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*Information and
Communication Technology (ICT)
• Deals with the use of communication and technologies such as
mobile phone, telephone, internet etc. to locate, save send and edit
For other information, ICT A good many well as the use of ict in the
world, specially students. In that case students learn more about
computers uses.
ICT Philippines- Several International companies dub the
Philippines as the “ICT Hub on Asia.” it is no secret it is a huge
growth of ICT-related jobs around the country one of which is the
call center or BPO (Business Process Outsourcing Centers.
> statistics also known as the page of stationary page in the sense that the
page is “ as is “ and cannot be manipulated by the users.
> This is the first of the world wide web evolution.
* Web 2.0 Dynamics Web Pages
> Coined by Darcy De Nucci on January 1999.
> The evolution of web 1.0 adding dynamics web pages.
> Allow users to interact with the page instead of just reading a page.
> Some Web 2.0 capabilities were present in the days of Web 1.0, but they
were implemented differently.
• Allows users to categorize and classify/arrange information using
freely chosen keywords. ( .e. g tagging). Example twitter,
Instagram and Facebook. This is also reffered to Hashtags.
2. Rich user experience
- Content dynamic is responsive to users input. An example would
be the website that shows local content .
3. Participation Concerns
- the owner of the website is not the only one who is able to put
4.Loing tail
- Service that offered on demand rather on the one time purchase
this is synonymous to subscribing.
5.Softwareasa Service
• Users will subscribe to a soft ware only when needed rather than purchasing
6.Mass participation
- diverse information sharing through universal web access.
* Web 3.0 Sermantic Web
> The Sesmantic web is movement led by the World Wide web Consortuim
The W3C standard encourages web developers to include semantic content in
their web pages.
The term coined by the inventor of the World Wide web.
Tim Berners- Lee – lee is also noted the the semantic web is a component for
the web 3.0.
• 1.Compatibility – HTML files and current web browsers could not
support 3.0 web.
2.Security -The users security is also in question since the machine
Is having his of her preferences.
3Vastness – The world wide web already contains billion of web
• 4.Vagueness –Certain words are impercise. The word “old’ and
‘small” would depend on the user
5. Logic – Since machine use the logic use the certain limitations for
a computer to be able to predict what the is referring to at a given
Trends in ICT
• 1 Convergence – Technological Convergence is the synergy of
the technological advancement to work on similar goal or
2.Social Media – Social Media is a website application or online
channel that enables web users to create , co-create discuss
modify and exchange users generated content.
6 types of Social media
• Social networks – These are the sites that allow you to connect with
the same interest or background.
• Book Marketing Sites- These are the sites that allow you to store
and manage links to various websites and resources.
• Social news – These are the sites that allow users to post their own
news items or links to other news source.
• Media sharing – These are the sites that allow you to upload and
share media content like images , music, videos.
• Microblogging - These are sites that focus on short updates from
the user. Those subscribe to the user will be able to receives this
• Blogs And Forums – these websites allow user to post their content.
*Mobile Technologies
• Wireless broadband technologies
LTE - Long Tem Evolution
4g - Fourth generation
3g - Third generation
• Mobile Devices Operating System
a. IOS –Used in apple devices such as the iPhone and iPad.
b. Android –an open source operating system developed by
c. Blackberry OS – used in Blackberry Devices.
d. Windows Phone OS- a closed source and operating system
developing by Microsoft.
e. Symbian – The original phones OS; used by Nokia Devices.
f. Web OS- originally used for smart phones: now used for Smart Tv
• Developed by Microsoft for smart phones and pocket PCs.
4. Assistive Media
• Assistive Media is nonprofit service design to help people
who have visual and reading imparements
• Assistive Media was the first internet-based audio reading service for
persons with print reading barriers thereby opening a unique avenue of
accessibility for many individuals with cognitive, physical, and
communication disabilities
Empowerment technologies
(Handoutof week2)
• Importance of learning about empowerment
- Enable to get different sets of knowledge regarding with the
technology’s , behaviors , proper diligence , and ethics in inter acting
with different online users.
To Avoid various problems to arise
• Online fraud
• Identity grabbing
• Cyber bullying
• Privacy Invasion
What do we commonly do when we are about to use Internet?
