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Energy Metabolism of Plants Under
Oxygen Deficiency
Plant Ecology -1
Made By
Junaid Ahmed
BS Plant Sciences Quaid I Azam
University Islamabad
Oxygen is a non-metal element that is a gas at room
temperature. Its molecules contain two oxygen atoms.
Oxygen is vital for respiration, which is the process
that transfers energy from glucose to cells.
Oxygen is necessary for burning to occur. However,
burning will only happen when the mixture of fuel and
oxygen is hot enough.
Oxygen Cycle Elaborates how oxygen circulates in
various forms through nature
What is oxygen?
2OOO 
Oxygen occurs freely in the air trapped in the
earth crust as chemical compounds or dissolved
in water.
The circulation of oxygen is through the main
flow system including the air atmosphere the
biosphere, and the earth crust.
Function of Oxygen in energy Production
The cellular respiration use oxygen to release energy. The
energy is released in the form of ATP. The oxygen in our
body is used to break down glucose and create the fuel for
your muscles called ATP.
Aerobic Metabolism.
The aerobic metabolic system functions using the Krebs
Cycle, a complex series of chemical reactions that use
oxygen to convert nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, and protein)
to carbon dioxide and adenosine triphosphate (ATP), an
energy-rich compound.
Cellular respiration is the metabolic process through which
nutrient energy is converted into ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
and waste products. ... Foods are oxidized to release the
energy they store, and the released energy is used to
synthesize ATP
Cellular respiration is the metabolic process through which
nutrient energy is converted into ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
and waste products. ... Foods are oxidized to release the energy
they store, and the released energy is used to synthesize ATP
Anaerobic respiration:
When the plant cells are not provided with
enough oxygen to carry out aerobic respiration .
But still they need energy to stay alive.
So they use an emergency system of respiration,
that is Anaerobic respiration.
Fermentation :
How plants shift towards fermentation
During their life, plants and algae are exposed to a
range of oxygen concentrations that can vary from a
fully aerobic state (normoxia) to oxygen deficiency
(hypoxia) or the total absence of oxygen (anoxia)
1. Excessive rainfall can lead to soil waterlogging or
even to the complete submergence of plants, with
dramatic consequences for crops. In the context of
climate change, an increased frequency of flooding
has been observed worldwide
2. Under hypoxia or anoxia, a series of rapid and
profound molecular and metabolic responses are
activated to endure such stress.
Why fermentation required?
Fermentation is required because the mitochondrial
production of ATP is hampered in the absence of
Under these conditions, plants have to rely on the
small amount of ATP that can still be produced
through glycolysis.
A lack of the mitochondrial re-oxidation of NADH
puts glycolysis at risk of stopping soon after the
low oxygen conditions have been established,
unless an alternative mechanism for NADH re-
oxidation is activated, i.e., fermentation .
What is stress
A significant deviation from the conditions optimal
for life and eliciting changes and responses at all
functional levels of organism.
How to recognize stress
Alterations in membrane properties
Increased or decreased respiration
Lower fertility
Inhibition of photosynthesis
Decrease of availability of energy
Oxygen stress:
Oxygen deficiency in plants is a type of stress which leads
to functional and morphological disturbances.
When plants roots are immersed in stagnant water they
become oxygen deprived and develop root rot.
Hydroponic system work best when the nutrient solution
is oxygenated with an air pump as its delivered to the
Soil grown plants suffer from oxygen deficiency when
they are over wintered give the soil a chance to dry out
between watering and give your plants only the amount
of water they can absorb in a few hours.
Once a plant suffers from root rot its nearly impossible
to rescue it.
Low Oxygen Response In Plants
Low Oxygen Response is Due to Environmental Conditions
affecting Oxygen availability.
The shift from mitochondrial respiration to fermentation is
the hallmark of anaerobic metabolism in most organisms.
The microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii responses to
low oxygen seem to have evolved independently of higher
plants, posing questions on how the fermentative
metabolism is modulated.
Responses of roots to low O2
Complete submergence not only results in reduced O2
levels in soils and roots, but also in densely packed
shoot tissues, such as meristems, especially when the
flood water is turbid and hampers light penetration.
