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About me
I meet people struggling every day with
feeling confidence and not loving their
bodies. Not understanding where to start, or
how to lose weight, trying every diet and
I’m passionate about helping anyone that
desires change, feel better by helping them
reclaim their health through making better
food choices, being more active and helping
manage their stress with an effective plan.
A trigger can be
defined as
something that
sets in motion a
course of events.
When it comes to eating triggers, they
fall into these categories:
● Trigger by foods
● Trigger by mental/emotional
● Trigger by environments/situations
● Social/peer pressure trigger
● Behavior trigger
● Trigger times.
Trigger by Foods
Trigger by
A trigger by food, is a specific
food or type of food that you
can never resist, that sets off a
course of overeating where
there is no control.
Here’s an example.
Every morning you have every intention of having a “good” eating day.
You get to work on time by skipping the drive thru on your way to work.
You turn down the fast food with co-workers at lunch. You boycott the
vending machine in the mid-afternoon. You’re planning on being good
after dinner and not having dessert.
Then the urge to eat something unhealthy comes over you so strongly that
you feel powerless and are left with no choice but to give in. You give in,
but you go overboard and eat way too much of it, in fact there is nothing
Then You
feel Guilty.
You might be good again for another day
or two.. or until another irresistible craving
hits you… the cycle repeats.
Most of us have
certain trigger
foods that fuel our
cravings and send
our diets into a
total tailspin.
A weakness
for a certain
food can open
the door to an
avalanche of
bad eating
Typically, once you start eating a trigger food,
you will continue to eat far past the point of
fullness We need to identify these trigger
foods and avoid. These high calorie foods
generally contain large amounts of sugar, fat
and or salt. By design these foods are hard to
eat only a small portion of. It may not be mint
chocolate chip ice cream for you. Perhaps its
pizza, donuts, candy, soda, latte, fried
anything, chocolate, bread, tortilla chip,
candy, cheese, or crackers.
Typically, once you start
eating a trigger food
you will continue to eat far past the point of
fullness We need to identify these trigger
foods and avoid. These high calorie foods
generally contain large amounts of sugar,
fat and or salt. By design these foods are
hard to eat only a small portion of. It may
not be mint chocolate chip ice cream for
you. Perhaps its pizza, donuts, candy,
soda, latte, fried anything, chocolate,
bread, tortilla chip, candy, cheese, or
It’s about money
Food scientist design such
foods with your brain
chemistry in mind, knowing
that certain substances
sugar, fat andor/or salt are
biologically addictive.
Sugar for instance,
stimulates the brain's
reward center through
dopamine. As we consume
foods that are high in
sugar, we will biologically
crave more.
The simplest way
to determine if
you are
to manage an
emotion is to ask
"Am I eating because I am hungry?"
"What's going on in my life and how am I
coping with this?"
“Am I mindlessly eating this, distracted
by other things?”
Avoiding cravings entirely is tough, given
that they can be brought on by stress, PMS,
or even just thinking about eating. But
there's plenty you can do to avoid skidding
down the slippery slope of gateway foods.
So when a craving hits, try
doing long division, sudoku, or
counting backward, go for a
long walk, read a book do
anything that distracts you and
takes a lot of thought… and
see if it goes away.
Get rid of the
make sure
they aren’t in
your home,
desk or car.
Try keeping healthy foods right where you can
see them, and get rid of all the ones that are
hard to stop eating once you get started.
When grocery shopping stick to your grocery
list and don’t be tempted by the shiny bright
colored boxes and bags. Avoid the center
Get back on
If you do fall off the rails,
no biggy, pick yourself right
back up and get back on
the healthy eating
bandwagon again right
away. No guilt, or shame
needed, we all do it, we are
all human, no harm done in
one indulgence.
Break the cycle.
Who’s in charge? You or the food?
In time it will fade
If you choose to avoid this trigger food
the cravings will become weaker in
time, typically a couple weeks. You
can look for substitutes that may not
be as rich or as high in sugar or salt
but a healthier option. If fried food is
your thing experiment with an air dryer,
grilling food, or baking options. Keep
trying different recipes, pinterest is a
great resource!
