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TAN VIN NIE 0323706
a.) Apparatus / Materials
b.) Procedure
a.) Minutes of Meeting
b.) Roles of each members
5 SCRIPT 9-12
7 APPENDIX 19-29
First of all, we would like to thank all group members who did a lot of contribution,
teamwork and also participation in accomplishing this final research report and the
conceptual video clip. Of course the participation and contribution of the group
members in different aspect caused this final assignment process to run smoothly and
without it wouldn’t be possible for us to complete the assignment on time.
Besides that, we would also like to thank and express our deepest gratitude to our
lecturer, Mr Shankar for giving us guidance and leading us to understand the social
psychology concepts while providing various types of interesting examples. Due to
different interesting of examples given, it makes us understand when and how to apply
the correct concepts in our daily life and of course our assignments. Lastly, due to Mr
Shankar guidance and effort throughout the whole process, we managed to finish both
the video clips and report successfully.
In this final assignment, it is separated into two main parts where students need to
produce a research report together with a social psychology conceptual video clip which
implies the concept and theories from any chapter that has been taught by Mr Shankar
throughout the whole semester. This is a group assignment and we are required to form
a group of 4-6 person. After that, there will be also a presentation for us to present the
concepts that we applied on our film.
So for the video, the 5 different social psychology concepts that we applied in our
video are first impression, impression management, counterfactual thinking, self
fulfilling prophecy and belief in just world. The story of our video is basically about bad
behavior of Sulaiman where he likes to flirt with different girls.
As for the second part will be the research report. We are required to write the whole
process of making our video clip into the report such as apparatus and materials.
Moving on will be the presentation, we are required to put all concepts applied in the
video clip in the Power-point slides and explain how it is used during the presentation.
The benefits of this assignment are students can have a better understanding of
psychology within the connection between concepts and perspective applied in daily life.
Apparatus and Materials
1.) Canon DSLR Camera – Film the whole video.
2.) Lenovo Laptop – For video editing.
3.) Asus Laptop – Combine the video and subtitle.
5.) Iphone 6- To touch up some scene.
6.) Plain papers
7.) Pen and Pencil
8.) Window Movie Maker- Video editing software.
B.) Procedure
1.) Choosing the suitable concept for our story
- First of all, we had our first meeting outside the library. During the meeting, we
discussed one different concept that everyone suggested and finally we decided to use 8
different concept think by Yeong Poh Ling and Kenneth Tan. After that, we started
discussed on the storyline to see whether which concepts are suitable to be included in
the video.
2.) Finalizing the concepts.
- We started to flips through our lecture notes given by Mr Shankar to analyze the best
and possibilities of the concepts when being applied in our video. After analyzing the
good and best part of the story, we finally chose 5 concepts to be used in our video
which are first impression, impression management, counterfactual thinking, self-
fulfilling prophecy and belief in just world.
3.) Screenwriting and planning of the video
- After decided the 5 suitable concepts to be used in our video, we did our second
meeting for video planning. Vinnie came up with a script for the video while she sent it
to the rest of the group members. After several discussions, we chose Sulaiman and Poh
Ling as the main character while Kenneth, Calvin is the friend of Sulaiman while Vinnie is
the friend of Poh Ling. Lastly, we also set a date and time for filming the video.
4.) Video shooting day
- After our psychology class, we gathered and Block D level 8 sitting area. We start our
first scene there where Calvin, Kenneth and Sulaiman were talking and Kenneth realized
that Sulaiman looks tired. We finished our video shooting on that day and it eventually
took approximately around 3 ½ hours to complete it.
5.) Voice record and video editing
- Kenneth and Sulaiman meet up to do the background voices of Sulaiman. We started
to record the voice following the exact timing with the video. After everything is done,
Kenneth did the video trimming also adding the subtitle and passed it over to Calvin for
6.) Prepare the report and the presentation slides
- Kenneth divided the tasks equally to all group members to ensure that the assignment
can be completed on time. Kenneth will be responsible for the video trimming, subtitle
and the report. Calvin in charge of the video editing and some trimming, Vinnie in
charge of the script and report while Poh Ling and Sulaiman in charge of the
presentation slides. As we completed our own tasks, we conducted another meeting to
complied all the work and finalized the report.
1.) 14th December 2015
Time: 10am-12pm
Venue: Outside Taylor’s Library sitting area
Activity: Group members give their suggested concepts and finalized the suitable
concepts to be used in the video.
