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Applying Curricular Models and Theories
Meighan Richardson
April 2019
The curricular model used for this unit is the process model and adheres to the
constructivist theory of learning. Within the unit, students will be exposed to collaborative and
individualized learning opportunities, game-based learning and differentiated instruction, and
summative and formative assessments. The characteristics of the process model focus on how the
students learn, not the topic being learned. Research on the process curriculum model states,
“good curriculum would plan for learning to take place through communities of practice in
which group work and peer evaluation are normal, interpersonal contact is common and
networks of engagement are constant” (Knight, 2001).The constructivist theory is a cohesive fit
because its focus is on how students make or construct meaning which aligns with the process
curricular model as it addresses how students learn. In brain-based learning, the term
constructivist “refers to the idea that learners construct knowledge for themselves and
constructed meaning is learning. In this theory, the focus is on the learner more so that what is
being learned. All of what is constructed in dependant on the experience of the learners or
community of learners. The characteristics of this theory involve learning being active rather
than passive with the learner in control of the process and putting an emphasis on the learner
‘doing’ something. Constructivism is the idea that “learning consists of both constructing
meaning and constructing systems of meaning” ("Constructivist Learning Theory |
Exploratorium", 2019). This theory also fits the process model of learning, where the focus is on
the ‘how’ of learning. According to Dewey’s research, the construction of meaning happens in
the mind and although for some learners, hands-on experience may be involved, the mind must
be engaged as well. (Popkewitz, 1998). Another element of the process model as it also applies
to the constructivist theory is that learning is best accomplished when we connect with other
people “Dewey pointed out, progressive education recognizes the social aspect of learning and
uses conversation, interaction with others, and the application of knowledge as an integral aspect
of learning” (Popkewitz, 1998) Learning is social and when educators spend their time trying to
keep students quiet instead of embracing how they learn, classroom management issues and lack
of engagement can occur. Collaborative work within project-based learning opportunities and
game-based learning lend themselves well to the social element of learning in the process model
and constructivist theory. Learning in isolation and disjointed ideas do not lead to best
comprehension and is often unsuccessful. When students can put things into context can trust
that what they are learning is important to their own lives, they are more engaged and therefore
more successful. This idea is one of the pillars of constructivist theory “we learn in relationship
to what else we know, what we believe, our prejudices and our fears” ("Constructivist Learning
Theory | Exploratorium", 2019) a key component to constructivist theory and the process
curricular model is motivation.Motivation is needed for students internalize why they are
learning something and motivation in younger students is also essential to keep them engaged.
This is where project-based and game-based learning connect so well to the curriculum model
and learning theories. Students love competition and they love games, according to Students are
very visual learners and many have been raised with video games being an intricate part of their
lives. They also enjoy competition against themselves, their peers and people their own age,
“Competition supports self-awareness, self-determination, and increased retention through
practice and reinforcement” (Devonshire, et al., 2014).
The unit illustrated in this assessment and attached in the appendix is designed for
9th-grade students in my educational setting. There are 26 students in the two classes split into
12 and 14 respectively. Ninety-eight percent of the students are African- American and 2%
Caucasian. The reading levels range from a fourth-grade reading level to a 12th-grade reading
level. The technology in the class includes 1:1 technology and a projector and whiteboard. The
room is designed with flexible seating and collaborative groupings, as well as individual seats.
Students have a choice in their seating arrangements and groups are leveled depending on the
activities and scope of lesson. Activities are “designed to engage students actively in the
learning process through inquiry and discussion with their peers in small groups” ("What is
curriculum? Exploring theory and practice", 2019).
The students are well versed in using their laptops as we use Google products, Kahoot,
Quizlet, Newsela, IXL, and a plethora of other online games and sites. They have never
attempted Shakespeare and have not yet been exposed to it. In this unit, students will gain an
appreciation for Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Students will understand the historical and
cultural context of the play and how it continues to be relevant to modern life. The main goals of
this unit are to expose them to something new, take them out of their comfort zones while
engaging them in learning opportunities using technology creatively and helping them make
sense of a complex text. Students will express their learning in a variety of forms using
technology and creative elements. Most importantly, using the process model of curriculum and
constructivist theory as well as game based learning, students will continue to work together to
work through activities. Bruffee, an advocate of collaborative learning, describes knowledge as
“something people construct by talking together and reaching agreement” (2019).
The standards for the unit in this assessment are listed below and are taken from the
Common Core and Ohio Learning Standards.
Standards Demonstrated in Unit
❏ Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says
explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
❏ Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the
course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details;
provide an objective summary of the text.