Make a small
Don’t confuse difficulty for
impossible when you’re faced
with a bag of whatever it is
that is your trigger food.
Make a small, portion in a
bowl or cup and stick to that
Just one bite?
It can be very difficult to
manage strong impulses, but
you are never without control.
You always have the option to
not take another bite. With
help and practice, I know you
can do this.
Forbidding a food forever may
make this thing haunt you
even more. If it’s a strong
desire, choose to have one
portion with one of your two
cheat meals a month. Plan
out that cheat meal in
advance. There’s a light at
the end of the tunnel.
Celebrate when you do have your trigger
food and stay within the bounds of a
normal portion. You don’t have to tell the
world or social media but write it down and
be proud of it. It is a huge victory believe
On the Road
If you’re going on a 8 hour road trip be sure to
pack healthy snacks and avoid going into gas
stations. I think everyone has done the road
trip binge before with sticky Cheeto cheese
fingers. Be prepared don’t get hungry and
tempted by the gas station ever town you pass.
Trigger by
Mental/Emotional Feelings
Trigger by
A trigger by mental or emotional feelings occurs when
thinking about food, imagining it and associating it with,
good or bad memories and sets off a period of
(love, joy, happiness,
surprise, celebration,)
(anger, sadness, stress,
boredom, grief, lonely,
depression, guilt, shame,
remorse, pity fear, panic,
anxiety, worry)
Emotional eating occurs when people use food to cover or
address intense emotions like the ones mentioned.
Everyone is different.
If you think you fit in
this category ask
yourself these
Do I tend to eat more when I am feeling
stressed or depressed?
Do I stop off and get a treat at the store after a
bad day?
Do I overeat when I am bored or lonely?
Some use
food or
coping, some
use it for a
reward or
Food is a very
Sometimes the strongest food cravings hit
when you're at your weakest point
emotionally. You may turn to food for comfort
— consciously or unconsciously — when
facing a difficult problem, feeling stressed or
even feeling bored.
Emotional eating may suppress or soothe negative
emotions temporarily, but often the root of the problem
remains and they will return again.
triggers are
Relationship conflicts
Work stress
Financial pressures
Health issues
Some individuals automatically reach for a
treat whenever they are angry or stressed
without thinking about what you're doing. Food
also serves as a distraction. If you're worried
about an upcoming event or stewing over a
conflict, for instance, you may focus on eating
comfort food instead of dealing with the painful
The effect is very temporary, the emotions
return and you likely then bear the
additional burden of guilt about setting
back your weight-loss goal. This can also
lead to an unhealthy cycle, your emotions
trigger you to overeat, you beat yourself
up for getting off your weight-loss track,
you feel bad and you overeat again.
Another common trigger is boredom,
couple that with not eating on a consistent
basis its sure to end disastrous. Even if
the cabinets are free from processed
foods, a few minutes on pinterest and next
thing you know Betty Crocker(you) will be
whipping up something delicious. Fill your
day with activities, hobbies, expand your
knowledge or make time for self-care!
Body shaming
or hating your
This is one of the biggest
factors in emotional eating.
People say they will stop
hating their body after they
reach their goal weight, but
sadly that is like a dog
chasing a ball downhill.
Learn to love your body in
all its stages. The fact is
your goals will change
many times during your
Trigger by Environments
Trigger by
A trigger environment is a specific situation (seeing it on
an ad, smelling foods) or place that sets off a period of
overeating in a habitual way.
Are there
certain places
that stimulate
you to eat
more than
you’re a
For example, when you go to a movie theatre,
do you find it difficult not to have popcorn or
boxed candy? When you go out to your
favorite restaurant, do you automatically order
something fried or covered in creamy sauce?
Maybe its watching your favorite Tv show at
home and always having a carton of ice
cream in your lap and at the end of the show
its gone.
