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. u { , ' u o r . _ , . r r . r l l l ' u I : l , r i
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t',Y,)dir'.' - t
t v
, '/, lj J'-' ,/
ResolutiooNS/-,in / )
-r.A ; 
- AFPC Mnnaging Directors
- Basetl on Provisions of service conhacf
(210) of (1977) ratified by law (4S) ot (1977)
- On Lefter no. (null) c{atcd 01.0g.?00S
- On the necessities of urork
- Resolve the following :
-drticle1- Eng-Nsbil Eaklci
Transfer:redft.orn(OTS)to (Opp)and
Enhusted to the tasks of
( Power Plant Supertntendent ) in Oper,
Direct, / F'ields.
Article 2- Eng. Hussein Al-znher co, no. (z04gs)
Shqll be rransferred from (OGp) to
(OPW) nnd entrusted to the tasks of
( Tanak Aren $uperintendent ) i_n Oper,
Direct. / Fields ,
Article 3- Eng. Rrgheb Al'Matni co,no,(Eg?t)ghall
Be transferred from (OpT/p) to (OpO)
and entrusted to the tasks of (Onrar Area
$uperintendent ) in Oper. f)irect. / F.ieltl.
c- a,/n/{ I i'--altJl1
O.-.{r , i.i Jl I O! _
(1 1VV) rt
-l (l I ") fl_r L.ritt r-.3e FLlaf rs-b
nn14 _
(1 1VV) ft
.l (t f) i--6J fur-jt
gr, .,,trll
1 ..r o/A/t
C---+U fj-J) --_tJ j__l5ll sJsJ -
| €rt -
uJpJ _
{-'"-f Lr:L
lg:SJ ct*-(.t. .AA)#d s-.. d*,Jt &ir_|
(dlthJt$S a-h-.,.7fu) a++r}Sl, (Opp) .Jl.-r_;*ir) tt+*-tjJld , (Opp) sl!
, dJEJI*!Le - r3lrl^.ilq;ro
(OGP)il.(T. f Ao)fr, ,ttglf 4ar U,.ri*dtgl;-y irL r<
(.{ntfdF.b U"p .1 F+ . (Ops/.)u{
, djLll til.+!.e- €fuLd a:*r" J
(OPT/P) il.(AIVA) #_l stl"tl +ilJ ul$6."JtdF!-r;lL
(+."e d$--l LiJ+-i/
) fl I -t r i tcrJ . (OpO) sJ!
. dJfi.rjf gti! -- - r=LlLrJl a*.Xt #
i.ttr *
Article a- Sog, Thamer obeid co.'o. (Is566) shalr
Be transferred from (OpTrM) to (OpT)
aud entrusted to the taslrsof ( Thayyern
Ar'ea Superintendent ) in Oper.
Direst / F'ields.
Article 5- Eng. Atldul Neser Nakshbandi co. ,o.
(12045)shall be transferred from (OpT)
to G{I}D and enhusteri to the tasks of
( Dept. llead Norm Upera.tions) in Oper.
Direct. / Fields .
Arficle6-Mr. Ahdul Kader Sleibico. no.(1707O
shall be transfcred frou $fD$ to
(OPC/I) and entrustc'dto the tasksof
( SecLHeadScaletaskForce) in Oper.
Direct. / Fields ,
(OPTftD i,.(1Ao11) *-l J-ssr_ptl Ll,,r$*att#!-t frL
(fSl &--is , i*.-3..
) fL, g .+, i t.{, , (OpT) sll
, dJiall 'ji$$ - 4llCl-.ll 4{#& cp
' /
u " ,
g. (1 Y. ge)
--.IJ f $+,iiJ-poLilf +p u,*Ji4ill .pir -e E,rL
4+lttu i;$.r qrttiJ) Ftg,.J
. (f[DF") dl (Opf)
, cb3rll{{Le - €rtt.dl 4#t # tf;*Ft +*t"Uti
- o )
irticle 7- Eng.F'uadAI-AU be
Traasforred from (OGP/U fo (OGp) nnd
Entr.ustedto the tasks of ( Omar Gns
Plant Supcrintendent) in Oper.