❏ Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations)
develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or
develop the theme.
❏ Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including
figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word
choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language evokes a sense of time and place;
how it sets a formal or informal tone).
❏ Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or
shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other
information and to display information flexibly and dynamically.
❏ Work with peers to set rules for collegial discussions and decision-making (e.g., informal
consensus, taking votes on key issues, presentation of alternate views), clear goals and
deadlines, and individual roles as needed.
❏ Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive
elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence
and to add interest.
❏ Consult general and specialized reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries,
thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or
clarify its precise meaning, its part of speech, or its etymology.
❏ Demonstrate an understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in
word meanings.
❏ Interpret figures of speech (e.g., euphemism, oxymoron) in context and analyze their role
in the text.
Constructivist Learning Theory | Exploratorium. (2019). Retrieved from
Cornell University Center for Teaching Excellence. (n.d.). Collaborative learning: Group work.
Retrieved from
GooseChase - Scavenger Hunts for the Masses. (2019). Retrieved from
Knight, P.T. 2001. Complexity and curriculum: a process approach to
curriculum-making. Teaching in Higher Education 6(3):369-381.nsive” (p.377).
Newsela | Sign In. (2019). Retrieved from
Popkewitz, T. (1998). Dewey, Vygotsky, and the Social Administration of the Individual:
Constructivist Pedagogy as Systems of Ideas in Historical Spaces. American Educational
Research Journal, 35(4), 535. doi: 10.2307/1163459
Syafiqah Yaccob, N., & Md Yunus, M. (2019). Language Games in Teaching and Learning
English Grammar: A Literature Review. Arab World English Journal, 10(1), 209-217.
doi: 10.24093/awe
Devonshire, I. M., Davis, J., Fairweather, S., Highfield, L., Thaker, C., Walsh, A., Wilson, R., …
Hathway, G. J. (2014). Risk-based learning games improve long-term retention of information
among school pupils. PloS one, 9(7), e103640.
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.010364025(3/4), 7–55.
What is curriculum? Exploring theory and practice. (2019). Retrieved from
(2019). Retrieved from
Appendix 1
6 Week Unit
Week One:
Act 1, Prologue: PROLOGUE
Act 1, Scene 1: Verona. A public place.
Act 1, Scene 2: A street.
Act 1, Scene 3: A room in Capulet's house.
Act 1, Scene 4: A street.
Act 1, Scene 5: A hall in Capulet's house.
Day #1
a. Pre-assessment and identifying prior knowledge on Shakespeare -
b. Activate prior knowledge with a class discussion
1. What do you already know about Shakespeare?
2. What were the names of some of his works?
3. What do we already know about Romeo and Juliet?
4. How is this still a modern theme? How has it changed?
~Homework: intro assignment: Newsela article about Shakespeare- read and annotate
Day #2
a. Pop quiz from the article last night- differentiated inside of Newsela
b. Quick discussion about the article.
c. Teacher models Google Slides for e-portfolio construction
d. Model translation website- Lingo
e. Start Act One- Prologue
~Homework: finish Scene 1
Day #3
a. Get into pairs and jigsaw the prologue to the play- Formative
b. Go around the room and piece prologue together in modern words
c. Model summary tool for students: Shmoop
d. Finish Scene
e. Discuss modern connections
~Homework: find a song, tv show, movie, etc. that exhibits the theme of R and J.
Day #4
a. Share 3 modern day connections from last night- Formative
b. Choose universal themes out of the box and get with a partner
❏ Love and hate can drive people to do outrageous things.
❏ Love is a paradox
❏ Our families shape who we are
❏ Everyone can be impulsive
❏ Great literature teaches timeless lessons
❏ Good intentions do not always mean success
❏ Our choices shape our lives
❏ Names and Labels are powerful
c. Spend some collaborative time to discuss the project.
d. Read scene
Day #5
a. Share 3 more modern day connections
b. Model plot tool for class- timeline tool
c. Finish Scene
~Homework: Finish Scene
Week #2
Act 2, Prologue: PROLOGUE
Act 2, Scene 1: A lane by the wall of Capulet's orchard.
Act 2, Scene 2: Capulet's orchard.
Act 2, Scene 3: Friar Laurence's cell.
Act 2, Scene 4: A street.
Act 2, Scene 5: Capulet's orchard.
Act 2, Scene 6: Friar Laurence's cell.
