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The Project Biomass Power Plant
on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija
Milutina Milankovica 7V
1070 Novi Beograd
February 2015
Full title of the Projekt:
CHP Power Plant 2x 500 KW of electrical power or
4 MW thermal energy from biomass
Republika Srbija
Acronym of the proposed action:
CHP Zlatibor
from biomass
(Organisation, Address)
The Project Biomass Power Plant
on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija
Milutina Milankovica 7V
1070 Novi Beograd
The Project Biomass Power Plant
2 x 500 KW Electrical Capacity
on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija
Republic of Serbia
TE-TO Zlatibor
The Project has:
1. Basic characteristics of Project
2. Description of location
3. Biomass gasification power system
4. 2 x 500 KW Syngas Generator Set
5. Finasijska Analiza Projekta Energane
6. Detaljni Katastarski Plan
7. Sve Dozvole I Saglasnosti I Mišljenja
8. Detaljna Finasijska Analiza Projekta
The Project Biomass Power Plant
on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija
Milutina Milankovica 7V
1070 Novi Beograd
1. Basic characteristics of Project
The intention of the project is to build a cogeneration plant for the production of electricity and heat using the new technology
of gasification of wood biomass forestry activities such as pieces of wood, leaves, branches originating from deciduous and
coniferous trees.
The total installed capacity of the plant will be 9.6 MW of electricity and 10.8 MW of thermal energy (which is the first stage is
spent in the dryer), and its implementation will be carried out in three stages
2.Description of location
Figure 1: Location of the location in relation to the community center
The Project Biomass Power Plant
on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija
Milutina Milankovica 7V
1070 Novi Beograd
Figure 2: Immediately surrounding the subject location
3.Biomass gasification power system
As you may know, the biomass gasification power generation system consists three parts: gasification system, gas
purification system, gas generator set. We produce the complete system.
 For the gasifier we have fixed bed gasifier(downdraft and updraft) or circulating fluidized bed gasifier.
 For the gas purification system, we have wet purification system and dry purification system.
 For the gas generator set, we are also the one of the biggest low-speed and medium-speed engine company in
China which has more than 60 years’ history.
 For gasification system(gasifier and purification system), we have 2 x 1000KW.
 For generator set, we have 2 x 1000KW for low heat value gas from biomass gasifier.
The Project Biomass Power Plant
on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija
Milutina Milankovica 7V
1070 Novi Beograd
Raw materials
requirements are as
follows S/N
Raw material* Feedstock input
(KG) per 1 kwh
1 Saw dust 1.3~1.5 kg/kW h
2 woodchip 1.2~1.5 kg/kW h
3 Coconut fiber dust 1.5~2.0 kg/kW h
4 straw 1.6~1.8 kg/kW h
5 Palm bunch 1.6~1.9 kg/kW h
6 Rice husk 1.6~1.8 kg/kW h
7 Crop stalk 1.6~1.8 kg/kW h
Gasifitacion power system in our factory
The Project Biomass Power Plant
on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija
Milutina Milankovica 7V
1070 Novi Beograd
4. 2 x 500 KW Syngas Generator Set
1.Syngas Engine: 16V300 series,16 cylinders, V build,600rpm,Engine
manufacturer cooperate with German MAN;
2.Engine Ignition System: Altronic, Made in USA;
3.Speed Governor: Heinzmann, Made in Germany
The Project Biomass Power Plant
on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija
Milutina Milankovica 7V
1070 Novi Beograd
5.Finasijska Analiza Projekta Energane
FinasijskI parametri
Kredit € 1.474.000
Kredit u % 74%
Učešce € 520.000
Novčani ulog € 80.000
Nenovčani ulog -Lokacija 1ha (ili veca) € 220.000
Nenovčani ulog-Know-How, Tehnička Doc i Sve Dozvole i Saglasnosti € 220.000
Učešce u % 26%
Dužina trajanja projekta 12 godina
Trajanje analitičkog modela 1 godina
Ukupne obaveze zbirno
Grejs period 1 godina
Period povrata Kredita 12 godina
Odnos pozitivnog povrata novčanog toka- Bruto Margina 59%
Ostvarena kamata (godišnje) 3%
Ostvarena kamata (ukupno) € 287.430
Margine projekta
Bruto margina (nakon povrata investicije)% 59,44%
Neto margina (nakon povrata investicije)% 46,12%
Bruto margina (nakon povrata investicije) € 7.861.844
Neto margina (nakon povrata investicije) € 6.100.414
Parametri Projekata - Zlatibor
na drvenu biomasu snage 1MW električne energije
Veličina Projekta u MW (VPMW) 1,00
Totalni Broj Radnih Sati po Godini (THG) 7.500
Prodaja Električne Energije po MW (PEEPMW) € 136,00
Trajanje Realizacije Projekta po Godini (TPG) 1
Prodaja Električne Energije po Godini (PEEPG) = PPEEPMW * THG *VMW*TPG € 1.020.000
The Project Biomass Power Plant
on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija
Milutina Milankovica 7V
1070 Novi Beograd
U prihod nisu uračunati benefiti od prodaje nus proizvoda koji su :
Aktivni ugalj u količini od 15% od 10000t biomase, po ceni od 80 €/t, 1500t*80€=120000€
Mazu u količini od 3% od 10000t biomase, po ceni od 400€/t, 300t*400€=120000€
U periodu od 20 dana dostavicemo ugovore o dugoročno otkupu nus proizvoda € 240.000
Indirektni Troškovi
Kredit u % (KF%) € 1.474.000
Godišnji Interes kredita u % (GIKF%) 3%
Vreme Trajanja Kreditnog Finasiranja u Godinama(VTKFG) 12
Prosečna Godišnja Otplata Kredita Finasiranja (PGOKF) € 158.120
Operativni Troškovi ukupno za 12 god rada € 7.125.586
Operativni Troškovi -prosecni/ na godisnjem nivou € 593.799
Biomasa 9000t x 30€ € 270.000
Projektom su predvidjene tri opcije snabdevanja biomasom:
Prva opcija :od JP Srbija Šume(dostavljamo Pismo o mogucnostima JP)
Druga opcija: od privatnih dobavljača
Treca opcija: sopsveni zasad brzorasuceg drveta na 300ha
Energija i gorivo € 30.000
Vehicle registration and fuel service € 30.000
Troškovi opreme i kancelarije € 55.200
Pravni poslovi € 3.600
Računovodstvo € 6.000
Servis i održavanje gasnog motora € 18.000
Servis i održavanje opreme € 12.000
Osiguranje € 12.000
Troškovi kancelarije € 3.600
Zakup lokacije € 0
Unapredjenje Tehnologije € 0
Ukupna Zarada
Godišnja Ukupna Zarada nakon TOT (GUZ) = PEEPG-TOT € 426.201
Neto Zarada
Godišnja Neto Zarada posle(GNZ) TOT, & GT = TOT - GT € 404.891
Godišnja Taksa (porez na dobit) u % (GT%) 5%
Godišnja Taksa (GT) = (GUZ - GOFK) * GT% € 21.310
The Project Biomass Power Plant
on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija
Milutina Milankovica 7V
1070 Novi Beograd
Grafik novčanog toka
Grafik tačke preloma
€ 1.000.000
€ 0
€ 1.000.000
€ 2.000.000
€ 3.000.000
€ 4.000.000
€ 5.000.000
Cumulative Cashflow
Direct Costs
Indirect Costs
€ 0
€ 2.000.000
€ 4.000.000
€ 6.000.000
€ 8.000.000
€ 10.000.000
€ 12.000.000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII
The Project Biomass Power Plant
on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija
Milutina Milankovica 7V
1070 Novi Beograd
6. Detaljni Katastarski Plan
The Project Biomass Power Plant
on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija
Milutina Milankovica 7V
1070 Novi Beograd
The Project Biomass Power Plant
on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija
Milutina Milankovica 7V
1070 Novi Beograd
The Project Biomass Power Plant
on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija
Milutina Milankovica 7V
1070 Novi Beograd
The Project Biomass Power Plant
on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija
Milutina Milankovica 7V
1070 Novi Beograd
The Project Biomass Power Plant
on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija
Milutina Milankovica 7V
1070 Novi Beograd
7. Sve Dozvole I Saglasnosti I Mišljenja
The Project Biomass Power Plant
on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija
Milutina Milankovica 7V
1070 Novi Beograd
8. Detaljna Finasijska Analiza Projekta
Kredit € 1,474,000
Kredit u % 74%
Učešce € 520,000
Novčani ulog € 80,000
Nenovčani ulog ‐Lokacija 1ha (ili veca € 220,000
Nenovčani ulog‐Know‐How, Tehnička Doc i Sve Dozvole i Saglasnost € 220,000
Učešce u % 26%
Dužina trajanja projekta 12 godina
Trajanje analitičkog modela 1 godina
Grejs period 1 godina
Period povrata Kredita 12 godina
Odnos pozitivnog povrata novčanog toka‐ Bruto Margina 59%
Ostvarena kamata (godišnje) 3%
Ostvarena kamata (ukupno) € 287,430
Bruto margina  (nakon povrata investicije)% 59.44%
Neto margina  (nakon povrata investicije)% 46.12%
Bruto margina  (nakon povrata investicije) € 7,861,844
