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The path to becoming a Master of the mystic art of Git
Nicola Costantino
Do you know
Common Use
Git is a state of mind
img: Ā©Marvel
ā€¢ Git status
ā€¢ Status of the repository
ā€¢ Git add <file,ā€¦>
ā€¢ Add file(s) to staging area
ā€¢ Under the hood:ā€œkeep an eye on itā€, prepare to recursively create tree and blob objects
ā€¢ Git commit [-m ā€œ<commitmessage>ā€]
ā€¢ Commit the changes added to the staging area
ā€¢ Under the hood:create the commit object,associate tree,blob and commit objects
ā€¢ Git pull
ā€¢ Pull the latest updates from the server
ā€¢ Git push
ā€¢ Push the commit(s) to the remote server
img: Ā©Marvel
Why deepen?
Git is a state of mindimg: Ā©Marvel
Source and real-life story
Git is a state of mind
Git is a state of mind
img: Ā©Marvel
ā€¢ ā€œGit, the stupid content
ā€¢ API for DVCS
ā€¢ Created by LinusTorvalds in
2005 for Linux Kernel source
ā€¢ Before: patches & packages,
then proprietary BitKeeper
Home office
ā€œRespect should be earnedā€
To Nvidia, with love
and much, much moreā€¦
Linus about the name ā€œgitā€ (ā€œunpleasant personā€ in British English slang):
ā€œIā€™m an egotistical bastard,and I name all my projects after myself.Firstā€˜Linuxā€™,nowā€˜gitā€™.ā€ (source)
From the original README (source)
ā€¢ Development start: ~April 3,2005
ā€¢ Announcement:April 6, 2005
ā€¢ Self-hosting:April 7, 2005
Original message from the mailing list
ā€¢ Speed
ā€¢ Simple design
ā€¢ Strong support for non-linear development (thousands of
parallel branches)
ā€¢ Fully distributed
ā€¢ Able to handle large projects like the Linux kernel efficiently
(speed and data size)
ā€¢ Commit early, commit often
ā€¢ Each commit represents one idea or one whole change (easier
to read or revert)
ā€¢ Each branch represents one feature (or topic) (easier to read or
ā€¢ Your local working directory,index and local repo are scratch
Git is a state of mind img: Ā©Marvel
ā€¢ Git originally designed and created for internal-aware pro
ā€¢ Specific atomic commands,*NIX style
ā€¢ File-system alike level
ā€¢ Untold mantra:ā€œWhen youā€™ll know what it does and how,
youā€™ll figure out how to use itā€
ā€¢ Local repo: .git folder and its content
ā€¢ Working directory/area: brothers (and descendents)
of .git folder
ā€¢ Stage/Staging area/Cache/Index: (synonyms,index
originally) index of changes to commit
ā€¢ Stashing area/Stash: clipboard-ish area where to
temporarily save the changes not to be committed,
facility external toVCS
Advanced, specific tools/commands for a single purpose and advanced problem
solving (Barely documented: are you a Pro, arenā€™tyou?)
Different grouping and use of plumbing commands (Very extended documentation)
Avoid duplication of API with different parameters
Split underneath logics in simpler commands (UNIX-style)
ā€¢ Main element in GIT:
ā€¢ Stored in key-value database: Key =>Value
ā€¢ Named after the content using SHA-1 hash:SHA-1(Value) => Value
ā€¢ IMMUTABLE: mutation would break hash, so references would be broken too!