Day #1
a. Finish modern day connections
b. Define and model Tableaus
c. Practice movies scenes to tableau
d. Model characterization tool- cards, fakebook
~Homework- Read and annotate Newsela about modern-day arranged marriages in Asia.
Day #2
a. Quick write - how would you feel if your parents choose who you had to marry?
b. Share quick writes
c. Model- Goanimate, Pixton, and Toondoo for theme part of eportfolio
d. Read together and in small groups
~Homework- Finish scene
Day #3
a. Practice a quick online comic using one of the tools from eportfolio
b. Read together or in small groups
c. Collaborative time
~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects
Day #4
a. Monologue vs soliloquy
b. Read together or in small groups
c. Collaborative time
~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects
Day #5
a. Discuss poetic devices
b. Play team Kahoot- poetic devices
c. Write a couplet in pairs- Post
~Homework- Work on portfolios
Week #3
Act 3, Scene 1: A public place.
Act 3, Scene 2: Capulet's orchard.
Act 3, Scene 3: Friar Laurence's cell.
Act 3, Scene 4: A room in Capulet's house.
Act 3, Scene 5: Capulet's orchard.
Day #1
a. Create a tableau of any scene- have other groups guess the scene
b. Read together or in small groups
d. Collaborative time
~Homework- Finish scene/work on projects
Day #2
a. Shakespearean insults game:
b. Read together or in small groups
c. Collaborative time
~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects
Day #3
a. Write your own Shakespearean insults: poetry slam
b. Read together or in small groups
c. Collaborative time
~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects
Day #4
a. Catch up reading
b. Read together or in small groups
c. Collaborative time
~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects
Day #5
a. Give status reports from each group.
b. Troubleshoot issues
c. Shuffle teams and play Goosechase in new pairs
d. Exit ticket- how did game based learning affect the understanding of the play?
~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects
Week #4
Act 4, Scene 1: Friar Laurence's cell.
Act 4, Scene 2: Hall in Capulet's house.
Act 4, Scene 3: Juliet's chamber.
Act 4, Scene 4: Hall in Capulet's house.
Act 4, Scene 5: Juliet's chamber.
Day #1
a. Read together or in small groups
e. Collaborative time
~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects
Day #2
a. Read together or in small groups
b. Collaborative time
~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects
Day #3
a. Read together or in small groups
b. Collaborative time
~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects
Day #4
a. Read together or in small groups
b. Collaborative time
~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects
Day #5
a. Read together or in small groups
b. Collaborative time
~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects
Week #5
Act 5, Scene 1: Mantua. A street.
Act 5, Scene 2: Friar Laurence's cell.
Act 5, Scene 3: A churchyard; in it a tomb belonging to the Capulets.
Day #1
a. Create a tableau of any scene: guess the scene
b. Read together or in small groups
c. Collaborative time
~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects
Day #2
a. Read together or in small groups
b. Discuss and answer questions together
c. Collaborative time
~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects
Day #3
a. Write an alternate ending to the play
b. Read, act out, or create animation to share
c. Collaborative time
~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects
Day #4
a. Kahoot or Quizlet- types of poetic devices
b. Read together or in small groups
c. Collaborative time
~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects
Day #5
a. Kahoot or Quizlet- types of poetic devices
b. Read together or in small groups
c. Collaborative time
~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects
Week #6
Presentations of eportfolios
Day #1- Group 1
Formative assessment- peer critique, group reflection
Day #2- Group 2
Formative assessment- peer critique, group reflection
Day #3- Group 3
Formative assessment- peer critique, group reflection
Day #4 -Group 4
Formative assessment- peer critique, group reflection
Day #5- Group 5
Formative assessment- peer critique, group reflection
The summative assessment will be our final eportfolio project which will include all of the
artifacts created. The score breakdown is attached below and includes point breakdown and
competency level
Formative assessments- peer critiques, group reflection
Appendix 2
Romeo and Juliet EPortfolio
Directions: Using Google Slides, create an e-portfolio which addresses every category listed
below. Use creativity and make sure spelling and grammar are correct.
Title slide: ______10pts:
Display the universal theme you were assigned and a quote from the play that illustrates it.
Table of Contents: ______10pts:
On your second page, please provide a table of contents indicating slide numbers and subtitles of
each slide.
An analysis of the setting of the play AND how it affects the story.
Choose ONE ACT of the play and delineate the events in it. Ex. plot diagram, timeline
Provide a visual and written analysis of a minimum of 5 characters AND how they changed
throughout the play ex. playing cards, fakebook pages
Choose a scene from the play, display the stanza which includes a minimum of 5 poetic devices.