Do you have
a hard time
resisting the
cookie tin or
candy jar at
Once you identify your trigger locations, you
can be more aware of your behavior and make
conscious choices about whether you want to
put yourself in compromising situation. This
doesn’t mean that you can never eat out, but if
you do decide to go to the movies or that
particular restaurant you make a plan. Eat
before going to the movies for instance. Set
rules or boundaries. Perhaps order just water
there or sneak in a healthy snack. Prior going to
your favorite restaurant review the menu online
and plan out a healthy meal in advance.
Having a food journal will
help identify food triggers
Jot down what you eat, drink, times and how you
feel before and after each meal. Make note of
friends your with or places you eat and see if
there’s a pattern.
Pressure Trigger
A social trigger is being
offered food or being around
people in social situations and
not being able to say no. Or
the opposite the social
pressure of having your body
a certain way may trigger a
obsession with weight or
Many individual
over-consume in social
eating situations to
enhance the enjoyment of
the event. A great deal of
our social interactions
today involve food.
Social Pressures
When you are in social
situations, such as dinner out
with friends or a party do you
find yourself eating more than
you should?
Are you obsessed with a
social media influencers body
and go to extreme lengths to
try and get your body to look a
certain way?
Plan ahead
If you can’t convince your friends to go to yoga, a dance class or do cardio with
you, and they only want to go out to eat, look at the menu online prior to going.
Look for a veggie and lean meat (grilled) meal. Doesn’t have to be salad, can
be grilled chicken and a side of broccoli. Be sure to confirm its not cooked in oil,
butter or lathered in sauces. It helps to inform your friends in advance that
you’re working hard on a goal to lose a few pounds and hope that they will
follow your lead. Most likely they will make choices that aren’t healthy and well
it’s your time to be strong. At the end of the night you can be designated driver
and be proud that you made a healthy choice and staying on track.
Healthy Options
Potlucks and other events that
encourage bringing food, make a tray
with chunks of grilled chicken, and
veggies. If it’s in your budget, chop up
smoked salmon and half hard-boiled
eggs. You can attempt to make a
healthy version of deviled eggs using
Greek yogurt instead of mayo!(never
tried it but It might work!).
If you do end up at a restaurant ask the waiter for
no bread or chips.
Be clear on your
What you want to achieve
and by what time frame.
Without being 100%
committed to a plan, you’ll be
much more likely to
procrastinate, get distracted
and just follow the crowd. Be
specific with what you aim to
achieve and how you will do
Limit Exposure If the peer pressure is too difficult to handle don’t
become a hermit entirely. Just go out twice a month and
choose a lean meat with something on the side that
you’ve been craving. Make a plan and encourage your
friends to do some healthy activities with you.
When your
the people you hang out will
as well. Some friends may
fade but the true ones will
stick with you and respect you
and your goals. Surround
yourself with like-minded
people striving for being
healthy or similar goals.
Test the waters.
Once you’ve gotten a
momentum going on your
goals you can venture out
more and test your willpower.
Once you start making
progress it become addictive
and you might surprise
yourself when you go out.
You don’t want your new
lifestyle to be a burden or take
all the enjoyment out of life.
Put your needs
Not everyone will want you
to succeed and it's pretty
common for close friends
or partners to hate on your
diet or try to sabotage you.
The common reason is
they don’t want you to push
what you’re doing on them
and typically they have
tried all kinds of diets and
failed. They may challenge
your approach and bash it.
At the end of the day stay strong, keep focused
and reach your goals.
A Behavior trigger is
skipping meals, meal
finisher, or a grazer.
Do you skip meals thinking its saving
calories, or helping you lose weight?
Do you finish your kids or partners food
they didn’t finish on their plate?
Or are you someone that eats all day
long constantly, never an actual meal?
These are all behaviors that will derail
someone’s desire to achieve a healthy
weight or lose body fat.
Get Help
Having a good solid plan with the right
portions and the right food groups at the
right time is the key to a successful
healthy lifestyle. Behaviors or habits that
can be broken in time, usually a few
weeks. Best results are with someone
guiding them on the key components of
how to eat properly.