ā€¢ Deduplication for free: same object referenced, not storedagain
ā€¢ Main object types:
ā€¢ Blob
ā€¢ Tree
ā€¢ Commit
ā€¢ AnnotatedTag
ā€¢ Blob
ā€¢ Full content of a file without filename and metadata
ā€¢ Named after SHA-1 of content and attributes
ā€¢ Tree
ā€¢ Representation of a directory structure / file(s)
ā€¢ Recursive structure: contains blob and tree references
ā€¢ Commit
ā€¢ Snapshot of the repository at given time
ā€¢ Tree object reference (recursive)
ā€¢ Author's data:name,email,timestamp,timezone
ā€¢ Committer's data:name,email,timestamp,timezone
ā€¢ Commit Message
ā€¢ Parent commit reference (special commit: Merge commit has two/more than one parents)
ā€¢ Created with ā€˜git initā€™
ā€¢ The .git folder IS the local
Structure of .git folder of an empty repository
ā€¢ After the commit of a
simple text file
Structure of .git folder of the repository at the current state
ā€¢ It points to the current state
of the working area
ā€¢ Relative pointing to a refs,
ā€¢ ā€˜ref:refs/heads/masterā€™
ā€¢ In detached state if it points
to an hash
ā€¢ only good for read-only navigation of the
repo, destructive otherwise Structure of .git folder of the repository at the current state
ā€¢ Local configurations
ā€¢ Core configuration values
ā€¢ Authorā€™s data:
ā€¢ Name, email,ā€¦
ā€¢ Opposite to
global .gitconfig file in home
Structure of .git folder of the repository at the current state
ā€¢ (Sample of) scripts
automatically launched in
response to a specific
ā€¢ Validation,styling rules,
commit checks,ā€¦
ā€¢ Without the .sample
Structure of .git folder of the repository at the current state
ā€¢ Key-value database
ā€¢ Contains blobs, trees and
ā€¢ 256 dirs max per level with
first 2 hex chars of object
hash (avoid filesystem
ā€¢ pack folder: highly compressed,
delta-optimized archives of
objects, created at push/pull Structure of .git folder of the repository at the current state
ā€¢ Heads == Branches
ā€¢ Tags (lightweight)
ā€¢ Refspec: specification of
ā€¢ Heads point to a specific
ā€¢ Head of that branch
Structure of .git folder of the repository at the current state
BackTo Porcelain
Git is a state of mind
img: Ā©Marvel
ā€¢ Git log
ā€¢ Log of all commits in the common default format
ā€¢ More or less infinite combination of parameters for different
showing mode of the log (e.g.colors,graphic,relative time format:
n days ago)
ā€¢ Pretty format documentation
ā€¢ One of the longest man page!
ā€¢ If lost, use A DOG:git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph
ā€¢ Fetch refs (branches, tags) from
remote repository (one or more)
ā€¢ Doesnā€™t download commit
ā€¢ Useful for sync with new remote(s)
and/or branch(es)
ā€¢ Downloads commits
ā€¢ For the current branch from
remote counterpart
ā€¢ Doesnā€™t alter the state of the
working directory or local repository ā€¢ Automatically updates the
state of the working directory
ā€¢ git fetch && git merge FETCH_HEAD
ā€¢ Extremely cheap and fast
ā€¢ A branch is a file that contains the reference to a commit.Thatā€™s it.
ā€¢ Itā€™s not an object, so (and thatā€™s why) itā€™s mutable!
ā€¢ The entire branch is recreated recursively using parent reference
of each commit, starting from the pointed one
ā€¢ Fast-forward merge if the branch starts from the end of original/
destination branch (e.g. after a rebase)
ā€¢ Git checkout <branch>
ā€¢ Move to an existent branch
ā€¢ Git checkout -b <branch>
ā€¢ Create a branch if not existent and move to it
ā€¢ Git branch <branch>
ā€¢ Create a branch if not existent without moving to it
ā€¢ Git merge <branch>
ā€¢ Merge the specified branch on the current one
ā€¢ Git rebase <branch>
ā€¢ Rebase the current branch on the specified branch
ā€¢ Git stash [save]
ā€¢ Save the changes in the working area into the stashing area
ā€¢ Git stash list
ā€¢ List all the stashes
ā€¢ Git stash show
ā€¢ Show the details of a stash
ā€¢ Git stash apply
ā€¢ Apply the specified stash on the current working directory
ā€¢ [other options and combinationā€¦]
ā€¢ Simple name pointing to a
ā€¢ Arbitrary fixed reference to a commit
ā€¢ 2 types (completely unrelated to each other)
Lightweight Annotated
ā€¢ Structurally similar to branch ā€¢ Structurally is an object
ā€¢ Simple name pointing to a
commit, with a message
ā€¢ Git tag
ā€¢ List all the tags
ā€¢ Git tag <tag name>
ā€¢ Create a lightweight tag on the current commit
ā€¢ Git tag -a <tag name> -m <message>
ā€¢ Create an annotated tag on the current commit, with the specified message
ā€¢ Git show <tag name>
ā€¢ Show details about the specified tag
ā€¢ Git push [remote] --tags
ā€¢ Push the tags on remote repository (Not pushed by default push command!)