• Gather Information and communication
• For productivity
• Entertainment
ICT - Informationand Communications
• Refers to the technology both hardware and software enable humans to
communicate with one another.
• ICT is commonly misconception that it was internet or computer alone but it
was technically used for communication.
• Example of hardware and Software
>Smart phones (Hard ware)
> Viber /Messenger/Line(Software)
Evolution of ICT
ICT started when the humans are use different objects to communicate.
4 Main Period
• Pre mechanical
• Around 3000 BC
• Humans use PICTOGRAM curved in the rock
*During this period, human started to invent devices and techniques in
counting china – the abacus.
-About 1450-1840
-Development of machines
-Advent (arrival) of the mechanical calculator (Pascaline)
-Invented by Blaise Pascal with Wilhem Schickard.
• “Father of computers” on of the investors
• New age of communication around 1840-1940
• Telegraph for transmitting transformation (Morse Code)
- A system for transmitting messages from a distance long a wire, specially
one creating signals by making and breaking an electrical connection.
• 1837 – William Cookie & Charles Wheatstone (5magnetic niddles)
• 1844-Samuel Morse ( Morse Code)
• 1876- Alexander Graham Bell (telephone) copper wires. 
-1940’s to present
- Advent (arrival) solid state devices or electronic devices
4 Main Events
* Late vacuum tubes period
- Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer( ENIC) processing speed
was slower than machine today is device sometimes used to amplify
electronic signals
-1947 is a semi conductor device used to amplify or switch electronic
signals and electrical power. Can be found in different device even today.
*Integrated Circuits
- Electrical engineer Jack Kilby introduce (IC) 1958
• Is a set of electronic circuits on one small flat piece (or ship) of
semiconductor material, normally Silicon
• An IC can function as an amplifier, or timer, counter computer memory, or
• Integrated in a chip that limited distance as the result of fast processing
• From the time up today GUI ( Graphical user Interface) message.
For Example Interface of Inbox( Message)
For Decades, developers , scientist , and Engineers.
Developed different ways to communicate and share information that can be
stored in computers and processing devices and its what we called Internet or
World Wide Web.
• ICT Today
- Combine of today’s hardware soft ware, GUI ,of effective communications
- We use internet to gather information and communicate different people
- We use it for net wok as our tools.
• World Wide Web
-System that allows you to access hyper text documents( Documents that
the programmers develop to access websites.
- Browsers propose by Berners lee 1989
- Before we have specific “Names/Titles” to type in able to access the
hyper text fill, we call it Web 1.0 read only web.
- Web 2.0 read and write web (email and Social networking sites)
- Today we use Web 3.0 Semantic Executing Web wider web and fast
• Social Media
- its started from Web 3.0
• There are different social media forms
-photo sharing
- Social Networks
• Virality ( Viral) by the use of social medias common get to
- Photo
- Comment
- Like
- Shares
We era also use it for advertising.
• Empowerment Technology
(Hand out of week 3)
• Researching and Information seeking
-We use World Wide Web to research and education. There number and information
sources over the Internet some of which are:
• Web Search Engine
-Program used to search (mine) World Wide Web.They provide defferent websites Ex.
Google, Yahoo and Bing.
• Research Indexting sites
-Websites that are complete and index research done by academic researchers
engineering, scientist and so on.
Ex. Google Scholar, Research gate and IEE.
* Massive Online Open Course ( MOOC) sites or tutorial
- Diliver information like a classroom set up where lecture and activities are
submitted online
Example Udemy , edK, Mathenik Math and builder type test.
• Employment Web Sites
use to jobs vacancies and accommodate job seekers.
• By providing Information such as job discription and it needs it helps the
user to much theirskills and qualifications of applicant.
• Electronic comerece
- use for business mangement and costumers convinience. It helps to
trade product and currencies
• Authenticity Verification Information from the web
-On this day, the later versionthat we use give users the privilege to
publish their own website regardless to their content.
Example: Facebook by , Wikipedia by
• Ways to verify trust worthy or legitimate websites
> Publish Author’s name
-The one who made the article, blog or forum
- Helps to identify if the article is hoaxes or paise article.