Brown Mushy Roots
Symptoms: Plants roots are brown and mushy rather
than white and firm. Leaves droop and are pale green to
Cause: Oxygen Deficiency
Responses of shoots to low O2
Complete submergence not only results in reduced O2
levels in soils and roots, but also in densely packed
shoot tissues, such as meristems, especially when the
flood water is turbid and hampers light penetration.
Metabolic shifts upon low O2 in illuminated leaves and
found that low O2 had a negative effect on
photosynthesis and, furthermore, it clearly showed
signs of the typical hypoxia responses.
. Shoot elongation is a common flood response of
many wetland plants and crops, and the elongation
serves to restore contact with the atmosphere so that
internal aeration is sustained
Among crops, rice is well known to be exceptionally tolerant
to submergence.
Rice can germinate even in complete absence of O2 and rice
varieties possessing the Sub1A or Snorkel genes can adopt
survival strategies also at the adult stage.
Oriza sativa (Rice)
Rice Germination Under Low Oxygen
In Terms of tolerence to low Oxygen
Ricce is considered one of the most interesting
Unlike the majority of Higher Plants,
Rice is able to germinate under submergence
using the Starchy reserves of the seeds to fuel
the anaerobic metabolism.
Functional Disturbances and Patterns
of Injury
Roots are capable of respiring anaerobically,
continuous for some hours irregularities in
metabolism occur.
Partial pressure of Oxygen drops to 1-5 kPa
Alternative respiratory pathway is activate.
The energy status of the adenylate system drops
Root growth stops.
Root tips entering the low Oxygen zone die off
Adventitious root developed.
Older part of the root systems often develop corky
intumescences and swollen lenticels
Total and near total Oxygen deficiency (anoxia)
Respiration switches to anaerobic dissimilation
In the absence of terminal oxidation
Acetaldehyde and ethanol accumulate.
Abscisic acid, ethylene and ethylene precursors are
formed in larger amount.
Evoking in the leaves partial stomatal closure.
Epinasty and often abscission.
Cellular membrane systems brake down.
Mitochondia and microbodies disintegrate and their
enzymesare partially inhibited
Auxin and ROS
The plant growth regulator auxin has been well known for
regulating many growth and developmental processes such
as meristem development, cell division, cell elongation and
maintenance of polarity.
recently, auxin’s function has also been connected to plant
defense against stress.
Oxidative stress is a component of many abiotic stress
conditions such as drought,3 high temperature
stress,4 salinity5 and heavy metal stress6 and biotic stress
conditions such as herbivory7 and plant pathogen
ROS have additional signaling roles in plant adaptation to
the stress
Reactive oxygen species.
Reactive oxygen species are chemically reactive chemical
species containing oxygen.e.g peroxides superoxide,
singlet oxygen species.
During time of environmental stress its level increases
This may result in significant damage to cell structure.
This is known as oxidative stress.
Singlet oxygen
Singlet oxygen which is produced as a by-
product of photosynthesis in plants.
Under high light , highly reactive singlet
oxygen can be produced via triple chlorophyll
General view on photosynthesis:
Damaging effects in plants
The damage caused caused by singlet oxygen is
that it reduced the photosynthetic efficiency of
the increased production of singlet oxygen result
in cell death.
Various substances such as carotenoids
,tocopherols and plastoquinone contained in
chproplast quench singlet oxygen and protect
against its toxic effects.
Oxygen deficiency in plants
Oxygen deficiency in plants, brought about by
waterlogging of the root system is a very common
event in nature.
Under oxygen deficiency, glycolysis and
fermentation can exceed the aerobic metabolic rate
and become the only pathway for energy
Flooding a main cause of oxygen
Cytoplasmic acidosis as a determinant of
flooding intolerance in plants.
Cytoplasmic acidosis is cause of meristematic
death in hypoxic root tips of maize and pea
Usually leakage of acid from vacuole is
responsible for cytoplasmic acidosis.
An abiotic, non
infectious disorder
called epinasty, the
downward growth of
It is caused by
production of
Ethylene precursor,1-
carboxylic acid.
low oxygen stress as a sensor
Low oxygen stress impairs diverse plant cellular
functions, including those in the
cytosol,nucleus,mitochondria,and endoplasmic
Actually molecular oxygen is among the most
utilized molecules in eukaryotic cellular metabolism
with more than 350 oxygen dependent reactions.