ā€¢ Useful for firing people
ā€¢ Shows the changes made on an object (list of
commits) with relative authors
ā€¢ Syntax:
ā€¢ git blame [lots of options] <file>
Advanced Use
Git is a state of mind
img: Ā©Marvel
ā€¢ Reference logs :)
ā€¢ git reflog [options]
ā€¢ ā€œRecord when the tips of branches and other references were updated
in the local repository.ā€(source)
ā€¢ ā€œIt saves yourā€¦ life!ā€ (anyone whoā€™ve usedit)
ā€¢ Commits are not deleted until the garbage collector comes in action!
ā€¢ Go back in time, locate the commit and restore
ā€¢ Apply the changes introduced by an existing commit
(somewhere in the repo)
ā€¢ It creates a new commit
ā€¢ Best results if the commit is atomic and self-
ā€¢ git cherry-pick <commit>
ā€¢ Reapply commits on top of another base tip
ā€¢ Interactive rebase with -i option (options in text editor)
ā€¢ Main uses:
ā€¢ History rewriting,actions (edit,squash,delete,ā€¦) on the same base:git rebase
ā€¢ Branch update, git rebase <branch>:
ā€¢ B branched from A at commit C1,A updated after the divergence (commits C2,C3)
ā€¢ Rebase B on top of new tip of A (C3) reapplying all the commits of B on top of C3
ā€¢ Best results if the commit is atomic and self-explanatory
Starting fromā€¦
Adding on Masterā€¦
More on Masterā€¦
Not elegant, but not so badā€¦
What ifā€¦
ā€œBOOM, Baby!ā€
Ā«You can call me Base,
ā€¢ Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug
ā€¢ Automatic mode usage:
ā€¢ Select known good commit: git bisect good <commitā€™s sha-1>
ā€¢ Select known bad commit: git bisect bad <commitā€™s sha-1>
ā€¢ Run the test in commits betweenā€œgoodā€andā€œbadā€:git bisect run <bash
ā€¢ Bisect will stop at the first commit that introduced the bug (test fails)
ā€¢ More info
Git is a state of mind
img: Ā©Marvel
ā€¢ Include a git repository inside another one
ā€¢ Both stories remain separated
ā€¢ Push/pull, branches to/from original separate repository
ā€¢ .gitmodule
ā€¢ Reference to submodule(s)ā€™s repository
ā€¢ Reference to submodule(s)ā€™s current commit (HEAD)
ā€¢ Reference to submodule(s)ā€™s destination directory (added empty to parent
ā€¢ Git submodule add <repository> [path]
ā€¢ Add an existing repository as submodule in path or subrepo name if any
ā€¢ Git submodule foreachā€˜<bash>ā€™
ā€¢ Execute the command specified for each submodule added in the parent repository
ā€¢ Git submodule update [path]
ā€¢ Update the submodule to the state specified into .gitmodule file (potentially discard
new changes)
ā€¢ (Canonical add, commit to update the .gitmodule file with newest
submodule commits)
ā€¢ Include a git repository inside another one
ā€¢ Stories are not separated: the subtreeā€™s story is included in parent
repository (can be squashed)
ā€¢ Modification to subtreeā€™s code goes on parent projectā€™s
ā€¢ Can pull updates from original repository
ā€¢ Can push updates to original repository
ā€¢ Git subtree add --prefix=[path] <repository> <branch> --squash
ā€¢ Add an existing repository as subtree in path squashing all the commits in one
ā€¢ Git subtree pull --prefix [path] <repository> <branch> --squash
ā€¢ Update the subtree with new commits on remote repository
ā€¢ Contribute back to remote repository:
ā€¢ Add the project as another remote: git remote add <name> <repo>
ā€¢ git subtree push ā€”prefix=<prefix> <remote> <branch>
ā€¢ More info about subtree: Source,Source
Git is a state of mind
img: Ā©Marvel
Source, from GitHub
My 2 centsā€¦
ā€¢ Commit ASAP, usingVERY crystal clear message
ā€¢ Rebase your local branch without fear until it goes on remote
ā€¢ Keep the history straight! Avoid branch updating with merge!