Neto margina  (nakon povrata investicije) € 6,100,414
Veličina Projekta u MW (VPMW) 1.00
Totalni Broj Radnih  Sati po Godini (THG) 7,500
Prodaja Električne Energije po MW (PEEPMW) € 136.00
Trajanje Realizacije Projekta po Godini (TPG) 1
Prodaja Električne Energije po Godini (PEEPG) = PPEEPMW * THG *VMW*TPG € 1,020,000
U prihod nisu uračunati benefiti od prodaje nus proizvoda koji su :
Aktivni ugalj u količini od 15% od 10000t biomase, po ceni od 80 €/t,  1500t*80€=120000€
Mazu u količini od 3% od 10000t biomase, po ceni od 400€/t,  300t*400€=120000€
U periodu od 20 dana dostavicemo ugovore o dugoročno otkupu nus proizvoda € 240,000
Kredit u % (KF%)   € 1,474,000
Godišnji Interes kredita u % (GIKF%) 3%
Vreme Trajanja Kreditnog Finasiranja u Godinama(VTKFG) 12
Prosečna Godišnja Otplata  Kredita Finasiranja (PGOKF)  € 158,120
Operativni Troškovi ukupno za 12 god rada € 7,125,586
Operativni Troškovi ‐prosecni/ na godisnjem nivou € 593,799
Biomasa  9000t x 30€ € 270,000
  Projektom su predvidjene tri opcije snabdevanja biomasom: 
Prva opcija :od JP Srbija Šume(dostavljamo Pismo o mogucnostima JP)
Druga opcija: od privatnih dobavljača (u prilogu su Ugovori za 3‐5 godina snabdevanja)
Treca opcija: sopsveni zasad brzorasuceg drveta na  300ha (godisnji  prinos veci od 9000t)
Energija i gorivo € 30,000
Vehicle registration and fuel service € 30,000
Troškovi opreme i kancelarije € 55,200
Pravni poslovi € 3,600
Računovodstvo € 6,000
Servis i održavanje gasnog motora € 18,000
Servis i održavanje opreme € 12,000
Osiguranje € 12,000
Troškovi kancelarije € 3,600
Zakup lokacije € 0
Unapredjenje Tehnologije € 0
Godišnja Ukupna Zarada nakon TOT (GUZ) = PEEPG‐TOT € 426,201
Godišnja Neto Zarada posle(GNZ) TOT,  & GT  = TOT ‐ GT € 404,891
Godišnja Taksa (porez na dobit) u %  (GT%)  5%
Godišnja Taksa  (GT) = (GUZ ‐ GOFK) * GT% € 21,310
Neto Zarada
Indirektni Troškovi
FinasijskI parametri
Ukupne obaveze zbirno
Margine projekta
Parametri Projekata ‐ Zlatibor
na drvenu biomasu snage 1MW električne energije
Ukupna Zarada  
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Vrsta posla Total Number Cost / per month Cost / per year Cost / Total 1 Cost Total 1+12 Jan‐13 Feb‐13 Mar‐13 Apr‐13 May‐13 Jun‐13 Jul‐13 Aug‐13 Sep‐13 Oct‐13 Nov‐13 Dec‐13 01.2013‐14 01.2014‐15 01.2015‐16 01.2016‐17 01.2017‐18 01.2018‐19 01.2019‐20 01.2020‐21 01.2021‐22 01.2022‐23 01.2023‐24 Cost Total  2.‐12.
Vrsta posla 16 € 9,420 € 113,040 € 18,840 € 1,543,337 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 9,420 € 9,420 € 113,040 € 117,562 € 122,264 € 127,155 € 132,241 € 137,530 € 143,032 € 148,753 € 154,703 € 160,891 € 167,327 € 1,524,497
Direktor 1 € 1,200 € 14,400 € 2,400 € 196,603 € 1,200 € 1,200 € 14,400 € 14,976 € 15,575 € 16,198 € 16,846 € 17,520 € 18,221 € 18,949 € 19,707 € 20,496 € 21,316 € 194,203
Stručni radnik 1 € 1,030 € 12,360 € 2,060 € 168,751 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 1,030 € 1,030 € 12,360 € 12,854 € 13,369 € 13,903 € 14,459 € 15,038 € 15,639 € 16,265 € 16,916 € 17,592 € 18,296 € 166,691
Vozac 2 € 1,210 € 14,520 € 2,420 € 198,242 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 1,210 € 1,210 € 14,520 € 15,101 € 15,705 € 16,333 € 16,986 € 17,666 € 18,372 € 19,107 € 19,872 € 20,666 € 21,493 € 195,822
Vozac viljuskara 4 € 2,260 € 27,120 € 4,520 € 370,270 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 2,260 € 2,260 € 27,120 € 28,205 € 29,333 € 30,506 € 31,727 € 32,996 € 34,315 € 35,688 € 37,116 € 38,600 € 40,144 € 365,750
Radnik 8 € 3,720 € 44,640 € 7,440 € 609,471 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 3,720 € 3,720 € 44,640 € 46,426 € 48,283 € 50,214 € 52,222 € 54,311 € 56,484 € 58,743 € 61,093 € 63,537 € 66,078 € 602,031
Troškovi zarada
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Vrsta posla Cost / per month Cost / per year Cost / Total 1. Cost Total 1+12 Jan‐13 Feb‐13 Mar‐13 Apr‐13 May‐13 Jun‐13 Jul‐13 Aug‐13 Sep‐13 Oct‐13 Nov‐13 Dec‐13 01.2013‐14 01.2014‐15 01.2015‐16 01.2016‐17 01.2017‐18 01.2018‐19 01.2019‐20 01.2020‐21 01.2021‐22 01.2022‐23 01.2023‐24 Cost Total  2.‐12.
Materijal € 22,500 € 300,000 € 45,000 € 2,530,419 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 22,500 € 22,500 € 261,900 € 254,043 € 246,422 € 239,029 € 231,858 € 224,902 € 218,155 € 211,611 € 205,262 € 199,105 € 193,131 € 2,485,419
Biomasa  9000t x 30€ € 22,500 € 270,000 € 45,000 € 2,530,419 € 0 € 0 € 22,500 € 22,500 € 261,900 € 254,043 € 246,422 € 239,029 € 231,858 € 224,902 € 218,155 € 211,611 € 205,262 € 199,105 € 193,131 € 2,485,419
Energija i gorivo € 2,500 € 30,000 € 5,000 € 665,000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 2,500 € 2,500 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 660,000
Vehicle registration and fuel service € 2,500 € 30,000 € 5,000 € 665,000 € 0 € 0 € 2,500 € 2,500 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 660,000
Troškovi opreme+ofis Zlatibor+Ofis Projekt Tim € 4,600 € 55,200 € 18,200 € 662,400 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 9,100 € 9,100 € 55,200 € 55,200 € 55,200 € 55,200 € 55,200 € 55,200 € 55,200 € 55,200 € 55,200 € 55,200 € 55,200 € 607,200
Projekt Tim+ofis+prevoz+putovanje € 0
Pravni poslovi € 300 € 3,600 € 600 € 36,600 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 300 € 300 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 36,000
Računovodstvo € 500 € 6,000 € 1,000 € 67,000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 500 € 500 € 6,000 € 6,000 € 6,000 € 6,000 € 6,000 € 6,000 € 6,000 € 6,000 € 6,000 € 6,000 € 6,000 € 66,000
Servis i održavanje gasnog motora € 1,500 € 18,000 € 6,000 € 204,000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 3,000 € 3,000 € 18,000 € 18,000 € 18,000 € 18,000 € 18,000 € 18,000 € 18,000 € 18,000 € 18,000 € 18,000 € 18,000 € 198,000
Servis i održavanje opreme € 1,000 € 12,000 € 8,000 € 140,000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 4,000 € 4,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 132,000
Osiguranje € 1,000 € 12,000 € 2,000 € 134,000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 1,000 € 1,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 132,000
Troškovi kancelarije € 300 € 3,600 € 600 € 40,200 € 0 € 0 € 300 € 300 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 39,600
Zakup lokacije
Unapređenje tehnologije € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0
TOTAL € 29,600 € 385,200 € 68,200 € 3,820,819 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 34,100 € 34,100 € 377,100 € 369,243 € 361,622 € 354,229 € 347,058 € 340,102 € 333,355 € 326,811 € 320,462 € 314,305 € 308,331 € 3,752,619
€ 60,000
Operativni troškovi
Vrsta opreme Cost / Total Feb‐13 Mar‐13 Apr‐13 May‐13 Jun‐13 Jul‐13 Aug‐13 Sep‐13 Oct‐13 Nov‐13 Dec‐13
 šticer, kamiona sa sopstvenom utovarnom rukom  € 30,000 € 15,000 € 15,000
Viljuškar ili dizalica  € 10,000 10,000.00 €
Cepač balvana  € 14,000 7,000.00 € € 7,000
Viljuškar 2t utovarivač u drobilicu  € 15,000 15,000.00 €
Drobilica polovna d 600mm  € 45,000 € 20,000 25,000.00 €
port piljevine ,cevi,ventilator 45kW,el.motor,el.orman,kontroler   € 35,000 € 20,000 10,000.00 € € 5,000
Trakasta ili Rotaciona Susara sa kompletnom opremom  € 230,000 160,000.00 € € 40,000 20,000.00 € € 10,000
sport piljevine ,cevi,ventilator 45kW,el.motor,el.orman,kontroler € 35,000 € 20,000 10,000.00 € € 10,000
Dozator piljevine  € 12,000 10,000.00 € € 2,000
Gasifikator domaci, alternativno Kineski ili GB ili USA  € 410,000 200,000.00 € € 100,000 80,000.00 € € 20,000 10,000.00 €
Reparirani rezvoari od 40t   € 30,000 € 15,000 5,000.00 € € 5,000 5,000.00 €
Prečistač gasa i transport do gasnih motora  € 8,000 € 8,000
Gasni motor1 MW Janbacher ili Kineski ili GB ili D  € 430,000 150,000.00 € € 125,000 125,000.00 € € 15,000 15,000.00 €
  Rashladni tornjevi kapaciteta € 120,000 60000 40,000.00 € € 10,000 10,000.00 €
Veza za nacionalni sistem električne mreže EPS  € 45,000 € 0 € 35,000 10,000.00 €
€ 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0
KAPITALNI TROŠKOVI IZGRADOJENJE POSTROJENJA € 1,474,000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 617,000 € 362,000 € 325,000 € 120,000 € 50,000
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Vrsta Cost / per month Cost / per first year Cost/year Cost / Total  Jan‐13 Feb‐13 Mar‐13 Apr‐13 May‐13 Jun‐13 Jul‐13 Aug‐13 Sep‐13 Oct‐13 Nov‐13 Dec‐13 01.2013‐14 01.2014‐15 01.2015‐16 01.2016‐17 01.2017‐18 01.2018‐19 01.2019‐20 01.2020‐21 01.2021‐22 01.2022‐23 01.2023‐24 Cost Total  2.‐12.