Thus , decreasing oxygen levels might be indirectly
sensed due to an impairment of various metabolic
pathways when cellular oxygen concentration
Germination under Hypoxic Condition
Dry Cereal seeds contain carbohydrates mainly starch to
germinate they require catabolising enzyme α- and β- amylase ,
amylopectin – debranching enzyme α- glucosidases.
Neither wheat nor barley seeds are able to germinate under
anaerobic conditions….But Rice Can….
It depends upon the activation of enzyme α- and β- amylase.
If starch catabolising enzyme is available than degradation
products become available for further metabolism
predominantly as Glucose -6-P and Fructose -6-P
Metabolic Events affected by Oxygen
Oxygen deficiency in plants, brought about by
waterlogging of the root system is a very
common event in nature.
Its consequences vary from the increase in
biomass of the shoot in relation to the root to the
loss of plants, due to seasonal flooding.
The relative reduction in root biomass and the
shift in allocation of metabolites to the shoot
during flooding
are probably the result of a metabolic adaptation
aimed at diminishing the demand for oxygen by the
root system
Reduction in Photosynthetic Activity
consequence of waterlogging and can be
attributed to several factors
lower water potential and stomatal conductance;
lower activities of photosynthetic enzymes;
impaired transport of photoassimilates due to
lower sink activity; and lower chlorophyll content.
Under oxygen deficiency, glycolysis and
fermentation can exceed the aerobic metabolic
rate and become the only pathway for energy
Due to oxygen deficiency the mitochondrial
respiration stops as a result generation of ATP falls
from 36 to 2 moles per mole of Glucose metabolised
Although the coupling of glycolysis with
fermentation allows only limited synthesis of ATP, by
substrate level phosphorylation, it regenerates
NAD+ and removes excess protons.
Carbohydrate Regulation and Energy
The supply of carbohydrates and the regulation of
carbohydrate and energy metabolism are
important for enduring hypoxic stress.
Phloem transport is inhibited by hypoxia such that
the supply of carbohydrates to the roots
The roots of many plants accumulate sugars,
amino acids and reserves, such as starch and
fructans, when subjected to oxygen deficiency
Ozone layer affecting the Plants
Ozone affects sensitive vegetation and ecosystems,
including forests, parks, wildlife refuges and wilderness
areas. Ozone can especially cause damage during the
growing season.
Plant species that are sensitive to the effects of ozone on
their growth include trees found in many areas of the U.S.,
such as:black cherry
black cherry
quaking aspen
tulip poplar
white pine
ponderosa pine
red alder.
ozone exposure do to sensitive plants
When sufficient ozone enters the leaves of a sensitive plant, it
Reduce photosynthesis, which is the process that plants use to
convert sunlight to energy to live and grow.
Slow the plant's growth.
Increase sensitive plants'
risk of:
diseasetulip poplar
damage from insects
effects of other pollutants
harm from severe weather.
If the temperature is high enough, many substances will burn in
When a substance burns, it reacts with oxygen: this happens in
wood fires and also in car engines, which burn petrol. The chemical
reaction transfers energy in order to make the engine work.
The scientific word for burning is combustion.
Ozone affects sensitive vegetation and ecosystems, including
forests, Ground-level ozone is one of the most widespread air
pollutants. Naturally-occurring ozone in the upper
atmosphere forms a layer that absorbs the sun's harmful
ultraviolet rays and protects all life on earth. But, ground-
level ozone can harm plants as well as human health.
Uper ozone layer protects the life from damaging by
absorbing harmful radiation.
Oxygen used in Medicine
Medical oxygen is used to: provide a basis for virtually all
modern anaesthetic techniques. restore
tissue oxygen tension by improving oxygen availability in a
wide range of conditions such as COPD, cyanosis, shock,
severe hemorrhage, carbon monoxide poisoning, major
trauma, cardiac/respiratory arrest. Aid.
Doctors regulate the amount of oxygen in these areas as
excessive amounts of it can damage newborns, though it is
still a necessary element in these scenarios. Oxygen also
finds use in other medical areas: doctors enrich gaseous
anaesthetics with it to ensure a patient survives, for
Oxygen as an Ecological Indicator
study the oxygen content of a lake as a means of determining
how healthy it is, or is not. In some cases, such as algal
blooms where fertilizer run-off reaches a body of water, the
amount of oxygen in said body can be too high, and it ends
up harming the ecosystem, in some cases killing fish.