Identify the poetic devices used
Choose 6-10 lines and translate into modern language. Display creatively
Using the universal theme you were assigned, create a video, animated video, newspaper article,
etc evaluating how Romeo and Juliet illustrate that theme.
Modern Connection:_____20pts
How is Shakespeare is still relevant today?
Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are correct. Slides are in the correct order and neatly put
together. Due dates are adhered to.
Works cited:______30pts
Your last slide should be a correctly formatted works cited page.
Total points available 400
Score breakdown by points and letter grade and competency
A 400-375 Advanced
B 374-325 Proficient
C 324-280 Basic
D 279-245 Limited
F 244-0 Non-performance
Appendix 3
Lesson - Goose chase game
Curricular model- Process
Learning theory: constructivist, collaborative and game-based
Where in the unit: Week 3
❏ Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or
shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other
information and to display information flexibly and dynamically.
❏ Work with peers to set rules for collegial discussions and decision-making (e.g., informal
consensus, taking votes on key issues, presentation of alternate views), clear goals and
deadlines, and individual roles as needed.
❏ Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive
elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence
and to add interest.
Description of lesson: Students will be put into pairs which are different from the groups in
which they are assigned for their eportfolio. Students will sign into the website
and the teacher will provide the game sign on code. The timer will be set and students will have
45 minutes to earn as many points as possible completing the missions in the activity. The
activities match the standards in which we are learning and use a variety of learning modalities
all including technology. This lesson utilizes the process curriculum model by focusing on the
process of completing each activity as opposed to the final product of the lesson. Comparatively
it adheres to the constructivist theory of learning as the students have chose and construct
meaning through each activity. Game based learning is the framework and competition built in
for optimum engagement.
The assessment for this lesson will include mission points and a quick write the following day
explaining how they thought the lesson went.
Romeo and Juliet
Goose chase game
A plague o' both your houses! 5 Points
As he is dying in 3.1, Mercutio said, “Ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a _______
man.” Find a picture in our classroom, in a book, or on the computer of what he is describing.
Contradictions 5 Points
Find an oxymoron in Act 3.
Day and Night 5 Points
What two birds were mentioned in 3.5?
Famous Phrase 5 Points
Take a picture of a famous line from this story.
Here's my fiddlestick 15 Points
Re-enact and record and post the scene where Mercutio gets fatally stabbed by Tybalt.
Hint: 3 characters should be in the picture.
Not a Pun 5 Points
Nurse is known to make mistakes in language in the form of malapropisms. Find an example of
this in 2.4 and snap a photo of it or type and share it.
O Italy! 5 Points
According Lord Capulet, what day of the week will Juliet marry Paris? Write the word in Italian.
Paradox 5 Points
Find an example of a paradox in 3.2 and snap a photo of it.
The Sun God 5 Points
Find an allusion to Apollo in Act 3.
Travel Bug 5 Points
In which city will Romeo hide after his banishment? Take a picture of a travel website with
information about this place.
Thou Wretched Girl 10 Points
Pretend you are Capulet after hearing that Juliet does not want to marry Paris. In
Shakespearean English, write a couplet expressing your anger and/or the punishment over her
disobedience. This needs to be original. Submit a photo of your work.
You've got mail! 10 Points
After the party, Tybalt sends a letter of challenge to Romeo. Pretend you are Tybalt and write a
letter of four lines in Shakespearean English to Romeo. Submit a photo of your work.
A Fickle Lover 15 Points
Pretend you are Friar Lawrence upon hearing from Romeo that he has forgotten Rosaline and
now wants to marry his new love Juliet. In Shakespearean English, write two couplets (4 lines)
that show your shocked disapproval. Submit a photo of your work.