> Credible Web Sites
-Thses are websites of big international or localcompanies or involve in
the field you are searching.
• Rating viewers or and number of shares
- A site in which it shows specific collective rating of the past viewers on the
site. Example: Torrent, 9anime, and Kiss Asian.
References and related articles
-It shows list of reference and articles that is publish to one website
• Online Ethics and Ethiqutte
- The term “ Netiqutte ” coined or combination of the term network and
- The term “ Netizens ” refers to the person who is part of the community
• Cyber Avator
-it is your online representation and extension of your personality and existing
society that you are part of.
• Values should we apply using WWW
* Respect
* kindness
* Courtesy
• An Acceptable in online Community
- Hate speech
- Gossip
- Pornography
- Bullying
• World Wide Web
- can be access by the different people around the world.
- Every information that can be seen in specific website is considered as
copy write or own by another individuals. But it can most specially when
used for education, work tool and referencing.
- We used it to communicate by the used of the different software such as
messenger, viber ,line and etc.
• Online Safety Security
Spam – Transmission on of unsolcitted message from various origins
using electronic message.
• Phishing
- It is a software use by the attackers common target are password to
access their accounts.
• Malware
- Short term for malicious software a chaos to a computer operations and
processes. Commonly disguised as enticing Websites.
• Government Provission for online Courtesy and Ethiquette
Republic Act 10627 Or anti bullying act of 2013
- Severe or repeated uses by one or more students written verbal or even
electronic expression.
 This law includes protections to individuals through bullying electronics
Republic Act 10175 Cybercrime
- Prevention Act of 2012
- This law protects an individual from various unwanted online and cyber
acts that can affect the privacy of an individual.
eek of4)
• Mail Merge
-it’s a software look kit that is used to produce multiple documents with
a given template. Editing the basic information that is supplied by a structure
date set.
Steps in using Mail merge
1. Create a data set with title headings on a speed sheet application.
2. Create the date template of the letter or document that will receive that
data set in a word processor.
3. Insert the label of costomized detail in the word processor and insert the
label that corresponds to spread sheet.
4. Select the option preview in the word processor and generate all of the
pages with different information.
• A hyper link is a references to another file that is represented by a word .An
Image or any documents element in an document processor.
• The Source Code is the term used to describe a document that contains
hyper linked elements . Usually hyper link text are colored blue for
distinction and noticeability .
• Two types of link
> Anchor Link This is a hyper link that points to a portion of the same
> Inline Link This is a hyper linked where in the content is located in
another remote files.
• Mail merge And Hyper Linking Comparison
• Advantages
> Using mail merge will enable to you to create multiple pages that
depends on data set on a spread sheet.
• Mail Merge can help you to costomize the some part of the template by
suing Rules option.
• Hyper link will help you organize the content of you life.
• In Hyper link, an important website can be stored in keywords in your
document files In powerpoint presentation, you can go back and forth to
connected key words in different slides through hyperlink.
• Dis Advantage:
> To many hyper links can cause confusion regarding the document or page
where you wish to be directed.
> Ask for Mail Merge, it can be confusing if numerous labels place in the
• Basic Graphic principles of graphic and layout
> Info graphic – is short learn for information graphic which refers to an
image that combines In formation.
• Image – Are very effective in communicating messages they are easily
• Basic Elements of layout Info graphic
- the most basic of all elements
- can defined the characteristics of an info graphic
- can form shape that can catch the attension of the viewers
-They can be sharp be made up or broken lines and find our thick
lines and can create a different impressions to viewers
- A group of lines canal so create a patterns of shape.
• Color
-is of the powerful and influencial in an info graphic
- Using the right combination can catch the attention of passerby even
glacing viewers.
• Shape
- are universal symbols that do not require language, but hey can give a
specific meaning regardless of the background and athencity of the
- these are the define by the created by a combination of mutiple lines .
• Principle Design
- The uses of different design of elements defines the message and ideas
that the image di pecs.
- Privential are the principles of design that will ensure harmonious
relationship between viewer and the image itself.