Direct / tr'iekls.
Article 8- Eng-I(haled shsll
betransferredfrom (OpO) to (OCp) and
entrusted to the tnsls of ( Dept. Eead
of Centrsl plattning) in Oper.
Direct,/ Fields,
Artlcle 9- Mr. Ibrahtrn AlJasem co. no. (1612g)
Shall be transferued fronr (OFF) to
(OF'A) and entrusted to the tnsks nf
( Ilept. Eend F'ieldAdmins.) in Oper.
Direct / Fields"
Article l0- I{r. Abd Najm 65g"tlah (I?703)
shall be transfemed fron (OF.fll) to
(OfT) and enfrusted to tnsks of
( Dept Head FieldsFinance) in Oper.
Direct./ Ftelde-
Article 11-Mr. Jameel Al-Eid co. no, (1052)shail
be transfen+d from (OfA) to {Legal)
and entrustedto thetasksof (Sect.Head
Iegal reporting to OFI,I's Directly ) in
Oper.Direct. / Fields,
(CGP/l) Cr{l1A.f} #-r #-hll rl3j u!'rii..nllcE-y irt.. e{
( >.-l, jLi d-"r-rLiJfu ) fL+..ri.,it<$ . (OCp) crJl
. cJJt*Jl€!Lr, - Crqlasll4r.#J. #
(OPO) CF ( YAI'A) lj-r e+!Jl .r.Jli Ljr{tidt fii4 -A 6,rr-
h iL<'.tl i; LygiJ) I' g"l ' i ltuJ , (OCp) .,I
. dJtall &L+l"e* (Jrrt-. tl 4*#t eJ (.F
: . , , ,
(pFF)i'.-(11t YA)ri_l r."qJtpaal;s!+*Jt,.F+-1rrL
q4alt.rltE;J-:I,;p-ri;j e'
'i.*, , tOi,a.l-j1,.*-1."1|
, cLlf lf rrlLc, - rrl$.rJl l*JJ& ;*:t'
ry{1Vv'r) F-L ,i,t.*tt r+ r* +"il dl- . i.rLo
6-r'ilrll4"ri.l ) d{*, , i tcj, , (OFF)
(OFHI) .
, drfirlt dil.+Le- &lJtrJl !*- *s 1{.rrtUtf
, )rr'-,,JJ_1
(OFA) Cr-{(l , ot)
f"-l r-+ll d-+4+ {*-ll .Fl-t t 6rt-r_, -
,l-trtil1 F.^lll sei.l ) Ft-6.{4 ri r(i-l , (Legal)Jl ..,.{;'j
(d$--5"J1gl ;lrp ,.J&Jl ";.1,-,iLJ" e---+J )*r*'
, cJJ'irll L3l.rl-e - 6lJt -.ll i+;X*. +
Article 12- Mr. Sattam Al-Zakern co. no. (f S6g)
sbnll be transferred from (OF'A) to
( Public Relations ) and entrusted to fhe
tasks of ( Sect.Head of Public Relations
Reporting to OFD directly ) fn Oyrer,
Direct. / F''lelds.
Artiele 13- Eng. Imtashrr Al-Ha5'yal 'co. no,
(21560) shall be transferred f'rom
(F'CS/3) to the (Green Village) qnd
eRtrusted to the tasks of ( Green Yillage
ScsLHead reporting to OF'A direetly )
in Oper. Direet. / Fields .
Article 14- The above named sha,llnot be Entitled
As a result of the Authorization to claim
any difference between. the amount of
Their cunent salary and that of the
Positions they hat'e becn entrusted to ,
(orA) cr...-( AA) rj.l F$t tr.L
., rd-,!lcFl- y ;rLo. .-
r*5.r+:-, ) eLt-+r i r($ , (ftrblic Relations) c,J!
