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Egypt, Cairo in Turmoil: the Tahrir Square
Facts, and the FreemasonicMass Media
Myths. An Insight
Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
February 20, 2011
In three earlier articles published under the titles ´´The Collapse of the Mubarak
Regime and the Re-birth of Egypt´´ (
of-the-mubarak-regime-and-the-re-birth-of-egypt.html), ´´Egypt in Crisis, Self-
governed Cairo, and the Emergence of Egypt´s Civil Society´´
emergence-of-egypts-civil-society.html), and ´´Egypt – Mass Media Gave Fake
Numbers of Protesters. Example: the New York Times Fallacy´´
Protesters-Example-The-New-York-Times.htm), I expanded on the underlying
reasons of the present socio-political upheaval in Egypt, and on the socio-political
developments that took place in Cairo during the week 28 January – 3 February.
I added that it would be very simplistic to establish a divide of the type ´´civil,
democratic society supporters vs. an autocratic regime´´, and I specified that for
many long decades the Western mass media diffused worldwide an altered image of
the Egyptian reality, thus helping the local regime myths remain intact in Egypt, and
the global public opinion stay in mysteries. I also demonstrated that the global mass
media gave false data to their readers and audiences as regards the number of
protesters in Tahrir square, at Down Town Cairo.
In the present article, I will go further, examining the global mass media fake
interpretation and deliberate falsification of the events occurred in Egypt; I will not
limit my criticism into the ´fake numbers of protesters´ issue. I intend to offer a
striking contrast, namely the true reality of what occurred in Egypt versus the grave
oversights, the criminal distortions and premeditated falsifications that have been
propagated by the tyrannical mass media of the present global World Order.
I will therefore enumerate the basic elements that constitute a compact and vicious
falsehood intentionally diffused in the Western world, and its subservient
Oversights, Lies and Falsehood Diffused by the Global about the Events in Egypt, 28
January - 11 February
1. There was no Egyptian Revolution of 2011. The recent developments and the
political events, which took place in Egypt during the period 28 January - 11
February, do not consist in a revolution in the sense this word has always been used.
Even parallels with the so-called ´´Iranian Revolution´´ (1979) are very difficult or
truly impossible to establish.
2. The said developments do not and will not necessarily lead to a democracy
inasmuch as the so-called ´´Iranian Revolution´´ (1979) did not lead to the rise of a
democratic society and political life in Iran. Contrarily to the bogus-news, fake
promises, and silly insinuations of the global mass media, it is quite possible that in
Egypt a corrupt, authoritarian regime collapses only to be superseded by two
provisory governments, before ending up in the hands of a definitely worse,
tyrannical regime. Of course, there is not a single Egyptian who would wish so, but
ideological – political deception, by fooling average people, can bring the worst
anytime anywhere.
One may suggest that every people bears the responsibility for electing an
administration, but despite this seemingly true consideration, foreign involvement
usually takes the form of machinations that, by methodically triggered counter-
reaction, bring forth persons and parties that would have never been viewed by an
entire nation as possible, credible choice, except under very specific circumstances.
3. Even worse, the interfering Western European and North American regimes,
particularly England, France and America, do not consist in free, open societies and
democratic political systems but in monstrous tyrannies of inhuman immorality,
malignant deception, materialistic corruption, biased concealment,repugnant
secrecy, and last but not least, bailout-style embezzlement of taxpayers´ money.
Those regimes are denounced by numerous independent academics, intellectuals
and journalists, as well as by many marginalized commentators anda great number
of moral and shrewd individuals, who are all tyrannically eliminated from the
Freemasonic regime of the global World Order mass media, the likes of the CNN,
ABC, NBC, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, Time,
Newsweek, Los Angeles Times, Financial Times, Economist, Guardian, The Times,
Le Monde, Le Figaro, L´ Express, Liberation, Frankfurter Allgemeine, Spiegel, Stern,
How could therefore repugnant puppets and vicious psychopaths, like Cameron,
Sarkozy, Obama, Zapatero, Erdogan and others, possibly bother for democracy in
Egypt and elsewhere, since they are literarily speaking primates selected by their
hidden masters to become their docile servants who, publicly known as supposedly
self-made and independent statesmen, daily execute orders and directives for the
sake of the global secretive elite´s interests?
How could trivial paranoids and inhuman monsters like Cameron, Sarkozy,Obama,
Zapatero, Erdogan and others, possibly bother for democracy in Egypt and
elsewhere, since the essence of their acts in their own countries respectively is to
materialistically besot their people, systematically lie to all, and methodically strip
their subjects from their own rights and properties?
4. In all cases of pre-11 February 2011 demonstrations and manifestations in Egypt,
there were never more than 75000 protestors in Tahrir square and the surrounding
areas of Down Town Cairo. All figures given in the global World Order mass media
about the Tahrir square (and in general, Down Town Cairo) protestors were fake,
extraordinarily exaggerated,and on some occasions astronomical.
For a detailed analysis of the subject, involving a case study: ´´Egypt – Mass Media
Gave Fake Numbers of Protesters. Example: the New York Times Fallacy´´ in:
5. Despite the overwhelming rejection of at least the recent Mubarak administrations
by the outright majority of the country, the Egyptians in their outright majority did
not participate in the manifestations that took place in Down Town Cairo and several
other cities (notably Alexandria, Port Said, and Suez) until Friday, 11 February at the
6. There has been an evident, direct, multi-level, multi-channel, foreign involvement.
Those who deny the above reality must read the cynical approval of this evidence by
Le Monde (in ´´Kadhafi est une machine à survivre politiquement´´ by Antoine
Vitkin: ´´Il y a là une grande différence avec les situations tunisiennes et égyptiennes.
Dans ces deux derniers cas, nous pouvons rétrospectivement dire que les pressions
occidentales ont été importantes et directes. Il était par ailleurs très important pour la
population mobilisée de savoir que l'Occident soutenait le mouvement´´.).
7. In fact, the Mubarak regime had been extremely weak for more than a decade and
would have fallen very easily at any moment after the spring 2002.
8. Despite the heavy foreign involvement and the continuous blackmailing of the
recent administrations, the Mubarak regime would have survived, if the recent (2002
- 2010) internal and external policies had been inflected to some extent.
9. The eventuality of Gamal Mubarak becoming president after his father´s death
was the most unacceptable perspective for the quasi-totality of the Egyptian people;
a simple reference to this eventuality would suffice to revolutionize many.