2.) 21th December 2015
Time: 11am-1pm
Venue: Event hall 2, Taylor’s Library
Activity: Discussing who to be the main character and find suitable place for each scene.
Besides that, Vinnie also came out with the script of the video too.
3.) 26th January 2016
Time: 2pm-4pm
Venue: Block D, Level 8 sitting area
Activity: Recording of the background audio by Sulaiman.
4.) 29th January 2016
Time: 2pm-3pm
Venue: Outside Taylor’s Library sitting area
Activity: Complied all information and check the error on both of the presentation slides
and report.
1.) Sulaiman Idris- the main character.
2.) Yeong Poh Ling- the main character. (The girl that Sulaiman fall in love)
3.) Kenneth Tan Sin Kwang- Sulaiman’s friend. (Video trimming and add subtitle)
4.) Calvin Wong Ping Kiet- Sulaiman’s friend. (Video editing and some trimming)
5.) Tan Vin Nie- Yeong Poh Ling and Kenneth friend.
1.) Kenneth Tan Sin Kwang – Introduction, acknowledgement, methodology, and
procedure minutes of meetings and roles.
2.) Tan Vin Nie- Scripts, concepts, definitions and appendix.
Presentation Slides
1.) Sulaiman Idris
2.) Yeong Poh Ling
Scene 1
Kenneth,Calvin and Sulaiman spend theirleisure time, sharing their interesting experiencesin
Kenneth:Hey,Sulaiman.Youlooksotiredtoday.What didyoudo yesterday?
Sulaiman:YesterdayIbroke my record,Kenneth.Idatedtwogirlsinone day.
Calvin:Wow…I neverhave thisexperience before.Itsoundsfabulous.
Sulaiman:Youshouldtryit tooman. It’sfun!
Kenneth:Doyouguyshave any otherplanstoday?I have invitedtwoof myfemale classmates
to joinusfor lunchlater.I thinktheyare on the way now.
Kenneth:They’re justtwonormal-lookinggirlsman.
Sulaiman:What?Normal girls?It’sokaylar…
Poh Ling and Vin Nie passby and coincidently hear whatSulaiman said.They giveeach othera
lookand feel annoyed withhisattitudeand behavior.Hisfirst impression hasbeen destroyed.
Kenneth:Eh,youguysare here.Come andtake a seatwithus.
Poh Ling and Vin Nie taketheir seats.Sulaiman feels amazed when he seesPoh Ling. He is
attracted by her. They start enjoying theirconversation pleasantly.Aftera while…
PohLing: Heyguys,I’m goingtobuy some drinks.
Sulaiman:Hmm…I thinkI’ll follow you.
PohLing: Okay.Let’sgo.
Scene 2
Sulaiman and Poh Ling come to thevending machine.
Sulaiman:Whatdrinksdoyou want?
PohLing: Hmm… I thinkIwant a mineral water.
Poh Ling takesoutone dollarand tries to enterit. However,Sulaiman stopsher.
Sulaiman entersonedollar and tapson the button.He bendsdown to pick outthe drinkfor her.
PohLing: I payback to you.
Sulaiman:Nono…It’s okay.It’sall on me.
PohLing: Thanks.
On the way back…
Sulaiman:Doyoumindto give me your phone number?
PohLing: Okay…
Poh Ling givesher phonenumberto Sulaiman reluctantly.
Scene 3
Poh Ling acts very cold to Sulaiman.WheneverSulaiman sendsmessageto her,shereplies him
shortly and briefly.Sometimes,sheignoreshis messageaswell. Sulaiman feelsdistressed with
her behavior.To get closer to her,he decides to date her forlunch.
He waits forPoh Ling outsidethe classroom.Finally,shewalksoutthe classroom.
PohLing: Hi.What do youwant to ask me?
PohLing: whatis it?
Sulaiman:Ijust…want… err….
PohLing: Can youtalkfasterplease?Iam ina rush.
Poh Ling looksat him unpleasant.Shefeelannoyed with hisaction.
PohLing: I thinkIhave to go.
Sulaiman:Wait.I…Do youmindto have a lunchwithme tomorrow?
PohLing: No,thankyou.
Poh Ling walksaway quickly.Sulaiman standson thesamespot,watching Poh Ling disappearsin
frontof his eyes.He feel very sad and distressed.He decidesto stay aloneoutsidethe classroom.