ā€¢ Keep environment configuration - e.g. production - on specific
branch (to be rebased on the branch that will go online)
ā€¢ Use git aliases, but remember the original command
ā€¢ The current status and branch must be always visible without
issuing ā€œgit statusā€ (e.g. use things like bash-git-prompt or similar)
ā€¢ Fetch is better than pull for crowded branches
Git is a state of mind
img: Ā©Marvel
More than 1 million teams and 6 million developers,Git/Mercurial
ā€¢ Biggest community exclusively for git ecosystem
ā€¢ 316 programming languages, ~6M active users, ~332K activeorganizations,
~19.5M active repositories
ā€¢ Main home for any open source project (hosted for free withTravisCI)
ā€¢ Most advanced web interface and support for most diffused and evolved
development metodologies at any level (Agile,Testing, CI/CD,ā€¦)
ā€¢ Highly reliable, but not self-hostable
ā€¢ The annual state of the Octoverse
ā€¢ Fastest development project and community exclusively for git ecosystem: rolling releases and CI
ā€¢ More than 100K active organizations self-hosting (2/3 market), ~80% of mobile developers
ā€¢ Self-hostable (Vagrant, Docker, native), free public and private repositories with unlimitedmembers
ā€¢ Awesome repository management (user permissions,branch protection,Webhooks,ā€¦)
ā€¢ Most advanced web interface and support for most diffused and evolved development
metodologies at any level (Agile,Testing, CI/CD,ā€¦)
ā€¢ Most experimental and cutting-edge solutions for Agile and DevOps metodologies development
(Auto DevOps,ā€¦)
ā€¢ Full stack of additional features (pages,CI/CD,Cycle,IssueTracker and Board,Review,ā€¦)
Git is a state of mind
img: Ā©Marvel
Git is a state of mind
img: Ā©Marvel
ā€¢ ā€œGitHub cheatsheetā€ - Official basic GitHub cheatsheet
ā€¢ ā€œVisual cheatsheetā€ - Interactive cheatsheet
ā€¢ ā€œUngitā€ - Interactive web interface
ā€¢ ā€œGourceā€ - Repo visualization
ā€¢ ā€œGitKrakenā€ - GUI tool
ā€¢ ā€œGitHub Desktopā€ - Official GitHub GUI tool
Git is a state of mind
img: Ā©Marvel
ā€œGit From the Bits Upā€ -Tim Berglund
ā€œAdvanced GIT for Developersā€ - Lorna Jane Mitchell
ā€œGet Started with Gitā€ - DavidBaumgold
ā€œAdvanced Gitā€ - DavidBaumgold
ā€œA journey intoā€ GIT internals with Python - AndreySyschikov
Pro Git
ā€œGit Best Practices Guideā€ - Eric Pidoux
ā€œMastering Gitā€ - Jakub Narębski
ā€œLearn enough Git to be dangerousā€ - MichaelHartl
ā€¢ The whole presentation and the entire content (except where alternatively
and explicitly specified) is property of the author, Nicola Costantino, and itā€™s
released under the term of the ā€œCreative CommonsAttribution -
NonCommercial - NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licenseā€
ā€¢ All third party media contents are property of their respective owners and
are hereby only used for teaching purposes
You better learn itā€¦
Git is a state of mind
img: Ā©Marvel
Nicola Costantino
ā€¢ Twitter:
ā€¢ Medium:
ā€¢ GitHub:
ā€¢ Linkedin:
About (Work In Progress) meā€¦

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Git Is A State Of Mind - The path to becoming a Master of the mystic art of Git

  • 1. IS A STATE OF MIND The path to becoming a Master of the mystic art of Git Nicola Costantino
  • 4. Common Use Git is a state of mind img: Ā©Marvel
  • 5. COMMON COMMANDS ā€¢ Git status ā€¢ Status of the repository ā€¢ Git add <file,ā€¦> ā€¢ Add file(s) to staging area ā€¢ Under the hood:ā€œkeep an eye on itā€, prepare to recursively create tree and blob objects ā€¢ Git commit [-m ā€œ<commitmessage>ā€] ā€¢ Commit the changes added to the staging area ā€¢ Under the hood:create the commit object,associate tree,blob and commit objects ā€¢ Git pull ā€¢ Pull the latest updates from the server ā€¢ Git push ā€¢ Push the commit(s) to the remote server
  • 6. img: Ā©Marvel Why deepen? Git is a state of mindimg: Ā©Marvel