- Describe the placements of elements , shapes, line , throughout the
• Formal Balance – when the object are symmethricaly are property
• Information balance- Includes a non symimtrical distribution of elements
but compensaled different aspects such as colors and line.
• Contrast – the arrangement of an element in an image maybe done by
combining elements with different characteristics and properties .
• Unity – It is when all the elements be a singular element in unison . This
makes the design pleasing to viewers.
• Proportion – This is the correlation of the elements with one another
• Rhythm- This discribes the product having the element placed in harmony
with one another.
• 1. Opening image files – at the upper portion of the GIMP editor press the
• 2. Select Tool- select the crop tool from the tool box. There are three type
of selecting tool square tool enables you to select the portion of the image
the Ellipse tool enables you to select a portion of the image by enclosing it
with ellipse or circle. Last the preselecting tool enables you to select a
portion of image by ar bithary enclosed shape that you defined by tracing
the image in freehand.
• 3.Erase tool – Select the erace tool from the tool box. The erase too used
to replaced my selected part with white strokes.
• 4. Paint Brush- Select the paint brush tool from the tool box. The paint
tool is similar to erase tool. The only diffence is that you can select and
change the color of the brush.
• 5. Saving you work- From the file Option select the save as option and
save you work in the desired technology.
• Different used in the GIMP image editor
• Rectangle select tool - used to select a part of the image in rectangular
• Ellipse Used to select part of the image in ellipse or circular shape
• Free selecting tool – used to select cotumize shape shape by hand drawing
the bounding line
• Fuzzy Select Too – used to select an area intelligently by the computer
• Select by color tool- Used to select a certain color.
• Scissors select tool- Used to select a shape determined by the edges
defined the image.
• Foreground Select tool- used to select an separate the subject in the
image against the background of the image.
• Patch tool- used to create a customize path for editing
• Color Picker Tool – Used to select specified color from the image
• Zoom tool – Used to adjust scale and size of the image
• Measure tool – used to measure the distance between two points
• Move tool – Used to select part of image and transfer it to another area.
• Alignment tool – Used to align all the layers in the image
• Crop Tool – Used to removed or cut a certain image
• Rotate Tool – Used to rotate the image
• Scale - Used to scale large or scale small the image in the workplace
• Shear Tool- used to make the image look slanted or inclined on one side
• Perspective Tool- Used to make the image look as if viewed certain angle.
• Flip Tool – Used to flip or invert the view of the image horizontally
• Cage transform Tool – used to transform the size of certain portion of the
• Text Tool – Used to insert textbox for insertion of characteristics words
• Bucket fill tool- Used to authomaticaly fill the entire section of the
choosen color
• Gradient tool- Used to the selected with color gradient
• Pencil tool - Used to draw on selected image.
• Smudge tool Used to smadge a selesction using a brush.
Online ImageWebsite
(Hand outweek 7&8)
• Online website are websites the stores uploaded image by users .
There are various websites that can host your imagae some of which
are free. There are Websites that also offer value added Services.
• *Google
• *Flickr
Online flat form Application
The term flat forms refers to a program created by developers that can
be modified or reprogrammed by out side users.
The Formula Translating System
(Fortran) – To find successful Commercial programming language
complier help humans give instructions and interact with computers.
• The Application programming lnter face is not a govermenting protocol or
rules on how software elements should communicate and inter act with
Online Presentaion Tools
(Hand outweek 9&10)
• Prezi – is a cloud based application. Dedicate to hepl you to make a
Slideshare - This is considered as one of the aerliest form of online
presentaion media. This Application started in Web 2.0 The primary function
of this website is to providea facility for uploading
• Is a service wherein files from users are stored developed by Google
• Google drive – This is a storage application develop by Google
• Drop box- This is a file hosting and storage develop by Drop box
• Is an online ote taking and archiving application service .
• Mind Meister This is an online Collaborate tool In which different
individuals can share ideas.
Google maps – This is a Web mapping Application dev. loped by google
WikiMapia - This is Collaborative open Content mapping application.
I hope you learned from my

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Project in Empowerment Technology

  • 1.