Scene 4
Kennethand Calvin see Sulaiman sitting outsidethe classroom.They walkto himto find out
Calvin:Whathappento you,bro?
Sulaiman:Ifeel sosadnow.Poh Linghas rejectedme justnow.I’mneverrejectedbyagirl
Kelvin:Sulaiman,youdeserve it.Youshouldnotjudge agirl withheroutwardappearance.
Kenneth:Kelvinisright.Youshouldnotplayona girl’sfeeling.Youshouldchange yourattitude
and behaviorif youreallywanttogetcloserwithPohLing.Let’sgo, Calvin.
Kennethand Calvin disagreewith hisattitude and behaviorand they leavehim alone.
1st concept: First Impression
a) Scene Description
One day, Kenneth, Calvin and Sulaiman spend their leisure time, sharing their own
interesting experiences in school. Kenneth decides to introduce his two female friends,
Poh Ling and Vin Nie to his close buddies. However, Sulaiman seems reluctant to meet
the two girls because of their ordinary appearances. Unluckily, Poh Ling and Vin Nie
coincidently hear their conversation. They feel annoyed with what Sulaiman has said.
b) Concept
The concept that involves in this scene is first impression. First impression is the event
when one person first encounters another person and forms a mental image of that
person. First impression can be made with large variety of characteristics such as ages,
races, cultures, languages, physical appearances and genders. Research finds that
impressions can be made after only 10 seconds. Therefore, the power of first impression
is aggressively big. Positive first impressions lead to social cohesion, while negative first
impressions can lead to biases and social prejudice. To develop a friendly relationship,
first impression is very important as it will affect how people see you. A person who has
a good impression would have more friends compared to the one who always gives a
bad impression.
c) Application
The first impression of Sulaiman is damaged when Poh Ling and Vin Nie coincidently
hear what he has said. His intention of judging someone with outward appearance has
destroyed his own identity. He never tries to know somebody with a sincere heart. They
feel annoyed and furious with his rude attitude and behavior. This affects the way how
people see him.
2nd concept: Impression Management
a) Scene Description
Sulaiman is attracted by Poh Ling, one of the friends of Kenneth. He tries hard to get
attention from her. The opportunity comes when Poh Ling decides to buy some drinks.
He follows her to the vending machine and shows his gentle side by buying her a drink.
This action shows how he intends to give a good impression to his interested girl.
b) Concept
Impression management, also known as self-presentation, is the process by which we
try to convey a certain impression of ourselves to others. People are usually trying hard
to express their positive impression to other people. There are some motives to manage
their own impression. First motive is they want to influence others and gain rewards.
Giving the right impression facilitates desired social and material outcomes. These can
trigger positive material rewards like higher salaries or better working conditions. The
second motive is expressive. They construct an image of us to claimpersonal identity,
and present ourselves in a manner that is consistent with that image.
c) Application
To impress the girl, Sulaiman acts differently in order to show his good sides. He
accompanies Poh Ling to buy some drinks and shows his generosity paying for the drinks.
He is trying different methods to develop a nice impression on her, so that he can get
closer to her easily.
3rd concept: Self-fulfilling Prophecy
a) Scene Description
Poh Ling acts very cold to Sulaiman after the day they met. He feels distressed when he
finds out that Poh Ling is not interested to talk to him. To get closer to her, he decides to
make his first move. He waits for Poh Ling outside the class. When he tries to ask her for
a date, he speaks haltingly. He hems and haws without giving her a complete statement.
Poh Ling feels unpleasant with his weird action. Lastly, his invitation has been rejected
by her.
b) Concept
A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes it to become
true. An expectation about a subject, such as a person or event, can affect our behavior
towards that subject, which causes the expectation to be realized. For example, your
professor expects you to do well; she spends extra time with you preparing for the exam,
so you get an A.
c) Application
Sulaiman keeps hesitating to ask Poh Ling for a date. He feels that his invitation might be
rejected because she acts so cold to him. Lacks of confidence and over-nervous have
caused the prediction to come true. His indirect reaction has affected his impression on
the others. Poh Ling feels annoyed with his unfamiliar action and straightly rejects his
invitation. She finds it uncomfortable to interact with him.