Vrsta posla Cost / per month Cost / per first 1 year Cost / Total 1. Cost Total 1+11 Jan‐13 Feb‐13 Mar‐13 Apr‐13 May‐13 Jun‐13 Jul‐13 Aug‐13 Sep‐13 Oct‐13 Nov‐13 Dec‐13 01.2013‐14 01.2014‐15 01.2015‐16 01.2016‐17 01.2017‐18 01.2018‐19 01.2019‐20 01.2020‐21 01.2021‐22 01.2022‐23 01.2023‐24 Cost Total  2.‐12.
Direktni troškovi € 87,040 € 5,364,156 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 617,000 € 362,000 € 325,000 € 120,000 € 50,000 € 43,520 € 43,520 € 490,140 € 486,805 € 483,886 € 481,384 € 479,299 € 477,633 € 476,387 € 475,564 € 475,165 € 475,196 € 475,658 € 5,277,116
Troskovi opreme € 617,000 € 362,000 € 325,000 € 120,000 € 50,000 € 0
Zarade € 18,840 € 138,591 € 1,543,337 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 9,420 € 9,420 € 113,040 € 117,562 € 122,264 € 127,155 € 132,241 € 137,530 € 143,032 € 148,753 € 154,703 € 160,891 € 167,327 € 1,524,497
Rad proizvodnje € 68,200 € 3,820,819 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 34,100 € 34,100 € 377,100 € 369,243 € 361,622 € 354,229 € 347,058 € 340,102 € 333,355 € 326,811 € 320,462 € 314,305 € 308,331 € 3,752,619
Indirektni troškovi € 22,110 € 158,120 € 1,761,430 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 178,220 € 174,200 € 170,180 € 166,160 € 162,140 € 158,120 € 154,100 € 150,080 € 146,060 € 142,040 € 138,020 € 1,739,320
Bank Banka rata+kamata € 22,110 € 1,761,430 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 178,220 € 174,200 € 170,180 € 166,160 € 162,140 € 158,120 € 154,100 € 150,080 € 146,060 € 142,040 € 138,020 € 1,739,320
Takse € 0 € 0
Rata kredita € 0 € 1,474,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 1,474,000
Rata kamate € 22,110 € 287,430 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 44,220 € 40,200 € 36,180 € 32,160 € 28,140 € 24,120 € 20,100 € 16,080 € 12,060 € 8,040 € 4,020 € 265,320
TOTAL € 0 € 109,150 € 7,125,586 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 624,370 € 362,000 € 325,000 € 127,370 € 50,000 € 43,520 € 50,890 € 668,360 € 661,005 € 654,066 € 647,544 € 641,439 € 635,753 € 630,487 € 625,644 € 621,225 € 617,236 € 613,678 € 7,016,436
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Income Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year
Income Type Per  1MW Per months Per year Total
Snaga energane 1
MW El. Energ. € 136 € 85,000 € 1,020,000 € 12,864,000 € 1,644,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000
U prihod nisu uračunati benefiti od prodaje nus proizvoda koji su :
Aktivni ugalj u količini od 15% od 10000t biomase, po ceni od 120 €/t,  1500t*80€=120000€
Mazu u količini od 3% od 10000t biomase, po ceni od 400€/t,  300t*400€=120000€
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Tip Total Feb‐13 Mar‐13 Apr‐13 May‐13 Jun‐13 Jul‐13 Aug‐13 Sep‐13 Oct‐13 Nov‐13 Dec‐13 01.2013‐14 01.2014‐15 01.2015‐16 01.2016‐17 01.2017‐18 01.2018‐19 01.2019‐20 01.2020‐21 01.2021‐22 01.2022‐23 01.2023‐24
Income € 13,226,000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 617,000 € 362,000 € 325,000 € 120,000 € 50,000 € 85,000 € 85,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000
Lizing € 1,836,000 € 617,000 € 362,000 € 325,000 € 120,000 € 50,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000
Feb‐13 Mar‐13 Apr‐13 May‐13 Jun‐13 Jul‐13 Aug‐13 Sep‐13 Oct‐13 Nov‐13 Dec‐13 01.2013‐14 01.2014‐15 01.2015‐16 01.2016‐17 01.2017‐18 01.2018‐19 01.2019‐20 01.2020‐21 01.2021‐22 01.2022‐23 01.2023‐24
Direktni troškovi € 5,364,156 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 617,000 € 362,000 € 325,000 € 120,000 € 50,000 € 43,520 € 43,520 € 490,140 € 486,805 € 483,886 € 481,384 € 479,299 € 477,633 € 476,387 € 475,564 € 475,165 € 475,196 € 475,658
Troskovi opreme € 0 € 0 € 617,000 € 362,000 € 325,000 € 120,000 € 50,000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0
Zarade € 1,543,337 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 9,420 € 9,420 € 113,040 € 117,562 € 122,264 € 127,155 € 132,241 € 137,530 € 143,032 € 148,753 € 154,703 € 160,891 € 167,327
Troškovi rada € 3,820,819 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 34,100 € 34,100 € 377,100 € 369,243 € 361,622 € 354,229 € 347,058 € 340,102 € 333,355 € 326,811 € 320,462 € 314,305 € 308,331
Indirektni troškovi € 1,761,430 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 178,220 € 174,200 € 170,180 € 166,160 € 162,140 € 158,120 € 154,100 € 150,080 € 146,060 € 142,040 € 138,020
Kredit+kamata € 1,761,430 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 178,220 € 174,200 € 170,180 € 166,160 € 162,140 € 158,120 € 154,100 € 150,080 € 146,060 € 142,040 € 138,020
Takse € 0
Rata kredita € 0 € 0 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000
Kamta na kredit € 287,430 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 44,220 € 40,200 € 36,180 € 32,160 € 28,140 € 24,120 € 20,100 € 16,080 € 12,060 € 8,040 € 4,020
Bruto margina € 7,861,844 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 41,480 € 41,480 € 529,860 € 533,195 € 536,114 € 538,616 € 540,701 € 542,367 € 543,613 € 544,436 € 544,835 € 544,804 € 544,342
Bruto margina (%) 59.44% 48.80% 48.80% 51.95% 52.27% 52.56% 52.81% 53.01% 53.17% 53.30% 53.38% 53.42% 53.41% 53.37%
Neto margina € 6,100,414 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 7,370 € 0 € 7,370 € 0 € 41,480 € 34,110 € 351,640 € 358,995 € 365,934 € 372,456 € 378,561 € 384,247 € 389,513 € 394,356 € 398,775 € 402,764 € 406,322
Neto marginina (%) 46.12% 48.80% 40.13% 34.47% 35.20% 35.88% 36.52% 37.11% 37.67% 38.19% 38.66% 39.10% 39.49% 39.84%
no. year interest Annuity
1 1 22110 0
2 2 44,220 178,220
3 3 40,200 174,200
4 4 36,180 170,180
5 5 32,160 166,160
6 6 28,140 162,140
7 7 24,120 158,120
8 8 20,100 154,100
9 9 16,080 150,080
10 10 12,060 146,060
11 11 8,040 142,040
12 12 4,020 138,020
Bank Repayment + Interest 287,430 1,761,430
In Eur
Bruto margina (%) Neto marginina (%)
€ 0 
€ 1,000,000 
€ 2,000,000 
€ 3,000,000 
€ 4,000,000 
€ 5,000,000 
€ 6,000,000 
€ 7,000,000 
€ 8,000,000 
Bruto margina Neto margina
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Tnovčani tok
Tip Nov‐12 Dec‐12 Jan‐13 Feb‐13 Mar‐13 Apr‐13 May‐13 Jun‐13 Sep‐13 Oct‐13 Nov‐13 Dec‐13 11.2013‐14 11.2014‐15 11.2015‐16 11.2016‐17 11.2017‐18 11.2018‐19 11.2019‐20 11.2020‐21 11.2021‐22 11.2022‐23 11.2023‐24
Mesečni novčani tok € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 617,000 € 376,740 € 0 € 325,000 € 127,370 € 50,000 € 43,520 € 50,890 € 668,360 € 661,005 € 654,066 € 647,544 € 641,439 € 635,753 € 630,487 € 625,644 € 621,225 € 617,236 € 613,678
Ulaz € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 617,000 € 362,000 € 362,000 € 325,000 € 120,000 € 50,000 € 85,000 € 85,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000
Troškovi opreme € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 617,000 € 362,000 € 0 € 325,000 € 120,000 € 50,000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0
Inženjering € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0
Zarade € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 9,420 € 9,420 € 113,040 € 117,562 € 122,264 € 127,155 € 132,241 € 137,530 € 143,032 € 148,753 € 154,703 € 160,891 € 167,327
Troškovi rada € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 34,100 € 34,100 € 377,100 € 369,243 € 361,622 € 354,229 € 347,058 € 340,102 € 333,355 € 326,811 € 320,462 € 314,305 € 308,331
Bankarski kredit+kamata € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 7,370 € 0 € 0 € 7,370 € 0 € 0 € 7,370 € 178,220 € 174,200 € 170,180 € 166,160 € 162,140 € 158,120 € 154,100 € 150,080 € 146,060 € 142,040 € 138,020