',/Jt). t
(oFD(-rr':'#Hffi;:trffi "_,
,fu (Tt or .; a-Il dt-,#Jlr"f,Ll Ly,ti{*!l,S4-r f irle
i ltJ . (Green Vttlage) L,-J! (FCS/3)
LJ!"6J*il{" F+J s,b,i=lb {Ss-Jl 4&Il tiJ.t" r)
. rbi-lt 6trl -e.- srl+Lrltl*"r;:. gp ( OFA
f+tt Ldsrll.!...,|&ll oi-r ,t',b q*ll;Y- f 6rLr
o:ll l-+EJJt +31-1.,,oJHl #+1l, gsJ&,.llt+ fult'. o
. I adli-ils #.3J1
4 f
i- :r
j:s*ir: .-+'a-
I { ' J - { , f A A
Article 15-AII deeds previousl-v issued in
confradiction with fhis resorution
Article 15-This io to be notilied to trose
Concernedfor ectionnsof its issuance.
Itlful-"'i;.ll -"Jrcrr.,r+-ilrJ drj=S-eilL.eE
t s ilr,r
. ll;lijl fL# r-glitt
i. "l;l , l-,re!! i riiit fi_! g. _;l_.,jll11 t *- r 1
. a.l.,rr.€
@ oca
. ;$r
--ufitf," 4lI
Gmeral llflnagep t
Jg d+.U
Ch:rirmane-ffhe B
a'a1$ + $.{to uF{rt
;JJYI UAI+I cy,*t_t
- C C . :
- Origiual to APSwith eucl.
- OM's .
- IUanagers,
- OFM.
- PersonConcernedr{a tbei,rl}lrect.
-HR -
- Resolutionrfile -
- CorrespondenceOfiice .
- Statistics.
- ElectronicArchiving .
- s p c .
: tJ! iJsr.€ -
. ,tl.xlt H C'+L.tCl Or3..l6JjldELTI ii*"itt -
. el$.cJl rlj.'oJ.lll_
Fir+,I",4LltuYl.I*-r?),tsJr*H.Ifil :
. N+JHI& fe 4El*tl,-,tr,,oi-
. L.,riJJl.!l3rll 6;Jl.r-
. drlJlJi.ll -
, eUl &lJr$l -
. r t e Y l -
. l*j-glVl li,iJYl-
. li:lJ ir^r."ll {.rjJ!;
d - l n / ( 1 6 5 3 x 2 3 3 g x 2
: 8 .
Lft' ( Ar
1 . _ _  r y z t - i F f I
AL. Furat Petroleunr Cornpany
Resolutiort No. :
Date :
- AFPC Managing Directors
- Based on provision.s of Scrvice Contract
l2l0/ of 1977 ratified by law /43/ of 1977,
-On MDs approval on lvlemo No.
(null) dated 23,2.2009
- And
on the necessities of work,
- Resolve r the following:
Articlel-Eng. FawazAfarn no.(16783) from
OFIW shall be ent"rustcdto thc tasks
Of ( deputy fisld Manngcr (OFD)
to all Dept.instcadof Eng.. R.Mstnl
I,rf lclc-2-l)ng.RaghlbfoIathi no. (8978)from
OfV/ shall be entrustedt o the tasks
of (Operationfieldproductiondep:rrtment
hcail(OFP)insteadof Eng,F.Afsro.
Arlicle-J-Th abovenamesshall not be entitled
as a result of this aulhorization to
claim any differencc bctween the
amountof theircurrentsalariesand
tbatof theposition they have been
- .9lori.rtlc.s
- HRE?