  • 2. *Information and Communication Technology (ICT) • Deals with the use of communication and technologies such as mobile phone, telephone, internet etc. to locate, save send and edit information. For other information, ICT A good many well as the use of ict in the world, specially students. In that case students learn more about computers uses. ICT Philippines- Several International companies dub the Philippines as the “ICT Hub on Asia.” it is no secret it is a huge growth of ICT-related jobs around the country one of which is the call center or BPO (Business Process Outsourcing Centers.
  • 3. *Web1.0statisticsWebpages > statistics also known as the page of stationary page in the sense that the page is “ as is “ and cannot be manipulated by the users. > This is the first of the world wide web evolution. * Web 2.0 Dynamics Web Pages > Coined by Darcy De Nucci on January 1999. > The evolution of web 1.0 adding dynamics web pages. > Allow users to interact with the page instead of just reading a page. > Some Web 2.0 capabilities were present in the days of Web 1.0, but they were implemented differently.
  • 5. 1.Folksonomy(Feuturesinweb2.0) • Allows users to categorize and classify/arrange information using freely chosen keywords. ( .e. g tagging). Example twitter, Instagram and Facebook. This is also reffered to Hashtags. 2. Rich user experience - Content dynamic is responsive to users input. An example would be the website that shows local content . 3. Participation Concerns - the owner of the website is not the only one who is able to put content. 4.Loing tail - Service that offered on demand rather on the one time purchase this is synonymous to subscribing.
  • 6. 5.Softwareasa Service • Users will subscribe to a soft ware only when needed rather than purchasing them. 6.Mass participation - diverse information sharing through universal web access. * Web 3.0 Sermantic Web > The Sesmantic web is movement led by the World Wide web Consortuim (W3C). The W3C standard encourages web developers to include semantic content in their web pages. The term coined by the inventor of the World Wide web. Tim Berners- Lee – lee is also noted the the semantic web is a component for the web 3.0.
  • 7. Web3.0isyetbefullyrealizedbecauseoftheseveralproblems • 1.Compatibility – HTML files and current web browsers could not support 3.0 web. 2.Security -The users security is also in question since the machine Is having his of her preferences. 3Vastness – The world wide web already contains billion of web pages. • 4.Vagueness –Certain words are impercise. The word “old’ and ‘small” would depend on the user 5. Logic – Since machine use the logic use the certain limitations for a computer to be able to predict what the is referring to at a given time.
  • 8. Trends in ICT • 1 Convergence – Technological Convergence is the synergy of the technological advancement to work on similar goal or task. 2.Social Media – Social Media is a website application or online channel that enables web users to create , co-create discuss modify and exchange users generated content.
  • 9. 6 types of Social media • Social networks – These are the sites that allow you to connect with the same interest or background. • Book Marketing Sites- These are the sites that allow you to store and manage links to various websites and resources. • Social news – These are the sites that allow users to post their own news items or links to other news source. • Media sharing – These are the sites that allow you to upload and share media content like images , music, videos. • Microblogging - These are sites that focus on short updates from the user. Those subscribe to the user will be able to receives this updates. • Blogs And Forums – these websites allow user to post their content.
  • 10. *Mobile Technologies • Wireless broadband technologies LTE - Long Tem Evolution 4g - Fourth generation 3g - Third generation • Mobile Devices Operating System a. IOS –Used in apple devices such as the iPhone and iPad. b. Android –an open source operating system developed by Google. c. Blackberry OS – used in Blackberry Devices. d. Windows Phone OS- a closed source and operating system developing by Microsoft. e. Symbian – The original phones OS; used by Nokia Devices. f. Web OS- originally used for smart phones: now used for Smart Tv
  • 11. • Developed by Microsoft for smart phones and pocket PCs. 4. Assistive Media • Assistive Media is nonprofit service design to help people who have visual and reading imparements • Assistive Media was the first internet-based audio reading service for persons with print reading barriers thereby opening a unique avenue of accessibility for many individuals with cognitive, physical, and communication disabilities
  • 12. Empowerment technologies (Handoutof week2) • Importance of learning about empowerment Technologies - Enable to get different sets of knowledge regarding with the technology’s , behaviors , proper diligence , and ethics in inter acting with different online users. To Avoid various problems to arise • Online fraud • Identity grabbing • Cyber bullying • Privacy Invasion What do we commonly do when we are about to use Internet? • Gather Information and communication • For productivity • Entertainment
  • 13. ICT - Informationand Communications Technology. • Refers to the technology both hardware and software enable humans to communicate with one another. • ICT is commonly misconception that it was internet or computer alone but it was technically used for communication. • Example of hardware and Software >Smart phones (Hard ware) > Viber /Messenger/Line(Software) Evolution of ICT ICT started when the humans are use different objects to communicate. 4 Main Period • Pre mechanical • Around 3000 BC • Humans use PICTOGRAM curved in the rock
  • 14. tstopaperusing(papyrusplants) *During this period, human started to invent devices and techniques in counting china – the abacus. Mechanical -About 1450-1840 -Development of machines -Advent (arrival) of the mechanical calculator (Pascaline) PASCALINE -Invented by Blaise Pascal with Wilhem Schickard.