  • 7. REAL LIFE Source and real-life story
  • 9. Philosophy Git is a state of mind img: Ā©Marvel
  • 10. GIT:WHAT ā€¢ ā€œGit, the stupid content trackerā€ ā€¢ API for DVCS ā€¢ Created by LinusTorvalds in 2005 for Linux Kernel source code ā€¢ Before: patches & packages, then proprietary BitKeeper LinusTorvalds
  • 11. Linusology Home office ā€œRespect should be earnedā€ To Nvidia, with love and much, much moreā€¦
  • 12. GIT Linus about the name ā€œgitā€ (ā€œunpleasant personā€ in British English slang): ā€œIā€™m an egotistical bastard,and I name all my projects after myself.Firstā€˜Linuxā€™,nowā€˜gitā€™.ā€ (source) From the original README (source)
  • 13. GOD MADE UNIVERSE IN 6 DAYS, LINUS MADE GIT IN 4, GIT SELF-HOSTED IN 1 ā€¢ Development start: ~April 3,2005 ā€¢ Announcement:April 6, 2005 ā€¢ Self-hosting:April 7, 2005 Original message from the mailing list
  • 14. GOALS ā€¢ Speed ā€¢ Simple design ā€¢ Strong support for non-linear development (thousands of parallel branches) ā€¢ Fully distributed ā€¢ Able to handle large projects like the Linux kernel efficiently (speed and data size)
  • 15. COMMIT OFTEN PERFECT LATER PUBLISH ONCE ā€¢ Commit early, commit often ā€¢ Each commit represents one idea or one whole change (easier to read or revert) ā€¢ Each branch represents one feature (or topic) (easier to read or merge) ā€¢ Your local working directory,index and local repo are scratch pads.
  • 16. UnderTheHood Git is a state of mind img: Ā©Marvel
  • 17. WHY DEEPER? ā€¢ Git originally designed and created for internal-aware pro developers ā€¢ Specific atomic commands,*NIX style ā€¢ File-system alike level ā€¢ Untold mantra:ā€œWhen youā€™ll know what it does and how, youā€™ll figure out how to use itā€
  • 19. GIT GEOGRAPHY ā€¢ Local repo: .git folder and its content ā€¢ Working directory/area: brothers (and descendents) of .git folder ā€¢ Stage/Staging area/Cache/Index: (synonyms,index originally) index of changes to commit ā€¢ Stashing area/Stash: clipboard-ish area where to temporarily save the changes not to be committed, facility external toVCS
  • 20. COMMANDS: PORCELAIN VS.PLUMBING PLUMBING(s) Advanced, specific tools/commands for a single purpose and advanced problem solving (Barely documented: are you a Pro, arenā€™tyou?) PORCELAIN(s) Different grouping and use of plumbing commands (Very extended documentation) Git:API forDVCS Avoid duplication of API with different parameters Split underneath logics in simpler commands (UNIX-style)
  • 21. OBJECTS ā€¢ Main element in GIT: ā€¢ Stored in key-value database: Key =>Value ā€¢ Named after the content using SHA-1 hash:SHA-1(Value) => Value ā€¢ IMMUTABLE: mutation would break hash, so references would be broken too! ā€¢ Deduplication for free: same object referenced, not storedagain ā€¢ Main object types: ā€¢ Blob ā€¢ Tree ā€¢ Commit ā€¢ AnnotatedTag
  • 22. OBJECTS ā€¢ Blob ā€¢ Full content of a file without filename and metadata ā€¢ Named after SHA-1 of content and attributes ā€¢ Tree ā€¢ Representation of a directory structure / file(s) ā€¢ Recursive structure: contains blob and tree references ā€¢ Commit ā€¢ Snapshot of the repository at given time ā€¢ Tree object reference (recursive) ā€¢ Author's data:name,email,timestamp,timezone ā€¢ Committer's data:name,email,timestamp,timezone ā€¢ Commit Message ā€¢ Parent commit reference (special commit: Merge commit has two/more than one parents)
  • 23. .GIT FOLDER ā€¢ Created with ā€˜git initā€™ command ā€¢ The .git folder IS the local repository Structure of .git folder of an empty repository
  • 24. .GIT FOLDER ā€¢ After the commit of a simple text file Structure of .git folder of the repository at the current state