. SPC,
l . .tl tt 6l"r--- , I tl i-J.jl-,-r
c . . 4
 l t ' v : r * L j - 1 * I
- - t ' -
< - ' c - 
: L - t l i l
it#r'llJl a-;1;,Jl o!-
I lVV d .f lt | ,I p-lJL.r:.Jl .'- ;
tll;-l ,r_L "oL_l _
r'l lVV d-J ltf / f_,i;_*r.itjiltl r!, . - Jt
iJsr..ilJ_ i**ilJg*JJ.:,,Itl-;,;
r l-s,l^ -Jl {
: r.r----! t_*- gl_; r___4 _
iJL--&Jl jlF-l u*!+lt ,_L_--._.._. .t<r_| i.rL..r
(l1v^r ) r_-_....-J-,-
( J'ilJJl i.itSl-{5i-Jt *!Irc. .,g.r. g1r-. r-r )
. t'jL4ll tri:f-,t u".+Jl g*,,.Jr__1
s--jlull k6lJ u"r-JFJl, I .'l<9-y irl -
I.JHJ ) tt-'l-+ (AIVA)
"YrlrJjriJr.l .Tl[fi;r"*n
. i
JKillli r.___1",., r )_jJ y,li.rl-
t"a-----j! t ..rll dr--- t'l
i,---i{ LtF--il! i-__jtl"ll
| | ' 'lPl-'r
r*tll i-+taJlt .:, ,:tJJ
. L--+{ ti l<
Article {-All deeds previously issued in .rlr---14!l l-jls. -ili - r 6rrj
Contradiction with this resolution "l--lt- tJp|'-Jl c'lJl '-i!tJ
sholl be cancellcd Jl.i-ill|i .*Jl-i!Li-ll
Artic-le 5-'fhis is to be notilied to those . lirlfi-l+ OF-rJlJ*iltli r,l--Jr-o i$.r
co'cerned aSOf thAt date . . UJrd 6-ltj ux
i;lrlluqlr u+_t
Chairman of the Board/ ^
yr,fr +rrr g,.;'4At jn
Bng. Sald
fi, l/----
4' t .
e 9

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  • 1. J AJ-,-F{.]RAT PETROLETIM . u { , ' u o r . _ , . r r . r l l l ' u I : l , r i . ; ' ' - l * ! :,-Tf* ) t',Y,)dir'.' - t t v , '/, lj J'-' ,/ ResolutiooNS/-,in / ) co. -r.A ; Dste, {%, - AFPC Mnnaging Directors - Basetl on Provisions of service conhacf (210) of (1977) ratified by law (4S) ot (1977) - On Lefter no. (null) c{atcd 01.0g.?00S - On the necessities of urork - Resolve the following : -drticle1- Eng-Nsbil Eaklci Transfer:redft.orn(OTS)to (Opp)and Enhusted to the tasks of ( Power Plant Supertntendent ) in Oper, Direct, / F'ields. Article 2- Eng. Hussein Al-znher co, no. (z04gs) Shqll be rransferred from (OGp) to (OPW) nnd entrusted to the tasks of ( Tanak Aren $uperintendent ) i_n Oper, Direct. / Fields , Article 3- Eng. Rrgheb Al'Matni co,no,(Eg?t)ghall Be transferred from (OpT/p) to (OpO) and entrusted to the tasks of (Onrar Area $uperintendent ) in Oper. f)irect. / F.ieltl. tLL;ri-,.rli-l c- a,/n/{ I i'--altJl1 O.-.{r , i.i Jl I O! _ (1 1VV) rt -l (l I ") fl_r L.ritt r-.3e FLlaf rs-b nn14 _ (1 1VV) ft .l (t f) i--6J fur-jt '.rL1 gr, .,,trll 1 ..r o/A/t C---+U fj-J) --_tJ j__l5ll sJsJ - | €rt - uJpJ _ n F a- -tat-' - {-'"-f Lr:L lg:SJ ct*-(.t. .AA)#d s-.. d*,Jt &ir_| (dlthJt$S a-h-.,.7fu) a++r}Sl, (Opp) .Jl.