However, a certain level of it is necessary for life to grow in
water, as many species require it for life, and, in turn, other
species rely on them.
Industrial Uses of Oxygen
During the forging process, workers blow highly pressurized
oxygen to increase the volatile nature, and thus removal, of
undesirable compounds in steel.
It also finds use in welding, where it can increase the
temperature of a flame, allowing it to melt and weld
substances that have a higher resistance to heat.
Similarly, oxygen-rich air finds use in the creation of
acetylene and methanol, among others.
Some plant tissues tolerate anaerobic
Some plants can tolerate exposure to strictly anaerobic
conditions for an extended period ie weeks or months.
These include the rhizomes (underground horizontal stems)
of schoenoplectus lacustris,scripus maritimus(salt marsh
bulrush) and typha angustifolia (narrow leaved cattail)
which can survive for several months and expand their
leaves in an aerobic atmosphere.
The embryo and coleoptile of rice and echinochloa crus –
galli var.oryzicola (rice grass) can also survive weeks of
In nature rhizomes overwinter in anaerobic mud at
the edges of lakes.
In spring once the leaves have expanded above the
mud or water surface ,o2 diffuses down through
arenchyma into the rhizome.
Metabolism then switches from anaerobic to
(fermentative )to an aerobic mode ,and roots begin to
grow using the available oxygen
During germination of paddy (wetland ) rice and
of rice grass ,the coleoptile breaks the water
surface and becomes a diffusion pathway (a
snorkel) for O2 to the rest of the plant .
Even though rice is a wetland specie its roots are
intolerant of anoxia as those of maize .
Strategies to tolerate choronic anoxia
The ability of organs of wetland plants to tolerate
chronic anoxia may depend on strategies similar those
just described ,but they are clearly employed to
greater effect.
Critical features appear to be
•Control of cytoplasmic pH
•Continued generation of ATP by glycolysis and
•And sufficient storage of fuel for anaerobic respiration
over extended periods
Oxygen Deficiency In Plants

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Oxygen Deficiency In Plants

  • 1.
  • 2. Energy Metabolism of Plants Under Oxygen Deficiency Presentation Plant Ecology -1 Topic
  • 3. Presentation Made By Junaid Ahmed BS Plant Sciences Quaid I Azam University Islamabad
  • 4. Oxygen is a non-metal element that is a gas at room temperature. Its molecules contain two oxygen atoms. Oxygen is vital for respiration, which is the process that transfers energy from glucose to cells. Oxygen is necessary for burning to occur. However, burning will only happen when the mixture of fuel and oxygen is hot enough. Oxygen Cycle Elaborates how oxygen circulates in various forms through nature What is oxygen? 2OOO 
  • 5. Oxygen occurs freely in the air trapped in the earth crust as chemical compounds or dissolved in water. The circulation of oxygen is through the main flow system including the air atmosphere the biosphere, and the earth crust.
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  • 7. Function of Oxygen in energy Production The cellular respiration use oxygen to release energy. The energy is released in the form of ATP. The oxygen in our body is used to break down glucose and create the fuel for your muscles called ATP. Aerobic Metabolism. The aerobic metabolic system functions using the Krebs Cycle, a complex series of chemical reactions that use oxygen to convert nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, and protein) to carbon dioxide and adenosine triphosphate (ATP), an energy-rich compound. Cellular respiration is the metabolic process through which nutrient energy is converted into ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and waste products. ... Foods are oxidized to release the energy they store, and the released energy is used to synthesize ATP
  • 8. Cellular respiration is the metabolic process through which nutrient energy is converted into ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and waste products. ... Foods are oxidized to release the energy they store, and the released energy is used to synthesize ATP
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  • 11. Anaerobic respiration: When the plant cells are not provided with enough oxygen to carry out aerobic respiration . But still they need energy to stay alive. So they use an emergency system of respiration, that is Anaerobic respiration.
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  • 14. How plants shift towards fermentation During their life, plants and algae are exposed to a range of oxygen concentrations that can vary from a fully aerobic state (normoxia) to oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) or the total absence of oxygen (anoxia) 1. Excessive rainfall can lead to soil waterlogging or even to the complete submergence of plants, with dramatic consequences for crops. In the context of climate change, an increased frequency of flooding has been observed worldwide 2. Under hypoxia or anoxia, a series of rapid and profound molecular and metabolic responses are activated to endure such stress.