("GooseChase - Scavenger Hunts for the Masses", 2019)

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Romeo and Juliet Lesson Plan

  • 1. Running Header: APPLYING CURRICULAR MODELS 1 Applying Curricular Models and Theories Meighan Richardson Capella April 2019
  • 2. APPLYING CURRICULAR MODELS 2 The curricular model used for this unit is the process model and adheres to the constructivist theory of learning. Within the unit, students will be exposed to collaborative and individualized learning opportunities, game-based learning and differentiated instruction, and summative and formative assessments. The characteristics of the process model focus on how the students learn, not the topic being learned. Research on the process curriculum model states, “good curriculum would plan for learning to take place through communities of practice in which group work and peer evaluation are normal, interpersonal contact is common and networks of engagement are constant” (Knight, 2001).The constructivist theory is a cohesive fit because its focus is on how students make or construct meaning which aligns with the process curricular model as it addresses how students learn. In brain-based learning, the term constructivist “refers to the idea that learners construct knowledge for themselves and constructed meaning is learning. In this theory, the focus is on the learner more so that what is being learned. All of what is constructed in dependant on the experience of the learners or community of learners. The characteristics of this theory involve learning being active rather than passive with the learner in control of the process and putting an emphasis on the learner ‘doing’ something. Constructivism is the idea that “learning consists of both constructing meaning and constructing systems of meaning” ("Constructivist Learning Theory | Exploratorium", 2019). This theory also fits the process model of learning, where the focus is on the ‘how’ of learning. According to Dewey’s research, the construction of meaning happens in the mind and although for some learners, hands-on experience may be involved, the mind must be engaged as well. (Popkewitz, 1998). Another element of the process model as it also applies to the constructivist theory is that learning is best accomplished when we connect with other
  • 3. APPLYING CURRICULAR MODELS 3 people “Dewey pointed out, progressive education recognizes the social aspect of learning and uses conversation, interaction with others, and the application of knowledge as an integral aspect of learning” (Popkewitz, 1998) Learning is social and when educators spend their time trying to keep students quiet instead of embracing how they learn, classroom management issues and lack of engagement can occur. Collaborative work within project-based learning opportunities and game-based learning lend themselves well to the social element of learning in the process model and constructivist theory. Learning in isolation and disjointed ideas do not lead to best comprehension and is often unsuccessful. When students can put things into context can trust that what they are learning is important to their own lives, they are more engaged and therefore more successful. This idea is one of the pillars of constructivist theory “we learn in relationship to what else we know, what we believe, our prejudices and our fears” ("Constructivist Learning Theory | Exploratorium", 2019) a key component to constructivist theory and the process curricular model is motivation.Motivation is needed for students internalize why they are learning something and motivation in younger students is also essential to keep them engaged. This is where project-based and game-based learning connect so well to the curriculum model and learning theories. Students love competition and they love games, according to Students are very visual learners and many have been raised with video games being an intricate part of their lives. They also enjoy competition against themselves, their peers and people their own age, “Competition supports self-awareness, self-determination, and increased retention through practice and reinforcement” (Devonshire, et al., 2014). The unit illustrated in this assessment and attached in the appendix is designed for 9th-grade students in my educational setting. There are 26 students in the two classes split into
  • 4. APPLYING CURRICULAR MODELS 4 12 and 14 respectively. Ninety-eight percent of the students are African- American and 2% Caucasian. The reading levels range from a fourth-grade reading level to a 12th-grade reading level. The technology in the class includes 1:1 technology and a projector and whiteboard. The room is designed with flexible seating and collaborative groupings, as well as individual seats. Students have a choice in their seating arrangements and groups are leveled depending on the activities and scope of lesson. Activities are “designed to engage students actively in the learning process through inquiry and discussion with their peers in small groups” ("What is curriculum? Exploring theory and practice", 2019). The students are well versed in using their laptops as we use Google products, Kahoot, Quizlet, Newsela, IXL, and a plethora of other online games and sites. They have never attempted Shakespeare and have not yet been exposed to it. In this unit, students will gain an appreciation for Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Students will understand the historical and cultural context of the play and how it continues to be relevant to modern life. The main goals of this unit are to expose them to something new, take them out of their comfort zones while engaging them in learning opportunities using technology creatively and helping them make sense of a complex text. Students will express their learning in a variety of forms using technology and creative elements. Most importantly, using the process model of curriculum and constructivist theory as well as game based learning, students will continue to work together to work through activities. Bruffee, an advocate of collaborative learning, describes knowledge as “something people construct by talking together and reaching agreement” (2019).
  • 5. APPLYING CURRICULAR MODELS 5 The standards for the unit in this assessment are listed below and are taken from the Common Core and Ohio Learning Standards. Standards Demonstrated in Unit ❏ Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. ❏ Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. ❏ Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme. ❏ Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language evokes a sense of time and place; how it sets a formal or informal tone). ❏ Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically. ❏ Work with peers to set rules for collegial discussions and decision-making (e.g., informal consensus, taking votes on key issues, presentation of alternate views), clear goals and deadlines, and individual roles as needed. ❏ Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest. ❏ Consult general and specialized reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning, its part of speech, or its etymology. ❏ Demonstrate an understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. ❏ Interpret figures of speech (e.g., euphemism, oxymoron) in context and analyze their role in the text.