-r_;*ir) tt+*-tjJld , (Opp) sl! , dJEJI*!Le - r3lrl^.ilq;ro "t (OGP)il.(T. f Ao)fr, ,ttglf 4ar U,.ri*dtgl;-y irL r< (.{ntfdF.b U"p .1 F+ . (Ops/.)u{ , djLll til.+!.e- €fuLd a:*r" J (OPT/P) il.(AIVA) #_l stl"tl +ilJ ul$6."JtdF!-r;lL (+."e d$--l LiJ+-i/ ) fl I -t r i tcrJ . (OpO) sJ! . dJfi.rjf gti! -- - r=LlLrJl a*.Xt # 1;J:*,. i.ttr * Article a- Sog, Thamer obeid co.'o. (Is566) shalr Be transferred from (OpTrM) to (OpT) aud entrusted to the taslrsof ( Thayyern Ar'ea Superintendent ) in Oper. Direst / F'ields. Article 5- Eng. Atldul Neser Nakshbandi co. ,o. (12045)shall be transferred from (OpT) to G{I}D and enhusteri to the tasks of ( Dept. llead Norm Upera.tions) in Oper. Direct. / Fields . Arficle6-Mr. Ahdul Kader Sleibico. no.(1707O shall be transfcred frou $fD$ to (OPC/I) and entrustc'dto the tasksof ( SecLHeadScaletaskForce) in Oper. Direct. / Fields , r;/,d (OPTftD i,.(1Ao11) *-l J-ssr_ptl Ll,,r$*att#!-t frL (fSl &--is , i*.-3.. ) fL, g .+, i t.{, , (OpT) sll , dJiall 'ji$$ - 4llCl-.ll 4{#& cp .-*./ ' / u " , g. (1 Y. ge) --.IJ f $+,iiJ-poLilf +p u,*Ji4ill .pir -e E,rL 4+lttu i;$.r qrttiJ) Ftg,.J *S, . (f[DF") dl (Opf) , cb3rll{{Le - €rtt.dl 4#t # tf;*Ft +*t"Uti - o ) o*j:'5*'.
  • 2. f irticle 7- Eng.F'uadAI-AU be Traasforred from (OGP/U fo (OGp) nnd Entr.ustedto the tasks of ( Omar Gns Plant Supcrintendent) in Oper. Direct / tr'iekls. Article 8- Eng-I(haled shsll betransferredfrom (OpO) to (OCp) and entrusted to the tnsls of ( Dept. Eead of Centrsl plattning) in Oper. Direct,/ Fields, Artlcle 9- Mr. Ibrahtrn AlJasem co. no. (1612g) Shall be transferued fronr (OFF) to (OF'A) and entrusted to the tnsks nf ( Ilept. Eend F'ieldAdmins.) in Oper. Direct / Fields" Article l0- I{r. Abd Najm 65g"tlah (I?703) shall be transfemed fron (OF.fll) to (OfT) and enfrusted to tnsks of ( Dept Head FieldsFinance) in Oper. Direct./ Ftelde- Article 11-Mr. Jameel Al-Eid co. no, (1052)shail be transfen+d from (OfA) to {Legal) and entrustedto thetasksof (Sect.Head Iegal reporting to OFI,I's Directly ) in Oper.Direct. / Fields, (CGP/l) Cr{l1A.f} #-r #-hll rl3j u!'rii..nllcE-y irt.. e{ ( >.-l, jLi d-"r-rLiJfu ) fL+..ri.,it<$ . (OCp) crJl . cJJt*Jl€!Lr, - Crqlasll4r.#J. # (OPO) CF ( YAI'A) lj-r e+!Jl .r.Jli Ljr{tidt fii4 -A 6,rr- h iL<'.tl i; LygiJ) I' g"l ' i ltuJ , (OCp) .,I . dJtall &L+l"e* (Jrrt-. tl 4*#t eJ (.F .all : . , , , (pFF)i'.