Takse € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0
Bankarski kredit+kamata € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000
Kamata na kredit € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 7,370 € 0 € 0 € 7,370 € 0 € 0 € 7,370 € 44,220 € 40,200 € 36,180 € 32,160 € 28,140 € 24,120 € 20,100 € 16,080 € 12,060 € 8,040 € 4,020
Kumulativni tok novca € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 14,740 € 347,260 € 347,260 € 347,260 € 347,260 € 388,740 € 422,850 € 774,490 € 1,133,485 € 1,499,420 € 1,871,876 € 2,250,437 € 2,634,684 € 3,024,197 € 3,418,553 € 3,817,328 € 4,220,092 € 4,626,414
Ulaz € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 617,000 € 979,000 € 1,341,000 € 1,666,000 € 1,786,000 € 1,836,000 € 1,921,000 € 2,006,000 € 3,026,000 € 4,046,000 € 5,066,000 € 6,086,000 € 7,106,000 € 8,126,000 € 9,146,000 € 10,166,000 € 11,186,000 € 12,206,000 € 13,226,000
Troškovi opreme € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 617,000 € 979,000 € 979,000 € 1,304,000 € 1,424,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000
Inženjering € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0
Zarade € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 9,420 € 18,840 € 131,880 € 249,442 € 371,706 € 498,860 € 631,101 € 768,632 € 911,663 € 1,060,416 € 1,215,119 € 1,376,010 € 1,543,337
Troškovi rada € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 34,100 € 68,200 € 445,300 € 814,543 € 1,176,165 € 1,530,394 € 1,877,452 € 2,217,554 € 2,550,910 € 2,877,720 € 3,198,183 € 3,512,487 € 3,820,819
Bankarski kredit+kamata € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 14,740 € 14,740 € 14,740 € 22,110 € 200,330 € 374,530 € 544,710 € 710,870 € 873,010 € 1,031,130 € 1,185,230 € 1,335,310 € 1,481,370 € 1,623,410 € 1,761,430
Takse € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0
Bankarski kredit+kamata € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 134,000 € 268,000 € 402,000 € 536,000 € 670,000 € 804,000 € 938,000 € 1,072,000 € 1,206,000 € 1,340,000 € 1,474,000
Kamata na kredit € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 14,740 € 14,740 € 14,740 € 22,110 € 66,330 € 106,530 € 142,710 € 174,870 € 203,010 € 227,130 € 247,230 € 263,310 € 275,370 € 283,410 € 287,430
Kritčna tačka 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII
Jan‐13 Feb‐13 Mar‐13 Apr‐13 May‐13 Jun‐13 Jul‐13 Aug‐13 Sep‐13 Oct‐13 Nov‐13 Dec‐13 11.2013‐14 11.2014‐15 11.2015‐16 11.2016‐17 11.2017‐18 11.2018‐19 11.2019‐20 11.2020‐21 11.2021‐22 11.2022‐23 11.2023‐24
Ukupni prihod € 65,500 € 117,900 € 196,500 € 1,216,500 € 2,236,500 € 3,256,500 € 4,276,500 € 5,296,500 € 6,316,500 € 7,336,500 € 8,356,500 € 9,376,500 € 10,396,500 € 11,416,500
Proizvodniprihod € 26,200 € 39,300 € 52,400 € 78,600 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000
Rast ukupnih troškova € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 624,370 € 986,370 € 1,311,370 € 1,438,740 € 1,488,740 € 1,532,260 € 1,583,150 € 2,251,510 € 2,912,515 € 3,566,580 € 4,214,124 € 4,855,563 € 5,491,316 € 6,121,803 € 6,747,447 € 7,368,672 € 7,985,908 € 8,599,586
Ukupni troškovi € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 624,370 € 362,000 € 325,000 € 127,370 € 50,000 € 43,520 € 50,890 € 668,360 € 661,005 € 654,066 € 647,544 € 641,439 € 635,753 € 630,487 € 625,644 € 621,225 € 617,236 € 613,678
Krediti € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0
Operativni troškovi € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 34,100 € 34,100 € 377,100 € 369,243 € 361,622 € 354,229 € 347,058 € 340,102 € 333,355 € 326,811 € 320,462 € 314,305 € 308,331
Zarade € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 9,420 € 9,420 € 113,040 € 117,562 € 122,264 € 127,155 € 132,241 € 137,530 € 143,032 € 148,753 € 154,703 € 160,891 € 167,327
WP kamate € 7,370 € 178,220 € 174,200 € 170,180 € 166,160 € 162,140 € 158,120 € 154,100 € 150,080 € 146,060 € 142,040 € 138,020
The Project Biomass Power Plant
on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija
Milutina Milankovica 7V
1070 Novi Beograd
Grafik novčanog toka
Grafik tačke preloma
€ 1.000.000
€ 0
€ 1.000.000
€ 2.000.000
€ 3.000.000
€ 4.000.000
€ 5.000.000
Cumulative Cashflow
Direct Costs
Indirect Costs
€ 0
€ 2.000.000
€ 4.000.000
€ 6.000.000
€ 8.000.000
€ 10.000.000
€ 12.000.000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII

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Project te zlatibor 2x 500 kw (1)

  • 1. The Project Biomass Power Plant on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija 25.02.2015. EKOP POSLOVI INŽENJERING D.O.O. Milutina Milankovica 7V 1070 Novi Beograd THE PROJECT BIOMASS POWER PLANT 2 x 500 KW ELECTRICAL CAPACITY ON THE LOCATION ZLATIBOR R.SRBIJA February 2015 Full title of the Projekt: CHP Power Plant 2x 500 KW of electrical power or 4 MW thermal energy from biomass Zlatibor Republika Srbija Acronym of the proposed action: CHP Zlatibor from biomass Co-ordinator: (Organisation, Address) EKO POSLOVI INŽENJERING D.O.O. Beograd
  • 2. The Project Biomass Power Plant on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija 25.02.2015. EKOP POSLOVI INŽENJERING D.O.O. Milutina Milankovica 7V 1070 Novi Beograd The Project Biomass Power Plant 2 x 500 KW Electrical Capacity on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija Republic of Serbia TE-TO Zlatibor The Project has: 1. Basic characteristics of Project 2. Description of location 3. Biomass gasification power system 4. 2 x 500 KW Syngas Generator Set 5. Finasijska Analiza Projekta Energane 6. Detaljni Katastarski Plan 7. Sve Dozvole I Saglasnosti I Mišljenja 8. Detaljna Finasijska Analiza Projekta
  • 3. The Project Biomass Power Plant on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija 25.02.2015. EKOP POSLOVI INŽENJERING D.O.O. Milutina Milankovica 7V 1070 Novi Beograd 1. Basic characteristics of Project The intention of the project is to build a cogeneration plant for the production of electricity and heat using the new technology of gasification of wood biomass forestry activities such as pieces of wood, leaves, branches originating from deciduous and coniferous trees. The total installed capacity of the plant will be 9.6 MW of electricity and 10.8 MW of thermal energy (which is the first stage is spent in the dryer), and its implementation will be carried out in three stages 2.Description of location Figure 1: Location of the location in relation to the community center
  • 4. The Project Biomass Power Plant on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija 25.02.2015. EKOP POSLOVI INŽENJERING D.O.O. Milutina Milankovica 7V 1070 Novi Beograd Figure 2: Immediately surrounding the subject location 3.Biomass gasification power system As you may know, the biomass gasification power generation system consists three parts: gasification system, gas purification system, gas generator set. We produce the complete system.  For the gasifier we have fixed bed gasifier(downdraft and updraft) or circulating fluidized bed gasifier.  For the gas purification system, we have wet purification system and dry purification system.  For the gas generator set, we are also the one of the biggest low-speed and medium-speed engine company in China which has more than 60 years’ history.  For gasification system(gasifier and purification system), we have 2 x 1000KW.  For generator set, we have 2 x 1000KW for low heat value gas from biomass gasifier.