  • 6. APPLYING CURRICULAR MODELS 6 References Constructivist Learning Theory | Exploratorium. (2019). Retrieved from Cornell University Center for Teaching Excellence. (n.d.). Collaborative learning: Group work. Retrieved from GooseChase - Scavenger Hunts for the Masses. (2019). Retrieved from Knight, P.T. 2001. Complexity and curriculum: a process approach to curriculum-making. Teaching in Higher Education 6(3):369-381.nsive” (p.377). Newsela | Sign In. (2019). Retrieved from Popkewitz, T. (1998). Dewey, Vygotsky, and the Social Administration of the Individual: Constructivist Pedagogy as Systems of Ideas in Historical Spaces. American Educational Research Journal, 35(4), 535. doi: 10.2307/1163459 Syafiqah Yaccob, N., & Md Yunus, M. (2019). Language Games in Teaching and Learning English Grammar: A Literature Review. Arab World English Journal, 10(1), 209-217. doi: 10.24093/awe
  • 7. APPLYING CURRICULAR MODELS 7 Devonshire, I. M., Davis, J., Fairweather, S., Highfield, L., Thaker, C., Walsh, A., Wilson, R., … Hathway, G. J. (2014). Risk-based learning games improve long-term retention of information among school pupils. PloS one, 9(7), e103640. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.010364025(3/4), 7–55. What is curriculum? Exploring theory and practice. (2019). Retrieved from (2019). Retrieved from
  • 8. APPLYING CURRICULAR MODELS 8 Appendix 1 6 Week Unit Week One: Readings Act 1, Prologue: PROLOGUE Act 1, Scene 1: Verona. A public place. Act 1, Scene 2: A street. Act 1, Scene 3: A room in Capulet's house. Act 1, Scene 4: A street. Act 1, Scene 5: A hall in Capulet's house. Day #1 a. Pre-assessment and identifying prior knowledge on Shakespeare - b. Activate prior knowledge with a class discussion 1. What do you already know about Shakespeare? 2. What were the names of some of his works? 3. What do we already know about Romeo and Juliet? 4. How is this still a modern theme? How has it changed? ~Homework: intro assignment: Newsela article about Shakespeare- read and annotate Day #2 a. Pop quiz from the article last night- differentiated inside of Newsela b. Quick discussion about the article. c. Teacher models Google Slides for e-portfolio construction d. Model translation website- Lingo e. Start Act One- Prologue ~Homework: finish Scene 1
  • 9. APPLYING CURRICULAR MODELS 9 Day #3 a. Get into pairs and jigsaw the prologue to the play- Formative b. Go around the room and piece prologue together in modern words c. Model summary tool for students: Shmoop d. Finish Scene e. Discuss modern connections ~Homework: find a song, tv show, movie, etc. that exhibits the theme of R and J. Day #4 a. Share 3 modern day connections from last night- Formative b. Choose universal themes out of the box and get with a partner ❏ Love and hate can drive people to do outrageous things. ❏ Love is a paradox ❏ Our families shape who we are ❏ Everyone can be impulsive ❏ Great literature teaches timeless lessons ❏ Good intentions do not always mean success ❏ Our choices shape our lives ❏ Names and Labels are powerful c. Spend some collaborative time to discuss the project. d. Read scene Day #5 a. Share 3 more modern day connections b. Model plot tool for class- timeline tool c. Finish Scene ~Homework: Finish Scene
  • 10. APPLYING CURRICULAR MODELS 10 Week #2 Readings Act 2, Prologue: PROLOGUE Act 2, Scene 1: A lane by the wall of Capulet's orchard. Act 2, Scene 2: Capulet's orchard. Act 2, Scene 3: Friar Laurence's cell. Act 2, Scene 4: A street. Act 2, Scene 5: Capulet's orchard. Act 2, Scene 6: Friar Laurence's cell. Day #1 a. Finish modern day connections b. Define and model Tableaus c. Practice movies scenes to tableau d. Model characterization tool- cards, fakebook ~Homework- Read and annotate Newsela about modern-day arranged marriages in Asia. Day #2 a. Quick write - how would you feel if your parents choose who you had to marry? Formative b. Share quick writes c. Model- Goanimate, Pixton, and Toondoo for theme part of eportfolio d. Read together and in small groups ~Homework- Finish scene Day #3 a. Practice a quick online comic using one of the tools from eportfolio b. Read together or in small groups c. Collaborative time ~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects
  • 11. APPLYING CURRICULAR MODELS 11 Day #4 a. Monologue vs soliloquy b. Read together or in small groups c. Collaborative time ~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects Day #5 a. Discuss poetic devices b. Play team Kahoot- poetic devices c. Write a couplet in pairs- Post ~Homework- Work on portfolios
  • 12. APPLYING CURRICULAR MODELS 12 Week #3 Readings Act 3, Scene 1: A public place. Act 3, Scene 2: Capulet's orchard. Act 3, Scene 3: Friar Laurence's cell. Act 3, Scene 4: A room in Capulet's house. Act 3, Scene 5: Capulet's orchard. Day #1 a. Create a tableau of any scene- have other groups guess the scene b. Read together or in small groups d. Collaborative time ~Homework- Finish scene/work on projects Day #2 a. Shakespearean insults game: b. Read together or in small groups c. Collaborative time ~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects Day #3 a. Write your own Shakespearean insults: poetry slam b. Read together or in small groups c. Collaborative time ~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects
  • 13. APPLYING CURRICULAR MODELS 13 Day #4 a. Catch up reading b. Read together or in small groups c. Collaborative time ~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects Day #5 a. Give status reports from each group. b. Troubleshoot issues c. Shuffle teams and play Goosechase in new pairs d. Exit ticket- how did game based learning affect the understanding of the play? ~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects SEE LESSON ATTACHED IN APPENDIX FOR ASSESSMENT
  • 14. APPLYING CURRICULAR MODELS 14 Week #4 Readings: Act 4, Scene 1: Friar Laurence's cell. Act 4, Scene 2: Hall in Capulet's house. Act 4, Scene 3: Juliet's chamber. Act 4, Scene 4: Hall in Capulet's house. Act 4, Scene 5: Juliet's chamber. Day #1 a. Read together or in small groups e. Collaborative time ~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects Day #2 a. Read together or in small groups b. Collaborative time ~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects Day #3 a. Read together or in small groups b. Collaborative time ~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects Day #4 a. Read together or in small groups b. Collaborative time ~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects
  • 15. APPLYING CURRICULAR MODELS 15 Day #5 a. Read together or in small groups b. Collaborative time ~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects
  • 16. APPLYING CURRICULAR MODELS 16 Week #5 Readings: Act 5, Scene 1: Mantua. A street. Act 5, Scene 2: Friar Laurence's cell. Act 5, Scene 3: A churchyard; in it a tomb belonging to the Capulets. Day #1 a. Create a tableau of any scene: guess the scene b. Read together or in small groups c. Collaborative time ~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects Day #2 a. Read together or in small groups b. Discuss and answer questions together c. Collaborative time ~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects Day #3 a. Write an alternate ending to the play b. Read, act out, or create animation to share c. Collaborative time ~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects Day #4 a. Kahoot or Quizlet- types of poetic devices b. Read together or in small groups
  • 17. APPLYING CURRICULAR MODELS 17 c. Collaborative time ~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects Day #5 a. Kahoot or Quizlet- types of poetic devices b. Read together or in small groups c. Collaborative time ~Homework- Finish Scene/work on projects
  • 18. APPLYING CURRICULAR MODELS 18 Week #6 Presentations of eportfolios Day #1- Group 1 Formative assessment- peer critique, group reflection Day #2- Group 2 Formative assessment- peer critique, group reflection Day #3- Group 3 Formative assessment- peer critique, group reflection Day #4 -Group 4 Formative assessment- peer critique, group reflection Day #5- Group 5 Formative assessment- peer critique, group reflection Assessments: The summative assessment will be our final eportfolio project which will include all of the artifacts created. The score breakdown is attached below and includes point breakdown and competency level Formative assessments- peer critiques, group reflection
  • 19. APPLYING CURRICULAR MODELS 19 Appendix 2 Romeo and Juliet EPortfolio Directions: Using Google Slides, create an e-portfolio which addresses every category listed below. Use creativity and make sure spelling and grammar are correct. Title slide: ______10pts: Display the universal theme you were assigned and a quote from the play that illustrates it. Table of Contents: ______10pts: On your second page, please provide a table of contents indicating slide numbers and subtitles of each slide. Setting:______30pts: An analysis of the setting of the play AND how it affects the story. ❏ ❏ ❏ mplate-for-kids-printable-newspaper-school-regarding-blank-newspaper-template Plot:______50pts. Choose ONE ACT of the play and delineate the events in it. Ex. plot diagram, timeline ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ mplate-for-kids-printable-newspaper-school-regarding-blank-newspaper-template Characters:______50pts Provide a visual and written analysis of a minimum of 5 characters AND how they changed throughout the play ex. playing cards, fakebook pages ❏ ions.html ❏
  • 20. APPLYING CURRICULAR MODELS 20 ❏ Language:_______50pts Choose a scene from the play, display the stanza which includes a minimum of 5 poetic devices. Identify the poetic devices used ❏ ❏ ❏ Translation:_______50pts Choose 6-10 lines and translate into modern language. Display creatively ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ mplate-for-kids-printable-newspaper-school-regarding-blank-newspaper-template Theme:_____50pts. Using the universal theme you were assigned, create a video, animated video, newspaper article, etc evaluating how Romeo and Juliet illustrate that theme. ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ mplate-for-kids-printable-newspaper-school-regarding-blank-newspaper-template Modern Connection:_____20pts How is Shakespeare is still relevant today? ❏ mplate-for-kids-printable-newspaper-school-regarding-blank-newspaper-template ❏ Mechanics:_______50pts Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are correct. Slides are in the correct order and neatly put together. Due dates are adhered to.