  • 25. HEAD ā€¢ It points to the current state of the working area ā€¢ Relative pointing to a refs, e.g.: ā€¢ ā€˜ref:refs/heads/masterā€™ ā€¢ In detached state if it points to an hash ā€¢ only good for read-only navigation of the repo, destructive otherwise Structure of .git folder of the repository at the current state
  • 26. CONFIG ā€¢ Local configurations ā€¢ Core configuration values ā€¢ Authorā€™s data: ā€¢ Name, email,ā€¦ ā€¢ Opposite to global .gitconfig file in home Structure of .git folder of the repository at the current state
  • 28. HOOKS ā€¢ (Sample of) scripts automatically launched in response to a specific events ā€¢ Validation,styling rules, commit checks,ā€¦ ā€¢ Without the .sample Structure of .git folder of the repository at the current state
  • 29. OBJECTS ā€¢ Key-value database ā€¢ Contains blobs, trees and commits ā€¢ 256 dirs max per level with first 2 hex chars of object hash (avoid filesystem limits) ā€¢ pack folder: highly compressed, delta-optimized archives of objects, created at push/pull Structure of .git folder of the repository at the current state
  • 30. REFS ā€¢ Heads == Branches ā€¢ Tags (lightweight) ā€¢ Refspec: specification of references ā€¢ Heads point to a specific commit ā€¢ Head of that branch Structure of .git folder of the repository at the current state
  • 31. BackTo Porcelain Git is a state of mind img: Ā©Marvel
  • 32. LOG ā€¢ Git log ā€¢ Log of all commits in the common default format ā€¢ More or less infinite combination of parameters for different showing mode of the log (e.g.colors,graphic,relative time format: n days ago) ā€¢ Pretty format documentation ā€¢ One of the longest man page! ā€¢ If lost, use A DOG:git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph
  • 33. FETCH VS.PULL FETCH ā€¢ Fetch refs (branches, tags) from remote repository (one or more) ā€¢ Doesnā€™t download commit ā€¢ Useful for sync with new remote(s) and/or branch(es) PULL ā€¢ Downloads commits ā€¢ For the current branch from remote counterpart ā€¢ Doesnā€™t alter the state of the working directory or local repository ā€¢ Automatically updates the state of the working directory ā€¢ git fetch && git merge FETCH_HEAD
  • 34. BRANCHES ā€¢ Extremely cheap and fast ā€¢ A branch is a file that contains the reference to a commit.Thatā€™s it. ā€¢ Itā€™s not an object, so (and thatā€™s why) itā€™s mutable! ā€¢ The entire branch is recreated recursively using parent reference of each commit, starting from the pointed one ā€¢ Fast-forward merge if the branch starts from the end of original/ destination branch (e.g. after a rebase)
  • 35. BRANCHING ā€¢ Git checkout <branch> ā€¢ Move to an existent branch ā€¢ Git checkout -b <branch> ā€¢ Create a branch if not existent and move to it ā€¢ Git branch <branch> ā€¢ Create a branch if not existent without moving to it ā€¢ Git merge <branch> ā€¢ Merge the specified branch on the current one ā€¢ Git rebase <branch> ā€¢ Rebase the current branch on the specified branch
  • 36. STASHING ā€¢ Git stash [save] ā€¢ Save the changes in the working area into the stashing area ā€¢ Git stash list ā€¢ List all the stashes ā€¢ Git stash show ā€¢ Show the details of a stash ā€¢ Git stash apply ā€¢ Apply the specified stash on the current working directory ā€¢ [other options and combinationā€¦]
  • 37. TAGS ā€¢ Simple name pointing to a commit ā€¢ Arbitrary fixed reference to a commit ā€¢ 2 types (completely unrelated to each other) Lightweight Annotated ā€¢ Structurally similar to branch ā€¢ Structurally is an object ā€¢ Simple name pointing to a commit, with a message
  • 38. TAGGING ā€¢ Git tag ā€¢ List all the tags ā€¢ Git tag <tag name> ā€¢ Create a lightweight tag on the current commit ā€¢ Git tag -a <tag name> -m <message> ā€¢ Create an annotated tag on the current commit, with the specified message ā€¢ Git show <tag name> ā€¢ Show details about the specified tag ā€¢ Git push [remote] --tags ā€¢ Push the tags on remote repository (Not pushed by default push command!)