4th concept: Upward Counterfactuals Thinking
a) Scene Description
When Poh Ling rejected his invitation, he feels so sad. He blames himself for being so
timid and indirect. He thinks that if he does not make the mistakes, she will definitely
accept his invitation. He gives a lot of excuses to of being rejected by a girl.
b) Concept
Counterfactual thinking is the process of mentally changing some aspect of the past as a
way of imagining what might have been. “If only I had studied my notes more carefully, I
would have passed the exam,” or “if only I had not waited until the last minute to start
working on the paper, I would have handed it in on time,” are examples of
counterfactual thinking. Upward counterfactuals are mental simulations of better
possible outcomes. It may further increase self-blame and worsen depressive symptoms.
Upward counterfactuals may make us feel bad as we think about how things might
have gone better. However, we might learn more effective strategies for success
through this reflection. This helps us to avoid repeating the same mistakes.
c) Application
The fact of being rejected makes him feels distressed and disappointed. Sulaiman thinks
negatively because this is his first time of being rejected by a girl. This situation has
worsened his current mood. It causes himto be diffidence and self-blame. He chooses
to stay alone to cool down himself.
5th concept: Belief in A Just World
a) Scene Description
Kenneth and Calvin meet Sulaiman when they finish their classes. When they find out
his condition, they blame Sulaiman for his wrong attitude and behavior. He is deserved
to be rejected by a girl because he always judges someone with their appearances and
looks. The bad things would only happen to the one who once did bad things to the
other people.
b) Concept
Belief in a just world is the basis belief that good things happen to good people and bad
things happen to bad people. This concept means we would blame others misfortunes
on them instead of circumstances. It serves as a self-protective function.
Belief in just world helps to reduce the anxiety that is caused by the world's injustices.
Believing that the individual is completely responsible for their misfortune, people are
able to go on believing that the world is fair and just.
c) Application
Sulaiman’s friends do not support him, but blame him for his rude attitude and behavior.
His first impression also affects the way how they see him. His friends agree with Poh
Ling’s decision because he only wants to get closer to the attractive girl. He never uses a
real heart to know and understand a person. They believe that this incident happens on
him is because he once did the same things on the other girls.
The video scenes
Scene 1
Sulaiman, Calvin and Kenneth are having some discussion for their assignment.
Kenneth noticed that Sulaiman looks tired today and asked him what happened.
Sulaiman told him that he just broke him personal record by dating 2 girls in a day.
Kenneth told them that two of his female friends will be joining them later.
Sulaiman felt disappointed after Kenneth told him that his two female friends are
just ordinary looking girls.
They were shocked of his behavior. (First impression)
Kenneth started to introduce both of his friends to Sulaiman and Calvin.
From there, Sulaiman noticed that Poh Ling is pretty and decided to find some
ways to date her.
Poh Ling said she was thirsty and went to buy some drinks.
Sulaiman decided to follow her and take this opportunity by getting closer with
Scene 2
Sulaiman treated Poh Ling her drink and trying to build his personal image. In
which he tries to influence the perception of his image to Poh Ling. (Impression
After that, He immediately asked phone number from her.
Scene 3
After getting her phone numbers, he texted Poh Ling to ask her what is she doing
and whether she mind to meet with him.
He was very happy after Poh Ling told him where and when to meet him later on.
Scene 4
He meets Poh Ling outside her classroom.
He was hesitating whether or not he should ask her for a dinner. Because he’s
nervous and shy.
At last, after he said he want have dinner with her, Poh Ling immediately rejected
his offer because she thought that Sulaiman is standoffish and possibly rude.
(Self- Fulfilling Prophecy)
He was upset and thinks that if he don’t feel so hesitated just now, everything
will be fine. (Upward counter-factual thinking)
Kenneth and Calvin passed by and saw Sulaiman sitting on the floor. They
approached him and asked him what happened.
After he told everything to them, Kenneth and Calvin blamed him because of his
behavior. He should not judge a girl by her appearance. (Belief in just world)
Kenneth and Calvin decided to leave him alone because of his bad behavior.