-(11t YA)ri_l r."qJtpaal;s!+*Jt,.F+-1rrL q4alt.rltE;J-:I,;p-ri;j e' 'g-r, 'i.*, , tOi,a.l-j1,.*-1."1| , cLlf lf rrlLc, - rrl$.rJl l*JJ& ;*:t' ry{1Vv'r) F-L ,i,t.*tt r+ r* +"il dl- . i.rLo 6-r'ilrll4"ri.l ) d{*, , i tcj, , (OFF) "JI (OFHI) . ,,,s , drfirlt dil.+Le- &lJtrJl !*- *s 1{.rrtUtf },9 , )rr'-,,JJ_1 , (OFA) Cr-{(l , ot) f"-l r-+ll d-+4+ {*-ll .Fl-t t 6rt-r_, - ,l-trtil1 F.^lll sei.l ) Ft-6.{4 ri r(i-l , (Legal)Jl ..,.{;'j (d$--5"J1gl ;lrp ,.J&Jl ";.1,-,iLJ" e---+J )*r*' , cJJ'irll L3l.rl-e - 6lJt -.ll i+;X*. + --E- Article 12- Mr. Sattam Al-Zakern co. no. (f S6g) sbnll be transferred from (OF'A) to ( Public Relations ) and entrusted to fhe tasks of ( Sect.Head of Public Relations Reporting to OFD directly ) fn Oyrer, Direct. / F''lelds. Artiele 13- Eng. Imtashrr Al-Ha5'yal 'co. no, (21560) shall be transferred f'rom (F'CS/3) to the (Green Village) qnd eRtrusted to the tasks of ( Green Yillage ScsLHead reporting to OF'A direetly ) in Oper. Direet. / Fields . Article 14- The above named sha,llnot be Entitled As a result of the Authorization to claim any difference between. the amount of Their cunent salary and that of the Positions they hat'e becn entrusted to , (orA) cr...-( AA) rj.l F$t tr.L ., rd-,!lcFl- y ;rLo. .- r*5.r+:-, ) eLt-+r i r($ , (ftrblic Relations) c,J! ',/Jt). t (oFD(-rr':'#Hffi;:trffi "_, ,fu (Tt or .; a-Il dt-,#Jlr"f,Ll Ly,ti{*!l,S4-r f irle /4, i ltJ . (Green Vttlage) L,-J! (FCS/3) LJ!"6J*il{" F+J s,b,i=lb {Ss-Jl 4&Il tiJ.t" r) . rbi-lt 6trl -e.- srl+Lrltl*"r;:. gp ( OFA f+tt Ldsrll.!...,|&ll oi-r ,t',b q*ll;Y- f 6rLr o:ll l-+EJJt +31-1.,,oJHl #+1l, gsJ&,.llt+ fult'. o . I adli-ils #.3J1 4 f rlr T i- :r "B j:s*ir: .-+'a- 4t-,/, oq-
  • 3. I { ' J - { , f A A I Article 15-AII deeds previousl-v issued in confradiction with fhis resorution ShaIIbeeanceUerl. Article 15-This io to be notilied to trose Concernedfor ectionnsof its issuance. Itlful-"'i;.ll -"Jrcrr.,r+-ilrJ drj=S-eilL.eE ""e- t s ilr,r . ll;lijl fL# r-glitt i. "l;l , l-,re!! i riiit fi_! g. _;l_.,jll11 t *- r 1 . a.l.,rr.€ CL--+JIJ @ oca . ;$r -o/l --ufitf," 4lI Gmeral llflnagep t Jg d+.U C.Keir Ch:rirmane-ffhe B a'a1$ + $.{to uF{rt Dr.Ery{.AAbil#ffi ;JJYI UAI+I cy,*t_t -0fl - C C . : - Origiual to APSwith eucl. - OM's . - IUanagers, - OFM. - PersonConcernedr{a tbei,rl}lrect. -HR - - Resolutionrfile - - CorrespondenceOfiice . - Statistics. - ElectronicArchiving . - s p c . 11'nd : tJ! iJsr.€ - . ,tl.xlt H C'+L.tCl Or3..l6JjldELTI ii*"itt - . el$.cJl rlj.'oJ.lll_ Fir+,I",4LltuYl.I*-r?),tsJr*H.Ifil : . N+JHI& fe 4El*tl,-,tr,,oi- . L.,riJJl.!l3rll 6;Jl.r- . drlJlJi.ll - , eUl &lJr$l - . r t e Y l - . l*j-glVl li,iJYl- . li:lJ ir^r."ll {.rjJ!; ( ? o $