  • 5. The Project Biomass Power Plant on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija 25.02.2015. EKOP POSLOVI INŽENJERING D.O.O. Milutina Milankovica 7V 1070 Novi Beograd Raw materials requirements are as follows S/N Raw material* Feedstock input (KG) per 1 kwh 1 Saw dust 1.3~1.5 kg/kW h 2 woodchip 1.2~1.5 kg/kW h 3 Coconut fiber dust 1.5~2.0 kg/kW h 4 straw 1.6~1.8 kg/kW h 5 Palm bunch 1.6~1.9 kg/kW h 6 Rice husk 1.6~1.8 kg/kW h 7 Crop stalk 1.6~1.8 kg/kW h Gasifitacion power system in our factory
  • 6. The Project Biomass Power Plant on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija 25.02.2015. EKOP POSLOVI INŽENJERING D.O.O. Milutina Milankovica 7V 1070 Novi Beograd 4. 2 x 500 KW Syngas Generator Set 1.Syngas Engine: 16V300 series,16 cylinders, V build,600rpm,Engine manufacturer cooperate with German MAN; 2.Engine Ignition System: Altronic, Made in USA; 3.Speed Governor: Heinzmann, Made in Germany
  • 7. The Project Biomass Power Plant on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija 25.02.2015. EKOP POSLOVI INŽENJERING D.O.O. Milutina Milankovica 7V 1070 Novi Beograd 5.Finasijska Analiza Projekta Energane FINANSIJSKA ANALIZA PROJEKTA ENERGANE SNAGE 2 x 500 KW EL ENERGIJE NA LOKACIJI ZLATIBOR R.SRBIJA FinasijskI parametri Kredit € 1.474.000 Kredit u % 74% Učešce € 520.000 Novčani ulog € 80.000 Nenovčani ulog -Lokacija 1ha (ili veca) € 220.000 Nenovčani ulog-Know-How, Tehnička Doc i Sve Dozvole i Saglasnosti € 220.000 Učešce u % 26% Dužina trajanja projekta 12 godina Trajanje analitičkog modela 1 godina Ukupne obaveze zbirno Grejs period 1 godina Period povrata Kredita 12 godina Odnos pozitivnog povrata novčanog toka- Bruto Margina 59% Ostvarena kamata (godišnje) 3% Ostvarena kamata (ukupno) € 287.430 Margine projekta Bruto margina (nakon povrata investicije)% 59,44% Neto margina (nakon povrata investicije)% 46,12% Bruto margina (nakon povrata investicije) € 7.861.844 Neto margina (nakon povrata investicije) € 6.100.414 Parametri Projekata - Zlatibor na drvenu biomasu snage 1MW električne energije Veličina Projekta u MW (VPMW) 1,00 Totalni Broj Radnih Sati po Godini (THG) 7.500 Prodaja Električne Energije po MW (PEEPMW) € 136,00 Trajanje Realizacije Projekta po Godini (TPG) 1 PRIHOD Prodaja Električne Energije po Godini (PEEPG) = PPEEPMW * THG *VMW*TPG € 1.020.000
  • 8. The Project Biomass Power Plant on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija 25.02.2015. EKOP POSLOVI INŽENJERING D.O.O. Milutina Milankovica 7V 1070 Novi Beograd U prihod nisu uračunati benefiti od prodaje nus proizvoda koji su : Aktivni ugalj u količini od 15% od 10000t biomase, po ceni od 80 €/t, 1500t*80€=120000€ Mazu u količini od 3% od 10000t biomase, po ceni od 400€/t, 300t*400€=120000€ U periodu od 20 dana dostavicemo ugovore o dugoročno otkupu nus proizvoda € 240.000 TROŠKOVI Indirektni Troškovi Kredit u % (KF%) € 1.474.000 Godišnji Interes kredita u % (GIKF%) 3% Vreme Trajanja Kreditnog Finasiranja u Godinama(VTKFG) 12 Prosečna Godišnja Otplata Kredita Finasiranja (PGOKF) € 158.120 Operativni Troškovi ukupno za 12 god rada € 7.125.586 Operativni Troškovi -prosecni/ na godisnjem nivou € 593.799 Materijal Biomasa 9000t x 30€ € 270.000 Projektom su predvidjene tri opcije snabdevanja biomasom: Prva opcija :od JP Srbija Šume(dostavljamo Pismo o mogucnostima JP) Druga opcija: od privatnih dobavljača Treca opcija: sopsveni zasad brzorasuceg drveta na 300ha Energija i gorivo € 30.000 Vehicle registration and fuel service € 30.000 Troškovi opreme i kancelarije € 55.200 Pravni poslovi € 3.600 Računovodstvo € 6.000 Servis i održavanje gasnog motora € 18.000 Servis i održavanje opreme € 12.000 Osiguranje € 12.000 Troškovi kancelarije € 3.600 Zakup lokacije € 0 Unapredjenje Tehnologije € 0 ZARADA Ukupna Zarada Godišnja Ukupna Zarada nakon TOT (GUZ) = PEEPG-TOT € 426.201 Neto Zarada Godišnja Neto Zarada posle(GNZ) TOT, & GT = TOT - GT € 404.891 Taxes Godišnja Taksa (porez na dobit) u % (GT%) 5% Godišnja Taksa (GT) = (GUZ - GOFK) * GT% € 21.310
  • 9. The Project Biomass Power Plant on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija 25.02.2015. EKOP POSLOVI INŽENJERING D.O.O. Milutina Milankovica 7V 1070 Novi Beograd Grafik novčanog toka Grafik tačke preloma € 1.000.000 € 0 € 1.000.000 € 2.000.000 € 3.000.000 € 4.000.000 € 5.000.000 AxisTitle Cumulative Cashflow Income Direct Costs Indirect Costs € 0 € 2.000.000 € 4.000.000 € 6.000.000 € 8.000.000 € 10.000.000 € 12.000.000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Revenue Cost
  • 10. The Project Biomass Power Plant on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija 25.02.2015. EKOP POSLOVI INŽENJERING D.O.O. Milutina Milankovica 7V 1070 Novi Beograd 6. Detaljni Katastarski Plan
  • 11. The Project Biomass Power Plant on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija 25.02.2015. EKOP POSLOVI INŽENJERING D.O.O. Milutina Milankovica 7V 1070 Novi Beograd
  • 12. The Project Biomass Power Plant on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija 25.02.2015. EKOP POSLOVI INŽENJERING D.O.O. Milutina Milankovica 7V 1070 Novi Beograd
  • 13. The Project Biomass Power Plant on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija 25.02.2015. EKOP POSLOVI INŽENJERING D.O.O. Milutina Milankovica 7V 1070 Novi Beograd
  • 14. The Project Biomass Power Plant on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija 25.02.2015. EKOP POSLOVI INŽENJERING D.O.O. Milutina Milankovica 7V 1070 Novi Beograd
  • 15. The Project Biomass Power Plant on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija 25.02.2015. EKOP POSLOVI INŽENJERING D.O.O. Milutina Milankovica 7V 1070 Novi Beograd 7. Sve Dozvole I Saglasnosti I Mišljenja
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  • 45. The Project Biomass Power Plant on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija 25.02.2015. EKOP POSLOVI INŽENJERING D.O.O. Milutina Milankovica 7V 1070 Novi Beograd 8. Detaljna Finasijska Analiza Projekta