- Impression Management. (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2016, from
-The Power of First Impressions. (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2016, from
-Avoiding What Might Have Been. (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2016, from
-Self-Fulfilling Prophecies in Psychology: Definition & Examples - Video & Lesson
Transcript | (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2016, from
-What Is the Just-World Phenomenon? (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2016, from

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Psychology report

  • 2. CONTENT NO. TITLE PAGE 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 3 2 INTRODUCTION 4 3 METHODOLOGY a.) Apparatus / Materials b.) Procedure 5-6 4 DISCUSSION a.) Minutes of Meeting b.) Roles of each members 7-8 5 SCRIPT 9-12 6 CONCEPT,DEFINITIONAND APPLICATION 13-18 7 APPENDIX 19-29 8 REFERENCES 30 2
  • 3. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, we would like to thank all group members who did a lot of contribution, teamwork and also participation in accomplishing this final research report and the conceptual video clip. Of course the participation and contribution of the group members in different aspect caused this final assignment process to run smoothly and without it wouldn’t be possible for us to complete the assignment on time. Besides that, we would also like to thank and express our deepest gratitude to our lecturer, Mr Shankar for giving us guidance and leading us to understand the social psychology concepts while providing various types of interesting examples. Due to different interesting of examples given, it makes us understand when and how to apply the correct concepts in our daily life and of course our assignments. Lastly, due to Mr Shankar guidance and effort throughout the whole process, we managed to finish both the video clips and report successfully. 3
  • 4. INTRODUCTION In this final assignment, it is separated into two main parts where students need to produce a research report together with a social psychology conceptual video clip which implies the concept and theories from any chapter that has been taught by Mr Shankar throughout the whole semester. This is a group assignment and we are required to form a group of 4-6 person. After that, there will be also a presentation for us to present the concepts that we applied on our film. So for the video, the 5 different social psychology concepts that we applied in our video are first impression, impression management, counterfactual thinking, self fulfilling prophecy and belief in just world. The story of our video is basically about bad behavior of Sulaiman where he likes to flirt with different girls. As for the second part will be the research report. We are required to write the whole process of making our video clip into the report such as apparatus and materials. Moving on will be the presentation, we are required to put all concepts applied in the video clip in the Power-point slides and explain how it is used during the presentation. The benefits of this assignment are students can have a better understanding of psychology within the connection between concepts and perspective applied in daily life. 4
  • 5. METHODOLOGY Apparatus and Materials 1.) Canon DSLR Camera – Film the whole video. 2.) Lenovo Laptop – For video editing. 3.) Asus Laptop – Combine the video and subtitle. 5.) Iphone 6- To touch up some scene. 6.) Plain papers 7.) Pen and Pencil 8.) Window Movie Maker- Video editing software. B.) Procedure 1.) Choosing the suitable concept for our story - First of all, we had our first meeting outside the library. During the meeting, we discussed one different concept that everyone suggested and finally we decided to use 8 different concept think by Yeong Poh Ling and Kenneth Tan. After that, we started discussed on the storyline to see whether which concepts are suitable to be included in the video. 2.) Finalizing the concepts. - We started to flips through our lecture notes given by Mr Shankar to analyze the best and possibilities of the concepts when being applied in our video. After analyzing the good and best part of the story, we finally chose 5 concepts to be used in our video which are first impression, impression management, counterfactual thinking, self- fulfilling prophecy and belief in just world. 3.) Screenwriting and planning of the video - After decided the 5 suitable concepts to be used in our video, we did our second meeting for video planning. Vinnie came up with a script for the video while she sent it to the rest of the group members. After several discussions, we chose Sulaiman and Poh 5