  • 39. BLAME ā€¢ Useful for firing people ā€¢ Shows the changes made on an object (list of commits) with relative authors ā€¢ Syntax: ā€¢ git blame [lots of options] <file>
  • 40. Advanced Use Git is a state of mind img: Ā©Marvel
  • 41. REFLOG ā€¢ Reference logs :) ā€¢ git reflog [options] ā€¢ ā€œRecord when the tips of branches and other references were updated in the local repository.ā€(source) ā€¢ ā€œIt saves yourā€¦ life!ā€ (anyone whoā€™ve usedit) ā€¢ Commits are not deleted until the garbage collector comes in action! ā€¢ Go back in time, locate the commit and restore
  • 42. CHERRY-PICK ā€¢ Apply the changes introduced by an existing commit (somewhere in the repo) ā€¢ It creates a new commit ā€¢ Best results if the commit is atomic and self- explanatory ā€¢ git cherry-pick <commit>
  • 43. REBASE ā€¢ Reapply commits on top of another base tip ā€¢ Interactive rebase with -i option (options in text editor) ā€¢ Main uses: ā€¢ History rewriting,actions (edit,squash,delete,ā€¦) on the same base:git rebase <commit> ā€¢ Branch update, git rebase <branch>: ā€¢ B branched from A at commit C1,A updated after the divergence (commits C2,C3) ā€¢ Rebase B on top of new tip of A (C3) reapplying all the commits of B on top of C3 ā€¢ Best results if the commit is atomic and self-explanatory
  • 47. Not elegant, but not so badā€¦
  • 50. Ā«You can call me Base, Re-Base!Ā»
  • 51. BISECT ā€¢ Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug ā€¢ Automatic mode usage: ā€¢ Select known good commit: git bisect good <commitā€™s sha-1> ā€¢ Select known bad commit: git bisect bad <commitā€™s sha-1> ā€¢ Run the test in commits betweenā€œgoodā€andā€œbadā€:git bisect run <bash script> ā€¢ Bisect will stop at the first commit that introduced the bug (test fails) ā€¢ More info
  • 52. Modularity Git is a state of mind img: Ā©Marvel
  • 53. SUBMODULE ā€¢ Include a git repository inside another one ā€¢ Both stories remain separated ā€¢ Push/pull, branches to/from original separate repository ā€¢ .gitmodule ā€¢ Reference to submodule(s)ā€™s repository ā€¢ Reference to submodule(s)ā€™s current commit (HEAD) ā€¢ Reference to submodule(s)ā€™s destination directory (added empty to parent repository)
  • 54. SUBMODULE COMMANDS ā€¢ Git submodule add <repository> [path] ā€¢ Add an existing repository as submodule in path or subrepo name if any ā€¢ Git submodule foreachā€˜<bash>ā€™ ā€¢ Execute the command specified for each submodule added in the parent repository ā€¢ Git submodule update [path] ā€¢ Update the submodule to the state specified into .gitmodule file (potentially discard new changes) ā€¢ (Canonical add, commit to update the .gitmodule file with newest submodule commits)
  • 55. SUBTREE ā€¢ Include a git repository inside another one ā€¢ Stories are not separated: the subtreeā€™s story is included in parent repository (can be squashed) ā€¢ Modification to subtreeā€™s code goes on parent projectā€™s repository ā€¢ Can pull updates from original repository ā€¢ Can push updates to original repository
  • 56. SUBTREE COMMANDS ā€¢ Git subtree add --prefix=[path] <repository> <branch> --squash ā€¢ Add an existing repository as subtree in path squashing all the commits in one ā€¢ Git subtree pull --prefix [path] <repository> <branch> --squash ā€¢ Update the subtree with new commits on remote repository ā€¢ Contribute back to remote repository: ā€¢ Add the project as another remote: git remote add <name> <repo> ā€¢ git subtree push ā€”prefix=<prefix> <remote> <branch> ā€¢ More info about subtree: Source,Source