Trigger times
A Trigger by
Is when certain times of the
day, or week are difficult,
usually from the late afternoon
into the evening.
Most common
If you ask someone that this is
their trigger they would often
say “At the end of a long and
hectic day, a big bowl of ice
cream can be especially
effective in temporarily
soothing after a long
exhausting day.”
Slow Down
Mindfully eating is
something that would
apply to all of the
triggers above. Eat at a
table with the
appropriate utensils,
and dishes. NO
small bites, consuming
your meal over 10-20
minutes, enjoying each
Listen to your
Eat when it’s time, or when
your body is beginning to tell
you it’s time to eat. Don’t eat
just because everyone else is
or the heat of the moment.
If you’re cravings are out of
control it’s possible your diet
is out of balance. Any “diet”
heavy in just one food group
is disastrous and will cause a
tremendous amount of
cravings, your body is telling
you something.
Let me know how I can support you
In case no one has
told you today, I
believe in you, I am
here for you and
would be honored to
be apart of your
For stopping by
Join our Lively
Facebook Community
Power UP Basic
T !
I support my clients spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Anything discussed in a course, live video, presentation, educational material, the group, through private message, email, phone or other
communication is said to be just suggestions and each individual is responsible for one's self, actions and must follow any and all doctors advice they have been given first and foremost. I am not a medical doctor,
dietician or nutritionist. I do not hold a degree in medicine, dietetics or nutrition. I make no claim to any specialized medical training, nor do I dispense medical advice or prescriptions. My goal is to help my clients
make gradual, lifelong changes that enable them to achieve their health goals and meet their ultimate vision of well-being. I am in the process of obtaining several certifications and have NASM certified coaches
helping with guidance, plans, fitness and nutritional information. By being in this group or purchasing coaching services, you confirm that you have read and agree to each statement below and that you wish to
1. I understand that the health coaching services I will be receiving are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition and are not intended to be a substitute for the advice,
treatment and/or diagnosis of a qualified licensed medical professional.
2. I understand that my Health Coach may not make any medical diagnoses or claims and is not a substitute for my personal physician.
3. I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for my well-being during my coaching sessions, and subsequently, including my choices and decisions.
4. I understand and agree that I should consult with my personal physician prior to making any significant changes to my diet and/or lifestyle.
5. I understand and agree that if I am under the care of a medical professional or am currently using prescription
medication, I should discuss any dietary changes or potential dietary supplement use with my doctor and should not discontinue any prescription medication without first consulting my doctor.
6. I understand that all comments and ideas offered by my Health Coach are solely for the purpose of aiding me in achieving my defined goals. I have the ability to give my informed consent, and hereby
give such consent to my Health Coach to assist me in achieving such goals.
7. I understand that the care that I receive during my health coaching sessions is separate from the care that I receive from any medical facility in that the health coaching sessions are in no way intended to
be construed as medical advice or care.
8. I acknowledge that I take full responsibility for my life and well-being, as well as all decisions made during and after the duration of my health coaching sessions.
9. I understand that my Health Coach will keep my information confidential and will not share my information or
communicate anything that is said in the privacy of a coaching session to a third party unless expressly authorized by me or legally compelled by law, process or order of any court or governmental
10. I understand results are not guaranteed, it is suggested to full heartedly give the advice your full 100% try over a period of time(one month minimum).
11. NO REFUNDS. by payment and agreeing to these terms your payment is not refundable. Payments are automatically sent each month and due by the 7th or removed from the program re-entry may
have a fee and or re-entry may be postponed until the next enrollment.
12. Food journals will be reviewed twice a week at random if they are not full and complete no evaluation will be communicated until next check.
13. I hereby release Katherine Hood or any other individuals in this group, individually, from any and all liability, damages, causes of action, allegations, suits, sums of money, claims and demands
whatsoever, in law or equity, which I had, now have or will have in the future, arising from my past or future participation in, or otherwise with respect to the health coaching services.