  • 6. Ling as the main character while Kenneth, Calvin is the friend of Sulaiman while Vinnie is the friend of Poh Ling. Lastly, we also set a date and time for filming the video. 4.) Video shooting day - After our psychology class, we gathered and Block D level 8 sitting area. We start our first scene there where Calvin, Kenneth and Sulaiman were talking and Kenneth realized that Sulaiman looks tired. We finished our video shooting on that day and it eventually took approximately around 3 ½ hours to complete it. 5.) Voice record and video editing - Kenneth and Sulaiman meet up to do the background voices of Sulaiman. We started to record the voice following the exact timing with the video. After everything is done, Kenneth did the video trimming also adding the subtitle and passed it over to Calvin for editing. 6.) Prepare the report and the presentation slides - Kenneth divided the tasks equally to all group members to ensure that the assignment can be completed on time. Kenneth will be responsible for the video trimming, subtitle and the report. Calvin in charge of the video editing and some trimming, Vinnie in charge of the script and report while Poh Ling and Sulaiman in charge of the presentation slides. As we completed our own tasks, we conducted another meeting to complied all the work and finalized the report. 6
  • 7. MINUTES OF MEETING 1.) 14th December 2015 Time: 10am-12pm Venue: Outside Taylor’s Library sitting area Activity: Group members give their suggested concepts and finalized the suitable concepts to be used in the video. 2.) 21th December 2015 Time: 11am-1pm Venue: Event hall 2, Taylor’s Library Activity: Discussing who to be the main character and find suitable place for each scene. Besides that, Vinnie also came out with the script of the video too. 3.) 26th January 2016 Time: 2pm-4pm Venue: Block D, Level 8 sitting area Activity: Recording of the background audio by Sulaiman. 4.) 29th January 2016 Time: 2pm-3pm Venue: Outside Taylor’s Library sitting area Activity: Complied all information and check the error on both of the presentation slides and report. 7
  • 8. ROLES OF THE VIDEO AND REPORT Video 1.) Sulaiman Idris- the main character. 2.) Yeong Poh Ling- the main character. (The girl that Sulaiman fall in love) 3.) Kenneth Tan Sin Kwang- Sulaiman’s friend. (Video trimming and add subtitle) 4.) Calvin Wong Ping Kiet- Sulaiman’s friend. (Video editing and some trimming) 5.) Tan Vin Nie- Yeong Poh Ling and Kenneth friend. Report 1.) Kenneth Tan Sin Kwang – Introduction, acknowledgement, methodology, and procedure minutes of meetings and roles. 2.) Tan Vin Nie- Scripts, concepts, definitions and appendix. Presentation Slides 1.) Sulaiman Idris 2.) Yeong Poh Ling 8
  • 9. SCRIPT Scene 1 Kenneth,Calvin and Sulaiman spend theirleisure time, sharing their interesting experiencesin school. Kenneth:Hey,Sulaiman.Youlooksotiredtoday.What didyoudo yesterday? Sulaiman:YesterdayIbroke my record,Kenneth.Idatedtwogirlsinone day. Calvin:Wow…I neverhave thisexperience before.Itsoundsfabulous. Sulaiman:Youshouldtryit tooman. It’sfun! Kenneth:Doyouguyshave any otherplanstoday?I have invitedtwoof myfemale classmates to joinusfor lunchlater.I thinktheyare on the way now. Sulaiman:Ohreally?Howdotheylooklike? Kenneth:They’re justtwonormal-lookinggirlsman. Sulaiman:What?Normal girls?It’sokaylar… Poh Ling and Vin Nie passby and coincidently hear whatSulaiman said.They giveeach othera lookand feel annoyed withhisattitudeand behavior.Hisfirst impression hasbeen destroyed. Kenneth:Eh,youguysare here.Come andtake a seatwithus. Poh Ling and Vin Nie taketheir seats.Sulaiman feels amazed when he seesPoh Ling. He is attracted by her. They start enjoying theirconversation pleasantly.Aftera while… PohLing: Heyguys,I’m goingtobuy some drinks. Sulaiman:Hmm…I thinkI’ll follow you. PohLing: Okay.Let’sgo. 9
  • 10. Scene 2 Sulaiman and Poh Ling come to thevending machine. Sulaiman:Whatdrinksdoyou want? PohLing: Hmm… I thinkIwant a mineral water. Poh Ling takesoutone dollarand tries to enterit. However,Sulaiman stopsher. Sulaiman:No…It’sokay. Sulaiman entersonedollar and tapson the button.He bendsdown to pick outthe drinkfor her. PohLing: I payback to you. Sulaiman:Nono…It’s okay.It’sall on me. PohLing: Thanks. On the way back… Sulaiman:Doyoumindto give me your phone number? PohLing: Okay… Poh Ling givesher phonenumberto Sulaiman reluctantly. 10
  • 11. Scene 3 Poh Ling acts very cold to Sulaiman.WheneverSulaiman sendsmessageto her,shereplies him shortly and briefly.Sometimes,sheignoreshis messageaswell. Sulaiman feelsdistressed with her behavior.To get closer to her,he decides to date her forlunch. He waits forPoh Ling outsidethe classroom.Finally,shewalksoutthe classroom. Sulaiman:Hey,PohLing. PohLing: Hi.What do youwant to ask me? Sulaiman:I… PohLing: whatis it? Sulaiman:Ijust…want… err…. PohLing: Can youtalkfasterplease?Iam ina rush. Sulaiman:Sorry…I… Poh Ling looksat him unpleasant.Shefeelannoyed with hisaction. PohLing: I thinkIhave to go. Sulaiman:Wait.I…Do youmindto have a lunchwithme tomorrow? PohLing: No,thankyou. Poh Ling walksaway quickly.Sulaiman standson thesamespot,watching Poh Ling disappearsin frontof his eyes.He feel very sad and distressed.He decidesto stay aloneoutsidethe classroom. 11
  • 12. Scene 4 Kennethand Calvin see Sulaiman sitting outsidethe classroom.They walkto himto find out whathappened. Calvin:Whathappento you,bro? Sulaiman:Ifeel sosadnow.Poh Linghas rejectedme justnow.I’mneverrejectedbyagirl before. Kelvin:Sulaiman,youdeserve it.Youshouldnotjudge agirl withheroutwardappearance. Kenneth:Kelvinisright.Youshouldnotplayona girl’sfeeling.Youshouldchange yourattitude and behaviorif youreallywanttogetcloserwithPohLing.Let’sgo, Calvin. Kennethand Calvin disagreewith hisattitude and behaviorand they leavehim alone. 12
