. He earns about Rs. 24 lakh per year from processed products and the machine is sold for 1.50 lakh.
  • 20. DDeehhuummiiddiiffiieerr DDrryyeerr •Micro-processor based temperature controller to regulates the drying temperature. •For blanched Amla drying, the dryer reduced vitamin-C loss up to 87% as compared to the open sun drying. •The products such as sliced fruits and vegetables is dried in 20-25 h and medicinal herbs and leaf crops are 12-20 h. •The cost of the prototype is Rs. 1,50,000 and capacity is 30 kg/batch.
  • 21.  Drying time : 23 h from 86 to 8% in moisture content (wb) Capacity: 400 kg of fresh cardamom • Power requirement • Electricity 21 kWh • LPG 26 kg 2005
  • 22. 2009
  • 23. Evaporatively CCoooolleedd RRoooomm ffoorr SSttoorraaggee ooff FFrruuiittss aanndd VVeeggeettaabblleess •An evaporatively cooled (EC) room (3x3x3m. size) was developed for on-farm storage of fruits and vegetables. •The summer temperature inside the EC room was 5-8C lower than that inside the ordinary room and winter temperature was 5-8 C higher than that inside the ordinary room. Compared on the basis of 10% physiological loss in weight (PLW) the shelf life inside the room was 34 days for early kinnow, 23 days for late kinnow, 11 days for cauliflower and 4 days for spinach as compared to 21, 11, 5 and 2 days respectively in an ordinary room at the same time. The cost of the chamber is Rs. 75000 and capacity is 2 tonnes.
  • 24. CIPHET Evaporative Cooled SSttoorraaggee SSttrruuccttuurree • Storage of fruits and vegetables • Evaporatively Cooled Structure (ECS) maintains a moderate low temperature and sufficiently high relative humidity for short term storage of fresh fruits and vegetables. • Advantages  Low level consumption of electricity  Less initial investment  Negligible maintenance cost • Features – Special design of roof, orientation – Uses wetted pad as cooling medium – 20oC below the outside temperature – An ECS of about 5 -7 tonne storage capacity may cost about Rs. 1.5 – 1.8 lakh.
  • 25. IIIIHHRR FFrruuiitt RRiippeenniinngg CChhaammbbeerr • A small quantity of alkali is added to ethrel to release the ethylene gas and the fruits are exposed to this gas in air-tight portable plastic tents. • Fruits are placed in ventilated plastic crates inside air-tight plastic tents. • A small battery operated fan can be placed inside the tent for uniform circulation of gas. • The mango fruits exposed to 100 ppm gas for 24 hrs can be ripened in 5 days at RT • Banana hands exposed to 100 ppm for 18 hours can be ripened in 4 days • Papaya fruits ripened with uniform surface color and uniform firmness in 4 days.
  • 28. Shrink Packaging ooff FFrruuiittss aanndd VVeeggeettaabblleess Storage life Ambient Cold store Commodity Shrink wrapped Unwrapped Shrink wrapped Unwrapped Kinnow 27 13 70 41 Tomato 19 10 39 23 Capsicum 25 4 46 21
  • 29. GGaarrlliicc PPrroocceessssiinngg MMaacchhiinneess Garlic Bulb Breaker Garlic Peeler Garlic Flaking Machine Capacity-800 kg/h Cost-US$300 Capacity-400 kg/h Cost-US$300 Capacity-40-50 kg/h Cost-US$1400
  • 30. EEqquuiippmmeenntt ffoorr CCaassssaavvaa PPrroocceessssiinngg In India cassava is mainly grown in Kerela, Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh The CTCRI developed post harvest management and value addition technologies •Tool for harvesting •Method to prolong shelf life of fresh cassava •Production of Cassava rava •Production of Cassava Porridge •Starch based biodegradable plastic •Mobile Starch extraction unit Harvesting tool Chipping machine Chips dryer Mobile starch extraction unit
  • 31. Mango Processing MMaacchhiinneerryy--IIIIHHRR Slices mango 4,6&8 pieces Capacity – 1 tonne/h Cost - US$4000 Cubes the mango slices Capacity – 500 kg / h Cost – US$ 4000 Raw mango peeler Peels raw mango Capacity – 200 kg /h Cost – US$4000 Raw mango slicer Raw mango cube cutter
  • 32. IImmpprroovveedd FFaarrmm LLeevveell TTuurrmmeerriicc BBooiilliinngg UUnniitt--TTNNAAUU •Capacity : About 200 kg per batch /40 quintals per day •Fuel requirement : 25–30 kg per batch of 200 kg. •Three persons are required •No skilled labour is required •The unit can be fabricated to any capacity •Cost of the unit: Appox. Rs.15,000
  • 33. Post harvest mechanization package for Banana central core 2012-14
  • 34. FFuuttuurree PPootteennttiiaall • Need to develop proper process protocols for primary processing and also develop crop specific machines • Processing of fruits and vegetables to the stage of dehy, puree or pulp is a primary processing industry and need to be established in production catchment. • There should be flexibility in operations – a combination of manual and mechanical systems but following proper sanitary and hygienic standards. • Need to develop standards for primary processed products which in turn will increase value addition and secondary agriculture activities