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What is your Trigger?

  • 1.
  • 2. About me I meet people struggling every day with feeling confidence and not loving their bodies. Not understanding where to start, or how to lose weight, trying every diet and failing.. I’m passionate about helping anyone that desires change, feel better by helping them reclaim their health through making better food choices, being more active and helping manage their stress with an effective plan.
  • 3. A trigger can be defined as something that sets in motion a course of events.
  • 4. Trigger Categories When it comes to eating triggers, they fall into these categories: ● Trigger by foods ● Trigger by mental/emotional feelings ● Trigger by environments/situations ● Social/peer pressure trigger ● Behavior trigger ● Trigger times.
  • 6. Trigger by Foods A trigger by food, is a specific food or type of food that you can never resist, that sets off a course of overeating where there is no control.
  • 7. Here’s an example. Every morning you have every intention of having a “good” eating day. You get to work on time by skipping the drive thru on your way to work. You turn down the fast food with co-workers at lunch. You boycott the vending machine in the mid-afternoon. You’re planning on being good after dinner and not having dessert. Then the urge to eat something unhealthy comes over you so strongly that you feel powerless and are left with no choice but to give in. You give in, but you go overboard and eat way too much of it, in fact there is nothing left.
  • 9. …. You might be good again for another day or two.. or until another irresistible craving hits you… the cycle repeats.
  • 10. Most of us have certain trigger foods that fuel our cravings and send our diets into a total tailspin.
  • 11. A weakness for a certain food can open the door to an avalanche of bad eating choices. Typically, once you start eating a trigger food, you will continue to eat far past the point of fullness We need to identify these trigger foods and avoid. These high calorie foods generally contain large amounts of sugar, fat and or salt. By design these foods are hard to eat only a small portion of. It may not be mint chocolate chip ice cream for you. Perhaps its pizza, donuts, candy, soda, latte, fried anything, chocolate, bread, tortilla chip, candy, cheese, or crackers.
  • 12. Typically, once you start eating a trigger food you will continue to eat far past the point of fullness We need to identify these trigger foods and avoid. These high calorie foods generally contain large amounts of sugar, fat and or salt. By design these foods are hard to eat only a small portion of. It may not be mint chocolate chip ice cream for you. Perhaps its pizza, donuts, candy, soda, latte, fried anything, chocolate, bread, tortilla chip, candy, cheese, or crackers.
  • 13. It’s about money Food scientist design such foods with your brain chemistry in mind, knowing that certain substances sugar, fat andor/or salt are biologically addictive. Sugar for instance, stimulates the brain's reward center through dopamine. As we consume foods that are high in sugar, we will biologically crave more.
  • 14. The simplest way to determine if you are over-consuming to manage an emotion is to ask yourself: "Am I eating because I am hungry?" "What's going on in my life and how am I coping with this?" “Am I mindlessly eating this, distracted by other things?”
  • 15. Avoid Avoiding cravings entirely is tough, given that they can be brought on by stress, PMS, or even just thinking about eating. But there's plenty you can do to avoid skidding down the slippery slope of gateway foods.
  • 16. Distractions So when a craving hits, try doing long division, sudoku, or counting backward, go for a long walk, read a book do anything that distracts you and takes a lot of thought… and see if it goes away.
  • 17. Get rid of the unhealthy foods, meaning make sure they aren’t in your home, desk or car. Try keeping healthy foods right where you can see them, and get rid of all the ones that are hard to stop eating once you get started. When grocery shopping stick to your grocery list and don’t be tempted by the shiny bright colored boxes and bags. Avoid the center isles!
  • 18. Get back on track. If you do fall off the rails, no biggy, pick yourself right back up and get back on the healthy eating bandwagon again right away. No guilt, or shame needed, we all do it, we are all human, no harm done in one indulgence.
  • 19. Break the cycle. Who’s in charge? You or the food?