  • 13. CONCEPTS, DEFINITION AND APPLICATION 1st concept: First Impression a) Scene Description One day, Kenneth, Calvin and Sulaiman spend their leisure time, sharing their own interesting experiences in school. Kenneth decides to introduce his two female friends, Poh Ling and Vin Nie to his close buddies. However, Sulaiman seems reluctant to meet the two girls because of their ordinary appearances. Unluckily, Poh Ling and Vin Nie coincidently hear their conversation. They feel annoyed with what Sulaiman has said. b) Concept The concept that involves in this scene is first impression. First impression is the event when one person first encounters another person and forms a mental image of that person. First impression can be made with large variety of characteristics such as ages, races, cultures, languages, physical appearances and genders. Research finds that impressions can be made after only 10 seconds. Therefore, the power of first impression is aggressively big. Positive first impressions lead to social cohesion, while negative first impressions can lead to biases and social prejudice. To develop a friendly relationship, first impression is very important as it will affect how people see you. A person who has a good impression would have more friends compared to the one who always gives a bad impression. 13
  • 14. c) Application The first impression of Sulaiman is damaged when Poh Ling and Vin Nie coincidently hear what he has said. His intention of judging someone with outward appearance has destroyed his own identity. He never tries to know somebody with a sincere heart. They feel annoyed and furious with his rude attitude and behavior. This affects the way how people see him. 2nd concept: Impression Management a) Scene Description Sulaiman is attracted by Poh Ling, one of the friends of Kenneth. He tries hard to get attention from her. The opportunity comes when Poh Ling decides to buy some drinks. He follows her to the vending machine and shows his gentle side by buying her a drink. This action shows how he intends to give a good impression to his interested girl. b) Concept Impression management, also known as self-presentation, is the process by which we try to convey a certain impression of ourselves to others. People are usually trying hard to express their positive impression to other people. There are some motives to manage their own impression. First motive is they want to influence others and gain rewards. Giving the right impression facilitates desired social and material outcomes. These can trigger positive material rewards like higher salaries or better working conditions. The second motive is expressive. They construct an image of us to claimpersonal identity, and present ourselves in a manner that is consistent with that image. 14
  • 15. c) Application To impress the girl, Sulaiman acts differently in order to show his good sides. He accompanies Poh Ling to buy some drinks and shows his generosity paying for the drinks. He is trying different methods to develop a nice impression on her, so that he can get closer to her easily. 3rd concept: Self-fulfilling Prophecy a) Scene Description Poh Ling acts very cold to Sulaiman after the day they met. He feels distressed when he finds out that Poh Ling is not interested to talk to him. To get closer to her, he decides to make his first move. He waits for Poh Ling outside the class. When he tries to ask her for a date, he speaks haltingly. He hems and haws without giving her a complete statement. Poh Ling feels unpleasant with his weird action. Lastly, his invitation has been rejected by her. b) Concept A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes it to become true. An expectation about a subject, such as a person or event, can affect our behavior towards that subject, which causes the expectation to be realized. For example, your professor expects you to do well; she spends extra time with you preparing for the exam, so you get an A. 15
  • 16. c) Application Sulaiman keeps hesitating to ask Poh Ling for a date. He feels that his invitation might be rejected because she acts so cold to him. Lacks of confidence and over-nervous have caused the prediction to come true. His indirect reaction has affected his impression on the others. Poh Ling feels annoyed with his unfamiliar action and straightly rejects his invitation. She finds it uncomfortable to interact with him. 4th concept: Upward Counterfactuals Thinking a) Scene Description When Poh Ling rejected his invitation, he feels so sad. He blames himself for being so timid and indirect. He thinks that if he does not make the mistakes, she will definitely accept his invitation. He gives a lot of excuses to of being rejected by a girl. b) Concept Counterfactual thinking is the process of mentally changing some aspect of the past as a way of imagining what might have been. “If only I had studied my notes more carefully, I would have passed the exam,” or “if only I had not waited until the last minute to start working on the paper, I would have handed it in on time,” are examples of counterfactual thinking. Upward counterfactuals are mental simulations of better possible outcomes. It may further increase self-blame and worsen depressive symptoms. 16