  • 15. • “Father of computers” on of the investors • ELECTROMECHANICAL • New age of communication around 1840-1940 • Telegraph for transmitting transformation (Morse Code) - A system for transmitting messages from a distance long a wire, specially one creating signals by making and breaking an electrical connection.
  • 16. • 1837 – William Cookie & Charles Wheatstone (5magnetic niddles) • 1844-Samuel Morse ( Morse Code) • 1876- Alexander Graham Bell (telephone) copper wires. ELECTRONIC -1940’s to present - Advent (arrival) solid state devices or electronic devices 4 Main Events * Late vacuum tubes period - Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer( ENIC) processing speed was slower than machine today is device sometimes used to amplify electronic signals *Transistors -1947 is a semi conductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power. Can be found in different device even today. *Integrated Circuits - Electrical engineer Jack Kilby introduce (IC) 1958
  • 17. • Is a set of electronic circuits on one small flat piece (or ship) of semiconductor material, normally Silicon • An IC can function as an amplifier, or timer, counter computer memory, or microprocessor. • Integrated in a chip that limited distance as the result of fast processing speed. • From the time up today GUI ( Graphical user Interface) message. For Example Interface of Inbox( Message) For Decades, developers , scientist , and Engineers. Developed different ways to communicate and share information that can be stored in computers and processing devices and its what we called Internet or World Wide Web.
  • 18. • ICT Today - Combine of today’s hardware soft ware, GUI ,of effective communications network. - We use internet to gather information and communicate different people - We use it for net wok as our tools. • World Wide Web -System that allows you to access hyper text documents( Documents that the programmers develop to access websites. - Browsers propose by Berners lee 1989 - Before we have specific “Names/Titles” to type in able to access the hyper text fill, we call it Web 1.0 read only web. - Web 2.0 read and write web (email and Social networking sites) - Today we use Web 3.0 Semantic Executing Web wider web and fast manner.
  • 19. • Social Media - its started from Web 3.0 • There are different social media forms -Blogs -forums -photo sharing - Social Networks • Virality ( Viral) by the use of social medias common get to virality - Photo - Comment - Like - Shares We era also use it for advertising.
  • 20. • Empowerment Technology (Hand out of week 3) • Researching and Information seeking -We use World Wide Web to research and education. There number and information sources over the Internet some of which are: • Web Search Engine -Program used to search (mine) World Wide Web.They provide defferent websites Ex. Google, Yahoo and Bing. • Research Indexting sites -Websites that are complete and index research done by academic researchers engineering, scientist and so on. Ex. Google Scholar, Research gate and IEE. * Massive Online Open Course ( MOOC) sites or tutorial - Diliver information like a classroom set up where lecture and activities are submitted online Example Udemy , edK, Mathenik Math and builder type test. • Employment Web Sites use to jobs vacancies and accommodate job seekers.
  • 21. • By providing Information such as job discription and it needs it helps the user to much theirskills and qualifications of applicant. • Electronic comerece - use for business mangement and costumers convinience. It helps to trade product and currencies • Authenticity Verification Information from the web -On this day, the later versionthat we use give users the privilege to publish their own website regardless to their content. Example: Facebook by , Wikipedia by • Ways to verify trust worthy or legitimate websites > Publish Author’s name -The one who made the article, blog or forum - Helps to identify if the article is hoaxes or paise article. > Credible Web Sites -Thses are websites of big international or localcompanies or involve in the field you are searching.