  • 20. In time it will fade If you choose to avoid this trigger food the cravings will become weaker in time, typically a couple weeks. You can look for substitutes that may not be as rich or as high in sugar or salt but a healthier option. If fried food is your thing experiment with an air dryer, grilling food, or baking options. Keep trying different recipes, pinterest is a great resource!
  • 21. Make a small portion Don’t confuse difficulty for impossible when you’re faced with a bag of whatever it is that is your trigger food. Make a small, portion in a bowl or cup and stick to that portion.
  • 22. Just one bite? It can be very difficult to manage strong impulses, but you are never without control. You always have the option to not take another bite. With help and practice, I know you can do this.
  • 23. Moderation Forbidding a food forever may make this thing haunt you even more. If it’s a strong desire, choose to have one portion with one of your two cheat meals a month. Plan out that cheat meal in advance. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel.
  • 24. Celebrate Celebrate when you do have your trigger food and stay within the bounds of a normal portion. You don’t have to tell the world or social media but write it down and be proud of it. It is a huge victory believe me.
  • 25. On the Road If you’re going on a 8 hour road trip be sure to pack healthy snacks and avoid going into gas stations. I think everyone has done the road trip binge before with sticky Cheeto cheese fingers. Be prepared don’t get hungry and tempted by the gas station ever town you pass.
  • 27. Trigger by Mental/Emotional Feelings A trigger by mental or emotional feelings occurs when thinking about food, imagining it and associating it with, good or bad memories and sets off a period of overeating.
  • 29. Bad (anger, sadness, stress, boredom, grief, lonely, depression, guilt, shame, remorse, pity fear, panic, anxiety, worry)
  • 30. Emotional eating occurs when people use food to cover or address intense emotions like the ones mentioned.
  • 32. If you think you fit in this category ask yourself these questions: Do I tend to eat more when I am feeling stressed or depressed? Do I stop off and get a treat at the store after a bad day? Do I overeat when I am bored or lonely?
  • 33. Some use food or coping, some use it for a reward or recovery. Food is a very temporary solution. Sometimes the strongest food cravings hit when you're at your weakest point emotionally. You may turn to food for comfort — consciously or unconsciously — when facing a difficult problem, feeling stressed or even feeling bored.
  • 34. Emotional eating may suppress or soothe negative emotions temporarily, but often the root of the problem remains and they will return again.
  • 35. Common triggers are Relationship conflicts Work stress Financial pressures Health issues
  • 36. Comfort Some individuals automatically reach for a treat whenever they are angry or stressed without thinking about what you're doing. Food also serves as a distraction. If you're worried about an upcoming event or stewing over a conflict, for instance, you may focus on eating comfort food instead of dealing with the painful situation.
  • 37. Cycle The effect is very temporary, the emotions return and you likely then bear the additional burden of guilt about setting back your weight-loss goal. This can also lead to an unhealthy cycle, your emotions trigger you to overeat, you beat yourself up for getting off your weight-loss track, you feel bad and you overeat again.
  • 38. Boredom Another common trigger is boredom, couple that with not eating on a consistent basis its sure to end disastrous. Even if the cabinets are free from processed foods, a few minutes on pinterest and next thing you know Betty Crocker(you) will be whipping up something delicious. Fill your day with activities, hobbies, expand your knowledge or make time for self-care!
  • 39. Body shaming or hating your body This is one of the biggest factors in emotional eating. People say they will stop hating their body after they reach their goal weight, but sadly that is like a dog chasing a ball downhill. Learn to love your body in all its stages. The fact is your goals will change many times during your life.
  • 41. Trigger by Environments Situations A trigger environment is a specific situation (seeing it on an ad, smelling foods) or place that sets off a period of overeating in a habitual way.
  • 42. Are there certain places that stimulate you to eat more than you’re a normal portion? For example, when you go to a movie theatre, do you find it difficult not to have popcorn or boxed candy? When you go out to your favorite restaurant, do you automatically order something fried or covered in creamy sauce? Maybe its watching your favorite Tv show at home and always having a carton of ice cream in your lap and at the end of the show its gone.