  • 46. FINANSIJSKA ANALIZA PROJEKTA ENERGANE   SNAGE 2 x 500 KW EL ENERGIJE  NA LOKACIJI ZLATIBOR R.SRBIJA Kredit € 1,474,000 Kredit u % 74% Učešce € 520,000 Novčani ulog € 80,000 Nenovčani ulog ‐Lokacija 1ha (ili veca € 220,000 Nenovčani ulog‐Know‐How, Tehnička Doc i Sve Dozvole i Saglasnost € 220,000 Učešce u % 26% Dužina trajanja projekta 12 godina Trajanje analitičkog modela 1 godina Grejs period 1 godina Period povrata Kredita 12 godina Odnos pozitivnog povrata novčanog toka‐ Bruto Margina 59% Ostvarena kamata (godišnje) 3% Ostvarena kamata (ukupno) € 287,430 Bruto margina  (nakon povrata investicije)% 59.44% Neto margina  (nakon povrata investicije)% 46.12% Bruto margina  (nakon povrata investicije) € 7,861,844 Neto margina  (nakon povrata investicije) € 6,100,414 i Veličina Projekta u MW (VPMW) 1.00 Totalni Broj Radnih  Sati po Godini (THG) 7,500 Prodaja Električne Energije po MW (PEEPMW) € 136.00 Trajanje Realizacije Projekta po Godini (TPG) 1 Prodaja Električne Energije po Godini (PEEPG) = PPEEPMW * THG *VMW*TPG € 1,020,000 U prihod nisu uračunati benefiti od prodaje nus proizvoda koji su : Aktivni ugalj u količini od 15% od 10000t biomase, po ceni od 80 €/t,  1500t*80€=120000€ Mazu u količini od 3% od 10000t biomase, po ceni od 400€/t,  300t*400€=120000€ U periodu od 20 dana dostavicemo ugovore o dugoročno otkupu nus proizvoda € 240,000 Kredit u % (KF%)   € 1,474,000 Godišnji Interes kredita u % (GIKF%) 3% Vreme Trajanja Kreditnog Finasiranja u Godinama(VTKFG) 12 Prosečna Godišnja Otplata  Kredita Finasiranja (PGOKF)  € 158,120 Operativni Troškovi ukupno za 12 god rada € 7,125,586 Operativni Troškovi ‐prosecni/ na godisnjem nivou € 593,799 Materijal Biomasa  9000t x 30€ € 270,000   Projektom su predvidjene tri opcije snabdevanja biomasom:  Prva opcija :od JP Srbija Šume(dostavljamo Pismo o mogucnostima JP) Druga opcija: od privatnih dobavljača (u prilogu su Ugovori za 3‐5 godina snabdevanja) Treca opcija: sopsveni zasad brzorasuceg drveta na  300ha (godisnji  prinos veci od 9000t) Energija i gorivo € 30,000 Vehicle registration and fuel service € 30,000 Troškovi opreme i kancelarije € 55,200 Pravni poslovi € 3,600 Računovodstvo € 6,000 Servis i održavanje gasnog motora € 18,000 Servis i održavanje opreme € 12,000 Osiguranje € 12,000 Troškovi kancelarije € 3,600 Zakup lokacije € 0 Unapredjenje Tehnologije € 0 Godišnja Ukupna Zarada nakon TOT (GUZ) = PEEPG‐TOT € 426,201 Godišnja Neto Zarada posle(GNZ) TOT,  & GT  = TOT ‐ GT € 404,891 Godišnja Taksa (porez na dobit) u %  (GT%)  5% Godišnja Taksa  (GT) = (GUZ ‐ GOFK) * GT% € 21,310 Neto Zarada PRIHOD TROŠKOVI Indirektni Troškovi Taxes ZARADA FinasijskI parametri Ukupne obaveze zbirno Margine projekta Parametri Projekata ‐ Zlatibor na drvenu biomasu snage 1MW električne energije Ukupna Zarada  
  • 47. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Vrsta posla Total Number Cost / per month Cost / per year Cost / Total 1 Cost Total 1+12 Jan‐13 Feb‐13 Mar‐13 Apr‐13 May‐13 Jun‐13 Jul‐13 Aug‐13 Sep‐13 Oct‐13 Nov‐13 Dec‐13 01.2013‐14 01.2014‐15 01.2015‐16 01.2016‐17 01.2017‐18 01.2018‐19 01.2019‐20 01.2020‐21 01.2021‐22 01.2022‐23 01.2023‐24 Cost Total  2.‐12. Vrsta posla 16 € 9,420 € 113,040 € 18,840 € 1,543,337 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 9,420 € 9,420 € 113,040 € 117,562 € 122,264 € 127,155 € 132,241 € 137,530 € 143,032 € 148,753 € 154,703 € 160,891 € 167,327 € 1,524,497 Direktor 1 € 1,200 € 14,400 € 2,400 € 196,603 € 1,200 € 1,200 € 14,400 € 14,976 € 15,575 € 16,198 € 16,846 € 17,520 € 18,221 € 18,949 € 19,707 € 20,496 € 21,316 € 194,203 Stručni radnik 1 € 1,030 € 12,360 € 2,060 € 168,751 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 1,030 € 1,030 € 12,360 € 12,854 € 13,369 € 13,903 € 14,459 € 15,038 € 15,639 € 16,265 € 16,916 € 17,592 € 18,296 € 166,691 Vozac 2 € 1,210 € 14,520 € 2,420 € 198,242 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 1,210 € 1,210 € 14,520 € 15,101 € 15,705 € 16,333 € 16,986 € 17,666 € 18,372 € 19,107 € 19,872 € 20,666 € 21,493 € 195,822 Vozac viljuskara 4 € 2,260 € 27,120 € 4,520 € 370,270 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 2,260 € 2,260 € 27,120 € 28,205 € 29,333 € 30,506 € 31,727 € 32,996 € 34,315 € 35,688 € 37,116 € 38,600 € 40,144 € 365,750 Radnik 8 € 3,720 € 44,640 € 7,440 € 609,471 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 3,720 € 3,720 € 44,640 € 46,426 € 48,283 € 50,214 € 52,222 € 54,311 € 56,484 € 58,743 € 61,093 € 63,537 € 66,078 € 602,031 Troškovi zarada
  • 48. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Vrsta posla Cost / per month Cost / per year Cost / Total 1. Cost Total 1+12 Jan‐13 Feb‐13 Mar‐13 Apr‐13 May‐13 Jun‐13 Jul‐13 Aug‐13 Sep‐13 Oct‐13 Nov‐13 Dec‐13 01.2013‐14 01.2014‐15 01.2015‐16 01.2016‐17 01.2017‐18 01.2018‐19 01.2019‐20 01.2020‐21 01.2021‐22 01.2022‐23 01.2023‐24 Cost Total  2.‐12. Materijal € 22,500 € 300,000 € 45,000 € 2,530,419 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 22,500 € 22,500 € 261,900 € 254,043 € 246,422 € 239,029 € 231,858 € 224,902 € 218,155 € 211,611 € 205,262 € 199,105 € 193,131 € 2,485,419 Biomasa  9000t x 30€ € 22,500 € 270,000 € 45,000 € 2,530,419 € 0 € 0 € 22,500 € 22,500 € 261,900 € 254,043 € 246,422 € 239,029 € 231,858 € 224,902 € 218,155 € 211,611 € 205,262 € 199,105 € 193,131 € 2,485,419 Energija i gorivo € 2,500 € 30,000 € 5,000 € 665,000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 2,500 € 2,500 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 660,000 Vehicle registration and fuel service € 2,500 € 30,000 € 5,000 € 665,000 € 0 € 0 € 2,500 € 2,500 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 60,000 € 660,000 Troškovi opreme+ofis Zlatibor+Ofis Projekt Tim € 4,600 € 55,200 € 18,200 € 662,400 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 9,100 € 9,100 € 55,200 € 55,200 € 55,200 € 55,200 € 55,200 € 55,200 € 55,200 € 55,200 € 55,200 € 55,200 € 55,200 € 607,200 Projekt Tim+ofis+prevoz+putovanje € 0 Pravni poslovi € 300 € 3,600 € 600 € 36,600 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 300 € 300 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 36,000 Računovodstvo € 500 € 6,000 € 1,000 € 67,000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 500 € 500 € 6,000 € 6,000 € 6,000 € 6,000 € 6,000 € 6,000 € 6,000 € 6,000 € 6,000 € 6,000 € 6,000 € 66,000 Servis i održavanje gasnog motora € 1,500 € 18,000 € 6,000 € 204,000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 3,000 € 3,000 € 18,000 € 18,000 € 18,000 € 18,000 € 18,000 € 18,000 € 18,000 € 18,000 € 18,000 € 18,000 € 18,000 € 198,000 Servis i održavanje opreme € 1,000 € 12,000 € 8,000 € 140,000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 4,000 € 4,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 132,000 Osiguranje € 1,000 € 12,000 € 2,000 € 134,000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 1,000 € 1,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 12,000 € 132,000 Troškovi kancelarije € 300 € 3,600 € 600 € 40,200 € 0 € 0 € 300 € 300 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 3,600 € 39,600 Zakup lokacije Unapređenje tehnologije € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 TOTAL € 29,600 € 385,200 € 68,200 € 3,820,819 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 34,100 € 34,100 € 377,100 € 369,243 € 361,622 € 354,229 € 347,058 € 340,102 € 333,355 € 326,811 € 320,462 € 314,305 € 308,331 € 3,752,619 € 60,000 Operativni troškovi