  • 15. Why fermentation required? Fermentation is required because the mitochondrial production of ATP is hampered in the absence of oxygen. Under these conditions, plants have to rely on the small amount of ATP that can still be produced through glycolysis. A lack of the mitochondrial re-oxidation of NADH puts glycolysis at risk of stopping soon after the low oxygen conditions have been established, unless an alternative mechanism for NADH re- oxidation is activated, i.e., fermentation .
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  • 17. What is stress A significant deviation from the conditions optimal for life and eliciting changes and responses at all functional levels of organism.
  • 18. How to recognize stress Alterations in membrane properties Increased or decreased respiration Lower fertility Inhibition of photosynthesis Decrease of availability of energy
  • 19. Oxygen stress: Oxygen deficiency in plants is a type of stress which leads to functional and morphological disturbances. When plants roots are immersed in stagnant water they become oxygen deprived and develop root rot. Hydroponic system work best when the nutrient solution is oxygenated with an air pump as its delivered to the plants. Soil grown plants suffer from oxygen deficiency when they are over wintered give the soil a chance to dry out between watering and give your plants only the amount of water they can absorb in a few hours. Once a plant suffers from root rot its nearly impossible to rescue it.
  • 20. Low Oxygen Response In Plants Low Oxygen Response is Due to Environmental Conditions affecting Oxygen availability. The shift from mitochondrial respiration to fermentation is the hallmark of anaerobic metabolism in most organisms. The microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii responses to low oxygen seem to have evolved independently of higher plants, posing questions on how the fermentative metabolism is modulated.
  • 21. Responses of roots to low O2 Complete submergence not only results in reduced O2 levels in soils and roots, but also in densely packed shoot tissues, such as meristems, especially when the flood water is turbid and hampers light penetration.
  • 22. Brown Mushy Roots Symptoms: Plants roots are brown and mushy rather than white and firm. Leaves droop and are pale green to yellow. Cause: Oxygen Deficiency
  • 23. Responses of shoots to low O2 Complete submergence not only results in reduced O2 levels in soils and roots, but also in densely packed shoot tissues, such as meristems, especially when the flood water is turbid and hampers light penetration. Metabolic shifts upon low O2 in illuminated leaves and found that low O2 had a negative effect on photosynthesis and, furthermore, it clearly showed signs of the typical hypoxia responses. . Shoot elongation is a common flood response of many wetland plants and crops, and the elongation serves to restore contact with the atmosphere so that internal aeration is sustained
  • 24. Among crops, rice is well known to be exceptionally tolerant to submergence. Rice can germinate even in complete absence of O2 and rice varieties possessing the Sub1A or Snorkel genes can adopt survival strategies also at the adult stage. Oriza sativa (Rice)
  • 25. Rice Germination Under Low Oxygen In Terms of tolerence to low Oxygen Ricce is considered one of the most interesting Species. Unlike the majority of Higher Plants, Rice is able to germinate under submergence using the Starchy reserves of the seeds to fuel the anaerobic metabolism.
  • 26. Functional Disturbances and Patterns of Injury Roots are capable of respiring anaerobically, continuous for some hours irregularities in metabolism occur. Partial pressure of Oxygen drops to 1-5 kPa (Hypoxia) Alternative respiratory pathway is activate. The energy status of the adenylate system drops substantially. Root growth stops. Root tips entering the low Oxygen zone die off
  • 27. Adventitious root developed. Older part of the root systems often develop corky intumescences and swollen lenticels
  • 28. Total and near total Oxygen deficiency (anoxia) Respiration switches to anaerobic dissimilation In the absence of terminal oxidation Acetaldehyde and ethanol accumulate. Abscisic acid, ethylene and ethylene precursors are formed in larger amount. Evoking in the leaves partial stomatal closure. Epinasty and often abscission. Cellular membrane systems brake down. Mitochondia and microbodies disintegrate and their enzymesare partially inhibited
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  • 30. Auxin and ROS The plant growth regulator auxin has been well known for regulating many growth and developmental processes such as meristem development, cell division, cell elongation and maintenance of polarity. recently, auxin’s function has also been connected to plant defense against stress. Oxidative stress is a component of many abiotic stress conditions such as drought,3 high temperature stress,4 salinity5 and heavy metal stress6 and biotic stress conditions such as herbivory7 and plant pathogen interactions. ROS have additional signaling roles in plant adaptation to the stress
  • 31. Reactive oxygen species. Reactive oxygen species are chemically reactive chemical species containing oxygen.e.g peroxides superoxide, singlet oxygen species. During time of environmental stress its level increases dramatically. This may result in significant damage to cell structure. This is known as oxidative stress.