  • 22. • Rating viewers or and number of shares - A site in which it shows specific collective rating of the past viewers on the site. Example: Torrent, 9anime, and Kiss Asian. References and related articles -It shows list of reference and articles that is publish to one website • Online Ethics and Ethiqutte - The term “ Netiqutte ” coined or combination of the term network and etiquette - The term “ Netizens ” refers to the person who is part of the community • Cyber Avator -it is your online representation and extension of your personality and existing society that you are part of. • Values should we apply using WWW * Respect * kindness * Courtesy
  • 23. • An Acceptable in online Community -Theft - Hate speech - Gossip - Pornography - Bullying • World Wide Web - can be access by the different people around the world. - Every information that can be seen in specific website is considered as copy write or own by another individuals. But it can most specially when used for education, work tool and referencing. - We used it to communicate by the used of the different software such as messenger, viber ,line and etc. • Online Safety Security Spam – Transmission on of unsolcitted message from various origins using electronic message.
  • 24. • Phishing - It is a software use by the attackers common target are password to access their accounts. • Malware - Short term for malicious software a chaos to a computer operations and processes. Commonly disguised as enticing Websites. • Government Provission for online Courtesy and Ethiquette Republic Act 10627 Or anti bullying act of 2013 - Severe or repeated uses by one or more students written verbal or even electronic expression.  This law includes protections to individuals through bullying electronics means. Republic Act 10175 Cybercrime - Prevention Act of 2012 - This law protects an individual from various unwanted online and cyber acts that can affect the privacy of an individual.
  • 25. eek of4) • Mail Merge -it’s a software look kit that is used to produce multiple documents with a given template. Editing the basic information that is supplied by a structure date set. Steps in using Mail merge 1. Create a data set with title headings on a speed sheet application. 2. Create the date template of the letter or document that will receive that data set in a word processor. 3. Insert the label of costomized detail in the word processor and insert the label that corresponds to spread sheet. 4. Select the option preview in the word processor and generate all of the pages with different information.
  • 26. >HyperLink • A hyper link is a references to another file that is represented by a word .An Image or any documents element in an document processor. • The Source Code is the term used to describe a document that contains hyper linked elements . Usually hyper link text are colored blue for distinction and noticeability . • Two types of link > Anchor Link This is a hyper link that points to a portion of the same document. > Inline Link This is a hyper linked where in the content is located in another remote files. • Mail merge And Hyper Linking Comparison • Advantages > Using mail merge will enable to you to create multiple pages that depends on data set on a spread sheet.
  • 27. • Mail Merge can help you to costomize the some part of the template by suing Rules option. • Hyper link will help you organize the content of you life. • In Hyper link, an important website can be stored in keywords in your document files In powerpoint presentation, you can go back and forth to connected key words in different slides through hyperlink. • Dis Advantage: > To many hyper links can cause confusion regarding the document or page where you wish to be directed. > Ask for Mail Merge, it can be confusing if numerous labels place in the document.
  • 28. Module3visualDesigns:Imagingthelayoutanddesign. (handoutweek5) • Basic Graphic principles of graphic and layout > Info graphic – is short learn for information graphic which refers to an image that combines In formation. • Image – Are very effective in communicating messages they are easily understood. • Basic Elements of layout Info graphic Lines - the most basic of all elements - can defined the characteristics of an info graphic - can form shape that can catch the attension of the viewers -They can be sharp be made up or broken lines and find our thick lines and can create a different impressions to viewers - A group of lines canal so create a patterns of shape.
  • 29. • Color -is of the powerful and influencial in an info graphic - Using the right combination can catch the attention of passerby even glacing viewers. • Shape - are universal symbols that do not require language, but hey can give a specific meaning regardless of the background and athencity of the viewers. - these are the define by the created by a combination of mutiple lines . • Principle Design - The uses of different design of elements defines the message and ideas that the image di pecs. - Privential are the principles of design that will ensure harmonious relationship between viewer and the image itself. Balance - Describe the placements of elements , shapes, line , throughout the image.