  • 49. 80000 5000 Vrsta opreme Cost / Total Feb‐13 Mar‐13 Apr‐13 May‐13 Jun‐13 Jul‐13 Aug‐13 Sep‐13 Oct‐13 Nov‐13 Dec‐13  šticer, kamiona sa sopstvenom utovarnom rukom  € 30,000 € 15,000 € 15,000 Viljuškar ili dizalica  € 10,000 10,000.00 € Cepač balvana  € 14,000 7,000.00 € € 7,000 Viljuškar 2t utovarivač u drobilicu  € 15,000 15,000.00 € Drobilica polovna d 600mm  € 45,000 € 20,000 25,000.00 € port piljevine ,cevi,ventilator 45kW,el.motor,el.orman,kontroler   € 35,000 € 20,000 10,000.00 € € 5,000 Trakasta ili Rotaciona Susara sa kompletnom opremom  € 230,000 160,000.00 € € 40,000 20,000.00 € € 10,000 sport piljevine ,cevi,ventilator 45kW,el.motor,el.orman,kontroler € 35,000 € 20,000 10,000.00 € € 10,000 Dozator piljevine  € 12,000 10,000.00 € € 2,000 Gasifikator domaci, alternativno Kineski ili GB ili USA  € 410,000 200,000.00 € € 100,000 80,000.00 € € 20,000 10,000.00 € Reparirani rezvoari od 40t   € 30,000 € 15,000 5,000.00 € € 5,000 5,000.00 € Prečistač gasa i transport do gasnih motora  € 8,000 € 8,000 Gasni motor1 MW Janbacher ili Kineski ili GB ili D  € 430,000 150,000.00 € € 125,000 125,000.00 € € 15,000 15,000.00 €   Rashladni tornjevi kapaciteta € 120,000 60000 40,000.00 € € 10,000 10,000.00 € Veza za nacionalni sistem električne mreže EPS  € 45,000 € 0 € 35,000 10,000.00 € € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 KAPITALNI TROŠKOVI IZGRADOJENJE POSTROJENJA € 1,474,000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 617,000 € 362,000 € 325,000 € 120,000 € 50,000
  • 50. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Vrsta Cost / per month Cost / per first year Cost/year Cost / Total  Jan‐13 Feb‐13 Mar‐13 Apr‐13 May‐13 Jun‐13 Jul‐13 Aug‐13 Sep‐13 Oct‐13 Nov‐13 Dec‐13 01.2013‐14 01.2014‐15 01.2015‐16 01.2016‐17 01.2017‐18 01.2018‐19 01.2019‐20 01.2020‐21 01.2021‐22 01.2022‐23 01.2023‐24 Cost Total  2.‐12. Vrsta posla Cost / per month Cost / per first 1 year Cost / Total 1. Cost Total 1+11 Jan‐13 Feb‐13 Mar‐13 Apr‐13 May‐13 Jun‐13 Jul‐13 Aug‐13 Sep‐13 Oct‐13 Nov‐13 Dec‐13 01.2013‐14 01.2014‐15 01.2015‐16 01.2016‐17 01.2017‐18 01.2018‐19 01.2019‐20 01.2020‐21 01.2021‐22 01.2022‐23 01.2023‐24 Cost Total  2.‐12. Direktni troškovi € 87,040 € 5,364,156 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 617,000 € 362,000 € 325,000 € 120,000 € 50,000 € 43,520 € 43,520 € 490,140 € 486,805 € 483,886 € 481,384 € 479,299 € 477,633 € 476,387 € 475,564 € 475,165 € 475,196 € 475,658 € 5,277,116 Troskovi opreme € 617,000 € 362,000 € 325,000 € 120,000 € 50,000 € 0 Zarade € 18,840 € 138,591 € 1,543,337 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 9,420 € 9,420 € 113,040 € 117,562 € 122,264 € 127,155 € 132,241 € 137,530 € 143,032 € 148,753 € 154,703 € 160,891 € 167,327 € 1,524,497 Rad proizvodnje € 68,200 € 3,820,819 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 34,100 € 34,100 € 377,100 € 369,243 € 361,622 € 354,229 € 347,058 € 340,102 € 333,355 € 326,811 € 320,462 € 314,305 € 308,331 € 3,752,619 Indirektni troškovi € 22,110 € 158,120 € 1,761,430 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 178,220 € 174,200 € 170,180 € 166,160 € 162,140 € 158,120 € 154,100 € 150,080 € 146,060 € 142,040 € 138,020 € 1,739,320 Bank Banka rata+kamata € 22,110 € 1,761,430 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 178,220 € 174,200 € 170,180 € 166,160 € 162,140 € 158,120 € 154,100 € 150,080 € 146,060 € 142,040 € 138,020 € 1,739,320 Takse € 0 € 0 Rata kredita € 0 € 1,474,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 1,474,000 Rata kamate € 22,110 € 287,430 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 44,220 € 40,200 € 36,180 € 32,160 € 28,140 € 24,120 € 20,100 € 16,080 € 12,060 € 8,040 € 4,020 € 265,320 TOTAL € 0 € 109,150 € 7,125,586 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 624,370 € 362,000 € 325,000 € 127,370 € 50,000 € 43,520 € 50,890 € 668,360 € 661,005 € 654,066 € 647,544 € 641,439 € 635,753 € 630,487 € 625,644 € 621,225 € 617,236 € 613,678 € 7,016,436 Troškovi
  • 51. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Income Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Income Type Per  1MW Per months Per year Total Snaga energane 1 MW El. Energ. € 136 € 85,000 € 1,020,000 € 12,864,000 € 1,644,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 U prihod nisu uračunati benefiti od prodaje nus proizvoda koji su : Aktivni ugalj u količini od 15% od 10000t biomase, po ceni od 120 €/t,  1500t*80€=120000€ Mazu u količini od 3% od 10000t biomase, po ceni od 400€/t,  300t*400€=120000€
  • 52. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Tip Total Feb‐13 Mar‐13 Apr‐13 May‐13 Jun‐13 Jul‐13 Aug‐13 Sep‐13 Oct‐13 Nov‐13 Dec‐13 01.2013‐14 01.2014‐15 01.2015‐16 01.2016‐17 01.2017‐18 01.2018‐19 01.2019‐20 01.2020‐21 01.2021‐22 01.2022‐23 01.2023‐24 Income € 13,226,000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 617,000 € 362,000 € 325,000 € 120,000 € 50,000 € 85,000 € 85,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 Lizing € 1,836,000 € 617,000 € 362,000 € 325,000 € 120,000 € 50,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 Feb‐13 Mar‐13 Apr‐13 May‐13 Jun‐13 Jul‐13 Aug‐13 Sep‐13 Oct‐13 Nov‐13 Dec‐13 01.2013‐14 01.2014‐15 01.2015‐16 01.2016‐17 01.2017‐18 01.2018‐19 01.2019‐20 01.2020‐21 01.2021‐22 01.2022‐23 01.2023‐24 Direktni troškovi € 5,364,156 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 617,000 € 362,000 € 325,000 € 120,000 € 50,000 € 43,520 € 43,520 € 490,140 € 486,805 € 483,886 € 481,384 € 479,299 € 477,633 € 476,387 € 475,564 € 475,165 € 475,196 € 475,658 Troskovi opreme € 0 € 0 € 617,000 € 362,000 € 325,000 € 120,000 € 50,000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 Zarade € 1,543,337 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 9,420 € 9,420 € 113,040 € 117,562 € 122,264 € 127,155 € 132,241 € 137,530 € 143,032 € 148,753 € 154,703 € 160,891 € 167,327 Troškovi rada € 3,820,819 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 34,100 € 34,100 € 377,100 € 369,243 € 361,622 € 354,229 € 347,058 € 340,102 € 333,355 € 326,811 € 320,462 € 314,305 € 308,331 Indirektni troškovi € 1,761,430 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 178,220 € 174,200 € 170,180 € 166,160 € 162,140 € 158,120 € 154,100 € 150,080 € 146,060 € 142,040 € 138,020 Kredit+kamata € 1,761,430 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 178,220 € 174,200 € 170,180 € 166,160 € 162,140 € 158,120 € 154,100 € 150,080 € 146,060 € 142,040 € 138,020 Takse € 0 Rata kredita € 0 € 0 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 Kamta na kredit € 287,430 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 44,220 € 40,200 € 36,180 € 32,160 € 28,140 € 24,120 € 20,100 € 16,080 € 12,060 € 8,040 € 4,020 Margine Bruto margina € 7,861,844 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 41,480 € 41,480 € 529,860 € 533,195 € 536,114 € 538,616 € 540,701 € 542,367 € 543,613 € 544,436 € 544,835 € 544,804 € 544,342 Bruto margina (%) 59.44% 48.80% 48.80% 51.95% 52.27% 52.56% 52.81% 53.01% 53.17% 53.30% 53.38% 53.42% 53.41% 53.37% Neto margina € 6,100,414 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 7,370 € 0 € 7,370 € 0 € 41,480 € 34,110 € 351,640 € 358,995 € 365,934 € 372,456 € 378,561 € 384,247 € 389,513 € 394,356 € 398,775 € 402,764 € 406,322 Neto marginina (%) 46.12% 48.80% 40.13% 34.47% 35.20% 35.88% 36.52% 37.11% 37.67% 38.19% 38.66% 39.10% 39.49% 39.84% 8.3.5. LOAN REPAYMENT PRINCIPAL: € % Year Year no. year interest Annuity 1 1 22110 0 2 2 44,220 178,220 3 3 40,200 174,200 4 4 36,180 170,180 5 5 32,160 166,160 6 6 28,140 162,140 7 7 24,120 158,120 8 8 20,100 154,100 9 9 16,080 150,080 10 10 12,060 146,060 11 11 8,040 142,040 12 12 4,020 138,020 Bank Repayment + Interest 287,430 1,761,430 In Eur 1,474,000 P&L INTEREST: 3 REPAYMENT PERIOD: 12 GRACE PERIOD: 1