  • 57. Workflows Git is a state of mind img: Ā©Marvel
  • 59. My 2 centsā€¦ ā€¢ Commit ASAP, usingVERY crystal clear message ā€¢ Rebase your local branch without fear until it goes on remote ā€¢ Keep the history straight! Avoid branch updating with merge! ā€¢ Keep environment configuration - e.g. production - on specific branch (to be rebased on the branch that will go online) ā€¢ Use git aliases, but remember the original command ā€¢ The current status and branch must be always visible without issuing ā€œgit statusā€ (e.g. use things like bash-git-prompt or similar) ā€¢ Fetch is better than pull for crowded branches
  • 60. Ecosystem Git is a state of mind img: Ā©Marvel
  • 61. BITBUCKET More than 1 million teams and 6 million developers,Git/Mercurial Homepage
  • 63. GITHUB ā€¢ Biggest community exclusively for git ecosystem ā€¢ 316 programming languages, ~6M active users, ~332K activeorganizations, ~19.5M active repositories ā€¢ Main home for any open source project (hosted for free withTravisCI) ā€¢ Most advanced web interface and support for most diffused and evolved development metodologies at any level (Agile,Testing, CI/CD,ā€¦) ā€¢ Highly reliable, but not self-hostable ā€¢ The annual state of the Octoverse
  • 65. GITLAB ā€¢ Fastest development project and community exclusively for git ecosystem: rolling releases and CI ā€¢ More than 100K active organizations self-hosting (2/3 market), ~80% of mobile developers repositories ā€¢ Self-hostable (Vagrant, Docker, native), free public and private repositories with unlimitedmembers ā€¢ Awesome repository management (user permissions,branch protection,Webhooks,ā€¦) ā€¢ Most advanced web interface and support for most diffused and evolved development metodologies at any level (Agile,Testing, CI/CD,ā€¦) ā€¢ Most experimental and cutting-edge solutions for Agile and DevOps metodologies development (Auto DevOps,ā€¦) ā€¢ Full stack of additional features (pages,CI/CD,Cycle,IssueTracker and Board,Review,ā€¦)
  • 66. Demo Git is a state of mind img: Ā©Marvel
  • 67. Extras Git is a state of mind img: Ā©Marvel
  • 68. EXTRA ā€¢ ā€œGitHub cheatsheetā€ - Official basic GitHub cheatsheet ā€¢ ā€œVisual cheatsheetā€ - Interactive cheatsheet ā€¢ ā€œUngitā€ - Interactive web interface ā€¢ ā€œGourceā€ - Repo visualization ā€¢ ā€œGitKrakenā€ - GUI tool ā€¢ ā€œGitHub Desktopā€ - Official GitHub GUI tool
  • 69. References,Resources, License Git is a state of mind img: Ā©Marvel
  • 70. REFERENCES / RESOURCES Conferences ā€œGit From the Bits Upā€ -Tim Berglund ā€œAdvanced GIT for Developersā€ - Lorna Jane Mitchell ā€œGet Started with Gitā€ - DavidBaumgold ā€œAdvanced Gitā€ - DavidBaumgold ā€œA journey intoā€ GIT internals with Python - AndreySyschikov Books Pro Git ā€œGit Best Practices Guideā€ - Eric Pidoux ā€œMastering Gitā€ - Jakub Narębski ā€œLearn enough Git to be dangerousā€ - MichaelHartl
  • 71. LICENSE ā€¢ The whole presentation and the entire content (except where alternatively and explicitly specified) is property of the author, Nicola Costantino, and itā€™s released under the term of the ā€œCreative CommonsAttribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licenseā€ ā€¢ All third party media contents are property of their respective owners and are hereby only used for teaching purposes
  • 72. You better learn itā€¦ Source:Youtube
  • 73. ThankYou! Git is a state of mind img: Ā©Marvel
  • 74. Nicola Costantino ā€¢ ā€¢ Twitter: ā€¢ Medium: @theroadtodarkness ā€¢ GitHub: ā€¢ Linkedin: nicolacostantino/ About (Work In Progress) meā€¦