  • 32. Singlet oxygen Singlet oxygen which is produced as a by- product of photosynthesis in plants. Under high light , highly reactive singlet oxygen can be produced via triple chlorophyll
  • 33. General view on photosynthesis: Photosynthesis Light Independent Reaction Light Dependent Reaction
  • 36. Damaging effects in plants The damage caused caused by singlet oxygen is that it reduced the photosynthetic efficiency of photosynthesis. the increased production of singlet oxygen result in cell death. Various substances such as carotenoids ,tocopherols and plastoquinone contained in chproplast quench singlet oxygen and protect against its toxic effects.
  • 37. Oxygen deficiency in plants Oxygen deficiency in plants, brought about by waterlogging of the root system is a very common event in nature. Under oxygen deficiency, glycolysis and fermentation can exceed the aerobic metabolic rate and become the only pathway for energy production.
  • 38. Flooding a main cause of oxygen DEFICIENCY Cytoplasmic acidosis as a determinant of flooding intolerance in plants. Cytoplasmic acidosis is cause of meristematic death in hypoxic root tips of maize and pea seedlings. Usually leakage of acid from vacuole is responsible for cytoplasmic acidosis.
  • 39. Epinasty An abiotic, non infectious disorder called epinasty, the downward growth of leave. It is caused by production of ethylene. Ethylene precursor,1- aminocyclopropane-1- carboxylic acid.
  • 40. low oxygen stress as a sensor Low oxygen stress impairs diverse plant cellular functions, including those in the cytosol,nucleus,mitochondria,and endoplasmic reticulum(ER). Actually molecular oxygen is among the most utilized molecules in eukaryotic cellular metabolism with more than 350 oxygen dependent reactions. Thus , decreasing oxygen levels might be indirectly sensed due to an impairment of various metabolic pathways when cellular oxygen concentration changes.
  • 41. Germination under Hypoxic Condition Dry Cereal seeds contain carbohydrates mainly starch to germinate they require catabolising enzyme α- and β- amylase , amylopectin – debranching enzyme α- glucosidases. Neither wheat nor barley seeds are able to germinate under anaerobic conditions….But Rice Can…. It depends upon the activation of enzyme α- and β- amylase. If starch catabolising enzyme is available than degradation products become available for further metabolism predominantly as Glucose -6-P and Fructose -6-P
  • 42. Metabolic Events affected by Oxygen Deficiency Oxygen deficiency in plants, brought about by waterlogging of the root system is a very common event in nature. Its consequences vary from the increase in biomass of the shoot in relation to the root to the loss of plants, due to seasonal flooding. The relative reduction in root biomass and the shift in allocation of metabolites to the shoot during flooding
  • 43. are probably the result of a metabolic adaptation aimed at diminishing the demand for oxygen by the root system
  • 44. Reduction in Photosynthetic Activity consequence of waterlogging and can be attributed to several factors lower water potential and stomatal conductance; lower activities of photosynthetic enzymes; impaired transport of photoassimilates due to lower sink activity; and lower chlorophyll content. Under oxygen deficiency, glycolysis and fermentation can exceed the aerobic metabolic rate and become the only pathway for energy production.
  • 45. Due to oxygen deficiency the mitochondrial respiration stops as a result generation of ATP falls from 36 to 2 moles per mole of Glucose metabolised Although the coupling of glycolysis with fermentation allows only limited synthesis of ATP, by substrate level phosphorylation, it regenerates NAD+ and removes excess protons.