  • 4. ..-""**v** o d - l n / ( 1 6 5 3 x 2 3 3 g x 2 : 8 . Lft' ( Ar 1 . _ _ r y z t - i F f I AL. Furat Petroleunr Cornpany Resolutiort No. : Date : - AFPC Managing Directors - Based on provision.s of Scrvice Contract l2l0/ of 1977 ratified by law /43/ of 1977, -On MDs approval on lvlemo No. (null) dated 23,2.2009 1 - And t on the necessities of work, - Resolve r the following: Articlel-Eng. FawazAfarn no.(16783) from OFIW shall be ent"rustcdto thc tasks Of ( deputy fisld Manngcr (OFD) to all Dept.instcadof Eng.. R.Mstnl I,rf lclc-2-l)ng.RaghlbfoIathi no. (8978)from OfV/ shall be entrustedt o the tasks of (Operationfieldproductiondep:rrtment hcail(OFP)insteadof Eng,F.Afsro. Arlicle-J-Th abovenamesshall not be entitled as a result of this aulhorization to claim any differencc bctween the amountof theircurrentsalariesand tbatof theposition they have been entrustedto. - .9lori.rtlc.s - HRE? . SPC, l . .tl tt 6l"r--- , I tl i-J.jl-,-r c . . 4 l t ' v : r * L j - 1 * I - - t ' - < - ' c - : L - t l i l it#r'llJl a-;1;,Jl o!- I lVV d .f lt | ,I p-lJL.r:.Jl .'- ; tll;-l ,r_L "oL_l _ r'l lVV d-J ltf / f_,i;_*r.itjiltl r!, . - Jt iJsr..ilJ_ i**ilJg*JJ.:,,Itl-;,; flfij- r l-s,l^ -Jl { : r.r----! t_*- gl_; r___4 _ iJL--&Jl jlF-l u*!+lt ,_L_--._.._. .t<r_| i.rL..r (l1v^r ) r_-_....-J-,- ( J'ilJJl i.itSl-{5i-Jt *!Irc. .,g.r. g1r-. r-r ) . t'jL4ll tri:f-,t u".+Jl g*,,.Jr__1 s--jlull k6lJ u"r-JFJl, I .'l<9-y irl - I.JHJ ) tt-'l-+ (AIVA) "YrlrJjriJr.l .Tl[fi;r"*n . i JKillli r.___1",., r )_jJ y,li.rl- t"a-----j! t ..rll dr--- t'l i,---i{ LtF--il! i-__jtl"ll | | ' 'lPl-'r r*tll i-+taJlt .:, ,:tJJ . L--+{ ti l< Article {-All deeds previously issued in .rlr---14!l l-jls. -ili - r 6rrj Contradiction with this resolution "l--lt- tJp|'-Jl c'lJl '-i!tJ sholl be cancellcd Jl.i-ill|i .*Jl-i!Li-ll Artic-le 5-'fhis is to be notilied to those . lirlfi-l+ OF-rJlJ*iltli r,l--Jr-o i$.r co'cerned aSOf thAt date . . UJrd 6-ltj ux trlJtjc.l i;lrlluqlr u+_t Chairman of the Board/ ^ yr,fr +rrr g,.;'4At jn Bng. Sald 'ri U {- fi, l/---- ( --_. . : 4' t . e 9