  • 43. Do you have a hard time resisting the cookie tin or candy jar at work? Once you identify your trigger locations, you can be more aware of your behavior and make conscious choices about whether you want to put yourself in compromising situation. This doesn’t mean that you can never eat out, but if you do decide to go to the movies or that particular restaurant you make a plan. Eat before going to the movies for instance. Set rules or boundaries. Perhaps order just water there or sneak in a healthy snack. Prior going to your favorite restaurant review the menu online and plan out a healthy meal in advance.
  • 44. Having a food journal will help identify food triggers Jot down what you eat, drink, times and how you feel before and after each meal. Make note of friends your with or places you eat and see if there’s a pattern.
  • 45. Social/Peer Pressure Trigger A social trigger is being offered food or being around people in social situations and not being able to say no. Or the opposite the social pressure of having your body a certain way may trigger a obsession with weight or dieting.
  • 46. Many individual over-consume in social eating situations to enhance the enjoyment of the event. A great deal of our social interactions today involve food.
  • 47. Social Pressures When you are in social situations, such as dinner out with friends or a party do you find yourself eating more than you should? Are you obsessed with a social media influencers body and go to extreme lengths to try and get your body to look a certain way?
  • 48. Plan ahead If you can’t convince your friends to go to yoga, a dance class or do cardio with you, and they only want to go out to eat, look at the menu online prior to going. Look for a veggie and lean meat (grilled) meal. Doesn’t have to be salad, can be grilled chicken and a side of broccoli. Be sure to confirm its not cooked in oil, butter or lathered in sauces. It helps to inform your friends in advance that you’re working hard on a goal to lose a few pounds and hope that they will follow your lead. Most likely they will make choices that aren’t healthy and well it’s your time to be strong. At the end of the night you can be designated driver and be proud that you made a healthy choice and staying on track.
  • 49. Healthy Options Potlucks and other events that encourage bringing food, make a tray with chunks of grilled chicken, and veggies. If it’s in your budget, chop up smoked salmon and half hard-boiled eggs. You can attempt to make a healthy version of deviled eggs using Greek yogurt instead of mayo!(never tried it but It might work!).
  • 50. If you do end up at a restaurant ask the waiter for no bread or chips.
  • 51. Be clear on your priorities What you want to achieve and by what time frame. Without being 100% committed to a plan, you’ll be much more likely to procrastinate, get distracted and just follow the crowd. Be specific with what you aim to achieve and how you will do it.
  • 52. Limit Exposure If the peer pressure is too difficult to handle don’t become a hermit entirely. Just go out twice a month and choose a lean meat with something on the side that you’ve been craving. Make a plan and encourage your friends to do some healthy activities with you.
  • 53. When your lifestyle changes…. the people you hang out will as well. Some friends may fade but the true ones will stick with you and respect you and your goals. Surround yourself with like-minded people striving for being healthy or similar goals.
  • 54. Test the waters. Once you’ve gotten a momentum going on your goals you can venture out more and test your willpower. Once you start making progress it become addictive and you might surprise yourself when you go out. You don’t want your new lifestyle to be a burden or take all the enjoyment out of life.
  • 55. Put your needs first. Not everyone will want you to succeed and it's pretty common for close friends or partners to hate on your diet or try to sabotage you. The common reason is they don’t want you to push what you’re doing on them and typically they have tried all kinds of diets and failed. They may challenge your approach and bash it.
  • 56. At the end of the day stay strong, keep focused and reach your goals.
  • 58. A Behavior trigger is skipping meals, meal finisher, or a grazer. Do you skip meals thinking its saving calories, or helping you lose weight? Do you finish your kids or partners food they didn’t finish on their plate? Or are you someone that eats all day long constantly, never an actual meal? These are all behaviors that will derail someone’s desire to achieve a healthy weight or lose body fat.
  • 59. Get Help Having a good solid plan with the right portions and the right food groups at the right time is the key to a successful healthy lifestyle. Behaviors or habits that can be broken in time, usually a few weeks. Best results are with someone guiding them on the key components of how to eat properly.