  • 46. Carbohydrate Regulation and Energy Metabolism The supply of carbohydrates and the regulation of carbohydrate and energy metabolism are important for enduring hypoxic stress. Phloem transport is inhibited by hypoxia such that the supply of carbohydrates to the roots diminishes. The roots of many plants accumulate sugars, amino acids and reserves, such as starch and fructans, when subjected to oxygen deficiency
  • 47. Ozone layer affecting the Plants Ozone affects sensitive vegetation and ecosystems, including forests, parks, wildlife refuges and wilderness areas. Ozone can especially cause damage during the growing season. Plant species that are sensitive to the effects of ozone on their growth include trees found in many areas of the U.S., such as:black cherry black cherry quaking aspen tulip poplar white pine ponderosa pine red alder.
  • 48. ozone exposure do to sensitive plants When sufficient ozone enters the leaves of a sensitive plant, it can: Reduce photosynthesis, which is the process that plants use to convert sunlight to energy to live and grow. Slow the plant's growth. Increase sensitive plants' risk of: diseasetulip poplar damage from insects effects of other pollutants harm from severe weather.
  • 49. Burning If the temperature is high enough, many substances will burn in oxygen. When a substance burns, it reacts with oxygen: this happens in wood fires and also in car engines, which burn petrol. The chemical reaction transfers energy in order to make the engine work. The scientific word for burning is combustion.
  • 50. Ozone affects sensitive vegetation and ecosystems, including forests, Ground-level ozone is one of the most widespread air pollutants. Naturally-occurring ozone in the upper atmosphere forms a layer that absorbs the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays and protects all life on earth. But, ground- level ozone can harm plants as well as human health. Uper ozone layer protects the life from damaging by absorbing harmful radiation. Ozone
  • 51. Oxygen used in Medicine Medical oxygen is used to: provide a basis for virtually all modern anaesthetic techniques. restore tissue oxygen tension by improving oxygen availability in a wide range of conditions such as COPD, cyanosis, shock, severe hemorrhage, carbon monoxide poisoning, major trauma, cardiac/respiratory arrest. Aid. Doctors regulate the amount of oxygen in these areas as excessive amounts of it can damage newborns, though it is still a necessary element in these scenarios. Oxygen also finds use in other medical areas: doctors enrich gaseous anaesthetics with it to ensure a patient survives, for instance.
  • 52. Oxygen as an Ecological Indicator study the oxygen content of a lake as a means of determining how healthy it is, or is not. In some cases, such as algal blooms where fertilizer run-off reaches a body of water, the amount of oxygen in said body can be too high, and it ends up harming the ecosystem, in some cases killing fish. However, a certain level of it is necessary for life to grow in water, as many species require it for life, and, in turn, other species rely on them.
  • 53. Industrial Uses of Oxygen During the forging process, workers blow highly pressurized oxygen to increase the volatile nature, and thus removal, of undesirable compounds in steel. It also finds use in welding, where it can increase the temperature of a flame, allowing it to melt and weld substances that have a higher resistance to heat. Similarly, oxygen-rich air finds use in the creation of acetylene and methanol, among others.
  • 54. Some plant tissues tolerate anaerobic conditions Some plants can tolerate exposure to strictly anaerobic conditions for an extended period ie weeks or months. These include the rhizomes (underground horizontal stems) of schoenoplectus lacustris,scripus maritimus(salt marsh bulrush) and typha angustifolia (narrow leaved cattail) which can survive for several months and expand their leaves in an aerobic atmosphere. The embryo and coleoptile of rice and echinochloa crus – galli var.oryzicola (rice grass) can also survive weeks of anoxia
  • 55. Rhizome In nature rhizomes overwinter in anaerobic mud at the edges of lakes. In spring once the leaves have expanded above the mud or water surface ,o2 diffuses down through arenchyma into the rhizome. Metabolism then switches from anaerobic to (fermentative )to an aerobic mode ,and roots begin to grow using the available oxygen
  • 56. Coleoptile During germination of paddy (wetland ) rice and of rice grass ,the coleoptile breaks the water surface and becomes a diffusion pathway (a snorkel) for O2 to the rest of the plant . Even though rice is a wetland specie its roots are intolerant of anoxia as those of maize .
  • 57. Strategies to tolerate choronic anoxia The ability of organs of wetland plants to tolerate chronic anoxia may depend on strategies similar those just described ,but they are clearly employed to greater effect. Critical features appear to be •Control of cytoplasmic pH •Continued generation of ATP by glycolysis and fermentation •And sufficient storage of fuel for anaerobic respiration over extended periods