Consequently, the fact that the aged president allowed this option open for too long
was undoubtedly fallen president Mubarak´s worst lifetime mistake.
10. The Tahrir square manifestations were a mere theatrical act if compared to the
arson of police stations across the greater Cairo area and other parts of Egypt
11. With the burning of the police stations in numerous Cairo districts and the
abandonment of most of the rest, early in the evening of Friday, 28 January, the
Mubarak regime was already shaken from its foundations.
12. Survival of the Mubarak regime under the same president, even if he had been
acting as a merely interim head of state, would have proved to be practically
impossible – precisely due to the already occurred collapse of the oppression
mechanism of the regime.
Of course, the terminating president made it clear that his decision was to stay and,
uninvolved, supervise the transition period (even in his last speech, a few hours
before being physically threatened and forced to leave the presidential building on
11 February); but this could not truly be an efficient and fruitful choice.
In addition, the army was not totally controlled by Mubarak anymore, as Defence
Minister Mohamed Tantawi denied using the army against the protesters. This
means that, in absence of the police, the chaos would further spread in the country, if
Mubarak stayed longer in power; the protesters would remain longer in Tahrir
square, more people would join them, and the residential districts would face lack of
safety for a longer period.
However, it was evident to all that this situation could not last much, as the
economic life had almost collapsed – being first terribly hit due to disablement of the
mobile telecommunications and the Internet connection. The consequences of
Mubarak´s further staying in power could really be detrimental for Egypt.
13. The promotion of the Intelligence (Amn Dawla) Chief Omar Soleiman to the post
of Vice-president was indeed the last effort to re-comfort the already shaken regime,
and allow Mubarak to exit honourably, while offering the multi-divided opposition a
new constitution and the perspective of free elections and real parliamentary life. But
it could not and actually did not work.
It seems that, although earlier trusted by the US, Israel and certain European leaders,
Omar Soleiman failed to convince those who had already prescribed Mubarak that
he was truly in charge and that the terminating president was already powerless. An
interesting discussion of this issue was entertained by a shrewd Egyptian
commentator here:
14. Mubarak accepted the ´demand for change´ expressed by less than 100000 (one
hundred thousand) people because he could not do otherwise, having been left
without his oppression mechanism and having met the opposition of his Defence
Minister in using the army. In fact, he was left with no other option; however, this
was a grave political mistake, because he automatically legitimized the group of
protesters and propelled them to authentic representatives of the entire people.
15. By acting so, Mubarak further exposed himself to foreign pressure as the filthy
Freemasonic puppets Cameron, Sarkozy, Obama, and Erdogan interfered in Egypt´s
political life, over-magnified the ´demand for change´, and gave the protesters the so
much demanded - for the needs of the inhuman Freemasonic theatre - international
16. It is clear that Mubarak´s acceptance of the ´demand for change´ was interpreted
as a sign of extreme weakness by the patrons of the filthy scams, Cameron, Sarkozy,
Obama, and Erdogan, who therefore ordered the said puppets to become
intransigent in their demand for change in Egypt and keep an asphyxiating pressure
on the beleaguered Egyptian autocrat.
17. It was therefore quite correct that the Egyptian Foreign Ministry dispatched a
special envoy to point out to the anti-democratic and unrepresentative Turkish
government that neither the Eastern Mediterranean countries nor other countries in
the world need the Erdogan plague, which is already rejected by the majority of the
Turkish army and people. The Freemasonic mass media of the global World Order
did their ingenious best to hide this development.
18. Similarly, it was truly pertinent that Foreign Minister Abu Al-Gheit indirectly
insulted the puppet president Obama, for his idiotic declarations, hinting at him as a
´´boy´´. More about Foreign Minister Abu Al-Gheit´s interview here:
b30b6845cb6422bedb5dfbe (Egypt Uprising - Foreign Minister Abu Al-Gheit Slams
U.S. Administration for Interfering in Egypt's Affairs: When Someone Says 'Now'
and 'Immediately,' I Say to Him, 'Boy, Go Play Somewhere Else'). However, the
Freemasonic mass media of the global World Order did their ingenious best to hide
this development as well.
At this point, it would be truly useful to wonder how Obama, the incompetent
president of an ailing country which is being slowly but steadily decomposed in
many levels, social to economic to political, dares to comment on other countries´
internal affairs, at a moment an impressively great number of US citizens expect
natural and socio-economic disasters to erase their own country or most of its
territory from the map?
19. In the light of the aforementioned, it becomes immaterial to examine whether
there was foreign involvement at the level of the thousands of the protesters and the
organizers of the earlier manifestations. There may have been an indirect foreign
involvement at the level of several Egyptian NGOs and the small political party El
Ghad (´´Tomorrow´´) led by Ayman Noor, and the movement of activists Kefaya
(´´Enough´´).This would not and did not bring the entire regime down, in and by
Frederick William Engdahl ( an
interesting article, expanding on this point (´´Egypt's Revolution: Creative
Destruction for a 'Greater Middle East'?´´ /;however,it
would be farfetched to expect a positive exit, after three decades of
a. extreme isolation of the regime and the socio-political elite from the masses,
b. hateful choices of foreign policy,
c. incompetent administrative policies and practices,
d. absence of enthralling national vision, motivating political ideology and functional
educational system, and
e. overwhelming public discontent due to oppression and corruption.
20. The key point of focus should be other: internal strives within the Mubarak
regime, and the much suspected order issued by Habib al Adly, former Minister of
Interior, according to which police officers were asked to temporarily withdraw in
Ismail Imadudeen (as per above) explicitly states that ´´suddenly a horrific security
vacuum took place when the ex-minister of interior ordered his people to withdraw
from the scene and just for every personnel to seek his own protection!´´
In fact, President Mubarak´s deprivation of his own police and internal security
forces was the most terrible hit against the ailing regime. This order may have been
given through direct US interference; and it would suffice. In addition, former
Minister Habib al Adly was the darkest person of the earlier administration.
21. At its last phase (mid 2008 – beginning 2011), the Mubarak regime was evidently
multi-divided; the aspect of this division that played a critical role before the events
was the purported opposition between the Intelligence Chief Omar Soleiman and
Gamal Mubarak as to just who would succeed the aged president. Apparently, the
former had the full support of all the army officers who were least attached to the
Mubarak family.