  • 17. Upward counterfactuals may make us feel bad as we think about how things might have gone better. However, we might learn more effective strategies for success through this reflection. This helps us to avoid repeating the same mistakes. c) Application The fact of being rejected makes him feels distressed and disappointed. Sulaiman thinks negatively because this is his first time of being rejected by a girl. This situation has worsened his current mood. It causes himto be diffidence and self-blame. He chooses to stay alone to cool down himself. 5th concept: Belief in A Just World a) Scene Description Kenneth and Calvin meet Sulaiman when they finish their classes. When they find out his condition, they blame Sulaiman for his wrong attitude and behavior. He is deserved to be rejected by a girl because he always judges someone with their appearances and looks. The bad things would only happen to the one who once did bad things to the other people. b) Concept Belief in a just world is the basis belief that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people. This concept means we would blame others misfortunes on them instead of circumstances. It serves as a self-protective function. 17
  • 18. Belief in just world helps to reduce the anxiety that is caused by the world's injustices. Believing that the individual is completely responsible for their misfortune, people are able to go on believing that the world is fair and just. c) Application Sulaiman’s friends do not support him, but blame him for his rude attitude and behavior. His first impression also affects the way how they see him. His friends agree with Poh Ling’s decision because he only wants to get closer to the attractive girl. He never uses a real heart to know and understand a person. They believe that this incident happens on him is because he once did the same things on the other girls. 18
  • 19. APPENDIX The video scenes Scene 1 Sulaiman, Calvin and Kenneth are having some discussion for their assignment. Kenneth noticed that Sulaiman looks tired today and asked him what happened. 19
  • 20. Sulaiman told him that he just broke him personal record by dating 2 girls in a day. Kenneth told them that two of his female friends will be joining them later. 20
  • 21. Sulaiman felt disappointed after Kenneth told him that his two female friends are just ordinary looking girls. They were shocked of his behavior. (First impression) 21
  • 22. Kenneth started to introduce both of his friends to Sulaiman and Calvin. From there, Sulaiman noticed that Poh Ling is pretty and decided to find some ways to date her. 22
  • 23. Poh Ling said she was thirsty and went to buy some drinks. Sulaiman decided to follow her and take this opportunity by getting closer with her. 23
  • 24. Scene 2 Sulaiman treated Poh Ling her drink and trying to build his personal image. In which he tries to influence the perception of his image to Poh Ling. (Impression Management) After that, He immediately asked phone number from her. 24
  • 25. Scene 3 After getting her phone numbers, he texted Poh Ling to ask her what is she doing and whether she mind to meet with him. He was very happy after Poh Ling told him where and when to meet him later on. 25
  • 26. Scene 4 He meets Poh Ling outside her classroom. He was hesitating whether or not he should ask her for a dinner. Because he’s nervous and shy. 26
  • 27. At last, after he said he want have dinner with her, Poh Ling immediately rejected his offer because she thought that Sulaiman is standoffish and possibly rude. (Self- Fulfilling Prophecy) He was upset and thinks that if he don’t feel so hesitated just now, everything will be fine. (Upward counter-factual thinking) 27
  • 28. Kenneth and Calvin passed by and saw Sulaiman sitting on the floor. They approached him and asked him what happened. After he told everything to them, Kenneth and Calvin blamed him because of his behavior. He should not judge a girl by her appearance. (Belief in just world) 28
  • 29. Kenneth and Calvin decided to leave him alone because of his bad behavior. 29
  • 30. REFERENCES - Impression Management. (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2016, from Management -The Power of First Impressions. (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2016, from impressions -Avoiding What Might Have Been. (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2016, from might-have-been -Self-Fulfilling Prophecies in Psychology: Definition & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript | (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2016, from definition-examples.html -What Is the Just-World Phenomenon? (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2016, from 30