  • 61. A Trigger by time Is when certain times of the day, or week are difficult, usually from the late afternoon into the evening.
  • 62. Most common If you ask someone that this is their trigger they would often say “At the end of a long and hectic day, a big bowl of ice cream can be especially effective in temporarily soothing after a long exhausting day.”
  • 63. Slow Down Mindfully eating is something that would apply to all of the triggers above. Eat at a table with the appropriate utensils, and dishes. NO DISTRACTIONS. Take small bites, consuming your meal over 10-20 minutes, enjoying each bite.
  • 64. Listen to your body. Eat when it’s time, or when your body is beginning to tell you it’s time to eat. Don’t eat just because everyone else is or the heat of the moment.
  • 65. Balance If you’re cravings are out of control it’s possible your diet is out of balance. Any “diet” heavy in just one food group is disastrous and will cause a tremendous amount of cravings, your body is telling you something.
  • 66. Let me know how I can support you
  • 67. Final In case no one has told you today, I believe in you, I am here for you and would be honored to be apart of your journey!
  • 68. For stopping by Join our Lively Facebook Community Power UP Basic T !
  • 69. Disclosure I support my clients spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Anything discussed in a course, live video, presentation, educational material, the group, through private message, email, phone or other communication is said to be just suggestions and each individual is responsible for one's self, actions and must follow any and all doctors advice they have been given first and foremost. I am not a medical doctor, dietician or nutritionist. I do not hold a degree in medicine, dietetics or nutrition. I make no claim to any specialized medical training, nor do I dispense medical advice or prescriptions. My goal is to help my clients make gradual, lifelong changes that enable them to achieve their health goals and meet their ultimate vision of well-being. I am in the process of obtaining several certifications and have NASM certified coaches helping with guidance, plans, fitness and nutritional information. By being in this group or purchasing coaching services, you confirm that you have read and agree to each statement below and that you wish to proceed: 1. I understand that the health coaching services I will be receiving are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition and are not intended to be a substitute for the advice, treatment and/or diagnosis of a qualified licensed medical professional. 2. I understand that my Health Coach may not make any medical diagnoses or claims and is not a substitute for my personal physician. 3. I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for my well-being during my coaching sessions, and subsequently, including my choices and decisions. 4. I understand and agree that I should consult with my personal physician prior to making any significant changes to my diet and/or lifestyle. 5. I understand and agree that if I am under the care of a medical professional or am currently using prescription medication, I should discuss any dietary changes or potential dietary supplement use with my doctor and should not discontinue any prescription medication without first consulting my doctor. 6. I understand that all comments and ideas offered by my Health Coach are solely for the purpose of aiding me in achieving my defined goals. I have the ability to give my informed consent, and hereby give such consent to my Health Coach to assist me in achieving such goals. 7. I understand that the care that I receive during my health coaching sessions is separate from the care that I receive from any medical facility in that the health coaching sessions are in no way intended to be construed as medical advice or care. 8. I acknowledge that I take full responsibility for my life and well-being, as well as all decisions made during and after the duration of my health coaching sessions. 9. I understand that my Health Coach will keep my information confidential and will not share my information or communicate anything that is said in the privacy of a coaching session to a third party unless expressly authorized by me or legally compelled by law, process or order of any court or governmental agency. 10. I understand results are not guaranteed, it is suggested to full heartedly give the advice your full 100% try over a period of time(one month minimum). 11. NO REFUNDS. by payment and agreeing to these terms your payment is not refundable. Payments are automatically sent each month and due by the 7th or removed from the program re-entry may have a fee and or re-entry may be postponed until the next enrollment. 12. Food journals will be reviewed twice a week at random if they are not full and complete no evaluation will be communicated until next check. 13. I hereby release Katherine Hood or any other individuals in this group, individually, from any and all liability, damages, causes of action, allegations, suits, sums of money, claims and demands whatsoever, in law or equity, which I had, now have or will have in the future, arising from my past or future participation in, or otherwise with respect to the health coaching services.