On the other hand, the aspect of the division that played a critical role during the
events was the purported opposition between Omar Soleiman and the Defence
Minister Mohamed Tantawi as to just how to solve the problem with less trouble; it
is evident that the latter comprehended very well the above described (point 12)
22. The divisions within the transition government evidently escalated because the
Intelligence (Amn Dawla, i.e. the Internal Security) headquarters in the Mogama
building at Tahrir square had been attacked and set in fire
buhodlepost-com-about-what-hapens-in-cairo-during-public-revolution/) on Friday,
28 January.
This development cannot have been done by unaware and uninformed people
protesting in despair; it is sheer evidence that selected members of the military were
conniving with the CIA and hidden forces against Mubarak, The meaningful event
involves significant preparations,earlier training, and highly specialized targets; the
headquarters of the State Intelligence (the brain of the top pro-Mubarak forces)
cannot have been the target without a detailed plan being made at least 4 to 6 months
before the events. This means that Mubarak´s fate had already been decided upon in
the period between August and October 2010.
23. As I had already said in my earlier article ´´ The Alexandria Crime Highlights Al
Qaeda´s Identity as a Freemasonic Fabrication´´
(,´´when the act is
attributed to Al Qaeda, you can be sure that it serves a particular Freemasonic policy.
Even worse, if the factoid takes place on a day that has a particular numeric value or
bears a symbolic meaning. The New Year's Day - for the Alexandria Crime -
highlights the Freemasonic agenda for the year, and indicates that there will be an
evil focus placed on the country where the incident takes place´´. The Alexandria
bomb blast took place before 00:30 am on 1 January 2011. As it occurred just a few
minutes after the midnight of December 31st, it was a heralding sign of anti-Egypt
conspiracy that was not taken seriously by the ailing Mubarak regime.
24. The aforementioned should not lead conspiracy theorists to generalizations and
far fetched interpretations attempted only to offer a ´´stronger´´ but untrue and
unnecessary refutation to the global World Order mass media lies. It would be totally
wrong to suggest for instance that army officers in civilian dress led the ´operation´
of burning the police stations; this phenomenon was so extensive that it would be too
costly for connivers to take it into consideration in their planning. Schemes are not
carried out by massive forces; the correct timing and the perfect coordination of
several but diverse elements acting simultaneously in different fields constitute the
correct recipe for event manipulations of disproportionate order – not masses. As a
matter of fact, for eyewitnesses and bystanders who were present in the said events,
the police stations were burned either by local protesters or by the police officers
themselves – not army officers in civilian dress.
On the other hand, one may consider the case of few agents being among the Tahrir
square protesters on Friday 28 January and having directed some of them up to the
Corniche whereby they set the NDP building in fire. The absence of arsonists is also a
point of question.
25. The highly increased literature about Intelligence Chief Omar Soleiman that
found its way to international portals, websites, newspapers and reviews, and the
rather negative points that are therein included, constitute an indication that, despite
Omar Soleiman´s cooperation with the Mossad and the CIA, the former provisory
vice-president kept his institution almost totally impenetrable and could not
therefore be either trusted or accepted by the hidden forces – those who incessantly
pulled the strings to trigger and direct the recent developments in Egypt.
It is therefore really incredible that the Wikipedia, in its recently enlarged entry
(, provides an
entire chapter on Omar Soleiman´s Intelligence career – only to feature a spectacular
map of personal movements of Egypt´s Intelligence Chief, and add as legend the
following: ´´Torture victims and human rights groups assert Suleiman oversaw the
systematic use of torture on detainees and personally tortured a detainee in
controversial CIA renditions´´.
The picture legend contains three references to footnotes. These footnotes quote the
I. An article from the PBS organization portal which is controlled by the CIA
_in.html) and effectively used for public ´´leakage´´ of ´´documents´´
II. An article from the Freemasonic institution ABC News portal
rendition/story?id=12812445) and
III. An article from the disreputable, Freemasonic portal Al Jazeera
), which is a republication from the sophisticated forgery Jadaliyya e-zine
(, which is ´´produced by´´ the Arab Studies Journal,
which is one of the publications of the chief Freemasonic laboratory Georgetown
University (
26. Negative comments about the Egyptian army came to surface, throughout the
global World Order mass media, at a later stage, and after the 11 February events;
this fact suggests that, for the aforementioned hidden forces, the Egyptian army is
more easily penetrable than the Egyptian Intelligence. At the same time, these
publications constitute a certain means of pressure over the present government of
Egypt, and a significant tool used in order to force the post-Mubarak administration
to fully comply with the Freemasonic agenda on Egypt and the rest of the wider
region from Morocco to Tanzania to Kazakhstan.At this point, all options are open,
and evidently, one can successfully oppose the agenda – suffice it that one has
correctly conceptualized the said agenda, its origin, its reason, and the targets therein
27. There is an untold truth of the utmost importance, and one should take it into
consideration very seriously; despite the overwhelming contempt the Egyptian
people felt for the recent Mubarak administrations, they never viewed the successful
exit in a ´´revolution´´.
The burning of the police stations was in fact the major act in which the Egyptian
people were involved before the sunset of 11 February. The act may have the
appearance of an insurgence, but this is not quite true for the events of the ´Friday of
Anger´ (28 January). In reality, the burning of the police stations was undertaken and
viewed by the Egyptians as the instant correction of an injustice that had lasted too
By burning the police stations, the Egyptians made it impossible for the Ministry of
Interior to continue its unjust policy of arresting and imprisoning thousands of
people only because they believed in and demanded an Islamic state in Egypt.
However, the sole act of burning police stations, in and by itself, does not represent a
´´revolution´´ but a righteous and instantaneous deed.
28. On the other hand, the events of Friday, 11 February 2011 have been grossly
misinterpreted too. After a 2-week long, paranoid disinformation as regards Egypt´s
political developments, the global World Order mass media presented to the
international audience the nation-wide celebration as a manifestation of joy for
Mubarak´s stepping down. That was viciously false and utterly vitriolic.
In fact, all the Egyptians celebrated on that night until 3 or 4 a.m., but the joy was
due to the common feeling that national unity would not be harmed in any way,
despite the earlier turmoil, and that it would prevail forever in the future. This reality
explains at the same time why the Egyptians did not participate en masse in the
Tahrir square events that represented the theatre needed by the global World Order
mass media, and were understood as such by a great number of Egyptians. They did
not want to let their rejection of an authoritarian ruler become the main reason for
their country´s destabilization.