  • 30. ance • Formal Balance – when the object are symmethricaly are property distributed • Information balance- Includes a non symimtrical distribution of elements but compensaled different aspects such as colors and line. • Contrast – the arrangement of an element in an image maybe done by combining elements with different characteristics and properties . • Unity – It is when all the elements be a singular element in unison . This makes the design pleasing to viewers. • Proportion – This is the correlation of the elements with one another • Rhythm- This discribes the product having the element placed in harmony with one another.
  • 31. GIMPMANIPULATION (Handoutweek6) • 1. Opening image files – at the upper portion of the GIMP editor press the file. • 2. Select Tool- select the crop tool from the tool box. There are three type of selecting tool square tool enables you to select the portion of the image the Ellipse tool enables you to select a portion of the image by enclosing it with ellipse or circle. Last the preselecting tool enables you to select a portion of image by ar bithary enclosed shape that you defined by tracing the image in freehand. • 3.Erase tool – Select the erace tool from the tool box. The erase too used to replaced my selected part with white strokes. • 4. Paint Brush- Select the paint brush tool from the tool box. The paint tool is similar to erase tool. The only diffence is that you can select and change the color of the brush. • 5. Saving you work- From the file Option select the save as option and save you work in the desired technology.
  • 32. • Different used in the GIMP image editor • Rectangle select tool - used to select a part of the image in rectangular shape. • Ellipse Used to select part of the image in ellipse or circular shape • Free selecting tool – used to select cotumize shape shape by hand drawing the bounding line • Fuzzy Select Too – used to select an area intelligently by the computer • Select by color tool- Used to select a certain color. • Scissors select tool- Used to select a shape determined by the edges defined the image. • Foreground Select tool- used to select an separate the subject in the image against the background of the image. • Patch tool- used to create a customize path for editing • Color Picker Tool – Used to select specified color from the image • Zoom tool – Used to adjust scale and size of the image • Measure tool – used to measure the distance between two points
  • 33. • Move tool – Used to select part of image and transfer it to another area. • Alignment tool – Used to align all the layers in the image • Crop Tool – Used to removed or cut a certain image • Rotate Tool – Used to rotate the image • Scale - Used to scale large or scale small the image in the workplace • Shear Tool- used to make the image look slanted or inclined on one side • Perspective Tool- Used to make the image look as if viewed certain angle. • Flip Tool – Used to flip or invert the view of the image horizontally • Cage transform Tool – used to transform the size of certain portion of the image • Text Tool – Used to insert textbox for insertion of characteristics words • Bucket fill tool- Used to authomaticaly fill the entire section of the choosen color • Gradient tool- Used to the selected with color gradient • Pencil tool - Used to draw on selected image. • Smudge tool Used to smadge a selesction using a brush.
  • 34. Online ImageWebsite (Hand outweek 7&8) • Online website are websites the stores uploaded image by users . There are various websites that can host your imagae some of which are free. There are Websites that also offer value added Services. • *Google • *Flickr Online flat form Application The term flat forms refers to a program created by developers that can be modified or reprogrammed by out side users. The Formula Translating System (Fortran) – To find successful Commercial programming language complier help humans give instructions and interact with computers.
  • 35. FlatFormCathegories • The Application programming lnter face is not a govermenting protocol or rules on how software elements should communicate and inter act with one.
  • 36. Online Presentaion Tools (Hand outweek 9&10) • Prezi – is a cloud based application. Dedicate to hepl you to make a presentation Slideshare - This is considered as one of the aerliest form of online presentaion media. This Application started in Web 2.0 The primary function of this website is to providea facility for uploading
  • 37. • Is a service wherein files from users are stored developed by Google • Google drive – This is a storage application develop by Google • Drop box- This is a file hosting and storage develop by Drop box
  • 38. Evernote • Is an online ote taking and archiving application service . • Mind Meister This is an online Collaborate tool In which different individuals can share ideas.
  • 39. ation Google maps – This is a Web mapping Application dev. loped by google WikiMapia - This is Collaborative open Content mapping application.
  • 40. I hope you learned from my presentation. End…