  • 54. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Tnovčani tok Tip Nov‐12 Dec‐12 Jan‐13 Feb‐13 Mar‐13 Apr‐13 May‐13 Jun‐13 Sep‐13 Oct‐13 Nov‐13 Dec‐13 11.2013‐14 11.2014‐15 11.2015‐16 11.2016‐17 11.2017‐18 11.2018‐19 11.2019‐20 11.2020‐21 11.2021‐22 11.2022‐23 11.2023‐24 Mesečni novčani tok € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 617,000 € 376,740 € 0 € 325,000 € 127,370 € 50,000 € 43,520 € 50,890 € 668,360 € 661,005 € 654,066 € 647,544 € 641,439 € 635,753 € 630,487 € 625,644 € 621,225 € 617,236 € 613,678 Ulaz € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 617,000 € 362,000 € 362,000 € 325,000 € 120,000 € 50,000 € 85,000 € 85,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 Troškovi opreme € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 617,000 € 362,000 € 0 € 325,000 € 120,000 € 50,000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 Inženjering € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 Zarade € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 9,420 € 9,420 € 113,040 € 117,562 € 122,264 € 127,155 € 132,241 € 137,530 € 143,032 € 148,753 € 154,703 € 160,891 € 167,327 Troškovi rada € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 34,100 € 34,100 € 377,100 € 369,243 € 361,622 € 354,229 € 347,058 € 340,102 € 333,355 € 326,811 € 320,462 € 314,305 € 308,331 Bankarski kredit+kamata € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 7,370 € 0 € 0 € 7,370 € 0 € 0 € 7,370 € 178,220 € 174,200 € 170,180 € 166,160 € 162,140 € 158,120 € 154,100 € 150,080 € 146,060 € 142,040 € 138,020 Takse € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 Bankarski kredit+kamata € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 € 134,000 Kamata na kredit € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 7,370 € 0 € 0 € 7,370 € 0 € 0 € 7,370 € 44,220 € 40,200 € 36,180 € 32,160 € 28,140 € 24,120 € 20,100 € 16,080 € 12,060 € 8,040 € 4,020 Kumulativni tok novca € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 14,740 € 347,260 € 347,260 € 347,260 € 347,260 € 388,740 € 422,850 € 774,490 € 1,133,485 € 1,499,420 € 1,871,876 € 2,250,437 € 2,634,684 € 3,024,197 € 3,418,553 € 3,817,328 € 4,220,092 € 4,626,414 Ulaz € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 617,000 € 979,000 € 1,341,000 € 1,666,000 € 1,786,000 € 1,836,000 € 1,921,000 € 2,006,000 € 3,026,000 € 4,046,000 € 5,066,000 € 6,086,000 € 7,106,000 € 8,126,000 € 9,146,000 € 10,166,000 € 11,186,000 € 12,206,000 € 13,226,000 Troškovi opreme € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 617,000 € 979,000 € 979,000 € 1,304,000 € 1,424,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 € 1,474,000 Inženjering € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 Zarade € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 9,420 € 18,840 € 131,880 € 249,442 € 371,706 € 498,860 € 631,101 € 768,632 € 911,663 € 1,060,416 € 1,215,119 € 1,376,010 € 1,543,337 Troškovi rada € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 34,100 € 68,200 € 445,300 € 814,543 € 1,176,165 € 1,530,394 € 1,877,452 € 2,217,554 € 2,550,910 € 2,877,720 € 3,198,183 € 3,512,487 € 3,820,819 Bankarski kredit+kamata € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 14,740 € 14,740 € 14,740 € 22,110 € 200,330 € 374,530 € 544,710 € 710,870 € 873,010 € 1,031,130 € 1,185,230 € 1,335,310 € 1,481,370 € 1,623,410 € 1,761,430 Takse € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 Bankarski kredit+kamata € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 134,000 € 268,000 € 402,000 € 536,000 € 670,000 € 804,000 € 938,000 € 1,072,000 € 1,206,000 € 1,340,000 € 1,474,000 Kamata na kredit € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 7,370 € 14,740 € 14,740 € 14,740 € 22,110 € 66,330 € 106,530 € 142,710 € 174,870 € 203,010 € 227,130 € 247,230 € 263,310 € 275,370 € 283,410 € 287,430
  • 55. Kritčna tačka 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Jan‐13 Feb‐13 Mar‐13 Apr‐13 May‐13 Jun‐13 Jul‐13 Aug‐13 Sep‐13 Oct‐13 Nov‐13 Dec‐13 11.2013‐14 11.2014‐15 11.2015‐16 11.2016‐17 11.2017‐18 11.2018‐19 11.2019‐20 11.2020‐21 11.2021‐22 11.2022‐23 11.2023‐24 Ukupni prihod € 65,500 € 117,900 € 196,500 € 1,216,500 € 2,236,500 € 3,256,500 € 4,276,500 € 5,296,500 € 6,316,500 € 7,336,500 € 8,356,500 € 9,376,500 € 10,396,500 € 11,416,500 Proizvodniprihod € 26,200 € 39,300 € 52,400 € 78,600 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 € 1,020,000 Rast ukupnih troškova € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 624,370 € 986,370 € 1,311,370 € 1,438,740 € 1,488,740 € 1,532,260 € 1,583,150 € 2,251,510 € 2,912,515 € 3,566,580 € 4,214,124 € 4,855,563 € 5,491,316 € 6,121,803 € 6,747,447 € 7,368,672 € 7,985,908 € 8,599,586 Ukupni troškovi € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 624,370 € 362,000 € 325,000 € 127,370 € 50,000 € 43,520 € 50,890 € 668,360 € 661,005 € 654,066 € 647,544 € 641,439 € 635,753 € 630,487 € 625,644 € 621,225 € 617,236 € 613,678 Krediti € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 Operativni troškovi € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 34,100 € 34,100 € 377,100 € 369,243 € 361,622 € 354,229 € 347,058 € 340,102 € 333,355 € 326,811 € 320,462 € 314,305 € 308,331 Zarade € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 9,420 € 9,420 € 113,040 € 117,562 € 122,264 € 127,155 € 132,241 € 137,530 € 143,032 € 148,753 € 154,703 € 160,891 € 167,327 Takse WP kamate € 7,370 € 178,220 € 174,200 € 170,180 € 166,160 € 162,140 € 158,120 € 154,100 € 150,080 € 146,060 € 142,040 € 138,020
  • 56. The Project Biomass Power Plant on the location Zlatibor R.Srbija 25.02.2015. EKOP POSLOVI INŽENJERING D.O.O. Milutina Milankovica 7V 1070 Novi Beograd Grafik novčanog toka Grafik tačke preloma € 1.000.000 € 0 € 1.000.000 € 2.000.000 € 3.000.000 € 4.000.000 € 5.000.000 AxisTitle Cumulative Cashflow Income Direct Costs Indirect Costs € 0 € 2.000.000 € 4.000.000 € 6.000.000 € 8.000.000 € 10.000.000 € 12.000.000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Revenue Cost