The slogans cheerfully repeated by the celebrating Egyptian people during the night
of Friday, 11 February 2011 are a clear indication of their minds, beliefs and feelings.
The most common slogan was ´´Masr´´, which means ´´Egypt´´ in Arabic. Most of the
people waved national flags, whereas many painted their faces in Egypt´s three
national colours, namely red, white and black – either horizontally (as in the national
flag) or even vertically. On that long and enthusiastic night, there was no political
party or movement involvement, except in an extremely minor and marginal scale; it
could not happen otherwise, as the opposition has been fragmented and oppressed.
It is clear that the mood of the millions who celebrated in every neighbourhood of
Cairo during the night of Friday, 11 February was very different from that of the
protesters two weeks earlier. Many attested the presence of acquaintances that were
known for years to have supported the NDP, the fallen president, and the overall
regime; they too were cheerfully celebrating. Their joy for the re-assertion of Egypt´s
national unity eclipsed their predilection for a regime that they had supported.
29. Across the country, the sadness for the loss of life in the turmoil is immense, and
the respect for the hundreds of victims is deep. However, this does not mean that the
Tahrir square events brought about the fall of President Mubarak, contrarily to the
nonsensical analyses of the global World Order mass media. The earthquake that
totally destabilized the regime Mubarak was, as I already said, the burning of the
police stations and the subsequent disappearance of the police officers. In fact, the
Tahrir square events, misreported by the mass media, were only the political theatre
stage-managed by Western secret services, diplomacies, military chiefs of staff, and a
handful of petty statesmen who made use of the falsified reports made by the
representatives of the global World Order mass media in Cairo.
30. Few people have noticed that the date for which Mubarak´s forced removal from
power had been selected had a particular numeric formation: 11 02 2011.In fact,it
can be read the same way from either side / direction; this is called a palindrome.
Palindromes have been used since the Antiquity, encoded with symbolic meanings
reserved for few initiated people to decode, interpret and understand. In Pre-
Christian times, the most famous palindrome was the SATOR square, whereas in the
Eastern Roman Empire, the famous Greek sentence Nipson anomimata mi monan
opsin (to be noted that ps is one letter in Greek) was attested in several churches and
cisterns. More on the subject:
In itself, a palindrome hints at something, but does not reveal everything. The
contents (if letter are used), the numeric value of the letters and/or the numbers, and
the total value matter greatly. In the case of 11 February 2011 (11 02 2011), the total
value is 8 (eight). The act executed on that day (overthrowing Mubarak) was meant
as double (because of the double possibility of reading a palindrome), against the
said person (open reality) and against whatis symbolized as eight (hidden reality).
Eight (8) is known to be historically, spiritually and mystically the number of Islam.
This illuminates the deep anti-Islamic nature of the well-prepared event, not because
Mubarak was a good Muslim or defended the values of Islam, but because those,
who conceived and perpetrated it, will use the present development for the
materialization of their encoded purpose.
31. The Tahrir Square Freemasonic Theatre has nothing to do with the Egyptians
who protested there; it has to do with close and remote manipulation of the
developments that was undertaken by the global Freemasonic elite through use of
their puppets in several administrations, diplomacies and military.
32. Foreign Journalists have been used as clowns by their grand masters to distort the
reality. A bunch of foreign journalists were ready to act, based in Cairo or
accommodated in lavish 5 stars hotels; they had been pre-ordered to take pictures,
shoot video, and write texts that would be later duly utilized by statesmen,
diplomats, and other ´´tools´´ of the international Freemasonry. In particular, Ramsis
Hilton Hotel was farcically packed with French,English and American journalists,
who, after making a round in Tahrir square and ´interviewing´ unrepresentative
persons, enjoyed the ground floor restaurant, ordering Club Sandwich and beer,
while sending their reports through their satellite connection!
The number of foreign journalists in Tahrir square in the afternoon of Saturday 29th
January, Sunday 30th January, and Monday 31st January was incredibly high and
disproportionate to the event that was taking place. This justifies the above term
´Tahrir Square Freemasonic Theatre´;if these foreign journalists wanted to really
inform the international opinion, they should rather cover events like the burning of
the police stations. These uselessly paid journalists should have made special
reportage on site, instead of writing their novels from five stars hotels.
Furthermore, the foreign journalists should have focused on the most critical
problem that struck the Egyptian society during the week between Saturday 29
January and Friday 4 February, notably the lack of security, which was due to the
disappearance of the police officers, following the burning of the police stations. The
daily life evolved for almost an entire week around the number of street controls one
would have to cross to move from his home to any destination. Undertaken by the
local people in every neighbourhood, these controls highlighted how well the
Egyptian society reacted to the evident, and thank God provisory, collapse of social
order. But the pseudo-journalists of Western Europe and North America, caring only
for the filthy monies they pocket in order to reproduce the dictates of their masters,
severely disregarded their readers, offering them a most disreputable service and
complete misinformation.
33. As far as the essence of their petty work in Tahrir square is concerned, the foreign
journalists met and interviewed in Tahrir square unrepresentative persons, who
expressed their own wishes in public, as if reflecting the political opinion of the
Egyptian people. This was in total discordance with the events, as it was evident that
the outright majority of the Egyptian people did not participate in the manifestations.
One may pretend that Cairo is a vast city, adding that it is practically impossible to
walk to Tahrir if the walking distance is greater than one hour, and that the people,
who can reach Tahrir square on foot came from surrounding neighbourhoods, do not
total more than 1.5 million people. This again demonstrates that the Egyptian people
did not participate, because gathering in Tahrir square 75000 people out of a total
number of 1.5 million people is tantamount to lack of popularity or acceptance. Even
worse, for the foreign journalists´ reports, one could assume, in case of a
hypothetical, overwhelming support for the organizers of the Tahrir square
manifestation, that parallel manifestations could have been held in diverse
neighbourhoods, such as Madinat Nasr, Masr Guedida, Giza, Shubra,Helwan,etc.
However, the organizers evidently knew that they did not have any great appeal of
their own among the masses, although the Mubarak regime was most loathed.
Consequently, they did not even try to organize parallel manifestations in any
In guise of conclusion, we can therefore safely claim that the foreign journalists
reported false numbers, wrong opinions, and a most erroneous interpretation of
selected events that they had been ordered to filter before ´´reporting´´. In some
cases, they even insulted the Egyptian people, and this became instantly known to
most of the people, either protesters or not. Even worse, the very few cases of
mistreatment have been amplified, exaggerated and distorted in order to rather
damage the international image of Egypt. Tahrir square revealed therefore #the
immense shame of the Freemasonic journalism.