  • 21. APPLYING CURRICULAR MODELS 21 Works cited:______30pts Your last slide should be a correctly formatted works cited page. Total points available 400 Score breakdown by points and letter grade and competency A 400-375 Advanced B 374-325 Proficient C 324-280 Basic D 279-245 Limited F 244-0 Non-performance
  • 22. APPLYING CURRICULAR MODELS 22 Appendix 3 Lesson - Goose chase game Curricular model- Process Learning theory: constructivist, collaborative and game-based Where in the unit: Week 3 ❏ Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically. ❏ Work with peers to set rules for collegial discussions and decision-making (e.g., informal consensus, taking votes on key issues, presentation of alternate views), clear goals and deadlines, and individual roles as needed. ❏ Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest. Description of lesson: Students will be put into pairs which are different from the groups in which they are assigned for their eportfolio. Students will sign into the website and the teacher will provide the game sign on code. The timer will be set and students will have 45 minutes to earn as many points as possible completing the missions in the activity. The activities match the standards in which we are learning and use a variety of learning modalities all including technology. This lesson utilizes the process curriculum model by focusing on the process of completing each activity as opposed to the final product of the lesson. Comparatively it adheres to the constructivist theory of learning as the students have chose and construct meaning through each activity. Game based learning is the framework and competition built in for optimum engagement. The assessment for this lesson will include mission points and a quick write the following day
  • 23. APPLYING CURRICULAR MODELS 23 explaining how they thought the lesson went. Romeo and Juliet Goose chase game A plague o' both your houses! 5 Points As he is dying in 3.1, Mercutio said, “Ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a _______ man.” Find a picture in our classroom, in a book, or on the computer of what he is describing. Contradictions 5 Points Find an oxymoron in Act 3. Day and Night 5 Points What two birds were mentioned in 3.5? Famous Phrase 5 Points Take a picture of a famous line from this story. Here's my fiddlestick 15 Points Re-enact and record and post the scene where Mercutio gets fatally stabbed by Tybalt. Hint: 3 characters should be in the picture. Not a Pun 5 Points Nurse is known to make mistakes in language in the form of malapropisms. Find an example of this in 2.4 and snap a photo of it or type and share it. O Italy! 5 Points According Lord Capulet, what day of the week will Juliet marry Paris? Write the word in Italian. Paradox 5 Points Find an example of a paradox in 3.2 and snap a photo of it. The Sun God 5 Points Find an allusion to Apollo in Act 3. Travel Bug 5 Points
  • 24. APPLYING CURRICULAR MODELS 24 In which city will Romeo hide after his banishment? Take a picture of a travel website with information about this place. Thou Wretched Girl 10 Points Pretend you are Capulet after hearing that Juliet does not want to marry Paris. In Shakespearean English, write a couplet expressing your anger and/or the punishment over her disobedience. This needs to be original. Submit a photo of your work. You've got mail! 10 Points After the party, Tybalt sends a letter of challenge to Romeo. Pretend you are Tybalt and write a letter of four lines in Shakespearean English to Romeo. Submit a photo of your work. A Fickle Lover 15 Points Pretend you are Friar Lawrence upon hearing from Romeo that he has forgotten Rosaline and now wants to marry his new love Juliet. In Shakespearean English, write two couplets (4 lines) that show your shocked disapproval. Submit a photo of your work. ("GooseChase - Scavenger Hunts for the Masses", 2019)