Picture: An irrelevant picture from the Wikipedia entry ´Omar Soleiman´

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Egypt, Cairo in Turmoil: the Tahrir Square Facts, and the Freemasonic Mass Media Myths. An Insight - 2011

  • 1. Egypt, Cairo in Turmoil: the Tahrir Square Facts, and the FreemasonicMass Media Myths. An Insight Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis February 20, 2011 ------------------------------------- In three earlier articles published under the titles ´´The Collapse of the Mubarak Regime and the Re-birth of Egypt´´ ( of-the-mubarak-regime-and-the-re-birth-of-egypt.html), ´´Egypt in Crisis, Self- governed Cairo, and the Emergence of Egypt´s Civil Society´´ ( emergence-of-egypts-civil-society.html), and ´´Egypt – Mass Media Gave Fake Numbers of Protesters. Example: the New York Times Fallacy´´ ( Protesters-Example-The-New-York-Times.htm), I expanded on the underlying reasons of the present socio-political upheaval in Egypt, and on the socio-political developments that took place in Cairo during the week 28 January – 3 February.
  • 2. I added that it would be very simplistic to establish a divide of the type ´´civil, democratic society supporters vs. an autocratic regime´´, and I specified that for many long decades the Western mass media diffused worldwide an altered image of the Egyptian reality, thus helping the local regime myths remain intact in Egypt, and the global public opinion stay in mysteries. I also demonstrated that the global mass media gave false data to their readers and audiences as regards the number of protesters in Tahrir square, at Down Town Cairo. In the present article, I will go further, examining the global mass media fake interpretation and deliberate falsification of the events occurred in Egypt; I will not limit my criticism into the ´fake numbers of protesters´ issue. I intend to offer a striking contrast, namely the true reality of what occurred in Egypt versus the grave oversights, the criminal distortions and premeditated falsifications that have been propagated by the tyrannical mass media of the present global World Order. I will therefore enumerate the basic elements that constitute a compact and vicious falsehood intentionally diffused in the Western world, and its subservient dependencies. Oversights, Lies and Falsehood Diffused by the Global about the Events in Egypt, 28 January - 11 February 1. There was no Egyptian Revolution of 2011. The recent developments and the political events, which took place in Egypt during the period 28 January - 11 February, do not consist in a revolution in the sense this word has always been used. Even parallels with the so-called ´´Iranian Revolution´´ (1979) are very difficult or truly impossible to establish. 2. The said developments do not and will not necessarily lead to a democracy inasmuch as the so-called ´´Iranian Revolution´´ (1979) did not lead to the rise of a democratic society and political life in Iran. Contrarily to the bogus-news, fake promises, and silly insinuations of the global mass media, it is quite possible that in Egypt a corrupt, authoritarian regime collapses only to be superseded by two provisory governments, before ending up in the hands of a definitely worse, tyrannical regime. Of course, there is not a single Egyptian who would wish so, but ideological – political deception, by fooling average people, can bring the worst anytime anywhere. One may suggest that every people bears the responsibility for electing an administration, but despite this seemingly true consideration, foreign involvement usually takes the form of machinations that, by methodically triggered counter- reaction, bring forth persons and parties that would have never been viewed by an entire nation as possible, credible choice, except under very specific circumstances. 3. Even worse, the interfering Western European and North American regimes, particularly England, France and America, do not consist in free, open societies and democratic political systems but in monstrous tyrannies of inhuman immorality, malignant deception, materialistic corruption, biased concealment,repugnant secrecy, and last but not least, bailout-style embezzlement of taxpayers´ money. Those regimes are denounced by numerous independent academics, intellectuals
  • 3. and journalists, as well as by many marginalized commentators anda great number of moral and shrewd individuals, who are all tyrannically eliminated from the Freemasonic regime of the global World Order mass media, the likes of the CNN, ABC, NBC, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, Los Angeles Times, Financial Times, Economist, Guardian, The Times, Le Monde, Le Figaro, L´ Express, Liberation, Frankfurter Allgemeine, Spiegel, Stern, etc. How could therefore repugnant puppets and vicious psychopaths, like Cameron, Sarkozy, Obama, Zapatero, Erdogan and others, possibly bother for democracy in Egypt and elsewhere, since they are literarily speaking primates selected by their hidden masters to become their docile servants who, publicly known as supposedly self-made and independent statesmen, daily execute orders and directives for the sake of the global secretive elite´s interests? How could trivial paranoids and inhuman monsters like Cameron, Sarkozy,Obama, Zapatero, Erdogan and others, possibly bother for democracy in Egypt and elsewhere, since the essence of their acts in their own countries respectively is to materialistically besot their people, systematically lie to all, and methodically strip their subjects from their own rights and properties? 4. In all cases of pre-11 February 2011 demonstrations and manifestations in Egypt, there were never more than 75000 protestors in Tahrir square and the surrounding areas of Down Town Cairo. All figures given in the global World Order mass media about the Tahrir square (and in general, Down Town Cairo) protestors were fake, extraordinarily exaggerated,and on some occasions astronomical. For a detailed analysis of the subject, involving a case study: ´´Egypt – Mass Media Gave Fake Numbers of Protesters. Example: the New York Times Fallacy´´ in: Protesters-Example-The-New-York-Times.htm 5. Despite the overwhelming rejection of at least the recent Mubarak administrations by the outright majority of the country, the Egyptians in their outright majority did not participate in the manifestations that took place in Down Town Cairo and several other cities (notably Alexandria, Port Said, and Suez) until Friday, 11 February at the sunset. 6. There has been an evident, direct, multi-level, multi-channel, foreign involvement. Those who deny the above reality must read the cynical approval of this evidence by Le Monde (in ´´Kadhafi est une machine à survivre politiquement´´ by Antoine Vitkin: ´´Il y a là une grande différence avec les situations tunisiennes et égyptiennes. Dans ces deux derniers cas, nous pouvons rétrospectivement dire que les pressions occidentales ont été importantes et directes. Il était par ailleurs très important pour la population mobilisée de savoir que l'Occident soutenait le mouvement´´.). 7. In fact, the Mubarak regime had been extremely weak for more than a decade and would have fallen very easily at any moment after the spring 2002. 8. Despite the heavy foreign involvement and the continuous blackmailing of the recent administrations, the Mubarak regime would have survived, if the recent (2002
  • 4. - 2010) internal and external policies had been inflected to some extent. 9. The eventuality of Gamal Mubarak becoming president after his father´s death was the most unacceptable perspective for the quasi-totality of the Egyptian people; a simple reference to this eventuality would suffice to revolutionize many. Consequently, the fact that the aged president allowed this option open for too long was undoubtedly fallen president Mubarak´s worst lifetime mistake. 10. The Tahrir square manifestations were a mere theatrical act if compared to the arson of police stations across the greater Cairo area and other parts of Egypt 11. With the burning of the police stations in numerous Cairo districts and the abandonment of most of the rest, early in the evening of Friday, 28 January, the Mubarak regime was already shaken from its foundations. 12. Survival of the Mubarak regime under the same president, even if he had been acting as a merely interim head of state, would have proved to be practically impossible – precisely due to the already occurred collapse of the oppression mechanism of the regime. Of course, the terminating president made it clear that his decision was to stay and, uninvolved, supervise the transition period (even in his last speech, a few hours before being physically threatened and forced to leave the presidential building on 11 February); but this could not truly be an efficient and fruitful choice. In addition, the army was not totally controlled by Mubarak anymore, as Defence Minister Mohamed Tantawi denied using the army against the protesters. This means that, in absence of the police, the chaos would further spread in the country, if Mubarak stayed longer in power; the protesters would remain longer in Tahrir square, more people would join them, and the residential districts would face lack of safety for a longer period. However, it was evident to all that this situation could not last much, as the economic life had almost collapsed – being first terribly hit due to disablement of the mobile telecommunications and the Internet connection. The consequences of Mubarak´s further staying in power could really be detrimental for Egypt. 13. The promotion of the Intelligence (Amn Dawla) Chief Omar Soleiman to the post of Vice-president was indeed the last effort to re-comfort the already shaken regime, and allow Mubarak to exit honourably, while offering the multi-divided opposition a new constitution and the perspective of free elections and real parliamentary life. But it could not and actually did not work. It seems that, although earlier trusted by the US, Israel and certain European leaders, Omar Soleiman failed to convince those who had already prescribed Mubarak that he was truly in charge and that the terminating president was already powerless. An interesting discussion of this issue was entertained by a shrewd Egyptian commentator here: 14. Mubarak accepted the ´demand for change´ expressed by less than 100000 (one hundred thousand) people because he could not do otherwise, having been left
  • 5. without his oppression mechanism and having met the opposition of his Defence Minister in using the army. In fact, he was left with no other option; however, this was a grave political mistake, because he automatically legitimized the group of protesters and propelled them to authentic representatives of the entire people. 15. By acting so, Mubarak further exposed himself to foreign pressure as the filthy Freemasonic puppets Cameron, Sarkozy, Obama, and Erdogan interfered in Egypt´s political life, over-magnified the ´demand for change´, and gave the protesters the so much demanded - for the needs of the inhuman Freemasonic theatre - international ´´aura´´. 16. It is clear that Mubarak´s acceptance of the ´demand for change´ was interpreted as a sign of extreme weakness by the patrons of the filthy scams, Cameron, Sarkozy, Obama, and Erdogan, who therefore ordered the said puppets to become intransigent in their demand for change in Egypt and keep an asphyxiating pressure on the beleaguered Egyptian autocrat. 17. It was therefore quite correct that the Egyptian Foreign Ministry dispatched a special envoy to point out to the anti-democratic and unrepresentative Turkish government that neither the Eastern Mediterranean countries nor other countries in the world need the Erdogan plague, which is already rejected by the majority of the Turkish army and people. The Freemasonic mass media of the global World Order did their ingenious best to hide this development. 18. Similarly, it was truly pertinent that Foreign Minister Abu Al-Gheit indirectly insulted the puppet president Obama, for his idiotic declarations, hinting at him as a ´´boy´´. More about Foreign Minister Abu Al-Gheit´s interview here: b30b6845cb6422bedb5dfbe (Egypt Uprising - Foreign Minister Abu Al-Gheit Slams U.S. Administration for Interfering in Egypt's Affairs: When Someone Says 'Now' and 'Immediately,' I Say to Him, 'Boy, Go Play Somewhere Else'). However, the Freemasonic mass media of the global World Order did their ingenious best to hide this development as well. At this point, it would be truly useful to wonder how Obama, the incompetent president of an ailing country which is being slowly but steadily decomposed in many levels, social to economic to political, dares to comment on other countries´ internal affairs, at a moment an impressively great number of US citizens expect natural and socio-economic disasters to erase their own country or most of its territory from the map? 19. In the light of the aforementioned, it becomes immaterial to examine whether there was foreign involvement at the level of the thousands of the protesters and the organizers of the earlier manifestations. There may have been an indirect foreign involvement at the level of several Egyptian NGOs and the small political party El Ghad (´´Tomorrow´´) led by Ayman Noor, and the movement of activists Kefaya (´´Enough´´).This would not and did not bring the entire regime down, in and by itself. Frederick William Engdahl ( an interesting article, expanding on this point (´´Egypt's Revolution: Creative
  • 6. Destruction for a 'Greater Middle East'?´´ /;however,it would be farfetched to expect a positive exit, after three decades of a. extreme isolation of the regime and the socio-political elite from the masses, b. hateful choices of foreign policy, c. incompetent administrative policies and practices, d. absence of enthralling national vision, motivating political ideology and functional educational system, and e. overwhelming public discontent due to oppression and corruption. 20. The key point of focus should be other: internal strives within the Mubarak regime, and the much suspected order issued by Habib al Adly, former Minister of Interior, according to which police officers were asked to temporarily withdraw in privacy. Ismail Imadudeen (as per above) explicitly states that ´´suddenly a horrific security vacuum took place when the ex-minister of interior ordered his people to withdraw from the scene and just for every personnel to seek his own protection!´´ ( In fact, President Mubarak´s deprivation of his own police and internal security forces was the most terrible hit against the ailing regime. This order may have been given through direct US interference; and it would suffice. In addition, former Minister Habib al Adly was the darkest person of the earlier administration. 21. At its last phase (mid 2008 – beginning 2011), the Mubarak regime was evidently multi-divided; the aspect of this division that played a critical role before the events was the purported opposition between the Intelligence Chief Omar Soleiman and Gamal Mubarak as to just who would succeed the aged president. Apparently, the former had the full support of all the army officers who were least attached to the Mubarak family. On the other hand, the aspect of the division that played a critical role during the events was the purported opposition between Omar Soleiman and the Defence Minister Mohamed Tantawi as to just how to solve the problem with less trouble; it is evident that the latter comprehended very well the above described (point 12) situation. 22. The divisions within the transition government evidently escalated because the Intelligence (Amn Dawla, i.e. the Internal Security) headquarters in the Mogama building at Tahrir square had been attacked and set in fire ( buhodlepost-com-about-what-hapens-in-cairo-during-public-revolution/) on Friday, 28 January.
  • 7. This development cannot have been done by unaware and uninformed people protesting in despair; it is sheer evidence that selected members of the military were conniving with the CIA and hidden forces against Mubarak, The meaningful event involves significant preparations,earlier training, and highly specialized targets; the headquarters of the State Intelligence (the brain of the top pro-Mubarak forces) cannot have been the target without a detailed plan being made at least 4 to 6 months before the events. This means that Mubarak´s fate had already been decided upon in the period between August and October 2010. 23. As I had already said in my earlier article ´´ The Alexandria Crime Highlights Al Qaeda´s Identity as a Freemasonic Fabrication´´ (,´´when the act is attributed to Al Qaeda, you can be sure that it serves a particular Freemasonic policy. Even worse, if the factoid takes place on a day that has a particular numeric value or bears a symbolic meaning. The New Year's Day - for the Alexandria Crime - highlights the Freemasonic agenda for the year, and indicates that there will be an evil focus placed on the country where the incident takes place´´. The Alexandria bomb blast took place before 00:30 am on 1 January 2011. As it occurred just a few minutes after the midnight of December 31st, it was a heralding sign of anti-Egypt conspiracy that was not taken seriously by the ailing Mubarak regime. 24. The aforementioned should not lead conspiracy theorists to generalizations and far fetched interpretations attempted only to offer a ´´stronger´´ but untrue and unnecessary refutation to the global World Order mass media lies. It would be totally wrong to suggest for instance that army officers in civilian dress led the ´operation´ of burning the police stations; this phenomenon was so extensive that it would be too costly for connivers to take it into consideration in their planning. Schemes are not carried out by massive forces; the correct timing and the perfect coordination of several but diverse elements acting simultaneously in different fields constitute the correct recipe for event manipulations of disproportionate order – not masses. As a matter of fact, for eyewitnesses and bystanders who were present in the said events, the police stations were burned either by local protesters or by the police officers themselves – not army officers in civilian dress. On the other hand, one may consider the case of few agents being among the Tahrir square protesters on Friday 28 January and having directed some of them up to the Corniche whereby they set the NDP building in fire. The absence of arsonists is also a point of question. 25. The highly increased literature about Intelligence Chief Omar Soleiman that found its way to international portals, websites, newspapers and reviews, and the rather negative points that are therein included, constitute an indication that, despite Omar Soleiman´s cooperation with the Mossad and the CIA, the former provisory vice-president kept his institution almost totally impenetrable and could not therefore be either trusted or accepted by the hidden forces – those who incessantly pulled the strings to trigger and direct the recent developments in Egypt. It is therefore really incredible that the Wikipedia, in its recently enlarged entry (, provides an entire chapter on Omar Soleiman´s Intelligence career – only to feature a spectacular map of personal movements of Egypt´s Intelligence Chief, and add as legend the
  • 8. following: ´´Torture victims and human rights groups assert Suleiman oversaw the systematic use of torture on detainees and personally tortured a detainee in controversial CIA renditions´´. The picture legend contains three references to footnotes. These footnotes quote the following: I. An article from the PBS organization portal which is controlled by the CIA ( _in.html) and effectively used for public ´´leakage´´ of ´´documents´´ II. An article from the Freemasonic institution ABC News portal ( rendition/story?id=12812445) and III. An article from the disreputable, Freemasonic portal Al Jazeera ( ), which is a republication from the sophisticated forgery Jadaliyya e-zine (, which is ´´produced by´´ the Arab Studies Journal, which is one of the publications of the chief Freemasonic laboratory Georgetown University ( 26. Negative comments about the Egyptian army came to surface, throughout the global World Order mass media, at a later stage, and after the 11 February events; this fact suggests that, for the aforementioned hidden forces, the Egyptian army is more easily penetrable than the Egyptian Intelligence. At the same time, these publications constitute a certain means of pressure over the present government of Egypt, and a significant tool used in order to force the post-Mubarak administration to fully comply with the Freemasonic agenda on Egypt and the rest of the wider region from Morocco to Tanzania to Kazakhstan.At this point, all options are open, and evidently, one can successfully oppose the agenda – suffice it that one has correctly conceptualized the said agenda, its origin, its reason, and the targets therein included. 27. There is an untold truth of the utmost importance, and one should take it into consideration very seriously; despite the overwhelming contempt the Egyptian people felt for the recent Mubarak administrations, they never viewed the successful exit in a ´´revolution´´. The burning of the police stations was in fact the major act in which the Egyptian people were involved before the sunset of 11 February. The act may have the appearance of an insurgence, but this is not quite true for the events of the ´Friday of Anger´ (28 January). In reality, the burning of the police stations was undertaken and viewed by the Egyptians as the instant correction of an injustice that had lasted too long. By burning the police stations, the Egyptians made it impossible for the Ministry of Interior to continue its unjust policy of arresting and imprisoning thousands of people only because they believed in and demanded an Islamic state in Egypt. However, the sole act of burning police stations, in and by itself, does not represent a ´´revolution´´ but a righteous and instantaneous deed.
  • 9. 28. On the other hand, the events of Friday, 11 February 2011 have been grossly misinterpreted too. After a 2-week long, paranoid disinformation as regards Egypt´s political developments, the global World Order mass media presented to the international audience the nation-wide celebration as a manifestation of joy for Mubarak´s stepping down. That was viciously false and utterly vitriolic. In fact, all the Egyptians celebrated on that night until 3 or 4 a.m., but the joy was due to the common feeling that national unity would not be harmed in any way, despite the earlier turmoil, and that it would prevail forever in the future. This reality explains at the same time why the Egyptians did not participate en masse in the Tahrir square events that represented the theatre needed by the global World Order mass media, and were understood as such by a great number of Egyptians. They did not want to let their rejection of an authoritarian ruler become the main reason for their country´s destabilization. The slogans cheerfully repeated by the celebrating Egyptian people during the night of Friday, 11 February 2011 are a clear indication of their minds, beliefs and feelings. The most common slogan was ´´Masr´´, which means ´´Egypt´´ in Arabic. Most of the people waved national flags, whereas many painted their faces in Egypt´s three national colours, namely red, white and black – either horizontally (as in the national flag) or even vertically. On that long and enthusiastic night, there was no political party or movement involvement, except in an extremely minor and marginal scale; it could not happen otherwise, as the opposition has been fragmented and oppressed. It is clear that the mood of the millions who celebrated in every neighbourhood of Cairo during the night of Friday, 11 February was very different from that of the protesters two weeks earlier. Many attested the presence of acquaintances that were known for years to have supported the NDP, the fallen president, and the overall regime; they too were cheerfully celebrating. Their joy for the re-assertion of Egypt´s national unity eclipsed their predilection for a regime that they had supported. 29. Across the country, the sadness for the loss of life in the turmoil is immense, and the respect for the hundreds of victims is deep. However, this does not mean that the Tahrir square events brought about the fall of President Mubarak, contrarily to the nonsensical analyses of the global World Order mass media. The earthquake that totally destabilized the regime Mubarak was, as I already said, the burning of the police stations and the subsequent disappearance of the police officers. In fact, the Tahrir square events, misreported by the mass media, were only the political theatre stage-managed by Western secret services, diplomacies, military chiefs of staff, and a handful of petty statesmen who made use of the falsified reports made by the representatives of the global World Order mass media in Cairo. 30. Few people have noticed that the date for which Mubarak´s forced removal from power had been selected had a particular numeric formation: 11 02 2011.In fact,it can be read the same way from either side / direction; this is called a palindrome. Palindromes have been used since the Antiquity, encoded with symbolic meanings reserved for few initiated people to decode, interpret and understand. In Pre- Christian times, the most famous palindrome was the SATOR square, whereas in the Eastern Roman Empire, the famous Greek sentence Nipson anomimata mi monan opsin (to be noted that ps is one letter in Greek) was attested in several churches and
  • 10. cisterns. More on the subject: In itself, a palindrome hints at something, but does not reveal everything. The contents (if letter are used), the numeric value of the letters and/or the numbers, and the total value matter greatly. In the case of 11 February 2011 (11 02 2011), the total value is 8 (eight). The act executed on that day (overthrowing Mubarak) was meant as double (because of the double possibility of reading a palindrome), against the said person (open reality) and against whatis symbolized as eight (hidden reality). Eight (8) is known to be historically, spiritually and mystically the number of Islam. This illuminates the deep anti-Islamic nature of the well-prepared event, not because Mubarak was a good Muslim or defended the values of Islam, but because those, who conceived and perpetrated it, will use the present development for the materialization of their encoded purpose. 31. The Tahrir Square Freemasonic Theatre has nothing to do with the Egyptians who protested there; it has to do with close and remote manipulation of the developments that was undertaken by the global Freemasonic elite through use of their puppets in several administrations, diplomacies and military. 32. Foreign Journalists have been used as clowns by their grand masters to distort the reality. A bunch of foreign journalists were ready to act, based in Cairo or accommodated in lavish 5 stars hotels; they had been pre-ordered to take pictures, shoot video, and write texts that would be later duly utilized by statesmen, diplomats, and other ´´tools´´ of the international Freemasonry. In particular, Ramsis Hilton Hotel was farcically packed with French,English and American journalists, who, after making a round in Tahrir square and ´interviewing´ unrepresentative persons, enjoyed the ground floor restaurant, ordering Club Sandwich and beer, while sending their reports through their satellite connection! The number of foreign journalists in Tahrir square in the afternoon of Saturday 29th January, Sunday 30th January, and Monday 31st January was incredibly high and disproportionate to the event that was taking place. This justifies the above term ´Tahrir Square Freemasonic Theatre´;if these foreign journalists wanted to really inform the international opinion, they should rather cover events like the burning of the police stations. These uselessly paid journalists should have made special reportage on site, instead of writing their novels from five stars hotels. Furthermore, the foreign journalists should have focused on the most critical problem that struck the Egyptian society during the week between Saturday 29 January and Friday 4 February, notably the lack of security, which was due to the disappearance of the police officers, following the burning of the police stations. The daily life evolved for almost an entire week around the number of street controls one would have to cross to move from his home to any destination. Undertaken by the local people in every neighbourhood, these controls highlighted how well the
  • 11. Egyptian society reacted to the evident, and thank God provisory, collapse of social order. But the pseudo-journalists of Western Europe and North America, caring only for the filthy monies they pocket in order to reproduce the dictates of their masters, severely disregarded their readers, offering them a most disreputable service and complete misinformation. 33. As far as the essence of their petty work in Tahrir square is concerned, the foreign journalists met and interviewed in Tahrir square unrepresentative persons, who expressed their own wishes in public, as if reflecting the political opinion of the Egyptian people. This was in total discordance with the events, as it was evident that the outright majority of the Egyptian people did not participate in the manifestations. One may pretend that Cairo is a vast city, adding that it is practically impossible to walk to Tahrir if the walking distance is greater than one hour, and that the people, who can reach Tahrir square on foot came from surrounding neighbourhoods, do not total more than 1.5 million people. This again demonstrates that the Egyptian people did not participate, because gathering in Tahrir square 75000 people out of a total number of 1.5 million people is tantamount to lack of popularity or acceptance. Even worse, for the foreign journalists´ reports, one could assume, in case of a hypothetical, overwhelming support for the organizers of the Tahrir square manifestation, that parallel manifestations could have been held in diverse neighbourhoods, such as Madinat Nasr, Masr Guedida, Giza, Shubra,Helwan,etc. However, the organizers evidently knew that they did not have any great appeal of their own among the masses, although the Mubarak regime was most loathed. Consequently, they did not even try to organize parallel manifestations in any neighbourhood. In guise of conclusion, we can therefore safely claim that the foreign journalists reported false numbers, wrong opinions, and a most erroneous interpretation of selected events that they had been ordered to filter before ´´reporting´´. In some cases, they even insulted the Egyptian people, and this became instantly known to most of the people, either protesters or not. Even worse, the very few cases of mistreatment have been amplified, exaggerated and distorted in order to rather damage the international image of Egypt. Tahrir square revealed therefore #the immense shame of the Freemasonic journalism. Note Picture: An irrelevant picture from the Wikipedia entry ´Omar Soleiman´